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Скачать последние версии драйверов на Check Point Virtual Network Adapter For SSL Network Extender для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows 11, 10, 8 и 7 (32 и 64 бит).

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  5. Check Point Virtual Network Adapter For SSL Network Extender

  • Check Point Virtual Network Adapter For SSL Network Extender

    (14 апр 2022)

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    Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10

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Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11

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В итоге: заменяем dll компонента ActiveX от SSL Network Extender на версию новее.

DLL лежит здесь «C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files»
Но туда попасть невозможно обычным способом, возможно просмотреть имеющиеся файлы через браузер отличный от осла по пути file:///C:/Windows/Downloaded%20Program%20Files (в ff работает по крайней мере =) )

Решается наверняка ухудшением безопасности IE, но надо было срочно (не смешно, меня всю эту неделю стащали должностными инструкциями и иже с ними), и возможно я потом нагуглю как в «C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files» впихать длл штатно.

Устанавливаем CheckPoint SSL Network Extender нашей стародревней версии, в моём случае это был версия DLL от 02.06.2011

Переименовываем от админа родную папку «Downloaded Program Files» в чё душе угодно, от этого IE не поломается.
Создаём новую «C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files» она уже будет с вменяемыми правами просмотра/доступа.

Копируем туда изначально заготовленный extender.dll версии версия от 26.04.2017 (я честно не помню как и из какой нагугленной установки он ко мне попал, но конкретно этой версии скачивание экстендера не гуглится, и с офсайта не смог взять, там очень странно всё)

1. Тут служба «C:Program Files (x86)CheckPointSSL Network Extenderslimsvc.exe» версия
2. Тут компонент ActiveX «C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files extender.dll» версии CheckPoint SSL Network Extender

Впн работает от юзера, нет необходимости запускать IE от Админа.
В приложение кладу установщик CheckPoint SSL Network Extender (официальный CAB отдающийся системой) и extender.dll


  1. Запуск CheckPoint SSL Network Extender из-под пользователя с правами админа
  2. SSL Network Extender
  3. Introduction to the SSL Network Extender
  4. How the SSL Network Extender Works
  5. Commonly Used Concepts
  6. Remote Access VPN
  7. Remote Access Community
  8. Office Mode
  9. Visitor Mode
  10. Endpoint Security on Demand
  11. ESOD Policy per User Group
  12. Screened Software Types
  13. Special Considerations for the SSL Network Extender
  14. Pre-Requisites
  15. Client-side Pre-Requisites
  16. Server-Side Pre-Requisites
  17. Features
  18. Server-Side Configuration
  19. Configuring the Security Gateway for a Remote Access Community
  20. Configuring the Security Gateway to Support the SSL Network Extender
  21. Configuring SSL Network Extender
  22. Management of Internal CA Certificates
  23. Fetching the XML Configuration File
  24. Upgrading ESOD
  25. Configuring ESOD Policies
  26. Load Sharing Cluster Support
  27. Customizing the SSL Network Extender Portal
  28. Configuring the Skins Option
  29. Disabling a Skin
  30. Creating a Skin
  31. Configuring the Languages Option
  32. Disabling a Language
  33. Adding a Language
  34. Modifying a Language
  35. Installation for Users without Administrator Privileges
  36. SSL Network Extender User Experience
  37. Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer
  38. Trusted Sites Configuration
  39. About ActiveX Controls
  40. Downloading and Connecting the Client
  41. Uninstall on Disconnect
  42. Using SSL Network Extender on Linux / Mac Operating Systems
  43. Command Line
  44. SSL Network Extender Command Attributes
  45. Configuration File Attributes
  46. Removing an Imported Certificate
  47. Troubleshooting SSL Network Extender
  48. SSL Network Extender Issues
  49. ESOD Issues

Запуск CheckPoint SSL Network Extender из-под пользователя с правами админа

Добрый день!
Тема изъезжена, но рабочих методов для Windows 10 в сети не нашёл.
Входные данные:
— Windows 10
— Доменная учетная запись пользователя;
— Портал, для входа на который необходим Internet Explorer с использованием VPN (CheckPoint SSL Network Extender).
— Запрет на использование «локального админа»

Собственно, вопрос: какие есть инструменты, воркэраунды, методики или непофикшенные баги, дабы заставить работать из-под юзероской УЗ конкретную программу с правами администратора?

