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Поиск по ID
CSR USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter Driver V4.0/ Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 32-64 bits
Подробнее о пакете драйверов:Тип: драйвер |
CSR4.0 USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter Driver / CSR Harmoney Wireless Software Stack. Характеристики драйвера
CSR Harmoney Wireless Software Stack V4.0 от Cambridge Silicon Radio для блютуз мини USB 2.0 адаптеров с драйвером версии
CSR4.0 USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter Driver предназначен для автоматической установки на Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
Внимание! Перед установкой драйвера CSR4.0 USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter Driver / CSR Harmoney Wireless Software Stack рекомендутся удалить её старую версию. Удаление драйвера особенно необходимо — при замене оборудования или перед установкой новых версий драйверов для видеокарт. Узнать об этом подробнее можно в разделе FAQ.
Скриншот файлов архива
Скриншоты с установкой CSR4.0 USB 2.0 Bluetooth 4.0 Adapter Driver / CSR Harmoney Wireless Software Stack
Файлы для скачивания (информация)
Поддерживаемые устройства (ID оборудований):
USBVID_0A12&PID_0044 | CSR BlueICE EDR Nanosira |
USBVID_0A12&PID_0001 | Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd Bluetooth Dongle (HCI mode) |
USBVID_0A12&PID_ffff | Cambridge Silicon Radio, Ltd USB Bluetooth Device in DFU State |
USBVID_148F&PID_2000 | Ralink Motorola BC8 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Adapter |
USBVID_0bda&PID_0001 | Realtek Motorola BC8 Bluetooth 3.0+HS Adapter |
USBVID_13D3&PID_3386 | Realtek / Azurewave CSR Bluetooth Chip / Bluetooth Module |
USBVID_12CF&PID_0001 | Dexin / Realtek CSR Bluetooth Chip / Bluetooth Module |
{473a6b1d-3407-400e-b91a-f991c5a39dc3}CsrBtPort | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}CsrAVRCP_110E | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}CsrAVMini_110B | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}CsrHidMini_1124 | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}csrserial_1101 | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}csrdunc_1103 | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}CsrBthAudioHFMini_111E | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}CsrHFGCC_111E | |
{128CFE23-5667-45db-9C1B-23370DA73831}CsrPAN |
Другие драйверы от Прочие
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В связи с наличием беспроводных наушников решил заказать донгл для их подключения к ПК. Как часто бывает, при установке китайского устройства, возникли проблемы. Поэтому я решил показать другим, где скачать и как установить CSR v 4.0 Bluetooth драйвер на Windows 10 и 7.
Содержание статьи
- Как поставить CSR 4.0 Bluetooth драйвер на Windows 10 или 7 64x
- С диска
- Через диспетчер устройств
- Примечание
- Видео
- Заключение
Как поставить CSR 4.0 Bluetooth драйвер на Windows 10 или 7 64x
С диска
В комплекте вместе с адаптером шел диск. Вот как он выглядит:
Так как дисковода у меня нет, файлы с него я нашел в интернете. Вы можете загрузить их по ЭТОЙ ссылке. В комплект, помимо нужного сертификата, входит программа, в которую включена поддержка A2DP и виртуального каталога подключенных устройств. После инсталляции все заработает автоматически. Вес архива 407 мегабайт. Вот так выглядит установщик:
А вот так окно приложения:
Данный вариант мне не понравился из-за постоянного отвала девайсов, которые я подключал к блютузу. Также раздражало моргание светодиода, которое работало даже после отключения персонального компьютера от сети. Поэтому я решил проблему другим способом.
Через диспетчер устройств
Я узнал, что в bluetooth csr 4.0 установлен чип от Cambridge Silicon Radio маркировки 8510 A10. Вот что я сделал, и это можете попробовать сделать вы:
- В панели управления зайдите в «Устройство и принтеры»
- Выберите «Dongle»
- Во вкладке «Оборудование» выберите «Свойства»
- Во вкладке «Общие» выберите «Изменить параметры»
- Нажмите «Обновить драйвер»
- В открывшемся окне кликните на «Выполнить поиск на этом компьютере»
- Теперь кликните на «Выбрать из списка ужу установленных»
- Снимите галочку «Только совместимые устройства». Теперь, в колонке производитель выберите «CambridgeSiliconRadio LTD». В правой колонке найдите CSRNanosira-multimedia и установите его, нажав «Далее».
- Увидев сообщение, как на скриншоте ниже, перезагрузите ПК или ноутбук.
Теперь вы можете подключать любые гаджеты прямо из под Виндовс.
