After cleaning the windows he went on wash the car

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the - ing form.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the — ing form.

1. I’ll never forget _________ (sail) down the Danube on that warm spring night last year.

2. Please don’t forget ________ (pay) the bill.

3. John says he remembers _________ (buy) the newspaper, but now he can’t find it.

4. Did you remember ________ (post) my letters today?

5. Gloria regrets ______________ (shout) at her sister.

6. I regret __________ (inform) you that we cannot give you your money back.

7. The students went on __________ (write) for another hour.

8. After cleaning the windows, he went on _________ (wash) the car.

9. We are sorry __________ (announce) that the 7 : 15 train to Liverpool has been cancelled.

10. I’m sorry for ________ (miss) your birthday party ; I’ll make it up to you.

11. She stopped _________ (go) to the gym after she had got back into shape.

12. They stopped _________ (have) a rest before they continued their journey.

13. They tried _________ (open) the door, but it was stuck.

14. You should try _______ (make) your own clothes.

It’s much cheaper.

15. I’m sorry.

I didn’t mean _________ (break) your vase.

16. Being a teacher means __________ (correct) a lot of homework.

17. I like ________ (tidy) my room at weekends because I don’t have time during the week.

18. They like _________ (play) in the sea on hot days.

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+ for


apologize for an earlier action

apologize for a present or future action

am sorry for
at you
this morning. =
Мне жаль, что я накричал на тебя сегодня
утром. / Мені
прикро, що я накричав на тебе сьогодні

sorry for
you so
late yesterday, but it was urgent. =
Извините, что звонил вам так поздно
вчера, но это было срочное дело. /
вам так пізно учора, але це була
термінова справа.

to interrupt
but can I ask you a question? =
Извините, что перебиваю, но могу я
задать вам вопрос? / Вибачите,
що перебиваю, але можу я задати вам

sorry to be
you so
late, but it’s urgent. =
Извините, что звоню вам так поздно,
но это срочно. / Вибачите,
вам так пізно, але це терміново.

To be afraid

+ of


that smth bad may happen = phobia

to do smth in a certain situation

doesn’t want to ride. She is
afraid of falling and hurting herself
Сью не хочет ездить верхом. Она боится
упасть и ушибиться. / Сью
не хоче їздити верхи. Вона боїться
впасти й поранитися.

is afraid to
English exam. He is sure he will fail. =
Генри боится сдавать завтрашний
экзамен по английскому языку. Он
уверен, что он провалит его. / Генрі
боїться здавати завтрашній екзамен
з англійської мови. Він упевнений, що
він провалить його.

the expression ‘cannot

that is used to say that ‘it is impossible to avoid or prevent
something’ both bare infinitive and gerund are used but in
different functions, e.g.

Cannot help

help + gerund

help but + bare infinitive


modifier of exception

can’t help
knows more than he has told. =
Я не могу не думать, что он знает больше
того, что сказал. / Я
не можу не думати, що він знає більш
того, що сказав.

— Ну что я могу поделать, если я такой
/ Ну
що я можу поробити, якщо я такий

couldn’t help
but wonder
he was thinking. =
Ее не могло не интересовать, что он
думает. / Її
не могло не цікавити, що він думає.

child couldn’t help but eat the hateful porridge. =
Как ребенок не хотел, но ему пришлось
съесть ненавистную кашу. / Як
дитина не хотіла, але їй довелося
з’їсти ненависну кашу.

Modern English instead of the structure cannot
help but + bare infinitive
which is rather old-fashioned, the expression cannot
but + bare infinitive

is used,

  • Nancy
    but feel

    sorry for the boy.
    не могла не пожалеть мальчика. /
    не могла не співчувати хлопчикові.

  • Lee
    not help but agree

    with her. =
    Ли не мог не согласиться с ней. / Лі не
    міг не погодитися з нею.

  • I
    help feeling

    that there has been a mistake. =
    Я не могу не чувствовать, что здесь
    есть ошибка. / Я
    не можу не відчувати, що тут є помилка.

