It looks like rain we shut the windows

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I was blown out of my seat with the extreme, continuously dazzling, (13)

………… special effects, and chase scenes. This movie provides a twohour adrenaline rush. I would recommend to anyone who can (14)

…………. and enjoy a sci-fi story.

Asimplism of the screenplay

Bcaptures the mood


Da movie that looks good and grasps our heart

Eeffortlessly from scene to scene

Fintensity and nail-biting excitement

GFirst and foremost

Hin all its marvel and wonder

IConsidering its plot and its message

JThis elevates action to the next stage

Klives up to expectations

Lthat work perfectly with his role

Mpaucity of the dialogue

Nstomach intensity

Ex. 5. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line (1 — 15)


Mime and pantomime was a Greek and Roman (1) ……


entertainment representing scenes from life, often in a

(2)……. manner. Currently, the art has evolved into


the (3) ………….. of a character or the


(4) ………… of a story by means of body movement.


The Greco-Roman mime was a farce that stressed (5) ……. MIME

action but which included song and spoken dialogue. In

Roman pantomime, unlike the mime actor, the players wore

(6) ………… masks, which identified their characters but


deprived them of speech and of the use of (7) ………….


gestures. Hand movements were particularly (8) …………. EXPRESS


and important.

Pantomimus, dressed like a tragic actor in a cloak and long

tunic, usually performed solo (9) ………. by an orchestra . COMPANY

In the theatre of China and Japan, mime acquired a role (10)…… KNOW

in the West, becoming a(n) (11) ………… part of the major


dramatic genres. In Chinese drama the conventions of

gesticulation, as well as the (12)…………. of the stage


properties, are immense in scope and (13) ……to those COMPREHEND

(14) …….. with traditional forms.


The high art of modern mime was (15) …… philosophically


by such artists as Marcel Marceau, who defined mime as the

art of expressing feelings by attitudes and not a means of

expressing words through gestures.

Ex. 6. Use a modal or phrasal modal with each verb in parentheses (1 – 26)

1.It looks like rain. We (shut) (1) …………. the windows.

2.Ann, (you, hand) (2)……………. me that dish? Thanks.

3.Spring break starts on the thirteenth. We (go, not) (3) ………… classes again until the twenty-second.

4.The baby is only a year old, but she (say, already) (4) ……….. a few words. In the United States, elementary education is compulsory. All children (attend) (5)…………. six years of elementary school.

5.There was a long line in front of the theatre. We (wait) (6) ………..

almost an hour to buy our tickets.

6.A: I‘d like to go to a warm sunny place next winter. Any suggestions?

B:You (go) (7) ……….to Hawaii or Mexico. Or how about Indonesia?

7.I don‘t feel like going to the library to study this afternoon. I (go) (8)

……… the shopping mall than to the library.

8.A: Mrs.Wilson got a traffic ticket. She didn‘t stop at a stop sign.

B:That‘s surprising. Usually she‘s a very cautious driver and obeys all the traffic laws. She (see, not) (9) ………. the sign.

9.Annie, you (clean) (10) ………..this mess before Dad gets home. He‘ll be mad if he sees all this stuff all over the living room floor.

10.A: This is Steve‘s laptop, isn‘t it?


B: It (be, not) (11) ………..his. He doesn‘t have a laptop computer, at least not that I know of. It (belong) (12) ……… to Lucy or Linda. They sometimes bring their laptops to class.

11.In my country, a girl and boy (go, not) (13) ……….out on a date unless they are accompanied by a chaperone.

12.A: The phone‘s ringing again. Let‘s not answer it. Just let it ring.

B:No, we (answer) (14) ……….. it. It (be) (15) ……. important.

13.Jimmy was serious when he said he wanted to be a cowboy when he grew up. We (laugh, not) (16) ………… at him. We hurt his feelings.

14.A: (I. speak) (17) ……….. to Peggy?

B:She (come, not) (18)……… to the phone right now. (I, take) (19)


15.A: How are you planning to get to the airport?

B:By taxi.

A:You (take) (20)…….. a shuttle bus instead. It‘s cheaper than a taxi. You (get) (21)……. one in front of the hotel. It picks up passengers there on a regular schedule.

16.A: Why didn‘t you come to the party last night?

B:I (study) (22) ……… .

A:You (come) (23) ……… . We had a good time.

17.It‘s not like Tony to be late. He (be) (24) ………. here an hour ago. I hope nothing bad has happened.

18.A: This is a great open-air market. Look at all this wonderful fresh fish! What kind of fish is this?

B:I‘m not sure. It (be) (25) ……… ocean perch. Let‘s ask.

19.The teacher called on Sam in class yesterday, but he kept looking out of the window and didn‘t respond. He (daydream) (26) ………. .




Ex. 1. You are going to read the article ‘Small is Beautiful’. Six paragraphs have been removed from the text. Choose from the paragraphs (A –G) the one which fits each gap (1-6). There is one extra paragraph which does not fit anywhere.

Back in the 1970s, Edward Shumacher wrote a book called Small is Beautiful. In it he proposed that big businesses had cost advantages over small ones, but that any advantage was soon lost because they were too big to manage and gave impersonal service.

1 ————————————-

All successful companies supply products and services that the customer wants – at a fair price. They also sell in pleasant surroundings and offer unforgettable service. Their stuff are trained, positive, approachable, enthusiastic and knowledgeable.


