Exiftoolgui для windows на русском скачать

Мощный инструмент для работы с метаданными, прикрепленными к различным мультимедийным файлам. Программа поддерживает работу с большинством цифровых камер, а также распознает все наиболее популярные форматы метаданных, включая EXIF, GPS, XMP, ID3 и пр.

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  • скачать с сервера SoftPortal (zip-файл)
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Мощный инструмент для работы с метаданными, прикрепленными к различным мультимедийным файлам. Программа поддерживает работу с большинством цифровых камер, а также распознает все наиболее популярные форматы метаданных, включая EXIF, GPS, XMP, ID3 и пр. (полное описание…)

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jExifToolGUI 2.0.1


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

This program is completely free and will remain completely free, but you can donate any amount to me to show your appreciation.
A lot of time went into the creation of this tool.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».
As of version 2.0.0 I will only release Windows and MacOS builds including java. There are too many issues for «less experienced» users if they use a build without java.

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 11 or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 11 or newer or where you can install java 11 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-2.0.1-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-2.0.1-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-2.0.1.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-2.0.1-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta and/or Linux Crouton). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-2.0.1-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-2.0.1-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the Sun/Oracle JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html.


  • Add Chinese simplified translation (简体中文). Thanks to @mt25cyb (Martin). This requires of course a utf-8 font capable of displaying Chinese characters, or a truly Chinese font.
  • Fix: Debian deb: Java version was limited to V11 instead of >= V11.
  • Fix: Version check not correct for versions 2.0 and higher.
  • Extensive changes German translation. Thanks to sal0max.
  • Added a few more options to the date/time renaming options. This should actually require a big rewrite (future action).

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 2.0.0


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

This program is completely free and will remain completely free, but you can donate any amount to me to show your appreciation.
A lot of time went into the creation of this tool.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».
As of version 2.0.0 I will only release Windows and MacOS builds including java. There are too many issues for «less experienced» users if they use a build without java.

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 11 or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 11 or newer or where you can install java 11 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-2.0.0-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-2.0.0-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-2.0.0.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-2.0.0-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta and/or Linux Crouton). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • Complete rewite of displaying image previews in the interface based on setting of Checkbox «Create Previews»:
    • Checked: Displays the images in a resizable image grid, instead of the table. It allows for instantanious resize.
    • Unchecked: In a «filenames only» table in case you really want to load hundreds or more images at the time.
  • Improve reading of metadata in background with factor 3-15 (depending on number of images)
  • New splashscreen on startup (Thanks to Sebastian Gersbach). Due to Apple «anti-java» policy, this splashscreen can’t be displayed in the bundle.
  • Screen output from a lot of names and metadata is now HTML-encoded. jExifToolGUI now correctly displays in UTF-8 (2-byte character encoding), also on Windows, but most platforms are not yet UTF-16 (3-byte character encoding) ready unless specifically installed, which means that Chinese and/or Taiwanese texts are not correctly displayed. HTML encoding overcomes this.
  • Add enhancement pull request #223: Added «Save» column with checkbox to User Defined Combination. (Thanks to sossw).
  • On image loading display some «placeholder» texts in the grid and the metadata table, to show the user that the program is really doing something.
  • Improve exiftool startup and preferences check. It contained a small error but it is also amazing what users manage to select as «exiftool».
  • Fix error in search/display of metadata via search button. Errors or corruptions in metadata made JTG crash in the background.
  • Updated logback to 1.2.11 to overcome the «Security Vulnerability CVE-2021-45046» (although in this java applcation nothing will happen).
  • Hebrew (עִברִית) added as language.Thanks to sufti1323.
  • Altered entire application (I hope) to enable «Right-to-Left» languages (like Hebrew).
  • Fix issue #201 (thanks sossw): «Edit data > copy from selected image = NOK»
  • Add Feature request issue #203: «User-defined metadata > Export path unknown» => Program now shows where it is saved»

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 1.10.0


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

This program is completely free and will remain completely free, but you can donate any amount to me to show your appreciation.
A lot of time went into the creation of this tool.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 11 or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 11 or newer or where you can install java 11 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-1.10.0-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI-1.10.0-win-x86_64.zip: A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 11 or newer installed on your system.

