Как увеличить текст в windows forms

Увеличение шрифта на форме C# Решение и ответ на вопрос 1179873

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Увеличение шрифта на форме

18.05.2014, 17:15. Показов 22540. Ответов 8

Как увеличить размере текста полученного на форме?
Как сделать на форме выпадающее меню, где можно будет выбрать необходимый размер шрифта?


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Регистрация: 18.05.2014

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18.05.2014, 21:21


Увеличение шрифта на форме


626 / 433 / 45

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18.05.2014, 21:26



KainRA, Текст программно создается


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18.05.2014, 21:30


Invincible, уточните задачу. Текст расположен прямо на форме? В какой момент должно произойти изменение? Выпадающий список расположен на форме?



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18.05.2014, 21:47


Если текст размещен на элементе (label, textBox и т.д.) то нужно изменять его размер в свойствах элмента.


private void ChangeFontLabel(float x)
Font fn = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", x);
this.label1.Font = fn;

Но будет изменяться размер Label и форма может поплыть, для того чтобы этого избежать просто задайте максимальные границы размера элемента.

Увидел Вашу фотографию, посмотрите в сторону презгрузки конструктора класса Font, там можно задать стиль (подчеркнуты, жирный и т.д.)



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18.05.2014, 21:54


Вот. На форме кнопка, комбобокс и лейбл (лейбл для проверки).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace WindowsFormsApplication24
    public partial class Form1 : Form
        public Form1()
            this.Load += (sender, e) =>
            button1.Click += (sender, e) =>
                    int size = int.Parse(comboBox1.SelectedIndex.ToString());
                    label1.Font = new Font(DefaultFont.Name, (float)size);
        private void FormLoad()
            string[] size = Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(n => n.ToString()).ToArray();
            comboBox1.Text = comboBox1.Items[0].ToString();


25 / 25 / 8

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18.05.2014, 22:12


А почему размер присваивается по SelectedIndex, а не SelectedItem?

Как здесь цитировать или отвечать?( Не могу никак найти(


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18.05.2014, 22:36


BadEvgen, в данном случае это не важно.



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20.05.2014, 14:45



 comboBox1 = new ComboBox();
        comboBox1.Left = 120;
        comboBox1.Height = 50;
        comboBox1.Top = 600;
        comboBox1.Click += new EventHandler(comboBox1_Click);
void comboBox1_Click(object Sender, System.EventArgs e)
          treeView1.Font = new Font(comboBox1.Text, 11, treeView1.Font.Style);

Подскажите, как можно сделать,чтобы после запуска программы, можно было увеличивать и уменьшать шрифт


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  • hi
    i have label control in my windows form, sometimes the output that i want to set as the text property for the label is too long. how i can change the font size of the label in code??


  •       label1.Font = new Font(label1.Font.FontFamily, 13);

    Hans Passant.

    • Marked as answer by
      Sunday, September 27, 2009 9:20 AM

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  • Set the Font property.  Doh.

    Hans Passant.

  • I know i can change it in designer through Font property but i dont know how to do it in code. Label.Font.Size property it a read-only. if you know tell me how?

  •       label1.Font = new Font(label1.Font.FontFamily, 13);

    Hans Passant.

    • Marked as answer by
      Sunday, September 27, 2009 9:20 AM

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    In Windows Forms, Label control is used to display text on the form and it does not take part in user input or in mouse or keyboard events. You are allowed to set the size of Label control using Size Property. You can set this property using two different methods:

    1. Design-Time: It is the easiest method to set the Size property of the Label control using the following steps:

    • Step 1: Create a windows form as shown in the below image:
      Visual Studio -> File -> New -> Project -> WindowsFormApp
    • Step 2: Drag the Label control from the ToolBox and drop it on the windows form. You are allowed to place a Label control anywhere on the windows form according to your need.
    • Step 3: After drag and drop you will go to the properties of the Label control to set the Size property of the Label.


