A yurt is a house with windows yes or no

ответы > READING Task 1. Read and write yes or no.W1. A yurt is a house with windows,2. In Lake Kaindy trees come out of the water.3. You can play music on a dombra.4. Baiterek Monument looks like a giant eagle.5. The animal on the Kazakh flag is a / 5otvet.com

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READING Task 1. Read and write yes or no.
1. A yurt is a house with windows,
2. In…

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Yes, most of the yurts have windows even if your yurt doesn’t have still you can install the windows in your yurts by following certain practices.

In this article, I will try to clear out all the doubts that I think you might have.

Like how the yurt’s windows are made, how durable they are, the average cost of a yurt window, are they removable, and at last how you can install windows on your yurt by yourself.

So get on your seat and enjoy the journey.

What are yurt windows made of?

The modern yurts feature glass embedded in a wooden frame. However, the material can vary from manufacture to manufacture.

Also, you can have your custom windows ready too according to the material you want. The only thing that is needed is extra money for extra labor and features.

On the other hand, if we talk about the traditional yurts they are typically made of wood. They feature the style of doors with a lock.

There are mnufacture who use 3 layer coating for yurt window where the 1st layer is the mesh to prevent bugs, the second layer to prevent draughts and moisture which typically a PVC layer fastened by Velcro.

Finally, the third layer is of Canvas which can be off roll-up style or sliding glass style. This makes sure that windows don’t weaken the overall yurt insulation.

You just need to research a bit to find a manufacture who can give you the window you desire.

How durable are the windows of yurts?

In case of yurt windows durability do not spends on just single factor which most people tend to see in obvious is glass of the window.

And yes, I agree that because glass is the man focus of the window which must be strong enough but window can not run longer if you don’t give your attention to on which the glass is sitting.

That pillar is the frame, when i say frame it included everything from sealing to material use in it.

So next time when you go to purchase a window and install it, do every possible thing to make the frame and glass both stronger neither only the frame nor only the glass.

Now, you know I cannot give a direct number but can say the if you don’t lack on design, frame, glass or canvas, fabric, polishing, and the skill of the labor who install it then your find can last for years even till the yurt will last.

How much a yurt window cost on average?

It depends on the type of material you are using, how custom you go for windows, the price of the labor in your locality, and so on.

But to give an idea on an average it can cost between $1,500 to $5,000 to install a glass window including the labor price.

Which price you’ll fall depending upon the number of windows you go for.

It is difficult to install glass windows in traditional flexible lattice walls so the installing price can in this scenario.

How many windows are a must for yurts?

It totally depends on you for how many windows you want to go for and where you want them to be.

But if you’re asking for my opinion, then you should go for at least 1-1 window on all the 4 sides of the yurt and in bedroom and kitchen, there should a window with a mesh screen to allow proper airflow to happen.

Above that you can for as many as you like and you can for less too because the above number is not given by any manufacture it is just my mere opinion which I would like to go for.

Are Yurts Windows Removable?

Yes, all the windows of yurts are completely removable if you want to move to another place or want to replace them with some other kind.

If you’re the one who installed the yurt then the removable will not be that difficult because now you have some experience with them.

However, asking the professionals ensure that everything will go without any fault.

How do you put a window in a yurt?

Installing the yurts by your own can reduce the price of windows significantly.

It may be hard for you to imagine the process through text so I’ve found a video by colorado yurts and they have done a good job explaining the process.

Wrapping Up

Do yurts have windows? Yes, it is completely normal for you to see the windows in a yurt and it is highly recommended to go for at least a window on all 4 sides of the yurt and one near to the bed, and one in the kitchen to allow the proper air circulation to happen.

If you have any doubt related to yurts then free fell to ask them in the comments.

A yurt is a house with windows.



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Текст An Unusual Mobile Home с переводом.

An Unusual Mobile Home
Необычный мобильный дом

A yurt is the traditional home of nomadic people from Mongolia, Siberia, China and Central Asia. The word ‘yurt’ or ‘yurta’ originally comes from the Turkish word meaning ‘dwelling place.’ It is circular in shape and is easy to assemble, take down and transport. Юрт – это традиционное жилище кочевников Монголии, Сибири, Китая и Центральной Азии. Слово “юрт” или “юрта” первоначально произошло от турецкого слова, означающего “место жительства”. Юрта круглая по форме и легкая для сборки, разборки и транспортировки.
Made of a wooden frame and covered with felt, it is a popular place to live in the summer months. You will sometimes find it used in other countries too, as it is an inexpensive form of temporary housing. In Europe, variations on Mongolian and Central Asian-styled yurts are made using other materials, such as local hardwoods. Yurts are used for all sorts of different purposes, from permanent housing to school rooms. Сделанная из деревянного каркаса и покрытая войлоком, это популярное мест для жизни в летние месяцы. Иногда вы можете видеть, как ее испoльзуют в других странах, поскольку она представляет собой недорогой вид временного жилья. В Европе варианты юрт в Монгольском и Центральноазиатском стиле производятся с испoльзованием других материалов, таких как лиственные породы. Юрты используются для всех целей, от постоянного жилища до школьных помещений.


