Aero lite theme in windows 10

Similar to Windows 8, the brand new Windows 10 comes with a secret hidden Aero Lite theme, which can be enabled with just a simple text file. It changes

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Similar to Windows 8, the brand new Windows 10 comes with a secret hidden Aero Lite theme, which can be enabled with just a simple text file. It changes the appearance of windows, the taskbar and also the new Start menu. Here are the steps you need to perform to enable the Aero Lite theme in Windows 10.

Windows 10 aero lite
After you apply the Aero Lite theme, the taskbar will become opaque, window frames will get borders and the entire appearance of the OS will be similar to what you get with the Aero Lite theme on Windows 8. If you want to try this theme yourself, do the following:

  1. Open the following folder in File Explorer:

    aero theme of Windows 10

  2. Copy the Aero.theme file to Desktop.
  3. Rename the file to AeroLite.theme.
  4. Run Notepad and drag your AeroLite.theme into the opened Notepad window.
  5. Make the following changes:
    — in [Theme] section:
    Displayname=Aero Lite

    theme section
    — in [VisualStyles] section:


    VisualStyles section

  6. Save the file and double click it from the Desktop.

The Aero Lite theme will be applied.

Alternatively, you can use Winaero Tweaker. Go to Appearance -> Aero Lite. There are two options there.

Aero Lite default Winaero Tweaker

One activates the default Aero Lite theme with black window title text. The second one applies makes the window title text white. This feature works in Windows 8, Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10.

That’s it.

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Like Windows 8, the  Windows 10 operating system includes a secret hidden Aero Lite theme, which can be easily enabled. It changes the appearance of Window 10 in a special way.

After you apply the Aero Lite theme, the taskbar will become opaque, window frames will get borders and the entire appearance of the OS will be similar to what you get with the Aero Lite theme on Windows 8.

Here are the steps you need to perform to enable the Aero Lite theme in Windows 10.

How To Enable Aero Lite theme in Windows 10

Open File Explorer and go to the following folder:


Windows 10 Themes Folder

Select the “Aero” file and copy it to Desktop.

Copy Aero File On Desktop

Rename the Aero file to AeroLite.

Rename Aero File To Aerolite

Run Notepad and drag your “Aerolite” file into the opened Notepad window.

Open Aerolite File With Notepad

Change the Displayname line in the  [Theme] section to Aero Lite.

Displayname=Aero Lite

Under [VisualStyles]. modify the Path line to the following value:


Modify The File

Save the file and double click it on the Desktop. Congrats, you just enabled the hidden Aero Lite theme in Windows 10. Here is how it looks:

Aero Lite Enabled In Windows 10

To save your time, you can download this theme file.

Download Aero Lite theme for Windows 10

Unpack it and double click to apply.

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By Timothy Tibbetts

The Aero Lite theme can make the colors of Windows borders and title bars stand out more in Windows 10 and 11, although it’s not for everyone.

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Before we get started, it’s important to note that you’re installing a theme that you can also delete. There’s no real risk in trying it out.

Let’s talk about what you can expect:

  • Windows Apps — The borders will be wider, but the Title bar color won’t change.
  • The Title Bar Inactive text will be grey instead of black. You can change that later.
  • The Title Bar Active text will be black.
  • The color of inactive Windows borders will be slightly lighter.
  • The color of active Windows borders will be the same chosen color.
  • Once applied, you can make changes in Personalization > Themes.

    Download Install Aero Lite Theme in Windows 10 & 11.

    Video tutorial:

    There are 4 files included—two for the current user and two for all users.

    Aerolite Theme — Current User.theme
    Aerolite Theme — All Users.theme
    Aerolite White Text Theme — Current.theme
    Aerolite White Text Theme — All Users.theme

    Double-click on one of the 2 you’d like to apply for the current or all users.

    Your theme will automatically pop up in Settings.

    You can change the Background, Color, Sounds, or Mouse Cursor here.

    From Settings, if you don’t like what you see, you can right-click on the Theme and click Delete or select another theme.