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.10.0-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-1.10.0.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-1.10.0-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta and/or Linux Crouton). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • Complete rewrite of image loading and metadata.
    • metadata is now by default loaded in the background. This shows your images earlier.
    • Image loading is for images with previews much faster (camera’s after approx. 2010, including jpeg, tiffs and RAWs)
    • Image loading for images without preview is about 25% faster.
    • All thumbnails, whether extracted or created, are now saved in an image cache. This means that for big images without previews loading is much faster when accessed them again.
  • [Windows] Fix issue #183: «where» is used to find exiftool. However, «where» can be the «where.exe» or the «where — Object» cmdlet for powershell users. JTG now specifically uses where.exe
  • [Windows] «Fix» issue #184: The exiftool.org site advises to install exiftool in c:windows. This advice is against Windows policies. Next to that: it requires a program to use local admin rights to use a non-system program from c:windows. jExifToolGUI will find it, but can’t use it (without local admin rights) and closes on it with (background) crash (which is a bug). In case JTG only finds exiftool in c:windows, JTG will now refuse to use it but will try to find another version. If it finds another version elsewhere, it will use that one. If not, it will ask the user for another version/location.
  • [macOS] Completely new bundle based on Packr version 4.0. This loses the splashscreen though due to an Apple «feature». Also: Packr only builds App bundles including the java JRE.
  • [macOS] macOS bundles are built on Linux. It was not possible to create a compressed dmg, so a dmg was created and that one was zipped. Now a compressed dmg is created and delivered/published.
  • Fix issue #182: «Help translate» menu link was not pointing yet to Weblate https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/jexiftoolgui/.
  • Fix issue #179: Error opening arg file xmp2exif.args (and a few other arg files)
  • «feature request #167»: GPS edit tab: Nominatim search based on coordinates copied from an image where the user has the coordinates but can’t remember where it was.
  • Several minor improvements and minor bugfixes.

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 1.9.0


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

This program is completely free and will remain completely free, but you can donate any amount to me to show your appreciation.
A lot of time went into the creation of this tool.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 11 or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 11 or newer or where you can install java 11 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-win-x86_64.zip: A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 11 or newer installed on your system.

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.9.0-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11. Note: Apple is very unfriendly to non-Apple stuff like java/perl and other software. This bundle IS a working Apple bundle but not entirely according Apple standards.
  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.9.0.dmg: A MacOS bundle without java. You need java 11 or newer installed on your system.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-1.9.0.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.9.0-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • DROP SUPPORT FOR JAVA-8. java-8 does not support tiff. I used an external lib (twelvemonkeys) to support tif, but twelvemonkeys also moves on and tiff support using java-8 gets more and more cumbersome. Java-11 and up supports tiff out of the box. Dropping Twelvemonkeys also means that pgm/pict/tga is no longer supported (but who uses that anyway).
  • «feature request» #156: Create setting where users can define their own font and font size for the application to accomodate higher (hdpi) resolutions.
  • «feature request» #117: Option to «switch of» thumbnail generation and metadata reading when loading images. This can speed up the image loading 400% to almost instantly. When switching off «Create previews», always one preview is created in the bottom-left. Either the first of the loaded set, or the image selected from the list.
  • Added option in the «Export/Import» pane and the «Exiftool Commands» pane to specify a folder instead of loading previews. Especially when dealing with large amounts of images, this is really fast when comparing it with first loading the images, creating previews. Next to that: some exiftool commands work faster when done on a folder in comparison to «image by image».
  • Display the source folder in the bottom notification bar. It already displayed the number of loaded files. It now displays the folder as well. Note: This will not work correctly when dropping files from multiple folders on the program, or specifying multiple folders/files on the command line.
  • Support fast-scaling when resizing. As java-8 is no longer supported I can use higher level image resizing/rescaling functionality. This should give some 5-15% performance improvement on loading.
  • Support for photoshop thumbnails added. Photoshop tiffs containing these thumbnails, now load the preview at least 25~50x faster (because we no longer need to resize the entire sometimes 45+ MB image).
  • Search in metadata of loaded images (added a magnifying glass button). You can search on tag and on value. Images that contain search results can be reloaded.
  • Add vrae config and vrae custom metadataset
  • Display filename/path above metadata panel
  • Add menu option for «set file date to create date» for mp4/mov movieclips
  • [MacOS] Fix «issue #118»: «sips conversion of heic images». Only the first occurrence of multiple spaces in path/filename were escaped.
  • Updated splash logo to display Exif, GPS and XMP in uppercase instead of Exif, gps and xmp.
  • Fix null pointer assignment in geotagging
  • Fix Set to DateTimeOriginal: spaces in exiftool path caused error
  • Fix «issue» #110 (windows): If PATH contains multiple exiftool versions, jExifToolGUI crashes. Fixed now.
  • Fix «issue» #116 (windows): ExifTool command will not run if exiftool.exe directory contains a space.
  • «issue» #100: Add «-m» parameter to Edit->GPS tab to allow for longer than 32 character strings for IPTC. Make it checked by default.
  • «feature request» #124: Convenient localization (translation) using Weblate
  • GPS: Add «Add location to makernotes». Many camera’s have location,country,state,city as makernotes. Exiftool will automatically put it in the correct Panasonic/Canon/Nikon/etcetera tags.

