Какой офис лучше для windows 10 2016 или 2019

Данный вопрос часто возникает среди пользователей, которые только хотят приобрести Офис и задаются вопросом - какая между ними разница?
  • 03.12.2020

Данный вопрос часто возникает среди пользователей, которые только хотят приобрести Офис и задаются вопросом, какая же между ними разница и какие существуют отличия между Office 2019, Office 365 и Office 2016? Основные отличия рассмотрены в следующей таблице:

Отличия Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus
Поставка лицензии По ключу По логину — паролю По ключу
Активация Возможность активировать без учетной записи, либо использовать ключ активации под Вашей личной учетной записью Microsoft. Активация происходит через официальное приложение Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus. Активация происходит через официальный сайт Microsoft. В авторизационном окне нужно ввести данные, которые Вы получили после покупки. После эти данные нужно ввести в само приложение Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus. Логин на свой поменять невозможно. Возможность активировать без учетной записи, либо использовать ключ активации под Вашей личной учетной записью Microsoft Активация происходит через официальное приложение Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus.
Количество ПК, для которых действует одна лицензия 1 5 1
Операционные системы Только Windows 10 и Windows 11 Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 и Windows 11.
А так же MacOS, Android и iOS.
От Windows 7 и более поздних редакций, до Windows 11
Возможность работы приложений Офиса из браузера Нет Да Нет
Облачное хранилище OneDrive Нет 5tb облачного хранилища OneDrive Нет
Срок действия Бессрочный для одного ПК 1 год Бессрочный для одного ПК

Приобрести данные версии Microsoft Office можете в нашем каталоге.

Microsoft Office 2019 Pro Plus

Microsoft Office 365 Pro Plus

Microsoft Office 2016 Pro Plus

Пакет офисных приложений Microsoft Office является одним из самых популярных и востребованных на рынке уже на протяжении многих лет. Каждые три года выходит новая версия. Давайте посмотрим, чем же предыдущий Microsoft Office 2016 года отличается от новой версии 2019. Их не так много, но все же они есть.

В Office 2019 по большей части вошли все те функции, которые постепенно добавлялись в Office 365 в течение трех последних лет. Обновление затронуло Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Project, Visio, Access и Publisher.

Во всех приложениях Office 2019 ленту вкладок и команд можно кастомизировать,чтобы работать было проще и эстетически приятней. В версии 2016 года эта функция была не так функциональна.

Появился улучшенный дизайн приложений в стиле Fluent Design: в приложениях используется новая упрощённая панель инструментов, в ленте добавлены новые анимации и иконки, переработана цветовая схема приложений Office.

В версии Office 2016 в приложении Exel была добавлена функция анализа данных Power Query, которая раньше была выполнена в виде отдельного плагина, затем интегрирована в приложение. Также в 2016 году появилась функция «прогнозирования».

В новом Microsoft Office 2019 теперь можно создавать диаграммы в форме воронки и диаграммы с картой, также появились временные шкалы. Помимо этого, в Excel была улучшена технология моделирования данных PowerPivot, добавлены новые формулы и различные функции аналитики данных.

В 2019 в PowerPoint была добавлена поддержка 3D-моделей и SVG. Кроме того, там был реализован переход «Трансформация», который позволяет одному изображению плавно превращаться в другое. Также появилась функция зума. Помимо этого в PowerPoint теперь есть возможность экспорта видео в формате 4K. Все эти возможности были реализованы, чтобы добавить презентациям кинематографичности, чего не было в предыдущей версии.

В версии 2016 года за это отвечал сервис для создания презентаций Sway. Его главная особенность – сбор данных из разных источников (флешка, почта, облачное хранилище и др). В документ можно добавить все: фото, ролик с YouTube, Excel-диаграмму, печатный или рукописный текст. Можно было выбрать один из множества форматов и сделать презентацию похожей на журнал или блог.

Также в версии Office 2019 отсутствует компонент для создания заметок OneNote, который ранее являлся составной частью пакета Office 2016. В версии 2019 вместо него устанавливается OneNote для Windows 10.