Это должно работать таким образом, чтобы было применимо на корпоративном уровне и пароль администратора нигде не светился.

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ здесь.

Запуск батника с правами админа из под учетки с ограниченными правами
Здравствуйте. Есть батник. Так же есть учетка с ограниченными правами. Нужно что бы батник.

Запуск приложения с правами админа из под службы
public static bool StartProcessAndBypassUAC(String applicationName, out PROCESS_INFORMATION.

Запуск C++ Builder 4.0 из-под пользователя с ограниченными правами
Такой вопрос: Нужно установить C++ Builder 4.0 в компьютерном классе (такой старый, потому что.

Создание пользователя с правами админа на VC++
Кому не втягость поделитесь темой. Не могу нарыть не где как управлять пользователями в WinXp. В.

Понадобилась неделя чтобы победить это г-ще..

В итоге: заменяем dll компонента ActiveX от SSL Network Extender на версию новее.

DLL лежит здесь «C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files»
Но туда попасть невозможно обычным способом, возможно просмотреть имеющиеся файлы через браузер отличный от осла по пути file:///C:/Windows/Downloaded%20Program%20Files (в ff работает по крайней мере =) )

Решается наверняка ухудшением безопасности IE, но надо было срочно (не смешно, меня всю эту неделю стащали должностными инструкциями и иже с ними), и возможно я потом нагуглю как в «C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files» впихать длл штатно.

Устанавливаем CheckPoint SSL Network Extender нашей стародревней версии, в моём случае это был версия DLL от 02.06.2011

Переименовываем от админа родную папку «Downloaded Program Files» в чё душе угодно, от этого IE не поломается.
Создаём новую «C:WindowsDownloaded Program Files» она уже будет с вменяемыми правами просмотра/доступа.


SSL Network Extender

Introduction to the SSL Network Extender

Whenever users access the organization from remote locations, it is essential that not only the usual requirements of secure connectivity be met but also the special demands of remote clients. These requirements include:

To resolve these issues, a secure connectivity framework is needed to ensure that remote access to the corporate network is securely enabled.

The SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Network Extender is a simple-to-implement remote access solution. A thin client is installed on the user’s machine. (The SSL Network Extender client has a much smaller size than other clients.) It is connected to an SSL enabled web server that is part of the Enforcement Module. By default, the SSL enabled web server is disabled. It is activated by using the SmartDashboard, thus enabling full secure IP connectivity over SSL. The SSL Network Extender requires a server side configuration only, unlike other remote access clients. Once the end user has connected to a server, the thin client is downloaded as an ActiveX component, installed, and then used to connect to the corporate network using the SSL protocol.

It is much easier to deploy a new version of the SSL Network Extender client than it is to deploy a new version of other conventional clients.


How the SSL Network Extender Works

The SSL Network Extender is a thin client installed on the user’s computer and an SSL enabled web server component, integrated into the Security Gateway.

To enable connectivity for clients using the SSL Network Extender, a Security Gateway must be configured to support Remote Access Clients, in addition to a minor configuration specific to SSL Network Extender.

Users download SSL Network Extender from a Security Gateway portal.

Commonly Used Concepts

This section briefly describes commonly used concepts that you will encounter when dealing with the SSL Network Extender. It is strongly recommended that you review the «Remote Access VPN» section of this book before reading this guide.

Remote Access VPN

Refers to remote users accessing the network with client software such as Endpoint VPN clients, SSL clients, or third party IPsec clients. The Security Gateway provides a Remote Access Service to the remote clients.

