It is dangerous to keep the windows during a thunderstorm

Работа по теме: КЛЮЧИ , 2 курс-аракин. ВУЗ: ТНУ. Страница 4.

conqueror [ ′k ɒ ƞ k ə r ə ] завоеватель specimen [‘spesɪmɪn] образец, образчик

ho’tel, ‘ceremony, Re’naissanc/’Renaissance [rɪ′neɪs(ə)ns, ˏrenə’sɑ:ns], Tra’falgar ‘Square, ‘manuscript, ‘avenue,

architect, E’lizabeth,’Senate

с) build — rebuild — 1. строить заново, восстанавливать; 2. перестраивать tell — retell — пересказывать

construct — reconstruct — 1. реконструировать, перестраивать; 2. восстанавливать, воссоздавать arm — rearm — перевооружать produce — reproduce — воспроизводить

Ex. VIII, p. Ill

Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police of London. For most people its name immediately brings to mind the picture of a detective — cool, collected, efficient, ready to track down any criminal.

Scotland Yard is situated on the Thames Embankment close to the Houses of Parliament and the familiar clock tower of Big Ben. The name «Scotland Yard» originates from the plot of land adjoining Whitehall Palace where since about the 14th century the royalty and nobility of Scotland stayed when visiting the English Court. The popular nickname of the London policeman «bobby» is a tribute to Sir Robert Peel who introduced the police force in 1829 and whose Christian name attached itself to members of the force.

Ex. X, p. 112

1. In the very centre of the City opposite the Bank of England is the statue of Wellington, the famous English general and statesman of the 19th century. Under his command the British troops and their allies defeated Napoleon’s army at Waterloo in 1815. Waterloo Bridge, one of the most beautiful bridges across/ over the Thames was so named/named so in memory of this victory. 2. The Mall is a broad avenue, lined with trees/a broad, tree-lined avenue leading from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham Palace, the Royal residence. Opposite the Palace (there) stands a huge monument with a statue of Victory at its top. This monument was erected/set up in memory/in honour of Queen Victoria whose sixty-four-year reign (1837—1901) was the longest in history. 3. The Highgate Cemetery is famous for the grave of Karl Marx who was buried there. In 1956 a monument to Marx was erected/set up there funded/financed with the donations/contributions that had been sent by workers from all over the world.

Ex. XIV, p. 113

1. Out of /From/Through a taxi window you can only get/ catch/obtain/have a glimpse of London. There are many other ways of seeing/doing its sights: one can walk around it, one can go on a two-hour/on two hours’ (circular) tour in a tourist bus, one can see the city from the top of a double-decker/double-decker bus; besides, one can take a trip along the Thames or the Great Canal in Regent’s Park. 2. If you could fly over Moscow in a helicopter, you could see how much our capital has changed and grown. Long streets, lined with trees cross the city in all directions, and blocks of new many-storeyed/multistory houses (of highrises) have grown up/sprung up/appeared on its outskirts instead of sm#ll wooden houses, dark with soot and smoke. Huge cranes stand high above/over the numerous building sites of the capital. 3. The underground/subway is the most convenient city transport/form of transport. Hundreds of thousands of Muscovites and visitors go up and down its escalators (moving stairways/staircases) and admire the architecture and decoration of its wonderful underground/subterraneous palaces. 4. The monument to Alexander Pushkin in Puskinskaya (now Strastnaya) Square is one of Muscovites’ favourite monuments/ favourites. At its foot one may/can always see bouquets of natural flowers, brought by Muscovites to honour the memory of their favourite/beloved poet.

Ex. XVI b), p. 116

Лондон утром В то утро, как это порой бывает, дым и поднимающийся над долиной Темзы

туман решили сотворить для своего родного Лондона, и особенно для старейшей его части, Сити, несколько чудес. В такое утро Сити кажется волшебным местом. Все в нем окутано чуть светящейся дымкой, то серебристой, то тускло-золотой. Здания сохраняют свою форму, их можно пощупать — но они становятся невесомыми; они парят в воздухе подобно дворцам из сказок «Тысячи и одной ночи»; кажется, что можно опрокинуть купол собора Св. Павла одним прикосновением указательного пальца, подвинуть назад резиденцию лорд-мэра, подбросить в небо колонну, воздвигнутую в память о пожаре 1666 г. В такое утро старинные церкви невозможно сосчитать: их становится больше, чем когда-либо было. Транспорта на улицах не меньше обычного: алый поток двухэтажных автобусов все так же катится по древним, узким улочкам; тротуары попрежнему заполнены толпой банковских курьеров, мальчишек-посыльных, полицейских, клерков, машинисток, швейцаров, членов правления компаний, секретарш, жуликов, сплетников и сплетниц и просто праздношатающихся. Но в такое утро все эти автобусы, такси, автофургоны, грузовики, а также все пешеходы становятся как бы не вполне осязаемыми; они движутся словно под покровом тончайшего газа и все одеты в бархат; их голоса звучат приглушенно,

а движутся они точно в замедленной съемке. Все чересчур новое, вульгарное и глупое неким таинственным образом растворяется в особенно густых клубах тумана. А все, что сохранилось от былой древней красоты, остается, причем в идеальном освещении и в идеальной оправе. Стоит завернуть за угол, как ктонибудь прошепчет вам одну-две строки из Чосера. Если посмотреть в такое утро на Темзу, то глазам открывается и вовсе фантастическое зрелище: географии здесь больше нет, а есть одна лишь чистая поэзия; вода исчезает, и смутные силуэты из какого-то полного приключений сна скользят прямо по воздуху, мерцающему золотом и серебром. Вот каким бывает Сити в такое утро

— это город из готической сказки, видение или мираж.


E x . I p . 120

P a t t e r n 1:1. Our mother is hardly ever able to go to the theatre. Our mother hardly ever goes to the theatre. 2. Our students are hardly ever able to listen to native English speech. 3. She is hardly ever able to get herself a new dress. 4. They are hardly able to spend their holiday at the seaside. 5. He is hardly ever able to refuse helping his friends.

P a t t e r n 3: 1. It will never do to stare at people. 2. The teacher said it would never do to hand in homework written carelessly./The teacher said that handing in work written carelessly would never do. 3. «I say, Turner, it will never do to treat your comrades/friends like that.» 4. My mother said that it would never do to let her do all the work alone. 5. It will never do to hurt animkls. 6. «You have come unprepared again. It will never do,» said the teacher. /»Coming unprepared will never do,» said the teacher.

Ex. II, p. 120

1. She worked very little during the term and we all told her that she might fail at her examination. 2. It was hardly possible to let the boy stay at home alone because we all knew that he might make trouble if he did. 3. She worked too hard and her friends were afraid that she might fall ill. 4. The mother thought the boy might become a great pianist, and so she made him practise day and night. 5. We wanted to go and see our sick friend, but the doctor didn’t allow that saying that we might catch the disease.

Ex. III, p. 121

1. It is dangerous to keep the windows open during a thunderstorm. 2. She kept the door closed and didn’t let anyone in. 3. Put the lemonade in the refrigerator to

keep it cold. 4. The epidemic was at its height, and all the doctors of the town were kept busy. 5. Uput the tulips in the water to keep them fresh. 6. Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. 7. This fur coat is sure to keep you warm in any frost. 8. What is the teacher to do to keep his pupils interested?

Ex. IV, p. 121

1. It will never do to hurt those who are younger than you. 2. We are hardly ever able to go to the country on our days off/at weekends. 3. I told you that you might fall ill if you got your feet wet. 4. Keep the patient awake until the doctor comes. 5. It will never do to use the phone for silly jokes. 6. Keep the children busy and don’t let them make noise while I am talking on the phone. 7. On such a hot day the windows should be kept open.

8.It will never do to smoke so much, you will ruin your health.

9.John wrote to his friend that he might visit him the following year.

Ex. I, p. 130

A. 3. In reported speech one should say the mother, the father or his (her, etc.) mother, father, depending on the context, e. g. Jane said that her father was a lawyer.

But: «The story/The author says that at the end of the day there were tears in the mother’s eyes.» On the other hand if it is the members of one family who are talking, a brother can say to a sister, «Father says that Mother isn’t going to cook dinner today.»

В. 1. One can decorate

a Christmas tree;

a cake with icing;

streets with flags, coloured lamps, etc.;

room with flowers;

a dress with embroidery.

To trim is to decorate, especially round the edges. One can trim

a jacket with fur;

a building with marble;

a hat with flowers, ribbons, etc.;

a hem with lace;

a Christmas tree.

2.The preposition on is used before the names of days and the parts of day when they are used with descriptive attributes. N.B. You can say both on that day (morning, etc.) and thatday (morning, etc.), and on Saturday (Sunday, etc.) night and Saturday (Sunday, etc.) night.

Ex. III, p. 131

1. Отцу пришло в голову/Отца осенило, что взять маму на рыбалку будет даже лучше, чем повезти ее кататься на машине/чем прокатить ее на машине: ведь когда едешь на рыбалку, у тебя есть четкая цель, так что удовольствие становится еще больше. 2. Отец попросил не обращать на него внимания и сказал, что он может преотлично остаться дома и пусть нас не смущает тот факт, что у него уже три года как не было настоящего отпуска.

Ex. Va) — b),p. 131

1.Entered, offered, remembered, cleared, cheered, uttered

2.Occurred, referred, barred, starred, preferred, stirred We double the r in stressed last syllables of verbs when

forming the Past Indefinite, the Past Participle and the Presen Participle if r follows one vowel letter.

