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ADAMView is Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition software (SCADA) with Windows graphical interface...

Advantech ADAMView Demo Edition

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition software for the ADAM I/O series




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Info updated on:
Jan 30, 2023

ADAMView is Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition software (SCADA) with Windows graphical interface, designed for low-volume I/O projects like industrial processes, utility and environmental monitoring, and Lab testing. It provides a 150 physical point’s database, and ADAM module drivers for monitoring and control functions. You can create an operator interface with bar graphs, buttons, indicators, real time or historical trending, knobs, gauges, sliders, numeric display and controls. Also you can import bitmap. If you are going to utilize a complicated system you can work simultaneously with modules and task like scan rate, or start/stop units. It works with Basic Script language, Dynamic Data Exchange and Open Database Connectivity. This means that the information measured can be exported to Access or Excel.

After installing the software you will be prompted to introduce the serial number. For Demo version the serial is “0000000000” and the program will run only for 2 hours.

Minimum system requirements: CPU 200MHz, 64 MB Ram, 20 MB HD, Video VGA. OS Microsoft Win 98, NT 4.0 SP4, 2000, XP. Supported Hardware: ADAM-4000/5000 Series Modules (EIA RS-485 communication standard) for bidirectional transmission.

RJ Senior

Editor rating:



  • It works simultaneously with modules already created in real time
  • It is compatible with Dynamic Data Exchange, and Open Database Connectivity


  • You are allowed to run ADAMView Demo version for only 2 hours

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Document No.1-28641241

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  • ADAMView Evaluation Version CD.

    For demo purpose, the serial number is “0000000000”.
    Once you complete the data input of user name, company name and serial number.You are allowed to run ADAMView for 2 hours.




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Обзор Advantech ADAMView Demo Edition (автоматический перевод)

ADAMView является Диспетчерское управление и Программное обеспечение сбора данных (SCADA) с графическим интерфейсом Windows, разработанным для низкого объема проекты I/O как производственные процессы, служебный и мониторинг среды и Лабораторное испытание. Это обеспечивает базу данных 150 физических точек и драйверы модуля ADAM для контроля и функций управления.

Вы можете создать интерфейс оператора с гистограммами, кнопками, индикаторами, реальное время или историческое отклонение, кнопки, приборы, ползунки, цифровой дисплей и средства управления. Также Вы можете импортировать битовый массив. Если Вы собираетесь использовать сложную систему, Вы можете работать одновременно с модулями и задачей как частота сканирования, или запустить/остановить модули. Это работает с Основным языком Сценария, Динамическим обменом данными, и Откройте Связь Базы данных. Это означает, что измеренная информация может быть экспортирована в Доступ или Excel.

После установки программного обеспечения Вам предложат представить порядковый номер. Для версии Demo сериал «0000000000», и программа будет работать только в течение 2 часов.

Минимальные системные требования: CPU 200 МГц, Поршень на 64 МБ, HD на 20 МБ, Видео VGA. OS Microsoft Win 98, NT 4.0 SP4, 2000, XP. Поддерживаемое оборудование: ADAM-4000/5000 Серийные Модули (стандарт связи EIA RS 485) для двунаправленной передачи.

Обнови Софт рекомендует использовать программу Advantech ADAMView Demo Edition в соответствии с правилами интеллектуальной собственности. Обнови Софт не рекомендует использовать кряк, серийник, ключ, keygen, crack, serial для Advantech ADAMView Demo Edition

Самые популярные программы категории Графические приложения / Просмотрщики

Другие программы компании Advantech

In other word, users who use the LogixView no longer need to write code line by line for the data acquisition, but concentrate on program logic and event handling. The vendor informed us that the product is no longer supported and therefore no fix or update is going to be released. They requested again the vulnerability report. So users are strongly recommended to follow good security practices that protect against malware and ensure their software is up-to-date. InFocus replied using their official Twitter account asking us to provide an email account so a support representative could contact us. advantech adamview

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Full Disclosure: [CORE] — Advantech AdamView Buffer Overflow

Nevertheless, there are possible commands that can be executed, for example: This module also abuses the ‘KSudoClient:: CoreLabs, the research center of Core Security, is charged with anticipating the future needs and requirements for information security technologies. For those who want to use the Adam. We informed them that we are going to publish our advisory on Monday 30th at 9 am EST in order to give the affected users enough time to patch their software before the weekend.

