Ease of access themes windows 10 что это

Удобство доступа в Windows 10 позволяет вам сделать ваш компьютер более доступным в зависимости от ваших потребностей. Вы можете изменить множество настроек, чтобы ваш компьютер работал так, как вы этого хотите, и может быть полезен вам, если вы по-другому способны. В этом посте мы узнаем о параметрах специальных возможностей в Windows 10 через Ease of

Удобство доступа в Windows 10 позволяет вам сделать ваш компьютер более доступным в зависимости от ваших потребностей. Вы можете изменить множество настроек, чтобы ваш компьютер работал так, как вы этого хотите, и может быть полезен вам, если вы по-другому способны. В этом посте мы узнаем о параметрах специальных возможностей в Windows 10 через Ease of Access Center.


  1. Windows 10 простота доступа
  2. Настройки рассказчика
  3. Настройки лупы
  4. Высокий контраст
  5. Субтитры
  6. Настройки клавиатуры
  7. Настройки мыши
  8. Другие опции

Windows 10 простота доступа

Каждая опция доступности доступна в приложении Настройки. Нажав Win +, я открою приложение «Настройки». Нажмите на «Легкость доступа», чтобы открыть это окно вместе с различными настройками.

Доступные настройки Ease of Access:

  1. дисплей
  2. Курсор и указатель
  3. увеличительное стекло
  4. Цветовые фильтры
  5. Высокий контраст
  6. рассказчик
  7. аудио
  8. Субтитры
  9. речь
  10. клавиатура
  11. мышь
  12. Контроль глаз.

Мы кратко коснемся некоторых доступных настроек. Просмотрите все вкладки, чтобы получить представление о том, что все доступно.

Настройки рассказчика

На этой вкладке вы можете включить или выключить диктор. Он включает в себя несколько других опций, где вы можете настроить элементы управления повествованием, такие как высота и скорость, задачи, которые вы хотите рассказать, звуки, которые вы хотите услышать, например, слова/символы, которые вы вводите, и т. Д. Вы также можете выбрать своего рассказчика из Microsoft David (мужчина голос) или Microsoft Zira (женский голос).

Настройки лупы

Как следует из названия, вы можете редактировать настройки лупы на этой вкладке. Просто включите Лупу, и вы увидите всплывающую вкладку лупы, которая позволяет вам максимально увеличивать экран. Вы также можете настроить параметры лупы с помощью кнопки «Настройки» во всплывающей вкладке.

Нажав на «Точно настроить, как выглядят мои экранные шрифты», и « Контролировать, запускается ли лупа, когда я подписываюсь в », вы получаете старые классические настройки лупы на панели управления.

Высокий контраст

Здесь вы можете выбрать новую высококонтрастную тему для своего ПК, если хотите. Вы можете выбрать параметры в раскрывающемся меню или создать собственную высококонтрастную тему, выбрав цвета вручную. Если по какой-либо причине вам не понравился вновь установленный контраст темы, вы можете вернуться к настройке по умолчанию, нажав клавиши «Alt» + «Shift» + «Экран печати».


Придайте индивидуальность вашему ПК, выбрав цвет, прозрачность, стиль, размер и эффекты надписи. Вы также можете настроить фон и настройки окна здесь. Если в любой момент вы хотите вернуться к настройкам по умолчанию, просто прокрутите вниз и нажмите Восстановить настройки по умолчанию .

Настройки клавиатуры

Включите вашу экранную клавиатуру, липкие клавиши, тумблеры и фильтры. Другие настройки включают подчеркивание ярлыков и отображение предупреждения или звука при включении или выключении параметра с помощью ярлыка. В настройках клавиатуры нет особых изменений, и она работает так же, как и в предыдущих версиях Windows. Подробнее о параметрах и настройках экранной клавиатуры Windows.

Читать . Сочетания клавиш для удобства доступа и настройки Windows 10.

Настройки мыши

Выберите размер и цвет указателя мыши здесь. Также вы можете включить кнопку «Клавиши мыши», чтобы использовать цифровые клавиши для перемещения мыши по экрану. Это снова то же самое, что было дано в предыдущих версиях Windows. Прочтите, как использовать компьютер с Windows без клавиатуры или мыши.

Другие опции

Другие параметры включают параметры визуальных параметров – Включите кнопки для воспроизведения анимации и Показать фон Windows .

Вы также можете увеличить срок действия уведомлений, настроив параметр Показать уведомления для . Измените время уведомления с 5 секунд до 5 минут. Вы также можете управлять настройкой толщины для вашего курсора.

Один интересный параметр здесь заключается в том, что теперь вы можете управлять визуальными уведомлениями для звука . Вы можете:

  1. Flash активная строка заголовка
  2. Вспышка активного окна
  3. Прошить весь дисплей
  4. Никто.

Также читайте : новые настройки простоты доступа в Windows 10.

Надеюсь, это поможет.


  1. Windows 10 Settings – Ease of Access Category
  2. How to Open Ease of Access in Windows 10 Settings
  3. Narrator
  4. Magnifier
  5. High contrast
  6. Closed captions
  7. Keyboard
  8. Mouse
  9. Other options
  10. In Closure
  11. ease of access themes
  12. How to Open Ease of Access in Windows 10 Settings
  13. Narrator
  14. Magnifier
  15. High contrast
  16. Closed captions
  17. Keyboard
  18. Mouse
  19. Other options
  20. In Closure
  21. Narrator
  22. Magnifier
  23. High contrast
  24. Closed captions
  25. Keyboard and Mouse
  26. Other options
  27. Настройки «Простота доступа» в Windows 10 2022
  28. Windows 10 Ease Of Access
  29. Параметры повествователя
  30. Настройки лупы
  31. Высокая контрастность
  32. Закрытые титры
  33. Настройки клавиатуры
  34. Настройки мыши
  35. Другие параметры
  36. Панель доступа Windows помогает вам найти тайные настройки в Vista и 7
  37. Простота доступа к настройкам клавиатуры в Windows 10
  38. 3 Мощные инструменты для настройки и настройки Windows 10

Windows 10 Settings – Ease of Access Category

The Ease of Access is one of the categories present in the Settings on Windows 10. This is the location where you can perform the changes to the accessibility programs and settings.

The Ease of Access helps you in setting up the accessibility programs and the related settings of your Windows system. In this article, we will walk through the Ease of Access whose location is in the new Settings of Windows 10.

How to Open Ease of Access in Windows 10 Settings

Step 1

The first thing you are required to do is to launch the Start Menu on your screen.