    You can also see the installed themes in %LocalAppData%MicrosoftWindowsThemes; however, they will be deleted when you delete the Aero Lite Theme Settings.

    This tweak is included as part of MajorGeeks Windows Tweaks.


  • Aero Glass for Windows 10
  • How to Change Text Size for Title Bars in Windows 10
  • How to Change Title Bar Text Color in Windows 10
  • How to Show or Change Color on Title Bars and Borders in Windows 10
  • How to Disable Transparency Effects in Windows 10

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  • Эффект стекла был одной из самых популярных функций Windows 7, придавая рабочему столу современный вид. Но, несмотря на запросы, Microsoft отказалась восстанавливать тему Aero Glass в Windows 10.

    Первоначально представленный в Windows Vista, вы могли подумать, что невозможно запустить Aero Glass в Windows 10. Не беспокойтесь, любители изогнутых краев, слегка прозрачных окон и диалоговых окон.

    Вот как получить тему Aero в Windows 10.

    Зачем возвращаться к Aero Transparency?

    Windows 7 имела огромный успех после Windows Vista. Windows 8 широко высмеивалась. Благодаря функциональному рабочему столу Windows 7 можно рассматривать как привлекательную версию Windows XP. Но прозрачность Aero была упразднена в Windows 8 и не восстановлена ​​в Windows 10.

    Вполне вероятно, что от него отказались в связи с модернизацией операционной системы. Эта модернизация теперь включает унификацию ОС для настольных компьютеров, ноутбуков, планшетов и консолей Xbox One с более экономичным пользовательским интерфейсом.

    Возврат к Aero, по сути, возвращает хорошие ощущения от дней Windows 7. На момент написания 10% пользователей Windows все еще использовали Windows 7.

    Однако это имеет последствия для безопасности, поэтому обновление до Windows 10 является более безопасным вариантом.

    Желание вернуть вариант Aero было настолько сильным, что на момент написания статьи на странице предложений по функциям Windows, где идеи публикуются участниками программы предварительной оценки Windows, было собрано более 50 000 голосов.

    Указывает человека, предложившего его вернуть:

    «Я понимаю, что вы пошли на уступки с Windows Aero (lite), мы назовем ее, чтобы увеличить время автономной работы портативных устройств; Microsoft забывает, что более 250 миллионов (75 миллионов из них только в Steam) используют игровые ПК, способные использовать больше требовательных к GPU и RAM оболочек ОС, таких как Aero Glass «.

    Если вам не хватает Aero, продолжайте читать, чтобы узнать, как использовать сторонний инструмент для оживления темы.

    Проверьте свою версию Windows 10

    Прежде чем продолжить, убедитесь, что вы знаете, какую версию Windows 10 вы используете. Инструменты, необходимые для включения темы Aero, часто поддерживают несколько версий по мере выпуска новых выпусков Windows 10.

    Чтобы узнать, какой инструмент скачать, сначала проверьте свою версию Windows 10.

    1. Нажмите Win + I открыть Настройки

    2. Выбрать Система> О нас

    3. Прокрутите вниз до Спецификации Windows

    4. Ищите Версия

    Запишите это. Если у вас есть возможность нескольких загрузок, выберите тот, который соответствует вашей версии Windows 10.

    Получите тему Aero для Windows 10 с помощью Winaero Tweaker

    Популярный инструмент Winaero Tweaker также совместим с Windows 10. Объединяя набор настроек пользовательского интерфейса в одно приложение, он прост в использовании и дает хорошие результаты.

    Скачать: Winaero Tweaker (Свободный)

    После загрузки ZIP-файла распакуйте его содержимое и запустите установочный файл. Выбрать Нормальный режим и согласитесь с условиями лицензии при появлении запроса.

    Перейдите на левую панель, чтобы Внешний вид> Aero Lite. Вот, Включить Aero Lite, скрытая тема в Windows 10 (и Windows 8.x).

