Eclipse ide 32 bit windows 7

The essential tools for any Java developer, including a Java IDE, a CVS client, XML Editor and Mylyn.
Bug ID Title Status 382804 Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V shortcuts don’t work while editing Android XML RESOLVED 492163 Add Maven to java package RESOLVED 383193 Taskbar icon doesn’t show Android build progress RESOLVED 490044 [Welcome] Adopt Solstice theme for Java package RESOLVED 386686 the Mobile package should include the Mylyn Bugzilla connector RESOLVED 365594 add code recommenders to java package RESOLVED 358692 Eclipse java package crash in Ubuntu 11.0.4 RESOLVED 356126 fix Mylyn repository URLs in EPP packages for Indigo RESOLVED 356349 update Mylyn URLs for Juno RESOLVED 357020 add Mylyn Hudson/Jenkins connector to Java package RESOLVED 357332 Annotations not shown on overview ruler RESOLVED 389113 Unable to Launch Eclipse after download and setup: «The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library.» RESOLVED 406246 zip compression error RESOLVED 468598 Mars RC1 Mac packages are damaged RESOLVED 535504 Open file feature broken in Photon RC2 EPP packages RESOLVED 474204 Include Buildship as part of Java package RESOLVED 534617 [Photon] [java] Add Tip of the Day to the Java Package RESOLVED 528429 m2e to download sources by default RESOLVED 194805 add Error Log view to Java EPP distribution RESOLVED 432716 Consider org.eclipse.recommenders.mylyn.rcp.feature for inclusion into Java package RESOLVED 483914 bug RESOLVED 436206 Re-enable Marketplace Client in Java Package RESOLVED 481475 Scroll lock button being disabled RESOLVED 350079 EGit should be by included in Java package RESOLVED 355058 update repository locations for Juno RESOLVED 275767 [Galileo M7] FileNotFoundException when updating Mylyn RESOLVED 275719 [Galileo M7] packages do not have dropins folder RESOLVED 279203 Add and enable Mylyn update site by default RESOLVED 281448 [update] manager talking to update sites not available RESOLVED 549138 Mylyn cannot be removed from Java IDE package RESOLVED 275558 [Galileo M7] welcome view is not displayed on first startup RESOLVED 275523 [Galileo M7] features appear twice in the about dialog RESOLVED 246466 Missing/extra update sites when installing in either C:program file or C: RESOLVED 248976 «IDE for Java Developers» package is too restrictive by specifying Java 1.5 as required RESOLVED 275520 [Galileo M7] package does not have any update sites RESOLVED 275521 Improve branding for Galileo java package RESOLVED 297341 EPP web page «Download Milestone» link points to old builds RESOLVED 287566 error on update after clean install RESOLVED 341705 I tried to load the eclipse environment in Win Vista OS and got problems restoring workbench… RESOLVED 343869 Add WindowBuilder Core and Swing to the Java package RESOLVED 346703 Inclusion of m2e marketplace on help menu causing confusion RESOLVED 348157 intrusive «preview?» dialog on startup, from WindowBuilder RESOLVED 340312 Indigo Java package logs lots of output RESOLVED 334180 package contains duplicate (and modified?) bundles RESOLVED 313818 Bugzilla connector does not load on Java 1.5 due to missing java.xml.bind bundle RESOLVED 306817 Cannot update from M5 to Eclipse 3.6 M6 RESOLVED 311613 java IDE / m6 / linux has an EclispeCon splash screen? RESOLVED 507104 Include EclEmma in Java Package RESOLVED 507515 Issue encountered when updating and reinstalling ABAP Development tools on NEON version. CLOSED 532067 Open Bugs CLOSED 530726 Mac OS X(Cocoa)64位下载连接无效 CLOSED 515622 Eclipse will not run CLOSED 526343 Constantly returning error message when opening the program CLOSED 501518 Exception while updating external folders CLOSED 521654 Getting error while starting Apache server CLOSED 529170 MacOs didnt open the program CLOSED 548444 The Java GUI is too big CLOSED 497204 resource in project, but error says not open CLOSED 547604 Can’t Install software CLOSED 548562 I am not able to update because of unfound repositories. CLOSED 550404 sgfghg CLOSED 551635 I can’t run eclipse without having a bug on it. CLOSED 543464 2018-12 Installation Error CLOSED 543054 Eclipse crashing while looking at files CLOSED 540168 java 11 CLOSED 539041 Unable to Install CLOSED 541760 Missing Java Developer links for 2018-12 M3 CLOSED 542080 Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: «». CLOSED 543011, the File cannot be deleted CLOSED 534760 Simple compilation fails in Eclipse Oxygen.3a CLOSED 457081 Add Error Reporting to Java Package CLOSED 435919 Add «Eclipse Code Recommenders» to «This package includes» list CLOSED 435449 Add org.eclipse.recommenders.snipmatch.rcp.feature to java-package CLOSED 436109 update java package maintainer information CLOSED 455363 Allow users to uninstall features from a package CLOSED 461540 Unarchiving error CLOSED 414385 the eclipsec executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library CLOSED 384532 The Eclipse executable launcher was unable to locate its companion shared library CLOSED 330226 Inclusion of m2e CLOSED 304968 LinkageError when trying to use Eclipse to run (PDE) Ant scripts CLOSED 349028 fix provider name for org.eclipse.wb.discovery.* CLOSED 353613 Add EGit 1.1 to java-package CLOSED 381216 Zip file for Java IDE RC1 package requires a password? CLOSED 464220 Bug CLOSED 470912 p2 can’t find epp repo for Mars release CLOSED 482370 thanks CLOSED 482285 Mars.1 splash screen does not show progress bar after using console CLOSED 484535 An error removing AppEngine from the project CLOSED 494695 Didn’t update from old version CLOSED 495806 Suboptimal «Visit» link on About Eclipse Features page CLOSED 480756 Switch to root level features to allow users to remove unwanted features CLOSED 478619 Webapp CLOSED 476546 Eclipse Mars.1 RC2 for Java Developers includes CVS cheat sheets but no CVS support CLOSED 476553 Installed Code Recommenders Snipmatch and Mylyn Integration features do not *show* under Installation Details CLOSED 477195 Maintainer/tester information outdated CLOSED 477572 p CLOSED 497192 Eclipse Mars does not open in Windows 10 Pro CLOSED

