Have you closed all the windows yes

I …11 Заполните пропуски подходящей формой глагола to be в Present Simple (am, is, are). 1. Can you close the window, please? I … cold. 2. years old. My sister …15. 3. My brother … a policeman. 4. John … afraid of dogs. 5. It … 10 o’clock. You … late again. 6. Ann and I … very good friends. 7. My shoes … very dirty. I must clean them. 8. … you tired? No, I … not. 9. How much …these postcards? They … 40 pence each. 10. Those shoes … nice. … they new? 11. Where … you from? I … from Canada. 12. What colour … your car? It … black. 13. Who … your favourite actor? 14. What colour … his eyes? His eyes … green. 15. … the shops open today? Yes, they … . 16. I wand to buy some milk. …our shop open now? 17. … you a teacher? No, I …a policeman. 18. … your parents at home? My mother … at home. 19. Where … my key? It … on the shelf. 20. Where … my socks? They … under the bed. Вставьте глагол be в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple Tense.

I …11 Заполните пропуски подходящей формой глагола to be в Present Simple (am, is, are).
1. Can you close the window, please? I … cold.
2. years old. My sister …15.
3. My brother … a policeman.
4. John … afraid of dogs.
5. It … 10 o’clock. You … late again.
6. Ann and I … very good friends.
7. My shoes … very dirty. I must clean them.
8. … you tired? No, I … not.
9. How much …these postcards? They … 40 pence each.
10. Those shoes … nice. … they new?
11. Where … you from? I … from Canada.
12. What colour … your car? It … black.
13. Who … your favourite actor?
14. What colour … his eyes? His eyes … green.
15. … the shops open today? Yes, they … .
16. I wand to buy some milk. …our shop open now?
17. … you a teacher? No, I …a policeman.
18. … your parents at home? My mother … at home.
19. Where … my key? It … on the shelf.
20. Where … my socks? They … under the bed.
Вставьте глагол be в Present Simple, Past Simple и Future Simple Tense.

1. My mother … a teacher. She … a student 5 years ago.
2. I … a student of a medical college. I … a doctor when I finish it.
3. I … at home today because it … a holiday. I … at home tomorrow, too.
4. How … you? … you still worried?
5. … you … happy if you get a lot of presents?
6. … your parents at work today? … they … at work tomorrow?
7. My sister … ill last week. She … not ill now.
8. Yesterday we … at the theatre. Tomorrow we … at the cinema.
9. Where … you yesterday? I … at the concert.
10. … your little brother in bed now? — Yes, he …
11. When my granny … young, she … a ballet dancer.
12. When I grow up, I …. be a musician.

помогите пожалуйста
1. I opened the door and __ (look) inside.
2. Who __ (close) all the windows?
3. I __ (carry) my mom´s shopping bag.
4. I __ (not climb) over the fence.
5. I __ (rip) my shirt.
6. The plane __ (land) ten minutes ago.
7. We __ (live) in that house when I was a baby.
8. My brother __ (not cry) when he fell of his bike.
9. We __ (walk) to school yesterday.
10. She __ (smile) when she saw me.
11. We __ (hurry) to the station to catch the train.
12. She __ (laugh) when I told her the joke.
13. We __ (race) each other on our bikes.
14. Dad __ (not help) me with my homework.
15. Helen __ (whisper) me a secret.
16. Luis Miguel __ (hurry) to catch a bus.
17. We __ (return) our books to the library.
18. She __ (not kiss) the frog.
19. The frog __ (change) into a prince.
20. Two doctors __ (rush) into the room.
21. I __ (not kick) the ball very hard.
22. Who __ (invent) the computer?
23. Dinosaurs __ (live) many years ago.
24. It __ (not snow) last night.
25. They __ (not work) until twelve last night.
1. I __ (loose) my watch in the park.
2. David __ (not hurt) his knee.
3. I kicked the ball and it __ (break) a window.
4. My new shoes __ (not cost) a lot of money.
5. I __ (get) this book from the library.
6. We had a garage where we __ (keep) our car.
7. Ali __ (cut) his knee.
8. The glass __ (fall) off the table.
9. The glass __ (not break).
10. We __ (sell) our old car.
11. We __ (buy) a new car.
12. The bell __ (not ring).
13. We all __ (go) into school.
14. The dog __ (catch) the ball.
15. The man __ (not kneel) down.
16. Our cat __ (run) onto the road.
17. Jane __ (not write) a letter.
18. I __ (buy) a new camera last week.
19. We __ (drive) to a safari park yesterday.
20. Yesterday Dad __ (not take) me to the carnival.
21. Elizabeth __ (give) Eva a chocolate.
22. Jack and Jill __ (not go) up the hill.
23. Her ring __ (cost) ten Euros.
24. I __ (put) sugar in my coffee.
25. He __ (not hit) the ball over the net.

Task No. 2055

Choose the correct phrases and form meaningful Conditional sentences – type III.

Do you need help?