Ex. VIII a), p. 132

1. to get smb. to do smth.; 2. to get. smth. arranged; 3. to get over a disease; 4. to get up and down; 5. to look away; 6. to occur to smb.; 7. to turn up; 8. a treat; 9. in the end; 10. to be able to afford smth./to do smth./doing smth.; 11. to keep on doing smth.; 12. to keep smb. from doing smth.; 13. to keep smth. back; 14. to have fun, to have a (very) good/nice/great/excellent time; 15. to care for smth.; 16. for a (little/short) while; 17. to hire a taxi; 18. to get messed up; 19. to make fun of smb.; 20. to make trouble.

Ex. X, p. 133

1. What a treat it is to listen to her singing! 2. After the concert the children were treated to tea and cakes. 3. Turn off the radio, this music is getting on my nerves. 4. I turned the corner and ran into my old friend. 5. Why turn everything upside down to find some trifle? 6. The boy was treated for measles, but it turned out that he had scarlet fever. 7. The girl liked to be treated like an adult/a grown-up. 8. She couldn’t keep the boy from pranks. 9. We had a very good time on the beach. It was great fun. 10. It didn’t occur to David that he was keeping everybody waiting. 11. Children should be taught to treat animals kindly. 12. Who would have thought that she would become a talented actress? 13. Ah, so that’s how you keep your word! 14. «Your friend is so full of fun.» — «Oh, is he?/Oh, really? You know/Just fancy, it has never occurred to me before.» 15. It occurred many years ago. She must have forgotten all about it./ She must have already forgotten everything. 16. What fun it is to play this game! 17. Robert’s schoolmates made fun of his green suit. 18. What a funny hat!

Ex. XII a), p. 133

1. Мы могли бы с тем же успехом потанцевать и сейчас. 2. Я бы предпочел взять такси. Я очень устал. 3. Недопустимо/Нельзя наказывать ребенка за то, чего он не совершал. 4. Если это в его силах, он никогда не заставляет себя ждать. 5. Мы должны помешать ему наломать дров/заварить кашу. 6. Возьми мои перчатки, в них твои руки не замерзнут. 7. Что толку украшать эту старую шляпку, все равно она не станет выглядеть лучше. 8. К девяти часам у нас уже все было готово для поездки. 9. Мы сумели сделать так, что она поверила на шему рассказу. 10. Боюсь, что я весь день буду занята приготовлениями к вечеринке. 11. Нельзя оставлять детей на улице после наступления темноты. 12. Если не хотите, чтобы вас оштрафовали, сохраняйте/не выбрасывайте билет до конца поездки.

Ex. XIV, р. 134

1. The dress is just wonderful. It is very becoming to you. 2. I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you getting on? 3. I liked the cake you treated me to. How do you make it? 4. Turn the page/ Turn over the page and do Exercise 3. 5. He turned out a very good story-teller. I enjoyed his stories immensely. 6. We shall discuss the matter on our way home. 7. I’m sure you’ll get over all the difficulties in the end. 8. Pete didn’t want to take his younger brother fishing, he was afraid that he would be in his way. 9. The students of Group 3 will help to decorate the hall with flowers and mottoes. 10. The father had promised to take the boys for a drive into the country on Sunday. But unfortunately the weather changed in the morning, and they had to stay (at) home. 11. Celia waved her hand to Lanny until the train was out of sight. 12. For such a big occasion all the children were dressed in their best. 13. When all the things were packed in a suit-case, it turned out that the ticket had somehow got there too, and I had to turn everything upside down in search of it. 14. The children were allowed to stay home from school as the mother’s birthday was a great occasion for all the family.

Ex. XV, p. 135

1. I’m so busy/I have so much work (to do)/I’m so snowed under, that I just can’t afford to waste/wasting (lose/losing) time. 2. Here’s the hat I told you about. I’m sure it will be very becoming to you/it will become you very much. 3 . I can’t imagine how you will manage to get over/to cope with aU these difficulties. 4 . I couldn’t afford such an expensive present./I couldn’t afford to buy/buying such an expensive present. 5 . I hope we will be able to get to the underground/subway station before it is closed. 6 . I have got a letter from him today. He writes that he has a lot of work to do and he is hardly ever able even to treat himself to going to the cinema. 7. You are getting up and down, coming in and going out all the time. It will never do to work like that. 8. We are having a party tomorrow, and I want to dress in my (very)

best for the occasion. 9. Something has dropped out of my handbag ( U S purse), probably a pen. 10. He must have got everything arranged for the departure/for leaving. 11. Who would have thought that he had said it in/for fun? 12. Can’t you get the child to go to bed in time? 13. The whole family had a great time in the country although the heroine of the day had to stay at home and cook dinner. 14. This colour is very becoming to you/becomes you very much.

Ex. XVIII a), p. 135

Мне всегда казалось, что суть хорошего юмора в том, чтобы он не колол и не жалил/что главное в юморе — это его безвредность и беззлобность. Я готов признать, что всем нам в какой-то мере свойственно то поистине бесовское/то сатанинское чувство юмора — оно же злорадство, — которым отличались наши предки и от которого так же невозможно избавиться, как от первородного греха (то древнее, поистине бесовское чувство юмора, которым отличались наши предки, некая склонность радоваться чужим несчастьям, от которой так же невозможно избавиться, как от первородного греха). Вообщето нам не должно быть смешно, когда человек — особенно если он толстый и важный — падает, поскользнувшись на банановой кожуре. Но мы тем не менее потешаемся. Когда кто-ни- будь катается по скованному льдом пруду, выписывая изящные круги и красуясь перед толпой зевак, и вдруг — раз! — проваливается в воду, все собравшиеся начинают вопить от восторга. Наш далекий пращур-дикарь находил происшествие особенно забавным, если поскользнувшийся ломал себе шею, а провалившийся под лед тонул. Могу себе представить, как группа пещерных людей стоит вокруг полыньи и надрывается от хохота. Если бы в те времена существовала такая вещь, как газета, то заметка об этом происшествии вышла бы под заголовком «Забавный случай. Неизвестный джентльмен проваливается под лед и тонет».

Но под влиянием цивилизации наше чувство юмора притупилось и такие происшествия стали смешить нас меньше.

Ex. I, р. 144

a) breakfast [‘b r e k f ə s t ] porridge [‘ p ɒ r i d ʒ ] cornflakes [‘kᴐ:nfleɪks] bacon [‘beəkən]

toast [təᴜst] (uncountable) fruit jelly [ˏfru:t’dʒeli] juice [dʒu:s]

sufficient [sə’fɪʃ(ə)nt] pudding [′pᴜdiƞ]

stewed fruit [ˏstju:d ‘fru:t] — компот substantial [səb’stænʃ(ə)1]

roast beef [ˏrəᴜst’bi:f]

omelet(te) [‘ɒmlɪt] sausages [‘ sᴐ:sədʒəz] biscuit [‘bɪskɪt] — печенье eat — ate, eaten, eating

fry — fried, fried, frying — жарить (на сковороде) roast — roasted, roasted, roasting — жарить (на огне, в духовке и т. п.)

accompany — accompanied, accompanied, accompanying fill — filled, filled, filling

bring — brought, brought, bringing

full meal — a big meal, a substantial meal plain food — simple food

a sociable time — a time of friendly intercourse/socializing a housekeeping budget

— the amount of money set aside to

pay for food and other things needed in the home to go under various names — to be known under (many)

different names social standing — position in society

Ex. Ill a), p. 144

delicious (about food) — very tasty

layer-cake — a cake consisting of several layers of dough

separated by cream, jam, etc. oven [‘ л v( э) n ] — a closed box used for cooking napkin — a usually square piece of cloth or paper used for protecting one’s clothes and for cleaning one’s hands and lips during a meal a big eater — a person who eats a lot

done to a turn — perfectly cooked, cooked neither too much nor too little

seconds — 1. the second course of a meal; 2. another serving of the same food after you have eaten your first serving

Ex. VI, p. 145

1. Take another helping of salad. 2. I think I’ll trouble you for another cup of tea. 3. Will you please pass on the sugar? 4. She is going to make some fish soup for dinner. 5. Marmalade is made from orange peel. 6. The egg is eaten with a small spoon. 7. Their meal consisted of two courses. 8. What can you recommend for the first course? 9. The meat is done to a turn. 10. No sugar for me, thank you. 11. At midday people have their meals at home or at/in the canteen. 12. Custard is made of eggs and milk. 13. The fish is just to my liking. 14. The evening meal goes under/bу various names in England. 15. I don’t take milk with my tea. 16. Help yourself to some pastry. 17. Broth is made by boiling chicken. 18. Will you please hand over the salt-cellar? 19. What do you usually order for dessert? 20. The way to refuse a dish is by saying «No, thank you.» 21. You may ask for a second helping.

Ex. VII, p. 146

1. Cornflakes with milk were/Cornflakes and milk was served for breakfast. Then came fried bacon. 2. It is impossible to imagine an English breakfast without toast. It is spread with butter and jam./It is buttered and spread with jam. 3. Breakfast is often eaten in haste/hastily because everybody is in a hurry. 4. Lunch/Dinner usually consists of two courses. Meat (The meat dish/course) is served with a lot of vegetables. Then comes stewed fruit. 5. The so-called «high tea» is rather a substantial meal. 6. He never minds/He is never averse to having something substantial, as he puts it. 7. There is nothing like strawberries with cream. 8. «Is the beefsteak good?» — «I think it’s underdone.» — «And I think it’s done to a turn.» 9. «What would you like for the second course/for seconds?» — «Some fish dish as usual.» 10. For me there is nothing like chips if they are brown and crisp, of course. 11. «How many lumps of sugar?» — «Thank you, I take my tea without sugar. A slice of lemon, please.»

