Concurrent map set locking is not supported on windows

Using QGIS 3.4.3 I'm trying to carry out a simple v.transform task shifting x and y But I'm receiving the following errors - and output shapefile is empty. Processing algorithm… Algorithm 'v.tran...

**WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows** is not an error, is a warning.

All GRASS algorithms that are run from QGIS in Windows return that warning. But algorithms alone do not try to lock the mapset concurrently, so you should not worry about that.

In your case, the error is being generated by SQLite, which is the GRASS default database engine: min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input="C:UsersrossoAppDataLocalTempprocessing_b34ad6177ba34e0c9caccac6844ce8d219f8b29a97494768ad806acfd1c428b0input.shp" output="vector_5c462f6262e243" --overwrite -o

DBMI-SQLite driver error: Error in sqlite3_prepare(): near "ORDER": syntax error
Creating attribute table for layer <input>... DBMI-SQLite driver error: Error in sqlite3_prepare(): near "ORDER": syntax error
**ERROR: Unable to create table: 'create table vector_5c462f6262e243 (cat integer, ID integer, ORDER integer)'** is trying to import the shapefile to a GRASS layer, but can’t read nor write the table. This is because there seems to be a column called «ORDER», since ORDER is a restricted term in SQL, which causes a syntax error.

From there, all the commands that the algorithm runs are failing, which is to be expected because the layer table could not be written.

Therefore, if you have a column in the table of your shapefile with a name restricted by SQL, changing the name of that column would be the solution.

If that were not the case, feel free to comment on this answer and we will continue to find a solution to the problem.

Author Name: Jürgen Fischer (@jef-n)

  • description was changed from In continuation of Bug report QGIS 3.2.3 Bonn and GRASS 7. r.texture does not provide any output. #27967,
    QGIS 3.4 Madeira and GRASS 7. r.texture does not provide any output. Not in temp, not in user defined folder.
    I have tried the function in Windows 10 64bit. On the same systems, QGIS 2.18 provided the outputs fine.

LOG outputs are like this:

Suspicious message «r was unexpected at this time.»

@Algorithm ‘r.texture’ starting…
Input parameters:
{ ‘-a’ : False, ‘-s’ : False, ‘GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER’ : 0, ‘GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER’ : None, ‘distance’ : 1, ‘input’ : ‘C:/Users/…/asdf.tif’, ‘method’ : [0], ‘output’ : ‘C:Users…TESTFOLDERqw’, ‘size’ : 3 }

r.external input=»C:Users…asdf.tif» band=1 output=»rast_5bd897a9cae473″ —overwrite -o
g.region n=… s=… e=… w=… res=0.0891700128040893
r.texture input=rast_5bd897a9cae473 method=»asm» size=3 distance=1 output=outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec —overwrite
for r in $(g.list type=rast pattern=’outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec*’); do
r.out.gdal -m -t input=${r} output=C:Users…TESTFOLDERqw/${r}.tif —overwrite -c createopt=»TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW»
Starting GRASS GIS…
WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows
Executing <C:Users…AppDataLocalTempprocessing_99d8c583f2914262bb9d62de6da82492grassdatagrass_batch_job.cmd> …

C:OSGEO4~1bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL

C:OSGEO4~1bin>r.external input=»C:Users…DesktopQGIS_BARESOIL_2018TESTFOLDERasdf.tif» band=1 output=»rast_5bd897a9cae473″ —overwrite -o
Over-riding projection check
Reading band 1 of 1…
r.external complete. Link to raster map <rast_5bd897a9cae473> created.

C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.region n=… s=… e=… w=… res=0.0891700128040893

C:OSGEO4~1bin>r.texture input=rast_5bd897a9cae473 method=»asm» size=3 distance=1 output=outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec —overwrite
Reading raster map…
Calculating Angular Second Moment…
r was unexpected at this time.

