Convert windowsimage ps1 wim2vhd for windows 10

Конвертирование установочных образов Windows в виртуальные жесткие диски

На TechNet наткнулся на интересную утилиту Convert-WindowsImage, умеющую преобразовывать установочные образы в файлы виртуальных жестких дисков. Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 — это скрипт PowerShell, который конвертирует установочный образ диска из формата WIM или ISO в формат Virtual Hard Disk. В результате работы скрипта из дистрибутива Windows получается готовый VHD с установленной операционной системой, который можно использовать для создания виртуальной машины или для загрузки обычного компьютера.

Развернутая таким способом ОС будет находиться в таком же состоянии, как после применения образа и первой перезагрузки в ходе обычной установки. Такой же эффект получается после обработки (Generalize) уже установленной системы утилитой Sysprep. То есть, после первой загрузки системы вам придётся пройти процедуру начальной настройки (Out Of Box Experience, OOBE).

Convert-WindowsImage является развитием другой утилиты — WIM2VHD, однако имеет несколько существенных отличий:

• Утилита переписана на языке PowerShell (WIM2VHD использовала JScript);
• Добавлена поддержка виртуальных жестких дисков формата VHDX;
• Добавлена возможность работы с образами ISO;
• Добавлен графический интерфейс.

Кроме того, если для работы WIM2VHD требовалось скачать и установить пакет Automated Installation Kit (AIK) или OEM Pre-Installation Kit (OPK) весом 1.7Гб, то Convert-WindowsImage не требует дополнительного софта и обходится тем, что есть в системе.

Convert-WindowsImage имеет несколько предварительных требований к версиям операционной системы:

• Утилита может быть запущена только на Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012. Использовать в качестве хостовой ОС Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2 нельзя.
• Утилита может конвертировать установочные образы следующих операционных систем: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 и Windows Server 2012. Windows Vista и Windows Server 2008 не поддерживаются.

Примеры использования Convert-WindowsImage

Для запуска Convert-WindowsImage необходимо скопировать файл Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 на компьютер и изменить политику выполнения скриптов на RemoteSigned.

Пример 1

Вставляем установочный DVD-диск в дисковод D. Открываем консоль PowerShell и переходим в директорию с утилитой. Создаем VHD с настройками по умолчанию из образа D:sourcesinstall.wim и указываем редакцию Enterprise:

.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 -SourcePath ″D:sourcesinstall.wim″
-Edition Enterprise

По умолчанию диск создается в текущей директории. Формат диска VHD, тип динамический, максимальный размер 40Гб.

конвертирование wim в vhd

Пример 2

Создаем в папке E:VHD виртуальный диск Win8.vhdx из образа установочного диска E:ISOWindows 8windows8.iso. Задаем формат диска VHDX, тип динамический и размер 25Гб:

.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 -SourcePath ″E:ISOWindows 8windows8.iso″
-VHDPath E:VHDWin8.vhdx -VHDFormat VHDX -VHDType Dynamic -SizeBytes 25GB

конвертирование iso в vhd

Важно: создавая диски нового формата VHDX надо помнить, что они поддерживаются только гипервизором в Windows 8 и Windows Server 2012. Можно создавать диски VHDX, содержащие установленные Windows 7/Server 2008R2, но запустятся они только на Windows 8/Server 2012.

Пример 3

Следующей командой запустим Convert-WindowsImage в графическом режиме:

.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 -ShowUI

Здесь также можно выбрать установочный образ, указать редакцию, сконфигурировать параметры виртуального диска, задать имя диска и папку назначения. Имя диска надо обязательно писать с расширением, иначе скрипт выдаст ошибку.

конвертирование iso в vhd в графическом режиме

Еще примеры использования Convert-WindowsImage, а также описание и ответы на некоторые вопросы по ее использованию можно найти на странице утилиты на TechNet.

