В связи со сложившейся ситуацией и по причинам, не зависящим от компании Wacom, в настоящее время Wacom не имеет возможности предлагать онлайн-сервисы в России. Если Вас затронули ограничения, посетите страницу wacom.ru/support для получения дополнительной информации.
Ресурсы по продуктам
Здесь представлены драйверы, сертификаты, руководства и сведения о гарантии для продукта.
Найдите свой продукт ниже или просто загрузите новейший драйвер.
Найдите ниже ресурсы для своего продукта
Для начала выполните поиск по названию продукта или номеру модели либо выберите категорию своего продукта. Где я могу найти номер своей модели
Примените для поиска своего продукта другое ключевое слово или воспользуйтесь указанными ниже категориями
Нужна дополнительная помощь? Посетите нашу страницу поддержки
Либо для начала выберите категорию своего продукта.
Графические компьютеры
Автономный перьевой Windows компьютер
Интерактивные дисплеи
Pen input display for a computer
Графические планшеты
Pen input device for a computer
Планшеты Smartpad
Бумажные блокноты для оцифровки рукописного ввода
Цифровые перья для планшетов iPad, Android или Windows
Планшеты для подписи
Устройства для оцифровки рукописных подписей
Перья, подставки и многое другое
Где найти номер модели (артикул товара)?
Номер модели начинается с трех букв, дефиса и следующих за ними 3–4 цифр. Например: CTH-690. Его можно найти на упаковке или на обратной стороне продукта.
На изображениях указано расположение номера модели на упаковке.
На изображениях указано расположение номера модели на обратной стороне продукта.
Как устанавливать обновления из Wacom Center
Если Wacom Center включен, в него можно попасть из панели задач Windows или из панели быстрого запуска Mac.
Если Wacom Center не включен
В ОС Windows его можно открыть из меню «Пуск», зайдя в папку Wacom Tablet («Планшет Wacom») и выбрав Wacom Center
Чтобы открыть Wacom Center в ОС Mac, следует открыть Launchpad из Dock и выбрать «Wacom Center»
Для просмотра доступных обновлений (если таковые есть) для своего продукта нажмите на значок «Настройки»
и опцию «Общие настройки».
Важно: для просмотра имеющихся обновлений Ваш продукт Wacom должен быть подключен к Вашему компьютеру.
Если обновления имеются, нажмите кнопку Установить обновление и следуйте всем инструкциям по обновлению драйвера или продукта.
macOS Драйвер 6.4.1-1 (macOS 10.15–13)
— 151 MB10.01.2023
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-9 (macOS 10.15–13)
— 145 MB21.11.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-8 (macOS 10.15–13)
— 145 MB15.11.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-6 (macOS 10.15–12)
— 145 MB12.10.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.4.0-5 (macOS 10.15–12)
— 145 MB28.09.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.46-2 (macOS 10.14–12)
— 116 MB23.08.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.46-1 (macOS 10.14–12)
— 116 MB29.03.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.45-3 (macOS 10.14–12)
— 114 MB16.02.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.44-2 (macOS 10.13–12)
— 113 MB12.10.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.44-1 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 113 MB03.08.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.43-3 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 109 MB18.05.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.42-1 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 111 MB26.01.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.41-2 (macOS 10.13–11)
— 97.2 MB06.10.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.40-2 (macOS 10.12–10.15)
— 94.0 MB29.06.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.39-1 (macOS 10.12–10.15)
— 94.7 MB27.04.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.38-3 (macOS 10.12–10.15)
— 96.4 MB19.12.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.37-3 (macOS 10.11–10.15)
— 90.0 MB21.10.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.36-2 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 90.2 MB15.08.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.35-2 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 89.8 MB20.06.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.34-2 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 87.4 MB16.05.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.33-5 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 87.0 MB26.03.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.32-4 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 80.9 MB17.01.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.31-6 (macOS 10.11–10.14)
— 83.7 MB14.11.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.29-6 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 77.5 MB15.03.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.28-2 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 77.8 MB22.02.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.27-2 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 76.2 MB19.12.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.25-2 (macOS 10.11–10.13)
— 71.7 MB11.10.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.24-1 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 93.8 MB31.08.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.23-4 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 91.0 MB20.07.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.22-3 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 90.5 MB18.05.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.21-8 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 97.3 MB11.04.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.20-11 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 93.1 MB08.02.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
macOS Драйвер 6.3.19-10 (macOS 10.10–10.12)
— 92.0 MB27.12.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.18-4 (macOS 10.9–10.12)
— 85.9 MB14.10.2016
macOS Драйвер 5.3.7-6 (macOS 10.9–10.12)
— 27 MB12.10.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.17-5 (macOS 10.9–10.11)
— 95.7 MB27.07.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.16-12 (macOS 10.9–10.11)
— 96.2 MB02.06.2016
macOS Драйвер 6.3.15-3 (macOS 10.8–10.11)
— 96.2 MB21.12.2015
macOS Драйвер 6.3.14-2 (macOS 10,8–10,10)
— 95.8 MB28.08.2015
macOS Драйвер 6.3.11-3a (macOS 10,8–10,10)
— 138 MB06.03.2015
macOS Драйвер 5.3.6-6 (macOS 10.8–10.11)
— 29 MB07.01.2015
macOS Драйвер 6.3.10w2 (macOS 10,8–10,10)
— 123.0 MB06.11.2014
macOS Драйвер 6.3.9w5 (macOS 10.7–10.9)
— 127.9 MB10.10.2014
macOS Драйвер 5.3.5-4 (macOS 10.7–10.10)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.8-2 (macOS 10.7–10.9)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.7-1 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.3.3-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.6-4 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.5-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.3.2-2 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.3.0-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.4-3 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.6-5 (macOS 10.6–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.3-3 (macOS 10.5–10.8)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.2-4 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.3.1w2 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.2.0w4 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.7-5 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.5-3 (macOS 10.5–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.4-4 (macOS 10.4–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.6-4 (macOS 10.4–10.7)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.3-4 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.5-2 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.4-2 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.3-3 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.2-5 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.1-3 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 5.2.0-6 (macOS 10.4–10.6)
