Bfme 1 and 2 windows vista 7 patch rar

Оригинальное название: LotrBfMe-65539-russian.exe Данный патч предназначен для русской версии The Battle for Middle - Earth и вносит следующие изменения: The soap opera of Patch 1.03 can now come to a close, just in the knick...

Оригинальное название: LotrBfMe-65539-russian.exe
Данный патч предназначен для русской версии The Battle for Middle — Earth и вносит следующие изменения:
The soap opera of Patch 1.03 can now come to a close, just in the knick of time, Patch 1.03 is officially live. Start your downloading engines and get on it.

Here is the exact text from the Read Me.

HUGE CONGRATS TO MADDOX AND THE BATTLE- TEST TEAM for their contribution, this was an epic ordeal with many key learnings.

Enough from me for now, the patch is finally, and I mean finally, LIVE.

============================ ======================================The Lord of the Rings™, The Battle for Middle-earth™
Readme File
================================ ==================================
Version 1.03 — February 24, 2006


• Darkness and Freezing rain now take longer to recharge (5 min) than their effectiveness time (3 min)
• Weather powers are now independent, meaning they can overlap their effects, except for enemy freezing rain
• Cloudbreak recharge time is now 6m 15s, costs 7 points (from 6), and beyond stunning its level 1 units, it now also negatively effects all enemy units (-30% speed, -50% armor) for 35 seconds
• Summoned Elves duration reduced (2 mins from 3 mins)
• Summoned Eagles duration reduced (1m30s from 2 mins)
• Elven Woods and Tainted land armor bonus reduced (+40% from +50%)
• Heal power now only heals up to 80% of the unit’s max health

• Balrog now has a faster wings-takeoff animation (0.7s from 1.7s)
• Balrog sensibly more resistant to magic damage (80% damage taken from 100%)
• Army of the Dead damage vs the Balrog reduced (approx. 70% less)
• Balrog whip attack can now target air units, reload increased (30s from 5s), damage vs heroes highly increased (+35%), heroes can’t resist its knockback anymore
• Balrog whip attack now has a special critical damage bonus (x10) against Gandalf, lethal damage if Gandalf is casting any spell
• Balrog now takes less damage from Eagles (40% from 100%)

• All infantry Forged Blades damage per second reduced by one third
• All basic infantry now more resistant to specialist damage (Pikemen, Tower Guards, Soldiers of Rhun). It’s now 29%/20% (from 50% /40%).
• Basic Infantry Heavy armor fire vulnerability slightly increased (15% damage taken from 0%)
• Gondor and Rohan elite units (Tower Guard, Ranger, Elven Warrior) and its combos now take 33% more experience to level up – exception is the Tower Guard for rank 2, as described in the Gondor changes section
• Catapult, trebuchet (60% taken from 100%) and ballista (50% taken from 100%) now more resistant to Structural (Ent rocks) damage
• Mordor and Isengard Castle Towers base damage increased (25 from 20), +33% damage to heroes except Nazguls and Eagles
• New base balance of cavalry:
Warg + Howl > Knight + Horseshields > Rohirrim > Wargs > Knight ~= Rohirrim
FU Knights > FU Rohirrim > FU Wargs (FU = Fully Upgraded = Horseshields+Forged Blades+Heavy Armor)
• All combined hordes now get special bonuses: +10% dmg, +10% armor for melee+ranged, +20% damage for pike+ranged and +20% armor for melee+cavalry or pike+melee combos

• Mordor and Isengard outer slaughterhouses cost reduced (300 from 350) and provides similar cash as a lumbermil with 4 laborers (225 from 150 credits per minute). Ranks up to level 2 faster (6 min), when it roughly matches a lumbermill production with 6 laborers (255 cpm). At rank 3, on the 23 min mark, provides 270 credits per minute.
• Outpost (expansion) Citadels now have new models and are garrisonable, but can’t be entered while being auto-repairing.. New mordor outpost hosts battallions visibly on top of it, and the hosted battalion takes advantage of any leadership applied, but will die if the outpost is destroyed.
• Gondor and Rohan outpost Citadels health sensibly reduced (2700 from 4000), can’t be entered while it’s being auto- repaired.
• Warg Lairs now drop 2 chests with 120-160 gold (from 50) and Trolls Lairs drop 3 chests with 120-160 gold (from 50). New total average is 280 gold from a warg lair and 420 gold from a troll lair.
• Neutral Warg now does more damage to structures (33% from 10%) and citadels (90% damage vs 33%)
• Neutral Troll is now faster (37 from 33) and has a larger guard (600 from 350) and vision range (175 from 150)
• Monster lairs are now more vulnerable to crush (cavalry) damage (150% damage taken from 50%).


• Warchant recharge time increased to 2m15s (from 2m)
• Vision of the Palantir now gives a +15% speed bonus to certain unit types in its central cursor area when its cast. Eligible types are cavalry, archers (including crossbowmen combos), heroes and siege units. 2m40s recharge, 35s duration
• Saruman’s Fireball extension range (how much the weapon can reach out after being fired) increased (280 vs 250)
• Saruman’s leadership effect reduced, now +30% armor (from +50%), +100% experience and fear invulnerability
• Saruman’s base health increased by 10% (1100 from 1000) and Wormtongue setup time reduced (1.2s from 2s)
• Lurtz Passive Leadership Damage boost reduced (+60% from +100%)
• Lurtz cripple extension range increased (380 vs 350)
• All Isengard Infantry now gain more health in Level 2 (+30 from +20) and Level 3 (+25 from +20)
• Uruk-Hai with heavy armor now more vulnerable to crush damage (60% from 50%)
• Uruk- crossbow combo horde sped up (42 from 33)
• Crossbowmen have a longer pre-attack time (730ms from 500ms)
• Pierce damage of crossbowmen vs cavalry reduced by 30%
• Pikemen with heavy armor slash vulnerability (123% from 80% damage taken) and pierce vulnerability (50% from 20%) increased
• Pikemen fire vulnerability (100%/75% from 30%/0%, unarmored/armored) increased
• Warg Riders cost reduced (760 from 800), and now have health recovery ability when not fighting — 22s to start healing, 1.5 seconds for each 4-point heal
• Wargs on line formation now earn +20% experience on top of the armor bonus and attack reduction
• Warg’s Howl is now +60% damage (from +50%) for 29s (from 35), recharge increased (1m40s from 1m30s)
• Warg’s Howl have a new aura effect, Heavy armor also has a new black skin to help distinguish their current power at any time
• Wargs with Forged Blades now do less damage (80 from 90)
• Berserker build time decreased (13s from 20s), Mordor and Isengard castle towers have a +50% damage bonus vs berserkers
• Ballista AI and pathing improved
• Ballista sensibly more resistant to fire (25% from 50%) and siege (33% from 50%) damage
• Ballistas now have a faster rate of fire (7s reload from 8s)


