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- My Abandonware
- Racing / Driving
- Grand Prix World
Grand Prix World
Windows — 1999
Description of Grand Prix World
Grand Prix World, a really nice strategy game sold in 1999 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Time to play a managerial, licensed title, automobile, track racing and formula 1 video game title.
External links
- MobyGames
Captures and Snapshots
Comments and reviews
Download Grand Prix World
We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available.
Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentation when possible. If you have additional files to contribute or have the game in another language, please contact us!
Windows Version
Game Extras
Various files to help you run Grand Prix World, apply patches, fixes, maps or miscellaneous utilities.
PatchPatch v1.01b 818 KB
PatchPatch v1.03b
Install 1.01b first 1 MB
MiscOfficial Launcher for Windows XP 815 KB
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Grand Prix World — третья игра в серии менеджера F1. В GPW игрок может взять под контроль одну из одиннадцати доступных команд Формулы-1 и попытаться выиграть чемпионат мира Формулы-1. Игра начинается в сезоне 1998 года, и игрок имеет 10-летнюю карьеру в качестве босса команды.
За это время игроку предстоит решить целый ряд задач. Нанимайте и увольняйте лучших сотрудников в бизнесе, от коммерческих менеджеров до главных механиков. Посредник сердитых водителей. Организуйте спонсорские сделки, которые могут принести (и потерять) вашу команду миллионами. Используйте функции гостеприимства для привлечения технических поставщиков. Спроектируйте революционный автомобиль, который выиграет чемпионат, следуя реальному процессу от планов до вычислительной гидродинамики, до окончательного проектирования и испытаний в аэродинамической трубе. Настройте машины своей команды на шестнадцать гоночных трасс со всего мира, каждый из которых имеет свои особенности.
Оказавшись на трассе, игрок может либо посмотреть все действия на четырех фотореалистичных телевизионных мониторах, либо просмотреть информацию о гонке и статистику. Раздайте приказы водителю, обгоните маневры и спланируйте стратегию ямы.
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[RUS/ENG]F1 Grand Prix World
Пиратка (Фаргус)
- Тип издания: Пиратка (Фаргус)
- Интерфейс: RUS/ENG
При запуске в XP нужно выставить в файле совместисость с Win98. И как самый оптимальны вариант, установить виртуал писи с Win98.
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Status: Beta
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Grand Prix World
Hey there
Im trying to get an old game called Grand Prix World working in windowed mode. I think the game was developed around 1999 using directx 6.1. It also requires Windows to be configured to 16-bit display before it will run. I’ve tried DxWnd but the game seems quite stubborn to only open in full screen mode (which is 800×600).
Any tips on what options I should use in DxWnd? I havent been able to locate an indepth guide for DxWnd.
The game works under Windows 98/XP/7, assuming the display has been set to 16-bit. If I could get it working in windowed mode with DxWnd and emulate the 16-bit display, that would be great!
I think there is a torrent of the game available to download but there are a few tricks to get it working properly under WinXP/7 (DX audio related). I know the internal game files fairly well if you have any questions.
Setting «Windows» / «Simulate 16BPP desktop» gets rid of the statup dialog, but the game doesn’t start because of a creation failure in one of the ddraw surfaces, no matter whether in emulation mode or not.
It seems an interesting problem: I have to find what’s wrong with the createsurface parameters and hope there’s an easy way to fix them.
Wait for news….
Thanks gho! From what I know, and can see on the screen, the start up order of the game goes like this:
- check for 16bpp
- launch 800×600 borderless window
- switch to full screen
- show gold FIA logo
- play intro AVI movie
- show game screen
intro AVI movie can be turned off inside the game, in the game options screen, under 2D graphics, «Play animations». the game is mostly 2D graphics, and only renders 3D models (.x/.ppm) of cars over a 2D surface, so it may use DirectDraw heavily.
edit: dont worry about the below issue — it may be a game/cd issue and theres an updated exe that i’m testing out
as a side note, on WinXP/7 systems, if «Race Sound Effects» audio is switched on, the game crashes when watching the racing screens. we managed to get around this on WinXP by reducing WinXP’s audio hardware acceleration to Low/Off but there is no such setting on Win7 anymore. any idea why this might be the case? again, i think it uses an early version of DirectSound. no problems if you dont know.
thanks for taking a look into this
Last edit: Veedub 2013-06-09
I made some slight progress.
First of all I tried the game setting the desktop to 16BPP color depth: with Win7 that isn’t as easy as it was in WinXP, but searching through the graphic card tools I found a way. When things will be finished, I may add a «switch to 16BPP» option to DxWnd.
Then, there was an annoying control that caused the program to always terminate with an error dialog box. I got rid of that in a quick & dirty way: find attached a further-patched version of your gpwxp.exe file. I simply changed a conditional jump to unconditional.
In this way, using the setting in the exported file, the game is almost working: movies are awful, probably because the video is supposed to be set in some weird way, and the mouse is doubled causing some odd blitting outside the window’s area.
But it’s a beginning: what do you think?Last edit: gho 2013-06-17
Thanks Gho, that’s more progress than anyone else has ever made!
I managed to get it running in windowed mode on my system using your files. I have noticed some mouse cursor issues before under full screen on Windows 7, so that may more be OS related. But yeah, in windowed mode it functions pretty well considering.
I think Alt-Tab crashes the game under Windows 7, so switching in/out of the window may prove troublesome.
I appreciate your efforts. I’ll keep checking in regularly.
A small update: finally I got a way to avoid the ddraw initial surface checks and activate the game in emulation mode.
I hoped to eliminate the cursor glitches and have a more stable game, but with my surprise the game uses surface hardware acceleration features, so it blurs the whole screen with a red colored mess…. not much of an improvement, especially after so many attempts!
But who knows: maybe there’s a fix for this problem as well. Working by congeptures and assemly patches requires some time and a lot of patience…..
Thanks for the update Gho, I hope its an interesting challenge! I’m in the process of making my second editor for the game (meddling with IDA Pro while I go along), so I have plenty of that much needed patience, just a lack of skill.
Some further improvement: I had to do a couple of things….
1) fix DxWnd to handle the ddraw surface capabilities: the game checks for DDSCAPS_3DDEVICE capability that is stripped in emulation mode, so I had to add it. The operation has to be investigated a little, but for this game works fine.
2) fix DxWnd to take proper account that (surprisingly!) after you release the backbuffer surface this is still present and usable. It’s odd, but, again, it works!
3) fix the game exe to eliminate an «offendig» code section that war responsible to copy the cursor region directly to screen. The game cursor works perfectly also without it, anc crashes no more!
4) modify the DxWnd game configuration, because the game still accesses to physical resources, so it MUST run in 16BPP desktop resolution and 655 color schema.
So, if you want to try it, do the following:
a) download the latest v2_02_24f1 DxWnd fix
b) import the attached game configuration file (this is not necessary, but just in case…)
c) copy in the game dir the new patched exe
Ah, before I forget: there’s no way to see the game movies, so far. Maybe later on….
Enjoy and have a goood time with your game editors!
Last edit: gho 2013-06-29
fantastic! i gave the new file a go and all appears to work well
one final question (hopefully) — is it possible to keep the game running when the window doesnt have focus? for example, the races can take a long time to watch, so people may want to browse the internet, take strategy notes etc. while the game continues in the out-of-focus window. or is this something that is limited by the game/graphics code?
but otherwise:
— game speed is normal/good
— cursor is smooth, no trailing cursors, even team coloured cursors still work
— screenshots work, switching apps works, clicking outside dxwnd works etc.
— not too worried about the avi files — you can still hear the audio, and it doesnt crash the game, so not an issue. i think most players turn the tacky movies off anyway.
in addition to the post above — i just noticed that in the race screen, the game freezes/stutters with mouse cursor movement. so in other words, the cars stop moving when you move the cursor in a constant circle, and when you stop moving the mouse, the cars move again. hopefully not a difficult issue to resolve, but otherwise i’m very impressed by the work you have done. thank you
Some news and infos:
1) Running the game without focus — that requires the «intercept Alt-F4 key» flag set, but I checked and saw that the game seems to detect the event of lost focus and freezes itself. If you want it to continue, I’ll have to investigate and see what I can do.
2) Avi files: curiously, today I noticed that on my XP laptop movies were perfectly rendered with the new v2.02.25 release. Then, I tried again at home on my Win7 PC, and movies were visible, but scrambled. Maybe thad depends on the OS, maybe on the graphic card. In any case, I wish you good luck and I suggest you to try the just uploaded new release. The game setting shoud be left unchanged. If things don’t turn for better, stick to the previous release.
3) game freezing/stuttering: I noticed that, but without associating the fact to the mouse movements. I’ll investigate that as well. It may depend on some bad surface locking when the game draws the cursor directly on the screen surface.
4) timing issues: if you’re concerned about the simulation time, why don’t you check the «Time stretch» flag and play a little with the Time Slider form or the Alt-F5/F6 command keys? It seems to work pretty well with this game…
Well, I’m just too sorry I don’t have much time to dedicate to this hacking fun, but unfortunately I’m a business man with little spare time and a family to feed. I’m proud and happy to have fixed some of your issues. Thank you for appreciating it.
Last edit: gho 2013-07-01
Thanks again Gho, no worries. Take a break, you have done enough on this game for now. I’m sure through future releases there may be improvements that solve the issues.
For your information and for others that read this thread in the future. I tested out the suggestions above but didnt have much luck:
1) No difference using intercept Alt-F4 key.
2) No difference with Avi files (sound only) with 2.02.25 release (on my Windows 7 Lenovo T42 laptop)
3) Confirmed the first patched exe at the top of this thread didnt have the same problem with stuttering due to mouse movement as in the second patched exe. So like you say it may be due to surface locking etc. with the cursor fix.
4) I couldnt get time stretch flag to work, or the frame rate overlay. Not sure why the time stretch flag didnt work, as people have used SpeedUp in the past (with various results).I’ll go off and announce the news to the GPW community. Thank you for your help!
Hi Gho, thanks for your help earlier on this game! Its helped hugely with debugging
Earlier quote from me: «as a side note, on WinXP/7 systems, if «Race Sound Effects» audio is switched on, the game crashes when watching the racing screens»
Good news, I managed to fix this — I had to NOP out two memsets in the code that randomly received addresses outside the program’s memory area — crashing the game on XP/7 but not on 98. Not pretty but it works.