When you run your own business, you have decided to sell to and serve others. Unfortunately, for many British people, selling is a job that is beneath them and they regard customers as being in the way. But make no mistake, we are going to have to become much cleverer sales people and serve customers a great deal better, or we are going to lose business to competitors who already do so.


Our rewards in life have always been in direct proportion to the quantity of the service we have given. The more people we serve and the better we serve them, the more rewards we will get. Poor service equals poor rewards, average service average rewards. Good service reaps your rewards.


If the car breaks down within a week of his garage fixing it, he sends someone out to repair it, day or night. He gives me a loan car and I leave the broken-down vehicle with the mechanic. Does he charge more? Yes, he does, but he has increased the share of the local market by 400% in the last two years.

5 ——————————————


My doctor has a target to see 97% of her patients on time. When you go into her surgery, the receptionist comes to you. There is a play area for the kids, a coffee machine, pay phone, up-to-date magazines, soft, relaxing music and potted plants that look healthy.

6 ——————————————

To find out how to give unforgettable service in your business, book yourself on a customer service training course. Some are free and many cost only a few pounds. Ask your local Training and Enterprise council for details. If you prefer, send off for a leaflet I have produced on customer care. It will outline the basics and I hope inspire you to put what you read in action.

A How about the petrol station that invites you out of the car with a free cup of coffee and newspaper while its stuff pump the petrol, check the tyres and oil, wipe the inside and outside of your windscreen? They charge top price but pump twice as much petrol as any other station in town.

B The bosses keep tight financial control and exhibit the same attitudes as the stuff – they are positive , approachable, enthusiastic and knowledgeable, The boss also has the best possible marketing tool because he listens and finds out how to serve his customers better from first hand experience.

C To many people, the customer is a pest, to the Americans, the customer is a king, but to the Japanese, the customer is a god. Perhaps that is why the Japanese are so successful. After all, the success of every business can be found in its attitude towards selling and its attitude towards customers.

D In the 1990s, small businesses still have lots of advantages over larger ones. For a start, they are slimmer with no head office absorbing money. But they are also lighter on their feet, responding to customers‘ demands.

E Take my mechanic, for example. He cleans my car inside and out and cleans my engine. He puts my seat back to my leg size. He offers overnight service where he picks up the car from the drive and delivers it back ready for work the next day.


F Moreover, it is happening. Day in day out, despite on focus on customer care, there are similar incidents occurring all over the land: ultimately orders are lost because of them. The big businesses are more likely to fall foul of this than smaller ones.

G When we get there, she gives the kids a sweet, stands up, comes to my side of the desk, smiles, shakes my hand and says, convincingly, ―It‘s nice to see you, Tom‖. If she‘s been running late, she apologizes and you know she‘s done her best.

Ex. 2. You are going to read a magazine article about supermarkets in Britain. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-H for each part (1-6) of the article. There is one extra heading. There is an example at the beginning (0).

AMaking the shopping trip even easier

BKeeping the customers moving

CFeeling a little less welcome

DTempting customers to return

ETaking advantage of changing lifestyles

FAppealing to the senses

GPaying the price if expansion

HIdentifying key locations


In Britain, supermarkets have a huge influence on everyday life. Sonia Putnell reveals how they keep people shopping.

0 ——————H———————

The most important place in a supermarket is at the end of each row. Just moving a particular product to these shelves can easily double its sales, so manufacturers pay big money to have their products displayed there. In the same way, luxury goods are placed at eye-level, where people tend to look first, while cheaper items, which don‘t make so much money for the supermarket, are put nearer the floor.

1 —————— ———————

Every detail of a supermarket is planned carefully to encourage people to part with their money. Bright blue lighting is often used to show off the


colour and freshness of vegetables, and particularly attractive fruit may be piled under a spotlight near the entrance. In areas where there are tins and packets, softer lighting encourages people to spend more time looking. Drinks, often an unplanned purchase, may have dramatic lighting behind them to suggest a nightclub atmosphere. Smells play their part too. When supermarkets bake bread on the premises, they tend to sell more of it.

2 —————— ——————-

Each supermarket manager has a diagram which shows every aspect of the store layout. Not a trick is missed. Essential food such as bread, eggs and milk are always positioned a long way so that shoppers have to visit other parts of the shop in order to get to them. These products are often shifted about , too; the longer shoppers spend in the store finding what they came in for, the more money they might be tempted to spend on something else. 3 —————— ———————

Even when they eventually reach the checkout, customers are not safe. While they wait, they might pick up leaflets about the store‘s services, or look through magazines promoting the store‘s product. The checkout operator may also offer them what‘s called a ‗loyalty card‘. This allows regular customers to take advantage of future special offers, but in fact it is the store which benefits more. By scanning in the card at the check out, the store can build up information about its customers‘ regular purchases and see who is responding to promotions and offers, which helps it plan how to appeal to them more effectively in the future.

4 —————— ——————-

Even checkouts might not actually exist for much longer, as new microchips placed on food wrapping will soon make it unnecessary for shoppers to unload their trolley in order to pay. Within a few years, the trolley may just have to be pushed through an electronic ‗door‘ where a computer calculates the bill automatically. On arrival at the store, shoppers may also be able to put their loyalty card into a special trolley, with a screen which greet them by name and gives information about special offers of interest to them personally.

