Как установить mbstring php 7 для windows

mbstring не входит в список модулей, устанавливаемых по умолчанию. Это значит, что изначально этот модуль отключён. Для использования функций этого модуля необходимо явно включить его с опцией configure. За дополнительной информацией обращайтесь в раздел Инсталляция.


mbstring не входит в список модулей, устанавливаемых
по умолчанию. Это значит, что изначально этот модуль отключён. Для
использования функций этого модуля необходимо явно включить его
с опцией configure. За дополнительной информацией
обращайтесь в раздел Инсталляция.

Следующие настройки относятся к модулю mbstring.

  • —enable-mbstring: Включение
    функций mbstring. Эта настройка необходима
    для использования функций mbstring.

    libmbfl необходима для работы
    mbstring. libmbfl
    поставляется вместе с mbstring. До PHP 7.3.0, если
    libmbfl уже установлена в системе,
    то можно использовать —with-libmbfl[=DIR]
    для использования установленной библиотеки.

  • —disable-mbregex: Отключение
    функций регулярных выражений, поддерживающих многобайтовые кодировки.

    Oniguruma необходима для
    функций, работающих с регулярными выражениями с поддержкой многобайтовых
    Начиная с PHP 7.4.0, для обнаружения библиотеки libonig используется pkg-config.
    До PHP 7.4.0 Oniguruma поставлялась вместе с
    mbstring, но можно было выполнить сборку с уже установленным
    libonig, передав —with-onig[=DIR].

    Возможно запретить многобайтовые регулярные
    выражения с возвратом с помощью опции —disable-mbregex-backtrack.

Ajay Jha

1 month ago

yum install php-mbstring
service httpd restart

cba dot allende at gmail dot com

4 months ago

Install  mbstring :


apt-get install php- mbstring

It is required to have PHP enabled with mbstring (multi-byte string) support for storing and displaying multi-byte characters in PHPKB software. The installation wizard of the multi-language editions of PHPKB knowledge base software will automatically detect if you have PHP enabled with mbstring support. If it is not enabled, you may get an error that says:

Call to undefined function mb_convert_encoding()

Please refer to the tutorial below on how to enable mbstring on your server.

Why mbstring is required?

When we manipulate (trim, split, splice, etc.) strings encoded in a multi-byte encoding, we need to use special functions since two or more consecutive bytes may represent a single character in such encoding schemes. Otherwise, if we apply a non-multibyte-aware string function to the string, it probably fails to detect the beginning or end of the multibyte character and ends up with a corrupted garbage string that most likely loses its original meaning.

So, mbstring provides multibyte-specific string functions that help us deal with multibyte encodings in PHP. In addition to that, mbstring handles character encoding conversion between the possible encoding pairs. mbstring is designed to handle Unicode-based encodings such as UTF-8 and UCS-2 and many single-byte encodings for convenience.

MBstring Installation

Please note that «mbstring» is a non-default PHP extension. This means it is not enabled by default.

Installation on Linux Server

You can find out if this module is installed or not by looking at the list that is produced by this command

If you don’t have this installed on a Linux machine and if you have installed PHP from yum then run this command as a superuser. The command depends on your operating system.

sudo yum install php-mbstring
This command is true for all Red Hat Linux-based distributions using RPM and the ’yum’ package manager; this includes RHEL, Fedora, CentOS, Mandriva, and Intrinsic Linux, among others.
For Debian, Ubuntu distributions, please use the following command.

sudo apt-get install php-mbstring

After that, you will need to restart your Apache service using the following command:

Installation on Windows Server

If you have access to the php.ini, just remove the semicolon character (;) in front of the line below.

extension = php_mbstring.dll

Once you have made the changes, don’t forget to restart your web server for the change to take effect.

Note: PHP extensions are not just enabled from php.ini file. First, you need to install that specific extension, i.e. place its DLL file «php-mbstring.dll» into the «/php/ext/» directory if it is not already present there. When you do that, make sure you have the correct build of DLL file. 32-bit, thread-safe PHP binary, built using VC9 for example, would only work with DLL files built using exact same tools and configuration: 32-bit, using VC9, with thread-safety turned on. And of course PHP API version also needs to match. If it doesn’t, once you restart the web server, you will receive ’Error 500 — Server error’ message.

