How to install pip python on windows

pip is a replacement for easy_install. But should I install pip using easy_install on Windows? Is there a better way?

Python 3.4+ and 2.7.9+

Good news! Python 3.4 (released March 2014) and Python 2.7.9 (released December 2014) ship with Pip. This is the best feature of any Python release. It makes the community’s wealth of libraries accessible to everyone. Newbies are no longer excluded from using community libraries by the prohibitive difficulty of setup. In shipping with a package manager, Python joins Ruby, Node.js, Haskell, Perl, Go—almost every other contemporary language with a majority open-source community. Thank you, Python.

If you do find that pip is not available, simply run ensurepip.

  • On Windows:

    py -3 -m ensurepip
  • Otherwise:

    python3 -m ensurepip

Of course, that doesn’t mean Python packaging is problem solved. The experience remains frustrating. I discuss this in the Stack Overflow question Does Python have a package/module management system?.

Python 3 ≤ 3.3 and 2 ≤ 2.7.8

Flying in the face of its ‘batteries included’ motto, Python ships without a package manager. To make matters worse, Pip was—until recently—ironically difficult to install.

Official instructions


Download, being careful to save it as a .py file rather than .txt. Then, run it from the command prompt:


You possibly need an administrator command prompt to do this. Follow Start a Command Prompt as an Administrator (Microsoft TechNet).

This installs the pip package, which (in Windows) contains …Scriptspip.exe that path must be in PATH environment variable to use pip from the command line (see the second part of ‘Alternative Instructions’ for adding it to your PATH,

Alternative instructions

The official documentation tells users to install Pip and each of its dependencies from source. That’s tedious for the experienced and prohibitively difficult for newbies.

For our sake, Christoph Gohlke prepares Windows installers (.msi) for popular Python packages. He builds installers for all Python versions, both 32 and 64 bit. You need to:

  1. Install setuptools
  2. Install pip

For me, this installed Pip at C:Python27Scriptspip.exe. Find pip.exe on your computer, then add its folder (for example, C:Python27Scripts) to your path (Start / Edit environment variables). Now you should be able to run pip from the command line. Try installing a package:

pip install httpie

There you go (hopefully)! Solutions for common problems are given below:

Proxy problems

If you work in an office, you might be behind an HTTP proxy. If so, set the environment variables http_proxy and https_proxy. Most Python applications (and other free software) respect these. Example syntax:


If you’re really unlucky, your proxy might be a Microsoft NTLM proxy. Free software can’t cope. The only solution is to install a free software friendly proxy that forwards to the nasty proxy.

Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

Python modules can be partly written in C or C++. Pip tries to compile from source. If you don’t have a C/C++ compiler installed and configured, you’ll see this cryptic error message.

Error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat

You can fix that by installing a C++ compiler such as MinGW or Visual C++. Microsoft actually ships one specifically for use with Python. Or try Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7.

Often though it’s easier to check Christoph’s site for your package.

Prerequisite: Python Language Introduction

Before we start with how to install pip for Python on Windows, let’s first go through the basic introduction to Python. Python is a widely-used general-purpose, high-level programming language. Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently. 

PIP is a package management system used to install and manage software packages/libraries written in Python. These files are stored in a large “online repository” termed as Python Package Index (PyPI). pip uses PyPI as the default source for packages and their dependencies. So whenever you type:

pip install package_name

pip will look for that package on PyPI and if found, it will download and install the package on your local system.

Check if Python is installed

Run the following command to test if python is installed or not. If not click here.

python --version

If it is installed, You will see something like this:

Python 3.10.0

Download and Install pip

The PIP can be downloaded and installed using the command line by going through the following steps:

Method 1: Using cURL in Python

Curl is a UNIX command that is used to send the PUT, GET, and POST requests to a URL. This tool is utilized for downloading files, testing REST APIs, etc.

Step 1: Open the cmd terminal 

Step 2: In python, a curl is a tool for transferring data requests to and from a server. Use the following command to request:

curl -o

Method 2: Manually install PIP on Windows

Pip must be manually installed on Windows. You might need to use the correct version of the file from if you’re using an earlier version of Python or pip. Get the file and save it to a folder on your PC.

Step 1: Download the ( file and store it in the same directory as python is installed.

Step 2: Change the current path of the directory in the command line to the path of the directory where the above file exists. 

Step 3: is a bootstrapping script that enables users to install pip in Python environments. Run the command given below:


Step 4: Now wait through the installation process. Voila! pip is now installed on your system.

Verification of the installation process

One can easily verify if the pip has been installed correctly by performing a version check on the same. Just go to the command line and execute the following command:

pip -V
pip --version

Adding PIP To Windows Environment Variables

If you are facing any path error then you can follow the following steps to add the pip to your PATH. You can follow the following steps to set the Path:

  • Go to System and Security > System in the Control Panel once it has been opened.
  • On the left side, click the Advanced system settings link.
  • Then select Environment Variables.
  • Double-click the PATH variable under System Variables.
  • Click New, and add the directory where pip is installed, e.g. C:Python33Scripts, and select OK.

Upgrading Pip On Windows

pip can be upgraded using the following command.

python -m pip install -U pip

Downgrading Pip On Windows

It may happen sometimes that your pip current pip version is not supporting your current version of python or machine for that you can downgrade your pip version with the following command. 
Note: You can mention the version you want to install 

python -m pip install pip==17.0

User Guide

Running pip

pip is a command line program. When you install pip, a pip command is added
to your system, which can be run from the command prompt as follows:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip <pip arguments>

   ``python -m pip`` executes pip using the Python interpreter you
   specified as python. So ``/usr/bin/python3.7 -m pip`` means
   you are executing pip for your interpreter located at ``/usr/bin/python3.7``.