    Как только вы это сделаете, переключитесь на Внешний вид> Alt + Tab Внешний вид экран. Здесь используйте ползунок, чтобы настроить прозрачность фона для Alt + Tab. Вы также можете установить прозрачность для желаемого Тусклый рабочий стол уровень.

    Когда вы закончите, закройте приложение. Если вы решите, что вам не нравится Aero Lite, просто снова запустите WinAero Tweaker и вернитесь к теме по умолчанию. Просто нажмите Внешний вид> Aero Lite> Установить тему Windows по умолчанию. Вы также можете отменить все изменения, сделанные с помощью этого инструмента, используя Восстановить настройки по умолчанию кнопка.

    WinAero Tweaker — это многофункциональный набор инструментов, которые могут сделать гораздо больше, чем просто добавить тему Aero в Windows 10. Стоит потратить некоторое время на то, чтобы посмотреть, как он может помочь вам настроить Windows 10 так, как вы никогда не считали возможным.

    Aero Glass для Windows 8

    Чтобы получить более полный вид Aero, попробуйте Aero Glass для Windows 8.

    Этот инструмент предоставляет параметры прозрачности и цвета, которые вы ожидаете от классического Aero в Windows Vista и 7. Однако это не выполняется в приложении; вместо этого Aero Glass для Windows 8 закрывает новые элементы реестра, которые вы можете настроить.

    Таким образом, Aero Glass для Windows 8 рекомендуется только опытным пользователям Windows.

    Для работы с Windows 10 используйте вариант загрузки последней версии. После установки вы получите визуальное удовольствие от прозрачного размытия границ, а также получите удовольствие от возвращения тени окна, эффекта свечения подписи и закругленных границ.

    Скачать: Aero Glass для Windows 8 (Свободный)

    Во время установки вы увидите два варианта:

    • Акриловый дизайн Win10

    • Дизайн Win8 RP Aero Glass

    Это дополнительные темы к основному Aero Glass. Выберите тот, который вам больше нравится, затем Следующий. У вас также есть возможность Защитите Aero Glass, настроив права доступа, но это редко требуется на однопользовательском ПК.

    После установки Aero Glass будет готов к использованию. Однако нет приложения для запуска, и настройки нельзя изменить на экране настроек Windows 10.

    1. Нажмите Win + R

    2. Войти regedit и нажмите ОК

    3. В поле пути вставьте HKEY_CURRENT_USER SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows DWM

    4. Измените настройки

    Каждая запись представлена ​​как DWORD, 32-битное значение, которое можно ввести как десятичное или шестнадцатеричное. Чтобы добиться желаемого результата с помощью Aero Glass для Windows 8, потребуется время, но у вас будет больше возможностей контролировать параметры. Взгляните на программу страница помощи Больше подробностей.

    Когда Windows 10 была впервые выпущена в мире, в ней была разблокирована тема Aero Lite. Это можно включить с помощью одного взлома Блокнота.

    К сожалению, это больше не работает. В то время C: Windows Resources Themes Каталог содержит тему под названием Aero, это не добавляет ничего, кроме цветовой схемы, подобной Aero. Например, он не предлагает параметров прозрачности.

    Эти инструменты — самый безопасный и последовательный способ разблокировать скрытую тему Aero Lite в Windows 10.

    Альтернативы Aero для Windows 10

    Одно дело, что увлеченные разработчики создают настройки Aero для Windows 10, и мы благодарны за это. Но когда Microsoft полностью восстановит эту столь желанную тему рабочего стола в своей операционной системе?

    Пока этого не произошло, подумайте о замене Aero Glass или какой-нибудь другой яркой теме рабочего стола Windows 10.

    Windows 10: Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

    Discus and support Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 in Windows 10 Tutorials to solve the problem; How to: Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

    How to Use Aerolite Theme for Window Borders and Title Bars Color in Windows 10

    When you change the…
    Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Tutorials’ started by Indianatone, Jul 7, 2015.