A Remote Access Community, a Check Point concept, is a type of VPN community created specifically for users that usually work from remote locations, outside of the corporate LAN.

Office Mode

Office Mode is a Check Point remote access VPN solution feature. It enables a Security Gateway to assign a remote client an IP address. This IP address is used only internally for secure encapsulated communication with the home network, and therefore is not visible in the public network. The assignment takes place once the user connects and authenticates. The assignment lease is renewed as long as the user is connected. The address may be taken either from a general IP address pool, or from an IP address pool specified per user group, using a configuration file.

Visitor Mode

Visitor Mode is a Check Point remote access VPN solution feature. It enables tunneling of all client-to-Security Gateway communication through a regular TCP connection on port 443. Visitor mode is designed as a solution for firewalls and Proxy servers that are configured to block IPsec connectivity.

Endpoint Security on Demand

Endpoint Security on Demand (ESOD) may be used to scan endpoint computers for potentially harmful software before allowing them to access the internal application. When end users access the SSL Network Extender for the first time, they are prompted to download an ActiveX component that scans the end user machine for Malware. The scan results are presented both to the Security Gateway and to the end user. SSL Network Extender access is granted/denied to the end user based on the compliance options set by the administrator.

ESOD Policy per User Group

Since there are many different kinds of threats to your network’s security, different users may require different configurations in order to guard against the increasing number and variety of threats. The ability to configure a variety of ESOD policies enables the administrator to customize the software screening process between different user groups.

Screened Software Types

ESOD can screen for the Malware software types listed in the following table:

Programs that replicate over a computer network for the purpose of disrupting network communications or damaging software or data.

Malicious programs that masquerade as harmless applications.

Tools that facilitate a hacker’s access to a computer and/or the extraction of data from that computer.

Programs that record user input activity (that is, mouse or keyboard use) with or without the user’s consent. Some keystroke loggers transmit the recorded information to third parties.

Programs that display advertisements, or records information about Web use habits and store it or forward it to marketers or advertisers without the user’s authorization or knowledge.

Programs that change settings in the user’s browser or adds functionality to the browser. Some browser plug-ins change the default search page to a pay-per-search site, change the user’s home page, or transmit the browser history to a third party.

Programs that change the user’s dialup connection settings so that instead of connecting to a local Internet Service Provider, the user connects to a different network, usually a toll number or international phone number.

Cookies that are used to deliver information about the user’s Internet activity to marketers.

Other undesirable software

Any unsolicited software that secretly performs undesirable actions on a user’s computer and does not fit any of the above descriptions.

Special Considerations for the SSL Network Extender

This section lists SSL Network Extender special considerations, such as pre-requisites, features and limitations:


The SSL Network Extender pre-requisites are listed below:

Client-side Pre-Requisites

The SSL Network Extender client-side pre-requisites for remote clients are:

Server-Side Pre-Requisites

The SSL Network Extender server-side pre-requisites are listed below:


The SSL Network Extender features are listed below:

Server-Side Configuration

The SSL Network Extender requires only server side configuration

Configuring the Security Gateway for a Remote Access Community

Make sure that the VPN Software Blade is enabled before you configure the Remote Access community.

To configure the Security Gateway for Remote Access:

The gateway window opens and shows the General Properties page.

The page shows the VPN communities that the Security Gateway is participating.

Configuring the Security Gateway to Support the SSL Network Extender


Configure each Security Gateway that uses SSL Network Extender. When the Mobile Access Software Blade is enabled, SSL Network Extender is enabled as a Web client.

To configure the SSL Network Extender settings for a Security Gateway:

The gateway window opens and shows the General Properties page.

Configuring SSL Network Extender

To configure the settings for SSL Network Extender connections:

If the users do not have a certificate, they can enroll using a registration key that they previously received from the administrator.

Management of Internal CA Certificates

If the administrator has configured Certificate with Enrollment as the user authentication scheme, users can create a certificate for their use, by using a registration key, provided by the system administrator.

