Driver canon lbp 810 windows 10 64 bit

Canon LBP-810 драйвера Windows могут помочь вам исправить Canon LBP-810 или Canon LBP-810 ошибки в одном клике: скачайте драйверы для Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-bit/64-bit).

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Canon LBP-810

Windows XP, XP 64-bit, Vista, Vista 64-bit, 7, 7 64-bit, 11, 10, 8, 8.1

Canon LBP-810

Тип Драйвера:
Версия: (26 Sep 2002)
*.inf file:

Hardware IDs (1)


Canon LBP-810

Тип Драйвера:
Версия: (21 May 2007)
*.inf file:

Hardware IDs (2)


Canon LBP-810 Windows для устройств собирались с сайтов официальных производителей и доверенных источников. Это программное обеспечение позволит вам исправить ошибки Canon LBP-810 или Canon LBP-810 и заставить ваши устройства работать. Здесь вы можете скачать все последние версии Canon LBP-810 драйверов для Windows-устройств с Windows 11, 10, 8.1, 8 и 7 (32-бит/64-бит). Все драйверы можно скачать бесплатно. Мы проверяем все файлы и тестируем их с помощью антивирусного программного обеспечения, так что скачать их можно на 100% безопасно. Получите последние WHQL сертифицированные драйверы, которые хорошо работают.

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  1. Главная

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  3. Принтеры

  4. Принтеры Canon

  5. Canon LBP-810

  • Canon LBP-810

    (21 мая 2007)

    Файл *.inf:
    cap1astk (2).inf

    Windows Vista x86, 7 x86, 8 x86, 8.1 x86, 10 x86

В каталоге нет драйверов для Canon LBP-810 под Windows.
Скачайте DriverHub для автоматического подбора драйвера.

Драйверы для Canon LBP-810 собраны с официальных сайтов компаний-производителей и других проверенных источников.
Официальные пакеты драйверов помогут исправить ошибки и неполадки в работе Canon LBP-810 (принтеры).
Скачать последние версии драйверов на Canon LBP-810 для компьютеров и ноутбуков на Windows.

Версия: для Windows 7, 8, 10 и 11

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Драйвер для лазерного принтера Canon LBP-810.

Данная страница загрузки содержит следующее программное обеспечение:

  • драйвер для 32-х битных Windows 7/Vista/XP.

    Совместимость с 32-х битными Windows 10/8.1 не подтверждена, но возможна.
    Для этого необходимо зайти в директорию «WinVista» (находится в папке LBP-810_R110_V110_Win_x32_RU_7) и нажать правой кнопкой мыши на файл «CAP1ASTK.INF«. Выберите «Установить».

    Нет совместимости с 64-битными операционными системами семейства Windows. Официальных или сторонних версий драйвера для работы с 64-х битными ОС не существует.
    Однако существуют альтернативные способы, которые позволяют использовать принтер в 64-битной среде. Один из них — установка виртуальной машины, например Oracle VirtualBox, с 32-битной операционной системой.
    В таком случае, необходимо:

    • произвести инсталляцию, а затем запустить Windows(x86) в VirtualBox (такая ОС часто называется гостевой)
    • установить драйвер, предложенный на данной странице в гостевую ОС
    • подключить принтер
    • выбрать в меню Устройства раздел Установить дополнения гостевой ОС, затем в этом же меню выбрать Устройства USB и модель принтера
    • произвести тестовую печать из-под гостевой ОС. Теперь, для того, чтобы использовать принтер, нужно запустить приложение VirtualBox

    Версия: Размер файла: 1.86 Мб.

  • программа VirtualBox версии 4.3.0.
    Размер архива: 101 МБ.
  • альтернативный драйвер для Windows XP.
    Версия: Размер файла: 0.915 Мб.

Все драйверы необходимо устанавливать вручную, например, через Диспетчер устройств.

Вы запускаете:

Windows 7

Драйверы найдены в нашей базе драйверов.