    2. Run-Time: It is a little bit trickier than the above method. In this method, you can set the size of the Label control programmatically with the help of given syntax:

    public System.Drawing.Size Size { get; set; }

    Here, Size indicates the height and the width of the Label in pixel. Following steps are used to set the Size property of the Label:

    • Step 1: Create a label using the Label() constructor is provided by the Label class.
      // Creating label using Label class
      Label mylab = new Label();
    • Step 2: After creating Label, set the Size property of the Label provided by the Label class.
      // Set Size property of the label
      mylab.Size = new Size(120, 25);
    • Step 3: And last add this Label control to form using Add() method.
      // Add this label to the form


      using System;

      using System.Collections.Generic;

      using System.ComponentModel;

      using System.Data;

      using System.Drawing;

      using System.Linq;

      using System.Text;

      using System.Threading.Tasks;

      using System.Windows.Forms;

      namespace WindowsFormsApp16 {

      public partial class Form1 : Form {

          public Form1()




          private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


              Label mylab = new Label();

              mylab.Text = "GeeksforGeeks";

              mylab.Location = new Point(222, 90);

              mylab.Size = new Size(120, 25);

              mylab.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;






    Практическое руководство. Приведение размера элемента управления Label в соответствие с его содержимым в Windows Forms

    Элемент управления Windows Forms Label может быть однострочным или многострочным, он может быть фиксированным по размеру либо автоматически изменять размер в соответствии с заголовком. Свойство AutoSize помогает менять размер элементов управления в соответствии с размером заголовка, что особенно полезно, если заголовок меняется во время выполнения.

    Динамическое изменение размера элемента управления меткой в соответствии с его содержимым

    1. Для его свойства AutoSize задайте значение true .

    Если для AutoSize задано значение false , слова, указанные в свойстве Text, переносятся на следующую строку, если это возможно, но элемент управления не будет увеличиваться.

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    Мне надо в ходе программы изменить размер шрифта Label’а, а Visual Studio 2005 говорит, что параметр Label.Font.Size доступен только для чтения. Как тут быть?

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    А в 2005 разве не так

    Label1.FontSize = 30

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    Вся проблема в том, что число в Label’е не помещается в заданном пространстве и «лезет» на соседние кнопки. Изменить дизайн нельзя, поменять шрифт заранее на маленький тоже нельзя, а мне надо сделать примерно следующее:

    If TextBox.Text > 999999 Then
    Label.Font.Size = 35
    End If

    А как я говорил, параметр Label.Font.Size доступен только для чтения.

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    Доктор Зло(диагност, настоящий, с лицензией и полномочиями)

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    Доктор Зло(диагност, настоящий, с лицензией и полномочиями)

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    Label1.Font = New Font(Label1.Font.FontFamily, Label1.Font.Size / 2)

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    Как изменить размер Label, Visual C#?

    является бессмысленной, так как есть она, нет ее, стоит ли там 50,50 или 500,500, при исполнении программы размер текста по факту не меняется. Что делать?

    В свойствах нужно найти Autosize и выбрать False)

    Всё ещё ищете ответ? Посмотрите другие вопросы с метками c# winforms или задайте свой вопрос.

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    изменить размер отдельных элементов
    управления или набора элементов
    управления одного или разных типов,
    например, элементов управления Button
    (кнопка) и
    (группа переключателей).

    изменить размер элемента управления

    щелкните элемент управления, размер
    которого следует изменить, и потяните
    за один из восьми маркеров изменения

    элемент управления и нажмите клавиши
    со стрелками, удерживая нажатой клавишу
    SHIFT для изменения размера элемента
    управления на одну точку за раз. Нажмите
    клавиши со стрелками ВНИЗ или ВПРАВО,
    удерживая нажатыми клавиши SHIFT и CTRL,
    чтобы изменить размер элемента управления
    на большую величину.

    изменить размер нескольких элементов
    управления в форме

    1. Удерживайте
      нажатой клавишу CTRL или SHIFT и выберите
      элементы управления, размер которых
      следует изменить. Для всех элементов
      управления используется размер первого
      выбранного элемента управления.

    2. В
      меню Формат
      выберите Сделать
      одного размера
      и выберите один из трех параметров: По
      ширине, По высоте, Оба. Эти три команды
      изменяют размеры элементов управления
      так, чтобы они соответствовали размерам
      первого выбранного элемента управления.

