1. Ad-Aware Free Antivirus + (Lavasoft)
На первом месте Ad-Aware Free Antivirus+ поддерживается многими компаниями по сетевой безопасности, и включает в себя прямую проверку файлов и веб -защиту в дополнение к антивирусному и -malware сканированию. Он хорошо работает с изданиями Windows Server, в дополнение к домашней версии Windows. Мы рекомендуем антивирус от Lavasoft Ad-Aware
Страница загрузки: http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad_aware_free.php
2. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Free
Malwarebytes еще один надежный и давний инструмент, а именно анти-вирусный сканер, который можно использовать наряду с антивирусными программами. В бесплатной версии Malwarebytes Anti-Malware легко устанавливается на всех версиях Windows, в том числе изданий Windows Server.
Страница загрузки: https://www.malwarebytes.org/downloads/
3. ClamWin Free Antivirus
Третий вариант, антивирус ClamWin обеспечивает ежедневное сканирование и обновление базы данных, а также отправляет уведомления по электронной почте после обнаружения уязвимостей или сбоях при обновлении. Он также поддерживается доверенной организацией, которая поддерживает самый популярный Linux антивирус (ClamAV). ClamWin является свободным и имеет открытый исходный код, но не обеспечивает сканирования в реальном времени.
Страница загрузки: http://www.clamwin.com/content/view/18/46/
Антивирусы представленные в этом обзоре являются бесплатными (хотя и имеют платные версии)
и подходят к серверам сети Asguard.pro
Антивирусная защита серверов всегда была актуальной. Сейчас я расскажу простой способ, как установить Microsoft Security Essentials на Windows Server 2008 и 2012 R2. Почему MSE? Данный продукт Microsoft хорошо зарекомендовал себя как сбалансированный инструмент для защиты операционных систем семейства Windows desktop класса. Ниже представлена краткая инструкция:
- скачиваем MSE с официального сайта, редакция для Windows 7 64bit
- устанавливаем для загруженного файла режим совместимости с Windows 7
- запускаем командную строку (cmd) с параметрами администратора
- переходим в каталог с .exe файлом программы и запускаем установку с параметром «mseinstall /disableoslimit»
Готово, бесплатный антивирус в лице MSE для Windows Server 2012 R2 установлен. Справедливости ради, стоит упомянуть про два момента. Первый заключается в том, что Microsoft Security Essentials может использоваться и на более ранних версия серверных операционных системах, таких как Windows Server 2003 и 2008/R2. Второй — это нарушает политику лицензирования Windows.
Если по каким-либо причинам, MSE вас не удовлетворяет, как бесплатное решение по антивирусной защите Windows Server, можно проделать следующий трюк с Avira Free Antivirus. Отыскать старую версию данного ПО (где нет проверки на ОС), выполнить инсталляцию и обновить до последней актуальной версии.
- Avast Business Antivirus Pro
- Avira Antivirus Server
- ESET File Security
- Kaspersky Security
- McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
- Comodo Antivirus для Linux
- Chkrootkit
- Вопросы и ответы
Сервером называется специализированный компьютер, действия на котором происходят без активного участия пользователя. Обычно туда устанавливается сервисное программное обеспечение для осуществления определенных задач. Через такой компьютер происходит обмен данными, запуск действий, произведение математических расчетов и многое другое. Все серверы различаются по типам, например, существуют игровые, веб, почтовые и прокси-серверы. Каждое такое устройство выполняет четко поставленную задачу. Нередко для безопасного функционирования такой машины на нее устанавливается антивирус, поэтому мы бы хотели рассказать подробнее о таком ПО, выделив несколько конкретных решений.
Avast Business Antivirus Pro
Платформа: Windows Server
Известная многим антивирусная компания Avast выпускает сборку специально под серверы, предоставляя дополнительные полезные инструменты. Например, обратите внимание на функцию «Уничтожение данных». Она реализована таким образом, что перезаписывает во всех удаленных данных случайно сгенерированную информацию, что не позволит воссоздать исходное состояние файла при попытке его восстановления. Помимо этого, присутствует «Анализ поведения» — инструмент, отвечающий за сканирование рабочих приложений на предмет подозрительной активности. Если блокнот пытается получить доступ к той же веб-камере, такой запрос будет сразу блокироваться. Конечно, такой пример прост, но функция работает на более высоком уровне.
Еще в Avast Business Antivirus Pro есть встроенный брандмауэр, средство интеллектуального сканирования, защита от спама, защита паролей и упрощение входа в учетные записи. Происходит и постоянное сравнение вероятных угроз с текущей базой вирусов при помощи технологии Software defender. Она позволит вам взаимодействовать только с проверенными данными. В свою очередь, инструмент CyberCapture будет отправлять подозрительные объекты в лабораторию изучения угроз.
Скачать Avast Business Antivirus Pro с официального сайта
Avira Antivirus Server
Платформа: Windows Server
Avira Antivirus Server — специальное решение от компании-разработчика для серверов под управлением операционной системы Windows. Создатели обещают максимально эффективную работу с низким потреблением системных ресурсов, высокий коэффициент обнаружения угроз и удобство использования. В сборке добавлены инструменты по защите при доступе, то есть осуществляется контроль выполняемых процессов во время обращения к ним со стороны других приложений. Присутствует и ручное сканирование, позволяющее в любой момент запустить анализ указанного носителя или отдельной директории.
Еще раз отметим, что разработчик делает особый акцент на низком потреблении ресурсов ПК и простоте управления антивирусом. Обещаются и постоянные бесплатные нововведения и обновления баз вирусов. Если вас интересует ознакомление с этим продуктом, получить бесплатную версию на 30-дневный период можно на официальном сайте, заполнив соответствующую форму. Во время тестирования будут доступны все инструменты и функции, а также возможно бесплатное обращение в службу поддержки.
Скачать Avira Antivirus Server с официального сайта
ESET File Security
Платформа: Windows Server, Linux
ESET File Security рассчитан на работу на серверах Windows и Linux, и предоставляет многоуровневую защиту благодаря дополнительному компоненту облачной песочнице ESET Dynamic Threat Defense. Облачная система защиты производит автоматическую защиту от новых угроз без ожидания обновления механизма обнаружения (указанное среднее время обновлений — 20 минут). Встроенная защита от сетевых атак распознает известные уязвимости на сетевом уровне, а при использовании OneDrive его сканированием займется механизм Office 365 OneDrive Storage. Обратить внимание следует и на предотвращение влияния ботнетов. Инструмент находит не только вредоносное соединение, но и определяет такие же процессы, сразу блокируя опасную деятельность и сообщая об этом пользователю.
Для управления ESET File Security пользователю предлагается установить консоль на Windows или Linux, а в целях упрощения настройки имеется виртуальное устройство импорта. Ознакомиться со всей функциональностью этого антивируса, попробовать его бесплатную версию и купить полную вы можете на официальном сайте разработчиков.
Скачать ESET File Security с официального сайта
Kaspersky Security
Платформа: Windows Server, Linux
Kaspersky Security for Servers входит в состав сборок — Total, Endpoint Security для бизнеса, Kaspersky Security для виртуальных и облачных сред и Kaspersky Security для систем хранения данных. Покупая одну из этих версий, вы получаете надежную защиту своего сервера от новейшего поколения вредоносного ПО. Рассматриваемый софт имеет расширенную защиту серверов и предоставляет защиту от эксплойтов, защиту терминальных серверов, следит за внешним трафиком, целостностью системы и непрерывно оберегает системы хранения данных с помощью многоуровневого инструмента. Встроенные системы по управлению правами администраторов обеспечивают удобство управления, уведомлений, а также возможна интеграция с SIEM-системами и управление сетевым экраном Windows.
