Как запустить hip hop ejay 6 на windows 10

Всем здравствуйте! Столкнулась с такой проблемкой. никак не могу установить e-jay на 7-ку, ошибку выдает не помню точно что там написано и просто черный

Всем здравствуйте! Столкнулась с такой проблемкой. никак не могу установить e-jay на 7-ку, ошибку выдает не помню точно что там написано и просто черный экран. Вот какой у меня комп: Genuine Intel(R) CPU T 1400, установленная память: 2ГБ. Я не знаю что еще нужно написать, т.к. в компах я ноль. Помогите разобраться, пожалуйста!

Первая ссылка в гугле по запросу Dance ejay 7 windows 7

И да, попробуй запустить от имени администратора в начале.

переустановил винду раз 4 ))
Пробовал по всякому ни чего не помогало.

Следовал инструкциям! от JTG

но прога у меня почему то заработала на Win 7 64bit после того как вставил скачанный по ссылке файл wnaspi32 в папку

(предварительно удалил wnaspi32 со всех остальных папок)

прикольная чтука_) хоть и возможностей меньше по сравнению со всякими про версиями. но у кого есть слух сможет создать на ней ХИТ__))).


«eJay не пройдёт!»

Данная статья, как вы уже наверно догадались, посвящена «всеми любимому» и настолько «замечательному», что в нём даже кто-то умудряется писать так называемую музыку, несравнимому eJay’ю. Ура товарищи.

Перед тем как приступить, хочу сразу отметить одну вещь. Данный материал подготовлен исключительно для «продвинутых» DJ и композиторов, которые уже имеют представление о написании музыки, и которые смогут понять, что тут написано. А если вы только начинаете, то не парьте себе мозги всякой читаниной подобных блогов. Смело ставьте eJay и погружайтесь с головой в процесс наставления лупов. А когда осознаете что это за программа, то обязательно прочитайте данный блог и подумайте снова.

2. Структура eJay’я
Структура eJay’я до безобразия проста! Дорожки, набор лупов, регуляторы громкости, баланса каналов и темпа. По сути всё! Если не считать различного рода эффектов, которых не так уж и много представлено здесь. Конечно, есть версии, где присутствует дорожка для добавления и примитивного редактирования видео, а так же иногда простенькая драм-машины, но это как не странно новой музыки в треки не привносит. Конечно, можно закидывать туда свои лупы и записи, сделанные заранее, но тогда она превращается в программу для сводки, а никак не для создания музыки. Извините меня, но для этого существует гораздо более удачные программы, которые не уступают по простоте данной.

3. Провальность eJay’я
Сейчас музыкальная индустрия просто переполнена однообразными треками и с этим надо бороться. А главная причина всего этого безобразия и как следствие провальность eJay’я, к сожалению, заключается не в том, что он весь такой плохой и до мозга костей простой и прозрачный, а в том, что большинство пользователей данной программы ошибочно полагают, что она позволяет «писать музыку». Вы возмущённо скажете, что это так и есть. Да, соглашусь. Но писать музыку для себя, а не показывать всему миру, выкладывая в интернете и прокручивая на вечеринках (дискотеках, карпоративах, капустниках, утренниках и т.д.) и в клубах (барах, ресторанах, денс-площадках, сельских клубах и т.п.) Непонимание того, для чего использовать данную программу привело к тому, сумасшедшее число людей изо дня в день используют одни и те же лупы в надежде создать что-то оригинальное и неповторимое.

5. Вывод.
В целом eJay, как софт для начинающих, оправдывает свои возможности. Но как программа для написания музыки – однозначно НЕТ!



Ejay Mega Collection [Windows 10 + Yaru fix]

Ejay AG , Yelis AG , Matthew Newcastle

This has no Serial this has patched Yaru.dll’s insthead want the full version?
Read the darn README File ! Replace the Yaru dll then you get the full version.

Patch the damn thing.

For me Techno 4 worked flawlessly , never crashed never bugged.
If it crashes the problem is on your end , but tell you what i got theese to work on
an intel Atom even.

Almost every Legacy Ejay iteration, this collection contains: 

— Rave   E-jay

— SE      E-jay

— SE 2   E-jay
— Dance  E-jay 

— Dance  E-jay 2

— Dance  E-jay 3

— Dance  E-jay 4

— Dance  E-Jay for Schools

— Dance  E-jay 5

— Dance  E-jay 6

— House  E-jay

— HipHop E-jay 

— HipHop E-jay 2

— Hiphop E-jay 3

— Hiphop E-jay 4

— Hiphop E-jay 5 Reloaded

— Techno E-jay 2

— Techno E-jay 3

— Techno E-jay 4 Reloaded


as of 2021-APR-9

HipHop E-jay 4 is added


as of 2021-APR-11

Techno E-jay 4 has been re-added

and updated to v2


as of 2021-JUL-24

HipHop E-Jay and E-jay SE has been added


as of 2021-JUL-30

HipHop E-Jay 5 Reloaded has been added


as of 2021-JUL-31

Techno E-Jay 3 has been added


as of 2022-FEB-20

House E-jay has been added

Dance E-jay 6 has been added


as of 2022-FEB-24

Dance E-Jay for Schools has been added.