NET technology, and offers more components for data acquisition.

Core Security also recommends those affected use third party software such as Sentinel [3] or EMET [2] that could help to prevent the exploitation of affected systems to some extent. Buffer overflow [CWE] Impact: Axamview can go to http: Desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones, FortiClient enables advntech device — local or remote, stationary or mobile — to integrate with your FortiGate.

This useful software can help users to achieve major remote maintenance tasks including remote monitoring and control, remote screen snapshot and recording, file upload and download.

Other versions are probably affected too, but they were not checked.

Adamview software

LogixView The LogixView is the latest software package for developing the graphic user interface for monitoring and controlling Advantech advanyech products on WindowsCE based devices.

Our results include problem formalization, identification of vulnerabilities, novel solutions and prototypes for new technologies. Given that this is a client-side vulnerability, affected users should avoid opening untrusted ‘.

They request the vulnerability report. They asked Core to send them the draft version of the advisory.

Cisco Security

Finally, LogixView is the latest software package for developing the graphical user interface. We informed them aadmview we are planning to release this advisory on the 20th of March, No required Confidentiality impact: Thu, 19 Nov They requested a PoC from Core Security. AMD recommends checking with your OS provider for specific guidance on schedules.

advantech adamview

Currently, DiagAnywhere includes the utility on the client side and the server on the target devices. CoreLabs regularly publishes security advisories, technical papers, project information and shared software tools for public use at: We inform them that we will publish this advisory advwntech user release on Wednesday 19th of November.

Advantech Release New ADAMView Software for Smaller Data Acquisition Applications

This vulnerability is caused by a stack buffer overflow when parsing the conditional bitmap parameter. Publication date set for Axvantech 27th, InFocus sent an email stating that they were requested by their public relations department to contact Core Security.

Tenable Network Security has extracted the preceding description block directly from the DLA security advisory. They informed us that they will try to post the news item on Monday but they give no guarantees.

advantech adamview

Core Security’s software solutions build on over a decade of trusted research and leading-edge threat expertise from the company’s Security Consulting Services, CoreLabs and Engineering groups.

Core Security also recommends to those affected the use third party software such as Sentinel [3] or EMET [2] that could help prevent the exploitation of affected systems to some extent.

InFocus replied using their official Twitter account indicating that product support questions should be directed to the form at infocus. Given that this is a client-side vulnerability, affected users should avoid opening untrusted.


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Joined: Sun Jan 06, 2008 9:21 am
Location: Russia


by artbistr » Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:00 am

Hi aram_asheg!

That’s fine you want to help us… 8)
Thanks for AdamView — is simple soft, but it’s works.

Have you KW Software & Advantech Studio with medicine?
Could you upload it?

Best regards!


Posts: 16
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Location: Iran

KW Software & Advantech Studio with medicine


by aram_asheg » Tue Feb 19, 2008 7:00 am

hi artbistr

i have advantech studio but what’s the medicine ?

i find KW for you soon ….


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Joined: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:10 pm


by mech962784 » Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:14 am

Dear Aram

thank you very much.

the medicine means that you will provide a serial number or a license to fully activate the software

best regards


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Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:37 am
Location: Iran



by aram_asheg » Mon Apr 14, 2008 7:56 am

hi every body,

sorry for interrupt ! this is ADVANTECH WEB STUDIO DIRECT


We work HARD about CRACK ! it has HARDWARE USB Key !

If you could , please HELP us About CRACK !


be great !