Хотелось бы отметить, что у Kaspersky Security отдельные системные требования под конкретные платформы хранения данных, например, для NetApp — Clustered Data ONTAP 8.x и 9.x и Data ONTAP 7.x и 8.x в режиме 7-mode, а для EMC Isilon — IBM System Storage N series. Ознакомиться с перечнем всех требований вы можете при скачивании антивируса на сайте Kaspersky.
Скачать Kaspersky Security с официального сайта
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise
Платформа: Windows Server, Linux
Ранее пользователи устанавливали на свои серверы McAfee Endpoint Security, однако разработчиками было принято решение усовершенствовать этот продукт с дальнейшим изменением его названия. Теперь это VirusScan Enterprise. Каждому, кто ранее использовал этот антивирус, предлагают выполнить бесплатную миграцию. На официальном сайте предоставлены все необходимые инструкции и уроки по этому вопросу. В базовый инструментарий новой версии входят: брандмауэр, средства веб-контроля для обмена информацией об угрозах, обязательный антивирус и опции предотвращения использования уязвимостей.
В McAfee VirusScan Enterprise используются и современные методы машинного обучения. Такие технологии позволяют обнаруживать вредоносный код через статические и поведенческие атрибуты. Сдерживание вредоносного ПО происходит еще на моменте его проникновения в систему, не позволяя ему заразить другие процессы. Технология Endpoint Detection and Tesponse отвечает за обнаружение и реагирование на конечных точках — это позволит реагировать на угрозы по одному щелчку мыши.
Скачать McAfee VirusScan Enterprise с официального сайта
Comodo Antivirus для Linux
Платформа: Linux
Разработчики Comodo Antivirus представили отдельную версию под операционные системы на базе ядра Linux. Эта программа поддерживается большинством дистрибутивов как 32 бит, так и 64. Из особенностей хотелось бы сразу отметить почтовый фильтр, который совместим с популярными почтовыми агентами: Postfix, Qmail, Sendmail и Exim MTA. Производитель гарантирует надежную защиту в реальном времени, легкость в установке и отсутствие сложных действий с настройкой. Система анти-спам может быть полностью редактирована вручную, но и стандартные настройки обеспечат хорошую фильтрацию. Если пользователь захочет получить еще больший контроль файлов, к включению доступна функция «Анализ поведения в режиме реального времени». Все подозрительные объекты будут отправляться на сервер облачного анализа поведения.
Для комфортного использования Comodo Antivirus потребуется компьютер повышенной мощности, с минимальной частотой процессора 2 ГГц и 2 ГБ свободной оперативной памяти. Вы можете не беспокоиться за проведение сканирований: достаточно будет настроить их план всего один раз, а в дальнейшем они будут запускаться автоматически. Возможен запуск анализа в любое удобное время путем нажатия всего одной кнопки. Рассматриваемый антивирус имеет открытый исходный код, распространяется бесплатно и скачивается с официального сайта.
Скачать Сomodo Antivirus для Linux с официального сайта
Платформа: Linux
Chkrootkit (Check Rootkit) — распространенная среди системных администраторов программа защиты операционной системы от известных руткитов. Руткит — сбор компонентов, например, скриптов, исполняемых или конфигурационных файлов, которые выполняют функцию маскировки, управления и сбора данных. С помощью таких инструментов злоумышленники проникают в ОС и получают всю необходимую информацию. Упомянутое выше ПО как раз призвано защищать компьютер от подобного рода деятельности. Chkrootkit не требует установки и может быть запущен с Live CD. Работа в нем осуществляется через любую удобную консоль, а управление понятно даже неопытному пользователю.
Chkrootkit работает довольно быстро, отлично справляется со своей задачей, не занимает много места на накопителе, но при этом содержит в себе огромное количество модулей под каждый тип юзеров. На официальном сайте присутствуют сборки программы в различных расширениях, а скачивание доступно из прямого источника или нескольких зеркал.
Скачать Chkrootkit с официального сайта
Вы были ознакомлены с антивирусными решениями, которые станут лучшим решением для различных типов серверов. Как видите, каждый софт имеет свои особенности, поэтому будет максимально полезен в определенных ситуациях.
RegRun Reanimator 14.60.2023.0131
RegRun Reanimator — бесплатная утилита для поиска и удаления троянов, руткитов, любых вредоносных программ, рекламного и шпионского ПО. Широкий набор инструментов позволяет защитить реестр от изменений, оптимизировать автозагрузку, вылечить систему…
get_app5 209 | Бесплатная |
Dr.Web CureIt! 31.01.2023
Dr.Web CureIt! — популярный бесплатный сканер, который поможет вылечить зараженный ПК без установки антивируса. Утилита быстро и эффективно определит и удалит троянские программы, шпионское и рекламное ПО, вредоносные скрипты, почтовых и сетевых червей…
get_app2 730 093 | Бесплатная |
Антивирус Kaspersky Free /
Kaspersky Free — бесплатный Антивирус Касперского. Обеспечивает комплексную защиту от различных видов информационных угроз, сетевых атак и мошенничества. Каждый тип угроз обрабатывается отдельным компонентом защиты…
get_app160 418 | Бесплатная |
RogueKiller Anti-Malware Free
RogueKiller — небольшая антивирусная утилита, основное назначение которой удаление и очистка системы компьютера от вредоносных программ, таких как черви, руткиты, трояны…
get_app24 688 | Бесплатная |
Panda Free Antivirus 22.00.00
Panda Free Antivirus — бесплатный антивирус, работа которого основана на принципе полного перемещения процессов обнаружения и сканирования вредоносного ПО в «облако» в режиме реального времени…
get_app53 353 | Бесплатная |
Loaris Trojan Remover 3.2.41
Loaris Trojan Remover — программа для борьбы с различными современными формами киберугроз. Основным назначением программы является удаление вредоносных программ…
get_app10 345 | Условно-бесплатная |
McAfee AVERT Stinger
McAfee Stinger — антивирус, нацеленный на отлов и уничтожение всевозможных разновидностей наиболее распространенных в настоящее время вирусов. Находит и обезвреживает свыше 190 самых «популярных» вирусов…
get_app63 595 | Бесплатная |
Auslogics Anti-Malware
Auslogics Anti-Malware — инструмент, обеспечивающий первоклассную защиту Вашего компьютера от вредоносных программ, устраняя угрозы безопасности…
get_app2 954 | Условно-бесплатная |
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool 5.109
Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool — программа выполнит проверку компьютера на наличие наиболее распространенных вредоносных программ (включая Blaster, Sasser и Mydoom) и удалит их в случае обнаружения…
get_app41 721 | Бесплатная |
Cezurity Scanner 2.0.24919.61813 beta
Cezurity Scanner — бесплатный облачный сервис для обнаружения вредоносных программ, а также последующего лечения заражения…
get_app8 531 | Бесплатная |
Norton 360
Norton 360 сочетает в себе функциональность программ Norton Internet Security и Norton AntiVirus с добавлением возможности создания резервных копий важных данных….
get_app51 134 | Условно-бесплатная |
Norton Security
Norton Security — обеспечивает необходимую степень защиты от вирусов, хакеров и угроз конфиденциальности информации. В этот пакет включены полные версии Norton AntiVirus и Norton Personal Firewall, которые надежно защитят ваш ПК от наиболее часто…
get_app118 197 | Условно-бесплатная |
Digital Patrol 5.5 build 57
Digital Patrol — современный, эффективный антивирусный продукт, способный обнаружить и удалить все известные типы троянских программ, интернет-червей и вредоносных программ…
get_app8 778 | Условно-бесплатная |
NANO Антивирус
NANO Антивирус — отечественный антивирус, обеспечивающий эффективную защиту компьютера от вирусов, троянов, червей и других видов вредоносного ПО…
get_app18 480 | Бесплатная |
Antivirus Removal Tool 2022.12
Бесплатный портативный набор официальных утилит для полного удаления из системы антивирусов и их остатков (файлов, драйверов, служб и записей в реестре и прочее). Включает в себя официальные специализированные деинсталляторы для 28 антивирусных программ…
get_app981 | Бесплатная |
Choose the best protection for Windows Server 2019
by Milan Stanojevic
Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more
Updated on November 11, 2022
Fact checked by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- All entries from our guide are fully compatible with Windows Server 2019 as well as with older versions of the software.