C:OSGEO41bin>for r in $(g.list type=rast pattern=’outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec*’); do
Execution of <C:Users…AppDataLocalTempprocessing_99d8c583f2914262bb9d62de6da82492grassdatagrass_batch_job.cmd> finished.
Cleaning up temporary files…
Press any key to continue . . .
Traceback (most recent call last):
File «C:/OSGEO41/apps/qgis/./python/», line 411, in processAlgorithm
Grass7Utils.executeGrass(self.commands, feedback, self.outputCommands)
File «C:/OSGEO41/apps/qgis/./python/», line 399, in executeGrass
startupinfo=si if isWindows() else None
File «», line 756, in init
restore_signals, start_new_session)
File «», line 1155, in _execute_child
OSError: [WinError 87] The parameter is incorrect
Execution failed after 14.01 seconds

Loading resulting layers
Algorithm ‘r.texture’ finished

From the history in QGIS 3.4 FAILURE:«grass7:r.texture», {‘input’:’C:/Users/…/asdf.tif’,’method’:[0],’size’:3,’distance’:1,’-s’:False,’-a’:False,’output’:’C:Users…TESTFOLDERqw’,’GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER’:None,’GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER’:0})@

From the history in QGIS 2.18.25 SUCCESS:
processing.runalg(«grass7:r.texture»,»C:/Users/…/asdf.tif»,»asm»,3,1,False,False,»…,…,…,…»,»C:Users…TESTFOLDERqw») to In continuation of Bug report #27967,
QGIS 3.4 Madeira and GRASS 7. r.texture does not provide any output. Not in temp, not in user defined folder.
I have tried the function in Windows 10 64bit. On the same systems, QGIS 2.18 provided the outputs fine.

LOG outputs are like this:

Suspicious message «r was unexpected at this time.»

Algorithm 'r.texture' starting…
Input parameters:
{ '-a' : False, '-s' : False, 'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : None, 'distance' : 1, 'input' : 'C:/Users/…/asdf.tif', 'method' : [0], 'output' : 'C:\Users\...\TESTFOLDER\qw', 'size' : 3 }

r.external input="C:Users...asdf.tif" band=1 output="rast_5bd897a9cae473" --overwrite -o
g.region n=… s=… e=… w=… res=0.0891700128040893
r.texture input=rast_5bd897a9cae473 method="asm" size=3 distance=1 output=outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec --overwrite
for r in $(g.list type=rast pattern='outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec*'); do
r.out.gdal -m -t input=${r} output=C:Users...TESTFOLDERqw/${r}.tif --overwrite -c createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW"
Starting GRASS GIS...
WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows
Executing  ...

C:OSGEO4~1bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL 

C:OSGEO4~1bin>r.external input="C:Users...DesktopQGIS_BARESOIL_2018TESTFOLDERasdf.tif" band=1 output="rast_5bd897a9cae473" --overwrite -o 
Over-riding projection check
Reading band 1 of 1...
r.external complete. Link to raster map  created.

C:OSGEO4~1bin>g.region n=… s=… e=… w=… res=0.0891700128040893 

C:OSGEO4~1bin>r.texture input=rast_5bd897a9cae473 method="asm" size=3 distance=1 output=outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec --overwrite 
Reading raster map...
Calculating Angular Second Moment...
r was unexpected at this time.

C:OSGEO4~1bin>for r in $(g.list type=rast pattern='outputbf78f3ac0afc498ca24722f3e2ee97ec*'); do
Execution of  finished.
Cleaning up temporary files...
Press any key to continue . . . 
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis/./python/", line 411, in processAlgorithm
Grass7Utils.executeGrass(self.commands, feedback, self.outputCommands)
File "C:/OSGEO4~1/apps/qgis/./python/", line 399, in executeGrass
startupinfo=si if isWindows() else None
File "", line 756, in __init__
restore_signals, start_new_session)
File "", line 1155, in _execute_child
OSError: [WinError 87] The parameter is incorrect
Execution failed after 14.01 seconds

Loading resulting layers
Algorithm 'r.texture' finished

From the history in QGIS 3.4 FAILURE:"grass7:r.texture", {'input':'C:/Users/.../asdf.tif','method':[0],'size':3,'distance':1,'-s':False,'-a':False,'output':'C:\Users\...\TESTFOLDER\qw','GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER':None,'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER':0})

From the history in QGIS 2.18.25 SUCCESS:



Геоинформационные системы (ГИС) и Дистанционное зондирование Земли



Сообщения: 19
Зарегистрирован: 05 фев 2019, 05:17

Репутация: 1
Откуда: Украина

ERROR 6 in GRASS r.neightbors

Всем привет! Мучаюсь с проблемой в GRASSе, хотел применить фильтр для классифицированного снимка S2 — r.neightbors, причем классификацию проводил в SCP. Начал он мне ругаться

Код: Выделить всё

ERROR 6: SetColorTable() only supported for Byte or UInt16 bands in TIFF format.