function Convert-WindowsImage { <# .NOTES Version: 21H2-20211020 License: GPLv3 or any later MIT for all microsoft commits Convert-WindowsImage — Creates a bootable VHD(X) based on Windows 7,8, 10, 11 or Windows Server 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022 installation media. Copyright (c) 2019 x0nn This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. MIT License Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the «Software»), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED «AS IS», WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. .SYNOPSIS Creates a bootable VHD(X) based on Windows 7,8, 10, 11 or Windows Server 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022 installation media. .DESCRIPTION Creates a bootable VHD(X) based on Windows 7,8, 10, 11 or Windows Server 2012, 2012R2, 2016, 2019, 2022 installation media. .PARAMETER SourcePath The complete path to the WIM or ISO file that will be converted to a Virtual Hard Disk. The ISO file must be valid Windows installation media to be recognized successfully. .PARAMETER CacheSource If the source WIM/ISO was copied locally, we delete it by default. Pass $true to cache the source image from the temp directory. .PARAMETER VHDPath The name and path of the Virtual Hard Disk to create. Omitting this parameter will create the Virtual Hard Disk is the current directory, (or, if specified by the -WorkingDirectory parameter, the working directory) and will automatically name the file in the following format: <build>.<revision>.<architecture>.<branch>.<timestamp>_<skufamily>_<sku>_<language>.<extension> i.e.: 9200.0.amd64fre.winmain_win8rtm.120725-1247_client_professional_en-us.vhd(x) .PARAMETER WorkingDirectory Specifies the directory where the VHD(X) file should be generated. If specified along with -VHDPath, the -WorkingDirectory value is ignored. The default value is the current directory ($pwd). .PARAMETER TempDirectory Specifies the directory where the logs and ISO files should be placed. The default value is the temp directory ($env:Temp). .PARAMETER SizeBytes The size of the Virtual Hard Disk to create. For fixed disks, the VHD(X) file will be allocated all of this space immediately. For dynamic disks, this will be the maximum size that the VHD(X) can grow to. The default value is 40GB. .PARAMETER VHDFormat Specifies whether to create a VHD or VHDX formatted Virtual Hard Disk. The default is AUTO, which will create a VHD if using the BIOS disk layout or VHDX if using UEFI or WindowsToGo layouts. .PARAMETER IsFixed Specifies to create a fixed (fully allocated) VHD(X) instead of dynamic (quick allocation of space) VHD(X). .PARAMETER DiskLayout Specifies whether to build the image for BIOS (MBR), UEFI (GPT), or WindowsToGo (MBR). Generation 1 VMs require BIOS (MBR) images. Generation 2 VMs require UEFI (GPT) images. Windows To Go images will boot in UEFI or BIOS but are not technically supported (upgrade doesn’t work) .PARAMETER UnattendPath The complete path to an unattend.xml file that can be injected into the VHD(X). .PARAMETER Edition The name or image index of the image to apply from the ESD/WIM. If omitted and more than one image is available, all images are listed. .PARAMETER Passthru Specifies that the full path to the VHD(X) that is created should be returned on the pipeline. .PARAMETER BCDBoot By default, the version of BCDBOOT.EXE that is present in WindowsSystem32 is used by Convert-WindowsImage. If you need to specify an alternate version, use this parameter to do so. .PARAMETER MergeFolder Specifies additional MergeFolder path to be added to the root of the VHD(X) .PARAMETER BCDinVHD Specifies the purpose of the VHD(x). Use NativeBoot to skip cration of BCD store inside the VHD(x). Use VirtualMachine (or do not specify this option) to ensure the BCD store is created inside the VHD(x). .PARAMETER Driver Full path to driver(s) (.inf files) to inject to the OS inside the VHD(x). .PARAMETER ExpandOnNativeBoot Specifies whether to expand the VHD(x) to its maximum suze upon native boot. The default is True. Set to False to disable expansion. .PARAMETER RemoteDesktopEnable Enable Remote Desktop to connect to the OS inside the VHD(x) upon provisioning. Does not include Windows Firewall rules (firewall exceptions). The default is False. .PARAMETER Feature Enables specified Windows Feature(s). Note that you need to specify the Internal names understood by DISM and DISM CMDLets (e.g. NetFx3) instead of the «Friendly» names from Server Manager CMDLets (e.g. NET-Framework-Core). .PARAMETER Package Injects specified Windows Package(s). Accepts path to either a directory or individual CAB or MSU file. .PARAMETER ShowUI Specifies that the Graphical User Interface should be displayed. .PARAMETER EnableDebugger Configures kernel debugging for the VHD(X) being created. EnableDebugger takes a single argument which specifies the debugging transport to use. Valid transports are: None, Serial, 1394, USB, Network, Local. Depending on the type of transport selected, additional configuration parameters will become available. Serial: -ComPort — The COM port number to use while communicating with the debugger. The default value is 1 (indicating COM1). -BaudRate — The baud rate (in bps) to use while communicating with the debugger. The default value is 115200, valid values are: 9600, 19200, 38400, 56700, 115200 1394: -Channel — The 1394 channel used to communicate with the debugger. The default value is 10. USB: -Target — The target name used for USB debugging. The default value is «debugging». Network: -IPAddress — The IP address of the debugging host computer. -Port — The port on which to connect to the debugging host. The default value is 50000, with a minimum value of 49152. -Key — The key used to encrypt the connection. Only [0-9] and [a-z] are allowed. -nodhcp — Prevents the use of DHCP to obtain the target IP address. -newkey — Specifies that a new encryption key should be generated for the connection. .PARAMETER DismPath Full Path to an alternative version of the Dism.exe tool. The default is the current OS version. .PARAMETER ApplyEA Specifies that any EAs captured in the WIM should be applied to the VHD. The default is False. .EXAMPLE Convert-WindowsImage -SourcePath D:fooinstall.wim -Edition Professional -WorkingDirectory D:foo This command will create a 40GB dynamically expanding VHD in the D:foo folder. The VHD will be based on the Professional edition from D:fooinstall.wim, and will be named automatically. .EXAMPLE Convert-WindowsImage -SourcePath D:fooWin7SP1.iso -Edition Ultimate -VHDPath D:fooWin7_Ultimate_SP1.vhd This command will parse the ISO file D:fooWin7SP1.iso and try to locate sourcesinstall.wim. If that file is found, it will be used to create a dynamically-expanding 40GB VHD containing the Ultimate SKU, and will be named D:fooWin7_Ultimate_SP1.vhd .EXAMPLE Convert-WindowsImage -SourcePath «D:fooWindowsServer2019.iso» -VHDFormat «VHDX» -Edition «Windows Server 2019 Standard» -SizeBytes 30GB -isFixed -DiskLayout «UEFI» -VHDPath «D:fooWindowsServer2019.vhdx» This command will create a fixed size VHDX for Windows Server with the Edition set to Standard. It will use modern UEFI layout for the disk. .EXAMPLE Convert-WindowsImage -SourcePath D:fooinstall.wim -Edition Professional -EnableDebugger Serial -ComPort 2 -BaudRate 38400 This command will create a VHD from D:fooinstall.wim of the Professional SKU. Serial debugging will be enabled in the VHD via COM2 at a baud rate of 38400bps. .OUTPUTS System.IO.FileInfo #> #Requires -Version 3.0 [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName=«SRC«, HelpURI=««)] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«, Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [Alias(«WIM«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $(Resolve-Path $_) })] $SourcePath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [switch] $CacheSource = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«SKU«)] [string[]] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Edition, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«WorkDir«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $_ })] $WorkingDirectory = $pwd, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«TempDir«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $TempDirectory = $env:Temp, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«VHD«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $VHDPath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«Size«)] [UInt64] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateRange(512MB, 64TB)] $SizeBytes = 25GB, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«Format«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet(«VHD«, «VHDX«, «AUTO«)] $VHDFormat = «AUTO«, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«UI«)] [switch] $IsFixed = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«MergeFolder«)] [string] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $(Resolve-Path $_) })] $MergeFolderPath = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«, Mandatory=$true)] [Alias(«Layout«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet(«BIOS«, «UEFI«, «WindowsToGo«)] $DiskLayout, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet(«NativeBoot«, «VirtualMachine«)] $BCDinVHD = «VirtualMachine«, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«UI«)] [string] $BCDBoot = «bcdboot.exe«, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«UI«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet(«None«, «Serial«, «1394«, «USB«, «Local«, «Network«)] $EnableDebugger = «None«, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [string[]] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Feature, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [string[]] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $(Resolve-Path $_) })] $Driver, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [string[]] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $(Resolve-Path $_) })] $Package, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [switch] $ExpandOnNativeBoot = $true, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [switch] $RemoteDesktopEnable = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Alias(«Unattend«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $(Resolve-Path $_) })] $UnattendPath = $null, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«UI«)] [switch] $Passthru, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ Test-Path $(Resolve-Path $_) })] $DismPath, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«SRC«)] [switch] $ApplyEA = $false, [Parameter(ParameterSetName=«UI«)] [switch] $ShowUI ) #region Code # Begin Dynamic Parameters # Create the parameters for the various types of debugging. DynamicParam { # Get rid of the Windows ShortName mess $SourcePath = (Get-Item LiteralPath $SourcePath).FullName if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($WorkingDirectory)) {$WorkingDirectory = (Get-Item LiteralPath $WorkingDirectory).FullName} if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($TempDirectory)) { $TempDirectory = (Get-Item LiteralPath $TempDirectory).FullName} if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($MergeFolderPath)) { $MergeFolderPath = (Get-Item LiteralPath $MergeFolderPath).FullName} if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($UnattendPath)) { $UnattendPath = (Get-Item LiteralPath $UnattendPath).FullName} # Since we use the VHDFormat in output, make it uppercase. # We’ll make it lowercase again when we use it as a file extension. if (![String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($VHDFormat)) {$VHDFormat = $VHDFormat.ToUpper()} Set-StrictMode version 3 # Set up the dynamic parameters. # Dynamic parameters are only available if certain conditions are met, so they’ll only show up # as valid parameters when those conditions apply. Here, the conditions are based on the value of # the EnableDebugger parameter. Depending on which of a set of values is the specified argument # for EnableDebugger, different parameters will light up, as outlined below. $parameterDictionary = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary if (!(Test-Path Variable:Private:EnableDebugger)) { return $parameterDictionary } switch ($EnableDebugger) { «Serial« { #region ComPort $ComPortAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $ComPortAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $ComPortAttr.Mandatory = $false $ComPortValidator = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute( 1, 10 # Is that a good maximum? ) $ComPortNotNull = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute $ComPortAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $ComPortAttrCollection.Add($ComPortAttr) $ComPortAttrCollection.Add($ComPortValidator) $ComPortAttrCollection.Add($ComPortNotNull) $ComPort = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «ComPort«, [UInt16], $ComPortAttrCollection ) # By default, use COM1 $ComPort.Value = 1 $parameterDictionary.Add(«ComPort«, $ComPort) #endregion ComPort #region BaudRate $BaudRateAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $BaudRateAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $BaudRateAttr.Mandatory = $false $BaudRateValidator = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateSetAttribute( 9600, 19200,38400, 57600, 115200 ) $BaudRateNotNull = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute $BaudRateAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $BaudRateAttrCollection.Add($BaudRateAttr) $BaudRateAttrCollection.Add($BaudRateValidator) $BaudRateAttrCollection.Add($BaudRateNotNull) $BaudRate = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «BaudRate«, [UInt32], $BaudRateAttrCollection ) # By default, use 115,200. $BaudRate.Value = 115200 $parameterDictionary.Add(«BaudRate«, $BaudRate) #endregion BaudRate break } «1394« { $ChannelAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $ChannelAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $ChannelAttr.Mandatory = $false $ChannelValidator = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute( 0, 62 ) $ChannelNotNull = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute $ChannelAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $ChannelAttrCollection.Add($ChannelAttr) $ChannelAttrCollection.Add($ChannelValidator) $ChannelAttrCollection.Add($ChannelNotNull) $Channel = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «Channel«, [UInt16], $ChannelAttrCollection ) # By default, use channel 10 $Channel.Value = 10 $parameterDictionary.Add(«Channel«, $Channel) break } «USB« { $TargetAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $TargetAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $TargetAttr.Mandatory = $false $TargetNotNull = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute $TargetAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $TargetAttrCollection.Add($TargetAttr) $TargetAttrCollection.Add($TargetNotNull) $Target = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «Target«, [string], $TargetAttrCollection ) # By default, use target = «debugging» $Target.Value = «Debugging« $parameterDictionary.Add(«Target«, $Target) break } «Network« { #region IP $IpAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $IpAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $IpAttr.Mandatory = $true $IpValidator = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidatePatternAttribute( «b(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?).){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)b« ) $IpNotNull = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute $IpAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $IpAttrCollection.Add($IpAttr) $IpAttrCollection.Add($IpValidator) $IpAttrCollection.Add($IpNotNull) $IP = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «IPAddress«, [string], $IpAttrCollection ) # There’s no good way to set a default value for this. $parameterDictionary.Add(«IPAddress«, $IP) #endregion IP #region Port $PortAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $PortAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $PortAttr.Mandatory = $false $PortValidator = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateRangeAttribute( 49152, 50039 ) $PortNotNull = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute $PortAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $PortAttrCollection.Add($PortAttr) $PortAttrCollection.Add($PortValidator) $PortAttrCollection.Add($PortNotNull) $Port = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «Port«, [UInt16], $PortAttrCollection ) # By default, use port 50000 $Port.Value = 50000 $parameterDictionary.Add(«Port«, $Port) #endregion Port #region Key $KeyAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $KeyAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $KeyAttr.Mandatory = $true $KeyValidator = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidatePatternAttribute( «b([A-Z0-9]+).([A-Z0-9]+).([A-Z0-9]+).([A-Z0-9]+)b« ) $KeyNotNull = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ValidateNotNullOrEmptyAttribute $KeyAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $KeyAttrCollection.Add($KeyAttr) $KeyAttrCollection.Add($KeyValidator) $KeyAttrCollection.Add($KeyNotNull) $Key = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «Key«, [string], $KeyAttrCollection ) # Don’t set a default key. $parameterDictionary.Add(«Key«, $Key) #endregion Key #region NoDHCP $NoDHCPAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $NoDHCPAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $NoDHCPAttr.Mandatory = $false $NoDHCPAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $NoDHCPAttrCollection.Add($NoDHCPAttr) $NoDHCP = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «NoDHCP«, [switch], $NoDHCPAttrCollection ) $parameterDictionary.Add(«NoDHCP«, $NoDHCP) #endregion NoDHCP #region NewKey $NewKeyAttr = New-Object System.Management.Automation.ParameterAttribute $NewKeyAttr.ParameterSetName = «__AllParameterSets« $NewKeyAttr.Mandatory = $false $NewKeyAttrCollection = New-Object System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection[System.Attribute] $NewKeyAttrCollection.Add($NewKeyAttr) $NewKey = New-Object System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter( «NewKey«, [switch], $NewKeyAttrCollection ) # Don’t set a default key. $parameterDictionary.Add(«NewKey«, $NewKey) #endregion NewKey break } # There’s nothing to do for local debugging. # Synthetic debugging is not yet implemented. default { break } } return $parameterDictionary } Begin { ########################################################################################## # Constants and Pseudo-Constants ########################################################################################## $PARTITION_STYLE_MBR = 0x00000000 # The default value $PARTITION_STYLE_GPT = 0x00000001 # Just in case… # Version information that can be populated by timebuild. $ScriptVersion = DATA { ConvertFrom-StringData StringData Major = 10 Minor = 0 Build = 14278 Qfe = 1000 Branch = rs1_es_media Timestamp = 160201-1707 Flavor = amd64fre «@ } $myVersion = «$($ScriptVersion.Major).$($ScriptVersion.Minor).$($ScriptVersion.Build).$($ScriptVersion.QFE).$($ScriptVersion.Flavor).$($ScriptVersion.Branch).$($ScriptVersion.Timestamp)« $scriptName = «Convert-WindowsImage« # Name of the script, obviously. $sessionKey = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() # Session key, used for keeping records unique between multiple runs. $logFolder = «$($TempDirectory)$($scriptName)$($sessionKey)« # Log folder path. $vhdMaxSize = 2040GB # Maximum size for VHD is ~2040GB. $vhdxMaxSize = 64TB # Maximum size for VHDX is ~64TB. $lowestSupportedVersion = New-Object Version «6.1« # The lowest supported *image* version; making sure we don’t run against Vista/2k8. $lowestSupportedBuild = 9200 # The lowest supported *host* build. Set to Win8 CP. $transcripting = $false ########################################################################################## # Here Strings ########################################################################################## # Banner text displayed during each run. $header = Windows(R) Image to Virtual Hard Disk Converter for Windows(R) Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2019 x0nn Version $myVersion «@ # Text used as the banner in the UI. $uiHeader = You can use the fields below to configure the VHD or VHDX that you want to create! «@ #region Helper Functions ########################################################################################## # Helper Functions ########################################################################################## <# Functions to mount and dismount registry hives. These hives will automatically be accessible via the HKLM: registry PSDrive. It should be noted that I have more confidence in using the RegLoadKey and RegUnloadKey Win32 APIs than I do using REG.EXE — it just seems like we should do things ourselves if we can, instead of using yet another binary. Consider this a TODO for future versions. #> Function Mount-RegistryHive { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [System.IO.FileInfo] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateScript({ $_.Exists })] $Hive ) $mountKey = [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() $regPath = «REG.EXE« if (Test-Path HKLM:$mountKey) { throw «The registry path already exists. I should just regenerate it, but I’m lazy.« } $regArgs = ( «LOAD«, «HKLM$mountKey«, $Hive.Fullname ) try { RunExecutable Executable $regPath Arguments $regArgs } catch { throw } # Set a global variable containing the name of the mounted registry key # so we can unmount it if there’s an error. $global:mountedHive = $mountKey return $mountKey } ########################################################################################## Function Dismount-RegistryHive { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $HiveMountPoint ) $regPath = «REG.EXE« $regArgs = ( «UNLOAD«, «HKLM$($HiveMountPoint)« ) RunExecutable Executable $regPath Arguments $regArgs $global:mountedHive = $null } function Test-Admin { <# .SYNOPSIS Short function to determine whether the logged-on user is an administrator. .EXAMPLE Do you honestly need one? There are no parameters! .OUTPUTS $true if user is admin. $false if user is not an admin. #> [CmdletBinding()] param() $currentUser = New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()) $isAdmin = $currentUser.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) Write-LogMessage «isUserAdmin? $isAdmin« logType Debug return $isAdmin } function Get-WindowsBuildNumber { $os = Get-WmiObject Class Win32_OperatingSystem return [int]($os.BuildNumber) } function Test-WindowsVersion { $isWin8 = ((Get-WindowsBuildNumber) -ge [int]$lowestSupportedBuild) Write-LogMessage «is Windows 8 or Higher? $isWin8« logType Debug return $isWin8 } function RunExecutable { <# .SYNOPSIS Runs an external executable file, and validates the error level. .PARAMETER Executable The path to the executable to run and monitor. .PARAMETER Arguments An array of arguments to pass to the executable when it’s executed. .PARAMETER SuccessfulErrorCode The error code that means the executable ran successfully. The default value is 0. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Executable, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string[]] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Arguments, [Parameter()] [int] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $SuccessfulErrorCode = 0 ) Write-LogMessage «Running $Executable $(($Arguments | Out-String).Replace(«`r`n«,« «))« logType Debug $ret = Start-Process ` FilePath $Executable ` ArgumentList $Arguments ` NoNewWindow ` Wait ` RedirectStandardOutput «$($TempDirectory)$($scriptName)$($sessionKey)$($Executable)-StandardOutput.txt« ` RedirectStandardError «$($TempDirectory)$($scriptName)$($sessionKey)$($Executable)-StandardError.txt« ` Passthru Write-LogMessage «Return code was $($ret.ExitCode).« logType Debug if ($ret.ExitCode -ne $SuccessfulErrorCode) { throw «$Executable failed with code $($ret.ExitCode)!« } } ########################################################################################## Function Test-IsNetworkLocation { <# .SYNOPSIS Determines whether or not a given path is a network location or a local drive. .DESCRIPTION Function to determine whether or not a specified path is a local path, a UNC path, or a mapped network drive. .PARAMETER Path The path that we need to figure stuff out about, #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine = $true)] [string] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $Path ) $result = $false if ([bool]([URI]$Path).IsUNC) { $result = $true } else { $driveInfo = [IO.DriveInfo]((Resolve-Path $Path).Path) if ($driveInfo.DriveType -eq «Network«) { $result = $true } } return $result } ########################################################################################## #endregion Helper Functions } Process { Write-Host $header $disk = $null $openWim = $null $openIso = $null $vhdFinalName = $null $vhdFinalPath = $null $mountedHive = $null $isoPath = $null $tempSource = $null if (Get-Command Get-WindowsOptionalFeature ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) { try { $hyperVEnabled = $((Get-WindowsOptionalFeature Online FeatureName MicrosoftHyperV).State -eq «Enabled«) } catch { # WinPE DISM does not support online queries. This will throw on non-WinPE machines $winpeVersion = (Get-ItemProperty Path HKLM:SoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinPE).Version Write-LogMessage «Running WinPE version $winpeVersion« logType Verbose $hyperVEnabled = $false } } else { $hyperVEnabled = $false } $vhd = @() try { # Create log folder if (Test-Path $logFolder) { $null = rd $logFolder Force Recurse } $null = md $logFolder Force # Try to start transcripting. If it’s already running, we’ll get an exception and swallow it. try { $null = Start-Transcript Path (Join-Path $logFolder «Convert-WindowsImageTranscript.txt«) Force ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $transcripting = $true } catch { Write-LogMessage «Transcription is already running. No Convert-WindowsImage-specific transcript will be created.« logType Warning $transcripting = $false } # # Add types # Add-WindowsImageTypes # Check to make sure we’re running as Admin. if (!(Test-Admin)) { throw «Images can only be applied by an administrator. Please launch PowerShell elevated and run this script again.« } # Check to make sure we’re running on Win8. if (!(Test-WindowsVersion)) { throw «$scriptName requires Windows 8 Consumer Preview or higher. Please use WIM2VHD.WSF ( if you need to create VHDs from Windows 7.« } # Resolve the path for the unattend file. if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UnattendPath)) { $UnattendPath = (Resolve-Path $UnattendPath).Path } if ($ShowUI) { Write-LogMessage «Launching UI…« logType Verbose Add-Type AssemblyName System.Drawing,System.Windows.Forms #region Form Objects $frmMain = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $groupBox4 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox $btnGo = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $groupBox3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox $txtVhdName = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $label6 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $btnWrkBrowse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $cmbVhdSizeUnit = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox $numVhdSize = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.NumericUpDown $cmbVhdFormat = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox $label5 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $txtWorkingDirectory = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $label4 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $label3 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $label2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $label7 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $txtUnattendFile = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $btnUnattendBrowse = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $groupBox2 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox $cmbSkuList = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox $label1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label $groupBox1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox $txtSourcePath = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox $btnBrowseWim = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button $openFileDialog1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog $openFolderDialog1 = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog $InitialFormWindowState = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState #endregion Form Objects #region Event scriptblocks. $btnGo_OnClick = { $frmMain.Close() } $btnWrkBrowse_OnClick = { $openFolderDialog1.RootFolder = «Desktop« $openFolderDialog1.Description = «Select the folder you’d like your VHD(X) to be created in.« $openFolderDialog1.SelectedPath = $WorkingDirectory $ret = $openFolderDialog1.ShowDialog() if ($ret -ilike «ok«) { $WorkingDirectory = $txtWorkingDirectory = $openFolderDialog1.SelectedPath Write-LogMessage «Selected Working Directory is $WorkingDirectory« logType Verbose } } $btnUnattendBrowse_OnClick = { $openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = $pwd $openFileDialog1.Filter = «XML files (*.xml)|*.XML|All files (*.*)|*.*« $openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1 $openFileDialog1.CheckFileExists = $true $openFileDialog1.CheckPathExists = $true $openFileDialog1.FileName = $null $openFileDialog1.ShowHelp = $false $openFileDialog1.Title = «Select an unattend file…« $ret = $openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() if ($ret -ilike «ok«) { $UnattendPath = $txtUnattendFile.Text = $openFileDialog1.FileName } } $btnBrowseWim_OnClick = { $openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = $pwd $openFileDialog1.Filter = «All compatible files (*.ISO, *.WIM)|*.ISO;*.WIM|All files (*.*)|*.*« $openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 1 $openFileDialog1.CheckFileExists = $true $openFileDialog1.CheckPathExists = $true $openFileDialog1.FileName = $null $openFileDialog1.ShowHelp = $false $openFileDialog1.Title = «Select a source file…« $ret = $openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() if ($ret -ilike «ok«) { if (([IO.FileInfo]$openFileDialog1.FileName).Extension -ilike «.iso«) { if (Test-IsNetworkLocation $openFileDialog1.FileName) { Write-LogMessage «Copying ISO $(Split-Path $openFileDialog1.FileName Leaf) to temp folder…« logType Verbose Write-LogMessage «The UI may become non-responsive while this copy takes place…« logType Warning Copy-Item Path $openFileDialog1.FileName Destination $TempDirectory Force $openFileDialog1.FileName = «$($TempDirectory)$(Split-Path $openFileDialog1.FileName Leaf)« } $txtSourcePath.Text = $isoPath = (Resolve-Path $openFileDialog1.FileName).Path Write-LogMessage «Opening ISO $(Split-Path $isoPath Leaf)« logType Verbose Mount-DiskImage ImagePath $isoPath StorageType ISO Get-PSDrive PSProvider FileSystem | Out-Null #Bugfix to refresh the Drive-List # Refresh the DiskImage object so we can get the real information about it. I assume this is a bug. $openIso = Get-DiskImage ImagePath $isoPath $driveLetter = (Get-Volume DiskImage $openIso).DriveLetter # Check to see if there’s a WIM file we can muck about with. Write-LogMessage «Looking for $($SourcePath)« logType Verbose if (Test-Path Path «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.wim«) { $SourcePath = «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.wim« } elseif (Test-Path Path «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.esd«) { $SourcePath = «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.esd« } else { throw «The specified ISO does not appear to be valid Windows installation media.« } } else { $txtSourcePath.Text = $SourcePath = $openFileDialog1.FileName } # Check to see if the WIM is local, or on a network location. If the latter, copy it locally. if (Test-IsNetworkLocation $SourcePath) { Write-LogMessage «Copying WIM $(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf) to temp folder…« logType Verbose Write-LogMessage «The UI may become non-responsive while this copy takes place…« logType Warning Copy-Item Path $SourcePath Destination $TempDirectory Force $txtSourcePath.Text = $SourcePath = «$($TempDirectory)$(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf)« } $SourcePath = (Resolve-Path $SourcePath).Path Write-LogMessage «Scanning WIM metadata…« logType Verbose $tempOpenWim = $null try { $tempOpenWim = New-Object WIM2VHD.WimFile $SourcePath # Let’s see if we’re running against an unstaged build. If we are, we need to blow up. if ($tempOpenWim.ImageNames.Contains(«Windows Longhorn Client«) -or $tempOpenWim.ImageNames.Contains(«Windows Longhorn Server«) -or $tempOpenWim.ImageNames.Contains(«Windows Longhorn Server Core«)) { [Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show( «Convert-WindowsImage cannot run against unstaged builds. Please try again with a staged build.«, «WIM is incompatible!«, «OK«, «Error« ) return } else { $tempOpenWim.Images | %{ $cmbSkuList.Items.Add($_.ImageFlags) } $cmbSkuList.SelectedIndex = 0 } } catch { throw «Unable to load WIM metadata!« } finally { $tempOpenWim.Close() Write-LogMessage «Closing WIM metadata…« logType Verbose } } } $OnLoadForm_StateCorrection = { # Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue $frmMain.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState } #endregion Event scriptblocks # Figure out VHD size and size unit. $unit = $null switch ([Math]::Round($SizeBytes.ToString().Length / 3)) { 3 { $unit = «MB«; break } 4 { $unit = «GB«; break } 5 { $unit = «TB«; break } default { $unit = ««; break } } $quantity = Invoke-Expression Command «$($SizeBytes) / 1$($unit)« #region Form Code #region frmMain $frmMain.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 579 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 512 $frmMain.ClientSize = $System_Drawing_Size $frmMain.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font(«Segoe UI«,10,0,3,1) $frmMain.FormBorderStyle = 1 $frmMain.MaximizeBox = $False $frmMain.MinimizeBox = $False $frmMain.Name = «frmMain« $frmMain.StartPosition = 1 $frmMain.Text = «Convert-WindowsImage UI« #endregion frmMain #region groupBox4 $groupBox4.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 10 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 498 $groupBox4.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $groupBox4.Name = «groupBox4« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 69 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 489 $groupBox4.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $groupBox4.TabIndex = 8 $groupBox4.TabStop = $False $groupBox4.Text = «4. Make the VHD!« $frmMain.Controls.Add($groupBox4) #endregion groupBox4 #region btnGo $btnGo.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 39 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 24 $btnGo.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $btnGo.Name = «btnGo« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 33 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 415 $btnGo.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $btnGo.TabIndex = 0 $btnGo.Text = «&Make my VHD« $btnGo.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True $btnGo.DialogResult = «OK« $btnGo.add_Click($btnGo_OnClick) $groupBox4.Controls.Add($btnGo) $frmMain.AcceptButton = $btnGo #endregion btnGo #region groupBox3 $groupBox3.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 10 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 243 $groupBox3.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $groupBox3.Name = «groupBox3« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 245 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 489 $groupBox3.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $groupBox3.TabIndex = 7 $groupBox3.TabStop = $False $groupBox3.Text = «3. Choose configuration options« $frmMain.Controls.Add($groupBox3) #endregion groupBox3 #region txtVhdName $txtVhdName.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 25 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 150 $txtVhdName.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $txtVhdName.Name = «txtVhdName« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 418 $txtVhdName.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $txtVhdName.TabIndex = 10 $groupBox3.Controls.Add($txtVhdName) #endregion txtVhdName #region txtUnattendFile $txtUnattendFile.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 25 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 198 $txtUnattendFile.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $txtUnattendFile.Name = «txtUnattendFile« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 418 $txtUnattendFile.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $txtUnattendFile.TabIndex = 11 $groupBox3.Controls.Add($txtUnattendFile) #endregion txtUnattendFile #region label7 $label7.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 23 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 180 $label7.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $label7.Name = «label7« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 23 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 175 $label7.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $label7.Text = «Unattend File (Optional)« $groupBox3.Controls.Add($label7) #endregion label7 #region label6 $label6.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 23 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 132 $label6.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $label6.Name = «label6« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 23 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 175 $label6.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $label6.Text = «VHD Name (Optional)« $groupBox3.Controls.Add($label6) #endregion label6 #region btnUnattendBrowse $btnUnattendBrowse.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 449 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 199 $btnUnattendBrowse.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $btnUnattendBrowse.Name = «btnUnattendBrowse« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 27 $btnUnattendBrowse.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $btnUnattendBrowse.TabIndex = 9 $btnUnattendBrowse.Text = «« $btnUnattendBrowse.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True $btnUnattendBrowse.add_Click($btnUnattendBrowse_OnClick) $groupBox3.Controls.Add($btnUnattendBrowse) #endregion btnUnattendBrowse #region btnWrkBrowse $btnWrkBrowse.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 449 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 98 $btnWrkBrowse.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $btnWrkBrowse.Name = «btnWrkBrowse« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 27 $btnWrkBrowse.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $btnWrkBrowse.TabIndex = 9 $btnWrkBrowse.Text = «« $btnWrkBrowse.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True $btnWrkBrowse.add_Click($btnWrkBrowse_OnClick) $groupBox3.Controls.Add($btnWrkBrowse) #endregion btnWrkBrowse #region cmbVhdSizeUnit $cmbVhdSizeUnit.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $cmbVhdSizeUnit.FormattingEnabled = $True $cmbVhdSizeUnit.Items.Add(«MB«) | Out-Null $cmbVhdSizeUnit.Items.Add(«GB«) | Out-Null $cmbVhdSizeUnit.Items.Add(«TB«) | Out-Null $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 409 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 42 $cmbVhdSizeUnit.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $cmbVhdSizeUnit.Name = «cmbVhdSizeUnit« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 67 $cmbVhdSizeUnit.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $cmbVhdSizeUnit.TabIndex = 5 $cmbVhdSizeUnit.Text = $unit $groupBox3.Controls.Add($cmbVhdSizeUnit) #endregion cmbVhdSizeUnit #region numVhdSize $numVhdSize.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 340 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 42 $numVhdSize.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $numVhdSize.Name = «numVhdSize« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 63 $numVhdSize.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $numVhdSize.TabIndex = 4 $numVhdSize.Value = $quantity $groupBox3.Controls.Add($numVhdSize) #endregion numVhdSize #region cmbVhdFormat $cmbVhdFormat.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $cmbVhdFormat.FormattingEnabled = $True $cmbVhdFormat.Items.Add(«VHD«) | Out-Null $cmbVhdFormat.Items.Add(«VHDX«) | Out-Null $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 25 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 42 $cmbVhdFormat.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $cmbVhdFormat.Name = «cmbVhdFormat« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 136 $cmbVhdFormat.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $cmbVhdFormat.TabIndex = 0 $cmbVhdFormat.Text = $VHDFormat $groupBox3.Controls.Add($cmbVhdFormat) #endregion cmbVhdFormat #region label5 $label5.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 23 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 76 $label5.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $label5.Name = «label5« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 23 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 264 $label5.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $label5.TabIndex = 8 $label5.Text = «Working Directory« $groupBox3.Controls.Add($label5) #endregion label5 #region txtWorkingDirectory $txtWorkingDirectory.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 25 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 99 $txtWorkingDirectory.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $txtWorkingDirectory.Name = «txtWorkingDirectory« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 418 $txtWorkingDirectory.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $txtWorkingDirectory.TabIndex = 7 $txtWorkingDirectory.Text = $WorkingDirectory $groupBox3.Controls.Add($txtWorkingDirectory) #endregion txtWorkingDirectory #region label4 $label4.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 340 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 21 $label4.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $label4.Name = «label4« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 27 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 86 $label4.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $label4.TabIndex = 6 $label4.Text = «VHD Size« $groupBox3.Controls.Add($label4) #endregion label4 #region label3 $label3.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 176 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 21 $label3.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $label3.Name = «label3« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 27 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 92 $label3.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $label3.TabIndex = 3 $label3.Text = «VHD Type« $groupBox3.Controls.Add($label3) #endregion label3 #region label2 $label2.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 25 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 21 $label2.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $label2.Name = «label2« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 30 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 118 $label2.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $label2.TabIndex = 1 $label2.Text = «VHD Format« $groupBox3.Controls.Add($label2) #endregion label2 #region groupBox2 $groupBox2.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 10 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 169 $groupBox2.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $groupBox2.Name = «groupBox2« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 68 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 490 $groupBox2.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $groupBox2.TabIndex = 6 $groupBox2.TabStop = $False $groupBox2.Text = «2. Choose a SKU from the list« $frmMain.Controls.Add($groupBox2) #endregion groupBox2 #region cmbSkuList $cmbSkuList.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $cmbSkuList.FormattingEnabled = $True $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 25 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 24 $cmbSkuList.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $cmbSkuList.Name = «cmbSkuList« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 452 $cmbSkuList.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $cmbSkuList.TabIndex = 2 $groupBox2.Controls.Add($cmbSkuList) #endregion cmbSkuList #region label1 $label1.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 23 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 21 $label1.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $label1.Name = «label1« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 71 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 464 $label1.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $label1.TabIndex = 5 $label1.Text = $uiHeader $frmMain.Controls.Add($label1) #endregion label1 #region groupBox1 $groupBox1.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 10 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 95 $groupBox1.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $groupBox1.Name = «groupBox1« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 68 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 490 $groupBox1.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $groupBox1.TabIndex = 4 $groupBox1.TabStop = $False $groupBox1.Text = «1. Choose a source« $frmMain.Controls.Add($groupBox1) #endregion groupBox1 #region txtSourcePath $txtSourcePath.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 25 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 24 $txtSourcePath.