- A good server antivirus usually has a behavior analysis feature that monitors your server constantly for any suspicious activities.
- Free antivirus for Windows Server is somewhat rare, but fortunately for you, all entries from this guide offer a free trial.
Windows Server is one of the most used server operating systems, and in order to keep it secure, you need to have a reliable antivirus for Windows Server 2019.
Windows Server is based on Windows 10, and as such, it’s already pretty secure, but to enhance your security, it’s always a good practice to specialize in antivirus.
All models on our list are compatible with Windows Server 2019 as well as with older versions of Windows Server, so let’s find the best antivirus software for your needs.
Does Windows Server need antivirus?
The response to this issue can vary according to your needs and resources. If you need additional security to protect business databases, antivirus software will increase your digital security.
You should know that Windows Server 2019 can offer enhanced security compared to its prior versions.
It’s considered to be the most secure Microsoft OS to that date, and you have improved Windows Defender technologies against online threats.
However, you can better protect your data and online privacy using an antivirus tool that detects new emerging malware or cyberattacks.
What is the best antivirus for Windows Server 2019?
Some of the best antivirus for Windows Server 2019 include Eset, Norton, and Avast, but there are other options you can consider. Here are a few of them:
- ESET PROTECT Advanced – Most advanced security features
- Norton Antivirus Plus – Best online protection
- Avast Business Antivirus Pro – Best AI to prevent online thrests
- Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security – Best antivirus for businesses
- VIPRE Endpoint Security Server – Most advanced ransomware protection
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security – Great overall server protection
- McAfee Endpoint Security – Great database for detecting threats
Now let’s take an in-depth look at each of them.
ESET PROTECT Advanced – Most advanced security features
The first entry on our list is ESET PROTECT Advanced and this antivirus supports all versions of Windows Server, starting from the 2008 version to the 2019 version.
If you’re looking for the best antivirus software for Windows XP or newer, ESET can also be a great choice for older operating systems.
The software comes with a cloud-based console allowing you to manage detected threats, users, and alerts remotely. It’s worth mentioning that this antivirus has multilayer protection that will keep all your desktop and mobile devices safe, regardless of their platform.
ESET PROTECT Advanced also offers a cloud sandbox feature, so it will analyze suspicious samples in an isolated cloud environment. For data security, there’s a disk encryption feature that will securely encrypt all your files.
If you’re looking for the best antivirus protection for Windows Server 2019, be sure to try ESET PROTECT Advanced.
Norton Antivirus Plus – Best online protection
Next on our list is another renowned antivirus software that’s been offering top-level security tools for a long time.
Norton Antivirus Plus is a great antivirus for Windows Server 2019 as it combines multiple security features to make sure your data is secure.
It has a powerful threat database with all known spyware, viruses, malware, and ransomware that may impose an attack on your system.
It automatically blocks any suspicious activity before it gets the chance to infect your server.
It offers real-time protection against online threats and also implements a powerful cloud backup option.
This can be a great addition for Windows Server users. The antivirus will securely store your data and recover it in case anything happens.
Norton for Windows Server 2019 also provides a secure password manager that you can use to store both account credentials as well as other sensitive information.
Norton Antivirus Plus
Prevent attackers from accessing your Windows Server with reliable multi-layered protection and secure cloud backups.
Avast Business Antivirus Pro – Best AI to prevent online thrests
Avast Business Antivirus Pro uses artificial intelligence and behavior analysis to detect all sorts of threats. The software also has cloud analysis that will scan files for any unknown threats.
The software is easy to set up, and once you install it, it will inspect all uploads and downloads for any suspicious activity. Thanks to the next-gen endpoint protection all your devices can be managed remotely from a central point.
Avast Business Antivirus Pro offers great features, and it’s compatible with all versions of Windows Server, starting from Windows Server 2008 R2.
Avast Business Antivirus Pro
Avast Business Antivirus Pro offers simple to use and reliable protection for all versions of Windows Server.
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security – Best antivirus for businesses
If you’re looking for antivirus software for Windows Server 2019, then Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security might be just what you need.
Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.
Just like other applications on this list, Bitdefender for Windows Server 2019 allows you to monitor your workstations and servers from a single console. The software is designed to detect all sorts of network vulnerabilities, thus stopping all types of malware.
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security also provides layered security to all your endpoints, and with machine learning, memory protection, and constant monitoring, you can rest assured that your network is completely safe from malware.
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security offers the best protection against all threats on Windows Server 2019.
VIPRE Endpoint Security Server – Most advanced ransomware protection
VIPRE Endpoint Security Server is another great antivirus for Windows Server 2019, but it also supports older versions of Windows Server. The application offers great protection against both zero-day exploits and ransomware.
The software is easy to configure, and you can install it and configure it and a matter of minutes. Of course, the remote management feature is available allowing you to easily manage all devices on your network.
The software also has advanced ransomware protection as well as real-time behavior monitoring with artificial intelligence for maximum security.
VIPRE Endpoint Security Server
For professional Windows Server 2019 protection, be sure to use VIPRE Endpoint Security Server software.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security – Great overall server protection
If you need a reliable antivirus for Windows Server 2019, then you should consider using Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. The software uses multi-layer protection that will keep your entire network completely safe.
Thanks to the Exploit Prevention feature, the software will monitor all vulnerable applications and protect them against zero-day threats. The software can also intercept your HTTPS traffic and block malicious websites.
Using real-time behavior analysis, the Kaspersky for Windows Server 2019 can detect any suspicious activity on your server and automatically block the malware from running.
⇒ Get Kaspersky Endpoint Security
McAfee Endpoint Security – Great database for detecting threats
McAfee is another well-known cybersecurity software company that provides effective and up-to-date protection against today’s threats.
Not only does it use a comprehensive database to detect threats, but it also implements powerful machine learning capable of detecting very new, not previously known threats.
This antivirus is suitable for organizations, providing central management options that give you information about each device’s security status.
The tool also incorporates powerful anti-phishing filters and lets you create digital vaults where you can safely store your data in case anything is to happen to it.
The scanner and real-time threat detector are configured to minimize response rates and take action right away when a threat emerges.
Machine learning detection uses proactive investigation guides to adjust to the threat at hand and figure out the most efficient way to block it.
⇒ Get McAfee Endpoint Security
Is a free antivirus enough for Windows Server?
There are some reliable cybersecurity tools that offer support for Windows Server, the most notable of which is the built-in Windows Defender Antivirus which is truly free, with a strong firewall and multi-device protection.