• Ent Allies Power Point cost reduced to 6 (from 8)
• Elven Woods cost reduced (2 points from 3 points)
• Some Rohan hero abilities (blademaster,shieldmaiden and glorious charge) are no longer cancelable by anti-leadership
• Glorious Charge reload increased (1m45s from 1m), damage decreased (+30% from +100%)
• Eowyn starts with horse
• Theoden base health increased (900 from 800), and is now un-knockable
• Gimli axe throw recharge now takes longer (45s from 10s), half power vs heroes, double damage vs cavalry; Weapon gained splash damage and range (250 from 175), halved damage on splash area vs infantry and monsters
• Gimli leap attack moved to rank 3 (from 2), range increased (130 from 100)
• Gimli’s slayer ability moved to rank 7 (from 5), recharge increased (1m30 from 1m), when in effect it disables the axe throw
• Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli now cost 5 command points each
• Aragorn’s Blademaster duration slightly reduced (25s from 30s)
• Aragorn’s Army of the Dead has a shorter duration (32s from 45s)
• Aragorn attacks faster and with 1/4th damage on its splash area, blademaster effectiveness reduced (+50% from +100%), price increased (3500 from 3000), more vulnerable to MAGIC damage (100% from 75%)
• Aragorn Athelas heal recharge time increased (2m15s from 1m30s)
• Aragorn revival costs increased to reflect its new cost and efficiency
• Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli now take more experience to level up above rank 7 (1100/1500/2000 from 900/1100/1500)

• ‘Crush revenge’ damage higher for peasants (35 from 20 slash)
• Draft Peasant now more vulnerable to slash damage (120% taken from 100%)
• Rohirrim now take less command points (15 from 20)
• Rohirrim attack reload sped up (1.25s from 1.5s, base damage per second = 32 from 27)
• Rohirrim is now more resistant to slash damage (90% from 100%)
• Rohirrim is now 10% more efficient vs Warg Riders (able to beat a batt without howl)
• Rohirrim with both horseshields and heavy armor now more resistant to magic attacks (80% from 100% damage taken)
• Rohirrim vulnerability to HERO_RANGED with heavy armor (80% from 50%) and Horseshields (65% from 50%) increased
• Horseshield now gives less pierce-resistance to Rohirrim (30% taken from 20%). Heavy armor and HA+shields resistance unchanged.
• Yeoman Archers have now much more base damage • 32 pierce (from 10) and 37 flame (from 15) — but reload time is 2.4 seconds longer
• Yeoman Archer’s now have 15% more speed. Crush-revenge damage (20 from 10) and buildtime (33s from 30s) increased
• Elven Warrior’s sight range reduced (270 from 420)
• Elven Warrior’s now take more pierce damage with heavy armor (60% from 40%) and 100%/20% flame damage (from 30%/0%)
• Elven Warrior’s on swords now do Slash damage as in 1.01, lower speed reduction on formation (-25% from -40%)
• Elven Warrior’s with heavy armor now more resistant to URUK (55% from 60%) and specialist (23% from 30%) damage
• Elven Warrior’s Crush vulnerability sensibly increased (90%/65% from 50% /50%, without/with HA), crush revenge damage halved.
• Treebeard now has longer weapon range (600 from 500) and rock-throw damage (520 from 400)
• TreeBeard now has a new aura effect to help distinguish the Ents under its effect
• TreeBeard now adds a leadership to Ents, increasing their armor by 50%, speed by 25% and rock throw range by 20%
• Treebeard enraged time reduced (1m from 2m30s)
• Ents crush vulnerability increased (40% from 80%)
• Standard Ents health reduced (1700 from 2000) — please notice that total health with TreeBeard aura is around 2500
• Rohirrim Archer now does only 28% damage to anti-cavalry units (Tower Guard, Soldiers of Rhun, Elven Warrior and Pikemen), and less damage to trolls and drummer trolls (56% from 100%). Crush resistance increased (80%/25% from 100%/40%)
• Rohirrim Archer is now more vulnerable to pierce damage (130%/50% from 100%/40%, without/with Heavy Armor) and flame (100%/80% from 50%/0%), more resistant to HERO_RANGED (150% taken from 200%)
• Legolas can’t be killed by Istari Light in a single hit anymore
• Legolas’ Hawk Strike now has a 30% damage boost vs Gandalf, recharge is now longer (45s from 30s)
• Eomer buildcost increased (1400 from 1200), base spear damage reduced (280 from 400), spear recharge much faster (25s from 60s) and available from start
• Eomer Horse leadership now on Rank 4, damage boost reduced (+60% from +100%), added +50% combat experience

• Archery range experience requirement reduced — only three Yeomans batallions needed to rank up
• Rohan Walls health reduced (4000 from 5000)
• Rohan Gate more resistant to magic damage (120% taken from 300%)
• Armory cost now 1300
• All Rohan upgrades now research in 45s (vs 30s)
• Forged Blades equip cost increased (350 from 300)
• Heavy armor equip cost decreased (250 from 300)


• Rohirrim allies duration (1m15 from 3m) and recharge (4m from 5m30s) reduced, now spawns 4 batts instead of 5
• Gandalf now gains 300 health (from 500) when White, now costs 10 command points
• Gandalf now requires more experience to level up above rank 7 (1400/1900/2500 from 1100/1500/2000)
• Gandalf’s Word of Power recharge time increased (4m30s/9m from 3/6m, with/without GtW), damage vs cavalry highly reduced
• Gandalf lightning strike damage sensibly reduced vs gates
• Gandalf Istari Light now does less damage to the WitchKing (180% damage from 200%)
• Gandalf shield bubble armor boost slightly reduced (99% from 200%) to make whipping shielded Gandalf possible
• Faramir now starts at rank 3 (with horse), leadership now at rank 5, +50% armor and fear resistance on a smaller radius (150 vs 200)
• Faramir Wounding Arrow base damage increased (400 from 300), reload time increased (40s from 15s), reduced power vs Witchking (50% vs 300%), more effective vs Mumakil (300% from 100%), +60% damage bonus vs Aragorn and Gimli
• Faramir now has a hold fire button, bow reloads Faster (1.4s average reload from 1.75 s)
• Faramir now switches to and from his horse faster (1.2s from 2s), speed on horses is now equal to the Knights speed
• Boromir cost increased (1600 from 1400), now starts at rank 3, +60% damage leadership at rank 4, Horn of Gondor at rank 5, Captain of Gondor at rank 6
• Boromir Horn of Gondor recharge takes longer (1m30s from 1m)
• Boromir attack now swings quicker (base damage per second unchanged) and has knockback damage, able to throw back non-hero targets
• Boromir now more resistant to slash (40% from 60%), uruk (30% from 40%) and crush (35% from 40%) damage types