macOS Драйвер 5.1.1-1 (macOS 10.4–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.1-2 (macOS 10.4–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 6.1.0-7 (macOS 10.4–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 6.08-2 (macOS 10.3–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 5.08-2 (macOS 10.3–10.5)
macOS Драйвер 5.05-3 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 6.05-3 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 6.04-2 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 5.03-3 (macOS 10.3–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.96-3 (macOS 10.2–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.95-1 (macOS 10.2–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.79-2 (macOS 10.2–10.4)
macOS Драйвер 4.78-2 (macOS 9)
Windows Драйвер 6.4.1-3 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 108 MB24.01.2023
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.1-2 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 108 MB10.01.2023
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.0-11 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 106 MB21.11.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.0-10 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 106 MB12.10.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.4.0-8 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 106 MB28.09.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.46-2 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 30.2 MB23.08.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.46-1 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 30.9 MB29.03.2022
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.45-1 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 29.5 MB16.12.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.44-3 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 29.0 MB12.10.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.44-1 (Windows 7, 8, 10, & 11) (64-bit)
— 28.8 MB03.08.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.43-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10) (64-bit)
— 30.2 MB18.05.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.42-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10) (64-bit)
— 31.7 MB26.01.2021
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.41-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10) (64-bit)
— 38.5 MB06.10.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.40-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.3 MB06.10.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.40-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.3 MB29.06.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.39-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 39.4 MB27.04.2020
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.38-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.9 MB17.12.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.37-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 37.6 MB21.10.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.36-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.5 MB15.08.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.35-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.7 MB20.06.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.34-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.7 MB16.05.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.33-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 60.2 MB14.03.2019
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.32-4 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.9 MB20.12.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.31-4 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 58.9 MB25.09.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.29-6 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 57.3 MB03.04.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.28-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 57.2MB22.02.2018
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.27-2 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 56.2MB19.12.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.25-5 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 51.5MB19.10.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.24-5 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 75.3MB18.09.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.23-1 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 76.0MB06.07.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.22-6 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 74.9MB01.06.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.21-10 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 73.4MB06.04.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.20-7 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 73.0MB08.02.2017
— Информация о новой версииСкачать
Windows Драйвер 6.3.19-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 72.3MB12.12.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.18-5 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 79.6MB28.10.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.17-3 (Windows 7, 8, & 10)
— 79.6 MB27.07.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.16-2 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, & 10)
— 78.4 MB27.04.2016
Windows Драйвер 6.3.15-3 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, & 10)
— 78.3 MB22.12.2015
Windows Драйвер 6.3.14-1 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, & 10)
— 78.2 MB28.08.2015
Windows Драйвер 5.3.5-3 (Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, 8, & 10)
— 38.2 MB20.08.2015
Windows Драйвер 6.3.11-4a (Windows XP, Vista, 7 &
— 143 MB02.03.2015
Windows Драйвер 6.3.10w2 (Windows XP, Vista, 7 &
— 100 MB10.09.2014
Windows Драйвер 6.3.9w3 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
— 77 MB18.08.2014
Windows Драйвер 6.3.8-4 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
— 37.7 MB21.04.2014
Windows Драйвер 5.3.3-2 (XP, Vista, 7, &
Windows Драйвер 6.3.6-3 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
Windows Драйвер 6.3.5-3 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.7-3 (Windows XP, Vista 7 и
Windows Драйвер 5.3.2-1 (Windows XP, Vista, 7, &
Windows Драйвер 6.3.4-3 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.3-4 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.2-3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.2w3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.3.1w3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.2.0w5 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.5-5a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.7-3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.4-6 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.6-7 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.3-4 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.1-6a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.5-3a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.4-3 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.3-5 (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.2-5 (Windows XP, Vista и 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.2.0-7a (Windows XP, Vista, & 7)
Windows Драйвер 5.1.1-1 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.1-3 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 6.1.0-6 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.1.0-4 (Windows XP & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.08-6 (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.05-7 (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 6.05-7 (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 5.03-3g (Windows 2000, XP, & Vista)
Windows Драйвер 4.97-6 (Windows 2000 и XP)
Windows Драйвер 4.95-6 (Windows 98SE, ME, 2000 и XP)
Windows Драйвер 4.93-3 (Windows 2000 и XP)
Windows Драйвер 4.78-6 (Windows 2000 и XP)
Вы ищете не это?