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip <pip arguments>

   ``py -m pip`` executes pip using the latest Python interpreter you
   have installed. For more details, read the `Python Windows launcher`_ docs.

Installing Packages

pip supports installing from PyPI, version control, local projects, and
directly from distribution files.

The most common scenario is to install from PyPI using :ref:`Requirement

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install SomePackage            # latest version
      python -m pip install SomePackage==1.0.4     # specific version
      python -m pip install 'SomePackage>=1.0.4'     # minimum version

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install SomePackage            # latest version
      py -m pip install SomePackage==1.0.4     # specific version
      py -m pip install 'SomePackage>=1.0.4'   # minimum version

For more information and examples, see the :ref:`pip install` reference.

Basic Authentication Credentials

This is now covered in :doc:`topics/authentication`.

netrc Support

This is now covered in :doc:`topics/authentication`.

Keyring Support

This is now covered in :doc:`topics/authentication`.

Using a Proxy Server

When installing packages from PyPI, pip requires internet access, which
in many corporate environments requires an outbound HTTP proxy server.

pip can be configured to connect through a proxy server in various ways:

  • using the --proxy command-line option to specify a proxy in the form
  • using proxy in a :ref:`config-file`
  • by setting the standard environment-variables http_proxy, https_proxy
    and no_proxy.
  • using the environment variable PIP_USER_AGENT_USER_DATA to include
    a JSON-encoded string in the user-agent variable used in pip’s requests.

Requirements Files

«Requirements files» are files containing a list of items to be
installed using :ref:`pip install` like so:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Details on the format of the files are here: :ref:`requirements-file-format`.

Logically, a Requirements file is just a list of :ref:`pip install` arguments
placed in a file. Note that you should not rely on the items in the file being
installed by pip in any particular order.

In practice, there are 4 common uses of Requirements files:

  1. Requirements files are used to hold the result from :ref:`pip freeze` for the
    purpose of achieving :doc:`topics/repeatable-installs`. In
    this case, your requirement file contains a pinned version of everything that
    was installed when pip freeze was run.

    .. tab:: Unix/macOS
       .. code-block:: shell
          python -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
          python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
    .. tab:: Windows
       .. code-block:: shell
          py -m pip freeze > requirements.txt
          py -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Requirements files are used to force pip to properly resolve dependencies.
    pip 20.2 and earlier doesn’t have true dependency resolution, but instead simply uses the first
    specification it finds for a project. E.g. if pkg1 requires
    pkg3>=1.0 and pkg2 requires pkg3>=1.0,<=2.0, and if pkg1 is
    resolved first, pip will only use pkg3>=1.0, and could easily end up
    installing a version of pkg3 that conflicts with the needs of pkg2.
    To solve this problem, you can place pkg3>=1.0,<=2.0 (i.e. the correct
    specification) into your requirements file directly along with the other top
    level requirements. Like so:

  3. Requirements files are used to force pip to install an alternate version of a
    sub-dependency. For example, suppose ProjectA in your requirements file
    requires ProjectB, but the latest version (v1.3) has a bug, you can force
    pip to accept earlier versions like so:

  4. Requirements files are used to override a dependency with a local patch that
    lives in version control. For example, suppose a dependency
    SomeDependency from PyPI has a bug, and you can’t wait for an upstream
    You could clone/copy the src, make the fix, and place it in VCS with the tag
    sometag. You’d reference it in your requirements file with a line like


    If SomeDependency was previously a top-level requirement in your
    requirements file, then replace that line with the new line. If
    SomeDependency is a sub-dependency, then add the new line.

It’s important to be clear that pip determines package dependencies using
install_requires metadata,
not by discovering requirements.txt files embedded in projects.

See also:

  • :ref:`requirements-file-format`
  • :ref:`pip freeze`
  • « vs requirements.txt» (an article by Donald Stufft)

Constraints Files

Constraints files are requirements files that only control which version of a
requirement is installed, not whether it is installed or not. Their syntax and
contents is a subset of :ref:`Requirements Files`, with several kinds of syntax
not allowed: constraints must have a name, they cannot be editable, and they
cannot specify extras. In terms of semantics, there is one key difference:
Including a package in a constraints file does not trigger installation of the

Use a constraints file like so:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install -c constraints.txt

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install -c constraints.txt

Constraints files are used for exactly the same reason as requirements files
when you don’t know exactly what things you want to install. For instance, say
that the «helloworld» package doesn’t work in your environment, so you have a
local patched version. Some things you install depend on «helloworld», and some

One way to ensure that the patched version is used consistently is to
manually audit the dependencies of everything you install, and if «helloworld»
is present, write a requirements file to use when installing that thing.

Constraints files offer a better way: write a single constraints file for your
organisation and use that everywhere. If the thing being installed requires
«helloworld» to be installed, your fixed version specified in your constraints
file will be used.

Constraints file support was added in pip 7.1. In :ref:`Resolver
changes 2020`
we did a fairly comprehensive overhaul, removing several
undocumented and unsupported quirks from the previous implementation,
and stripped constraints files down to being purely a way to specify
global (version) limits for packages.

