Как удалить citrix workspace полностью windows 10

Приложение Citrix Workspace для Windows можно удалить с помощью утилиты «Программы и компоненты Windows» .

Приложение Citrix Workspace для Windows

Приложение Citrix Workspace для Windows можно удалить с помощью утилиты «Программы и компоненты Windows» (Установка и удаление программ).


При попытке удалить приложение Citrix Workspace перед продолжением удаления пакета Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine появится следующее сообщение:
Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine was detected. Uninstall Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine before continuing.

Удаление приложения Citrix Workspace для Windows


  1. Полное удаление Citrix Receiver
  2. Не удается удалить Citrix?
  3. Как удалить Citrix?
  4. Как удалить программу, которая не удаляется?
  5. Как полностью удалить рабочую область Citrix?
  6. Как удалить Citrix из реестра?
  7. Что делает Citrix Receiver?
  8. Как принудительно удалить программу?
  9. Как удалить программу, которая не отображается в Панели управления?
  10. Как принудительно удалить файл?
  11. Следует ли мне удалить Citrix Receiver?
  12. Как очистить кеш Citrix?
  13. Как отключить рабочую область Citrix?
  14. Как принудительно удалить Citrix Receiver?
  15. Могу ли я удалить программу запуска Citrix Online?
  16. Как исправить мой Citrix Receiver?
  17. Как мне вручную сбросить мой профиль Citrix?
  18. Как мне сбросить мой профиль пользователя?
  19. Где хранятся профили Citrix?
  20. Как сбросить сеанс Citrix?
  21. Как разрешить временный профиль в Citrix?
  22. Как сбросить профиль по умолчанию в Windows 10?
  23. Как исправить поврежденный профиль пользователя в Windows 10?
  24. Как очистить мой профиль Citrix?
  25. Где хранятся перемещаемые профили?
  26. Как создать профиль Citrix?
  27. Что дает сброс Citrix Receiver?
  28. Как мне устранить неполадки в моем Citrix Receiver?
  29. Как сбросить настройки Citrix Receiver в Windows 10?
  30. Что вызывает повреждение профиля Citrix?
  31. Что такое служба телеметрии Citrix?
  32. CS Professional Suite®
  33. Help & How-To Center
  34. Uninstall, download, and install (or reinstall) Citrix Receiver
  35. Uninstall and reinstall
  36. First, uninstall Citrix Receiver
  37. Then download and reinstall Citrix Receiver
  38. Updates
  39. Can’t open applications?
  40. Any other issues
  41. Как мне вручную сбросить мой профиль Citrix?
  42. Как мне сбросить мой профиль пользователя?
  43. Где хранятся профили Citrix?
  44. Как сбросить сеанс Citrix?
  45. Как разрешить временный профиль в Citrix?
  46. Как сбросить профиль по умолчанию в Windows 10?
  47. Как исправить поврежденный профиль пользователя в Windows 10?
  48. Как очистить мой профиль Citrix?
  49. Где хранятся перемещаемые профили?
  50. Как создать профиль Citrix?
  51. Что дает сброс Citrix Receiver?
  52. Как мне устранить неполадки в моем Citrix Receiver?
  53. Как сбросить настройки Citrix Receiver в Windows 10?
  54. Что вызывает повреждение профиля Citrix?
  55. Что такое служба телеметрии Citrix?

Полное удаление Citrix Receiver

citrix receiverСтолкнулся я с такой проблемой, что запускаться клиент Citrix Receiver на машине с Dibian (на машине с ОС Windows тоже столкнулся с такой проблемой, но она решается легко, и решение описано в самом конце данной статьи). Что только не делал, переустановка не давала положительного результата. Пришлось методом «научного тыка» искать варианты полного удаления следов программы и повторной её установки.

1. Запуск консоли, и выполнение команды ниже

2. Вычистил «хвосты» от Citrix

3. Удалил libmotif3

ВАЖНО! Обязательно после этого перезагружаем ПК, если хотим повторно устанавливать Citrix Receiver

Алгоритм установки Citrix Receiver

1. скачал файл linuxx86- и распаковал
2. консоль, зашел в папку под root

3. Выбрал пункт установки 1
4. Выбрал папку не по умолчанию, и установил все

5. Установил libmotif3, и делаем ссылку на файл

Как результат — Все заработало!

В Операционной системе Windows сталкивался с подобной проблемой, но она решается намного проще 🙂 Достаточно скачать утилиту с оф. сайта, и запустить ее от имени Администратора. После удаления, можно повторно запустить установку клиента Citrix Receiver
Ниже указана ссылка, где можно скачать последнюю версию утилиты Receiver Clean-Up Utility, для полного удаления Citrix Receiver
Receiver Clean-Up Utility


Не удается удалить Citrix?

Как удалить Citrix?

Выберите Удалить приложение Citrix Workspace и следуйте инструкциям на экране. Файл. dmg — это файл, который загружается из Citrix при первой установке приложения Citrix Workspace для Mac. Если файла больше нет на вашем компьютере, загрузите файл еще раз из Citrix Downloads, чтобы удалить приложение.

Как удалить программу, которая не удаляется?

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это:

Как полностью удалить рабочую область Citrix?

Вы можете удалить приложение Citrix Workspace с помощью утилиты «Программы и компоненты» Windows («Установка и удаление программ»). Примечание. Во время установки приложения Citrix Workspace вы получите запрос на удаление пакета Citrix HDX RTME. Щелкните ОК, чтобы продолжить удаление.

Как удалить Citrix из реестра?

GUID можно найти в следующем разделе реестра: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall. Когда выбран ключ «Удалить», нажмите Ctrl + F и найдите термин Citrix. Подключ, содержащий запись клиента Citrix ICA, отображается как открытый (левая панель) и помечен идентификатором GUID.

Что делает Citrix Receiver?

Citrix Receiver — это клиентское программное обеспечение, необходимое для доступа к приложениям и полным рабочим столам, размещенным на серверах Citrix, с удаленного клиентского устройства. … Когда вы посещаете страницу загрузки Citrix Receiver, она автоматически определяет операционную систему и предлагает вам загрузить нужное клиентское программное обеспечение.

Как принудительно удалить программу?

Удалить папку в реестре Windows. Отображаемое имя реестра Windows. Удалите ключи, которые показывают имя вашей программы в DisplayName, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши по элементам и выбрав Удалить. Теперь ваша программа не будет отображаться в списке «Установка и удаление программ».

Как удалить программу, которая не отображается в Панели управления?

Как удалить программы, не указанные в панели управления

Как принудительно удалить файл?

Для этого сначала откройте меню «Пуск» (клавиша Windows), введите «выполнить» и нажмите «Ввод». В появившемся диалоговом окне введите cmd и снова нажмите Enter. В открытой командной строке введите del / f имя_файла, где имя_файла — это имя файла или файлов (вы можете указать несколько файлов с помощью запятых), которые вы хотите удалить.

Следует ли мне удалить Citrix Receiver?

Однако оставление Citrix Receiver установленным на домашнем компьютере не вызывает никаких известных проблем с безопасностью. Если вы хотите оставить его в покое, это безопасно. Он не занимает много места и после отключения автоматического запуска не будет использовать память или процессор.