• Soldier cost now 120, health increased (110 from 100)
• Fire arrow, heavy armor and forged blades equip cost 600 from 800 (360 with full discounts)
• ‘Crush revenge’ damage higher for Gondor Soldiers (40 from 20/slash)
• Gondor Archers cost reduced to 250 (from 300), 20% faster speed, take less command points (10 from 15 per batallion)
• Gondor Archers pierce damage increased (12 from 10) with +12% attack bonus vs orcs, flame damage higher (22 from 15)
• Ranger weapon now has increased range (370 from 350) and fast-fire feature, doubling reload rate after the second arrow. 150% pierce damage bonus vs Trolls and Mumakils
• Ranger cost (600 from 500) and buildtime (40 from 30s) increased, battalion now takes 20 command points (from 15), it’s now very pierce (35% damage taken from 100%) and fire (25% from 100%) resistant
• Ranger now have a «Hold fire» option
• Tower Guard cost increased (500 from 400), 150% damage bonus vs cavalry and double the crush revenge, can’t be trampled anymore when in blockshield formation
• Tower Guards more vulnerable to slash and uruk damage (150%/100% from 100%/40%, without and with heavy armor) and flame damage (10% from 0%), more resistant to pierce damage (10% from 20%)
• Tower Guards faster in blockshield formation (50% speed from 25%), less armor protection (+40% from +50%)
• Tower Guard now gives more experience when killed (15 from 10), experience requirement to reach level 2 halved (75 from 150). Other ranks requirements unchanged.
• Knights health reduced by 10% (215 from 240)
• Knights now do crush damage (from slash)
• Knights with both Heavy armor and Horseshields now have extra magic resistance
• Knight horseshields research cost and time increased (1300/45s from 1000/30s), equip cost increased (400 from 200)
• Knight horseshields now increases resistance to crush damage (77%/27% from 80%/40%, without/with heavy armor), and has less pierce resistance (25% taken from 20%). Heavy armor and HA+shields resistances unchanged
• Knight vulnerability to HERO_RANGED with heavy armor (80% from 50%) and Horseshields (65% from 50%) increased
• Trebuchet’s fire-upgraded damage (350siege/300fire from 300siege/200fire) and range (450 from 420) increased

• Workshop (Treb production structure) now costs 1500 from 2000
• Wall Trebuchet cost is now reduced with multiple blacksmiths
• Barracks level 2 experience requirement reduced (400 from 500)
• Damage of the upgraded Battle arrows reduced (90 vs 120)
• Walls health reduced by approximately 30%
• Numenor Wall health bonus reduced (4500 from 5000)
• Gondor Gate more resistant to magic damage (120% taken from 300%)
• Blacksmith now takes twice as long to level up to rank 3
• Iron Ore (+20% from +50%) and Grand Harvest (+40% from +50%) production boosts reduced


• Darkness Boost is now +33% damage (from +50%) and +50% armor
• Witchking damage boost is now reduced (+50% from +100%)
• WitchKing range of aura effect highly increased (500 from 200)
• WitchKing now has a new armor, compared to the Nazgul’s it’s more pierce (40% vs 61%) and magic (80% vs 100%) resistant, and more flame vulnerable (80% vs 50%)
• Witchking now takes half damage from some special hero attacks — Wounding Arrow, Hawk Strike, Spear Throw
• Gollum now has proper hotkey, recruit and revival definitions, cost increased (150 from 50), has a new armor (melee-resistant) and +70% damage bonus vs infantry

• Orcs armor more vulnerable to uruk and slash (150% and 170% respectively, from 125% damage taken)
• Orcs now has a longer attack reload time (1.83 from 1.63 s), crush revenge damage reduced (13 from 20)
• Orcs now do 36% damage to external economy structures and towers (battletowers, sentry towers, expansion citadels), and 50% damage to cavalry
• Orc archers now have 60 hitpoints (from 50), and are more resistant to fire (50% damage taken from 100%)
• Orc archers miss ratio reduced, pierce damage increased vs structures (150%), flame damage increased (20 from 15), damage halved vs cavalry
• Orcs and archers experience required to reach level 2 slightly lowered (40 from 50), now gain more health in Level 2 (+30 from +20) and Level 3 (+25 from +20)
• Haradrim is now more pierce vulnerable (125% damage taken from 100%)
• Haradrim damage boosted vs structures (180%), cost increased (240 vs 200)
• Haradrim now do 33% less damage vs basic archers (g. archer, yeoman, crossbow, m.archer)
• Soldier of Rhun base buildtime increased (45s from 40s), damage vs infantry increased by 50%
• Soldier of Rhun take less crush (20% from 50%), pierce (40% from 50%) and uruk (20% from 100%) damage
• Soldier of Rhun 10% faster and it’s now faster in formation (-30% speed from -40%)
• Soldier of Rhun crush-revenge weapon now does 72 magic damage — more effective vs heavy armor and horse shields — from 60 slash
• Drummer Troll base buildtime increased (53s from 45s), cost increased (1300 from 1200), aura has a higher area of effect
• Drummer Troll is now more resistant to flame (30% dmg taken from 50%) and more vulnerable to siege damage (150% from 100%)
• Mordor Troll now has a hold fire button, club (tree) weapon range sensibly increased (50 from 20)
• Nazgul is now slightly more resistant to Magic damage (90% from 100%)
• Nazgul takes more pierce damage (61% from 30%), less fire damage (50% from 90%), total damage taken from fire-upgraded arrows roughly the same
• Mumakil takes more pierce damage (65% from 50%), and less fire damage (250% from 300%), total damage taken from fire- upgraded arrows slightly less (eg. 57 from 60 for a fire Elven Warrior)
• Mumakil legs collision area increased (35/25 from 25/15, front/back legs)
• Mumakil charge weapon now does critical damage to heroes (1500 vs 50). Standard crush now does HERO damage type (100% vs heroes)
• Catapults fire damage now harms friendly units and structures (100% from 0%)

• Cost of Flag Banner equip upgrade decreased sensibly (450 from 600, full-discounts cost 270)
• Haradrim Palace can no longer research the Banner upgrade
• Troll cage now levels up faster, 1 troll less for level 2, 1 drummer or troll less for level 3

Bug Fixes:

• Pikemen not attacking on Elven Woods bug fixed
• Gandalf double spell bug fixed
• Troll/Mumakil/rams pathfinding and attacking AI improved — collision area reduced
• Warg’s Howl bug fixed, it now properly applies its boost
• Ballista shroud clearing range bug fixed, it now matches that of all other artillery units
• Rohirrim Allies potential-desync bug fixed
• Multiple Tooltip fixes and revisions
• Well-rebuild multi-discount bug fixed

Version 1.02 — April, 2005


— The NVIDIA ForceWare 71.84 and 71.89 drivers are known to cause BfME to
occasionally crash with a ‘DX8 Error’ message for certain users. We’re working
closely with the NVIDIA team to solve these issues. If and only if you
experience a greater frequency of crashes under the 71.84 or 71.89 drivers, we
recommend you try using the 66.93 drivers until a better solution becomes
available. This issue affects all existing versions of BfME, patched or

Issues addressed:


— Players who disconnect in the 1v1 ladder now get a disconnect and a loss
stat. The remaining opponent in that match gets a win. The 1v1 ladder is
updated accordingly.

o The new disconnect code does not apply yet for the 2v2 ladder. We are
working with Gamespy to implement the new disconnect code on the 2v2 ladder as
quickly as possible. We will update you as soon as it has been implemented. We
will still enforce our current Disconnect Policy as a second measure to ensure
fair play.

