Docker failed to initialize windows 10 docker desktop is shutting down

I have installed a Docker update version, But I couldn't open Docker. The Notification is Docker failed to initialize docker desktop is shutting down how can I fixed it.

1 Answer

I had the same problem.
You need to enter in C:Users<YourUser>AppDataRoamingDocker
Delete the file settings.json and add a new one.

After, you just need to restart the docker desktop.

Please, tell me if my answer helped you :)

answered Oct 14, 2021 at 18:44

Nycolas Silvestre's user avatar


  • it is worked with me very nice, but after disable and enable hyperv

    Nov 24, 2021 at 9:06

  • My solution was to downgrade from Docker Desktop 4 to Docker Desktop 3.

    Feb 11, 2022 at 18:36

  • your solution didn’t fix this issue for me :(

    Jul 11, 2022 at 13:50

  • I have looked at docker versions and see what actually has been touched by their least version which does not work. These things are normal, especially, if the engine of the software has been upgraded. Looking through Docker versions, the latest version which has not touched the docker engine is 4.8.0. I have downloaded and works beautifully.

    Jul 17, 2022 at 21:21

  • Only removing entire C:Users<User>AppDataRoamingDocker folder fixes the problem.

    Oct 12, 2022 at 21:17



  • [x ] I have tried with the latest version of Docker Desktop
  • I have tried disabling enabled experimental features
  • I have uploaded Diagnostics
  • Diagnostics ID:

Actual behavior

When running the application upon starting the docker desktop app, it shows me the error as mentioned in the subject and it doesnt start.

Expected behavior

Should start running upon opening the application.


  • Windows Version:
  • Docker Desktop Version: 21h1 (OS BUILD 19043.1165)
  • WSL2 or Hyper-V backend?
  • Are you running inside a virtualized Windows e.g. on a cloud server or a VM:


[08:30:52.220][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:52.527][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (5c1e7562) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:52.527][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:52.829][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (ef48f141) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:52.829][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:53.134][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (65b865ae) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:53.134][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:53.453][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (407e7f0b) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:53.453][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:53.765][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (5eb08221) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:53.765][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:54.067][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (aa9cb83b) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:54.067][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:54.380][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (eaec7f63) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:54.380][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:54.693][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (8f125368) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:54.693][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:55.008][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (b2e7f848) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:55.008][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.
[08:30:55.321][IPCClient         ][Info   ] (92c48810) 8fa11c3c-GoBackendClient-CSharp C->S BackendAPI GET /ping
[08:30:55.321][GoBackendClient   ][Warning] HttpOS Client: connection timed out.


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0.


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

demi365, Wiki1991, Ogulcan-Ozdemir, jussen, adamjiangwh, idev-a, rickyxume, mikependon, jssei, lizhuoxuan, and 87 more reacted with thumbs up emoji
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For what it’s worth, I also started having the same issue after using the auto updater to update to 3.6.0 (67351) and reinstalling also solved the problem.


For what it’s worth, I also started having the same issue after using the auto updater to update to 3.6.0 (67351) and reinstalling also solved the problem.

I wasnt able to solve it even after reinstalling.


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.



I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

This worked for me aswell. Thanks!


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

It works me too thanks.


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

Thx !!!



@mikependon tried it and it didn’t be of a good help for me.


Docker 4.0 doesn’t start at all. Weird to force an upgrade, ask to pay for it, and it breaks the installation and halts all work.


After a factory reset, now it just hangs at this screen. Doesn’t time out. Just stays at this screen forever. It’s been a half hour.


Every time I click the taskbar icon to try to interact with it, it just launches more processes:


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

^^ that helps. Thanks @zedd9165 !
«Copy-paste»able command (asks for confirmation):

RMDIR /S %USERPROFILE%AppDataRoamingDocker

shut up just do it (no confirmation):

RMDIR /S /Q %USERPROFILE%AppDataRoamingDocker


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

Not sure how you found this, but it worked for me as well! Thanks!!


