Как скачать numpy python для windows 10

Why NumPy? Powerful n-dimensional arrays. Numerical computing tools. Interoperable. Performant. Open source.

The only prerequisite for installing NumPy is Python itself. If you don’t have
Python yet and want the simplest way to get started, we recommend you use the
Anaconda Distribution — it includes
Python, NumPy, and many other commonly used packages for scientific computing
and data science.

NumPy can be installed with conda, with pip, with a package manager on
macOS and Linux, or from source.
For more detailed instructions, consult our Python and NumPy
installation guide below.


If you use conda, you can install NumPy from the defaults or conda-forge

# Best practice, use an environment rather than install in the base env
conda create -n my-env
conda activate my-env
# If you want to install from conda-forge
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
# The actual install command
conda install numpy


If you use pip, you can install NumPy with:

Also when using pip, it’s good practice to use a virtual environment —
see Reproducible Installs below for why, and
this guide
for details on using virtual environments.

Python and NumPy installation guide

Installing and managing packages in Python is complicated, there are a
number of alternative solutions for most tasks. This guide tries to give the
reader a sense of the best (or most popular) solutions, and give clear
recommendations. It focuses on users of Python, NumPy, and the PyData (or
numerical computing) stack on common operating systems and hardware.


We’ll start with recommendations based on the user’s experience level and
operating system of interest. If you’re in between “beginning” and “advanced”,
please go with “beginning” if you want to keep things simple, and with
“advanced” if you want to work according to best practices that go a longer way
in the future.

Beginning users

On all of Windows, macOS, and Linux:

  • Install Anaconda (it installs all
    packages you need and all other tools mentioned below).
  • For writing and executing code, use notebooks in
    JupyterLab for
    exploratory and interactive computing, and
    Spyder or Visual Studio Code
    for writing scripts and packages.
  • Use Anaconda Navigator to
    manage your packages and start JupyterLab, Spyder, or Visual Studio Code.

Advanced users


  • Install Miniforge.
  • Keep the base conda environment minimal, and use one or more
    conda environments
    to install the package you need for the task or project you’re working on.

Alternative if you prefer pip/PyPI

For users who know, from personal preference or reading about the main
differences between conda and pip below, they prefer a pip/PyPI-based solution,
we recommend:

  • Install Python from python.org,
    Homebrew, or your Linux package manager.
  • Use Poetry as the most well-maintained tool
    that provides a dependency resolver and environment management capabilities
    in a similar fashion as conda does.

Python package management

Managing packages is a challenging problem, and, as a result, there are lots of
tools. For web and general purpose Python development there’s a whole
host of tools
complementary with pip. For high-performance computing (HPC),
Spack is worth considering. For most NumPy
users though, conda and
pip are the two most popular tools.

Pip & conda

The two main tools that install Python packages are pip and conda. Their
functionality partially overlaps (e.g. both can install numpy), however, they
can also work together. We’ll discuss the major differences between pip and
conda here — this is important to understand if you want to manage packages

The first difference is that conda is cross-language and it can install Python,
while pip is installed for a particular Python on your system and installs other
packages to that same Python install only. This also means conda can install
non-Python libraries and tools you may need (e.g. compilers, CUDA, HDF5), while
pip can’t.

The second difference is that pip installs from the Python Packaging Index
(PyPI), while conda installs from its own channels (typically “defaults” or
“conda-forge”). PyPI is the largest collection of packages by far, however, all
popular packages are available for conda as well.

The third difference is that conda is an integrated solution for managing
packages, dependencies and environments, while with pip you may need another
tool (there are many!) for dealing with environments or complex dependencies.

Reproducible installs

As libraries get updated, results from running your code can change, or your
code can break completely. It’s important to be able to reconstruct the set
of packages and versions you’re using. Best practice is to:

  1. use a different environment per project you’re working on,
  2. record package names and versions using your package installer;
    each has its own metadata format for this:

    • Conda: conda environments and environment.yml
    • Pip: virtual environments and
    • Poetry: virtual environments and pyproject.toml

NumPy packages & accelerated linear algebra libraries

NumPy doesn’t depend on any other Python packages, however, it does depend on an
accelerated linear algebra library — typically
Intel MKL or
OpenBLAS. Users don’t have to worry about
installing those (they’re automatically included in all NumPy install methods).
Power users may still want to know the details, because the used BLAS can
affect performance, behavior and size on disk:

  • The NumPy wheels on PyPI, which is what pip installs, are built with OpenBLAS.
    The OpenBLAS libraries are included in the wheel. This makes the wheel
    larger, and if a user installs (for example) SciPy as well, they will now
    have two copies of OpenBLAS on disk.

