I always lock the doors and windows avoid being burgled

Forum Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie – Witam. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności zdań. Mam spore problemy z relative clauses także pomoc będzie na wagę złota [b]1. Th

Witam. Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności zdań. Mam spore problemy z relative clauses także pomoc będzie na wagę złota

1. There wasn’t much food in the fridge. We managed to make a meal. although / however

We managed to make a meal however there wasn’t much food in the fridge

Although there wasn’t much food in the fridge, we managed to make a meal.

2. I hurried home. I didn’t want to miss my favourite TV programme. so that / so as

I hurried home so that I can see my favourite TV programme.

I hurried home so as not to miss my favourite TV programme.

3.I won’t ask you in. It’s late. since

Since it’s late, I won’t ask you in.

4. Take your mobile phone. It is possible that someone will call you. case

Take your mobile phone in case someone calls you.

5 I always lock the doors and windows. I don’t want to be burgled. avoid

I always lock the doors and windows to avoid being burgled.

6 I started saving up. I wanted to buy a new car. aim / view

I started saving up with the aim of buying a new car.

I started saving up with a view to buying a new car

7 I didn’t want to waste time. I started immediately. so

I started immediately so as not to waste time.

8 I have never heard such a terrible story before.

Never before have I heard such a terrible story.

9 As soon as he entered the office, the manager called in.

Hardly did he enter the office, when manager called in.

No sooner did he enter the office than the manager called in.

10 I remembered my keys only after I had closed the door.

Only after closing the door did I remember my keys.

11 She is a brilliant actress and a talented actress as well.

Not only brilliant actress but also talented actress is she.

12 You must not arrive late on the day of the exam.

On no account should you arrive late on the day of the exam.



Attractions Vocabulary

  1. Сity-dwellers

  2. Cosmopolitan

  3. metropolis

  4. Irresistible

  5. Stimulation

  6. Anonymity

  7. Cost
    of living

  8. Pollution

  9. Urban

  10. Congestion

  11. Commuters

  12. To
    breed crime

of Result

  1. The
    bus was so late that we decided to take a taxi.

  2.  He
    was sleeping soundly, so we couldn’t wake him.

  3. It
    was such an exciting news that I couldn’t wait to tell anyone.

  4. She
    is such clever girl that her parents are very proud of her.

  5. Jane
    spends so little time study that she may fail her exams.

  6. Peter
    did so much work yesterday, so he has nothing to do today.

  7. He
    had such heavy luggage that he decided to call a porter.

in so, such or such a/an

  1. So

  2. So

  3. Such

  4. So

  5. So

  6. such

  7. so

  8. Such

  9. Such

  10. Such
    a lot of

  11. Such

of reason

the sentences using the word(s) in brackets.

  1. The
    singer cancelled her appearance on account of her unwell feeling

  2. As
    she hadn’t eaten all day, she was hungry.

  3. Because
    of he was rude, the teacher punished him.

  4. The
    reason for the Prime Minister did not attend the press conference
    was that he was out of the country.

  5. Now
    that he has passed his exams, his parents are pleased with him.

  6. The
    reason for her turn down was the fact that the job had been very

  7. His
    car wouldn’t move due to it ran out of petrol.

  8. Since
    he was late, he took a taxi.

each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.

  1. We
    didn’t go for a walk account of the rain.

  2. His
    mother shouted at him because of that he didn’t tidy his room.

  3. The
    dog escaped due to that she didn’t close the gate.

  4. The
    fact that it was her birthday was for she got a lot of presents.

  5. We
    asked the tutor to explain since we didn’t understand the lecture.

  6. The
    cat skidded on the road due to that it was ice.

  7. I
    couldn’t sleep because of noise.

the correct word.

  1. So

  2. In
    order to

  3. So
    as not to

  4. For

  5. for

  6. So

the sentences using the word(s) in brackets

He got the car out of the garage. He wanted to wash it so that he
can got the car out of the garage sо
that he could wash it….

I always lock the doors and windows to avoid burgling.

The doctor examined the patient so as to find out what was wrong
with him

I’ve taken out a loan to buy a car.

5. We’ll take some
food with us in case we get hungry.

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He told the police that he always ……..the doors and windows to avoid being burgled.

a) locks                b) locked          

I think that both answers are correct. The first would mean that it’s a habit that he still does (which makes more sense to me) and the second implies that he used to do this before reporting the theft to the police. Am I right? Thanks for helping me out.

Hello, Rasha,

I agree with Ahmed_btm that both answers are correct. The natural answer is the backshifted one («locked»), though I have the impression that the Egyptian ministry of education does not allow you to use the natural choice here.

As to your interpretations,  the sentence with «locked» does not imply that he locked his doors and windows only before making the report to the police. It can be used if he was still in the habit at the time of the report.

If you want the before-the-report meaning, use the past perfect in the clause of reported speech: «He told the police that he had always locked the doors and windows to avoid being burgled.»

 Adding one more clause to the sentence above would force you to take one choice. For example:

He told the police that before he sleeps, he always locks the doors and windows to avoid being burgled.

Actually, Ahmed, even with the «before»-clause, «locked» is perfectly correct. However, the «before»-clause would also need to be backshifted, unlike the «before»-clause in your example. Here are suitable revisions of your example:

  • He told the police that before he slept, he always locked the doors and windows to avoid being burgled.
  • He told the police that he always locked the doors and windows before he slept, to avoid being burgled.

