Как включить telnet windows server 2019

Learn how to install the telnet client in Windows Server 2019 with this quick guide.

This post will show you how to install the telnet client in Microsoft’s Windows Server 2019. I’ll show examples with command prompt, PowerShell, and of course using the graphical user interface.

By default the telnet client in Microsoft’s Windows operating systems is disabled, this is unfortunate as it is an extremely useful tool which can be used for testing TCP connectivity to external hosts on a specified port.

This is great when you’re trying to troubleshoot network connectivity problems, for example, say we have a web server which should be listening on port 80 to serve HTTP traffic but we are not able to load a web page, by using telnet to connect to the web server on port 80 we can verify the connectivity.

It may be that the connectivity is fine but there is a problem with the web server, or that the web server is stopped and the port is not listening at all, for instance. With telnet we can get a better understanding of what’s going on.

Enabling the Telnet Client

Firstly you need to enable the telnet client, if you don’t enable it you’ll get a result similar to the below message when trying to use it.

C:>telnet google.com 80
'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

You can enable the telnet client either by command line or through the graphical interface.

Enabling the telnet client through command prompt

Using the command line is the easiest and fastest way to install the telnet client. Run the below command in command prompt with administrator permissions.

dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

That’s it, after a few seconds telnet should be ready to use.

Enabling the telnet client through PowerShell

Again we can also do this instead with PowerShell, we can run the below cmdlet in a PowerShell console with administrator permissions which will install the telnet client.

Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client

Once complete, you should see the following output returned:

Success Restart Needed Exit Code      Feature Result
------- -------------- ---------      --------------
True    No             Success        {Telnet Client}

Enabling the telnet client through the graphical user interface

  1. Open Server Manager.
  2. From Server Manager click “Add roles and features”.
    Windows Server 2019 Server Manager
  3. The Add Roles and Features Wizard opens to the Before you Begin screen, click next.
    Windows Server 2019 Server Manager Before you Begin
  4. On the Installation Type screen, leave Role-based or Feature-based installation selected and click next.
    Windows Server 2019 Server Installation Type
  5. On the server selection screen, select the server to install on. By default it should be the local server itself, click next.
    Windows Server 2019 Server Manager Select Server Destination
  6. On the Server Roles screen, click next. We are installing a feature rather than a role so don’t select anything here.
    Windows Server 2019 Server Manager Server Roles
  7. On the Features screen, tick the check box next to Telnet Client.
    Windows Server 2019 Add Features
  8. On the Confirmation screen, click Install.
    Windows Server 2019 Confirm Installation
  9. Once the installation succeeds, click the Close button. The telnet client is now installed and ready for use.
    Windows Server 2019 Installation Results

Verifying that the telnet client is enabled

Simply open command prompt or powershell, type ‘telnet’ and press enter. If this was successful you should have a prompt similar to the below:

Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Client

Escape Character is 'CTRL+]'

Microsoft Telnet>

This confirms that you have successfully turned on and enabled the telnet client in Windows Server 2019.

Already have telnet installed but still failing?
In some cases you must run command prompt or powershell as administrator in order to issue the telnet command, otherwise it will give the same error as if it was not enabled at all.


Now that you have installed telnet in Windows Server 2019 you should be able to start issuing commands with it and using it to troubleshoot TCP connectivity problems.

By default, In Windows Server Editions, the Telnet command, «is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file». This is happening, because the Telnet client, is disabled by default in n Windows Server 2012/2016 or 2019.

fix Telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command - Server 2012/2016/2019

In this article you will find several methods to enable the Telnet client on a Windows Server 2019, 2016 or 2012.

How to Install Telnet Client in Server 2019, Server 2016 or Server 2012.

Method 1. Install Telnet client from PowerShell.
Method 2. Enable Telnet Client from Command Prompt.
Method 3. Add the Telnet Client feature from Server Manager.
Method 1. How Install Telnet Client Feature from PowerShell in Server 2012, 2016 or 2019.

1. Open Windows PowerShell.
2. In PowerShell, give the following command to enable the Telnet client:

  • Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client

Install Telnet Client Feature - PwerShell - Server 2019/2016/2012

3. When the installation is completed, you ‘re ready to use Telnet. *

* Note: If you want to disable the Telnet client, give this command in PowerShell:

  • Remove-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client
Method 2. How to Install Telnet Client from Command Prompt in Server 2012,2016, 2019, using DISM.

1. Open Command Prompt (or PowerShell)
2. Then, give the following DISM command and press Enter to install the Telnet client.

  • dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

Install Telnet Client Feature - DISM - Server 2019/2016/2012

Method 3. How to Install Telnet client Feature from the Server Manager.

1. To install the Telnet client feature on Windows Server 2016, 2019 r 2012, open ‘Server Manager’ and click on Add Roles and Features.

Setup VPN Server 2016

2. At the first screen of ‘Add Roles and Features wizard’, leave the Role-based or feature-based installation option and click Next.

Install Telnet Client Feature Server 2016

3. At the next screen, leave the default option «Select server from the server pool» and click Next.

How to Enable Telnet Client in Server 2012/2016/2019.

4. At Server Roles options, click Next.


5. At Features options, check the Telnet client and click Next.

Install Telnet Client Feature Server 2019/2016/2012

6. Finally click Install at the confirmation screen


7. When the installation is completed. click Close.


That’s it! Let me know if this guide has helped you by leaving your comment about your experience. Please like and share this guide to help others.

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Hello, Today we are going to talk about Telnet. This is a network protocol that allows us to access another machine to operate it remotely as if we were sitting in front of it. It´s also the name of the computer program that the client implements. Its name comes from the acronym Telecommunication Network. In addition, it is used on MSDOS and Windows systems. And also compatible with UNIX-based systems, such as Mac and Linux, and FreeBSD. On the other hand, this protocol and this command are only implemented through commands. However, Telnet has a serious security problem. Indeed, information from one terminal to another travels without any type of encryption, only in plain text. For this reason, safer tools such as SSH are currently preferred. Although it is still useful in internal networks with protection from external traffic. That’s why we’ll see how to enable Telnet in Windows Server.

Enabling Telnet on Windows Server 2016/2019. Using PowerShell

To be able to use Telnet correctly we have to open a session in the destination machine. This session has to be opened with a user with access. As mentioned above, this protocol presents an important security gap. For this reason, it is disabled by default in Windows Server. It is possible to check this by running the telnet command at a command prompt:

Telnet is not recognized as a valid command

Telnet is not recognized as a valid command

To enable it, please open a PowerShell with administrative privileges and add the following command and press Enter:

 Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client 

Immediately start the installation:

Enabling Telnet via PowerShell

Enabling Telnet via PowerShell

At the end of the process we will see the following window:

Telnet finally enabled.

Telnet finally enabled.

Another way to enable this function is to open a CMD with administrative privileges and run the following command:

dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient 

Enabling Telnet graphical mode.

It is also possible to enable Telnet from the Windows Server 2016/2019 Dashboard. With this in mind, you have to enter the section Add roles and features.

Add roles and features

Add roles and features

Then press Next to continue.

Click Next to continue

Click Next to continue

In the next window, click on Role-based or feature-based installation:

Select Role-based or feature-based installation

Select Role-based or feature-based installation

Next, select the server you are going to add to Telnet.

Select the server.

Select the server.

Now, just press Next and skip the roles on this screen. Press Next to continue the installation.

Click Next to continue the installation.

Click Next to continue the installation.

Then scroll down and select the Telnet checkbox. You will see a brief description of the feature.

Adding Telnet feature

Adding Telnet feature

On the next screen, press Install to start the process.

Press Install.

Press Install.

Just wait a few seconds until Telnet is finally installed.

Telnet installed by Server Dashboard

Telnet installed by Server Dashboard

Testing Telnet.

After the process is finished, you just need to open any CMD and run the next command:


If everything is correct, you will see the next window:

Running Telnet

Running Telnet

To view the available subcommands, run the following command:

telnet /h

Telnet help

Telnet help

In the final analysis, we have seen how to install Telnet in Windows 2016/2019. Despite its security limitations, it is still a good option for communicating computers on private networks. That’s all for now, before saying goodbye I invite you to see our post about OrientDB in Windows 10. See you later!

There are certain protocols that have been developed to facilitate the lives of administrators, users and anyone who has an impact on the IT world. The Telnet protocol (Teletype Network,) is one of the most used since since its implementation in 1964 it aims to be a protocol that acts as a command line interface towards direct communication with a remote device or server, since either for remote administration tasks or to provide some type of support or configuration of the device or the entire infrastructure of the device.

A connection through Telnet makes use of the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) as it acts as a connection to transmit data with interconnected Telnet control between the devices. Perhaps one of its shortcomings is security is that we talk about a protocol created in 1694 where security was not as critical as it is today, but there are some defense mechanisms when using Telnet.