5 —————- ———————

British supermarkets also work hard to be in the center of local life by providing services such as cafes, dry-cleaning and photo-processing. This has not been without cost to the local economy, however, for 100.000 local shops have closed down since the rapid spread of large supermarkets across the country a generation ego. The environment has also suffered; deliveries round the clock to supermarkets from both within the country


and overseas have played their part in increasing pollution and wasting the world‘s resources.

6 —————- ——————

It is not surprising then that feelings against supermarkets are strong in many places. When a new store is planned, supermarkets often offer money to local communities, which can be spent on schools and roads. Despite these inducements, it has recently become much more difficult for new supermarkets to get permission to build. Are supermarkets beginning to lose favour? Possibly, but there is no doubt that they will be thinking up new ideas to make sure people don‘t buy their eggs and bread elsewhere.


Ex. 1. For questions (1-16), match the following word with appropriate definitions.

1. advertisement


a place that sells goods made by a particular


2. a barrage of


confidence, trust in a trademark

3. a big gun


not special, ordinary

4. bonus.


a thing that has advantages and also


5. brand new


presentation of information in an unfair way

6. discount offer

f. interest, attraction by a good price

7. endorsement

g. a phrase used in ads to attract people‘s attention

8. flagship brand


a payment added to what is usual and expected

9. fringe benefits


a public notice offering or asking for goods,


10. mixed blessing


continuous stream of sth. (questions, criticism)

11. outfit


completely new

12. reliability


a very important and powerful man

13. run-of-the-mill


a benefit given to an employee in addition to


14. price appeal

n. giving a support to products by celebrities

15. slanted language

o. the most important of a group of products,


16. slogan


an amount of money taken off the usual

cost of sth.


Ex. 2. Fill in the blanks (1 – 19) with the correct particle or preposition where necessary. One mark is given for each correct answer.

1. Nike is counting (1) … a touch of Hollywood and adds sparkle to marketing. 2. Targeting advertisements (2) … different age groups is not a new strategy. 3. If the commercials strike a chord (3) … consumers, Hollywood talent agencies might grab more business as marketers look (4)

… fresh ideas. 4. Creative Artists Agency recently teamed (5) … … another megamarketer, Nike, to package and market sports events. 5. Marketing managers are well aware of children‘s desperate need to keep

(6) … … the peer group. 6. Marketing is aimed (7) … very impressionable age group, children, it may be that the time has come (8) … a little more social responsibility in order not to exploit children (9) … financial gain. 7. Most advertising messages include techniques of persuasion which rely mainly (10) … basic appeals. 8. Once consumers gain confidence (11) … the trademark, the owner can use it (12) … a persuader. 9. When the film was made it turned (13) … that Starbuck cheated Swanson (14) … his money. 10. It was after reading the story that Gregory began to get (15) … … his enemy. 11. At first the idea of murder was not actually (16) … his mind. 12. David put (17) … … eight weeks (18) … it, but from that moment he started to slide (19) … .

Ex. 3. For questions 1 – 16, read the text carefully and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.


How do famous people get to spend a (1) ………. on brand names? To find the

(2) ……… to this question, just observe the c hildren in any school playground.

Hannah is a (3) ……. nine-year-old student at an English primary school.

She‘s not quite sure what a brand (4) ……. is, but she‘s sure of what she wants. As part of a new sales (5) ……. , all the students in her class have been given a free bag with the Nike (6) ……on it. Hannah hasn‘t really

(7) …… the connection yet, or asked for Nike trainers, but it‘s only a (8) …….. of time before she does.


But is it right that companies should (9) …….. such young children for their promotional activities?

Brand names seem to have (10) ……. over us because they allow us to (11) ……… with a particular group of people. A brand name has a certain (12) ……… It suggests that we‘re able to afford this product – and most of us like to (13) …….. off what we can afford. Some people also believe that brand names provide a (14) ……… . So a brand has to provide this quality, (15) ……… people will eventually stop buying it.

So only time will (16) ……. whether it‘s really worthwhile paying extra money for a brand name. Meanwhile, Hannah is delighted with her free Nike bag.


A fortune

B treasure

C deal

D load


A reply

B response

C answer

D solution


A similar

B typical

C uniform

D regular


A certainly

B factually

C surely

D actually


A battle

B campaign

C attack

D propaganda


A diagram

B mark

C picture

D logo


A made

B taken

C done

D put


A situation

B problem

C question

D state


A target

B aim

C focus

D point


A rule

B meaning

C power

D force


A identify

B indicate

C sign

D point


A invention

B impression

C portrait

D image


A present

B show

C carry

D wear


A guarantee

B bond

C security

D receipt

15A since

B otherwise

C but

D however


A say

B speak

C tell

D state

Ex. 4. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. One mark is given for each correct answer (1 –11).


The potato crisp was the (1) ………. of George Crum, in INVENT 1853. He worked as a chef at a popular resort in the USA.


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Use a modal with each verb in parentheses. More than one modal may be possible. Use the one that seems most appropriate to you.
1. She (be) in London a week already!

2. … 1 (call) for you? — No, I (get) a taxi and meet you at the station.

3. I heard their telephone ringing. — You (n6t hear) their phone ringing. They haven’t got a phone.

4. Don is putting on a little weight around his middle. He (get) more exercise.

5. Jack: I’ve finished. Ann: But you were only half way through when I went to bed. You (work) all night!

6. I’m sleepy. I (not keep) my eyes open. I (go) to bed before I fall asleep right here.

7. Zoo keeper: In spite of all the notices, people (feed) these animals.

8. In my country, a girl and boy (not go) out on a date unless they are accompanied by a chaperone.

9. The instructions were in French. I translated them into English for him. — You (not translate) them. He knows French.

10. Jones: Stand away from that door! You can’t keep me here against my will. Smith: You (not go) till you have given me an explanation! (I won’t let you go.)