— Added an early detection feature that will kick players who disconnect and
reconnect their network cable after a certain number of attempts.
— Fixed a bug that gave everyone in a 2v2 Quickmatch a «victorious» message if
two players on the same team disconnected.
— Fixed a bug that caused some high-ranking players to Quickmatch against
first-time users.
— 2v2 Quickmatch stats are updated a little quicker on the Ladder site and
Profile menu.
— Nurn (3v3 map) has been removed from the 2v2 Quickmatch map queue.
— Cair Andros and Eaves of Fangorn (3-player maps) have been removed from the
1v1 Quickmatch map queue.
— Fixed a desync caused by upgrading numerous Trebuchets that are bombarding an
area with Fire Stones.


— Ruined Towers can now be garrisoned and transformed into a defensive
structure by nearly every infantry unit.
— Garissoned units can be removed from Ruined Towers at any time.


— Gandalf’s Istari Light, as either Gandalf the Grey or Gandalf the White, no
longer kills the Mordor Witchking with one attack.
— Pikemen Heavy Armor upgrade gives less protection against attacks by
soldier-class units. This should make infantry units a viable counter to them.
— Nazgul are slightly more resistant to archers and fire.
— Saruman’s Fireball does more damage to hero units.
— Saruman now gains Leadership as a default ability.
— Nazgul normal speed increased slightly.
— Nazgul swoop speed increased significantly.
— Eomer’s Spear Throw now hits correctly and does proper damage.
— Rohirrim and Archer Rohirrim had their hitpoints reversed. Fixed.
— The Catapult’s «Release the Prisoners» toggle no longer damages friendly
— Theoden and Eomer now properly receive the Elven Gifts upgrade.
— Flying units can no longer be immobilized by Lurtz’s Cripple Strike.
— Fixed an exploit that allowed players to move their worker units (Townsman,
Orc Laborer, etc) anywhere on the map by «pushing» them with another friendly
— Fixed an exploit that allowed Merry, Frodo, Sam, and Pippin to throw two
rocks at once.
— Mumakils now properly damage castle walls and Ent Moots.
— Saruman no longer retains control of a horde of units if he had cast
Domination on them after their banner carrier had died.
— Heroes no longer gain experience if they’re standing next to an Uruk-hai
horde that’s using the Bloodthirsty ability.
— Mountain Trolls gain an extra armor bonus at level 2.
— Warg Heavy Armor is now less resistant to normal damage and flame damage, but
is more resistant to damage from heroes.
— The amount of fire damage that the Mumakil requires before it rampages has
been increased significantly.
— Heal reset timer increased from 2 minutes to 3 minutes.
— Gandalf can only get Shadowfax when upgraded to Gandalf the White.
— Build time for Gondor and Rohan castle wall upgrades now doubled.
— Freezing Rain reset timer increased from 3 minutes to 4 minutes.
— Darkness reset timer reduced from 10 minutes to 4 minutes.
— Cloud Break reset timer reduced from 6 minutes to 5 minutes.
— The Gondor Ranger’s had a bug that caused their arrows to get weaker when
when upgraded with fire arrows. This has been fixed.
— Theoden’s mounted speed increased to match that of the Rohirrim.
— Gondor’s summoned Rohirrim now come already upgraded with Shields and Heavy
— Boromir and Faramir have slightly more hitpoints.
— Faramir’s armor is now stronger.
— Faramir now receives the proper armor type when mounted.
— Fixed a bug that limited the armor bonus that Gondor Knights received when
fully upgraded. They are now tougher when fully upgraded.
— Orc Fighters armor is less resistant to damage from soldier-class units.
— Ent armor is slightly more resistant to archers.
— Elven Warriors and Tower Guards no longer receive a bonus for retaliation
from nearby Leadership. Hero Leadership bonuses still apply to all other
aspects of these units.
— Heavy Armor upgrade for Elven Warriors now provides less resistance to
archers, soldiers, and cavalry.
— Gondor Blacksmith now upgrades to level 2 after earning 750 credits instead
of 1200.
— Gondor Reinforced Gate upgrade cost raised to 1200 credits from 750.
— Gondor Numenorean Stonework upgrade cost raised to 2500 from 2000.
— Gondor Battle Tower and Keep Archers upgrade cost raised to 3000 from 2000.
— Gondor Banner upgrade cost raised to 600 from 300.
— Gondor Fire Arrows upgrade cost raised to 800 from 500.
— Gondor Forged Blades and Heavy Armor upgrade cost raised to 800 from 400.
— Gondor Ranger’s are now more resistant to damage from soldiers and cavalry.
— Elven Warriors with bows are now crushed as normal infantry.
— Elven Warriors with swords move more slowly and act similarly to Pikeman
against cavalry.


— Removed two non-functioning buttons from the Edit Skybox window in World
— Fixed a crash caused by loading a user-created multiplayer map in Custom
Match with a long map description.
— World Builder no longer brings up an error message if the user attempts to
save under Bases, Libraries, or System Maps. (The message still appears for
those running Windows on a limited user account).


— Gondor and Rohan Wells that are attacked while under construction no longer
cease being built.
— Ruined Towers are now visible on the mini-map when the user has troops next
to the tower or occupying it. The towers are only visible on the mini-map when
in view.
— Pressing Shift and left-clicking the mouse on terrain no longer deselects
your units. This should apply to both normal and alternate mouse setups.
— Treebeard now correctly displays his ranged attack damage on his Help Text.
— Castle flags can no longer collide with projectile objects. This caused some
carefully placed units within castle walls to become invincible against
— Save games now correctly update the profile from which that game was created.
— Fixed a bug that caused the Cripple Strike animation to stop playing if any
hero affected by it is healed right away.
— Guard button now properly appears for Uruk-hai and Uruk-hai Pikemen.
— Fixed a bug that caused the spell buttons to disappear if a player loads a
campaign skirmish map of a faction that’s opposed to the last faction skirmish
game that the user has played (i.e., playing a good campaign skirmish and then
loading an evil one, or vice versa).
— Fixed a bug in Eastern Rohan that caused Postern Gates to become
non-functional if the player builds a Stables adjacent to it.
— Added tooltips for the new Communicator that was added in patch 1.01.
— Units that encounter a newly broken wall section will attempt to pathfind
around it, rather than stop at the edge of that wall.
— Fixed a bug that caused a player to occasionally lose control over units that
were recently sent through a Postern Gate.
— Units are now able to cross the section of bridge directly above the
innermost keep in Helm’s Deep.
— Lurtz’s Cripple Strike animation now ends as soon as the effect does.
— Credits will no longer automatically play if a user who had recently finished
the single-player campaign exits the Network multiplayer lobby.
— Users will no longer get a friend request from players that they’ve chosen to
ignore via the Communicator.
— Corrected the map descriptions for Old Brown Lands and Mirkwood.
— Building and quickly canceling Rohan and/or Gondor wall upgrades no longer
prevents melee siege units from attacking those walls.
— Wall upgrade plots no longer remain suspended in air after the upgrades are
— Fixed an exploit that allowed Gondor and Rohan players to use their Postern
Gates before they had completed construction.
— The tooltip and help text for the Mordor Furnace are now consistent.
— Fixed a bug that occasionally prevented the attack cursor from appearing over
enemy units.