        1. Определение текста, отображаемого элементом управления Windows Forms

    На элементах
    управления форм Windows Forms обычно отображается
    текст, связанный с их основной функцией.
    Например, элемент управления Button
    (кнопка) обычно имеет заголовок,
    указывающий, какое действие выполняется
    при нажатии этой кнопки. Для любого
    элемента управления можно задавать или
    возвращать текст, используя свойство
    Можно изменить шрифт, используя свойство

    задать текст, отображаемый на элементе
    управления, программно с
    строковое значение.

    создать сочетание клавиш и подчеркнуть
    соответствующую ему букву, вставьте
    знак & перед этой буквой

    изменить стиль написания текста

    для свойства Font
    задайте тип объекта Font(«шрифт»,
    размер,стиль, единицы измерения размера

    Для создания кнопки:


    = «&Формат кнопки»;

    = new Font(«Monotype Corsiva», 14, FontStyle.Italic,

        1. Определение клавиш доступа для элементов управления Windows Forms

    используемая в сочетании
    подчеркивается в названии меню, в пункте
    меню или в метке элемента управления,
    например кнопки. С помощью сочетания
    клавиш пользователь может «нажать»
    кнопку, нажав одновременно клавишу ALT
    и клавишу с указанной буквой. Например,
    если кнопка запускает процесс печати
    формы и ее свойство Text
    имеет значение «Print», то можно
    добавить амперсанд (&) перед буквой
    «P», чтобы эта буква была подчеркнута
    в тексте кнопки в режиме выполнения.
    Пользователь может выполнить команду,
    связанную с кнопкой, нажав сочетание
    клавиш ALT+P. Невозможно назначить букву
    сочетания клавиш для элемента управления,
    который не может получить фокус.

    создать букву сочетания клавиш для
    элемента управления
    в качестве свойства Text
    строку, содержащую знак & перед буквой,
    которая будет использоваться в сочетании
    клавиш, например:

    button1.Text = «&Print»;

    Соседние файлы в предмете [НЕСОРТИРОВАННОЕ]

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    How do I change the height of a textbox ?

    Neither of the below work:

    this.TextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(173, 100);


    this.TextBox1.Size.Height = 100;

    I wanted to be able to change the single line text box height to fit a font size on it without using multi-line if possible.

    asked May 2, 2011 at 2:41

    Guapo's user avatar


    Go into yourForm.Designer.cs
    Scroll down to your textbox. Example below is for textBox2 object.
    Add this

    this.textBox2.AutoSize = false;

    and set its size to whatever you want

    this.textBox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(142, 27);

    Will work like a charm — without setting multiline to true, but only until you change any option in designer itself (you will have to set these 2 lines again).
    I think, this method is still better than multilining. I had a textbox for nickname in my app and with multiline, people sometimes accidentially wrote their names twice, like ThomasnThomas (you saw only one in actual textbox line). With this solution, text is simply hiding to the left after each char too long for width, so its much safer for users, to put inputs.

    answered Jun 26, 2013 at 17:32

    Tomasz Szymański's user avatar


    There are two ways to do this :

    • Set the textbox’s «multiline» property to true, in this case you don’t want to do it so;
    • Set a bigger font size to the textbox

    I believe it is the only ways to do it; the bigger font size should automatically fit with the textbox

    answered May 2, 2011 at 2:45

    MrRoy's user avatar


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    You can set the MinimumSize and/or the MaximumSize properties of the textbox. This does not affect the size immediately, but when you resize the textbox in the forms designer, the size will automatically be adjusted to satisfy the minimum/maximum size constraints. This works even when Multiline is set to false and does not depend on the font size.

    answered Feb 28, 2013 at 15:32

    Olivier Jacot-Descombes's user avatar


    Just found a great little trick to setting a custom height to a textbox.