Bugs listed in italics indicate the bug has been moved to another project.

The Eclipse Installer 2022‑12 R now includes a JRE for macOS, Windows and Linux.

Try the Eclipse Installer 2022‑12 R

The easiest way to install and update your Eclipse Development Environment.

  • Find out more

  • 1,339,654 Installer Downloads


5 Steps to Install Eclipse

We’ve recently introduced the Eclipse Installer, a new and more efficient way
to install Eclipse. It is a proper installer (no zip files), with a
self-extracting download that leads you through the installation process. For
those who prefer not to use the Installer, the packages and zip files are still
available on our package download page.

1. Download the Eclipse Installer

Download Eclipse Installer from

Eclipse is hosted on many mirrors around the world. Please select
the one closest to you and start to download the Installer

2. Start the Eclipse Installer executable

For Windows users, after the Eclipse Installer executable has finished downloading it should be
available in your download directory. Start the Eclipse Installer executable.
You may get a security warning to run this file. If the Eclipse Foundation is
the Publisher, you are good to select Run.

For Mac and Linux users, you will still need to unzip the download to create the Installer.
Start the Installer once it is available.

Screenshot of the Eclipse Installer executable.

3. Select the package to install

The new Eclipse Installer shows the packages available to Eclipse users.
You can search for the package you want to install or scroll through the list.

Select and click on the package you want to install.

Screenshot of the Eclipse packages.

4. Select your installation folder

Specify the folder where you want Eclipse to be installed. The default folder will be in your User directory.

Select the ‘Install’ button to begin the installation.

Screenshot of the Install window.

5. Launch Eclipse

Once the installation is complete you can now launch Eclipse.
The Eclipse Installer has done it’s work. Happy coding.

Screenshot of the Launch window.


Eclipse IDE 2022-12 R Packages

Eclipse предоставляет мощные инструменты и интегрированную среду для быстрой и удобной разработки программного обеспечения. Часто используется при создании проектов на языках Java, PHP, COBOL, JS, C/C++ и так далее.

Возможности Eclipse

  • Доступна сборка собственной IDE;
  • Наличие встроенного трекера ошибок Bugzilla;
  • Создание разных типов клиентских приложений;
  • Возможность подключать модули и различные плагины;
  • Множество справочной и обучающей информации на официальном сайте;
  • Облегчает разработку на Java, PHP, Python, C++ и других популярных языках;
  • Инструменты для макетирования, взаимодействия и совместного использования проектов.