Now that our game community has a solution to the sound problem, we can now revert to the best executable that was ever released for the game (as below) — gpw.exe v1.01 has all the official bug fixes, that unfortunately did not make it into the gpwxp.exe version.
Grand Prix World Patch 1.01 — 27th July 2000:
http://www.edwardgrabowski.com/downloads.htmI hope its not a big ask, but can you please reapply the changes you made to the gpwxp.exe file to the gpw.exe file in the link above? Perhaps this will be a slightly easier task with the DxWnd version changes that have occured since?
gpw.exe 1.01 will become the new base that we will use for the game and future enhancements. But without DxWnd support, I cant debug and further to that, your changes also helped people who were getting flickering issues (at full screen) with NVidia gfx cards. So we would be ever so grateful! Actually, let us know if you have a donation box.
VeedubP.S. to get around the game CD check, add a folder to the game dir called «xox» and add a file inside that folder called «house.dat» (a blank txt file). It takes a different route through the code (not necessarily better) but will get you in. This version has no safedisc protection either, so is fine to work with in its current state.
I’ll try to do my best.
I just saw that with DxWnd and the same settings the patched gpwxp was working while gpw release 1.01 did not.
I do hope it won’t take long….UPDATE:
Having to patch the game is an annoying thing indeed! I hope this debug dxwnd release fixes the problem: with it you should be able to run the original gpw.exe (I tried the one in http://www.edwardgrabowski.com/downloads.htm). At least, it worked fine on my computer. Before making it into an official release I’ll have to check for the correct behaviour in all possible conditions, but so far and for gpw that should be it!
Let me know if there is more I can do before I get the official release out.
And about the donation box, I have none, but I’m starting to think it should not be a bad idea….
Find the dxwnd and gpw import file in attach.Last edit: gho 2013-11-12
Hi Gho, thanks for your quick turn around. No luck for me I’m afraid.
Tested on two systems (both Windows 7, 32 bit OS).
Downloaded the attachment
Launched DxWnd
Imported DXW file
Updated path to game exe (gpw.exe 1.01 file)
Click run but fails to launch the game (no window appears and no task starts it seems)
With DxWnd trace logging turned on, no log is created eitherAs we typically set Compatibility Mode on the file itself to Windows 98/Me (as is required for the game to launch), I tried turning this off. DxWnd now runs/launches the game but I get a white screen after the gold FIA logo (with Not Responding in the title bar), no sounds.
If I point DxWnd to use the gpwxp.exe file (with no Compatibility mode set), same thing but the window remains black and I can hear the sounds playing. Same goes for the earlier DxWnd patched gpwxp.exe from earlier in thread (with all the changes you had made to it).
So in other words, the official gpw.exe launches but appears to freeze on a white screen and the official gpwxp.exe runs but shows no graphics (even after the invisible AVI movie of course).
FWIW, gpw.exe 1.01 was compiled with VC++4 and gpwxp.exe with VC++5. If you have problems reversing gpw.exe (e.g. Idapro), I do have a version that has revised switch idioms/jump tables so that it can be decompiled fully. I’m sure that’s not the issue here but if you need to get inside and alter the start up code and gfx init, you will probably need my version to get a successful decompilation. I can upload this if needs be.
However, it sounds like your making some great progress with DxWnd in general! The breakthrough will come one way or another.
Have you tried to launch DxWnd with administrator’s pribviliges? That is required to start games with compatibility modes set. I didn’t suggest it before because the game seems to be working pretty well on my pc without any compatibility mode, but you never know….
Veedub, I think I made some sort of progress ans I am about to publish a new dxwnd release, but something strange happened:
after so many attempts, now the gpw.exe game shows the splash screen (the one before the intro movie) and freezes, no matter whether I laung it with or without dxwnd.
The crazy thing is the game worked before, and now it is not working anymore, either with olter versions of dxwnd and after uninstalling and installing it.
Is it a somehow known problem and what could I do to fix it?
btw, the other exe gpwxp.exe is working file, now even without my patch.
Hi Gho, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Thanks, running DxWnd with admin rights did fix the launching problem with the game, even with compatibility modes turned off on the exe itself.
But unfortunately no luck with both original exes. They launch successfully, and you can hear the AVI finish and then hear the game menu ‘music’ but the window is just black the whole way through, so no gfx. I’ve had another guy test and he had the same issue. But no worries, we can test again once you have a new versoin up and running.
If the splash screen you refer to is the gold FIA logo, then the game is known to freeze on that screen if compatibility mode is not set to Windows98/Me on the exe. Set it, and try again and it should work. Maybe a recent change you made broke it again.
Thanks again for taking time out to get this working for us, and no rush from my side of things. Cheers
About the black screen, I had a horrible suspicion: I introduced some debug features that prevent certain blitting operation to complete. Would you mind to do the following?
1) start dxwnd with the /debug option (i.e. typing «dxwnd /debug» at the command prompt, or adding «/debug» to a dxwnd shortcut
2) update the game configuration and in the debug tab (visible only in this way) uncheck all flags (mainly the three Suppress ones)
3) run the game: if it works, save the configuration!I don’t know if this is the case, but for sure next dxwnd release is going to disable all debug stuff when not wanted!
Awesome, I got it working!
Nope, it wasnt the debug flags, they were all off already. It was actually because my screen color depth was set to 16 bit in Windows 7. Once I changed it to 32 bit it worked perfectly! Strange but true…
I see the time stretch feature and the AVI files are also working now. Very cool!
Here’s a few issues I noticed, and I know some of them are by design, so its more a FYI as the issues may affect other games too. These issues came up with rough testing with two/three versions of the game I have.
- Windows 7 screen resolution must be 32 bit when running the game from DxWnd. When in 16 or 24 bit, no graphics show in windowed mode.
- However the good news is that DxWnd correctly fools the game into thinking that the screen is in 16 bit (i.e. the in-game prompt asking for 16 bit is not triggered).
- DxWnd needs to be launched with admin rights to be able to launch a exe with compatibility mode set on the file. GPW by nature requires compatibility mode set to Windows 98/Me to prevent the game freezing at the Gold FIA logo splash screen.
- Using compatibility mode options on DxWnd tab does not appear to provide a workaround/resolve this issue.
- Mouse cursor flickers when moving the cursor.
- Race graphics/engine and AVI graphics freeze momentarily while/when moving the cursor.
- Unable to exit the game from within the game cleanly, game just freezes — have to kill task using DxWnd option.
^^ All minor issues in the grand scheme of things, although there may be people out there without 32 bit screen support. More good news, debugging works! So I can keep on fixing bugs/making game enhancements.
I echo the thoughts of someone who mentioned a faux full screen mode, as DxWnd resolves a lot of game issues on its own, that would be useful to use in full screen. No major tho!
And yes that donation box will help you pay for the coffees/beers that you need! Your work is nothing short of fantastic.
Cheers on behalf of all the guys at gpracegames.com
Some quick answers:
When in 16 or 24 bit, no graphics show in windowed mode
weird! I’ll have a look
Using compatibility mode options on DxWnd tab does not appear to provide a workaround …
Sure. Windows compatibility mode does more than just faking the OS release… On my PC I’m having troubles on running the game with compatibility modes set, so I’m interested to know what Window does on the game in Win95/98 compat mode to replicate it in DxWnd. Does anyone know?
Mouse cursor flickers when moving the cursor
I noticed that the effect seems to be much greater when desktop is in AERO mode. Does that hold for you too?
Unable to exit the game from within the game cleanly
It’s jus a silly workaround, but setting Intercept Alt-F4 key flag and typing Alf-F4 provides a handy workaround, of course at the price of a possible tragic mistake when typed mistakenly in the middle of a season!
Last edit: gho 2013-11-19
That last link is very interesting! Thanks for sharing.
I wonder if it possible to pass that in the environment block when calling CreateProcess()
I wouldnt see why not, the KB article may help:
http://support.microsoft.com/kb/286705I’m new to this area but I take it the environment block would be able to contain the required ‘set’ commands you’d need.
It would be pretty easy to add this trick to dxwnd when it starts the process (mind you: that’s not always true. It could hook a process right after it is started!), but I tried the suggested example from the Win7 command prompt (the «cmd» exe) addinf a switch to 256 color, but nothing happens. Same thing holds for gpw.exe adding Win98 compatibility: the game keeps freezing after the splash screen, both with and without dxwnd.
I wonder if the trick is still supported on Win7 and later….
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Grand Prix Legends (GPL) 2020 Demo
GPL 2020 Demo INSTALLER (automatic installation, including uninstaller) |
208 MB | |
GPL 2020 Demo 7-ZIP (manual installation) |
207 MB | |
GPL 2020 Demo INSTRUCTIONS (instructions on how to as PDF file in ENG language) |
5 MB | |
GPL 2020 Demo README (instructions on how to as TXT files in 10 languages) Click on the language to open the README as TXT file: |
111 KB | |
GPL 2020 Demo Promotion MOVIE (right click on the video symbol and choose «Save as» to download) YouTube: |
4.6 GB |
What is Grand Prix Legends (GPL)?
GPL is a racing simulation for the PC that was published in 1998, yes you read correctly, 22 years ago. In 1998 GPL simulated the 1967 Formula 1 Grand Prix season and included eleven historic race tracks. In 2020 it simulates much more…
Why a GPL 2020 Demo?
Thanks to the GPL community who has kept this ancient software alive in the last two decades
- by still driving it offline against the AI and online against humans,
- by extending it with new mods simulating new racing series, like F1 1955, F1 1965, F1 1966, F1 1967 Extra, F2 1967, F1 1969 Extra, Can-Am 1966, Can-Am 1971, Sportscars 1967,
- by creating over 600 tracks,
- and by creating many tools & utilities,
the fans have built a gigantic universe for sim racing.
This demo shall give you the possibility to enjoy the best of GPL in a fully playable demo game to get a feel why it is still alive after such a long time and to get you excited about delving deeper into the GPL universe.
What do you get?
The GPL 2020 Demo contains ten cars from the major mods, four tracks, all original patches, modernized graphics and latest fixes and improvements made by the GPL community, that have been created in the last 22 years. A full GPL mod normally includes a field of cars with individual car physics and tracks to fully represent that year of racing. This demo includes the best cars of all mods.
- Cars
One car was chosen from each of the nine major mods plus one additional car from the original 1967 F1 simulation to demonstrate how far we have come in 22 years. Conveniently, the driver champion in each year drove these cars (with one exception). The cars are:
1955 F1 Mod: Mercedes W196
The 1955 Mercedes W196 simulates brake fade and has a light indicator in the cockpit to show the condition of your brakes. The light is not historically correct, but very helpful.