Step 2

From the Places section, choose the Settings.

settings on start menu 3

Step 3

The Settings window will appear with different categories. You need to select The Ease of Access.

ease of access category on settings on windows 10 2

The Ease of Access is now open on your screen. The left column of The Ease of Access Center exhibits you seven different segments of Settings. They are Narrator, Magnifier, High Contrast, Closed captions, Keyboard, Mouse and Other options.

narrator on ease of access 1


The Narrator segment brings you several settings to manage. The upper part of this segment is Hear text and controls on the screen. It means Narrator is a screen reader which reads out all the text present on the screen along with the controls. You are provided with a slider to turn on or off the Narrator. You can also choose to Start Narrator automatically after turning on the Narrator option.

narrator slider to enable 1

The mid section of the Narrator displays Voice settings. You can access the Voice settings even if you have not turned on the Narrator. You can choose a voice among the five and also alter the Speed and Pitch of the voice. Recently, after the big update, an option Intonation Pauses also made into the settings page.

voice speed pitch options 1

The next section allows you to pick up the Sounds you hear. You can choose what type of sounds you wish to hear such as the characters you type, hints for controls and buttons, words you type, reduce the volume of other active apps when you use the Narrator, and play audio cues.

sounds you hear options 1

The last half of the Narrator exhibits the Cursor and keys. You can choose to highlight the cursor when you type a text or allow an insertion point so that you can follow the Narrator and if you are using a touch keyboard you can choose to activate keys on the touch keyboard when you lift your finger off the keyboard.

cursor and keys in ease of access 1


Magnifier is a tool in Windows 10 which allows you to magnify the things on the screen. The right pane of the Magnifier is divided into two parts. The first part is Magnify things on the screen. The settings under it allow you to turn on or off the Magnifier, use of Invert colors, and Start Magnifier automatically.

magnify things on the screen 1

Tracking is the next part where you can switch on or off the Follow the keyboard focus slider or Follow the mouse cursor. Well, there is a new option into the tracking section. So, if you desire to expand the portion you are typing, it is best to turn on this new option – “Have Magnifier follow the text insertion point”.

tracking sliders on ease of access 1

High contrast

You are allowed to Choose a theme from the drop-down menu. Four different themes are available exhibiting you different contrasting colors for different segments. You can pick up anyone theme as per your preference and choose to change colors of each item. Do the changes as per your requirement and click the Apply button to save the changes done. The theme that you will choose will be applied to your PC.

choose a theme 1

You may like to read:

Closed captions

This is the new setting added to the Ease of Access Center in Windows 10. This new setting allows you to manage the looks of the closed captions that can be seen in the Windows apps. You can see the preview of it on the upper half itself. The Font section allows you to select the caption color, its transparency, style, size, and effects. Use the drop-down menus of each setting and choose the desired ones. The settings will not be applied to the closed captions that appear in online streaming.

preview caption drop downs 1

The Background and window area lets you pick up the background color, transparency, and window color and window transparency.


The next segment is the keyboard settings. Here, you are represented by two sets of settings. If you wish you can choose to switch on your On-Screen Keyboard.

on screen keyboard slider 1

The next set is of Useful keys. You can choose to take benefit of other good keyboard features like Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys, Filter Keys and Other Settings.

useful keys sliders 1


The settings you see in the segment are the same as Windows 8. Here you can choose your mouse’s Pointer size by picking up one size. Also, you can see what “Pointer color” you would like to go with. The last section is the Mouse keys where you can Use a numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen, hold down Ctrl to speed up and Shift to slow down and use mouse keys when Numlock is on.

pointer size of mouse keys1 1

Other options

This is the last segment of The Ease of Access Center. You can see the Visual options here such as you can select to switch on the Windows animations, show Windows background, select the time duration for the appearance of the notifications and adjust the thickness of the cursor.

sliders under visual options 1

In Closure

The protocol of offering new features, settings, and software to its users is the norm of Windows. The same was the case with the predecessors of Windows 10. Every time there is a new edition and the users get to see several new programs and settings. If there is a need for other accessible features, you can add assistive software or products to your PC. Now, you need an area where all the concerning things related to accessibility can be carried out.

In the entire process, we discovered that there is no link from The Ease of Access Center of Setting to the same of the Control Panel. But regardless of what users use, The Ease of Access Center provides all the possible settings related to accessibility. In this post, we also learned about the introduction of closed captioning setting in The Ease of Access Center. We hope you go through the settings and share your experience with us. And don’t miss to share your piece of knowledge regarding this topic with us.


ease of access themes

The Ease of Access is one of the categories present in the Settings on Windows 10. This is the location where you can perform the changes to the accessibility programs and settings. The Ease of Access helps you in setting up the accessibility programs and the related settings of your Windows system. In this article, we will walk through the Ease of Access whose location is in the new Settings of Windows 10.

How to Open Ease of Access in Windows 10 Settings

Step 1

The first thing you are required to do is launch the Start Menu on your screen.

Step 2

From the Places section, choose the Settings.

settings on start menu 3

Step 3

The Settings window will appear with different categories. You need to select The Ease of Access.

ease of access category on settings on windows 10 2

The Ease of Access is now open on your screen. The left column of The Ease of Access Center exhibits you seven different segments of Settings. They are Narrator, Magnifier, High Contrast, Closed captions, Keyboard, Mouse and Other options.

narrator on ease of access 1


The Narrator segment brings you several settings to manage. The upper part of this segment is Hear text and controls on the screen. It means Narrator is a screen reader which read out all the text present on the screen along with the controls. You are provided with a slider to turn on or off the Narrator. You can also choose to Start Narrator automatically after turning on the Narrator option.

narrator slider to enable 1

The mid section of the Narrator displays the Voice settings. You can access the Voice settings even if you have not turned on the Narrator. You can choose a voice among the five and also alter the Speed and Pitch of the voice. Recently, after the big update, an option Intonation Pauses also made into the settings page.

voice speed pitch options 1

The next section allows you to pick up the Sounds you hear. You can choose what type of sounds you wish to hear such as the characters you type, hints for controls and buttons, words you type, reduce the volume of other active apps when you use the Narrator and play audio cues.

sounds you hear options 1

The last half of the Narrator exhibits the Cursor and keys. You can choose to highlight the cursor when you type a text or allow an insertion point so that you can follow the Narrator and if you are using a touch keyboard you can choose to activate keys on the touch keyboard when you lift your finger off the keyboard.

cursor and keys in ease of access 1


Magnifier is a tool in Windows 10 which allows you to magnify the things on the screen. The right pane of the Magnifier is divided into two parts. The first part is Magnify things on the screen. The settings under it allow you to turn on or off the Magnifier, use of Invert colors and Start Magnifier automatically.