В обновленной версии Office появились обучающие инструменты для Word и Outlook, такие как чтение вслух и трекинг межбуквенных пробелов. Кроме того, в Outlook появилась сфокусированная папка для входящих писем, которая отфильтровывает маловажную корреспонденцию.

Ну и конечно, Office 2019 можно будет использовать только с Windows 10.

Таким образом, новый Microsoft Office 2019 обладает обновлённым дизайном, но при этом не несёт принципиально новых функциональных возможностей по сравнению с версией 2016 года. В новой версии акцент больше сделан на изучение пользователя, сокращение работы с программами и их упрощении.

Word всегда был и остается популярнейшей рабочей лошадкой в ​​пакете Microsoft Office. Практически каждый пользователь Office использует Word, будь то для создания заметок, статей для печатных СМИ, создания отчетов, систематизации деловой переписки или любого из тысячи других применений.

Интерфейс: Лента

Интерфейс ленты в Word 2016 и 2019 не сильно изменился по сравнению с более ранними версиями. Напомним, что лента была впервые включена в приложения пакета Office с Office 2007, поэтому вы, вероятно, знакомы с тем, как она работает.

Как и в Word 2013, лента в Word 2016 и 2019 выглядит более лаконично, интуитивно понятное расположение необходимых инструментов и она определенно менее загромождена, чем в Word 2010 и 2007. Лента 2016 и 2019 меньше, чем в Word 2013, строка заголовка теперь сплошного синего цвета. вместо прежнего белого, а текст меню (Файл, Главная, Вставка и т. д.) теперь представляет собой смесь заглавных и строчных букв, а не заглавных букв. Есть и другие незначительные изменения — например, знакомая всем вкладка «Макет страницы» теперь называется «Макет», но лента по-прежнему работает аналогичным образом, и вы найдете большинство команд в тех же местах, что и в Word 2013.

Как и в более ранних версиях Word, чтобы убрать команды под вкладками на ленте, нажмите Ctrl-F1. Чтобы команды снова появились, нажмите Ctrl-F1. (Обратите внимание, что вкладки ленты — «Файл», «Главная», «Вставка» и т. д. — остаются видимыми.)

Имеются и альтернативные варианты отображения ленты. Чтобы перейти к ним, щелкните значок параметров отображения ленты в правом верхнем углу экрана, слева от значков для минимизации и развертывания Word. Появится раскрывающееся меню с тремя вариантами:

Автоматически скрывать ленту: скрывает всю ленту, как вкладки, так и команды под ними. Чтобы снова отобразить ленту, щелкните в верхней части Word.

Показать вкладки: показывает вкладки, но скрывает команды под ними. Для этого действия достаточно использовать комбинацию Ctrl-F1. Чтобы отобразить команды под вкладками, когда они скрыты, нажмите Ctrl-F1, щелкните вкладку или на значок отображения ленты и выберите «Показать вкладки и команды».Microsoft Word 2016 - параметры отображения ленты

Показать вкладки и команды: при выборе этого параметра отображаются как вкладки, так и команды. 

Если по какой-то причине синий цвет в строке заголовка кажется вам слишком раздражительным, можете сделать его белым или серым. (В Word 2019 также есть черный вариант.) Для этого выберите «Файл»> «Параметры»> «Общие». В разделе «Персонализируйте свою копию Microsoft Office» щелкните стрелку вниз рядом с темой Office и выберите Темно-серый или Белый (или Черный) в раскрывающемся меню. Чтобы снова сделать строку заголовка синей, выберите в раскрывающемся списке параметр «Цветной». Прямо над меню темы Office находится раскрывающееся меню «Фон Office» — здесь вы можете выбрать отображение шаблона.

Совместная работа над документом 

Самая большая функция, появившаяся в Word 2016, — это совместная работа в реальном времени, которая позволяет людям работать над документами вместе из любой точки мира с подключением к Интернету. Для совместной работы в Word 2016 существует только два требования: вы должны войти в свою учетную запись Microsoft или Office 365, а документ должен храниться в OneDrive, OneDrive для бизнеса или SharePoint Online.

