I cleaned the windows yesterday alice usually

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Name:                               Form:____

1st term test paper, 11th
English 11)

Rewrite the sentences using the construction have sth done
in the correct tense.

Andrew washed his car.

Andrew had his car washed.

I cleaned the windows yesterday.

Alice usually makes her clothes.

I will cut my hair tomorrow.

Jane wrote the report last week.

Caroline always does her homework.

I will repair the fridge tomorrow.

We built sandcastles in summer.

I never paint my house.

I always do my hair.

Yesterday he fixed the washing machine.

Complete the sentences with either… or, neither… nor, both …
and, either, neither, both
, no one, none, any.

In this game you __________ win _____ lose. It depends on you.

 I have a lot of books. Which would you like to read? ________ .

Mike _____ Jack came to the party. They were too busy.

_________ of us three speaks German. We speak only English.

 Liz was late. So was Jane. __________ Jane _____ Liz were late.

__________ of us liked the party. We met all our friends.

Would you like tea or coffee? “__________. I really don’t mind”.

Where’s your sister? Is she at university or at home? “__________. She’s by her

__________ is going to take part in this competition.

Did you buy the red dress or the black one? “_________. They are so beautiful”.

Task 3.
Complete the sentences with the prepositions for, out, in, up, at, on.

1. The Opposition
party called _____ the minister’s resignation.

2. The photos called
______ good memories.

3. I will call ____
____ Linda tomorrow and bring her fresh fruit.

4. ‘In here!’ she
called _____.

5. Don’t forget to
call ____ _____ the baker’s. We need some fresh buns for breakfast.

Task 4. Complete
the sentences with the words. Definitions and synonyms are given in brackets.

1. A lot of students
in the UK have to pay their t__________ (money that you pay for the

2. In order to get a
job, you have to a__________(make an official request) for it.

3. The scientists
made a r___________  (a study) and found out that people who have
families live longer.

4. We went early to a__________
 (try not to go near) crowds.

5. People all over
the world use a__________ (high level, modern) technologies to
achieve better results.

6. Women have s__________
(fought) against discrimination throughout history.

7. I will d______
(solve) with this problem.

8. Students and
teachers have to stick to the s________ (group, number) of school

9. From 5 to 16
school education becomes c___________ (obligatory, not voluntary).

10. This book c_________
(has, includes) useful information.

Task 5. Write
about your plans for future career (15-20 sentences). Mention:

professional spheres you are interested at;

and who helped you to make your choice;

you expect of your future job;

you see as advantages and disadvantages of your chosen career/sphere.















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Ответ дан

1 год назад

Английский язык

5 — 9 классы

The windows ____yesterday.
a)was cleaned
b) were cleaned
c)are cleaned
только правильно пж​


(2 оценки)



1 год назад

Светило науки — 1 ответ — 0 раз оказано помощи


The windows was cleaned yesterday


Was — Было

Yesterday — Вчера

Было — прошедшие время

Вчера — Прошедшие время



Ставим предложение в прошедшие время.

(я бы так сделал)

Оцените пользу ответа


Остались вопросы?

Задать вопрос

11.1 Complete the sentences. Use a verb from the box.

  1. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday.
  2. It was hot in the room, so I opened the window.
  3. The film was very long. It started at 7.15 and finished at 10 o’clock.
  4. When I was a child, I want to be a doctor.
  5. The accident happened last Sunday afternoon.
  6. It’s a nice day today, but yesterday it rained all day.
  7. We enjoyed our holiday last year. We stayed at very nice place.
  8. Anna’s grandfather died when he was 90 years old.

11.2 Write the past simple of these verbs

  1. get — got
  2. see — saw
  3. play — played
  4. pay — payed
  5. visit — visited
  6. buy — bought
  7. go — went
  8. think — thought
  9. copy — copied
  10. know — knew
  11. put — put
  12. speak — spoke

11.3 Read about Lisa’s journey to Madrid. Put the verbs in the correct form.

Last Tuesday Lisa flew from London to Madrid. She got up at 6 o’clock in the morning and had a cup of coffee. At 6.30 she left home and drove to the airport. When she got there, she parked the car, walked to the airport building, and checked in. Then she had breakfast at a cafe and waited for her flight. The plane departed on time arrived in Madrid two hours later. Finally she took a taxi from the airport to her hotel in the centre of Madrid.

