Canon g3010 series драйвер windows 10

This is an online installation software to help you to perform initial setup of your product on a PC (either USB connection or network connection) and to install ...


This is an online installation software to help you to perform initial setup of your product on a PC (either USB connection or network connection) and to install various software.

System requirements

Windows 11
Windows 10 (32bit)
Windows 10 (64bit)
Windows 8.1(32bit)
Windows 8.1(64bit)
Windows 7 SP1 or later(32bit)
Windows 7 SP1 or later(64bit)

Setup instruction

Download / Installation Procedures
IMPORTANT: Be sure to connect your PC to the Internet while performing the following:
1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.
2. Double-click the downloaded .exe file. It will be decompressed and the Setup screen will be displayed. Follow the instructions to install the software and perform the necessary settings.


All software, programs (including but not limited to drivers), files, documents, manuals, instructions or any other materials (collectively, “Content”) are made available on this site on an «as is» basis.

Canon Marketing (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd., and its affiliate companies (“Canon”) make no guarantee of any kind with regard to the Content, expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied (including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement) and shall not be responsible for updating, correcting or supporting the Content.

Canon reserves all relevant title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Content. You may download and use the Content solely for your personal, non-commercial use and at your own risks. Canon shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever in connection with the Content, (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, exemplary or incidental damages).

You shall not distribute, assign, license, sell, rent, broadcast, transmit, publish or transfer the Content to any other party. You shall also not (and shall not let others) reproduce, modify, reformat, disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer or create derivative works from the Content, in whole or in part.

You agree not to send or bring the Content out of the country/region where you originally obtained it to other countries/regions without any required authorization of the applicable governments and/or in violation of any laws, restrictions and regulations.

By proceeding to downloading the Content, you agree to be bound by the above as well as all laws and regulations applicable to your download and use of the Content.


This driver will provide full printing and scanning functionality for your product.

Update History

— Windows 11 has been added as a supported OS.
— The failure that may disable installation when PC detects the printer before driver is installed is modified. (Windows 10)

System requirements

Windows 11
Windows 10 (32bit)
Windows 10 (64bit)
Windows 8.1(32bit)
Windows 8.1(64bit)
Windows 7 SP1 or later(32bit)
Windows 7 SP1 or later(64bit)


Printer Driver:
1.[Windows 10/11]
Some of the settings (such as borderless printing) in the OS standard print settings screen are not valid. the settings in the Printer printing Preferences window are valid. Make settings in Printer printing Preferences when necessary.

2.[Windows 10/11]
Layout printing from the OS standard print settings screen may not be performed as expected in Some instances.
In such cases, open the Printer Printing Preferences window and change the paper size accordingly.

3.With Internet Explorer 11, a web site containing Japanese may not be printed properly. In Windows Update, update the OS and Internet Explorer to the latest version.

Scanner Driver:
1.If the OS is upgraded with the scanner driver remained installed, scanning by pressing the SCAN button on the Printer may not be performed After the upgrade. in such cases, re-install the scanner driver.

2.When MP Driver installation was stopped by the following acts with the screen awaiting connection, install it again. The installation is not completed even if plugged-in the USB cable again or turned-on the power supply again.
— To cancel the installation.
— To plugged-out the USB cable.

3.The scan from the scan button of the printer does not work when the connection is changed from the network connection to the USB connection. Install MP Driver again, and change the connection method.

Setup instruction

Download / Installation Procedures
1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.
2. Double-click the downloaded EXE file to decompress it, then installation will start automatically.

Uninstall Procedures
If needed, you can uninstall this program using the Control Panel.

Note :
The steps below are for Windows 7. This procedure may be different for other OSes.
1. On the Start menu, click Control Panel, and then, under Programs click Uninstall a Program.
2. A page will open with a list of installed programs. Double click on the program that you want to uninstall.
3. Click «Yes» then «OK», this will complete the uninstallation process.


All software, programs (including but not limited to drivers), files, documents, manuals, instructions or any other materials (collectively, “Content”) are made available on this site on an «as is» basis.

Canon India Pvt. Ltd., and its affiliate companies (“Canon”) make no guarantee of any kind with regard to the Content, expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied (including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement) and shall not be responsible for updating, correcting or supporting the Content.