MBstring Configuration

Below is a sample excerpt from php.ini file which contains the configuration of mbstring variables.

mbstring.language = all
mbstring.internal_encoding = UTF-8
mbstring.http_input = auto
mbstring.http_output = UTF-8
mbstring.encoding_translation = On
mbstring.detect_order = UTF-8
mbstring.substitute_character = none;
mbstring.func_overload = 0
mbstring.strict_encoding = Off

PHP use Mbstring (multi-byte string) extension to convert strings to a different encoding. It is used to express more than 256 characters in a regular byte. Sometimes you will get a Mbstring extension missing error. In this tutorial, we will check how to fix this issue.


  • How do I fix mbstring extension is missing?
    • Method 1 – Changing PHP version:
    • Method 2 – Installing mbstring extension on Linux:
    • Method 3 – Installing mbstring extension on Windows:

How do I fix mbstring extension is missing?

We can fix it in different ways. So let’s check which method will solve your mbstring extension missing problem.

Also Read: Check if a string contains a specific word in PHP?

Method 1 – Changing PHP version:

  1. First upgrade or downgrade your PHP version.
  2. Restart apache server.

Method 2 – Installing mbstring extension on Linux:

If you are using Linux and PHP version 7.3 or any, follow the below steps-

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Run sudo apt-get install php7.3-mbstring
  3. Restart the Apache server sudo service apache2 restart

Method 3 – Installing mbstring extension on Windows:

If you are a Windows user and using WAMP OR XAMPP, you have to find PHP installation location. As I am using WAMP, so the location is “C:wamp64binphpphp7.3.5”. Here php7.3.5 is my current version. For XAMPP go to its installation location and find the PHP folder.

Also Read: How to target a specific city to show your website in PHP?

But if you are not using WAMP or XAMPP then go to “C:php”. After that follow the below steps-

  1. After got to PHP directory, find php.ini and open it.
  2. Search for “extension_dir” and check if it is uncommented i.e. no semicolon(;) in front of “extension_dir“. If it is present, remove the semicolon.
  3. Then set the “ext” directory location as its value. Check the image below.
  4. As I am using PHP 7.3 so the “ext” directory location is “C:wamp64binphpphp7.3.5ext”
  5. Change extension_dir = “ext” into extension_dir = “C:wamp64binphpphp7.3.5ext” (write your own path depending on your PHP location)
  6. Now search for this ;extension=mbstring and remove ; from that line i.e extension=mbstring
  7. Save your php.ini and restart.

A web developer who has a love for creativity and enjoys experimenting with the various techniques in both web designing and web development. If you would like to be kept up to date with his post, you can follow him.

mbstring не входит в список расширений, устанавливаемых
по умолчанию. Это значит, что изначально это расширение отключено. Для
использования функций этого расширения необходимо явно включить модуль
в настройке configure. За дополнительной информацией
обращайтесь в раздел Инсталляция.

Следующие настройки относятся к модулю mbstring.

  • —enable-mbstring
    : Включение
    mbstring функций. Эта настройка необходима
    для использования mbstring функций.

    libmbfl необходима для работы
    mbstring. libmbfl
    поставляется вместе с mbstring. Если
    libmbfl уже установлена в системе,
    то, чтобы использовать именно ее, можно задать настройку

    В версии PHP 4.3.0 расширение mbstring предоставляет
    расширенную поддержку кодировок Упрощенного Китайского, Традиционного
    Китайского, Корейского и Русского языков в дополнение к кодировке
    Японского языка.