  • I
    — При
    чем тут я, если он такой грубиян?
    чому отут я, якщо він такий грубіян?

or gerund using

the verbs in brackets

  1. I’ll
    never forget _________ (to sail) down the Danube on that warm
    spring night last year.

  2. Please
    don’t forget ________ (to pay) the bill.

  3. John
    says he remembers _________ (to buy) the newspaper, but now he
    can’t find it.

  4. Did
    you remember ________ (to post) my letters today?

  5. Gloria
    regrets _________ (to laugh) at her sister.

  6. I
    regret __________ (to inform) you that we cannot give you your
    money back.

  7. The
    students went on __________ (to write) for another hour.

  8. After
    cleaning the windows, he went on _________ (to wash) the car.

  9. We
    are sorry __________ (to announce) that the 7:15 train to Liverpool
    has been cancelled.

  10. I’m
    sorry for ________ (to miss) your birthday party; I’ll make it up
    to you.

  11. She
    stopped _________ (to go) to the gym after she had got back into

  12. They
    stopped _________ (to have) a rest before they continued their

  13. They
    tried _________ (to open) the door, but it was stuck.

  14. You
    should try _______ (to make) your own clothes. It’s much cheaper.

  15. I’m
    sorry. I didn’t mean _________ (to break) your vase.

  16. Being
    a teacher means __________ (to mark) a lot of homework.

  17. I
    like ________ (to tidy) my room at weekends because I don’t have
    time during the week.

  18. They
    like _________ (to play) in the sea on hot days.

  19. Steve
    could remember __________ (to drive) along the road just before the
    accident happened, but he couldn’t remember the accident itself.

  20. I
    now regret __________ (to say) what I said. I shouldn’t have said

  21. We
    regret ___________ (to inform) you that we are unable to offer you
    the job.

  22. Do
    you remember ___________
    (to go) to
    the post office last Wednesday?

  23. Some
    people find images easier ___________
    (to remember) than

  24. I
    must remember ___________
    (to try) and
    phone Phil this evening. I’ve got a message for him.

  25. The
    mother couldn’t help ___________ (to notice) how unhappy her
    daughter looked.

the given model
Translate them into your mother tongue.

We simply must accept her invitation to the party. = We can’t
help but accept

her invitation to the party. = We can’t
help accepting

her invitation to the party.

  1. We
    just must agree to their terms if we want this contract.

  2. We
    really admired that young actress’s brilliant performance.

  3. It
    was difficult for me not to smile when I saw her trying to look
    much older.

  4. She
    just had to give the poor children a piece of bread.

  5. It
    was impossible for the boy not to tell his mother the truth.

  6. I
    had to drive the guests to the station though I didn’t want that
    very much.

  7. I
    really feel sorry for John’s failure at the English exam; he
    worked so much during the term.

  8. David
    just had to tell his aunt about what had happened in the park.

  9. Helen
    just has to take part in that international contest.

  10. It
    was impossible for the guests not to hear the quarrel between the

  11. The
    old man simply had to accept the young couple’s help as he was
    not able to live alone.

into English using the structures ‘cannot help + gerund’,
‘cannot help but + bare infinitive’ and ‘
but + bare infinitive’.




не могла не погодитися зі своєю

Линда не могла
не согласиться со своей матерью.


не могла не думати про те, що Сэм думає
про неї.

не могла не думать о том, что Сэм думает
про нее.


би воно не намагалася, бридке каченя
не могло не бути виродливим.

Как бы он не
старался, гадкий утенок не мог не быть


повинні перевірити обчислення знову.
Ну, що я можу поробити, якщо я почуваю,
що ми допустили десь помилку.

Мы должны
проверить вычисления снова. Ну, что
я могу поделать, если я чувствую, что
мы допустили где-то ошибку.


їм не хотілося, але їм довелося
сповістити мене про те, коли вони

Как им не хотелось,
но им пришлось известить меня о том,
когда они уезжают.


б ви не говорили, я не можу не робити
того, що я вважаю потрібним.

Что бы вы не
говорили, я не могу не делать того,
что я считаю нужным.


я не міг не почути вашу розмову з
містером Драмондом. І я думаю, що ви

Извините, я не
мог не услышать ваш разговор с мистером
Драмондом. И я думаю, что вы правы.


вислухав ваші пояснення дуже уважно,
але я не можу удержатися від того, щоб
не погодитися з вами.

выслушал ваши объяснения очень
внимательно, но я не могу удержаться
от того, чтобы не возразить вам.


не міг не простити Лиз; він її дуже

Джерри не мог
не простить Лиз; он ее очень любил.


не зможете не полюбити щеняти, воно
таке славне!

Вы не сможете
не полюбить щенка, он такой славный!


не можу не згадувати знову й знову ті
щасливі дні, які ми провели в Італії.

не могу не вспоминать снова и снова
те счастливые дни, которые мы провели
в Италии.


не міг не думати про минуле, оскільки
його вплив на теперішній час був
дійсно дуже істотним.

