Asus pce ac66 windows 10 driver

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ASUS PCE-AC66 Wireless Driver Windows 10 Download

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wireless Wifi Driver Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP Download .. We are providing you latest ASUS WLAN card driver for your amazing laptop. first choose your operating system, then find your device name and click the download button. We hope with our information can help you. And may your computer, Laptop.

802.11ac Dual-band Wireless-AC1750 PCI-E Adapter

5th generation 802.11ac chipset gives you dual-band 2.4GHz/5GHz for up to super-fast 1.30Gbps
Flexible extended antenna placement helps you pinpoint the best reception in your environment.
Instant Wi-Fi upgrade for your desktop: no more messy Ethernet cables needed.
High-power design clears up dead zones with 150% greater coverage
Custom heatsink dissipates heat for more stable and reliable non-stop operation

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Windows (32-bit & 64-bit):

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Windows 10 (32bit), (64bit)

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Windows 8.1 (32bit), (64bit)

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Windows 8 (32bit), (64bit)

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Windows 7 (32bit), (64bit)
ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Windows XP (32bit), (64bit)

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Mac:

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Mac OS X 10.7 / 10.8 / 10.9 / 10.10 / 10.11


ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Linux:

ASUS PCE-AC66 Wifi Drivers For Linux Kernel


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  5. ASUS PCE-AC66 802.11ac Network Adapter


  • ASUS PCE-AC66 802.11ac Network Adapter

    (07 ноя 2013)

    Файл *.inf:

    Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10

В каталоге нет драйверов для ASUS PCE-AC66 802.11ac Network Adapter под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

Драйверы для ASUS PCE-AC66 802.11ac Network Adapter собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе ASUS PCE-AC66 802.11ac Network Adapter (сетевые устройства).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на ASUS PCE-AC66 802.11ac Network Adapter для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.

Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11

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  • Question

  • Has anyone successfully installed the wireless card ASUS PCE-AC66 on Windows 10 build 10162?

    I have tried the following from ASUS:

    Windwos 8 64bit — PCE-AC66 utility (includes driver)   (I ran the and the install — says there’s no card, but it shows up in devices, without a driver associated to it)  The
    install did crash a few times and I uninstalled / reinstalled and successful the 2nd time.

    I also tried the Windows 7 64bit driver and Windows 10 does not like it.

    Thanks in advance,



  • Hi,

    Try this, when your wireless card can be seen in Device Manager and its driver can not be installed.
    1) [Device Manager] > Right click on
    2) then reboot your system(device will be found autmatically)
    3) install utility(includes driver) for Windows 8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit, sutable for your OS)


    • Marked as answer by

      Sunday, July 5, 2015 8:13 PM


  1. PCE-AC66
  2. Поддержка самого быстрого стандарта Wi-Fi – 802.11ac
  3. Современная функциональность
  4. Увеличенная зона действия
  5. Беспроводной интерфейс для любого компьютера
  6. Гибкое размещение антенн
  7. Эффективное охлаждение
  8. Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 Driver Download
  9. Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 Driver Details:
  10. Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 Download Stats:
  11. Direct Download Success Stats:
  12. Installation Manager Success Stats:
  14. 1. Direct Download
  15. 2. Driver Installation Manager
  16. Other drivers most commonly associated with Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 problems:
  17. Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function
  18. These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*
  19. Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Sony VPCF11E4E — Windows 7 64 bit
  20. Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Sony VGN-NS120AH — Windows 7 32 bit


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Поддержка самого быстрого стандарта Wi-Fi – 802.11ac

ASUS PCE-AC66 – это беспроводной адаптер нового стандарта Wi-Fi 802.11ac, который обеспечивает скорость передачи данных на уровне 1,3 Гбит/с. В комплект поставки устройства входит внешняя база для установки антенн, которую можно поставить в наиболее подходящем для оптимальной работы адаптера месте.

Современная функциональность

Поддержка стандарта 802.11ac, реализованная с помощью чипсетов Broadcom, означает, что PCE-AC66 уже сейчас дает возможность всем пользователям насладиться преимуществами новой технологии, которую относят к пятому поколению беспроводных средств коммуникации. Кроме того, этот адаптер обратно совместим со всеми предыдущими версиями Wi-Fi.

Увеличенная зона действия

PCE-AC66 может похвастать увеличенным радиусом действия беспроводного модуля, что способствует стабильной передаче данных и устранению «мертвых зон».

Беспроводной интерфейс для любого компьютера

Адаптер PCE-AC66 выполнен в форм-факторе платы расширения с интерфейсом PCI Express, поэтому он подключается непосредственно к материнской плате и не требует отдельного блока питания. С его помощью можно реализовать беспроводной интерфейс Wi-Fi в любом стационарном компьютере.