  • Опция автозаполнения строк;
  • Большая группа разработчиков;
  • Обладает открытым исходным кодом;
  • Поддержка расширения багтрекеров Redmine и Jira;
  • Все необходимые модули находятся в свободном доступе;
  • Программа Eclipse — универсальная платформа, совместима с ОС Windows XP (32, 64 bit) и выше.


  • Eclipse — среда разработки приложений с англоязычным интерфейсом;
  • Для использования софта, требуются профессиональные знания.



Eclipse скачать бесплатно

Последняя версия:
4.20 от

Лицензия: Бесплатно

Операционные системы:
Windows 7, 8, 10, XP, Vista

Интерфейс: Русский

Размер файла: 155 Mb

Скачать Eclipse IDE for Java   64 bit

Eclipse IDE for Java 4.4.2 (old)   32 bit

Полное описание

Эклипс — мощная среда для создания приложений под разные операционные системы, в том числе Виндовс, Mac OS и Linux. По мнению множества программистов, является серьёзным конкурентом IntelliJ IDEA.

Архитектура платформы включает в себя ядро для загрузки фрэймворка, текстовые редакторы, файловые буферы, а также среду для написания, компиляции и запуска кода.

Последняя версия Eclipse Platform поддерживает большинство языков программирования. Присутствуют средства для коллективной работы над крупномасштабными проектами. Многие пользователи выбирают Эклипс благодаря свободной лицензии и открытому исходному коду.

jQuery(document).ready(function() {

Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:


Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared.

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.


Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.


Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.


Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.

Предположительно у вас система Windows 7, разрядность: 64 Bits

Новая версия (только 64-бит):

IDE для Java-разработчиков (Java Enterprise):

Скачать Eclipse с официального сайта

Этот файл мы отметили как основной. Если вы не знаете что скачивать, то скачивайте его.

302.49 Мб





MD5: f86320d8df4c3194326ae019100a09dc
SHA256: 423c0b5387d2174a1c5ae32e5a5badfc0942f01c092823f39ea2d237a5ce5df9

Скачать Eclipse с нашего сайта

302.49 Мб

Проверено антивирусами





MD5: f86320d8df4c3194326ae019100a09dc
SHA256: 423c0b5387d2174a1c5ae32e5a5badfc0942f01c092823f39ea2d237a5ce5df9

IDE для разработчиков C++:

Скачать Eclipse (для Windows 64-bit) с нашего сайта

346.91 Мб

Проверено антивирусами





MD5: ed4bd166cde9c3c8a668b448ab3fc12a
SHA256: 033e78931dc7d97cb9fc9655570a72e7a99f83a4486b4e0947843c12e9b40ae7

Старая версия (32 и 64-бит):

Внимание! Мы стараемся тщательно проверять все программы, но не гарантируем абсолютную безопасность скачиваемых файлов. Администрация сайта не
несет ответственности за содержание файлов, программ и возможный вред от их использования.

Eclipse is one of the powerful IDE tool available for Java and various other programming languages such as C, C++ and web-based scripting and programming languages. Eclipse became popular after 2014, and it was one of the widely used Android app development IDE before Android Studio became popular.

Most of the software-industries are focused on the performance of their software instead of the popularity of the users with low-performance PCs. 64-bit architecture Eclipse is not supported by most of the machines and downloading Eclipse 32-bit architecture isn’t that easy as only 64-bit is available to download on the official website of the Eclipse. In this article, we will learn how to download Eclipse 32-bit for Windows.

Eclipse 32 bit latest version download:

  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Java and DSL Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for JavaScript and Web Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse Modeling Tools
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Java and Report Developers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Scientific Computing
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Testers
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Rust Developers (includes Incubating components)
  • 32 bit Windows Eclipse IDE for Scout Developers

 How to install Eclipse 32 bit in Windows?

Once you have downloaded Eclipse, extract the zip file and launch the application. It will prompt to set the Work path, and after that, you will be able to use it without any issues.

Make sure you have installed and set the Java_Home environment variable; otherwise, you will get the following error:

A Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Development Kit (JDK) must be available in order to run Eclipse. No Java virtual machine was found after searching binjavaw.exe javaw.exe your current path.