не мог не думать о прошлом, поскольку
его влияние на настоящее было
действительно очень существенным.


Мэри не могла не бути допитливою; це
було в її натурі.

Мэри не могла не быть любопытной; это
было в ее натуре.


the sentences given below using the necessary form of the
infinitive. Follow the example

I was glad I had been invited to the party. – I was glad to
have been invited

to the party.

was surprised they recognized me in my disguise. – I was surprised
be recognized

in my disguise.

  1. It
    was lucky that Peter had been chosen for the job.

  2. Susan
    was glad she was not late for the show.

  3. The
    team was happy that they had won the match.

  4. Ted
    was astonished that he was the only one in the hall.

  5. The
    managers were surprised they had not been invited to the meeting.

  6. Paul
    was sorry that they hadn’t offered him that job.

  7. Helen
    was sorry that she had lost a chance to go to Kent.

  8. Stuart
    was surprised that he was given the chance to express his point of

  9. Lucy
    was lucky that she had been admitted to college.

  10. The
    boys were sorry that they were not let to go to the forest.

  11. Mary
    was happy that she was able to win the beauty contest.

  12. Angela
    is delighted that she went to Italy in the summer.

  13. Doris
    is upset that she has lost her wallet.

  14. Dan
    is angry that he is forgotten by everybody.

  15. Iris
    was flattered that she was invited to the reception.

into English paying special attention to the use of infinitives and
gerunds in the function of objects

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Put the verb in the brackets into the correct Infinitive or V-ing forms:

1) I’ll never forget … (sail) down the Danube on that warm spring night last year.

2) Please don’t forget … (pay) the bill.

3) John said he remembers … (buy) the newspaper, but now he can’t find it.

4) Did you remember … (post) my letter today?

5) Gloria regrets … (shout) at her sister.

6) I regret … (inform) you that we cannot give you your money back.

7) The students went on … (write) for another hour.

8) After cleaning the windows, he went on … (wash) the car.

9) We are sorry … (announce) that the 7:15 train to Liverpool has been cancelled.

10) I’m sorry for … (miss) your birthday party; I’ll make it up to you.

11) She stopped … (go) to the gym after she had got back into shape.

12) They stopped … (have) a rest before they continued their journey.

13) They tried … (open0 the door, but it was stuck.

14) You should try … (make) your own clothes; it’s much cheaper.

15) I’m sorry, I didn’t mean … (break) your vase.

16) Being a teacher means … (correct) a lot of homework.

17) I like … (tidy) my room at weekends, because I don’t have time during the week.

18) They like … (play) in the sea on hot days.

Extra task for excellent mark

Turn over the page

Федеральное государственное образовательное бюджетное

учреждение высшего образования

«Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации»


Сургутский финансово-экономический колледж

(Сургутский филиал Финуниверситета)


Зам директора по УМР

_________________Е.В. Гримчак

« ___ » _________ 20___

Сборник упражнений

по теме «Инфинитив, герундий и причастие»

по дисциплине

Иностранный язык в профессиональной деятельности

специальность 38.02.01 Экономика и бухгалтерский учет (по отраслям)

Сургут 2022

Сборник упражнений составлен в соответствии с рабочей программой дисциплины «Иностранный язык», утвержденной Сургутским филиалом Финуниверситета.

Сборник упражнений для практических занятий рассмотрен и рекомендован к утверждению на заседании предметной (цикловой) комиссии общеобразовательных дисциплин

Протокол №_____от «____»___________20___г.

Председатель ______________/Л.М. Талипова/

Разработчик: Саляхутдинова Р.Ф., преподаватель Сургутского филиала Финуниверситета

Exercise 1. Put the verb into the correct form:

1. I don’t fancy ______________ (go) out tonight. 2. She avoided ______________ (tell) him about her plans. 3. I would like ______________ (come) to the party with you. 4. He enjoys ______________ (have) a bath in the evening. 5. She kept ______________ (talk) during the film. 6. I am learning ______________ (speak) English. 7. Do you mind ______________ (give) me a hand? 8. She helped me ______________ (carry) my suitcases. 9. I’ve finished ______________ (cook). Come and eat! 10. He decided ______________ (study) Biology. 11. I dislike ______________ (wait). 12. He asked ______________ (come) with us. 13. I promise ______________ (help) you tomorrow. 14. We discussed ______________ (go) to the cinema, but in the end we stayed at home. 15. She agreed ______________ (bring) the pudding. 16. I don’t recommend ______________ (take) the bus, it takes forever! 17. We hope ______________ (visit) Amsterdam next month. 18. She suggested ______________ (go) to the museum. 19. They plan ______________ (start) college in the autumn. 20. I don’t want ______________ (leave) yet.