Попробовал поменять формат в gdal_translate на Byte и UInt16, не помогло, пустой растр выходит.



Сообщения: 3822
Зарегистрирован: 15 окт 2010, 08:33

Репутация: 996
Ваше звание: программист
Откуда: Казань

Re: ERROR 6 in GRASS r.neightbors


gamm » 23 авг 2019, 06:51

все строки скрипта покажите, какой фильтр и на что SetColorTable() напускали, там случаем не результат усреднения после фильтра? Этот фильтр r.neighbors вроде вообще не для классификации



Сообщения: 19
Зарегистрирован: 05 фев 2019, 05:17

Репутация: 1
Откуда: Украина

Re: ERROR 6 in GRASS r.neightbors


OlegPrs » 23 авг 2019, 07:21

Полный лог

Код: Выделить всё

Выполняется алгоритм…
Algorithm 'r.neighbors' starting…
Входные параметры:
{ '-a' : False, '-c' : False, 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_META' : '', 'GRASS_RASTER_FORMAT_OPT' : '', 'GRASS_REGION_CELLSIZE_PARAMETER' : 0, 'GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER' : None, 'gauss' : 0, 'input' : 'C:/Users/BoR/Desktop/Chernobyl/Satellite/S2/EE/MultispecS2/ExtentChEZ/Result/Classification/Result/1MinDist.tif', 'method' : 2, 'output' : 'C:/Users/BoR/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5f0f4ec965d9431fbc778094203c5ee1/11fada24e7944c1d8715a5c77b283361/output.tif', 'quantile' : '', 'selection' : None, 'size' : 7, 'weight' : '' }

g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=35 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
r.external input="C:UsersBoRDesktopChernobylSatelliteS2EEMultispecS2ExtentChEZResultClassificationResult1MinDist.tif" band=1 output="rast_5d5f699786dd02" --overwrite -o
g.region n=5714910.0 s=5661530.0 e=749310.0 w=657260.0 res=10.0
r.neighbors input=rast_5d5f699786dd02 method="mode" size=7 gauss=0 output=outpute7ef6ec9004c4f9abde083980912729e --overwrite
g.region raster=outpute7ef6ec9004c4f9abde083980912729e
r.out.gdal -t -m input="outpute7ef6ec9004c4f9abde083980912729e" output="C:UsersBoRAppDataLocalTempprocessing_5f0f4ec965d9431fbc778094203c5ee111fada24e7944c1d8715a5c77b283361output.tif" format="GTiff" createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" --overwrite
Starting GRASS GIS...
ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows
Executing <C:UsersBoRAppDataLocalTempprocessing_5f0f4ec965d9431fbc778094203c5ee1grassdatagrass_batch_job.cmd> ...
C:WindowsSystem32>chcp 1251 1>NUL
C:WindowsSystem32>g.proj -c proj4="+proj=utm +zone=35 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"
Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default
Projection information updated
C:WindowsSystem32>r.external input="C:UsersBoRDesktopChernobylSatelliteS2EEMultispecS2ExtentChEZResultClassificationResult1MinDist.tif" band=1 output="rast_5d5f699786dd02" --overwrite -o
Over-riding projection check
Reading band 1 of 1...
r.external завершен. Link to raster map <rast_5d5f699786dd02> created.
C:WindowsSystem32>g.region n=5714910.0 s=5661530.0 e=749310.0 w=657260.0 res=10.0
C:WindowsSystem32>r.neighbors input=rast_5d5f699786dd02 method="mode" size=7 gauss=0 output=outpute7ef6ec9004c4f9abde083980912729e --overwrite
C:WindowsSystem32>g.region raster=outpute7ef6ec9004c4f9abde083980912729e
C:WindowsSystem32>r.out.gdal -t -m input="outpute7ef6ec9004c4f9abde083980912729e" output="C:UsersBoRAppDataLocalTempprocessing_5f0f4ec965d9431fbc778094203c5ee111fada24e7944c1d8715a5c77b283361output.tif" format="GTiff" createopt="TFW=YES,COMPRESS=LZW" --overwrite
ERROR 6: SetColorTable() only supported for Byte or UInt16 bands in TIFF format.
Checking GDAL data type and nodata value...
Using GDAL data type <Int32>
Input raster map contains cells with NULL-value (no-data). The value -2147483648 will be used to represent no-data values in the input map. You can specify a nodata value with the nodata option.
Exporting raster data to GTiff format...
r.out.gdal завершен. File <C:UsersBoRAppDataLocalTempprocessing_5f0f4ec965d9431fbc778094203c5ee111fada24e7944c1d8715a5c77b283361output.tif> created.
Execution of <C:UsersBoRAppDataLocalTempprocessing_5f0f4ec965d9431fbc778094203c5ee1grassdatagrass_batch_job.cmd> finished.
Cleaning up temporary files...
Выполнение завершено за  11.24 сек.
{'output': <QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition {'sink':C:/Users/BoR/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_5f0f4ec965d9431fbc778094203c5ee1/11fada24e7944c1d8715a5c77b283361/output.tif, 'createOptions': {'fileEncoding': 'System'}}>}