    Для версий PHP 4.3.3 и ниже, чтобы добавить эту поддержку,
    необходимо задать одно или несколько значений параметра
    LANG в настройке
    следующим образом:
    для поддержки
    Упрощенного Китайского,
    для поддержки
    Традиционного Китайского,
    для поддержки
    для поддержки
    Русского, и
    для поддержки
    Японского (по умолчанию).
    Для включения всех поддерживаемых кодировок используйте настройку


    C версии PHP 4.3.4, все поддерживаемые библиотекой
    libmbfl кодировки включаются настройкой

  • —enable-mbstr-enc-trans
    Включение механизма конвертации кодировок mbstring
    для символов, поступающих через HTTP. Если настройка включена,
    кодировка входящих HTTP символов будет автоматически преобразована
    в mbstring.internal_encoding.


    В версии PHP 4.3.0 настройка

    была исключена и заменена на установку времени выполнения
    Преобразование кодировок входных символов HTTP включено,
    когда этой установке задано значение On
    (значение по умолчанию Off).

  • —disable-mbregex
    : Отключение
    функций регулярных выражений, поддерживающих многобайтные кодировки.

Вернуться к: Установка и настройка

About mbstring extension

Each language has its own encoding, and their number of bytes is different. The mbstring extension is a solution to ensure that different encoding languages ​​are displayed properly in PHP programs.

Examples of common problems:

1. When running phpMyAdmin, I found the following error:

The mbstring PHP extension was not found and you seem to be using a multibyte charset. Without the mbstring extension phpMyAdmin is unable to split strings correctly and it may result in unexpected results.

2. During the project application use, or prompt the following error:

Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mb_strlen();

The above error occurred because we did not install PHP’s mbstring extension.

Install mbstring extension

Linux system articles

1.CenOS system

php installation package directory: /data/php5.6.14/

PHP installation path: /usr/local/php/

(The specific path settings in the following steps, you can set according to your actual situation.)

Find the mbstring extension directory in the PHP installation package

cd /data/php5.6.14/ext/mbstring/

running phpize


Compile and install:

./configure --with-php-config=/usr/local/php/bin/php-config
make && make install

At this time mbstring.so has been generated in the /usr/local/php/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20131226/ directory.

Set the PHP configuration file php.ini, add the following line


Finally restart the service and use phpinfo() to see if the mbstring extension was installed successfully.

2.ubuntu system

sudo apt-get install php5.6-mbstring

Add a line to the configuration file:


Finally restart the service.

Windows system articles

Modify php.ini

Remove the semicolon in front of the following content. If there is no such line, add a line directly to extension=php_mbstring.dll


If the above changes do not work after restarting the web server, please copy the php_mbstring.dll in the PHP extension folder to the system C:WINDOWSsystem32 folder.

Finally restart the service.


Whenever I try to access phpMyAdmin, I receive the following error:

«The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.«

I am running a LEMP stack on a CentOS 7 server. I have elected to use PHP 7 for this installation. I have not experienced this error on identical set-ups running earlier versions of PHP.

extension_loaded('mbstring') returns false even though mbstring.ini (/etc/php.d/) contains:

; Enable mbstring extension module

I am 100% sure that the mbstring module is installed on my server.

I’m completely stumped so if anyone has any ideas whatsoever, please let me know. Thanks.

Andrea's user avatar


18.9k4 gold badges40 silver badges64 bronze badges

asked Dec 26, 2015 at 13:10

NoahMCM's user avatar


For those who have debian :

 sudo apt-get install php7.0-mbstring

Otherwise in centos (tested in centos 6.6)

sudo yum install php70w-mbstring

and as @mpen said you can activate it

sudo phpenmod mbstring

answered Mar 9, 2016 at 13:23

Chopchop's user avatar


2,87917 silver badges36 bronze badges


A solution was reached with the following method:

I put extension=mbstring.so inside php.ini even though that is no longer the method PHP uses by default to load modules.

From php.ini itself:

Note: packaged extension modules are now loaded via the .ini files found in the directory /etc/php.d; these are loaded by default.