Ex. XIV, p. 148

1. «How many meals a day do you have?» the doctor asked. «Having regular meals is vital for one’s/the health.» 2. He ate a plateful of/a full plate of porridge though he had said that he wasn’t hungry at all. 3. Today the menu includes meat dishes, stewed vegetables, a sweet pudding, various starters and even ice-cream with fruit for dessert./Today there are meat dishes, stewed vegetables, a sweet pudding, various starters and even ice-cream for dessert on the menu. 4. «How many lumps of sugar would you like?» — «Two will be enough.» 5. «Would you like some more salad?»

— «Thank you, I’ve had enough/that’s enough.» 6. «Is the soup tasty?» — «I haven’t tasted it yet, it’s too hot.» 7. Have you told your sister to fetch clean dishes? 8. «How do you like your tea: strong or weak?» — «Not very strong, please.» 9. «What do we have for seconds/for the second course?» — «Fish and chips.» 10. Dinner is served in the diningroom. 11. «Shall I butter your bread?» — «Yes, and put some jam on it/and spread it with jam too.» 12. We had a light breakfast today and after a walk we are hungry. I wouldn’t mind having something substantial. 13. He had a quick supper and got down to work. 14. She likes tinned/canned pineapples better than fresh ones. 15. In this house visitors/guests are always treated to an absolutely special apple-tart. It is delicious. 16. «Her husband likes to take half an hour’s nap after a hearty dinner to use his own words.» — «It’s bad for digestion. He had better walk half a mile or so.» 17. «Have you laid the table yet?» — «No, I haven’t. I can’t find a clean tablecloth.»

Ex. XVIII, p. 152

а) Завтрак в доме Дженсенов мало чем отличался от завтрака в любом другом из тысяч и тысяч домов великого города. Уолтер Дженсен ел, читая газету, прислоненную к сахарнице и графинчику для уксуса. Читал он мастерски/сноровисто, не отрывая глаз от газетной страницы, даже когда

подносил чашку кофе ко рту. Семилетний Поль Дженсен кушал горячую кашу, которую пришлось щедро сдобрить сахаром, чтобы он согласился к ней притронуться. Дочь Уолтера, пятилетняя Мирна Дженсен левой рукой чесала свою белокурую головку, а правой ела. Мирна тоже была мастерицей своего дела/У Мирны тоже имелась кое в чем сноровка: засунув ложку в рот, она умудрялась сделать так, что каша соскальзывала с нее по языку прямо внутрь, после чего вынимала ложку вверх ногами. Жена Уолтера, Элси Дженсен, на мгновение перестала жевать, чтобы пощупать языком коренной зуб, которому явно требовалось внимание дантиста.

Ь) Пока Анна готовилась к встрече с сорока шестью живыми, любознательными детьми, своим классом, ее квартирная хозяйка стряпала ужин для мужа и новой жилички.

Она уже прикрутила старую мясорубку к краю кухонного стола и теперь запихивала в нее кусочки довольно-таки жесткой говядины, остатки того большого куска, который купила в мясной лавке еще в воскресенье. Мяса было явно маловато, но сей вызов нисколько не смутил миссис Флинн: напротив, ее прижимистый дух взыграл, и она тут же решила, что хорошей добавкой к начинке деревенского пирога, который она собиралась испечь, стадут горбушка черного хлеба, крупная луковица и помидор.

Если открыть банку запеченных бобов, — сказала миссис Флинн вслух,

не придется готовить подливку и зазря тратить газ.

С удовлетворением вспомнив, что бобы она купила по сниженной цене на рекламной распродаже в местной бакалейной лавке, она довольно поджала свои и без того тонкие губы и принялась с еще большим рвением крутить ручку мясорубки.

«А вчерашний яблочный крем, — подумала она деловито, — можно подать на трех тарелках, добавив в каждую капельку/чуть-чуть сгущенного молока. Пожалуй, можно было бы придать им праздничный/веселенький вид, положив сверху по вишенке», — подумала было миссис Флинн, поддавшись внезапному порыву расточительности. Отпустив ручку мясорубки, она открыла буфет, в котором хранились консервы в банках и бутылках. В первом ряду поблескивала стеклянная баночка с аппетитными темно-розовыми вишнями. На протяжении долгой, томительной минуты миссис Флинн созерцала ее, и душа ее разрывалась между тягой к прекрасному и бережливостью. Бережливость победила, причем без особых усилий.

Было бы жаль их открывать, — вслух произнесла миссис Флинн и снова принялась вертеть ручку мясорубки.

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Asked by: Rosanna Blick Sr.

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(27 votes)

Close windows and doors: Stay away from open windows, doors and garage doors as the lightning can travel through the opening to electrocute you. It’s not safe to watch a lightning storm from a porch or open garage door. … Don’t lie on concrete floors or lean on concrete walls during a thunderstorm.

Is it safe to sit near a window during a thunderstorm?

Stay away from windows and doors: Sitting on an open porch to watch a thunderstorm is also dangerous. … during a thunderstorm. Refrain from touching concrete surfaces: Lightning can travel through the metal wires or bars in concrete walls and flooring, such as in the basement or garage.

What is the 30 30 rule for lightning?

Don’t forget the 30-30 rule. After you see lightning, start counting to 30. If you hear thunder before you reach 30, go indoors. Suspend activities for at least 30 minutes after the last clap of thunder.

What should you turn off during lightning?

Take off head sets. Turn off, unplug, and stay away from appliances, computers, power tools, & TV sets. Lightning may strike exterior electric and phone lines, inducing shocks to inside equipment. 4.

Can lightning strike you inside your house?

Over 1,000 people get struck by lightning every year in the United States, and over 100 of them die as a result of the strike. Lightning is a very dangerous force that, yes, can even reach you indoors if you’re in contact with the telephone or plumbing.

30 related questions found

Can lightning strike a window?

Lightning can jump through windows, so keep your distance from them during storms! The second way lightning can enter a building is through pipes or wires. If the lightning strikes utility infrastructure, it can travel through those pipes or wires and enter your home that way.

Can I poop during a thunderstorm?

That combined with the methane gas in poop caused the bomb-like effect that traveled through the pipes, exploding the toilet in their master bathroom. … The plumbing company said this is just as rare as getting struck by lightning yourself. Luckily, the mess will be covered by insurance.

Is it safe to use laptop during lightning?

Anything that’s plugged into an outlet in your home is at risk of suffering damage from an electrical surge during thunderstorms. If an electrical storm has been forecast, unplug your computer, laptop, and other devices, and consider unplugging appliances.

Should TV be unplug during thunderstorm?

When lightning creates a power surge, the voltage coming through the lines is much more than 169 or 240 volts. … While surges due to lightning are rare, you should at the very least unplug your high-ticket electronics, like your TV or gaming console.

How do you know if lightning is about to strike you?

7 Signs That Lightning Is About to Strike

  1. You See Tall, Bright White Clouds. …
  2. You Can Hear the Thunder Approaching. …
  3. You See Your Hair Standing on End or Feel Tingling. …
  4. You Taste Something Metallic. …
  5. You Smell the Scent of Ozone in the Air. …
  6. You Start to Get Dizzy or Sweat. …
  7. You Can Hear Vibrating, Buzzing, or Crackling.

Can you use phone while lightning?

The electric charge associated with lightning is conducted through the air and ground along paths of least electrical resistance. … A cellphone, however, has no such physical connection and the electric current from a nearby lightning strike cannot reach it. It is perfectly safe to use a cellphone during a thunderstorm.

Can thunder hurt you?

What is there to be scared of? Most storms are harmless, even soothing to some, and nurturing to plants and wildlife. Thunder can’t hurt us, of course, but lightning strikes can be deadly. … Still, lightning strikes are deadly, which is why you should go indoors when you hear thunder.

Where is the safest place in a lightning storm?

While no place is 100% safe from lightning, some places are much safer than others. The safest location during a thunderstorm is inside a large enclosed structure with plumbing and electrical wiring. These include shopping centers, schools, office buildings, and private residences.

Is it safe to watch TV during a lightning storm?

It isn’t dangerous to watch TV during a thunderstorm, but the electronics in a TV set are vulnerable. If you have to make a telephone call, use a mobile phone detached from its cable rather than a landline device. Over-voltages resulting from a lightning strike may follow electrical conductors into the handset.

Which places are not safe during a thunderstorm?


  • travelling in an open place.
  • standing under tall trees in open fields or in garden/parks.
  • staying in multistoryed building which don’t have lightning conductor.
  • standing near electric poles or telephone poles.
  • speaking on landline telephone.
  • using electric appliances like T.V and radio.

How likely is it to get struck by lightning?

Lightning: Victim Data. Lightning is one of the leading causes of weather-related fatalities. But the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are only around 1 in 500,000.

Is it safe to sleep upstairs during a thunderstorm?

Fact: Lying flat increases your chance of being affected by potentially deadly ground current. If you are caught outside in a thunderstorm, you keep moving toward a safe shelter.

Is it safe to use Internet during lightning?

Is it safe to use WiFi router during a thunderstorm? … WiFi is wireless, and lightning strikes cannot be transmitted wirelessly (It is scientifically impossible). No, using WiFi, Bluetooth, or battery operated devices of any sort during a lightning storm does not pose any risk at all.

Can lightning destroy a computer?

Yes, it’s possible that a surge was severe enough to partially damage components but not severe enough to immediately destroy them. With continued use the damage becomes worse and they fail after some time.