To set the Java_Home environment variable:

  • Right-click on My Computer
  • Go to Properties
  • In properties, click on Advanced system settings
  • In the advanced system, settings click on Advanced tab
  • In the advanced tab click on Environment variables
  • On the Environment variables under User, variables click on New button
  • In the prompted window, enter Variable name as Java_Home and value as your JDK path. For example C:Program FilesJavajdkX.X.X_XXX

Isrg KB Web Team

Isrg KB Web Team

Isrg Team editorial account handled by Isrg Team, management, guests, volunteers, and other private individual contributors

Install Python and Java before installing Eclipse.

You may want to print these instructions before proceeding, so that you can
refer to them while downloading and installing Eclipse.
Or, just keep this document in your browser.
You should read each step completely before performing the action that it
This document shows downloading and installing Eclipse (Oxygen) on Windows 7
in Summer 2017.
You should download and install the latest version of Eclipse.
The current latest (as of Summer 2017) is Eclipse (Oxygen).

The Eclipse download requires about 300 MB of disk space; keep it on your
machine, in case you need to re-install Eclipse.
When installed, Eclipse requires an additional 330 MB of disk space.

  • Unzip, the file that you just
    downloaded and moved.

    On my machine (running Windows 7), I can

    • Right-click the file.
    • Hover over the IZArc command from the menu of options.
    • Click Extract Here

    If you do not have IZArc or an equivalent unzipping program, here is the
    web site to download a free copy of

    Unzipping this file creates a folder named eclipse; unzipping
    250 MB can take a few minutes.
    You can leave this folder here or move it elsewhere on your hard disk.
    I recommend putting the downloaded file and resulting folder in the
    C:Program Files directory.

  • Create a shortcut on your desktop to the eclipse.exe file in
    this eclipse folder:

    On most Windows machines, you can

    • Right-press the file eclipse.exe
    • Drag it to the desktop.
    • Release the right button.
    • Click Create shortcut here

    Now you are ready to perform a one-time only setup of Eclipse on
    your machine.

  • Double-click the shortcut to Eclipse that you just created above.

    The following splash screen will appear

    and then an Eclipse Launcher pop-up window will appear.

    In the Workspace text box, your name should appear between
    C:Users and eclipse-workspace, instead of Pattis.

    Leave unchecked the
    Use this as the default and do not ask again box.
    Although you will use this same workspace for the entire quarter (checking
    projects in and out of it), it is best to see this
    Workspace Launcher pop-up window each time you start Eclipse, to
    remind you where your workspace is located.

    In fact, it is a good idea to create on your desktop a shortcut to your
    workspace folder; but you must click OK (see below) before
    Eclipse creates this folder and you can create a shortcut to it.

  • Click Launch.

    Progress bars will appear as Eclipse loads.

    Eventually the Eclipse workbench will appear with a Welcome tab
    covering it.

  • Terminate (click X on) the Welcome tab.

    You will not see the Welcome tab when you start Eclipse again, after
    this first time.

  • Click Help (on the far right of the line below this window’s blue
    title eclipse-workspace — Eclipse) and then click
    Install New Software… in its pull-down menu, as shown below.

    The Install pop-up window will appear.

  • Enter the text (or cut/paste from this document) into the Work with text box and
    press Enter (if that doesn’t work, try

    In a few seconds the information under Name should change from
    There is no site selected to Pending to

    Select only the top PyDev checkbox; do NOT select the
    PyDev Mylyn Integration (optional) box.
    Check before proceeding that the Install pop-up window appears as

  • Click Next >

    A new Install pop-up window will appear.

  • Click Next >

    A new Install pop-up window will appear.

    Select the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button,
    so the window appears as

  • Click Finish

    The lower right-hand corner of the eclipse-workspace — Eclipse
    window will show the various operations it is performing and a progress
    bar for each one.

    Because the installer is fetching various files online, this process might
    take a few minutes.

    If you see a Security Warning pop-up window

    Click Install anyway.

    The installation will finish (the progress bar will disappear).

    A Software Updates pop-up window will appear.

  • Click Restart Now

    Eclipse will terminate and restart.
    As you did in step 4, terminate (click OK on) the
    Welcome Tab.

  • Click Window (to the left of Help on the far right of the
    line below this window’s blue title eclipse-workspace — Eclipse)
    and then click Preferences in its pull-down menu, as shown below.