  • In the conda defaults channel, NumPy is built against Intel MKL. MKL is a
    separate package that will be installed in the users’ environment when they
    install NumPy.

  • In the conda-forge channel, NumPy is built against a dummy “BLAS” package. When
    a user installs NumPy from conda-forge, that BLAS package then gets installed
    together with the actual library — this defaults to OpenBLAS, but it can also
    be MKL (from the defaults channel), or even
    BLIS or reference BLAS.

  • The MKL package is a lot larger than OpenBLAS, it’s about 700 MB on disk
    while OpenBLAS is about 30 MB.

  • MKL is typically a little faster and more robust than OpenBLAS.

Besides install sizes, performance and robustness, there are two more things to

  • Intel MKL is not open source. For normal use this is not a problem, but if
    a user needs to redistribute an application built with NumPy, this could be
    an issue.
  • Both MKL and OpenBLAS will use multi-threading for function calls like
    np.dot, with the number of threads being determined by both a build-time
    option and an environment variable. Often all CPU cores will be used. This is
    sometimes unexpected for users; NumPy itself doesn’t auto-parallelize any
    function calls. It typically yields better performance, but can also be
    harmful — for example when using another level of parallelization with Dask,
    scikit-learn or multiprocessing.


If your installation fails with the message below, see Troubleshooting


Importing the numpy c-extensions failed. This error can happen for
different reasons, often due to issues with your setup.

NumPy (Numerical Python) — это библиотека с открытым исходным кодом для языка программирования Python. Она используется для научных вычислений и работы с массивами. Помимо объекта многомерного массива, он также предоставляет функциональные инструменты высокого уровня для работы с массивами. В этой статье я покажу вам, как установить NumPy с помощью PIP в Windows 10.

Что Python 3.9 нам готовит?

В отличие от большинства дистрибутивов Linux, Windows по умолчанию не поставляется с языком программирования Python.


  1. Установка Python в Windows
  2. Установка PIP в Windows
  3. Установите NumPy с помощью PIP в Windows 10

Установка Python в Windows

Чтобы установить NumPy с помощью PIP в Windows 10, вам сначала необходимо загрузить (на момент написания этой статьи последняя версия Python 3 — 3.8.5) и установить Python на свой компьютер с Windows 10.

Убедитесь, что вы выбрали установку запуска для всех пользователей и отметили флажками Добавить Python 3.8 в PATH. Последний помещает интерпретатор в путь выполнения.

После того, как у вас будет установлена ​​последняя версия Python, вы можете приступить к установке NumPy с помощью PIP в Windows 10.

Теперь, если вы используете старую версию Python в Windows, вам может потребоваться установить PIP вручную. ПИП автоматически устанавливается вместе с Python 2.7.9+ и Python 3.4+.

Вы можете легко установить PIP в Windows, загрузив установочный пакет, открыв командную строку и запустив установщик. Вы можете установить ПИП в Windows 10 через командную строку CMD, выполнив команду:

Возможно, вам потребуется запустить командную строку от имени администратора. Если вы получите сообщение об ошибке, в котором говорится, что у вас нет необходимых разрешений для выполнения задачи, вам нужно будет открыть приложение от имени администратора.

Установка пипа должна начаться. Если файл не найден, еще раз проверьте путь к папке, в которой сохранили файл.

Можете просмотреть содержимое вашего текущего каталога, используя следующую команду:

Команда dir возвращает полный список содержимого каталога.

После того, как вы установили PIP, вы можете проверить, прошла ли установка успешно, набрав следующее:

Если ПИП был установлен, программа запустится, и вы должны увидеть следующее:

pip 20.1.1 from c:users<username>appdatalocalprogramspythonpython3832libsitepackagespip (python 3.8)

Установка PIP в Windows

Теперь, когда вы подтвердили, что у вас установлен Pip, вы можете приступить к установке NumPy.