To create a user certificate for enrollment:

When the user attempts to connect to the SSL Network Extender, without having a certificate, the Enrollment window is displayed, and he/she can create a certificate for his/her use by entering the Registration Key, received from the system administrator.

For a description of the user login experience, refer to Downloading and Connecting the Client.

For a description of the user upgrade experience, refer to Downloading and Connecting the Client.

For a description of the user disconnect experience, refer to Uninstall on Disconnect.

Fetching the XML Configuration File

After installing the ESOD server and configuring it, fetch the XML config file from the ESOD server:

Upgrading ESOD


You can manually upgrade ESOD as follows:

Configuring ESOD Policies

On the Security Management Server:


On the Security Gateway:

Example of file:

Important notes about the file:

For troubleshooting tips, see Troubleshooting.

Load Sharing Cluster Support

The SSL Network Extender provides Load Sharing Cluster Support. When the client connects to the cluster, all its traffic will pass through a single Security Gateway. If that member Security Gateway fails, the client reconnects transparently to another cluster member and resumes the session.

To provide Load Sharing Cluster Support:

The cluster window opens and shows the General Properties page.

Only the Manual (using IP pool) method is supported.

Customizing the SSL Network Extender Portal

You can modify the SSL Network Extender Portal by changing skins and languages.

Configuring the Skins Option

To configure the Skins Option:

There are two subdirectories. They are:

Disabling a Skin


Creating a Skin

Each skin folder must contain the following five style sheets:


Add your company logo to the main SSL Network Extender portal page.

Place logo image file in this directory


Configuring the Languages Option

To configure the Languages Option:

There may be two subdirectories. They are:

Disabling a Language

Adding a Language


=»translation of language_name»;


Modifying a Language


Installation for Users without Administrator Privileges

The SSL Network Extender usually requires Administrator privileges to install the ActiveX component. To allow users that do not have Administrator privileges to use the SSL Network Extender, the Administrator can use his/her remote corporate installation tools (such as, Microsoft SMS) to publish the installation of the SSL Network Extender, as an MSI package, in configuring the SSL Network Extender.

To prepare the SSL Network Extender MSI package:

SSL Network Extender User Experience

This section describes the user experience, including downloading and connecting the SSL Network Extender client, importing a client certificate, and uninstalling on disconnect.

Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer

Check Point SSL Network Extender uses ActiveX controls and cookies to connect to applications via the Internet. These enabling technologies require specific browser configuration to ensure that the applications are installed and work properly on your computer. The Trusted Sites Configuration approach includes the SSL Network Extender Portal as one of your Trusted Sites. This approach is highly recommended, as it does not lessen your security. Please follow the directions below to configure your browser.

Trusted Sites Configuration

About ActiveX Controls

ActiveX controls are software modules, based on Microsoft’s Component Object Model (COM) architecture. They add functionality to software applications by seamlessly incorporating pre-made modules with the basic software package.

On the Internet, ActiveX controls can be linked to Web pages and downloaded by an ActiveX-compliant browser. ActiveX controls turn Web pages into software pages that perform like any other program.

The SSL Network Extender can use ActiveX control in its applications. To use ActiveX you must download the specific ActiveX components required for each application. Once these components are loaded, you do not need to download them again unless upgrades or updates become available. If you do not want to use an ActiveX component you may work with a Java Applet.


Downloading and Connecting the Client

The following section discusses how to download and connect the SSL Network Extender.

To download the Client:

The site’s security certificate has been issued by an authority that you have not designated as a trusted CA. Before you connect to this server, you must trust the CA that signed the server certificate. (The system administrator can define which CAs may be trusted by the user.) You can view in the certificate in order to decide if you wish to proceed.

If Endpoint Security on Demand is enabled, the ESOD web page is displayed.

If this is the first time that the user is scanned with ESOD, the user should install the ESOD ActiveX object.

If this is the first time that ESOD is used, the following Server Confirmation window appears. The user is asked to confirm that the listed ESOD server is identical to the organization’s site for remote access.