Conditional sentences – type III

  1. If we the window yesterday, it so cold in here.
  2. If the lady the boy, he into the van.
  3. The dog you if you him.
  4. If they a new tent, they wet during the night.
  5. The computer so often if Larry it.
  6. If she me, I her from the airport.
  7. Your friends about you if you your hair.
  8. If the men the batteries, they enough power for their laptop.
  9. He the plane if he .
  10. If you down the volume of your stereo, the neighbours

1. I opened the door and looked inside.

2. Who closed all the windows?

3. I carried my mom´s shopping bag.

4. I climbed over the fence.

5. I rip my shirt.

6. The plane landed ten minutes ago.

7. We live in that house when I was a baby.

8. My brother didn’t cry when he fell of his bike.

9. We walked to school yesterday.

10. She smiled when she saw me.

11. We are hurry to the station to catch the train.

12. She laughed when I told her the joke.

13. We race each other on our bikes.

14. Dad didnt help me with my homework.

15. Helen wisper me a secret.

16. Luis Miguel hurry to catch a bus.

17. We return our books to the library.

18. She didn’t kiss the frog.

19. The frog changed into a prince.

20. Two doctors rushed into the room.

21. I didn’t kick the ball very hard.

22. Who invent the computer?

23. Dinosaurs lived many years ago.

24. It didn’t snow last night.

25. They didn’t work until twelve last night.

I opened the door and looked inside. Who closed all the windows? I carried my mom´s shopping bag. I climbed over the fence.  I rip my shirt. The plane landed ten minutes ago. We live in that house when I was a baby. My brother didn’t cry when he fell of his bike. We walked to school yesterday. She smiled when she saw me. We are hurry to the station to catch the train. She laughed when I told her the joke. We race each other on our bikes. Dad didnt help me with my homework. Helen wisper me a secret. Luis Miguel hurry to catch a bus. We return our books to the library. She didn’t kiss the frog. The frog changed into a prince. Two doctors rushed into the room. I didn’t kick the ball very hard. Who invent the computer? Dinosaurs lived many years ago. It didn’t snow last night. They didn’t work until twelve last night.

Утвердительные предложения в Present Perfect

I have closed – я закрыл
You have closed – ты закрыл
He has closed – он закрыл
She has closed – она закрыла
It has closed – оно закрыло
We have closed – мы закрыли
You have closed – вы закрыли
They have closed – они закрыли

Для образования Present Perfect требуется два компонента:

а) вспомогательный глагола have, который меняется на has при употреблении с местоимениями he, she, it (т.е. в третьем лице единственного числа);

б) смысловой глагол, поставленный в форму причастия прошедшего времени (past participle). Причастие прошедшего времени называется еще третьей основной формой глаголов.

Причастие прошедшего времени смыслового глагола образуется при помощи окончания -ed, добавляемого к глаголу: ask – asked. При добавлении этого окончания следует учитывать следующие правила:

– если глагол оканчивается на -e, добавляется -d:

wave – waved
live – lived

– если глагол оканчивается на -y с предшествующей согласной, то -y убирается и добавляется окончание -ied:

cry – cried

– если глагол оканчивается на -y с предшествующей гласной, то -y остается неизменной, и добавляется окончание -ed:

play – played

– если слово оканчивается на согласную букву с предшествующим кратким гласным звуком, то данная согласная удваивается:

skip – skipped

– если глагол оканчивается на -l, то эта буква удваивается, и добавляется окончание -ed:

travel – travelled

Стоит также учитывать, что причастие прошедшего времени многих глаголов образуется не по вышеизложенному правилу. Такие глаголы называются неправильными (образующие формы не по правилам), и их следует заучивать наизусть. Так, например, глагол write (писать) имеет форму written, глагол take (брать) – форму taken и т.д.

I have taken
You have taken
He has taken
She has taken
It has taken
We have taken
You have taken
They have taken

Существуют специальные таблицы, в которых форма причастия прошедшего времени указывается для самых употребимых глаголов. При желании такие таблицы можно легко найти в интернете.

Стоит также отметить, что часто, особенно в разговорной речи, происходит слияние местоимений и глагола have (has):

I + have = I’ve
You + have = You’ve
He + has = He’s
She + has = She’s
It + has = It’s
We + have = We’ve
They + have = They’ve

Следующие предложения имеют практически одинаковое значение:

I have closed all the windows in the house. – Я закрыл все окна в доме.
I’ve closed all the windows in the house. – Я закрыл все окна в доме.

Вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect

Have I closed? – Я закрыл?
Have you closed? – Ты закрыл?
Has he closed? – Он закрыл?
Has she closed? – Она закрыла?
Has it closed? – Оно закрыло?
Have we closed? – Мы закрыли?
Have you closed? – Вы закрыли?
Have they closed? – Они закрыли?

Вопросительные предложения в Present Perfect образуются при помощи перестановки вспомогательного глагола have (has) на первое место перед подлежащим. Если необходимо использовать вопросительные слова (например: What? Why?), то они добавляются к началу предложения:

Why have you closed the window? – Почему ты закрыл окно?
What has he taken? – Что он взял?