Установите NumPy с помощью PIP в Windows 10

Установите NumPy с помощью PIP в Windows 10

После настройки PIP вы можете использовать его командную строку для установки NumPy.

Чтобы установить NumPy с менеджером пакетов для Python 3, выполните следующую команду:

Пип загружает пакет NumPy и уведомляет вас, что он был успешно установлен.

Чтобы обновить PIP в Windows, введите в командной строке следующее:

python m pip install upgrade pip

Эта команда сначала удаляет старую версию PIP, а затем устанавливает самую последнюю версию PIP.

После установки вы можете использовать команду show, чтобы проверить, является ли NumPy частью ваших пакетов Python. Выполните следующую команду:

Как установить NumPy на Windows 10 с помощью PIP

Вывод должен подтвердить, что у вас есть NumPy, какую версию вы используете, а также где хранится пакет.

Как написать базу данных на Python

На этом все. Теперь вы знаете, как установить NumPy с помощью PIP в Windows 10.

Звёзд: 1Звёзд: 2Звёзд: 3Звёзд: 4Звёзд: 5 (10 оценок, среднее: 4,60 из 5)


Project description

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NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.

  • Website: https://www.numpy.org
  • Documentation: https://numpy.org/doc
  • Mailing list: https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/numpy-discussion
  • Source code: https://github.com/numpy/numpy
  • Contributing: https://www.numpy.org/devdocs/dev/index.html
  • Bug reports: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues
  • Report a security vulnerability: https://tidelift.com/docs/security

It provides:

  • a powerful N-dimensional array object
  • sophisticated (broadcasting) functions
  • tools for integrating C/C++ and Fortran code
  • useful linear algebra, Fourier transform, and random number capabilities


NumPy requires pytest and hypothesis. Tests can then be run after installation with:

python -c 'import numpy; numpy.test()'

Code of Conduct

NumPy is a community-driven open source project developed by a diverse group of
contributors. The NumPy leadership has made a strong
commitment to creating an open, inclusive, and positive community. Please read the
NumPy Code of Conduct for guidance on how to interact
with others in a way that makes our community thrive.

Call for Contributions

The NumPy project welcomes your expertise and enthusiasm!

Small improvements or fixes are always appreciated. If you are considering larger contributions
to the source code, please contact us through the mailing
list first.

Writing code isn’t the only way to contribute to NumPy. You can also:

  • review pull requests
  • help us stay on top of new and old issues
  • develop tutorials, presentations, and other educational materials
  • maintain and improve our website
  • develop graphic design for our brand assets and promotional materials
  • translate website content
  • help with outreach and onboard new contributors
  • write grant proposals and help with other fundraising efforts

For more information about the ways you can contribute to NumPy, visit our website.
If you’re unsure where to start or how your skills fit in, reach out! You can
ask on the mailing list or here, on GitHub, by opening a new issue or leaving a
comment on a relevant issue that is already open.

Our preferred channels of communication are all public, but if you’d like to
speak to us in private first, contact our community coordinators at
numpy-team@googlegroups.com or on Slack (write numpy-team@googlegroups.com for
an invitation).

We also have a biweekly community call, details of which are announced on the
mailing list. You are very welcome to join.

If you are new to contributing to open source, this
guide helps explain why, what,
and how to successfully get involved.

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you’re not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

Built Distributions


NumPy (Numerical Python) is an open-source library for the Python programming language. It is used for scientific computing and working with arrays.

Apart from its multidimensional array object, it also provides high-level functioning tools for working with arrays.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install NumPy. 

Tutorial on how to install NumPy.


  • Access to a terminal window/command line
  • A user account with sudo privileges
  • Python installed on your system

Installing NumPy

You can follow the steps outlined below and use the commands on most Linux, Mac, or Windows systems. Any irregularities in commands are noted along with instructions on how to modify them to your needs.

Step 1: Check Python Version

Before you can install NumPy, you need to know which Python version you have. This programming language comes preinstalled on most operating systems (except Windows; you will need to install Python on Windows manually).