Exercise 2. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’:

1. She delayed ______________ (get) out of bed. 2. He demanded ______________ (speak) to the manager. 3. I offered ______________ (help). 4. I miss ______________ (go) to the beach. 5. We postponed ______________ (do) our homework. 6. I’d hate ______________ (arrive) too late. 7. She admitted ______________ (steal) the money. 8. I chose ______________ (work) here. 9. She waited ______________ (buy) a drink. 10. I really appreciate ______________ (be) on holiday. 11. I couldn’t help ______________ (laugh). 12. It seems ______________ (be) raining. 13. I considered ______________ (move) to Spain. 14. They practised ______________ (speak). 15. Finally I managed ______________ (finish) the work. 16. I really can’t stand ______________ (wait) for the bus. 17. Unfortunately, we can’t afford ______________ (buy) a new car this year. 18. She risked ______________ (be) late. 19. I’d love ______________ (come) with you. 20. I prepared ______________ (go) on holiday.

Exercise 3. Put the verb into the gerund or the infinitive with ‘to’:

1. It appears _________________ (be) raining. 2. We intend _________________ (go) to the countryside this weekend. 3. I pretended _________________ (be) sick so I didn’t have to go to work. 4. Can you imagine_________________ (live) without TV? 5. They tolerate_________________ (smoke) but they prefer people not to. 6. I anticipate _________________ (arrive) on Tuesday. 7. A wedding involves _________________ (negotiate) with everyone in the family. 8. He denies _________________ (steal) the money. 9. He claims _________________ (be) a millionaire but I don’t believe him. 10. I expect _________________ (be) there about seven. 11. Julia reported _________________ (see) the boys to the police. 12. It tends _________________ (rain) a lot in Scotland. 13. Do you recall _________________ (meet) her at the party last week? 14. She mentioned _________________ (go) to the cinema, but I don’t know what she decided to do in the end. 15. The teenager refused _________________ (go) on holiday with his parents. 16. I understand _________________ (be) late once or twice, but every day is too much! 17. I would prefer you _________________ (come) early if you can. 18. That criminal deserves _________________ (get) a long sentence. 19. She completed _________________ (paint) her flat. 20. We arranged ____________ (meet) at four but at four thirty she still hadn’t arrived.

Exercise 4. Change the sentence into a sentence with a gerund subject.

1. It is important to eat breakfast every morning. 2. It is not a good idea to step on a scorpion. 3. It takes time to understand the grammar of a new language. 4. It won’t be easy to memorize all the irregular verbs. 5. It is a privilege to vote. 6. It is a bad habit to skip breakfast. 7. It makes sense to save as much money as you can. 8. It is hard to write a bestselling book. 9. It is important to practice pronunciation. 10. It can be difficult to find a good job. Exercise 5. Change the sentence into a sentence with an infinitive subject. 1. Losing your keys is frustrating. 2. Cheating on a test is not a good idea. 3. Being nice to some people can be difficult. 4. Expressing yourself in a new language is hard. 5. Riding a unicycle to work doesn’t make sense. 6. Complaining isn’t a good idea. 7. Passing the test wasn’t easy. 8. Bringing a pen or pencil to class is important. 9. Learning a language in one day is impossible. 10. Winning a pie-eating contest is a piece of cake.

Exercise 5. Are these sentences correct or incorrect? Fix the incorrect ones.

1.Play basketball is fun. 2. Can be difficult to sing a song well. 3. Writing a poem is no problem. 4. It’s not easy assemble a new bicycle. 5. Obeying the traffic laws is very important. 6. Playing the drums are a lot of hard work 7. It is not a good idea to leave your car unlocked. 8. Being a fireman is a good job. 9. It’s okay to spend all your money on candy. 10. It doesn’t make sense getting dressed before you take a shower.