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 1.8.1


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

This program is completely free and will remain completely free, but you can donate any amount to me to show your appreciation.
A lot of time went into the creation of this tool.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 8 or newer or where you can install java 8 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-1.8.1-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI-1.8.1-win-x86_64.zip: A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.8.1-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11. Note: Apple is very unfriendly to non-Apple stuff like java/perl and other software. This bundle IS a working Apple bundle but not entirely according Apple standards.
  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.8.1.dmg: A MacOS bundle without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-1.8.1.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-1.8.1-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.8.1-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.8.1-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • issue #99: 3 issues > GPS edition.
  • issue #98: Focal length in 35 mm shown as null. Fixed for cameras that do not provide the «FocalLengthIn35mmFormat». All cameras provide the «ScaleFactor35efl». Combined with the «FocalLength» one can calculate the «FocalLengthIn35mmFormat».

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 1.8.0


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

This program is completely free and will remain completely free, but you can donate any amount to me to show your appreciation.
A lot of time went into the creation of this tool.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 8 or newer or where you can install java 8 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-1.8.0-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI-1.8.0-win-x86_64.zip: A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.8.0-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11. Note: Apple is very unfriendly to non-Apple stuff like java/perl and other software. This bundle IS a working Apple bundle but not entirely according Apple standards.
  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.8.0.dmg: A MacOS bundle without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-1.8.0.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-1.8.0-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.8.0-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.8.0-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • GPS: Add internal OpenStreetMap Nominatim «Find location» with map viewer with «copy coordinates» option back to main GPS tab. (External web search still available)
    • Search method for address/POI/place etc. Reverse search via coordinates when right-clicked on map.
  • GPS: make «mini-«tab on GPS tab to enable input of decimal degrees (primary tab) or Deg-Min-Sec coordinates. (Coordinates are copied back as decimal degrees and dec-min-sec)
  • Fix part 1 of issue #95: Some commands resulted in errors.
  • Fix part 2 of issue #95: Fix (again) issue with spaces in paths/names in «Renaming images».
  • «User defined Metadata Combis» always started with alphabetically first retrieved set from the database. Now starts with 10 empty rows.
  • Add «Preferences -> system ->Sort Categories/Tags in View tab alphabetically». Exiftool reads the tags in the order they are stored in the image. This option will allow you to sort them first before display.
  • Show popup to users which files have been created upon exporting the several options.
  • Fix lens functionality in case users use spaces (by accident) before or after a name. And «fix the fix» (from in the «no description» field.

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 1.7.1


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

This program is completely free and will remain completely free, but you can donate any amount to me to show your appreciation.
A lot of time went into the creation of this tool.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 8 or newer or where you can install java 8 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-1.7.1-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI-1.7.1-win-x86_64.zip: A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.7.1-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11. Note: Apple is very unfriendly to non-Apple stuff like java/perl and other software. This bundle IS a working Apple bundle but not entirely according Apple standards.
  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.7.1.dmg: A MacOS bundle without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-1.7.1.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-1.7.1-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.7.1-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.7.1-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • Add «Remove metadata by category». Use the same drop-down as in the main screen to be able to select any possible category and delete the metadata in that category.
  • Add Spanish online manual (Thanks to mrtngrsbch martingggg)
  • Fix (Linux) issue #84: Fix (stupid) typo in appImage PATH statement.
  • Fix/enhancement (MacOS): issue #85: decoupled menu behavior on MacOS. The menu is now (finally) correctly integrated with the MacOS system menu bar.
  • Fix issue #83: Export sidecar metadata failed for images with spaces in paths/file names.
  • Move Sidecar exports from menu to «Export/Import» tab.