Министерство образования Республики Тыва

МБОУ Гимназия № 9 г. Кызыла

Урокэкскурсия “Welcome to the yurt”

( Разработка открытого урока)

Разработал: Дешки Г.Н.,

учитель английского языка

МБОУ Гимназия № 9 г. Кызыла

г. Кызыл



Тип урока стр.3

Форма урока стр 3

Оснащение стр.3

Цели: стр.3

1. Образовательная

2. Воспитательная

3. Развивающая

Технологии стр.3

Ход урока

I.Начало урока стр.4

II.Основная часть стр.5

III.Рефлексия стр.10

IV.Конец урока стр.10


Форма урока: Нетрадиционный урокэкскурсия в тувинской юрте

Тип урока: Обобщение изученного лексического материала по теме: «Юрта»;

Оснащение урока:

Техническое: Компьютер, компактдиск с мильмимедийными

презентациями, магнитофон;

Учебное: Тувинская юрта со всем врутренним убранством и предметами в

ней, учебные карточки, дидактический материал, УМК;



1.Активизировать употребление в речи обучающихся глаголов в Past Simple и

конструкции used to;

2.Активизировать употребление конструкции There is / There are;

3. Провести практику обучающихся в монологической и диалогической речи;

4. Активизировать употребление освоенной лексики по теме «Юрта»;


1. Развивать у обучающихся способности проводить экскурсию в тувинской

юрте на английском языке;

2. Ознакомить обучающихся со строением и внутренним убранстом

тувинской юрты, тувинскими национальными обычаями и костюмом;

3. Развивать у обучающихся чувство патриотизма, уважения к национальной



1. Развивать у обучающихся коммуникативную компетенцию, позволяющую

проводить экскурсию в тувинской юрте на английском языке;

2. Развивать познавательный интерес, творческие способности, нравстенные

качества обучающихся, волю, память, внимание;


3. Развивать умение учебного сотрудичества при выполнении коллективных

познавательнопоисковых заданий;

Технологии: Проектная технология, технология критического мышления,

игровые технологии; личностноориентированный подход;

Ход урока

I.Начало урока

Вступительное слово: Дешки Г.Н.

Teacher: Good morning! Today we are going to have an unusual lesson, a lesson

in the tuvan yurt. What are we going to have?

Student: We are going to have a presentation of our project.

Teacher: At our previuos lessons we started the project on the tuvan yurt,

collected the material and learnt the vocabulary on this topic. Today we are going

to take the last stage of our project which is the presentation of the project in the

form of an excursion. Our excursion is called “Welcome to the yurt!”.

Student 1: When we have guests in the yurt, we greet them with the words

“Amyrgyn-na, amyr be?” which means “How are you? How is your cattle? How is

your health?” And the guest answers “Amyr, amyrla” which means “We are all

right and the cattle is good” or “Not bad, we are doing well”. We have to touch

the guest’s arms, like this. If I am younger than you, my hands must be

underneath yours and on the contrary, if I am older than you my hands must be

on yours. That is the tuvan way saying “Hello”.

Teacher: Weve got another important custom to meet guests.

Student 2: The tuvan people have a custom to offer tuvan milk tea to a guest, it is

a gesture to welcome guests. Tuvan tea is made of green georgian tea, some milk

and a pinch of salt. You have to give a china on kadak with both hands, it shows

that I respect the guest and the guest has to take the china with both hands as

well to show respect to hosts. According to the tuvan custom there must be little

tea in the china. Help yourselves, please!


Teacher: OK, during our excursion you have to use the vocabulary you have learnt

and the grammar material which is the Past Simple Tense and the construction

used to in your speech. And your main task is to have practice in the monological

and dialogic speech. So, before we start our excursion we will revise the

vocabulary on the topic. Please look at the screen and repeat after me all


(presentation with the vocabulary on the screen)


Ancestor nomad stick

Chest to offer sleeve

Custom oriental robe suitable

Cone pillow superstitious

Felt to purify spirit master

Hostess partition straw

Hole reindeer to take down

Harness to resemble truck

Juniper sacred tarpaulic cover

Kitchen utensils to set up turned up toes

Lamb sheep skin throat-singing

Leather saddle waistband

Needle case steel whip


Teacher: Mind your grammar as well. You will use:

1. The Past Simple Tense in your speech. The formular is :

V2, ed in the affirmative sentence,

For example: In early times the tuvan people kept their door open.


2. The construction Used +to. .For example: The tuvan people used to keep the

door open in early times.

And the costruction There is /There are: For example, In the middle of the yurt

there is a fire place.There are no windows in the tuvan yurt.

II. Основная часть

Teacher: OK, now we can start our excursion. You can ask questions, if you have


S 1 and S2 will start, do please.

Student 3: We are in the tuvan yurt. It is a traditional dwelling of the tuvan people

which has been preserved since ancient times.Today a lot of tuvans, mostly

herders, still live in the yurts in order to keep up with the semi-nomadic lifestyle.