Installing from Wheels

«Wheel» is a built, archive format that can greatly speed installation compared
to building and installing from source archives. For more information, see the
Wheel docs , PEP 427, and PEP 425.

pip prefers Wheels where they are available. To disable this, use the
:ref:`—no-binary <install_—no-binary>` flag for :ref:`pip install`.

If no satisfactory wheels are found, pip will default to finding source

To install directly from a wheel archive:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install SomePackage-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install SomePackage-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl

To include optional dependencies provided in the provides_extras
metadata in the wheel, you must add quotes around the install target

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install './somepackage-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl[my-extras]'

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install './somepackage-1.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl[my-extras]'


In the future, the path[extras] syntax may become deprecated. It is
recommended to use PEP 508 syntax wherever possible.

For the cases where wheels are not available, pip offers :ref:`pip wheel` as a
convenience, to build wheels for all your requirements and dependencies.

:ref:`pip wheel` requires the wheel package to be installed, which provides the
«bdist_wheel» setuptools extension that it uses.

To build wheels for your requirements and all their dependencies to a local

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install wheel
      python -m pip wheel --wheel-dir=/local/wheels -r requirements.txt

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install wheel
      py -m pip wheel --wheel-dir=/local/wheels -r requirements.txt

And then to install those requirements just using your local directory of
wheels (and not from PyPI):

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install --no-index --find-links=/local/wheels -r requirements.txt

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install --no-index --find-links=/local/wheels -r requirements.txt

Uninstalling Packages

pip is able to uninstall most packages like so:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip uninstall SomePackage

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip uninstall SomePackage

pip also performs an automatic uninstall of an old version of a package
before upgrading to a newer version.

For more information and examples, see the :ref:`pip uninstall` reference.

Listing Packages

To list installed packages:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip list
      docutils (0.9.1)
      Jinja2 (2.6)
      Pygments (1.5)
      Sphinx (1.1.2)

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip list
      docutils (0.9.1)
      Jinja2 (2.6)
      Pygments (1.5)
      Sphinx (1.1.2)

To list outdated packages, and show the latest version available:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip list --outdated
      docutils (Current: 0.9.1 Latest: 0.10)
      Sphinx (Current: 1.1.2 Latest: 1.1.3)

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip list --outdated
      docutils (Current: 0.9.1 Latest: 0.10)
      Sphinx (Current: 1.1.2 Latest: 1.1.3)

To show details about an installed package:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip show sphinx
      Name: Sphinx
      Version: 1.1.3
      Location: /my/env/lib/pythonx.x/site-packages
      Requires: Pygments, Jinja2, docutils

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip show sphinx
      Name: Sphinx
      Version: 1.1.3
      Location: /my/env/lib/pythonx.x/site-packages
      Requires: Pygments, Jinja2, docutils

For more information and examples, see the :ref:`pip list` and :ref:`pip show`
reference pages.

Searching for Packages

pip can search PyPI for packages using the pip search

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip search "query"

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip search "query"

The query will be used to search the names and summaries of all

For more information and examples, see the :ref:`pip search` reference.


This is now covered in :doc:`topics/configuration`.

Config file

This is now covered in :doc:`topics/configuration`.

Environment Variables

This is now covered in :doc:`topics/configuration`.

Config Precedence

This is now covered in :doc:`topics/configuration`.

Command Completion

pip comes with support for command line completion in bash, zsh and fish.

To setup for bash:

python -m pip completion --bash >> ~/.profile

To setup for zsh:

python -m pip completion --zsh >> ~/.zprofile

To setup for fish:

python -m pip completion --fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

To setup for powershell:

python -m pip completion --powershell | Out-File -Encoding default -Append $PROFILE

Alternatively, you can use the result of the completion command directly
with the eval function of your shell, e.g. by adding the following to your
startup file:

eval "`pip completion --bash`"

Installing from local packages

In some cases, you may want to install from local packages only, with no traffic
to PyPI.

First, download the archives that fulfill your requirements:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip download --destination-directory DIR -r requirements.txt

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip download --destination-directory DIR -r requirements.txt

Note that pip download will look in your wheel cache first, before
trying to download from PyPI. If you’ve never installed your requirements
before, you won’t have a wheel cache for those items. In that case, if some of
your requirements don’t come as wheels from PyPI, and you want wheels, then run
this instead:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip wheel --wheel-dir DIR -r requirements.txt

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip wheel --wheel-dir DIR -r requirements.txt

Then, to install from local only, you’ll be using :ref:`—find-links
and :ref:`—no-index <install_—no-index>` like so:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install --no-index --find-links=DIR -r requirements.txt

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install --no-index --find-links=DIR -r requirements.txt

«Only if needed» Recursive Upgrade

pip install --upgrade now has a --upgrade-strategy option which
controls how pip handles upgrading of dependencies. There are 2 upgrade
strategies supported:

  • eager: upgrades all dependencies regardless of whether they still satisfy
    the new parent requirements
  • only-if-needed: upgrades a dependency only if it does not satisfy the new
    parent requirements

The default strategy is only-if-needed. This was changed in pip 10.0 due to
the breaking nature of eager when upgrading conflicting dependencies.

It is important to note that --upgrade affects direct requirements (e.g.
those specified on the command-line or via a requirements file) while
--upgrade-strategy affects indirect requirements (dependencies of direct

As an example, say SomePackage has a dependency, SomeDependency, and
both of them are already installed but are not the latest available versions:

  • pip install SomePackage: will not upgrade the existing SomePackage or
  • pip install --upgrade SomePackage: will upgrade SomePackage, but not
    SomeDependency (unless a minimum requirement is not met).
  • pip install --upgrade SomePackage --upgrade-strategy=eager: upgrades both
    SomePackage and SomeDependency.