Exercise 6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1. When I’m tired, I enjoy …………….. television. It’s relaxing. (watch) 2. It was a nice day, so we decided ………………. for a walk. (go) 3. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy ……………….. for a walk? (go) 4. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ………………… (wait) 5. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford ……………. out very often. (go) 6. I wish that dog would stop …………….. . It’s driving me mad. (bark) 7. Our neighbour threatened ……………. the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call) 8. We were hungry, so I suggested ………………… dinner early. (have) 9. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ………………… the train. (miss) 10. I’m still looking for a job but I hope ………………. something soon. (find) 11. She doesn’t allow ……………….. in the house. (smoke) 12. I’ve never been to Iceland but I’d like ……………….. there. (go) 13. I’m in a difficult position. What do you advise me ……………..? (do) 14. She said the letter was personal and wouldn’t let me ……………it. (read) 15. We were kept at the police station for two hours and then we were allowed …….. . (go) 16. Where would you recommend me ………………. for my holidays? (go) 17. I wouldn’t recommend ……………… in that restaurant. The food is awful. (eat) 18. The film was very sad. It made me ………………. . (cry) 19. Carol’s parents always encouraged her …………….. hard at school. (study)

Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form. answer apply be be listen make see try use wash work write

1.He tried to avoid …………………. my question. 2. Could you please stop …………………… so much noise? 3. I enjoy ………………….. to music. 4. I considered ………………… for the job but in the end I decided against it. 5. Have you finished ………………… your hair yet? 6. If you walk into the road without looking, you risk ………………… knocked down. 7. Jim is 65 but he isn’t going to retire yet. He wants to carry on ……………………. . 8. I don’t mind you ………………… the phone as long as you pay for all your calls. 9. Hello! Fancy ………………. you here! What a surprise! 10. I’ve put off ………………… the letter so many times. I really must do it today. 11. What a stupid thing to do! Can you imagine anybody ……………. so stupid? 12. Sarah gave up ………………….. to find a job in this country and decided to go abroad.

Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1. He admitted ……………….. (make) a mistake on the invoice. 2. Do you fancy ……………… (come) with us for a drink? 3. Wages tend ………………… (rise) faster than inflation. 4. I can’t manage ……………. (get through) when I call. I keep …………… (get) an engaged tone. 5. Do you mind ……………… (wait) for a couple of minutes when I write this email. 6. They agreed ………………. (give) us thirty more days to pay the invoice. 7. The transport company deny …………….. (cause) the damage. 8. Their negotiating position was very rigid. They refused …………….. (compromise). 9. I saw him …………… (unpack) the goods, and there was no damage visible. 10. I can’t imagine her ………..(drive) a car. 11. The girl go on …………(read) the book. 12. He agreed …………. (buy) his son a new CD player. 13. The problem is easy ………..(solve). 14. The man asked me how …………(get) to the bank. 15. I look forward to ……….(see) you at the weekend. 16. Are you thinking of …………(visit) New York? 17. We decided ……….. (stay) in that beautiful town. 18. The teacher expected Michael ………….(study) hard. 19. He doesn’t mind …………(work) the night shift. 20. I learned …………(ride) a bike at the age of 6. 21. When I’m tired, I enjoy ……. television. It’s relaxing. (watch) 22. It was a nice day, so we decided ……. for a walk. (go) 23. It’s a nice day. Does anyone fancy …….. for a walk? (go) 24. I’m not in a hurry. I don’t mind ……. (wait) 25. They don’t have much money. They can’t afford …… out very often. (go) 26.I wish that dog would stop …….. It’s driving me mad. (bark) 27. Our neighbour threatened …….the police if we didn’t stop the noise. (call) 28. We were hungry, so I suggested ……. dinner early. (have) 29. Hurry up! I don’t want to risk ……the train. (miss) 30. I’m still looking for a job but I hope …….. something soon. (find)

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1.It’s no use ……………… (talk) to Bob; he won’t change his mind. 2. She will ……………………….. (return) the books next weekend. 3. It was good of you …………………………………………… (help) me fix my bicycle. 4. The man suggested …………………………………………. (call) the police in, to investigate. 5. I can’t get used to ……………………….. (live) in such a hot country. 6. He admitted ……………………………….. (rob) the bank. 7. You had better ……………………….. (hurry), or you’ll be late for work. 8. They refused …………………………………. (give) me my money back. 9. She is too short …………………………… (become) a fashion model. 10. My parents let me ……………………….. (stay) up late at weekends. 11. Our teacher makes us ………………………. (do) homework every evening. 12. The kitchen windows need …………………….. (clean). 13. They have begun ……………………………. (make) preparations for the party. 14. He advised her ……………………. (speak) to her boss. 15. I dislike ………………………… (go) to the theatre alone. 16. Mr. Roberts was seen ……………………. (leave) his house at 12:15 last night. 17. My sister can’t stand ……………………………… (watch) horror films. She gets terribly scared. 18. Can you imagine ……………………………. (spend) your holidays on the moon? 19. There’s no point in ………………………….. (call) again. There’s no one at home. 20. I don’t allow people …………………… (smoke) in my house. 21. It was silly of you ………………………. (forget) to lock the door. 22. He risks ……………………… (lose) his wallet when he leaves it on his desk.

