Как скачать github desktop на windows

Можно установить GitHub Desktop в поддерживаемых операционных системах Windows и macOS.

Сведения об установке GitHub Desktop

Вы можете установить GitHub Desktop в поддерживаемых операционных системах, к которым в настоящее время относятся macOS 10.12 или более поздней версии и Windows 7 64-разрядная или более поздняя версия. Если у вас есть учетная запись на сайте GitHub или в GitHub Enterprise, вы можете подключить ее к GitHub Desktop. Дополнительные сведения о создании учетной записи см. в разделе Регистрация для новой учетной записи GitHub или обратитесь к своему администратору сайта GitHub Enterprise.

Если вы являетесь администратором сети, вы можете развернуть GitHub Desktop на компьютерах, работающих под управлением ОС Windows в сети, управляемой Active Directory, с помощью файла пакета установщика Windows (.msi) с групповой политикой или другой системой удаленной установки.

Пакет установщика Windows извлекает автономный установщик (.exe) и настраивает Windows для установки GitHub Desktop при следующем входе пользователя на рабочую станцию. У пользователей должны быть разрешения на установку GitHub Desktop в свой каталог пользователя.

Если пользователь запускает пакет установщика Windows для GitHub Desktop напрямую, то для завершения установки пользователь должен выйти из рабочей станции, а затем снова войти.

Скачивание и установка GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop можно установить в macOS 10.12 или более поздней версии.

  1. Посетите страницу для скачивания GitHub Desktop.
  2. Нажмите Скачать версию для macOS.
    Кнопка "Скачать версию для macOS"
  3. На компьютере в папке Downloads дважды щелкните ZIP-файл GitHub Desktop .
    Файл GitHubDesktop.zip
  4. После извлечения файла архива дважды щелкните GitHub Desktop .
  5. GitHub Desktop запустится после завершения установки.

GitHub Desktop можно установить в Windows 7 64-разрядная или более поздняя версия.

Предупреждение. Для запуска GitHub Desktop должна быть установлена 64-разрядная операционная система.

  1. Посетите страницу для скачивания GitHub Desktop.
  2. Нажмите Скачать версию для Windows.
    Кнопка "Скачать версию для Windows"
  3. На компьютере в папке Downloads дважды щелкните файл установки GitHub Desktop .
    Файл GitHubDesktopSetup
  4. GitHub Desktop запустится после завершения установки.

Installing GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop currently supports Windows 7 (or higher) and macOS 10.9 (or higher).


Download the GitHub Desktop.zip, unpack the application and put it wherever you want.


On Windows you have two options:

  • Download the GitHubDesktopSetup.exe and run it to install it for the current user.
  • Download the GitHubDesktopSetup.msi and run it to install a machine-wide version of GitHub Desktop — each logged-in user will then be able to run GitHub Desktop from the program at %PROGRAMFILES(x86)GitHub Desktop Installerdesktop.exe.

Data Directories

GitHub Desktop will create directories to manage the files and data it needs to function. If you manage a network of computers and want to install GitHub Desktop, here is more information about how things work.


  • ~/Library/Application Support/GitHub Desktop/ — this directory contains user-specific data which the application requires to run, and is created on launch if it doesn’t exist. Log files are also stored in this location.


  • %LOCALAPPDATA%GitHubDesktop — contains the latest versions of the app, and some older versions if the user has updated from a previous version.
  • %APPDATA%GitHub Desktop — this directory contains user-specific data which the application requires to run, and is created on launch if it doesn’t exist. Log files are also stored in this location.

Log Files

GitHub Desktop will generate logs as part of its normal usage, to assist with troubleshooting. They are located in the data directory that GitHub Desktop uses (see above) under a logs subdirectory, organized by date using the format YYYY-MM-DD.desktop.production.log, where YYYY-MM-DD is the day the log was created.

Installer Logs

Problems with installing or updating GitHub Desktop are tracked in a separate file which is managed by the updater frameworks used in the app.


  • ~/Library/Caches/com.github.GitHubClient.ShipIt/ShipIt_stderr.log — this file will contain details about why the installation or update failed — check the end of the file for recent activity.


  • %LOCALAPPDATA%GitHubDesktopSquirrelSetup.log — this file will contain details about update attempts for GitHub Desktop after it’s been successfully installed.
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%SquirrelSetup.log — information about the initial installation may be found here. As this framework is used by different apps, it may also contain details about other apps. Ensure that you focus on mentions of GitHubDesktop.exe in the log.

Installing GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop currently supports Windows 7 (or higher) and macOS 10.9 (or higher).


Download the GitHub Desktop.zip, unpack the application and put it wherever you want.