magnify things on the screen 1

Tracking is the next part where you can switch on or off the Follow the keyboard focus slider or Follow the mouse cursor. Well, there is a new option into the tracking section. So, if you desire to expand the portion you are typing, it is best to turn on this new option – “Have Magnifier follow the text insertion point”.

tracking sliders on ease of access 1

High contrast

You are allowed to Choose a theme from the drop-down menu. Four different themes are available exhibiting you different contrasting colors for different segments. You can pick up any one theme as per your preference and choose to change colors of each item. Do the changes as per your requirement and click the Apply button to save the changes done. The theme that you will choose will be applied on your PC.

choose a theme 1

You may like to read:

Closed captions

This is the new setting added to the Ease of Access Center in Windows 10. This new setting allows you to manage the looks of the closed captions that can be seen in the Windows apps. You can see the preview of it on the upper half itself. The Font section allows you to select the caption color, its transparency, style, size, and effects. Use the drop-down menus of each setting and choose the desired ones. The settings will not be applied to the closed captions that appear in online streaming.

preview caption drop downs 1

The Background and window area lets you pick up the background color, transparency, and window color and window transparency.


The next segment is the keyboard settings. Here, you are represented by two sets of settings. If you wish you can choose to switch on your On-Screen Keyboard.

on screen keyboard slider 1

The next set is of Useful keys. You can choose to take benefit of other good keyboard features like Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys, Filter Keys and Other Settings.

useful keys sliders 1


The settings you see in the segment are the same of Windows 8. Here you can choose your mouse’s Pointer size by picking up one size. Also, you can see what “Pointer color” you would like to go with. The last section is the Mouse keys where you can Use a numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen, hold down Ctrl to speed up and Shift to slow down and use mouse keys when Numlock is on.

pointer size of mouse keys1 1

Other options

This is the last segment of The Ease of Access Center. You can see the Visual options here such as you can select to switch on the Windows animations, show Windows background, select the time duration for the appearance of the notifications and adjust the thickness of the cursor.

sliders under visual options 1

In Closure

The protocol of offering new features, settings, and software to its users is the norm of Windows. The same was the case with the predecessors of Windows 10. Every time there is a new edition and the users get to see several new programs and settings. If there is a need for other accessible features, you can add assistive software or products to your PC. Now, you a need an area where all the concerned things related to the accessibility can be carried out.

In the entire process, we discovered that there is no link from The Ease of Access Center of Setting to the same of the Control Panel. But regardless of what users use, The Ease of Access Center provides all the possible settings related to the accessibility. In this post, we also learned about the introduction of closed captioning setting in The Ease of Access Center. We hope you go through the settings and share your experience with us. And don’t miss to share your piece of knowledge regarding this topic with us.

For everyone who prefer classic Windows theme, this is the closest to the original theme.

Just move it to C:WindowsResourcesEase of Access Themes folder and use it.

Of course, You can use this theme file on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 8.
Applying the Classic theme will change the Start screen background and tile color to classic view as well.

NEW: theme is compatible with Windows 10 Technical Preview as well!

The Ease of Access tab is organized, but it could be a little more helpful.


If you’re looking for a high-contrast theme, voice narration or closed captions, you’ll find them in the Ease of Access tab in the new Windows 10 Settings menu. But for those of you who are more comfortable with Microsoft’s Ease of Access Center, which offers up recommendations and optimization schemes for different issues, you can still find that in the Control Panel.

The Ease of Access tab in Windows 10 is similar to the Ease of Access section in the Windows 8 PC settings menu (Charms bar > Settings > Change PC settings > Ease of Access), but with a couple of extra sections.


In this section, you’ll find several options for having text and controls read aloud to you. Once you turn Narrator on, you can choose a voice (David, Zira or Mark) and adjust your narrator’s speed and pitch. You can also pick which types of sounds you want to hear (e.g., characters you type versus words you types). If you’ve added any extra language packs to your PC, you may see additional voices (you will need to download voice language packs in the Time & language tab).


In the Magnifier section, you will find options for magnifying your screen — turn Magnifier on, and a floating toolbar will pop up. From this toolbar, you can magnify or reduce your screen and choose what type of magnification view you want to see (full screen, lens, docked). For more information on how to make everything bigger in Windows 10, check out our guide here.

High contrast

High-contrast themes can make it easier for people with visual impairments to see different items on the screen. In the High contrast section, you can pick and tweak a high contrast theme — choose a theme from the drop-down menu and you’ll see the theme previewed in the box below. Here, you can tweak the theme by changing the colors of each component before you hit Apply to apply the theme to your PC.

Closed captions

The Closed captions section is a handy section that lets you adjust how closed captions appear in Windows apps such as the Xbox Videos app. You can change the color, transparency, style, size, background color, background transparency, window color, and window transparency of your captions. This won’t change how closed captions appear in online streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu.

Keyboard and Mouse

The Keyboard and Mouse sections are exactly the same as what you’ll find in the Windows 8 PC settings menu. In the Keyboard section, you can toggle the onscreen keyboard on and off, and you can turn on useful features such as Sticky Keys and Toggle Keys (sounds a tone when you press Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock).

In the Mouse section, you can adjust your pointer size and color, and turn on Mouse keys, which lets you control the mouse using your numeric keypad.

Other options

The last section in the Ease of Access tab is Other options. Here, you’ll find mostly visual options — you can choose to turn off Windows’ animations, the desktop background, and you can also choose how long you want notifications to appear for (5 seconds to 5 minutes). You can adjust cursor thickness, in case the cursor is too slim for you to see properly, and you can turn on visual notifications for sound.

While most people will probably never open the Ease of Access tab, this is one section of the Windows 10 Settings menu that is pretty organized. My only issue with this tab is that there’s no direct link to the Control Panel’s Ease of Access Center, which is much more user-friendly for people who know they need accessibility options but aren’t sure which options to turn on. The Ease of Access Center groups settings together in simpler categories (e.g., «Use the computer without a display/optimize for blindness,» or «Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard»), so people can figure out which accessibility features they actually need.

The Ease of Access Center

But you can still access the Ease of Access Center from the Control Panel — just right-click the Start button, click Control Panel, and click Ease of Access Center (if your Control Panel is in Category view, click Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center).

Editors’ note: This How To post was originally published on March 1, 2015, and was updated on May 25, 2016, to reflect new information regarding Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14342.


Настройки «Простота доступа» в Windows 10 2022

Простота доступа в Windows 10 позволяет сделать ваш компьютер более доступным, исходя из ваших потребностей. Вы можете изменить множество настроек, чтобы заставить ваш компьютер работать так, как вы этого хотите, и может быть вам полезен, если вы по-другому избегаете. В этом сообщении мы узнаем о вариантах доступности в Windows 10 через Центр легкости доступа.