    Page 1 of 6

    1. Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

      How to: Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

      How to Use Aerolite Theme for Window Borders and Title Bars Color in Windows 10

      When you change the color in Windows 10, it will change the color of your Start menu accents, Start button, taskbar, title bars, window borders, buttons, text, Settings accents, sign-in screen accents, and Action Center accents.

      By default, title bars are white unless you turn on show color on Start, taskbar, and action center.

      Window borders are only 1 pixel wide, so they don’t show the selected color very well. This tutorial will give you wider window borders.

      Aerolite.theme Release Notes:

      • For Windows apps, the window borders will be a bit wider to see the color better.
      • For Windows apps, the color of the title bar will not be changed.
      • The color of text in the title bar of inactive windows turn from black to gray.
      • The color of text in the title bar of the active window will be black.
      • The color of inactive window borders will be slightly lighter than the chosen color.
      • The color of the currently active window border will be the same color as the chosen color.

      This tutorial will show you how to download and install a modified aerolite.theme to have the color of window borders and title bars stand our more in Windows 10.


      • Option One: To Install aerolite.theme and Change Color for Only Your Account
      • Option Two: To Install aerolite.theme and Change Color for All Accounts

      EXAMPLE: Active and Inactive window borders and title bars

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      OPTION ONE [/i] To Install aerolite.theme and Change Color for Only Your Account
      1 Click/tap on the Download button below to download the .zip file of the Aero Lite theme you want.

      This aerolite.theme file is only the default «C:WindowsResourcesThemesaero.theme» file already included in Windows that has been edited to use the aerolite.msstyles file instead of aero.msstyles file that are also both included in Windows by default.

      I just provided an already edited copy of this .theme file for you to download and use instead of you having to do all the work yourself to make it easier without having to use any 3rd party programs.





      2 Save the .zip file to your desktop.

      3 Unblock the .zip file.

      4 Open the .zip file, and extract (drag and drop) the aerolite.theme or Custom.theme file to your desktop.

      5 Double click/tap on the extracted aerolite.theme or Custom.theme file to install and apply the theme to only your account. Your theme settings will now open to indicate you changed to the Aero Lite theme. (see screenshot below)

      This will install the aerolite.theme or Custom.theme file to the %LocalAppData%MicrosoftWindowsThemes folder below for your account, and have the Aero Lite theme show under My Themes in your theme settings.

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      6 You can now change the title bar text color to what you want.

      7 You can now choose a color you want to also have it applied to your window borders and title bars. (see screenshot below)

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      OPTION TWO [/i] To Install aerolite.theme and Change Color for All Accounts
      You will need to be signed in as an administrator to be able to do this option.

      1 Click/tap on the Download button below to download the .zip file of the Aero Lite theme you want.

      This aerolite.theme file is only the default «C:WindowsResourcesThemesaero.theme» file already included in Windows that has been edited to use the aerolite.msstyles file instead of aero.msstyles file that are also both included in Windows by default.

      I just provided an already edited copy of this .theme file for you to download and use instead of you having to do all the work yourself to make it easier without having to use any 3rd party programs.





      2 Save the .zip file to your desktop.

      3 Unblock the .zip file.

      4 Open the .zip file, and extract (drag and drop) the aerolite.theme or Custom.theme file to your desktop.

      5 Copy or move the extracted aerolite.theme or Custom.theme file to the C:WindowsResourcesThemes folder. (see screenshot below)

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      6 Click/tap on Continue to approve. (see screenshot below)

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      7 You and all users will now have the installed Aero Lite theme available to change the theme to. (see screenshot below)

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      8 When the Aero Lite theme has been selected by users, that user can then choose a color they want for only their account to also have it applied to their window borders and title bars. (see screenshot below)

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

      9 Users can also change the title bar text color to what they want.

      That’s it,

      Related Tutorials

      • How to Change your Theme in Windows 10
      • Change Color of Start Menu, Taskbar, Action Center, and Title Bar in Windows 10
      • Turn On or Off Show Color on Start, Taskbar, and Action Center in Windows 10
      • How to Turn On or Off Show Accent Color on Title Bars and Borders in Windows 10
      • How to Create a ‘Color and Appearance’ Shortcut in Windows 10
      • How to Change Text Size for Title Bars in Windows 10
      • How to Change Title Bar Text Color in Windows 10
      • How to Change Color of Inactive Title Bar in Windows 10