On Windows you have two options:

  • Download the GitHubDesktopSetup.exe and run it to install it for the current user.
  • Download the GitHubDesktopSetup.msi and run it to install a machine-wide version of GitHub Desktop — each logged-in user will then be able to run GitHub Desktop from the program at %PROGRAMFILES(x86)GitHub Desktop Installerdesktop.exe.

Data Directories

GitHub Desktop will create directories to manage the files and data it needs to function. If you manage a network of computers and want to install GitHub Desktop, here is more information about how things work.


  • ~/Library/Application Support/GitHub Desktop/ — this directory contains user-specific data which the application requires to run, and is created on launch if it doesn’t exist. Log files are also stored in this location.


  • %LOCALAPPDATA%GitHubDesktop — contains the latest versions of the app, and some older versions if the user has updated from a previous version.
  • %APPDATA%GitHub Desktop — this directory contains user-specific data which the application requires to run, and is created on launch if it doesn’t exist. Log files are also stored in this location.

Log Files

GitHub Desktop will generate logs as part of its normal usage, to assist with troubleshooting. They are located in the data directory that GitHub Desktop uses (see above) under a logs subdirectory, organized by date using the format YYYY-MM-DD.desktop.production.log, where YYYY-MM-DD is the day the log was created.

Installer Logs

Problems with installing or updating GitHub Desktop are tracked in a separate file which is managed by the updater frameworks used in the app.


  • ~/Library/Caches/com.github.GitHubClient.ShipIt/ShipIt_stderr.log — this file will contain details about why the installation or update failed — check the end of the file for recent activity.


  • %LOCALAPPDATA%GitHubDesktopSquirrelSetup.log — this file will contain details about update attempts for GitHub Desktop after it’s been successfully installed.
  • %LOCALAPPDATA%SquirrelSetup.log — information about the initial installation may be found here. As this framework is used by different apps, it may also contain details about other apps. Ensure that you focus on mentions of GitHubDesktop.exe in the log.

Each software is released under license type that can be found on program pages as well as on search or category pages. Here are the most common license types:


Freeware programs can be downloaded used free of charge and without any time limitations. Freeware products can be used free of charge for both personal and professional (commercial use).

Open Source

Open Source software is software with source code that anyone can inspect, modify or enhance. Programs released under this license can be used at no cost for both personal and commercial purposes. There are many different open source licenses but they all must comply with the Open Source Definition — in brief: the software can be freely used, modified and shared.

Free to Play

This license is commonly used for video games and it allows users to download and play the game for free. Basically, a product is offered Free to Play (Freemium) and the user can decide if he wants to pay the money (Premium) for additional features, services, virtual or physical goods that expand the functionality of the game. In some cases, ads may be show to the users.


Demo programs have a limited functionality for free, but charge for an advanced set of features or for the removal of advertisements from the program’s interfaces. In some cases, all the functionality is disabled until the license is purchased. Demos are usually not time-limited (like Trial software) but the functionality is limited.


Trial software allows the user to evaluate the software for a limited amount of time. After that trial period (usually 15 to 90 days) the user can decide whether to buy the software or not. Even though, most trial software products are only time-limited some also have feature limitations.


Usually commercial software or games are produced for sale or to serve a commercial purpose.

Чтобы начать работать с сервисом Гитхаб, нужно иметь на нём активированный аккаунт.

Если аккаунта нет, то необходимо его создать. Для этого переходим на Гитхаб, находим и нажимаем кнопку «Sign up» (зарегистрироваться).

На странице регистрации вам предложат ввести обязательные данные:

  • имя пользователя;
  • адрес электронной почты;
  • пароль.

Страница регистрации на Гитхабе

Страница регистрации

После на указанную ранее почту придёт письмо с просьбой подтвердить электронный адрес. Для завершения регистрации пройдите по полученной ссылке. Аккаунт для Гитхаба создан, всё готово к дальнейшей работе.

Скачивание и установка GitHub Desktop

Переходим на  сайт. На главной странице сайта скачиваем последнюю актуальную версию для своей операционной системы.

Скачивание GitHub Desktop

Главная страница сайта

Устанавливаем и запускаем программу.

При первом запуске вас попросят ввести логин и пароль от Гитхаба, а также имя и почту пользователя, от которого будут идти коммиты. Обратите внимание, что адрес электронной почты должен совпадать с почтой пользователя Гитхаб.

Клонирование репозитория в GitHub Desktop

Чтобы склонировать репозиторий в GitHub Desktop, есть несколько способов.

Первый способ — через интерфейс сайта Гитхаба. Находясь в нужном репозитории, нажимаем кнопку Open with GitHub Desktop.

Клонирование репозитория через интерфейс сайта

Клонирование репозитория через интерфейс сайта

После этого вам будет предложено выбрать папку, в которую склонируется проект. Далее он автоматически скачается и запустится в GitHub Desktop.