Гибкое размещение антенн

Три съемные антенны адаптера PCE-AC66 можно установить либо непосредственно на его крепежной планке, либо на входящей в комплект поставки внешней базе с магнитным основанием. В последнем случае имеется возможность гибкого выбора места для антенн, чтобы добиться максимально уверенного приема и передачи беспроводного сигнала.

Эффективное охлаждение

За охлаждение устройства отвечает алюминиевый радиатор, который не только способствует стабильной работе адаптера в любых условиях, но и добавляет в его облик эстетический элемент.

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 Driver Download

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 Driver Details:

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 File Name:

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 Driver Version: 670-9xL

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 ZIP Size: 142.kb

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 now has a special edition for these Windows versions: Windows 7, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7 32 bit, Windows 10, Windows 10 64 bit,, Windows 10 32 bit, Windows 8, Windows 7 Home Basic 64bit, Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 32bit, Windows 10 IoT 32bit, Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit, Windows 10 S 32bit,

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 Download Stats:

Direct Download Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 214/286 Users

Success Reported By 26/214 Users

Driver Download Score68/100

Driver Installation Score61/100

Overall preformance Score68/100

Installation Manager Success Stats:

Reports Issued By 5960/6149 Users

Success Reported By 5521/5960 Users

Driver Download Score90/100

Driver Installation Score91/100

Overall preformance Score80/100


1. Direct Download

This option requires basic OS understanding.
Select Your Operating System, download zipped files, and then proceed to
manually install them.
Recommended if Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 is the only driver on your PC you wish to update.

2. Driver Installation Manager

This option requires no OS understanding.
Automatically scans your PC for the specific required version of Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 + all other outdated drivers, and installs them all at once.

Other drivers most commonly associated with Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 problems:

Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 may sometimes be at fault for other drivers ceasing to function

These are the driver scans of 2 of our recent wiki members*

Scan performed on 4/26/2019, Computer: Sony VPCF11E4E — Windows 7 64 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:10/20

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Toshiba TOSHIBA x64 ACPI-Compliant Value Added Logical and General Purpose Device Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Mice And Touchpads
Microsoft Logitech USB Wheel Mouse Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Logicool Logitech HID-compliant Unifying Mouse Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Usb Devices
HTC ADB Up To Date and Functioning
Hewlett-Packard Officejet J4680 (DOT4USB) Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
ASUSTek Philips SAA713X, Hybrid Capture Device Up To Date and Functioning
Realtek AzureWave AW-CA100/100D Up To Date and Functioning
Dolby Laboratories Audio Device on High Definition Audio Bus Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Network Cards
Qualcomm Atheros Option GTM67x PCIe WiFi Adapter Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Microsoft Keyboard Device Filter Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Hard Disk Controller
Ricoh Ricoh SD/MMC Controller Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 2 Up To Date and Functioning
Nokia S60 Handset Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 5 Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Canon Canon MP495 ser Outdated
Video Cards
NVIDIA NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Up To Date and Functioning
Input Devices
Microsoft Microsoft Hardware USB Mouse Up To Date and Functioning
Port Devices
hspa Modem Application3 port (COM6) Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Outdated