Version 1.01 — January 17, 2005

Issues addressed:

-Northern Ithilien
-Black Gate
-Eaves of Fangorn

2. ADDED COMMUNICATOR — By hitting Ctrl+Enter anywhere in the Online Menu, even
in an online match, you can bring up the new communicator. This utility will
let you add, remove, and chat with users that you choose to make your friends.

— Drummer Troll now recharges health when it reaches level 2
— The damage radius for the Mordor Catapult’s skull upgrade has been increased
— Ents now take more damage from slash and pierce attacks

4. QUICK MATCH TWEAKS — 1v1 matches are now limited to 1v1 maps, and 2v2
matches are nowlimited to 2v2 maps. 2v2 maps will no longer be able to be
played in 1v1 matches, and 3v3 maps will no longer be able to be played in 2v2

5. ONLINE CHEATS & EXPLOITS — Addressed all known online cheats and
money/special power hacks.

6. MISC. BUG FIXES — Addressed some network code issues, as well as other
multiplayer and single-player bugs.

Single Player Campaign Fixes

— Osgiliath — Eye of Sauron is not halted when attempting to cross the center
of level’s three bridges from either side
— Minas Tirith — destroying the Citadel on the second level of Minas Tirith
will no longer destroy all your farms
— Good Amon Hen — you begin the map with all the heroes under your control and
the second half of the map will now load
— Evil Cair Andros — If you beat this mission and then load a Living World save
immediately after Osgiliath, unavailable maps will no longer be available
— Siege Towers can no longer path find to the top of the second level castle
walls at Minas Tirith
— Bonus objective «Ensure Treebeard survives» can now be completed if Treebeard
is revived
— In the single player campaign, neutral base sites are no longer visible
through fog of war

Skirmish / Multiplayer Fixes

— Eye of Sauron can now move through castle walls
— In a skirmish match a Cave Troll will now engage the player or AI
— Cavalry banner units no longer kill infantry instantly when trampling over
— Ballistas no longer get stuck in multiplayer map Emyn Arnen if an Isengard
Seigeworks is built in the center outpost on the top right plot
— Game no longer freezes when hitting escape key and pressing either the mouse
scroll wheel or right mouse button as camera begins to spin when the player
wins a map
— Units and Heroes will now gain rank points for destroying a Gondor
— Resources can now be gained from splash damage kills
— Horse mounted units no longer get caught on top of castle walls when a castle
is being built

Cheat Fixes

— Gondor player can no longer create two Gandalfs
— Player can no longer gain endless amounts of resources by exploiting the
«Rebuild» function of a destroyed citadel

World Builder Fixes

— Fixed runtime error when exiting World Builder
— Worldbuilder no longer crashes when setting the map size too high
— Worldbuilder no longer crashes when the Grove button is used



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Posted 10 April 2016 — 01:54 PM

Hello everyone,

By now we reach the time when our good old original disks reach their date of expiry and are expected to show serious physical failure. We decided to provide you an alternative way to continue playing!

Below you’ll find a step-by-step installation guide for each game.

Big thanks to GameReplays for hosting the downloads!

Battle for Middle-earth

If you have the original BfME disk then please skip to step 3 and use your legitimate cd key.

  • Download The Battle for Middle-earth ™. The original unmodified version. Main / Mirror 1
  • Open tBfMe.iso. This will mount the BfME disk to a virtual drive.
  • Launch AutoRun.exe on the disk. Install the game. Need a cd key? (Note: some antivirus programs will flag the keygen. This is a false positive. The keygen is safe.)
  • Install patches: Easiest way is to download our all-in-one patch 1.06 installer. (Installs 1.03, 1.05 and 1.06 and T3A:Online in your language.)
    All-in-one patch installer includes no-cd fix, widescreen fix and T3A:Online, please select these components.
  • (If you didn’t install it in step 4) Download T3A:Online to play online!
  • Download the Battle for Middle-earth: HD Edition. You can play online with people who don’t have it. Download page…-hd-edition-v10
  • To setup your screen resolution click Start and type:


    This will open the folder location C:UsersusernameAppDataRoaming in the Windows Explorer app. Search for the

    ...AppDataRoamingMy Battle for Middle-earth Files

    folder there (or create a new folder). Download Options.ini and put it in the folder. [image] Open the Options.ini file and edit Resolution = 1920 1080 to your screen resolution and save.

Battle for Middle-earth II

If you have the original BfME 2 disk then please skip to step 3 and use your legitimate cd key.

  • Download The Battle for Middle-earth ™ II. The original unmodified version. Main / Mirror 1
  • Open tBfMe_II.iso. This will mount the BfME 2 disk to a virtual drive.
  • Launch AutoRun.exe on the disk. [image] Install the game. Need a cd key? (Note: some antivirus programs will flag the keygen. This is a false positive. The keygen is safe.)
  • Install patches.

    • Download the Battle for Middle-earth II v1.06 Patch in your language. (Scroll down)

    • Download the Battle for Middle-earth II Patch 1.09
    Patch 1.09 includes widescreen fix.

    • To play BfME 2 without a disk use this game.dat file. Move it to the game’s installation folder at

    C:Program Files (x86)Electronic ArtsThe Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II
  • Download T3A:Online to play online!
  • Download the Battle for Middle-earth II: HD Edition. You can play online with people who don’t have it. Download page…hd-edition-v-11
  • To setup your screen resolution click Start and type:


    This will open the folder location C:UsersusernameAppDataRoaming in the Windows Explorer app. Search for the

    ...AppDataRoamingMy Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II Files

    folder there (or create a new folder). Download Options.ini and put it in the folder. [image] Open the Options.ini file and edit Resolution = 1920 1080 to your screen resolution and save.

The Rise of the Witch King

If you have the original RotWK disk then please skip to step 3 and use your legitimate cd key.

RotWK needs BfME 2 version 1.06 installed. Use the BfME 2 Patch 1.09 Switcher to change to version 1.06.

