Драйвер для принтера hp ink tank 115 для windows xp

Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your HP Ink Tank 115.This is HP’s official website that will help automatically detect and download the correct drivers free of cost for your HP Computing and Printing products for Windows and Mac operating system.


Solution and Diagnostic Data Collection

This product detection tool installs software on your Microsoft Windows device that allows HP to detect and gather data about your HP and Compaq products to provide quick access to support information and solutions. Technical data is gathered for the products supported by this tool and is used to identify products, provide relevant solutions and automatically update this tool, to improve our products, solutions, services, and your experience as our customer.

Note: This tool applies to Microsoft Windows PC’s only. This tool will detect HP PCs and HP printers.

Data gathered:

  • Operating system
  • Browser version
  • Computer vendor
  • Product name/number
  • Serial number
  • Connection port
  • Driver/device description
  • Computer and/or printer configuration
  • Hardware and software diagnostics
  • HP/Non-HP ink and/or HP/Non-HP Toner
  • Number of pages printed

Installed Software Details:

  • HP Support Solutions Framework — Windows Service, localhost Web server, and Software

Removing Installed Software:

  • Remove «HP Support Solutions Framework» through Add/Remove programs on PC


  • Operating System — Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
  • Browser — Google Chrome 10+, Internet Explorer (IE)10.0+, and Firefox 3.6.x, 12.0+

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драйвер для принтера HP Ink Tank 115? Вы на
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системой драйвер. Ниже Вы увидите список имеющихся у нас в каталоге драйверов для
принтера HP Ink Tank 115. Вам осталось выбрать
подходящий для вашей операционной системы драйвер. Скорее всего, ваша операционная
система — Windows 7.

Цветом выделены рекомендованные Вам драйвера, на основе определения Вашей операционной системы.

Драйвер для печати

Драйвера для печати на принтер HP Ink Tank 115. Выберите подходящий вам и скачайте его бесплатно.

Версия Обновление Операционная система Описание 17.10.2018 Mac OS X 10.9 / X 10.10 / X 10.11 / X 10.12 / X 10.13 / X 10.14 HP Easy Start — это новый способ настройки принтеров HP и подготовки компьютеров Mac для печати. Решение HP Easy Start найдет и установит последние версии ПО для вашего принтера, затем поможет настроить принтер.


9.08 Мб

47.1.4154 17.10.2018 Windows 7 / 7 x64 / 8 / 8 x64 / 8.1 / 8.1 x64 / 10 / 10 x64 В полнофункциональное программное решение входит все, что необходимо для установки и использования принтера HP. В данный пакет ПО входит полный комплект драйверов, программа установки и другие инструменты для администрирования, которые находятся на компакт-диске с ПО принтера.


87.82 Мб

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Официальные драйвера для похожих моделей принтера HP

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Драйвера для принтеров HP Ink Tank 115

Printer Driver


операционная система: Mac OS X 10.9 / X 10.10 / X 10.11 / X 10.12 / X 10.13 / X 10.14

размер файла: 9.08 Мб

обновление: 17.10.2018

Printer Driver

версия: 47.1.4154

операционная система: Windows 7 / 7 x64 / 8 / 8 x64 / 8.1 / 8.1 x64 / 10 / 10 x64

размер файла: 87.82 Мб

обновление: 17.10.2018

HP Ink Tank 115 Driver

The printer, HP Ink Tank 115 model has a unique identifier product number is 2LB19A. It belongs to a particular class of printers without ports nor wireless connectivity. These features represent a unique group of printers that are portable to use in both home and office settings. The printer package has an HP GT51XL black and color ink bottle print cartridges with various volumes and capacity. The black cartridge prints 6000 pages with up to 135 cc volume of ink but color cartridge prints 8000 pages with 70 cc.

HP Ink Tank 115 Replacement cartridges

Black Original HP GT51XL Ink Bottle (~6,000 pages), Cyan Original HP GT52 Ink Bottle (~8,000 pages), Magenta Original HP GT52 Ink Bottle (~8,000 pages),  Yellow Original HP GT52 Ink Bottle (~8,000 pages)

Driver for Windows

Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10 32-bit, Windows 10 64-bit, Windows 8.1 32-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit, Windows 8 32-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit, Windows 7 64-bit
Filename Size Download
Full Software Solution for windows 7 8 8.1 10 and 11.exe 87.03 MB
Basic Software Solution for windows 7 8 8.1 10 32 bit.exe 40.76 MB
Basic Software Solution for windows 7 8 8.1 10 64 bit and 11.exe 44.41 MB
Easy Start Printer Setup Software for Windows 10 and 11.exe 11.33 MB
Easy Start Printer Setup Software for Windows 8 8.1.exe 11.33 MB
Easy Start Printer Setup Software for Windows 7.exe 11.33 MB