Windows 10,
Windows 7,
Windows 8 / 8.1
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320/1620/1321/1621 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-460, 660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos/Wacom Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Wacom One 13 | DTK133 |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Wacom Cintiq | DTK-1660/2260 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 | |
DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 | |
DTH-2242/2451/ |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Windows 10,
Windows 7,
Windows 8 / 8.1,
Windows Vista,
Windows XP
Bamboo One, Bamboo Pad, Bamboo Pen, Bamboo Pen&Touch
Вы искали драйвер для:
Wacom Co., Ltd
Код устройства: USBVID_056a&PID_0065
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Результаты поиска:
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Wacom Cintiq/Intuos 3/4/5/Pen/Pro/PL Driver | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2020-04-27 6.3.39-1 |
Wacom Cintiq/Intuos 3/4/5/Pen/Pro/PL Driver | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2020-03-30 6.3.41-1 6.3.40-3 |
Wacom Tablet Drivers | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2019-01-10 6.3.33-3 |
Wacom Tablet Drivers | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2018-05-23 6.3.30- 6.3.18- |
Wacom Driver 6.2.0w5 for USB Tablets | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2012-01-25 6.2.0w5 |
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Windows 10,
Windows 7,
Windows 8 / 8.1
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320, W1620 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320, 1620 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Cintiq 12WX | DTZ-1201W |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Cintiq 21UX 2 | DTK-2100 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141 | |
DTU-1631/1931/2231 | |
DTK-1651/2241 | |
DTH-2242 |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Windows 10,
Windows 7,
Windows 8 / 8.1,
Windows Vista,
Windows XP
Bamboo One, Bamboo Pad, Bamboo Pen, Bamboo Pen&Touch
Search by Device ID
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or Device ID, for example, PCIVEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_99EB1019
You were looking for:
Wacom Co., Ltd MTE-450 [Bamboo] USBVID_056a&PID_0065
Select the driver for your operating system and its bit. It is recommended to install a later version of the driver (see the release date).
To go to the download file, click on the link.
Searching results:
Driver | Operating system |
Driver Date Version |
Link | |
Wacom Cintiq/Intuos 3/4/5/Pen/Pro/PL Driver | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2020-04-27 v.6.3.39-1 |
Wacom Cintiq/Intuos 3/4/5/Pen/Pro/PL Driver | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2020-03-30 v.6.3.41-1 v.6.3.40-3 v. |
Wacom Tablet Drivers | Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2019-01-10 v.6.3.33-3 v. |
Wacom Tablet Drivers | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2018-05-23 v.6.3.30- v.6.3.18- |
Wacom Driver 6.2.0w5 for USB Tablets | Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64) |
2012-01-25 v.6.2.0w5 |
The Bamboo MTE-450A Tablet sports an elegant design, plus the rugged and elegant pen tablet is designed specifically for the mainstream home or office computer user. Bamboo makes it easy for users to personalize their workflow and collaborate with others by providing navigation and communication capabilities not available with typical input devices.
Four programmable ExpressKeys are situated on the tablet surface to customize commonly used commands, such as undo or copy, and a finger-sensitive Touch Ring has been positioned to allow for quick and easy zooming and scrolling. The textured work surface of the tablet provides an intuitive pen-on-paper feel, while the stylish and ergonomically designed pens allow users to experience seemingly unlimited levels of pressure sensitivity, to create variations of pen strokes, from fine lines to bold brush marks. Additionally, Bamboo works in both Mac and PC environments.
Wacom Bamboo MTE-450A Tablet Graphic Driver Download |
— 5.8″ x 3.7″ Active Area
— Pressure Sensitive
— Supports Widescreen Displays
— Finger-sensitive Touch Ring
Wacom Bamboo MTE-450A Tablet Graphic Driver Download For Windows And Mac
Wacom : Bamboo MTE-450A | Version : 0000 | Size : 38.2 MB | Date : 1/20/2014
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 7
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 8
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 10
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows Vista
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows XP
Wacom : Bamboo MTE-450A | Version : 5.3.7-6 | Size :27 MB | Date : 10/12/2016
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.12
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.9
You must install the driver for your device to work properly, unless your device comes with a pre-installed driver. Refer to the Quick Start Guide to discover if your device has a pre-installed driver or not.
Wacom suggests that before you install a new driver you should uninstall the present driver. After uninstalling, then you install the new driver. Download and save driver installation in an easy-to-find place (In case reinstallation in the future is needed which is not uncommon)
Tablet Driver Uninstallation
- Disconnect tablet.
- Uninstall current driver.
- Start >Control Panel >Add / Remove Programs >Wacom Tablet >Remove.
- Reboot PC.
- Remove left-over files and directories in C:Program Filestablet.
Tablet Driver Installation
- Reboot (If not you may get: THE TABLET DRIVER WAS NOT FOUND, or: Unable to load tablet drivers)
- Connect Wacom tablet Lights should go on. If you get: A supported tablet was not found in the system, the tablet is not connected.
- Touch tablet with pen. Lights should change. If not: the pen may be from a different tablet series or Intuos version.
- Test Wacom driver: Start >All Programs >Wacom Tablet Properties >About >Diagnose
- Observe that numbers change.
MovAlyzeR Input Device Setup
- Run MovAlyzeR Start>All Programs>NeuroScript>MovAlyzeR>MovAlyzeR
- Setup tablet for User Click Acquire. NOTE: Acquire may tell 100 Hz, but during recording it is 130 Hz Overwrite with 130 Hz.
- Rightclick your Experiment >Properties >Input Device. This needs done for EACH of your existing experiments.
- If needed settings can be overwritten per Subject: Rightclick your subject >Properties >Edit
What Is a Wacom Tablet?