  • Download The Rise of the Witch King. The original unmodified version. Main / Mirror 1
  • Open rotwk.iso. This will mount the RotWK disk to a virtual drive.
  • Launch AutoRun.exe on the disk. [image] Install the game. Need a cd key? (Note: some antivirus programs will flag the keygen. This is a false positive. The keygen is safe.)
  • Install patches.

    • 1. Download the Rise of the Witch-king v2.01 Patch in your language.

    • 2. Download the Rise of the Witch King Patch 2.02 v8.0.0

    • 3. Download the Rise of the Witch King Patch 2.02 v8.4.0
    Patch 2.02 includes no-cd fix and widescreen fix.

  • Download T3A:Online to play online!
  • Rise of the Witch King: HD Edition is not available yet. Follow development here…otwk-hd-edition
    Try the Age of the Ring RotWK 2.02 mod from the HD Edition team.
  • To setup your screen resolution click Start and type:


    This will open the folder location C:UsersusernameAppDataRoaming in the Windows Explorer app. Search for the

    ...AppDataRoamingMy The Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king Files

    folder there (or create a new folder). Download Options.ini and put it in the folder. [image] Open the Options.ini file and edit Resolution = 1920 1080 to your screen resolution and save.

T3A:Online integrates seamlessly into your BfME experience and allows you to play online. It returns the online component of all three games that uses p2p connections, allowing for stabler games and reduced lag. The HD Editions and mods can be enjoyed without hassle.

  • Register your Revora Account. If you already have an account on Revora Forums then log in.
  • Create your Server Login. Warning: Your T3A:Online server login is saved in plain text. Do not re-use the password for your e-mail account, social media, ect.
  • Get the latest patch. See the above guide for your game.
  • Download the T3A:Online Launcher.
  • Once installed, open the launcher and hook your game to launch it from any shortcut. [image]

Looking for games? Ask on the T3A:Online Community Discord.

Exception Access Violation error when starting game + Options.ini
This is an issue for Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10: if you game does not start…

  • These are the same instructions as above for changing screen resolution.
    Click Start and type:
    This will open the folder location C:UsersusernameAppDataRoaming in the Windows Explorer app.
  • Search for your game’s folder:
    My Battle for Middle-earth Files
    My Battle for Middle-earth(tm) II Files
    My The Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king Files

    Or create a new folder with that name. Please note that if you have installed BfME in another language then the folder name might be different.

  • Download Options.ini and put it in the folder. [For BfME 1] [For BfME 2] [For RotWK]
  • If the folder Maps is not there then make a new folder and name it Maps.

Changing the screen resolution
The game’s resolution can be edited to match your screen in the options.ini file.

Game crashes before opening with no error.
First, upgrade your graphics card drivers.

If you have more than one graphics card in your computer then test running the game on each card.

For computers with NVIDIA and Intel: The game will not open on an Intel Integrated graphics card, so use the NVIDIA graphics card. First, right click the game’s shortcut. Then in the menu click Run with graphics processor and select High-performance NIVIDIA processor. Also, you can open the NVIDIA settings from this menu and choose programs to use with the graphics card.

While online the game says to update.
Check these for BfME 2

  • Make sure you have installed v1.06 before v1.09

Check these for RotWK

  • Make sure you have installed v2.01 before v2.02

Both games

  • Make sure you’ve got the original, unedited game. Downloads and guide are above.
  • Make sure you are starting the game through the T3A:Online launcher OR have it hooked (from the Hook menu in the launcher) when you open your game’s shortcut
  • Make sure you are running everything related the game and T3A:Online as administrator. The launcher, the game shortcut, the game’s exe files in the installation folder.
  • In your Options.ini, make sure the following line is present:

    HasGotOnline = yes

  • If the above solutions don’t work for you then please reinstall the game and follow the installation guide carefully.

Cannot locate the DVD-ROM

  • Update to the latest version of the game. Check the installation guide above.
  • If you are using an earlier version of the game then check the below guides for Virutal Disk Drive and Mini-images.
  • Turn off «run as administrator» for the game.

Virtual Disk Drive
Windows 10 can mount disks to a virtual drive. If you have Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 then you will need a virtual drive program like WinCDEmu or Alcohol 52% to mount downloaded disks.

We do not recommend Daemon Tools Lite.…on_tools/14073/ If you use Daemon Tools Lite do not update this specific version if the old version runs on your computer.

Mini-images are used for BfME 2 v1.06 and RotWK 2.01. If you wish to play these version you will need to mount a mini-image to a virtual disk drive. Firstly, you will need a program to mount a virutal disk (WindCDEmu or Alcohol 52%). After installing please restart your computer. Next you will need one of these mini-images.

  • To play BfME 2 without a disk use this mini-image.
  • To play RotWK without a disk use this mini-image.

Alternatively, you can use an alternative game.dat file for BfME 2 which may restrict online play.

  • To play BfME 2 without a disk use this game.dat file. Place it in the game’s installation folder at
    C:Program Files (x86)Electronic ArtsThe Battle for Middle-earth (tm) II

    The BfME 2 patch 1.09 team recommend playing BfME 2 v1.00 with the mini-image and BfME 2 v1.06 and v1.09 with the modified game.dat file. The modified game.dat file is incompatible with BfME 2 v1.00.

Auto-defeat: You are defeated 3 minutes into the game.
This is part of the game’s anti-piracy. To fix it:

For BfME 1

  • Open the game folder location. On Windows 10 the location is at:
    C:Program Files (x86)EA GamesThe Battle for Middle-earth (tm)
  • Delete this file from the game folder:
    LOTRBFMe.dat [image of file]
  • Run the lotrbfme_inst.exe file. If you don’t have that file in your game folder then download and move the following exe file to your game folder. Run the exe file in the game folder. You can download a zip folder with the exe here: lotrbfme_inst.exe

For BfME 2 (experimental fix)

  • Open the game folder location. On Windows 10 the location is at:
    C:Program Files (x86)Electronic ArtsThe Battle for Middle-earth (tm) II
  • Delete this file from the game folder:
    lotrbfme2.exe [image]
  • Then find this file:
    game.dat [image]

    Rename the file to:
    lotrbfme2.exe [image]

For RotWK

  • Open the game folder location. On Windows 10 the location is at:
    C:Program Files (x86)Electronic ArtsThe Lord of the Rings, The Rise of the Witch-king
  • Delete this file from the game folder:
  • Find this file

    Rename the file to

Game Crash (Code Error)

Coming soon.

If you have mods that install into the game’s installation folder please uninstall them and remove leftover files before reinstalling the game.

Not applicable to new installations: the Maps folder in My Battle for Middle-earth Files can become crowded if you’ve downloaded a lot of maps. This might cause a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library error.

More Help
Check our Forums for solved issues.

Join games on our Discord.

Edited by Mathijs, 15 April 2022 — 07:27 AM.

Updated BFME1 AIO installer.