To understand a little what Telnet does, we must know that Telnet offers to each of the users a text-oriented interactive bidirectional system communication system that connects through a virtual terminal of more than 8 bytes, the syntax used For Telnet telnet hostname port, this allows the user to execute commands directly on the server through the available Telnet commands.

Telnet Tasks

With this, Telnet is useful in cases such as:

  • Access to databases
  • Network and server administration
  • Interaction with programs hosted on remote application servers

Windows Server 2019 is Microsoft’s latest commitment to cover a wide range of corporate clients with a secure, reliable and scalable system, so Telnet is disabled by default in Windows Server 2019, or 2016, to avoid privacy failures and security, but for administration and connectivity reasons it may be necessary to use Telnet on Windows Server so now we will see how to activate it on Windows Server 2019 or 2016.

Most used commands with Telnet

Some of the commands we can use with Telnet are:

  • ?: deploys Telnet help
  • Close: close the current Telnet session
  • display argument: this option allows you to display the parameters for the current connection (port, terminal type and more)
  • environ argument: It allows defining the variables for the operating environment in which we are
  • logout: this parameter will close the current session in Telnet
  • mode type: allows you to set the transfer mode (text file, binary file)
  • open hostname: with this parameter another connection will be opened for the remotely selected host
  • quit: so we will leave the Telnet client and all the connections active at the moment
  • send argument: this parameter sends Telnet character sequences to the host
  • set argument: Adjust the connection parameters
  • unset: this value loads the default connection parameters

We also leave you the video tutorial to enable the Telnet command of Windows Server 2019 and 2016.

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1. How to activate Telnet on Windows Server 2019 or Server 2016

Step 1

To verify that Telnet is deactivated in Windows Server we will execute the following:

 telnet google.com 80 

Step 2

The result will be as follows: image

Step 3

To enable the Telnet client we can access Windows PowerShell and there run the following line:

 Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client 

Step 4

Press Enter and the process of installing Telnet on Windows Server 2019/2016 will take place: image

Step 5

When this ends we will see the following: image


This operation is also possible from the command prompt of the command prompt by executing the following:

 dism / online / Enable-Feature / FeatureName: TelnetClient 

2. How to add Telnet in Windows Server 2019 or Server 2016

Step 1

Now, once this feature is enabled we must add it from the server administrator, for this we access this functionality: image

Step 2

We click on the “Add roles and features” line and the following will be displayed: image

Step 3

We click on Next and in the next window we activate the “Feature or role based installation” box: image

Step 4

In the following window we select the destination server: image

Step 5

We click on Next and we will access the role window, in this case we click on Next since we will not install any role: image

Step 6

Click on Next and in the “Characteristics” window we activate the “Telnet Client” box: image

Step 7

Click Next and we will see a summary of the feature to be installed: image

Step 8

To give way to the installation click on the «Install» button: image

Step 9

When this is over we will see the following. Click Close to exit the installation wizard. image

Step 10

To verify that it has been installed correctly, we access the command prompt and execute “telnet”, this will allow us to enter the Telnet use console in Windows Server 2019 or 2019: image

With TechnoWikis you have learned to enable the Telnet client in Windows Server 2019 or 2016 and thus have an additional connectivity option.

Telnet is a protocol that provides a command-line interface for communicating with a remote device or server. Sometimes employed for remote management but also for initial device setup like network hardware and was developed in 1969. Telnet stands for Teletype Network, but it can also be used as a verb; ‘to telnet’ is to establish a connection using the Telnet protocol. Kindly refer to these guides on similar articles on Telnet “how to install Telnet via the command line“, “Error: Telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command” and “Telnet Error: Could not open a connection to the host, on the port, connect failed“.

The easiest and fastest way to install telnet to a Windows Server is from a command line. Run the following command below

dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

Via PowerShell

Run the following command below to install Tenet via PowerShell. Running the command below, the success state is True because Telnet has been installed previously.

Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client

Control Panel

This process is a bit completed. I will recommend installing telnet via the command line. Launch the Control Panel windows as shown below
– Navigate to Program
– Click on Turn Windows Features on or off

On Window 10, This will open up the Windows Feature, 
- Select Telnet client and 
- Click on Ok

Note: On a Server, you will be prompted with the Add Roles and Features wizard as shown below if you launch control panel in Windows Server.