Отрицательные предложения в Present Perfect

I have not closed – я не закрыл
You have not closed – ты не закрыл
He has not closed – он не закрыл
She has not closed – она не закрыла
It has not closed – оно не закрыло
We have not closed – мы не закрыли
You have not closed – вы не закрыли
They have not closed – они не закрыли

Отрицательные предложения в Present Perfect образуются при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после have (has). Часто глагол have (has) и частица сливаются в единые формы:

have + not = haven’t
has + not = hasn’t

Так, следующие предложения имеют одинаковые значения:

I have not closed the window. – Я не закрыл окно.
I haven’t closed the window. – Я не закрыл окно.

Present Perfect для завершенного действия, оставившего результат в настоящем

Present Perfect называет действие, которое произошло в прошлом, но оставило результат в настоящем.

Данный результат может быть видимым:

Some fool has let the cat in. – Какой-то дурак впустил кота в дом. (вот этот кот)

Look at Tom. He’s sad because he has failed his exam. – Посмотри на Тома. Он грустный, потому что завалил экзамен. (экзамен завален, результат – грусть)

Результат может быть невидимым:

I’ve heard the doctor’s opinion. – Я слышал мнение врача. (результат – знание о мнении врача)

При употреблении Present Perfect в центре внимания находится само свершившееся действие, сам факт и результат его свершения. Обстоятельства, при которых оно свершилось (время, место и образ действия и пр.), неважны и несущественны:

We have bought a new TV-set. – Мы кyпили новый телевизор. (когда и где – неважно; главное – теперь у нас новый телевизор)

The students have left the room. – Студенты вышли из комнаты. (почему, зачем – неважно; главное – комната сейчас пуста)

Как уже было сказано, Present Perfect называет завершенное действие, которое оставило результат в настоящем времени. Однако, при изложении подробностей данного действия (где и когда произошло; кто присутствовал и т.п.), как правило, используется Past Simple:

– Have a cup of coffee with us. – Выпей с нами кофе.
– I’ve had a cup, thank you. I had one after lunch. – Я уже пил, большое спасибо. Я выпил чашку после обеда.
В данном примере называется совершенное действие, оставившее результат в настоящем – “я уже пил” (и в результате сейчас жажда утолена); для этого используется Present Perfect. Однако потом сообщается подробность данного действия – “выпил после обеда”; для этого используется Past Simple.

I have seen this play. I saw it at the Globe. – Я уже видел эту пьесу. Я видел ее в «Глобусе».
В данном примере имеется завершенное действие, оставившее результат – “уже видел пьесу” (и в результате сейчас я знаю, о чем она, могу поделиться впечатлениями и т.п.); для этого используется Present Perfect. Однако потом указывается подробность, касающаяся места просмотра пьесы, и при этом глагол ставится в Past Simple.

Аналогичным образом, Present Perfect не употребляетcя в вопросительных предложениях, начинающихся со слов when, where, how, так как в центре внимания говорящих находятся обстоятельства свершения действия. Например:

How did it become known? – Как это стало известно?
When did you read this book? – Когда ты читал эту книгу?

Present Perfect и слова: today, this morning, this month, this year т.п.

Так как Present Perfect является настоящим временем и всегда соотносится с моментом речи, эта форма не может быть употреблена, если в предложении указано точное время (или место) свершения действия, относящееся к прoшедшему времени. Сравните:

The weather has changed for the worse. – Погода испортилась.
The weather changed for the worse yesterday. – Вчера погода испортилась.

Однако с такими выражениями, как today, this morning, this month, this year т.п., обозначающими период времени, близко подходящий к моменту речи, возможно употребление как Present Perfect, так и Past Simple. Выбор определяетcя следующими условиями:

a) если указанный период времени уже закончился, то употребляется Past Simple. Например:

I didn’t read the paper this morning. – Я не читал газету сегодня утром (сейчас день или вечер).

б) если весь указанный период времени еще не закончился, но закончилcя четко очерченный контекстом его фрагмент, в течение которого совершалось действие, это действие так же обозначается Past Simple:

I met him in the library tonight. – Я встретил его в библиотеке сегодня вечером (я уже не в библиотеке).

в) если указанный период времени не закончилcя и место действия не изменилось, то употребляется Present Perfect:

This year we’ve taken only one assistant. – В этом году мы приняли на работу только одного ассистента (год еще не закончилcя, место действия то же).

Present Perfect и наречия always, never, ever, already и др.

С наречиями неопределенного времени always, never, ever, already, not … yet, before и др. употребляетcя Present Perfect при отсутствии указания на прошедшее время. Например:

I have already washed up. – Я уже помыла посуду.
Но: I already washed up after dinner. – Я уже помыла посуду после обеда.

Present Perfect и наречие just

С наречием just (только что) употребляется Present Perfect, но с наречием just now (только что) – Past Simple:

He has just come back. He came back just now. – Oн только что вернулся.

Present Perfect и статальные глаголы (know, be и т.п.)

Глаголы в английском языке могут быть динамическими и статальными. Динамические глаголы обозначают действия (play – играть, swim – плавать и т.п.), а статальные – состояния know (знать), be (быть), have (иметь), possess (владеть), own (владеть) и т.п.

Present Perfect употребляется со статальными глаголами, если обозначается действие, начавшееся в прошлом и продолжающееся до момента речи. Динамические глаголы выражают такое значение при помощи Present Perfect Continuous:

I have known him for ages. – Я знаю его очень давно.
I’ve been all over Africa. – Я объездил всю Африку.
He has had this computor for two years. – У него этот компьютер уже два года.