Дата выпуска драйверов:

02 Feb 2023

специальное предложение

См. дополнительную информацию об инструкциях по Outbyte и деинсталяции app.instrustions. Пожалуйста, просмотрите Outbyte EULA и app.privacy

Нажмите «Загрузить сейчас», чтобы получить средство обновления драйверов, которое поставляется с драйвером Canon LBP-810 :componentName. Утилита автоматически определит подходящий драйвер для вашей системы, а также загрузит и установит драйвер Canon LBP-810 :componentName. Инструмент обновления драйверов — это простая в использовании утилита, которая представляет собой отличную альтернативу ручной установке, признанной многими компьютерными экспертами и компьютерными журналами. Инструмент содержит только последние версии драйверов от официальных производителей. Он поддерживает такие операционные системы, как Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows 8 / 8.1, Windows 7 и Windows Vista (64/32 бит). Чтобы загрузить и установить драйвер Canon LBP-810 :componentName вручную, выберите нужный вариант из списка ниже.

Canon Canon LBP-810 Драйверы

  • Имя оборудования:
    Canon LBP-810
    Тип устройства:
    Версия драйвера:
    Дата выпуска:
    26 Sep 2002
    Размер файла:
    Windows XP
    Идентификатор оборудования:
  • Имя оборудования:
    Canon LBP-810
    Тип устройства:
    Версия драйвера:
    Дата выпуска:
    21 May 2007
    Размер файла:
    Windows Vista, Windows 7
    Идентификатор оборудования:

Была ли эта страница полезной?

Какой процент пользователей установили драйверы Canon?

98% установил драйвер

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2% не помогло

Download driver for canon lbp 810 printer. Canon 810 is a monochrome laser printer. Sometimes, we need to reinstall its driver due to Windows upgrade or Windows reinstallation. Most of the users lose their driver’s CD. In this case, we need to download its driver from Canon’s official website. We are providing the same driver download links for you here on the page below. We always keep the updated download links so that you can get the latest driver.

Canon LBP-810 Printer Image

Download Drivers:

Click on the following download links to get the drivers.

Printer Model Number Download Link
Download Link
Canon LBP 810 Driver Download for Windows XP 32-bit Windows XP 64-bit
Windows Vista 32-bit Windows Vista 64-bit
Windows 7 32-bit Windows 7 64-bit
Windows 8 32-bit Windows 8 64-bit
Windows 8.1 32-bit Windows 8.1 64-bit
Windows 10 32-bit Windows 10 64-bit
Canon LBP 810 Driver Download for All Windows Version Basic Driver Download (32bit)
Here’s a guide to installing this basic driver manually on a computer.
Canon LBP 810 Driver for Windows 95 Windows 98
Windows Phone Android OS phone
Windows Server 2000
Canon LBP810 Driver Download for Windows Server 2003 32-bit Windows Server 2003 64-bit
Windows Server 2008 32-bit Windows Server 2008 64-bit / R2
Windows Server 2012 32-bit Windows Server 2012 64-bit / R2
Windows Server 2016 32-bit Windows Server 2016 64-bit / R2
Canon LBP-810 Driver Download for Linux 32 bit Linux 64 bit
Unix Ubuntu
Canon LBP 810 Driver Download for Apple’s Macintosh Cheetah Version: 10.0 Mac OS X Puma Version: 10.1
Mac OS X Jaguar Version: 10.2 Mac OS X Panther Version: 10.3
Mac OS X Tiger Version: 10.4 Mac OS X Leopard Version: 10.5
Mac OS X Snow Leopard Version: 10.6 Mac OS X Lion Version: 10.7
Mac OS X Mountain Lion Version: 10.8 Mac OS X Mavericks Version: 10.9
Mac OS X Yosemite Version: 10.10 Mac OS X IE Capitan Version: 10.11
macOS Sierra Version: 10.12 macOS High Sierra 10.13, 10.14 Mojave
You can download the same driver directly from Canon LBP 810 official website.