It seemed to fix my problem. I would still be interested to hear if anyone else has a different take on this matter.

answered Dec 26, 2015 at 19:52

NoahMCM's user avatar


6011 gold badge5 silver badges8 bronze badges


For PHP7 on centos

try this yum install php70-mbstring

answered Apr 30, 2018 at 5:46

Sankar Subburaj's user avatar

Sankar SubburajSankar Subburaj

4,90212 gold badges47 silver badges79 bronze badges


I had this problem for a long time.
I found the correct way (for me) to correct it… and it’s fairly simple :)

Juste add «universe» on the xenial-updates

# cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
deb [arch=amd64] http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-backports main
deb [arch=amd64] http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main universe
deb [arch=amd64] http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-proposed main
deb [arch=amd64] http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-security main
deb [arch=amd64] http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-updates main **universe**

answered Nov 22, 2016 at 10:28

stadja's user avatar

run sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade before installing with sudo apt-get install php-mbstring.

I had the same problem today and found this way.

answered Mar 7, 2017 at 8:30

Gimo's user avatar


781 silver badge8 bronze badges

I have a problem running phpMyAdmin. When I try to access phpMyAdmin in my browser, I get the error message: «The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.»

I have already searched on the internet for possible solutions. According to that, I made some modifications in php.ini file. I uncommented the line «;extension=php_mbstring.dll» and wrote the full path of the ext folder in extension_dir. Sadly, it still doesn’t work.

Could you please help me finding the proper solution.

Markus's user avatar


3,1726 gold badges35 silver badges47 bronze badges

asked May 5, 2015 at 7:54

Klemen Rejec's user avatar


just run these command

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext

sudo service apache2 restart

Or you can follow this post…

Check This Post

answered Jun 12, 2016 at 8:50

Sameer's user avatar


7165 silver badges6 bronze badges


I’ve solved my problem by this way:
Edit the php.ini file:

  1. change extension_dir = «ext» into extension_dir = «D:phpext» (please write ur own path)
  2. change ;extension=php_mbstring.dll into extension=php_mbstring.dll (delete the «;»)
  3. Then just save your php.ini file and copy it to ur Windows directory。(“C:Windows“)
  4. restart the apache server。

The above is my solution,Hope it will work for u.

answered Dec 19, 2015 at 7:15

hijack's user avatar


3413 silver badges9 bronze badges


If you are ubuntu 14.04 and using php 5.6
You are missing out on mbstring and mysql module

Please install mbstring and mysql by

sudo apt-get install php5.6-mbstring
sudo apt-get install php5.6-mysql

and restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

answered Mar 1, 2018 at 11:15

Suraj's user avatar


4434 silver badges11 bronze badges


It could happen after you update your php version, for instance if you upgrade from php5.6 to php7.1 you need to run these commands:

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring
sudo service apache2 restart

For php8.1

sudo apt-get install php8.1-mbstring
sudo systemctl restart nginx

If your destination version is different you need to check if the mbstring package exsit or not, an example for php7.0:

sudo apt-cache search php7.0-mbstring

I found it useful to first check existence of all modules that you working with, then performing an upgrade, in addition to that update phpmyadmin after upgrading your php is a good idea

NomanJaved's user avatar

answered Jul 2, 2018 at 7:02

Arash Rabiee's user avatar

Arash RabieeArash Rabiee

9292 gold badges16 silver badges29 bronze badges

In my case i made a new installation of php7 using xampp, the error was in php.ini at line 699, i just did

include_path= C:Program Files (x86)xamppphpPEAR


include_path= "C:Program Files (x86)xamppphpPEAR"

and it worked for me.

I checked this by running the php.exe it gave me that error and i fixed it.

answered Aug 24, 2016 at 11:40

Ahmed Ali's user avatar

Ahmed AliAhmed Ali

3426 silver badges16 bronze badges


Change extension_dir = "ext" to extension_dir = "C:/php/ext" in php.ini.

answered Jun 20, 2015 at 1:33

Marek Woźniak's user avatar


It could raise the concern if you’re either:

Case 1: Downgrading/ upgrading any PHP version.
Case 2: Enabling/Disabling (Switching) between PHP versions.

Here are some recommended commands I found helpful to fix these concerns:

Message 1: The mbstring extension is missing…….

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring  

Message 2: The mysqli extension is missing…….