As an historic note, an earlier «fix» for getting the only-if-needed
behaviour was:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      python -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps SomePackage
      python -m pip install SomePackage

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      py -m pip install --upgrade --no-deps SomePackage
      py -m pip install SomePackage

A proposal for an upgrade-all command is being considered as a safer
alternative to the behaviour of eager upgrading.

User Installs

With Python 2.6 came the «user scheme» for installation,
which means that all Python distributions support an alternative install
location that is specific to a user. The default location for each OS is
explained in the python documentation for the site.USER_BASE variable.
This mode of installation can be turned on by specifying the :ref:`—user
option to pip install.

Moreover, the «user scheme» can be customized by setting the
PYTHONUSERBASE environment variable, which updates the value of

To install «SomePackage» into an environment with site.USER_BASE customized to
‘/myappenv’, do the following:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: shell

      export PYTHONUSERBASE=/myappenv
      python -m pip install --user SomePackage

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: shell

      set PYTHONUSERBASE=c:/myappenv
      py -m pip install --user SomePackage

pip install --user follows four rules:

  1. When globally installed packages are on the python path, and they conflict
    with the installation requirements, they are ignored, and not
  2. When globally installed packages are on the python path, and they satisfy
    the installation requirements, pip does nothing, and reports that
    requirement is satisfied (similar to how global packages can satisfy
    requirements when installing packages in a --system-site-packages
  3. pip will not perform a --user install in a --no-site-packages
    virtualenv (i.e. the default kind of virtualenv), due to the user site not
    being on the python path. The installation would be pointless.
  4. In a --system-site-packages virtualenv, pip will not install a package
    that conflicts with a package in the virtualenv site-packages. The —user
    installation would lack sys.path precedence and be pointless.

To make the rules clearer, here are some examples:

From within a --no-site-packages virtualenv (i.e. the default kind):

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages are not visible in this virtualenv.

From within a --system-site-packages virtualenv where SomePackage==0.3
is already installed in the virtualenv:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip install --user SomePackage==0.4
      Will not install to the user site because it will lack sys.path precedence

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip install --user SomePackage==0.4
      Will not install to the user site because it will lack sys.path precedence

From within a real python, where SomePackage is not installed globally:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Successfully installed SomePackage

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Successfully installed SomePackage

From within a real python, where SomePackage is installed globally, but
is not the latest version:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade)
      $ python -m pip install --user --upgrade SomePackage
      Successfully installed SomePackage

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade)
      C:> py -m pip install --user --upgrade SomePackage
      Successfully installed SomePackage

From within a real python, where SomePackage is installed globally, and
is the latest version:

.. tab:: Unix/macOS

   .. code-block:: console

      $ python -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade)
      $ python -m pip install --user --upgrade SomePackage
      Requirement already up-to-date: SomePackage
      # force the install
      $ python -m pip install --user --ignore-installed SomePackage
      Successfully installed SomePackage

.. tab:: Windows

   .. code-block:: console

      C:> py -m pip install --user SomePackage
      Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade)
      C:> py -m pip install --user --upgrade SomePackage
      Requirement already up-to-date: SomePackage
      # force the install
      C:> py -m pip install --user --ignore-installed SomePackage
      Successfully installed SomePackage

Ensuring Repeatability

This is now covered in :doc:`../topics/repeatable-installs`.

Fixing conflicting dependencies

This is now covered in :doc:`../topics/dependency-resolution`.

Using pip from your program

As noted previously, pip is a command line program. While it is implemented in
Python, and so is available from your Python code via import pip, you must
not use pip’s internal APIs in this way. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. The pip code assumes that it is in sole control of the global state of the
    pip manages things like the logging system configuration, or the values of
    the standard IO streams, without considering the possibility that user code
    might be affected.
  2. pip’s code is not thread safe. If you were to run pip in a thread, there
    is no guarantee that either your code or pip’s would work as you expect.
  3. pip assumes that once it has finished its work, the process will terminate.
    It doesn’t need to handle the possibility that other code will continue to
    run after that point, so (for example) calling pip twice in the same process
    is likely to have issues.

This does not mean that the pip developers are opposed in principle to the idea
that pip could be used as a library — it’s just that this isn’t how it was
written, and it would be a lot of work to redesign the internals for use as a
library, handling all of the above issues, and designing a usable, robust and
stable API that we could guarantee would remain available across multiple
releases of pip. And we simply don’t currently have the resources to even
consider such a task.

What this means in practice is that everything inside of pip is considered an
implementation detail. Even the fact that the import name is pip is subject
to change without notice. While we do try not to break things as much as
possible, all the internal APIs can change at any time, for any reason. It also
means that we generally won’t fix issues that are a result of using pip in an
unsupported way.

It should also be noted that installing packages into sys.path in a running
Python process is something that should only be done with care. The import
system caches certain data, and installing new packages while a program is
running may not always behave as expected. In practice, there is rarely an
issue, but it is something to be aware of.