Однако в то время как подписчики Office 365 или кто-либо, использующий Word 2019 или Word Online, могут видеть изменения, которые другие пользователи этих версий вносят в общий документ, в реальном времени по мере их появления, пользователи более ранней версии Word 2016 должны периодически сохранять свои документы, чтобы видеть изменения. Таким образом, сотрудничество вживую в Word 2016 остается довольно проблематичным и менее комфортным. 

Для совместной работы над документом, сначала откройте его, затем щелкните «Поделиться» в правом верхнем углу экрана. Если вы еще не сохранили файл в OneDrive, OneDrive для бизнеса или SharePoint Online, вам будет предложено сделать это.


Если вы используете Word 2016, всякий раз, когда соавтор вносит изменения, в нижней части окна Word появляется небольшой значок «Доступные обновления». Однако, вам нужно будет сохранить свой документ, чтобы увидеть их изменения или они увидят ваши. После того, как вы сохраните работу, дополнения ваших соавторов появятся в документе с бледно-зеленым наложением.


Когда вы работаете над документом в Word 2019 в режиме реального времени с другими пользователями, каждый человек получает персональный курсор со своим уникальным цветом. Вы можете за дейсвтиями партнера, включая удаление, редактирование и добавление текста. 


Используйте Smart Lookup для быстрого поиска в Интернете

Еще одна новая функция, Smart Lookup — помогает проводить поиск во время работы над документом. Щелкните на слово правой кнопкой мыши или выделите группу слов, а затем в появившемся меню выберите «Smart Lookup». Текстовый редактор Word использует поисковую систему Microsoft Bing и отображает результаты на панели, которая появляется в правой части экрана. (В Word 2016 это называется панелью Insights, а в Word 2019 это панель Smart Lookup, но они работают аналогично). 


Новые типы диаграмм

Office 2016 представил шесть новых типов диаграмм, которые можно добавлять в документы, электронные таблицы и презентации: Treemap, Sunburst, Waterfall, Histogram, Pareto и Box & Whisker. А в Office 2019 добавлены еще два: воронки и карты. Каждый из них предоставляет уникальный способ визуального отображения данных. 


В дополнение к двум типам диаграмм и полноценной совместной работе в реальном времени Microsoft выпустила усовершенствованную версию своего инструмента перевода. Инструмент «Переводчик», полезен для тех, кому нужно работать на нескольких языках одновременно. Чтобы перевести слова или фразы, выберите их, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши и выберите «Перевести» в появившемся меню.

В верхней части панели отображается исходный текст, а в нижней — перевод. Верхняя панель пытается определить исходный язык, что делает это с поразительной точностью. Однако, если это было сделано некорректно, просто выберите правильный вручную. После этого в нижней части панели выберите язык, на который хотите перевести.

Появится перевод. Чтобы вставить его куда-нибудь в документ, переместите курсор в то место, где вы хотите, чтобы он появился, и нажмите кнопку «Вставить» в нижней части панели. Вы также можете скопировать и вставить любую часть перевода в документ или другой документ.


Ключевые различия Word 2016 и 2019: что же лучше?

На вечный вопрос «А что же лучше?» ответить однозначно нельзя, ведь обе версии программы довольно хороши и прекрасно выполняют свои базовые функции текстового редактора. Логично, что более свежий Word 2019 обладает новыми функциями, которые несомненно полезны, но не все пользователи готовы ради них перейти на новую версию программы.  

Функция (инструмент) 

Word 2016

Word 2019


Можно кастомизировать, но возможности ограничены

Более широкие возможности для изменения внешнего вида

Совместное использование

Есть, но требует доработки

Полноценное совместное использование в реальном времени



Есть встроенный переводчик

Поиск слов (фраз) 

Есть только поиск по документу

Поиск по документу и Smart LookUp , который позволяет искать слова и фразы в интернете

Диаграммы, таблицы


Есть, но более широкий выбор по сравнению с 2016

Пакет редакторов MS Office постоянно обновляется и улучшается. Это продиктовано требованиями рынка. Именно поэтому каждые несколько лет выходит новая редакция. Сегодня вы можете купить Office 2019 и получить в свое распоряжение самую свежую и функциональную версию. Если у вас до этого не было Офиса, то это самый оптимальный вариант. Но что делать обладателям более старших версий? Многих интересует, какие есть отличия у MS Office 2019 от 2016 и стоит ли переходить.