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $txtSourcePath.Name = «txtSourcePath« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 418 $txtSourcePath.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $txtSourcePath.TabIndex = 0 $groupBox1.Controls.Add($txtSourcePath) #endregion txtSourcePath #region btnBrowseWim $btnBrowseWim.DataBindings.DefaultDataSourceUpdateMode = 0 $System_Drawing_Point = New-Object System.Drawing.Point $System_Drawing_Point.X = 449 $System_Drawing_Point.Y = 24 $btnBrowseWim.Location = $System_Drawing_Point $btnBrowseWim.Name = «btnBrowseWim« $System_Drawing_Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size $System_Drawing_Size.Height = 25 $System_Drawing_Size.Width = 28 $btnBrowseWim.Size = $System_Drawing_Size $btnBrowseWim.TabIndex = 1 $btnBrowseWim.Text = «« $btnBrowseWim.UseVisualStyleBackColor = $True $btnBrowseWim.add_Click($btnBrowseWim_OnClick) $groupBox1.Controls.Add($btnBrowseWim) #endregion btnBrowseWim $openFileDialog1.FileName = «openFileDialog1« $openFileDialog1.ShowHelp = $True #endregion Form Code # Save the initial state of the form $InitialFormWindowState = $frmMain.WindowState # Init the OnLoad event to correct the initial state of the form $frmMain.add_Load($OnLoadForm_StateCorrection) # Return the constructed form. $ret = $frmMain.ShowDialog() if (!($ret -ilike «OK«)) { throw «Form session has been cancelled.« } if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SourcePath)) { throw «No source path specified.« } # VHD Format $VHDFormat = $cmbVhdFormat.SelectedItem # VHD Size $SizeBytes = Invoke-Expression «$($numVhdSize.Value)$($cmbVhdSizeUnit.SelectedItem)« # Working Directory $WorkingDirectory = $txtWorkingDirectory.Text # VHDPath if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($txtVhdName.Text)) { $VHDPath = «$($WorkingDirectory)$($txtVhdName.Text)« } # Edition if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($cmbSkuList.SelectedItem)) { $Edition = $cmbSkuList.SelectedItem } # Because we used ShowDialog, we need to manually dispose of the form. # This probably won’t make much of a difference, but let’s free up all of the resources we can # before we start the conversion process. $frmMain.Dispose() } if ($VHDFormat -ilike «AUTO«) { switch (([IO.FileInfo]$VHDPath).Extension.ToUpper()) { «.VHD« { $VHDFormat = «VHD« } «.VHDX« { $VHDFormat = «VHDX« } } } # # Choose smallest supported block size for dynamic VHD(X) # $BlockSizeBytes = 1MB # There’s a difference between the maximum sizes for VHDs and VHDXs. Make sure we follow it. if («VHD« -ilike $VHDFormat) { if ($SizeBytes -gt $vhdMaxSize) { Write-LogMessage «For the VHD file format, the maximum file size is ~2040GB. We’re automatically setting the size to 2040GB for you.« logType Warning $SizeBytes = 2040GB } $BlockSizeBytes = 512KB } # Check if -VHDPath and -WorkingDirectory were both specified. if ((![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($VHDPath)) -and (![String]::IsNullOrEmpty($WorkingDirectory))) { if ($WorkingDirectory -ne $pwd) { # If the WorkingDirectory is anything besides $pwd, tell people that the WorkingDirectory is being ignored. Write-LogMessage «Specifying -VHDPath and -WorkingDirectory at the same time is contradictory.« logType Warning Write-LogMessage «Ignoring the WorkingDirectory specification.« logType Warning $WorkingDirectory = Split-Path $VHDPath Parent } } if ($VHDPath) { # Check to see if there’s a conflict between the specified file extension and the VHDFormat being used. $extension = ([IO.FileInfo]$VHDPath).Extension.ToUpper() if (!($extension -ilike «.$($VHDFormat)«)) { throw «There is a mismatch between the VHDPath file extension ($($extension.ToUpper())), and the VHDFormat (.$($VHDFormat)). Please ensure that these match and try again.« } if (Test-Path $VHDPath) { $VHDPathInUse = (Join-Path $WorkingDirectory $VHDPath) Write-LogMessage «A file «»$VHDPathInUse«» already exists and will be overwritten.« logType Warning if (Get-Disk | Where-Object {$_.Location -eq $VHDPathInUse}) { try { Write-LogMessage «Trying to dismount «»$VHDPathInUse«».« logType Warning Dismount-DiskImage ImagePath $VHDPathInUse } catch { Write-LogMessage «The file «»$VHDPathInUse«» is already mounted and cannot be dismounted. Dismount manually and try again.« logType Error throw } } } } # Create a temporary name for the VHD(x). We’ll name it properly at the end of the script. if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($VHDPath)) { $VHDPath = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory «$($sessionKey).$($VHDFormat.ToLower())« } else { # Since we can’t do Resolve-Path against a file that doesn’t exist, we need to get creative in determining # the full path that the user specified (or meant to specify if they gave us a relative path). # Check to see if the path has a root specified. If it doesn’t, use the working directory. if (![IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($VHDPath)) { $VHDPath = Join-Path $WorkingDirectory $VHDPath } $vhdFinalName = Split-Path $VHDPath Leaf $VHDPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $VHDPath Parent) «$($sessionKey).$($VHDFormat.ToLower())« } Write-LogMessage «Temporary $VHDFormat path is : $VHDPath« logType Verbose # If we’re using an ISO, mount it and get the path to the WIM file. if (([IO.FileInfo]$SourcePath).Extension -ilike «.ISO«) { # If the ISO isn’t local, copy it down so we don’t have to worry about resource contention # or about network latency. if (Test-IsNetworkLocation $SourcePath) { Write-LogMessage «Copying ISO $(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf) to temp folder…« logType Verbose robocopy $(Split-Path $SourcePath Parent) $TempDirectory $(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf) | Out-Null $SourcePath = «$($TempDirectory)$(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf)« $tempSource = $SourcePath } $isoPath = (Resolve-Path $SourcePath).Path Write-LogMessage «Opening ISO $(Split-Path $isoPath Leaf)« logType Verbose Mount-DiskImage ImagePath $isoPath StorageType ISO | Out-Null Get-PSDrive PSProvider FileSystem | Out-Null #Bugfix to refresh the Drive-List # Refresh the DiskImage object so we can get the real information about it. I assume this is a bug. $openIso = Get-DiskImage ImagePath $isoPath $driveLetter = (Get-Volume DiskImage $openIso).DriveLetter # Check to see if there’s a WIM file we can muck about with. Write-LogMessage «Looking for $($SourcePath)« logType Verbose if (Test-Path Path «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.wim«) { $SourcePath = «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.wim« } elseif (Test-Path Path «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.esd«) { $SourcePath = «$($driveLetter):sourcesinstall.esd« } else { throw «The specified ISO does not appear to be valid Windows installation media.« } } # Check to see if the WIM is local, or on a network location. If the latter, copy it locally. if (Test-IsNetworkLocation $SourcePath) { Write-LogMessage «Copying WIM $(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf) to temp folder…« logType Verbose robocopy $(Split-Path $SourcePath Parent) $TempDirectory $(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf) | Out-Null $SourcePath = «$($TempDirectory)$(Split-Path $SourcePath Leaf)« $tempSource = $SourcePath } $SourcePath = (Resolve-Path $SourcePath).Path #################################################################################################### # QUERY WIM INFORMATION AND EXTRACT THE INDEX OF TARGETED IMAGE #################################################################################################### Write-LogMessage «Looking for the requested Windows image in the WIM/ESD file…« logType Verbose try { [Microsoft.Dism.Commands.BasicImageInfoObject[]]$WindowsImages = Get-WindowsImage ImagePath $SourcePath } catch { Write-LogMessage «$SourcePath‘ does not seem a valid WindowsImage« logType Error throw } $EditionIndex = 0; if ([Int32]::TryParse($Edition, [ref]$EditionIndex) -and $WindowsImages.Count -ge $EditionIndex) { $EditionIndex $WindowsImage = $WindowsImages[$EditionIndex] } elseif ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Edition) -and $WindowsImages.Count -eq 1) { $WindowsImage = $WindowsImages[0] Write-LogMessage «No Edition was chosen, but selected the only WindowsImage (Edition) available in the file…« logType Warning ListWindowsImages $WindowsImage } else { [Microsoft.Dism.Commands.BasicImageInfoObject[]]$filteredImages = $WindowsImages | Where-Object {$_.ImageName -ilike «*$($Edition)*«} if ($null -ne $filteredImages) { if ($filteredImages.Count -gt 1) { ListWindowsImages $filteredImages throw «There is more than one WindowsImage (Edition) available. Choose with -Edition using Name oder Index from the list above.« } else { $WindowsImage = $filteredImages[0] } } else { ListWindowsImages $WindowsImages throw «The filter did not find any WindowsImages (Edition). Choose with -Edition using Name or Index from the list above.« } } Write-LogMessage «Image $($WindowsImage.ImageIndex) selected «»$($WindowsImage.ImageName)«»« logType Verbose if ($hyperVEnabled) { if (!$IsFixed) { Write-LogMessage «Creating sparse disk…« logType Verbose $newVhd = New-VHD Path $VHDPath SizeBytes $SizeBytes BlockSizeBytes $BlockSizeBytes Dynamic } else { Write-LogMessage «Creating fixed disk…« logType Verbose $newVhd = New-VHD Path $VHDPath SizeBytes $SizeBytes BlockSizeBytes $BlockSizeBytes Fixed } Write-LogMessage «Mounting $VHDFormat« logType Verbose $disk = $newVhd | Mount-VHD PassThru | Get-Disk } else { <# Create the VHD using the VirtDisk Win32 API. So, why not use the New-VHD cmdlet here? New-VHD depends on the Hyper-V Cmdlets, which aren’t installed by default. Installing those cmdlets isn’t a big deal, but they depend on the Hyper-V WMI APIs, which in turn depend on Hyper-V. In order to prevent Convert-WindowsImage from being dependent on Hyper-V (and thus, x64 systems only), we’re using the VirtDisk APIs directly. #> Write-LogMessage «Creating VHD disk…« logType Verbose [WIM2VHD.VirtualHardDisk]::CreateVHDDisk( $VHDFormat, $VHDPath, $SizeBytes, $true, $IsFixed ) # Attach the VHD. Write-LogMessage «Attaching $VHDFormat« logType Verbose $disk = Mount-DiskImage ImagePath $VHDPath PassThru | Get-DiskImage | Get-Disk } switch ($DiskLayout) { «BIOS« { Write-LogMessage «Initializing disk…« logType Verbose Initialize-Disk Number $disk.Number PartitionStyle MBR # # Create the Windows/system partition # Write-LogMessage «Creating single partition…« logType Verbose $systemPartition = New-Partition DiskNumber $disk.Number UseMaximumSize MbrType IFS IsActive $windowsPartition = $systemPartition Write-LogMessage «Formatting windows volume…« logType Verbose $systemVolume = Format-Volume Partition $systemPartition FileSystem NTFS Force Confirm:$false $windowsVolume = $systemVolume } «UEFI« { Write-LogMessage «Initializing disk…« logType Verbose Initialize-Disk Number $disk.Number PartitionStyle GPT if ((Get-WindowsBuildNumber) -ge 10240) { # # Create the system partition. Create a data partition so we can format it, then change to ESP # Write-LogMessage «Creating EFI system partition…« logType Verbose $systemPartition = New-Partition DiskNumber $disk.Number Size 200MB GptType {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7} Write-LogMessage «Formatting system volume…« logType Verbose $systemVolume = Format-Volume Partition $systemPartition FileSystem FAT32 Force Confirm:$false Write-LogMessage «Setting system partition as ESP…« logType Verbose $systemPartition | Set-Partition GptType {c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b} $systemPartition | Add-PartitionAccessPath AssignDriveLetter } else { # # Create the system partition # Write-LogMessage «Creating EFI system partition (ESP)…« logType Verbose $systemPartition = New-Partition DiskNumber $disk.Number Size 200MB GptType {c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b} AssignDriveLetter Write-LogMessage «Formatting ESP…« logType Verbose $formatArgs = @( «$($systemPartition.DriveLetter):«, # Partition drive letter «/FS:FAT32«, # File system «/Q«, # Quick format «/Y« # Suppress prompt ) RunExecutable Executable format Arguments $formatArgs } # # Create the reserved partition # Write-LogMessage «Creating MSR partition…« logType Verbose $reservedPartition = New-Partition DiskNumber $disk.Number Size 128MB GptType {e3c9e316-0b5c-4db8-817d-f92df00215ae} # # Create the Windows partition # Write-LogMessage «Creating windows partition…« logType Verbose $windowsPartition = New-Partition DiskNumber $disk.Number UseMaximumSize GptType {ebd0a0a2-b9e5-4433-87c0-68b6b72699c7} Write-LogMessage «Formatting windows volume…« logType Verbose $windowsVolume = Format-Volume Partition $windowsPartition FileSystem NTFS Force Confirm:$false } «WindowsToGo« { Write-LogMessage «Initializing disk…« logType Verbose Initialize-Disk Number $disk.Number PartitionStyle MBR # # Create the system partition # Write-LogMessage «Creating system partition…« logType Verbose $systemPartition = New-Partition DiskNumber $disk.Number Size 350MB MbrType FAT32 IsActive Write-LogMessage «Formatting system volume…« logType Verbose $systemVolume = Format-Volume Partition $systemPartition FileSystem FAT32 Force Confirm:$false # # Create the Windows partition # Write-LogMessage «Creating windows partition…« logType Verbose $windowsPartition = New-Partition DiskNumber $disk.Number UseMaximumSize MbrType IFS Write-LogMessage «Formatting windows volume…« logType Verbose $windowsVolume = Format-Volume Partition $windowsPartition FileSystem NTFS Force Confirm:$false } } # # Assign drive letter to Windows partition. This is required for bcdboot # $attempts = 1 $assigned = $false do { $windowsPartition | Add-PartitionAccessPath AssignDriveLetter $windowsPartition = $windowsPartition | Get-Partition if($windowsPartition.DriveLetter -ne 0) { $assigned = $true } else { #sleep for up to 10 seconds and retry Get-Random Minimum 1 Maximum 10 | Start-Sleep $attempts++ } } while ($attempts -le 100 -and -not($assigned)) if (-not($assigned)) { throw «Unable to get Partition after retry« } $windowsDrive = $(Get-Partition Volume $windowsVolume).AccessPaths[0].substring(0,2) Write-LogMessage «Windows path ($windowsDrive) has been assigned.« logType Verbose Write-LogMessage «Windows path ($windowsDrive) took $attempts attempts to be assigned.« logType Verbose # # Refresh access paths (we have now formatted the volume) # $systemPartition = $systemPartition | Get-Partition $systemDrive = $systemPartition.AccessPaths[0].trimend(««).replace(«?«, «??«) Write-LogMessage «System volume location: $systemDrive« logType Verbose #################################################################################################### # APPLY IMAGE FROM WIM TO THE NEW VHD #################################################################################################### Write-LogMessage «Applying image to $VHDFormat. This could take a while…« logType Verbose if ((Get-Command Expand-WindowsImage ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and ((-not $ApplyEA) -and ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DismPath)))) { Expand-WindowsImage ApplyPath $windowsDrive ImagePath $SourcePath Index $WindowsImage.ImageIndex LogPath «$($logFolder)DismLogs.log« | Out-Null } else { if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DismPath)) { $dismPath = $DismPath } else { $dismPath = $(Join-Path (get-item env:windir).value «system32dism.exe«) } $applyImage = «/Apply-Image« if ($ApplyEA) { $applyImage = $applyImage + « /EA« } $dismArgs = @(«$applyImage /ImageFile:$SourcePath /Index:$($WindowsImage.ImageIndex) /ApplyDir:$windowsDrive /LogPath:$($logFolder)DismLogs.log«) Write-LogMessage «Applying image: $dismPath $dismArgs« logType Verbose $process = Start-Process Passthru Wait NoNewWindow FilePath $dismPath ` ArgumentList $dismArgs ` if ($process.ExitCode -ne 0) { throw «Image Apply failed! See DismImageApply logs for details« } } Write-LogMessage «Image was applied successfully. « logType Verbose # # Here we copy in the unattend file (if specified by the command line) # Get-PSDrive PSProvider FileSystem | Out-Null if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UnattendPath)) { Write-LogMessage «Applying unattend file ($(Split-Path $UnattendPath Leaf))…« logType Verbose Copy-Item Path $UnattendPath Destination (Join-Path $windowsDrive «unattend.xml«) Force } if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($MergeFolderPath)) { Write-LogMessage «Applying merge folder ($MergeFolderPath)…« logType Verbose Copy-Item Recurse Path (Join-Path $MergeFolderPath «*«) Destination $windowsDrive Force #added to handle merge folders } if ( $BcdInVhd -ne «NativeBoot« ) { if (Test-Path «$($systemDrive)bootbcd«) { Write-LogMessage «Image already has BIOS BCD store…« logType Verbose } elseif (Test-Path «$($systemDrive)efimicrosoftbootbcd«) { Write-LogMessage «Image already has EFI BCD store…« logType Verbose } else { $BcdEdit = «BCDEDIT.EXE« If (Test-Path Path «$($env:WINDIR)sysnative«) { Write-Verbose Message «Powershell is not running as native, switching to sysnative paths for native tools« $BcdEdit = Join-Path Path «$($env:WINDIR)sysnative« ChildPath $BcdEdit # Update bcdboot parameter only if not specified by caller If (-Not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey(BcdBoot)) { $BcdBoot = Join-Path Path «$($env:WINDIR)sysnative« ChildPath $BcdBoot } } Write-LogMessage «Making image bootable…« logType Verbose $bcdBootArgs = @( «$($windowsDrive)Windows«, # Path to the Windows on the VHD «/s $systemDrive«, # Specifies the volume letter of the drive to create the BOOT folder on. «/v« # Enabled verbose logging. ) switch ($DiskLayout) { «BIOS« { $bcdBootArgs += «/f BIOS« # Specifies the firmware type of the target system partition } «UEFI« { $bcdBootArgs += «/f UEFI« # Specifies the firmware type of the target system partition } «WindowsToGo« { # Create entries for both UEFI and BIOS if possible if (Test-Path «$($windowsDrive)WindowsbootEFIbootmgfw.efi«) { $bcdBootArgs += «/f ALL« } } } RunExecutable Executable $BCDBoot Arguments $bcdBootArgs # The following is added to mitigate the VMM diff disk handling # We’re going to change from MBRBootOption to LocateBootOption. if ($DiskLayout -eq «BIOS«) { Write-LogMessage «Fixing the Device ID in the BCD store on $($VHDFormat)« logType Verbose RunExecutable Executable $BcdEdit Arguments ( «/store $($systemDrive)bootbcd«, «/set `{bootmgr`} device locate« ) RunExecutable Executable $BcdEdit Arguments ( «/store $($systemDrive)bootbcd«, «/set `{default`} device locate« ) RunExecutable Executable $BcdEdit Arguments ( «/store $($systemDrive)bootbcd«, «/set `{default`} osdevice locate« ) } } Write-LogMessage «Drive is bootable. Cleaning up…« logType Verbose # Are we turning the debugger on? if ($EnableDebugger -inotlike «None«) { $bcdEditArgs = $null; # Configure the specified debugging transport and other settings. switch ($EnableDebugger) { «Serial« { $bcdEditArgs = @( «/dbgsettings SERIAL«, «DEBUGPORT:$($ComPort.Value)«, «BAUDRATE:$($BaudRate.Value)« ) } «1394« { $bcdEditArgs = @( «/dbgsettings 1394«, «CHANNEL:$($Channel.Value)« ) } «USB« { $bcdEditArgs = @( «/dbgsettings USB«, «TARGETNAME:$($Target.Value)« ) } «Local« { $bcdEditArgs = @( «/dbgsettings LOCAL« ) } «Network« { $bcdEditArgs = @( «/dbgsettings NET«, «HOSTIP:$($IP.Value)«, «PORT:$($Port.Value)«, «KEY:$($Key.Value)« ) } } $bcdStores = @( «$($systemDrive)bootbcd«, «$($systemDrive)efimicrosoftbootbcd« ) foreach ($bcdStore in $bcdStores) { if (Test-Path $bcdStore) { Write-LogMessage «Turning kernel debugging on in the $($VHDFormat) for $($bcdStore)« logType Verbose RunExecutable Executable $BcdEdit Arguments ( «/store $($bcdStore)«, «/set `{default`} debug on« ) $bcdEditArguments = @(«/store $($bcdStore)«) + $bcdEditArgs RunExecutable Executable $BcdEdit Arguments $bcdEditArguments } } } } else { # Don’t bother to check on debugging. We can’t boot WoA VHDs in VMs, and # if we’re native booting, the changes need to be made to the BCD store on the # physical computer’s boot volume. Write-LogMessage «Image applied. It is not bootable.« logType Verbose } if ($RemoteDesktopEnable -or (-not $ExpandOnNativeBoot)) { $hive = Mount-RegistryHive Hive (Join-Path $windowsDrive «WindowsSystem32ConfigSystem«) if ($RemoteDesktopEnable) { Write-LogMessage «Enabling Remote Desktop« logType Verbose Set-ItemProperty Path «HKLM:$($hive)ControlSet001ControlTerminal Server« Name «fDenyTSConnections« Value 0 } if (-not $ExpandOnNativeBoot) { Write-LogMessage «Disabling automatic $VHDFormat expansion for Native Boot« logType Verbose Set-ItemProperty Path «HKLM:$($hive)ControlSet001ServicesFsDependsParameters« Name «VirtualDiskExpandOnMount« Value 4 } Dismount-RegistryHive HiveMountPoint $hive } if ($Driver) { Write-LogMessage «Adding Windows Drivers to the Image« logType Verbose $Driver | ForEach-Object Process { Write-LogMessage «Driver path: $PSItem« logType Verbose Add-WindowsDriver Path $windowsDrive Recurse Driver $PSItem Verbose | Out-Null } } If ($Feature) { Write-LogMessage «Installing Windows Feature(s) $Feature to the Image« logType Verbose $FeatureSourcePath = Join-Path Path «$($driveLetter):« ChildPath «sourcessxs« Write-LogMessage «From $FeatureSourcePath« logType Verbose Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature FeatureName $Feature Source $FeatureSourcePath Path $windowsDrive All | Out-Null } if ($Package) { Write-LogMessage «Adding Windows Packages to the Image« logType Verbose $Package | ForEach-Object Process { Write-LogMessage «Package path: $PSItem« logType Verbose Add-WindowsPackage Path $windowsDrive PackagePath $PSItem | Out-Null } } # # Remove system partition access path, if necessary # if ($DiskLayout -eq «UEFI«) { $systemPartition | Remove-PartitionAccessPath AccessPath $systemPartition.AccessPaths[0] } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($vhdFinalName)) { # We need to generate a file name. Write-LogMessage «Generating name for $($VHDFormat)« logType Verbose $hive = Mount-RegistryHive Hive (Join-Path $windowsDrive «WindowsSystem32ConfigSoftware«) $buildLabEx = (Get-ItemProperty «HKLM:$($hive)MicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion«).BuildLabEx $installType = (Get-ItemProperty «HKLM:$($hive)MicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion«).InstallationType $editionId = (Get-ItemProperty «HKLM:$($hive)MicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersion«).EditionID $skuFamily = $null Dismount-RegistryHive HiveMountPoint $hive # Is this ServerCore? # Since we’re only doing this string comparison against the InstallType key, we won’t get # false positives with the Core SKU. if ($installType.ToUpper().Contains(«CORE«)) { $editionId += «Core« } # What type of SKU are we? if ($installType.ToUpper().Contains(«SERVER«)) { $skuFamily = «Server« } elseif ($installType.ToUpper().Contains(«CLIENT«)) { $skuFamily = «Client« } else { $skuFamily = «Unknown« } # # ISSUE — do we want VL here? # $vhdFinalName = «$($buildLabEx)_$($skuFamily)_$($editionId)_$($WindowsImage[0].ImageDefaultLanguage).