Is it safe to wear Airpods during a thunderstorm?

A modern wireless electrical device should be perfectly safe, all it is is putting a metal piece near your ear, basically giving you the same chance of being hit by lightning as any other time.

Has anyone died from showering during thunderstorm?

If the lightning strikes a water pipe, the electricity can move along the pipes and cause electrocution. To date, it’s unknown if anyone has ever died by showering during a thunderstorm.

Does Ball Lightning exist?

In the early 2000s the Missile Defense Agency funded the development of a ball lightning weapon that would have the capacity to disable electronic devices and missiles. As of 2020, however, such a weapon does not exist.

What does it mean when thunder shakes your house?

Why does the house shake when there is a thunder storm? Your house will shake depending the closeness of the lightning. Thunder is a sonic boom that comes from the rapid heating of the air around a lightning strike. Sonic booms cause massive shaking to nearby objects (your house).

Can lightning bounce off a mirror?

If a bolt of lightning were to strike a mirror, it would simply blast through the mirror. … Mirrors can reflect this light, if it happens to shine on the mirror, with ease. But the actual bolt itself won’t deflect from its original path towards the mirror simply because the light is being reflected.

Can lightning go through rubber?

Rubber does not protect you from lightning. Rubber is indeed an electrical insulator, but your shoes or bike tires, for instance, are way too thin to protect you from a lightning strike. … While the rubber from the tires won’t protect you from lightning, the metal frame of the car certainly could.

Подборка по базе: Ибрагимова А.А. МУ к выполнению курсовой работы по дисциплине Эк, ОТЧЕТ ПО ПРАКТИКЕ 3 курс декабрь.docx, Титульный лист курсовой работы.docx, Ереже курсовой.doc, Разработка комплекса практико-ори ентированных задач к теме курса, Культурология 1 курс 2 семестр Раздел 6.docx, англ 2 курс.docx, Арина Курсовая.docx, Стандартизация, метрология и подтверждение соответствия (СПО 3 к, Тема 1. Введение в курс пожарная и аварийно- спасательная техник

Ex. XVI b), p. 116

Лондон утром

В то утро, как это порой бывает, дым и поднимающийся над долиной Темзы туман решили сотворить для своего родного Лондона, и особенно для старейшей его части. Сити, несколько чудес. В такое утро Сити кажется волшебным местом. Все в нем окутано чуть светящейся дымкой, то серебристой, то тускло-золотой. Здания сохраняют свою форму, их можно пощупать — но они становятся невесомыми; они парят в воздухе подобно дворцам из сказок «Тысячи и одной ночи»; кажется, что можно опрокинуть купол собора Св. Павла одним прикосновением указательного пальца, подвинуть назад резиденцию лорд-мэра, подбросить в небо колонну, воздвигнутую в память о пожаре 1666 г. В такое утро старинные церкви невозможно сосчитать: их становится больше, чем когда-либо было. Транспорта на улицах не меньше обычного: алый поток

40 Essential Course

двухэтажных автобусов все так же катится по древним, узким улочкам; тротуары по-прежнему заполнены толпой банковских курьеров, мальчишек-посыльных, полицейских, клерков, машинисток, швейцаров, членов правления компаний, секретарш, жуликов, сплетников и сплетниц и просто праздношатающихся. Но в такое утро все эти автобусы, такси, автофургоны, грузовики, а также все пешеходы становятся как бы не вполне осязаемыми; они движутся словно под покровом тончайшего газа и все одеты в бархат; их голоса звучат приглушенно, а движутся они точно в замедленной съемке. Все чересчур новое, вульгарное и глупое неким таинственным образом растворяется в особенно густых клубах тумана. А все, что сохранилось от былой древней красоты, остается, причем в идеальном освещении и в идеальной оправе. Стоит завернуть за угол, как кто-нибудь прошепчет вам одну-две строки из Чосера. Если посмотреть в такое утро на Темзу, то глазам открывается и вовсе фантастическое зрелище: географии здесь больше нет, а есть одна лишь чистая поэзия; вода исчезает, и смутные силуэты из какого-то полного приключений сна скользят прямо по воздуху, мерцающему золотом и серебром. Вот каким бывает Сити в такое утро — это город из готической сказки, видение или мираж.

unit four
Ex. I, p. 120

Pattern 1:1. Our mother is hardly ever able to go to the theatre./Our mother hardly ever goes to the theatre. 2. Our students are hardly ever able to listen to native English speech. 3. She is hardly ever able to get herself a new dress. 4. They are hardly able to spend their holiday at the seaside. 5. He is hardly ever able to refuse helping his friends.

Pattern 3: 1. It will never do to stare at people. 2. The teacher said it would never do to hand in homework written carelessly./The teacher said that handing in work written carelessly would never do. 3. «I say, Turner, it will never do to treat your comrades/friends like that.» 4. My mother said that it
с) build — rebuild — 1. строить заново, восстанавливать; 2. перестраивать tell — retell — пересказывать

construct — reconstruct — 1. реконструировать, перестраивать; 2. восстанавливать, воссоздавать arm — rearm — перевооружать produce — reproduce — воспроизводить

Ex. VIII, p. Ill

Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police of London. For most people its name immediately brings to mind the picture of a detective — cool, collected, efficient, ready to track down any criminal.

Scotland Yard is situated on the Thames Embankment close to the Houses of Parliament and the familiar clock tower of Big Ben. The name «Scotland Yard» originates from the plot of land adjoining Whitehall Palace where since about the 14th century the royalty and nobility of Scotland stayed when visiting the English Court. The popular nickname of the London policeman «bobby» is a tribute to Sir Robert Peel who introduced the police force in 1829 and whose Christian name attached itself to members of the force.

Ex.X,p. 112

1. In the very centre of the City opposite the Bank of England is the statue of Wellington, the famous English general and statesman of the 19th century. Under his command the British troops and their allies defeated Napoleon’s army at Waterloo in 1815. Waterloo Bridge, one of the most beautiful bridges across/j over the Thames was so named/named so in memory of thisj victory. 2. The Mall is a broad avenue, lined with trees/a broad, tree-lined avenue leading from Trafalgar Square to Buckingham] Palace, the Royal residence. Opposite the Palace (there) stands a huge monument with a statue of Victory at its top. This mo-j nument was erected/set up in memory/in honour of Queen Victoria whose sixty-four-year reign (1837—1901) was thi longest in history. 3. The Highgate Cemetery is famous for th< grave of Karl Marx who was buried there. In 1956 a monumen to Marx was erected/set up there funded/financed with thi donations/contributions that had been sent by workers from all over the world.

would never do to let her do all the work alone. 5. It will never do to hurt animals. 6. «You have come unprepared again. It will never do,» said the teacher./»Coming unprepared will never do,» said the teacher.
Ex. II, p. 120

1. She worked very little during the term and we all told her that she might fail at her examination. 2. It was hardly possible to let the boy stay at home alone because we all knew that he might make trouble if he did. 3. She worked too hard and her friends were afraid that she might fall ill. 4. The mother thought the boy might become a great pianist, and so she made him practise day and night. 5. We wanted to go and see our sick friend, but the doctor didn’t allow that saying that we might catch the disease.

Ex. Ill, p. 121

1. It is dangerous to keep the windows open during a thunderstorm. 2. She kept the door closed and didn’t let anyone in. 3. Put the lemonade in the refrigerator to keep it cold. 4. The epidemic was at its height, and all the doctors of the town were kept busy. 5. Lput the tulips in the water to keep them fresh. 6. Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut. 7. This fur coat is sure to keep you warm in any frost. 8. What is the teacher to do to keep his pupils interested?

Ex. IV, p. 121

1. It will never do to hurt those who are younger than you. 2. We are hardly ever able to go to the country on our days of f/at weekends. 3.1 told you that you might fall ill if you got your feet wet. 4. Keep the patient awake until the doctor comes. 5. It will never do to use the phone for silly jokes. 6. Keep the children busy and don’t let them make noise while I am talking on the phone. 7. On such a hot day the windows should be kept open.

  1. It will never do to smoke so much, you will ruin your health.
  2. John wrote to his friend that he might visit him the following year.

Ex. I, p. 130

A. 3. In reported speech one should say the mother, the father or his (her, etc.) mother, father, depending on the context, e. g. Jane said that her father was a lawyer.

But: «The story/The author says that at the end of the day there were tears in the mother’s eyes.» On the other hand if it is the members of one family who are talking, a brother can say to a sister, «Father says that Mother isn’t going to cook dinner today.»

В. 1. One can decorate

  • a Christmas tree; i a cake with icing;
  • streets with flags, coloured lamps, etc.;
  • room with flowers;
  • a dress with embroidery.

To trim is to decorate, especially round the edges. One can trim

  • a jacket with fur;
  • a building with marble;
  • a hat with flowers, ribbons, etc.;
  • a hem with lace;
  • a Christmas tree.

2. The preposition on is used before the names of days and the parts of day when they are used with descriptive attributes.

N.B. You can say both on that day (morning, etc.) and that day (morning, etc.), and on Saturday (Sunday, etc.) night and Saturday (Sunday, etc.) night.

Ex. Ill, p. 131

1. Отцу пришло в голову/Отца осенило, что взять маму на рыбалку будет даже лучше, чем повезти ее кататься на машине/чем прокатить ее на машине: ведь когда едешь на рыбалку, у тебя есть четкая цель, так что удовольствие становится еще больше. 2. Отец попросил не обращать на него внимания и сказал, что он может преотлично остаться дома и пусть нас не смущает тот факт, что у него уже три года как не было настоящего отпуска.