    In the designer view, set the minimumSize to whatever you desire, and then completely remove the size setting. This will cause the designer to update with the new minimum settings!

    answered Nov 6, 2014 at 11:48

    Johnathan Brown's user avatar


    set the minimum size property

    tb_01.MinimumSize = new Size(500, 300);

    This is working for me.

    answered Oct 31, 2012 at 3:55

    LazyZebra's user avatar


    1,08916 silver badges24 bronze badges

    Try the following :)

            textBox1.Multiline = true;
            textBox1.Height = 100;
            textBox1.Width = 173;

    answered May 4, 2011 at 6:03

    Rauf's user avatar


    12.2k19 gold badges76 silver badges124 bronze badges


    1. Set the textboxes to multiline
    2. Change the height
    3. Change the font size. (so it fit into the big textboxes)
    4. Set the textboxes back to non-multiline

    Single Entity's user avatar

    answered Mar 21, 2017 at 15:44

    Nofontnl's user avatar


    public partial class MyTextBox : TextBox
        public override bool AutoSize
                return base.AutoSize;
                base.AutoSize = value;
        public MyTextBox()
            this.AutoSize = false;

    aschipfl's user avatar


    33.1k12 gold badges53 silver badges94 bronze badges

    answered May 28, 2014 at 4:48

    YDS's user avatar

    May be it´s a little late. But you can do this.

    txtFoo.Multiline = true;
    txtFoo.MinimumSize = new Size(someWith,someHeight);

    I solved it that way.

    answered May 11, 2011 at 15:43

    amiralles's user avatar

    AutoSize, Minimum, Maximum does not give flexibility. Use multiline and handle the enter key event and suppress the keypress. Works great.

    textBox1.Multiline = true;
     private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
                if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
                    e.Handled = true;
                    e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

    answered Apr 10, 2014 at 20:37

    pili's user avatar


    7752 gold badges10 silver badges24 bronze badges


    You can put it inside a panel that has the same back color with your desired height. This way has this advantage that the text box can center horizontally, which is not provided by other solutions.

    You can make it even more natural by using the following methods

        private void textBox1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            panelTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            panelTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

    answered Dec 26, 2015 at 7:59

    Ahmad's user avatar


    8,2779 gold badges70 silver badges123 bronze badges

    The Simplest Way to do that

    1. Right click on the TextBox.
    2. Go to properties.
    3. Set Multiline = True.

    Now you will be able to resize the TextBox vertically as you wish.

    Joel's user avatar


    3793 silver badges14 bronze badges

    answered Feb 2, 2018 at 8:05

    ArunPratap's user avatar


    4,5987 gold badges28 silver badges43 bronze badges

    for me, the best approach is remove border of the textbox, and place it inside a Panel, which can be customized as you like.

    answered Dec 25, 2012 at 22:43

    Harvey Triana's user avatar


    The following code added in your constructor after calling InitializeComponent() will make it possible to programmatically set your text box to the correct height without a) changing the Multiline property, b) having to hardcode a height, or c) mucking with the Designer-generated code. It still isn’t necessarily as clean or nice as doing it in a custom control, but it’s fairly simple and robust:

    if (txtbox.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.None)
        txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        var heightWithBorder = txtbox.ClientRectangle.Height;
        txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
        txtbox.AutoSize = false;
        txtbox.Height = heightWithBorder;

    I decided to make it cleaner and easier to use by putting it in a static class and make it an extension method on TextBox:

    public static class TextBoxExtensions
        public static void CorrectHeight(this TextBox txtbox)
            if (txtbox.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.None)
                txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                var heightWithBorder = txtbox.ClientRectangle.Height;
                txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
                txtbox.AutoSize = false;
                txtbox.Height = heightWithBorder;

    answered Feb 2, 2015 at 16:28

    Tom Bogle's user avatar

    Tom BogleTom Bogle

    4364 silver badges18 bronze badges


    Some of you were close but changing designer code like that is annoying because you always have to go back and change it again.

    The original OP was likely using an older version of .net because version 4 autosizes the textbox height to fit the font, but does not size comboboxes and textboxes the same which is a completely different problem but drew me here.

    This is the problem I faced when placing textboxes next to comboboxes on a form. This is a bit irritating because who wants two controls side-by-side with different heights? Or different fonts to force heights? Step it up Microsoft, this should be simple!

    I’m using .net framework 4 in VS2012 and the following was the simplest solution for me.