Once the user has confirmed the ESOD server, an automatic software scan takes place on the client’s machine. Upon completion, the scan results and directions on how to proceed are displayed as shown below.


ESOD not only prevents users with potentially harmful software from accessing your network, but also requires that they conform to the corporate Anti-Virus and firewall policies, as well. A user is defined as having successfully passed the ESOD scan only if he/she successfully undergoes scans for Malware, Anti-Virus, and Firewall. Each malware is displayed as a link, which, if selected, redirects you to a data sheet describing the detected malware. The data sheet includes the name and a short description of the detected malware, what it does, and the recommended removal method/s.

The options available to the user are configured by the administrator on the ESOD server. The options are listed in the following table:

Allows a user to rescan for malware. This option is used in order to get refreshed scan results, after manually removing an undesired software item.

Prevents the user from proceeding with the portal login, and closes the current browser window.

Causes the ESOD for Mobile Access client to disregard the scan results and proceed with the log on process.

To continue with the download:

At this point the user should open the file and utilize the Microsoft Certificate Import wizard as follows.

Importing a Client Certificate with the Microsoft Certificate Import Wizard to Internet Explorer

Importing a client certificate to Internet Explorer is acceptable for allowing access to either a home PC with broadband access, or a corporate laptop with a dial-up connection. The client certificate will be automatically used by the browser, when connecting to an SSL Network Extender Security Gateway.

To import a client certificate:

The P12 file name is displayed.

It is strongly recommended that the user enable Strong Private Key Protection. The user will then be prompted for consent/credentials, as configured, each time authentication is required. Otherwise, authentication will be fully transparent for the user.

If you click OK, you must re-authenticate and a new SSL Network Extender version is installed.

The server certificate of the Security Gateway is authenticated. If the system Administrator has sent the user a fingerprint, it is strongly recommended that the user verify that the root CA fingerprint is identical to the fingerprint, sent to him/her.

The system Administrator can view and send the fingerprint of all the trusted root CAs, via the Certificate Authority Properties window in SmartDashboard.

You may work with the client as long as the SSL Network Extender Connection window, shown below, remains open, or minimized (to the System tray).

Once the SSL Network Extender is initially installed, a new Windows service named Check Point SSL Network Extender and a new virtual network adapter are added. This new network adapter can be seen by typing ipconfig /all from the Command line.

Both the virtual network adapter and the Check Point SSL Network Extender service are removed during the product uninstall.

There is no need to reboot the client machine after the installation, upgrade, or uninstall of the product.

Uninstall on Disconnect

If the administrator has configured Uninstall on Disconnect to ask the user whether or not to uninstall, the user can configure Uninstall on Disconnect as follows.

To set Uninstall on Disconnect:

If you select Cancel, the SSL Network Extender will not be uninstalled.

If you click Yes, the Uninstall on Disconnect window will be displayed the next time the user connects to the SSL Network Extender.

Using SSL Network Extender on Linux / Mac Operating Systems

There are two methods to access Network Applications using Linux:

This process is similar to the Windows Java installation.

After the installation is finished, the applet will try to connect.

If it is the first time, the following window is displayed:

If the system Administrator has sent the user a fingerprint, it is strongly recommended that the user verify that the server certificate fingerprint is identical to the Root CA Fingerprint seen in the window.

Command Line

To download the SSL Network Extender installation archive package:

Before running the installation script, make sure execute permissions are available on the file. Use the command chmod + x to add execution permissions.

The Shell archive package is downloaded to the user’s home directory.

If the user does not have root permissions, the user is prompted to enter a root password in order to install the package. Enter the password and press Enter.

SSL Network Extender Command Attributes

Run SSL Network Extender using parameters defined in a configuration file other than the default name or location.

Disconnect from Mobile Access

Specify server IP or hostname

Specify a valid user

Specify which certificate is used to authenticate.

Define the directory where CA’s certificates are stored.

Change the HTTPS port. (default port is TCP 443).