Ex. Va)— b),p. 131

  1. Entered, offered, remembered, cleared, cheered, uttered
  2. Occurred, referred, barred, starred, preferred, stirred We double the r in stressed last syllables of verbs when

forming the Past Indefinite, the Past Participle and the Presenl Participle if г follows one vowel letter.

Ex. VIII a), p. 132

1. to get smb. to do smth.; 2. to get. smth. arranged; 3. to get over a disease; 4. to get up and down; 5. to look away; 6. to occur to smb.; 7. to turn up; 8. a treat; 9. in the end; 10. to be able to afford smth./todosmth./doing smth.; 11. to keep on doing smth.; 12. to keep smb. from doing smth.; 13. to keep smth. back;

  1. to have fun, to have a (very) good/nice/great/excellent time;
  2. to care for smth.; 16. for a (little/short) while; 17. to hire a taxi; 18. to get messed up; 19. to make fun of smb.; 20. to make trouble.

Ex. X, p. 133

1. What a treat it is to listen to her singing! 2. After the concert the children were treated to tea and cakes. 3. Turn off the radio, this music is getting on my nerves. 4. I turned the corner and ran into my old friend. 5. Why tu rn everything upside down to find some trifle? 6. The boy was treated for measles, but it turned out that he had scarlet fever. 7. The girl liked to be treated like an adult/a grown-up. 8. She couldn’t keep the boy from pranks. 9. We had a very good time on the beach. It was great fun. 10. It didn’t occur to David that he was keeping everybody waiting. 11. Children should be taught to treat animals kindly. 12. Who would have thought that she would become a talented actress? 13. Ah, so that’s how you keep your word! 14. «Your friend is so full of fun.» — «Oh, is he?/Oh, really? You know/Just fancy, it has never occurred to me before.» 15. It occurred many years ago. She must have forgotten all about it./ She must have already forgotten everything. 16. What fun it is to play this game! 17. Robert’s schoolmates made fun of his green suit. 18. What a funny hat!

Ex. XII a), p. 133

1. Мы могли бы с тем же успехом потанцевать и сейчас. 2. Я бы предпочел взять такси. Я очень устал. 3. Недопустимо/Нельзя наказывать ребенка за то, чего он не совершал. ■1. Если это в его силах, он никогда не заставляет себя ждать. 5. Мы должны помешать ему наломать дров/заварить кашу, в. Возьми мои перчатки, в них твои руки не замерзнут. 7. Что толку украшать эту старую шляпку, все равно она не станет выглядеть лучше. 8. К девяти часам у нас уже все было готово для поездки. 9. Мы сумели сделать так, что она поверила на
шему рассказу. 10. Боюсь, что я весь день буду занята приготовлениями к вечеринке. 11. Нельзя оставлять детей на ули- i це после наступления темноты. 12. Если не хотите, чтобы вас оштрафовали, сохраняйте/не выбрасывайте билет до конца поездки.

Ex. XIV, р. 134

1. The dress is just wonderful. It is very becoming to you. 2.1 haven’t seen you for ages. How are you getting on? 3.1 liked the cake you treated me to. How do you make it? 4. Turn the page/ Turn over the page and do Exercise 3. 5. He turned out a very good story-teller. I enjoyed his stories immensely. 6. We shall discuss the matter on our way home. 7. I’m sure you’ll get over all the difficulties in the end. 8. Pete didn’t want to take his younger brother fishing, he was afraid that he would be in his way. 9. The students of Group 3 will help to decorate the hall with flowers and mottoes. 10. The father had promised to take the boys for a drive into the country on Sunday. But unfortunately the weather changed in the morning, and they had to stay (at) home. 11. Celia waved her hand to Lanny until the train was out of sight. 12. For such a big occasion all the children were dressed in their best. 13. When all the things were packed in a suit-case, it turned out that the ticket had somehow got there too, and I had to turn everything upside down in search of it. 14. The children were allowed to stay home from school as the mother’s birthday was a great occasion for all the family.

Ex. XV, p. 135

1. I’m so busy/I have so much work (to do)/I’m so snowed; under, that I just can’t afford to waste/wasting (lose/losing) time. 2. Here’s the hat I told you about. I’m sure it will be very becoming to you/it will become you very much. 3.1 can’t imagine how you will manage to get over/to cope with aU these difficulties. 4.1 couldn’t afford such an expensive present./I couldn’t afford to buy/buying such an expensive present. 5.1 hope we will be able to get to the underground/subway station before it is closed. 6.1 have got a letter from him today. He writes that he has a lot of work to do and he is hardly ever able even to treat himself to going to the cinema. 7. You are getting up and down, coming in and going out all the time. It will never do to work like that. 8. We are having a party tomorrow, and I want to dress in my (very) best for the occasion. 9. Something has dropped out of my handbag (US purse), probably a pen. 10. He must have got everything arranged for the departure/for leaving. 11. Who would have thought that he had said it in/for fun? 12. Can’t you get the child to go to bed in time? 13. The whole family had a great time in the country although the heroine of the day had to stay at home and cook dinner. 14. This colour is very becoming to you/becomes you very much.

Ex. XVIII a), p. 135

Мне всегда казалось, что суть хорошего юмора в том, чтобы он не колол и не жал ил/что главное в юморе — это его безвредность и беззлобность. Я готов признать, что всем нам в какой-то мере свойственно то поистине бесовское/то сатанинское чувство юмора — оно же злорадство, — которым отличались наши предки и от которого так же невозможно избавиться, как от первородного греха (то древнее, поистине бесовское чувство юмора, которым отличались наши предки, некая склонность радоваться чужим несчастьям, от которой так же невозможно избавиться, как от первородного греха). Вообще-то нам не должно быть смешно, когда человек — особенно если он толстый и важный — падает, поскользнувшись на банановой кожуре. Но мы тем не менее потешаемся. Когда кто-нибудь катается по скованному льдом пруду, выписывая изящные круги и красуясь перед толпой зевак, и вдруг — раз! — проваливается в воду, все собравшиеся начинают вопить от восторга. Наш далекий пращур-дикарь находил происшествие особенно забавным, если поскользнувшийся ломал себе шею, а провалившийся под лед тонул. Могу себе представить, как группа пещерных людей стоит вокруг полыньи и надрывается от хохота. Если бы в те времена существовала такая вещь, как газета, то заметка об этом происшествии вышла бы под заголовком «Забавный случай. Неизвестный джентльмен проваливается под лед и тонет».

Но под влиянием цивилизации наше чувство юмора притупилось и такие происшествия стали смешить нас меньше.

Ex. I, р. 144

a) breakfast[‘brekfast] porridge [‘ pDrid3]
cornflakes [‘ к о: n П e i к s ]

bacon [‘beikan]

toast [taust] (uncountable)

fruit jelly [/rir.t’ d3eli]

juice [d3u:s]

sufficient [s э’ f i/(э) n t ]

pudding [‘ pud in]

stewed fruit [,stju:d ‘ fru:t] — компот substantial [sab’stasnfta)!] roast beef [,raust ‘bi:f] omelet(te) [‘nmlit] sausages [‘ so:sad3az] biscuit [‘ biskit] — печенье

  1. eat — ate, eaten, eating

fry — fried, fried, frying — жарить (насковороде) roast — roasted, roasted, roasting — жарить (наогне, вдуховкеит. п.)

accompany — accompanied, accompanied, accompanying

fill — filled, filled, filling

bring — brought, brought, bringing

  1. full meal — a big meal, a substantial meal plain food — simple food

a sociable time — a time of friendly intercourse/socializing a housekeeping budget — the amount of money set aside to

pay for food and other things needed in the home to go under various names — to be known under (many)

different names social standing — position in society

Ex. Ill a), p. 144

delicious (about food) — very tasty

layer-cake — a cake consisting of several layers of dough

separated by cream, jam, etc. oven [лу(э)п] — a closed box used for cooking napkin — a usually square piece of cloth or paper used for

protecting one’s clothes and for cleaning one’s hands and

lips during a meal a big eater — a person who eats a lot

done to a turn — perfectly cooked, cooked neither too much nor too little

seconds — 1. the second course of a meal; 2. another serving of the same food after you have eaten your first serving

Ex. VI, p. 145

1. Take another helping of salad. 2.1 think I’ll trouble you for another cup of tea. 3. Will you please pass on the sugar? 4. She is going to make some fish soup for dinner. 5. Marmalade is made from orange peel. 6. The egg is eaten with a small spoon. 7. Their meal consisted of two courses. 8. What can you recommend for the first course? 9. The meat is done to a turn. 10. No sugar for me, thank you. 11. At midday people have their meals at home or at/in the canteen. 12. Custard is made of eggs and milk. 13. The fish is just to my liking. 14. The evening meal goes under/by various names in England. 15. I don’t take milk with my tea. 16. Help yourself to some pastry. 17. Broth is made hy boiling chicken. 18. Will you please hand over the salt-cellar? 19. What do you usually order for dessert? 20. The way to refuse a dish is by saying «No, thank you.» 21. You may ask for a second helping.


Take a Bath or Shower


Don't take a bath during thunderstorm

Never take a bath or shower during a thunderstorm. If lightning strikes near you, electrical currents could travel through the pipes in your home, putting you at risk of electrocution.

Sit on Concrete


Don't sit on concrete during thunderstorm

It may not be immediately obvious, but you should not sit down or lean on concrete during a thunderstorm because of the  metal rebar or wire mesh that is almost always placed within concrete to strengthen it. Both are effective conductors of electricity.