    In the form load event (or anywhere as long as fired after InitializeComponent): textbox.AutoSize = false Then set the height to whatever you want. For me I wanted my text boxes and combo boxes to be the same height so textbox.height = combobox.height did the trick for me.


    1) The designer will not be affected so it will require you to start your project to see the end result, so there may be some trial and error.

    2) Align the tops of your comboboxes and textboxes if you want them to be aligned properly after the resize because the textboxes will grow down.

    answered Dec 1, 2016 at 16:06

    JoeMilo's user avatar


    1231 silver badge10 bronze badges


    This is what worked nicely for me since all I wanted to do was set the height of the textbox. The property is Read-Only and the property is in the Unit class so you can’t just set it. So I just created a new Unit and the constructor lets me set the height, then set the textbox to that unit instead.

    Unit height = txtTextBox.Height;
    double oldHeight = height.Value;
    double newHeight = height.Value + 20; //Added 20 pixels
    Unit newHeightUnit = new Unit(newHeight);
    txtTextBox.Height = newHeightUnit;

    answered Mar 29, 2017 at 19:13

    IQtheMC's user avatar


    2012 silver badges11 bronze badges

    You can make multiline : false and then just change the text size on the text box then the height will automatically increment

    Chris Catignani's user avatar

    answered Jul 14, 2021 at 19:49

    Younes Zen's user avatar

    you can also change you can also change MinimumSize

    answered Apr 9, 2019 at 6:28

    Nandu's user avatar


    1039 bronze badges

    So after having the same issue with not being able to adjust height in text box, Width adjustment is fine but height never adjusted with the above suggestions (at least for me), I was finally able to take make it happen. As mentioned above, the issue appeared to be centered around a default font size setting in my text box and the behavior of the text box auto sizing around it. The default font size was tiny. Hence why trying to force the height or even turn off autosizing failed to fix the issue for me.

    Set the Font properties to the size of your liking and then height change will kick in around the FONT size, automatically. You can still manually set your text box width. Below is snippet I added that worked for me.

        $textBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $textBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(60,300)
    $textBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(600,80)
    $textBox.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman",18,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular)
    $textBox.Form.Font = $textbox.Font

    Please note the Height value in ‘$textBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(600,80)’ is being ignored and the FONT size is actually controlling the height of the text box by autosizing around that font size.

    answered Apr 14, 2019 at 3:34

    TerryG's user avatar

    All you have to do is enable the multiline in the properties window, put the size you want in that same window and then in your .cs after the InitializeComponent put txtexample.Multiline = false; and so the multiline is not enabled but the size of the txt is as you put it.

    txtEmail.Multiline = false;
    txtPassword.Multiline = false;

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Imran Ali Khan's user avatar

    answered Jul 1, 2019 at 3:44

    Derek Duran's user avatar


    I think this should work.

    TextBox1.Height = 100;

    answered May 2, 2011 at 2:48

    KaeL's user avatar


    3,6392 gold badges27 silver badges55 bronze badges


    How do I change the height of a textbox ?

    Neither of the below work:

    this.TextBox1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(173, 100);


    this.TextBox1.Size.Height = 100;

    I wanted to be able to change the single line text box height to fit a font size on it without using multi-line if possible.

    asked May 2, 2011 at 2:41

    Guapo's user avatar


    Go into yourForm.Designer.cs
    Scroll down to your textbox. Example below is for textBox2 object.
    Add this

    this.textBox2.AutoSize = false;

    and set its size to whatever you want

    this.textBox2.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(142, 27);

    Will work like a charm — without setting multiline to true, but only until you change any option in designer itself (you will have to set these 2 lines again).
    I think, this method is still better than multilining. I had a textbox for nickname in my app and with multiline, people sometimes accidentially wrote their names twice, like ThomasnThomas (you saw only one in actual textbox line). With this solution, text is simply hiding to the left after each char too long for width, so its much safer for users, to put inputs.

    answered Jun 26, 2013 at 17:32

    Tomasz Szymański's user avatar


    There are two ways to do this :

    • Set the textbox’s «multiline» property to true, in this case you don’t want to do it so;
    • Set a bigger font size to the textbox