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 1.7.0


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
A (growing) collection of (micro) instruction videos can be found on Youtube
The complete Changelog is here. The changelog for this version is below the released apps.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 8 or newer or where you can install java 8 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI-1.7.0-win-x86_64_with-jre.zip: A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI-1.7.0-win-x86_64.zip: A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    Remember to always rename exiftool(-k).exe to exiftool.exe


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.7.0-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11. Note: Apple is very unfriendly to non-Apple stuff like java/perl and other software. This bundle IS a working Apple bundle but not entirely according Apple standards.
  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.7.0.dmg: A MacOS bundle without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-1.7.0.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-1.7.0-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.7.0-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.7.0-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • Add new «compare images metadata screen» screen where you can compare the metadata of images. The selection options on the main screen (all, common tags, by group, etc.) can be used. You can select and compare up to 25 images.
    • From compare screen an «Export to pdf» and «Export to csv» option. The second with «one csv per image» or «all images into one csv».
  • Text buttons changed to «iconified» buttons with «tooltips» when you hover over them (material design icons).
  • Add «Help -> Youtube instruction videos». Opens browser to playlist with sort 1-3 minutes instruction videos. Will be expanded in future.
  • Add command line parameters/arguments handling. Supports (multiple) folder(s), multiple file(s) and combinations. Supports releative paths and symbolic links (Linux/MacOS). Note: The MacOS app bundle does not support command line arguments as Apple is really picky on this.
    See also the Youtube video Loading images about the several ways of loading images.
    This functionality does NOT support recursively parsing sub-directories as that could lead to tens of thousands of files which might not be a problem for a commandline tool, but is a problem for a Gui needing to load the files.
    Note: In windows this also means that you can drag&drop images onto the «closed» jExifToolGUI.exe in the file manager, and it will open and load the files.
    java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar ../../Pictures/Summer2015 a.jpg b.png /home/pipodeclown/screenshots/*.jpg ../c.cr2 d.nef

    jExifToolGUI.exe PicturesMalaga2012 c:tmppics*.jpg c:tmppics*.RAF a.jpg d:stuffb.jpg

  • Change/Expand default imageviewer. Now always fullscreen (also for smaller than screen images) with «close/previous/next» buttons and «Escape/key-left/key-right» keylistener to loop through the loaded images (loaded images, not (only) selected images).
  • Option to select «dual column» or «single column» thumbnail panel (from Preferences -> Look & Feel). The left thumbnail panel will auto-size to «two-column width» when necessary.
    • single column: thumbnail plus file name (top — bottom)
    • dual column: thumbnail left, basic image data right (basic image data is new, was only file name).
  • Add «SplitPane» bar to divide left & right screen. User can shift the bar and the left/right/top/bottom according to the users preferences.
  • Remember GUI width/height and «splitPane» settings upon exit.
  • Renamed tab «Your Commands» to «Exiftool Commands»
  • Remove «Exiftool Database» from the tab in the main screen as it does not act on images. Put it under the «Tools» menu and give it its own screen.
  • Restructure and expand «Copy Data» tab
    • Sub-tab «From image to image»: This is the original tab where you can copy metadata from one image to multiple images.
    • Sub-tab «Inside same image» (new)
      • All metadata to xmp: This copies all tags from all categories to xmp format, when possible (Moved from (menu) «Metadata -> Copy all metadata to XMP format» to here).
      • From multiple categories to category (To Exif, To XMP, To IPTC, To GPS, To PDF)
  • Add new Export/Import tab (currently only Export)
    • Move (menu) Other -> export metadata to new Export tab under «General Export»
    • Create «Export to PDF»
  • Export to pdf. The image plus metadata is written to a pdf. One image + metadata per pdf, or everything in one big pdf document.
  • Fix: issue #80 Spaces in tags in «Your Commands» lead to incomplete tags.
  • Program checked for selected images, but did not always check if images had been loaded at all before menu selection or button push: resulted in null value errors.
  • Fix Linux/MacOs: «Copy all tags to XMP»: Fix issue with spaces in path.
  • Fix: rotation of RAW images in thumbnails.