Scan performed on 4/25/2019, Computer: Sony VGN-NS120AH — Windows 7 32 bit

Outdated or Corrupted drivers:8/21

Device/Driver Status Status Description Updated By Scanner
Intel Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Chipset Processor to DRAM Controller — 2A40 Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Mice And Touchpads
WheelMouse USB Advanced Wheel Mouse Up To Date and Functioning
A4Tech A4Tech USB Port Mouse Up To Date and Functioning
Synaptics Mouse compatible PS/2 Outdated
Usb Devices
Intel(R) Q35 Express Chipset Processor to I/O Controller — 29B0 Up To Date and Functioning
Sound Cards And Media Devices
Realtek Dispositivo High Definition Audio Up To Date and Functioning
Network Cards
Atheros LAN-Express AS IEEE 802.11g miniPCI Adapter Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Microsoft HID Keyboard Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Hard Disk Controller
Intel SATA AHCI -vakio-ohjain Up To Date and Functioning
Mad Catz Programmable Support for Mouse Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 3 Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External Flat Panel Driver 1 Up To Date and Functioning
Intel Intel(r) AIM External TV Encoder Driver 2 Up To Date and Functioning
Garmin Garmin USB GPS Up To Date and Functioning
ACEECA Palm Handheld Up To Date and Functioning
Cameras, Webcams And Scanners
Canon Canon MP495 ser Up To Date and Functioning
Video Cards
Intel(R) HD Graphics Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Input Devices
Lenovo Lenovo USB Optical Wheel Mouse (HID) Corrupted By Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66
Port Devices
Huawei HUAWEI Mobile Connect — USB Device (COM8) Up To Date and Functioning
Sony Digital Flat Panel (1024×768) Outdated
Mobile Phones And Portable Devices
Acer NOKIA Up To Date and Functioning
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 44072 For Windows 7 32 bit 11/16/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-44072.exe 98kb Sony VGN-NS20M_S, IBM 6830TBG, Fujitsu D2364-A3, Toshiba Dynabook EX1/524CMEWD, Packard Bell IMEDIA X5609 BE, Sony VGNFW490JFT, EDsys EPROI5120W7P, Lenovo ThinkCentre M78, LG T1-5224A3, Dell OptiPlex GX1 500MTbr+, Gateway 510 2900039, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 B2.10309 For Windows 7 64 bit 2/21/2015 12/27/2016 all_drivers-b2.10309.exe 21kb Sony VGN-NS220TH, Panasonic CF-19FJGAXNE, Samsung R470/R420, Sony PCG-U101, Panasonic CF-30KCPRQAM, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 K81.1980 For Windows 7 10/11/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-k81.1980.exe 38kb Lenovo 1S1680036940055, HP HP Pavilion dv9870 Notebook PC, HP Presario 2200, Dell Precision T7610, Sony SVT13136CWS, Packard Bell IMEDIA X9678 AIO, IBM 26721LG, Gateway 7310MC, Fujitsu LifeBook A6120, HP P7-1012, HP HDX9300, Acer AS5737Z, NEC PC-VJ12EBBCHCLD, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 63062.1 For Windows 10 12/23/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-63062.1.exe 88kb Sony VGX-TP1V, Sony VGN-NS220TH, HP HP dx2000 MT, Lenovo 37612EG, Lenovo 099343G, Lenovo 6066W8R, Cybernet Manufacturing DeskBook, Packard Bell ISTART 2150, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 T43092 For Windows 10 64 bit 11/17/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-t43092.exe 112kb Fujitsu CELSIUS R610, Lenovo 2999A32, Toshiba Dynabook T552/47FR, Fujitsu PRIMERGY TX150 S7, HP PS351AA-B1U, Compaq Presario 7RPM11 195749-999, Panasonic FZ-G1AABJB1M, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 1.102.19 For Windows 7 32 bit 1/13/2015 12/28/2016 all_drivers-1.102.19.exe 141kb Gigabyte P35-S3G, Sony VPCSE23FX, Notebook MIM 2270, Packard Bell IMEDIA D5230 BE, Compaq FZ090AA-ABF SR5605FR, ASUS G750JW, Panasonic CF-Y5LW8AXS, Panasonic CF-74GCDDDBM, Packard Bell IMEDIA H7612, Lenovo 3000 N100 Notebook, HP KE485AA-UUZ, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 71.12.100 For Windows 7 64 bit 3/4/2015 12/30/2016 all_drivers-71.12.100.exe 160kb HP HP 2133, MSI PR420, SIEMENS MC PC BOX V5 CPB, NEC PC-MY18XAZ7HM95, SAMSUN 770Z5E/780Z5E, Sony VGN-AW41XH_Q, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 21.172.16 For Windows 7 11/2/2014 12/29/2016 all_drivers-21.172.16.exe 99kb Seneca T69968, HP ED737AA-ABS, Packard Bell EASYNOTE PB62S00106, Seneca Pro64601, Panasonic CF-53AAC28FG, Lenovo 7373WG6, HP M8417c-ABA m8417c, Epson AT970-KD2, Sony VGN-NS31S_S, Medion E5218, Lenovo 20ARA024KR, Fujitsu FMVNA1S3E, HP KZ738AA-ABE, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 A80801.1 For Windows 10 11/29/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers-a80801.1.exe 51kb Sony VPCJ126FJ, HP RX884AA-ABA m8040, WIPRO WSG37455W7-0082, Medion X9613, Acer AX1430G, Sony VOA, Toshiba Dynabook CX/45AB, ARCELIK 1PF-ANB 586D1 MT, and more.
Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 For Windows 10 64 bit 9/3/2014 12/30/2016 all_drivers- 208kb Alienware Alienware X51, IBM IBM eServer 206m -[8485PEE, HP GT690AA-AB4 IQ780d, HP HP Pavilion ze2000, HP GU613AA-ACB, Panasonic CF-SX3TETBR, Compaq DD376A-ABX 6660. FI110, ASUS B400AV, and more.

Please Note: There are particular operating systems known to have problems with Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66:

  • Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB
  • Windows 10 Enterprise
  • Windows 10 Education
  • Windows RT
  • Windows Vista Home Premium
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 10 IoT
  • Windows XP Home Edition, for home desktops and laptops
  • Windows 7 Home Premium

If you encounter problems with the direct download for these operating systems, please consult the driver download manager for the specific Asus Wireless Card Pce-ac66 model.

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