GREEN light = full brakes
YELLOW light = reduced brakes
RED light = almost no brakes
If you want a normal dash without any indicator light until you push the brakes too far and get a yellow or red indicator you can use the tempfade.mip. Just go to C:GPL 2020 Democarscars18c00Optional Brake Fade Light and copy the tempfade.mip file into the main c00 cars folder C:GPL 2020 Democarscars18c00.
If you want to go back to the original brake fade light indicator, just delete the tempfade.mip file again from the c00 cars folder C:GPL 2020 Democarscars18c00.
1965 F1 Mod: Lotus 33/Coventry Climax
1966 F1 Mod: Repco Brabham BT19
1966 Can-Am Mod: Lola T70 Mk2/Chevrolet 358.0 cu in/5.882L
1967 F1 Mod: Repco Brabham BT24
1967 F1 Mod: Lotus 49/Ford Cosworth
1967 F2 Mod: Matra MS5/Ford Cosworth
1967 Sports Cars Mod: Ferrari 330 P4
1969 F1 Mod: Matra MS80/Ford Cosworth
1971 Can-Am Mod: McLaren M8F/Chevrolet 494.9 cu in/8.110L
- Tracks
Four tracks were chosen for the GPL Demo Championship. The goal was to choose one track from each mod that best represented that mod year or was used for many years over several different mods.
Note: Some tracks include options that you can use. Have a look into the track folders located at C:GPL 2020 Demotracks.
1) Monza 10k
Country: Italy |
The Autodromo Nazionale Monza is a historic race track located near the city of Monza, north of Milan, in Italy. Built in 1922, it is the world’s third purpose-built motor racing circuit after those of Brooklands and Indianapolis. The circuit’s biggest event is the Formula One Italian Grand Prix. With the exception of 1980, the race has been hosted there since the series’s inception.
Built in the Royal Villa of Monza park in a woodland setting, the site has three tracks – the 5.793-kilometre (3.600 mi) Grand Prix track, the 2.405-kilometre (1.494 mi) Junior track, and a 4.250-kilometre (2.641 mi) high speed oval track with steep bankings which has been unused for many decades and is now decaying. The major features of the main Grand Prix track include the Curva Grande, the Curva di Lesmo, the Variante Ascari and the Curva Parabolica. The high speed curve, Curva Grande, is located after the Variante del Rettifilo which is located at the end of the front straight or Rettifilo Tribune, and is usually taken flat out by Formula One cars.
The route has been frequently changed since 1922: Some chicanes have been rebuilt over the years with larger run-out zones to meet the demands of modern motorsport. Curves that were once a left-right combination are now taken in reverse order. Already in 1935 the three chicanes Prima Variant/Rettifilo, Variant della Roggia and Variant Ascari known today were set up in the form of tyre stacks in order to slow down the speed of the racing cars. Later, however, the tyre stacks were removed again and used again only in the 1970s, after the track had claimed many lives due to the enormous speeds. In 1954, the two steep bends built in 1922 were rebuilt to be even steeper. The overall course, which was a combination of both tracks, was almost exactly ten kilometers long and was used four times in Formula 1 races (the last time was in 1961). In the meantime the steep curve combination is falling into disrepair.
2) Road America 1971
Country: USA |
Road America is a motorsport road course located near Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin on Wisconsin Highway 67, in the United States. It has hosted races since the 1950s and currently hosts races in the NASCAR Xfinity Series, WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, NTT IndyCar Series, SCCA Pirelli World Challenge, ASRA, AMA Superbike series, IndyCar Series, and SCCA Pro Racing’s Trans-Am Series.
Road America was designed and built by avid racing enthusiast and highway engineer Clif Tufte, whose sand and gravel company owned the land on which Road America was built. Seed financing came from members of the local community and regional SCCA chapters. The construction of the track began in April 1955.
The natural topography of the Kettle Moraine area was utilized for the track, which sweeps over the tops of rolling hills and plunges down through bottom land then up the steep narrow ravine known as Thunder Valley. The track is 4.048 miles in length with 14 turns. Except for recent re-modeling work on Turn 1 that changed it very slightly, the track is the same today as when it was first laid out.
3) Sebring International Raceway 1967
Country: USA |
Sebring International Raceway is a road course auto racing facility in the southeastern United States, located near Sebring, Florida.
Sebring (pronounced sea-bring) Raceway is one of the oldest continuously operating race tracks in the U.S., its first race being run in 1950. Sebring is one of the classic race tracks in North American sports car racing and plays host to the 12 Hours of Sebring.
The raceway occupies a portion of Sebring Regional Airport, an active airport for private and commercial traffic that was originally built as Hendricks Army Airfield, a World War II training base for the U.S. Army Air Forces.
The course was held at the end of the 1940s on the former airport grounds of the Hendricks Army Airfield and was modelled on European motorcycle racing courses. The first race took place in 1950, but on an 8.3-kilometre course that used two runways. In 1983 the race took place on a shortened 7.6 kilometer course. From 1984 to 1986 the length was 7.82 kilometers due to conversion work in the pit area. Then the north-south runway was left out and replaced by a new piece of asphalt with the so-called carousel, so that the length shrank to 6.6 kilometers. In 1991, the eight and nine bends and the carousel were removed again. The length was reduced to 5.9 kilometers. At the end of 1995, the Fangio chicane was relocated. This shortened the course to 5.7 kilometers. In 1997 the entry and exit of the Ulmann Straight (in front of the finish curve) were redesigned, which extended the course to 6 kilometers. At the end of 1998 the last rebuilding took place. The hairpin bend (bend 5) was converted into an S bend. In 2001 the surface was renewed from curve 1 to curve 10.
At the end of the 1959 Formula 1 season the first Grand Prix of the USA took place here — but it was also the last time that Formula 1 was a guest here.
4) Zandvoort 1967
Country: Netherlands |
Circuit Zandvoort (Dutch pronunciation: [sɪrˈkʋi ˈzɑntfoːrt]; known as Circuit Park Zandvoort until 2017) is a motorsport race track located in the dunes north of Zandvoort, Netherlands, near the North Sea coast line.
Between 1952 and 1985, the Formula 1 race track, originally almost 4.2 km long, hosted 30 official World Championship races under the name of the Grand Prix of the Netherlands between 1952 and 1985, with a few interruptions. In 1959 the World Road Championships were held on the circuit. The circuit winds its way through the dunes north of Zandvoort. The original course character consists mainly of fast curves and a hairpin curve after start and finish. The film Grand Prix shows a continuous lap from the driver’s perspective, shot in 1966. Since the track no longer met the safety standards after 1971 — the F1 racing driver Piers Courage had already had an accident here at the GP on 21 June 1970 and was burned in his car — it was rebuilt and only re-included in the Formula 1 calendar in 1973. A new chicane with the name Panorama had been added, but despite the new standards the British driver Roger Williamson died at the GP on 29 July 1973, he also burned in his F1 car. Another chicane was added in 1979. On 20 July 1980, the German Formula 2 racing driver Hans-Georg Bürger also died in an accident here during a race to the Formula 2 European Championship. After 1985 the Formula 1 did not appear any more in Zandvoort. In 1998 the circuit was last rebuilt and extended to its current length of 4.26 km. The track is still used for various racing events such as the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters (DTM), the World Touring Car Championship (WTCC), the A1-GP series and some national races.
From 2001 to 2018 the race track was part of the DTM calendar without interruption.
In May 2019, it was announced that Formula 1 would return to Zandvoort from 2020 after a 35-year interruption. The contract is initially dated until 2023, and the date is expected to be set at the beginning of the racing calendar.
Characteristic is the roller coaster ride, because it is constantly over hills, but also treacherous hilltops and bumps. Also very special is the permanent dune sand, which is blown by the coastal wind on and over the roadway.
- GPL 67 Patch v1.3 / GPL 1.3 Community Patch / Long Track Patch
This patch adds long track support, extra tracks support (1024), track/mod specific track.ini support, mod specific graphics support, mod specific program covers support, mod specific layout menus and some other things.
- GPL Head Movement Patch
This demo has the patch applied that moves the driver`s head in reaction to steering forces.
- GPL No Letterbox Patch
This demo has the patch applied that removes the top and bottom black bars for a larger viewing area.
- Force Feedback 2 Patch
This demo has the patch applied that reduces Force Feedback (FFB) latency and removes all non-physics forces. By default the core.ini file of this demo has these FFB settings:
[ Joy ]
;Force Feedback 2 Patch Settings
allow_force_feedback = 1 ; Use FF if device has it 0 = No * 1 = Yes
force_feedback_damping = 0 ; force feedback damping coefficient — Default = 0
force_feedback_latency = 0 ; force feedback latency (secs) — Default = 0
max_steering_torque = 400 ; steering torque in N*in giving max device force — Default = 400
; FFB steer vibe freq mult = 0.2000000
If you want to change the Force Feedback (FFB) settings for your wheel go to C:GPL 2020 Demo and edit the values of the core.ini file.
Note: The higher the value of max_steering_torque, the lower the forces. For heavier cars, like sports cars, you may want to use 450, 500 or even 600 instead of 400.
Tip: Windows Game Controller settings for a Thrustmaster T500 RS wheel:
— Wheel rotation/angle: 540°
— Forces settings: 60 % total strength of all forces and for any single force
— Automatic centering: by the game (recommended)
How to start playing?
1. These are the simplest steps for you to drive the GPL 2020 Demo as quickly as possible. When you have used the installer, use the link GPL 2020 Demo on your desktop, or go to your Windows Start menu and look for the GPL 2020 Demo entry to start the demo. Or if you have downloaded the zip version, unpack the zip and start the demo by double clicking on the gpl2020demo.exe file.
2. In general, GPL uses the green button to go forward and the red button or <Escape> key to go back. The first time you start the demo, you will need to select and calibrate your controls and set your screen resolution as shown in steps 3, 4, and 5.
3. Click the Options button. Click the right arrow button until the Controls Menu is displayed.
- Click the Steering field and turn your steering wheel to select it.
- Click the Throttle field and depress your throttle to select it.
- Click the Brake field and depress your brake pedal to select it.
- Click the Shift Up field and depress your shift up button to select it.
- Click the Shift Down field and depress your shift down button to select it.
4. Click the Calibrate Joystick(s) button.
- Turn your steering wheel all the way to the left, then all the way to the right, then back to center.