A Wacom tablet is a type of input device for the computer that is extremely useful for all photographers and graphic designers. While the most common way of interacting with a computer is with a mouse and keyboard, this isn’t always the most intuitive. Editing or touching up photos with a mouse can be very time consuming. It’s much more natural for any artists or photographers to use a pen or brush to touch up their photographers. A Wacom Tablet provides photographers with this ability.
Wacom produces several tablet lines, three of which are marketed worldwide. Most are sold with a software bundle, such as ArtRage Lite, Corel Painter Essentials and Photoshop Elements, which take advantage of the tablet features. Each is sold with a compatible digital pen. Some pens feature buttons on the shaft or an «eraser» at the other end. Some models include a puck (mouse) based on the same technology. Software drivers for recent versions of Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows are included with most models. All current models of external tablets connect to computers via USB or Bluetooth.
How Wacom Tablets Work
The tablet works by plugging into a computer via a USB port. A stylus is similarly attached to the tablet. When a user draws a line with the stylus, the drawing does not show up on the tablet. Instead the action generates a signal that goes to a vertical grid of wires running across the tablet.
In touchscreen tablets , the whole monitor becomes the writing surface and the user interacts directly with the display instead of drawing on one surface and viewing on another.
The pen may be battery-powered or may have a cord. When a user draw a line using the stylus, the coil circuit transfers the signals to the main circuit inside the stylus. This calculates the number of lines-lengths, while the pressure sensitive capacitor measures the pressure of the lines. The data signal is generated by the stylus and detected by a grid of wires in the tablet called the sensor board.
The horizontal and vertical wires of the tablet operate as both transmitting and receiving coils. the tablet generates an electromagnetic signal, which is received by a circuit in the stylus. the stylus works as an antenna that receives the signal and generates another electromagnetic field that «talks» back to the tablet.
By using electromagnetic signals, the tablet is able to transfer the lines to the computer screen or display being used.
Stylus effect: These tablets come with different levels of sensitivity to pressure applied on the surface by the digitiser pen or stylus. Applied pressure on the drawing surface of the graphics tablet gives a mark or line its thickness. Pressing the digitiser pen hard against the drawing surface will result in the line or mark being very dark. Lightly touching the pen to the surface of the graphic tablet will result in a lighter mark or line. With pressure sensitivity, the user experiences a more natural approach to drawing on a computer.
Sizes: Wacom tablets come in various sizes, with the smallest being 7.6 cm by 12.8 inches and the larger tablets having more than these dimensions. The price of a Wacom pen and tablet varies with the size.
I have a Bamboo MTE-450 which is very old but still in very good working condition. I recently got a new hard drive and in the process upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 10. Upon installing fresh drivers and trying to open up Wacom Preferences in Control Panel, I get a message that says:
«ERROR — A supported tablet was not found on the system.»
The tablet is connected to the computer and works as a mouse, but I can’t use tablet mode or pressure sensitivity at all. It also shows up in Device Manager under Mice and other pointing devices as «HID-Compliant Mouse.»
I’ve tried reinstalling the drivers, using old drivers, and reinstalling the device, and the result is the same every time. I’ve seen from multiple sources online that something similar to «Wacom tablet» should show up in Device Manager under Human Interface Devices, but I have nothing of the sort. It’s also worth mentioning that I initially installed the latest driver from Wacom (6.3.32-4), which does not support Bamboos, and then went back and installed the older drivers (5.3.5-3) that do support Bamboos. I tried versions older than 5.3.5-3 as well.
This actually led to another problem, which is that I can’t uninstall the newer Wacom drivers (6.3.32-4), even though they show up as a separate program. I can go to Control Panel > Uninstall > Wacom Tablet > Uninstall > «Do want to allow this app to make changes…» > Yes > and then nothing happens. I don’t know if this is causing any problems that override the older drivers since I can still access both new and old configurators separately, but I would still like to be able to uninstall the newer drivers if I don’t need them.
Windows 10 x64 (up to date)
Intel Core i5-3330
Once again, Wacom Bamboo MTE-450
- Драйверы для графического планшета
- Драйверы
- Wacom Bamboo
- Об устройстве
- Установка драйвера
- Где и как скачать драйвера для графического планшета Wacom Bamboo
- Скачиваем драйвера для Wacom Bamboo
- Вариант 1: Официальный сайт производителя
- Вариант 2: С помощью специальной программы
- Вариант 3: Диспетчер устройств
- Вариант 4: Поиск по ID-устройства
- Drivers | Wacom
- Wacom CTH-480 Tablet Driver For Windows, Mac Download
- Wacom Intuos 2 Tablet Driver For Windows, Mac Download
- Wacom Bamboo MTE-450 Tablet Graphic Driver Download
- Wacom Bamboo MTE-450A Tablet Graphic Driver Download
- Wacom Intuos 5 Tablet Graphic Driver Download
Драйверы для графического планшета
Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы. Внимание для пользователей с MacOS 10.15 — ознакомьтесь с инструкцией для данной ОС
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320/1620/1321/1621 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320/1620/2420/3230 DTK-2420 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-460, 660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos/Wacom Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690, 4100, 6100 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Wacom One 13 | DTK133 |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Wacom Cintiq | DTK-1660/2260 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141/1152 | |
DTK-1651/2241/2451/2100 | |
DTH-2242/2451/ |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Скачайте последнюю версию драйвера Wacom для вашей операционной системы или пройдите к полному перечню для поиска драйвера предыдущих релизов.