In ancient times tuvans were predominantly semi-nomadic herders and hunters

as well. So, a tuvan yurt is the most suitable and practical dwelling for nomads, for

nomadic way of life because it can be set up and taken down very quickly. Family

members put it onto the horse back or a truck and move to another camp site.

Student 4: Scientists studied the tuvan yurt and proved that it is ecologically the

cleanest and the safest dwelling. Nothing is thrown away, everything is reused

and recycled. Besides they discovered the fact that the tuvan yurt resembles the

Universe because it is round like the Universe, circle on top of the yurt is like the

sun, sticks are like the sunrays and latticed walls stars. The interior of the yurt is

also symbolic and suitable for harmonic relationship between members of the

family. A yurt is not only a material but also a cultural heritage of our ancestors.

Teacher: Really, a yurt looks like the Universe because it is a round construction

with a circle on its top and sticks look like the sunrays. It’s amazing! But how to

build a yurt? Let’s see.

Student 5: Tuvans are superstitious. Before setting up a yurt, a master and elder

members of the family define a place and do a special ritual. They purify the place

with the juniper, put a plate with sacred milk food. Only after that they can start

setting the yurt up.


Teacher: OK, S will tell us about the costruction of the yurt, how to set it up, do


Student 6: The construction of the yurt starts with a door. The door must face the

East where the Sun rises. Latticed walls are lashed together with strong leather

thongs and put in a form of a circle. Sticks are rested on top of the walls and their

sharpened ends are put into the small holes on a wooden circle”haraacha” on top

of the yurt. On the outside the yurt is covered with felt.Over the felt there must

be a tarpaulic cover to protect felt from rain and snow. It is very warm in winter

and cool in summer. It is well ventilated too. A tuvan yurt is light and easily

transportable, can be set up and taken down quickly. There are usually 5 to 6

walls in the yurt. Bigger yurts can have up to 8 walls.

There is no wooden floor in the yurt. There are usually felt carpets on the ground.

In the middle of the yurt there is traditionally a fire place where the family cooks.

It also heats and lightens the yurt.

A tuvan yurt is a symmetrical constuction because it has a form of a cone. A tuvan

yurt has no windows. Haraacha serves as a window. You can open it or close it.

You can see the sky and the stars through it at night.

Teacher: OK, now let’s see what is there inside the yurt. S7, please.

Student 7: A tuvan yurt is a one-room circle consrtuction. It doesn’t have any

partitions but it is divided into several parts. The right side from the door is

considered to be a female part, the left side is a male part, the room opposite the

door is for honoured guests, we can also say that it is a sitting-room and this part

near the door is for house holding objects. The interesting thing is that the tuvans

never locked the door in early times, they used to keep it open. There is not much

furniture in the yurt because of frequent movements but it is put in a certain


Teacher: Let’s see what is there on the right side of the yurt. S8 will continue.

Student 8: On the right side there must be ulguur, a cupboard for keeping

kitchen utensils and food. So, you can see different national utensils in and

around the cupboard.They are mostly made of leather and wood.Their shape,

material and weight are suitable for frequent travellings. They are very practical.

For example, this is kogerzhik, a container for tuvan wine or milk. It is made of

leather. These bags are for salt and tea. They are also made of leather. You can


see tuvan national ornaments on them. This is tos-karak, a nine-eyed spoon. It is

called tos-karak because there are nine holes on it. Nine is a sacred number for

the tuvans.A hostress takes it and offers milk or fresh tuvan tea to the spirit

master, to the sky, to the earth. This is a ladle. It is made of straw. It is for taking

off tea bits . This is a plate. It is also made of wood.

Тeacher: Any questions?

Student: What is that blue bag for?

Student 8: This bag is for tobaco. As you can see that the material of kitchen

utensils is natural.

Teacher: The tuvans use tos-karak quite often to purify places, home and also


They use it for doing offerings. S9 will continue our excurtion.

Student 9: Next to the cupboard there must be a wooden bed for hosts. On the

bed you can see a pillow. It has an oblong shape and it is decorated with

ornaments in the national style. In early times a hostess used to keep her

children’s first cut hair and a naval in it. If a family has got a little baby there must

be a cradle above the bed. It is usually hung on one of the sticks. A mother can

hang it on her neck, like this. She can see her baby when they move from one

place to another.It is convenient for travelling. This is a blanket. Actually it is a

lamb skin. It keeps a baby warm. The interesting thing is that in early times they

put some dried cow dung because it could keep a baby dry and warm. This is a


Teacher: OK, that was the right side or we call the female part of the yurt. Now S

10 will tell us about the left side of the yurt, do please.

Student 10: The left part of the yurt is considered to be a male part. In early times

they used to keep different bags with winter coats and sheep skins which served

as blankets. Nowadays there is usually a bed here. The tuvans kept a new born

lamb near the door. Not far from the door the family keeps house holding objects,

a saddle, a harness, a whip and other things for horses and hunting. This is a horse

shoe. It symbolises happiness.