- Fully depress then release your throttle pedal.
- Fully depress then release your brake pedal.
- Click the OK button to return to the Controls Menu.
The GPL 2020 Demo supports modern Force Feedback wheels, gamepads and keyboards.
Tip: When you configure your wheel for the first time, it may happen that you cannot assign your Brake even so the demo detects it. If this happens, assign for example the >B< key (or any other key) on your keyboard just to be able to exit the Controls Assign window. Then click on the Calibrate Joystick(s) button. The Brake Axis 1 will display Unassigned, but even so you will be able to push your brake pedal and the calibration menu will show it. Calibrate your Steering, Throttle, Brake and Clutch, then click the OK button. Go back to the Joystick Calibration menu. Now you will be able to assign the brake pedal instead of the >B< key. Click on the Calibrate Joystick(s) button again. Calibrate your Steering, Throttle, Brake and Clutch again, then click the OK button.
5. Click the right arrow button until the Graphics menu is displayed.
- The demo initially starts with the OpenGLv2 rasterizer for the 3D accelerator. You may find that the Direct3D7v2 rasterizer works better depending on your PC`s configuration. You have to test what works best on your system. For details please read the next paragraph.
- Select your screen resolution in the drop down list. If your screen resolution isn’t displayed in the list, select the nearest available resolution.
- Click the green button to return to the Main menu.
6. Click the green button to enter the Track Select menu in the Training mode for practice driving. If the Training mode is not displayed, click the right arrow button until it is.
7. Click the green button to enter the Track Session menu.
8. Click the green button to enter the car and drive it. You will be in the 1965 Lotus 33 on the Road America track.
9. When finished driving, press the keyboard <Escape> key and then press the keyboard <Enter> key to exit the car and return to the Track Session menu. If and when you crash, press the <Shift> and <R> keys together to return to the track.
10. GPL does not run in a normal PC window so follow these steps to exit the demo: Click the red button, OK button, red button, red button, then any key.
This demo comes preloaded with a demo driver profile GPL Demo2020. You can create a new player with your name by going to the main menu Player Info and click the New button.
OpenGL v2 or Direct3D7 v2 rasterizer as 3D accelerator?
The demo initially starts with the OpenGLv2 rasterizer for the 3D accelerator. You may find that the Direct3D7v2 rasterizer works better depending on your PC`s configuration. You have to test what works best on your system. You can find the two different rasterizers in your demo installation in C:GPL 2020 Demorasterizer config files.
Just copy the app.ini of the rasterizer you want to use into your main demo folder C:GPL 2020 Demo and let Windows override the existing file. If you want to go back to the other rasterizer just copy the other app.ini in your main demo folder.
How to get the best graphics?
The GPL 2020 Demo comes already with optimized graphics settings in the core.ini file which is located in your main demo folder C:GPL 2020 Demo.
But you can improve the graphics inside your graphics card driver menu. If you are using a NVIDIA graphics card, I recommend using the NVIDIA Profile Inspector for advanced graphics settings. The Antialiasing Supersampling is e.g. not adjustable in the standard NVIDIA control panel. Download NVIDIA Profile Inspector here: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector
When this guide was created, the current version was NVIDIA Profile Inspector
In order to use the NVIDIA Profile Inspector with the demo you have to create a profile for the gpl2020demo.exe and also for any GPL mod that you might install. For example for the GPL F1 1955 mod you would need to create a profile for the gplc55.exe.
Below you’ll first see very moderate graphics settings for a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphics card, as a compromise between detail and good frame rate for races with a full starter field. Please scroll further down for the settings for an AMD Radeon graphics card.
Raise the values for Antialiasing — Setting and Antialiasing — Transparency Supersampling when you think your PC system can handle it. But do a quick test race with a full grid after each value you have changed to see if GPL still runs smoothly with full 36 FPS (frames per second).
Tip: I highly recommend creating a backup of your profiles for NVIDIA Profile Inspector. Click on the button Export user defined profiles and choose the option Export all driver profiles. As it can happen that your profiles are gone after a major Windows update and also after a NVIDIA graphics card driver update.
Below you can now see high-resolution graphics settings for a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 graphics card for the best possible graphics. These settings can cause frame rate drops on weaker PC systems.
Below you see high resolution settings for an AMD Radeon RX 580 graphics card.
Keyboard Hotkeys
The following list of keyboard hotkeys can be used from within the car:
ESC — Return to Pits/Retire
F1 — Help Display
F2 — View Replay
F3 – Options
F10 — Toggle Driving View
PAUSE — Pause/Continue Game
ALT+F — Toggle Frame Rate Display
SHIFT+R — Car Reset (see section below)
SHIFT+T — TellTale Reset
Additionally the following hotkeys are available to control the replay and live feed views:
C — Change to Next Camera
V — Change Focus to Next Driver
SHIFT+C — Change to Previous Camera
SHIFT+V — Change Focus to Previous Driver
Keypad1 (END) — Fast Forward to End
Keypad4 (Left Arrow) — Frame Rewind
Keypad5 — Play/Pause Replay
Keypad6 (Right Arrow) — Frame Advance
Keypad7 (Home) — Rewind to Start
SHIFT+Keypad4 – Rewind
SHIFT+Keypad6 — Fast Forward
Keypad (Del) — Switch to Live Feed Mode
Repairing damage and righting on overturned car
If you sustain serious damage or are otherwise unable to drive your car, you can simultaneously press <Shift> and <R> keys together to be placed upright on the racing surface with repaired damage, a fresh set of cold tires, and a topped off fuel tank.
Car setups
Each player’s car setups in Grand Prix Legends Demo are chassis specific, and will be stored in individual track directories located in C:GPL 2020 DemoplayersPLAYER__NAME setupsTRACK_NAME with the file extension of the setup designating the chassis that the setup was designed for. These are as follows:
1955 F1 Mod Setups
za1 (Mercedes W196)
1965 F1 Mod Setups
zb1 (Lotus 33)
1967 F1 Setups (Original Papyrus)
ze1 (Brabham BT24)
zf1 (Lotus 49)
1966 F1 Mod Setups
zc1 (Brabham BT19)
1969 F1 Extra Mod Setups
zi1 (Matra MS80)
1967 F2 Mod Setups
zg1 (Matra MS5)
1967 Sports Car Extra Mod Setups
zh1 (Ferrari 330/P4)
1966 Can-Am Mod Setups
zd1 (Lola T70 5.0L)
1971 Can-Am Mod Setups
zj1 (McLaren M8F)
In each case the final digit in the extension will designate the car class, with 1 being Grand Prix, 2 being the Advanced Trainer, and 3 being the Novice Trainer. Thus a setup for the GP Lotus 49 would have the extension .zf1 while a setup for a novice trainer would be .zf3.
The Matra MS80 has adjustable front and rear wings and the McLaren M8F has an adjustable rear wing.
Note: Some cars include options that you can use. Have a look into the car folders located at C:GPL 2020 Democars.
Tip: The default car setup of the 1965 F1 Lotus 33 uses a Steering Ratio of 18.1.
Depending on your Force Feedback steering wheel you may want to change the wheel Steering Ratio at the Car Setup menu to 8:1, 9:1 or 10:1. For the other cars, please do the same, depending on your steering wheel and your preferences. Remember that the wheel rotation/angle setting in your Windows Game Controller setting also has an influence on your steering ratio setting of your car setup of the GPL 2020 Demo.
Here you can see GPL setup basics:
The default setups carry 5 to 7 gallons of fuel. Increase the fuel load to finish a full GP race.
Pit Board
The pit board is used by your team to convey vital information to you as you approach the start/finish line on each lap. The pit board in Grand Prix Legends Demo functions very much like pit boards used by race teams in 1967. The most important thing to know is that some of the information on the pit board is always one lap old. This is due to the time required to collect the information and then post it to the board.
Practice: P# indicates your current position on the provisional starting grid. If it shows P1, then you are on the pole. M### indicates the number of minutes remaining in the session (this is always current). In the middle of the pit board you will see the time of the last lap you completed. The item beneath this depends on whether or not you are P1. If you are P1, the bottom item will be the first four letters of the driver’s last name who is currently P2, along with the difference between your best time and his. If you are not P1, the display will be similar, but will represent the driver who is currently P1 (on pole), and the difference between his best time and your best.
What are the recommended system requirements for the GPL 2020 Demo?
- Microsoft Windows 10 (64-Bit), Windows 8 (32-Bit, 64-Bit), Windows 7 (32-Bit, 64-Bit), Windows Vista (32-Bit, 64-Bit)
- Linux, see SRMZ forum thread 1, forum thread 2, forum thread 3, forum thread 4
- Intel Core i3, i5, i7, i9 processor
- AMD FX Processors, AMD A-Series Processors, AMD Athlon Processors, AMD Ryzen Processors
- supports current NVIDIA GeForce and AMD Radeon graphics cards
- supports current Force Feedback steering wheels
- supports gamepads, see SRMZ forum thread 1, forum thread 2, forum thread 3, forum thread 4, Sony PlayStation 4 (PS4) DualShock 4 Wireless Controller using DS4Windows forum thread, Microsoft Xbox 360 Controller Tutorial Video
- supports keyboards, see SRMZ forum thread 1 (GPL Key Master), forum thread 2
4GB Patch
The 4GB Patch is a tool that patches any x86 executable so that it can access 4 GB of memory instead of just 2 GB. This patch should only be used by users with a computer that has a 64-bit OS and more than 6 GB of RAM. This patch is particularly useful for players who are looking to use many hi-res texture packs. Several GPL drivers have reported that the 4 GB Patch has a positive impact on their system. For example the demanding Spa67 track runs smoother.
Download 4GB Patch: http://www.ntcore.com/4gb_patch.php
How do I race online with the demo?
With the GPL 2020 Demo you can play a Multiplayer game. You just have to enter the IP in the multiplayer menu of another PC in your home network or enter the IP of a PC on the internet that is hosting.
But with this Demo you do not have access to the iGOR racelist that displays the list of all available dedicated GPL server. Therefore you would need the full version of Grand Prix Legends. Then you can use GPLSecrets that includes the programs GEM+ and iGOR (interactive GPL Online Racing). For further information please have a look here:
Where can I download more GPL tracks?
At the GPL Alternative Track Database (GPLTD) you can download over 600 (!) GPL tracks.
There you can also find for example the full 37 ¾ miles Isle Of Man Mountain Course.