Having said all of the above, it is worth covering the options available if you
decide that you do want to run pip from within your program. The most reliable
approach, and the one that is fully supported, is to run pip in a subprocess.
This is easily done using the standard subprocess module:

subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', 'my_package'])

If you want to process the output further, use one of the other APIs in the module.
We are using freeze here which outputs installed packages in requirements format.:

reqs = subprocess.check_output([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'freeze'])

If you don’t want to use pip’s command line functionality, but are rather
trying to implement code that works with Python packages, their metadata, or
PyPI, then you should consider other, supported, packages that offer this type
of ability. Some examples that you could consider include:

  • packaging — Utilities to work with standard package metadata (versions,
    requirements, etc.)
  • setuptools (specifically pkg_resources) — Functions for querying what
    packages the user has installed on their system.
  • distlib — Packaging and distribution utilities (including functions for
    interacting with PyPI).

Changes to the pip dependency resolver in 20.3 (2020)

pip 20.3 has a new dependency resolver, on by default for Python 3
users. (pip 20.1 and 20.2 included pre-release versions of the new
dependency resolver, hidden behind optional user flags.) Read below
for a migration guide, how to invoke the legacy resolver, and the
deprecation timeline. We also made a two-minute video explanation
you can watch.

We will continue to improve the pip dependency resolver in response to
testers’ feedback. Please give us feedback through the resolver
testing survey.

Watch out for

The big change in this release is to the pip dependency resolver
within pip.

Computers need to know the right order to install pieces of software
(«to install x, you need to install y first»). So, when Python
programmers share software as packages, they have to precisely describe
those installation prerequisites, and pip needs to navigate tricky
situations where it’s getting conflicting instructions. This new
dependency resolver will make pip better at handling that tricky
logic, and make pip easier for you to use and troubleshoot.

The most significant changes to the resolver are:

  • It will reduce inconsistency: it will no longer install a
    combination of packages that is mutually inconsistent
    . In older
    versions of pip, it is possible for pip to install a package which
    does not satisfy the declared requirements of another installed
    package. For example, in pip 20.0, pip install "six<1.12"
    does the wrong thing, “successfully” installing
    six==1.11, even though virtualenv==20.0.2 requires
    six>=1.12.0,<2 (defined here).
    The new resolver, instead, outright rejects installing anything if it
    gets that input.
  • It will be stricter — if you ask pip to install two packages with
    incompatible requirements, it will refuse (rather than installing a
    broken combination, like it did in previous versions).

So, if you have been using workarounds to force pip to deal with
incompatible or inconsistent requirements combinations, now’s a good
time to fix the underlying problem in the packages, because pip will
be stricter from here on out.

This also means that, when you run a pip install command, pip only
considers the packages you are installing in that command, and may
break already-installed packages
. It will not guarantee that your
environment will be consistent all the time. If you pip install x
and then pip install y, it’s possible that the version of y
you get will be different than it would be if you had run pip
install x y
in a single command. We are considering changing this
behavior (per :issue:`7744`) and would like your thoughts on what
pip’s behavior should be; please answer our survey on upgrades that
create conflicts.

We are also changing our support for :ref:`Constraints Files`,
editable installs, and related functionality. We did a fairly
comprehensive overhaul and stripped constraints files down to being
purely a way to specify global (version) limits for packages, and so
some combinations that used to be allowed will now cause
errors. Specifically:

  • Constraints don’t override the existing requirements; they simply
    constrain what versions are visible as input to the resolver (see
  • Providing an editable requirement (-e .) does not cause pip to
    ignore version specifiers or constraints (see :issue:`8076`), and if
    you have a conflict between a pinned requirement and a local
    directory then pip will indicate that it cannot find a version
    satisfying both (see :issue:`8307`)
  • Hash-checking mode requires that all requirements are specified as a
    == match on a version and may not work well in combination with
    constraints (see :issue:`9020` and :issue:`8792`)
  • If necessary to satisfy constraints, pip will happily reinstall
    packages, upgrading or downgrading, without needing any additional
    command-line options (see :issue:`8115` and :doc:`development/architecture/upgrade-options`)
  • Unnamed requirements are not allowed as constraints (see :issue:`6628` and :issue:`8210`)
  • Links are not allowed as constraints (see :issue:`8253`)
  • Constraints cannot have extras (see :issue:`6628`)

Per our :ref:`Python 2 Support` policy, pip 20.3 users who are using
Python 2 will use the legacy resolver by default. Python 2 users
should upgrade to Python 3 as soon as possible, since in pip 21.0 in
January 2021, pip dropped support for Python 2 altogether.

How to upgrade and migrate

  1. Install pip 20.3 with python -m pip install --upgrade pip.

  2. Validate your current environment by running pip check. This
    will report if you have any inconsistencies in your set of installed
    packages. Having a clean installation will make it much less likely
    that you will hit issues with the new resolver (and may
    address hidden problems in your current environment!). If you run
    pip check and run into stuff you can’t figure out, please ask
    for help in our issue tracker or chat.

  3. Test the new version of pip.

    While we have tried to make sure that pip’s test suite covers as
    many cases as we can, we are very aware that there are people using
    pip with many different workflows and build processes, and we will
    not be able to cover all of those without your help.