For anyone investigating. This is what shows up in the logs

time="2021-09-11T14:56:43+10:00" level=fatal msg="while parsing JSON from C:\Users\sugen\AppData\Roaming\Docker\settings.json: json: cannot unmarshal bool into Go struct field Content.proxyHttpMode of type string"
	common/cmd/com.docker.backend/main.go:69 +0x31b

deleting just the settings.json file the fixes it


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

Worked for me, Thank you!


Even better, removing only the the "proxyHttpMode": ... line from settings.json helps.


Even better, removing only the the "proxyHttpMode": ... line from settings.json helps.

Thanks @onyxmaster let me try this.

@ser-art and @sugendran it worked for a while and the issue resurfaced after restarting Docker. So just check if after restarting Docker if its working well.


Thanks @zedd9165 for reporting this. And thanks @onyxmaster for the workaround to edit $env:APPDATADockersettings.json:

Even better, removing only the the «proxyHttpMode»: … line from settings.json helps.

Indeed, we can reproduce the problem.
Docker Desktop normally migrates old settings on startup, for the proxyHttpMode setting it works eg. for updates 3.2.2 -> 3.5.2, but stopped working for updates 3.2.2 -> 3.6.0 or higher. We’re working on a fix for a future version.


In my case the C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingDockersettings.json was corrupted. I deleted that file, and immediately docker desktop started again.


added a commit
to udoline/Virtualization-Documentation
that referenced
this issue

Oct 27, 2021



In my case, it seems that there was a Docker Desktop.exe that was not working properly.

% tasklist.exe | grep -i docker
com.docker.service            6652 Services                   0     34,556 K
Docker Desktop.exe           13344 Console                    1     54,400 K

Executing taskkill.exe -F -IM:Docker Desktop.exe and restarting Docker Desktop solved my problem.


I had issue with settings.json file in which is stored in:


For some reason: C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingDockersettings.json was empty. I had renamed it from settings.json to _removed_settings.json the Docker succesfully started, and it has created new settings.json


Same here, ive tried all the methords, still no


I am facing same problem after updating 3.6.0. Docker cli seems working though.

I just found a solution to solve it. Go to C drive , Users, Select your user, App data, Roaming and then delete the Docker folder. You shall be able to start docker again.

Not sure how you found this, but it worked for me as well! Thanks!!

we all know he was tryna delete the whole damn app lmao, I tried this and literally just attempting to delete the Docker (Not «Docker Desktop» for Windows users) scared the whole damn program into restarting and working. Didn’t have to delete a single file.


You can also go to your user folder and delete .docker folder, and then restart Docker Desktop
It works for me


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Also ensure that the .docker dotfolder within your windows home directory %USERPROFILE%/.docker is not a hidden folder.


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Nov 10, 2022


This article is focusing on how to solve an error message appear. It appear upon executing Docker Desktop in Microsoft Windows. The following is the appearance of the Docker Desktop error message :

Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down

In the above image, actually it exist in another article from the stackoverflow. It exist in this link where the main subject is ‘Docker Failed to Initialize on Windows’.The following is the image containing the error message :

How to Solve Error Message Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down when running Docker in Microsoft Windows

How to Solve Error Message Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down when running Docker in Microsoft Windows

Actually, the appearance is not too similar with the above display. Although the message in the error message dialog box is the same. The error message is ‘

Docker failed to initialize Docker Desktop is shutting down

‘. It depends on the version of the Docker Desktop. In this case, it is using Docker Desktop 4.2.


So, the following is the actual link to the solution of this problem. It is an article in one of the stackoverflow page in this link. There are several advices on solving the problem :

  1. Restart the Windows operating system.

  2. Uninstall the current Docker Desktop and reinstall it once more.

  3. Delete all of the content exist in the following folders :

    • C:UsersAdministratorAppDataLocalDocker
    • C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingDocker
    • C:UsersAdministratorAppDataRoamingDocker Desktop

    The above path is in ‘C:UsersAdministrator’ because Docker Desktop installation is using Admnistrator user account. Just change the path using the suitable user path accordingly.