    2. My windows have blue borders around them!!! pls fix

      Apparently Aerolite theme causes this. Do you have it?…

    3. Change application background color window 10

      You can actually do this in Windows 10 by using an AeroLite-based theme. That’s technically not high contrast, but has some of the same behavior you want, such as most apps using the Colors :: Window color override that was discussed above.

      There is no user interface allowing for control over these colors outside of High Contrast mode, nor in switching a theme to use Aerolite instead of Aero. You’d need to do manual editing of the .theme file to accomplish this.

      Upvoting feedback on this kind of feature request is one of the better ways to have it known that this is something that people want.

    4. Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

      Because it doesn’t work very well with Universal apps. Microsoft wants a consistent look and feel between desktop and Universal apps, so they removed a lot of functionality from desktop personalization until it can be added to Universal apps as well.

    5. Yeah, basically, you wouldn’t be able to perform these tweaks on your Windows phone so MS would rather not show the abilities available on the PC lest it screw up synced themes.

    6. It has nothing to do with phones… The functionality isn’t there in Universal apps on the PC either.

    7. Brink

      Don’t forget to send feedback requesting this feature to be included by default. It just may make it later. *Smile…dows-10-a.html

    8. Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

      I have been sending them feedback and up voting non stop since, this was one hell of a stupid feature to remove. Just like when they removed the ability to make the scroll bars at the side a bit wider then the default ones in Windows 8. Thank god I used Brink’s reg hack that still works on Windows 10. Changing the full screen program vertical scroll bar from -255 to -285 makes one hell of a difference on 1080p res. Give it a try and you’ll see what I mean, glad that still works *Wink

      Scrollbar — Change Width Size in Windows 8

      But yea, I have sent multiple feedback requests for this. They could have coded the apps separately from programs. Not force all white upon us. So I appreciate this hack/tweak very much.

      Next step would be nice to change the text size on the Start Menu. That 8pt on 1080p for Start Menu items doesn’t appeal to me very much. That size looks great on 1024×768 or 8″ inch tablet versions, but not on a computer. I’ve sent in requests for that as well.

    9. For those using Firefox:

      If you’ve used this tutorial to colorize your window headers and have chosen a rather dark color, here’s a way to make inactive tab fonts white in Firefox 39.0:

      Go to your Firefox profile folder:
      C:Users[your moniker]AppDataRoamingMozillaFirefoxProfilesxxxxxxxx.default

      inside that folder, create a new folder named Chrome,

      inside the Chrome folder, paste the following into notepad:

      Code: tab:not([selected=»true»] ) { color: rgba(255,255,255,0.95) !important;}[/quote] and save it as UserChrome.css

      Close the folder and restart Firefox, if necessary.


      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]


      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10 [​IMG]

    10. Good to be able to change titlebar color, hate the white. But one problem, text in taskbar is black since my taskbar is black/grey.

    11. Is there a way to add this to my current theme?

    12. Brink

      Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

      Hello Lafargeotte,

      Not sure, but you can still make any changes to the theme from the tutorial afterwards to be the same as before, but now with colored borders. *Smile

    13. Hi Brink,

      Had done that, but just for the future I wondered if it could be done.

    14. Brink

      I’m sure that it could be by editing the themes and comparing them for differences, but I’m not sure what to change.

      However, it would be easier to set your theme how you like, then save it as a .theme or .deskthemepack file that you can always use to restore with.

      Theme — Save in Windows 8

    Page 1 of 6


    Install Aerolite Theme in Windows 10

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    Aero Lite

    Microsoft Windows visual style
    Aero Lite in Windows 8.1 build 9600.17031

    Aero Lite in Windows 8.1 build 9600.17031

    Included in Windows 8 and later
    First seen in Windows 8 build 7814

    Aero Lite is a hidden visual style that debuted in Windows 8 and is used within future versions of Windows. It is used for the High Contrast themes with color customization, and acts as a replacement for the legacy Windows Classic visual style.