Besides, in winter they kept new born lambs on the left side of the yurt. On the

wall near the door the tuvans hang some shamanic attributes. This is a dragon

and a snake. They suppose to keep bad spirits away from the family.

Teacher: Any questions?

Student: We can see a reindeer antler over there. Is it a decoration?

Student 10: Yes, it is a decoration but also a hanger. You can hang your coat and

your hat on it.

Student : Are these round pictures decorations?

Student 10: No, it is a calendar. You can see the animals of the oriental calendar

on them.

Teacher: S 11 will tell us about the place whrere the guests are sitting., do please.

Student 11: Straight opposite the door there is a place for a sitting-room. There

are always some chests by the walls. They are made of wood and decorated with

tuvan national ornaments of bright colours. The family keeps the most valuable

things in them. On the wall above the chests there is usually a picture of Buddha

or Dalai Lama. It is a small lamaist altar. When honoured guests come to the yurt

they sit in this part. According to the custom they are traditionally offered fresh

tuvan tea.

Teacher: OK, everything is interesting. It would be interesting to learn about a

tuvan national costume too. S 12 and S 13 will tell us about the tuvan national


Student 12

I would like to tell you about a tuvan national costume. Actually there are

different kinds of tuvan national costumes: an everyday costume, a festive

costume and a cult one. There are costumes for men, women and children. And

of course, there are coats for wearing in winter and summer. A tuvan national

costume is comfortable to wear and suitable for nomadic way of life. It is very

practical and functional as well. A tuvan national costume consists of an oriental

robe, a waistband, a head piece and boots. There is no fundamental difference

between men’s and women’s costume. A waistband of a men’s costume is blue

and women’s is red. Festive waistbands are silk. A waistband is usually very long,


from 3 up to 4 metres long. It is functional as well because men can hang different

small things like a steel, a knife case with a knife in it. A smoking pipe is put into a

boot shin.

Accordingly, women can hang a small knife for cutting a sheep skin, keys from

chests, a silver chain and a needle case.

Student 13: Tuvan national winter coats are very warm as they are made of sheep

skin. In early times tuvans didn’t wear mittons because their sleeves were very

long and protected from the cold. The longer the sleeves, the more beautiful the

costume is. The buttons are made of silver decorated with national ornament

«олчей удазыны», a knot of happiness. Toes of the tuvan national boots are

turned up in order not to harm the ground and grass underneath your feet.

Teacher: Unfortunately our excursion is coming to an end. And we will finish it

with our traditioanl throat-singing. S 14, please.

Student 14: One of the unique arts of the tuvan people is throat-singing. There

are 5 different styles in the tuvan throat-singing: kargyraa, khoomei, sygyt,

borbangnadyr and ezengileer”. I will perform “khoomei and sygyt” styles for you.

This is doshpuluur, a tuvan national musical insrtument.


T: Thank you. It’s amazing. Unfortunately our lesson is coming to an end.

III. Рефлексия.

T: Did you like the lesson?

Students: Yes, we did.

Teacher: Did you like Samna’s throat-singing?

Student: Yes, it’s amazing. It’s great.

Teacher: What have you learnt from our project?

Student 1: We have learnt a lot of interesting things about the tuvan yurt.

Student 2: We have learnt that a reindeer antler can be a hanger.

Student 3: A mother kept her caildren’s first cut hair and a naval in the pillow.


Student 4: A door must face the East where the Sun rises.

Student 5: There is a small lamaist altar on the chests.

Student 6: The tuvan people define a place and rurify it with the juniper.

Student 7: The sleeves of the tuvan national costume is 3 to 4 metres long.

T: I have learnt that the tuvan yurt looks like the Universe, I didn’t know about it

before. I have also learnt that a reindeer antler can serve as a hanger. It’s all very


IV. Конец урока.

OK, now look at the screen, please and write down your homework:

1.To write a composition “In the yurt”.

You have to write composition using the vocabulary of the topic and everything

you know about the tuvan yurt. Mind your grammar.

I put you all excellent marks. Thank you for your good work and collabobation.

The lesson is over. Good-bye!

living in a yurt

Image Source – The Yurt Life

Before I moved into my tiny house, I was really interested in living in a yurt. I almost closed on some land and moved for grad school. I could have set up a yurt on the land for the same amount I would have spent on just a few months of college housing. Living in a yurt was a very affordable option.

I’ve always found the modern versions of Mongolian yurts interesting. They offer a way to set up a structure quickly on a plot of land that is more than just a tent, but isn’t a permanent as a building. They’re an excellent solution for shelter as you’re building a tiny house or setting up a homestead. Most of the time, when homesteaders buy land, they need to get on it immediately; living in a yurt presents a nice, quick option.

If you’re considering the merits of living in a yurt, here’s why living in a yurt is an excellent choice for a temporary tiny home.