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Location: Iran



by aram_asheg » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:08 am

hi Friends, !

Now, Some PRICE LISTs ….

ADAM Modules Price LIST ( US $)

link :


you could find them easily ,,,,

enjoy !


Posts: 16
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 6:37 am
Location: Iran


by aram_asheg » Sat May 10, 2008 6:59 am

hi all


DO YOU Interested about thsese projects written in *.GNI mode ?

DOY WANT LEARN how to FACE off ugly and odd Interface of

ADAMVIEW with help of photoshop ?

PLEASE send your requests for me and any problem in this

software for me !

@ what’s your oponinon about CITECT SCADA ?




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Re: [LINK]: ADVANTECH adamview


by firesnake » Tue May 21, 2013 8:03 pm

Hi all!

Please help me somebody! I need advantech Adamview serial, or full version.
Thank you !

Best Regards.


Posts: 118
Joined: Fri May 07, 2010 9:46 am

Re: [LINK]: ADVANTECH adamview


by singleperson » Wed Sep 03, 2014 6:12 am


Does anyone have crack Advantech Studio v6?

Please share to me with thanks

Advantech ADAMView Программное обеспечение для построения систем АСУ ТП с поддержкой технологии ОРС

Advantech ADAMView Программное обеспечение для построения систем АСУ ТП с поддержкой технологии ОРС.

ADAMView — программное обеспечение начального уровня для построения небольших систем сбора, анализа, визуализации данных и управления, работающее под управлением операционных систем Windows 98/NT/2000/XP. Специальная оболочка для построения пользовательских приложений значительно сокращает время их разработки и максимально облегчает этот процесс. При этом нет необходимости написания программного кода, и весь процесс разработки сводится к «рисованию» системы на экране с последующей привязкой к физическим каналам ввода-вывода. Для построения комплексных систем и организации сложных алгоритмов обработки данных имеется возможность использования простого встроенного языка Basic Script. Открытая архитектура ADAMView позволяет легко интегрировать его с другими приложениями через механизмы OLE, DDE, ODBC.

ADAMView обеспечивает:

  • поддержку до 150 каналов ввода-вывода;
  • легкий для освоения человеко-машинный интерфейс;
  • объектно-ориентированную графику;
  • исторические тренды;
  • возможность генерации отчетов;
  • возможность написания программ на Basic Script;
  • многозадачный режим работы;
  • поддержку механизмов DDE, OLE, ODBC, технологии OPC;
  • лёгкую интеграцию с системами программирования МЭК 61131, в том числе с UltraLogik.

Высокая производительность и реализация многозадачного режима работы

ADAMView является 32-разрядным приложением и обеспечивает параллельное сканирование задач для повышения эффективности операций ввода-вывода, обновление графической информации на экране и диалог с оператором. Это приводит к успешному выполнению срочных задач.

Поддержка спецификации OPC

Технология ОРС обеспечивает возможность использования в системах на базе ADAMView оборудования сторонних производителей (в частности, PLC-контроллеров любых типов). Для этого достаточно иметь соответствующие ОРС-серверы.

Поддержка протокола TCP/IP

Использование протокола TCP/IP обеспечивает возможность работы с данными технологического процесса в реальном времени с любого узла сети, а также дистанционное управление процессом.

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Related Manuals for Advantech ADAMView

Summary of Contents for Advantech ADAMView

  • Page 1
    User’s Quick Start Guide Advantech ADAMView 1st Edition…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    1 Introduction 1 Introduction ………………2 1.1 ADAMView Overview …………..2 1.2 ADAMView System Architecture ……….3 1.3 ADAMView Component Description ………. 5 2 Preparing to Install ADAMView 2.1 System Requirements ………….. 20 2.2 Installation and Configuration ……….21 2.3 ADAMView Program Group Icons……….28…

  • Page 3
    Corporation shall not be held liable for errors in this manual or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this manual or its contents. American Advantech Corporation reserves the right to revise this manual at any time without prior notice.
  • Page 4: Technical Support

    If you encounter a problem while using ADAMView, first consult the on-line help and this manual. If you are unable to resolve the problem, or if you have questions specific to your application, don’t hesitate to FAX or call for technical support.