Exercise 10. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1.A: Is Anne in the room? B: Yes. I can see her ……………….. (dance) with her husband over there. 2. A: Did you see the robber? B: Yes. I saw him ……………………… (get) into the car and drive away. 3. A: Is John here today? B: Yes. I heard him ………………………. (talk) on the phone as I walked past his office. 4. A: Colin is good at speaking in public, isn’t he? B: Yes. I heard him ……………………………… (make) a speech last month. It was excellent. 5. A: I walked past the sports centre today. B: So did I, and I stopped for a moment to watch some boys ………………………. (play) football. 6. A: Your hair looks great today. B: Thanks. I watched the hairdresser ………………….. (dry) it so I could learn how to do it myself. 7. A: That’s a music school, isn’t it? B: That’s right. I often hear the students ………………. (sing) as I walk past. 8. A: Did you stay until the end of the contest? B: Yes. I listened to the chairman ……………………. (announce) the results before I went home. 9. A: How do you know Tim is at home? B: I saw him ……………………… (cut) the grass as I was driving home. 10. A: How do you know that man stole the watch? B: I saw him ………………….. (put) it in his pocket and leave the shop without paying.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1.I’ll never forget ………………. (sail) down the Danube on that warm spring night last year. 2. Please don’t forget ………………………… (pay) the bill. 3. John said he remembers ………………………………….. (buy) the newspaper, but now he can’t find it. 4. Did you remember …………………………….. (post) my letters today? 5. Gloria regrets ………………………. (shout) at her sister. 6. I regret ………………………………….. (inform) you that we cannot give you your money back. 7. The students went on ………………………………. (write) for another hour. 8. After cleaning the windows, he went on ……………………….. (wash) the car. 9. We are sorry …………………………….. (announce) that the 7:15 train to Liverpool has been cancelled. 10. I’m sorry for …………………………….. (miss) your birthday party; I’ll make it up to you. 11. She stopped …………………………….. (go) to the gym after she had got back into shape. 12. They stopped ……………………………….. (have) a rest before they continued their journey. 13. They tried …………………………….. (open) the door, but it was stuck. 14. You should try ………………………………. (make) your own clothes. It’s much cheaper. 15. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean ………………………… (break) your vase. 16. Being a teacher means ……………………….. (correct) a lot of homework. 17. I like ……………………………… (tidy) my room at weekends because I don’t have time during the week. 18. They like ………………… (play) in the sea on hot days.

Exercise 12. Put in the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.Paul dared …………………….. (argue) with the police. 2. I can’t imagine …………………. (live) in the country. 3. We’ve decided……………………. (go) to the beach. 4. I stopped ………………….. (play) tennis when I got married. 5. I meant …………………….. (buy) some butter, but I forgot. 6. Did you promise ………………… (take) the children to the zoo? 7. Have the men finished …………………(repair) the roof yet? 8. I’d love ………………………… (visit) China. 9. You shouldn’t avoid …………………. (talk) about your problems. 10. Peter refused ………………………….. (help) us. 11. Would you prefer …………. (pay) now or later? 12. I couldn’t afford ……………. (live) in London. 13. Why does Peter keep ………………(talk) about his mother? 14. John hopes ……………………….. (go) to China next year.

Exercise 13. Insert a gerund or a to-infinitive as adequate. (When the two forms are possible, give both).

1. Are you ready _________(go) now? 2. He had nothing _________(say) about it. 3. Nobody really loves _________(work). 4. They ordered him _________ (leave) the room. 5. We couldn’t help _________(make) noise. 6. he went home _________(lunch). 7. He didn’t know _________(write) his name. 8. Do you really dislike _________(go) out in the evening? 9. We are going to start the class by _________(sing). 10. I hope _________ (see) him at the party. 11. After _________(work) all evening, I felt tired. 12. I find _________(read) really difficult on a bus. 13. It’s nice of you _________(come). 14. It’s difficult _________(keep) the class clean. 15. Stop _________(speak)! 16. They expect us _________(arrive) at seven. 17. Kate suggested _________(go) for a walk. 18. The car seemed _________(be) broken. 19. We don’t like _________(have) to do extra work. 20. I’d like _________(know) where they live. 21. They begged me _________(see) the photographs. 22. I’ve no idea which bus _________(take). 23. It has stopped _________(rain). 24. It was to cool _________(go) out. 25. Carol apologized for _________(be) late. 26. Can you tell me where _________(buy) a ticket? 27. I don’t mind _________(talk) to the young man. 28. They finally agreed _________(pay) half of the money in advance. 29. I’d like you _________(help) if you can. 30. He is afraid of _________(hurt) his knee. 31. They started _________(write) the lesson before the teacher came in. 32. My uncle has given up _________ (fish). 33. It was too early _________(know) the result of the game. 34. He won’t deny _________(be) there on the occasion. 35. I asked him _________(leave). 36. Do you want _________(eat) all those cakes? 37. My secretary used to do a lot of _________(talk). 38. John likes _________(go) to the cinema in the evening. 39. We believe him _________(be) the cleverest of all. 40. She wasn’t at all surprised_________(find) that they had gone.