Dance E-jay 5 has been added

as of 2022-APR-05
Dance E-Jay SE1 has been added.

Copy Preserved by Matthew Newcastle

Yaru fixed by Matthew Newcastle

Windows 10 fixed by Matthew Newcastle




September 29, 2022
eJay SE Needs to be renamed to eJay SE 2 (Edited for September 28th, 2022)

eJay is a great piece of software, sure, but you had the ae of eJay SE on one of the software that isn’t that. What I got was actually eJay SE 2, the sequel, not the original version.
(Edit: Finally, eJay SE is on here and it Special Edition 2 is properly titled, but eJay Hip-Hop 3’s installer was classed as malware by AVG, it hasn’t happened to me on Avira)

(Another edit: Windows 7 is screwing with eJay Techno 4, Dance 5, Dance 6, and Hip Hop 5, as it keeps skipping through the timeline with no way to fix it.)

(Another Another Edit: If you are having troubles with getting the software to work, please read the README file)

Juan Pablo Flores325

September 21, 2022
how do i open it

I tried several software, I feel disappointed


September 12, 2022
Hiphop Ejay 6 ?

will hiphop ejay 6 ever be a part of this collection ?


September 3, 2022
Serial Number

I downloaded Ejay dance 6 from the pack but it asks me for a serial number to use, what am I supposed to do about that?


May 18, 2022
Core Memory Unlocked.

Thanks so much for making this available. I loved rinsing HH eJay 1 and even made a CD of beats for some friends. I can remember making one hilarious track on a Dance/Rave eJay Demo disc that I swore came with a box of cereal. Haha!

I’ve managed to install HH eJay Versions 1 through 4, though I cannot get HH eJay 5 to install. It goes through the motions in the installation wizard, though when it comes to pressing install, it states the file is corrupt and it cannot install. I’ve downloaded all the files twice to make sure it wasn’t just my PC or an incomplete download.

Has anyone else had this issue? If this file could be looked in to and amended, I would be appreciative :)


April 3, 2022
Just To Understand…

I managed to get all these to work just fine using VirtualBox. What you have to understand is that these programs were made right around the time Windows XP was coming out. So if you can get this program to work, you may have to try to use VirtualBox with Windows XP or Windows 2000 installed on it.

Remember, With the introduction of Windows 8, 10, 11… most programs from over 10 years ago are not always going to function well with today’s OS. For some games, sure, they can still work. For others, you be lucky if your mouse worked at all. If you are having issues with this program, try using a virtual machine (VirtualBox — VMWare Workstation) with an older Windows Installed. Because of the age of the program, you are even lucky just to get the program to run at all.


January 3, 2022
Awesome But needs patches

Hi thankyou so much for your work on this upload.
theres a lot here i never got to play around with.
sadly though techno reloaded 4 is bugged out and wont run on win 10
all the other ejays randomly crash to the desktop loosing all my work is there any fix for this?
could you upload the normal techno4 and not the reloaded one? its also missing rave ejay!
5 stars if this can be fixed! thx again for your efforts
techno 4 does launch on win 10 but only the beat sample play not the keys or any other samples.
i got all the ejays to run ok except for the original ejay that crashes to the desktop.
all the other ejays randomly do still crash to desktop but they are more stable than the first one.
would love to get techno 4 running but as i said only the beat samples work i even ran the update and it just said update and did not seem to do anything.
thanks again for your support
ps will you be adding the house ejays to this thanks


December 29, 2021
only trial versions

no serial numbers only trial versions


December 18, 2021
Upd seed torrent pls

Upd seed torrent pls


December 12, 2021
The Best

The Best


December 7, 2021
Download canceled

After a fifteen hour download, it wrote, canceled-run again … :( (
The ISO file was downloaded at a speed of 80 Kbps — 250 Kbps
My internet speed is: download 70 Mb / s
OS Windows 10 64bit
Opera browser


September 8, 2021
add more

plis add sound pack, rnb,reagge, hip hop ejay 6


August 3, 2021
eJay for life !