отличия у MS Office 2019 от 2016

Обновления Офиса 2019

Пакет редакторов был подвергнут серьезному изменению внешнего вида и панелей управления. В каждом приложении появилась возможность настраивать набор и расположение команд под себя (кастомизация). Также было интегрировано более качественное и точное распознавание угла наклона и силы нажатия стилуса. Это будет в первую очередь интересно владельцам планшетов и ноутбуков с сенсорными дисплеями. Что касается более конкретных нововведений, то их нужно смотреть на примере определенных программ. Так что нового в MS Office 2019?

  1. PowerPoint. Внедрена поддержка SVG-векторных картинок и 3D-моделей. Их можно свободно вставлять в презентацию. Добавлен переход «Трансформация» для плавной смены слайдов. Добавлена функция увеличения (Зум). Реализована возможность экспортировать видео в разрешении 4K.
  2. Excel. Добавлены новые графические элементы: диаграмма с картой и диаграмма «Воронка». Доступна шкала для нанесения временных меток. Добавлены 2D-карты для преобразования географических данных. Внедрены новые функции и формулы для работы с данными.
  3. Word. Интегрирована новая версия переводчика. Добавлен режим фокусировки для работы с определенными сегментами текста.
  4. Outlook. Обновленный формат карточек контактов с возможностью быстрого просмотра. Сортировка почты по различным фильтрам. Добавление упоминаний для контактов.

Отличия от других MS Office

Если проводить сравнение версий, то тут все зависит от конкретных редакций. Если у вас уже есть Офис 2016, то нет серьезных причин переходить на 2019, поскольку обновления не привносят что-то кардинально новое. Однако если вы пользуетесь пакетом редакторов версий 2007, 2010, 2013, то для вас уже есть смысл обновиться. Вы не только получите перечисленные выше обновления, но и ряд других, более важных функций: автоматическое сохранение документов, интеграция с OneDrive, синхронизация и загрузка документов в облако. Все это очень полезно и существенно облегчает работу с документами. Но помните, что Microsoft Office 2019 доступен только на операционной системе Windows 10 и Mac OS. Так что если у вас старая версия ОС Windows, но вам нужно перейти на новую редакцию Офиса, то предварительно стоит подумать об обновлении системы на вашем компьютере. А уже после можно устанавливать свежую версию редакторов.

Since its release, Microsoft Office has been the leading office suite for home, student, and business. Microsoft now boasts over 1.5 billion users worldwide, which makes Microsoft the dominant force powerful business suites. Microsoft Office features a set of flagship products designed to make your work easier and more professional. These flagship products include Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, OneNote, and Outlook. These applications empower business users, students, and home users to experience a boost in productivity and the ability to get more done in the most efficient way possible. Microsoft Office is available for PC and for Mac users.

There are different versions of the product, depending on your needs, and not all of the versions have the exact same apps and capabilities. In this article, we will take a close look at Microsoft Office and its different versions to compare Microsoft Office software versions and help you determine which version is right for you. At SoftwareKeep we believe in giving you all the information you need to make an informed buying decision, so here is our comparison of the Microsoft Office for PC and Office for Mac products.

Difference Between Version and Edition

When you read about Microsoft Office, you will hear the words version and edition. Most people don’t realize these two terms are not interchangeable. They refer to two distinctly different things. The version refers to the version number of the product. For instance, Windows 10. It can also refer to the build number of the particular version you are running. The Edition refers to “Home and Business” or “Professional.” Editions are named differently because they include different features and products aimed at specific audiences.

The Microsoft “Home and Student” edition, for instance, is aimed at casual users and students. Even teachers will find this edition enough in most cases. Another version, “Home and Business,” offers a slight variation that makes the product useful to casual users and students, but adds Outlook.