Как очистить кеш Citrix?

Как отключить рабочую область Citrix?

Все, что вам нужно сделать, это открыть диспетчер задач, щелкнув правой кнопкой мыши на панели задач или используя сочетание клавиш CTRL + SHIFT + ESC, нажав «Подробнее», переключившись на вкладку «Автозагрузка» и нажав кнопку «Отключить».

Как принудительно удалить Citrix Receiver?

Удалите Citrix Receiver из Windows

Войдите на устройство с правами администратора. Откройте Панель управления и выберите «Программы и компоненты». Приложение Citrix Receiver должно быть найдено в папке «Программы и компоненты», чтобы его можно было удалить. Щелкните приложение правой кнопкой мыши и выберите Удалить.

Могу ли я удалить программу запуска Citrix Online?

Windows: откройте «Программы и компоненты». Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши «Citrix Online Launcher». Выберите «Удалить», затем при появлении запроса нажмите «Да».

Как исправить мой Citrix Receiver?

Проблема с запуском Citrix Receiver может быть вызвана используемыми вами приложениями.

Как исправить ошибку запуска Citrix Receiver в Windows 10?


Как мне вручную сбросить мой профиль Citrix?

Как мне сбросить мой профиль пользователя?

Профиль пользователя — это набор файлов, используемых Windows для обеспечения рабочего стола пользователя при входе в систему на компьютере в сети.

Сброс профиля пользователя

Где хранятся профили Citrix?

Профили локальных пользователей хранятся на локальном сервере, к которому пользователь вошел в систему. Менеджер паролей сохраняет информацию реестра в кусте HKCU Software Citrix MetaFrame Password Manager в реестре пользователей, расположенном по адресу:% SystemDrive% Documents and Settings % username% NTUSER. DAT.

Как сбросить сеанс Citrix?

Как разрешить временный профиль в Citrix?

Как: как исправить учетные записи Citrix, которые создают временные профили

Как сбросить профиль по умолчанию в Windows 10?

5. Сбросить Windows 10.

Как исправить поврежденный профиль пользователя в Windows 10?

Исправить поврежденный профиль пользователя в Windows 8, 8.1 или Windows 10

Как очистить мой профиль Citrix?

Сбросить профиль пользователя

Где хранятся перемещаемые профили?

Перемещаемый профиль хранится на центральном сервере, к которому можно получить доступ со всех компьютеров домена. Это позволяет вам иметь одинаковые настройки среды на каждой машине, к которой вы входите. Ваш перемещаемый профиль копируется на компьютер при входе в систему и синхронизируется обратно на сервер при выходе из системы.

Как создать профиль Citrix?

Политика Citrix Studio

Что дает сброс Citrix Receiver?

При сбросе Receiver к заводским настройкам по умолчанию удаляются следующие элементы: Все учетные записи и магазины. Все приложения, предоставляемые подключаемым модулем самообслуживания, вместе с их значками и ключами реестра. … Параметры реестра для отдельных пользователей, которые являются пользовательскими предпочтениями, а для установок на уровне компьютера — все параметры реестра для конкретных пользователей.

Как мне устранить неполадки в моем Citrix Receiver?

Устранение проблем с пользователями

Как сбросить настройки Citrix Receiver в Windows 10?

Процедура сброса в ОС Windows:

Что вызывает повреждение профиля Citrix?

Наиболее заметной причиной подобных проблем является повреждение указанного файла, особенно если компьютер пользователя выключается до того, как будет записан файл DAT. Если файл только частично записывается через UPM, профиль будет поврежден и возникнут проблемы.

Что такое служба телеметрии Citrix?

Citrix Insight Services (CIS) — это платформа Citrix для инструментальных средств, телеметрии и анализа бизнес-информации. Возможности инструментария и телеметрии позволяют техническим пользователям (клиентам, партнерам и инженерам) самостоятельно диагностировать и устранять проблемы, а также оптимизировать свои среды.


CS Professional Suite®

Help & How-To Center

Uninstall, download, and install (or reinstall) Citrix Receiver

Reinstalling Citrix Receiver may be required during Citrix Receiver updates, Virtual Office CS / SaaS migrations, or as part of troubleshooting Citrix issues.

Uninstall and reinstall

First, uninstall Citrix Receiver

You’ll need to uninstall Citrix Receiver and delete all Citrix-related program files and folders. Watch the video or follow the written steps below.

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.

Note: This video covers uninstalling from Windows 10.

Note: The AppData folder is hidden by default. You may need to make hidden folders visible to gain access to it, or manually enter the path in the address bar in Windows Explorer.

Note: The AppData folder is hidden by default. You may need to make hidden folders visible on the PC to gain access to it, or manually enter the path in the address bar in Windows Explorer.

Then download and reinstall Citrix Receiver

Once Citrix Receiver is uninstalled and all Citrx-related files are removed, you can download and install a new copy. Watch the video or follow the written instructions below.

Your browser does not support HTML5 video.

Note: This video covers downloading and installing with Windows 10 and Chrome.

Note: If you don’t see this link, you don’t have access to applications through Virtual Client Office.

setup menu

Windows 10 users will need to choose open in folder, then right click on the file and choose run as administrator.

If you experience any issues installing or running VOCitrixReceiver.exe, try running the installation as administrator, or disable the user account control (UAC) setting.

Windows 10 users will need to choose save file, then right click on the file and choose run as administrator.

Note: If you are prompted with an Open Executable File? dialog, click OK.

Windows 10 users will need to choose open in folder, then right click on the file and choose run as administrator.

Note: If you are also prompted with an Internet Explorer Security Warning dialog, click the Run button.


Some versions of Citrix Receiver will periodically check for updates. We recommend that you set your preferences to not check for updates. You can do this using the following steps.

If you do not see this option, you don’t need to turn off update notifications.

Can’t open applications?

Any other issues

Visit the Tips and troubleshooting section of the Citrix Receiver overview. You’ll also want to make sure you meet the requirements for using Citrix Receiver; there are some environmental settings like antivirus and firewall that can interfere with the installation and usage of Citrix. Sometimes these issues come to light during the uninstall / reinstall process.

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Internal only

The Citrix Cleanup Utility is built into the Citrix install, therefore this tool should only be used as a last resort. This tool should be used by the firm’s qualified IT professional.


Как мне вручную сбросить мой профиль Citrix?

Как мне сбросить мой профиль пользователя?

Профиль пользователя — это набор файлов, используемых Windows для обеспечения рабочего стола пользователя при входе в систему на компьютере в сети.

Сброс профиля пользователя

Где хранятся профили Citrix?

Профили локальных пользователей хранятся на локальном сервере, к которому пользователь вошел в систему. Менеджер паролей сохраняет информацию реестра в кусте HKCU Software Citrix MetaFrame Password Manager в реестре пользователей, расположенном по адресу:% SystemDrive% Documents and Settings % username% NTUSER. DAT.

Как сбросить сеанс Citrix?

Как разрешить временный профиль в Citrix?

Как: как исправить учетные записи Citrix, которые создают временные профили

Как сбросить профиль по умолчанию в Windows 10?

5. Сбросить Windows 10.