  • Page 5
    MAINLAND CHINA: Beijing office: No. 7, 6th street, Shang Di Zone, Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China TEL: 86-10-62984345~47, 62986314~17 FAX: 86-1-62984341~42 Shanghai office: Rm#701, 7 F., Hua-Fu Building A, 585 Long Hua W. Rd. 200232 Shanghai, China TEL: 86-21-64696831, 64697910 FAX: 86-21-64696834…
  • Page 6
    Getting Started…
  • Page 7: Introduction

    Autoimation and Control Strategies, System Monitor Displays, and Dynamic Operator Displays. The magic of ADAMView lies in its ability to provide advanced programming features and tools while maintaining ease of use. A library of Icon Blocks representing data acquisition and control, math- ematical and control functions is provided through Task Designer.

  • Page 8: Adamview System Architecture

    1.2 ADAMView System Architecture A major improvement over Version 4.xx is the change in system architecture. We design ADAMView 4.x with a modular-oriented, open integrated architecture. The open platform allows you to easily integrate ADAMView with other applications to share real-time control data. The performance and number of I/O blocks ADAMView can support are increased significantly through this new architecture.

  • Page 9
    VBA compatible development environment for script programming. The design work in ADAMView is saved as a strategy file. A strategy file (with extension .GNI) is a binary file that stores all information about an editing session. A strategy is defined as one or more “tasks”…
  • Page 10: Adamview Component Description

    Script Debug Functions The ADAMView editing program can run strategies in a debug mode, in which you work through a program line by line and review a scan task block by block. This major improvement allows users to design and debug complicated strategies in the editor before using the runtime only program.

  • Page 11
    Multiple Tasks to Improve Performance ADAMView Task Designer allows editing of multiple tasks at the same time. Each task is contained in a task window and has it‘s own properties such as scan rate, start/stop method, etc. One strategy file is used to store all scan tasks that are related to a control strategy.
  • Page 12
    1.3.4 Report Designer ADAMView Report Designer provides a configurable environment in which users can define the contents of a given report. It collects the required data at specific time intervals and these reports are printed automatically at a user-defined time. The interfaces provided in Report Designer may also be used to select and print reports manually.
  • Page 13
    1.3.5 Open Data Center Data Center is the central repository for all process monitoring and control data in ADAMView. You can easily integrate real-time data from the data center into a company-wide information system to effi- ciently support decision-making. Data Center features two different sets of interfaces to the outside world: C API, OLE automation, and DDE functions.
  • Page 14
    Serial Number Protection and Free Two Hours Trail Use ADAMView is a Serial Protected Software, The serial number is labled on the box and CD Case, we also provide two hours trial use by keyin 0000000000 for Trail use serial number.
  • Page 15
    For example, if it is 1998, then YY = 98. For the year 2001, YY = 01. If your system is running from December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000, ADAMView will store the historical data into two binary files: one is 99123101.HST and the other is 00000101.HST.
  • Page 16
    In the Historical Trend Display, ADAMView will record the historical data to files by date. When ADAMView is run continuously for long periods of time, there is a chance of running out of hard disk space. To protect against this, ADAMView 4.25 removes the files generated by Historical Trend Display automatically.
  • Page 17
    This command is used to specify the number of decimal digits in the Report Designer. The old version is fixed to 2 decimal digits. In ADAMView 4.25, it can be configured by the user. The commands format is as follows: COMMAND.N…
  • Page 18
    1.5 Limitations and Restrictions ADAMView 4.25 includes the following information about usage and limitations of the software to help users use ADAMView correctly. (1) Basic Script Programming Category Task Description * To start/stop a task by Script, the task’s starting…
  • Page 19
    (b) When using the Msg command to create modeless dialogs or the Sleep command for waiting, do not stop ADAMView when the modeless dialog is still active or the Sleep command is still working. (c) Be careful when programming the script to avoid an infinite loop.
  • Page 20
    (d) The maximum string length for string type tags is 128. (3) Report Designer (a) $NOW command applies to all tags created by ADAMView. Please refer to «The Tags Created by ADAMView». (b) $HRnn, $MAX, $MAXT, $MIN, $MINT and $AVG commands only apply to the following tags: •…
  • Page 21
    (4) Alarm Printing ADAMView 4.25 resolves compatibility problems between the alarm printing function and Windows 95/98. If you will be using this feature in ADAMView 4.25, we strongly suggest that you use a dedicated dot matrix printer for alarm printing.
  • Page 22
    (c) ADAMView has a dedicated timer for network communication. The polling time of the timer can be different from the scan time. The polling time is set in the configuration file WINDOWSADAMView.INI (the entry NetPollTime). The value of polling time depends on the number of stations and blocks.
  • Page 23
    (7) Input Range for Display Items Display Items Field Range From -999999.0 to +999999.0 Bar Graph -999999.0 to +999999.0 Range of X axis (From) -999999.0 to +999999.0 Range of X axis (To) -999999.0 to +999999.0 Trend Graph Range of Y axis (From) -999999.0 to +999999.0 Range of Y axis (To) -999999.0 to +999999.0…
  • Page 24: Preparing To Install Adamview