Thank you for your huge collection of those Childhood softwares !
Sadly, it is impossible to use Techno eJay 4 and Hiphop eJay 5 (so I think it’s the same for Dance/House eJay 6).
The UI is very very buggy and nothing can be done.
I don’t know if it’s because of my GTX 1060.

If you ever knew how it could be fixed!!!

Thank you for your awesome work!

Nicolas Allaire

April 16, 2021
Was looking for HH Ejay 4 everywhere for old time sake.

I saw a video about HH Ejay 4 on a facebook group and it makes me want to reget it to see how it was and see what it was with a more professionnal eye !
Hip-Hop Ejay 4 was my first music making software and had the fun of my life with it. I wouldnt be where I am today without this one and I want to say thank you Ejay for this and thanks a lot for this Archive upload !
Can’t wait to finish this download and see what it is again and also see what I missed because there is surely some stuff I missed or didnt saw the interest as a noob back in the days ! I will also be able to see all the other branch of ejay too at the same time ! :)

Music Creation Software.

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eJay Virtual Music Studio

The legendary software for create music is BACK!. Now compatible with Microsoft Windows 10. VMS takes song creation to the next level.


eJay Dance 7 Full Download

eJay Dance 7 Virtual Music Studio

The legendary software for create Dance music is BACK!. Now compatible with Microsoft Windows 10.


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eJay Hip Hop 6 Virtual Music Studio

The legendary software for create Hip-Hop/Rap music is BACK!. Now compatible with Microsoft Windows 10.


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eJay Techno 5 Virtual Music Studio

The legendary software for create Techno/Rave music is BACK!. Now compatible with Microsoft Windows 10.


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The legendary software for create RnB music is BACK!. Now compatible with Microsoft Windows 10.


eJay Dance 6 Reloaded - Free Download

eJay Dance 6 Reloaded

eJay Dance 6 Reloaded does it right: Doesn’t matter whether you’re a thoroughbred musician or you just want to have fun creating cool tracks.


eJay HipHop 5 Reloaded - Free Download

eJay HipHop 5 Reloaded

Create your Hip Hop hits has never been easier. eJay HipHop 5 Reloaded does it for you. The best version of hip hop eJay.


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eJay House 6 Reloaded

Are you a fan of the club-sounds?. Create your song with eJay House 6 Reloaded it’s really easy.


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You want create music hits of Techno, Detroit, Acid, Dub, Minimal, Tech House, Trance, Hardcore, Hands Up, Rave?. Only need eJay Techno 4 Reloaded and your good taste.


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eJay Allstars Dance 5

Let your musical creativity flow with eJay Dance 5 and a astonishing 5,000 brand new royalty-free dance samples to choose from.


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eJay Allstars Hip Hop 4

A special installment for lovers of hip hop / rap music and urban styles, producing a hit is really easy with eJay Hip Hop 4.


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eJay Allstars House

Produce your musical hit simply draging your favourite sound blocks into the tracks. eJay House have 3000 royalty-free sounds for you.


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eJay Allstars Techno 3

With eJay Techno 3 you can enjoy of 4000 free royalty samples & loops direct from the eJay studios for use in your own hits.


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eJay Dance 4 – Club Machine

eJay Dance 4 is BACK!. NOW compatible with Windows 10.


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eJay Dance 3 – Club Machine

eJay Dance 3 is BACK!. The legendary software for create dance music NOW compatible with Windows 10.


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eJay Dance 2 +

eJay Dance 2 is BACK!. NOW compatible with Windows 10. Create your music Now!.


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Dance eJay 1 – Dance Machine

eJay Dance 1 is BACK!. NOW compatible with Windows 10. Create your music Now!.


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eJay Special Edition 1

eJay Special Edition 1. The software for create Dance, Rave, House and Hip Hop music!.


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eJay Special Edition 2

eJay Special Edition 2. The software for create Dance, Trance, Drum N Bass, House and Hip Hop!.


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eJay Techno 1 – Rave eJay

eJay Techno 1 is BACK!. NOW compatible with Windows 10. With Rave Samplekit 1,2,3!.


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eJay Techno 2

eJay Techno 2 is BACK!. The legendary software now compatible with Windows 10 and with new features.


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eJay HipHop 1

eJay HipHop 1 is BACK!. NOW compatible with Windows 10.


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eJay HipHop 2

eJay HipHop 2 is BACK!. NOW compatible with Windows 10. Create your music Hip Hop, R&B Rap music Now!.


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The software for create music Hip-Hop, R&B Rap, Trip Hop, Sould and Funk music i Back and Now compatible with Microsoft Windows 7/8/10.


Dance eJay for Schools - Home Edition

Dance eJay for Schools – Home Edition

The eJay software for create music for childrens, easy, simple and fun.