Go to: http://gpltd.bcsims.com/
How to install new GPL tracks for the GPL 2020 Demo?
Run the GPL track installer via the TrackInstall.exe and change the installation path from …SIERRAgplgpl.exe to your demo installation, default is C:GPL 2020 Demogpl.exe.
Do not untick Update 67SEASON.ini during installation. The track is now installed into C:GPL 2020 Demotracks. Then go to C:GPL 2020 Demoseasons. Open the 67season.ini and copy the whole text of [Event1]. If you have for example installed the Spa67 track then you need to copy:
name=XXVII Grand Prix de Belgique
shortname=Belgian GP
Then open the c18.ini and paste the copied text at the end after [Event4] which is Zandvoort. Now change [Event1] of spa67 to [Event5]. And also raise the number of events on top to numEvents=5. Leave a blank line between each event.
If you want to do a full GPL 2020 DEMO CHAMPIONSHIP do the same with the LGseason.ini.
You need to do that procedure for every new track you install to the demo.
How do I get in-car telemetry & race status?
Use the tool Pribluda. Pribluda is an add-on for GPL that provides real-time telemetry information to the driver. It enables drivers to see at glance their sector times, tire temperatures and the current race standings, and more. This picture shows a full set of information available, which can be tailored to suit your preferences.
Pribluda website: https://www.amirkamal.com/gpl/pribluda/pribluda_readme.html
Download the latest Pribluda version here: http://srmz.net/index.php?showtopic=5835
To make Pribluda work with the demo see the paragraph further down entitled How to make Pribluda work with the GPL 2020 Demo and GPL mods?.
GPL Replay Analyzer (GPLRA)
GPL Replay Analyzer is a program with which you can load up your Grand Prix Legends replays and analyze/compare driving lines and different kinds of telemetry. You can replay the races to see how it developed and generate race reports, practice reports and various statistics.
Here you can download the latest version of the GPL Replay Analyzer by Martin Granberg:
gplra_791_beta2 http://srmz.net/index.php?showtopic=6319&st=60#entry68958
You can select up to five different laps. It doesn’t matter if the driver of the lap is a local human, AI-car, multiplayer human nor in what kind of session the lap was set. GPL Replay Analyzer supports all tracks.
Furthermore you’ll find lots of different tools and features in GPL Replay Analyzer.
For further details please go to http://gplra.martingranberg.se/
How to install GPL mods to the GPL 2020 Demo?
Let`s for example install the GPL F1 1955 mod to the GPL 2020 Demo.
1) Go to the C:GPL 2020 Demo folder and run the gpl.exe and add a new player. Exit the demo again.
2) Install the GPL F1 1955 mod into the C:GPL 2020 Demo folder.
3) Install GEM+ which is part of GPLSecrets: http://gem.autosimsport.net/
Important: Do not install GPLSecrets into your GPL 2020 Demo installation! You need GEM+ 2.5.32 or higher to run GPL mods! For GEM+ indexing needs to be activated (Windows default setting), because GEM+ needs to access the GPL 2020 Demo player profiles!
4) Start GEM+, click on the button Installs, then click on the button Add and set the path to the gpl.exe which is C:GPL 2020 Demogpl.exe.
5) In GEM+ click on the button Carsets and set the inactive carset GPL55 to active by clicking on the button > in the middle of the menu.
6) In GEM+ choose your new player (here Player One). Then make sure that you are using the 1955 carset (GPL55, CARS55). Hit the green button to create and launch the gplc55.exe. In the GPL 2020 Demo you need to calibrate your controller/ wheel for the new 55 mod. At Options deactivate all driving aids, by unticking Automatic Shifting, Braking Help and Throttle Help. At Options also set your graphics resolution (for example 1920 x 1050) and Detail Bias to almost maximum to the right (+). Then run a 55 mod Training and use the Car Type Grand Prix, or run a 55 mod Single Race.
Note: You can also change your Driving Resolution and Graphic Options and other player related settings for each mod in your players folder in C:GPL 2020 Demoplayers.
Tip: In GEM+ click on Configure button and tick Link Carset to Player, do not tick Confirm Changes on Exit.
How to make Pribluda work with the GPL 2020 Demo and GPL mods?
1) Do all steps 1) to 6) of the above section How to install GPL mods to the GPL 2020 Demo?.
2) Download the latest Pribluda version here: http://srmz.net/index.php?showtopic=5835
3) Unpack all content of the pribludav1120.zip into C:GPL 2020 Demo.
4) Start GEM+ and tick the Enablepribluda option within the window you seen on the right bottom of GEM+.
5) Click on the green button and run the 55 mod that is now working with Pribluda.
Final Thoughts
Grand Prix Legends isn`t for everyone, but the same adage is true for many of the finer things in life. Provided you`ve got the patience to stay with it past the first feelings of frustration, Grand Prix Legends will reward you with one of the most intense racing experience you can find on a personal computer.
We hope that after you finish reading this, you will be able to jump right into the game, setup your controller, graphics and sound and head for the track and your first crash. Don`t worry we`ve all done it.
If you run into problems be sure to check out the GPL 2020 Demo Instructions (PDF file) in the folder C:GPL 2020 Demo and the GPL 2020 Demo Forum at SRMZ http://srmz.net/index.php?showforum=194.
Keep your eye on the SRMZ website for future community developments for GPL.
On the behalf of all of the artists involved with the creation of this demo, I wish you good luck with your new passion.
(2019) by the GPL Community & the Grand Prix Legends Preservation Society (GPLPS)
Contact the GPL 2020 Demo team at http://srmz.net
The GPL 2020 Demo installer was created with Inno Script Studio https://www.kymoto.org
These are the key events of Grand Prix Legends (GPL) from 2019 to 1998.
GPL 2020 Demo
F1 1968 mod
Isle of Man 1:1 track
Sportscar 1967 GT Extra mod (new version of GT mod)
F1 1967X mod (online edition of Historical mod)
Legends of GPL mod
Pace Notes patch
F1 1955 mod
Night patch
Weather patch
OnTrack patch
Can-Am 1966 mod
RPYDump tool
F1 1967 Historical v2 mod
Head Movement patch
No Letterbox patch
Custom Rank website
Fog patch (updated with Night fog)
Spa 1967 track (historicaly correct version of Spa)
Can-Am 1971 Historical mod update
Pitstop/Refuel patch
Pitstop/Repair patch
DirtGearPatch patch
F1 1967 Historical mod
Can-Am 1971 mod
Stratos Rocks mod (updated with Renault Alpine)
F2 1967 mod
Sportscar Springbock Series GT 1968 (carset for GT mod)
GPL Facebook Group website
F1 1969 Extra mod (new version of 1969 mod)
Fog tool
GPL Recently website
GPL Replay Analyser v7.9 tool
Sportscar 1967 GT mod
GPL Setup Manager
GPLPS`s Blog website, GPL Preservation Society
GPL TestMod mod
Lancia Stratos mod
Online Grid Tool
Mexico multi season update
Tasman Series 1964-68 carset
F1 1967 1.3 mod update
Targa Florio track
60fps v2 patch
F1 1969 1.3 mod (part 3 for 1969 mod)
Grand Prix Legends Wiki website
60fps patch
F1 1966 2.0 mod update
F1 1965 2.0.2 mod update
GPL Setup Comparator tool
Rouen Historical 2.0 track update
Replacement Rasterizers patch D3D, OpenGL
Zandvoort multi season track update
GPLWait patch
GPL TCR tool
GPL 1966 Mod Light carset (for Voodoo video cards)
GPLshift+ tool
Pribluda 1.1 tool
F1 1966 mod
GPL Setup Manager tool
A Day In Heaven movie
GPL Easy Installation Guide
GPLPS installer
GPL on The Moon track
Thundercars 2.0 mod update
F1 1965 2.0.1 mod update
Night Mod (mod based on 1965 mod)
Fog — TestTrk track
GPL Alternative Track Database (GPLTD)
F1 1969 mod
GPL Glance patch
Thundercars mod (semi-fictional cars from the CART era)
GPLtv tool
Sim Racing Mirror Zone website, forum and host of GPL
iGOR tool (lobby for online racing)
F1 1965 mod
Pribluda tool (displays various data in-game)
BWpatch patch (bandwidth patch for online racing)
GEM+ tool (mod and track manager)
— —
GPLEA website (the GPL Editors Association was the first group that created the 1967 F1 real looking cars of the original GPL carset)
GPLReplayAnalyzer tool
Brands Hatch track (first real addon track)
Dubai track (first fantasy addon track)
VROC tool (lobby for online races)
Grand Prix Legends release
Grand Prix Legends demo
654 identified members with active contributions.
All SRMZ members wish you all the best and thank you for the time, but also for the joys and sorrows, hopes and difficulties you have encountered in editing GPL.
Without you, Grand Prix Legends (GPL) would not have become such a rich universe, a world in itself.
A — Aad Gagesteijn, Aaron Liebling, Achim Kraft, Achim Trensz, Adam Preston, Addie Waelti, Al Heeley, Alain Bosco, Alan Dickeson, Alan Goss, Alan Layton, Aldo Regozani, Aleksi Elomaa, Alesi-27, Alex Cameron, Álex Murcia, Alexander Mueller, Alexis Bigonville, Alison Hine, Amir Kamal, Anders Vähäkuopus, Andras Barnahazi, Andre Barbosa, Andrea Carlisi (yDNA), Andreas (becky), Andreas Ritlop, Andreas Streu, Andreas Wilke, Andrew Gameson, Andrew Olley, Andy Schremser (ChiefWiggum), Anton Norup Sørensen, Antoni Pujol (nes), Arne Martin Hanssen, Arthur Slabbaert (in memoriam — R.I.P.), Art-J, Arturo Pereira, Atumno.
B — Balue, Barchetta, Bart Westra, Barty Mee, Bas Van Meurs, Ben Williams, Bernard Saulais, Bernd Nowak, Bert Knops, big_jim_uk, Bias, Bill Cooper, Bill Guillaume, Bill Tillman, Bingo, Björn L. Finnestad (Simbear), Bo Bruce, Bob Berman (Royale), Bob Hund, Bob Simpson, Bob Thurman (Buzard), Border Reiver, Bradley Price, Brandon Farrar, Brent Adams, Brian Heiland, Bruce Kennewell, Brubeck, Bruce M. Johnson, Bubba Jones, Buk Nekkid, Bushgold, buttermilch, Buzz O’ Dea.