  1. flew
  2. got
  3. had
  4. left
  5. drove
  6. got
  7. parked
  8. walked
  9. checked
  10. had
  11. waited
  12. departed
  13. arrived
  14. took

11.4 Write sentences about the past (yesterday / last week etc.)

  1. James always goes to work by car. Yesterday he went to work by car.
  2. Rachel often loses her keys. She lost her keys last week.
  3. Kate meets her friends every evening. She met her friends yesterday evening.
  4. I usually buy two newspapers every day. Yesterday I bought two newspapers.
  5. We often go to the cinema at weekends. Last Sunday we went to the cinema.
  6. I eat an orange every day. Yesterday I ate an orange.
  7. Tom always has a shower in the morning. This morning he had a shower.
  8. Our friends often come to see us. They came to see us last Friday.

11.5 Write sentences about what you did yesterday.

  1. I went to the cinema.
  2. I had a shower.
  3. I saw my friend.
  4. I played badminton.
  5. I walked around a park.
  6. I fell asleep.

Сегодня мы потренируемся в использовании Past Simple (простое прошедшее время) в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях в английском языке.

В этом уроке 8 упражнений на отработку Past Simple с ответами, и вы сразу сможете проверить правильность их выполнения. Как обычно, упражнения расположены в порядке нарастания сложности.

Перед выполнением упражнений рекомендую ознакомиться со следующими уроками:

  • Примеры предложений в Past simple 
  • Was/Were/Did – в чем разница?
  • Таблица 200 неправильных глаголов

Упражнение 2. Раскройте скобки поставив неправильные глаголы в Past Simple

Упражнение 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Simple

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски глаголом to be в Past Simple

Упражнение 5. Допишите краткие ответы

Упражнение 6. Соотнесите вопросы и ответы

Упражнение 7. Напишите в пропусках глаголы из рамочки в Past Simple

play           forget                       see                      travel                         give                         enter                         want                      have                    start                         stay                       be

Упражнение 8. Образуйте отрицательные предложения


Упражнение 1.

  1. I washed my car the day before yesterday.
  2. It rained all day yesterday.
  3. We moved to Madrid last year.
  4. They painted their house green last summer.
  5. Tom called his grandma at 10 am.
  6. The kids played football two hours ago.
  7. The movie finished at 7 pm.
  8. They opened the restaurant in 2010.
  9. Last weekend we cooked a paella.
  10. Marta planted these trees 5 years ago.

Упражнение 2.

  1. James was born on July 2, 1999.
  2. I met my best friend at University 5 years ago.
  3. Lina and I went to the cinema last week.
  4. Jerry was thirsty, he drank all the water.
  5. Kitty wrote a letter to Brad a few days ago.
  6. We flew to Mexico on October 13.
  7. They had a baby in 2014.
  8. Tina spent 3 hours at work yesterday.
  9. I took a taxi to get home last night.
  10. Denis lost his keys when he was on a bus.

Упражнение 3.

  1. I went to London last year.
  2. Jim smiled when he saw Lenny.
  3. I could swim at the age of 6.
  4. Susan studied French at school.
  5. I spoke to my Dad 5 minutes ago.
  6. He woke up at 6 am and had a cup of coffee.
  7. Vick came home late last night.
  8. We listened to music and played video games yesterday.
  9. Larry was so hungry that he ate the whole chicken.
  10. The lesson started at 10:15.

Упражнение 4.

  1. Where were you on Monday?
  2. I was tired after work.
  3. Mary was happy to see Nick.
  4. They were at the beach yesterday.
  5. The workers were in the garden all day.
  6. We were not at home one hour ago.
  7. Kate and Leo were young when they met.
  8. The cat was hungry so a gave it food.

Упражнение 5.

  1. Did they go to Moscow by bus? Yes, they did.
  2. Did you do your homework yesterday? No, I didn’t.
  3. Did Rita travel to the UK last week? Yes, she did.
  4. Did we see this movie last year? Yes, we did.
  5. Did Mark win the game on Tuesday? No, he didn’t.
  6. Were you at school last Wednesday? Yes, I was.
  7. Was he in the office at 8 pm? No, he wasn’t.
  8. Were they ready to go when you called? Yes, they were.
  9. Was Sue late for the meeting? Yes, she was.

Упражнение 6.

  1. Did you lock the door? Yes, I did.
  2. When did you arrive? At 6 pm.
  3. What did he do outside? He walked his dog.
  4. Was she at home when you came? No, she wasn’t.
  5. Was he in his room last night? Yes, he was.
  6. Where you on holiday with your sister? No, I wasn’t.
  7. Did he sleep late yesterday? Yes, he did.
  8.  Were they on time for the class? Yes, they were.