Related: These 30 Places Have the Worst Weather in America

Use a Landline


Don't use landline during thunderstorm

While it is safe to use a cellphone (if it’s not plugged into a wall charger, that is) during a thunderstorm, it is not safe to use your landline. Lightning can travel through the phone lines—and if it does, you could be electrocuted.

Stand Out in the Open


Don't stand outside during thunderstorm

You should never stand out in the open during a thunderstorm—inside an enclosed building is the safest place to be. But if you do get caught outdoors with no shelter in sight, crouch down low, with as little of your body as possible touching the ground. That way, you’ll be less likely to be struck by lightning as it makes its way to the ground.

Stand Under a Tree


Don't stand under tree during thunderstorm

Standing under a tree in a thunderstorm is extremely dangerous. Due to their height, trees are likely to attract lightning as it makes its way to the ground. A human being, however, conducts electricity better than a tree does, so if you’re near a tree, the lightning could easily jump from the tree to you.

Stand Near a Window


Don't stand near window during thunderstorm

Many windows, both old and new, are constructed of metal or have metal parts that can attract lightning. Keep well away from windows during a thunderstorm to avoid injury.

Keep Your Computer Plugged In


Unplug computer during thunderstorm

Anything that’s plugged into an outlet in your home is at risk of suffering damage from an electrical surge during thunderstorms. If an electrical storm has been forecast, unplug your computer, laptop, and other devices, and consider unplugging appliances. At the very least, plug appliances into a surge protector if they aren’t already—but understand the surge protector probably can’t stand up to a nearby lightning strike.

Related: 10 Things Never to Plug into a Power Strip

Lie Down on the Ground


Don't lie on ground during thunderstorm

You don’t want to be the tallest thing outdoors if you’re caught out in a thunderstorm—but in your efforts to make yourself shorter, don’t make the mistake of lying down on the ground. When lightning strikes, electrical currents can travel on top of the ground in excess of 100 feet, and by stretching out on the ground, you’re making yourself a wider target.

Related: The Strangest Weather Events in US History

Wash the Dishes


Don't wash dishes during thunderstorm

You shouldn’t wash dishes during a thunderstorm for the same reason you shouldn’t bathe during a thunderstorm. Lightning can travel through pipes, electrify your faucet, and cause injury. This is one hazard that’s easy to avoid: The dishes can wait.

Use Small Appliances


Don't use appliances during thunderstorm

A thunderstorm is not the time to do the ironing, blow-dry your hair, or take out the electric mixer to whip up a batch of meringue. Any appliance plugged into an electrical outlet could carry a current should lightning strike, and you could be harmed if you’re handling, or even just very near, that appliance at the time.

Do Laundry


Don't do laundry during thunderstorm

Your washer and dryer are plugged into the wall, which is the first strike against them. For the second strike: They are metal, so lightning can run through them the same way it can your toaster or blow dryer. You definitely do not want to be near your washer and dryer during a thunderstorm, so give yourself a break from the laundry and curl up with a good book instead.

Storm Warning


Storm Warning

Heed the advice of the experts to stay safe in bad weather.

Don’t Miss!


If you have the money to hire a handyman for every household woe, go ahead. But if you want to hang on to your cash and exercise some self-sufficiency, check out these clever products that solve a million and one little problems around the house. Go now!

Table of Contents

  • 1 Can lightning strike an ac unit
  • 2 What happens if lightning strikes an air conditioner
    • 2.1 1. Damage to the capacitor
    • 2.2 2. Damage to the compressor
    • 2.3 3. Damage to the fuses
    • 2.4 4. Damage to the wiring
  • 3 How to tell if lightning struck your ac unit
  • 4 Do air conditioners attract lightning
  • 5 Should you turn off air conditioner during storm
  • 6 Do air conditioner work harder on rainy days
  • 7 Ways to protect air conditioner from lightning in sever weather conditions
  • 8 Are window air conditioners waterproof
  • 9 Can you run a window air conditioner in the rain
  • 10 Will rain damage a window air conditioner

AC has become an essential need of today’s world, especially in hot regions of the world. People use AC in summers when there are intense heat and sun outside.

It provides relief from the hot sunny weather and creates a comfortable environment for you whether you are at your home or your workplace. Using it during a thunderstorm may cause damage to your entire electric unit. Hence, it is better to switch it off during a thunderstorm. Now people use Ac even in their cars to make their journey more comfortable, but it is not suitable for the regions facing a heavy of thunderstorms.

Most commonly, it is advised often not to use Air Conditioners in places with more rainfall and thunderstorm. Even it is also said not to use electric appliances during extreme rain and thunderstorm because it may cause extreme damage to the electric unit.

You may shut down the AC when you see that weather is changing and turning towards rain. It is unnecessary to use the Air Conditioner while the weather is rainy because it usually decreases the temperature level. If you keep your Air conditioner on during the thunderstorm, it may cause significant damage, and your safety will be at high risk.

This article will tell you how to prevent your window AC from severe weather conditions and what measures you can take to protect your window AC.

Can lightning strike an ac unit

can lightning strike an ac unit

Lightning causes serious trouble in your entire electric unit if it strikes directly on your window Air Conditioner. There are a lot of serious things that happen if lightning strikes your window AC. Thus results may be major or minor. Your compressor may be failed during rain.

It is costly and very complicated to fix it again. It also damages your electric lines, which may affect the fuse of your electric unit. Lightning strikes your home during a thunderstorm. It may strike on the place where your electric supply comes from our utility lines may strike on your roof. It can send you huge voltage damage or your circuit breaks. All the electric devices which are using at that time could be damaged, and this damage would be unrepairable.

The same is the case with your AC. If you are running your AC during this, immediately turn it off; otherwise, it will cause significant damage to it as well.

What happens if lightning strikes an air conditioner

What happens if lightning strikes an air conditioner

Here’s what can happen if your air conditioner is hit by a lightning strike:

1. Damage to the capacitor

The capacitor of your air conditioner is most vulnerable to damage by a lightning strike.

2. Damage to the compressor

The compressor is one of the most important and expensive parts of AC. It can also be damaged due to a lightning strike and repairing it might cost you a lot of money. Sometimes, it takes days, weeks, or even months to detect the damage caused to the compressor by a lightning strike.

3. Damage to the fuses

A lightning strike can also burn the fuses of your electrical system and trip the breakers.

4. Damage to the wiring

A lightning strike on your AC unit can also burn the wiring of your AC unit and cause it to stop working. In a worst-case scenario, the lightning strike can burn the wiring of your whole house causing your electrical system to fail.

How to tell if lightning struck your ac unit

how to tell if lightning struck your ac unit

Once the lightning storm is over, how can you determine if lightning struck your AC unit or not?

Well, you need to follow these 4 steps to find the signs of lightning strike to ac unit.

  1. Look for any visible damage. Does the AC unit lookburnt or damaged from somewhere? If yes, then it means it is struck by lightning and you should call an expert to get it checked.
  2. Check the thermostat of the AC unit. Try turning it on & off. If it doesn’t work then try switching your circuit breaker on & off. Try replacing the battery of the thermostat. If nothing works then it could be a sign of a lightning strike and you should call a professional.
  3. If the thermostat is working & turns on then set it on the “fan” mode. Observe if the fan &condenser work simultaneously or not. If they don’t then you need to call a professional for getting it checked.
  4. We also recommend you save the date of the lightning strike and also take photos and videos of the damage to the AC as it can help you with insurance claims later on.

Do air conditioners attract lightning

Do air conditioners attract lightning

Lightning will not strike directly to your Air Conditioner. It may melt the plug of your unit. The control panel of the Air Conditioner is very delicate which can be damaged badly. You may replace it completely.

This control panel is the complete system of your AC and after its damage, you have to buy the whole panel. There are ways of damage one is a capacitor and the other is a compressor. A Capacitor is bearable but a compressor is unbearable because it is very expensive.

Should you turn off air conditioner during storm

Yes, you should turn off your air conditioner during a storm.

The reason is that any unfortunate accident can happen during a storm. Your AC unit can be struck by lightning or any flying/broken object like trees can fell over the AC unit, and break its wires. It can cause a short circuit or power surge resulting in damage to the AC unit or its parts like compressor, fuses, wires, and capacitors, etc. This will cost you a lot of money.

Therefore, keeping the air conditioner off during a storm is best for the safety of you, your family, your house, and your air conditioner unit. It will save you from big expensive repairs and thus save your time, money, and life.

Do air conditioner work harder on rainy days

No, the air conditioner does not work harder on rainy days.

If the outdoor temperature or humidity is high then the AC has to work harder.

If the outdoor temperatures or humidity are low then the AC doesn’t have to work harder.

Rain removes the water vapors from the air and decreases the humidity. It also cools the coil of AC. Moreover, the outdoor temperatures also drop. Therefore, the efficiency of the AC unit increases and it does not have to work harder on a rainy day.

Ways to protect air conditioner from lightning in sever weather conditions

There are ways to protect your AC from these kinds of damages. Surge protectors are not enough to protect your Air Conditioner from damage. Plugging out the wire of your AC is also not the solution to your problem. The only solution is if you are living in this kind of area is you should install the protection system. You may use lightning rods, conductors, and ground rods instead of roof roads.

Create a separate path for lightning so it may not damage your electric system. It also helps to prevent the entire electricity of your home not only prevent your AC. All the systems may work when you switch off your AC during rain. It is the best way. If you hire a well-experienced electric man to install all the electric systems in your house you will be safe from this damage but keep this thing in mind and make your self-satisfied that this protection system has all the advantages you need and is more effective for your electric unit. Floods can also damage your AC units.