Windows 10 Ease Of Access

Каждый параметр доступности доступен в приложении «Настройки». Нажав кнопку «Win +», я открою приложение «Настройки». Нажмите «Простота доступа», чтобы получить это окно, показанное ниже, вместе с различными настройками.

ease of access settings in windows 10

Параметры повествователя

В этой вкладке вы можете включить или отключить рассказчик. Он включает в себя несколько других опций, в которых вы можете настроить элементы управления повествованием, такие как шаг и скорость, задачи, которые вы хотите передать, звуки, которые вы хотите услышать, например, слова / персонажи, которые вы вводите, и т. Д. Вы также можете выбрать своего рассказчика из Microsoft David (мужской голос ) или Microsoft Zira (женский голос).

Настройки лупы

ease of access settings in windows 10 2

Как следует из названия, вы можете отредактировать настройки лупы на этой вкладке. Просто поверните Magnifier On, и вы увидите открытую вкладку всплывающей лупы, которая позволяет вам увеличивать экран настолько, насколько сможете. Вы также можете настроить параметры лупы на вкладке «Настройки» на вкладке «всплывающее окно».

ease of access settings in windows 10 3

Нажатие «Точная настройка того, как выглядят мои экранные шрифты» и « Управление запуском лупы, когда я подписываю в `вы берете старые классические настройки лупы на панели управления.

Высокая контрастность

ease of access settings in windows 10 4

Здесь вы можете выбрать новую высококонтрастную тему для своего ПК, если хотите. Вы можете выбрать параметры из выпадающего меню или создать собственную тему с высоким контрастом, выбрав цвета вручную. Если вам не нравится новый контраст темы, вы можете вернуться к умолчанию по умолчанию, нажав «Левый Alt + Левый сдвиг + Экран печати».

Закрытые титры

ease of access settings in windows 10 5

Настройки клавиатуры

ease of access settings in windows 10 6

Включите экранную клавиатуру, Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys и Фильтрующие клавиши здесь. Другие настройки включают подчеркивание ярлыков и отображение предупреждения или звука при включении или выключении параметра с помощью ярлыка. Специфических изменений в настройках клавиатуры нет, и он работает так же, как и предыдущие версии Windows. Подробнее о настройках и настройках экранной клавиатуры Windows.

Прочтите : быстрые клавиши быстрого доступа к Windows и Windows 10.

Настройки мыши

ease of access settings in windows 10 7

Выберите размер и цвет указателя мыши. Кроме того, вы можете включить кнопку «Мышь», чтобы использовать цифровые клавиши для перемещения мыши по экрану. Он снова такой же, как и в предыдущих версиях Windows. Прочтите, как использовать компьютер с Windows без клавиатуры или мыши.

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ease of access settings in windows 10 8

Надеюсь, что это поможет.

Панель доступа Windows помогает вам найти тайные настройки в Vista и 7

windows access panel helps you find arcane settings in vista and 7 2

Получите доступ одним кликом к десяткам настроек Windows с помощью Windows Панель доступа.

Простота доступа к настройкам клавиатуры в Windows 10

ease of access keyboard settings on windows 10

3 Мощные инструменты для настройки и настройки Windows 10

3 powerful tools tweak

Настройте Windows 10 с помощью этих сторонних инструментов, чтобы получить совершенно новый опыт в вашей ОС Windows. Читайте дальше, чтобы найти то, что они могут сделать.


На чтение 11 мин. Опубликовано 15.12.2019

The Ease of Access is one of the categories present in the Settings on Windows 10. This is the location where you can perform the changes to the accessibility programs and settings. The Ease of Access helps you in setting up the accessibility programs and the related settings of your Windows system. In this article, we will walk through the Ease of Access whose location is in the new Settings of Windows 10.


  1. How to Open Ease of Access in Windows 10 Settings
  2. Narrator
  3. Magnifier
  4. High contrast
  5. Closed captions
  6. Keyboard
  7. Mouse
  8. Other options
  9. In Closure
  10. Narrator
  11. Magnifier
  12. High contrast
  13. Closed captions
  14. Keyboard and Mouse
  15. Other options

How to Open Ease of Access in Windows 10 Settings

Step 1

The first thing you are required to do is launch the Start Menu on your screen.

Step 2

From the Places section, choose the Settings.

Step 3

The Settings window will appear with different categories. You need to select The Ease of Access.

The Ease of Access is now open on your screen. The left column of The Ease of Access Center exhibits you seven different segments of Settings. They are Narrator, Magnifier, High Contrast, Closed captions, Keyboard, Mouse and Other options.


The Narrator segment brings you several settings to manage. The upper part of this segment is Hear text and controls on the screen. It means Narrator is a screen reader which read out all the text present on the screen along with the controls. You are provided with a slider to turn on or off the Narrator. You can also choose to Start Narrator automatically after turning on the Narrator option.

The mid section of the Narrator displays the Voice settings. You can access the Voice settings even if you have not turned on the Narrator. You can choose a voice among the five and also alter the Speed and Pitch of the voice. Recently, after the big update, an option Intonation Pauses also made into the settings page.

The next section allows you to pick up the Sounds you hear. You can choose what type of sounds you wish to hear such as the characters you type, hints for controls and buttons, words you type, reduce the volume of other active apps when you use the Narrator and play audio cues.

The last half of the Narrator exhibits the Cursor and keys. You can choose to highlight the cursor when you type a text or allow an insertion point so that you can follow the Narrator and if you are using a touch keyboard you can choose to activate keys on the touch keyboard when you lift your finger off the keyboard.


Magnifier is a tool in Windows 10 which allows you to magnify the things on the screen. The right pane of the Magnifier is divided into two parts. The first part is Magnify things on the screen. The settings under it allow you to turn on or off the Magnifier, use of Invert colors and Start Magnifier automatically.

Tracking is the next part where you can switch on or off the Follow the keyboard focus slider or Follow the mouse cursor. Well, there is a new option into the tracking section. So, if you desire to expand the portion you are typing, it is best to turn on this new option – “Have Magnifier follow the text insertion point”.

High contrast

You are allowed to Choose a theme from the drop-down menu. Four different themes are available exhibiting you different contrasting colors for different segments. You can pick up any one theme as per your preference and choose to change colors of each item. Do the changes as per your requirement and click the Apply button to save the changes done. The theme that you will choose will be applied on your PC.