Wacom MobileStudio Pro | DTH-W1320, W1620 |
Wacom Cintiq Pro | DTH-1320, 1620 |
Wacom Intuos Pro | PTH-660, 860 |
One by Wacom | CTL-471, 472, 671, 672 |
Intuos | CTL/CTH-480, 490, 680, 690 |
Intuos 4 | PTK-440, 640, 840, 1240, 540WL |
Intuos 5 | PTH/PTK-450, 650, 850 |
Intuos Pro | PTH-451, 651, 851 |
Cintiq 12WX | DTZ-1201W |
Cintiq 13HD | DTK/DTH-1300 |
Cintiq 21UX 2 | DTK-2100 |
Cintiq 22HD/24HD | DTK/DTH-2200/2400 |
Cintiq 27QHD | DTK/DTH-2700 |
Cintiq Companion | DTH-W1300 |
Cintiq Companion 2 | DTH-W1310 |
Cintiq Companion Hybrid | DTH-A1300 |
ExpressKey Remote | EKR-100 |
DTU-1031/1031X/1141 | |
DTU-1631/1931/2231 | |
DTK-1651/2241 | |
DTH-2242 |
Данные драйвера не подходят для планшетов серий Bamboo
Bamboo — это официальные драйвера, которые необходимы для распознавания и корректной работы графических планшетов одноименной серии от производителя Wacom. Подобный устройства чаще всего используются художниками и теми людьми, которым приходится часто выполнять ретуширование снимков. Само по себе программное обеспечение является универсальным и подходит практически для любых моделей гаджетов. То же самое касается и версии установленной операционной системы Windows. ПО работает на всех версиях «операционки» от Microsoft, начиная с XP и заканчивая Windows 10.
Об устройстве
Wacom Bamboo, на момент написания данного обзора, является одним из самых доступных графических планшетов на рынке. При этом подобные устройства отличаются высокой практичностью и обеспечивают неплохую точность позиционирования пера. Вследствие обоих этих фактов, гаджеты получили довольно широкое распространение.
Планшет подключается к десктопному компьютеру или ноутбуку посредством пора USB. На всякий случай производитель добавил соответствующий кабель в базовый комплект. Также Wacom Bamboo Pen & Touch может работать в беспроводном режиме, но для этого вам понадобятся дополнительные аксессуары, которые необходимо приобретать отдельно. Еще в комплект поставки входит перо, набор дополнительных наконечников и диск с официальным ПО. Если вы потеряли последний, ну или же в вашем компьютере отсутствует оптически дисковод (что бывает довольно часто), то скачать официальный драйвер можно с нашего сайта.
Установка драйвера
Процесс инсталляции программного обеспечения для Wacom Bamboo полностью автоматизирован. От пользователя требуется лишь запустить установщик и подождать порядка одной минуты. Подключать графический планшет к компьютеру перед началом инсталляции не обязательно.
Где и как скачать драйвера для графического планшета Wacom Bamboo
С помощью компьютера пользователи могут рисовать что-либо. Для этого вполне может быть достаточно Paint, который встроен в саму операционную систему, если речь идёт о примитивных задачах. Однако в случае с более сложными задачами и/или при необходимости рисовать что-либо часто, приходится пользоваться не только более профессиональными программами, но и профессиональными инструментами, например, графическими планшетами. Чтобы он работал нормально и без нареканий, для него нужно обязательно установить драйвера.
В ходе этой статьи мы рассмотрим, где можно скачать и установить драйвера для графического планшета Wacom Bamboo.
На самом деле найти и скачать нужные драйвера для графического планшета не так сложно, как это может показаться на первый взгляд. Мы подобрали несколько вариантов действий.
Вариант 1: Официальный сайт производителя
На официальном сайте компании Wacom пользователи могут найти драйвера для практически любых графических планшетов компании (за очень редким исключением). Поиск и скачивание нужных «дров» происходит по следующей инструкции:
На этом процесс установки драйвера для планшета Wacom Bamboo можно считать завершённым. Если вы считаете нужным, то можете дополнительно проверить, установился ли этот драйвер в систему или нет. Делается это по следующей инструкции:
Вариант 2: С помощью специальной программы
Сегодня есть несколько программ, позволяющих выполнить обновление драйверов на компьютере и скачать недостающие. Эти программы сканируют компьютер на предмет новых устройств и недостающего. Утилит подобной направленности сегодня предостаточно, но далеко не все из них являются безопасными.
Давайте в качестве примера рассмотрим, как работать с программой DriverPack Solution:
Стоит заметить, что этот способ не даёт 100% гарантии правильной установки драйверов, так как подобное ПО не всегда способно правильно распознать подключённый графический планшет Wacom Bamboo. В таком случае лучше всего использовать первый способ, описанный в статье для установки нужных драйверов.
Вариант 3: Диспетчер устройств
Данный способ можно отнести к одному из стандартных. С его помощью можно установить драйвера практически для любого устройства, в том числе и для графического планшета. Правда, он не всегда работает корректно, но всё же рассмотреть его стоит:
Вариант 4: Поиск по ID-устройства
Каждому устройству, подключаемому к компьютеру, даётся уникальный идентификатор в системе. Благодаря нему можно выполнить поиск драйверов на специализированных ресурсах и без проблем скачать и установить. Планшеты Wacom в данном случае не является исключением.
Из представленных в статье способов поиска драйверов лучше всего пользоваться самым первым, который предполагает поиск и скачивание нужного ПО с официального сайта Wacom. Дело в том, что в этом случае на компьютер также устанавливается и специальная программа, с помощью которой вы можете более тонко настроить свой графический планшет.