All the things which contain water and merge to your electric unit can damage your electric unit and may cause a circuit breaker to your house and affect the whole electricity of your house. For protecting your AC it is necessary to turn your system off. It will be a wise decision to unplug your Air Conditioner during thunderstorms or rain especially, for window AC.

After the rain or sky became clear inspect the AC from all sides. If it gets dirty clean it before switching it on. You Ac will stand in normal weather conditions but these precautionary measures are necessary to be taken in extreme weather conditions.

Are window air conditioners waterproof

Rain is not good for your AC unit. It may harm it and damage it. It is dangerous for both the central system and a window unit. Different safety measures take care of your AC maintenance during extreme weather conditions. The Window system of AC has both sides interior and exterior. The exterior side is waterproof as it is heat and rain-resistant. The central AC unit is manufactured of aluminum, copper, and metal. This will protect the window AC from rain and other extreme weather conditions.

Can you run a window air conditioner in the rain

If the window Air conditioner is not installed properly. It may allow the rain to enter your house and can destroy the walls and the decoration of your walls. These simple tips can help you to take care of your unit during the rainy season.

Manage your air conditioner in extreme rainfall

You should cover your AC unit with the covers available in the market. It will keep your unit dry but it should not be of plastic because plastic gets moisture from inside. An outdoor unit is built according to the rain and other weather conditions. It is more durable and designed accordingly. You should clean your system. It does not work if it is overloaded with leaves and dirt. If your system is covered with leaves or dirt during the thunderstorm cleanse it. You may call the experienced electrician and spry your system entirely but don’t worry that it will become wet with it. The wires installed can be managed in wet and rainy conditions.

Inspect your window

You can inspect your window AC properly after installation. Make sure that there will be no gap available between window and window AC. The side panels should be installed properly without leaving any gaps.

Adjust it properly

If you find any gaps during inspection fill those gaps properly and adjust the Window AC accordingly. Make sure that window panels are adjusted properly. Tighten the screws and make sure that they will not move again. The place which is left around your window AC fills it with panels so extra air will not enter into it.

Will rain damage a window air conditioner

Yes, it is safe to use your AC in a rainstorm as its outdoor unit is completely waterproof, so rain will not cause damage to your Air Conditioner. If you use your AC on rainy summer days, you will feel more comfortable, but if the rainstorm turns into flooding and you observe that water stands around your unit, you should switch off your system and stop its usage. And turn the electric panel off to protect your house from big damage.

Rain will not damage your Air Conditions, but water standing around it may cause damage to your Air Conditioner. The Window AC is very easy to install in the wall and may work as a central AC. It may install properly; otherwise, it may get out of the window. It has a safety system that protected it from rain and other damages. While rain, many people complain about the dripping sound of rain on their window AC. It may irritate the ear, but it does not cause any harm to your window AC.

If you put a window AC drip cushion on it, you may not hear this irritating sound. It is the best water-absorbing pad with a magnetic back. It can be attached to the back of your window AC and will give escape to this irritating sound.

HVAC Professionals

If your window AC is suffering from the issue during the thunderstorm. The HVAC professionals can check your unit and investigate the issue. These teams are well experienced and highly qualified in their field. There are various brands having HVAC experts. They all are well experienced. You may call them and fix your problem at any time. Most of them are providing services at any with or anywhere. They work efficiently and take care of your needs. They always manage to take care of the comfort zone of their customers.

We also strongly recommend you learn how to protect ac outdoor unit from rain.

Слайд 2


Слайд 3


Слайд 6


Слайд 7

СКОЛЬКО СТОИТ МОЛНИЯ ? ЭНЕРГИЯ = (5*10 9 )/3600*1000 кВт*ч= = 1400кВт*ч 1кВт*ч = 2.40 коп. 1400*2.40 = 3 360р.

Слайд 8

Могут ли молнии быть опасными? Учитель ОБЖ. Удары молний исключительно опасны. Молния может разрушить здание, опору электропередач, заводскую трубу, вызвать пожар и т. д. Особенно опасна молния для человека. Ее удар смертелен для всего живого, но в людей и животных молния ударяет сравнительно редко и только в тех случаях, когда сам человек из-за незнания создает для этого благоприятные условия.

Слайд 9

Молния чаще ударяет в высокие предметы, а из двух предметов одинаковой высоты — в тот, который является лучшим проводником. Находясь в поле, нельзя скрываться от дождя под одиноко стоящим деревом или в копне сена, а в лесу надо уходить от очень высоких деревьев. Находясь в горах, лучше всего прятаться от дождя в пещеру или под глубокий уступ.

Слайд 10

Интересные факты о молниях: Средняя длина молнии 2,5 км. Некоторые разряды простираются в атмосфере на расстояние до 20 км. Молнии приносят пользу: они успевают выхватить из воздуха млн тн азота, связать его и направить в землю, удобряя почву. Молнии Сатурна в миллион раз сильнее земных 70% жертв молний это мужчины Разряд молнии обычно состоит из трех или более повторных разрядов – импульсов, следующих по одному и тому же пути. Интервалы между последовательными импульсами очень коротки, от 1/100 до 1/10 с (этим обусловлено мерцание молнии).

Слайд 11

Интересные факты о молниях: Мировые очаги гроз: остров Ява — 220, экваториальная Африка — 150, южная Мексика — 142, Панама — 132, центральная Бразилия — 106 грозовых дней в году. Россия: Мурманск — 5, Архангельск — 10, С-Петербург — 15, осква — 20 грозовых дней в году. Воздух в зоне канала молнии практически мгновенно разогревается до температуры 30 000-33 000° С От удара молнии в мире в среднем ежегодно погибает около 3 000 человек Из 100 деревьев молнией поражаются 27% тополей, 20% груш., 12% лип, 8% елей и только 0,5% кедровых. Статистика показывает, что на 5000-10000 летных часов приходится один удар молнии в самолет, к счастью, почти все поврежденные самолеты продолжают полет.

Слайд 12

Match words to their definitions . 1) thunder 2) lightning 3) storm 4) thunderstorm 5) thunderbolt 6) struck 7) to harm / damage 8) to protect 9) flash 10) thunderclap 11) powerful 12) to cause a) to break /spoil smth. b) a strong flash of lightning witha crash of thunder c) a loud noise in the cloudswhich usually follows a flash of lightning d) a sudden burst of flame or light e) to keep safe (from danger) f) a flash of bright light produced by lightning by natural electricity between clouds in the sky or clouds and the ground g) violent weather conditions h) a crash of thunder i) a storm of thunder andlightning, usually with heavy rain j) killed/badly damaged bylightning k) very strong l) to make happen

Слайд 13

Match words to their definitions . 1) thunder 2) lightning 3) storm 4) thunderstorm 5) thunderbolt 6) struck 7) to harm / damage 8) to protect 9) flash 10) thunderclap 11) powerful 12) to cause c) a loud noise in the clouds which usually follows a flash of lightning f) a flash of bright light produced by lightning by natural electricity between clouds in the sky or clouds and the ground g) violent weather conditions i) a storm of thunder andlightning, usually with heavy rain b) a strong flash of lightning witha crash of thunder j) killed/badly damaged by lightning a) to break /spoil smth. e) to keep safe (from danger) d) a sudden burst of flame or light h) a crash of thunder k) very strong l) to make happen

Слайд 14

Answer the questions. 1.When do storms often occur? Storms often occur during the summer when there are large, dark clouds in the sky. 2.What do thunderstorms bring? Thunderstorms bring heavy rains, strong winds, lightning and thunder 3.What is lightning? Lightning is a, bright flash of light in the sky 4.What is thunder? Thunder is a loud sound that happens during thunderstorms 5.What is thunder caused by? Thunder is caused by lightning as it passes through the air

Слайд 15

Answer the questions. 6.What can lightning harm/damage ? Lightning can damage trees and buildings 7.What kind of trees are most often struck by lightning? oak, poplar, fir and pine, rarer – birch, maple 8.Who(m) can lightning kill? It can kill people and animals 9.Why can lightning kill living beings and damage trees and houses? Lightning can kill people and animals, damage trees and houses because it is very powerful. It is produced by natural electricity not only between clouds in the sky, but between clouds and the ground, too 10.Why should people stay away from water during a thunderstorm? People should stay away from water during a thunderstorm because electricity can travel through water just as it does through wires

Слайд 16

SAFETY RULES In summer we often have thunderstorms. A thunderstorm is a storm of thunder and lightning. Thunderstorms are very powerful. They bring heavy rains, strong winds, lightning and thunder. Lightning is a very light flash of light in the sky. Thunder is a loud sound that happens during thunder-storms. Thunder is caused by lightning as it passes through the air. Lightning is very dan­gerous. It can kill people and animals and damage many things on the ground, which is why people should try to protect themselves from lightning. People should follow thunderstorm safety rules.

Слайд 17

If you are outside: Do not stand under a tall tree standing by itself.

Слайд 18

If you are outside: Do not run and do not stand beside metal objects or on raised ground.

Слайд 19

If you are outside: Do not bathe during a thunderstorm. Do not stay on or near water.

Слайд 20

If you are outside: Stop your car if you happen to be driving during a thunderstorm and wait till lightning and thunder have stopped.

Слайд 21

In a building: Stay inside a building or a car.

Слайд 22

In a building: Switch off all the electrical appliances. Remove the aerial from your TV set and radio.

Слайд 23

In a building: Do not touch metal objects. Do not use the telephone. Do not stay by open windows or doors.