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Closed captions

This is the new setting added to the Ease of Access Center in Windows 10. This new setting allows you to manage the looks of the closed captions that can be seen in the Windows apps. You can see the preview of it on the upper half itself. The Font section allows you to select the caption color, its transparency, style, size, and effects. Use the drop-down menus of each setting and choose the desired ones. The settings will not be applied to the closed captions that appear in online streaming.

The Background and window area lets you pick up the background color, transparency, and window color and window transparency.


The next segment is the keyboard settings. Here, you are represented by two sets of settings. If you wish you can choose to switch on your On-Screen Keyboard.

The next set is of Useful keys. You can choose to take benefit of other good keyboard features like Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys, Filter Keys and Other Settings.


The settings you see in the segment are the same of Windows 8. Here you can choose your mouse’s Pointer size by picking up one size. Also, you can see what “Pointer color” you would like to go with. The last section is the Mouse keys where you can Use a numeric keypad to move the mouse around the screen, hold down Ctrl to speed up and Shift to slow down and use mouse keys when Numlock is on.

Other options

This is the last segment of The Ease of Access Center. You can see the Visual options here such as you can select to switch on the Windows animations, show Windows background, select the time duration for the appearance of the notifications and adjust the thickness of the cursor.

In Closure

The protocol of offering new features, settings, and software to its users is the norm of Windows. The same was the case with the predecessors of Windows 10. Every time there is a new edition and the users get to see several new programs and settings. If there is a need for other accessible features, you can add assistive software or products to your PC. Now, you a need an area where all the concerned things related to the accessibility can be carried out.

In the entire process, we discovered that there is no link from The Ease of Access Center of Setting to the same of the Control Panel. But regardless of what users use, The Ease of Access Center provides all the possible settings related to the accessibility. In this post, we also learned about the introduction of closed captioning setting in The Ease of Access Center. We hope you go through the settings and share your experience with us. And don’t miss to share your piece of knowledge regarding this topic with us.

For everyone who prefer classic Windows theme, this is the closest to the original theme.

Just move it to C:WindowsResourcesEase of Access Themes folder and use it.

Of course, You can use this theme file on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 8.
Applying the Classic theme will change the Start screen background and tile color to classic view as well.

NEW: theme is compatible with Windows 10 Technical Preview as well!

The Ease of Access tab is organized, but it could be a little more helpful.

If you’re looking for a high-contrast theme, voice narration or closed captions, you’ll find them in the Ease of Access tab in the new Windows 10 Settings menu. But for those of you who are more comfortable with Microsoft’s Ease of Access Center, which offers up recommendations and optimization schemes for different issues, you can still find that in the Control Panel.

The Ease of Access tab in Windows 10 is similar to the Ease of Access section in the Windows 8 PC settings menu (Charms bar > Settings > Change PC settings > Ease of Access), but with a couple of extra sections.


In this section, you’ll find several options for having text and controls read aloud to you. Once you turn Narrator on, you can choose a voice (David, Zira or Mark) and adjust your narrator’s speed and pitch. You can also pick which types of sounds you want to hear (e.g., characters you type versus words you types). If you’ve added any extra language packs to your PC, you may see additional voices (you will need to download voice language packs in the Time & language tab).


In the Magnifier section, you will find options for magnifying your screen — turn Magnifier on, and a floating toolbar will pop up. From this toolbar, you can magnify or reduce your screen and choose what type of magnification view you want to see (full screen, lens, docked). For more information on how to make everything bigger in Windows 10, check out our guide here.

High contrast

High-contrast themes can make it easier for people with visual impairments to see different items on the screen. In the High contrast section, you can pick and tweak a high contrast theme — choose a theme from the drop-down menu and you’ll see the theme previewed in the box below. Here, you can tweak the theme by changing the colors of each component before you hit Apply to apply the theme to your PC.

Closed captions

The Closed captions section is a handy section that lets you adjust how closed captions appear in Windows apps such as the Xbox Videos app. You can change the color, transparency, style, size, background color, background transparency, window color, and window transparency of your captions. This won’t change how closed captions appear in online streaming services, such as Netflix and Hulu.

Keyboard and Mouse

The Keyboard and Mouse sections are exactly the same as what you’ll find in the Windows 8 PC settings menu. In the Keyboard section, you can toggle the onscreen keyboard on and off, and you can turn on useful features such as Sticky Keys and Toggle Keys (sounds a tone when you press Caps Lock, Num Lock and Scroll Lock).

In the Mouse section, you can adjust your pointer size and color, and turn on Mouse keys, which lets you control the mouse using your numeric keypad.

Other options

The last section in the Ease of Access tab is Other options. Here, you’ll find mostly visual options — you can choose to turn off Windows’ animations, the desktop background, and you can also choose how long you want notifications to appear for (5 seconds to 5 minutes). You can adjust cursor thickness, in case the cursor is too slim for you to see properly, and you can turn on visual notifications for sound.

While most people will probably never open the Ease of Access tab, this is one section of the Windows 10 Settings menu that is pretty organized. My only issue with this tab is that there’s no direct link to the Control Panel’s Ease of Access Center, which is much more user-friendly for people who know they need accessibility options but aren’t sure which options to turn on. The Ease of Access Center groups settings together in simpler categories (e.g., «Use the computer without a display/optimize for blindness,» or «Use the computer without a mouse or keyboard»), so people can figure out which accessibility features they actually need.

The Ease of Access Center

But you can still access the Ease of Access Center from the Control Panel — just right-click the Start button, click Control Panel, and click Ease of Access Center (if your Control Panel is in Category view, click Ease of Access > Ease of Access Center).

Editors’ note: This How To post was originally published on March 1, 2015, and was updated on May 25, 2016, to reflect new information regarding Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 14342.

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Ease of Access Themes

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Цитата: — НЛО — от 31.01.2022, 16:09

Добрый день 🖐 Безопасно ли удалять папку Ease of Access Themes. Зачем она вообще нужна?

Добрый день 🖐 Безопасно ли удалять папку Ease of Access Themes. Зачем она вообще нужна?

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

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Цитата: — НЛО — от 31.01.2022, 16:19

Будет ли работать Windows без этой папки?

Будет ли работать Windows без этой папки?

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0

Цитата: Mikhail от 31.01.2022, 16:31

Для чего эта папка не помню, весит копейки, трогать думаю не стоит.

Для чего эта папка не помню, весит копейки, трогать думаю не стоит.

Голосуйте — палец вниз.0Голосуйте — палец вверх.0
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  • Windows 10 Ease Of Access

Простота доступа в Windows 10 позволяет сделать ваш компьютер более доступным, исходя из ваших потребностей. Вы можете изменить множество настроек, чтобы заставить ваш компьютер работать так, как вы этого хотите, и может быть вам полезен, если вы по-другому избегаете. В этом сообщении мы узнаем о вариантах доступности в Windows 10 через Центр легкости доступа.