Driver for Mac OS

Supported OS: macOS Big Sur 11.x, Mac OS Catalina 10.15.x, macOS Mojave 10.14.x, macOS High Sierra 10.13.x, macOS Sierra 10.12.x, Mac OS X El Capitan 10.11.x, Mac OS X Yosemite 10.10.x, Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.x
Filename Size Download
Easy Start Printer Setup Software for Mac OS X 10.9 to 11.zip 9.06 MB

Driver for Linux

Linux (32-bit), Linux (64-bit)

Supported OS: Debian os, SUSE Linux os, Linux Mint os, Boss os, Red Hat Enterprise Linux os, cent os, Fedora os, Ubuntu os
Filename Size Download
Helip installer.run 23.18 MB


The other items in the pack include an ink caution flyer, a power cord, a setup cord, and getting-started guide. The environmental conditions of HP Ink Tank 115 Printer printer include acoustic power emission of 6.0 B(A) and pressure emission of 47 dB. Also, the recommended relative humidity during storage of the printer is between 5 and 90% without condensation. However, during operations, the relative humidity of the environment should remain between 20 and 80% without condensation. In terms of temperature, the acceptable range for service is 15 to 300C and storage range is -40 to 600C.

Paper handling characteristics involve an input paper load of 60 plain sheets, 20 cards, and five envelopes. In the same way, the output tray capacity is only 25 sheets of the printed paper that supports A4, A5, A6, and DL envelope sizes. Furthermore, the supported media types include plain transparent, executive, recycled, HP photopapers, and HP matte brochure or professional papers. The printer also works conveniently for borderless printing, which is an essential feature for photo printing.

Related Printer :HP Ink Tank 119 Drivers

The printer has an energy-saving feature technology in the form of HP auto-off technology after a few minutes of idleness. Also, the power supply is internal through a voltage range of 100 to 240 volts and 50/60 Hz frequency. The printer also weighs only 3.4 kg. Download Ink Tank 115 Printer driver from HP website

HP Ink Tank 115 DriverInk tank printers are a preference for many users especially those who want to print high volume of documents on a regular basis. The HP Ink Tank 115 all-in-one printer has been designed for such users and has all the functions and features that you may desire in this price category. This color inkjet printer supports USB and Wi-Fi connectivity, which means you can easily connect and operate this printer with your other wireless devices, like smartphones, tablets and laptops. Apart from offering versatility in its connectivity options, this printer has large sized ink tanks, which makes it easy for you to print thousands of pages after each refill. There are many other productive features of this all-in-one printer, but you can fully avail those features only when you install this printer by using its genuine HP printer and scanner drivers.

In this driver download guide, you will be getting the HP Ink Tank 115 driver download links for Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems. All the drivers you will get from this page are genuine HP printer and scanner drivers, which means they are fully compatible with their respective operating systems. We are also providing below detailed installation guides for these drivers so that you can install them on your computer without any errors. If you want to connect this printer with your existing wireless network, then we have provided a setup guide which will help you achieve this objective.

Our OS list mentions all the operating systems supported by this HP ink tank printer. Follow the download steps given below to get your HP printer and scanner driver.

  1. In our OS list, locate the operating system on which you want to install your printer driver.
  2. Click on the download button associated with your chosen OS version to start the download of your HP Ink Tank 115 driver setup file.

Driver Download Links

  • HP Ink Tank 115 basic driver for Windows XP (32bit/64bit) – Download (40 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 basic driver for Windows Vista (32bit/64bit) – Download (44 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 full driver for Windows 7 (32bit/64bit) – Download (87.1 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 full driver for Windows 8, 8.1 (32bit/64bit) – Download (87.1 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 full driver for Windows 10 (32bit/64bit) – Download (87.1 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 full driver for Windows 11 (64bit) – Download (87.1 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 basic driver for Windows All Versions – Download (40 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 basic driver for Windows All Versions – Download (44 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 HP Easy Start for Windows All Versions – Download (11 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 driver for Server 2003 to 2022 (32bit/64bit) – Download (87.1 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 driver for Mac OS 11.x, 12.x – Download (10.6 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 driver for Mac OS 10.9 to 10.15 – Download (10.6 MB)
  • HP Ink Tank 115 driver for Linux, UbuntuNot Available


  • Download the driver directly from the HP Ink Tank 115 official website.

How to Install HP Ink Tank 115 Driver

There are many users who have doubts regarding the installation process of the printer drivers. For their convenience, we are providing below the installation guides for the HP driver package and the HP INF driver. Read the guide related to your driver type to clear all your doubts regarding its installation process, then follow its installation steps to install your driver without making any mistakes.

1) Install HP Ink Tank 115 Printer Using Driver Package

In the installation guide given below you will learn the right process of installing the full feature HP Ink Tank 115 driver on a Windows operating system. For your clarity, we have provided an image file for each installation step so that you have no confusion while executing the installation process. You can follow the installation procedure given below for all versions of the Windows operating system.