Canon reserves all relevant title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Content. You may download and use the Content solely for your personal, non-commercial use and at your own risks. Canon shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever in connection with the Content, (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, exemplary or incidental damages).

You shall not distribute, assign, license, sell, rent, broadcast, transmit, publish or transfer the Content to any other party. You shall also not (and shall not let others) reproduce, modify, reformat, disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer or create derivative works from the Content, in whole or in part.

You agree not to send or bring the Content out of the country/region where you originally obtained it to other countries/regions without any required authorization of the applicable governments and/or in violation of any laws, restrictions and regulations.

By proceeding to downloading the Content, you agree to be bound by the above as well as all laws and regulations applicable to your download and use of the Content.

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  4. Принтеры Canon

  5. Canon G3010

  • Canon G3010

    (23 авг 2017)

    Файл *.inf:

    Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10

В каталоге нет драйверов для Canon G3010 под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

Драйверы для Canon G3010 собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе Canon G3010 (принтеры).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на Canon G3010 для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.

Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11

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Download Canon PIXMA G3010 Ink Tank Wireless All-In-One Printer Driver 11,10,8.1,7 32bit-64bit and Linux (32bit-64bit)

G3010 series Full Driver – Software Package & MP Driver for Microsoft Windows / Linux

Canon PIXMA G3010 All-In-One Printer

Canon PIXMA G3010 Printer Driver for Windows

Compatibility Systems: Windows 11, Windows 10 (32bit), 10 (64bit), Windows 8.1 (32bit), 8.1 (64bit), Windows 8 (32bit), 8 (64bit), Windows 7 (32bit), 7 (64bit), Vista (32bit), Vista (64bit),XP, WinXP (64bit)

Driver Name Version Release date File Size Operating systems Download Link
G3010 series Full Driver and Software Package 1.1 29 Mar, 2022 21.25MB Windows 11-10 (x64)- 10- 8.1 (x64)- 8.1- 7 (x64)- 7 Download
G3010 series MP Driver 1.01 Oct 15, 2021 93.3MB Windows 11-10-10×64 – 8.1-8.1×64-7-7×64 Download
Canon PIXMA G3010 Driver Description for Windows

G3010 series Full Driver and Software Package: This is an online installation software to help you to perform initial setup of your product on a PC (either USB connection or network connection) and to install various software.

Download / Installation Procedures
IMPORTANT: Be sure to connect your PC to the Internet while performing the following:

  1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.
  2. Double-click the downloaded .exe file. It will be decompressed and the Setup screen will be displayed. Follow the instructions to install the software and perform the necessary settings.

G3010 series MP Drivers: This driver will provide full printing and scanning functionality for your product.

Download / Installation Procedures

  1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.
  2. Double-click the downloaded EXE file to decompress it, then installation will start automatically.

Uninstall Procedures
If needed, you can uninstall this program using the Control Panel.

Canon PIXMA G3010 Printer Driver for Linux

Operating Systems: Linux 64bit – Linux 32bit

Driver Name Version Release date File Size Operating systems Download Link
IJ Printer Driver 5.60 2 Mar, 2018 0.53MB Linux 64bit –
Linux 32bit
Canon PIXMA G3010 Printer Description for Linux

IJ Printer Driver: This software is a printer driver for printing using the Canon IJ printer.

Canon PIXMA G3010

Windows 7/8/8.1/10 — полный комплект драйверов

Размер: 18.4 MB
Разрядность: 32/64
Ссылка: Canon PIXMA G3010

Установка драйвера в Windows 10

Чтобы установить драйвер на принтер Canon PIXMA G3010, нужно скачать программное обеспечение, воспользовавшись прямой ссылкой на нашем сайте. После завершения загрузки, необходимо открыть исполняемый файл, и запустить программу установки двойным щелчком мышки.

Стартовое окно программы-инсталлятора предлагает ознакомиться с особенностями ПО и выбрать язык установки (русский по умолчанию). Чтобы продолжить работу наживаем «Начать настройку».

Указываем программе текущее местоположение. Для этого выбирается регион и страна проживания. Если страна отсутствует в выпадающем списке, выбираем «Другое» и вводим название вручную. Для продолжения нажимаем «Далее».