    The theme file is present by default in Windows 8 builds up to build 8423. By Windows 8 build 8432 (fbl loc), the theme file is no longer present by default, although the final release of Windows Server 2012/Server 2012 R2 and Server 2016 builds up to 10575 still use this visual style by default. In both cases, the display name of the theme file is «Windows Basic» while it uses Desktop Window Manager, unlike the actual Windows Basic introduced in Windows Vista.

    The msstyles file but not the theme file is present in the %SystemRoot%ResourcesThemesaero folder from Windows 8 onwards. To enable the theme, create a copy of the aero.theme file called aerolite.theme and redirect it to the aerolite.msstyles file and set its display name to Aero Lite. Alternatively, you can copy the basic.theme file from Windows Server 2012/2012 R2 installation to %SystemRoot%ResourcesEase of Access Themes folder.

    Gallery[edit | edit source]

    Windows 8[edit | edit source]

    • Aero Lite in Windows 8 build 7814

      Aero Lite in Windows 8 build 7814

    • Windows Basic visual style with transparency effects in Windows 8 build 8102.101 by running WindowsAnytimeUpgradeResults.exe

      Windows Basic visual style with transparency effects in Windows 8 build 8102.101 by running WindowsAnytimeUpgradeResults.exe

    • Windows Basic visual style in Windows 8 build 8250

      Windows Basic visual style in Windows 8 build 8250

    • Windows Basic visual style with transparency effects by means of a bug in the Personalization Control Panel in Windows 8 build 8250

      Windows Basic visual style with transparency effects by means of a bug in the Personalization Control Panel in Windows 8 build 8250

    • Windows Basic style in Windows Server 2012 build 8250

      Windows Basic style in Windows Server 2012 build 8250

    • "Windows Basic" (Aero Lite) visual style in Windows 8 build 8400

      «Windows Basic» (Aero Lite) visual style in Windows 8 build 8400

    • "Windows Basic" (Aero Lite) visual style with transparency effects by means of a bug in the Personalization Control Panel in Windows 8 build 8400

      «Windows Basic» (Aero Lite) visual style with transparency effects by means of a bug in the Personalization Control Panel in Windows 8 build 8400

    • "Windows Basic" (Aero Lite) visual style in Windows Server 2012

      «Windows Basic» (Aero Lite) visual style in Windows Server 2012

    Windows 10[edit | edit source]

    • "Windows Basic" (Aero Lite) visual style in Windows Server 2016 build 10512

      «Windows Basic» (Aero Lite) visual style in Windows Server 2016 build 10512

    • Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update (hidden)

      Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update (hidden)

    • Aero Lite in light Windows, applied on Windows 10 November 2021 Update

      Aero Lite in light Windows, applied on Windows 10 November 2021 Update

    • File Explorer with Aero Lite applied in Windows 10 November 2021 Update

      File Explorer with Aero Lite applied in Windows 10 November 2021 Update

    • Ditto, accent colors enabled

      Ditto, accent colors enabled

    • File Explorer in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode - select and then de-select an item

      File Explorer in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode — select and then de-select an item

    • File Explorer in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode - tooltips

      File Explorer in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode — tooltips

    • File Explorer in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode - details layout

      File Explorer in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode — details layout

    • Control Panel in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode

      Control Panel in the Aero Lite visual style in Windows 10 November 2021 Update when using dark mode

    The glass effect was one of the most popular features of Windows 7, giving the desktop a modern look. But despite requests, Microsoft refused to restore the Aero Glass theme in Windows 10.

    Originally introduced in Windows Vista, you might think it’s impossible to run Aero Glass on Windows 10. Worry not, fans of curved edge, slightly transparent windows, and dialogue boxes.