11. You can trust me; nobody (know) that you are here. (I promise to keep it secret.) I (not) even (tell) my wife.

12. My wife and ten children are coming to join me here. They (not live) in my dormitory room. I (find) an apartment.

13. A: … I (speak) to Peggy? B: She (not come) to the phone right now. … I (take) a message?

14. Jimmy was serious when he said he wanted to be a cowboy when he grew up. We (not laugh) at him. We hurt his feelings.

15. … you (cash) this check for me?

16. A: How are you planning to get to the airport? B: By taxi. A: You (take) a shuttle bus instead. It’s cheaper than a taxi. You (get) one in front of the hotel. It picks up passengers there on .a regular schedule.

17. You (not feed) the bears! (It was foolish of you to feed them.) Now they’ll be angry if the next campers don’t feed them too.

18. Nobody has been in this house for a month. — Nonsense! Here’s last Monday’s paper in the wastepaper basket; somebody (be) here quite recently.

19. Let’s go shopping. The shops (not be) crowded. Monday morning’s usually quiet

20. Why … everyone (promote) except me? It’s not fair.

21. A: Why didn’t you come to the party last night? В: I (study). A: You (come). We had a good time.

22. A: I (go) to the University of Iowa or Iowa State University? B: Think it over for a few days. You (not make) up your mind right now. There’s no hurry.

23. A: The phone’s ringing again. Let’s not answer it. Just let it ring. B: No, we (answer) it. It (be) important.

24. We (start) yesterday (this was the plan); but the flight was cancelled because of the fog, so we’re still here, as you see.

25. I left my car here under the No Parking sign; and now it’s gone. It (steal). — Not necessarily. The police (drive) it away.

26. He was riding a bicycle along the motorway when he was hit by the trailer of a lorry. These big lorries are very dangerous. — Perhaps, but Paul (not ride) a bicycle along the motorway; bicycles are not allowed.

27. Jane’s looking at the test paper the teacher just returned. She’s smiling. She (pass) the test.

28. It’s not like Tony to be late. He (be) here an hour ago. I hope nothing bad happened.

29. He used to have a day off once a week, and on that day he (get) up early, have a hasty breakfast and set out for the river.

30. I know that it will be difficult to pick him out in such a crowd, but if you (happen) to see him give him this packet.

31. Why didn’t you wait for me yesterday? — I waited five minutes, — You (wait) a little longer!

32. How did Peter get here? — He (come) on a motorcycle. (This is a possibility.) — He (not come) on a motorcycle. He doesn’t ride one.

33. Police Officer (in a loud speaker van beside a motorway in thick fog): They are going much too fast. I keep warning them to reduce speed but they (not do) it. 34. Ann: She says she’d rather go to prison than pay the fine. Tom: She (not go) to prison. (I won’t let this happen.) I (pay) her fine for her!

35. A: Somebody called you while you were out, but she didn’t leave her name. B: Who did it sound like? Anybody you know? A. Well, it (be) Phyllis, but that’s just a guess. I (ask) who was calling, but I didn’t. B: That’s okay.

36. (Alice, staying at a hotel for the first time, carefully washes up the early morning tea things.) .Mother: You (not do) that. The hotel staff do the washing up. 37. Mrs Smith: I’ve cooked scrambled eggs for Mr Jones, because of his diet, and steak and onions for everyone else. Mr Jones: You (not cook) anything special for me, Mrs Smith; I’m not on a diet any longer.

38. Tom (looking out of the window): Fortunately that teapot didn’t hit anyone, but you (not throw) it out of the window, Ann! You (kill) someone.

39. Look at this beautiful painting! Only a very great artist (paint) such a picture! — Nonsense! A child of five (paint) it with his eyes shut.

40. It looks like rain. We (shut) the windows.

41. Ann, … you (hand) me that dish? Thanks.

42. I returned a book to the library yesterday. It was two weeks overdue, so I (pay) a fine of $ 1.40. I (return) the book when it was due.

43. Spring break starts on the thirteenth. We (not go) to classes until the twenty-second.

44. … I (make) an appointment to see Dean Witherspoon?

45. Neither of us knows the way to their house. We (take) a map with us or we’ll probably get lost.

46. You (not tell) Jack about the party. It’s a surprise party for him.

47. Secretary: There’s a Mr Peterson in the outer office, sir. He says he has an appointment. … you (see) him now? Mr Smith: I (not see) him now or at any other time. I told him so when we last met. And he hasn’t an appointment!

48. Excuse me. I didn’t understand. … you (repeat) what you said?

49. In the United States, elementary education is compulsory. All children (attend) six years of elementary school.

50. There was a long line in front of the theatre. We (wait) almost ah hour to buy our tickets.

51. I wonder who carried the piano upstairs. — I suppose it was Paul. — Paul (not carry) it by himself. Someone (help) him.

52. The car (not start) so we had to ring for a taxi.

53. The people in the flat above us were members of a band. We liked them very much but they (practise) the drums at night. Nothing we said made any difference. 54.1 don’t feel like going to the library to study this afternoon. I (go) to the shopping mall than to the library.