Cybersecurity experts do however advise you to use it along with a third-party antivirus that offers more features and has a higher detection rate.
In this regard, there are some antiviruses that do claim to offer Windows Server Protection, but the free versions are somewhat limited and still expose you to some risks.
It is important to take into consideration how you use your Windows Server and at what risks you get exposed, but it is generally recommended to get a premium antivirus for maximum protection.
The good news is that the most reliable antiviruses for Windows Server 2019 do include free trials and money-back guarantees so you don’t have to invest right away.
Windows Server offers great features, and if you’re using it, we suggest that you consider getting one of these antivirus applications.
Choosing any of the presented antivirus tools can enhance your server security and protect the valuable data of your own business.
Hence, you can guard all your devices and protect sensitive information from dangerous cyberattacks using high virus detection antivirus software.
What is your antivirus of choice? Let us know in the comments below.
Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:
If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.
Choose the best protection for Windows Server 2019
by Milan Stanojevic
Milan has been enthusiastic about technology ever since his childhood days, and this led him to take interest in all PC-related technologies. He’s a PC enthusiast and he… read more
Updated on November 11, 2022
Fact checked by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- All entries from our guide are fully compatible with Windows Server 2019 as well as with older versions of the software.
- A good server antivirus usually has a behavior analysis feature that monitors your server constantly for any suspicious activities.
- Free antivirus for Windows Server is somewhat rare, but fortunately for you, all entries from this guide offer a free trial.
Windows Server is one of the most used server operating systems, and in order to keep it secure, you need to have a reliable antivirus for Windows Server 2019.
Windows Server is based on Windows 10, and as such, it’s already pretty secure, but to enhance your security, it’s always a good practice to specialize in antivirus.
All models on our list are compatible with Windows Server 2019 as well as with older versions of Windows Server, so let’s find the best antivirus software for your needs.
Does Windows Server need antivirus?
The response to this issue can vary according to your needs and resources. If you need additional security to protect business databases, antivirus software will increase your digital security.
You should know that Windows Server 2019 can offer enhanced security compared to its prior versions.
It’s considered to be the most secure Microsoft OS to that date, and you have improved Windows Defender technologies against online threats.
However, you can better protect your data and online privacy using an antivirus tool that detects new emerging malware or cyberattacks.
What is the best antivirus for Windows Server 2019?
Some of the best antivirus for Windows Server 2019 include Eset, Norton, and Avast, but there are other options you can consider. Here are a few of them:
- ESET PROTECT Advanced – Most advanced security features
- Norton Antivirus Plus – Best online protection
- Avast Business Antivirus Pro – Best AI to prevent online thrests
- Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security – Best antivirus for businesses
- VIPRE Endpoint Security Server – Most advanced ransomware protection
- Kaspersky Endpoint Security – Great overall server protection
- McAfee Endpoint Security – Great database for detecting threats
Now let’s take an in-depth look at each of them.
ESET PROTECT Advanced – Most advanced security features
The first entry on our list is ESET PROTECT Advanced and this antivirus supports all versions of Windows Server, starting from the 2008 version to the 2019 version.
If you’re looking for the best antivirus software for Windows XP or newer, ESET can also be a great choice for older operating systems.
The software comes with a cloud-based console allowing you to manage detected threats, users, and alerts remotely. It’s worth mentioning that this antivirus has multilayer protection that will keep all your desktop and mobile devices safe, regardless of their platform.
ESET PROTECT Advanced also offers a cloud sandbox feature, so it will analyze suspicious samples in an isolated cloud environment. For data security, there’s a disk encryption feature that will securely encrypt all your files.
If you’re looking for the best antivirus protection for Windows Server 2019, be sure to try ESET PROTECT Advanced.
Norton Antivirus Plus – Best online protection
Next on our list is another renowned antivirus software that’s been offering top-level security tools for a long time.
Norton Antivirus Plus is a great antivirus for Windows Server 2019 as it combines multiple security features to make sure your data is secure.
It has a powerful threat database with all known spyware, viruses, malware, and ransomware that may impose an attack on your system.
It automatically blocks any suspicious activity before it gets the chance to infect your server.
It offers real-time protection against online threats and also implements a powerful cloud backup option.
This can be a great addition for Windows Server users. The antivirus will securely store your data and recover it in case anything happens.
Norton for Windows Server 2019 also provides a secure password manager that you can use to store both account credentials as well as other sensitive information.
Norton Antivirus Plus
Prevent attackers from accessing your Windows Server with reliable multi-layered protection and secure cloud backups.
Avast Business Antivirus Pro – Best AI to prevent online thrests
Avast Business Antivirus Pro uses artificial intelligence and behavior analysis to detect all sorts of threats. The software also has cloud analysis that will scan files for any unknown threats.
The software is easy to set up, and once you install it, it will inspect all uploads and downloads for any suspicious activity. Thanks to the next-gen endpoint protection all your devices can be managed remotely from a central point.
Avast Business Antivirus Pro offers great features, and it’s compatible with all versions of Windows Server, starting from Windows Server 2008 R2.
Avast Business Antivirus Pro
Avast Business Antivirus Pro offers simple to use and reliable protection for all versions of Windows Server.
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security – Best antivirus for businesses
If you’re looking for antivirus software for Windows Server 2019, then Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security might be just what you need.
Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.
Just like other applications on this list, Bitdefender for Windows Server 2019 allows you to monitor your workstations and servers from a single console. The software is designed to detect all sorts of network vulnerabilities, thus stopping all types of malware.
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security also provides layered security to all your endpoints, and with machine learning, memory protection, and constant monitoring, you can rest assured that your network is completely safe from malware.
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security
Bitdefender GravityZone Business Security offers the best protection against all threats on Windows Server 2019.
VIPRE Endpoint Security Server – Most advanced ransomware protection
VIPRE Endpoint Security Server is another great antivirus for Windows Server 2019, but it also supports older versions of Windows Server. The application offers great protection against both zero-day exploits and ransomware.
The software is easy to configure, and you can install it and configure it and a matter of minutes. Of course, the remote management feature is available allowing you to easily manage all devices on your network.
The software also has advanced ransomware protection as well as real-time behavior monitoring with artificial intelligence for maximum security.
VIPRE Endpoint Security Server
For professional Windows Server 2019 protection, be sure to use VIPRE Endpoint Security Server software.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security – Great overall server protection
If you need a reliable antivirus for Windows Server 2019, then you should consider using Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows. The software uses multi-layer protection that will keep your entire network completely safe.
Thanks to the Exploit Prevention feature, the software will monitor all vulnerable applications and protect them against zero-day threats. The software can also intercept your HTTPS traffic and block malicious websites.
Using real-time behavior analysis, the Kaspersky for Windows Server 2019 can detect any suspicious activity on your server and automatically block the malware from running.
⇒ Get Kaspersky Endpoint Security
McAfee Endpoint Security – Great database for detecting threats
McAfee is another well-known cybersecurity software company that provides effective and up-to-date protection against today’s threats.
Not only does it use a comprehensive database to detect threats, but it also implements powerful machine learning capable of detecting very new, not previously known threats.
This antivirus is suitable for organizations, providing central management options that give you information about each device’s security status.
The tool also incorporates powerful anti-phishing filters and lets you create digital vaults where you can safely store your data in case anything is to happen to it.
The scanner and real-time threat detector are configured to minimize response rates and take action right away when a threat emerges.
Machine learning detection uses proactive investigation guides to adjust to the threat at hand and figure out the most efficient way to block it.
⇒ Get McAfee Endpoint Security
Is a free antivirus enough for Windows Server?