Загрузить результирующие слои
Алгоритм "r.neighbors" завершен



Сообщения: 3822
Зарегистрирован: 15 окт 2010, 08:33

Репутация: 996
Ваше звание: программист
Откуда: Казань

Re: ERROR 6 in GRASS r.neightbors


gamm » 23 авг 2019, 08:22

Судя по всему, r.out.gdal порождает int32, или входной файл не нравится. Посмотрите, какой тип у результата классификации.



Сообщения: 19
Зарегистрирован: 05 фев 2019, 05:17

Репутация: 1
Откуда: Украина

Re: ERROR 6 in GRASS r.neightbors


OlegPrs » 23 авг 2019, 17:12

gamm писал(а): ↑

23 авг 2019, 08:22

Судя по всему, r.out.gdal порождает int32

Видимо так и есть . Подскажите пожалуйста, можно ведь прописать флаг или параметр типа -string=byte? Или же как можно решить данную проблему?



Сообщения: 3822
Зарегистрирован: 15 окт 2010, 08:33

Репутация: 996
Ваше звание: программист
Откуда: Казань

Re: ERROR 6 in GRASS r.neightbors


gamm » 23 авг 2019, 18:26

OlegPrs писал(а): ↑

23 авг 2019, 17:12

параметр типа -string=byte

там же написаны варианты (string заменяется конкретным кодом):

все варианты:
Options: Byte, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Float32, Float64, CInt16, CInt32, CFloat32, CFloat64



Сообщения: 19
Зарегистрирован: 05 фев 2019, 05:17

Репутация: 1
Откуда: Украина

Re: ERROR 6 in GRASS r.neightbors


OlegPrs » 23 авг 2019, 20:29


© GIS-Lab и авторы, 2002-2017. При использовании материалов сайта, ссылка на GIS-Lab и авторов обязательна. Содержание материалов — ответственность авторов (подробнее).

Yes, this is the full content. (and By the way this also happens on my QGIS in my work computer with 3.0, I think)

Processing algorithm…
Algorithm ‘v.buffer’ starting…
Input parameters:
{ ‘-c’ : False, ‘-s’ : False, ‘-t’ : False, ‘GRASS_MIN_AREA_PARAMETER’ : 0.0001, ‘GRASS_OUTPUT_TYPE_PARAMETER’ : 0, ‘GRASS_REGION_PARAMETER’ : None, ‘GRASS_SNAP_TOLERANCE_PARAMETER’ : -1, ‘GRASS_VECTOR_DSCO’ : », ‘GRASS_VECTOR_LCO’ : », ‘angle’ : 0, ‘cats’ : », ‘column’ : None, ‘distance’ : None, ‘input’ : ‘C:UsersfabioDesktopdatatestdots.shp’, ‘minordistance’ : None, ‘output’ : ‘C:/Users/fabio/Desktop/data/test/a.geojson’, ‘scale’ : 1, ‘tolerance’ : 0.01, ‘type’ : [0,1,4], ‘where’ : » }