Enable debugging. snx.elg log file is created.

Configuration File Attributes

Change the HTTPS port. (default port is TCP 443).

Change the HTTPS port. (default port is TCP 443).

Specify a valid user

Specify which certificate is used to authenticate

Define the directory where CA’s certificates are stored.

Force a specific encryption algorithm. Valid values: RC4 and 3DES

Define a Proxy hostname

Define a proxy port

Define a proxy user

Define a password for proxy authentication

Removing an Imported Certificate

If you imported a certificate to the browser, it will remain in storage until you manually remove it. It is strongly recommended that you remove the certificate from a browser that is not yours.

To remove the imported certificate:

The Certificates window is displayed:

Troubleshooting SSL Network Extender

The following sections contain tips on how to resolve issues that you may encounter when using SSL Network Extender.

SSL Network Extender Issues

All user’s packets destined directly to the external SSL Network Extender Security Gateway will not be encrypted by the SSL Network Extender.

If there is a need to explicitly connect to the gateway through the SSL tunnel, connect to the internal interface, which is part of the encryption domain.

In order not to display this message to the users, two solutions are proposed:

On the client computer, access the Internet Explorer. Under Tools > Options > Security tab, select Local intranet > Sites. You can now add the SSL Network Extender gateway to the Local intranet zone, where the Client Authentication pop-up will not appear. Click Advanced, and add the gateway external IP or DNS name to the existing list.

On the client computer, access the Internet Explorer. Under Tools > Options > Security tab, select Internet Zone > Custom Level. In the Miscellaneous section, select Enable for the item Don’t prompt for client certificate selection when no certificates or only one certificate exists. Click OK. Click Yes on the Confirmation window. Click OK again.

To resolve this, disable the overlapping site in Endpoint Security VPN.

To resolve this, verify that the flag allow_clear_traffic_while_disconnected is True (which is the default value).

ESOD Issues

The user probably did not match the policy requirements.

This means that the user has passed the scan intended for a group that he does not belong to.


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На любой курс Check Point в учебном центре NTC


  1. Обеспечение безопасного удалённого доступа.
  2. Виды решений для удалённого доступа.
    1. SSL VPN портал для опубликованных бизнес-приложений.
    2. Layer-3 VPN Tunnel.
    3. Layer-3 VPN Tunnel, объединённый с Endpoint Securit.y
    4. Дополнительные решения для удалённого доступа.
  3. Сводка решений для удалённого доступа.
  4. Блейд удалённого доступа к VPN (Remote Access VPN Blade) и поддерживаемые ОС.
  5. Версия VPN Client и версии поддерживаемых шлюзов.
    1. Версии шлюзов R71, R75, R76 и выше, VSX R67/R68.
    2. Версии шлюзов R70, VSX R65 и Edge.
  6. Версии Security Management Server (сервер управления безопасностью) и поддерживаемые версии Remote Access Client (клиент удалённого доступа).
  7. версии Endpoint Security Server и поддерживаемые версии Endpoint Security Client.
  8. Связанные решения.

Обеспечение безопасного удаленного доступа

В современной бизнес-среде наличие удаленного доступа к конфиденциальной информации в любом месте и с любого устройства является абсолютно необходимым. Организации должны быть уверены в безопасности удалённого доступа к корпоративной сети и в отсутствии пробелов в IT-безопасности.

Эта статья:

  1. Поможет вам решить, какой клиент/клиенты удаленного доступа лучше всего соответствуют требованиям организации.
  2. Даст вам информацию о возможностях точек удалённого доступа Check Point.

Типы решений удалённого доступа

Все решения удаленного доступа Check Point обеспечивают:

  1. безопасное подключение к корпоративным ресурсам;
  2. строгую аутентификацию пользователя;
  3. точечный контроль доступа.