Drivers | Wacom
Wacom CTH-480 Tablet Driver Download For Windows And Mac
Wacom : CTH-480 | Version : 6.3.35-3 | Size : 58.74 MB | Date : 21/06/2019
DOWNLOAD Wacom CTH-480 For Windows 7
DOWNLOAD Wacom CTH-480 For Windows 8
DOWNLOAD Wacom CTH-480 For Windows 10
Wacom : CTH-480 | Version : 6.3.35-2 | Size : 89.8 MB | Date : 21/06/2019
DOWNLOAD Wacom CTH-480 For (Mac OS X 10.14, OS X 10.13)
DOWNLOAD Wacom CTH-480 For (Mac OS X v. 10.2, OS X 10.11)
How Wacom Tablets Work
The pen may be battery-powered or may have a cord. When a user draw a line using the stylus, the coil circuit transfers the signals to the main circuit inside the stylus. This calculates the number of lines-lengths, while the pressure sensitive capacitor measures the pressure of the lines. The data signal is generated by the stylus and detected by a grid of wires in the tablet called the sensor board.
The horizontal and vertical wires of the tablet operate as both transmitting and receiving coils. the tablet generates an electromagnetic signal, which is received by a circuit in the stylus. the stylus works as an antenna that receives the signal and generates another electromagnetic field that «talks» back to the tablet.
By using electromagnetic signals, the tablet is able to transfer the lines to the computer screen or display being used.
Stylus effect: These tablets come with different levels of sensitivity to pressure applied on the surface by the digitiser pen or stylus. Applied pressure on the drawing surface of the graphics tablet gives a mark or line its thickness. Pressing the digitiser pen hard against the drawing surface will result in the line or mark being very dark. Lightly touching the pen to the surface of the graphic tablet will result in a lighter mark or line. With pressure sensitivity, the user experiences a more natural approach to drawing on a computer.
Sizes: Wacom tablets come in various sizes, with the smallest being 7.6 cm by 12.8 inches and the larger tablets having more than these dimensions. The price of a Wacom pen and tablet varies with the size.
Wacom Intuos 2 Driver Download. Intuos2 features Wacom’s unique patented batteryless, cordless technology. With 1,024 levels of pen tip and eraser pressure sensitivity, nothing unlocks the power of Photoshop, Painter, Paint Shop Pro, Flash and other professional graphics applications like Intuos2. All Intuos2 pens also support pen tilt and bearing for completely natural feel and control.
Intuos2 Grip Pen: The Intuos2 Grip Pen features Wacom’s patented batteryless, cordless technology with 1,024 levels of pressure sensitivity. This cushioned pen reduces your grip effort by up to 40% so that you can work comfortably with less stress. Customers tell us that being able to use a pen helps them alleviate mouse and trackball induced repetitive stress injuries*.
Comfort and Ease of Use: Intuos2 comes in 5 sizes for every work style from 4″x5″ to 12″x18″. The tablet connects to your computer’s USB (or Serial) port with an 8 foot cable so you have room to kick back and work comfortably. It’s easy to use a pen tablet because every point on the tablet has a matching point on the screen. When you move your pen over the tablet, the cursor moves in precisely the same way on the screen. Where you touch your pen tip to the tablet is where you click.
A Better Mouse: Intuos2 batteryless, cordless mice have no ball to clean so you always have smooth tracking. With 2540 dpi resolution they are also much more accurate than other mice. The 4×5 and 6×8 sizes come with the three-button Intuos2 2D Mouse. The 9×12, 12×12, and 12×18 sizes come with the five-button Intuos2 4D Mouse.
Quick Access to Shortcuts: Each Intuos2 tablet features menu strip buttons above the active area of the tablet for easy access to your favorite shortcuts. The menu strip buttons have default shortcuts and they are fully customizable through Intuos2’s software control panel. Pen side-switches can also be customized to generate mouse button clicks, keystrokes, modifier keys, or even to generate a pop-up menu selection of shortcuts.
Tracing: Intuos2 pen tablets feature a thick, durable overlay so that you can easily trace photos and art. Because the Intuos2 pen works up to about a quarter inch above the tablet surface, many customers also tape paper and art directly to the tablet surface to change the feel of the working surface and for convenience. Larger tablets offer more working space to simplify this type of functionality with larger art and copy work.
Intuos2 Accessories: The most notable Intuos2 accessory is the Airbrush. This unique input solution provides all of the same capabilities as a real airbrush when used in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop 7 or procreate Painter 7 by Corel, including pressure (height), tilt angle and bearing, and ink flow control. The Airbrush fingerwheel can also be used to control brush size independent of opacity. This is a very handy benefit when working with tools in Photoshop. An Intuos2 brushed metal Designer Grip Pen is also available.
— Connectivity Technology wired
— Interface USB
— Movement Detection Technology electromagnetic
— Peripheral / Interface Devices CD-ROM, USB port
— Product Line Wacom Bamboo
Wacom Intuos 2 Tablet Driver Download For Windows And Mac
Wacom : Intuos 2 | Version : 6.3.19-3 | Size : 72.3MB | Date : 12/12/2016
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 2 For Windows 7
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 2 For Windows 8
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 2 For Windows 10
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 2 For Windows Vista
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 2 For Windows XP
Wacom : Intuos 2 | Version : 6.3.19-10 | Size : 92.0 MB | Date : 12/27/2016
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 2 For (Mac OS X 10.10, 10.11, & 10.12)
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 2 For Mac OS X v. 10.7, 10.6 & 10.5 (Intel)
How Wacom Tablets Work
The pen may be battery-powered or may have a cord. When a user draw a line using the stylus, the coil circuit transfers the signals to the main circuit inside the stylus. This calculates the number of lines-lengths, while the pressure sensitive capacitor measures the pressure of the lines. The data signal is generated by the stylus and detected by a grid of wires in the tablet called the sensor board.