$($VHDFormat.ToLower())« Write-LogMessage «$VHDFormat final name is : $vhdFinalName« logType Debug } if ($hyperVEnabled) { Write-LogMessage «Dismounting $VHDFormat« logType Verbose Dismount-VHD Path $VHDPath } else { Write-LogMessage «Closing $VHDFormat« logType Verbose Dismount-DiskImage ImagePath $VHDPath } $vhdFinalPath = Join-Path (Split-Path $VHDPath Parent) $vhdFinalName Write-LogMessage «$VHDFormat final path is : $vhdFinalPath« logType Debug if (Test-Path $vhdFinalPath) { Write-LogMessage «Deleting pre-existing $VHDFormat : $(Split-Path $vhdFinalPath Leaf)« logType Verbose Remove-Item Path $vhdFinalPath Force } Write-LogMessage «Renaming $VHDFormat at $VHDPath to $vhdFinalName« logType Debug Rename-Item Path (Resolve-Path $VHDPath).Path NewName $vhdFinalName Force $vhd += Get-DiskImage ImagePath $vhdFinalPath $vhdFinalName = $null } catch { Write-LogMessage $_ logType Error Write-LogMessage «Log folder is $logFolder« logType Verbose } finally { # If we still have a registry hive mounted, dismount it. if ($mountedHive -ne $null) { Write-LogMessage «Closing registry hive…« logType Verbose Dismount-RegistryHive HiveMountPoint $mountedHive } # If VHD is mounted, unmount it if (Test-Path $VHDPath) { if ($hyperVEnabled) { if ((Get-VHD Path $VHDPath).Attached) { Dismount-VHD Path $VHDPath } } else { Dismount-DiskImage ImagePath $VHDPath } } # If we still have an ISO open, close it. if ($openIso -ne $null) { Write-LogMessage «Closing ISO…« logType Verbose Dismount-DiskImage $ISOPath | Out-Null } if (-not $CacheSource) { if ($tempSource -and (Test-Path $tempSource)) { Remove-Item Path $tempSource Force } } # Close out the transcript and tell the user we’re done. Write-LogMessage «Done.« logType Verbose if ($transcripting) { $null = Stop-Transcript } } } End { if ($Passthru) { return $vhd } } #endregion Code } function List-WindowsImages { [cmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline)][Microsoft.Dism.Commands.BasicImageInfoObject[]]$windowsImages ) Write-LogMessage «The following images are in the image:« logType Warning $windowsImages | ForEach-Object {Write-LogMessage «Name: «»$($_.ImageName)«» (Index: $($_.ImageIndex))« logType Warning} } function Write-LogMessage { [cmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline)][String]$message, [Parameter(Position=1,Mandatory=$False)] [ValidateSet(Verbose, Debug, Error, Output, Warning, Host)][String]$logType = «Output« ) $message = «{0:s} [{1}] $($message.Replace(«{«,«{{«).Replace(«}«,«}}«))« -f [DateTime]::UtcNow, $env:computername switch ($logType) { «Verbose« { $message | Write-Verbose} «Debug« { $message | Write-Debug} «Error« { $message | Write-Error} «Warning« { $message | Write-Warning} «Host« { $message | Write-Host} default { $message | Write-Output} } } function Add-WindowsImageTypes { $code = using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading; using System.Xml.Linq; using System.Xml.XPath; using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles; namespace WIM2VHD { /// <summary> /// P/Invoke methods and associated enums, flags, and structs. /// </summary> public class NativeMethods { #region Delegates and Callbacks #region WIMGAPI ///<summary> ///User-defined function used with the RegisterMessageCallback or UnregisterMessageCallback function. ///</summary> ///<param name=»MessageId»>Specifies the message being sent.</param> ///<param name=»wParam»>Specifies additional message information. The contents of this parameter depend on the value of the ///MessageId parameter.</param> ///<param name=»lParam»>Specifies additional message information. The contents of this parameter depend on the value of the ///MessageId parameter.</param> ///<param name=»UserData»>Specifies the user-defined value passed to RegisterCallback.</param> ///<returns> ///To indicate success and to enable other subscribers to process the message return WIM_MSG_SUCCESS. ///To prevent other subscribers from receiving the message, return WIM_MSG_DONE. ///To cancel an image apply or capture, return WIM_MSG_ABORT_IMAGE when handling the WIM_MSG_PROCESS message. ///</returns> public delegate uint WimMessageCallback( uint MessageId, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, IntPtr UserData ); public static void RegisterMessageCallback( WimFileHandle hWim, WimMessageCallback callback) { uint _callback = NativeMethods.WimRegisterMessageCallback(hWim, callback, IntPtr.Zero); int rc = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (0 != rc) { // Throw an exception if something bad happened on the Win32 end. throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, «Unable to register message callback.» )); } } public static void UnregisterMessageCallback( WimFileHandle hWim, WimMessageCallback registeredCallback) { bool status = NativeMethods.WimUnregisterMessageCallback(hWim, registeredCallback); int rc = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); if (!status) { throw new InvalidOperationException( string.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, «Unable to unregister message callback.» )); } } #endregion WIMGAPI #endregion Delegates and Callbacks #region Constants #region VDiskInterop /// <summary> /// The default depth in a VHD parent chain that this library will search through. /// If you want to go more than one disk deep into the parent chain, provide a different value. /// </summary> public const uint OPEN_VIRTUAL_DISK_RW_DEFAULT_DEPTH = 0x00000001; public const uint DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE = 0x00080000; public const uint DISK_SECTOR_SIZE = 0x00000200; internal const uint ERROR_VIRTDISK_NOT_VIRTUAL_DISK = 0xC03A0015; internal const uint ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000490; internal const uint ERROR_IO_PENDING = 0x000003E5; internal const uint ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER = 0x0000007A; internal const uint ERROR_ERROR_DEV_NOT_EXIST = 0x00000037; internal const uint ERROR_BAD_COMMAND = 0x00000016; internal const uint ERROR_SUCCESS = 0x00000000; public const uint GENERIC_READ = 0x80000000; public const uint GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000; public const short FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x00000080; public const uint CREATE_NEW = 0x00000001; public const uint CREATE_ALWAYS = 0x00000002; public const uint OPEN_EXISTING = 0x00000003; public const short INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = -1; internal static Guid VirtualStorageTypeVendorUnknown = new Guid(«00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000»); internal static Guid VirtualStorageTypeVendorMicrosoft = new Guid(«EC984AEC-A0F9-47e9-901F-71415A66345B»); #endregion VDiskInterop #region WIMGAPI public const uint WIM_FLAG_VERIFY = 0x00000002; public const uint WIM_FLAG_INDEX = 0x00000004; public const uint WM_APP = 0x00008000; #endregion WIMGAPI #endregion Constants #region Enums and Flags #region VDiskInterop /// <summary> /// Indicates the version of the virtual disk to create. /// </summary> public enum CreateVirtualDiskVersion : int { VersionUnspecified = 0x00000000, Version1 = 0x00000001, Version2 = 0x00000002 } public enum OpenVirtualDiskVersion : int { VersionUnspecified = 0x00000000, Version1 = 0x00000001, Version2 = 0x00000002 } /// <summary> /// Contains the version of the virtual hard disk (VHD) ATTACH_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS structure to use in calls to VHD functions. /// </summary> public enum AttachVirtualDiskVersion : int { VersionUnspecified = 0x00000000, Version1 = 0x00000001, Version2 = 0x00000002 } public enum CompactVirtualDiskVersion : int { VersionUnspecified = 0x00000000, Version1 = 0x00000001 } /// <summary> /// Contains the type and provider (vendor) of the virtual storage device. /// </summary> public enum VirtualStorageDeviceType : int { /// <summary> /// The storage type is unknown or not valid. /// </summary> Unknown = 0x00000000, /// <summary> /// For internal use only. This type is not supported. /// </summary> ISO = 0x00000001, /// <summary> /// Virtual Hard Disk device type. /// </summary> VHD = 0x00000002, /// <summary> /// Virtual Hard Disk v2 device type. /// </summary> VHDX = 0x00000003 } /// <summary> /// Contains virtual hard disk (VHD) open request flags. /// </summary> [Flags] public enum OpenVirtualDiskFlags { /// <summary> /// No flags. Use system defaults. /// </summary> None = 0x00000000, /// <summary> /// Open the VHD file (backing store) without opening any differencing-chain parents. Used to correct broken parent links. /// </summary> NoParents = 0x00000001, /// <summary> /// Reserved. /// </summary> BlankFile = 0x00000002, /// <summary> /// Reserved. /// </summary> BootDrive = 0x00000004, } /// <summary> /// Contains the bit mask for specifying access rights to a virtual hard disk (VHD). /// </summary> [Flags] public enum VirtualDiskAccessMask { /// <summary> /// Only Version2 of OpenVirtualDisk API accepts this parameter /// </summary> None = 0x00000000, /// <summary> /// Open the virtual disk for read-only attach access. The caller must have READ access to the virtual disk image file. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If used in a request to open a virtual disk that is already open, the other handles must be limited to either /// VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_DETACH or VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_GET_INFO access, otherwise the open request with this flag will fail. /// </remarks> AttachReadOnly = 0x00010000, /// <summary> /// Open the virtual disk for read-write attaching access. The caller must have (READ | WRITE) access to the virtual disk image file. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If used in a request to open a virtual disk that is already open, the other handles must be limited to either /// VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_DETACH or VIRTUAL_DISK_ACCESS_GET_INFO access, otherwise the open request with this flag will fail. /// If the virtual disk is part of a differencing chain, the disk for this request cannot be less than the readWriteDepth specified /// during the prior open request for that differencing chain. /// </remarks> AttachReadWrite = 0x00020000, /// <summary> /// Open the virtual disk to allow detaching of an attached virtual disk. The caller must have /// (FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTES | FILE_READ_DATA) access to the virtual disk image file. /// </summary> Detach = 0x00040000, /// <summary> /// Information retrieval access to the virtual disk. The caller must have READ access to the virtual disk image file. /// </summary> GetInfo = 0x00080000, /// <summary> /// Virtual disk creation access. /// </summary> Create = 0x00100000, /// <summary> /// Open the virtual disk to perform offline meta-operations. The caller must have (READ | WRITE) access to the virtual /// disk image file, up to readWriteDepth if working with a differencing chain. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// If the virtual disk is part of a differencing chain, the backing store (host volume) is opened in RW exclusive mode up to readWriteDepth. /// </remarks> MetaOperations = 0x00200000, /// <summary> /// Reserved. /// </summary> Read = 0x000D0000, /// <summary> /// Allows unrestricted access to the virtual disk. The caller must have unrestricted access rights to the virtual disk image file. /// </summary> All = 0x003F0000, /// <summary> /// Reserved. /// </summary> Writable = 0x00320000 } /// <summary> /// Contains virtual hard disk (VHD) creation flags. /// </summary> [Flags] public enum CreateVirtualDiskFlags { /// <summary> /// Contains virtual hard disk (VHD) creation flags. /// </summary> None = 0x00000000, /// <summary> /// Pre-allocate all physical space necessary for the size of the virtual disk. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_FLAG_FULL_PHYSICAL_ALLOCATION flag is used for the creation of a fixed VHD. /// </remarks> FullPhysicalAllocation = 0x00000001 } /// <summary> /// Contains virtual disk attach request flags. /// </summary> [Flags] public enum AttachVirtualDiskFlags { /// <summary> /// No flags. Use system defaults. /// </summary> None = 0x00000000, /// <summary> /// Attach the virtual disk as read-only. /// </summary> ReadOnly = 0x00000001, /// <summary> /// No drive letters are assigned to the disk’s volumes. /// </summary> /// <remarks>Oddly enough, this doesn’t apply to NTFS mount points.</remarks> NoDriveLetter = 0x00000002, /// <summary> /// Will decouple the virtual disk lifetime from that of the VirtualDiskHandle. /// The virtual disk will be attached until the Detach() function is called, even if all open handles to the virtual disk are closed. /// </summary> PermanentLifetime = 0x00000004, /// <summary> /// Reserved. /// </summary> NoLocalHost = 0x00000008 } [Flags] public enum DetachVirtualDiskFlag { None = 0x00000000 } [Flags] public enum CompactVirtualDiskFlags { None = 0x00000000, NoZeroScan = 0x00000001, NoBlockMoves = 0x00000002 } #endregion VDiskInterop #region WIMGAPI [FlagsAttribute] internal enum WimCreateFileDesiredAccess : uint { WimQuery = 0x00000000, WimGenericRead = 0x80000000 } public enum WimMessage : uint { WIM_MSG = WM_APP + 0x1476, WIM_MSG_TEXT, ///<summary> ///Indicates an update in the progress of an image application. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_PROGRESS, ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to prevent a file or a directory from being captured or applied. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_PROCESS, ///<summary> ///Indicates that volume information is being gathered during an image capture. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_SCANNING, ///<summary> ///Indicates the number of files that will be captured or applied. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_SETRANGE, ///<summary> ///Indicates the number of files that have been captured or applied. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_SETPOS, ///<summary> ///Indicates that a file has been either captured or applied. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_STEPIT, ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to prevent a file resource from being compressed during a capture. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_COMPRESS, ///<summary> ///Alerts the caller that an error has occurred while capturing or applying an image. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_ERROR, ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to align a file resource on a particular alignment boundary. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_ALIGNMENT, WIM_MSG_RETRY, ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to align a file resource on a particular alignment boundary. ///</summary> WIM_MSG_SPLIT, WIM_MSG_SUCCESS = 0x00000000, WIM_MSG_ABORT_IMAGE = 0xFFFFFFFF } internal enum WimCreationDisposition : uint { WimOpenExisting = 0x00000003, } internal enum WimActionFlags : uint { WimIgnored = 0x00000000 } internal enum WimCompressionType : uint { WimIgnored = 0x00000000 } internal enum WimCreationResult : uint { WimCreatedNew = 0x00000000, WimOpenedExisting = 0x00000001 } #endregion WIMGAPI #endregion Enums and Flags #region Structs [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct CreateVirtualDiskParameters { /// <summary> /// A CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_VERSION enumeration that specifies the version of the CREATE_VIRTUAL_DISK_PARAMETERS structure being passed to or from the virtual hard disk (VHD) functions. /// </summary> public CreateVirtualDiskVersion Version; /// <summary> /// Unique identifier to assign to the virtual disk object. If this member is set to zero, a unique identifier is created by the system. /// </summary> public Guid UniqueId; /// <summary> /// The maximum virtual size of the virtual disk object. Must be a multiple of 512. /// If a ParentPath is specified, this value must be zero. /// If a SourcePath is specified, this value can be zero to specify the size of the source VHD to be used, otherwise the size specified must be greater than or equal to the size of the source disk. /// </summary> public ulong MaximumSize; /// <summary> /// Internal size of the virtual disk object blocks. /// The following are predefined block sizes and their behaviors. For a fixed VHD type, this parameter must be zero. /// </summary> public uint BlockSizeInBytes; /// <summary> /// Internal size of the virtual disk object sectors. Must be set to 512. /// </summary> public uint SectorSizeInBytes; /// <summary> /// Optional path to a parent virtual disk object. Associates the new virtual disk with an existing virtual disk. /// If this parameter is not NULL, SourcePath must be NULL. /// </summary> public string ParentPath; /// <summary> /// Optional path to pre-populate the new virtual disk object with block data from an existing disk. This path may refer to a VHD or a physical disk. /// If this parameter is not NULL, ParentPath must be NULL. /// </summary> public string SourcePath; /// <summary> /// Flags for opening the VHD /// </summary> public OpenVirtualDiskFlags OpenFlags; /// <summary> /// GetInfoOnly flag for V2 handles /// </summary> public bool GetInfoOnly; /// <summary> /// Virtual Storage Type of the parent disk /// </summary> public VirtualStorageType ParentVirtualStorageType; /// <summary> /// Virtual Storage Type of the source disk /// </summary> public VirtualStorageType SourceVirtualStorageType; /// <summary> /// A GUID to use for fallback resiliency over SMB. /// </summary> public Guid ResiliencyGuid; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct VirtualStorageType { public VirtualStorageDeviceType DeviceId; public Guid VendorId; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public struct SecurityDescriptor { public byte revision; public byte size; public short control; public IntPtr owner; public IntPtr group; public IntPtr sacl; public IntPtr dacl; } #endregion Structs #region VirtDisk.DLL P/Invoke [DllImport(«virtdisk.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)] public static extern uint CreateVirtualDisk( [In, Out] ref VirtualStorageType VirtualStorageType, [In] string Path, [In] VirtualDiskAccessMask VirtualDiskAccessMask, [In, Out] ref SecurityDescriptor SecurityDescriptor, [In] CreateVirtualDiskFlags Flags, [In] uint ProviderSpecificFlags, [In, Out] ref CreateVirtualDiskParameters Parameters, [In] IntPtr Overlapped, [Out] out SafeFileHandle Handle); #endregion VirtDisk.DLL P/Invoke #region Win32 P/Invoke [DllImport(«advapi32», SetLastError = true)] public static extern bool InitializeSecurityDescriptor( [Out] out SecurityDescriptor pSecurityDescriptor, [In] uint dwRevision); #endregion Win32 P/Invoke #region WIMGAPI P/Invoke #region SafeHandle wrappers for WimFileHandle and WimImageHandle public sealed class WimFileHandle : SafeHandle { public WimFileHandle( string wimPath) : base(IntPtr.Zero, true) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(wimPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(«wimPath»); } if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(wimPath))) { throw new FileNotFoundException((new FileNotFoundException()).Message, wimPath); } NativeMethods.WimCreationResult creationResult; this.handle = NativeMethods.WimCreateFile( wimPath, NativeMethods.WimCreateFileDesiredAccess.WimGenericRead, NativeMethods.WimCreationDisposition.WimOpenExisting, NativeMethods.WimActionFlags.WimIgnored, NativeMethods.WimCompressionType.WimIgnored, out creationResult ); // Check results. if (creationResult != NativeMethods.WimCreationResult.WimOpenedExisting) { throw new Win32Exception(); } if (this.handle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new Win32Exception(); } // Set the temporary path. NativeMethods.WimSetTemporaryPath( this, Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables(«%TEMP%») ); } protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { return NativeMethods.WimCloseHandle(this.handle); } public override bool IsInvalid { get { return this.handle == IntPtr.Zero; } } } public sealed class WimImageHandle : SafeHandle { public WimImageHandle( WimFile Container, uint ImageIndex) : base(IntPtr.Zero, true) { if (null == Container) { throw new ArgumentNullException(«Container»); } if ((Container.Handle.IsClosed) || (Container.Handle.IsInvalid)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(«The handle to the WIM file has already been closed, or is invalid.», «Container»); } if (ImageIndex > Container.ImageCount) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(«ImageIndex», «The index does not exist in the specified WIM file.»); } this.handle = NativeMethods.WimLoadImage( Container.Handle.DangerousGetHandle(), ImageIndex); } protected override bool ReleaseHandle() { return NativeMethods.WimCloseHandle(this.handle); } public override bool IsInvalid { get { return this.handle == IntPtr.Zero; } } } #endregion SafeHandle wrappers for WimFileHandle and WimImageHandle [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMCreateFile»)] internal static extern IntPtr WimCreateFile( [In, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)] string WimPath, [In] WimCreateFileDesiredAccess DesiredAccess, [In] WimCreationDisposition CreationDisposition, [In] WimActionFlags FlagsAndAttributes, [In] WimCompressionType CompressionType, [Out, Optional] out WimCreationResult CreationResult ); [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMCloseHandle»)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal static extern bool WimCloseHandle( [In] IntPtr Handle ); [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMLoadImage»)] internal static extern IntPtr WimLoadImage( [In] IntPtr Handle, [In] uint ImageIndex ); [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMGetImageCount»)] internal static extern uint WimGetImageCount( [In] WimFileHandle Handle ); [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMGetImageInformation»)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal static extern bool WimGetImageInformation( [In] SafeHandle Handle, [Out] out StringBuilder ImageInfo, [Out] out uint SizeOfImageInfo ); [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMSetTemporaryPath»)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal static extern bool WimSetTemporaryPath( [In] WimFileHandle Handle, [In] string TempPath ); [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMRegisterMessageCallback», CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] internal static extern uint WimRegisterMessageCallback( [In, Optional] WimFileHandle hWim, [In] WimMessageCallback MessageProc, [In, Optional] IntPtr ImageInfo ); [DllImport(«Wimgapi.dll», CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, SetLastError = true, EntryPoint = «WIMUnregisterMessageCallback», CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall)] [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] internal static extern bool WimUnregisterMessageCallback( [In, Optional] WimFileHandle hWim, [In] WimMessageCallback MessageProc ); #endregion WIMGAPI P/Invoke } #region WIM Interop public