    I believe it is the only ways to do it; the bigger font size should automatically fit with the textbox

    answered May 2, 2011 at 2:45

    MrRoy's user avatar


    1,12510 silver badges9 bronze badges


    You can set the MinimumSize and/or the MaximumSize properties of the textbox. This does not affect the size immediately, but when you resize the textbox in the forms designer, the size will automatically be adjusted to satisfy the minimum/maximum size constraints. This works even when Multiline is set to false and does not depend on the font size.

    answered Feb 28, 2013 at 15:32

    Olivier Jacot-Descombes's user avatar


    Just found a great little trick to setting a custom height to a textbox.

    In the designer view, set the minimumSize to whatever you desire, and then completely remove the size setting. This will cause the designer to update with the new minimum settings!

    answered Nov 6, 2014 at 11:48

    Johnathan Brown's user avatar


    set the minimum size property

    tb_01.MinimumSize = new Size(500, 300);

    This is working for me.

    answered Oct 31, 2012 at 3:55

    LazyZebra's user avatar


    1,08916 silver badges24 bronze badges

    Try the following :)

            textBox1.Multiline = true;
            textBox1.Height = 100;
            textBox1.Width = 173;

    answered May 4, 2011 at 6:03

    Rauf's user avatar


    12.2k19 gold badges76 silver badges124 bronze badges


    1. Set the textboxes to multiline
    2. Change the height
    3. Change the font size. (so it fit into the big textboxes)
    4. Set the textboxes back to non-multiline

    Single Entity's user avatar

    answered Mar 21, 2017 at 15:44

    Nofontnl's user avatar


    public partial class MyTextBox : TextBox
        public override bool AutoSize
                return base.AutoSize;
                base.AutoSize = value;
        public MyTextBox()
            this.AutoSize = false;

    aschipfl's user avatar


    33.1k12 gold badges53 silver badges94 bronze badges

    answered May 28, 2014 at 4:48

    YDS's user avatar

    May be it´s a little late. But you can do this.

    txtFoo.Multiline = true;
    txtFoo.MinimumSize = new Size(someWith,someHeight);

    I solved it that way.

    answered May 11, 2011 at 15:43

    amiralles's user avatar

    AutoSize, Minimum, Maximum does not give flexibility. Use multiline and handle the enter key event and suppress the keypress. Works great.

    textBox1.Multiline = true;
     private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
                if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)
                    e.Handled = true;
                    e.SuppressKeyPress = true;

    answered Apr 10, 2014 at 20:37

    pili's user avatar


    7752 gold badges10 silver badges24 bronze badges


    You can put it inside a panel that has the same back color with your desired height. This way has this advantage that the text box can center horizontally, which is not provided by other solutions.

    You can make it even more natural by using the following methods

        private void textBox1_Enter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            panelTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        private void textBox1_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            panelTextBox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;

    answered Dec 26, 2015 at 7:59

    Ahmad's user avatar


    8,2779 gold badges70 silver badges123 bronze badges

    The Simplest Way to do that

    1. Right click on the TextBox.
    2. Go to properties.
    3. Set Multiline = True.

    Now you will be able to resize the TextBox vertically as you wish.

    Joel's user avatar


    3793 silver badges14 bronze badges

    answered Feb 2, 2018 at 8:05

    ArunPratap's user avatar


    4,5987 gold badges28 silver badges43 bronze badges

    for me, the best approach is remove border of the textbox, and place it inside a Panel, which can be customized as you like.

    answered Dec 25, 2012 at 22:43

    Harvey Triana's user avatar


    The following code added in your constructor after calling InitializeComponent() will make it possible to programmatically set your text box to the correct height without a) changing the Multiline property, b) having to hardcode a height, or c) mucking with the Designer-generated code. It still isn’t necessarily as clean or nice as doing it in a custom control, but it’s fairly simple and robust:

    if (txtbox.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.None)
        txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
        var heightWithBorder = txtbox.ClientRectangle.Height;
        txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
        txtbox.AutoSize = false;
        txtbox.Height = heightWithBorder;