Читаем и подтверждаем согласие с условиями пользовательского соглашения. Для этого нужно нажать «Да». Если пользователь выбирает «Нет», установка прерывается.

Следующее окно запрашивает разрешение на передачу данных о работе устройства компании-разработчику. Пользователь может согласиться или отказаться, выбрав «Принимаю» или «Не принимаю» соответственно. На процесс установки решение не влияет.

Отключаем блокировку брандмауэра. Обычно галочка ставится автоматически. Проверяем её наличие и нажимаем «Далее».

Выбираем способ синхронизации устройств: беспроводное соединение или USB-подключение. Отметив нужное, нажимаем «Далее».

На завершающем этапе нужно подключить принтер к ПК, и дождаться завершения загрузки остальных компонентов программы.

Просим Вас оставить комментарий к этой статье, потому что нам нужно знать – помогла ли Вам статья. Спасибо большое!

Canon PIXMA G3010

Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 — полный пакет драйверов

Варианты разрядности: x32/x64

Размер драйвера: 18 MB

Нажмите для скачивания: Canon PIXMA G3010

Как установить драйвер в Windows 10

Воспользуйтесь инструкцией в этой публикации, чтобы быстро установить драйвер для принтера известного бренда. Процесс рассмотрен для Canon PIXMA G3010, но актуален для печатающего оборудования всей серии.

Скачайте программку, перейдя по ссылке. После двойного щелчка по исполнительному файлу появится первое окно мастера установки. Нажмите «Начать настройку».

На данном этапе необходимо выбрать регион проживания. В первом списке поставьте вариант «…Ближний Восток…», во втором страну – «Россия». Чтобы перейти в следующее окно, щелкните «Далее».

Чтобы принять условия лицензионного соглашения, нажмите «Да». Рекомендуем все же ознакомиться с документом, так как вы соглашаетесь с его правилами и требованиями.

Нажмите «Принимаю», чтобы разрешить отправку информации о принтере исследовательской компании.

Брандмауэр может препятствовать процессу установки, поэтому важно отключить блокировку. Убедитесь, что возле соответствующей фразы установлена галочка. Если ее нет, поставьте и нажмите «Далее».

Здесь выбираем последний вариант, так как оборудование будет подсоединяться к компьютеру USB-кабелем. Щелкните «Далее».

Подключите новое оборудование к ПК/ноутбуку, включите его. Можно начинать печатать.



This is an online installation software to help you to perform initial setup of your product on a PC (either USB connection or network connection) and to install various software.

System requirements

Windows 11
Windows 10 (32bit)
Windows 10 (64bit)
Windows 8.1(32bit)
Windows 8.1(64bit)
Windows 7 SP1 or later(32bit)
Windows 7 SP1 or later(64bit)

Setup instruction

Download / Installation Procedures
IMPORTANT: Be sure to connect your PC to the Internet while performing the following:
1. Download the file. For the location where the file is saved, check the computer settings.
2. Double-click the downloaded .exe file. It will be decompressed and the Setup screen will be displayed. Follow the instructions to install the software and perform the necessary settings.


All software, programs (including but not limited to drivers), files, documents, manuals, instructions or any other materials (collectively, “Content”) are made available on this site on an «as is» basis.

Canon Hongkong Company Limited., and its affiliate companies (“Canon”) make no guarantee of any kind with regard to the Content, expressly disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied (including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement) and shall not be responsible for updating, correcting or supporting the Content.

Canon reserves all relevant title, ownership and intellectual property rights in the Content. You may download and use the Content solely for your personal, non-commercial use and at your own risks. Canon shall not be held liable for any damages whatsoever in connection with the Content, (including, without limitation, indirect, consequential, exemplary or incidental damages).

You shall not distribute, assign, license, sell, rent, broadcast, transmit, publish or transfer the Content to any other party. You shall also not (and shall not let others) reproduce, modify, reformat, disassemble, decompile or otherwise reverse engineer or create derivative works from the Content, in whole or in part.

You agree not to send or bring the Content out of the country/region where you originally obtained it to other countries/regions without any required authorization of the applicable governments and/or in violation of any laws, restrictions and regulations.

By proceeding to downloading the Content, you agree to be bound by the above as well as all laws and regulations applicable to your download and use of the Content.

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