Если у вас будет плохое качество звука, то аудио устройство нужно перевести на «Стерео режим», отключив «Hands Free». Это также делается через «Принтеры».
Теперь вы знаете как поставить csr 4.0 bluetooth драйвер на windows. Если вам интересно почитайте, как настроить материнскую плату Клисре.
Python программист. Увлекаюсь с детства компьютерами и созданием сайтов. Закончил НГТУ (Новосибирский Государственный Технический Университет ) по специальности «Инфокоммуникационные технологии и системы связи».
Специальное предложение. См. дополнительную информацию о Outbyte и unistall инструкции. Пожалуйста, просмотрите Outbyte EULA и Политика Конфиденциальности
Realtek Cambridge Silicon Radio CSR8510 A10 bluetooth devices
Windows XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, 11, 10, 8, 8.1
Realtek Cambridge Silicon Radio CSR8510 A10 bluetooth devices Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки Realtek Cambridge Silicon Radio CSR8510 A10 bluetooth devices или Realtek Cambridge Silicon Radio CSR8510 A10 bluetooth devices и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии Realtek Cambridge Silicon Radio CSR8510 A10 bluetooth devices драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.
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Device types / Bluetooth / Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. / Generic Bluetooth Radio
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.1.2600.5512 |
Driver Date | 4-13-2008 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.1.7600.16385 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | CSR plc |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-19-2008 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | CSR plc |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-19-2008 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.1.2600.2180 |
Driver Date | 8-3-2004 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2010 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.1.7601.17514 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.1.6002.18005 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2010 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | CSR plc |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-19-2008 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2111.0 |
Driver Date | 9-11-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-3-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2009 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-3-2009 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Broadcom |
Driver Type | Bluetooth for Windows |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-21-2008 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-25-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2005.0 |
Driver Date | 8-5-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-3-2009 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.6001.18064 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.6000.16386 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2005.0 |
Driver Date | 8-5-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-24-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2009 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2913.0 |
Driver Date | 5-13-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2010 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-3-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2004 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 12-6-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Broadcom |
Driver Type | Bluetooth for Windows |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 9-25-2008 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-9-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.1928.0 |
Driver Date | 7-28-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-4-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.6000.16682 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 9-24-2009 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 12-6-2009 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.6001.18000 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-9-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-4-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.1.6002.18005 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 3-5-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-4-2010 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 8-28-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2010 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.0.2725.0 |
Driver Date | 3-25-2008 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2005.0 |
Driver Date | 8-5-2009 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.0.2725.0 |
Driver Date | 3-25-2008 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-4-2010 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.1928.0 |
Driver Date | 7-28-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.3029.0 |
Driver Date | 6-29-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-3-2009 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 9-24-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-9-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 12-6-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-19-2010 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2913.0 |
Driver Date | 5-13-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 8.0.1202.0 |
Driver Date | 12-2-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | CSR plc |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-19-2008 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 8-28-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.0.1912.0 |
Driver Date | 7-12-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Motorola, Inc. |
Driver Type | BTM |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 11-22-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-25-2010 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2004 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.0.1811.0 |
Driver Date | 6-11-2007 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2005.0 |
Driver Date | 8-5-2009 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.0.2111.0 |
Driver Date | 9-11-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 8.0.1202.0 |
Driver Date | 12-2-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.0.2725.0 |
Driver Date | 3-25-2008 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-9-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | USB Universal Serial Bus |
Driver Version | 3.4.1027.0 |
Driver Date | 10-27-2005 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited |
Driver Type | USB Universal Serial Bus |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-13-2011 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Motorola, Inc. |
Driver Type | BTM |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 11-22-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Motorola, Inc. |
Driver Type | BTM |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-28-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | |
Driver Type | Xna Composite |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 12-31-2010 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 9-24-2009 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2004 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-2-2008 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 7-8-2009 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 6-24-2007 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 3-5-2007 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 64 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 3-6-2008 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 5.0.1811.0 |
Driver Date | 6-11-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 12-8-2005 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Limited |
Driver Type | USB Universal Serial Bus |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 1-13-2011 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 3-6-2008 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 5-23-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Darfon |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 4-11-2007 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Cambridge Silicon Radio Ltd. |
Driver Type | Bluetooth |
Driver Version | 6.1.7100.0 |
Driver Date | 6-21-2006 |
Windows | Windows 7 (6.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | Toshiba |
Driver Type | USB Universal Serial Bus |
Driver Version | 3.3.1113.0 |
Driver Date | 5-9-2005 |
Windows | Windows XP (5.1) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Driver Description |
Driver Manufacturer | IVT Corporation |
Driver Type | Bluetooth Device |
Driver Version | |
Driver Date | 2-25-2010 |
Windows | Windows Vista (6.0) 32 bit |
Driver Popularity |
Description extracted from Wikipedia:
Name | CSR plc |
Founded | (as Cambridge Silicon Radio) |
Industry | SemiconductorsCommunications |
Key people | Ron Mackintosh (Chairman) Joep van Beurden (CEO) Will Gardiner (CFO) |
CSR plc (formerly Cambridge Silicon Radio ) was a multinational fabless semiconductor company headquartered in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Its main products were connectivity, audio, imaging and location chips. CSR was listed on the London Stock Exchange and was a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index until it was acquired by Qualcomm in August 2015. Under Qualcomm’s ownership, the company was renamed Qualcomm Technologies International, Ltd.