Как исправить поврежденный профиль пользователя в Windows 10?

Исправить поврежденный профиль пользователя в Windows 8, 8.1 или Windows 10

Как очистить мой профиль Citrix?

Сбросить профиль пользователя

Где хранятся перемещаемые профили?

Перемещаемый профиль хранится на центральном сервере, к которому можно получить доступ со всех компьютеров домена. Это позволяет вам иметь одинаковые настройки среды на каждой машине, к которой вы входите. Ваш перемещаемый профиль копируется на компьютер при входе в систему и синхронизируется обратно на сервер при выходе из системы.

Как создать профиль Citrix?

Политика Citrix Studio

Что дает сброс Citrix Receiver?

При сбросе Receiver к заводским настройкам по умолчанию удаляются следующие элементы: Все учетные записи и магазины. Все приложения, предоставляемые подключаемым модулем самообслуживания, вместе с их значками и ключами реестра. … Параметры реестра для отдельных пользователей, которые являются пользовательскими предпочтениями, а для установок на уровне компьютера — все параметры реестра для конкретных пользователей.

Как мне устранить неполадки в моем Citrix Receiver?

Устранение проблем с пользователями

Как сбросить настройки Citrix Receiver в Windows 10?

Процедура сброса в ОС Windows:

Что вызывает повреждение профиля Citrix?

Наиболее заметной причиной подобных проблем является повреждение указанного файла, особенно если компьютер пользователя выключается до того, как будет записан файл DAT. Если файл только частично записывается через UPM, профиль будет поврежден и возникнут проблемы.

Что такое служба телеметрии Citrix?

Citrix Insight Services (CIS) — это платформа Citrix для инструментальных средств, телеметрии и анализа бизнес-информации. Возможности инструментария и телеметрии позволяют техническим пользователям (клиентам, партнерам и инженерам) самостоятельно диагностировать и устранять проблемы, а также оптимизировать свои среды.



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Uninstalling Citrix Workspace app for Windows


You can uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows using the Windows Programs and Features utility (Add/Remove Programs).


You get a prompt to uninstall the Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine package before continuing with the Citrix Workspace app installation. For more information, see Knowledge Center article CTX200340.

To uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows using the command line interface

You can also uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows from a command line by typing the following command:

CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /uninstall


The receiver.adm/receiver.adml or receiver.admx creates custom Citrix Workspace app for Windows keys in the SoftwarePoliciesCitrixICA Client directory under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_LOCAL_USER. After uninstalling Citrix Workspace app for Windows, these keys remain.

When you reinstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows, these policies might be enforced, possibly causing unexpected behavior. To remove the customizations, delete them manually.


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layout title menu


Uninstalling Citrix Workspace app for Windows


You can uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows using the Windows Programs and Features utility (Add/Remove Programs).


You get a prompt to uninstall the Citrix HDX RealTime Media Engine package before continuing with the Citrix Workspace app installation. For more information, see Knowledge Center article CTX200340.

To uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows using the command line interface

You can also uninstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows from a command line by typing the following command:

CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /uninstall


The receiver.adm/receiver.adml or receiver.admx creates custom Citrix Workspace app for Windows keys in the SoftwarePoliciesCitrixICA Client directory under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_LOCAL_USER. After uninstalling Citrix Workspace app for Windows, these keys remain.

When you reinstall Citrix Workspace app for Windows, these policies might be enforced, possibly causing unexpected behavior. To remove the customizations, delete them manually.

Attached are the info prompt from the system:

15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(662) — * Version:
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(664) — * Build Date: Dec 14 2012
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(665) — * Build Time: 15:20:10
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(666) — * Command Line: /uninstall /cleanup
15:34:57: Information — CCommandLine::ParseParam(94) — Command Line Parameter: uninstall = true
15:34:57: Information — CCommandLine::ParseParam(94) — Command Line Parameter: cleanup = true
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(794) — Loaded Resource Module: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = AuthManager.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverAuthManager.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverCitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverCitrixReceiverUpdater-User.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = DesktopViewer.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverDesktopViewer.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = dualpk.cab, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverdualpk.cab
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_de.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_de.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_en.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_en.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_es.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_es.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_fr.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_fr.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ja.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ja.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ko.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ko.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ru.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ru.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-CN.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_zh-CN.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-TW.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_zh-TW.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = GenericUSB.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGenericUSB.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Global.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGlobal.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = HeaderLogo.bmp, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverHeaderLogo.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = ICAWebWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverICAWebWrapper.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_de.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_de.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_en.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_en.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_es.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_es.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_fr.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_fr.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ja.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ja.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ko.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ko.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ru.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ru.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_zh-CN.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_zh-CN.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_zh-TW.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_zh-TW.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = RIInstaller.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverRIInstaller.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SelfServicePlugin.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSelfServicePlugin.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SideBarBackground.bmp, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSideBarBackground.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SSONWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSSONWrapper.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpress.exe, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpress.exe
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_de.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_de.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_en.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_es.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_es.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_fr.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_fr.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ko.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ko.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_zh-TW.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_zh-TW.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Vd3dClient.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverVd3dClient.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::Create(20) — globalDocumentPath: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGlobal.xml
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::Create(21) — localizedDocumentPath: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_en.xml
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductVersion, Value =
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = DUalMode, Value = Install
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductUninstallKey, Value = CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductPermission, Value = Permachine
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductName, Value = Citrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ApplicationTitle, Value = Citrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UninstallPrompt, Value = Are you sure you want to uninstall this software?
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Publisher, Value = Citrix Systems, Inc.
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Contact, Value = Citrix Systems, Inc.
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Telephone, Value = 1-800-424-8749
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UrlInfoAbout, Value = www.citrix.com
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = NoModify, Value = Yes
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = NoRepair, Value = Yes
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = SSON-Pkg, Value = Citrix PNA Installation
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UsageText, Value = Supported parameters:
/help               — Displays this usage information
/uninstall          — Re
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(650) — Image: Key = HeaderLogo, Path = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverHeaderLogo.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(650) — Image: Key = SideBarBackground, Path = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSideBarBackground.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadGroup(977) — Group: ID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Plugin Suite, Description = These installations are shared for all products using the XenApp Plugin.
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteReceiverInside =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or
XenDesktop., ProductCode = {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-RIInstaller.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteReceiverUpdater =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ReceiverUpdater, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteICA_Client =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode
= {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteUSB =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-GenericUSB.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteDesktopViewer =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Receiver (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp
or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 05, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath =
C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-DesktopViewer.log, Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired
= False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteFlash =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = Flash, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Flash, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 06, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteVd3d =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = Vd3d, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Aero, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-Vd3dClient.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteAM =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-AuthManager.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(726) — Cache client version :
15:34:57: Information — CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(134) — No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6}
15:34:57: Information — CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(134) — No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563}
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed
= False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteSELFSERVICE =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = SELFSERVICE, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Self Service Plug-in, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp
or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 10, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath =
C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SelfServicePlugin.log, Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired
= False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::CheckIsNonAdminRoamingProfile(2231) — Admin user.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::KillRunningCtxProcesses(2365) — KillRunningCtxProcesses
15:34:57: Information — CApp::ProcessIsElevated(2144) — Process is elevated.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitInstance(346) — CApp::Run(): Before DualModeSelection. This is an uninstall.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-RIInstaller.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ReceiverUpdater, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-GenericUSB.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Receiver (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 05, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-DesktopViewer.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = Flash, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Flash, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 06, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = Vd3d, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Aero, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-Vd3dClient.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-AuthManager.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = , UserPermission
= Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled
= False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = SELFSERVICE, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Self Service Plug-in, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 10, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SelfServicePlugin.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(1760) — Selected Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log,
Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpInstallComponents(1783) — Install Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed
= False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1806) — SelfCleaningUninstall invoked with /uninstall and /cleanup…
15:34:57: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1857) — Copying uninstaller from C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpress.exe to C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCln8816.tmp
15:34:59: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1893) — Forked uninstall cleanup watcher: «C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCln8816.tmp» /processid=1016 /cleanup=»C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver»
15:34:59: Information — CApp::Run(552) — IN CApp::Run().
15:34:59: Information — CApp::Run(560) — CApp::Run(): pre-mainDialog
15:34:59: Information — CMainDialog::CMainDialog(131) — Deleted the subkey ID Installer. 
15:34:59: Information — CProgressDialog::OnInitDialog(60) — In CProgressDialog::OnInitDialog() Citrix Receiver
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::Install(10) — Running core Install method.
15:34:59: Information — FixCacheOfflinePluginRedistForCPR227754(1391) — Checking the vcredist MSI name key…
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(238) — Evaluating deployment for 9 components…
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(241) — Just before entering the saving installdir location block. uninstall value : 1.
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: SELFSERVICE.
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = SELFSERVICE
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component SELFSERVICE is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = SELFSERVICE, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for SELFSERVICE.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: AM.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = AM
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component AM is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = AM, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for AM.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: Vd3d.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = Vd3d
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component Vd3d is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = Vd3d, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for Vd3d.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: Flash.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = Flash
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component Flash is 0
15:35:04: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:04: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = Flash, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for Flash.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: DesktopViewer.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = DesktopViewer
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component DesktopViewer is 0
15:35:04: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:04: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = DesktopViewer, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for DesktopViewer.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: USB.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = USB
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component USB is 1603
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = USB, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 1603, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for USB.
15:35:07: Warning — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(388) — Component result is false: 5
15:35:07: Warning — CInstallationManager::UpdateUninstallInfo(900) — Uninstall may have failed for a component. Not removing uninstall entries.
15:35:07: Information — CApp::SetExitCode(45) — Exit code is 1602 (called with 1602)
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Error — CMainDialog::CMainDialog(157) — GetComponentManager() returned FALSE on GetInstallStatus().
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnInitDialog(76) — app.LoadIcon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnPaint(479) — draw icon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnPaint(479) — draw icon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:20: Information — CFinishDialog::OnViewLogClicked(168) — OnViewLogClicked(): Entry.
15:36:03: Information — CFinishDialog::OnViewLogClicked(168) — OnViewLogClicked(): Entry.