What Is A Yurt?

what is a yurt

A yurt or a “Mongolian yurt” sounds exotic and different if you haven’t heard the term. You may be wondering, what is a yurt anyway?

mongolian yurtThe short answer is that a yurt is essentially a round tent. These structures were native to Mongolia and were used by the nomadic groups across Mongolia and Turkey. The translation of the Turkish word “yurt” means “home,” and that’s precisely what a yurt is—a simple home.

Traditional yurts were created out of wood, with a wool outer covering. These are portable homes that nomadic tribes would take with them as they herded sheep, goats, and yaks. The entire structure could be folded down and carried on a camel. It’s similar to the Native American tipi.

Mongolian yurts could be quite large and include different rooms, a cooking space, and more. They were often decorated with beautiful patterns, some of which aligned with Buddhist philosophy.

Today’s yurts aren’t covered in wool anymore. They’re usually made out of strong tent fabric. These yurts will withstand quite a bit of use, and there are many permanent yurt-like structures throughout the United States. Many national and state parks offer permanent yurt dwellings for campers to use when visiting. Yurts are also popular across Europe in many different camp settings.

There are several types of yurts, and when someone refers to living in a yurt, they could be discussing any of the following:

Types Of Yurts

Types Of Yurts

mongolian yurt

Mongolian Yurt

The original type of traditional yurt. If you find an authentic “Mongolian yurt,” it will likely be historical reconstruction (similar to a tipi).

Modern Fabric Yurt

This describes most modern yurts—a lattice structure with a fabric overlay. You can buy yurt home kits online.

wooden yurt

Wooden Yurts

These are made entirely out of wood and are essentially a round, home structure. There’s also the “hexayurt,” which is a hexagonal, six-sided yurt (making it a little easier to construct than a rounded yurt).

No matter the type of yurt you find is best for you, it offers a fun and affordable living option. Some hexayurt kits are available for use as indoor-friendly and backyard yurts as well. These structures are made of lightweight material and could be used as classrooms, meeting spaces, or even a studio.

yurt interiorWhat has always drawn me to the idea of living in a yurt was the affordability. They make great temporary houses that could last years if needed. When I was looking at using a yurt home kit as a housing option, I calculated that for less than $10,000, I could set up a nice place to live. If the land cost around $5,000, a quality yurt home kit would only cost another $3,000, making it cheaper than a few months in most other housing options.

Ultimately, I didn’t end up living in a yurt, but I’ve stayed in them many times, and I find many of the traditional yurts beautiful. With a wide range of yurt home kits available, you can set up a yurt with very little assistance. It only takes two or three people to get it set up and can come together fast.

By and large, yurts are better as temporary structures. Living in a permanent yurt is an option in climates that are very temperate all year long, but a modern fabric yurt (from a yurt home kit) will degrade in 5-10 years. The fabric molds and mildews eventually.

You can think of a yurt as a step up from a tent—a “glamping” option with more space than an RV. It’s more affordable than most RVs too, but living in a yurt forever probably isn’t a realistic option. If you’re looking for a long-term home, a tiny house is a much more viable choice.

The Anatomy of A Yurt

anatomy of a yurt

Yurts are essentially round tent-like structures. They can be enormous, with multiple rooms and spaces just like a typical home. Yurts are circular, which can be challenging from a design and decorating perspective, but they’re also very sturdy and practical as temporary or semi-permanent yurt homes.

If you’re planning to build a yurt, it’s essential to understand the structure so you know exactly what to expect. Even if you’re living in it for a short time, you’ll want a yurt to be well-built and structurally sound.

The Base Of The Yurt

The Base Of The Yurt
Traditional yurts were homes for nomads, who built the base of the house right on the ground. Today’s yurt owners usually set up a pre-made wooden base for their homes. Companies sell pre-made insulated bases consisting of SIPs (structurally insulated panels).

base of a yurtConstructing the base of a yurt is the most challenging part of building. The base must be level, which requires some intense labor. It’s also surprisingly more complex to build a circular base. Some folks opt for a big square and then build up a smaller circular base on top.

The base fabric of the yurt will need to tie into a circular base to ensure that it’s air-tight and free of bugs and pests (like a round peg in a square hole—a square base will leave gaps). Pre-made SIP yurt bases are typically the way to go. They’re insulated, and you can get the right size for what you need.

The Lattice Walls Of The Yurt

The Lattice Walls Of The Yurt
Once you’ve established a solid, insulated base, you’ll need to construct the wooden lattice walls. Some yurt builders prefer to work with bamboo, and either construction works well. It depends on where you live and what you prefer.

yurt lattice wallsMany yurt kits include space for windows that zip closed and have a mesh screen. These are nice for ventilation and a cross-breeze in your yurt. Most yurts feature a traditional wooden front door too. You can use electric in your yurt (see my guide on setting up electric) just like a tiny house, so an air conditioner is also possible.

Should you buy a pre-made lattice for your yurt? Yes! While there are plans out there to show you how to build your own lattice, it’s very time-consuming (even if you’re a capable woodworker). Look at the value of your time. Even if you can do the construction yourself, you could earn quite a bit more by working with that time and buying your lattice walls from a yurt manufacturing company.