    • If you use pip to install your software, try out the new resolver
      and let us know if it works for you with pip install. Try:

      • installing several packages simultaneously
      • re-creating an environment using a requirements.txt file
      • using pip install --force-reinstall to check whether
        it does what you think it should
      • using constraints files
      • the «Setups to test with special attention» and «Examples to try» below
    • If you have a build pipeline that depends on pip installing your
      dependencies for you, check that the new resolver does what you
    • Run your project’s CI (test suite, build process, etc.) using the
      new resolver, and let us know of any issues.
    • If you have encountered resolver issues with pip in the past,
      check whether the new resolver fixes them, and read :ref:`Fixing
      conflicting dependencies`
      . Also, let us know if the new resolver
      has issues with any workarounds you put in to address the
      current resolver’s limitations. We’ll need to ensure that people
      can transition off such workarounds smoothly.
    • If you develop or support a tool that wraps pip or uses it to
      deliver part of your functionality, please test your integration
      with pip 20.3.
  4. Troubleshoot and try these workarounds if necessary.

    • If pip is taking longer to install packages, read :doc:`Dependency
      resolution backtracking <topics/dependency-resolution>`
      for ways to
      reduce the time pip spends backtracking due to dependency conflicts.
    • If you don’t want pip to actually resolve dependencies, use the
      --no-deps option. This is useful when you have a set of package
      versions that work together in reality, even though their metadata says
      that they conflict. For guidance on a long-term fix, read
      :ref:`Fixing conflicting dependencies`.
    • If you run into resolution errors and need a workaround while you’re
      fixing their root causes, you can choose the old resolver behavior using
      the flag --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver. This will work until we
      release pip 21.0 (see
      :ref:`Deprecation timeline for 2020 resolver changes`).
  5. Please report bugs through the resolver testing survey.

Setups to test with special attention

  • Requirements files with 100+ packages
  • Installation workflows that involve multiple requirements files
  • Requirements files that include hashes (:ref:`hash-checking mode`)
    or pinned dependencies (perhaps as output from pip-compile within
  • Using :ref:`Constraints Files`
  • Continuous integration/continuous deployment setups
  • Installing from any kind of version control systems (i.e., Git, Subversion, Mercurial, or CVS), per :doc:`topics/vcs-support`
  • Installing from source code held in local directories

Examples to try


  • tensorflow
  • hacking
  • pycodestyle
  • pandas
  • tablib
  • elasticsearch and requests together
  • six and cherrypy together
  • pip install flake8-import-order==0.17.1 flake8==3.5.0 --use-feature=2020-resolver
  • pip install tornado==5.0 sprockets.http==1.5.0 --use-feature=2020-resolver


  • pip install
  • pip uninstall
  • pip check
  • pip cache

Tell us about

Specific things we’d love to get feedback on:

  • Cases where the new resolver produces the wrong result,
    obviously. We hope there won’t be too many of these, but we’d like
    to trap such bugs before we remove the legacy resolver.
  • Cases where the resolver produced an error when you believe it
    should have been able to work out what to do.
  • Cases where the resolver gives an error because there’s a problem
    with your requirements, but you need better information to work out
    what’s wrong.
  • If you have workarounds to address issues with the current resolver,
    does the new resolver let you remove those workarounds? Tell us!

Please let us know through the resolver testing survey.

Deprecation timeline

We plan for the resolver changeover to proceed as follows, using
:ref:`Feature Flags` and following our :ref:`Release Cadence`:

  • pip 20.1: an alpha version of the new resolver was available,
    opt-in, using the optional flag
    --unstable-feature=resolver. pip defaulted to legacy
  • pip 20.2: a beta of the new resolver was available, opt-in, using
    the flag --use-feature=2020-resolver. pip defaulted to legacy
    behavior. Users of pip 20.2 who want pip to default to using the
    new resolver can run pip config set global.use-feature
    (for more on that and the alternate
    PIP_USE_FEATURE environment variable option, see issue
  • pip 20.3: pip defaults to the new resolver in Python 3 environments,
    but a user can opt-out and choose the old resolver behavior,
    using the flag --use-deprecated=legacy-resolver. In Python 2
    environments, pip defaults to the old resolver, and the new one is
    available using the flag --use-feature=2020-resolver.
  • pip 21.0: pip uses new resolver by default, and the old resolver is
    no longer supported. It will be removed after a currently undecided
    amount of time, as the removal is dependent on pip’s volunteer
    maintainers’ availability. Python 2 support is removed per our
    :ref:`Python 2 Support` policy.

Since this work will not change user-visible behavior described in the
pip documentation, this change is not covered by the :ref:`Deprecation

Context and followup

As discussed in our announcement on the PSF blog, the pip team are
in the process of developing a new «dependency resolver» (the part of
pip that works out what to install based on your requirements).

We’re tracking our rollout in :issue:`6536` and you can watch for
announcements on the low-traffic packaging announcements list and
the official Python blog.

Using system trust stores for verifying HTTPS

This is now covered in :doc:`topics/https-certificates`.


PIP is a package management system used to install and manage software packages written in Python. It stands for “preferred installer program” or “Pip Installs Packages.”

PIP for Python is a utility to manage PyPI package installations from the command line.

If you are using an older version of Python on Windows, you may need to install PIP. You can easily install PIP on Windows by downloading the installation package, opening the command line, and launching the installer.

This tutorial will show how to install PIP on Windows, check its version, upgrade, and configure.

How to install PIP to manage Python packages on Windows.

Note: The latest versions of Python come with PIP pre-installed, but older versions require manual installation. The following guide is for version 3.4 and above. If you are using an older version of Python, you can upgrade Python via the Python website.


  • Computer running Windows or Windows server
  • Access to the Command Prompt window

Before you start: Check if PIP is Already Installed

PIP is automatically installed with Python 2.7.9+ and Python 3.4+ and it comes with the virtualenv and pyvenv virtual environments.