Attached are the info prompt from the system:

15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(662) — * Version:
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(664) — * Build Date: Dec 14 2012
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(665) — * Build Time: 15:20:10
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(666) — * Command Line: /uninstall /cleanup
15:34:57: Information — CCommandLine::ParseParam(94) — Command Line Parameter: uninstall = true
15:34:57: Information — CCommandLine::ParseParam(94) — Command Line Parameter: cleanup = true
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(794) — Loaded Resource Module: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = AuthManager.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverAuthManager.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverCitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverCitrixReceiverUpdater-User.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = DesktopViewer.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverDesktopViewer.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = dualpk.cab, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverdualpk.cab
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_de.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_de.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_en.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_en.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_es.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_es.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_fr.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_fr.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ja.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ja.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ko.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ko.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ru.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ru.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-CN.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_zh-CN.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-TW.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_zh-TW.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = GenericUSB.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGenericUSB.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Global.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGlobal.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = HeaderLogo.bmp, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverHeaderLogo.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = ICAWebWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverICAWebWrapper.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_de.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_de.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_en.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_en.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_es.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_es.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_fr.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_fr.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ja.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ja.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ko.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ko.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ru.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ru.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_zh-CN.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_zh-CN.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_zh-TW.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_zh-TW.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = RIInstaller.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverRIInstaller.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SelfServicePlugin.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSelfServicePlugin.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SideBarBackground.bmp, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSideBarBackground.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SSONWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSSONWrapper.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpress.exe, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpress.exe
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_de.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_de.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_en.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_es.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_es.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_fr.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_fr.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ko.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ko.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_zh-TW.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_zh-TW.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Vd3dClient.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverVd3dClient.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::Create(20) — globalDocumentPath: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGlobal.xml
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::Create(21) — localizedDocumentPath: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_en.xml
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductVersion, Value =
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = DUalMode, Value = Install
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductUninstallKey, Value = CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductPermission, Value = Permachine
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductName, Value = Citrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ApplicationTitle, Value = Citrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UninstallPrompt, Value = Are you sure you want to uninstall this software?
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Publisher, Value = Citrix Systems, Inc.
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Contact, Value = Citrix Systems, Inc.
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Telephone, Value = 1-800-424-8749
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UrlInfoAbout, Value = www.citrix.com
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = NoModify, Value = Yes
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = NoRepair, Value = Yes
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = SSON-Pkg, Value = Citrix PNA Installation
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UsageText, Value = Supported parameters:
/help               — Displays this usage information
/uninstall          — Re
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(650) — Image: Key = HeaderLogo, Path = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverHeaderLogo.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(650) — Image: Key = SideBarBackground, Path = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSideBarBackground.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadGroup(977) — Group: ID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Plugin Suite, Description = These installations are shared for all products using the XenApp Plugin.
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteReceiverInside =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or
XenDesktop., ProductCode = {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-RIInstaller.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteReceiverUpdater =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ReceiverUpdater, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteICA_Client =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode
= {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteUSB =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-GenericUSB.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteDesktopViewer =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Receiver (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp
or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 05, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath =
C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-DesktopViewer.log, Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired
= False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteFlash =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = Flash, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Flash, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 06, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteVd3d =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = Vd3d, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Aero, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-Vd3dClient.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteAM =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-AuthManager.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(726) — Cache client version :
15:34:57: Information — CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(134) — No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6}
15:34:57: Information — CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(134) — No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563}
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed
= False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteSELFSERVICE =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = SELFSERVICE, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Self Service Plug-in, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp
or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 10, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath =
C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SelfServicePlugin.log, Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired
= False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::CheckIsNonAdminRoamingProfile(2231) — Admin user.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::KillRunningCtxProcesses(2365) — KillRunningCtxProcesses
15:34:57: Information — CApp::ProcessIsElevated(2144) — Process is elevated.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitInstance(346) — CApp::Run(): Before DualModeSelection. This is an uninstall.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-RIInstaller.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ReceiverUpdater, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-GenericUSB.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Receiver (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 05, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-DesktopViewer.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = Flash, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Flash, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 06, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = Vd3d, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Aero, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-Vd3dClient.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-AuthManager.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = , UserPermission
= Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled
= False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = SELFSERVICE, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Self Service Plug-in, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 10, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SelfServicePlugin.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(1760) — Selected Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log,
Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpInstallComponents(1783) — Install Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed
= False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1806) — SelfCleaningUninstall invoked with /uninstall and /cleanup…
15:34:57: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1857) — Copying uninstaller from C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpress.exe to C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCln8816.tmp
15:34:59: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1893) — Forked uninstall cleanup watcher: «C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCln8816.tmp» /processid=1016 /cleanup=»C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver»
15:34:59: Information — CApp::Run(552) — IN CApp::Run().
15:34:59: Information — CApp::Run(560) — CApp::Run(): pre-mainDialog
15:34:59: Information — CMainDialog::CMainDialog(131) — Deleted the subkey ID Installer. 
15:34:59: Information — CProgressDialog::OnInitDialog(60) — In CProgressDialog::OnInitDialog() Citrix Receiver
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::Install(10) — Running core Install method.
15:34:59: Information — FixCacheOfflinePluginRedistForCPR227754(1391) — Checking the vcredist MSI name key…
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(238) — Evaluating deployment for 9 components…
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(241) — Just before entering the saving installdir location block. uninstall value : 1.
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: SELFSERVICE.
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = SELFSERVICE
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component SELFSERVICE is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = SELFSERVICE, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for SELFSERVICE.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: AM.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = AM
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component AM is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = AM, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for AM.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: Vd3d.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = Vd3d
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component Vd3d is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = Vd3d, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for Vd3d.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: Flash.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = Flash
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component Flash is 0
15:35:04: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:04: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = Flash, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for Flash.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: DesktopViewer.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = DesktopViewer
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component DesktopViewer is 0
15:35:04: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:04: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = DesktopViewer, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for DesktopViewer.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: USB.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = USB
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component USB is 1603
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = USB, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 1603, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for USB.
15:35:07: Warning — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(388) — Component result is false: 5
15:35:07: Warning — CInstallationManager::UpdateUninstallInfo(900) — Uninstall may have failed for a component. Not removing uninstall entries.
15:35:07: Information — CApp::SetExitCode(45) — Exit code is 1602 (called with 1602)
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Error — CMainDialog::CMainDialog(157) — GetComponentManager() returned FALSE on GetInstallStatus().
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnInitDialog(76) — app.LoadIcon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnPaint(479) — draw icon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnPaint(479) — draw icon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:20: Information — CFinishDialog::OnViewLogClicked(168) — OnViewLogClicked(): Entry.
15:36:03: Information — CFinishDialog::OnViewLogClicked(168) — OnViewLogClicked(): Entry.