The Yurt Rafters And Ceiling

The Yurt Rafters And Ceiling
yurt raftersRafters usually come along with the lattice in a wood yurt kit. Companies like Pacific Yurts sell well-made yurt home kits that help you through the building process. You could go through the build yourself, but unlike a tiny house, it’s usually much less expensive to invest in a wooden yurt kit and save yourself time and effort.

Yurt rafters come in a pair. There’s a wire that weaves between every other top part of the lattice, and then the rafters have a notch, which you place over the wire. The top usually doesn’t come together but hooks into a metal piece that forms an operable skylight (compression ring).

The Top Of The Yurt: The Compression Ring

The Top Of The Yurt The Compression Ring
yurt ceiling compression ringAt the center of the top of the yurt, the compression ring holds the yurt together. Usually, this center ring is covered by a domed skylight. The yurt’s compression ring will also be included in most yurt home kits, and it’s an essential component.

It would take you too long to build the bones of the yurt yourself, not to mention the engineering required and the cost of materials. Lumber is at an all-time high price and buying the lattice, rafters, and compression ring from a manufacturer is the best choice.

The Cover of the Yurt

The Cover of the Yurt
yurt coverUnlike Mongolian yurts of old, most of the covers are made of waterproof vinyl or canvas backed with felt or foil insulation instead of the traditional yurt cover of wool. If you’re having any questions about buying the extra layers of insulation, you should go for it.

Even if you don’t live in the coldest climate, any insulation will help keep the weather out (heat and cool). The cover has some insulation similar to bubble wrap with foil on either side. Most of the time, it’s rated at an R3 or 5, which is about 20% of the code. It’s well worth the price to increase your comfort with extra insulation.
design and build collection

Building A Yurt Platform and Setting Up A Kit

Building A Yurt Platform and Setting Up A Kit

If you’re ready to try living in a yurt, the first step will likely be to select a yurt kit and decide where you’d like to set up your yurt on your property. Look for a flat area of land that’s large enough to accommodate a yurt. There is a range of sizes, up to a 50-foot yurt and beyond. So like a tiny house, select the size that meets your needs (especially if it’s a long-term temporary dwelling).

You can build the platform yourself. It’s very similar to building a deck like you’d set up on the side of a house. Eventually, you could even use this platform as a spot to set up a deck area for your tiny house. If you’d like a semi-permanent structure, it’s worth it to hire a deck company. Most will come to any field and build you one.

Setting Up A Yurt Kit

Setting Up A Yurt Kit
The easy thing about a yurt home kit is that it usually comes with detailed steps and instructions. Keep in mind that you probably won’t be able to set up a yurt fully by yourself. It will take around 2-3 days once the base is built and requires several people. It’s more involved than setting up even an elaborate tent.

If you go the DIY route, there are many DIY yurt guides online to help. My advice would be to consider the time and effort you’re going to put into a temporary home. Building a yurt from a kit isn’t terribly expensive and is a much better investment of your time and money.

Even with a kit, you will need to plan out several days and several helping hands. However, you won’t need a whole bunch of tools outside of a drill, screwdrivers, a level, post-hole digger, shovel, and string. Remember that nomadic farmers who built Mongolian yurts needed to set up a dwelling without much effort or many tools.

The Basic Steps Of Setting Up A Yurt Home Kit

The Basic Steps Of Setting Up A Yurt Home Kit

yurt decking icon

Start with the base – The base is one of the biggest challenges of setting up a yurt kit because it must be dead flat. As I explained above, most yurt dwellers prefer to set up a deck-type platform, then a round flooring base on top to ensure the yurt is completely secure. You may want to put down a moisture barrier on the ground to keep the floor extra dry. Skirting and a drip edge are also a good idea for the floor.


Set up the door and the lattice walls – You will nail the lattice walls into the base to form a sturdy structure. This is one part of the yurt building where you’ll need multiple people—at least one person to hold and one person to nail. The tension cable will go around the top of the lattice walls.


Set up the rafters – You will secure the rafters to the tension ring in the center. You will need a platform to hold up the tension ring until all the rafters are completely in place. Brace each rafter against the ring as the yurt is constructed.

wall framing

Set up the walls with additional support structures, if preferred – The walls may require additional support beams to ensure that the yurt stays steady and strong. The bones of the yurt can last for many years (beyond the fabric outside), so solid construction is essential, especially if it’s a semi-permanent or permanent yurt.


Set up the insulation layer – The insulation layer goes on next, which typically starts by covering the roof and then moving down the sidewalls. Again, it depends on your planned use, climate, and the yurt kit you purchase, but you may also insulate the walls.


Put up the outer fabric walls – The outer fabric walls go around the yurt to form the walls of your new yurt home. The window vents will let in a nice breeze, and your yurt should be fully livable at this point.

interior walls

Frame interior walls as preferred – Depending on how detailed you want to get with your interior construction, you can frame in the walls, include a bathroom, install lighting, countertops, storage, and more. If your yurt is your home for a few years, it may be worth it to go ahead with the framing and interior build-out. If you’re using it as a temporary dwelling, then bare bones may be the way to go.