Printer Specification:

  • Manufactured By: Canon
  • Model Number: LBP 810
  • Supported OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2003, 2008 and MAC PCs
  • Driver Type: Driver & Software Package
  • Link Type: Direct
  • USB Port: Yes
  • Scan Feature: NO
  • Copy Feature: NO
  • Fax Feature: NO
  • Wireless Feature (Wi-Fi): NO

The printer also know names as:

  • Canon LBP-810
  • Canon Printer Driver LBP-810
  • Canon LBP 810 Driver
  • Canon 810 Driver Download
  • Canon Driver Download LBP810
  • Canon Printer Driver Download LBP 810 Module number

Moreover, even if you do find a website that allows you to download the latest drivers for your printer, the slow download speed can be quite frustrating to deal with. However, if you’re looking for the latest Canon LBP-810 Printer driver, then you’re in the right place since here you can easily download it in just one click.

Unlike other websites out there, you can easily find any driver regardless of your printer’s make and model on this website and then proceed to download it as fast as your connection allows you to. No more you will have to worry about being stuck at 10 KB/sec since you can now easily download your printer drivers in as little as a few seconds.

Sometimes you need to update or reinstall your printer’s drivers fast because you maybe have a 50-page project you must turn in 30 minutes and don’t have time to browse the internet for hours until you find them. If you failed to turn in projects in the past, then you know how troublesome this can be.

The good news is that you don’t have to worry about this happening ever again since we have a large database of drivers that you can access and download right away. No matter if you have a Canon, Samsung or Brother printer, you can easily find the drivers for it by browsing our website.

Install Drivers:

Follow the following instructions to install the printer

  • Double-click on the Driver package of your choice after it’s downloaded. The installation will extract the files required to begin.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 2 Downloaded location

  • The installation will now begin, so walk the Wizard prompts to install the drivers.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 3 Run

Printer Driver Installation Guide 4 Processing

  • Accept the Installation agreements.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 5 going to installation

Printer Driver Installation Guide 7 Click on Next install

Printer Driver Installation Guide 9 Installing2

  • Connect your printer to your computer when prompted to do so. (See below screenshot)

Printer Driver Installation Guide 10 prompt for conntact printer

  • Wait until detecting your printer.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 11 connecting printer to the pc

  • Click on Next, now your printer is detected here if you get green tick mark.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 12 Printer is connected now

  • Click on Finish to complete the installation process.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 13 Installation finished

To install drivers through CD:

Install the drivers for the Canon LBP-810 printer using a CD wizard:

  1. Turn on the printer by pressing the power button on it.
  2. Load the driver CD that came with your printer into your computer’s CD drive.
  3. The AutoPlay window will popup and prompt you to Install or run a program from your media.
  4. Click on Run or execute the file named as Autorun.exe.
  5. Windows will ask you if you want to open the installer at which point you should click on Yes.
  6. Before the installation can continue, you need to review the agreements and then click on the checkbox next to “I have reviewed and accept the installation agreement“.
  7. You’ll now be promoted to click Next to begin installing the Canon LBP-810 printer drivers. The Installer will copy files from the CD and transfer them to your computer.
  8. A menu with a few choices will appear, so make sure you choose the way you want to connect the printer to your computer.
  9. Choose to either connect it through a wireless network, a wired network or using a USB cable.
  10. A window will then appear asking that you connect one end of the USB cable into your printer and the other into your laptop/computer.
  11. Your computer will find the printer (automatically) and then continue/next with the installation.
  12. Once the installation is complete, the installer will notify you about it.
  13. A window will appear saying the software was successfully installed, Click Finish.

To install drivers without CD:

Install the drivers for the Canon LBP-810 printer an Installation package:

You can install printer drivers even if you have lost your printer drivers CD. This is the method that you can install Canon LBP-810 printer without CD (disc).

Method1: to download driver

  1. Go to Canon LBP-810 official website and click on Download drivers button.
  2. Enter your printer name in the Find my product box.
  3. A series of results will appear, so make sure you select your specific printer model by clicking on it
  4. Choose your operating system that matches your version of Windows.
  5. Choose either the Basic Driver or Full Feature Driver. The Basic Driver package includes all the basic files required to use the printer. The Full Feature package includes extra software, such as maintenance programs, utilities and even photo editing apps.