Via Server Manager

This can also be achieved by the Server Manager. Click on Manage
– Click on Add Roles and Features

– Click on Next
– Select Role-based or feature-based installation

On the server selection, you will have to select the server you want to install Telnet on. Since I have only one server, I will click on continue.
– Click on Next

Under the server role, do not select anything as we are only interested in installing a feature.
– Click on Next

– Click on Telnet and
– Click on Install and
– Click Finish on the result window to complete the Telnet installation.

Note: Because I have had already telnet installed, The install button is grayed out. To test if Telnet works correctly, see the image below. Type Telnet and click on Enter on your keyboard

In subsequent guide, I will be showing you how to eun tell via Putty as well.

I welcome you to follow me on YouTube Channel. I hope you found this blog post helpful. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comment session.


Guides, tutorials, reviews and news for System Administrators.

How To Enable Telnet Client in Windows Server 2019

This post will show you how to install the telnet client in Microsoft’s Windows Server 2019. I’ll show examples with command prompt, PowerShell, and of course using the graphical user interface.

By default the telnet client in Microsoft’s Windows operating systems is disabled, this is unfortunate as it is an extremely useful tool which can be used for testing TCP connectivity to external hosts on a specified port.

This is great when you’re trying to troubleshoot network connectivity problems, for example, say we have a web server which should be listening on port 80 to serve HTTP traffic but we are not able to load a web page, by using telnet to connect to the web server on port 80 we can verify the connectivity.

It may be that the connectivity is fine but there is a problem with the web server, or that the web server is stopped and the port is not listening at all, for instance. With telnet we can get a better understanding of what’s going on.

Enabling the Telnet Client

Firstly you need to enable the telnet client, if you don’t enable it you’ll get a result similar to the below message when trying to use it.

You can enable the telnet client either by command line or through the graphical interface.

Enabling the telnet client through command prompt

Using the command line is the easiest and fastest way to install the telnet client. Run the below command in command prompt with administrator permissions.

That’s it, after a few seconds telnet should be ready to use.

Enabling the telnet client through PowerShell

Again we can also do this instead with PowerShell, we can run the below cmdlet in a PowerShell console with administrator permissions which will install the telnet client.

Once complete, you should see the following output returned:

Enabling the telnet client through the graphical user interface

  1. Open Server Manager.
  2. From Server Manager click “Add roles and features”.
  3. The Add Roles and Features Wizard opens to the Before you Begin screen, click next.
  4. On the Installation Type screen, leave Role-based or Feature-based installation selected and click next.
  5. On the server selection screen, select the server to install on. By default it should be the local server itself, click next.
  6. On the Server Roles screen, click next. We are installing a feature rather than a role so don’t select anything here.
  7. On the Features screen, tick the check box next to Telnet Client.
  8. On the Confirmation screen, click Install.
  9. Once the installation succeeds, click the Close button. The telnet client is now installed and ready for use.

Verifying that the telnet client is enabled

Simply open command prompt or powershell, type ‘telnet’ and press enter. If this was successful you should have a prompt similar to the below:

This confirms that you have successfully turned on and enabled the telnet client in Windows Server 2019.

Already have telnet installed but still failing?
In some cases you must run command prompt or powershell as administrator in order to issue the telnet command, otherwise it will give the same error as if it was not enabled at all.


Now that you have installed telnet in Windows Server 2019 you should be able to start issuing commands with it and using it to troubleshoot TCP connectivity problems.


How to install telnet in windows server 2019

Telnet is a command tool that provides access to a command interface on a remote host. It used to test Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connectivity.

1. Click on windows key and open server manager

3. check box of Role-based or features- based installation

4. Click on Next

6. Check the box Restart the destination server automatically if required and click on yes

8.Now installation started

Now open command prompt and Type telnet 192.*.*.* (Port Number 21) and press enter


How to Enable Telnet Client in Server 2012/2016/2019.

By default, In Windows Server Editions, the Telnet command, «is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file». This is happening, because the Telnet client, is disabled by default in n Windows Server 2012/2016 or 2019.

In this article you will find several methods to enable the Telnet client on a Windows Server 2019, 2016 or 2012.

How to Install Telnet Client in Server 2019, Server 2016 or Server 2012.

Method 1. Install Telnet client from PowerShell.
Method 2. Enable Telnet Client from Command Prompt.
Method 3. Add the Telnet Client feature from Server Manager.
Method 1. How Install Telnet Client Feature from PowerShell in Server 2012, 2016 or 2019.