  4. After successfully delete all the contents in that folder, apparently, the following image of window display of Docker Desktop User Agreement appear :

    Just check the checkbox with the label of ‘I accept the terms’. After that, the button with the label of ‘Accept’ will be visible. Just click that visible button to go further to accept ‘Service Agreement’.

  5. Finally, after proceeding the above steps, the Docker Desktop fortunately is running normally.

Docker Desktop

Docker Desktop integrates with your preferred development tools and languages, as well as provides access to Docker Hub’s extensive library of verified images and templates. This allows development teams to extend their environment by leveraging a secure repository to quickly auto-build, continually integrate, and interact.

Docker Failed To Initialize

Docker is also known as Docker Platform, which is an open platform for creating, shipping, and executing applications. Docker desktop’s purpose is to provide a simple development environment for creating, distributing, and operating dockerized programmes. This is a means to implement the Twelve Factor App guideline’s Environment Parity and close the resource gap between development and production environments. As a result, a containerized application may be operated in your environment in the same way it is in production.

Docker Failed To Initialize Docker Desktop Is Shutting Down

If you fall into this issue, save yourself some time and rerun the installation:

  • Docker should be removed from the «Add or remove programmes» list.

  • Start your computer again.

  • Install Docker with administrative privileges (and not by running the installer directly)

If the installer prompts you to reboot, go ahead and do so. Docker Desktop for Windows should now launch and operate your containers as planned.

Docker Failed To Initialize Docker Desktop Is Shutting Down Windows 10

If you’re having trouble running Docker on your Windows 10 machine, try the troubleshooting steps below.

  • Start Docker Services

  • Turn on Hyper-V and Containers.

  • In Windows search, type Windows Feature and then click Turn Windows features on or off.

  • Select Containers and Hyper-V as shown below, then click OK.

  • Check Task Manager to see if Virtualization is enabled.

Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site.

Docker Failed To Initialize Docker Desktop Is Shutting Down — FAQs

1. Why do we need Docker Desktop?

Docker Desktop is an easy-to-install application for your Mac or Windows environment that enables you to build and share containerized applications and microservices. 

2. What is the main purpose of Docker?

It enables developers to package applications into containers. 

3. Is Docker useful for Desktop applications?

Yes, Docker could help solve some challenges associated with desktop apps. 

4. Is Docker desktop safe?

Docker containers are, by default, quite secure; especially if you run your processes as non-privileged users inside the container. 

5. Why is Docker so popular?

Docker allows you to break down your application into smaller services. 

6. What Docker means?

Docker is an open source software platform to create, deploy and manage virtualized application containers on a common operating system 

7. Who created Docker?

Docker was created by Solomon Hykes. 

Docker failed to initialize docker desktop is shutting down

This is one of the headbanging issues when docker stops working with the error as per image -1

Docker failed to initialize


Go to


C:Users{username}AppDataRoamingDocker Desktop

I have made the username bold as it should be different for you as shared mine

Delete all those docker folders or rename them.

Then open Docker as run as administrator, It should create fresh folders and open smoothly without any error.

Or by any chance, it throws an error, try uninstalling the Docker and delete the folders from the Program Files folder too, as mentioned below. then download and install a specific version of docker required.

Get inside

C:Program Files


C:Program Files (x86)

Delete those docker folders or rename them.

After following the above steps, You should be able to run docker smoothly.

Durga Charan Ojha

I am a proud Indian, proud father, a blogger,
Being in a profession as System administrator, my passion is troubleshooting computer issues, I do like sharing solutions through blogging making videos of solving issues.


Why am I getting this «Docker failed to initialize» error?


After installing the latest version of Docker Desktop on Windows,
you can run «Docker Desktop» and hope it will work automatically.

But because of compatibility issues, running the latest version of Docker Desktop
on Windows with default options may give you the «Docker failed to initialize» error.

