AMD Dual Core Optimizer для Windows 7 — пакет программного обеспечения, представляющий собой многофункциональный, универсальный драйвер для двухъядерных процессоров от разработчика AMD. Программа реализует функцию постоянной работы обоих ячеек процессора.
Приложение позволяет решить пользователям насущную проблему процессоров от одноименного разработчика — несинхронное подключение ядер при работе с некоторыми задачами. Процессоры, построенные на двухъядерной технологии, в некоторых случаях работают в пол-силы из-за неправильного распознания нагрузки. Утилита вносит новые параметры задач. Рекомендуем скачать AMD Dual Core Optimizer для Windows 7 на русском языке без регистрации и смс с официального сайта.
Информация о программеСКАЧАТЬ БЕСПЛАТНО
- Лицензия: Бесплатная
- Разработчик: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
- Языки: русский, украинский, английский
- Устройства: пк, нетбук или ноутбук (Acer, ASUS, DELL, Lenovo, Samsung, Toshiba, HP, MSI)
- ОС: Windows 7 Максимальная, Домашняя Базовая, Начальная, Профессиональная, Корпоративная, Home Basic, Ultimate
- Разрядность: 32 bit, 64 bit, x86
- Версия: последняя 2023, без вирусов
Аналоги AMD Dual Core Optimizer
Microsoft.NET Framework
Adobe Bridge
ICE Book Reader
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Категории программ
- Программы для Windows 7
- Запись видео с экрана
- Восстановление файлов
- Торрент клиенты
- Удаление драйверов
- Калькуляторы
- Графические редакторы
- Создание загрузочной флешки
- Настройка микрофона
- Восстановление флешки
- Системные утилиты
6 июля 2006
Утилита увеличивает производительность двухядерных процессоров AMD.
Подписчиков: 17
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Dual-Core Optimizer, которая, согласно прилагающемуся описанию, «может помочь в увеличении производительности приложений, оперирующих с видеокартой», в чём, безусловно, прослеживается весьма прозрачный намёк на компьютерные игры. Несмотря на то, что указанная программа была выложена на сайт тихо, без дополнительных анонсов, многие наши коллеги поспешили сделать явно преждевременные выводы о том, что AMD тем самым готовит почву к внедрению «
обратного Hyper-Threading», софтверной технологии, с которой фанаты компании связывают большие надежды.
К сожалению, наш комментарий к AMD Dual-Core Optimizer будет не столь оптимистичен. Хотя данная утилита действительно устанавливает в систему некий драйвер с многообещающим названием AMD Special Tool Driver, к возможности объединения ресурсов двух процессорных ядер для работы над одной задачей отношения он не имеет. Как, впрочем, не может и повлиять на уровень производительности системы с двухъядерными процессорами AMD в компьютерных играх.
Более подробное изучение описания AMD Dual-Core Optimizer указывает лишь на то, что данная программа позволяет решить изредка наблюдающуюся на отдельных материнских платах проблему с некорректной инициализацией внутренних таймеров процессорных ядер. Так, в случае если процессорные ядра в двухъядерном процессоре были инициализированы материнской платой не синхронно, при работе в Windows могут возникнуть различные неприятные явления, подобные кратковременным «подвисаниям» системы, которые особенно заметны в играх. Такие неприятные эффекты появляются при переключении менеджером задач операционной системы приложения с одного ядра на соседнее. Утилита Dual-Core Optimizer может оказаться полезной только в том случае, если вы страдаете от подобных отвратительных симптомов.
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Если не верите, то скачать AMD Dual-Core Optimizer и убедиться в его бесполезности в большинстве случаев можно по этой ссылке.
I have an AMD Turion II M500 running under Windows 7 Home Premium x64 and I am experiencing problems running NFSMW. Does the «AMD Dual-Core Optimizer 1.1.4» help?
hi prank, what are the exact problems you are having
what are the rest of your specs, if you fill those out in your profile we can look properly,
the dual core does help but im not sure how much on a turion, and my experience of it is that it doesnt help a huge amount in games
AMD Dual core optimizer was designed to help with windows xp. Dual core support is built into win7 so it’s unlikely to help but installing it wouldn’t do any harm. What are the problems specifically ?
It’s an HP notebook. Specs are: AMD Turion II M500 (2,2GHz, 1MB L2), 4GB DDR2-800, ATI HD4200 (onboard video with 320MB dedicated DDR2 chips @500MHz — no sideport) with Catalyst Control Center 10.3 (video driver is v8.172.0.0) under Windows 7 Home Premium x64.
The problems I am having with Need For Speed Most Wanted is kinda curious — there is no name for it. Yet, many people have been experiencing this type of problem with AMD dual-core CPU’s, especially under Windows XP due to something related to the way the OS manages the API.
It’s an HP notebook. Specs are: AMD Turion II M500 (2,2GHz, 1MB L2), 4GB DDR2-800, ATI HD4200 (onboard video with 320MB dedicated DDR2 chips @500MHz — no sideport) with Catalyst Control Center 10.3 (video driver is v8.172.0.0) under Windows 7 Home Premium x64.
The problems I am having with Need For Speed Most Wanted is kinda curious — there is no name for it. Yet, many people have been experiencing this type of problem with AMD dual-core CPU’s, especially under Windows XP due to something related to the way the OS manages the API.