class WimFile { internal XDocument m_xmlInfo; internal List<WimImage> m_imageList; private static NativeMethods.WimMessageCallback wimMessageCallback; #region Events /// <summary> /// DefaultImageEvent handler /// </summary> public delegate void DefaultImageEventHandler(object sender, DefaultImageEventArgs e); ///<summary> ///ProcessFileEvent handler ///</summary> public delegate void ProcessFileEventHandler(object sender, ProcessFileEventArgs e); ///<summary> ///Enable the caller to prevent a file resource from being compressed during a capture. ///</summary> public event ProcessFileEventHandler ProcessFileEvent; ///<summary> ///Indicate an update in the progress of an image application. ///</summary> public event DefaultImageEventHandler ProgressEvent; ///<summary> ///Alert the caller that an error has occurred while capturing or applying an image. ///</summary> public event DefaultImageEventHandler ErrorEvent; ///<summary> ///Indicate that a file has been either captured or applied. ///</summary> public event DefaultImageEventHandler StepItEvent; ///<summary> ///Indicate the number of files that will be captured or applied. ///</summary> public event DefaultImageEventHandler SetRangeEvent; ///<summary> ///Indicate the number of files that have been captured or applied. ///</summary> public event DefaultImageEventHandler SetPosEvent; #endregion Events private enum ImageEventMessage : uint { ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to prevent a file or a directory from being captured or applied. ///</summary> Progress = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_PROGRESS, ///<summary> ///Notification sent to enable the caller to prevent a file or a directory from being captured or applied. ///To prevent a file or a directory from being captured or applied, call WindowsImageContainer.SkipFile(). ///</summary> Process = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_PROCESS, ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to prevent a file resource from being compressed during a capture. ///</summary> Compress = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_COMPRESS, ///<summary> ///Alerts the caller that an error has occurred while capturing or applying an image. ///</summary> Error = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_ERROR, ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to align a file resource on a particular alignment boundary. ///</summary> Alignment = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_ALIGNMENT, ///<summary> ///Enables the caller to align a file resource on a particular alignment boundary. ///</summary> Split = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_SPLIT, ///<summary> ///Indicates that volume information is being gathered during an image capture. ///</summary> Scanning = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_SCANNING, ///<summary> ///Indicates the number of files that will be captured or applied. ///</summary> SetRange = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_SETRANGE, ///<summary> ///Indicates the number of files that have been captured or applied. /// </summary> SetPos = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_SETPOS, ///<summary> ///Indicates that a file has been either captured or applied. ///</summary> StepIt = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_STEPIT, ///<summary> ///Success. ///</summary> Success = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_SUCCESS, ///<summary> ///Abort. ///</summary> Abort = NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_ABORT_IMAGE } ///<summary> ///Event callback to the Wimgapi events ///</summary> private uint ImageEventMessagePump( uint MessageId, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, IntPtr UserData) { uint status = (uint) NativeMethods.WimMessage.WIM_MSG_SUCCESS; DefaultImageEventArgs eventArgs = new DefaultImageEventArgs(wParam, lParam, UserData); switch ((ImageEventMessage)MessageId) { case ImageEventMessage.Progress: ProgressEvent(this, eventArgs); break; case ImageEventMessage.Process: if (null != ProcessFileEvent) { string fileToImage = Marshal.PtrToStringUni(wParam); ProcessFileEventArgs fileToProcess = new ProcessFileEventArgs(fileToImage, lParam); ProcessFileEvent(this, fileToProcess); if (fileToProcess.Abort == true) { status = (uint)ImageEventMessage.Abort; } } break; case ImageEventMessage.Error: if (null != ErrorEvent) { ErrorEvent(this, eventArgs); } break; case ImageEventMessage.SetRange: if (null != SetRangeEvent) { SetRangeEvent(this, eventArgs); } break; case ImageEventMessage.SetPos: if (null != SetPosEvent) { SetPosEvent(this, eventArgs); } break; case ImageEventMessage.StepIt: if (null != StepItEvent) { StepItEvent(this, eventArgs); } break; default: break; } return status; } /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name=»wimPath»>Path to the WIM container.</param> public WimFile(string wimPath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(wimPath)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(«wimPath»); } if (!File.Exists(Path.GetFullPath(wimPath))) { throw new FileNotFoundException((new FileNotFoundException()).Message, wimPath); } Handle = new NativeMethods.WimFileHandle(wimPath); // Hook up the events before we return. //wimMessageCallback = new NativeMethods.WimMessageCallback(ImageEventMessagePump); //NativeMethods.RegisterMessageCallback(this.Handle, wimMessageCallback); } /// <summary> /// Closes the WIM file. /// </summary> public void Close() { foreach (WimImage image in Images) { image.Close(); } if (null != wimMessageCallback) { NativeMethods.UnregisterMessageCallback(this.Handle, wimMessageCallback); wimMessageCallback = null; } if ((!Handle.IsClosed) && (!Handle.IsInvalid)) { Handle.Close(); } } /// <summary> /// Provides a list of WimImage objects, representing the images in the WIM container file. /// </summary> public List<WimImage> Images { get { if (null == m_imageList) { int imageCount = (int)ImageCount; m_imageList = new List<WimImage>(imageCount); for (int i = 0; i < imageCount; i++) { // Load up each image so it’s ready for us. m_imageList.Add( new WimImage(this, (uint)i + 1)); } } return m_imageList; } } /// <summary> /// Provides a list of names of the images in the specified WIM container file. /// </summary> public List<string> ImageNames { get { List<string> nameList = new List<string>(); foreach (WimImage image in Images) { nameList.Add(image.ImageName); } return nameList; } } /// <summary> /// Indexer for WIM images inside the WIM container, indexed by the image number. /// The list of Images is 0-based, but the WIM container is 1-based, so we automatically compensate for that. /// this[1] returns the 0th image in the WIM container. /// </summary> /// <param name=»ImageIndex»>The 1-based index of the image to retrieve.</param> /// <returns>WinImage object.</returns> public WimImage this[int ImageIndex] { get { return Images[ImageIndex — 1]; } } /// <summary> /// Indexer for WIM images inside the WIM container, indexed by the image name. /// WIMs created by different processes sometimes contain different information — including the name. /// Some images have their name stored in the Name field, some in the Flags field, and some in the EditionID field. /// We take all of those into account in while searching the WIM. /// </summary> /// <param name=»ImageName»></param> /// <returns></returns> public WimImage this[string ImageName] { get { return Images.Where(i => ( i.ImageName.ToUpper() == ImageName.ToUpper() || i.ImageFlags.ToUpper() == ImageName.ToUpper() )) .DefaultIfEmpty(null) .FirstOrDefault<WimImage>(); } } /// <summary> /// Returns the number of images in the WIM container. /// </summary> internal uint ImageCount { get { return NativeMethods.WimGetImageCount(Handle); } } /// <summary> /// Returns an XDocument representation of the XML metadata for the WIM container and associated images. /// </summary> internal XDocument XmlInfo { get { if (null == m_xmlInfo) { StringBuilder builder; uint bytes; if (!NativeMethods.WimGetImageInformation(Handle, out builder, out bytes)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } // Ensure the length of the returned bytes to avoid garbage characters at the end. int charCount = (int)bytes / sizeof(char); if (null != builder) { // Get rid of the unicode file marker at the beginning of the XML. builder.Remove(0, 1); builder.EnsureCapacity(charCount — 1); builder.Length = charCount — 1; // This isn’t likely to change while we have the image open, so cache it. m_xmlInfo = XDocument.Parse(builder.ToString().Trim()); } else { m_xmlInfo = null; } } return m_xmlInfo; } } public NativeMethods.WimFileHandle Handle { get; private set; } } public class WimImage { internal XDocument m_xmlInfo; public WimImage( WimFile Container, uint ImageIndex) { if (null == Container) { throw new ArgumentNullException(«Container»); } if ((Container.Handle.IsClosed) || (Container.Handle.IsInvalid)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(«The handle to the WIM file has already been closed, or is invalid.», «Container»); } if (ImageIndex > Container.ImageCount) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(«ImageIndex», «The index does not exist in the specified WIM file.»); } Handle = new NativeMethods.WimImageHandle(Container, ImageIndex); } public enum Architectures : uint { x86 = 0x0, ARM = 0x5, IA64 = 0x6, AMD64 = 0x9, ARM64 = 0xC } public void Close() { if ((!Handle.IsClosed) && (!Handle.IsInvalid)) { Handle.Close(); } } public NativeMethods.WimImageHandle Handle { get; private set; } internal XDocument XmlInfo { get { if (null == m_xmlInfo) { StringBuilder builder; uint bytes; if (!NativeMethods.WimGetImageInformation(Handle, out builder, out bytes)) { throw new Win32Exception(); } // Ensure the length of the returned bytes to avoid garbage characters at the end. int charCount = (int)bytes / sizeof(char); if (null != builder) { // Get rid of the unicode file marker at the beginning of the XML. builder.Remove(0, 1); builder.EnsureCapacity(charCount — 1); builder.Length = charCount — 1; // This isn’t likely to change while we have the image open, so cache it. m_xmlInfo = XDocument.Parse(builder.ToString().Trim()); } else { m_xmlInfo = null; } } return m_xmlInfo; } } public string ImageIndex { get { return XmlInfo.Element(«IMAGE»).Attribute(«INDEX»).Value; } } public string ImageName { get { return XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/NAME»).Value; } } public string ImageEditionId { get { return XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/EDITIONID»).Value; } } public string ImageFlags { get { string flagValue = String.Empty; try { flagValue = XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/FLAGS»).Value; } catch { // Some WIM files don’t contain a FLAGS element in the metadata. // In an effort to support those WIMs too, inherit the EditionId if there // are no Flags. if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(flagValue)) { flagValue = this.ImageEditionId; // Check to see if the EditionId is «ServerHyper». If so, // tweak it to be «ServerHyperCore» instead. if (0 == String.Compare(«serverhyper», flagValue, true)) { flagValue = «ServerHyperCore»; } } } return flagValue; } } public string ImageProductType { get { return XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/PRODUCTTYPE»).Value; } } public string ImageInstallationType { get { return XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/INSTALLATIONTYPE»).Value; } } public string ImageDescription { get { return XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/DESCRIPTION»).Value; } } public ulong ImageSize { get { return ulong.Parse(XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/TOTALBYTES»).Value); } } public Architectures ImageArchitecture { get { int arch = -1; try { arch = int.Parse(XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/ARCH»).Value); } catch { } return (Architectures)arch; } } public string ImageDefaultLanguage { get { string lang = null; try { lang = XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/LANGUAGES/DEFAULT»).Value; } catch { } return lang; } } public Version ImageVersion { get { int major = 0; int minor = 0; int build = 0; int revision = 0; try { major = int.Parse(XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/VERSION/MAJOR»).Value); minor = int.Parse(XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/VERSION/MINOR»).Value); build = int.Parse(XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/VERSION/BUILD»).Value); revision = int.Parse(XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/WINDOWS/VERSION/SPBUILD»).Value); } catch { } return (new Version(major, minor, build, revision)); } } public string ImageDisplayName { get { return XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/DISPLAYNAME»).Value; } } public string ImageDisplayDescription { get { return XmlInfo.XPathSelectElement(«/IMAGE/DISPLAYDESCRIPTION»).Value; } } } ///<summary> ///Describes the file that is being processed for the ProcessFileEvent. ///</summary> public class DefaultImageEventArgs : EventArgs { ///<summary> ///Default constructor. ///</summary> public DefaultImageEventArgs( IntPtr wideParameter, IntPtr leftParameter, IntPtr userData) { WideParameter = wideParameter; LeftParameter = leftParameter; UserData = userData; } ///<summary> ///wParam ///</summary> public IntPtr WideParameter { get; private set; } ///<summary> ///lParam ///</summary> public IntPtr LeftParameter { get; private set; } ///<summary> ///UserData ///</summary> public IntPtr UserData { get; private set; } } ///<summary> ///Describes the file that is being processed for the ProcessFileEvent. ///</summary> public class ProcessFileEventArgs : EventArgs { ///<summary> ///Default constructor. ///</summary> ///<param name=»file»>Fully qualified path and file name. For example: c:file.sys.</param> ///<param name=»skipFileFlag»>Default is false — skip file and continue. ///Set to true to abort the entire image capture.</param> public ProcessFileEventArgs( string file, IntPtr skipFileFlag) { m_FilePath = file; m_SkipFileFlag = skipFileFlag; } ///<summary> ///Skip file from being imaged. ///</summary> public void SkipFile() { byte[] byteBuffer = { 0 }; int byteBufferSize = byteBuffer.Length; Marshal.Copy(byteBuffer, 0, m_SkipFileFlag, byteBufferSize); } ///<summary> ///Fully qualified path and file name. ///</summary> public string FilePath { get { string stringToReturn = «»; if (m_FilePath != null) { stringToReturn = m_FilePath; } return stringToReturn; } } ///<summary> ///Flag to indicate if the entire image capture should be aborted. ///Default is false — skip file and continue. Setting to true will ///abort the entire image capture. ///</summary> public bool Abort { set { m_Abort = value; } get { return m_Abort; } } private string m_FilePath; private bool m_Abort; private IntPtr m_SkipFileFlag; } #endregion WIM Interop #region VHD Interop // Based on code written by the Hyper-V Test team. /// <summary> /// The Virtual Hard Disk class provides methods for creating and manipulating Virtual Hard Disk files. /// </summary> public class VirtualHardDisk { #region Static Methods #region VHD Disks /// <summary> /// Abbreviated signature of CreateVHDDisk so it’s easier to use it. /// </summary> /// <param name=»virtualStorageDeviceType»>The type of disk to create, VHD or VHDX.</param> /// <param name=»path»>The path of the disk to create.</param> /// <param name=»size»>The maximum size of the disk to create.</param> /// <param name=»overwrite»>Overwrite the VHD if it already exists.</param> /// <param name=»isFixed»>If set Flag NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskFlags.FullPhysicalAllocation is used.</param> public static void CreateVHDDisk( NativeMethods.VirtualStorageDeviceType virtualStorageDeviceType, string path, ulong size, bool overwrite, bool isFixed) { CreateVHDDisk( path, size, overwrite, isFixed, null, IntPtr.Zero, (virtualStorageDeviceType == NativeMethods.VirtualStorageDeviceType.VHD) ? NativeMethods.DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE : 0, virtualStorageDeviceType, NativeMethods.DISK_SECTOR_SIZE); } /// <summary> /// Creates a new virtual hard disk (.vhd). Supports both sync and async modes. /// The VHD image file uses only as much space on the backing store as needed to store the actual data the VHD currently contains, except if IsFixed is true. Then u need the full space on disk. /// </summary> /// <param name=»path»>The path and name of the VHD to create.</param> /// <param name=»size»>The size of the VHD to create in bytes. /// When creating this type of VHD, the VHD API does not test for free space on the physical backing store based on the maximum size requested, /// therefore it is possible to successfully create a dynamic VHD with a maximum size larger than the available physical disk free space. /// The maximum size of a dynamic VHD is 2,040 GB. The minimum size is 3 MB.</param> /// <param name=»source»>Optional path to pre-populate the new virtual disk object with block data from an existing disk /// This path may refer to a VHD or a physical disk. Use NULL if you don’t want a source.</param> /// <param name=»overwrite»>If the VHD exists, setting this parameter to ‘True’ will delete it and create a new one.</param> /// <param name=»isFixed»>If set Flag NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskFlags.FullPhysicalAllocation is used.</param> /// <param name=»overlapped»>If not null, the operation runs in async mode</param> /// <param name=»blockSizeInBytes»>Block size for the VHD.</param> /// <param name=»virtualStorageDeviceType»>VHD format version (VHD1 or VHD2)</param> /// <param name=»sectorSizeInBytes»>Sector size for the VHD.</param> /// <exception cref=»ArgumentOutOfRangeException»>Thrown when an invalid size is specified</exception> /// <exception cref=»FileNotFoundException»>Thrown when source VHD is not found.</exception> /// <exception cref=»SecurityException»>Thrown when there was an error while creating the default security descriptor.</exception> /// <exception cref=»Win32Exception»>Thrown when an error occurred while creating the VHD.</exception> public static void CreateVHDDisk( string path, ulong size, bool overwrite, bool isFixed, string source, IntPtr overlapped, uint blockSizeInBytes, NativeMethods.VirtualStorageDeviceType virtualStorageDeviceType, uint sectorSizeInBytes) { // Validate the virtualStorageDeviceType if (virtualStorageDeviceType != NativeMethods.VirtualStorageDeviceType.VHD && virtualStorageDeviceType != NativeMethods.VirtualStorageDeviceType.VHDX) { throw ( new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( «virtualStorageDeviceType», virtualStorageDeviceType, «VirtualStorageDeviceType must be VHD or VHDX.» )); } // Validate size. It needs to be a multiple of DISK_SECTOR_SIZE (512)… if ((size % NativeMethods.DISK_SECTOR_SIZE) != 0) { throw ( new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( «size», size, «The size of the virtual disk must be a multiple of 512.» )); } if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(source)) && (!System.IO.File.Exists(source))) { throw ( new System.IO.FileNotFoundException( «Unable to find the source file.», source )); } if ((overwrite) && (System.IO.File.Exists(path))) { System.IO.File.Delete(path); } NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskParameters createParams = new NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskParameters(); // Select the correct version. createParams.Version = (virtualStorageDeviceType == NativeMethods.VirtualStorageDeviceType.VHD) ? NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskVersion.Version1 : NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskVersion.Version2; createParams.UniqueId = Guid.NewGuid(); createParams.MaximumSize = size; createParams.BlockSizeInBytes = blockSizeInBytes; createParams.SectorSizeInBytes = sectorSizeInBytes; createParams.ParentPath = null; createParams.SourcePath = source; createParams.OpenFlags = NativeMethods.OpenVirtualDiskFlags.None; createParams.GetInfoOnly = false; createParams.ParentVirtualStorageType = new NativeMethods.VirtualStorageType(); createParams.SourceVirtualStorageType = new NativeMethods.VirtualStorageType(); // // Create and init a security descriptor. // Since we’re creating an essentially blank SD to use with CreateVirtualDisk // the VHD will take on the security values from the parent directory. // NativeMethods.SecurityDescriptor securityDescriptor; if (!NativeMethods.InitializeSecurityDescriptor(out securityDescriptor, 1)) { throw ( new SecurityException( «Unable to initialize the security descriptor for the virtual disk.» )); } NativeMethods.VirtualStorageType virtualStorageType = new NativeMethods.VirtualStorageType(); virtualStorageType.DeviceId = virtualStorageDeviceType; virtualStorageType.VendorId = NativeMethods.VirtualStorageTypeVendorMicrosoft; SafeFileHandle vhdHandle; uint returnCode = NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDisk( ref virtualStorageType, path, (virtualStorageDeviceType == NativeMethods.VirtualStorageDeviceType.VHD) ? NativeMethods.VirtualDiskAccessMask.All : NativeMethods.VirtualDiskAccessMask.None, ref securityDescriptor, (isFixed ? NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskFlags.FullPhysicalAllocation : NativeMethods.CreateVirtualDiskFlags.None), 0, ref createParams, overlapped, out vhdHandle); vhdHandle.Close(); if (NativeMethods.ERROR_SUCCESS != returnCode && NativeMethods.ERROR_IO_PENDING != returnCode) { throw ( new Win32Exception( (int)returnCode )); } } #endregion VHD Disks #endregion Static Methods } #endregion VHD Interop } «@ Add-Type TypeDefinition $code ReferencedAssemblies «System.Xml«,«System.Linq«,«System.Xml.Linq« ErrorAction SilentlyContinue }
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Появилась новая версия программы Convert-WindowsImage, являющаяся развитием утилиты WIM2VHD, разработанная специально для ОС Windows 10. Она также прекрасно работает с Windows 8 и Windows, 8.1. Полностью переписана в PowerShell. Кроме того, если для работы WIM2VHD требовалось скачать и установить пакет Automated Installation Kit (AIK) или OEM Pre-Installation Kit (OPK) весом 1.7Гб, то Convert-WindowsImage не требует дополнительного софта и обходится тем, что есть в системе.
Convert-WindowsImage инструмент командной строки позволяет создавать (“sysprepped”) VHD и VHDX образы из любой официальной сборки (ISO или WIM образ) Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 8, Windows Сервер 2012, Windows 8.1 и Windows Server 2012 R2.
Можно взять отсюда: скачать скрипт
Для запуска Convert-WindowsImage необходимо скопировать файл Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 на компьютер в c:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0 и изменить политику выполнения скриптов на RemoteSigned.
Запускается powershell.exe и идет работа в командной строке. Примеры указаны в статье: примеры
Например для запуска Convert-WindowsImage в графическом режиме:
.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 –ShowUI
Для изменения политики выполнения скриптов на RemoteSigned. См.