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32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64)
32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64)
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32-bit (x86), 64-bit (x64)
This article describes how to install and enable Bluetooth headset profile (HSP) on both 32-bit (x86) and 64-bit (x64) editions of Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Vista, and Microsoft Windows Server 2008. It also provides CSR Bluetooth device drivers for select OEMs and aftermarket Bluetooth dongles.
Due to the fact that Windows doesn’t support Bluetooth headset profile (HSP) out of the box, if you want to use a Bluetooth headset with your adapter, you’ll need a little creative workaround to add the headset profile to the default Microsoft stack. Download either of the x86 or x64 compilations of the CSR Bluetooth driver and extract its contents to a folder. When you try to pair your headset to your computer, Windows will ask for drivers for the headset since it doesn’t find the appropriate headset profile. Point Windows to the folder where you have extracted the CSR drivers to make it work. Make sure you go into the device in the Bluetooth Devices panel and check off the boxes for unwanted profiles. But first, do you have a BT radio installed? Read more:
Bluetooth Device Driver Installation
Not taking PCI / PCIe Bluetooth devices into account at all, newer versions of Windows recognize a wide range of USB Bluetooth devices out of the box. But if your Bluetooth radio USB device is not recognized, you can try the Bluetooth Filter Driver (BthFilt) of 11/6/2006.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Filter Driver (8/13/2007)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth device driver version for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth device driver version for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthFilt.inf, BthFilt.sys, (11/6/2006)
Extracted from Dell Wireless 350 Bluetooth Internal Module drivers R142181 / R142183. Also included in Dell Wireless 360 Module with Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR drivers R155395 / R155463.
Supported Devices
Manufacturer | Device Name | Hardware ID |
Alps | Alps Integrated Bluetooth Device | USBVID_044E&PID_3005 |
Alps Bluetooth USB Adapter | USBVID_044E&PID_3006 | |
Belkin | Belkin Bluetooth Adapter | USBVID_050D&PID_0081 |
Belkin Bluetooth Adapter | USBVID_050D&PID_0084 | |
ISSC USB Bluetooth Device | USBVID_1131&PID_1001&REV_0373 | |
Brain Boxes | Brain Boxes USB Bluetooth Adapter BL-554 | USBVID_05D1&PID_0003 |
Cambridge Silicon Radio | Generic Bluetooth Radio | USBVID_0A12&PID_0001 |
CSR Nanosira | USBVID_0A12&PID_0003 | |
CSR Nanosira WHQL Reference Radio | USBVID_0A12&PID_0004 | |
CSR Nanosira-Multimedia | USBVID_0A12&PID_0005 | |
CSR Nanosira-Multimedia WHQL Reference Radio | USBVID_0A12&PID_0006 | |
Dell | Dell TrueMobile Bluetooth Module | USBVID_413C&PID_8000 |
Dell Wireless 350 Bluetooth Module | USBVID_413C&PID_8103 | |
Dell Wireless 350 Bluetooth Module | USBVID_413C&PID_8120 | |
Dell Wireless 360 Bluetooth Module | USBVID_413C&PID_8140 | |
Hewlett-Packard | HP Integrated Bluetooth module | USBVID_049F&PID_0086 |
HP nx7000 | USBVID_049F&PID_0086&REV_1393 | |
IBM | Bluetooth UltraPort Module from IBM | USBVID_04BF&PID_0317 |
IBM Integrated Bluetooth | USBVID_04BF&PID_0318 | |
IBM Integrated Bluetooth II | USBVID_1668&PID_0441 | |
IBM Integrated Bluetooth III | USBVID_1668&PID_2441 | |
IBM Integrated Bluetooth IV | USBVID_0A5C&PID_201E | |
ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate | USBVID_0A5C&PID_2110 | |
Motion Computing | Motion Computing USB Bluetooth Device | USBVID_10AB&PID_1002 |
Motion Computing USB Bluetooth Device | USBVID_10AB&PID_1005 | |
Sony | USB Bluetooth Device | USBVID_044E&PID_3002 |
USB Bluetooth Device | USBVID_044E&PID_3003 | |
Sony Bluetooth USB Adapter | USBVID_044E&PID_3004 | |
USB Bluetooth Device | USBVID_044E&PID_3007 | |
TDK | TDK Bluetooth USB Adapter | USBVID_04BF&PID_0319 |
TDK Bluetooth USB Adaptor | USBVID_04BF&PID_0320 | |
Toshiba | Toshiba Integrated Bluetooth | USBVID_0930&PID_0502&REV_1350 |
Toshiba Integrated Bluetooth 2 | USBVID_0930&PID_0505 | |
Toshiba Integrated Bluetooth 3 | USBVID_0930&PID_0506 | |
Toshiba Bluetooth Adapter | USBVID_0930&PID_0507 | |
Toshiba Bluetooth Adapter | USBVID_0930&PID_0508 | |
Toshiba Bluetooth Adapter | USBVID_0930&PID_0509 |
Bluetooth Profile Driver Installation
In order to use Bluetooth technology, a device must be compatible with the subset of Bluetooth profiles necessary to use the desired services. The way a device uses Bluetooth technology depends on its profile capabilities, such as Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP), Hands-Free Profile (HFP), Headset Profile (HSP), Basic Imaging Profile (BIP), Hard Copy Cable Replacement Profile (HCRP), Video Distribution Profile (VDP), etc. For every Bluetooth profile to function, you need to install its appropriate drivers, like for example using Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack.