There are some reliable cybersecurity tools that offer support for Windows Server, the most notable of which is the built-in Windows Defender Antivirus which is truly free, with a strong firewall and multi-device protection.
Cybersecurity experts do however advise you to use it along with a third-party antivirus that offers more features and has a higher detection rate.
In this regard, there are some antiviruses that do claim to offer Windows Server Protection, but the free versions are somewhat limited and still expose you to some risks.
It is important to take into consideration how you use your Windows Server and at what risks you get exposed, but it is generally recommended to get a premium antivirus for maximum protection.
The good news is that the most reliable antiviruses for Windows Server 2019 do include free trials and money-back guarantees so you don’t have to invest right away.
Windows Server offers great features, and if you’re using it, we suggest that you consider getting one of these antivirus applications.
Choosing any of the presented antivirus tools can enhance your server security and protect the valuable data of your own business.
Hence, you can guard all your devices and protect sensitive information from dangerous cyberattacks using high virus detection antivirus software.
What is your antivirus of choice? Let us know in the comments below.
Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:
If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on TrustPilot.com) to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.
A decent technological environment is an essential characteristic of nowadays’ businesses. Since most professions are performed online or via electronic devices, you need to make sure that everything works flawlessly.
However, having the best computers or laptops is not enough; your business performance requires a healthy security system and more powerful machines in order to prevent any potential damage which could have a negative influence on the business.
In this article, you are going to see the importance of the business server and the antivirus which plays a significant role in its protection – let’s start.
What Is a Business Server?
A server is any computer or device which performs services to other networks, your customers or your employees.
When it comes to SMBs, having a business server is vital, since it can influence business performance and its development.
The business server is particularly useful if you run a business with multiple employees – it’s not recommended that they keep the files installed directly on their computers, but to save all the data on the central server. Why?
First, a server is way stronger than any computer – all business servers come with ECC (Error Correction Code) memory which detects any potential failure in the disc and corrects it immediately. In that way, your computer won’t suddenly freeze or turn off.
Besides, that’s useful for those business owners who run a web site. If there is a massive traffic flow on your website, which means that many people are using it at the same time, there is a little chance that the computer can handle it without any interruption.
Second, it’s more secure – all your data will be safely stored on the server, and there’s less chance that someone could take advantage of it. However, the business server also needs to be protected, and there is antivirus software specially designed for it.
How to Choose the Best Server Antivirus Software?
If your data is stored on a physical server it needs to be protected with adequate server antivirus. You can install the antivirus software free trial and see how it works, or you can purchase it immediately – however, you should find one with some of the 5 features listed below:
- Direct malware detection – sever antivirus should provide you with quick malware detection and prevention from the threats including trojans, worms, and other viruses.
- Sandboxing – this feature authenticates all the processes running on the server and prevents any malicious entities from penetrating the system and harming your computer. Unrecognized apps or procedures will be automatically sandboxed and run under special restrictions.
- HIPS (Host Intrusion Protection) – this option monitors all the activities of the apps and processes on the server, and it stops any malicious activity that could damage the data, OS, system-memory or registry keys.
- Virtual Desktop – this is a sandboxing environment which allows Internet access and beta-software testing without upsetting the file structure.
- Rescue Disc – rescue disc performs pre-boot antivirus scans, and it can recover passwords, detect and remove the rootkit or allow you to transform the data from the damaged disc to another drive.
Choosing the best server antivirus can be a complicated process for those who are not that familiar with server protection. There are a lot of different antivirus software products on the market, and all of them provide you with more or less same features – however, you’ll see the list of 8 most potent protection software and their characteristics.
1. Bitdefender GravityZone Endpoint Security
Bitdefender is a leader in providing top-notch security products both for business and home devices.
Besides, it offers a series of server antivirus programs, and Bitdefender GravityZone Endpoint Security is one of the most representative software which provides your server with the highest security level.
- Fast detection without slowdown – Bitdefender GravityZone provides quick and efficient malware detection and removal without slowing down your device.
- Command-Line Analyzer – this feature helps in preventing Macro and Script-Based attacks which are perceived as trusted MS Office Macro – they mostly use PowerShell to run scripts and download malicious code which leads to the attack execution. In that case, Bitdefender alerts the admin and blocks the running scripts.
- Sandbox Analyzer – if Bitdefender detects any suspicious files, it automatically sends them to the cloud sandbox for further analysis so that they can’t perform any malicious activity.
- Exceptional firewall performance: You can easily specify whether the firewall is enabled, the kind of traffic that’s allowed, and what types of devices can be plugged into the system.
- Poor alert options – many customers would like to get notifications via e-mails or text messages when Bitdefender detects and quarantines malware.
- Slow scan: Most users said that they would appreciate a bit quicker scans.
Bottom line: Bitdefender GravityZone Endpoint Security is primarily made for enterprises allowing them to perform their businesses without worrying about the security of their servers. This software is equipped with the most sophisticated features and its only drawback would be lack of notifications addressed to the user.
2. Comodo Server Antivirus
If you are looking for the best Windows server 2012 antivirus, check out Comodo – the affordable ($19.99 a year for one device) and exceptional solution for your office server protection.
Comodo comes with a user-friendly platform, and it’s made explicitly for servers, so, all its “attention” is directed to the security of your primary endpoint.
- OTA enrollment – OTA (Over-The-Air) enrollment allows you to connect and protect mobile devices wirelessly.
- Host Intrusion Protection System – Comodo has developed HIPS, which identifies and prevents the potential damage caused by malicious files. In case it detects something strange, it stops it before it performs any undesirable activity.
- Multiple Windows Server OS Support – Comodo supports Windows Server OS from 2003 to 2012, including Small Business edition. So, it’s available for a wide range of business owners since they mostly use Windows Server OS.
- Valkyrie: Being Comodo’s official cloud-based platform, Valkyrie helps you find and analyze unknown files. It includes dynamic, static, and human analysis, providing a 100% verdict immediately.
- Expert knowledge required – some users find it difficult to install and understand some features like Comodo KillSwitch and powerful Task Manager.
- It takes a lot of time to load: Comodo is quite a robust software, which is why it needs some time to load.
Bottom line: Comodo Server Antivirus is a small business-friendly protection software which gives optimal security to your physical server. It reacts fast and identifies the malware before it provokes any damage in the system. The only disadvantage would be a difficulty to use some features, but that’s not a big deal since the essential options are preinstalled.
3. Avira Antivirus Server
Avira is one of the most used antivirus software, not only for home PCs but also for the office devices.
It’s suitable for every small business, and it provides the server with decent safety, but its price is a bit high.
Have a look at the characteristics of Avira Antivirus Server:
- Real-time protection – Avira offers real-time protection which means that there’s no chance that malware can sneak into your system unawares. Besides, the software is always up-to-date which is crucial for preventing new viruses from getting into the system.
- Network protection – this antivirus will prevent the most common cyber-attacks, hackers and webcam spies from potential information stealing. In that way, your company’s data will remain completely safe.
- On-demand protection – in order to provide an additional layer of safety, Avira allows you to schedule manual scanning whenever you want to.
- Anti-Botnet: Botnet is considered one of the cruelest cyberattacks we know, but Avira can help prevent them from being executed. It will block the communication between your device and the command center, keeping your endpoints safe from malicious intents.
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 not supported – Avira requires at least Windows 2008 with the newest updates, and Windows 2019 is not yet supported. So, it’s not suitable for those who use either old or the contemporary versions of the OS.