В этом значении Present Perfect употребляется также с глаголами to live и to study. С глаголом to work возможны две формы: Present Perfect и Present Perfect Continuous.

I’ve lived in Kiev for three years. – Я живу в Киеве три года.
He has studied English since childhood. – Он изучает английский с детства
I have worked at my report since morning. = I have been working at my report since morning. – Я работаю над докладом с утра.

При этом начало действия в прошлом передается словом since, выступающим в функции предлога, подчинительного союза или наречия:

We’ve lived in Moscow since 1970. – Мы живем в Москве с 1970 года. (предлог)
I’ve lived in Moscow since my family moved there in 1970. – Я живу в Москве с тех пор как моя семья переехала сюда в 1970. (союз)
We’ve lived here since. – С тех пор мы живем здесь. (наречие)

Весь период времени, охватываемый действием глагола, при этом передается предлогом for:
He hasn’t worked for years. – Он не работал многие годы.

Present Perfect для будущего действия

Present Perfect употребляется в придаточных времени для обозначения завершенное действия, за которым последует какой-либо результат:

You’ll think otherwise after you have seen this film yourself. – Ваше мнение изменитcя, когда вы сaми посмотрите этот фильм.
Во второй части данного примера содержится придаточное времени. Данное придаточное называет действие (“вы посмотрите”), которое повлечет за собой результат (“мнение изменится”).

Present Perfect и глаголы: to hear, to say, to forget, to understand и др.

Present Perfect не употребляетcя с глаголами to hear, to say, to forget, to understand и др. при передаче ситуаций, в которых соответствующие русские глаголы должны быть употреблены в прошедшем времени. В этих случаях употребляетcя Past Simple, реже Present Simple:

I didn’t hear your question. – Я не слышал вашего вопроса.
What did you say? – Что вы сказали?
Now I understand. – Теперь я понял.
Did you sleep well? – Вы спали хорошо?
I hear Mike is in Moscow. – Я слышал, Майк в Москве.

I forget where he lives. – Я забыл, где он живет (в значении: не помню).
Ho: I’ve forgotten to ring her up. – Я забыл позвонить ей (в значении: не сделал).

  • 16.11.2021

Условные предложения смешанного типа – это такие сложноподчиненные предложения, в которых условие и следствие, т.е. придаточное и главное предложения, относятся к разному времени. Употребление форм сослагательного наклонения подчиняется в них общему правилу: настоящие или будущие действия передаются неперфектными (несовершенными) формами, а действия, относящиеся к прошлому – перфектными (совершенными).

При этом часто условие по смыслу и не относится к какому-либо времени (обычно в подобных высказываниях говорится о постоянных действиях, возможных при описанном в придаточном предложении условии, либо характеристиках подлежащего).

В качестве наглядных примеров описанному выше принципу рассмотрим строение помещенных в таблицу условных предложений смешанного типа.

предложения перевод
If I had taken that book at the library yesterday, I would get a good mark for my exam now. Если бы вчера я взял ту книгу в библиотеке, я бы сейчас получил хорошую оценку на экзамене.
If he were educated, he wouldn’t have made such mistakes. Если бы он был образованным, он бы не допустил таких ошибок.
If they were serious people, they wouldn’t behave so silly. Если бы они были серьезными людьми, они бы не вели себя так легкомысленно.

Как следует из представленной таблицы, подобные высказывания начинаются не с главного, а с придаточного предложения условия, в котором на первом месте стоит союз «если». Отметим, что подобное строение условных предложений данного типа свойственно и русскому языку. Например: «Если бы я знал об этих трудностях, я бы не брался за это дело»: данное предложение тоже начинается с придаточной части и союза «если», который, хотя и служит для связи частей сложноподчиненного предложения, стоит на первом месте.

Сказуемое главного придаточного предложения выражено вспомогательным глаголом would в положительной или отрицательной (wouldn’t) форме (в зависимости от смысла предложения) и смыслового глагола в соответствующей форме. Отметим, что после глагола would частица to не ставится, поскольку это – модальный глагол (как и can, may, must, should, после которых to не ставится).

Следовательно, подобные предложения весьма просты для перевода и построения. В этом убедитесь и Вы сами, последовательно изучая английский язык. Однако не можем не подчеркнуть, что знакомство с грамматическими правилами само по себе (в отрыве от речевой практики) недостаточно и малоэффективно: обучение иностранному языку всегда тесно связано в работе с текстом и над текстом, а также с устной диалогической речью. Лишь читая, переводя или общаясь, Вы сможете научиться распознавать и строение высказываний, и их грамматические и синтаксические отличия. Наша компания будет рада Вам в этом помочь.