Which version of CSR drivers would best suit me?
Well, that depends… Depending on the vendor ID of the Bluetooth radio device you’ve installed, newer driver packs might refuse to work. CSR drivers from version 4 onward (4.0.55 and later) only support CSR-based Bluetooth devices.
Users say on non-CSR radios, v3.0.0.183 (7/10/2008) works in stereo, but v5.0.11.0 (8/13/2009)—installed by an optional Windows update—gives the Bluetooth Peripheral Device (Bluetooth Stereo Audio) a failed driver icon. In this case, you need to uninstall the update and perhaps forcibly install (downgrade to) version 3 or earlier drivers. Whether or no, I’d advise against installing any optional driver update once your device is working desirably. Coming up next: When downgrading, beware of a service name conflict!
Though it might sound dumb, there comes a time when downgrading is inevitable, and along comes its complications. Read more:
Possible Service Name Conflict after a CSR Driver Upgrade / Downgrade
CSR has changed the A2DP driver, yet they used the same service name (bthav). This causes a conflict, obviously.
To switch from version and earlier to 4.0.55 and later, delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesbthav
in the Registry beforehand and reboot. To swith back (downgrade, which I prefer), delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicescsr_a2dp
in the Registry beforehand and reboot.
CAUTION! To be safe, in cases like this, at least always first export these keys. That said, I have not seen any problems in this particular case.
With 5 buggy releases (4.0.55, 5.0.7, 5.0.9, 5.0.11, and 5.0.13) it took them very long to figure this out. Now, BthAv.inf version 5.0.14 and later delete the old bthav service automatically. I’d really like to have a baseball-bat-involved word with them!
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack 5.0.17 (6/1/2010)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.17 for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.17 for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll 5.0.14 (12/21/2009)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, 5.0.16 (6/1/2010)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, 5.0.17 (6/1/2010)
- CsrProfiles.inf, 5.0.17 (6/1/2010)
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack 5.0.14 (12/21/2009)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.14 for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.14 for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll 5.0.14 (12/21/2009)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, 5.0.14 (12/21/2009)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
- CsrProfiles.inf, 5.0.9 (7/24/2009)
Extracted from Fujitsu Technology Solutions Bluetooth driver files for Windows 7 x86 / for Windows 7 x64.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack 5.0.13 (8/13/2009)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.13 for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.13 for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
- CsrProfiles.inf, 5.0.9 (7/24/2009)
Extracted from Fujitsu Technology Solutions Bluetooth driver files for Windows 7 x86 / for Windows 7 x64. Although versioned 5.0.11, almost all drivers have changed since 5.0.11 (except for BthAvrcp.inf, CsrProfiles.inf, and that are identical to 5.0.11). This version has also fixed Finnish language setup crash while installing the package.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.11 for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.11 for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, 5.0.11 (8/13/2009)
- CsrProfiles.inf, 5.0.9 (7/24/2009)
Extracted from Fujitsu Technology Solutions Bluetooth driver files for Windows 7 x86 / for Windows 7 x64.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack 5.0.9 (7/24/2009)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.9 for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.9 for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll 5.0.7 (6/26/2009)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, 5.0.7 (6/26/2009)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, 5.0.9 (7/24/2009)
- CsrProfiles.inf, 5.0.9 (7/24/2009)
Extracted from Fujitsu Technology Solutions Bluetooth driver file for Windows 7 x86 / x64.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack 5.0.7 (6/26/2009)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.7 for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 5.0.7 for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll 5.0.7 (6/26/2009)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, 5.0.7 (6/26/2009)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, 5.0.7 (6/26/2009)
- CsrProfiles.inf, (8/13/2007)
Extracted from Motion Computing Bluetooth driver file for Windows 7 x86 / x64.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack 4.0.55 (6/26/2009)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version 4.0.55 for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- CSR driver 4.0.55 x64 is missing. If you happen to have the driver package, please send so I can share it here.