На что следует обратить внимание при выборе решения удаленного доступа для вашей организации:

  1. L3 VPN tunnel vs. Secure Business portal: Нужен ли вам полноценный VPN туннель для защиты доступа с любого установленного приложения, или вам достаточно более простого бизнес-портала, который будет обеспечивать простой и безопасный доступ к публичным бизнес-приложениям?
  2. Client-Based vs. Clientless: Требует ли решение установки на компьютере, либо достаточно будет только веб-браузера (в случае отсутствия клиента)?
  3. Secure Connectivity vs. Endpoint Security: Действительно ли решение обеспечивает только безопасное подключение, либо также осуществляет дополнительную функциональную защиту конечных точек, когда устройство не подключено к бизнесу через VPN туннель?

( II- 1 ) Типы решений удаленного доступа — SSL VPN портал для публичных бизнес-приложений

  1. Простое и безопасное использование бизнес-ресурсов с любого ПК, Mac, смартфона и планшета.
  2. Доступ к таким бизнес-ресурсам, как веб-приложения.
  3. Два фактора аутентификации пользователя.
  4. Безопасный доступ к публичным приложениям с любого поддерживаемого интернет-браузера или специализированного смартфона/ планшета.
  5. Идеально подходит для неуправляемых устройств и «BYOD».
  6. Требуемая лицензия: Check Point Mobile на шлюзе безопасности. Лицензия позволяет отслеживать количество одновременно подключенных устройств.

( II- 2 ) Типы решений удаленного доступа — Layer-3 VPN Tunnel

    1. Простое и безопасное использование бизнес-ресурсов с любого ПК, Mac, смартфона и планшета.
    2. Доступ к таким бизнес-ресурсам, как веб-приложения.
    3. Два фактора аутентификации пользователя.
    4. Безопасный доступ к публичным приложениям с любого поддерживаемого интернет-браузера или специализированного смартфона/ планшета.
    5. Идеально подходит для неуправляемых устройств и «BYOD».
    6. Требуемая лицензия: Check Point Mobile на шлюзе безопасности. Лицензия позволяет отслеживать количество одновременно подключенных устройств.

    ( II- 3 ) Типы решений удаленного доступа — Layer-3 VPN Tunnel, интегрированный с Endpoint Security

        1. Полная версия Layer-3 VPN туннеля интегрирована с блейдами ПО для обеспечения безопасности конечных точек корпоративного уровня.
        2. Два фактора аутентификации пользователя.
        3. Дополнительные функции Endpoint Security — от настольного брандмауэра до программных блейдов ПО для полной безопасности конечных точек — таких, как Disk Encryption , Media Encryption , Anti Malware и др.
        4. Требуется установка VPN агента / приложения.
        5. Идеально подходит для управляемых устройств.
        6. Требуемая лицензия: блейды ПО — Endpoint Security Container и Endpoint Security VPN. Лицензия позволяет отслеживать количество одновременно подключенных устройств.

        ( II- 4 ) Типы решений удаленного доступа — дополнительные решения для удалённого доступа

            1. SecuRemote является безопасным, но функционально ограниченным клиентом IPsec VPN .
            2. Два фактора аутентификации пользователя.

            (III ) Резюмирование возможностей для удаленного доступа

              Ниже приводится краткое описание каждого средства для удаленного доступа, предлагаемого Check Point. Все они обеспечивают возможность безопасного удаленного доступа к корпоративным ресурсам, но каждый из них имеет особые характеристики и отвечает определённым организационным требованиям.

              Примечание: см. «Support Life Cycle Policy».

              Какая лицензия требуется для допуска L2TP VPN туннеля?

              • Вопрос: Для допуска L2TP VPN (если клиент уже имеет программный блейд для удалённого доступа — Endpoint VPN Remote Access Blade), требуется ли лицензия на Mobile Access Blade? Для L2TP потребуется ли следующие лицензии: Endpoint VPN Client license и Mobile Access License?
              • Ответ: Для допуска L2TP VPN, вам достаточно иметь лицензию IPSec VPN на шлюзе безопасности. Нет необходимости в лицензии Mobile Access License.