g.proj -c proj4=»+proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs» min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input=»C:UsersfabioDesktopdatatestdots.shp» output=»vector_5b3ef47fec19c4″ —overwrite -o
g.region n=2932787.8891613893 s=2918981.120960044 e=3248209.8586621974 w=3238242.9922359046
v.buffer input=vector_5b3ef47fec19c4 type=»point,line,area» angle=0 scale=1 tolerance=0.01 output=outputd58c1744dc8e40b49f56bbade9db65ba —overwrite
v.out.ogr -c type=»auto» input=»outputd58c1744dc8e40b49f56bbade9db65ba» output=»C:UsersfabioDesktopdatatesta.geojson» format=»GeoJSON» —overwrite
Cleaning up temporary files…

access: No such file or directory

ERROR: LOCATION <C:UsersfabioDesktopWATERMAPnewLocation> not available

Starting GRASS GIS…

WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows

Executing <C:UsersfabioAppDataLocalTempprocessing_c30a807a8a3744e2906e6a754a905064grassdatagrass_batch_job.cmd> …

C:PROGRA~1QGIS3~1.2bin>chcp 1252 1>NUL

C:PROGRA~1QGIS3~1.2bin>g.proj -c proj4=»+proj=laea +lat_0=52 +lon_0=10 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs»

Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the default

Projection information updated

C:PROGRA~1QGIS3~1.2bin> min_area=0.0001 snap=-1.0 input=»C:UsersfabioDesktopdatatestdots.shp» output=»vector_5b3ef47fec19c4″ —overwrite -o

Over-riding projection check

Check if OGR layer <dots> contains polygons…


Creating attribute table for layer <dots>…

Importing 5 features (OGR layer <dots>)…


Building topology for vector map <[email protected]>…

Registering primitives…

5 primitives registered

5 vertices registered

Building areas…


0 areas built

0 isles built

Attaching islands…

Attaching centroids…


Number of nodes: 0

Number of primitives: 5

Number of points: 5

Number of lines: 0

Number of boundaries: 0

Number of centroids: 0

Number of areas: 0

Number of isles: 0

C:PROGRA~1QGIS3~1.2bin>g.region n=2932787.8891613893 s=2918981.120960044 e=3248209.8586621974 w=3238242.9922359046

C:PROGRA~1QGIS3~1.2bin>v.buffer input=vector_5b3ef47fec19c4 type=»point,line,area» angle=0 scale=1 tolerance=0.01 output=outputd58c1744dc8e40b49f56bbade9db65ba —overwrite

ERROR: Select a buffer distance/minordistance/angle or column, but not both.

C:PROGRA~1QGIS3~1.2bin>v.out.ogr -c type=»auto» input=»outputd58c1744dc8e40b49f56bbade9db65ba» output=»C:UsersfabioDesktopdatatesta.geojson» format=»GeoJSON» —overwrite

ERROR: Vector map <outputd58c1744dc8e40b49f56bbade9db65ba> not found


Execution of <C:UsersfabioAppDataLocalTempprocessing_c30a807a8a3744e2906e6a754a905064grassdatagrass_batch_job.cmd> finished.

Cleaning up temporary files…

Press any key to continue . . .

Execution completed in 3.07 seconds
{‘output’: <QgsProcessingOutputLayerDefinition {‘sink’:C:/Users/fabio/Desktop/data/test/a.geojson, ‘createOptions’: {‘fileEncoding’: ‘System’}}>}

Loading resulting layers
The following layers were not correctly generated.<ul><li>C:/Users/fabio/Desktop/data/test/a.geojson</li></ul>You can check the ‘Log Messages Panel’ in QGIS main window to find more information about the execution of the algorithm.




Reported by: Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.8.3
Component: wxGUI Version: git-releasebranch78
Keywords: Error Reading Settings Cc:
CPU: x86-64 Platform: MSWindows

When starting GRASS 7.8.1 on Windows 10 x64, a message displays in the Console window:

Error: Reading settings from file <C:UsersdnewcombAppDataRoamingGRASS7wx> failed.
Details: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)


Previously GRASS 7.6.1 was used on this computer.


(7.2 KB
) — added by dnewcomb 3 years ago.
wx file as requsted

Download all attachments as:

Change History

Component: DefaultwxGUI

See TracTickets
for help on using tickets.