1. Open Windows PowerShell.
2. In PowerShell, give the following command to enable the Telnet client:

  • Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client

3. When the installation is completed, you ‘re ready to use Telnet. *

* Note: If you want to disable the Telnet client, give this command in PowerShell:

  • Remove-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client
Method 2. How to Install Telnet Client from Command Prompt in Server 2012,2016, 2019, using DISM.

1. Open Command Prompt (or PowerShell)
2. Then, give the following DISM command and press Enter to install the Telnet client.

  • dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

Method 3. How to Install Telnet client Feature from the Server Manager.

1. To install the Telnet client feature on Windows Server 2016, 2019 r 2012, open ‘Server Manager’ and click on Add Roles and Features.

2. At the first screen of ‘Add Roles and Features wizard’, leave the Role-based or feature-based installation option and click Next.

3. At the next screen, leave the default option «Select server from the server pool» and click Next.

4. At Server Roles options, click Next.

5. At Features options, check the Telnet client and click Next.

6. Finally click Install at the confirmation screen

7. When the installation is completed. click Close.

That’s it! Let me know if this guide has helped you by leaving your comment about your experience. Please like and share this guide to help others.


How to enable Telnet on Windows Server 2016/2019

Hello, Today we are going to talk about Telnet. This is a network protocol that allows us to access another machine to operate it remotely as if we were sitting in front of it. It´s also the name of the computer program that the client implements. Its name comes from the acronym Telecommunication Network. In addition, it is used on MSDOS and Windows systems. And also compatible with UNIX-based systems, such as Mac and Linux, and FreeBSD. On the other hand, this protocol and this command are only implemented through commands. However, Telnet has a serious security problem. Indeed, information from one terminal to another travels without any type of encryption, only in plain text. For this reason, safer tools such as SSH are currently preferred. Although it is still useful in internal networks with protection from external traffic. That’s why we’ll see how to enable Telnet in Windows Server.

Enabling Telnet on Windows Server 2016/2019. Using PowerShell

To be able to use Telnet correctly we have to open a session in the destination machine. This session has to be opened with a user with access. As mentioned above, this protocol presents an important security gap. For this reason, it is disabled by default in Windows Server. It is possible to check this by running the telnet command at a command prompt:

Telnet is not recognized as a valid command

To enable it, please open a PowerShell with administrative privileges and add the following command and press Enter:

Immediately start the installation:

Enabling Telnet via PowerShell

At the end of the process we will see the following window:

Telnet finally enabled.

Another way to enable this function is to open a CMD with administrative privileges and run the following command:

Enabling Telnet graphical mode.

It is also possible to enable Telnet from the Windows Server 2016/2019 Dashboard. With this in mind, you have to enter the section Add roles and features.

Add roles and features

Then press Next to continue.

Click Next to continue

In the next window, click on Role-based or feature-based installation:

Select Role-based or feature-based installation

Next, select the server you are going to add to Telnet.

Select the server.

Now, just press Next and skip the roles on this screen. Press Next to continue the installation.

Click Next to continue the installation.

Then scroll down and select the Telnet checkbox. You will see a brief description of the feature.

Adding Telnet feature

On the next screen, press Install to start the process.

Press Install.

Just wait a few seconds until Telnet is finally installed.

Telnet installed by Server Dashboard

Testing Telnet.

After the process is finished, you just need to open any CMD and run the next command:

If everything is correct, you will see the next window:

Running Telnet

To view the available subcommands, run the following command:

Telnet help

In the final analysis, we have seen how to install Telnet in Windows 2016/2019. Despite its security limitations, it is still a good option for communicating computers on private networks. That’s all for now, before saying goodbye I invite you to see our post about OrientDB in Windows 10. See you later!


In this article, we will learn how to enable telnet in Windows Server 2016 and Windows Server 2019 to fix “telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

‘telnet’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
  1. 1
    telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command,

    1. 1.1
      Why the telnet is not recognized Windows Server 2016?

  2. 2
    How to Enable Telnet Client in Windows Server 2016?

    1. 2.1
      What’s Telnet Client?

    2. 2.2
      Verity and Test Telnet Client

    3. 2.3
      How to Enable Telnet using PowerShell?

    4. 2.4
      How to install Telnet Client Online using Command-Line?

You might also like to How to Check SQL Server Connectivity between Application Server and Database Server.

When I tried to check the connectivity between two servers from SharePoint Server to Exchange server on port 25 using telnet command, I got the below error.

telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

telnet is not recognized Windows Server 2016

Why the telnet is not recognized Windows Server 2016?