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll 4.0.55 (6/26/2009)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, 4.0.55 (6/26/2009)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, 4.0.55 (6/26/2009)
- CsrProfiles.inf, (8/13/2007)
Extracted from Motion Computing Bluetooth driver file for Windows Vista x86.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack (7/10/2008)
Download Links
- CSR driver x86 is missing. If you happen to have the driver package, please send so I can share it here.
- CSR driver x64 is missing. If you happen to have the driver package, please send so I can share it here.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack (8/24/2007)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- CSR driver x64 is missing. If you happen to have the driver package, please send so I can share it here.
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll (8/13/2007)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, (8/13/2007)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, (8/24/2007)
- CsrProfiles.inf, (8/13/2007)
Extracted from Motion Computing Bluetooth driver file for Windows Vista x86 which is identical to Asus Bluetooth driver file for Windows Vista x86.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack (8/13/2007)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll (8/13/2007)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, (8/13/2007)
- CsrProfiles.inf, (8/13/2007)
Collected from Microsoft Update Catalog x86 / x64. Lacks BthAvrcp (Bluetooth AVRCP: Audio Video Remote Control Profile).
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack (1/23/2007)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll (11/20/2006)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, (1/23/2007)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, (1/23/2007)
Extracted from Dell Wireless 360 Module with Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR driver files Dell_Wireless-360-Module-wit_A01_R155395.exe for Windows Vista x86 / Dell_Wireless-360-Module-wit_A01_R155463.exe for Windows Vista x64.
Cambridge Silicon Radio Bluetooth Driver Pack (11/20/2006)
Download Links
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version for Windows 7 x86 (32-bit) / Windows Vista x86 (32-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x86 (32-bit)
- Download CSR Bluetooth driver version for Windows 7 x64 (64-bit) / Windows Vista x64 (64-bit) / Windows Server 2008 x64 (64-bit)
Archive File Listing
- BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys,, HFGService.dll, HFGService_PS.dll (11/20/2006)
- BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys, (10/11/2006)
- BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys, (10/11/2006)
Extracted from Dell Wireless 350 Bluetooth Internal Module driver files R142181.exe for Windows Vista x86 / R142183.exe for Windows Vista x64.
File Information
All the 32-bit and 64-bit drivers are developed by CSR plc and include the following files:, BthAudioHF.inf, BthAudioHF.sys
- Description: Bluetooth Hands-free Audio (BthAudioHF)
- Device Description: Bluetooth Hands-free Audio Device
- Display Name: BthAudioHF Service
- Service Description: Bluetooth Hands-free Audio Service
- User Mode Service Display Name: Handsfree Headset Service
- User Mode Service Description: Enables wireless Bluetooth headsets to run on this computer. If this service is stopped or disabled, then Bluetooth headsets will not function properly on this machine., BthAv.inf, BthAv.sys
- Description: Bluetooth AV (BthAv)
- Device Description: Bluetooth Stereo Audio
- Service Description: Bluetooth AV Profile
- Pins: Bluetooth Audio Capturer, Bluetooth Audio Renderer, BthAvrcp.inf, BthAvrcp.sys
- Description: Bluetooth AVRCP (BthAvrcp)
- Device Description: Bluetooth Remote Control Device
- Service Description: Bluetooth AVRCP Profile, BthFilt.inf, BthFilt.sys
- Description: Bluetooth Filter Driver (BthFilt)
- Service Description: Bluetooth Command Filter, CsrProfiles.inf
- Description: (CsrProfiles)
- Description: Handsfree Headset Service
- Description: HFGService Proxy Stub Library