Hi there,

I think that the problem might be that your location already has some spatial information, whereas your tutorial says that:

‘setup_grass_environment prepares the GRASS environment by setting

* the projection to that one of the observation sites or to an epsg code provided
* the region to the extent of the DEM.’
I think that it definitely does the first bullet but not the second. When I run your code using a tempdir(), I get the following (below). Note how the DEM is definitely not correct. When I set up my own mapset/location, the code works great.


R version 3.4.3 (2017-11-30)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows >= 8 x64 (build 9200)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Canada.1252 LC_CTYPE=English_Canada.1252 LC_MONETARY=English_Canada.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C
[5] LC_TIME=English_Canada.1252

attached base packages:
[1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base

other attached packages:
[1] openSTARS_1.0.0 rgrass7_0.1-10 XML_3.98-1.9 data.table_1.10.4-3 sp_1.2-7

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] igraph_1.1.2 Rcpp_0.12.15 magrittr_1.5 progress_1.1.2 maptools_0.9-2 MASS_7.3-47 bit_1.1-12 lattice_0.20-35
[9] R6_2.2.2 rlang_0.1.6 blob_1.1.0 tools_3.4.3 rgdal_1.2-16 grid_3.4.3 SSN_1.1.12 DBI_0.7
[17] rgeos_0.3-26 assertthat_0.2.0 yaml_2.1.16 bit64_0.9-7 digest_0.6.15 tibble_1.4.2 Matrix_1.2-12 memoise_1.1.0
[25] RSQLite_2.0 compiler_3.4.3 pillar_1.1.0 prettyunits_1.0.2 foreign_0.8-69 pkgconfig_2.0.1

## Initialize
initGRASS(gisBase = «C:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 7.4.0»,

+ home = tempdir(),
+ override = TRUE)
gisdbase C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpovQHFY
location file21f47dab1a4c
mapset file21f429482990
rows 1
columns 1
north 1
south 0
west 0
east 1
nsres 1
ewres 1
projection NA

dem_path <- system.file(«extdata», «nc», «elev_ned_30m.tif», package = «openSTARS»)
sites_path <- system.file(«extdata», «nc», «sites_nc.shp», package = «openSTARS»)


[1] «C:/Users/brian/Documents/R/win-library/3.4/openSTARS/extdata/nc/elev_ned_30m.tif»


[1] «C:/Users/brian/Documents/R/win-library/3.4/openSTARS/extdata/nc/sites_nc.shp»

setup_grass_environment(dem = dem_path, sites = sites_path)

Setting up GRASS Environment…

WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows
Trying to open with OGR…
Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple
mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the
Projection information updated
Error: driver %in% candDrivers is not TRUE


gisdbase C:/Users/brian/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpovQHFY
location file21f47dab1a4c
rows 1
columns 1
north 1
south 0
west 0
east 1
nsres 1
ewres 1
projection +proj=lcc +lat_1=36.16666666666666 +lat_2=34.33333333333334 +lat_0=33.75 +lon_0=-79 +x_0=609601.22 +y_0=0 +no_defs +a=6378137
+rf=298.257222101 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +to_meter=1

import_data(dem = dem_path, sites = sites_path)

Loading DEM into GRASS…

Loading sites into GRASS as sites_o …

No streams available, skipping.

dem <- readRAST(«dem», ignore.stderr = TRUE)
plot(dem, col = terrain.colors(20))

Error in seq.default(zlim[1], zlim[2], length.out = length(col) + 1) :
‘from’ must be a finite number
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In min(x) : no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
2: In max(x) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf


projection: 99 (NAD83_HARN_North_Carolina)
zone: 0
datum: nad83harn
ellipsoid: grs80
north: 1
south: 0
west: 0
east: 1
nsres: 1
ewres: 1
rows: 1
cols: 1
cells: 1
north-south extent: 1.000000
east-west extent: 1.000000


Object of class SpatialGridDataFrame
Object of class SpatialGrid
Grid topology:
cellcentre.offset cellsize cells.dim
1 0.5 1 1
2 0.5 1 1
s1 s2
[1,] 0.5 0.5
Coordinate Reference System (CRS) arguments: +proj=lcc +lat_1=36.16666666666666 +lat_2=34.33333333333334 +lat_0=33.75 +lon_0=-79
+x_0=609601.22 +y_0=0 +no_defs +a=6378137 +rf=298.257222101 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +to_meter=1