По соображениям безопасности все скрипты PowerShell должны быть подписаны цифровой подписью, данные метод называется — политика выполнения. Если скрипт не соответствует этому условию, то выполнение сценариев PowerShell в системе запрещено. Это связано в первую очередь с тем, что в скрипте может находится вредоносный код, который может привести к деструктивным последствиям в операционной системе.
Если у вас есть острая необходимость в запуске PowerShell скриптов в системе, можно отключить проверку выполнения для локальных скриптов. Для этого воспользуемся консолью PowerShell запущенной с правами Администратора и выполним следующую команду:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
После запуска команды вам будет предложено подтвердить изменение политики выполнения. Ответим Y (Да).
В результате внесения изменений все скрипты запускаемые локально не будут проверяться на наличие цифровой подписи. Для возвращения к настройкам по умолчанию необходимо выполнить команду:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
При таких настройках запуск всех сценариев запрещен, разрешено пользоваться только одиночными командлетами PowerShell с использованием интерактивной консоли.
• Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
-отключает проверку выполнения для локальных скриптов PowerShell.
• Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
-возвращает настройки по умолчанию
• Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned
-все сценарии должны иметь цифровую подпись надежного издателя.
• Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
-разрешается выполнение любых сценариев PowerShell без проверки цифровой подписи.

Или согласно источнику:источник

По умолчанию для PowerShell используется режим «Ограниченный». В этом режиме, PowerShell работает лишь как интерактивная оболочка. Он не допускает работу скриптов, и загружает лишь те файлы конфигурации, которые подписаны издателем, которому вы доверяете.
Если вы получаете раздражающую красную ошибку, то, в большинстве случаев, ее появление связано именно с тем, что вы пытаетесь запустить неподписанный скрипт. Самым безопасным способом решения этой проблемы является – изменение политики исполнения на неограниченную, запуск скрипта, и затем обратный возврат к ограниченной политике.
Для изменения политики исполнения на неограниченную, запустите нижеследующую команду в административном PowerShell:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
Вы увидите запрос подтверждения. Нажмите Enter.
Теперь вы можете запустить скачанный скрипт. Однако, вы подвергаете себя серьезному риску, так что по окончании работы скрипта, не забудьте вернуть политику исполнения назад в ограниченный режим. Сделать это можно с помощью следующей команды:
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted
И снова вы увидите запрос подтверждения. Нажмите Enter.

Лучше почитать почитать, так как не разобрался, что будет правильно: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned или Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted.
Просьба ПРОВЕРИТЬ и высказать свои наблюдения (у кого будет желание). Так сказать тема для размышления.

Последний раз редактировалось: Albert (2018-08-13 18:30), всего редактировалось 7 раз(а)


Отправлено: 12-Авг-2018 19:52
(спустя 2 года 6 месяцев)


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Решил попробовать скрипт Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 в графическом режиме, и он у меня на Windows 10_1803_17131.165 не стал выполняться, может ему нужна среда Windows 8 или Windows Management Framework 3.0?

Загрузил Powershell-скрипт Convert-WindowsImage.ps1. Далее запустил:
Пуск—> Все программы—> Windows Powershell—> Powershell/Powershell ISE по ПКМ и выбирал в меню Запустить с правами администратора.
Что бы запустить Convert-WindowsImage.ps1, разрешил выполнение посторонних скриптов в Powershell (Для проверки действующих политик ввел: get-executionpolicy –list).
Для этого выполнил команду Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -Force
Далее запустил скрипт с ключом -ShowUI: .Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 –ShowU и увидел
PS C:WINDOWSsystem32> .Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 –ShowU
.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 : Имя «.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1» не распознано как имя командлета, функции, файла сценария или выполняемой программы. Проверьте правильность написания имени, а также наличие и правильность пути, после чего повторите попытку.
строка:1 знак:1
+ .Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 –ShowU
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
Вернул политики обратно: Set-ExecutionPolicy restricted -Force

Что не так? Кто пробовал?


Отправлено: 13-Авг-2018 00:18
(спустя 4 часа)


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Albert, Насколько помню автор графический режим забросил.
Я когда-то немного поковырял его и сварганил MOD, но это было давно, вряд ли работает в 10, впрочем попробуй..


Отправлено: 13-Авг-2018 06:45
(спустя 6 часов)


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dialmak Благодарю. К сожалению не заработало.


Отправлено: 13-Авг-2018 11:58
(спустя 5 часов)


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Благодарю. К сожалению не заработало.

Пофиксил для 10. Скачать версию WIM2VHD-MOD v1.3, внутри есть HTML файл помощи для начинающих.
Проверял в виртуалке на Win10_1803, ставил ту же Win10_1803 в VHDX для нативной загрузки — вроде все пучком, новая ОС успешно загрузилась нативно из VHDX.

Внимание! Важные замечания.
1. Скрипт 15 года и ничего не знает об ESD. Поэтому все попытки открыть ISO с INSTALL.ESD или открыть INSTALL.ESD закончатся неудачей. Включить поддержку наверное можно, но лень.
2. Скрипт нельзя запускать из корня раздела, почему уж не помню, были какие-то проблемы.
3. После отработки скрипта ISO файл не размонтируется автоматом, нужно ручками.
А вообще имхо этот скрипт представляет скорее академический интерес.


Отправлено: 13-Авг-2018 22:34
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dialmak, спасибо. Все получилось. Загрузил с загрузочной флешки файл vhd. Пошел процесс установки Windows, но вышел аншлаг: Не удалось завершить процесс установки. Чтобы установить Windows, перезапустите программу установки. Вероятно это проблемы железа. Потом попробую на другом железе.


Отправлено: 13-Авг-2018 23:31
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Загрузил с загрузочной флешки файл vhd.

Не. VHD должен лежать на HDDSSD. Причин этому много.. Для поддержки загрузки из флешки нужны дополнительные телодвижения, которые разные для разных ОС (то есть зависят от того, какая ОС лежит на VHD). Короче это усложнение, задача ведь не загрузка с флешки..
Порядок прост.
Указал дистр ISO или WIM, выбрал тип виртуального диска и размер, указал папку, где он будет создан, естественно указал эту папку на томе HDDSSD, при желании написал имя виртуального диска (лучше без расширения). Отметил галку Native Boot.
После выполнения и перегрузки — увидишь новый пункт в меню загрузки. Он будет последним. Выбираешь его и вперед.
В файле помощи все подробно описано. Ну и конечно нужно юзать оригинальные дистрибутивы Windows. Сборки через одну не будут работать.

Последний раз редактировалось: dialmak (2018-08-14 12:17), всего редактировалось 1 раз


Отправлено: 14-Авг-2018 11:26
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* Исправил некорректное возвращение состояния ExecutionPolicy для CurrentUser на выходе.
* Заменил bcdboot на более свежий.
* Переделал логику работы для ключа ExpandOnNativeBoot, теперь по умолчанию он False.
То есть динамический виртуальный диск при запуске не будет расширятся до максимального размера, размер его теперь определяется содержимым. Так правильнее.
Здесь видно применение ExpandOnNativeBoot по умолчанию.
Это последняя версия скрипта.
Для 15 года он был неплох, сейчас немного устарел.


Отправлено: 14-Авг-2018 20:21
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dialmak все просто супер. Работает как часы. VHD у меня лежит на HDD. На загрузочной флешке только запись в BCD для выбора.

Порядок прост.
Указал дистр ISO или WIM, выбрал тип виртуального диска и размер, указал папку, где он будет создан, естественно указал эту папку на томе HDDSSD, при желании написал имя виртуального диска (лучше без расширения). Отметил галку Native Boot.

Все сделано как прописано. Предлагаю WIM2VHD-MOD v1.31 перенести в Полезности от dialmak. А эту тему удалить.