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Turn your PC into a DJ’ing plataform!. The legendary music software to be available with many new features.


Video Converter Software.

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eJay Video & Music Exchange

Many different devices, many different data formats – one solution!.


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eJay Pocket Movies for iPhone

Watch your favorite movies on iPhone now!. With eJay that is posible only in 3 steps.


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Convert DVD movies and video files for your Blackberry. Enjoy the pleasure of watching the best Blockbusters everywhere you go by simply taking them with you.


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Convert DVD movies and video files for your iPod only in 3 steps.


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Convert your cell phone as a media center with eJay is posible.


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Convert DVD movies and video files from your PC to your PlayStation Portable.


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The universal converter for video.


Audio Converter Software.

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eJay Music Exchange

eJay Music Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities – no matter if you want to convert files or complete DVDs/CDs.


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eJay Music DVD to MP3

Many different devices, many different data formats – one solution!. eJay Music Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities.


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eJay MP3 on DSi

Now you only need one device to play games and music. eJay MP3 on DSI make it possible!.


  1. All
  2. Music Creation
  3. MP3 Music
  4. Allstars
  5. Sounds
  6. Video

eJay Dance 6 Reloaded

eJay Dance 6 – Reloaded does it right: Doesn’t matter whether you’re a thoroughbred musician or you just want to have fun creating cool tracks.

eJay Hip Hop 5 Reloaded

You don’t have to be a musician, just take your pick from the vast array of sounds and effects.

eJay House 6 Reloaded

The new improved version gives you everything you need to create cool and catchy club-sounds.

eJay MP3 on DSi

Now you only need one device to play games and music. eJay MP3 on DSI make it possible!

eJay Music DVD to MP3

Don’t settle for listing to your favorite band’s concert on TV. Better capture the music and atmosphere with your MP3 player.

eJay Music Exchange

eJay Music Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities – no matter if you want to convert files or complete DVDs/CDs.

eJay Allstars Dance 5

Let your musical creativity flow with an astonishing 5,000 brand new royalty-free dance samples to choose from.

eJay Allstars House

Simply drag your favourite sound blocks onto the tracks in the arranger and create your very own house track.

eJay Allstars Techno 3

4 000 current sounds & loops direct from the eJay sound studios for use in your own hits.

eJay Video & Music Exchange

eJay Video & Music Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities — no matter if you want to convert files or complete DVDs/CDs.

eJay Video Exchange

eJay Video Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities — no matter if you want to convert files or complete DVDs/CDs.

eJay Dance 6 Reloaded

eJay Dance 6 – Reloaded does it right: Doesn’t matter whether you’re a thoroughbred musician or you just want to have fun creating cool tracks.

eJay Hip Hop 5 Reloaded

You don’t have to be a musician, just take your pick from the vast array of sounds and effects.

eJay House 6 Reloaded

The new improved version gives you everything you need to create cool and catchy club-sounds.

eJay MP3 on DSi

Now you only need one device to play games and music. eJay MP3 on DSI make it possible!

eJay Music DVD to MP3

Don’t settle for listing to your favorite band’s concert on TV. Better capture the music and atmosphere with your MP3 player.

eJay Music Exchange

eJay Music Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities – no matter if you want to convert files or complete DVDs/CDs.

eJay Allstars Dance 5

Let your musical creativity flow with an astonishing 5,000 brand new royalty-free dance samples to choose from.

eJay Allstars House

Simply drag your favourite sound blocks onto the tracks in the arranger and create your very own house track.

eJay Allstars Techno 3

4 000 current sounds & loops direct from the eJay sound studios for use in your own hits.

eJay Video & Music Exchange

eJay Video & Music Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities — no matter if you want to convert files or complete DVDs/CDs.

eJay Video Exchange

eJay Video Exchange opens up almost unlimited possibilities — no matter if you want to convert files or complete DVDs/CDs.

How Uninstall eJay Program: LINK

eJay Hip-Hop — это отличная программа для создания музыки.

В ней есть множество удобных функций, для того чтобы вы смогли создать музыку как можно качественнее. Есть встроенный эквалайзер для точной настройки звучания, есть регулятор громкости и прогресс-бар для точного контроля над воспроизведением, а также полная поддержка импорта и экспорта в формате WAV.

Вы сможете накладывать множество звуковых эффектов: эхо, сжатие, искажение и т.д.

Операционная система: Windows XP.

Язык: Русский.

Дата выхода: 2006 год.

Чтобы скачать eJay Hip-Hop 6 бесплатно (торрент), нажмите на картинку ниже. http://credit-n.ru/vklady.html http://credit-n.ru/offers-zaim/oneclickmoney-zaim-na-kartu.html

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