55. Do you know where Tom is? — He (be) in the canteen. He’s usually there between twelve and one.

56. She asked me what she (do) if any letters came for me while I was away. I told her that my brother would come every day to pick up my mail.

57. When I rang the exchange and asked for the number the operator said, ‘You (not ring) the exchange! You (dial) direct!’ However, he put me through.

58. Bill proposed that women (allow) to join the club.

59. A: This is Steve’s tape recorder, isn’t it? B: It (not be) his. He doesn’t have a tape recorder. It (belong) to Lucy or to Linda. They sometimes bring their tape recorders to class.

60. A: Why is Margaret in her room? В: I don’t know. She (do) her homework.

61. A: Did Ed really mean what he said yesterday? B: No, I don’t think so. I think he (kid).

62. Johnny! You (not play) with sharp knives.

63. We (not go) to the concert if you don’t want to, but it might be good.

64. I’m taking ли£ my exams in two days. I know I (study) tonight, but I think I’ll watch TV instead.

65. It is essential that everyone (be able) to see the stage.

66.1 suggested that they (have) a hot breakfast and a cold supper.

67. You (love) your father. (It is natural and right.) — Why … I (love) him? I’ve never seen him.

68. Remember that we (be) at his place not later than eight.

69. Ann’s birthday was on the 5-th, and now it’s already the 8-th. Her birthday card (send) a week ago. Maybe we (give) her a call to wish her a belated happy birthday.

70. The entire valley (see) from their mountain home.

71. According to our teacher, all of our compositions (write) in ink. He won’t accept papers written in pencil.

72. Last semester’s class was too large. It (divide) in half.

73. Tom: What’s happened to Jack? We said 7.30 and now it’s 8.00 and there’s no sign of him. Ann: He (forget) that we invited him. He is rather forgetful. I (telephone) him yesterday to remind him. (It was foolish of me not to telephone.)

Tom: Or he (get) lost. He hasn’t been to this house before. I (give) him directions. (I didn’t give him directions, which was stupid of me)

Ann: Or he (have) a breakdown or a puncture.

Tom: A puncture (not delay) him so long.

Ann: Or he (stop) for a drink and (get) involved in an argument. Jack’s arguments go on for hours!

Tom: Or he (run) out of petrol. Perhaps we (go) and look for him.
Study and practise.
1. Dear Brenda,

Thanks for replying so quickly to my last letter. You must have been surprised when you received a letter from me. I’m glad you will be able to put me up when I come to London. Could you possibly give me some directions for your flat? I’m bound to get lost. Do I have to take a taxi from the station, or is it near enough to walk? Perhaps I should buy a street map of Birmingham when I arrive. And is it all right if I bring my little brother, Tim? By the way, congratulations on your new job. You must be very happy. Do you think that you made the right decision, though? I think you should have gone to university like me. I’m sure that you would have enjoyed it. I have to study a lot, but with any luck I should get a good job when I finish. I’d better post this letter now.

Best wishes,

2. Residents in the Blackwood area complained last night that they should have been warned about the escape of a dangerous snake. The snake, a python, is three metres long, and can kill pets. ‘I heard about it on the radio,’ said Mrs Agnes Bird. ‘I had to lock my dog in the kitchen this morning, because I thought the snake could easily attack it. Now I am not sure what I ought to do.’ The snake, called Lulu, disappeared from Blackwood Zoo. It must have found a hole in the wall, or it might have slipped out while the door was open,’ said zoo director Basil Hart. Mr Hart said that people needn’t have been alarmed. ‘A local radio must have mixed up its reports,’ he went on. ‘We found Lulu a few minutes after we missed her. We had to climb a tree and bring her down. So you see, you should never believe silly stories you hear on the radio!’

Give general advice to people who want to:
a. improve their health.

b. get good grades.

c. improve their English.

d. make a good first impression.

e. find a job.

f. live life fully every day.

g. get married.
Say: Do this. Don’t do that. You should do this. You shouldn’t do that. You ought to do this. You don’t have to do that. You must do this. You must not do that. You can do this. You had better do that, etc.
Directions: Go to a public place, a place where there are people whom you do not know (a cafeteria, store, street corner, park, zoo, lobby, etc.). Choose three of these people to write a composition about. Using a paragraph for each person, describe his/her appearance briefly and then make ‘guesses’ about this person: age, occupation, personality, activities, etc.
Example. I’m in a hotel lobby. I’m looking at a man who is wearing a blue suit and carrying a briefcase. He is talking at the registration desk, so he must be registering to stay in the hotel. He couldn’t be checking out, because people have to check out at a different desk. He might be simply asking a question, but I doubt it. Judging from his clothes, I’d say he’s probably a businessman. But he could be something else. He might be a doctor, or a funeral director, or a professor. He has salt-and-pepper hair and not too many wrinkles. He must be about 50 or 55. He doesn’t have any luggage with him. The porter must have taken his luggage. The hotel clerk just handed the man a key. Aha! I was right. He is registering to stay at the hotel.
Work in pairs. Using the given situations, create dialogues of 10 to 20 sentences or more. Then present your dialogues to the rest of the class. For each situation, the beginning of the dialogue is given. Try to include appropriate modals in your conversation.
1. Situation: The two of you are roommates or a married couple. It is late at night. All of the lights are turned off. You hear a strange noise. You try to figure out what it might or must be, what you should or should not do, etc.