              Поддержка решений Check Point для Windows 7, 8 и 10:

              1. Для получения информации о поддержке решений Check Point для Windows 7, смотрите:
                • sk43446 — Check Point products support for Windows 7
              2. Для получения информации о поддержке решений Check Point для Windows 8, смотрите:
                • sk87980 — Windows 8 support by Check Point
              3. Для получения информации о поддержке решений Check Point для Windows 10, смотрите:
                • sk108375 — Check Point Capsule Docs, Endpoint Security and Remote Access VPN E80.62 / R77.30.01
                • sk107132 — Check Point Mobile Access support for Windows 10
                • sk107036 — Windows 10 Support Plan for Check Point Products

              ( IV) Программный блейд для удалённого доступа посредством VPN / Remote Access VPN Blade. Поддерживаемые ОС.


                1. Обратитесь к разделу пожжержки жизненного цикла Support Life Cycle Policy.
                2. Программный блейд Remote Access VPN Blade не поддерживает ОС Windows Server.

                (V) Версии VPN Client и поддерживаемые версии шлюзов

                  Ниже приведены две таблицы:

                  1. для версий шлюзов R71, R75 , R76 и выше , VSX R67 / R68;
                  2. для версий шлюзов R65, R70, VSX R65 и Edge.

                  (V-1) Клиентские версии VPN Client Version (VPN Client Version) и поддерживаемые версии шлюзов безопасности — R71, R75, R76 и выше, VSX R67/R68

                    (V -2 ) Клиентская версия VPN и поддерживаемые версии шлюзов — шлюзы R65, R70, VSX R65 и Edge

                    (VI) Версии Security Management Server и поддерживаемые версии Remote Access Client

                    Ниже приведена матрица Remote Access Clients (Endpoint Security VPN, SecuRemote , Check Point Mobile для Windows) vs Security Management Servers (за исключением программного блейда Endpoint Policy Management):

                    ( VII ) Версии Endpoint Security Server и поддерживаемые версии Endpoint Security Client

                    См. sk107255 — Endpoint Security Server versions and supported Endpoint Security Client versions.

                    • sk107255 — Endpoint Security Server versions and supported Endpoint Security Client versions
                    • sk108375 — Check Point Capsule Docs, Endpoint Security and Remote Access VPN E80.62 / R77.30.01
                    • sk105123 — Check Point Capsule Docs, Endpoint Security and Remote Access VPN E80.61 / R77.20.01
                    • sk102651 — Check Point Capsule, Endpoint Security & Remote Access VPN E80.60
                    • sk101313 — Endpoint Security Client & Remote Access VPN Clients E80.51
                    • sk98718 — Endpoint Security Client E80.50.03 for Mac
                    • sk92971 — Endpoint Security Client & Remote Access VPN Clients E80.50
                    • sk95766 — Endpoint Security Client & Remote Access VPN Clients E80.42
                    • sk92101 — Endpoint Security Server E80.41
                    • sk91181 — Endpoint Security Client E80.41
                    • sk82100 — Endpoint Security E80.40
                    • sk65921 — Endpoint Security E80.30 and E80.32
                    • sk84220 — Remote Access Clients E75.30
                    • sk80480 — Endpoint Security VPN for Mac E75.01
                    • sk65210 — SSL Network Extender E75
                    • sk87540 — Check Point GO R75 HFA4
                    • sk65314 — Check Point Mobile for Android devices
                    • sk84141 — Check Point Mobile VPN for Android devices
                    • sk69540 — Check Point Mobile VPN application — Layer-3 VPN for Apple iPhone and iPad
                    • sk86884 — Check Point Clients’ support on Windows 8
                    • sk87460 — Endpoint Security Client On Demand — ESOD) Windows 8 support
                    • sk87980 — Windows 8 support by Check Point
                    • sk96006 — Check Point VPN client is now part of Windows 8.1 — including Windows RT 8.1)


                    • SK заменяет sk79361, sk36681 (информация объединена).

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