    I decided to make it cleaner and easier to use by putting it in a static class and make it an extension method on TextBox:

    public static class TextBoxExtensions
        public static void CorrectHeight(this TextBox txtbox)
            if (txtbox.BorderStyle == BorderStyle.None)
                txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
                var heightWithBorder = txtbox.ClientRectangle.Height;
                txtbox.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None;
                txtbox.AutoSize = false;
                txtbox.Height = heightWithBorder;

    answered Feb 2, 2015 at 16:28

    Tom Bogle's user avatar

    Tom BogleTom Bogle

    4364 silver badges18 bronze badges


    Some of you were close but changing designer code like that is annoying because you always have to go back and change it again.

    The original OP was likely using an older version of .net because version 4 autosizes the textbox height to fit the font, but does not size comboboxes and textboxes the same which is a completely different problem but drew me here.

    This is the problem I faced when placing textboxes next to comboboxes on a form. This is a bit irritating because who wants two controls side-by-side with different heights? Or different fonts to force heights? Step it up Microsoft, this should be simple!

    I’m using .net framework 4 in VS2012 and the following was the simplest solution for me.

    In the form load event (or anywhere as long as fired after InitializeComponent): textbox.AutoSize = false Then set the height to whatever you want. For me I wanted my text boxes and combo boxes to be the same height so textbox.height = combobox.height did the trick for me.


    1) The designer will not be affected so it will require you to start your project to see the end result, so there may be some trial and error.

    2) Align the tops of your comboboxes and textboxes if you want them to be aligned properly after the resize because the textboxes will grow down.

    answered Dec 1, 2016 at 16:06

    JoeMilo's user avatar


    1231 silver badge10 bronze badges


    This is what worked nicely for me since all I wanted to do was set the height of the textbox. The property is Read-Only and the property is in the Unit class so you can’t just set it. So I just created a new Unit and the constructor lets me set the height, then set the textbox to that unit instead.

    Unit height = txtTextBox.Height;
    double oldHeight = height.Value;
    double newHeight = height.Value + 20; //Added 20 pixels
    Unit newHeightUnit = new Unit(newHeight);
    txtTextBox.Height = newHeightUnit;

    answered Mar 29, 2017 at 19:13

    IQtheMC's user avatar


    2012 silver badges11 bronze badges

    You can make multiline : false and then just change the text size on the text box then the height will automatically increment

    Chris Catignani's user avatar

    answered Jul 14, 2021 at 19:49

    Younes Zen's user avatar

    you can also change you can also change MinimumSize

    answered Apr 9, 2019 at 6:28

    Nandu's user avatar


    1039 bronze badges

    So after having the same issue with not being able to adjust height in text box, Width adjustment is fine but height never adjusted with the above suggestions (at least for me), I was finally able to take make it happen. As mentioned above, the issue appeared to be centered around a default font size setting in my text box and the behavior of the text box auto sizing around it. The default font size was tiny. Hence why trying to force the height or even turn off autosizing failed to fix the issue for me.

    Set the Font properties to the size of your liking and then height change will kick in around the FONT size, automatically. You can still manually set your text box width. Below is snippet I added that worked for me.

        $textBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
    $textBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Point(60,300)
    $textBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(600,80)
    $textBox.Font = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Times New Roman",18,[System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular)
    $textBox.Form.Font = $textbox.Font

    Please note the Height value in ‘$textBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(600,80)’ is being ignored and the FONT size is actually controlling the height of the text box by autosizing around that font size.

    answered Apr 14, 2019 at 3:34

    TerryG's user avatar

    All you have to do is enable the multiline in the properties window, put the size you want in that same window and then in your .cs after the InitializeComponent put txtexample.Multiline = false; and so the multiline is not enabled but the size of the txt is as you put it.

    txtEmail.Multiline = false;
    txtPassword.Multiline = false;

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Imran Ali Khan's user avatar

    answered Jul 1, 2019 at 3:44

    Derek Duran's user avatar


    I think this should work.

    TextBox1.Height = 100;

    answered May 2, 2011 at 2:48

    KaeL's user avatar


    3,6392 gold badges27 silver badges55 bronze badges


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