 Подробнее об условных предложения смешенного типа

Дополнительное упражнение по теме №1
Choose the correct answer:
1.  If I ___ the lottery, I would be rich.
a. had won b. win
2.   If I had taken French in high school, I ___ more job opportunities now.
a. would have had b. would have
3. If she had been born in the United States, she ___ a visa to work here.
a. wouldn’t need b. would have needed.
4. If I ___ rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw yesterday.
a. had been b. were
5. If I ___ so much vacation time, I wouldn’t go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week.
a. didn’t have b. hadn’t had
6. If she had enough money, she ___ for this trip to Hawaii with the other guys.
a. could go b. could have gone
7. If Sam ___ Russian, he would have translated the letter for you yesterday.
a. had spoken b. spoke
8. If I had told me that you are going to come over today, I ___ in.
a. would be b. would have been
9. If Dan ___ so nice, he wouldn’t be tutoring you in math tonight.
a. weren’t b. hadn’t been
10. If I didn’t have to work so much, I___ to the party last night.
a. would go b. would have gone
11. If the parents ___ the cat, their children would have a new friend now.
a. had bought b. buy
12. If Cindy were more creative, the company ___ her to New York to work on the new advertising campaign.
a. send b. would send
13. If Donna weren’t making a big dinner for us tonight, I ___ that we go to that nice Italian restaurant.
a. would have suggested b. would suggest
14. If Seb ___ with us to the desert, everyone would be very disappointed.
a. doesn’t come b. didn’t come
15. If I ___ an aspirin, I wouldn’t have a headache now.
a. had taken b. took
16. If you spoke English, you ___ along with them perfectly. Next time they are here, make sure you speak better English.
a. would get b. would have got
17. If they had invited me, I ___ myself at the party now.
a. would be enjoying b. would have been enjoying
18. If I ___ the film in the cinema, I wouldn’t watch it on TV now.
a. had watched b. watched
19. She ___ forget to pick you up if you hadn’t phoned her.
a. would b. will
20. If we ___ the book, we would understand the film better.
a. read b. had read
Дополнительное упражнение по теме №2
Choose the correct answer:
1.  I ___ score better on the test if the teacher had explained the grammar once more.
a. could b. can
2.   She wouldn’t have two laptops now if she ___ a special agreement when applying for the job.
a. didn’t sign b. had not signed
3. If we had closed the window yesterday, it ___ so cold in here now.
a. won’t be b. wouldn’t be
4. The computer wouldn’t crash so often if Larry ___ it.
a. tested b. test
5. She would have visited Henry and Cliff in hospital if she ___ about the accident.
a. had known b. knew
6. If he ___ the batteries, he would have enough power for his laptop.
a. had recharged b. recharged
7. If Yvonne had watched the news, she ___ the puzzle now.
a. would have solved b. would solve
8. If he ___ his own vegetables then, he wouldn’t have to buy them now.
a. had grown b. grew
9. If I ___ politics earlier I could be Prime Minister now.
a. entered b. had entered
10. If I had listened to my father’s advice I ___ a successful lawyer by now.
a. would be b. would have been
11. If we __ earlier we would be there already.
a. set off b. had set off
12. If the boy wasn’t so young he ___.
a. will have been prosecuted b. would have been prosecuted
13. If she knew the language she ___ abroad instead of Kate.
a. would have gone b. would go
14. If I had know you were not coming in advance  I ___  so angry now.
a. won’t be b. wouldn’t be
15. If you ___ the test you would have the driving license now.
a. had passed b. have passed
16. If you ___ so stubborn he would have agreed with us.
a. are not b. were not
17. If you ___ me about the exhibition I wouldn’t be going to London.
a. hadn’t told b. haven’t’ told
18. If you  ___ rude she wouldn’t have got offended.
a. were not b. are not
19. If Sue knew how to behave she ___ a better job.
a. will get b. would have got
20. If they were really happy they ___ so sad.
a. won’t look b. wouldn’t look

Тесты и упражнения


  1. Тест на Условные предложения
  2. Упражнения на условные предложения


Упражнения на условные предложения


Part A. Grammar

Exercise 1. Fill in “say” or “tell” in the correct form.

1) Jack _______ me that he was enjoying his new job.

2) Tom _______ it was a nice restaurant but I didn’t like it much.

3) The doctor _______ that I would have to rest for at least a week.

4) Ann _______ Tom that she was going away.

5) Our teacher _______ he was pleased with our work.

6) Yesterday my friend _______ he _______ (not) anyone my secret.

7) Stop _______ lies!

8) Could you please _______ me your name?

9) The little girl _______ her prayers and went to bed.

10) I really can’t _______ Jane from Kate. They are twins.

11) “I haven’t got enough money,” he_______ to John.

12) He _______ he would meet us later.

Exercise 2. Yesterday you met a friend of yours, Charlie. Report what Charlie told you.

1. I’m thinking of going to live in Canada.

2. My father is in hospital.

3. Nora and Jim are getting married.

4. I haven’t seen Bill for a while.

5. Margaret has had a baby.

6. I don’t know what Fred is doing.

7. I’ll tell Jim I saw you.

8. You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London.

9. I saw Jack at a party a few months ago and he seemed fine.

Charlie said that he was thinking of going to live in Canada.

1. Charlie said that………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

5. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

6. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

7. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

8. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

9. …………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Exercise 3. Report these questions beginning I asked..

1) What’s Peter’s address?

2) When’s the new manager coming?

3) How does she know my name?