Dialogue: A: Psst. Are you awake?

B: Yes. What’s the matter?

A: Do you hear that noise?

B: Yes, what do you suppose it is?

A: I don’t know. It …

B: …

2. Situation: Your teacher is always on time, but today it is fifteen minutes past the time class begins and he/she still isn’t here. You try to figure out why he/she isn’t here yet and what you should do.

Dialogue: A: Mr/Mrs/Ms/Miss/ Dr/Professor ________ should have been here fifteen

minutes ago. I wonder where s/he is. Why do you suppose s/he hasn’t arrived yet?

B: Well,…

3. Situation: The two of you are planning to go on a picnic. You are almost ready to leave when you hear a loud noise. It sounds like thunder. You are supposed to meet Nancy and Paul at the park for your picnic.

Dialogue: A: Is the picnic basket all packed?

B: Yes. Everything is ready to go.

A: Good. Let’s get going.

B: Wait. Did you hear that? …

4. Situation: It is late at night. The weather is very bad. Your eighteen-year-old son, who had gone to a party with some of his friends, was supposed to be home an hour ago. (The two of you are either a married couple or a parent and his/her friend.) You are getting worried. You are trying to figure out where he might be, what might or must have happened, and what you should do, if anything.

Dialogue: A: It’s already _______ o’clock and _____ isn’t home yet. I’m getting worried.

B: So am I. Where do you suppose he is?

Choose three of the following topics. Write a short paragraph on each.
1. Write about when, where and why you should (or should not) have done something in your life.

2. Write about a time in your life when you did something you did not want to do. Why did you do it? What could you have done differently? What should you have done?

3. Look at your future. What will, might, should it be like? Write about what you should, must, can do now in order to make your life what you want it to be.

4. Write about one embarrassing incident in your life. What could, should, might you have done to avoid it?

5. Look at the world situation in relationships between nations. What could, should (or should not), must (or must not) be done to improve understanding?

6. Choose one of the environmental problems people are considering today. What could, should, may, must, might be done to solve this problem?

Translate from Russian into English.
1. Ему необязательно об этом говорить.

2. Погода, безусловно, будет хорошая.

3. Он не принес книгу, хотя ему бы следовало сделать это еще на прошлой неделе.

4. Неужели тебя не укачало? Море было таким бурным. Стоит ли ее ждать? Возможно, она вообще не придет.

6. Он спросил, может ли он положиться м ценя.

7. Ей придется пройти рентген.

8. Вряд ли она оценит его доброту. Она такая эгоистка

9. Он сказал, что она уже взрослая и должна помогать матери.

10. Мне не нужно было готовить обед. Мы договорились пообедать сегодня в ресторане.

11. Она понимала, что он должен чувствовать.

12. Можно (вы можете) пройти много миль и никого не встретить.

13. Его зовут Добсон. Возможно, вы слышали его имя.

14. Не может быть, чтобы дверь осталась открытой. Я сама ее запирала.

15. Он предложил, чтобы собрание провели в среду.

16. Не будете ли вы любезны немного подождать? Ваши документы еще не готовы.

17. Я могу выучить это и обязательно (непременно) выучу.

18. Он, вероятно, получит телеграмму не позже, чем через два часа.

19. Многое может показаться вам необычным в чужой стране.

20. Возможно, их не предупредили, что их сын болен и что жизнь его находится в onacности.

21. Неужели он говорил это серьезно?

22. Трудно было поверить, что туристы смогли подняться на такую высокую гору. Это, должно быть, были смелые ребята.

23. Я должна с ним увидеться во вторник вечером.

24. Я не слышал, как подъехал автомобиль. Вероятно, я еще спал.

25. Им следовало бы удержать его от такого неразумного шага. Они еще пожалеют об этом.

26. Зря ты пришел. Собрание отменили.

27. Мне очень хотелось поехать в горы, но я не осмеливался спросить разрешения у родителей, так как знал, что они будут против.

28. В конце концов мы решили, что нам не следует там дольше оставаться и что нужно отправляться в горы.

29. Мы можем не спешить. Поезд задерживается на два часа.

30. Он сказал, что ему придется уехать через несколько дней, но мы и слушать не хотели.

31. Он должен был приехать пятичасовым поездом. Неужели он опоздал на него? — Откуда мне знать?

32. Я считал, что мне следует поставить вас в известность об этом.

33. Автобусом вы туда не доедете.

34. Она не могла этого сделать!

35. Весьма странно, что он сказал это.

36. Ты мог бы быть повнимательнее по отношению к своей сестре.

37. Делать все равно нечего, я могу (с таким же успехом) лечь спать.

38. Удивительно, до чего он неразумен (глуп)!

39. Он, бывало, часто заходил к нам.

40. Вы говорите, что не желаете этого делать, а я вам говорю, что вы это сделаете.

41. Мы должны подчиняться законам.

42. Стоянка у этих ворот запрещена.

43. Если он это говорит, то это, должно быть, правда.

44. Не пойти ли нам на прогулку?

45. Сейчас они, наверное (пожалуй), уже там.

46. Это, наверное, наш поезд.

47. Ящик стола никак не открывается.

48. Он выехал в 7.00. Он скоро здесь должен быть.

49. Студентам не полагается выносить книги из читального зала.

50. Когда мне нужно прийти?

51. Не видно было ни облачка.

52. Их не было дома, когда я приехал. Должно быть, они не ожидали меня.