- Needs update of protection capabilities: Avira sometimes fails to recognize malware that could jeopardize your endpoint and permits it to enter the system.
Bottom line: Avira represents an authoritative source of protection for servers and its suitable for small businesses. However, it can cause some compatibility issues due to its limited system requirements, and the price might not be convenient for everyone.
4. Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus
Kaspersky must be mentioned when it comes to antivirus software – and again, it has to offer an exceptional cloud-based service which will protect your business server from all potential ransomware and zero-day attacks.
Check out the features of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Plus:
- Patch management – patch management is one of the most important parts of any antivirus – that means that Kaspersky will automatically download and install necessary patches and update the software which prevents the hackers from exploiting malware.
- Ransomware and Exploit prevention – Kaspersky identifies and halts any malware and ransomware which could damage your system or steal your data.
- Mobile protection – this Windows server antivirus offers mobile security as well, and by purchasing the package, you get two mobile licenses per user for free.
- Advanced vulnerability scans: Kaspersky comes with a unique tool that can detect and eliminate the vulnerabilities that exist in your system, making sure you get the right recommendations on how to fix them.
- Not for less than 10 servers – if you run a small business with, for example, 8 employees, you won’t be able to purchase it. You can opt for at least 10 servers coverage, and the price would be $685 per year.
- Weak reporting: Users would like to see improved reporting capabilities that are a must for software that costs as much as Kaspersky.
Bottom line: As always, Kaspersky shows itself in the best light. It comes with essential cloud-based features which allow you to control your data no matter where you are, at any time. The only drawback would be small business “unfriendliness,” but the enterprises would be quite satisfied with the software.
5. Windows Defender AV (Built-In)
If you are looking for free server antivirus, then the Windows Defender AV is the best option for you.
It doesn’t require any installation since it’s a built-in software, and if you can disable it in case, you want to stop using its services.
- Stronger protection with Microsoft Azure – you can integrate Windows Defender to Microsoft Azure – while Azure controls the traffic on your domain, Windows Defender will monitor your endpoint bringing you and your business more robust security.
- Easy to disable – if you want to stop Windows Defender from running, you can easily disable it by making one click.
- Multiple devices protection – with Windows Defender, you can protect various a more extensive range of devices, servers, and endpoints. Besides, it will keep your business data safe from advanced threats.
- No hidden fees: Windows Defender comes preinstalled, and it doesn’t require you to upgrade to paid plans or something similar. It’s entirely free, which makes it suitable for small businesses that have just started their operations.
- Impossible to deinstall – even though you can stop it whenever you want, some users don’t support the lack of the deinstall function. However, if you install some other antivirus, the Windows Defender will pause immediately, but the software will still be there.
- Needs more customization options: Although it comes with preinstalled features that are quite satisfactory, users would like to see more customization options that would allow them to adapt the software to their business requirements.
Bottom line: Windows Defender is excellent antivirus for Server 2016, and it provides the user with decent protection. It’s built-in, it’s free, and it doesn’t require any additional installation which is useful for an average business owner. Yet, the limitation lies in the impossibility to remove the software, but the good thing is that you can pause it in case you don’t need it.
Besides, bear in mind that Windows Defender is the only free server antivirus; other products mostly give you the option of the free trial, but once it expires, you’ll need to purchase the full version.
6. ESET Endpoint Protection Standard
ESET Endpoint Protection Standard is a server antivirus software that’s created specifically for small and medium-sized businesses (SMB). It comes with decent features that include ransomware protection, email scanning, remote management, and more.
- Outstanding remote management features: This ESET’s product comes with Remote Administrator function, which allows you to manage your endpoint, server, and mobile security right from the web browser. It helps you detect all unprotected machines in the network, providing a more secure environment.
- Enhanced intrusion detection options: By providing ultimate network traffic monitoring, ESET will detect any suspicious activity and notify you about it.
- Ultimate ransomware protection: Once enabled, ESET’s LiveGrid will instantly inspect and detect any potential attempt of data theft. LiveGrid uses a worldwide database of suspicious app samples, making sure no threat goes unnoticed.
- Up-to-date reports: To make sure you’re notified about your system’s security, ESET brings the Reporting module, which delivers essential information about the types of threats, modules used, and the actions taken to prevent potential risks that could jeopardize your server security.
- Needs better phishing protection: Some tests have shown that ESET lacks more advanced phishing detection features. That said, it might fail to protect you from fake log-in websites that may abuse your personal data.
- Affects system performance: Many users complained that ESET Endpoint Protection used to slow down their systems, which had a negative impact on their workflow.
Bottom line: ESET Endpoint Protection Standard represents a convenient solution for small and medium-sized businesses. Its features deliver enterprise-level server protection, but it still lacks more enhanced phishing protection capabilities. It offers a 30-day free trial you can download and see whether the product meets your business requirements.
7. AVG File Server Business Edition
A server antivirus solution that will keep your critical business data safe from the latest threats, including malware, ransomware, viruses, and phishing, definitely is AVG File Server Business Edition. It provides great value for money, and you can always try it before making a final purchase.
- Professional email security: Hackers often use email to spread their malicious activities, which is why AVG has developed excellent email protection. It comes with an Anti-Spam feature that scans and checks all your emails for potentially malicious content and code, making sure no threat penetrates your system.
- File server security: AVG secures your essential business files that are kept online, ensuring their safety, and round the clock protection. It will prevent any unauthorized attempt to modify or delete your files executed by malware.
- Excellent network protection: AVG File Server Protection will check every website as you’re surfing, paying particular attention to malicious content that might be found on the site. It comes with Wi-Fi Guard that will prevent your device from connecting to false wireless access points set by hackers.
- Financial information security: AVG has proven its efficiency in keeping a user’s financial information safe from online threats aimed at stealing it.
- Lacks Mac support: Despite its seamless performance on Windows, AVG lacks endpoint protection for Mac. Some users do their work on Apple’s machines, which is why they may consider AVG’s competitors to get the right solution.
- Complex user interface: Most AVG users said that they found the UI a bit complex to use.
Bottom line: AVG Server Business Edition is quite a decent server antivirus software that comes with advanced protection features. Thanks to its real-time performance, you can feel safe knowing that nothing suspicious can jeopardize your privacy. It provides better value for money than ESET, which is another strength of this product. It’s bad a product doesn’t offer Mac solutions, but Apple users can always seek other options.
8. VIRUSfighter Server
VIRUSfighter Server is a low-cost, lightweight, powerful, and user-friendly server antivirus specifically designed for Windows Server. It provides a remarkable level of protection to your endpoint, making sure no spam or virus walks free through your system.
- Excellent threat protection: VIRUSfighter Server provides a high-level of defense against spyware, Trojans, rootkits, and other sophisticated kids of malware targeted at Windows servers.
- An unlimited number of users: Unlike most of its competitors, which determine your final price based on a number of users, VIRUSfighter will generously provide access to an unlimited number of users.
- Free email and phone support: Customer support you get via VIRUSfighter is free, which is why you can count on them whenever you have a problem with your software.
- Available for all Windows Server operating systems: One of the most significant advantages of this product is the fact that it works on every Windows Server OS.
- The user interface seems outdated: Although it’s not a considerable drawback, this VIRUSfighter comes with a bit outdated UI. Therefore, not all companies will find it convenient for their office.
- Windows-only: VIRUSfighter is designed only for Windows Servers, which means that both Linux and Mac users need to look somewhere else.