C — Carlo Messeri, Carlos Costa, Carsten Siebholz, Casper Cripenberg, Cesare Ascari, Charlie Mark (CJM), Charlie Williscroft, Chaz Wood (chazOmatic), CheeseHead, Chris Kelly, Chris Kleineberg, Chris Moses, Chris O’Brien, Chris Payne, Christian Hatzenbichler (Hatzi), Christian Hedrich, Christian Roy, Christian Wohlfahrt, Christoph Frick (ridcully), Christoph Schirmer, Christophe Esneault, Chubb Pearson, Chuck Hummer, Clyde Ransom, Colin Taber, Costas Sourelis, Cris Eichler, Cristian Aguile, Csomor Benő, Culmone67, Cyril Montallier.
D — D. «Dents» Hopkins, Dale Hillan, Damir Kranjcec (Habanero), Dan Archey, Dan Gullick, Daniel Cean-Bermudez, Dan Murray, Darius Billmoria, Dark, Darren Hosein, Dastardly, Dave Allam, davef, Dave Gill, Dave Mack, Dave Noonan, Dave Turman, David Buttery, David Crowell, David Fletcher, David Kaemmer, David Layton, David Sabre, David Wright, Davide Grappolo, Denis Bertrand (db312), Dede Driver, deegee, Delgs, Denis Fedorov, Denis Garese, Denis Hengeveld, De Pretto, Derek Downie, Diego Doni (dido), DigiMortal, Dmitry Gravilenko (Gaus), Dirk Wagner, Dizzy, Doc Roberto, Don Lodge, Donnie Yourth (Manfred Cubenoggin), Doug Arnao, Doug Hardy (DoOg), Dukeman, DuncanS, Dunky.
E — ED76, Ed Hut, Edwin Solheim, Edwin Van der Velde, Eguzo, Eldred Pickett, Elio75, Emmanuel Sorianno, Eric Bourgouin, Eric Cote, Eric Sutton, Ezechiel47.
F — Faston, Fast Tommi, Fausto Gomes, Fejes Gabör, fela, Ferdinand Schulze, Ferdinand Sommederer, Fernando Montero (Arch), Flop, Fortholf5, Francesco Caballero, Francesco Molteni, François Dubuc, François Schott, Frank Siebeck, Fred Faster, Frederic Simian, Freddy Hell, Frederic Gubbels, Fredrik Nornemark, Fulvio Policardi.
G — Giammy Bianchi, Gianfranco Spinella, Gaizka Lopez, GAMMAWORX, Gary Tall, Gene Fryman (Codehound), Gentleman Driver (G.D.), Geoff Oliver, Geoff Scully, George Smiley, Gianluca Branchesi, Gilles Benoit, Gilles Jausset, Gilles Maltais, Gilles Ressegat, Gilles Sauthon, Ginetto, Giovanni Tifosi, Glen Leugner (Mytrack), Glyn Lloyd, Gordon_S, Götz Poppitz, Graeme Nash, Graham Hosking (AWOL), GrandPrixYannick, Greg Liebzeit, Greg Stewart, Greger Huttu, Gregory Fedoruk, Gringo Hairpiece, Grizz(loursse), Guillaume Nachin, GustauA, Gustavo Olivera, Guy Wilson.
H — hagapito40, Hans Marfan, Hans Van Zand, Harald Boers, Harri Ikonen, Herb Moore, Herb Weisrock, Herko Ter Horst, Heyjoe67, Horst Tartoni.
I — Ian Barrett, Ian Pinkerton (IAN), Ian Withycombe, Ian Wright, IDav, intruder.
J — J.P. Muntaaa, J. Phelps, Jack Rambo, JackSeller, Jack Ulstad, Jacques Bossy, Jake Myers, James Sowell, Jamie Rosenzwaig, Jan Kohl, Jani Posta (fajanko), Jary Jokinen, Jason Hill, Jason_Peters, Jason Woods, Javier Febrero, Javier Marante, Jay Beckwith (Draftdancer), JBviking, JCT Hypa, Jean François Bovy, Jean Michel Chauveau, Jeff Antley, Jens Linblad, Jeroen Goedhard, Jesse Laakso, JHalli, Jim Barnes, Jim Benshaw (Strava), Jim Erickson, Jim Griffie F.T., Jim Pearson, Jim Tickle (Jetman), Jim Turley, Jimmy Bo, Joachim «crash» Blum, Joachim Bödeker, Joe Owens, Joe Shaw, John Basara, John Black, John Bradley, John Dolan (R.I.P.), John Fransson, John Harrison, John Hinkle, John O’Keefe, John Ollis, John Roberts, John Simmons, John Smith (DieGrueneHoelle), John W. King (R.I.P.), John Woods, Johnny Fiama, Johnny Lugnuts, Jon Ferraez, Jon Jones, Jonas Matton, Jonathan Merry, Jonathan Slark, JonnyA, Jonny0, Jops Siffert (R.I.P.), Jorge Cerezo, Jose Cagigal, José Luis López Nieto, Josh Taylor, JSJ, Juan Montoya, Juan Pablo Munter, Juha Kallioinen, Juho Honkala, Jumi2, Jürgen Schunke, Jürgen Voss, Jussi Kaskia.
K — Kanzo, kardum31, Kari Ikonen, Karsten Borchers, Keido, Keir, Keith Ballard (Saiph), Keith Wakefield, KELLLAAA68 (-XK-), Ken Drouillard, Ken Tarvin, KenKunen, Kenny, Kevin Clark, Kevin Durbster, Kevin Largent, Kieron, Kimmo Kokkonen, Kinst Von Sterga (Lenny Trapp), Klas Fjellgren (Klas), Klaus Hörbrand, Klaus Thon (CityTea), Klemens Sensen, Knappo, Kris, Kory Miller.
L — Larry C, Larry Currie, Larry Ford, Larry Holbert, Lee Bowden (Lee200), Lee Gaunt, Leon_90, Levincars, Lloyd Cole, Lou Magyar, Luca Panella, Luca Varani, Luciano Produzioni, Luis Babboni.
M — Magnus Thome, Maik Hennel, Malcolm Mitchell, Marc Bevan (uotymab), Marcel Borsboom, Marcel Offermans, Marc Ostermann, Marco Medici (Irridux), Marcos Mirande, Mario Müller (Orpheus), Mario Wojahn, Mark Beckman (Cheapracer), Mark Daniels, Mark Ide, Mark Lane, Mark Stone, Mark H. Walker, Marko Räsänen, Markus Forsström, Martijn Janse, Martijn «Taffer» Keizer, Martin (smogbike) Pitts, Martin Cooper, Martin Granberg, Martin Huiskes (MECH), Martin Hunt (Maddog), Martin Krejcirik (tramker), Martin Svacha, Martin Zutter, Mat Lavers (Enfield), Matthew Knutsen, Matt Phelps, Mauritz Lindqvist, Mauro Alcamisi, Mauro Licciardello, Mauro Traversa, Maxx, McClark, McTshirt, Mc Wolf (Wolfgang), Meatwater, Meik Thiemann, Michael Barlow, Michael Hompus, Michael Kaulfuss (Kauli), Michael Schoëtz (Michal), Michal Beran (Berca), Michel Vignères, Michiel Pompert, Miguel Rodriguez, Mika Pihlamo, Mike Bennett, Mike Cotchin, Mike Tyler, Mike Wilkerson, Mirko Pavlovic, Monger 33, Monte Smith, Moshe Pinchevsky, Mr Arek, Mr. Photog, MrX3m3(Mr X).
N — Nate Hine, Nathan Akerlund, Nedo Radulovic, Neil Lowe, Neil McCollum, Neil Vaughn, Nellie Pennington, Neville Roberts, Nick Dalton, Nick Reel, Nick Winters, Nicklaus, Nicolas Petit, Niels Heusinkveld (Niels-at-Home), Nigel Nichols, Nigel Pattinson, Nils Ruwisch (KOTR / Joe Lafrite), Nokiabrier, ntoxcated, Nurbi Yogi.
O — Olaf Lehmann, Oliver Alexander, Olivier Gosseaume, Olivier Grand, Olivier Zaiit, Olli Suominen, Ondrej Haderka (Kuratko), Oren Barnea, Ottavio Silveira, Oversteer, Owain Shaw, Ozpata.
P — Pablo Fernandez, Pal Steinar Berg, Pascal Celton, Pascal Fourcade, Patrick «Petrov» Gilmore, Patrick Daly, Patrick Meyer, Patrik Lindqvist, Pau Freire, Paul Barvinko, Paul Harrington, Paul Hoad, Paul Jackson, Paul McCluskey, Paul Moss, Paul Newton, Paul Skingley, Paul Smith, Paul Temple, Paul Thurston, Paul Whitfield (Badblood), Paul Wright, Pavel Zherebtsov, Pedro Johansson, Pete «Jamnut» Gaimari, Pete Gale, Peter Allam, Peter Andersson, Peter Burke, Peter Forster, Peter Lohmar, Peter Mc Kerron, Peter O’Connor, Peter Prochazka, Peter Van Der Burg, Peter Walker, Petteri Pajunen (brr), Phil Flack (Guru), Phil Neville, Phil Paterson, Phil Woodward, Philippe Charuest, Phillip Derrick, Phillip Glowacki, Pierre Dietze (Tormentor), Piotr Kozlowski, Pirenzo, Pioujd428, Polar Blue, Poldo, PTRACER, Punko 353.
Q — Quattro.
R — Ralph.B (Burger), Rami Nachum, Raul Valenzuela, Raymond (Ray) Geering, rcb, Remco Moedt, Remco Hitman, Remy Roesz, reddog, Renzo Krutsch, Ricardo Nunnini, Richard Cooke, Richard DeLong (Fireeyes 2), Richard Mace, Richard Marchand, Richard Neville (luna), Richard Towler, Rick King, Rick Osborn, Roberto Rosati, Robert Szikszo, Robert Zeugin, Rodney Ramsay, Roger Wennström, Roland Ehnström, Rolf Farrell, Roman Skrebbas (Sky), Ron Costin, Ron (Keeper) O’Dell, Ron Percival, Ron Zurnetz, Ronnie Bresich, Rory Gibson, Rrevved, Rudolf Goertz (Slowmoe), Rudy Dingemans (R.I.P.), Runar Bjornstad, Ruud Berest, Ryk Penfold.