  • Drill down to select the interpreter:
    • Disclose PyDev by clicking the + in front of
      PyDev or double-clicking PyDev (after the +); the
      + changes to a .
    • Disclose Interpreters by clicking the + in front of
      Interpreters or double-clicking Interpreters
      (after the +); the + changes to a .
    • Select/Click Python — Interpreter.

    The Preferences pop-up window should appear as follows

  • Click New… at the top-right of the top window

    A Select Interpreter pop-up window appears.

    Click Browse and the Open pop-up window should show you
    the folder in which Python was installed (here Python 36-32).

    Double-click python.exe (or select it and click Open).

    Change the Name in the Select Interpreter pop-up window
    to be simply Python36
    (or whatever version of Python is installed).
    The Select Interpreter pop-up window should appear as

  • Click OK.

    A Selection needed pop-up window will appear.

    Actually, your window should have only the 4 …AppDataLocal…
    checkboxes; don’t worry if the …AppDataRoaming… one (4th of
    5 in this window) is absent.

  • Click OK.

    The Preferences pop-up window will be changed to

    On my system the path to the Python interpreter was so long,
    not all of it could be seen under Location

  • Click Apply and Close.

    A Progress Information pop-up window will appear.

    During installation, it will show the various operations it is
    performing and a progress bar for each one.
    Eventually the installation will terminate.

    If the following pop-up window appears

    Ensure the «Public networks, such as those in airports….»
    checkbox is NOT checked, and then click Allow Access.

  • Click Window (to the left of Help on the far right of the
    line below this window’s blue title eclipse-workspace — Eclipse),
    hover over Perspective then Open Perspective in the
    pull-down menu and then click
    Other… in the next pull-down menu.

    The Open Perspective pop-up window will appear.

  • Double-click PyDev (fourth from the bottom)

    The Package Explorer in the upper-left tab will change to
    PyDev Package Explorer, and a Python icon will appear to
    the right of the Java icon (on the far right).

  • Right-click the Java icon to the left of the PyDev icon
    and select close

    The Eclipse workbench will now have only the PyDev icon here and
    will look like

  • Locate the workspace folder created in step 3
    (see C:Usersyournameeclipse-workspace)
    and download the
    file into this workspace and unzip it there, producing the
    courselib folder; it should should contain a bunch of Python
    module files (ending in .py).
    From time to time you may be asked to put other course-specific Python
    module files into this courselib folder; these modules will be
    usable (via import) in all Python projects in Eclipse.
  • Inform Eclipse to use the courselib folder in all Python projects.
    • Select Window | Preferences.
    • Disclose PyDev by clicking the + in front of
      PyDev or double-clicking PyDev (after the +); the
      + changes to a .
    • Disclose Interpreters by clicking the + in front of
      Interpreters or double-clicking Interpreters
      (after the +); the + changes to a .
    • Select Python — Interpreter.

    • Click the Libraries tab (leftmost, above the bottom pane)
    • Click the New Folder button (topmost, right of the bottom pane)
    • Browse to the courselib folder (added above) in the
      Browse for Folder pop-up window
    • Click the courselib folder selected, and then click OK
      Notice a sixth entry
      appears in the bottom-right pane named
      System PYTHONPATH. Reorder with Drag & Drop.
    • Click Apply (you will see some progress bars)
      The pop-up window should now appear as

    • Cick Apply and Close
  • Terminate (click X on) the Eclipse window.
  • Want to install Eclipse to practice Java programs? I think you might have already tried installing eclipse software on your computer, but after installing eclipse you may noticed that it is not working for you. Actually what happens is, most of the new users who tries to install Eclipse don’t know the proper method to install it. So today I’m going to show you step by step tutorial on How to install Eclipse software on your Windows computer.

    About Eclipse:

    Eclipse is an  Integrated development environment (IDE) software. Most of the Java professionals use this software to build java applications. Almost every company use this IDE to build Java programs. It’s because, it has a lot of useful features which is available in it to make developers to code easily.

    Even though it is one of the most popular software to develop java application, many schools and college don’t use this software or any IDE to practice programming. So most of the student were not aware of this software much. For that, I’m going to show you what software we need to download, where to download those software, how to install those software and how to configure to run java programs in eclipse.

    Getting Ready to Install Eclipse on Windows:

    In this tutorial we are going to install Eclipse software on windows operating system and configure it to run Java programs.