Before you install PIP on Windows, check if PIP is already installed.

1. Launch the command prompt window:

  • Press Windows Key + X.
  • Click Run.
  • Type in cmd.exe and hit enter.

Alternatively, type cmd in the Windows search bar and click the “Command Prompt” icon.

2. Type in the following command at the command prompt:

pip help

If PIP responds, then PIP is installed. Otherwise, there will be an error saying the program could not be found.

Output showing PIP is not installed on Windows.

Installing PIP On Windows

Follow the steps outlined below to install PIP on Windows.

Step 1: Download PIP

Before installing PIP, download the file.

1. Launch a command prompt if it isn’t already open. To do so, open the Windows search bar, type cmd and click on the icon.

2. Then, run the following command to download the file:

curl -o
Download PIP software package.

Step 2: Installing PIP on Windows

To install PIP type in the following:

Install PIP on Windows.

If the file isn’t found, double-check the path to the folder where you saved the file. You can view the contents of your current directory using the following command:


The dir command returns a full listing of the contents of a directory.

Step 3: Verify Installation

Once you’ve installed PIP, you can test whether the installation has been successful by typing the following:

pip help

If PIP has been installed, the program runs, and you should see the location of the software package and a list of commands you can use with pip.

Run pip help command to verify installation.

If you receive an error, repeat the installation process.

Step 4: Add Pip to Windows Environment Variables

To run PIP from any location, you need to add it to Windows environment variables to avoid getting the «not on PATH» error. To do so, follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Open the System and Security window by searching for it in the Control Plane.
  2. Navigate to System settings.
Navigate to System settings in Windows.
  1. Then, select Advanced system settings.
  1. Open the Environment Variables and double-click on the Path variable in the System Variables.
  1. Next, select New and add the directory where you installed PIP.
  2. Click OK to save the changes.

Step 5: Configuration

In Windows, the PIP configuration file is %HOME%pippip.ini.

There is also a legacy per-user configuration file. The file is located at %APPDATA%pippip.ini.

You can set a custom path location for this config file using the environment variable PIP_CONFIG_FILE.

Upgrading PIP for Python on Windows

New versions of PIP are released occasionally. These versions may improve the functionality or be obligatory for security purposes.

To check the current version of PIP, run:

pip --version
Check PIP version.

To upgrade PIP on Windows, enter the following in the command prompt:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

This command uninstalls the old version of PIP and then installs the most current version of PIP.

Downgrade PIP Version

Downgrading may be necessary if a new version of PIP starts performing undesirably. To downgrade PIP to a prior version, specifying the version you want.

To downgrade PIP, use the syntax:

python -m pip install pip==version_number

For example, to downgrade to version 18.1, you would run:

python -m pip install pip==18.1

You should now see the version of PIP that you specified.


Congratulations, you have installed PIP for Python on Windows. Check out our other guides to learn how to install PIP on other operating systems:

  • Install PIP on CentOS
  • Install PIP on Ubuntu
  • Install PIP on Debian
  • Install PIP on Mac

Now that you have PIP up and running, you are ready to manage your Python packages.

NumPy is a library for the Python programming language, adding support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices. Check out our guide and learn how to install NumPy using PIP.

June 9, 2022

PIP for Python

In this tutorial, we will identify PIP for Python, when we use it, how to install it, how to check its version, how to configure it on Windows, and how to upgrade (or downgrade) it.

What Is PIP for Python?

PIP stands for «PIP Installs Packages», which is a recursive acronym (the one that refers to itself) coined by its creator. In more practical terms, PIP is a widely used package-management system designed to install libraries that aren’t included in the standard distribution of the Python programming language on our local machine — and then manage them from the command line.

By default, PIP fetches such libraries from Python Package Index (PyPI), which is a central online repository containing a vast collection of third-party packages for various applications. If necessary, PIP can also connect to another local or online repository as long as it complies to PEP 503.

How to Install PIP on Windows

Before proceeding to PIP installation on Windows, we need to make sure that Python is already installed and PIP is not installed.

Check If Python Is Available

To verify that Python is available on our local machine, we need to open the command line (in Windows search, type cmd and press Enter to open Command Prompt or right-click on the Start button and select Windows PowerShell), type python, and press Enter.

If Python is properly installed, we will see a notification like the one below:

Python 3.10.2 (tags/v3.10.2:a58ebcc, Jan 17 2022, 14:12:15) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help," "copyright," "credits," or "license" for more information.

In the opposite case, we will see the following notification:

'python' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

This means that Python is either not installed on our local machine or is installed incorrectly and needs setting system variables. If you need further guidance on how to properly install Python on Windows, you can use this article in the Dataquest blog: Tutorial: Installing Python on Windows.

Check If PIP Is Already Installed

Now that we verified that Python is installed on Windows (or, if it was not, have installed it), let’s check if PIP is already installed on our system.

The latest releases Python 3.4+ and Python 2.7.9+, as well as the virtual environments virtualenv and pyvenv, automatically ship with PIP (we can check our Python version by running python --version or python -V in the command line). However, the older versions of Python don’t have this advantage by default. If we use an older Python release and cannot upgrade it for some reason (e.g., when we have to work with the projects made in old versions of Python incompatible with the newer versions), we may need to manually download and install PIP on Windows.

To check if PIP is already installed on Windows, we should open the command line again, type pip, and press Enter.