Actually, we got the “telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command” error because the Telnet Client feature is not installed on the Windows Server 2016.

Enable telnet Windows Server 2016

How to Enable Telnet Client in Windows Server 2016?

Before we get started to fix the “telnet is not recognized” issue, let us first define What’s Telnet Client?

What’s Telnet Client?

The telnet stands for “Telecommunication network“, it’s a network protocol that used to access a remote computer over the TCP/IP network or over the internet.

As administrators, we mostly use the Telnet command to check the connectivity between two servers within the same network, we specifically check the port status (Opened or closed) on the destination server. so if the port is opened, the source server can connect to the destination server. Read more at Microsoft Docs.

So that, to install and enable Telnet Client feature in Windows Server 2016 / 2012, you should follow the below steps:


  1. Open Server Manager > Manage > Add Roles and Features.
Add role and feature in Windows Server 2016
  1.  Continue clicking on Next button until reaching to Features section.
telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
  1. Scroll down to finding Telnet Client > Check it.
How to Enable Telnet Client in Windows Server 2016?
  1. Click Next > Click Install.
Install telnet Windows Server 2016
  1. Wait a moment until the feature installation has finished > Click close.
Telnet Feature installation complete

Verity and Test Telnet Client

To make sure that the Telnet Client feature has been enabled and installed properly in Windows Server 2016 / 2012, you should do the following:


  1. Open the command prompt as administrator > Type the following Telnet command.
telnet [Exchange Server FQDN or IP] [Port] Ex: telnet dc 25
  1. If the port is opened, you should get the below message that means SharePoint Server can connect to the SMTP server on port 25
the port is opened using telnet cmdlet

You might also like to read Exit Telnet Session

  1. Otherwise, you will get the below message that means the specified port is closed, and you could not open connection to the host.
the port is closed using telnet, connect failed

In this case, you should check with your Security/Network administrator the below points:

  1. What’s the IP or FQDN for SMTP Server?
  2. What’s the assigned port for the SMTP server? (the default port is 25).
  3. On your server, the ports might be blocked by a firewall or antivirus settings. thence, you should redefine the inbound and outbound rules related to SMTP.

How to Enable Telnet using PowerShell?

Besides, enabling Telnet Client through Server Manager, you can easily and quickly install a new windows feature through PowerShell by doing the following:


  1. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
Run Windows PowerShell as Administrator
  1. Run the below command line
Install-WindowsFeature -name Telnet-Client
how to enable telnet windows server 2016 powershell

How to install Telnet Client Online using Command-Line?

To install Telnet Client windows feature, you can also use command line as the following:

  1. Open Command Prompt as Administrator.
  2. Run the below command line to install Telnet Client Online.
dism /online /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:TelnetClient

You might also like to read how to Install .NET Framework 3.5 on Windows Server 2016


To be able to use the Telnet command line, and avoid “telnet is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file“. you must first install Telnet Client as a feature in Windows Server.

Here, we have learned, how to enable telnet client feature in Windows Server 2016 and 2012 through Server Manager, PowerShell, and CMD.

Applies To
  • Windows Server 2019.
  • Windows Server 2016.
  • Windows Server 2012.
  • Windows Server 2008.
You might also like to read
  • Connection Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed while attempting to consume the pre-login handshake acknowledgment.
  • Windows Server 2016: Switch from Server Core to Desktop Experience.
  • Exit Telnet Session.
  • Get Windows Server Failover Cluster IP.

Installing the Telnet client

In this tutorial “how to”, we will see how to install the Telnet client on Windows Server. The Telnet client is a very useful command line utility to diagnose certain connection problems or to connect to the administration of certain equipment such as switches.

Open the Add Roles and Features Wizard

From the server manager where the Telnet client will be installed, click on Add roles and functionalities.

Skip the “Before You Begin” section

When the Next client assistant is launched.

Installation type : Role-based or feature-based installation

Choose Role-based or feature-based installation and click Next

Server selection : choose the server where to install the Telnet client

Choose the option Select a server from the server pool, click on the server in the pool and click Next.

Server roles : skip the list

Client on Next to pass the list of roles.

Features : select Client Telnet

In the list of features, check the box for Client Telnet and client on Next.

Start the installation

Confirm the addition of the “Client Telnet ” functionality by clicking on Install.

Wait while installing the Telnet client

Wait during the installation.

Close the wizard after installation is complete

Once the installation is complete, click on Close to exit the wizard.

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