Currency converter windows gadget windows 7

I am not able to get the currency converter gadget for windows 7. Not even in the website to download. When I right click and select the gadgets, there is nothing there and asks me to download form the windows website. But no currency gadget there as well. What should I do?
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  • I am not able to get the currency converter gadget for windows 7. Not even in the website to download. When I right click and select the gadgets, there is nothing there and asks me to download form the windows website. But no currency gadget there as well.
    What should I do?


  • Yeah well, maybe it’s not that easy…

    It’s hard to help with such limited information. So can you provide the following :

    What happens when you right click the desktop and click gadgets ? What gadgets do you see listed in the window that appears ?

    Do you have already have other gadgets running ? Which ones ?

    What version of Windows 7 — Starter, Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate ?

    Is it a 32 bit or 64 bit version ?

    Is the PC joined to a (company) network ?

    Was the PC ever joined to a (company) network ?

    Is this copy of Windows legitimate or pirated ?

    Did you buy the PC from a shop with Windows 7 already installed ?

    Even, out of curiousity, what language are you using in Win7 ?

    In short the more info you provide the easier it is to help.

    You can also try the things mentioned on this page :

    • Marked as answer by

      Saturday, February 11, 2012 11:51 AM

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MyCoins gadget screenshot

As of 14th February 2019, third-party service that is used for fiat exchange rate (target currency field) has changed licensing terms. Please download updated gadget if you’re using target currency field and create target currency API key.

Monitor any currency exchange rate

MyCoins is a Windows gadget (Vista sidebar or Windows 7) which displays two values: the amount you want to observe, and an estimated value of that amount in your preferred currency.

  • Are you trading virtual currencies?
  • …or fiat currencies?
  • Did you like MyBitcoins, MyLitecoins or MyNamecoins gadgets, but wanted to use them for other currencies — or literaly to observe any value you’re interested in?

This gadget is for traders, hackers and tweakers. For power users. You can start with any fixed value, add or subtract one or more values fetched from HTTP response, and multiply it with another value fetched through another HTTP response. You can even use your completely custom calculation provided you know how to express it in Javascript. For those who wanted to change default currency label in MyBitcoins, MyLitecoins or MyNamecoins gadgets—in MyCoins you can.

Download now
It’s free!
(though donations are appreciated)

MyCoins gadget config screenshot


  • retrieves data from up to three JSON sources and adds and/or subtracts from the amount
  • retrieves exchange rate from any exchange with JSON API
  • uses The Free Currency Converter API to convert USD to any other world currency of your choice
  • accepts arbitrary correction amount (positive or negative) which is added to the amount
  • alerts with red or green color when a value is below or above defined amount

You can specify any source or exchange which has JSON API. The only thing you need to know is URL and JSON keys.

Configuring exchanges and sources

This gadget needs to be configured before it can be used. Let’s say that we want to observe the Linden dollars (L$ or SLL) to Bitcoin (BTC) exhange rate. The best exchange for this is VirWoX exchange. We need to dive in developer documentation for VirWoX Basic API to find out how to build the query which turns out to be:[0]=BTC/SLL. This returns the following response:

{«result»:[{«symbol»:»BTC/SLL», «errorCode»:»OK», «bestBuyPrice»:»2857″, «bestSellPrice»:»3039.1″}], «error»:null, «id»:null}

Assuming we’re interested in selling Bitcoins and buying L$, we need to monitor «bestBuyPrice» JSON value, which is the current best offer to buy Bitcoins. Lets run through the options that need to be set for a second:

  1. In gadget options, let’s choose trading presets and click apply. This configures the gadget to check rates more often (once a minute). Please be mindful to use as little resources as possible, so use mining presets (which set larger poll interval of 10 minutes) if you don’t need quick updates. Also, most exchanges cache ticker data so there is no point in checking more often, while other block IPs which poll too often.
  2. Under general section, main currency label is BTC.
  3. We want to set correction in currency to either 1 if we want to see just the exchange rate or the amount of Bitcoins we want to trade if we want to calculate how many L$ they’re worth.
  4. For primary exchange URL, we need to enter query URL:[0]=BTC/SLL
  5. Exchange rate JSON key is «bestBuyPrice» (without quotation marks) as we concluded above.
  6. Ticker currency is SLL (or L$ if you prefer).
  7. Now all that’s left is to click OK button and apply the new settings.


  • version 3.3 — bug fixes
  • version 3.2 — upgraded third-party currency conversion API (The Free Currency Converter API) due to change in the licensing terms
  • version 3.1 — switched away from Yahoo! currency conversion API as it stopped working
  • version 3.0 — a bunch of bugs fixed and new features introduced:
    • trailing stop alerts
    • support for very large or very small values (more than 9 digits or less than 8 decimals) using for example 1G for 1,000,000,000
    • two additional pools added as some a bit megalomanic people were complaining that three pools are not enough
    • although originally correction could be a negative number, at some point this stopped working due to incorrect regex which is now corrected
    • if only paid or only unpaid JSON key for pools was used, value was not calculated; a bit impractical workaround was to use both fields is no longer needed
    • note from settings now shows on mouse hover
  • version 2.0 — added ability to choose and hide fields; improvements to better work with exchanges
  • version 1.3 — new note field added to settings, changed anti-caching to work with v2 version of MtGox API, minor bugfix for specific case where too long number can break layout
  • version 1.2 — fix for bug in anti-caching code
  • version 1.1 — small but important correction: when using Javascript to access JSON keys, json object was accessed with jsonObject instead of with json
  • version 1.0 — initial version

Like this gadget?

If you find this gadget useful, you can support it by sending any amount of BTC to the following Bitcoin address: 17T2ci9UwmF77PZJvuRtVryjmHwcwKN8yH

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