Windows 10 Ease Of Access

Каждый параметр доступности доступен в приложении «Настройки». Нажав кнопку «Win +», я открою приложение «Настройки». Нажмите «Простота доступа», чтобы получить это окно, показанное ниже, вместе с различными настройками.

Параметры повествователя

В этой вкладке вы можете включить или отключить рассказчик. Он включает в себя несколько других опций, в которых вы можете настроить элементы управления повествованием, такие как шаг и скорость, задачи, которые вы хотите передать, звуки, которые вы хотите услышать, например, слова / персонажи, которые вы вводите, и т. Д. Вы также можете выбрать своего рассказчика из Microsoft David (мужской голос) или Microsoft Zira (женский голос).

Настройки лупы

Как следует из названия, вы можете отредактировать настройки лупы на этой вкладке. Просто поверните Magnifier On, и вы увидите открытую вкладку всплывающей лупы, которая позволяет вам увеличивать экран настолько, насколько сможете. Вы также можете настроить параметры лупы на вкладке «Настройки» на вкладке «всплывающее окно».

Нажатие «Точная настройка того, как выглядят мои экранные шрифты» и « Управление запуском лупы, когда я подписываю в `вы берете старые классические настройки лупы на панели управления.

Высокая контрастность

Здесь вы можете выбрать новую высококонтрастную тему для своего ПК, если хотите. Вы можете выбрать параметры из выпадающего меню или создать собственную тему с высоким контрастом, выбрав цвета вручную. Если вам не нравится новый контраст темы, вы можете вернуться к умолчанию по умолчанию, нажав «Левый Alt + Левый сдвиг + Экран печати».

Закрытые титры

Дайте персональному прикосновению персонажа, выбрав свой собственный цвет заголовка, прозрачность, стиль, размер и эффекты. Вы также можете настроить настройки фона и окна здесь. Если в любой момент вы хотите вернуться к настройкам по умолчанию, просто прокрутите вниз и щелкните по Восстановить по умолчанию.

Настройки клавиатуры

Включите экранную клавиатуру, Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys и Фильтрующие клавиши здесь. Другие настройки включают подчеркивание ярлыков и отображение предупреждения или звука при включении или выключении параметра с помощью ярлыка. Специфических изменений в настройках клавиатуры нет, и он работает так же, как и предыдущие версии Windows. Подробнее о настройках и настройках экранной клавиатуры Windows.

Прочтите : быстрые клавиши быстрого доступа к Windows и Windows 10.

Настройки мыши

Выберите размер и цвет указателя мыши. Кроме того, вы можете включить кнопку «Мышь», чтобы использовать цифровые клавиши для перемещения мыши по экрану. Он снова такой же, как и в предыдущих версиях Windows. Прочтите, как использовать компьютер с Windows без клавиатуры или мыши.

Другие параметры

Другие параметры включают параметры визуальных параметров — Включите кнопки Вкл., Чтобы воспроизвести анимации и Показывать фон Windows.

Вы также можете продлить уведомления дольше, установив Показать уведомления для параметра . Измените время уведомления с 5 секунд до 5 минут. Вы также можете управлять настройкой толщины для вашего курсора.

Одна интересная настройка здесь заключается в том, что теперь вы можете управлять визуальными уведомлениями для звука . Вы можете:

  1. Вспышка активной строки заголовка
  2. Вспышка активного окна
  3. Вспышка всего экрана
  4. Нет.

Надеюсь, что это поможет.

If you want to make your screen easier to see, Windows offers a lot of features and options that can help you. Here are a few suggestions.

Adjust size and color

  • To adjust the size of text, apps, and other items, select the Start button, then select Settings > Accessibility > Text size. Use the slider next to Text size to make just the text on your screen larger. To scale up everything on your screen, select the Start button, then select Settings > System > Display, and change the Scale drop-down menu under Scale & Layout to a larger percentage.

Make things bigger

  • If there’s not enough contrast between the elements on your screen, try using a high contrast theme. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Accessibility > Contrast themes, select one of the options in the drop-down menu next to Contrast themes, and select Apply. You can select between Aquatic, Desert, Dusk, and Night sky.

    Contrast themes in Settings

Turn on contrast themes

Know where you’re pointing

  • Make your mouse more visible by changing the color and size of the mouse pointer. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer & touch, and choose the options that work best for you.

    Mouse pointer & touch in Settings

  • By adding pointer trails you can see where the mouse is moving on the screen. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Bluetooth & devices > Mouse Additional mouse settings. In the Mouse Properties window, select the Pointer Options tab, and then Display pointer trails.

  • Windows can also show visual feedback when you touch the screen. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Accessibility > Mouse pointer & touch, and then set Touch indicator to On.

Change text cursor & mouse pointer

Magnify your screen

Magnifier enlarges part or all of your screen so you can see words and images better. To open Magnifier quickly, press the Windows logo key + Plus sign (+). When Magnifier is open, use Windows logo key + Plus sign (+) or Windows logo key Minus sign (-) to zoom in or out. To close Magnifier, press Windows logo key + Esc.

Windows Magnifier

Open Magnifier

To learn more about Magnifier, see Use Magnifier to see items on the screen.

Apply color filters

Make photos, text, and colors easier to see by applying a color filter to your screen. Color filters change the color palette on the screen and can help you distinguish between things that differ only by color.

To apply color filters, select the Start button, then select Settings > Accessibility > Color filters, set Color filters to On, and choose the options that work best for you.

Use color filters in Windows 10 Settings app to make photos, text, and colors easier to see.

  • To turn on and turn off your color filters quickly, select the Start button, then select Settings > Accessibility > Color filters, and set Keyboard shortcut for color filters to On. Then press the Windows logo key + Ctrl + C to turn them on and off.

Open color filters

To learn more about color filters, read Use color filters in Windows.

Use Narrator to navigate your PC

Narrator is the built-in screen reader in Windows that reads aloud what’s on your screen so you can use that information to navigate your PC. To start or stop Narrator, press the Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter.

Open Narrator

For more info on how to use Narrator, check out the Complete guide to Narrator.

Adjust size and color

  • To adjust the size of text, apps, and other items, select the Start button, then select Settings > Ease of Access > Display . Use the slider under Make text bigger to make just the text on your screen larger. Or, select an option from the drop-down menu under Make everything bigger to change the size of everything on your screen.