Второй способ — склонировать напрямую из GitHub Desktop. Для этого нужно в интерфейсе нажать кнопку Clone a repository from the Internet

Клонирование репозитория через GitHub Desktop

Клонирование репозитория через GitHub Desktop

Выбираем в списке нужный нам репозиторий и папку, в которую склонируется проект, а затем нажимаем Clone.

Теперь, независимо от выбранного способа клонирования, с репозиторием можно работать.

Ещё по теме

  • Шпаргалка по Git
  • Как работать в программе GitHub Desktop

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GitHub – это десктопный клиент для популярной кузницы программ с открытым исходным кодом, имеющей такое же название. На платформе GitHub вы сохраняете программы в общедоступном виде, позволяя любому другому…

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Image of Jack Wallen


June 19, 2019, 1:12 PM PDT

How to install GitHub Desktop

Get an efficient GUI for interacting with GitHub repositories on your Windows desktop.

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Jack Wallen

GitHub Desktop is a tool that allows you to interact with GitHub from the desktop. With this new application, you can work easier without having to depend on your browser. GitHub Desktop supports:

  • Attributing commits with collaborators.
  • Checkout branches with pull requests.
  • Push to your remote Git repositories.
  • View CI statutes.
  • Syntax highlighted diffs.
  • Shell integration.
  • And much more.

Once you install this application, you should find it easier to contribute to projects simply and efficiently. GitHub Desktop is an Electron app, written in TypeScipt, and can be easily installed on both macOS and Windows.

SEE: Serverless computing: A guide for IT leaders (Tech Pro Research)

I’m going to show you how to install this on Windows 10. I’ve attempted to get GitHub Desktop installed on Linux (via Wine), but to no avail. With that said, let’s install.


The installation of GitHub Desktop is as simple as any other Windows application installation. All you need to do is:

  1. Open a browser.
  2. Visit desktop.github.com.
  3. Click Download for Windows (64bit).
  4. When prompted, click Run.
  5. Allow the installation to download and install.

Once the installation completes, GitHub Desktop will launch.

Signing in

The next step is to sign in with your GitHub credentials. If you don’t already have a GitHub login, head over to the signup page and create a new (free) account. Once you successfully sign in, you are ready to start using GitHub Desktop (Figure A).

With GitHub Desktop open, you can drag and drop repositories from within the file manager to automatically add them to your Git repository, or you can clone a repository from your GitHub account to your local drive (repositories clone to C:UsersNAMEDocumentsGitHub–where NAME is your Windows username). With a repository cloned to your local drive, you can start working on it locally and then compare, merge, rebase, and more. Once your work is complete, you can push it back to GitHub by clicking Repository | Push. If you work with a team, you can create new pull requests by clicking Repository | Pull.

If you attempt to open your project in a command prompt, you might find that Git hasn’t been installed. That’s right, even though GitHub Desktop does depend on Git, it doesn’t install that dependency. Fortunately, you can install Git from within GitHub Desktop. To do this, click Repository | Open in Command Prompt, and you will be prompted to install Git (Figure B).

Click Install git (Figure C), and your browser will open to a window with a download link for the Git installer.

Walk through this process (it’s very straightforward). After the installation, you must set your Git username with the command (run from Git Bash):

git config --global user.name "USERNAME"

Where USERNAME is your Git username.

Next, set the email address associated with your Git account (again from Git Bash) with the command:

git config --global user.email "EMAIL"

Where EMAIL is the email address associated with your Git account.

Once you run these two commands, make sure to close GitHub Desktop and reopen (otherwise it will not see that Git was installed). When the app opens, you can now go to Repository | Open in Command Prompt, and you should see the Windows terminal open to the proper folder (Figure D), where you can interact with that repository from the command line.

After you create or clone a repository, you won’t find the initial GitHub Desktop window again. Instead, use the toolbar menu to create new repositories, interact with your current working repository, and more.

An efficient way of working

If you find yourself having to work with your Git repositories on Windows, using GitHub Desktop might be the most efficient tool in your toolbox–especially if you prefer a GUI over the command line. Give this tool a try and see if it doesn’t wind up as your go-to.

Also See

  • How to set up a GitLab server and host your own Git repositories

  • Git: A cheat sheet

  • How to connect your GitLab account to the LabCoat Android app

  • GitHub shocks top developer: Access to 5 years’ work inexplicably blocked

  • Hybrid cloud: A cheat sheet

  • Hybrid cloud: A guide for IT pros
    (TechRepublic download)

  • Top cloud providers 2019: AWS, Microsoft, Azure, Google Cloud; IBM makes hybrid move; Salesforce dominates SaaS

  • Best cloud services for small businesses

  • Microsoft Office vs Google Docs Suite vs LibreOffice

  • Cloud computing: More must-read coverage
    (TechRepublic on Flipboard)

  • Cloud

  • Developer

  • Open source

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