  1. Run your driver package file and wait for its files to extract on your computer.
  2. In the User Account Control window, click on the ‘Yes’ button to proceed with the driver installation.
  3. In the Start screen, click on the ‘Continue’ button to move ahead.
  4. In the Software Selections window, leave the default selections unchanged and click on the ‘Next’ button.
  5. In the Installation Agreements and Settings window, choose the ‘I have reviewed and accept the End User License Agreement’ and ‘I have reviewed and accept the Data Collection Settings and the HP Privacy Statement’ options, then click on the ‘Next’ button.
  6. Wait for the installation of the drivers and software on your computer.
  7. Now you should connect your printer with your computer by using a USB cable.
  8. Connect one end of the USB cable with your printer.
  9. Connect the other end of the USB cable to your computer. After connecting your printer, make sure that it’s switched-on so that the Setup Wizard can detect it easily.
  10. Wait for the Driver Setup Wizard to detect your printer.
  11. Wait for the setup process to move to the next step.
  12. Select the location of your printer and its purpose, then click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed.
  13. When you see ‘Setup Complete’ message, then click on the ‘Close’ link to close the Setup Wizard.
  14. When asked to confirm your decision, then click on the ‘Yes, Skip’ button to close the installation software.

That’s it, you have successfully installed the HP Ink Tank 115 driver package on your computer. Your HP all-in-one printer is now ready to print, scan and copy documents.

2) Install HP Ink Tank 115 Printer Using INF Driver

If you want to install this HP ink tank printer by using its HP Ink Tank 115 basic driver, then the installation guides shared below will help you. In our guide, you will find the detailed installation steps for the HP Ink Tank 115 INF driver, which you must study to avoid printer driver installation mistakes.

How to install driver manually using basic driver (.INF driver)

How Connect HP Ink Tank 115 with Wi-Fi Network

Once you have installed your HP Ink Tank 115 printer on your computer via USB cable, you can follow the steps given below to connect this printer to your wireless network. The steps in this setup guide can be used for all versions of the Windows operating system. We have provided an image file for each step so that you can clearly understand the whole process.

Before starting the wireless setup process, make sure that your Wi-Fi router is running properly and is ready to connect to your printer. Also, ensure that your printer is switched-on and ready for use.

  1. Double click the ‘HP Ink Tank Wireless’ program icon on your Windows desktop to launch the program.
  2. In the HP Printer Assistant, click on the ‘Tools’ icon to proceed.
  3. In the Tools section, click on the ‘Device Setup & Software’ option to move ahead.
  4. In the Device Setup & Software window, click on the ‘Convert a USB connected device to wireless’ option to continue.
  5. Let the Setup Wizard automatically retrieve the wireless network settings by choosing the ‘Yes, access my computer or router to retrieve my wireless network settings’ option, then click on the ‘Next’ button to proceed.
  6. Now, the Setup Wizard will display the details of your wireless network. Check the wireless details carefully. If the details are right, then choose the ‘Yes, I want to use this network’ option and click on the ‘Next’ button to finalize your choice.
  7. Wait for the Setup Wizard to save the wireless network settings on your device.
  8. Wait for the Setup Wizard to install the network device.
  9. When the connection of the HP Ink Tank 115  printer will complete with your wireless router, then the ‘Wireless LED light‘ on your printer will be stop blinking.
  10. When you see the message ‘Setup is complete’, then click on the ‘Next’ button.
  11. Disconnect the USB cable connected with your printer and click on the ‘OK’ button to proceed.
  12. Wait for the Setup Wizard to complete the installation process.
  13. Wait for the Setup Process to move ahead.
  14. Wait for the Setup Wizard to configure the HP Web Services on your computer.
  15. When you see the message ‘Setup Complete’, then click on the ‘Close’ button.

That’s it, you have successfully connected your HP Ink Tank 115 printer to your wireless network. You can use all the devices connected to your wireless router to send print, scan and copy commands to your HP printer.

HP Ink Tank 115 Ink

The ink for this HP printer is available in Black, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow ink bottles. The Black ink bottle is available in Standard (MOH57AA) and Extra Large (X4E40E) sizes, which have the capacity to print up to 5000 pages and 6000 pages respectively. While the Cyan (M0H54AA), Magenta (M0H55AA) and Yellow (M0H56AA) ink bottles can print up to 8000 pages per bottle.

Is your printer model number driver not listed here? Try DriverFix to download and update the driver manually free of cost.