    Preparing to Install ADAMView…

  • Page 25: System Requirements

    System Hardware Requirements and System Software Requirements before attempting to install the ADAMView system software. 2.1 System Requirements Your computer system must meet or exceed the following requirements in order to run ADAMView. System Hardware Requirements • IBM PC/AT 486 chip compatible computer or higher •…

  • Page 26: Installation And Configuration

    2.2 Installation and Configuration This section lists the contents of your ADAMView system and instructions to install the ADAMView system software to a level that enables you to run the DEMO Strategy supplied on the SETUP disk. ADAMView Package Contents Your ADAMView package includes the following items: •…

  • Page 27
    When all the files have been copied, you should see the Advantech Automation / ADAMView group created within Windows. The siz ADAMView icons will be displayed in the group window. The setup screen will return to display a success message. ADAMView is now installed. Should you have any problems…
  • Page 28
    The DEMO Strategy, alarm.gni, is a simple strategy that interfaces the DEMO I/O Device to the Display. 1. Load the DEMO Strategy into ADAMView, enter the ADAMView Task Designer by double clicking on the ADAMView Builder icon in the Advantech ADAMView group. Once in the ADAMView Main screen, click the File menu, then open an existing file.
  • Page 29
    Figure 2-2 Analog Input block configuration Double-click on the trend graph display icon in DISP1 within Display Designer. The Display Designer should open, along with a trend graph Display Item. This is one of many display types you can choose when you later design your display window.
  • Page 30
    Figure 2-3 Task and Display connection 2. Run the DEMO Strategy. To run the Strategy from within ADAMView Builder, first save the Strategy (File, Save), and then press Run, located on the menu bar at the top of the Strategy Editor. The DEMO I/O Device’s ±…
  • Page 31
    Uninstalling ADAMView If you wish to completely remove ADAMView from your system, you just click on the Uninstall ADAMView icon. ADAMView will be removed from your system automatically. You don’t worry about deleting files.
  • Page 32: Adamview Program Group Icons

    ADAMView Runtime The Runtime icon allows you to invoke only the ADAMView runtime environment without the development functions. You can execute ADAMView strategy files only without worrying about any changes being made. This utility is often used after you finished your system and run it at the end user site.