Docker Desktop for Windows - Failed to Initialize

Docker Desktop for Windows — Failed to Initialize

There are a number of reports of this error on the Internet.
Suggestions solutions include:

1. Un-install and re-install Docker Desktop on Windows.
It may or may not solve the problem.

2. Re-install an older version like 3.3.3.
It may or may not solve the problem.

3. Cleanup Docker personal settings directories.
It may or may not solve the problem.

> Del C:Users[USER]AppDataLocalDocker
> Del C:Users[USER]AppDataRoamingDocker
> Del C:Users[USER]AppDataRoamingDocker Desktop

If you terminate the Docker.Service from Task Manager,
and start Docker Desktop again, you may see more errors and
dead Docker consol screen.

Docker Desktop for Windows - Dead Console

Docker Desktop for Windows — Dead Console

If you look at the log file, you may see error messages like:

[GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] msg="NewSharer: WSL2 engine is enabled so no file sharer is required."
[GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] msg="ipc.NewClient: e270741f-PathControllerPKG -> \\.\pipe\dockerBackendApiServer ...
[GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] msg="enabling filesystem caching"
[GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] msg="filesystem exports are:  (2)"
[GoBackendProcess  ][Info   ] msg="volume control server listening on \\.\pipe\dockerVolume"
[GoBackendProcess  ][Fatal  ] msg="unable to start fileserver: unable to listen on 4099:
   A socket operation encountered a dead network."
[GoBackendProcess  ][Error  ] Process died

So the best option is to try different old versions of Docker Desktop,
until you find one that works for your Windows system.

Install Docker Desktop 2.5.0 on Windows 10

Install Docker Desktop on Windows 10

Install Docker Desktop on Windows

⇑⇑ Docker Container Platform — Tutorials


  1. Cannot start Docker for Windows: Fails to Initialize #601
  3. mitchellmaler commented Mar 22, 2017
  4. Expected behavior
  5. Actual behavior
  6. Information
  7. Steps to reproduce the behavior
  8. friism commented Apr 11, 2017
  9. valorisdev commented Apr 13, 2017
  10. nvn6w commented Apr 17, 2017 •
  11. mitchellmaler commented May 17, 2017 •
  12. shell client error
  13. Desktop Client Error:
  14. friism commented May 17, 2017
  15. mitchellmaler commented May 17, 2017
  16. valorisdev commented May 22, 2017 •
  17. Docker Failed to Initialize on Windows
  18. 7 Answers 7
  19. Docker failed to initialize #3088
  21. Lemraj commented Dec 12, 2018 •
  22. Expected behavior
  23. Actual behavior
  24. Information
  25. Steps to reproduce the behavior
  26. Lemraj commented Jan 2, 2019
  27. tocklime commented Jan 28, 2019
  28. tocklime commented Jan 28, 2019
  29. Lemraj commented Jan 29, 2019
  30. kurdi89 commented Mar 28, 2019
  31. Sadiq-Rashid commented Apr 3, 2019
  32. wulfsolter commented Apr 3, 2019
  33. docker-desktop-robot commented Jul 3, 2020
  34. Docker failed to initialize #8618
  36. PabloLigeroJDS commented Sep 22, 2020 •
  37. Expected behavior
  38. Actual behavior
  39. Information
  40. Log File:
  41. Steps to reproduce the behavior
  42. Docker Failed to Initialize #907
  44. JamesCohen-awin commented Jul 10, 2017 •
  45. Expected behavior
  46. Actual behavior
  47. Information
  48. Steps to reproduce the behavior
  49. jasonbivins commented Jul 10, 2017
  50. DaleCulpin commented Jul 13, 2017 •
  51. DaleCulpin commented Jul 13, 2017 •
  52. docker-desktop-robot commented Mar 27, 2018

Cannot start Docker for Windows: Fails to Initialize #601

Expected behavior

Docker for win to start.

Actual behavior

Docker failed to initilize.