Here’s a great example of setting up a yurt kit (with an elaborate interior design).

The Challenges Of Living In A Yurt

The Challenges Of Living In A Yurt

Whether you build a yurt yourself or buy a yurt kit, there are advantages and disadvantages to living in a yurt. Here are a few challenges of yurt living to consider before you commit.

Code Enforcement

Code Enforcement
cracking the codeI recommend always having the installation manual from your yurt home kit handy to help you navigate code enforcement. If local building code enforcement should question the structure, you’ll be able to show them how you plan to affix the yurt to your platform or how it will perform in high winds or storms. The manual is a great backup. Choose your words carefully; rather than saying, “I want to live in this,” explain that it’s a temporary house.

Buying a kit will allow you to check everything out before you build. If your code enforcement isn’t okay with the yurt structure, you’ll know before you’ve spent hundreds of hours constructing a platform, creating a lattice, and setting up your yurt. Learn more about yurt building codes here.

Yurt Insulation

Yurt Insulation
Another challenge of living in a yurt is insulation. You’ll only be able to get up to an insulation rating of 5, which is basically the same as a sturdy tent. If you live in a climate with a lot of rain or humidity, you’re going to battle dampness and moisture continuously. So living in a yurt in a rainy climate like the pacific northwest could be a challenge.

If you live in a very cold climate, the insulation will not offer much protection from the weather, either. The insulation isn’t nearly as strong as a house, and even with a heater, it will get very cold. Similarly, hot weather can be a challenge too. Although, if you go ahead and wire the yurt for electricity, a fan or small air conditioner can keep you pretty cool. Yurts are well-ventilated, so warmer climates are your best option.


Yurts aren’t secure. Period. It’s a piece of fabric on a wood lattice, so it’s not an extremely sound structure against outside forces. A hexayurt made of wood may offer some additional security, but not much.

If you live in an area where hurricanes or tornados are prevalent, then a yurt is probably not a safe or practical option. While it’s safer than a tent and will keep out some basic natural forces, it’s not going to be as secure as a house.

Kits Are Heavy

Kits Are Heavy
The wood yurt kits are very heavy and impossible to move on your own. It’s not wise to attempt to build a yurt by yourself (even from a kit). When you order the yurt kit, you’ll need to plan on appropriate delivery transportation. You may receive the kit via freight, but you may need to rent a lift gate or mini forklift to move the kit.

If you’re a homesteader, a tractor may also be an option for moving the yurt kit. Sometimes land can be inaccessible to delivery drivers, too, so it’s essential to have a plan of how you’ll get your kit to your foundation.

tiny house tools

Fabric Doesn’t Last Forever

Fabric Does not Last Forever
Yurt fabrics have a shelf-life of about 5-10 years. At that point, you’ll need to invest in a new cover. While the shells are affordable, they’ll degrade over time, and you’ll need to replace them and perform upkeep and repairs.

If you build your yurt carefully, with a strong structure, then it can last a very long time. But keep in mind, you’ll probably need to continue to replace the fabric roof, walls, and possibly the insulation layer regularly.

Curved Walls Present A Challenge

Curved Walls Present A Challenge
From a decorating and design perspective, the yurt’s curved walls are tricky. You can’t put a couch against a curved wall. You can’t hang things from latticework or the fabric. You also shouldn’t have anything flush against the wall because it’s a tent—you’ll want ventilation for drying should the walls get wet.

The workaround with a yurt is to either opt for a hexayurt with wooden, flat walls (basically a hexagonal tiny house) or to build a nice, sturdy interior structure with walls as partitions. I’ve seen some elaborate layouts, and I’ve listed several ideas for yurt layouts here.

How Much Is A Yurt Kit?

How Much Is A Yurt Kit

Assuming you go with a yurt home kit to build your yurt, you’ll look at a kit price range between $4,000 and $13,000. It will depend on the size of your kit, the materials, and what’s included with the kit.

Yurt kits generally range from about 12-foot yurts to 30-foot yurts. Some larger kits will even build a 50-foot yurt, so there’s quite a large selection. Keep in mind that the price of the kit is usually just for the lattice, roof, tension ring, and outer fabric. The extras for your yurt will usually cost more.

Most kits don’t include the base or foundation, so you’ll need to figure in the price of building a deck and platform. They won’t have heating or HVAC, water, a power hookup, or any amenities for building out and furnishing the inside.

Still, for around $10,000 (especially if you already own the land), a yurt offers an ideal temporary home for months or even years as you work on building a tiny house or setting up a homestead.

Yurt Layout Design Ideas

Yurt Layout Design Ideas

I’ve created some layout design ideas to help you brainstorm the ways to set up your yurt. Because the structures are pretty versatile, you can set up space for one or two people to simply sleep or an extensive more permanent yurt home.