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Posted 10 April 2016 — 05:18 PM

Viewing a CD-Key attachment(s) for all BFME games requires permission from an administrator and I don’t get one when I am logged in.

Edited by zocom7, 10 April 2016 — 05:18 PM.

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Posted 10 April 2016 — 06:54 PM

Alternately, instead of using the (bugged) Daemon Tools, you can use Alcohol 52% or 120%, which I’d strongly recommend.

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Posted 10 April 2016 — 08:48 PM


  • Download and install patch 1.08 —> http://www.gamerepla…download—bt2dc»

That link takes me to BMFE1 1.05 Patch.

Also «

  1. To play without a CD, download this mini image and mount either one of them with the older version of Daemon Tools you downloaded.»

Doesn’t work either, the guy above said the other one which needs permission.

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Posted 10 April 2016 — 09:31 PM

As for the BFME2 1.08 patch, the link is here (within the patch switcher): http://www.gamerepla…howtopic=937340

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Posted 12 April 2016 — 06:50 PM

The links are fixed. (RoR)

«To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath.»

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Posted 17 April 2016 — 10:07 AM

To play without a CD, download this mini image and mount either one of them with the older version of Daemon Tools you downloaded.»

Doesn’t work either, the guy above said the other one which needs permission.


«To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath.»

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Posted 17 April 2016 — 12:16 PM

For me, only 4.46.1 version of Daemon Tools work…


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Posted 25 April 2016 — 08:49 PM

«To know what question we may reasonably propose is in itself a strong evidence of sagacity or intelligence. For if a question be in itself incongruous and begs for uncalled-for answers, it holds, sometimes, besides embarrassing the proposer, the disadvantage to seduce the unguarded listener into giving absurd answers, and we are presented with the ridiculous spectacle of one (as the ancients said) milking the he-goat, and the other holding a sieve beneath.»

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Posted 28 April 2016 — 06:29 PM

So why do you not tell people to use the Origin version of RotWK?

It’s free if you have a valid key and it works without a disc (or image) and also without the Origin Client running. All you need is to download through Origin and then authenticate at first start with your Origin account details.

Attached Thumbnails

  • rotwk_origin.jpg

Edited by ltsheppard, 28 April 2016 — 06:32 PM.

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    Post-modern Shaman

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Posted 28 April 2016 — 06:45 PM

I was honestly unaware of this being a thing!

We’ll look into this, thanks for notifying us.

EDIT: I can’t find it on Origin. Help?

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Posted 28 April 2016 — 07:03 PM

«A few years ago the expansion pack, Rise Of The Witch King was on Origin but it looks like it’s been removed from sale. I know for a fact it was on Origin because there’s a copy in my library.»
I don’t think it’s up there anymore, unless you were a previous consumer?


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Posted 28 April 2016 — 07:04 PM

And here I was, getting all excited.

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Posted 28 April 2016 — 07:26 PM

Sources conflict on whether you still get it.

All that’s left are the EA Store/Origin-specific patches for RotWK and this abomination of a page that replaced all references to anything BFME on…-middle-earth-2

I wonder how they pulled RotWK off on EA Store when vanilla BFME2 wasn’t there :whatoa:

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Posted 28 April 2016 — 08:59 PM

I have RotWK on Origin. I never install it there because it is pointless when you can just get it from here, no?

                  — Yes shameless self-promotion


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Posted 29 April 2016 — 10:16 AM

I was honestly unaware of this being a thing!

We’ll look into this, thanks for notifying us.

EDIT: I can’t find it on Origin. Help?

You have to contact Origin support and give them your CD-Key. They will then add it to your library. The problem is you still need to install BFME2 from disc.

I’ve been asking them about the basegame too but it seems there never was an Origin version of that. However, if more people would ask about it maybe they’d consider making one. I’ve already told them that people would be interested, maybe even for a small price.

I think the reason for not showing it on Origin anymore is that, as far as I know, EA doesn’t have the LotR rights anymore. However they still seem to be allowed to distribute RotWK (or else you couldn’t have it in your library) in a digital format. And since WB apparently has no plans for selling BFME maybe EA can rework the series for Origin. For my part, I’d love to be able to install and play without disc or images.

I have RotWK on Origin. I never install it there because it is pointless when you can just get it from here, no?

Well, you don’t have to do the hassle of downloading a DVD image and mounting it every time you play. Also (although I’m no stickler for that) it’s legal, whereas the other options are not.

Edited by ltsheppard, 29 April 2016 — 10:26 AM.

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Posted 29 April 2016 — 12:42 PM

I’ve been asking them about the basegame too but it seems there never was an Origin version of that. However, if more people would ask about it maybe they’d consider making one. I’ve already told them that people would be interested, maybe even for a small price.

I think the reason for not showing it on Origin anymore is that, as far as I know, EA doesn’t have the LotR rights anymore. However they still seem to be allowed to distribute RotWK (or else you couldn’t have it in your library) in a digital format.

They aren’t allowed to distribute it. This is just residual.

And since WB apparently has no plans for selling BFME maybe EA can rework the series for Origin.

That’s not how licensing works.

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Posted 30 April 2016 — 01:58 PM

They aren’t allowed to distribute it. This is just residual.

That’s not how licensing works.

You think EA had another licencse for publishing/distributing RotWK on Origin? I don’t think so. It certainly applied to all the games, in every form (disc-based and digital). The problem is, while EA might be allowed to upload BFME2 to Origin, they wouldn’t be allowed to charge for it without striking a deal with WB.

For us players that’s a real shame because the only game needing a disc/image now is BFME2.

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Posted 01 May 2016 — 09:24 AM

No no, I’m pretty sure this form of distribution breaks the licensing contract as well. It’s convenient for those who have the key, but I’m pretty sure they’re not supposed to do that. Activision refused all forms of sending replacement discs for their Star Trek games by 2008, and they were the ones who made the best use of the license between 2000 and 2003. You can’t get any of them outside eBay/Amazon/torrents.

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Posted 01 May 2016 — 04:19 PM

I have RotWK on Origin. I never install it there because it is pointless when you can just get it from here, no?

Well, you don’t have to do the hassle of downloading a DVD image and mounting it every time you play. Also (although I’m no stickler for that) it’s legal, whereas the other options are not.

I understand this, but the goal in what we are doing is to allow users to not need the CDs anyways, as we have done for BFME1. And as far as legality goes, I guarantee you that nobody cares about someone «illegally» acquiring a BFME game as they are so old now that they’re considered abandonware.

Edited by Kwen, 01 May 2016 — 04:20 PM.