If PIP is installed, we will receive a long notification explaining the program usage, all the available commands and options. Otherwise, if PIP is not installed, the output will be:

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

This is exactly the case when we have to manually install PIP on Windows.

Download PIP

Before installing PIP, we have to download the file. We can do this two ways:

  1. Go to and save this file as in the same folder where Python is located.
    By default, the Python installation is stored in the folder AppData. The entire path could look like the following:


The folder User can be called differently on a particular machine, and also the final folder in the above path depends on the version of Python. In our case – Python 3.10:

  1. Open the command line and navigate to the folder where Python is stored using the cd command (see the previous point if you are not sure about Python’s location).

Now, run the following curl command:

curl -o

Install PIP on Windows

Now that we downloaded the file, we need to complete the followings steps.

  1. Open the command line
  2. Navigate to the folder where Python and the file are stored using the cd command
  3. Launch the installer by running the following command:


After a quick installation process, a message appears with all the details of the installation, and the final line appears as follows:

Successfully installed pip-22.0.1 wheel-0.37.1

PIP is now successfully installed on Windows.

Verify the PIP Installation Process and Check the PIP Version

To double-check if PIP has been installed properly and check its version, we need to run one of these commands in the command line:

pip --version


pip -V

If PIP is installed correctly, we will see a message indicating the version of PIP and its location on the local system, like the following:

pip 22.0.2 from C:UsersUtenteAppDataLocalProgramsPythonPython310libsite-packagespip (python 3.10).

If instead, an error is thrown, it is necessary to repeat the installation process.

Add PIP to Windows Environment Variables

To be able to run PIP without issues from any folder in the command line (rather than navigating every time to the folder where the PIP installer is stored, as we did earlier), we have to add the path to the folder with the file to Windows environment variables. This is especially important in that rare case when, we have installed several versions of Python, including old ones. In this situation, to avoid installing PIP separately for each old version of Python, we should install it only for one of them and then perform the following steps:

  • Open Control Panel (typing it in Windows search), select System and Security, then select System.
  • Go to the end of the opened window and select Advanced system settings:

  • Click Environment Variables:

  • In the System variables section, find and double-click the variable Path:

  • Click New and add the path to the folder where the PIP installer is stored:

  • Click OK to confirm modifications.

Upgrade PIP on Windows

Sometimes, we may need to update PIP on Windows to the latest version to keep it up-to-date and working flawlessly. For this purpose, we can run the following command in the command line:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip

As a result, the old version of PIP will be uninstalled and the most recent release will be installed.

Downgrade PIP on Windows

We can also want to downgrade PIP to a specific older version. This operation may be necessary in certain cases, for example, if a new version works with some compatibility issues. To downgrade PIP on Windows, we need to open the command line and run a command with the following syntax:

python -m pip install pip==<version>

Let’s say, we want to downgrade it to v20.3. Then the exact command will be:
python -m pip install pip==20.3

After downgrading PIP, we can verify that we now have the necessary version of it by running python -V.


In this tutorial we covered various topics regarding the installation of PIP on Windows:

  • How PIP works
  • How to check if Python and PIP are already installed
  • When it may be necessary to manually install PIP on Windows
  • How to download and install PIP on Windows
  • How to verify if PIP has been successfully installed and check its version
  • How to configure PIP on Windows and when it may be necessary
  • When and how to upgrade or downgrade PIP on Windows

Now that we have PIP properly installed on Windows, we can begin using it to manage Python libraries. Let’s start with running pip help in the command line and exploring the available commands and options for this program.

Do I need to install pip?¶

pip is already installed if you’re using Python 2 >=2.7.9 or Python 3 >=3.4
binaries downloaded from, but you’ll
need to upgrade pip.

Additionally, pip will already be installed if you’re working in a Virtual
created by
virtualenv or pyvenv.

Installing with¶

To install pip, securely download [2]

Then run the following:


Be cautious if you’re using a Python install that’s managed by your operating
system or another package manager. does not coordinate with
those tools, and may leave your system in an inconsistent state. will also install setuptools [3] and wheel,
if they’re not already. setuptools is required to install
source distributions. Both are
required to be able to build a Wheel Cache (which improves installation
speed), although neither are required to install pre-built wheels.


The script is supported on the same python version as pip.
For the now unsupported Python 3.2, an alternate script is available
here. options¶


If set, don’t attempt to install setuptools


If set, don’t attempt to install wheel

Additionally, supports using the pip install options and the general options. Below are
some examples:

Install from local copies of pip and setuptools:

python --no-index --find-links=/local/copies

Install to the user site [4]:

Install behind a proxy:

python --proxy="[user:passwd@]proxy.server:port"

Upgrading pip¶

On Linux or macOS:

On Windows [5]:

python -m pip install -U pip

Python and OS Compatibility¶

pip works with CPython versions 2.6, 2.7, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and also pypy.

This means pip works on the latest patch version of each of these minor versions
(i.e. 2.6.9 for 2.6, etc).
Previous patch versions are supported on a best effort approach.

pip works on Unix/Linux, macOS, and Windows.

[1] For Python 2, see, and for Python3,
[2] «Secure» in this context means using a modern browser or a
tool like curl that verifies SSL certificates when downloading from
https URLs.
[3] Beginning with pip v1.5.1, stopped requiring setuptools to
be installed first.
[4] The pip developers are considering making --user the default for all
installs, including installs of pip, but at this time,
--user installs for pip itself, should not be considered to be fully
tested or endorsed. For discussion, see Issue 1668.

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