Bottom line: Small businesses whose office is based on Windows Server will find this product more than convenient. It’s available in 20 languages, and it has a file size of 2.46 MB, which means that your device won’t be affected in any way. It still needs some updates, especially in terms of design, since the current one looks as if it were stuck in the past.
9. BullGuard Antivirus
BullGuard Antivirus is quite an efficient cybersecurity solution for your small business. It is equipped with impeccable security features and a user-friendly installation. It is suitable for home, gaming, and business purposes, delivering excellent characteristics to protect your server from malicious activities that could affect your workflow.
- Remote commands: You can manage different controls remotely – you can scan, update, activate/deactivate devices, delete files in quarantine, reboot devices to eliminate infections, etc.
- Straightforward installation and deployment: BullGuard Antivirus is an easy-to-install software whose implementation won’t require much time or expertise.
- Secure browser: A built-in secure browser ensures safer Internet browsing, allowing you to make online payments with peace of mind. It won’t load cookies, plugins, or extensions without your permission.
- Multi-layered protection: Thanks to advanced security measures implemented by BullGuard developers, your business software will be safe from zero-day attacks and common complex threats.
- The interface isn’t intuitive: It may be challenging to deal with different menus, submenus, and pop-up windows inside the software.
- VPN not included: VPN must be purchased separately, at $29.74.
Bottom line: Overall, BullGuard Antivirus is an excellent choice for small business servers. It has a robust firewall, a network scanner, and advanced security features to keep you safe from the most complex threats.
10. VIPRE Endpoint Security Server
VIPRE Endpoint Security Server is not generic antivirus software, but it is a dedicated business server solution that fully protects the heart of your business. It will keep you safe from the most sophisticated threats, especially those delivered by email or via the latest types of malware, ransomware, and zero-day attacks.
- Advanced anti-ransomware features: VIPRE Endpoint Security Server can keep your server safe from ransomware and remove it in case it enters the system.
- Easy to install: You can install this software in a couple of minutes and run your business with peace of mind.
- Excellent tech support: The US-based tech support is reliable and ready to solve any problems you might have with the program.
- Regular updates: VIPRE delivers regular updates and new versions, ensuring your software stays up to date.
- Needs better reporting: Although VIPRE’s reporting features are pretty decent, they should have put more emphasis on it.
- Fails to install automatic updates: Some users complain that VIPRE sometimes fails to install automatic updates, which must be managed manually.
Bottom line: VIPRE Endpoint Security Server offers excellent antimalware and anti-ransomware capabilities, keeping you safe from the most complex threats. It detects malicious software pretty quickly, removing it before it makes any changes to your server.
11. Panda Adaptive Defense
Real-time protection provided by Panda Adaptive Defense keeps your server safe from viruses and hackers’ attacks. Its top-notch anti-phishing capabilities can detect sketchy websites and prevent the execution of suspicious programs and files.
- Intuitive interface: Despite its robust capabilities and top-notch features, the Panda software has an intuitive and well-executed interface.
- Excellent malware detection: Panda server antivirus can successfully detect and prevent any known malware.
- Almost 100% blockage of executable virus: According to the latest AV testing, Panda Adaptive Defense has shown significant results in blocking executable viruses and threats.
- Easy to configure: You will be able to install and configure the software quickly and easily.
- The Hardened mode can be quite restrictive: In Hardened mode, any executable is flagged as “suspicious” until proven good. Sometimes, even goodware can be marked as a threat.
- Lack of tech support: Users complain about the lack of appropriate tech support.
Bottom line: Panda Adaptive Defense is an excellent detection and prevention platform. It is well-designed company-grade antivirus software that will block any potentially suspicious files that could affect your server safety.
12. Sophos Intercept X Endpoint Protection
Any sized business can benefit from robust features included in Sophos Intercept X Endpoint Protection. It can protect both the main desktop operating systems and mobile devices, and you can even get Linux support by adding server protection licenses. It is an excellent business-grade antivirus software you can have at quite a competitive price.
- Fully integrated Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR): Users love a newly integrated EDR feature, which cleans threats and isolates affected devices while you identify the threat source.
- Excellent detection: The Sophos server antivirus has excellent detection capabilities, preventing ransomware and malware execution.
- Flexible policy management: You can add various policies to users or devices more easily than you’d add them on previous versions of Sophos.
- Advanced malware removal capabilities: Sophos Intercept X immediately detects malware and prevents its execution.
- No phishing notification in the browser: Sophos Intercept X detects phishing websites, but it doesn’t provide very clear alerting.
- Confusing user interface: You can easily get lost in the interface, which is not as intuitive as expected.
Bottom line: Overall, Sophos Intercept X Endpoint Protection is an excellent solution for malware defense, regardless of the business size. Every update comes with interesting and valuable features to enhance server security.
13. F-Secure Endpoint Protection
F-Secure Endpoint Protection is a business-grade antivirus software with robust endpoint security features that won’t disappoint you. It supports all operating systems, including mobile devices, safeguarding them from malware, scripted exploits, and other potentially complex threats.
- VPN included: Unlike most of its competitors, F-Secure Endpoint Protection offers VPN as a part of an antivirus plan.
- Impeccable malware and ransomware detection: F-Secure detects and fights any signs of malware and ransomware, ensuring a 100% safe server environment.
- Excellent zero-day attack prevention: You can secure your server against unknown threats, such as zero-day attacks.
- Integrated patch management: F-Secure blocks up to 80% of attacks by patching Windows and 3rd party software vulnerabilities.
- Delayed detection: F-Secure sometimes may delay detection, which can be frustrating.
- Limited reporting capabilities: Reports provided by F-Secure are not printable. You can send a summary report to the site manager, but it is not configurable by an administrator.
Bottom line: F-Secure provides the utmost endpoint protection and straightforward device management. A bundled VPN feature will take your security to the next level, ensuring an entirely protected space for your business purposes.
14. Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus
Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus fits any business size, particularly small and mid-sized companies. It is an intuitive and easy-to-use SaaS platform that includes VPN, file shredder, a sandbox browser, and more. It provides enterprise-grade protection for your server, keeping it safe from intruders and online threats.
- Built-in patch management: Patch management is considered one of Avast’s best improvements since it tells you how many devices need patching.
- Good threat detection capabilities: Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus provides a detailed threat-related report, including information about which mode is responsible for detecting the threat.
- VPN and File Shredder functions: You can benefit from features such as built-in VPN and Data Shredder, which add an extra layer of security to your server.
- Exchange server protection: Avast server antivirus will scan and filter emails with suspicious attachments and unsafe links to ensure safe internal communication.
- No mobile device management: Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus is compatible with Windows and Mac desktops but doesn’t support mobile devices.
- Limited reporting: Reporting features don’t include audit logs and other critical components.
Bottom line: You will find Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus quite convenient because of its user-friendly interface and robust features at a reasonable price.
15. McAfee MVision Cloud
McAfee MVision Cloud is a suitable choice for protecting your devices and cloud infrastructure. Its functions go beyond endpoint protection, providing layered, end-to-end security that lies on a powerful machine learning engine. Its architecture is quite impressive and can address all the different types of malware, ransomware, and online threats.
- Ultimate malware and virus protection: McAfee MVision Cloud ensures you’re 100% safe from malware and ransomware attacks.
- Fast response to threats: This McAfee’s server antivirus responds quickly to external threats, blocking them before they penetrate your system.
- Fantastic reporting capabilities: McAfee continues to provide excellent reporting features, ensuring you get detailed information about your server security.
- Top-notch phishing detection: Recent AV tests have shown that McAfee MVision Cloud successfully catches and blocks phishing attempts.