                  — Yes shameless self-promotion


                            «Old modders never die, they just fade away» ~ Hostile

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На чтение 3 мин Просмотров 2к. Опубликовано 07.05.2019


  1. Вес файла: 608.2 Kb
  2. —> Скачать с сервера
  3. 29_CDKeyFixer_1.06.rar
  4. Реклама:
  5. Поделиться файлом:

Вес файла: 608.2 Kb

—> Скачать с сервера

CDKeyFixer — программа для автоматической генерации серийных номеров и dat-файлов следующих игр:

  • Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth
  • Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II
  • Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth II: The Rise of the Witch-King
  • Command & Conquer: Generals
  • Command & Conquer: Generals — Zero Hour

Кей фиксер решает проблему с автопоражением (когда все юниты и постройки игрока разрушаются спустя несколько минут после начала матча) путём смены ключа игры. Кроме того, программа также позволяет редактировать некоторые другие данные, относящиеся к играм из списка (например, директории в реестре и ip-адреса).

Внимание! Использовать фиксер надо после установки no-cd, так как именно кряк игры является причиной возникновения проблемы с автопоражением. С общей последовательностью патчинга игр серии BFME можно ознакомиться здесь.

Процедура использования:

  1. Запускаем CDKeyFixer.exe
  2. В главном окошке выбираем нужную игру
  3. Нажимаем на кнопку «Сменить ключ«, расположенную ниже
  4. Лечение выполнено

Если вдруг указанный выше способ не сработал, то вот альтернативный вариант на примере BFME2:

  1. Запускаем CDKeyFixer.exe. В главном окошке выбираем «The Battle for Middle-Earth II«. Затем нажимаем на кнопку «Дополнительно«, расположенную ниже.
  2. Открывается новое окошко. Начинаем работу с ним.
  3. В появившемся окне в первую очередь проверяем соответствие значения в поле «Папка с игрой» Вашей директории БФМЕ2 (попросту говоря, указанная в этом окне директория БФМЕ2 должна совпадать с директорией, где у Вас установлена игра).
    Если папки различаются — прописываем в это поле реальную директорию игры и нажимаем на кнопку «Установить«, расположенную правее.
    Если данное поле вообще пустое — переходим по ссылке и выполняем инструкцию по указанию данных об игре в реестре.
  4. Обращаем внимание на поле «Новый ключ компакт-диска«. Устанавливаем галку в пункте «Редактирование нового ключа компакт-диска«. После чего вписываем ключ FTJA-E4M3-EAYW-HZ75-9M5W в поле «Новый ключ компакт-диска» и нажимаем на кнопку «Установить«, расположенную правее.
  5. Программа должна уведомить об успешном изменении параметров. В поле «Текущий ключ компакт-диска» должен появиться наш ключ, который мы указали в прошлом в пункте.
  6. Процедура лечения завершена, можно закрывать CDKeyFixer и запускать игру.

Аналогичный алгоритм применим к BFME1 и RotWK. Отличаются только ключи, которые следует прописывать в пункте 4:


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Все очень просто :

1) Качаем программу «CD KeY FiXeR».
2) Запускаем ее.
3) Выбираем подходящую игру и нажимаем «Сгенерировать ключ».

Для запуска Windows 7 (64-bit) делаем следующее:
Нужно создать программой Блокнот файл Options.ini (проверти чтобы файл Options в свойствах был именно (.ini) а не (.txt) и кинуть в папку C: Users ВашеИмяПользователя AppData Roaming My Battle for Middle-earth II Files (который появляется после первого не удачного запуска).

Файл Options должен иметь следующий текст внутри:

AllHealthBars = yes
AmbientVolume = 81.000000
AudioLOD = Low
Brightness = 50
FlashTutorial = 0
GameSpyIPAddress =
HasSeenLogoMovies = yes
>MovieVolume = 70.000000
MusicVolume = 78.000000
Resolution = 1600 900
SFXVolume = 80.000000
ScrollFactor = 31
SendDelay = no
StaticGameLOD = UltraHigh
TimesInGame = 62
UseEAX3 = no
VoiceVolume = 69.000000

The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth
Lord Of The Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth (Властелин колец: Битва за Средиземье) – стратегия в реальном времени, в которой вам снова придется отправиться на просторы Средиземья и сразиться за кольцо Всевластия, выступив за одну из сторон конфликта…

События игры происходят в соответствии с событиями, что описываются в кинотрилогии «Властелин колец». Но при этом игра позволяет взглянуть на историю с разных углов. Вы можете поиграть, как за силы Свободных Народов, так и за силы Зла. Всего есть две сюжетных кампании, и в каждой из них вас ждут знакомые до боли события, сражения, море интересных заставок, и многое другое. 

Что до игрового процесса, так он в Lord Of The Rings: The Battle for Middle-Earth наследует все традиции жанра «RTS». То есть, вы будете строить базу, создавать юнитов, выполнять задания на огромных глобальных картах, и не только. 

В целом же все достаточно просто. Вы должны будете заниматься экономикой и производством войск, управлять армией, собирать ресурсы и добывать валюту, и делать все для уничтожения врага. Но при этом, у данной игры имеется и несколько особенностей. К примеру, это касается зданий, которые здесь нельзя строить в произвольном порядке. тут на каждое здание приходится определенный сектор. К примеру, есть сектор поселков, где можно строить здания для сборки ресурсов, фермы, и лесопилки, а есть и лагеря, где можно возводить цитадели, стены, и оборонительные сооружения.

Что касается юнитов, так тут все еще проще. Разработчики добились максимального баланса, но при этом сделали юнитов каждой из сторон по-своему уникальными. Например, на стороне сил Зла упор делается на «массу» или точнее «мясо» и количество, в то время как у сил Добра юнитов будет меньше, но при этом они будут равными по силе большему количеству врагов. А в остальном же все также, как и в большинстве «RTS».
У нас вы можете скачать The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-earth торрент последнюю версию бесплатно на компьютер.

— Установить игру, используя генератор ключей.
— По окончании установки скопировать файл «Crackgame.dat» в папку с игрой с заменой.

— Для устранения бага с саморазрушением зданий скопировать папку «CDKeyFixer_1.06» из архива «Crack17_CDKeyFixer_1.06.rar» в любое место на диске. Запустить «CDKeyFixer.exe». Выбрать игру «Battle for Middle-Earth I» и кликнуть «Сменить ключ». Выйти из программы.
— Включить отображение скрытых файлов. Зайти в папку «C:UsersUsernameAppDataRoamingMy Battle for Middle-earth Files». Если папки нет, то создать её и скопировать в эту папку файл «PatchOptions.ini».
Играть (запуск игры с файла «lotrbfme.exe»).

  • Год выхода: 2005
  • Жанр: стратегия
  • Разработчик: EA Los Angeles
  • Тип: Лицензия
  • Версия: полная версия (Последняя)
  • Интерфейс: русский
  • Озвучка: русский
  • Таблетка: Присутствует
  • Системные требования

  • ОС: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
  • Процессор: Pentium 4 / Athlon XP (2 ГГц)
  • Оперативная память: 256 Мб
  • Видеокарта: 64 Мб
  • Место на диске: 4 Гб
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