    Here’s how to get the Aero theme on Windows 10.

    Why Revert to Aero Transparency?

    Windows 7 was a huge success following Windows Vista. Windows 8 was widely derided. With a functional desktop, Windows 7 can be viewed as an attractive version of Windows XP. But Aero transparency was dropped with Windows 8, and not reinstated in the Windows 10.

    It is likely that it was dropped as part of the move to modernize the operating system. This modernization now includes unifying the OS across desktops, laptops, tablets, and Xbox One consoles with a more battery-efficient UI.

    Reverting to Aero essentially brings back the good vibes from the Windows 7 days. At the time of writing, 10% of Windows users are still running Windows 7.

    This has security ramifications, however, which is why upgrading to Windows 10 is a more secure option.

    Demands for the Aero Theme on Windows 10

    The desire for a return of an Aero option has been so strong that it has garnered over 50,000 votes at the time of writing on the Windows Feature Suggestions page, where ideas are posted by Windows Insider members.

    States the person who suggested its return:

    «I understand you’ve made concessions with Windows Aero (lite) we’ll call it to allow for better battery life on portable devices; Microsoft is forgetting that over 250 million (75 million of them on Steam alone) are using Gaming PCs capable of driving more GPU and RAM hungry OS shells like Aero Glass.»

    If you’re missing Aero, keep reading to learn how to use a third-party tool to revive the theme.

    Check Your Windows 10 Version

    Before proceeding, make sure you know which version of Windows 10 you’re using. The tools required for enabling the Aero theme often maintain multiple versions as new releases of Windows 10 are issued.

    To know which tool to download, first check your Windows 10 version.

    1. Press Win+I to open Settings
    2. Select System > About
    3. Scroll down to Windows Specifications
    4. Look for the Version

    Check your Windows 10 version

    Make a note of this. When you have the option of multiple downloads, choose the one that matches your Windows 10 version.

    Get the Aero Theme on Windows 10 With Winaero Tweaker

    The popular Winaero Tweaker tool is also compatible with Windows 10. Packaging a collection of UI tweaks into a single app, it’s easy to use and gives good results.

    Download: Winaero Tweaker (Free)

    After you have downloaded the ZIP file, extract the contents, and run the setup file. Select Normal mode and agree to the license terms when prompted.

    Browse to the left-hand pane to Appearance > Aero Lite. Here, Enable Aero Lite, a hidden theme in Windows 10 (and Windows 8.x).

    aero glass theme for windows 10

    Once you’ve done this, switch to the Appearance > Alt+Tab Appearance screen. Here, use the slider to adjust the background transparency for Alt+Tab. You can also set a transparency for your preferred Dim Desktop level.

    Aero glass theme for Windows 10

    When you’re done, close the app. If you decide that you don’t like Aero Lite, simply launch WinAero Tweaker again and revert to the default theme. Just click Appearance > Aero Lite > Set Windows default theme. You can also undo all changes made with this tool using the Reset to defaults button.

    WinAero Tweaker is a feature packed collection of tools that can do far more than add an Aero theme to Windows 10. It’s worth spending some time looking at how it can help you customize Windows 10 in ways you never thought possible.

    Aero Glass for Windows 8

    For a more complete Aero look, try Aero Glass for Windows 8.

    This tool brings the transparency and color options that you expect from the classic Aero of Windows Vista and 7. However, this isn’t done in an app; instead, Aero Glass for Windows 8 ends new registry elements for you to tweak.

    As such, Aero Glass for Windows 8 is recommended for advanced Windows users only.

    To run with Windows 10, use the download option for the latest version. Once installed, you’ll have the visual pleasure of transparent blurring of borders, and enjoy the return of window shadow, caption glow effect, and rounded borders.

    Download: Aero Glass for Windows 8 (Free)

    During installation you’ll see two choices:

    • Win10 Acrylic design
    • Win8 RP Aero Glass design

    These are additional themes to the main Aero Glass. Select the one you prefer, then Next. You also have the option to Protect Aero Glass by adjusting access permissions, but this is rarely required on a single user PC.