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.



jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
The Changelog is here

Bugfix release only:

    • Fix: issue #78 and issue #57. The default translations file contained a number of incorrect characters which made it impossible to use the «Load Images» and «Load Folder» options on all systems NOT running English, German, Spanish or Dutch. This seems like some sort of text file corruption but I do not know how it occurred. It is fixed now.
  • Lens configurations: Saving of lens descriptions is optional, but retrieval expected it to be there. That now works correct.

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 8 or newer or where you can install java 8 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI- A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI- A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos- A MacOS bundle including java V11. Note: Apple is very unfriendly to non-Apple stuff like java/perl and other software. This bundle IS a working Apple bundle but not entirely according Apple standards.
  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos- A MacOS bundle without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui- a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI- Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI- and start with ./jExifToolGUI- &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • Fix: the default translations file contained a number of incorrect characters which made it impossible to use the «Load Images» and «Load Folder» options on all systems NOT running English, German, Spanish or Dutch. This seems like some sort of corruption but I do not know how it occurred. It is fixed now.
  • Lens configurations: Saving of lens descriptions is optional, but retrieval expected it to be there. That now works correct.

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.

jExifToolGUI 1.6.3


jExifToolGUI is a java/Swing Windows/Linux/MacOS graphical frontend for the excellent command-line ExifTool application by Phil Harvey.

A Readme is here
A temporary website is here
A growing online manual is here
The Changelog is here

Below you will find several binary releases:
The below releases do NOT contain exiftool itself. Download exiftool from https://exiftool.org/ (the linux deb will do that for you).
Windows users: remember to rename the «exiftool(-k).exe» to «exiftool.exe».

Universal jar

jExifToolGUI.jar: Just the bare jExifToolGUI.jar containing all dependencies. You need to have java version 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system. Start with java -jar jExifToolGUI.jar &.
This version should run on any system that comes included with java 8 or newer or where you can install java 8 or newer. (Windows/Linux/MacOS (BSD*unix)/Solaris/AIX/HP*UX etc.)


  • jExifToolGUI- A windows 64-bit executable including java V11. Unzip with paths!
  • jExifToolGUI- A windows 32/64 bit executable without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.


  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.6.3-with_jre.dmg.zip: A MacOS bundle including java V11. Note: Apple is very unfriendly to non-Apple stuff like java/perl and other software. This bundle IS a working Apple bundle but not entirely according Apple standards.
  • jExifToolGUI-x86_64-macos-1.6.3.dmg: A MacOS bundle without java. You need java 8 (1.8) or newer installed on your system.

    When I have double-clicked the jExifToolGUI app bundle from the Finder, it closes immediately after the Splash screen. Why ?
    jExifToolGUI is from an «unidentified» developer (me) and therefore blocked by the MacOS Gatekeeper software. You need to add jExifToolGUI to the «list of exceptions». That is actually very simple. See Apple support.


  • jexiftoolgui-1.6.3.deb: a Linux .deb package. For all Debian based systems (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint/MX Linux/Raspbian etc. etc.). This is a linux multi-architecture version as the relevant java V11 version for your system/architecture will be downloaded as dependency.
  • jExifToolGUI-1.6.3-x86_64.AppImage: Linux universal Appimage including java V11. Runs on every 64bit intel Linux system (and also inside Chromebook Linux beta). Simpy do a chmod +x jExifToolGUI-1.6.3-x86_64.AppImage and start with ./jExifToolGUI-1.6.3-x86_64.AppImage &.

Note: There is the java JDK (Java Development Kit) and java JRE (Java Runtime Environment). The JRE is needed to run java applications and is normally 4-5 times smaller than the full JDK. Since a few years the JREs are no longer distributed.
AdoptOpenJDK «strips» the JDKs and delivers JREs. See https://adoptopenjdk.net/releases.html


  • MacOS Feature request: issue #35 heic (heif) thumbnails and full screen / full size view are now supported using sips as converting engine. Unfortunately it is not really fast (I am now on MacOS Catalina and could finally test myself and make it work).
  • Feature request: issue #72 Preserve file modification date/time. (Preferences -> system)
  • MacOS: Fix/enhancement: issue #74 Improve working of «Load Folder».
  • Feature request: issue #70 Add user defined file filter (Preferences -> general). If you add one or more extensions, the user defined filter becomes the default. Note: The jfilechooser supports «dynamic filters» which means you can change it on the fly. The old Awt Filedialog requires you to remove the user defined filter values to regain «normal» behavior.
  • Feature request: issue #68 Do not write to «exif:Software». Some camera brands use this for own purposes.
  • Fix: Restore proper functioning choosing JFilechooser/AWt dialog in system Preferences (bug «introduced» in 1.6.0).