53. Наши футболисты в хорошей форме. Они должны выиграть матч.

54. Почему ты не аплодируешь? Тебе, очевидно, не нравится, как она поет. 55. Ребенок ничего не хочет есть. — Возможно, он не голоден.

56. Они близкие друзья. Не может быть, чтобы она не помогла ему.

57. Ваш сын мог бы быть поосторожнее. Он мог сбить моего ребенка.

58. Может быть (могло быть и так, что), он и не слышал эту новость.

59. Он мог бы поспеть вовремя, если бы бежал быстрее.

60. Пожалуйста, отправьте письмо без задержки.

61. После экзаменов вы должны сдать все учебники в библиотеку.

62. По моему мнению, следует избрать ее, потому что она честная, умная и компетентная.

63. Мы больше не можем ждать! Необходимо что-то немедленно предпринять!

Training / Diagnostic Grammar Test                                

1) Fill in the blanks with necessary articles where appropriate

___ Last Saturday was ____ day when everything went wrong. I wanted to go to ____ London to buy ____ book about ___ old churches. To start with I missed ____ 9:15 train and so had to take ____ longer route through Clapham Junction. Then, when I finally came to ____ London, I found that ____ specialist shop for ____ books on ____ architecture that I had planned to visit was closed. So, as ____ winter was coming closer, I decided to go buy ____ new coat for myself in one of ____ department stores in ____ Oxford Street. After I found and bought it, I had _____ quick lunch at _____ train station cafeteria and got on ____ 3 p.m. train home. After changing trains at Clapham Junction I was alarmed to find that _____ bag with my coat was missing. I took another train back only to learn that every _____ line there was closed because of _____ bomb scare. So I took _____ taxi to Clapham and when I came there I saw _____ lot of police standing around _____ object on _____ platform.  I saw immediately that it was my missing bag – and with horror realized that it was my stupid bag that had caused _____ bomb scare!

2) Change direct speech into indirect speech

1. “Do you ever watch ‘ER’ on TV?” asked Louis. 2) “I may cook myself some spaghetti and then rest for a while,” replied Laura. 3) “Mind your own business!” snapped Bob. 4) “They will probably never decide which car to buy,” added George. 5) “I have wanted to travel to Hawaii my entire life,” confessed Barbara. 6) “I can find the way to the Embassy myself,” Gene assured me. 7) “Does Phil know anything about mountain climbing?” Alice wondered. 8) “I am going to bake some chocolate chip cookies,” announces Lisa. 9) “Don’t be alarmed, ladies, it’s just a short blackout,” shouted the policeman. 10) “You have to do something about this relationship,” insisted Arthur.

3) Write the plural form of the following nouns

capital, college, diary, purse, half, railway, comedy, potato, nucleus, ray, son-in-law, uncle, thesis, volcano, chef, chief,  tooth, radio, passer-by, church, knife, ox, sportsman, curriculum, wife, sheep, fox, alumnus, phenomenon.

4) Insert the right form of the verb to be

1) _____ there any deer in the forest? 2) The scissors ______ totally dull. 3) Maths _____ my favorite subject. 4) The news _____ troubling. 5) The police ____ investigating the crime. 6)  The spaghetti today ____ simply delicious. 7) There ____ different means to solve this problem. 8)  Where _____ my money? 9) The United States ____ a great country. 10) The jeans ____ too long, and there ____ some sort of gunk in the pocket here.

5) Insert the correct form in either Active or Passive Voice

1) – Where is the old chicken coop? – It (to destroy) by a windstorm last year. 2) – We’re still looking for Thomas. – Oh, so he (to find) yet? 3) – Whatever happened to that fortune-teller? – I don’t know. She (to see) around here in a long time. 4) Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer. She (to dance) since she was four. 5) – Those eggs of different colors are very artistic. – Yes, they (to pain) in Russia. 6) What a beautiful dress you’re wearing! – Thanks! It (to make) especially for me by a French tailor. 7) Homer is in jail for smoking pot. – He (to tell) that it was against the law. 8) – The maintenance people didn’t remove the chairs from the ballroom. – Don’t worry. They (to remove) them before the dance begins. 9) Gold (to discover) in California in the 19th century. 10) It (to feel) that military spending is too high. 11) All planes (to check) before departure. 12) Katherine (to eat) at Bob’s house every night this week. 13) – Are the documents ready? – Not yet, but they (to type) right now, as we speak. 14) When I came in, the decision (to make) already. 15) Please, don’t worry. All the letters (to send out) by 5 p.m. tomorrow.

6) Insert correct prepositions

1)  I usually prefer black tea _____ herbal tea. 2) Thanks! I’m really grateful ____ your help. 3) I am fond ____ chocolate, but I just went ____ a low fat diet, so I can’t have any. 4) I am not interested ____ listening to this nonsense. 5) I have always dreamed ____ traveling to Paris one day. 6) I expect the project to be completed _____ Wednesday. 7) I think soccer is a good alternative ____ playing football. 8) Halloween? It’s ____ October. 9) I usually have my lunch break _____ noon. 10) Valentine’s Day is celebrated ____ February 14. 11) Do you believe ____ flying saucers? 12) A milk shake consists ____ ice cream and milk. 13) A jack is used ____ changing a flat tire. 14) She insisted ____ coming with us, sorry. 15) I am not going _____ a date tonight; there is something wrong _____ my stomach. 16) Mozart wrote his first symphony ____ the age of 3 or 4. 17) Pilgrims came to America ____ 1620. 18) I am going to visit Mom ____ the weekend. 19) We’re too busy ____ the moment, try again ___ a week. 20) Sit down, I’ll be back ____ a moment.