    After installing, Aero Glass will be ready to use. There is no app to launch, however, and the settings cannot be adjusted in the Windows 10 settings screen.

    1. Press Win+R
    2. Enter regedit and click OK
    3. In the path field, paste HKEY_CURRENT_USERSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsDWM
    4. Tweak the settings

    Aero glass theme for Windows 10

    Each entry is presented as a DWORD, a 32-bit value that can be entered as decimal or hexadecimal. It will take time to find the result you want using Aero Glass for Windows 8, but you will have more control over the options. Take a look at the program’s help page for more details.

    When Windows 10 was first released to the world, it featured an unlockable Aero Lite theme. This could be enabled with a single Notepad hack.

    Sadly, however, this no longer works. While the C:WindowsResourcesThemes directory contains a theme called Aero, this adds nothing but an Aero-like color scheme. It offers no transparency options, for example.

    The safest and most consistent way to unlock the hidden Aero Lite theme in Windows 10 is with these tools.

    Aero Alternatives for Windows 10

    Having enthusiastic developers create Aero tweaks for Windows 10 is one thing, and we’re grateful for it. But when will Microsoft fully restore this much-wanted desktop theme to its operating system?

    Until that happens, consider an Aero Glass replacement or some other striking Windows 10 desktop theme.

    How to use Aerolite theme for Window borders and Title Bar color in Windows 10

    • Thread starter


    • Start date

      Jun 30, 2016

    Apr 19, 2016





    • #1

    Windows 10 is designed to be all things to all devices. One of the concessions of this is to make it lighter to load and use so as to use less battery on portable devices. Those of us who use powerful PCs to run Windows don’t have such concerns but still have to use the flat UI. It doesn’t have to be that way. Here’s how to use Aerolite theme for Window borders and Title Bar color in Windows 10.

    Enable the Aerolite theme for Windows 10

    You have two options to enable the Aerolite theme for Windows 10, you can download a theme file already modified or modify a theme file yourself.

    Use a modified theme file.
    1. Download this file.
    2. Extract it somewhere and then double click the .theme file.
    3. Windows will install the file, your monitors may go blank and the theme will then appear.

    Or modify the file yourself, which is my preferred option.

    1. Open ‘C:WindowsResourcesThemes’ in Explorer.
    2. Copy Aero.theme to your desktop and rename it to ‘AeroLite.theme’.
    3. Right click the file and edit with Notepad or Notepad++.
    4. Under [Theme] change the text to read ‘Displayname=Aero Lite’.
    5. Under [VisualStyles] change the text to read ‘Path=%ResourceDir%ThemesAeroAeroLite.msstyles’.
    6. Save your changes and double click the file to apply it.

    Check the image above to see what the changes should look like. As you have copied the file and renamed it, the original is still in place. Simply change the theme back and delete the AeroLite.theme file if you decide you don’t like it.

    Personalize Windows 10 with these quick tips:
    How to Turn On or Off the Game Bar in Windows 10
    How to Enable support for legacy file shares
    How to Restore and use Windows Photo Viewer in Windows 10

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    The Aerolite theme exists since Windows 8 Developer Preview. It was then a replacement for the Aero Basic theme. However all references to it was eradicated from the UI in the final release of Windows 8. AFAIK, it was never documented, let alone announced, so it’s hard to tell for sure why it was abandoned. My guess is that Microsoft wanted to avoid having to publicly support a separate visual style to reduce their development and testing costs.

    As you mentioned, its files are still present in Windows 10. That is likely because it is the only theme that supports dynamic color changes, which are needed for high contrast themes (Prior to Windows 8, high contrast themes were based on the Classic theme.) In fact, when using a high contrast theme, it is actually Aerolite that is used under the hood. Unlike the default theme which uses pre-made bitmaps to define the appearance of controls, Aerolite relies more heavily on properties and System Colors, which allow the theme to support detailed customization without having to create separate msstyles files.

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