Слайд 24


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Lightning is a beautiful and inspiring phenomenon, but it can be deadly. Over the past 30 years, lightning has killed an average of 67 people per year in the United States alone. Fortunately, most lightning-related deaths are preventable. Follow these steps to safety the next time there’s fire in the sky.

  1. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 1


    Find shelter immediately. If you find yourself caught in a lightning storm, the key to minimizing danger is to get inside a protective structure. While most people seek shelter if lightning appears to be near, people commonly wait too long to seek shelter. If you can detect lightning, it may be close enough to strike you. Don’t wait for it to strike right next to you (or on top of you) to get to safety. Never stand under a tall or short tree, and avoid being close to power lines as they’re both excellent conductors of electricity and could potentially cause death, if not serious injury. Find shelter near or under a stony shelter such as a cavern. [1]

    • Substantial, frequently inhabited buildings (those grounded with plumbing, electrical systems, and, if possible, lightning rods) are best.
    • If you can’t find a substantial structure, get in a car with a metal roof and sides. If the car is struck, the metal body will conduct the electricity around you, not through you. Make sure all windows are rolled up and doors are closed. Be careful not to lean against any metal — if you do, the lightning will be conducted into your body if it strikes the car. Do not use the radio.
    • Avoid small structures, such as stand-alone public restrooms. Open covering and rain shelters are also not suitable. These structures will attract lightning and provide no protection, making them more dangerous to be around.
    • Standing under a tree is a very bad choice. Lightning strikes tall objects, and if the tree you are standing under is struck, you may be struck as well or injured by the tree.
    • Bring in your pets. Doghouses and other pet shelters are not suitable protection against lightning strikes. A pet leashed to a fence has a much higher risk of getting struck by lightning.
  2. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 2


    Stay away from windows. Keep windows closed, and try to stay within inner rooms of the structure. Windows provide a direct path for the lightning to travel.[2]


  3. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 3


    Don’t touch anything metal or electrical. Using a landline phone is the main cause of lightning-related injuries in the US. Lightning can travel into the home from through any material that conducts electricity. This includes landlines, electrical wiring, and plumbing.[3]

    • Do not touch any electrical outlets during a storm. Do not unplug any devices during a lightning storm, as the strike could be transferred to you.
    • Do not lie on concrete floors or lean against concrete walls. Most concrete has a wire mesh which can conduct electricity.
    • Stay out of the bathtub or shower, and avoid indoor swimming pools.
    • In a car, try to avoid touching any part of the metal frame or the car’s glass.
  4. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 4


    Stay inside. Stay inside at least 30 minutes after the last strike. Don’t go out just because the rain is starting to let up. There is still a significant risk of lightning strikes from a departing storm.

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  1. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 5


    Minimize your risk. If you absolutely cannot reach shelter during a lightning storm, do everything you can to reduce your risk of being struck by lightning.[4]

    • Move to a lower elevation. Lightning is much more likely to strike objects at higher elevations. Do what you can do get as low as possible.
    • Avoid large open spaces where you are taller than anything else around you, like a golf course or soccer field.
    • Stay away from isolated objects such as trees and light posts.
    • Get away from unprotected vehicles, such as golf carts, and unprotected structures, such as picnic shelters. Avoid long metal structures, i.e. bleachers.
  2. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 6


    Get out of the water. If you are fishing or swimming, get out of the water immediately, and move away from the body of water. Being near water is extremely dangerous during a lightning storm.[5]

  3. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 7


    Spread out.[6]
    If you are caught in a lightning storm with a group of people, maintain a distance of at least 50–100 feet (15.2–30.5 m) between each person. This will reduce the risk of lightning traveling from one person to another.

    • Take a headcount after every close strike. This will ensure that anyone struck will get emergency attention quickly.
  4. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 8


    Remove your backpack. If you are hiking with a metal frame backpack, remove it as soon as you detect lightning. Make sure to leave it at least 100 feet (30.5 m) from wherever you are taking shelter.[7]

  5. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 9


    Assume the “lightning crouch”. Squat down with your feet together, your head tucked to your chest or between your knees, and your hands covering your ears or flat against your knees. Do not lie flat on the ground, as this gives the lightning a larger target.[8]

    • This is a difficult position to hold, and it definitely doesn’t guarantee your safety. However, by making it easier for a lightning strike to flow over your body rather than through vital organs, you may be able to sustain a smaller injury from it.
    • Cover your ears and close your eyes to protect against nearby thunder and bright lightning flashes.
  6. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 10


    Be alert for an imminent lightning strike. If lightning is about to strike you or strike near you, your hair may stand on end, or you may feel a tingling in your skin. Light metal objects may vibrate, and you may hear a crackling sound or «kee kee» sound. If you detect any of these signals, assume the lightning crouch immediately.

  7. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 11


    Wear rubber boots. They are made of a material which is a bad electrical conductor.

  8. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 12


    Plan ahead. The best way to avoid injury from a lightning storm is to avoid it completely. Make your plans with dangerous weather in mind. Listen to the local weather forecast, and pay special attention to thunderstorm advisories.[9]

    • Research the local climate: in some areas you can almost guarantee a thunderstorm on summer afternoons. Schedule your activities to avoid many high-risk situations. Those hot, muggy days are just the thing that a thunderstorm needs to get going.[10]
  2. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 13


    Watch the skies. When you’re out and about, watch the sky for signs of approaching thunderstorms, such as rain, darkening skies, or towering cumulonimbus clouds. If you can anticipate lightning before the first strike, you can avoid being caught in a bad situation.

    • Note that lightning can, however, strike even in the absence of these indicators.
  3. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 14


    Calculate the distance to the lightning. If conditions permit good visibility, and it’s not practical to seek shelter whenever you notice a strike, use the 30 second rule: if the time between a lightning flash and the resulting thunder is 30 seconds or less (aka 6 miles (9.7 km) or less), get to shelter immediately.[11]

  4. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 15


    Plan your response. If you are in an area that you expect will see lightning storms, know where safe shelters are. Communicate your plans to your group so that everyone knows what to do in an emergency.

  5. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 16


    Prepare an emergency kit. Be ready with first aid and other disaster essentials. You may lose power during a thunderstorm, so have alternative light sources available.

  6. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 17


    Install a lightning rod. If you live in a lightning-prone area, installing a lightning rod can help protect your family and your property.

    • Have your lightning rod professionally installed. An incorrectly installed rod can increase the chance of a lightning strike.
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  1. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 18


    Call emergency services. Because lightning strikes can cause cardiac arrest, aggressive resuscitation may be necessary. If you cannot dial 9-1-1, designate someone else to.[12]

  2. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 19


    Make sure it is safe to help. Do not put yourself in danger trying to help a lightning strike victim. Either wait until the immediate danger has passed, or move the victim to a safer location.

    • Despite the common myth, lightning can strike the same place twice.
  3. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 20


    Start CPR. People struck by lightning do not retain an electrical charge, so you can immediately touch them and begin treatment.[13]
    Do not remove the burned clothes unless absolutely necessary.

    • Perform Child CPR if the victim is a child.
    • Perform Adult CPR on adult victims.
  4. Image titled Protect Yourself in a Thunderstorm Step 21


    Treat the victim for shock. Lay the victim down on his or her back with the head resting slightly lower than the torso. Elevate and support the legs.[14]

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  • Question

    Where can I be if my house has a lot of windows?

    Community Answer

    You should just be in the middle of your room. As long as you aren’t standing directly next to the window, don’t worry about it.

  • Question

    Why is it safest to be in the lowest part of a house during a thunderstorm?

    Community Answer

    Because it gives you less of a chance of getting hit by lightning. If you are inside, it is still necessary to take precautions.

  • Question

    Can I use wireless electronics, like my tablet?

    Community Answer

    Yes, but keep it unplugged. If your house is struck by lightning, not only can you get struck, but if it strikes the house, your tablet could sustain damage.

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  • Stay away from windows in case one breaks from the wind.

  • Small boats are dangerous places to be in a thunderstorm. If you can’t get to shore, however, do not enter the water — stay in the boat, even if it’s an open sailboat with a mast. There is a mistaken belief that being in the water is safer, but lightning can just as easily strike water (or the electrical charge can be carried through water), and if you’re struck and rendered unconscious, you don’t want to be in the water.

  • If a thunderstorm is approaching, protect electronics and electric appliances by unplugging them in advance. Don’t use corded telephones, as lightning can travel through the cords. Do not unplug anything during a lightning storm, only in advance.

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  • When seeking lower ground, try to choose an area that is safe from flooding.

  • Do not attempt to watch a storm through an open window or door or from a porch. Unenclosed areas are not safe, even if in a suitable shelter.

  • Severe thunderstorms can (and sometimes do) produce tornadoes with little or no warning. *Keep alert for potentially life-threatening weather if the storm(s) in the area are particularly strong. Stay alert even if there were no thunderstorm warnings issued.

  • Do not touch someone if they are being electrocuted (unless using non-conductible materials like wood, plastic, rubber, etc.).



About This Article

Article SummaryX

To protect yourself in a thunderstorm, seek shelter in a building like a house or shop. If you can’t, take shelter in a car with metal sides, since if it’s struck by lightning the electricity will be conducted through the metal. In a situation where you can’t get inside, find an area of low elevation to reduce the likelihood of a lightning strike. You should also remove your backpack as many backpacks contain metal, and assume the «lightning crouch» by tucking your head against your chest, bending your knees, and putting your arms around your knees. To learn how to take precautions and avoid a lightning storm, read on!

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  • Naomi Henshaw

    Naomi Henshaw

    Aug 23, 2022

    «This helped me understand better the typical behaviour of a lightning, the main principles.»

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