7) Choose the correct form of the degrees of comparison

1) I am not sure who’s got (much) on his mind, Sam or Scott. 2) You’re much (good) at drawing than I am. 3)  This is (bad) nightmare of my life! 4) They say, there is (little) chance for a person to be killed by terrorists that for a woman over forty to find a husband. 5) You have to find someone (intelligent) for this kind of work. 6) She is (adorable) creature I have ever seen! 7) Martin is probably (shy) student in the class. 8) I have never been (happy) in my life! 9) It was (gray) time of the whole human history. 10) You couldn’t get any (fat) if you tried with both hands!

8) Choose the correct form:

1) I am (used to /used to) living alone. 2) I will never (marry/get married) Tom. 3) He (hasn’t got /has no) a single penny to his name. 4) He (used to / was used to) watch kids play in the back yard. 4) Oh yes, she (is married / married / will marry) to Brian, poor soul! 5) (There are / there is) a lot of snow on the ground this year. 6) We (are having / have / have got) dinner, but won’t you come in! 7) It seems like (there is / there are) a lot of nice cars in this dealership. 8) I (will have / am having) apple pie a la mode, please! 9) She (has no / doesn’t have) clue about what to do next. 10) Normally we (have / have got) lunch at 1 p.m. 11) I (am not having / don’t have / haven’t got) this discussion now!  12) They (don’t  have / aren’t having / won’t have/ haven’t had) their keys with them, I am afraid. 13) We (have got / are having /will have) some money for you next week. 14)

9) Use modal verbs in appropriate forms (can, may, must, to have to, to be to, ought to, should, need, will/would)

1) You _________ to pay a fine if you’re caught speeding.  2) People ___________ kill other people. 3) I am afraid I _____________ to help you next week, since I will be away. 4) You ____________ think such horrible things about your own brother! 5) _______ I trouble you for some water, please? 6) You __________ watch the fish but you ____________ touch or feed them. 7) My little sister _______ do 50 push-ups. 8) It’s getting late, we _________ be getting back. 9) I have invited her three times already, but she is too stubborn, she ________ come! 10) You _________ not be embarrassed. I won’t tell a soul. 11) _______ we really say good bye? It’s so cruel! 12) Officer Thornton ______ to report back to duty at 11:00 tomorrow. 13) We ________ have something for you, let me check. 14) She told me I _______________ come back in an hour. 15) During long winter evenings Grandpa _______  tell me lots of stories.

10) Choose the correct answer.

1) Мау I speak to Dr. Paine, please? – I’m sorry, he ___________ а patient at the moment. Саn I help уоu?

а. is seeing         b. sees         с. has bееn seeing         d. was seeing

2) When are уоu going to ask your boss for а raise? – ___________ to her twice already! I don’t think she wants to give mе оnе.

а. I’d talked         b. I’ve bееn talking         с. I was talking         d. I’ve talked

3) Do уоu think Harry will want something to eat after he gets here? – I hope not. It’ll probably be after midnight, and we ___________

а. аге sleeping         b. will bе sleeping         с. have been sleeping         d. bе sleeping

4) Paul, could уоu please turn off the stove? The soup ___________ for at least thirty minutes.

а. is boiling         b. boiling         с. has been boiling         d. was boiling

5) Is it true that spaghetti didn’t originate in ltaly? – Yes. The Chinese ___________ spaghetti dishes for а long time before Marco Роlo brought this type of pasta back to Italy.

а. have been making         b. have made         с. had bееn making         d. make

6) – I оnсе saw а turtle that had wings. – Stop it, I ___________ уоu!

а. don’t believe         b. am not believing         с. didn’t believe                 d. wasn’t believing

7) .The little girl started to cry. She __________ her doll, and nо оnе was able to find it for her.

а. has lost         b. had lost         с. was losing         d. was lost

8) – Could someone help mе lift the lawnmower intо the pickup truck? – I’m nоt busy. I __________  уоu.

а. help                 b. will have hеlрed         с. аm going to hеlр         d. am helping

9).After ten unhарру years, Janice finally quit her job. She __________ along with her boss for a long time before she finally decided to look for а new position.

а. hadn’t bееn getting         b. isn’t getting         с. didn’t get         d. wasn’t getting          e) hasn’t gotten

10) According to геsеагсh reports, people usually __________ in their sleep 25 to 30 times еасh night.

а. are turning                 b. turn                с. have turned         d. turned        

11) When the hurricane __________ the coast tomorrow afternoon, it will bring a great destructive force with it.

а. reached                 b. will reach         с. is reaching         d. reaches

12) Janet ______ for the FBI until last spring.

а. had worked         b. worked        с. was working         d. has worked

13.) The Age of Dinosaurs ______ much longer that the present Age of Mammals has lasted to date.

а. lasted                 b. was lasting                 с. has lasted         d. had lasted

14) Jim, why don’t уоu take some time off? Уоu ______ too hard lately. Take а short vacation.

а. worked         b. work                c. were working                 d. have bееn working

15) It’s against the law to kill the black rhinoceros. They ______  extinct.

а. beсаmе         b. have bесоmе                 c. are becoming        d. bесоmе




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