    This tutorial works fine for all version of windows operating system (OS) like  Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista and Windows XP for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

    For the first step, know which version of operating system your computer is running. That is,  64-bit version or 32-bit version.

     Also Read:  Installing Oracle 11g on Windows Operating System

    Download Required Software to Install Eclipse:

    Download Java JDK Setup File:

    To make eclipse to run java programs we need to download 2 software, one is Java and other one is Eclipse.

    In java, we are going to download  Java Development Kit  (JDK).  To download jdk visit this page  and scroll down little you will see 3 options like JDK Download, Server JRE Download and JRE Download.
     jdk download

    All we need to do is, select first one. That is,  JDK Download and click on Download button.

    Now you will be taken to other page.  In that page choose “Accept License Agreement” option and then look for  Windows x86 and Windows x64 and click download button according to your OS version.

    For me, I’m having 64-bit OS version so I downloaded windows x64 setup file.

    java jdk 64 bit and 32 bit setup download link

    Now we have downloaded java software (JDK) to our system. Next we have to download Eclipse software.

    Video Guide to Download JDK Setup:

    Download Eclipse Software:

    Now we need to download Eclipse software. You can download eclipse software by visiting this page. You will see two versions of eclipse. That is,  Eclipse Standard and  Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.

    I recommend you to download  Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers version.

    Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers

    To download that, just choose 32-bit or 64-bit setup according to you computer version. Once you click on any setup link, it will take you to the next page where it contains download link.

    In this page look at right side of that page, you will see  Other options for this file  column. In that, choose  Direct link to file  to begin download of eclipse software.

    download eclipse software

    Now we have downloaded Java JDK software and  Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers software on our PC. It’s time for installation now.

    Installing Java and Eclipse Software:

    Installing Java Software:

    Run the JDK setup. When you run the setup copy the path of the installation directory to notepad. We will need this later. In my case it is

    C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_45

    jdk default installation directory

    Now we installed Java software. Our next step is to set  PATH and CLASSPATH for it.

    Setting Path and CLASSPATH for Java:

    We have to set Path and ClassPath for Java to work. Follow the below steps to do so.

    1. Open windows explorer by pressing Win+E key on your keyboard

    2. Now in that window, Right-click on  My Computer (This PC on Windows 8) and choose Properties option

    opening properties in win 8

    3.  Click “Advanced system settings” and choose “Advanced” tab and then click on “Environment Variables…

    advanced system settings

    4. In System variables click New… button and fill

    setting path in java

    Variable name:  PATH

    Variable value:  C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_45bin;

    after filling press ok button.

    Tip: Now use the copied path during installation here. Make sure you are pasting  bin directory path, not the copied path.

    Note: In System variable look for Path variable. If you found PATH variable, select it and click edit button and fill the above data. In variable value just add ; before adding new path.


    C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_45bin;C:Program Files (x86)QuickTimeQTSystem

    If you don’t find Path variable then you create new one.

    5. Now we need to set Class Path for Java. To set Class path, go to User variables  and click New… button

    set Class Path for Java

    Now in pop up window enter

    Variable name:  CLASS

    Variable value:  C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_45lib

    Tip:  Now use the copied path during installation here. Make sure you are pasting lib  directory path, not the copied path.

    and click OK and again click OK to close Environment Variable window.

    Now we set path and class path for java in windows. It’s time for us to install Eclipse.

    Video Guide to Set Path and ClassPath:

    Eclipse Installation:

    Extract the downloaded Eclipse Zip folder to install eclipse. Here we don’t get any setup file to install. All we have to do is just extract the zip folder and configure eclipse.ini file to start using it. You can extract this eclipse folder on any location you want.

    Once you extract that folder, open eclipse folder. In that, you will see eclipse.ini file. Open that file.

    eclipse folder

    Here in that file we need to add two lines of code above  -vmargs

    C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_45binjavaw.exe

    After adding that argument, save and close that file.

    Tip:  Now use the copied path during installation here. Make sure you are pasting  javaw.exe file location address which is located in  bin  directory, not the copied path.

    Check my eclipse.ini screenshot below after adding -vm argument.

    eclipse.ini file configuration

    Now open you eclipse software to run java programs. It’s time for you to start coding.

    Getting Error? Check:  Fix Java was Started but Returned Exit Code=13 in Eclipse

    Hope, this tutorial helps you to install  Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers  software on you PC.

    If you find any difficulty in installing Eclipse please post in comment I will try to help.


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