The horizontal and vertical wires of the tablet operate as both transmitting and receiving coils. the tablet generates an electromagnetic signal, which is received by a circuit in the stylus. the stylus works as an antenna that receives the signal and generates another electromagnetic field that «talks» back to the tablet.
By using electromagnetic signals, the tablet is able to transfer the lines to the computer screen or display being used.
Stylus effect: These tablets come with different levels of sensitivity to pressure applied on the surface by the digitiser pen or stylus. Applied pressure on the drawing surface of the graphics tablet gives a mark or line its thickness. Pressing the digitiser pen hard against the drawing surface will result in the line or mark being very dark. Lightly touching the pen to the surface of the graphic tablet will result in a lighter mark or line. With pressure sensitivity, the user experiences a more natural approach to drawing on a computer.
Sizes: Wacom tablets come in various sizes, with the smallest being 7.6 cm by 12.8 inches and the larger tablets having more than these dimensions. The price of a Wacom pen and tablet varies with the size.
With bamboo mte-450. Now there’s a simple, easy, and more natural way to bring your big ideas to life. Use Bamboo to transform your thoughts into powerful digital communications. Touch the pen tip to the tablet to handwrite notes, mark up digital documents, make quick sketches, and sign your name.
Combine Bamboo with Mac Inkwell or Microsoft Windows Vista and Office 2007 to handwrite email, enter text by hand anywhere typed text is accepted, navigate your desktop with a flick of the pen, and more.
Bamboo works with any software. In fact, many software applications have special features and tools that are designed to be used with a pen. Click here for more information on these applications and their features.
OS Required: Apple MacOS X 10.3.9 or later, Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP
— Connectivity Technology wired
— Interface USB
— Movement Detection Technology electromagnetic
— Peripheral / Interface Devices CD-ROM, USB port
— Product Line Wacom Bamboo
Wacom Bamboo MTE-450 Tablet Graphic Driver Download For Windows And Mac
Wacom : Bamboo MTE-450 | Version : 0000 | Size : 38.2 MB | Date : 1/20/2014
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 7
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 8
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 10
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows Vista
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows XP
Wacom : Bamboo MTE-450 | Version : 5.3.6-6 | Size :29 MB | Date : 1/7/2015
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.11
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.8
How Wacom Tablets Work
The pen may be battery-powered or may have a cord. When a user draw a line using the stylus, the coil circuit transfers the signals to the main circuit inside the stylus. This calculates the number of lines-lengths, while the pressure sensitive capacitor measures the pressure of the lines. The data signal is generated by the stylus and detected by a grid of wires in the tablet called the sensor board.
The horizontal and vertical wires of the tablet operate as both transmitting and receiving coils. the tablet generates an electromagnetic signal, which is received by a circuit in the stylus. the stylus works as an antenna that receives the signal and generates another electromagnetic field that «talks» back to the tablet.
By using electromagnetic signals, the tablet is able to transfer the lines to the computer screen or display being used.
Stylus effect: These tablets come with different levels of sensitivity to pressure applied on the surface by the digitiser pen or stylus. Applied pressure on the drawing surface of the graphics tablet gives a mark or line its thickness. Pressing the digitiser pen hard against the drawing surface will result in the line or mark being very dark. Lightly touching the pen to the surface of the graphic tablet will result in a lighter mark or line. With pressure sensitivity, the user experiences a more natural approach to drawing on a computer.
Sizes: Wacom tablets come in various sizes, with the smallest being 7.6 cm by 12.8 inches and the larger tablets having more than these dimensions. The price of a Wacom pen and tablet varies with the size.
The Bamboo MTE-450A Tablet sports an elegant design, plus the rugged and elegant pen tablet is designed specifically for the mainstream home or office computer user. Bamboo makes it easy for users to personalize their workflow and collaborate with others by providing navigation and communication capabilities not available with typical input devices.
Four programmable ExpressKeys are situated on the tablet surface to customize commonly used commands, such as undo or copy, and a finger-sensitive Touch Ring has been positioned to allow for quick and easy zooming and scrolling. The textured work surface of the tablet provides an intuitive pen-on-paper feel, while the stylish and ergonomically designed pens allow users to experience seemingly unlimited levels of pressure sensitivity, to create variations of pen strokes, from fine lines to bold brush marks. Additionally, Bamboo works in both Mac and PC environments.
— 5.8″ x 3.7″ Active Area
— Pressure Sensitive
— Supports Widescreen Displays
— Finger-sensitive Touch Ring
Wacom Bamboo MTE-450A Tablet Graphic Driver Download For Windows And Mac
Wacom : Bamboo MTE-450A | Version : 0000 | Size : 38.2 MB | Date : 1/20/2014
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 7
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 8
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 10
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows Vista
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows XP
Wacom : Bamboo MTE-450A | Version : 5.3.7-6 | Size :27 MB | Date : 10/12/2016
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.12
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.9
How Wacom Tablets Work
The pen may be battery-powered or may have a cord. When a user draw a line using the stylus, the coil circuit transfers the signals to the main circuit inside the stylus. This calculates the number of lines-lengths, while the pressure sensitive capacitor measures the pressure of the lines. The data signal is generated by the stylus and detected by a grid of wires in the tablet called the sensor board.