  1. Install and Uninstall
  2. Using a Windows-based installer
  3. Using command-line parameters
  4. List of command-line parameters
  5. Common parameters
  6. Install parameters
  7. /AutoUpdateCheck
  8. /AutoUpdateStream
  9. /DeferUpdateCount
  10. /AURolloutPriority
  11. /includeappprotection
  12. /InstallEmbeddedBrowser
  15. HDX features parameters
  20. Preference and user interface parameters
  27. DisableSetting
  28. EnableCEIP
  29. EnableTracing
  32. Authentication parameters
  35. Examples of a command-line installation
  36. Uninstall

Install and Uninstall

You can install the Citrix Workspace app either by:

  • Downloading the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe installation package from the Download page or
  • From your company’s download page (if available).

The package can be installed by:

  • Running an interactive Windows-based installation wizard. Or
  • Typing the installer file name, installation commands and installation properties using the command-line interface. For information about installing Citrix Workspace app using command-line interface, see Using command-line parameters.

Installation with administrator and non-administrator privileges:

Citrix Workspace app can be installed by both a user and an administrator. Administrator privileges are required only when using pass-through authentication and Citrix Ready workspace hub with Citrix Workspace app for Windows.

The following table describes the differences when Citrix Workspace app is installed as an administrator or a user:

Installation folder Installation type
Administrator C:Program Files (x86)CitrixICA Client Per-system installation
User %USERPROFILE%AppDataLocalCitrixICA Client Per-user installation

Administrators can’t install Citrix Workspace app if a user-installed instance is present on the system. We recommend that you uninstall all user-installed instances before installing the Citrix Workspace app as an administrator.

Using a Windows-based installer

You can install Citrix Workspace app for Windows by manually running the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe installer package, using the following methods:

  • Installation media
  • Network share
  • Windows Explorer
  • Command-line interface

By default, the installer logs are at %temp%CTXReceiverInstallLogs*.logs .

  1. Launch the CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe file and click Start.
  2. Read and accept the EULA and continue with the installation.
  3. When installing on a domain-joined machine with administrator privileges, a single sign-on dialog appears. See Domain pass-through authentication for more information.
  4. Follow the Windows-based installer to complete the installation.

Using command-line parameters

You can customize the Citrix Workspace app installer by specifying different command-line options. The installer package self-extracts to the system temp directory before launching the setup program. The space requirement includes program files, user data, and temp directories after launching several applications.

To install the Citrix Workspace app using the Windows command line, launch the command prompt. And type the installer file name, installation commands and installation properties on a single line. The available installation commands and properties are listed below:

CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe [commands] [properties]

List of command-line parameters

The parameters are broadly classified as follows:

Common parameters

  • /? Or /help — Lists all the installation commands and properties.
  • /silent — Disables installation dialogs and prompts during installation.
  • /noreboot — Suppresses the prompts to reboot during installation. When you suppress the reboot prompt, the USB devices that are in a suspended state are not recognized. The USB devices are activated only after the device is restarted.
  • /includeSSON — Requires you to install as an administrator. Indicates that the Citrix Workspace app is installed with the single sign-on component. See Domain pass-through authentication for more information.
  • /rcu — This switch is effective only when upgrading from an unsupported version of the software. Indicates that Citrix Workspace app will be installed or upgraded by uninstalling existing version. The /rcu switch also cleans up existing or older settings.

/rcu switch is deprecated from Version 1909. For more information, see Deprecation.

/forceinstall — This switch is effective when cleaning up any existing configuration or entries of Citrix Workspace app in the system. Use this switch in the following scenarios:

  • Upgrading from an unsupported version of Citrix Workspace app version.
  • The installation or upgrade is unsuccessful.

Install parameters


Indicates that Citrix Workspace app detects when an update is available.

This is a mandatory parameter that you must set to configure other parameters like /AutoUpdateStream , /DeferUpdateCount , /AURolloutPriority .

  • Auto (default) — You are notified when an update is available. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateCheck=auto .
  • Manual — You are not notified when an update is available. Check for updates manually. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateCheck=manual .
  • Disabled — Disables auto-updates. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateCheck=disabled .


If you have enabled auto-update, you can choose the release track you would like to update to. See Lifecycle Milestones for more information.

  • LTSR — Auto-updates to Long Term Service Release cumulative updates only. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateStream=LTSR .
  • Current — Auto-updates to the latest version of Citrix Workspace app. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AutoUpdateStream=Current .


Indicates the number of times that you can defer notifications when an update is available. For more information, see Citrix Workspace Updates.