4) Why are all the windows open?

5) How many books does he want?

6) Where do they keep the money?

7) What time is the meeting?

8) When does the last train leave?

9) How does the photocopier work?

10) How often does Ann go shopping?

1. I asked him what Peter’s address was.

2. …………………………………………………………………………

3. …………………………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………………………

5. …………………………………………………………………………

6. …………………………………………………………………………

7. …………………………………………………………………………

8. …………………………………………………………………………

9. …………………………………………………………………………

10. …………………………………………………………………………

Exercise 4. Report the following commands.

1. “Eat more fruit and vegetables”, the doctor said.

2. “Read the instruction before you switch on the machine”, he said to me.

3. “Don’t let the children eat any sweets”, Mrs. Lane said.

4. “Shut the door but don’t lock it”, she said to us.

5. “Don’t come before 6 o’clock”, I said to him.

6. “Don’t take the dog into the children’s bedroom”, Mrs. Lane said.

7. “Could you close all the windows? It’s too cold in the room”, he said to me.

1. The doctor said to eat more fruit and vegetables.

2. He told………………………………………………………………

3. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter…………………………………………….

4. She told………………………………………………………………

5. I told…………………………………………………………………

6. Mrs. Lane told her babysitter ………………………………………

7. He asked………………………………………………………………

Exercise 5. Turn the following dialogue into Reported Speech.

Sally: 1) Have you applied for the job?

Kane: 2) Yes, I had an interview yesterday.

Sally: 3) How did it go?

Kane: 4) Fine, but I’m wondering if I want the job.

because I will have to move to Manchester.

Sally: 5) What will you do then?

Diane: 6) If they offer me the job, I can’t accept it.

1) Sally asked Diane If she had applied for the job.

2) Diane told her…………………………………………………………………………

3) …………………………………………………………………………….

4) …………………………………………………………………………….

5) …………………………………………………………………………….

6) …………………………………………………………………………….

Exercise 6. First state if the following statements are true (T) or false (F) then turn from Direct into Reported speech.

1) «Paris is the capital of France,» said the teacher.

The teacher said that Paris is the capital of France.

2) «I didn’t break the window,» said the little boy to her.


3) «Eat your dinner,» she said to him.


4) «Have you seen this film?» Jane asked Helen.


5) «I had an argument with Mark yesterday,» said Fiona.


6) «The new guests will arrive tomorrow,» explained the manager.


7) «Greece is hotter than England,» said George.


8) «Where is the post office?» Simon asked the stranger.


9) «I might go sailing next week,» Michael said.


10) «Don’t eat with your fingers,» the mother said to her children.


Exercise 7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1) If she , hadn’t broken, (not / break) the window, she wouldn’t have had to pay for a new one.

2) If it ___________ (not/be) cold, they wouldn’t have lit the fire.

3) If she studied more, she ___________ (be) a better student.

4) They ___________ (not/see) the Queen if they hadn’t visited London on that day.

5) If you should win that competition, you ___________ (be) rich.

6) If I lived in France, I ___________ (speak) French well.

7) If they ___________ (lock) the doors, the burglars wouldn’t have got in.

8) We ___________ (have) a party if Alan passes his driving test.

9) I ___________ (give) John your message if I should see him today.

10) They ___________ (not/have) any money if their cousin hadn’t lent them some.

11) Those plants ___________ (not/grow) if you don’t water them.

12) 1 would buy that bag if it, ___________ (be) cheaper.

13) If she ___________ (open) the letter, she would have been surprised.

Exercise 8. Choose the correct answer in sentences 1-5.

1) If you don’t hurry/will hurry, you’ll miss the train.

2) What can I will I do if she refuses to listen to me?

3) His French won’t improve provided I unless he studies more.

4) If I had /will have more time, I would take up tennis.

5) If I were I would be in your position, I’d buy a new suit.

Choose the correct verb form А, В, С or D to fill the spaces in 6-10.

6) I ____ happy to advise you if you’d asked me.

A had been В would have been

С would be D will be

7) If she ____ her driving test, she would have bought a car.

A would have passed В has passed

С passed D had passed

8) I wouldn’t have lent him the money if he ____ desperate.

A has not been В wasn’t been

С hadn’t been D couldn’t be

9) If you’d run faster, you ____ the bus.

A should’ve caught В wouldn’t catch

С could’ve caught D might catch

10) If I hadn’t worked hard when I was young I ____ where I am now.

A won’t have been В would be

С hadn’t been D wouldn’t be

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Add a comma where necessary.