Most likely, you have Python 2 or Python 3 installed, or even both versions.

To check whether you have Python 2, run the command:

python -V

The output should give you a version number.

To see if you have Python 3 on your system, enter the following in the terminal window:

python3 -V

In the example below, you can see both versions of Python are present.

Verifying Python version on an Ubuntu system.

If these commands do not work on your system, take a look at this article on How To Check Python Version In Linux, Mac, & Windows.

Step 2: Install Pip

The easiest way to install NumPy is by using Pip. Pip a package manager for installing and managing Python software packages.

Unlike Python, Pip does not come preinstalled on most operating systems. Therefore, you need to set up the package manager that corresponds to the version of Python you have. If you have both versions of Python, install both Pip versions as well.

The commands below use the apt utility as we are installing on Ubuntu for the purposes of this article.

Install Pip (for Python 2) by running:

sudo apt install python-pip

If you need Pip for Python 3, use the command:

sudo apt install python3-pip

Finally, verify you have successfully installed Pip by typing pip -V and/or pip3 -V in the terminal window.

Commands for checking Pip version.

Step 3: Install NumPy

With Pip set up, you can use its command line for installing NumPy.

Install NumPy with Python 2 by typing:

pip install numpy

Pip downloads the NumPy package and notifies you it has been successfully installed.

Install NumPy with Python 2.

To install NumPy with the package manager for Python 3, run:

pip3 install numpy

As this is a newer version of Python, the Numpy version also differs as you can see in the image below.

The command for installing NumPy with Python 3.

Note: The commands are the same for all operating systems except for Fedora. If you are working on this OS, the command to install NumPy with Python 3 is: python3 -m pip install numpy.

Step 4: Verify NumPy Installation

Use the show command to verify whether NumPy is now part of you Python packages:

pip show numpy

And for Pip3 type:

pip3 show numpy

The output should confirm you have NumPy, which version you are using, as well as where the package is stored.

Step 5: Import the NumPy Package

After installing NumPy you can import the package and set an alias for it.

To do so, move to the python prompt by typing one of the following commands:


Once you are in the python or python3 prompt you can import the new package and add an alias for it (in the example below it is np):

import numpy as np

Upgrading NumPy

If you already have NumPy and want to upgrade to the latest version, for Pip2 use the command:

pip install --upgrade numpy

If using Pip3, run the following command:

pip3 install --upgrade numpy


By following this guide, you should have successfully installed NumPy on your system.

Check out our introduction tutorial on Python Pandas, an open-source Python library primarily used for data analysis, which is built on top of the NumPy package and is compatible with a wide array of existing modules. The collection of tools in the Pandas package is an essential resource for preparing, transforming, and aggregating data in Python.

For more Python package tutorials, check out our other KB articles such as Best Python IDEs and more!

Installing NumPy on Windows is a common problem if you don’t have the right build setup. Instead, I always go to Christoph Gohlke’s website to download the wheels you can install for your computer. Christoph generously builds the libraries himself with the right build environment and he posts it on his website.

Newer Instructions — For older instructions, please scroll down

First, install pipwin from PyPI which will install a utility that acts like pip but it will download the actual package you’re interested in from his website, then use pipwin install to install the package you want.

First do:

pip install pipwin

When that’s installed, you can then do:

pipwin install numpy

This will install the latest version of NumPy on your system. This way you don’t have to specifically search for the version of NumPy that is for your specific version of Python.

Older instructions

Go to the NumPy section: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#numpy then download the version for 3.7 that is compatible with your version of Python (2 or 3 and 32-bit or 64-bit). For example, the filename numpy‑1.14.5+mkl‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_amd64.whl is for NumPy 1.14.5, Python 3.7 — 64 bit. You can pick out which version of NumPy and which version of the Python interpreter and bit version you need in the filename.

Doing this never requires you to build NumPy yourself or install the required compiler as opposed to installing NumPy through PyPI. You can just download the wheel and install it yourself. Assuming you’ve already downloaded it, just do:

pip install numpy‑1.14.5+mkl‑cp37‑cp37m‑win_amd64.whl

… assuming the wheel is in the directory you’re currently in.