Try describe the problem.
What’s NFSMW? Need for Speed : Modern Warfare?
NFS Most Wanted Zithe =)
Prank — Welcome to TPU — try and describe what issues you are having, I’m sure someone here will have an idea of how to get it all fixed up for ya.
Try describe the problem.
Hey. Hum, well. I wouldn’t try to describe it, since it’s too difficult for me due to my vocabulary issues (I am from Brazil, cheers). But since you guys look to be pretty nice fellas, I’ll give myself a try. So let’s do it:
It’s like, hum. How can I put it in words? It’s not like it’s lagged or anything. I am running smoothly at something like 30~35FPS and then the screen just kinda stops for a few milliseconds and then it comes back to normal 30~35FPS, which means that it’s not the usual lag we commonly see when the hardware can’t stand for the game resources. Also, I have tested it myself: have put my old 15″ CRT monitor into use beside the laptop and extended it so I’d make two desktops for me. The first monitor was showing the game in full-screen and the second one was AMD Overdrive’s CPU Status. What I noticed is that the load between the two cores was shared, but whenever those strange «stops» in the screen took place, the multipliers of each cores would change and so I presumed that it might be something related to the API management of the two CPU cores. I have also tried setting affinity of the «speed.exe» process on just one of the cores and it resolved the problem somehow. But I’m still looking for something else better than this.
What’s NFSMW? Need for Speed : Modern Warfare?
Oh please don’t ruin Need for Speed also
At lease it is not MW2.
Hey. Hum, well. I wouldn’t try to describe it, since it’s too difficult for me due to my vocabulary issues (I am from Brazil, cheers). But since you guys look to be pretty nice fellas, I’ll give myself a try. So let’s do it:
It’s like, hum. How can I put it in words? It’s not like it’s lagged or anything. I am running smoothly at something like 30~35FPS and then the screen just kinda stops for a few milliseconds and then it comes back to normal 30~35FPS, which means that it’s not the usual lag we commonly see when the hardware can’t stand for the game resources. Also, I have tested it myself: have put my old 15″ CRT monitor into use beside the laptop and extended it so I’d make two desktops for me. The first monitor was showing the game in full-screen and the second one was AMD Overdrive’s CPU Status. What I noticed is that the load between the two cores was shared, but whenever those strange «stops» in the screen took place, the multipliers of each cores would change and so I presumed that it might be something related to the API management of the two CPU cores. I have also tried setting affinity of the «speed.exe» process on just one of the cores and it resolved the problem somehow. But I’m still looking for something else better than this.
Any ideas?
The multiplier drops? Try going to Control Panel — Power Options — High Performance. This will disable those energy saving features that drop your cpu speed when it’s not being intensively used.
Also, IIRC the dual-core optomizer was created for the socket 939 dual cores that had some problem with being out of sync, and the software would correct that issue. AM2 and on doesn’t need it.
Fishfaced Nincompoop
You’re good at english man. You fare better than some americans here.
Anyway, check out the BIOS and see if Cool n Quiet/PowerNow! is enabled. It sounds like it’s something connected to that.
EDIT: And what hat said.
You’re good at english man. You fare better than some americans here.
Anyway, check out the BIOS and see if Cool n Quiet/PowerNow! is enabled. It sounds like it’s something connected to that.
EDIT: And what hat said.
Ohh, thanks Frick! You’re just being cool, really. My English as a foreign language is far off from what it should have been. But I can get by, LOL.
And I’ll follow your suggestions, both Frick and Hat. And yes, it’s about the multiplier dropping and increasing all the time. Have already tried setting minimum/max CPU power both at 100% but it still oscillates sometimes (from 2194MHz to 2207MHz)…
That’s not a big deal. Clock frequencies never stay 100% solid, they’re always changing around like that.
That’s not a big deal. Clock frequencies never stay 100% solid, they’re always changing around like that.
I have this problem too in many FPS games.
«Amd dual-core optimizer» with Windows 7 don’t work, only for WinXP.
I was think what my computer is weak, and was played with bad-bad lags. But readed what peoples playing this games without any lags with computers weak than my computer…
You say good recomendation. I did change «power saving manager» in Windows 7 — maximum CPU power changed to 90% and lags disappeared!!!
I think problem is what Windows do slowing processor if get 100% CPU frequency, or processor do slowing self from hot temperature.
If set CPU power on 90% in power saving manager, then processor work on average frequency and don’t over hot.
Game playing smooth: «Battlefield 2: BC». Before this change this game did lags every 1 minutes.
If change max power to 98-100% or change settings CPU in BIOS then the game lags again.
Try getting a better cooler (this is the best, but most expensive solution). If you’re cheap like me, give your computer a good cleaning if you havn’t dusted it out in a while (this should be done anyway). It’s also possible that your heatsink isn’t seated properly, so check that too. Make sure all of your fans are running.
Thank you. This can cause problems.
There is little dust, the fan is properly installed. Apparently the fan just weak.
But the fact is that this motherboard (M2N-CM DVI) is not suited for overclocking, the BIOS no overclock options. Therefore, motherboard and the fan correspond to each other, the game with good graphics now playing smoothly without lags, further acceleration is not needed. )
Hath need to check other games…