Английский язык, 01.03.2019 12:30

It is said that charity begins at home, and people in the uk о) seem to have put these words into practice. their enthusiasm for helping others shows in the 187,000 charity organizations that 1) in the country, some of the most famous ones аге oxfam, age concern, the rspca, the british heart foundation and marie curie cancer саге. people donate money to charity organizations or volunteer to . helpthem 2) money. many of these organizations run charity shops, the first charity shop in the united kingdom was established by oxfam in broad street, oxford. oxfam has the largest number of charity shops in the uk with з) 800 stores. charity shops sell goods at very 4) prices. the items for sale аге usually second-hand and donated by members of the public. these 5) books, records, cds, clothes,accessories, household items, furniture and costumes for 6) occasions such as halloween. there аге bargains for 7) ! some charity shops also sell new goods that аге somehow related to the cause they 8) in oxfam stores, for example, you сап find fair trade food and. crafts. the staff who work at charity shops аге volunteers, so most of the profits from the sales 9) towards the charity. in theus, where charity shops аге called thrift stores, this of shopping is so 10) that it has got it’s own word, it’s called thrifting! переведите

Ответов: 4

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Ответы к рабочей тетради Spotlight английский язык 7 класс, страница 6

1. Circle the correct word. — Обведи правильные слова


1 Always look through the peephole / chain before you open the door. — Всегда смотри через дверной глазок прежде чем открыть дверь.
2 Don’t run after / hand over the burglar! — Не преследуй грабителя!
3 A burglar let / broke into our house yesterday. — Грабитель вломился в наш дом вчера.
4 He is installing / stealing an alarm system. — Он устанавливает сигнализацию.
5 Keep your mobile phone switched / fitted on at night. — Держи свой мобильный телефон включенным ночью.

2. Form adverbs out of the adjectives in the list to complete the sentences. — Сформируй наречие из прилагательного в списке, чтобы дополнить предложения.

• safe • sure • real • bad • careful • proper

Можно ответить так:

1 Read the leaflet carefully. — Читайте буклет внимательно.
2 I’m sorry I behaved so badly at your party last week. — Я извиняюсь, я вел себя так плохо на твоей вечеринке на прошлой неделе.
3 Have a nice trip and drive safely. — Приятной поездки и езжай безопасно.
4 Make sure the lights work properly. — Убедись, что освещение работает правильно.
5 Do you really like living in a big city? — Вы реально хотите жить в большом городе?
6 I’m surely sorry for being late. — Конечно, я извиняюсь за опоздание

3. Complete the sentence with the correct phrasal verb. — Дополни предложения правильными фразовыми глаголами.

• run into • run after • run out


1 I tried to run after the thief, but he was too fast for me. — Я пытался преследовать вора, но он был слишком быстр для меня.
2 Did you run into Mr Jones the other day? — Вы наткнулись на мистера Джонса на днях?
3 Oh. no! The guests will be here in a minute and we are run out of coffee. — О, нет! Гости будут с минуты на минуту, а у нас кончился кофе.

4. Someone took Matt’s wallet. Help Matt be more careful. Use the phrases to give him advice. — Кто-то взял кошелёк Мэтта. Помоги Мэтту быть более внимательным. Используй фразы, чтобы дать ему совет.

carry a lot of money with you
use a belt bag
keep your wallet in your back pocket
be careful in crowded places


1 You shouldn’t carry a lot of money with you. — Тебе не стоит носить много денег с собой.
2 You should use a belt bag. — Тебе нужно носить сумку на ремне
3 You shouldn’t keep your wallet in your back pocket. — Ты не должен держать свой кошелек в заднем кармане.
4 You should be careful in crowded places. — Ты должен быть внимательным в людных местах.

5. Choose the correct response for each question. — Выбери корректный ответ на каждый вопрос


1: What’s the best way to avoid pickpockets? — Какой лучший способ избежать кражи из кармана?
  a) You should look after your wallet. — Ты должен присматривать за своим кошельком.
  b) Don’t be so silly! — Не будь глупцом.

2: How about joining Neighbourhood Watch? — Как насчет вступления в отряд Дружинников?
  a) Really? — Правда?
  b) I didn’t think of that. — Я не думал об этом.

3: How can we protect our home? — Как мы можем защитить наш дом?
  a) Why don’t you fit an alarm system? — Почему бы тебе не установить сигнализацию?
  b) Walk in well-lit places. — Гулять по хорошо освещенным местам.

4: What should we do before we leave the house? — Что мы должны сделать перед тем как покинуть дом?
  a) You should fit an alarm system — Ты должен установить сигнализацию
  b) You should lock all the doors. — Ты должен закрыть все двери.

Read the text and mark the sentences T(true) or F(false)

In the United States there’s a burglary almost every fifteen seconds, especially during the day when people aren’t at home. But don’t be afraid. There are a lot of things you can do to protect your housefrom burglars.

First of all, you shouldn’t let people you don’t know into your home. You should always look through the peephole before you open the door. It’s also a bad idea to leave money, jewellery or keys next to windows. Always lock all doors and windows when you leave the house, and if possible, installan alarm system and check it often to make sure it works properly.

Another way to protect your home is to make it look busy all the time. Leave the radio on when you are away and fit dusk-to-dawn lights in the garden. That way, anyone watching the house will think that someone is there.

Finally, join a Neighbourhood Watch programme and call the police the moment you see something unusual in your neighbourhood. And remember: never put up a fight with a burglar. Just hand over your valuables and then call the police. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Never open the door before looking through the peephole. ………..
You shouldn’t leave your valuables close to windows. ………..
You don’t need to test your alarm system. ………..
Dusk-to dawn lights will make people think you’re home. ………..
Don’t leave the radio on when you are away ……..

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