S — Sam Doobie, Scott Przybylski, Scott Stark, Scott Steiner, Scottie, Sebastien Riou, Sergio Loro, Sevekeve, Shaun Collins, Shawn Belleque, Shifterdog, Shnee Fee, Shutaro, Siboku, silence, simbear, Simone Garese, Simon Brown, Simon Stobbart, Simon Ventevogel, Sirace, Soeren Scharf, Speed Eraser, Squizzo, Stefan Loos, Stefan «Nenne» Magnusson, Stefan Roess, Stefan Zscharmack, Stefano Balzani, Stefano Zampedri, Steff, Steffen W (Weitzdörfer), Stephen Ludwig, Steve Lee, Steve Barnett, Steve Cloyd, Steve Evasic, Steve Life, Steve Smith, Steven Wilton (GX Tracker), Stewart Fisher, Stefano Bucci (Stex68), Stones, Stuart Bartosiak (Sbart_UK), Stuart Boyle, Stuart Cowie (MadCowie), Stuart Thorp, Svend Seegert, svenvagent, Swen Beuchert.
T — Tato, T. Yamato, Tedjr, Teppo Lehtonen, Terrence «St Smytherie» Dorsey, Teru, Thomas J.S. Brown, Thomas Laechele (Thx1138), Thomas Witte, Thor Fischer, Thorsten Reuter, Thorsten Thierolf, Tifo, Tim Mc Arthur, Tim Medcalf, Tim Stelten, Tim Wheatley, Timo Kujala, Timo Nurmi, Tino Lange, TIX, Toin, Tom De Muer, Tom Guérout, Tom Heinzmann, Tom Johnson, Tom Pabst, Tomislav Petricevic, Tommie Van Ostade (TvO), Tony Adamowicz (R.I.P.), Tony Krist, Tony Mau, Tony Whitley, Tony Stevens, Toploader, 2re (tore), Torodd Fugelsted, Totoro, Traveller, Tristan Lefevre (cevert), Tyrrell.
U — Udonn, Ulrich Pilz-Volmerding (R.I.P.), Umrk, Urban Alsenmyr (Dr. Tooth), US Pits (collective site members contributors), Uwe Schuerkamp.
V — Vadim Kuhtin, Valerio Nolano, Valex, Luc Van Gossum, Vladimir Mahnytkin, Volker Hötz, Von Blade.
W — Warren Bennett, Waylon, Wayne Fitzgerald, Werner Stahl, Werner Dielen (GTV), Willi Herrmann (WiHerr), William Campbell, Wolfgang Buthe (ducwolf), Wolfgang Woeger.
X — Xavier Gállego (xug), Xiang (SV3000).
Y — YelloGreen67.
Z — Zaf, Zozo’s.
К сожалению, в играх бывают изъяны: тормоза, низкий FPS, вылеты, зависания, баги и другие мелкие и не очень ошибки. Нередко проблемы начинаются еще до начала игры, когда она не устанавливается, не загружается или даже не скачивается. Да и сам компьютер иногда чудит, и тогда в Grand Prix World вместо картинки черный экран, не работает управление, не слышно звук или что-нибудь еще.
Что сделать в первую очередь
- Скачайте и запустите всемирно известный CCleaner (скачать по прямой ссылке) — это программа, которая очистит ваш компьютер от ненужного мусора, в результате чего система станет работать быстрее после первой же перезагрузки;
- Обновите все драйверы в системе с помощью программы Driver Updater (скачать по прямой ссылке) — она просканирует ваш компьютер и обновит все драйверы до актуальной версии за 5 минут;
- Установите Advanced System Optimizer (скачать по прямой ссылке) и включите в ней игровой режим, который завершит бесполезные фоновые процессы во время запуска игр и повысит производительность в игре.
Системные требования Grand Prix World
Второе, что стоит сделать при возникновении каких-либо проблем с Grand Prix World, это свериться с системными требованиями. По-хорошему делать это нужно еще до покупки, чтобы не пожалеть о потраченных деньгах.
Каждому геймеру следует хотя бы немного разбираться в комплектующих, знать, зачем нужна видеокарта, процессор и другие штуки в системном блоке.
Файлы, драйверы и библиотеки
Практически каждое устройство в компьютере требует набор специального программного обеспечения. Это драйверы, библиотеки и прочие файлы, которые обеспечивают правильную работу компьютера.
Начать стоит с драйверов для видеокарты. Современные графические карты производятся только двумя крупными компаниями — Nvidia и AMD. Выяснив, продукт какой из них крутит кулерами в системном блоке, отправляемся на официальный сайт и загружаем пакет свежих драйверов:
- Скачать драйвер для видеокарты Nvidia GeForce
- Скачать драйвер для видеокарты AMD Radeon
Обязательным условием для успешного функционирования Grand Prix World является наличие самых свежих драйверов для всех устройств в системе. Скачайте утилиту Driver Updater, чтобы легко и быстро загрузить последние версии драйверов и установить их одним щелчком мыши:
- загрузите Driver Updater и запустите программу;
- произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
- обновите устаревшие драйверы одним щелчком мыши.
Фоновые процессы всегда влияют на производительность. Вы можете существенно увеличить FPS, очистив ваш ПК от мусорных файлов и включив специальный игровой режим с помощью программы Advanced System Optimizer
- загрузите Advanced System Optimizer и запустите программу;
- произведите сканирование системы (обычно оно занимает не более пяти минут);
- выполните все требуемые действия. Ваша система работает как новая!
Когда с драйверами закончено, можно заняться установкой актуальных библиотек — DirectX и .NET Framework. Они так или иначе используются практически во всех современных играх:
- Скачать DirectX
- Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
- Скачать Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Еще одна важная штука — это библиотеки расширения Visual C++, которые также требуются для работы Grand Prix World. Ссылок много, так что мы решили сделать отдельный список для них:
- Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service Pack 1
- Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
- Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
- Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (32-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
- Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (64-бит) (Скачать Service Pack 1)
- Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4
- Скачать Microsoft Visual C++ 2013
Если вы дошли до этого места — поздравляем! Наиболее скучная и рутинная часть подготовки компьютера к геймингу завершена. Дальше мы рассмотрим типовые проблемы, возникающие в играх, а также кратко наметим пути их решения.
Grand Prix World не скачивается. Долгое скачивание. Решение
Скорость лично вашего интернет-канала не является единственно определяющей скорость загрузки. Если раздающий сервер работает на скорости, скажем, 5 Мб в секунду, то ваши 100 Мб делу не помогут.
Если Grand Prix World совсем не скачивается, то это может происходить сразу по куче причин: неправильно настроен роутер, проблемы на стороне провайдера, кот погрыз кабель или, в конце-концов, упавший сервер на стороне сервиса, откуда скачивается игра.
Grand Prix World не устанавливается. Прекращена установка. Решение
Перед тем, как начать установку Grand Prix World, нужно еще раз обязательно проверить, какой объем она занимает на диске. Если же проблема с наличием свободного места на диске исключена, то следует провести диагностику диска. Возможно, в нем уже накопилось много «битых» секторов, и он банально неисправен?
В Windows есть стандартные средства проверки состояния HDD- и SSD-накопителей, но лучше всего воспользоваться специализированными программами.
Но нельзя также исключать и вероятность того, что из-за обрыва соединения загрузка прошла неудачно, такое тоже бывает. А если устанавливаете Grand Prix World с диска, то стоит поглядеть, нет ли на носителе царапин и чужеродных веществ!
Grand Prix World не запускается. Ошибка при запуске. Решение
Grand Prix World установилась, но попросту отказывается работать. Как быть?
Выдает ли Grand Prix World какую-нибудь ошибку после вылета? Если да, то какой у нее текст? Возможно, она не поддерживает вашу видеокарту или какое-то другое оборудование? Или ей не хватает оперативной памяти?
Помните, что разработчики сами заинтересованы в том, чтобы встроить в игры систему описания ошибки при сбое. Им это нужно, чтобы понять, почему их проект не запускается при тестировании.
Обязательно запишите текст ошибки. Если вы не владеете иностранным языком, то обратитесь на официальный форум разработчиков Grand Prix World. Также будет полезно заглянуть в крупные игровые сообщества и, конечно, в наш FAQ.
Если Grand Prix World не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.
В Grand Prix World черный экран, белый экран, цветной экран. Решение
Проблемы с экранами разных цветов можно условно разделить на 2 категории.
Во-первых, они часто связаны с использованием сразу двух видеокарт. Например, если ваша материнская плата имеет встроенную видеокарту, но играете вы на дискретной, то Grand Prix World может в первый раз запускаться на встроенной, при этом самой игры вы не увидите, ведь монитор подключен к дискретной видеокарте.
Во-вторых, цветные экраны бывают при проблемах с выводом изображения на экран. Это может происходить по разным причинам. Например, Grand Prix World не может наладить работу через устаревший драйвер или не поддерживает видеокарту. Также черный/белый экран может выводиться при работе на разрешениях, которые не поддерживаются игрой.
Grand Prix World вылетает. В определенный или случайный момент. Решение
Играете вы себе, играете и тут — бац! — все гаснет, и вот уже перед вами рабочий стол без какого-либо намека на игру. Почему так происходит? Для решения проблемы стоит попробовать разобраться, какой характер имеет проблема.
Если вылет происходит в случайный момент времени без какой-то закономерности, то с вероятностью в 99% можно сказать, что это ошибка самой игры. В таком случае исправить что-то очень трудно, и лучше всего просто отложить Grand Prix World в сторону и дождаться патча.
Однако если вы точно знаете, в какие моменты происходит вылет, то можно и продолжить игру, избегая ситуаций, которые провоцируют сбой.
Однако если вы точно знаете, в какие моменты происходит вылет, то можно и продолжить игру, избегая ситуаций, которые провоцируют сбой. Кроме того, можно скачать сохранение Grand Prix World в нашем файловом архиве и обойти место вылета.
Grand Prix World зависает. Картинка застывает. Решение
Ситуация примерно такая же, как и с вылетами: многие зависания напрямую связаны с самой игрой, а вернее с ошибкой разработчика при ее создании. Впрочем, нередко застывшая картинка может стать отправной точкой для расследования плачевного состояния видеокарты или процессора.
Так что если картинка в Grand Prix World застывает, то воспользуйтесь программами для вывода статистики по загрузке комплектующих. Быть может, ваша видеокарта уже давно исчерпала свой рабочий ресурс или процессор греется до опасных температур?
Проверить загрузку и температуры для видеокарты и процессоров проще всего в программе MSI Afterburner. При желании можно даже выводить эти и многие другие параметры поверх картинки Grand Prix World.