Note: If the below Assets arrow is closed, click it to open it and see the files.



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Each image can store different details such as date and time, camera model, orientation and more. This tool helps you to view these details with a single click. Multimedia content has numerous file formats making it difficult to minimize compatibility challenges. Most of the new application accommodate this phenomenon. This is an app that comes in handy to manage the EXIF metadata for pictures. In specific that app reads, edits, deletes and exports EXIF data. When it comes to the image files then this is the best fit.

Navigation through the functions is fast and efficient. The app automatically gets the location of the images, previews and finally get them ready for export or import. There are many fields on the app that runs the configuration settings. The finer details of the image file formats are also exported although you have an option of excluding them. This is a simple application that acts as a third-party affiliation for the ExifTool software.

ExifToolGUI is licensed as freeware for PC or laptop with Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating system. It is in digital photo tools category and is available to all software users as a free download.

ExifTool — программа для чтения, редактирования и записи/создания метаданных мультимедиа-файлов различных форматов (чаще всего используется для работы с метатегами цифровых фотографий). Это бесплатная утилита с открытым исходным кодом, работает в любых версиях Windows разрядностью 32 и 64 бит.

Программа ExifTool не имеет пользовательского графического интерфейса. Работа с утилитой осуществляется посредством команд, вводимых через консоль (командную строку) Windows. Исполняемый файл «exiftool.exe» также может работать самостоятельно. Все команды (при использовании через Windows-консоль) имеют примерно следующий вид:

exiftool.exe [*OPTIONS*] [-*TAG*…] [—*TAG*…] *FILE*

Более подробную информацию по всем командам можно получить из справки, автоматически выводимой на экран при запуске через командную строку файла «exiftool.exe» без каких-либо параметров.

Для работы утилиты в самостоятельном режиме исполнимый файл «exiftool.exe» следует переименовать, добавив к нему специфические параметры (также описаны в справке). Например, если дать ему название «exiftool(-k -a -u -g1 -w txt).exe», а затем поместить мышкой поверх него файл, метаданные которого нужно считать, программа на выходе создаст текстовый TXT-документ со всей полученной информацией.

Зачем нужна программа ExifTool?

По части обработки метаданных мультимедиа-файлов программа ExifTool имеет практически безграничные возможности:

  • Поддержка большого количества (более 200) форматов мультимедиа-файлов: изображения, видео и аудио, электронные документы, исполнимые файлы, динамические библиотеки, архивы и т.д.
  • Пакетная обработка метаданных — редактирование, удаление, запись.
  • Распознавание различных стандартов метаданных — EXIF, IPTC, GPS, JFIF, MakerNotes, GeoTIFF и многих других.
  • Чтение и запись метаданных большого количества цифровых фотокамер.
  • Чтение синхронизированных метаданных (как, например, GPS-трек) из видеофайлов MOV, AVI, MP4 и других форматов.
  • Вывод считанных метаданных в форматированном виде, в т.ч. с разделением табуляции (HTML, XML и JSON).
  • Получение изображений геотегов из лог-файлов GPS-треков, и наоборот.
  • Пакетное переименование и организация файлов в каталоги по дате, геотегам и любым другим метаданным.
  • Извлечение эскизов изображений для предварительного просмотра и полноформатные JPG-изображения из необработанных RAW-файлов.
  • Копирование метаданных из одного файла в другой (в т.ч. между файлами разных форматов).
  • Чтение и запись структурированных XMP-данных.
  • Поддержка альтернативных языковых тегов в XMP, ID3, PNG, шрифтах, QuickTime, профилях ICC, MIE и MXF-данных.

Вывод метаданных на многих языках, включая русский, и многое другое.

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