HP Ink Tank 115 Printer Driver and Software

HP Ink Tank 115 Driver Printer

HP Ink Tank 115 Printer

HP Ink Tank 115 Driver Download Windows and Mac –  HP Ink Tank 115 Driver and Software Download,  HP Ink Tank 115 Driver Download for Windows 10 ,  HP Ink Tank 115 Driver Download Mac os, HP Ink Tank 115  Driver for macbook. This amazing HP Ink container printer is designed to supply a mess-free operation. It includes an one-of-a-kind spill-free bottle with innovative refill system that makes the whole process of ink administration, easy and also convenient. So you can bring back the ink level in your printer without producing a mess, making it very hassle-free for daily usage.

See Also : HP Ink Tank 310 Printer

The HP Ink Tank 115 Publish a variety of high-quality records with effortless ease with this premium HP printer. The printed message is dark and also crisp while the graphics are vivid. Moreover, the ink is fade-resistant and lasts for a very long time, so your document will certainly remain vibrant even after decades

Driver HP Download For Windows:

Operating System(s) : Windows XP, Windows XP x64, Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows Vista (64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows 8 (32-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 8.1 (32-bit), Windows 8.1 (64-bit), Windows 10 (32-bit) , Windows 10 (64-bit).

Download Here (87.9 MB)  Full Feature series Full Feature Software and Drivers 32&64-bit

Download Here (40.9 MB) Series Basic 32&64-bit

Download Here (11.6 MB) HP Universal Fax 32&64-bit

Download Here (0.1 MB) HP Universal Fax Driver For Windows Release Notes 32&64-bit

Download Here (2.0 MB) Firmware Update 32&64-bit

Download Here (6.5 MB) HP Easy Start for Windows Printer Utility Software 32&64-bit

Download Here (10.6 MB) HP Print and Scan Doctor 32&64-bit

Driver HP Download For Mac OS:

Operating System(s) : Mac OS X 10.4, Mac OS X 10.5, Mac OS X 10.6, Mac OS X 10.7, Mac OS X 10.8, Mac OS X 10.9, Mac OS X 10.10, Mac OS X 10.11, Mac OS X 10.12, Mac OS X 10.13, Mac OS X 10.14, Mac OS X 10.15

Download Here (0.0 MB) Series Full Feature Software and drivers

Download Here (9.1 MB) HP Easy Start

Download Here (24.1 MB) HP Printer series Firmware Update

HP Drivers Download for Linux OS: 

For Linux downloads, HP recommends another website. If you need to download Linux drivers – Click here

Download and install the HP All-in-One Printer Procedure software:

  • Select the type of driver and click on the download button, Please wait for the software or driver to finish downloading.
  • Double click on the File that you just downloaded to use, follow the instructions on the desktop screen.
  • Follow the screen instructions to continue and complete the setup
  • After completion, try to print, scan, or other depending on the functionality of your printer.
  • If there are problems, please ask directly to the HP Support – Click here

Disclaimer: The URL link provided on this website is not hosted on our hosting server, but is directed to the manufacturer’s official product website Official Site Click here


Try adding 990c driver — 

1.        On your keyboard press both the Windows key and R key together.

2.        In the window that opens, type in the words «Control Printers» and then click OK. This will open the Devices and Printers window.

3.        Right click on your printer and select Printer properties.

4.        In the new window, make sure you are viewing the Ports tab, if not then click on Ports at the top. In the Ports tab, locate the name of the port that is currently checked. Write the name of this port on a piece of paper as we will need it later on. When you are done, close this window.

5.        Back in the Devices and Printers window, click on Add a printer at the top of the window.

6.        In the window that opens, click The printer that I want isn’t listed.

7.        Click on Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings. Click Next.

8.        Click on Windows Update.

9.        Once the Windows Update is done, click on HP under Manufacturer and click on HP Deskjet 990c under Printers. Click Next.

10.        Give the printer a name.

11.        On the next window, make sure Do not share this printer is checked. Click Next.

12.        Leave the Set as the default printer option unchecked. Click Finish.

Let  me know. 

I am an HP Employee


Try adding 990c driver — 

1.        On your keyboard press both the Windows key and R key together.

2.        In the window that opens, type in the words «Control Printers» and then click OK. This will open the Devices and Printers window.

3.        Right click on your printer and select Printer properties.

4.        In the new window, make sure you are viewing the Ports tab, if not then click on Ports at the top. In the Ports tab, locate the name of the port that is currently checked. Write the name of this port on a piece of paper as we will need it later on. When you are done, close this window.

5.        Back in the Devices and Printers window, click on Add a printer at the top of the window.

6.        In the window that opens, click The printer that I want isn’t listed.

7.        Click on Add a local printer or network printer with manual settings. Click Next.

8.        Click on Windows Update.

9.        Once the Windows Update is done, click on HP under Manufacturer and click on HP Deskjet 990c under Printers. Click Next.

10.        Give the printer a name.

11.        On the next window, make sure Do not share this printer is checked. Click Next.

12.        Leave the Set as the default printer option unchecked. Click Finish.

Let  me know. 

I am an HP Employee

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