Упражнение 7.

  1. Last year I traveled to China.
  2. Did you have dinner last night?
  3. I forgot to make my bed this morning.
  4. They saw a movie yesterday.
  5. We wanted to go to out, but it started raining.
  6. We stayed at Grand Hotel when we were in Venice.
  7. Who gave you this book?
  8. I entered University in 2017.

Упражнение 8.

  1. The meeting didn’t begin on time.
  2. We didn’t enjoy our stay at the hotel yesterday.
  3. They didn’t go to London last weekend.
  4. I didn’t invite Joe and Tina for dinner on Saturday.
  5. He didn’t like the food at the restaurant last night.
  6. She didn’t walk her dog in the morning.
  7. Martin didn’t get up late yesterday.

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Упражнения на TO BE в Past Simple
  • Тест на Past Simple с ответами
  • Упражнения на Past Simple и Past Continuous
  • Упражнения на Past Simple и Present Perfect
  • Упражнения на неправильные глаголы

СРОЧНО!!!!! Даю 20 БАЛЛОВ 1. Перепишите предложения, используя конструкцию “have something done”. Обратите внимание на временную форму глагола. E.g.: She didn’t cut her hair herself. (Она не стригла свои волосы сама.) – She had her hair cut. (Она подстриглась.)
1. Tim didn’t clean the windows himself. (Тим не мыл окна сам.)
2. Mary doesn’t usually deliver the food to her house herself. (Обычно Мэри не приносит продукты домой сама.)
3. Fred hasn’t washed his car himself. (Фред не мыл машину сам.)
4. My husband isn’t testing his eye-sight himself. (Мой муж не проверяет свое зрение сам.)
5. I won’t check my blood pressure myself. (Я не буду сам измерять свое кровяное давление.)
6. Jane didn’t service her car herself. (Джейн не обслуживала свою машину сама.)
7. They will not mend the roof of the house themselves. (Они не будут сами ремонтировать крышу дома.)
8. She isn’t making the curtains herself. (Она не шьет шторы сама.) 9. I didn’t remove this coffee stain from the suit myself. (Я не сам выводил пя


1. Tim had the windows cleaned.

2. Mary has usually the food delivered.

3. Fred has his car washed.

4. My husband is having his eye-sight tested.

5. I will have my blood pressure checked.

6. Jane had her car serviced

7. They will have the roof of house mended.

8. She is having the curtains made.

9. I had this coffee stain removed from the suit.

Порядок слов в английском языке очень важен. Каждому члену предложения отведено свое место. Утвердительное предложение, как правило, начинается с подлежащего, затем идет сказуемое, и далее — второстепенные члены предложения.

У вопросительных предложений другой порядок слов — в них на первое место ставится вопросительное слово и вспомогательный глагол. При переводе вопроса в косвенную речь порядок слов снова меняется с вопросительного на прямой.

Также важно правильно ставить  в предложении наречие.

Предлагаем вам проверить свои знания при помощи теста. Уровень теста — средний.

Questions and word order

1. It … cold there in December.

a) Will be certainly

b) Will certainly be

c) Certainly will be

d) Will for certainly be

2. This child … for his classes.

a) Often is late

b) Is late often

c) Is often late

d) Often late is

3. … from work very late at night.

a) Mary sometimes comes

b) Mary comes sometimes

c) Sometimes Mary comes

d) Sometimes comes Mary

4. I don’t know … my holidays this year.

a) Where will I spend

b) Where will spend I

c) I where will spend

d) Where I will spend

5. Could you give … when she comes?

a) To Mary this card

b) Mary to this card

c) This card to Mary

d) To this card Mary

6. She was rather old so she … .

a) Had the windows cleaned

b) The windows had cleaned

c) Had cleaned the windows

d) The windows cleaned had

7. Unfortunately we haven’t got … .

a) Chairs enough we for the guests

b) Enough for the guests chairs

c) Chairs for the guests enough

d) Enough chairs for the guests

8. Will you tell me at last … ?

a) With whom are you

b) Who you are with

c) Who with are you

d) Whom with you are

9. Have you read that … which the teacher recommended?

a) Funny old Spanish novel

b) Spanish old funny novel

c) Old funny Spanish novel

d) Old Spanish funny novel

10. My children … my birthday.

a) Usually don’t forget

b) Don’t forget usually

c) Don’t usually forget

d) Do usually forget not

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