  • -1(default) — Allows deferring notifications any number of times. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /DeferUpdateCount=-1 .
  • 0 — Indicates that you will receive one notification (only) for every available update. You won’t be reminded again about the update. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /DeferUpdateCount=0 .
  • Any other number ‘n’ — Allows deferring notifications ‘n’ number of times. The Remind me later option is displayed in the ‘n’ count. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /DeferUpdateCount= .


When a new version of the app is released, Citrix rolls out the update for a specific delivery period. With this parameter, you can control at what time during the delivery period you can receive the update.

  • Auto (default) — You receive the updates during the delivery period as configured by Citrix. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AURolloutPriority=Auto .
  • Fast — You receive the updates at the beginning of the delivery period. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AURolloutPriority=Fast .
  • Medium — You receive the updates at the mid-delivery period. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AURolloutPriority=Medium .
  • Slow — You receive the updates at the end of the delivery period. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /AURolloutPriority=Slow .


Provides enhanced security by restricting the ability of clients to be compromised by keylogging and screen-capturing malware.

See App protection for more information.


Excludes the Citrix Embedded Browser binaries. Run the /InstallEmbeddedBrowser=N switch to discontinue the embedded browser feature.


Specifies the custom installation directory for Citrix Workspace app installation. The default path is C:Program FilesCitrix . Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe INSTALLDIR=C:Program FilesCitrix .


Installs one or more of the specified components. Example, CitrixWorkspaceapp.exe ADDLOCAL=ReceiverInside,ICA_Client,AM,SELFSERVICE,DesktopViewer,Flash,Vd3d,WebHelper,BrowserEngine, WorkspaceHub, USB .

By default, ReceiverInside , ICA_Client and AM are installed when installing the Citrix Workspace app.

HDX features parameters


Indicates that the bidirectional content redirection between the client and the host and vice versa is enabled. For more information, see the Bidirectional content redirection policy settings section in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops documentation.

  • 0 (default) – Indicates that the bidirectional content redirection is disabled. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOW_BIDIRCONTENTREDIRECTION=0 .
  • 1 — Indicates that the bidirectional content redirection is enabled. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOW_BIDIRCONTENTREDIRECTION=1 .


Indicates that Citrix Workspace app is installed with the client-end Local App Access component. You must install the workspace app with administrator privileges for this component to work. See the Local App Access section in Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops documentation for more information.

  • 0 (default)- Indicates that Local App Access component is not installed. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe FORCE_LAA =0 .
  • 1 — Indicates that the client-end Local App Access component is installed. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe FORCE_LAA =1 .


Specifies if icons are displayed for documents or files that have file type associations with subscribed applications.

  • False (default) — Indicates that the icons are displayed for documents or files that have file type associations with subscribed applications. When set to false, the operation system generates an icon for the document that does not have a specific icon assigned to it. The icon generated by the operation system is a generic icon overlaid with a smaller version of the application icon. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe LEGACYFTAICONS=False .
  • True — Indicates that the icons are not displayed for documents or files that have file type associations with subscribed applications. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe LEGACYFTAICONS=True .


Enables the URL redirection feature on the user device. See the Local App Access section in the Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops documentation for more information.

  • 0 (default)- Disables the URL redirection feature on the user device. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOW_CLIENTHOSTEDAPPSURL=0 .
  • 1- Enables the URL redirection feature on the user devices. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOW_CLIENTHOSTEDAPPSURL=1 .

Preference and user interface parameters


Allows you to configure the stores (HTTP or https) based on the specified parameter.

  • S(default)- Allows you to add or remove secure stores only (configured with HTTPS). Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOWADDSTORE=S .
  • A – Allows you to add or remove both secure stores (HTTPS) and non-secure stores (HTTP). Not applicable if Citrix Workspace app is per-user installed. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOWADDSTORE=A .
  • N – Never allow users to add or remove their own store. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOWADDSTORE=N .


Allows you to save the store credentials locally. This parameter applies only to stores using the Citrix Workspace app protocol.

  • S(default) — Allows saving the password for secure stores only (configured with HTTPS). Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOWSAVEPWD=S .
  • N — Does not allow saving the password. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOWSAVEPWD=N .
  • A — Allows saving the password for both secure stores (HTTPS) and non-secure stores (HTTP). Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ALLOWSAVEPWD=A .

Specifies the directory for the shortcuts in the Start menu.

  • — By default, applications appear under Start >All Programs. You can specify the relative path of the shortcuts in the Programs folder. For example, to place shortcuts under Start > All Programs > Workspace, specify STARTMENUDIR=Workspace .


Specifies the directory for shortcuts on Desktop.

When using the DESKTOPDIR option, set the PutShortcutsOnDesktop key to True .

  • — You can specify the relative path of the shortcuts. For example, to place shortcuts under Start > All Programs > Workspace, specify DESKTOPDIR=Workspace .


Controls access to the self-service Workspace app user interface.

  • True — Indicates that the user has access to self-service user interface. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe SELFSERVICEMODE=True .
  • False — Indicates that the user does not have access to the self-service user interface. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe SELFSERVICEMODE=False .


Controls session pre-launch. See Application launch time for more information.

  • True — Indicates that session pre-launch is enabled. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLEPRELAUNCH=True .
  • False — Indicates that session pre-launch is disabled. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLEPRELAUNCH=False .


Hides the Shortcuts and Reconnect option from being displayed in the Advanced Preferences sheet. See Hiding specific settings from the Advanced Preferences sheet for more information.

  • 0 (default) – Displays both Shortcuts and Reconnect options in the Advanced Preferences sheet. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe DisableSetting=0 .
  • 1 – Displays only Reconnect option in the Advanced Preferences sheet. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe DisableSetting=1 .
  • 2 – Displays only Shortcuts option in the Advanced Preferences sheet. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe DisableSetting=2 .
  • 3 – Both Shortcuts and Reconnect options are hidden from the Advanced Preferences sheet. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe DisableSetting=3 .


Indicates your participation in the Customer Experience Improvement Program. See CEIP for more information.

  • True (default)- Opt in to the Citrix Customer Improvement Program (CEIP). Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe EnableCEIP=True .
  • False — Opt out of the Citrix Customer Improvement Program (CEIP). Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe EnableCEIP=False .


Controls the Always-on tracing feature.

  • True (default)- Enables the Always-on tracing feature. Example. CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe EnableTracing=true .
  • False — Disables the Always-on tracing feature. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe EnableTracing=false .


Specifies the name used to identify the user device to the server.

  • — Specifies the name used identify the user device on the server. The default name is %COMPUTERNAME% . Example, CitrixReceiver.exe CLIENT_NAME=%COMPUTERNAME% .


Allows client name to be the same as the computer name. When you change the computer name, the client name changes too.

  • Yes (default) – Allows the client name to be the same as the computer name. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=Yes .
  • No — Does not allow the client name to be the same as the computer name. You must specify a value for the CLIENT_NAME property. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLE_DYNAMIC_CLIENT_NAME=No .

Authentication parameters


Enables single sign-on when the Workspace app is installed with the /includeSSON command. See Domain pass-through authentication for more information.

  • Yes (default) — Indicates that single sign-on is enabled. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLE_SSON=Yes .
  • No — Indicates that single sign-on is disabled. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLE_SSON=No .