Python NumPy is a general-purpose array processing package that provides tools for handling n-dimensional arrays. It provides various computing tools such as comprehensive mathematical functions, linear algebra routines. NumPy provides both the flexibility of Python and the speed of well-optimized compiled C code. Its easy-to-use syntax makes it highly accessible and productive for programmers from any background.


The only thing that you need for installing Numpy on Windows are:

  • Python 
  • PIP or Conda (depending upon user preference)

Installing Numpy on Windows:

For Conda Users:

If you want the installation to be done through conda, you can use the below command:

conda install -c anaconda numpy

You will get a similar message once the installation is complete

installing numpy using conda

Make sure you follow the best practices for installation using conda as:

  • Use an environment for installation rather than in the base environment using the below command:
conda create -n my-env
conda activate my-env

Note: If your preferred method of installation is conda-forge, use the below command:

conda config --env --add channels conda-forge

For PIP Users:

Users who prefer to use pip can use the below command to install NumPy:

pip install numpy

You will get a similar message once the installation is complete:

instaling numpy using pip

Now that we have installed Numpy successfully in our system, let’s take a look at few simple examples.

Example 1: Basic Numpy Array characters


import numpy as np

arr = np.array( [[ 1, 2, 3],

                [ 4, 2, 5]] )

print("Array is of type: ", type(arr))

print("No. of dimensions: ", arr.ndim)

print("Shape of array: ", arr.shape)

print("Size of array: ", arr.size)

print("Array stores elements of type: ", arr.dtype)


Array is of type:  
No. of dimensions:  2
Shape of array:  (2, 3)
Size of array:  6
Array stores elements of type:  int64

Example 2: Basic Numpy operations


import numpy as np

a = np.array([1, 2, 5, 3])

print ("Adding 1 to every element:", a+1)

print ("Subtracting 3 from each element:", a-3)

print ("Multiplying each element by 10:", a*10)

print ("Squaring each element:", a**2)

a *= 2

print ("Doubled each element of original array:", a)

a = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [3, 4, 5], [9, 6, 0]])

print ("nOriginal array:n", a)

print ("Transpose of array:n", a.T)


Adding 1 to every element: [2 3 6 4]
Subtracting 3 from each element: [-2 -1  2  0]
Multiplying each element by 10: [10 20 50 30]
Squaring each element: [ 1  4 25  9]
Doubled each element of original array: [ 2  4 10  6]

Original array:
 [[1 2 3]
 [3 4 5]
 [9 6 0]]
Transpose of array:
 [[1 3 9]
 [2 4 6]
 [3 5 0]]

NumPy is one library which is very integral to Python Programming. In this article we will learn how to install NumPy in Python. Following pointers will be covered in this article,

  • What is NumPy?
  • How to install NumPy On Mac Operating System
  • Installing NumPy On Windows Operating System
  • NumPy Installation On Ubuntu Operating System
  • How to Install NumPy On Fedora Operating System

Lets begin!

What is NumPy?

Python is open source object oriented interpreted language. Of the many features, one of the important features that makes python a strong programming language is Python packages. A lot of external packages are written in python which you can be installed and used depending upon your requirement.

Python packages are nothing but directory of python scripts. Each script is a module which can be a function, methods or new python type created for particular functionality. numpy is one such important package created to ease array computation in python.

In this blog we will explain the process of downloading and installing numpy packages and how to use them in python environment on mac, windows, ubuntu and fedora operating systems. The basics of python programming language are not covered in this blog. For beginners, the basics of python programming language are covered in this Edureka blog.

All python packages are installed using pip – Package Installer for Python. You can view the details of all python packages and download them from Python Package Index (PyPI). However, pip is automatically installed when you download and install python from python.org or any other python integrated environment. Please read the blog for the best python integrated platforms which also provides loads of other functionalities. pip is the simplest way to download packages directly from PyPI from your command line.

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article

NumPy Installation On Mac Operating System

Now let’s see how we can install numpy on a mac operating system. This section details on both python 2.7 and latest version of python 3.7.