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Related Manuals for Advantech ADAMView

Summary of Contents for Advantech ADAMView

  • Page 1
    User’s Quick Start Guide Advantech ADAMView 1st Edition…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    1 Introduction 1 Introduction ………………2 1.1 ADAMView Overview …………..2 1.2 ADAMView System Architecture ……….3 1.3 ADAMView Component Description ………. 5 2 Preparing to Install ADAMView 2.1 System Requirements ………….. 20 2.2 Installation and Configuration ……….21 2.3 ADAMView Program Group Icons……….28…

  • Page 3
    Corporation shall not be held liable for errors in this manual or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the use of this manual or its contents. American Advantech Corporation reserves the right to revise this manual at any time without prior notice.
  • Page 4: Technical Support

    If you encounter a problem while using ADAMView, first consult the on-line help and this manual. If you are unable to resolve the problem, or if you have questions specific to your application, don’t hesitate to FAX or call for technical support.

  • Page 5
    MAINLAND CHINA: Beijing office: No. 7, 6th street, Shang Di Zone, Haidian District, 100085 Beijing, China TEL: 86-10-62984345~47, 62986314~17 FAX: 86-1-62984341~42 Shanghai office: Rm#701, 7 F., Hua-Fu Building A, 585 Long Hua W. Rd. 200232 Shanghai, China TEL: 86-21-64696831, 64697910 FAX: 86-21-64696834…
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    Getting Started…
  • Page 7: Introduction

    Autoimation and Control Strategies, System Monitor Displays, and Dynamic Operator Displays. The magic of ADAMView lies in its ability to provide advanced programming features and tools while maintaining ease of use. A library of Icon Blocks representing data acquisition and control, math- ematical and control functions is provided through Task Designer.

  • Page 8: Adamview System Architecture

    1.2 ADAMView System Architecture A major improvement over Version 4.xx is the change in system architecture. We design ADAMView 4.x with a modular-oriented, open integrated architecture. The open platform allows you to easily integrate ADAMView with other applications to share real-time control data. The performance and number of I/O blocks ADAMView can support are increased significantly through this new architecture.

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    VBA compatible development environment for script programming. The design work in ADAMView is saved as a strategy file. A strategy file (with extension .GNI) is a binary file that stores all information about an editing session. A strategy is defined as one or more “tasks”…
  • Page 10: Adamview Component Description

    Script Debug Functions The ADAMView editing program can run strategies in a debug mode, in which you work through a program line by line and review a scan task block by block. This major improvement allows users to design and debug complicated strategies in the editor before using the runtime only program.