- Phishing plugin required: You will need a dedicated browser plugin to keep your system safe from phishing, which is not the case with most of McAfee’s competitors.
- Lag time to protection: You won’t be able to enjoy complete protection capabilities as soon as you install the software.
Bottom line: You can choose McAfee MVision Cloud if you seek the utmost device and cloud protection for your business server.
16. Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Services
Although it might be a bit expensive for an average small business, Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Services can help you deal with the most sophisticated threats that could affect your business server. You can download a 30-day free trial to see whether the services meet your needs.
- Good scripted threat prevention capabilities: Although not perfect, Trend’s scripted attack detection features are pretty decent.
- Advanced email security: Trend Micro provides excellent email security, ensuring your Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft 365, Gmail, and other email solutions are checked and protected in real-time.
- Great anti-phishing: Trend Micro detects and blocks sketchy websites, preventing the most common phishing attacks.
- Straightforward device management: Trend Micro features an intuitive user interface, allowing simple device management and quick navigation.
- It takes time to detect inactive threats: Trend Micro is pretty slow to detect inactive threats.
- Anti-phishing features require a browser plugin: You must enable a browser plugin to activate anti-phishing capabilities.
Bottom line: The Trend Worry-Free Business Security Services is an excellent traditional antivirus for servers, which delivers all the essential security features for business purposes. Take advantage of a 30-day free trial to see whether it is the right choice for your office.
17. REVE Total Security Antivirus for Windows Server
REVE Total Security Antivirus for Windows Server is a next-gen antivirus software to safeguard your corporate data. Any business size can benefit from the features included in this program, especially since it is designed to secure even the most complex network setup.
- Stellar network security: REVE Total Security keeps your entire network safe from malware and attacks, blocking them before they do harm.
- Data theft protection: REVE Total Security works by blocking external drives and preventing them from accessing data stored on the server.
- Anti-spam and email protection: The REVE’s software protects your corporate email accounts from spam and phishing attempts by scanning all email attachments.
- Fast malware detection: It continuously monitors the network, protecting your server from rootkits, worms, spyware, and other malicious programs.
- Affects computer performance: Users claim that REVE Total Security is quite a massive program that slows down the computer, especially if it’s an older one.
- Limited free trial: Free trial comes with limited functions, which don’t give enough software information to potential users.
Bottom line: REVE Total Security server antivirus is a stellar choice for all the offices that seek advanced network and server protection and have high-end computers that meet the software requirements. Since this antivirus is heavy, it is not suitable for older devices.
18. Webroot Server Antivirus
Webroot Server Antivirus is a business-grade antivirus with real-time protection. It safeguards all endpoint devices in the contemporary environment, including Windows Server, Virtualization, Citrix, etc. It adds an extra layer of security to your critical infrastructure, ensuring a 100% safe IT environment.
- No reimaging needed: Webroot Server Antivirus uses rollback and journaling features to restore your files to their uninfected state. That way, you don’t need to reimage your PC.
- Online management: This antivirus allows you to manage endpoints anywhere and anytime you have a stable Internet connection.
- No conflict: Webroot antivirus doesn’t require you to uninstall other security software you already have, but it runs alongside them.
- Excellent zero-day attack prevention: Webroot Server Antivirus successfully deals with never-before-seen attacks.
- False positives: Mac users say that Webroot reports many false positives.
- Unreliable tech support: It takes some time for tech support to resolve your problem.
Bottom line: Overall, a Webroot Server Antivirus is an excellent solution for businesses with many endpoints. It allows remote endpoint management, convenient for all those who spend too much time on the road and must perform some work-related duties.
19. Seqrite Antivirus for Server
If you are looking for a comprehensive IT security solution, Seqrite Antivirus for Server is worth considering. It is convenient for large corporate servers, mainly because it offers robust security features and flawless speeds. It can protect your server from corporate espionage, property theft, and other common threats enterprises face daily.
- Broad-range compatibility: Seqrite antivirus keeps your Linux, Windows, or Ubuntu servers safe from threats, guaranteeing optimum efficiency.
- Track cleaner: This feature includes cleaning tracks of files and documentation you work on, preventing potential privacy breaches.
- Anti-KeyLogger: It efficiently prevents keyloggers from recording what you type on the keyboard while paying online, shopping, or browsing the Internet.
- Advanced DNAScan: Innovative DNAScan technology identifies and blocks unknown threats by monitoring unsafe programs.
- No mobile platforms: You cannot use Seqrite Antivirus for Server on your Android or iOS device.
- Not for small businesses: This enterprise-grade antivirus may not be suitable for small and mid-sized companies.
Bottom line: Overall, Seqrite Antivirus for Server is a great server protection solution that won’t disappoint you. Its advanced security features address every part of your server, ensuring no intruder can penetrate your business network.
20. Microsoft Safety Scanner (Free)
Microsoft Safety Scanner is a tool designed for identifying and removing malware from Windows computers. It is ready to use as soon as you download it, and you can have it for free.
- Regular updates: Microsoft Safety Scanner provides regular software updates you can download and have the latest version at any time.
- It is a portable executable: It does not appear in the Windows Start menu or as a desktop icon. Don’t forget where you saved the download.
- Free: Microsoft Safety Scanner is free of charge.
- Easy to use: You can run a scan right after downloading the program and choosing the type of scan you want to perform.
- Available for 10 days: This Microsoft scan tool is available 10 days after the download. It is recommended to download its newest version before each scan.
- Not an antimalware replacement: Note that Microsoft Safety Scanner is not the replacement for your server antivirus. You will need something more robust.
Bottom line: Since it is free of charge and easy to use, Microsoft Safety Scanner is quite an attractive server antivirus solution. However, it is not the best business-grade tool you can use to safeguard your business.
Protect Your IT Ecosystem with Secure Networks ITC
No matter if you’re running small business or enterprise, you need to make sure that you provide enough shield for your server. If you’re looking for professional IT consulting, feel free to contact Secure Networks ITC and get ready for the best San Diego IT support for your business environment.
Being an official Bitdefender partner, we offer full protection for the devices which you use in the office, and we make sure all your business data like e-mails and contacts stay up-to-date with the newest security features.
Бесплатный антивирус для Windows Server 2012 R2
Антивирусная защита серверов всегда была актуальной. Сейчас я расскажу простой способ, как установить Microsoft Security Essentials на Windows Server 2008 и 2012 R2. Почему MSE? Данный продукт Microsoft хорошо зарекомендовал себя как сбалансированный инструмент для защиты операционных систем семейства Windows desktop класса. Ниже представлена краткая инструкция:
- скачиваем MSE с официального сайта, редакция для Windows 7 64bit
- устанавливаем для загруженного файла режим совместимости с Windows 7
- запускаем командную строку (cmd) с параметрами администратора
- переходим в каталог с .exe файлом программы и запускаем установку с параметром «mseinstall /disableoslimit»
Готово, бесплатный антивирус в лице MSE для Windows Server 2012 R2 установлен. Справедливости ради, стоит упомянуть про два момента. Первый заключается в том, что Microsoft Security Essentials может использоваться и на более ранних версия серверных операционных системах, таких как Windows Server 2003 и 2008/R2. Второй — это нарушает политику лицензирования Windows.
Если по каким-либо причинам, MSE вас не удовлетворяет, как бесплатное решение по антивирусной защите Windows Server, можно проделать следующий трюк с Avira Free Antivirus. Отыскать старую версию данного ПО (где нет проверки на ОС), выполнить инсталляцию и обновить до последней актуальной версии.