The horizontal and vertical wires of the tablet operate as both transmitting and receiving coils. the tablet generates an electromagnetic signal, which is received by a circuit in the stylus. the stylus works as an antenna that receives the signal and generates another electromagnetic field that «talks» back to the tablet.
By using electromagnetic signals, the tablet is able to transfer the lines to the computer screen or display being used.
Stylus effect: These tablets come with different levels of sensitivity to pressure applied on the surface by the digitiser pen or stylus. Applied pressure on the drawing surface of the graphics tablet gives a mark or line its thickness. Pressing the digitiser pen hard against the drawing surface will result in the line or mark being very dark. Lightly touching the pen to the surface of the graphic tablet will result in a lighter mark or line. With pressure sensitivity, the user experiences a more natural approach to drawing on a computer.
Sizes: Wacom tablets come in various sizes, with the smallest being 7.6 cm by 12.8 inches and the larger tablets having more than these dimensions. The price of a Wacom pen and tablet varies with the size.
wacom intuos 5 graphics tablet advanced pen tip sensor, application-specific settings, Display toggle, Multi-finger touch, Finger sensitive input, Express view display, If you’re wondering what a graphics tablet is, it’s the electronic equivalent of drawing-paper and a pen. Try sketching a picture or editing a complex outline with a mouse and you’ll see straight away why they’re necessary. You use a digital pen to draw on this ‘digital paper’, and what you draw appears on your screen. Of course it doesn’t appear on the tablet (unless you have a Cintiq), so it takes a bit of getting used to, but once you have the hang of coordinating your hand to your monitor it’s a great experience.
system requirements, microsoft windows 7, microsoft windows vista, microsoft windows xp, apple mac osx 10.5.8 or later
Wacom Intuos 5 Tablet Graphic Driver Download |
— 2048 pressure levels, 60 degree pen tilt
— Intuos 5 tech compatible
— 16-point multi-touch & gestures
— Optional wireless module
— Capacitive buttons with HUD
Wacom Intuos 5 Tablet Graphic Driver Download For Windows And Mac
Wacom : Intuos 5 | Version : 6.3.29-6 | Size : 57.30 MB | Date : 4/3/2018
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 7
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 8
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For Windows 10
Wacom : Intuos 5 | Version : 6.3.29-6 | Size : 77.5 MB | Date : 3/15/2018
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.13
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.12
DOWNLOAD Wacom Intuos 5 For MacOSX 10.11
Wacom : Intuos 5 | Version : 6.3.24-1 | Size : 93.8 MB | Date : 8/31/2017
DOWNLOAD Wacom Bamboo CTL671 For MacOSX 10.10
Compatible products
Wacom Cintiq Pro (DTH-1320/1620)
Wacom Intuos Pro (PTH-660/860)
Wacom MobileStudio Pro (DTH-W1320/1620)
One by Wacom (CTL-471/671/472/672)
ExpressKey Remote (EKR-100)
Cintiq Companion 2 (DTH-W1310)
Cintiq Companion Hybrid (DTH-A1300)
Cintiq Companion (DTH-W1300)
Cintiq 27QHD (DTK-2700 & DTH-2700)
Cintiq 24HD (DTK-2400 & DTH-2400)
Cintiq 22HD (DTK-2200 & DTH-2200)
Cintiq 13HD (DTK-1300 & DTH-1300)
Cintiq 21UX 2 (DTK-2100)
Cintiq 12WX (DTZ-1201W)
Intuos (CTL-490/690 & CTH-490/690)
Intuos (CTL-480/680 & CTH-480/680) Intuos Pro (PTH-451/651/851)
Intuos 5 (PTK-450/650 & PTH-450/650/850)
Intuos 4 (PTK-440/640/840/1240/540WL)
Business Products:
How Wacom Tablets Work
The pen may be battery-powered or may have a cord. When a user draw a line using the stylus, the coil circuit transfers the signals to the main circuit inside the stylus. This calculates the number of lines-lengths, while the pressure sensitive capacitor measures the pressure of the lines. The data signal is generated by the stylus and detected by a grid of wires in the tablet called the sensor board.
The horizontal and vertical wires of the tablet operate as both transmitting and receiving coils. the tablet generates an electromagnetic signal, which is received by a circuit in the stylus. the stylus works as an antenna that receives the signal and generates another electromagnetic field that «talks» back to the tablet.
By using electromagnetic signals, the tablet is able to transfer the lines to the computer screen or display being used.
Stylus effect: These tablets come with different levels of sensitivity to pressure applied on the surface by the digitiser pen or stylus. Applied pressure on the drawing surface of the graphics tablet gives a mark or line its thickness. Pressing the digitiser pen hard against the drawing surface will result in the line or mark being very dark. Lightly touching the pen to the surface of the graphic tablet will result in a lighter mark or line. With pressure sensitivity, the user experiences a more natural approach to drawing on a computer.
Sizes: Wacom tablets come in various sizes, with the smallest being 7.6 cm by 12.8 inches and the larger tablets having more than these dimensions. The price of a Wacom pen and tablet varies with the size.