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    Multiple Tasks to Improve Performance ADAMView Task Designer allows editing of multiple tasks at the same time. Each task is contained in a task window and has it‘s own properties such as scan rate, start/stop method, etc. One strategy file is used to store all scan tasks that are related to a control strategy.
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    1.3.4 Report Designer ADAMView Report Designer provides a configurable environment in which users can define the contents of a given report. It collects the required data at specific time intervals and these reports are printed automatically at a user-defined time. The interfaces provided in Report Designer may also be used to select and print reports manually.
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    1.3.5 Open Data Center Data Center is the central repository for all process monitoring and control data in ADAMView. You can easily integrate real-time data from the data center into a company-wide information system to effi- ciently support decision-making. Data Center features two different sets of interfaces to the outside world: C API, OLE automation, and DDE functions.
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    Serial Number Protection and Free Two Hours Trail Use ADAMView is a Serial Protected Software, The serial number is labled on the box and CD Case, we also provide two hours trial use by keyin 0000000000 for Trail use serial number.
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    For example, if it is 1998, then YY = 98. For the year 2001, YY = 01. If your system is running from December 31, 1999 to January 1, 2000, ADAMView will store the historical data into two binary files: one is 99123101.HST and the other is 00000101.HST.
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    In the Historical Trend Display, ADAMView will record the historical data to files by date. When ADAMView is run continuously for long periods of time, there is a chance of running out of hard disk space. To protect against this, ADAMView 4.25 removes the files generated by Historical Trend Display automatically.
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    This command is used to specify the number of decimal digits in the Report Designer. The old version is fixed to 2 decimal digits. In ADAMView 4.25, it can be configured by the user. The commands format is as follows: COMMAND.N…
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    1.5 Limitations and Restrictions ADAMView 4.25 includes the following information about usage and limitations of the software to help users use ADAMView correctly. (1) Basic Script Programming Category Task Description * To start/stop a task by Script, the task’s starting…
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    (b) When using the Msg command to create modeless dialogs or the Sleep command for waiting, do not stop ADAMView when the modeless dialog is still active or the Sleep command is still working. (c) Be careful when programming the script to avoid an infinite loop.
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    (d) The maximum string length for string type tags is 128. (3) Report Designer (a) $NOW command applies to all tags created by ADAMView. Please refer to «The Tags Created by ADAMView». (b) $HRnn, $MAX, $MAXT, $MIN, $MINT and $AVG commands only apply to the following tags: •…
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    (4) Alarm Printing ADAMView 4.25 resolves compatibility problems between the alarm printing function and Windows 95/98. If you will be using this feature in ADAMView 4.25, we strongly suggest that you use a dedicated dot matrix printer for alarm printing.
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    (c) ADAMView has a dedicated timer for network communication. The polling time of the timer can be different from the scan time. The polling time is set in the configuration file WINDOWSADAMView.INI (the entry NetPollTime). The value of polling time depends on the number of stations and blocks.
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    (7) Input Range for Display Items Display Items Field Range From -999999.0 to +999999.0 Bar Graph -999999.0 to +999999.0 Range of X axis (From) -999999.0 to +999999.0 Range of X axis (To) -999999.0 to +999999.0 Trend Graph Range of Y axis (From) -999999.0 to +999999.0 Range of Y axis (To) -999999.0 to +999999.0…
  • Page 24: Preparing To Install Adamview

    Preparing to Install ADAMView…

  • Page 25: System Requirements

    System Hardware Requirements and System Software Requirements before attempting to install the ADAMView system software. 2.1 System Requirements Your computer system must meet or exceed the following requirements in order to run ADAMView. System Hardware Requirements • IBM PC/AT 486 chip compatible computer or higher •…

  • Page 26: Installation And Configuration

    2.2 Installation and Configuration This section lists the contents of your ADAMView system and instructions to install the ADAMView system software to a level that enables you to run the DEMO Strategy supplied on the SETUP disk. ADAMView Package Contents Your ADAMView package includes the following items: •…

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    When all the files have been copied, you should see the Advantech Automation / ADAMView group created within Windows. The siz ADAMView icons will be displayed in the group window. The setup screen will return to display a success message. ADAMView is now installed. Should you have any problems…
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    The DEMO Strategy, alarm.gni, is a simple strategy that interfaces the DEMO I/O Device to the Display. 1. Load the DEMO Strategy into ADAMView, enter the ADAMView Task Designer by double clicking on the ADAMView Builder icon in the Advantech ADAMView group. Once in the ADAMView Main screen, click the File menu, then open an existing file.
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    Figure 2-2 Analog Input block configuration Double-click on the trend graph display icon in DISP1 within Display Designer. The Display Designer should open, along with a trend graph Display Item. This is one of many display types you can choose when you later design your display window.
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    Figure 2-3 Task and Display connection 2. Run the DEMO Strategy. To run the Strategy from within ADAMView Builder, first save the Strategy (File, Save), and then press Run, located on the menu bar at the top of the Strategy Editor. The DEMO I/O Device’s ±…
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    Uninstalling ADAMView If you wish to completely remove ADAMView from your system, you just click on the Uninstall ADAMView icon. ADAMView will be removed from your system automatically. You don’t worry about deleting files.
  • Page 32: Adamview Program Group Icons

    ADAMView Runtime The Runtime icon allows you to invoke only the ADAMView runtime environment without the development functions. You can execute ADAMView strategy files only without worrying about any changes being made. This utility is often used after you finished your system and run it at the end user site.

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