1. If the dog , keeps (keep) barking, the neighbours will complain.

2. The boss ________ (be) angry if you arrive late for work again.

3. If you ________ (eat) too much you’ll be sick!

4. If the weather is bad on Saturday we ________ (stay) at home.

5. You should see a doctor if you ________ (not/feel) well.

6. If you study hard you ________ (pass) your exam.

Exercise 10. Use the correct tense form:

If you 1) ________ (see) this film, we2) ________ (discuss) it later. If she 3) ________ (have) a problem, I 4) ________ (help) her. If we 5) ________ (travel) by car, we 6) ________ (save) a lot of money. If he not 7) ________ (give) her flowers once a week she 8) ________ (be) offended. If they 9) ________ (blame) him, it 10) ________ (serve) him right. When the children 11) ________ (come) home for Christmas, the parents 12) ________ (be happy). When the summer season 13) _______ (come), there 14) _______ (be) a lot of tourists here. When you 15) ________ (go) shopping, use your credit card. You 16) _______ (feel) better, after you 17) ________ (take) the tablet. We 18) ________ (buy) their car after father 19) _______ (get) his salary. I not 20) ________ (try on) this dress before I 21) ________ (know) how much it 22)________ (be). I 23) ________ (wake) you up as soon as I 24) _______ (get up). They 25) _______ (make) an announcement about the plane as soon as it 26) ________ (land). As soon as Tom 27) ________ (fix) the engine we 28) ________ (continue) our journey. As soon as he 29) ________ (write) to me I 30) ________ (let) you know. We 31) ________ (lie) in the sun and 32) ________ (swim) in the warm sea unless the weather 33) ________ (change) for the worse. She not 34) ________ (marry) him unless he 35) ________ (give up) his bad habits. You not 36) ________ (lose) weight unless you 37) ________ (eat) less. We 38) ________ (have) a good time while our holiday 39) ________ (last). I 40) ________ (keep) you here, until you 41) ________ (tell) the truth.

Exercise 11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Dear Julie,

I am writing to thank (thank) you for my birthday present. I was so happy 2) ________ (receive) it –I had so many lovely presents, I don’t know what 3) ________ (do) with them all! On my birthday I went for a meal with some friends and afterwards we went 4) ________ (dance) at that new club on Poplar Street. If you haven’t been, it’s certainly worth 5) ________ (go) there.

Now that I’m old enough 6) ________ (drive), I’m busy 7) ________ (take) driving lessons. Dad has said he’ll let me 8) ________ (use) his car as long as I promise 9) ________ (be) careful.

Well, I must 10) ________ (go) now. I hope 11) ________ (hear) from you soon.



Exercise 12 put the verbs in brackets in the infinitive or the –ing form.

He advised me to see a lawyer, (see)

1) I hate ________ by train, (travel)

2) He left without ________ goodbye, (say)

3) She managed ________ a lot of weight, (lose)

4) ________ helps you keep fit, (swim)

5) They made him ________ them the truth, (tell)

6) Matt goes________ every morning, (jog)

7) We are sorry________ you that you have failed the exam, (inform)

8) I’d love ________ to the cinema tonight, (go)

9) I look forward to ________ you again soon, (see)

10) It’s no use ________ to make him change his mind, (try)

11) Sue went to the library ________ some books, (borrow)

12) I don’t know how ________ this exercise, (do)

Exercise 13. Put the verbs in brackets into the infinitive or-ing form.

My mother is an amazing woman. She is 87 years old and she still enjoys 1) going out (go out) for a walk every day. She doesn’t mind 2) _________ (do) all her housework and she’s glad 3) _________ (help) her elderly neighbours when they can’t 4) _________ (go) to the shops. She’s too old 5) _________, (dig) the garden any more- she stopped 6) _________ (do) that last year — but she’s still healthy enough 7) _________, (mow) the grass! In the summer she still goes 8) _________ (swim) when it’s warm and she lets her grandchildren 9) _________ (bury) her in the sand. She often says, «It’s no good 10) _________ (be) alive if you don’t enjoy yourself.» I’d love 11) _________ (be) like my mother when I’m her age.

Part B. Subject area: “Work and Business”

Exercise 1. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Choose the correct word.

1) The charity / union I’m a member of is calling for a nationwide strike next week.

2) It’s company / firm / business policy not to allow the use of phones for personal calls during working hours.

3) The recent raise / rise in the cost of petrol has affected loads of small businesses round here.

4) In some professions, you have to retire / resign when you’re 60 or 65 years old.

5) My grandfather gets a pension / promotion from the company he used to work for.

6) Not only did we all have to work overtime / promotion this weekend, but we didn’t get paid for it!

7) Have you had any news about that work / job / career you applied for yet?

8) The starting salary / wage is €20,000 per year.

9) You’ll get a weekly pay / wage of about €300 before deductions.

10) She became a full-time member of employees / staff / employers last year.

Exercise 2. Topic vocabulary in contrast. Complete using the correct words in the box..

commute deliver earn gain make sack win

1) No sooner had Denzil __________ the lottery than he decided to quit his job.

2) How long does it take you to __________ to work every day?

3) How much does a state school teacher __________ each year?

4) Over a hundred workers were __________ redundant when the factory closed.

5) Our next door neighbors was __________ for stealing company property.

6) Does your local supermarket __________?

7) Rarely have I __________ so much valuable experience in such a short space of time.

Exercise 3. Phrasal verbs. Write one word in each gap.

It just takes hard work and commitment

Entrepreneur Jane Dickson describes how she got started

I was working as an IT Manager for a small publishing company (in fact, I was standing 1) _________ for the actual manager while she was away on maternity leave) when the company was taken 2) _________ by a large multinational media organisation. It was in the depths of the recession, and initially our new owners promised to see our small company 3) _________ the hard times. Things got worse, though, and they finally backed4) _________ of their agreement. Our company closed 5) _________ We were all made redundant-it was horrible!