12 foot yurt

12-Foot Yurt Layout

A 12-foot yurt home is a cozy but comfortable room for a single person or could be set up for two people as a temporary weekend camp. A small yurt will make a lovely guest dwelling if you’re looking for a way to host people at your tiny house.

14 foot yurt

14-Foot Yurt Layout

A slightly larger 14-foot yurt has room for a bed, a sink, small table, or chair for lounging. The 14-foot sized yurt is a better option for couples who would like a little more room in their yurt.

16 foot yurt

16-Foot Yurt Layout

A 16-foot yurt layout is roomy enough for a bathroom and a bedroom. With a partition wall, you could split up space into a studio-like living area. A 16-foot yurt is an ample option for a single person but room enough for a couple to use as a weekend getaway.

20 foot yurt

20-Foot Yurt Layout

A 20-foot yurt is roomy and comfortable enough for even a small family to make as a temporary home. As you can see from this layout, there’s room for a kitchen, a bathroom, and a small lounge area. With a futon or foldout couch, you could sleep up to four in this yurt.

24 foot yurt

24-Foot Yurt Layout

A 24-foot yurt offers a really good amount of space for a family to use as a semi-permanent yurt home. Using inner walls to create partitions, you could divide the space into several rooms with some storage, lounge areas, and a spacious bathroom.

30 foot yurt

30-Foot Yurt Layout

A 30-foot or even a 50-foot yurt kit offers a significant amount of living space. You could easily have enough room for a small family for several months or a couple as a long-term or permanent yurt. If you build out the deck beyond the boundaries of the yurt walls, you could use the extra porch area for cooking and entertaining.

desiging your tiny house

Designing A Great Yurt Interior

Designing A Great Yurt Interior

yurt interior with kitchen and loftThe interior needs of a yurt are pretty similar to those of a tiny house. If you have a bathroom or kitchen in your yurt, you will want to have access to hookups just like you would in your tiny home. The big difference is that with the fabric walls, your utilities will need to run on the interior.

Many yurt owners put interior walls in the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom to set up outlets and run utilities through there. As far as bathroom plumbing, composting toilets are a very popular option amongst yurt owners.

Besides being inexpensive, fun, and easy to build, the other big draw of a yurt is that it’s easy to build a yurt off-grid. For homesteaders and those looking for a temporary dwelling while they finish building their dream tiny home, a yurt is very appealing.

Here are a few examples of yurt interior design to inspire you.

yurt interior partition walls

Yurt Interior Partition Walls

The walls that break up the interior of your yurt are more like room dividers. Most leave some space between the top of the wall and the ceiling. You can use the interior walls for electric and as a spot to hang storage and even décor.

wood stoves for yurts

Wood Stoves for Yurts

Wood stoves are practical for off-grid living and many folks like them for yurts. Not only do they offer heat, but there are some beautiful choices too. You’ll need to consider how you plan to run the flue pipe through the canvas exterior. Some yurt kits come with a flue pipe option.


Yurt Kitchens

The most common choices for yurt kitchen design are L-shaped or galley kitchens. Typically, you’ll want to put your kitchen up against an interior partition wall since your utilities will be on the interior. Otherwise, a yurt kitchen is similar to other tiny house kitchens.

windows and doors

Yurt Windows

There are several options for yurt windows—you can have clear vinyl sewn into the outer fabric shell, you can use the screened windows that are part of the outer shell, or you can build in an actual window. Real windows are beautiful, efficient, and functional, but they’re more costly to install.

tiny houe kitchens

Yurt Home Kit Brands

Yurt Home Kit Brands

Ready to try a yurt home for yourself? Here are the best yurt home kit brands to choose from. I highly recommend investing in a yurt kit to make building a yurt much simpler and faster. For the cost, it’s well worth it.

Best Brands for Yurt Home Kits

Best Brands for Yurt Home Kits

pacific yurts

Pacific Yurts
Pacific Yurts is one of the most popular yurt home kit brands in business since 1978.

freedom yurt cabins

Freedom Yurt Cabins
Freedom Yurt Cabins offer customizable yurt home kit choices with features like real windows.

colorado yurt company

Colorado Yurt Company
The Colorado Yurt Company sells yurt home kits, tipis, and tents and offers many resources and guides.

rainier outdoor company

Rainier Outdoor
Rainier Outdoor Company has been in business since the 1800s and offers an array of yurts and tipis.

smiling woods yurts

Smiling Woods Yurts
Smiling Woods Yurts offers wood yurts and hexayurt kits to help you build a permanent yurt home.

chelter designs yurts

Shelter Designs
Shelter Designs started building yurts back in 1999. There core designs include generous standard features in the base cost of every yurt kit.

designing your tiny home

If you’re ready to try yurt living, there are plenty of yurt home kit sellers to help you build a beautiful, spacious, and comfortable place to stay.

Your Turn!

  • What size yurt most appeals to you?
  • Would you feel comfortable living in a yurt?

on July 29, 2021   /   Tiny House  

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