Make things bigger

  • If there’s not enough contrast between the elements on your screen, try using a high contrast theme. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Ease of Access > High contrast , and switch on the toggle under Turn on high contrast.
    Turn on high contrast in Windows 10 Settings app.

Turn on high contrast

  • To make the apps in your Start menu appear larger, right-click (or tap and hold) the app tile you want to resize, select Resize, and then choose the size that you want.

Know where you’re pointing

  • Make your mouse more visible by changing the color and size of the mouse pointer. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Ease of Access > Cursor & pointer , and choose the options that work best for you.
    Change pointer size and color in Windows 10 Settings app

  • By adding pointer trails you can see where the mouse is moving on the screen. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Devices > Mouse > Additional mouse options. In the Mouse Properties window, select the Pointer Options tab, and then Display pointer trails.

  • Windows can also show visual feedback when you touch the screen. Select the Start button, then select Settings > Ease of Access > Cursor & pointer , and then select the toggle under Show visual feedback around the touch points when I touch the screen.

Change cursor & pointer

Magnify your screen

Magnifier enlarges part or all of your screen so you can see words and images better. To open Magnifier quickly, press the Windows logo key + Plus sign (+). When Magnifier is open, use Windows logo key + Plus sign (+) or Windows logo key + Minus sign (-) to zoom in or out. To close Magnifier, press Windows logo key + Esc
Open Magnifier quickly by pressing Windows logo key + Plus sign (+).

Open Magnifier

To learn more about Magnifier, see Use Magnifier to see items on the screen.

Apply color filters

Make photos, text, and colors easier to see by applying a color filter to your screen. Color filters change the color palette on the screen and can help you distinguish between things that differ only by color.

To apply color filters, select the Start button, then select Settings > Ease of Access > Color filters , and choose the options that work best for you.
Use color filters in Windows 10 Settings app to make photos, text, and colors easier to see.

  • To turn on and turn off your color filters quickly, select the Start button, then select Settings > Ease of Access > Color filters , and select Allow the shortcut key to toggle filter on or off. Then press the Windows logo key  + Ctrl + C.

Open color filters

To learn more about color filters, read Use color filters in Windows.

Use Narrator to navigate your PC

Narrator is the built-in screen reader in Windows that reads aloud what’s on your screen so you can use that information to navigate your PC. To start or stop Narrator, press the Windows logo key + Ctrl + Enter.

Open Narrator

For more info on how to use Narrator, check out the Complete guide to Narrator.

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  • What Is Ease of Access? How to Open Ease of Access?

By Vicky | Follow |
Last Updated July 27, 2021

You might have noticed the setting called Ease of Access in the Windows 10 Settings window. What is it? Is there any other way to access it? The post from MiniTool Partition Wizard discusses these questions in this post. Start reading.

What Is Ease of Access?

Ease of Access is a component of Windows NT family of operating systems that makes your computer more accessible.

It replaced Utility Manager which is included with Windows 2000 and Windows XP and came with Windows Vista.

Ease of Access Windows 10

It allows you to customize lots of Windows settings to make your computer work the way you prefer and can be useful to you. The settings include narrator, magnifier, high contrast, closed captions, keyboard, mouse, and so on.

settings of Ease of Access

  • Narrator is a screen reader that reads all the elements on your computer screen, like text and buttons.
  • Magnifier can magnify the things on your computer screen, making your computer much easier for your eyes.
  • High contrast adopts a more distinct and vibrant scheme of colors to make the apps and tests easier to see.
  • Closed captions can display audio as text when your computer has no sound.
  • Keyboard allows you to turn on or off Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys, and Filter Keys.
  • Mouse allows you to change the pointer size and do other changes.

As you can see, Ease of Access is useful. Well, how to open Ease of Access in Windows 10? Keep reading.

How to Open Ease of Access Windows 10?

There are four ways to open Ease of Access in Windows 10, and every way is simple. Let’s see.

Way 1: Open Ease of Access via keyboard Shortcut

To open Ease of Access quickly, you can press the Windows + U at the same time. Then, the Ease of Access windows appears.

Way 2: Open Ease o Access via Windows Search Bar

Alternatively, you can open Ease of Access after carrying out the following steps:

  1. Click the search icon on the Windows taskbar.
  2. Input Ease of Access.
  3. Hit the Enter

input Ease of Access

Way 3: Open Ease of Access via Control Panel

You can also open Ease of Access via Control Panel. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Click the search icon, type Control Panel, and hit the Enter key.

Step 2: Choose Ease of Access in the Control Panel window.

choose Ease of Access

Way 4: Open Ease of Access via Windows Settings

You can also open Ease of Access via Windows Settings. To do that, you need to:

Step 1: Right-click the Windows icon on the taskbar and then choose the Settings option.

Step 2: Choose Ease of Access in the Control Panel window.

choose Ease of Access

Once you open Ease of Access in Windows 10, you can customize some settings to make your computer more useful to you.

Final Thoughts on Ease of Access Windows 10

Ease of Access is a useful Windows 10 feature that can help you make your computer more useful. Plus, it is easy to access in Windows 10.

If you have any doubt about Ease of Access, please leave it in the following comment zone and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Vicky is a website editor who has been writing tech articles since she was graduated from university. Most of her articles talk about Windows PC and hard disk issues. Some of her articles also touch on YouTube usage and issues.

During her spare time, she likes to spend time reading, watching videos, and sitting on her Yoga mat to relax.

  • Partition Wizard

  • Partition Magic

  • What Is Ease of Access? How to Open Ease of Access?

By Vicky | Follow |
Last Updated July 27, 2021

You might have noticed the setting called Ease of Access in the Windows 10 Settings window. What is it? Is there any other way to access it? The post from MiniTool Partition Wizard discusses these questions in this post. Start reading.

What Is Ease of Access?

Ease of Access is a component of Windows NT family of operating systems that makes your computer more accessible.

It replaced Utility Manager which is included with Windows 2000 and Windows XP and came with Windows Vista.

Ease of Access Windows 10

It allows you to customize lots of Windows settings to make your computer work the way you prefer and can be useful to you. The settings include narrator, magnifier, high contrast, closed captions, keyboard, mouse, and so on.

settings of Ease of Access

  • Narrator is a screen reader that reads all the elements on your computer screen, like text and buttons.
  • Magnifier can magnify the things on your computer screen, making your computer much easier for your eyes.
  • High contrast adopts a more distinct and vibrant scheme of colors to make the apps and tests easier to see.
  • Closed captions can display audio as text when your computer has no sound.
  • Keyboard allows you to turn on or off Sticky Keys, Toggle Keys, and Filter Keys.
  • Mouse allows you to change the pointer size and do other changes.