Method2: to download driver

  1. You can download driver directly: Driver Download links are also given on the this page, you can download it from here directly. Scroll above and find out the driver download link.

Then follow the below given instructions to install Canon LBP-810 driver

  1. Click on the driver package and choose where you want to download it on your computer.
  2. Click Save and wait until the download is complete.
  3. Double click on the Driver package of your choice after it’s downloaded. The installation will extract the files required to begin.
  4. The installation will now begin, so walk the Wizard prompts to install the drivers.
  5. Accept Installation agreements.
  6. Connect your printer to your computer when prompted to do so.
  7. Click Finish to finish installing the drivers.

To install drivers manually:

Install the drivers for the Canon LBP-810 printer through “Add a printer” (Manually):

  • Go to Start, Locate Control Panel on the right and click on it.

Printer Installation Manually 1 Click on Control panel

  • Go to Hardware and Sound.

Printer Installation Manually 2 Click on Hardware and Sound

  • Under Devices and Printers, click on Add printer.
  • Choose Add a local printer if you don’t have a USB printer listed in the list. That’s because Windows installs USB printers automatically as you plug them in.

Printer Installation Manually 3 Device and Printers

Printer Installation Manually 4 Add Printer

Printer Installation Manually 5 Add a Local Printer

  • Choose a port for your printer.

Printer Installation Manually 18 Choose the Port

Printer Installation Manually 6 Choose a USB Port

  • Choose your printer from the list (including brand and model) and click Next. If you don’t find your printer drivers in this default list then you have to download drivers first and then extract them to temp folder then give that temp folder path in this “add a printer” installation wizard. click on have disk to choose driver manually from their extracted location.

Printer Installation Manually 7 Click on HaveDisk

  • Extract the printer drivers. Usually, drivers are automatically extract into temp folder path: %temp%. Some drivers are automatically extract in C drive or another path, it depends on the printer brand.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 2 Downloaded location

Printer Driver Installation Guide 3 Run

  • This printer package extracting the driver’s file in temp folder. Usually, it extracts in temp folder.

Printer Driver Installation Guide 4 Processing

  • After click on “Have disk“, type “%temp%” in path field and then click on “browse

Printer Installation Manually 8 Click on browse to choose drivers

  • Browse will bring you in temp folder. Here, choose the package extracted folder and open it.

Printer Installation Manually 9 Choose the driver

  • Now choose the file named as “Autorun.inf” and open it. This file name may be vary, but the extension would be the same “.inf“.

Printer Installation Manually 10 click on autorun.inf file

  • After click on “Open”, you will bring back to “Install from disk” menu with full path. Now, Click on OK to get drivers.

Printer Installation Manually 11 click on OK to give path

  • Now, Click on NEXT

Printer Installation Manually 12 select driver and click on next

  • If you get below screen, then you have to choose the second option (replace the current driver)

Printer Installation Manually 13 Replace the driver if already installed

  • Click on Next

Printer Installation Manually 14 click on next to finally install

  • Choose the option as per your requirement that you would like to share your printer to another computer or not. Then click on NEXT.

Printer Installation Manually 15 Choose the if you want to share printer to another pc

  • Choose the option that “set your printer as default” and then click Finish.

Printer Installation Manually 16 click on finish and choose the option to set printer as default

Printer Installation Manually 17 Printer is installed now

Questions & Answers

Question: I like to inform you we are using window 7 32 bit. We have canon LBP-810 printer. Please send me LBP 810 Driver required.

Question: I would appreciate it if you help me to download the driver for Windows 8.1 64-bit.

Answer: Unfortunately, there is no driver for Windows 8 64bit OS. You have two options to get the drivers, install the printer driver through windows update. OR install Windows Vista 32bit driver on your Windows 8 64bit computer using compatibility mode.


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