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do next. I 6) _________ down several offers of work as I didn’t want to rush into anything. Then, one day, I woke up and thought: ‘I’m going to set 7) _________ my own business!’ At first it was tough. I had to 8) _________ to everything myself — I was the only employee! — but I set 9) _________ it with dedication and refused to give up, whatever happened. Over the last five years, as the company’s grown, I’ve taken 10) _________ more and more staff. Dickson’s now employs over five hundred people! I set 11) _________ to be successful, and I’ve managed it. I feel very lucky, although, to be honest luck has nothing to do with it. It just takes hard work and commitment. I don’t feel satisfied yet though. We’re bringing 12) _________ new products all the time, and I want to continue doing that I also want to speed 13) _________ our production process to make it more efficient. I’m not planning to slow 14) _________ any time soon!

Exercise 4. Phrases and collocations. Match to make sentences.

1) I put a lot of effort

2) They’ve made their decision

3) It’s not in your interest to

4) The secretary’s kept me

5) I don’t know why you didn’t apply

6) I think we’re all in agreement

7) Dean’s been out

8) The shop hasn’t been in

9) I’m glad you’re finally taking an interest

10) Jason lives fairly near his place of

A on hold for ages.

B about who is going to get promoted.

C of work for over two months now

D into writing this report

E business long

F in your work

G for that position

H accept a pay cut.

I work, doesn’t he?

J on this, aren’t we?

Exercise 5. Phrases and collocations. Write one word in each gap.

1) Maybe you should write a letter _________ complaint to the manager.

2) When was the last time you had a _________.off?

3) Hardly had the police officer come _________ duty when he had to respond to an emergency.

4) My dad’s _________ work at the moment, I’m afraid. Can you call back later?

5) I am available to _________ an interview at your convenience.

6) He’s been _________ this job for over thirty years.

7) Our company _________ a lot of business with Altech Industries.

8) Sol’s made an arrangement _________ the wholesalers to deliver more frequently in


9) June’s got several years’ experience _________ dealing with young children.

Exercise 6. Word patterns. Choose the correct answer.

1) Who is responsible ______ dealing with complaints?

A with В for

С in D at

2) We began ______ looking round for advertising agencies which had experience of our market.

A to В with

С by D at

3) The covering letter wasn’t attached ______ the CV.

A to В with

С from D by

4) Don’t you think you should apply for the job ______ writing?

A with В for

С at D in

5) I was only absent ______ the office for a few minutes!

A for В rom

С in D about

6) Success in this industry depends a lot ______ luck!

A with В from

С at D on

Exercise 7. Phrases and collocations. Find the incorrect word in each sentence and write the correct word on the line.

1) Sadie’s quite good in typing

2) Jimmy qualified at a doctor a couple of years ago………………………..

3) You need to be good at languages to work in an interpreter………………

4) It’ll be good that Rudy to get some work experience this summer……….

5) You’ve got to be experienced from dealing with difficult authors if you want to be an editor…………………………………………………………………..

6) We specialise for manufacturing tiles for the building industry………….

7) After qualifying as veterinary medicine, she decided to move to Yorkshire……………………………………………………………………………….

8) I’d love to work as advertising…………………………………………

9) Joanne is training for become a trapeze artist at the moment!………………..

Exercise 8. Word formation. Complete the sentences by changing the form of the word in capitals when this is necessary.

1) All the heavy _______ (MACHINE) in the factory has been manufactured on site.

2) Al is a manager at the local water _______ (WORK).

3) An _______ (INDUSTRY) dispute is threatening to delay production of the new car.

4) We work under close _______ (SUPERVISE), so there’s not much opportunity for initiative.

5) Farm _______ (WORK) in Belgium have accepted a 5% pay increase.

6) There’ll be an _______ (ADD) charge of €30 for delivery.

7) Supersonic planes have never been a _______ (COMMERCE) success.

8) We couldn’t have built this new train without the _______ (DEDICATE) and expertise of the entire workforce.

9) The plan is completely _______ (WORK). Let’s just forget it!

Exercise 9. Word formation. Complete the text by changing the form of the word in brackets.

Although a certain percentage of graduates will still be 1) _______ (employ) six months after leaving university, the majority will have found 2) _______ (employ) by then. Many of these will even have been offered a job while at university, as a result of visiting a job fair. Job fairs are held at many universities each year. Companies come along to advertise jobs, which are usually in 3) _______ (manage), and the career structures and benefit packages that go with them. Job fairs are an 4) _______ (effect) way for undergraduates to find out what kind of job they might be interested in.

If you go to a job fair, dress 5) _______ (profession). Don’t wear jeans and a T-shirt. Wear a suit! You don’t want to look 6) _______ (responsible) when you have your first 7) _______ (meet) with your potential 8) _______ (employ). If you’re interested in a job on offer, you may have to fill out an 9) _______ (apply) form, so it’s 10)…………………………. (help) to take along relevant information with you. You’ll also need proof of all your 11) _______ (qualify), so don’t forget to take photocopies of all your certificates with you.

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