As you can see, Ease of Access is useful. Well, how to open Ease of Access in Windows 10? Keep reading.

How to Open Ease of Access Windows 10?

There are four ways to open Ease of Access in Windows 10, and every way is simple. Let’s see.

Way 1: Open Ease of Access via keyboard Shortcut

To open Ease of Access quickly, you can press the Windows + U at the same time. Then, the Ease of Access windows appears.

Way 2: Open Ease o Access via Windows Search Bar

Alternatively, you can open Ease of Access after carrying out the following steps:

  1. Click the search icon on the Windows taskbar.
  2. Input Ease of Access.
  3. Hit the Enter

input Ease of Access

Way 3: Open Ease of Access via Control Panel

You can also open Ease of Access via Control Panel. The steps are as follows:

Step 1: Click the search icon, type Control Panel, and hit the Enter key.

Step 2: Choose Ease of Access in the Control Panel window.

choose Ease of Access

Way 4: Open Ease of Access via Windows Settings

You can also open Ease of Access via Windows Settings. To do that, you need to:

Step 1: Right-click the Windows icon on the taskbar and then choose the Settings option.

Step 2: Choose Ease of Access in the Control Panel window.

choose Ease of Access

Once you open Ease of Access in Windows 10, you can customize some settings to make your computer more useful to you.

Final Thoughts on Ease of Access Windows 10

Ease of Access is a useful Windows 10 feature that can help you make your computer more useful. Plus, it is easy to access in Windows 10.

If you have any doubt about Ease of Access, please leave it in the following comment zone and we will reply to you as soon as possible.

About The Author


Position: Columnist

Vicky is a website editor who has been writing tech articles since she was graduated from university. Most of her articles talk about Windows PC and hard disk issues. Some of her articles also touch on YouTube usage and issues.

During her spare time, she likes to spend time reading, watching videos, and sitting on her Yoga mat to relax.

Windows 95 была прорывом в области операционных систем. Именно в ней впервые появились такие функции, как панель задач и кнопка «Пуск», которые используются до сих пор. Найдётся немало пользователей, ностальгирующих по тем временам. Именно для них есть возможность окунуться в атмосферу середины 90-х, используя современный компьютер на Windows 10. В первую очередь, можно добиться внешнего сходства, да и некоторые старые программы запустить вполне реально.

1. Установите классическую тему Windows

Windows 10 значительно уступает некоторым предыдущим версиям по возможностям изменения внешнего вида — взять хотя бы Windows ХР с её визуальными стилями. Конечно, есть приложения, которые помогут существенно преобразить интерфейс «Десятки», однако они переписывают, как минимум, несколько системных файлов. Это может серьёзно навредить компьютеру после обновления операционной системы, поэтому использовать их не стоит.

Один из безопасных вариантов установки дизайна, похожего на Windows 95, — модифицированная версия высококонтрастной темы Microsoft, получившая название classic. Она меняет расцветку меню и окон системы. При этом все системные файлы остаются неизменными, и устанавливать дополнительное программное обеспечение не придётся.

Полноценная Windows 10 с дизайном Windows 95: как поменять внешность системы без подозрительных утилит

Найти тему можно на сайте DeviantArt (для загрузки нужно создать учётную запись, в России для использования сайта может понадобиться VPN). После скачивания файла нужно скопировать его в папку C:WindowsResourcesEase of Access Themes и открыть. Тема будет тут же применена. Отменяется она простой заменой на любую другую — для этого необходимо открыть «Пуск», развернуть раздел «Параметры» и перейти в меню «Персонализация».

Собственно, добиться похожего результата можно и без установки темы. Достаточно, находясь в «Параметрах», ввести в поисковую строку «Высокая контрастность» и включить её, выбрав вариант classic. Быстро попасть в нужный подраздел можно с помощью комбинации клавиш левый Shift + левый Alt + Print Screen.

2. Замените внешний вид меню «Пуск» через Open Shell

Чтобы сделать интерфейс Windows 10 ещё более похожим на классический, стоит установить приложение Open Shell. Оно позволяет добиться оформления меню «Пуск», как в более ранних версиях Windows. Приложение создано на основе открытого кода утилиты Classic Shell. Сразу после установки появится доступ к настройкам на английском языке. Для начала можно выбрать внешний вид меню «Пуск», отметив пункт Classic style.

Полноценная Windows 10 с дизайном Windows 95: как поменять внешность системы без подозрительных утилит

Для более точного совпадения внешнего вида кнопки «Пуск» можно использовать вариант Classic в разделе Replace Start button или загрузить отдельное растровое изображение и установить его через поле Custom.

Ещё больше схожести со старой операционной системой придаст установка классической темы через раздел Skin. Нужно скачать этот XML-файл и добавить его в приложение с помощью кнопки Backup.

3. Добавьте дополнительные косметические изменения

Максимально приблизиться к образу Windows 95 позволит внесение ещё нескольких изменений стандартными средствами системы. Чтобы рядом со значками пунктов меню стояли их названия, как в более ранних операционных системах, нужно через «Пуск» зайти в раздел «Параметры», перейти в меню «Панель задач» и в пункте «Группировать кнопки на панели задач» выбрать «Никогда».

Полноценная Windows 10 с дизайном Windows 95: как поменять внешность системы без подозрительных утилит

Для того, чтобы нижняя панель ещё больше сочеталась с классическим значком «Пуска», стоит включить пункт «Использовать маленькие кнопки панели задач». Не лишним будет и отключение пункта «Показывать анимацию» в параметре «Отображение».

4. Вспомните про софт из далёкого прошлого

Завершит путешествие в 90-е загрузка нескольких программ, близких той эпохе. Windows не позволяет устанавливать более ранние версии системных приложений вроде Media Player и Internet Explorer. Но некоторые старые сторонние утилиты до сих пор совместимы с современными операционными системами.

Не сдаёт позиций очень популярный в конце прошлого века медиаплеер Winamp. Можно загрузить версию 5.6 (её можно найти в интернете) и после установки выбрать вид Winamp Classic.

Полноценная Windows 10 с дизайном Windows 95: как поменять внешность системы без подозрительных утилит

Ещё одно интересное приложение с интерфейсом из времён Windows ХР и Windows 95 — графический редактор Paint XP.

Полноценная Windows 10 с дизайном Windows 95: как поменять внешность системы без подозрительных утилит

Также можно поискать старые игры. А вот раритетных программ, связанных с подключением к интернету, стоит избегать — они могут быть небезопасны. Для их использования лучше установить настоящую Windows 95 на виртуальную машину. Также есть особенная версия системы, которую можно запустить в рамках Windows 10, macOS или Linux.

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