Unable to create an instance of Docker.Actions: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.WelcomeWindow
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.NewInstance(Type type, Int32 depth)
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.Get(Type type, Int32 depth)
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.GetT
at Docker.Program.Run(IReadOnlyCollection`1 args)

Version: 17.03.0-ce-win1 (10296)
Channel: stable
Sha1: e5a07a1a69a5123c71e24ca2aa9e6f875fa26d08
Started on: 2017/03/22 09:36:29.985
Resources: C:Program FilesDockerDockerResources
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Edition: Enterprise
Id: 1607
Build: 14393
BuildLabName: 14393.693.amd64fre.rs1_release.161220-1747
File: C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalDockerlog.txt
CommandLine: «C:Program FilesDockerDockerDocker for Windows.exe»
You can send feedback, including this log file, at
[09:36:30.099][GUI ][Info ] Starting.
[09:36:30.417][Tracking ][Info ] Crash report and usage statistics are enabled
[09:36:30.421][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: appLaunched
[09:36:30.538][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Version().
[09:36:30.541][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Version
[09:36:30.541][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: heartbeat
[09:36:30.540][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Version done in 00:00:00.
[09:36:30.820][GUI ][Error ] Unable to create an instance of Docker.Actions: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.WelcomeWindow
[09:38:22.990][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Try to start the Docker for Windows program/service. I immediately get the error and it wont start.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Docker for Windows won’t run purely as a service. Are you trying to open the desktop app, or doing something else?

I’ve the same issue too.
I try to open the desktop app.

Unable to create an instance of Docker.Actions: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.WelcomeWindow
à Docker.Core.di.Singletons.NewInstance(Type type, Int32 depth)
à Docker.Core.di.Singletons.Get(Type type, Int32 depth)
à Docker.Core.di.Singletons.GetT
à Docker.Program.Run(IReadOnlyCollection`1 args)

Crash report

I have same problem.
I installed Docker Toolbox, Docker worked property. But when I started Kitematic, Windows has crashed. I reboot my PC and could not start Docker again.

Unable to create an instance of Docker.Actions: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.WelcomeWindow
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.NewInstance(Type type, Int32 depth)
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.Get(Type type, Int32 depth)
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.GetT
at Docker.Program.Run(IReadOnlyCollection`1 args)

Crash Report

I just ran the installer again and I can see com.docker.service is running in the background. I tried to run powershell (Admin) and run docker commands and I get

shell client error

error during connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.27/containers/json?all=1: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker daemon is not running.

When I click the desktop icon either normally or as admin for Docker for Windows I get presented with a error page that says:

Desktop Client Error:

Unable to create an instance of Docker.Actions: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.WelcomeWindow
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.NewInstance(Type type, Int32 depth)
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.Get(Type type, Int32 depth)
at Docker.Core.di.Singletons.GetT
at Docker.Program.Run(IReadOnlyCollection`1 args)

I check the logs and here is what It says:

Version: 17.03.1-ce-win12 (12058)
Channel: stable
Sha1: d1db12684b33b778cfc3012e92959e50eb486fcd
Started on: 2017/05/17 08:24:39.162
Resources: C:Program FilesDockerDockerResources
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Edition: Enterprise
Id: 1607
Build: 14393
BuildLabName: 14393.1198.amd64fre.rs1_release_sec.170427-1353
File: C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalDockerlog.txt
CommandLine: «C:Program FilesDockerDockerDocker for Windows.exe»
You can send feedback, including this log file, at
[08:24:39.283][GUI ][Info ] Starting.
[08:24:39.613][Tracking ][Info ] Crash report and usage statistics are enabled
[08:24:39.617][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: appLaunched
[08:24:39.731][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Version().
[08:24:39.734][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Version
[08:24:39.734][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: heartbeat
[08:24:39.733][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Version done in 00:00:00.
[08:24:40.010][GUI ][Error ] Unable to create an instance of Docker.Actions: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.WelcomeWindow
[08:24:46.510][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs

Can you try the latest 17.05 edge installer?

It would also be good to have more details on your environment, eg. whether you’re running Docker for Windows in a VM or such.

I installed Version: 17.05.0-ce-win11 (12053) and I am still getting the same error when it starts up.