Open a terminal in your MacBook and type python to get into python prompt.
1. Press command (⌘) + Space Bar to open Spotlight search. Type in Terminal and press enter.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

2. In the terminal, use the pip command to install numpy package.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

3. Once the package is installed successfully, type python to get into python prompt. Notice the python version is displayed too. Use the import command to include numpy package and use it. You can also set an alias name (shortcut) for package.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Python 3

Similarly, you can install numpy in python 3 also. After opening the terminal as detailed in step 1 above, use pip3 command to install numpy. Please notice we are using pip3 command instead of pip. pip3 command is used to let our system know that we are working with python3.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article we will see how to install NumPy on Windows Operating System

NumPy Installation On Windows Operating System

Python is not installed by default in windows operating system. You can download the required version of python from python.org. Once python is installed successfully, open command prompt and use pip to install numpy.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article

NumPy Installation On Ubuntu Operating System

Python is installed by default on ubuntu systems. However, pip is not installed. If you want the complete package, download python from python.org and install it on your ubuntu operating system using apt install command.
Alternatively, you can install pip on ubuntu and then install numpy which is the easier of the two ways.
You will need root privileges on the system to install pip and numpy. Open a terminal in ubuntu and install pip and pip3 using apt.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Once pip is setup you can use the same commands

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article

How to Install NumPy On Fedora Operating System

Similar to Ubuntu operating system python is installed by default in fedora. Use pip command to install

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka (6)

Notice the difference in pip command for python3 specifically in fedora operating systems. Secondly, be aware that installing numpy with pip, installed it for both Python2 and Python3 automatically. This brings us to the end of this article.

To get in-depth knowledge on Python along with its various applications, you can enroll here for live online training with 24/7 support and lifetime access.

Got a question for us? Mention them in the comments section of  article and we will get back to you.

NumPy is one library which is very integral to Python Programming. In this article we will learn how to install NumPy in Python. Following pointers will be covered in this article,

  • What is NumPy?
  • How to install NumPy On Mac Operating System
  • Installing NumPy On Windows Operating System
  • NumPy Installation On Ubuntu Operating System
  • How to Install NumPy On Fedora Operating System

Lets begin!

What is NumPy?

Python is open source object oriented interpreted language. Of the many features, one of the important features that makes python a strong programming language is Python packages. A lot of external packages are written in python which you can be installed and used depending upon your requirement.

Python packages are nothing but directory of python scripts. Each script is a module which can be a function, methods or new python type created for particular functionality. numpy is one such important package created to ease array computation in python.

In this blog we will explain the process of downloading and installing numpy packages and how to use them in python environment on mac, windows, ubuntu and fedora operating systems. The basics of python programming language are not covered in this blog. For beginners, the basics of python programming language are covered in this Edureka blog.

All python packages are installed using pip – Package Installer for Python. You can view the details of all python packages and download them from Python Package Index (PyPI). However, pip is automatically installed when you download and install python from python.org or any other python integrated environment. Please read the blog for the best python integrated platforms which also provides loads of other functionalities. pip is the simplest way to download packages directly from PyPI from your command line.

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article

NumPy Installation On Mac Operating System

Now let’s see how we can install numpy on a mac operating system. This section details on both python 2.7 and latest version of python 3.7.


Open a terminal in your MacBook and type python to get into python prompt.
1. Press command (⌘) + Space Bar to open Spotlight search. Type in Terminal and press enter.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

2. In the terminal, use the pip command to install numpy package.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

3. Once the package is installed successfully, type python to get into python prompt. Notice the python version is displayed too. Use the import command to include numpy package and use it. You can also set an alias name (shortcut) for package.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Python 3

Similarly, you can install numpy in python 3 also. After opening the terminal as detailed in step 1 above, use pip3 command to install numpy. Please notice we are using pip3 command instead of pip. pip3 command is used to let our system know that we are working with python3.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article we will see how to install NumPy on Windows Operating System

NumPy Installation On Windows Operating System

Python is not installed by default in windows operating system. You can download the required version of python from python.org. Once python is installed successfully, open command prompt and use pip to install numpy.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article

NumPy Installation On Ubuntu Operating System

Python is installed by default on ubuntu systems. However, pip is not installed. If you want the complete package, download python from python.org and install it on your ubuntu operating system using apt install command.
Alternatively, you can install pip on ubuntu and then install numpy which is the easier of the two ways.
You will need root privileges on the system to install pip and numpy. Open a terminal in ubuntu and install pip and pip3 using apt.