Data summary:
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA’s

From: MiKatt []
Sent: February 13, 2018 5:07 AM
To: MiKatt/openSTARS <>
Cc: Brian Kielstra <>; Author <>
Subject: Re: [MiKatt/openSTARS] setup_grass_environment (#4)

Hi, thanks a lot for your feedback!
However, I am not able to reproduce your problem. Can you please give me some more details?
This is what the code and output looks like when I use it:


initGRASS(gisBase` = «c:/Program Files/GRASS GIS 7.2.0»,

+ home = tempdir(),

+ gisDbase = «f:/Landau/GRASSDB»,

+ location = «test_tutorial»

+ )

gisdbase f:/Landau/GRASSDB

location test_tutorial

mapset file2398512d4a84

rows 1

columns 1

north 1

south 0

west 0

east 1

nsres 1

ewres 1

projection NA


projection: 0 (x,y)

zone: 0

north: 1

south: 0

west: 0

east: 1

nsres: 1

ewres: 1

rows: 1

cols: 1

cells: 1

north-south extent: 1.000000

east-west extent: 1.000000

dem_path <- system.file(«extdata», «nc», «elev_ned_30m.tif», package = «openSTARS»)

sites_path <- system.file(«extdata», «nc», «sites_nc.shp», package = «openSTARS»)

setup_grass_environment(dem = dem_path, sites = sites_path)

Setting up GRASS Environment…

WARNING: Concurrent mapset locking is not supported on Windows

Trying to open with OGR…


Default region was updated to the new projection, but if you have multiple

mapsets `g.region -d` should be run in each to update the region from the


Projection information updated


projection: 99 (NAD83_HARN_North_Carolina)

zone: 0

datum: nad83harn

ellipsoid: grs80

north: 228500

south: 215000

west: 630000

east: 645000

nsres: 30

ewres: 30

rows: 450

cols: 500

cells: 225000

north-south extent: 13500.000000

east-west extent: 15000.000000

You are receiving this because you authored the thread.
Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub<#4 (comment)>, or mute the thread<>.

I have read somewhere that in ConcurrentHashMap, the whole map object is not locked and instead a lock is made on a portion of the Map.

Can somebody elaborate when does locking come into the picture?

Is it right that while reading the Map there is no locking involved in it but while updating it only locking is used?

Bohemian's user avatar


403k89 gold badges568 silver badges708 bronze badges

asked May 14, 2012 at 18:37

Anand's user avatar


Yes, ConcurrentHashMap uses a multitude of locks (by default, 16 of them), each lock controls one segment of the hash.

When setting data in a particular segment, the lock for that segment is obtained.

When getting data, a volatile read is used. If the volatile read results in a miss, then the lock for the segment is obtained for a last attempt at a successful read.

Alex R's user avatar

Alex R

11k13 gold badges93 silver badges171 bronze badges

answered May 14, 2012 at 18:43

Tim Bender's user avatar

Tim BenderTim Bender

19.9k2 gold badges48 silver badges58 bronze badges


Locking is minimized as much as possible while still being thread-safe.

To explain «part of the Map is locked», this means that when updating, only a «1/concurrencyLevel» of the Map (based on a hash of the key) is locked. This means that two updates can still simultaneously execute safely if they each affect separate «buckets», thus minimizing lock contention and so maximizing performance.

More importantly, trust the JDK implementation — you shouldn’t have to worry about implementation details in the JDK (for one thing, it may change from release to release). Rather, just focus on writing your code.

answered May 14, 2012 at 18:41

Bohemian's user avatar


403k89 gold badges568 silver badges708 bronze badges


ConcurrentHashMap use Reentrant Lock mechanism. ConcurrentHashMap uses segments instead of buckets and when new record get insert lock will get acquire only on segment not the complete list of segments. So here idea makes its clear that multi level lock will get acquire on the same.

As no concurrency level has been set explictity, the ConcurrentHashMap gets divided into 16 segments. And each segment acts as an independent HashMap.

There is no lock applied on read operation in ConcurrentHashMap.

answered Dec 29, 2017 at 10:15

Aman Goel's user avatar

Aman GoelAman Goel

3,2211 gold badge21 silver badges17 bronze badges

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