Version: 17.05.0-ce-win11 (12053)
Channel: edge
Sha1: ffbc5f5871f44611dfb2bbf49e8312332531c112
Started on: 2017/05/17 10:17:45.746
Resources: C:Program FilesDockerDockerResources
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Edition: Enterprise
Id: 1607
Build: 14393
BuildLabName: 14393.1198.amd64fre.rs1_release_sec.170427-1353
File: C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalDockerlog.txt
CommandLine: «C:Program FilesDockerDockerDocker for Windows.exe»
You can send feedback, including this log file, at
[10:17:45.859][GUI ][Info ] Starting.
[10:17:46.228][Tracking ][Info ] Crash report and usage statistics are enabled
[10:17:46.233][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: appLaunched
[10:17:46.371][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Version().
[10:17:46.375][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Version
[10:17:46.375][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: heartbeat
[10:17:46.373][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Version done in 00:00:00.
[10:17:46.645][GUI ][Error ] Unable to create an instance of Docker.Actions: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.WelcomeWindow
[10:17:46.657][CrashReport ][Info ] Preparing package to send with the diagnostics
[10:17:46.661][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending DownloadVpnKitLogs(C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalTempvkgxrwpw.avwpcap.tar).
[10:17:46.661][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending DownloadVmLogs(C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalTempvkgxrwpw.avwmobyLogs.tar).
[10:17:46.661][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending DownloadWinContainersDebugInfo(C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalTempvkgxrwpw.avwwin_containers).
[10:17:46.662][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending GetDebugInfo().
[10:17:46.662][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVpnKitLogs(C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalTempvkgxrwpw.avwpcap.tar)
[10:17:46.662][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadWinContainersDebugInfo(C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalTempvkgxrwpw.avwwin_containers)
[10:17:46.671][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for DownloadVpnKitLogs
[10:17:46.663][VpnKit ][Warning] Unable to download logs: The operation has timed out.
[10:17:46.685][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for DownloadVmLogs
[10:17:46.663][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVpnKitLogs done in 00:00:00.0009998.
[10:17:46.664][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs(C:UsersMM025313AppDataLocalTempvkgxrwpw.avwmobyLogs.tar)
[10:17:46.664][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script ‘(Get-VM MobyLinuxVM).Id.Guid’.
[10:17:46.669][NamedPipeServer][Info ] GetDebugInfo()
[10:17:46.685][HyperV ][Warning] Unable to download logs: Unrecognized Guid format.
[10:17:46.685][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadVmLogs done in 00:00:00.0210094.
[10:17:48.208][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs
[10:17:57.675][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for DownloadWinContainersDebugInfo
[10:17:57.675][NamedPipeServer][Info ] DownloadWinContainersDebugInfo done in 00:00:11.0131989.
[10:18:16.489][NamedPipeServer][Info ] GetDebugInfo done in 00:00:29.8203262.
[10:18:16.497][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for GetDebugInfo
[10:18:17.352][CrashReport ][Info ] Uploading diagnostics.
[10:18:18.664][CrashReport ][Info ] Diagnostics successfully uploaded (8B19227C-B3B8-48C8-898A-F7C45E6F228E/2017-05-17_10-17-46)
[10:18:18.676][GUI ][Info ] Sending Bugsnag report 71b1f766-9edf-404c-beba-fc835e34e7ad.
[10:18:19.642][GUI ][Info ] Bugsnag report 71b1f766-9edf-404c-beba-fc835e34e7ad sent

My host OS is Windows 10 Enterprise and I am trying to run docker on that so no virtual machine. I made sure Hyper-V is enabled in the features.
Windows version: 1607
OS Build: 14393.1198
Dell Precision 5510
Processor: i7-6820HQ CPU @ 2.70GHz
RAM: 32GB.

The installer doesn’t fail but when I run Docker for Windows I am getting that error. I can run the CLI in powershell but it cannot connect to the daemon since it wont start up.

I have exactly the same problem

Shell client error

error during connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.29/containers/json?all=1: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevted to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker daemon is not running.