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mysqli

Note: Tested with PHP version 7.1. Change PHP version as per requirement.

answered Jul 19, 2020 at 1:11

Vishal Kumar's user avatar

Vishal KumarVishal Kumar

1,18011 silver badges15 bronze badges

I have solved my problem by this way:

  1. Edit the c:phpphp.ini file:

  2. change extension_dir = «ext» into extension_dir = «c:phpext» (please write
    ur own path)

  3. change ;extension=php_mbstring.dll into extension=php_mbstring.dll (delete
    the «;»)
  4. restart the apache server。

I Hope it will work for u.

answered Jan 18, 2017 at 22:57

Mohammed Khan's user avatar

This worked for me on Kali-linux 2018 :

apt-get install php7.0-mbstring

service apache2 restart

answered Feb 28, 2018 at 12:38

Durodola Opemipo's user avatar

You also need to define PHPIniDirc:/php_install_path

Atanu Roy's user avatar

Atanu Roy

1,3742 gold badges17 silver badges29 bronze badges

answered Jun 26, 2015 at 19:00

Jakab Molnár's user avatar

You can try this

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/html/phpmyadmin
service apache2 restart

answered Nov 22, 2016 at 8:37

Mourad MAMASSI's user avatar


8191 gold badge11 silver badges14 bronze badges

this ones solved my problem

1.open command prompt in administration

  1. then open apache bin folder like this,

    c: cd wampbinapacheapache2.4.17bin>

  2. then type after the above

    c: cd wampbinapacheapache2.4.17bin> mklink php.ini d:wampbinphpphp5.6.15phpForApache.ini

  3. thats it close the command prompt and restart the wamp and open it in admin mode.

  4. original post : PHP: No php.ini file thanks to xiao.

Community's user avatar

answered Sep 30, 2016 at 7:35

Aravindh Gopi's user avatar

before you do other way, please do open php.exe on your PHP folder.
run it and if you faced any error statement on it, you can fix it manually.
else, do most-usefull post in this thread.

answered Dec 27, 2018 at 13:04

zigots007's user avatar

I see this error after I disabled php5.6 and enabled php7.3 in ubuntu18.0.4

so i reverse it and problem resolved :DDD

answered Sep 23, 2019 at 7:44

Hojjat's user avatar


1312 silver badges3 bronze badges

This worked for me on Ubuntu with PHP 8:

sudo apt-get install php8.0-mbstring

answered Jul 6, 2022 at 18:14

Kapil Khandelwal's user avatar

I have a problem running phpMyAdmin. When I try to access phpMyAdmin in my browser, I get the error message: «The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.»

I have already searched on the internet for possible solutions. According to that, I made some modifications in php.ini file. I uncommented the line «;extension=php_mbstring.dll» and wrote the full path of the ext folder in extension_dir. Sadly, it still doesn’t work.

Could you please help me finding the proper solution.

Markus's user avatar


3,1726 gold badges35 silver badges47 bronze badges

asked May 5, 2015 at 7:54

Klemen Rejec's user avatar


just run these command

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext

sudo service apache2 restart

Or you can follow this post…

Check This Post

answered Jun 12, 2016 at 8:50

Sameer's user avatar


7165 silver badges6 bronze badges


I’ve solved my problem by this way:
Edit the php.ini file:

  1. change extension_dir = «ext» into extension_dir = «D:phpext» (please write ur own path)
  2. change ;extension=php_mbstring.dll into extension=php_mbstring.dll (delete the «;»)
  3. Then just save your php.ini file and copy it to ur Windows directory。(“C:Windows“)
  4. restart the apache server。

The above is my solution,Hope it will work for u.

answered Dec 19, 2015 at 7:15

hijack's user avatar


3413 silver badges9 bronze badges


If you are ubuntu 14.04 and using php 5.6
You are missing out on mbstring and mysql module

Please install mbstring and mysql by

sudo apt-get install php5.6-mbstring
sudo apt-get install php5.6-mysql

and restart apache

sudo service apache2 restart

answered Mar 1, 2018 at 11:15

Suraj's user avatar


4434 silver badges11 bronze badges


It could happen after you update your php version, for instance if you upgrade from php5.6 to php7.1 you need to run these commands:

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring
sudo service apache2 restart

For php8.1

sudo apt-get install php8.1-mbstring
sudo systemctl restart nginx

If your destination version is different you need to check if the mbstring package exsit or not, an example for php7.0:

sudo apt-cache search php7.0-mbstring

I found it useful to first check existence of all modules that you working with, then performing an upgrade, in addition to that update phpmyadmin after upgrading your php is a good idea

NomanJaved's user avatar

answered Jul 2, 2018 at 7:02

Arash Rabiee's user avatar

Arash RabieeArash Rabiee

9292 gold badges16 silver badges29 bronze badges

In my case i made a new installation of php7 using xampp, the error was in php.ini at line 699, i just did

include_path= C:Program Files (x86)xamppphpPEAR


include_path= "C:Program Files (x86)xamppphpPEAR"

and it worked for me.

I checked this by running the php.exe it gave me that error and i fixed it.

answered Aug 24, 2016 at 11:40

Ahmed Ali's user avatar

Ahmed AliAhmed Ali

3426 silver badges16 bronze badges


Change extension_dir = "ext" to extension_dir = "C:/php/ext" in php.ini.

answered Jun 20, 2015 at 1:33

Marek Woźniak's user avatar


It could raise the concern if you’re either:

Case 1: Downgrading/ upgrading any PHP version.
Case 2: Enabling/Disabling (Switching) between PHP versions.

Here are some recommended commands I found helpful to fix these concerns:

Message 1: The mbstring extension is missing…….

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mbstring  

Message 2: The mysqli extension is missing…….

sudo apt-get install php7.1-mysqli

Note: Tested with PHP version 7.1. Change PHP version as per requirement.

answered Jul 19, 2020 at 1:11

Vishal Kumar's user avatar

Vishal KumarVishal Kumar

1,18011 silver badges15 bronze badges

I have solved my problem by this way:

  1. Edit the c:phpphp.ini file:

  2. change extension_dir = «ext» into extension_dir = «c:phpext» (please write
    ur own path)

  3. change ;extension=php_mbstring.dll into extension=php_mbstring.dll (delete
    the «;»)
  4. restart the apache server。

I Hope it will work for u.

answered Jan 18, 2017 at 22:57

Mohammed Khan's user avatar

This worked for me on Kali-linux 2018 :

apt-get install php7.0-mbstring

service apache2 restart

answered Feb 28, 2018 at 12:38

Durodola Opemipo's user avatar

You also need to define PHPIniDirc:/php_install_path

Atanu Roy's user avatar

Atanu Roy

1,3742 gold badges17 silver badges29 bronze badges

answered Jun 26, 2015 at 19:00

Jakab Molnár's user avatar

You can try this

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext
sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/html/phpmyadmin
service apache2 restart

answered Nov 22, 2016 at 8:37

Mourad MAMASSI's user avatar


8191 gold badge11 silver badges14 bronze badges

this ones solved my problem

1.open command prompt in administration

  1. then open apache bin folder like this,

    c: cd wampbinapacheapache2.4.17bin>

  2. then type after the above

    c: cd wampbinapacheapache2.4.17bin> mklink php.ini d:wampbinphpphp5.6.15phpForApache.ini

  3. thats it close the command prompt and restart the wamp and open it in admin mode.

  4. original post : PHP: No php.ini file thanks to xiao.

Community's user avatar

answered Sep 30, 2016 at 7:35

Aravindh Gopi's user avatar

before you do other way, please do open php.exe on your PHP folder.
run it and if you faced any error statement on it, you can fix it manually.
else, do most-usefull post in this thread.

answered Dec 27, 2018 at 13:04

zigots007's user avatar

I see this error after I disabled php5.6 and enabled php7.3 in ubuntu18.0.4

so i reverse it and problem resolved :DDD

answered Sep 23, 2019 at 7:44

Hojjat's user avatar


1312 silver badges3 bronze badges

This worked for me on Ubuntu with PHP 8:

sudo apt-get install php8.0-mbstring

answered Jul 6, 2022 at 18:14

Kapil Khandelwal's user avatar

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