Specifies whether the HDX engine must use Kerberos authentication. This applies only when single sign-on authentication is enabled. For more information, see Domain pass-through authentication with Kerberos.

  • Yes — Indicates that the HDX engine will use Kerberos authentication. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLE_KERBEROS=Yes .
  • No — Indicates that the HDX engine will not use Kerberos authentication. Example, CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe ENABLE_KERBEROS=No .

In addition to the above properties, you can also specify the store URL that is used with the Workspace app. You can add up to 10 stores. Use the following property to do so:

STOREx=”storename;http[s]://servername.domain/IISLocation/discovery;[On, Off]; [storedescription]»


  • x — Integers 0 through 9 used to identify a store.
  • storename — Name of the store. This value must match the name configured on the StoreFront server.
  • servername.domain — The fully qualified domain name of the server hosting the store.
  • IISLocation — the path to the store within IIS. The store URL must match the URL in the StoreFront provision file. The store URL is in the following format /Citrix/store/discovery . To obtain the URL, export a provisioning file from StoreFront, launch it in Notepad and copy the URL from the Address element.
  • [On, Off] — The Off option enables you to deliver disabled stores, giving users the choice of whether they access them. When the store status is not specified, the default setting is On.
  • storedescription — Description of the store, such as HR App Store .

Examples of a command-line installation

To specify the Citrix Gateway store URL:

CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe STORE0= HRStore;https://ag.mycompany.com#Storename;On;Store

Where, Storename indicates the name of the store that needs to be configured.

  • The Citrix Gateway store URL configured using this method does not support the PNA Services Sites that are using Citrix Gateway.
  • In a multi-store setup, Citrix Gateway store URL must be first in the list. Only 2 Citrix Gateway store URL configuration is allowed.

To install all components silently and specify two application stores:

CitrixWorkspaceApp.exe /silent STORE0=»AppStore;https://testserver.net/Citrix/MyStore/discovery;on;HR App Store» STORE1=»BackUpAppStore;https://testserver.net/Citrix/MyBackupStore/discovery;on;Backup HR App Store»

  • It is mandatory to include /discovery in the store URL for successful pass-through authentication.
  • The Citrix Gateway store URL must be the first entry in the list of configured store URLs.


Using Windows-based uninstaller:

You can uninstall Citrix Workspace app using the Windows Programs and Features utility (Add or Remove Programs).

During Citrix Workspace app installation, you get a prompt to uninstall the Citrix HDX RTME package. Click OK to continue the uninstallation.

Using the command-line interface:

You can uninstall Citrix Workspace app, from a command line by typing the following command:

For silent uninstallation of Citrix Workspace app, run the following switch:

Attached are the info prompt from the system:

15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(662) — * Version:
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(664) — * Build Date: Dec 14 2012
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(665) — * Build Time: 15:20:10
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeLog(666) — * Command Line: /uninstall /cleanup
15:34:57: Information — CCommandLine::ParseParam(94) — Command Line Parameter: uninstall = true
15:34:57: Information — CCommandLine::ParseParam(94) — Command Line Parameter: cleanup = true
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-USTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverenTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(770) — Processing Resource Module Path: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(781) — Resource Module Path 1: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(782) — Resource Module Path 2: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en-US.dll
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitializeResourceModule(794) — Loaded Resource Module: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverenen-US
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiveren
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = AuthManager.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverAuthManager.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverCitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverCitrixReceiverUpdater-User.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = DesktopViewer.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverDesktopViewer.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = dualpk.cab, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiverdualpk.cab
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_de.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_de.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_en.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_en.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_es.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_es.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_fr.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_fr.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ja.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ja.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ko.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ko.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_ru.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_ru.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-CN.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_zh-CN.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = EULA_zh-TW.rtf, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverEULA_zh-TW.rtf
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = GenericUSB.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGenericUSB.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Global.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGlobal.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = HeaderLogo.bmp, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverHeaderLogo.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = ICAWebWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverICAWebWrapper.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_de.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_de.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_en.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_en.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_es.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_es.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_fr.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_fr.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ja.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ja.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ko.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ko.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_ru.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_ru.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_zh-CN.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_zh-CN.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Localized_zh-TW.xml, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_zh-TW.xml
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = RIInstaller.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverRIInstaller.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SelfServicePlugin.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSelfServicePlugin.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SideBarBackground.bmp, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSideBarBackground.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = SSONWrapper.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSSONWrapper.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpress.exe, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpress.exe
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_de.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_de.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_en.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_en.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_es.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_es.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_fr.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_fr.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ja.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ko.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ko.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_ru.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_zh-CN.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = TrolleyExpressUI_zh-TW.dll, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpressUI_zh-TW.dll
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(227) — Resource: FileName = Vd3dClient.msi, FilePath = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverVd3dClient.msi
15:34:57: Information — CResourceManager::ProcessResources(188) — Processing Resources: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::Create(20) — globalDocumentPath: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverGlobal.xml
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::Create(21) — localizedDocumentPath: C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverLocalized_en.xml
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductVersion, Value =
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = DUalMode, Value = Install
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductUninstallKey, Value = CitrixOnlinePluginPackWeb
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductPermission, Value = Permachine
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ProductName, Value = Citrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = ApplicationTitle, Value = Citrix Receiver
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UninstallPrompt, Value = Are you sure you want to uninstall this software?
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Publisher, Value = Citrix Systems, Inc.
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Contact, Value = Citrix Systems, Inc.
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = Telephone, Value = 1-800-424-8749
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UrlInfoAbout, Value = www.citrix.com
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = NoModify, Value = Yes
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = NoRepair, Value = Yes
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = SSON-Pkg, Value = Citrix PNA Installation
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadStrings(516) — String: Key = UsageText, Value = Supported parameters:
/help               — Displays this usage information
/uninstall          — Re
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(650) — Image: Key = HeaderLogo, Path = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverHeaderLogo.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadImages(650) — Image: Key = SideBarBackground, Path = C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverSideBarBackground.bmp
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadGroup(977) — Group: ID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Plugin Suite, Description = These installations are shared for all products using the XenApp Plugin.
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteReceiverInside =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or
XenDesktop., ProductCode = {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-RIInstaller.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteReceiverUpdater =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ReceiverUpdater, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteICA_Client =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode
= {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteUSB =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-GenericUSB.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteDesktopViewer =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Receiver (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp
or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 05, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath =
C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-DesktopViewer.log, Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired
= False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteFlash =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = Flash, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Flash, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 06, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteVd3d =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = Vd3d, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Aero, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-Vd3dClient.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteAM =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-AuthManager.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::ReadStoredRegString(526) — No existing package SOFTWARECitrixPluginPackagesXenAppSuiteSSON. (Key not present.)
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromInstalledMsi(726) — Cache client version :
15:34:57: Information — CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(134) — No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {B8F4F4A9-24B8-4C77-8A59-202F515EC0B6}
15:34:57: Information — CtxInstallHelpers::CInstalledClientPkg::FindInstalledClient(134) — No existing clients found with given upgrade code: {FED202C4-EA51-490C-93A5-62B16AAD8563}
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed
= False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(592) — Found version of Component: XenAppSuiteSELFSERVICE =
15:34:57: Information — CComponent::InitializeFromRegistry(612) — Read ProductCode from registry: {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}
15:34:57: Warning — CComponent::InitializeFromMsi(410) — Cannot open package. Package Path = 
15:34:57: Information — CConfigurationManager::LoadComponent(1202) — Component: ID = SELFSERVICE, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Self Service Plug-in, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp
or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 10, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath =
C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SelfServicePlugin.log, Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired
= False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::CheckIsNonAdminRoamingProfile(2231) — Admin user.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::KillRunningCtxProcesses(2365) — KillRunningCtxProcesses
15:34:57: Information — CApp::ProcessIsElevated(2144) — Process is elevated.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::InitInstance(346) — CApp::Run(): Before DualModeSelection. This is an uninstall.
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ReceiverInside, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver Inside, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {9D431014-9F90-4335-A58E-8A14B0BD77F1}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 01, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-RIInstaller.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ReceiverUpdater, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Receiver, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {7468ACCE-6FA8-4794-90B9-C28BD9CC79DD}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 02, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixReceiverUpdater-User.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = ICA_Client, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = XenApp Web Plugin, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {7BD3DC6D-A2BE-4345-B6EE-D146193DB18F},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 03, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-ICAWebWrapper.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = USB, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = USB, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {3068513C-3AAC-410B-BAE7-C7837FFF8DEB},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 04, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-GenericUSB.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = DesktopViewer, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Citrix Receiver (DV), Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {D29DDA9B-FE05-48F1-A9D1-F6346A0A301A}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 05, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-DesktopViewer.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = Flash, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Flash, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp., ProductCode = {0E8DC723-F1CD-424A-96CC-12428E7A1B4B},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 06, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-CitrixHDXMediaStreamForFlash-ClientInstall.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = Vd3d, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = HDX Aero, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = {E3A60962-B768-4EA3-B0B6-DA671276B81A},
UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 07, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-Vd3dClient.log, Installed
= True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = AM, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Authentication Manager, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= {B92051A3-3ABB-4A26-A615-2298BE7CBC28}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 08, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-AuthManager.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode = , UserPermission
= Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled
= False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpComponents(1636) — Component: ID = SELFSERVICE, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Self Service Plug-in, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = {EF269F8D-1DFE-4C3B-9CE9-09C5773C0CF9}, UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 10, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SelfServicePlugin.log,
Installed = True, CurrentVersionInstalled = True, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpSelectedComponents(1760) — Selected Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop.,
ProductCode = , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log,
Installed = False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::DumpInstallComponents(1783) — Install Component: ID = SSON, Name = , Family = , Version =, GroupID = XenAppSuite, DisplayName = Single Sign on, Description = These installations are specific to XenApp or XenDesktop., ProductCode
= , UserPermission = Permachine, InstalledClientProductCodePM = , InstalledClientProductCodePU = , PackagePath = , InstallOrder = 09, TransformPath = , RootFeature = Complete, LogFilePath = C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCtxInstall-SSONWrapper.log, Installed
= False, CurrentVersionInstalled = False, InstalledVersion =, Selected = True, InstallResult = -536866816, DebugInstallResult = -536866816, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSkipped = False
15:34:57: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1806) — SelfCleaningUninstall invoked with /uninstall and /cleanup…
15:34:57: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1857) — Copying uninstaller from C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix ReceiverTrolleyExpress.exe to C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCln8816.tmp
15:34:59: Information — CApp::SpawnSelfCleaningUninstall(1893) — Forked uninstall cleanup watcher: «C:UsersCYCHEN~1AppDataLocalTempCln8816.tmp» /processid=1016 /cleanup=»C:ProgramDataCitrixCitrix Receiver»
15:34:59: Information — CApp::Run(552) — IN CApp::Run().
15:34:59: Information — CApp::Run(560) — CApp::Run(): pre-mainDialog
15:34:59: Information — CMainDialog::CMainDialog(131) — Deleted the subkey ID Installer. 
15:34:59: Information — CProgressDialog::OnInitDialog(60) — In CProgressDialog::OnInitDialog() Citrix Receiver
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::Install(10) — Running core Install method.
15:34:59: Information — FixCacheOfflinePluginRedistForCPR227754(1391) — Checking the vcredist MSI name key…
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(238) — Evaluating deployment for 9 components…
15:34:59: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(241) — Just before entering the saving installdir location block. uninstall value : 1.
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: SELFSERVICE.
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = SELFSERVICE
15:35:00: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component SELFSERVICE is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = SELFSERVICE, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for SELFSERVICE.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: AM.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = AM
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component AM is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = AM, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for AM.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: Vd3d.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = Vd3d
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component Vd3d is 0
15:35:03: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:03: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = Vd3d, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for Vd3d.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: Flash.
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = Flash
15:35:03: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component Flash is 0
15:35:04: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:04: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = Flash, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for Flash.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: DesktopViewer.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = DesktopViewer
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component DesktopViewer is 0
15:35:04: Information — CComponent::RemoveRegistryRecords(664) — Removing registry records for uninstall.
15:35:04: Warning — CComponent::DeleteComponentKey(653) — Cannot delete subkey XenAppSuite. (May not be empty.)
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = DesktopViewer, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 0, InstallSuccess = True, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for DesktopViewer.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(421) — Running InstallComponent method for: USB.
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(457) — Installing Component: ID = USB
15:35:04: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(561) — Component UnInstall Commandline: MSIRESTARTMANAGERCONTROL=0 REBOOTRETURNCODE=YES REBOOT=ReallySuppress
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(578) — Uninstall return code for component USB is 1603
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(651) — Component Install Status: ID = USB, InstallMode = Uninstall, InstallResult = 1603, InstallSuccess = False, InstallRebootRequired = False, InstallSuppressed = False
15:35:07: Information — CInstallationManager::InstallComponent(676) — InstallComponent complete for USB.
15:35:07: Warning — CInstallationManager::InstallComponents(388) — Component result is false: 5
15:35:07: Warning — CInstallationManager::UpdateUninstallInfo(900) — Uninstall may have failed for a component. Not removing uninstall entries.
15:35:07: Information — CApp::SetExitCode(45) — Exit code is 1602 (called with 1602)
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Error — CMainDialog::CMainDialog(157) — GetComponentManager() returned FALSE on GetInstallStatus().
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Self Service Plug-in installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Authentication Manager installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Aero installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was HDX Flash installed successfully.
15:35:08: Information — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(505) — Component was Citrix Receiver (DV) installed successfully.
15:35:08: Error — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(493) — Installation NOT successful for ‘USB’, error: 1603.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘XenApp Web Plugin’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Warning — CComponentManager::GetInstallStatus(498) — Installation NOT successful for ‘Receiver Inside’, it never fully tried to install, possibly due to issues.
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnInitDialog(76) — app.LoadIcon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnPaint(479) — draw icon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:08: Information — CFinishDialog::OnPaint(479) — draw icon return code. GetLastError: 0
15:35:20: Information — CFinishDialog::OnViewLogClicked(168) — OnViewLogClicked(): Entry.
15:36:03: Information — CFinishDialog::OnViewLogClicked(168) — OnViewLogClicked(): Entry.

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