Docker Failed to Initialize on Windows

Here, I have problem regarding pulling docker-dev in docker image for making my development environment but when I tried to pull docker-dev. I got the error like docker manifest not found. Can anyone help me out with this error. plz

before this I want to know about the docker failed to initialize error which i’m having right now.

I tried so many things like re-install the docker desktop or WSL updates, but didn’t worked.

And error in the command be like. 3DVS1 So if someone can help me out with this. plz help me out

7 Answers 7

Got the same issue and fixed it by deleting %appdata%Docker as mentioned by Github User «tocklime»

My solution: delete %appdata%Dockersettings.json and let Docker to create a new one.

Take a backup of the file for the next time it gets broken.

I face this issue almost every month and I hope this will get fixed definitely.

Following tmBlackCape answer, I checked the %appdata%Docker directory and found settings.json damaged (editor tells it’s a binary file and of course it shouldn’t).

I deleted the file and Docker Service (still running) created a new one with default values. If the service isn’t running, just launch it again.

You could need to change settings (via GUI, as recommended) to catch your needs.


Docker failed to initialize #3088

Expected behavior

Actual behavior


Steps to reproduce the behavior

BTW: I have the same problem when installing the Edge version. Exactly the same error!

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Any progress on this issue?

I have a very similar issue, although my null reference is on line 190 (maybe just different version of the code). I did have hyper-v installed, and got this, and was just in the process of reinstalling hyper-v, and tried launching docker whilst hyper-v is not installed. I get the same error with and without hyper-v installed, so it must be pretty early on in the start up.

My diagnostics ID is AB547C5F-6008-421C-B78B-F10A6277FA58/20190128103346

I fixed whatever this was by deleting %appdata%Docker. I guess it had got screwed up somehow.

@tocklime Thanks a lot! Deleting the appdata folder fixed the problem!

thnx @tocklime, deleting the files in C:UsersxxxxxxxAppDataRoamingDocker did it

thanks,deleting the files in C:UsersxxxxxxxAppDataRoamingDocker fixed it

@kurdi89 & @cockers : Clicking the thumbs up 👍 button below a comment is enough to let the author know they’ve helped you. Otherwise many people get notifications just to see that you’ve also done what someone else told you to do. Thank you! 🙏

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You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.


Docker failed to initialize #8618

Expected behavior

Run Dockers for desktop. I expected the aplication to open, but an Error window of Docke appears.

Actual behavior

An Error window appear with information about the error. In the logs ( attached below ) it can be appreciated that is a problem related with the configuration. but Im not sure.


Log File:

Version: (48029)
Channel: stable
Sha1: c2bacb43a7aec4c9d7ed0bdc73106464c0861e18
Started on: 2020/09/22 09:55:07.013
Resources: C:Program FilesDockerDockerresources
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Edition: Enterprise
Id: 1803
Build: 17134
BuildLabName: 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804
File: C:UsersxxxxxxxxAppDataLocalDockerlog.txt
CommandLine: «C:Program FilesDockerDockerDocker Desktop.exe»
You can send feedback, including this log file, at
[09:55:07.097][GUI ][Info ] Starting.
[09:55:07.113][ComponentVersions ][Info ] Edition community
[09:55:07.113][ComponentVersions ][Info ] Edition community
[09:55:07.298][AppMigrator ][Info ] Current version: 6. Latest version: 6
[09:55:07.314][TrackingSettings ][Info ] Crash report and usage statistics are enabled
[09:55:07.314][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: Identify
[09:55:07.403][SegmentApi ][Warning] Failed to Identify: Configuration system failed to initialize
[09:55:07.405][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: appLaunched
[09:55:07.410][SegmentApi ][Warning] Failed to track event appLaunched: Configuration system failed to initialize
[09:55:07.412][ApplicationTemplatesTracking][Info ] Docker template not found, skipping analytics.
[09:55:07.412][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: heartbeat
[09:55:07.412][SegmentApi ][Warning] Failed to track event heartbeat: Configuration system failed to initialize
[09:55:07.412][GUI ][Error ] System.ArgumentException:
Unable to create an instance of Docker.App: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.Nps.NPS: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.Nps.WootricService: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
at Docker.Core.Di.Singletons.NewInstance(Type type, Int32 depth) in C:workspacesstable-2.3.xsrcgithub.comdockerpinatawinsrcDocker.CorediSingletons.cs:line 89
at Docker.Core.Di.Singletons.Get(Type type, Int32 depth) in C:workspacesstable-2.3.xsrcgithub.comdockerpinatawinsrcDocker.CorediSingletons.cs:line 51
at Docker.Core.Di.Singletons.GetT in C:workspacesstable-2.3.xsrcgithub.comdockerpinatawinsrcDocker.CorediSingletons.cs:line 28
at Docker.Program.Run(IReadOnlyCollection`1 args) in C:workspacesstable-2.3.xsrcgithub.comdockerpinatawinsrcDocker.DesktopProgram.cs:line 320

Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.Nps.NPS: Unable to create an instance of Docker.WPF.Nps.WootricService: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
at Docker.Core.Di.Singletons.NewInstance(Type type, Int32 depth) in C:workspacesstable-2.3.xsrcgithub.comdockerpinatawinsrcDocker.CorediSingletons.cs:line 89
at Docker.Core.Di.Singletons.Get(Type type, Int32 depth) in C:workspacesstable-2.3.xsrcgithub.comdockerpinatawinsrcDocker.CorediSingletons.cs:line 51
at System.Linq.Enumerable.WhereSelectArrayIterator 2.MoveNext() at System.Linq.Buffer 1..ctor(IEnumerable 1 source) at System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray[TSource](IEnumerable 1 source)
at Docker.Core.Di.Singletons.NewInstance(Type type, Int32 depth) in C:workspacesstable-2.3.xsrcgithub.comdockerpinatawinsrcDocker.CorediSingletons.cs:line 83

[09:55:07.427][GUI ][Info ] Sending Bugsnag report bfef7bac-2967-4be5-833e-57b03d1828fe.
[09:55:07.514][GUI ][Info ] Bugsnag report bfef7bac-2967-4be5-833e-57b03d1828fe sent
[09:55:07.514][SegmentApi ][Info ] Usage statistic: eventCrash
[09:55:07.514][SegmentApi ][Warning] Failed to track event eventCrash: Configuration system failed to initialize
[09:55:07.514][Diagnostics ][Warning] Starting to gather diagnostics as User : ‘C:Program FilesDockerDockerresourcescom.docker.diagnose.exe’ gather.
[09:55:35.303][ErrorReportWindow ][Info ] Open logs
[10:13:41.507][Diagnostics ][Info ] Uploading diagnostics 09308469-E60C-4778-A18E-152CAC0B625D/20200922075507
[10:13:42.780][Diagnostics ][Info ] Uploaded succesfully diagnostics 09308469-E60C-4778-A18E-152CAC0B625D/20200922075507
[10:24:56.719][ErrorReportWindow ][Info ] Open logs

I tried to install several times docker but I was never able to lunch it. Is the first time I install and use Dockers for windows.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Install Dockers Desktop and lunch the program.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:


Docker Failed to Initialize #907

Expected behavior

Docker Engine would start

Actual behavior

Received an error message «Docker Failed to Initialize»


Crash report id: 1431A2DE-2CC1-4A2D-B291-C723A6BD1056/2017-07-10_10-27-23

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Turn on machine. Wait for it to launch Docker via the startup.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

I’m getting this same issue.

Occasionally it will start up fine, but mostly it fails with this ‘Docker Failed to Initialize’ message, then a subsequent Windows 10 generic application error message.

I’ll try running the linked diagnostics script above when I get home tonight and post results.

Here is my Docker debug script output in Powershell;

I enabled Windows 10 Containers to fix the first issue I found but the rest of this I’m not sure how to resolve. The script’s README is still be be completed for the sections related to these errors.

Seems to be hinting at a NAT issue.

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