Отправлено: 14-Авг-2018 23:13
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Предлагаю WIM2VHD-MOD v1.31 перенести в Полезности от dialmak. А эту тему удалить.

Данный скрипт не стОит отдельной темы, закончим здесь. Я в принципе им недоволен, он иногда бажный был, скорее всего я всё пофиксил — не все помню, сужу по версионности , но осадок остался… То есть IS-AS.
Короче кто увидел — юзает, кто не увидел — юзает что-то другое, а другого много…


Отправлено: 15-Авг-2018 04:31
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На загрузочной флешке только запись в BCD для выбора.

Ну вот теперь можно и поиграться. Типа сделать ту идею — запуск VHD с флешки.
Можно тупо переместить VHD на флешку (типа в ту же папку) и попробовать грузануть. Скорее всего ничего не выйдет.
Тогда следует загрузиться в основную ОС, смонтировать VHD и выполнить, то что написано в помощи в пункте Добавление VHD(X) в системный загрузчик
И грузиться. Если выйдет (а скорее всего тоже не выйдет, зависнет при запуске), то можно лепить дочку VHD (это типа дифференциальный диск) и грузить уже её и конечно добавить какой-нибудь фильтр записи (например EWF). Вот после этого можно и курить..
Ну а если не выйдет из USB — то напиши какая ошибка при запуске, какая ОС стоИт в VHD — тогда может и подскажу как грузануть из USB…
А вообще в идеале можно слепить винду на VHD, которая будет грузится на любом железе и там же автоматом активироваться. Типа портабельную.. Это уже как-то близко к изврату, но для общего развития очень даже. Многое узнаешь по ходу..


Отправлено: 15-Авг-2018 21:24
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dialmak, Идея была такая: с помощью скрипта создавается sysprepped VHD или VHDX образы из любой официальной сборки. Затем копирую образ на флешку и, при необходимости, переписываю на другой компьютер. Далее загружаю загрузочную флешку и гружусь с образа VHD (который находится на жестком диске). Но при дальнейшей установке ОС на железе возникает следующая картина
Получается, что вариант использования скрипта непосредственно на целевом компьютере

Порядок прост. Указал дистр ISO или WIM, выбрал тип виртуального диска и размер, указал папку, где он будет создан, естественно указал эту папку на томе HDDSSD, при желании написал имя виртуального диска (лучше без расширения). Отметил галку Native Boot.

наиболее оптимальный. Но вероятно при копировании VHD с флешки на HDD лучше добавить в пункт меню выбора ОС загрузку с VHD и далее как прописано.


Отправлено: 16-Авг-2018 04:25
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sysprepped VHD или VHDX образы

Ниче не понял. что такое sysprepped образ? ты ж просто развернул wim на vhd.. никакой sysprep в этом процессе не участвовал

Но при дальнейшей установке ОС на железе возникает следующая картина

ошибка из-за того что запуск из флешки видимо, тут хз, нужно смотреть лог установки

Затем копирую образ на флешку и, при необходимости, переписываю на другой компьютер. Далее загружаю загрузочную флешку и гружусь с образа VHD (который находится на жестком диске).

Ниче не понял. То есть ты создаешь VHD на HDD, затем VHD переписываешь на флешку, затем идешь к другому компу и опять переписываешь на HDD?
И создаешь опять пункт загрузки (ибо на другом компе ты будешь вынужден это сделать, если переписал VHD на HDD)
Я холодный от таких странных идей.
По моему флешка тут явно лишняя. Мне кажется, что создать VHD на HDD будет быстрее, чем переписать VHD из флешки на HDD
Да и зачем привязывать флешку и грузиться с неё, чтобы загрузить VHD. Это ж маразм.
Не проще ли грузится как всегда, на хрена такое усложнение — такое как правило боком вылезет. И ведь уже вылезло.
Ведь загрузочное меню в BCD супергибкое. Создал — модифицировал — удалил — опять создал пункт загрузки, чего тут городить не понятно..
смонтировал vhdvhdx и создал пункт запуска vhdvhdx
h:windowssystem32bcdboot h:windows
bcdedit /set {default} description «My Windows VHD(X)»
надоело — удалил
bcdedit /delete {default}

Последний раз редактировалось: dialmak (2018-08-16 11:44), всего редактировалось 1 раз


Отправлено: 16-Авг-2018 04:40
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Если уж очень хочется сохранить целку и не трогать системный BCD, то для такого есть ALLRUN — грузит мох и болото c любого раздела любого диска.


Отправлено: 16-Авг-2018 19:52
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dialmak, думал примерно так: сделаю VHD для разных Windows. Помещу их на «большую флешку» т.е. переносной HDD, и по мере необходимости для проверки работы программ, буду их переписывать на диск и затем, когда пропадет надобность удалять, так как много места не бывает.
Вот такой вариант загрузки с VHD подходит не для всех, хотя наименее затратный и простой.

Создал — модифицировал — удалил — опять создал пункт загрузки, чего тут городить не понятно…
смонтировал vhdvhdx и создал пункт запуска vhdvhdx
h:windowssystem32bcdboot h:windows
bcdedit /set {default} description «My Windows VHD(X)»
надоело — удалил
bcdedit /delete {default}

А вариант с ALLRUN вообще отмычка для всех замков и работает без проблем. Спасибо.

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Convert-WindowsImage is the new version of WIM2VHD designed specifically for Windows 8 and above. Written in PowerShell, this command-line tool allows you to rapidly create sysprepped VHDX and VHDX images from setup media for Windows 7/Server 2008 R2, Windows 8/8.1/Server 2012/R2

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

  • Install Module

  • Azure Automation

  • Manual Download

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name Convert-WindowsImage

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system’s default download location. Note that the file won’t be unpacked, and won’t include any dependencies. Learn More


Microsoft, Artem Pronichkin


(c) 2016 Microsoft All rights reserved.

Package Details


  • Convert-WindowsImage.nuspec
  • Convert-WindowsImage.psd1
  • Convert-WindowsImage.psm1

Version History

January 21st, 2017

This post is an update (using Windows 10 and a newer version of Convert-WindowsImage.ps1) of a similar post I had in my blog about booting natively from a .VHDX file:

I’m also publishing this for my own records and folks asking me about it, as it is not a super straight forward procedure..

This procedure is very useful when you need to boot Windows natively, but you need to have multiple different environments like when using BETA/RC versions of Visual Studio, dev tools or simply dual/multiple boots with different configuration and software installed but you don’t want to have any compromise in UI performance like when you use Hyper-V or any other virtual machine environment.

Doing this you don’t have to give up on performance, this is the real thing! you boot natively.  This is NOT a VM (Virtual Machine) booting from Hyper-V.

This is native boot but instead of booting from files in a partition, you boot from files that are placed within a .VHDX file. But you boot natively!

Why would you want to boot natively? Here are a few reasons:

– Need to use Android emulators on top of any hypervisor like Hyper-V (Nested virtualization doesn’t have great performance..).

– If you want to deploy mobile apps from Visual Studio (Xamarin apps to Android or Windows devices, for instance), you’d need to connect those mobile devices to any USB port. But, Hyper-V VMs don’t support USB connections to devices.

– Want to get good UI/Graphics experience, as much as you PC can offer with your graphics card not being limited by any hypervisor, like Hyper-V

– In any case where you want to get good performance from your machine because what you get from a Hyper-V VM is not enough and at the same time you want to handle multiple environments within the same machine (although you’d be able to boot just one of them, of course).

Here’s some additional info if you want to know more about “Virtual Hard Disks (.VHD/.VHDX) with Native Boot”:

In the past, I used to follow more complex steps in order to create a Windows 8 or Windows 7 .VHD master image, then booting natively my machine by configuring the boot options with bcdedit. Here’s my old post:

This is the way I currently do it. I’m using .VHDX format but you could also specify a .VHD (older) if you’d like.

Here are the steps. Pretty simple, actually!

1. You need to have any Windows .ISO image, like a “Windows 10 x64 – DVD (English)” from MSDN subscription, or any other version (any Windows 10 version and x64 or x86).

2. Download Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 from Microsoft TechNet Gallery ( ) and copy it to a temporary directory. You can also download it from this .ZIP download in my Blog where I already wrote the function execution line

[Another way to create the .VHDX, that I haven’t tested, instead of using that PowerShell script is by using the DISM tool (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) from the Windows ADK) ]

3. Start the PowerShell console in administrator mode

4. Before executing the PowerShell script, you’ll need to allow scripts executions in the policies of your machine or user. If you want to allow that at a local machine scope, run the following command in the PowerShell console. IMPORTANT, run PowerShell with Admin rights (“Run as Administrator” mode):

Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine


If you don’t run that command or you don’t have that policy in place, you’ll get an error like the following when trying to execute any PowerShell script:


For more info about those policies, read the following:

5. Edit the Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 file with Windows Powershel ISE (or with any editor, even NOTEPAD can work for this).

If using Windows Powershel ISE, you’d better run it with admin rights (“Run as Administrator” mode) so you can directly run the script with F5 afterwards.

Then, add the following line at the end of the script (or update it with your .ISO image name and settings if you got my updated file:

Convert-WindowsImage -SourcePath .en_windows_10_enterprise_x64_dvd.iso -VHDFormat VHDX -SizeBytes 150GB -VHDPath .Windows10_Enterprise_x64_Bootable.vhdx


6. Now, run the script either from Windows PowerShell ISE (with F5) or running it from a plain PowerShell command-line (In both cases with Admin privileges)

It’ll be executed like the following screenshot. Be patient, it’ll take a while as it has to copy all the files from the Windows .ISO image to the logical drive based on the .VHDX file that has been created.


Since my .VHDX is Dynamic and it is still not mounted, its size was just something less than 8GB! 🙂


7. MOUNT the .VHDX as a drive in your machine

Right-click the VHDX and mount it. In my case I got the F: as my mounted drive.

8. Set the BOOT files within the .VHDX

The following steps are needed to make your computer boot from the VHDX file:
a.Open an administrative command prompt via WIN+X Command Prompt (Admin)
b.Type bcdboot F:Windows in order to create the boot files in your .VHDX drive.



At this point you have a “MASTER IMAGE .VHDX” that you could use in different machines/hardware since you still didn’t spin it up, therefore, it still doesn’t have any specific driver related to any hardware. Copy the Windows10_Enterprise_x64_Bootable.vhdx somewhere else so you’d be able to re-use it in multiple machines or in the same machine but for mutiple environments

10. Change the Boot Loader Description to the boot option’s name you’d like

Type again bcdedit /v, search for the boot loader pointing to the .VHDX and copy its GUID.


Taking that GUID identifier you can change the description in your bootlist by typing something like:

bcdedit /set {bd67a0a8-a586-11e6-bf4e-bc8385086e7d} description “Windows 10 Enterprise – VHDX boot”

(Of course, you should have and use a different GUID..)


Check again with bcdedit /v that the descrption for your new boot loader has changed:


11. Re-enable Hyper-V if you had Hyper-V enabled in your original and normal boot partition

If you had configured Hyper-V on your Windows 8.1 computer, don’t forget to enable the hypervisor launchtype:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype auto

When messing with the startup, it rebuilds your boot configuration data store. But it doesn’t know if Hyper-V needs to have some specific settings enabled in the boot configuration data store in order to start the hypervisor. In any case, this is not related and you just need to do it if you also have HyperV installed.


If you reboot your machine, you’ll be able to select the new NATIVE WINDOWS BOOT but from a .VHDX like in the following screenshot!


It’ll be just the final Windows installation detecting devices, applying drivers and final configuration/personalization, and YOU ARE GOOD TO GO!

Additionally, bcdedit has many useful options, like copying an entry for pointing to another .VHDX that you just copied in your hard drive, etc. Just type bcdedit /? to check it out or see other options that I explain at the end of my old post:




If you copy the “MASTER .VHDX”, you could re-use it for multiple boots, even for other machines.

Here’s the procedure once you have an existing MASTER .VHDX already created.

First, copy and rename the .VHDX to a different name depending on what you will install, like “Windows_10_for_Testing_Betas.VHDX” or whatever. In my screenshots I’m still using a similar name than before, though.

1. Check initial boot loaders

You can configure the boot options of windows by using the command-line tool bcdedit.exe.

bcdedit /v

Let’s say you start in another computer with a single boot from a single regular partition, you’ll see a similar description to the following:


You can see that I currently just have a single boot loader, booting from the C: partition.

2 What we want to do is to create a second BOOT LOADER by copying the current Windows Boot Loader. Type:

bcdedit /copy {current} /d “Windows 10 .VHDX Boot”

That line means you are copying the current Boot loader (the one I marked) but naming it with a different DESCRIPTION. And also, very important, when you copy any BOOT LOADER, the new copy will have a new GUID identifier, which is what you are going to use.

Then, type again bcdedit /v to see the new BOOT LOADER created:


You can see how now you have a second BOOT LOADER (#2 BOOT) with a different GUID than the original (#1 BOOT).

It also has the new description applied like “Windows 10 .VHDX Boot”. You’ll see that description when selecting the Boot option when starting your machine.

However ,you are still not done, as that second BOOT LOADER is still pointing to the C: partition, and you want it to be pointing to the .VHDX file!

3 Copy the new GUID (from BOOT #2) with the mouse, so you can use it in the next step. In this case I copy: {bd67a0a4-a586-11e6-bf4e-bc8385086e7d}

4 In order to point BOOT LOADER #2 to your .VHDX file, type the following 2 commands:

bcdedit /set {My_new_GUID_Number} device vhd=[C:]VHDsWindows10_Enterprise_x64_Bootable.vhdx

bcdedit /set {My_new_GUID_Number} osdevice vhd=[C:]VHDsWindows10_Enterprise_x64_Bootable.vhdx 

Note the difference in “device” and “osdevice”..


Now, you are done with the “hard” configuration.

Check that you have this new boot from Computer properties –> Advanced System Settings –> Advaced –>Startup and Recvovery –>Settings button:


You can just reboot the machine and select the BOOT option for your new .VHDX, and it’ll boot natively from that .VHDX!

Other BCDEDIT configurations:

You can update your boot loaders with commands like the following using the GUID of the BOOT LOADER you want to change:


bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx} description “Windows 7 .VHD Image”


bcdedit /copy {Original_GUID_Number} /d “my new description”
bcdedit /copy {current} /d “my new description”
bcdedit /copy {default} /d “my new description”

Конвертирование установочных ISO и WIM образов в VHD файлы

Операционная система Windows

В данной заметке я расскажу об удобном и очень полезном способе, который позволяет выполнять конвертирование различных установочных образов, т.е. ISO файлов в VHD  или же VHDX образы жестких дисков для виртуальных машин. Таким образом, используя специальный скрипт — Convert-WindowsImage — WIM2VHD , можно существенно сократить время развертывания операционных систем  в виртуальной среде для гипервизора Hyper-V.

Данная утилита (по факту — скрипт) основана на PowerShell и, как я уже говорил, позволяет выполнять преобразование установочных образов WIN или ISO в VHD как из командной строки, так и с использованием графической оболочки. Далее получившийся файл можно использовать для развертывания ОС на компьютере и или виртуальной машины. Установленная таким способом ОС будет находиться в состоянии будто только что был применен образ и выполнена первая перезагрузка. Такой же эффект получается после обработки (Generalize) уже установленной системы утилитой Sysprep. Поэтому после первой загрузки системы вам необходимо будет выполнить процедуру начальной настройки (Out Of Box Experience, OOBE).

Для корректной работы Convert-WindowsImage — WIM2VHD  не требуется никакого дополнительного программного обеспечения, но необходимо изменить политику выполнения скриптов на — RemoteSigned. А также учесть ряд особенностей и ограничений:

  • Утилита работает только на Windows 8 / 8.1 и Windows Server 2012 /R2. Использовать в качестве хостовой ОС Windows 7 или Windows Server 2008 R2 нельзя
  • Утилита может конвертировать установочные образы следующих операционных систем: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1,  Windows Server 2008 R2 и Windows Server 2012 и Windows Server 2012 R2. Windows Vista и Windows Server 2008 не поддерживаются.

Существует несколько способов по использованию данного скрипта, но рекомендуется графический режим для более быстрого и наглядного указания параметров и настроек VHD, запускается подобный режим следующей командой:

.Convert-WindowsImage.ps1 -ShowUI


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