Exercise 14. Read the stories and fill in the gaps with verbs from the box in the correct form.

Chew give up go hop keep away know lie smoke feed

The doors were Just about to close on my underground train when 1 saw a pigeon ……… in. The tourists wanted ………………………………… with crisps, but the bird wasn’t interested. It appeared ………………………………….. where it was going and as soon as the doors opened at the next station, it new out. If you want to give up …………………………………., you art recommended not …………………………………..electrical cables to help. An Australian builder chewed almost a meter of cable a day for ten years, and found it had a sweet and pleasant taste. Unfortunately the cables he was eating contained lead and last year doctors found the lead levels in the man’s blood were three times the safety limit. Fortunately, his blood is now back to normal but he has failed ………………… smoking. On 29 January a worried resident of Tilehurst Berkshire saw a cobra ……………………………. motionless by the side of the road. He rang the local animal hospital who told him not …………………………..near it. As the man waited for help he warned other people …………………………… . When a man arrived from the animal hospital in full protective clothing and approached the snake, he realized it was an old car exhaust pipe.

Exercise 15. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of a verb from the box followed by an appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

begin(2) go on(2) keep manage need remember tend try want Have I ever told you about the time 1 ruined a new engine? Well, I …….…… (get) a bigger car because the children ……………………………..(get) bigger, so we ………………….. (look) and we …………………… (find) one quite quickly. A few days after I bought it I ………………………………..(put) some fuel in it, so I stopped at a petrol station and started to fill it up. I ………………………………(not notice) what I’m doing in petrol stations and I ………………….just …………(fill up) paying and driving off. Soon the engine …………………………………. (make) the most awful noise, and I ………………………………… (stop) and starting a couple of times but it just ………………………………….(get) worse, so I pulled in at another garage and of course found out that I’d put diesel in a petrol car. Because I’d …………………………………. (drive) the engine needed 500 pounds’ worth of work. Only a week or two old, too.

Exercise 16. Complete this conversation between Janet and Sharon with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Janet: What do your children ………………(want/ do) when they leave school?

Sharon: Well, Ann ………………… (enjoy/write), so she’s …………………..…. (hope/work) for a newspaper. But I don’t know about Paul. He ……………………… (give up/ study) months ago. He seems to ……………..…….. (enjoy/ do) nothing now. He doesn’t …………….. (deserve/ pass) his exams. And he ……………….. (refuse/ listen) to us, when we tell him to ……………… (keep/ study).

Janet: With our children, in the past, if we ……………………. (offer/ help) them, they always …………… (promise/study) hard. Nowadays if they ……………………….. (want/ talk) to us, that’s fine, but I’ve learnt to ……………………… (stop/ ask) them questions. I suppose they ………………………. (dislike/ listen) to my suggestions. They ……………………… (seem/ think) that they don’t ……………………. (need/ study) hard, but one day they’ll ……………………….. (have/find) a job.

Exercise 17. Use gerund or infinitive of the word in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. You say that I’ve met Janet, but I can’t remember her. I can’t remember …………………..(meet) her. 2. Please remember that you must buy some stamps. Please remember ………………… (buy) some stamps. 3. We wanted to open the door, but we couldn’t. We tried ………………(open) the door. 4. John met Madonna once. He’ll never forget it. John will never forget ……………… (meet) Madonna, 5. Sheila intended to phone Peter, but she forgot. Sheila forgot ……………. (phone) Peter. 6. Jenny had a headache. She took an aspirin, but it didn’t help. Jenny tried …………… (take) an aspirin for her headache. 7. I have a special soap that will probably get your hands clean. Try ………………….. (wash) your hands with this special soap. 8. It will not be easy to do all the work today. Well try ……………….. (finish) the work before tonight. 9. I stayed in Jane’s flat while she was on holiday. I remembered that I had to feed her cats every day. I remembered …………….. (feed) Jane’s cats every day while she was on holiday. 10. Remember that you must invite Mary to the party next week. Don’t forget ………………….. (invite) Mary to the party’ next week.