Какие температуры опасны? Процессоры и видеокарты имеют разные рабочие температуры. У видеокарт они обычно составляют 60-80 градусов по Цельсию. У процессоров немного ниже — 40-70 градусов. Если температура процессора выше, то следует проверить состояние термопасты. Возможно, она уже высохла и требует замены.
Если греется видеокарта, то стоит воспользоваться драйвером или официальной утилитой от производителя. Нужно увеличить количество оборотов кулеров и проверить, снизится ли рабочая температура.
Grand Prix World тормозит. Низкий FPS. Просадки частоты кадров. Решение
При тормозах и низкой частоте кадров в Grand Prix World первым делом стоит снизить настройки графики. Разумеется, их много, поэтому прежде чем снижать все подряд, стоит узнать, как именно те или иные настройки влияют на производительность.Разрешение экрана. Если кратко, то это количество точек, из которого складывается картинка игры. Чем больше разрешение, тем выше нагрузка на видеокарту. Впрочем, повышение нагрузки незначительное, поэтому снижать разрешение экрана следует только в самую последнюю очередь, когда все остальное уже не помогает.Качество текстур. Как правило, этот параметр определяет разрешение файлов текстур. Снизить качество текстур следует в случае если видеокарта обладает небольшим запасом видеопамяти (меньше 4 ГБ) или если используется очень старый жесткий диск, скорость оборотов шпинделя у которого меньше 7200.Качество моделей (иногда просто детализация). Эта настройка определяет, какой набор 3D-моделей будет использоваться в игре. Чем выше качество, тем больше полигонов. Соответственно, высокополигональные модели требуют большей вычислительной мощности видекарты (не путать с объемом видеопамяти!), а значит снижать этот параметр следует на видеокартах с низкой частотой ядра или памяти.Тени. Бывают реализованы по-разному. В одних играх тени создаются динамически, то есть они просчитываются в реальном времени в каждую секунду игры. Такие динамические тени загружают и процессор, и видеокарту. В целях оптимизации разработчики часто отказываются от полноценного рендера и добавляют в игру пре-рендер теней. Они статичные, потому как по сути это просто текстуры, накладывающиеся поверх основных текстур, а значит загружают они память, а не ядро видеокарты.Нередко разработчики добавляют дополнительные настройки, связанные с тенями:
- Разрешение теней — определяет, насколько детальной будет тень, отбрасываемая объектом. Если в игре динамические тени, то загружает ядро видеокарты, а если используется заранее созданный рендер, то «ест» видеопамять.
- Мягкие тени — сглаживание неровностей на самих тенях, обычно эта опция дается вместе с динамическими тенями. Вне зависимости от типа теней нагружает видеокарту в реальном времени.
Сглаживание. Позволяет избавиться от некрасивых углов на краях объектов за счет использования специального алгоритма, суть которого обычно сводится к тому, чтобы генерировать сразу несколько изображений и сопоставлять их, высчитывая наиболее «гладкую» картинку. Существует много разных алгоритмов сглаживания, которые отличаются по уровню влияния на быстродействие Grand Prix World.Например, MSAA работает «в лоб», создавая сразу 2, 4 или 8 рендеров, поэтому частота кадров снижается соответственно в 2, 4 или 8 раз. Такие алгоритмы как FXAA и TAA действуют немного иначе, добиваясь сглаженной картинки путем высчитывания исключительно краев и с помощью некоторых других ухищрений. Благодаря этому они не так сильно снижают производительность.Освещение. Как и в случае со сглаживанием, существуют разные алгоритмы эффектов освещения: SSAO, HBAO, HDAO. Все они используют ресурсы видеокарты, но делают это по-разному в зависимости от самой видеокарты. Дело в том, что алгоритм HBAO продвигался в основном на видеокартах от Nvidia (линейка GeForce), поэтому лучше всего работает именно на «зеленых». HDAO же, наоборот, оптимизирован под видеокарты от AMD. SSAO — это наиболее простой тип освещения, он потребляет меньше всего ресурсов, поэтому в случае тормозов в Grand Prix World стоит переключиться него.Что снижать в первую очередь? Как правило, наибольшую нагрузку вызывают тени, сглаживание и эффекты освещения, так что лучше начать именно с них.Часто геймерам самим приходится заниматься оптимизацией Grand Prix World. Практически по всем крупным релизам есть различные соответствующие и форумы, где пользователи делятся своими способами повышения производительности.
Один из них — специальная программа под названием Advanced System Optimizer. Она сделана специально для тех, кто не хочет вручную вычищать компьютер от разных временных файлов, удалять ненужные записи реестра и редактировать список автозагрузки. Advanced System Optimizer сама сделает это, а также проанализирует компьютер, чтобы выявить, как можно улучшить производительность в приложениях и играх.
Скачать Advanced System Optimizer
Grand Prix World лагает. Большая задержка при игре. Решение
Многие путают «тормоза» с «лагами», но эти проблемы имеют совершенно разные причины. Grand Prix World тормозит, когда снижается частота кадров, с которой картинка выводится на монитор, и лагает, когда задержка при обращении к серверу или любому другому хосту слишком высокая.
Именно поэтому «лаги» могут быть только в сетевых играх. Причины разные: плохой сетевой код, физическая удаленность от серверов, загруженность сети, неправильно настроенный роутер, низкая скорость интернет-соединения.
Впрочем, последнее бывает реже всего. В онлайн-играх общение клиента и сервера происходит путем обмена относительно короткими сообщениями, поэтому даже 10 Мб в секунду должно хватить за глаза.
В Grand Prix World нет звука. Ничего не слышно. Решение
Grand Prix World работает, но почему-то не звучит — это еще одна проблема, с которой сталкиваются геймеры. Конечно, можно играть и так, но все-таки лучше разобраться, в чем дело.
Сначала нужно определить масштаб проблемы. Где именно нет звука — только в игре или вообще на компьютере? Если только в игре, то, возможно, это обусловлено тем, что звуковая карта очень старая и не поддерживает DirectX.
Если же звука нет вообще, то дело однозначно в настройке компьютера. Возможно, неправильно установлены драйвера звуковой карты, а может быть звука нет из-за какой-то специфической ошибки нашей любимой ОС Windows.
В Grand Prix World не работает управление. Grand Prix World не видит мышь, клавиатуру или геймпад. Решение
Как играть, если невозможно управлять процессом? Проблемы поддержки специфических устройств тут неуместны, ведь речь идет о привычных девайсах — клавиатуре, мыши и контроллере.
Таким образом, ошибки в самой игре практически исключены, почти всегда проблема на стороне пользователя. Решить ее можно по-разному, но, так или иначе, придется обращаться к драйверу. Обычно при подключении нового устройства операционная система сразу же пытается задействовать один из стандартных драйверов, но некоторые модели клавиатур, мышей и геймпадов несовместимы с ними.
Таким образом, нужно узнать точную модель устройства и постараться найти именно ее драйвер. Часто с устройствами от известных геймерских брендов идут собственные комплекты ПО, так как стандартный драйвер Windows банально не может обеспечить правильную работу всех функций того или иного устройства.
Если искать драйверы для всех устройств по отдельности не хочется, то можно воспользоваться программой Driver Updater. Она предназначена для автоматического поиска драйверов, так что нужно будет только дождаться результатов сканирования и загрузить нужные драйвера в интерфейсе программы.
Нередко тормоза в Grand Prix World могут быть вызваны вирусами. В таком случае нет разницы, насколько мощная видеокарта стоит в системном блоке. Проверить компьютер и отчистить его от вирусов и другого нежелательного ПО можно с помощью специальных программ. Например NOD32. Антивирус зарекомендовал себя с наилучшей стороны и получили одобрение миллионов пользователей по всему миру.
ZoneAlarm подходит как для личного использования, так и для малого бизнеса, способен защитить компьютер с операционной системой Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista и Windows XP от любых атак: фишинговых, вирусов, вредоносных программ, шпионских программ и других кибер угроз. Новым пользователям предоставляется 30-дневный бесплатный период.
Nod32 — анитивирус от компании ESET, которая была удостоена многих наград за вклад в развитие безопасности. На сайте разработчика доступны версии анивирусных программ как для ПК, так и для мобильных устройств, предоставляется 30-дневная пробная версия. Есть специальные условия для бизнеса.
Grand Prix World, скачанная с торрента не работает. Решение
Если дистрибутив игры был загружен через торрент, то никаких гарантий работы быть в принципе не может. Торренты и репаки практически никогда не обновляются через официальные приложения и не работают по сети, потому что по ходу взлома хакеры вырезают из игр все сетевые функции, которые часто используются для проверки лицензии.
Такие версии игр использовать не просто неудобно, а даже опасно, ведь очень часто в них изменены многие файлы. Например, для обхода защиты пираты модифицируют EXE-файл. При этом никто не знает, что они еще с ним делают. Быть может, они встраивают само-исполняющееся программное обеспечение. Например, майнер, который при первом запуске игры встроится в систему и будет использовать ее ресурсы для обеспечения благосостояния хакеров. Или вирус, дающий доступ к компьютеру третьим лицам. Тут никаких гарантий нет и быть не может.
К тому же использование пиратских версий — это, по мнению нашего издания, воровство. Разработчики потратили много времени на создание игры, вкладывали свои собственные средства в надежде на то, что их детище окупится. А каждый труд должен быть оплачен.
Поэтому при возникновении каких-либо проблем с играми, скачанными с торрентов или же взломанных с помощью тех или иных средств, следует сразу же удалить «пиратку», почистить компьютер при помощи антивируса и приобрести лицензионную копию игры. Это не только убережет от сомнительного ПО, но и позволит скачивать обновления для игры и получать официальную поддержку от ее создателей.
Grand Prix World выдает ошибку об отсутствии DLL-файла. Решение
Как правило, проблемы, связанные с отсутствием DLL-библиотек, возникают при запуске Grand Prix World, однако иногда игра может обращаться к определенным DLL в процессе и, не найдя их, вылетать самым наглым образом.
Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, нужно найти необходимую библиотеку DLL и установить ее в систему. Проще всего сделать это с помощью программы DLL-fixer, которая сканирует систему и помогает быстро найти недостающие библиотеки.
Если ваша проблема оказалась более специфической или же способ, изложенный в данной статье, не помог, то вы можете спросить у других пользователей в нашей рубрике «Вопросы и ответы». Они оперативно помогут вам!
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