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Once pip is setup you can use the same commands

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka

Moving on with this Install NumPy in Python article

How to Install NumPy On Fedora Operating System

Similar to Ubuntu operating system python is installed by default in fedora. Use pip command to install

Output- Numpy installation - Edureka (6)

Notice the difference in pip command for python3 specifically in fedora operating systems. Secondly, be aware that installing numpy with pip, installed it for both Python2 and Python3 automatically. This brings us to the end of this article.

To get in-depth knowledge on Python along with its various applications, you can enroll here for live online training with 24/7 support and lifetime access.

Got a question for us? Mention them in the comments section of  article and we will get back to you.

What is Numpy? and how to install Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, iPython, Jupyter, Pandas, Sympy and Nose on Windows 10/8 or Windows 7 using Python PiP. Here in this article, we discuss it.

Quite simply, Numpy is a scientific computing library for Python that provides the functionality of matrix operations, which are generally used with Scipy and Matplotlib. In fact, the list already provides a matrix-like representation, but it provides us with more functions. If you have using Matlab, Scilab, then this tool is very good for you.

Numpy is one of the basic libraries that must be mastered for data analysis in Python. It can be used to store and process large matrices, and Numpy provides many advanced numerical programming tools such as matrix data types, vector processing, and precision. The computational library is designed for rigorous digital processing.

It is a powerful scientific computing package based on python. To install Numpy you must first install python. The installation of python is very simple, I installed python3.7. The installation steps for installing Numpy for Windows will be the same for Ubuntu and other Linux systems. The only difference will be the installation process of Python

Tools/supported things required

  • Installed python program

Step 1: Download Python for Windows 10/8/7

First, download the Python executable binaries on your Windows 10 system from the official download the page of the Python. Here is the link for that. It is available in different forms, go for executable one to easily install and setup Python on your system.

Python Releases for Windows

Step 2: Run the Python executable installer

Once the setup of Python gets downloaded, run it as administrator. Check the box given for “Add Python 3.7 to Path” and after that click on Install Now option.

Install Python 3.7 on Windows 10

Once done close the setup…

how to install numpy in python 3.7 windows 10

Step 3: Install pip on Windows 10/8/7

After successful installation of Python, open the command prompt and run the following command to install pip using python.

python get-pip.py --user

Install pip on Windows 10

Step 4: Install Numpy in Python using pip on Windows 10/8/7

So, finally, everything is ready and now its time to fire command for installing Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, iPython, Jupyter, Pandas, Sympy and Nose. We can either use a single command to install all of them or only one which we want to install particularly.

python -m pip install --user numpy scipy matplotlib ipython jupyter pandas sympy nose


python -m pip install --user numpy
python -m pip install --user scipy
python -m pip install --user matplotlib
python -m pip install --user ipython
python -m pip install --user jupyter
python -m pip install --user pandas
python -m pip install --user sympy
python -m pip install --user nose

installing Numpy, Scipy, Matplotlib, iPython, Jupyter, Pandas, Sympy and Nose

Check Numpy Version

Here is the command to check the numpy version:

import numpy as nm

The output of the above command in our case:

Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 20:13:57) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import numpy as nm
>>> nm.version.version

check numpy version

In this way, you can also check the versions of scipy, matplotlib, ipython, jupyter, pandas, sympy and nose.


import numpy as np 

# Creating array object 
arr = np.array( [[ 1, 2, 3], 
[ 4, 2, 5]] ) 

# Printing type of arr object 
print("Array is of type: ", type(arr)) 

# Printing array dimensions (axes) 
print("No. of dimensions: ", arr.ndim) 

# Printing shape of array 
print("Shape of array: ", arr.shape) 

# Printing size (total number of elements) of array 
print("Size of array: ", arr.size) 

# Printing type of elements in array 
print("Array stores elements of type: ", arr.dtype)
print ("nOriginal array:n", arr)

Example of Numpy

Let create some graph using matplotlib and scipy

import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pylab as mat

t = sp.linspace(0, 1, 100)

plt.plot(t, t**2)


create some graph using matplotlib and scipy

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