Exercise 18. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

My neighbour, Mr Mason, loves 1) …………… (spend) time in his garden. He would rather 2) ……………………… (work) outside than stay indoors, even when it is snowing! Early in the morning, you can 3) …………………….. (see) Mr Mason 4) ……………………….. (eat) breakfast in his garden, and late at night he is there again, with a cup of cocoa in his hand. I’d like 5) ……………………………. (help) sometimes when there is lots of work to do, but Mr Mason prefers 6) ………………………… (do) everything himself. He doesn’t mind 7) …………………………. (get) cold and wet in the winter, and his wife says it’s no use 8) ………………… (try) to make him wear a waterproof jacket because he hates 9) ……………………… (wear) them! Mr Mason says he will go on 10) ……………………….. (garden) until he is too old 11) ………………… (do) it!

Exercise 19. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

1.I don’t know what 1) ………………. (do) at the weekend. I fancy 2) ………………. (go) to the cinema, but none of my friends enjoy 3) ……………….. (watch) films very much. 2. Paul had his driving test today. He tried 1) …………………………. (not/make) any mistakes, but he failed. He expects 2) ………………………….. (pass) the test the next time he takes it. 3. Tom often goes 1) ………………………….. (walk) at the weekends. He doesn’t like 2) ………………….. (take) anyone with him because he prefers 3) ……………………………… (be) alone while he walks. 4. We had better 1) ……………………….. (hurry) home tonight because our parents have promised 2) ………………………… (take) us out for dinner. I don’t know why they want 3) …………………… (eat) out, but we must 4) ……………………….. (arrive) home on time. 5. James is rich and can afford 1) ………………….. (buy) expensive things. He is always willing 2) …………….. (lend) money to people who need it, because he enjoys 3) ……………………… (help) others. 6. My parents let me 1) …………………………. (stay) at my friend’s house last weekend. They agreed 2) ………………………….. (take) me in the car and they made me 3) ……………………….. (promise) to behave myself. It was a great weekend!

Exercise 20. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form.

Dear Jessica, How are you? I’m busy. 1) ………………. (study) for my exam which is next week, but I’ve decided 2) …………………….. (take) a break and 3) ……………………. (write) you a letter. 4) ……………………….. (read) so many notes and 5) ……………………….. (learn) so many facts is making me very tired. I can’t wait 6) ……………………….. (finish) my course! Then, I can start 7) ………………………….. (look) for a good job. Sophie started her new job last month. 8) ……………………………….. (work) at the hospital suits her — she loves 9) ……………………………. (look) after people. She hopes 10) …………………….. (stay) in this job for a couple of years and then she intends 11) ……………………. (try) for a promotion. By the way, how are you getting on now that you are a manager? I forgot. 12) …………………… (congratulate) you when I saw you. Anyway, I’ve got to go now. Write soon and tell me all your news, won’t you? Best Wishes, Maggie.

Exercise 21. Put the necessary participle.

  1. Девочка, зовущая меня, моя сестра.

The girl … me is my sister.

2. Он смотрел на женщину, сидящую за столом.

He looked at the woman … at the table.

3. Текст, переведенный учеником, — легкий.

The text … by the pupil is easy.

4. Идя в школу, я встретил дядю.

… to school, I met my uncle.

5. Они увидели бегущих спортсменов.

They saw … sportsmen.

6. Написав письмо, он пошел на работу.

… the letter, he went to work.

7. Он стоял, смотря игру.

He stood … the game.

8. Закончив работу, он пошел домой.

… the work, he went home.

9. Уходя на работу, он забыл сумку.

… for work, he forgot to take his bag.

10. Это статья, описывающая политические события.

This is an article … the political events.

Exercise 22. Put the necessary participle: Present Participle Perfect Participle.

  1. (to live) in the south of our country, he can not enjoy the beauty of Moscow.

  2. (to read) the story, she closed the book and put it on the shelf.

  3. (to buy) some fruit and cakes, we went home.

  4. (to sit) near the fire, he felt very warm.

  5. (to sell) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends.

  6. (to sell) his fruit, he went to see his friends.

  7. (to write) out and (to learn) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily.

  8. (to look) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about UFOs.

  9. (to do) homework he was thinking hard.

  10. (to do) homework he went for a work.

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