The idea here is to offer an edition of the product aimed at small business owners or home business users. For big business and corporations, of course, there is Office Professional and Professional Plus. Office Professional Plus is an integrated set of Microsoft applications for business or enterprise. Office Professional Plus includes all of the programs in Office Standard (Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word), plus you Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business.

Acces is a relational database management system that helps businesses track and report information. Skype for Business is a unified communications client that works with Skype for Business Server, allowing users to talk to one another via instant messaging, voice, or video, or two switch between modes. These are clearly not apps the everyday user would ever make use of or what to pay for, which is why there are different editions.

There is also a Standard edition of Microsoft that includes:

  • Excel: A spreadsheet application with data analysis and visualization tools
  • OneNote: A note-taking application that allows various types of content to be shared among team members.
  • Outlook: A time and information manager that integrates email, calendar, contacts, and tasks.
  • PowerPoint: A presentation graphics program with capabilities for text effects, sound, and animation.
  • Publisher: A desktop publishing program that allows people with basic design skills to create a wide variety of publications.
  • Word: A full-featured word-processing program.

The great thing about the Standard edition (desktop) is that it works well for a wide range of consumers. All of the basic important apps are there with the addition of Outlook for email and communications management and Publisher for easy professional desktop design layout capabilities. This version is a great value for a wide range of users.

So does it really matter which edition you choose? Yes and no. If you already have a “Professional Plus” edition and you are a casual user, no problem. The core apps are still the same and will work for you. If you are a casual user, however, about to purchase, you are not likely to want to spend the money on the “Professional Plus” version for applications you won’t use.

What Versions of Microsoft Office Are Available?

Cms pagesCms pages

The most current version of Microsoft Office is Office 2019. There is a perpetual version (desktop or standalone version) that is a one-time purchase. Office 2019 comes in three editions (as noted above), 2019 Home and Student for Pc/Mac, 2019 Home and Business for Pc/Mac and Microsoft Office 2019 Professional. The desktop versions are significantly different than Office 365. Consumers can purchase the perpetual version and pay only one time for the software, while Office 365 is a subscription and cloud-based service that offers constantly updated versions of the Office products.

Older versions of Microsoft Office still available and supported by Microsoft go back as far as 2010, but the most popular pre-2019 version of Office is Office 2016.

Besides being available for PC and Mac, Office is available in Home and Student and Home and Business Editions. These editions are similar regardless of the operating system, but there are some slight differences between the PC and Mac versions of Microsoft Office. Those differences are primarily in the way the applications function rather than a difference in the applications that are included in Microsoft Office.

Release Date Title
August 24, 1995 Office 95
June 20, 1997 Office 97
June 7, 1999 Office 2000
May 31, 2001 Office xp
August 19, 2003 Office 2003
January 30, 2007 Office 2007
April 15, 2010 Office 2010
January 29, 2010 Office 2013

Basic Editions of Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office 2019 Editions

Four major versions of Office 2019 for Windows and 2 for Mac OS were released for Office 2019:

  • Home & Student for PC/MAC: Includes core applications only.
  • Home & Business for PC/MAC: Includes core applications plus Outlook.
  • Professional: Includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation.
  • Professional Plus: Only available through volume licensing channels; includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access and Skype for Business. Uses Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Microsoft Office Home and Student

Office 2019 Home and Student includes core apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also comes with OneNote, which is a note-taking app that allows you to create detailed notes using text, images, music, weblinks, and more. This edition of Office 2019 is ideal for students, teachers, and creative writers.

Microsoft Home and Business — The Home and Business edition of Microsoft Office includes the flagship core products, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes Outlook instead of OneNote, with the assumption that powerful email management and features is more important to the business owner than taking extensive notes. Outlook allows you to track and manage appointments and projects effectively, plus you get the superior email management.

Microsoft Office Standard — The standard version of Microsoft Office brings you the 3 core apps, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, plus you get Outlook and Publisher. This can be looked at as an extended version of Office Home and Business. Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application that allows for powerful design layouts of many different types of documents from newsletters to posters. This version of Microsoft Office, however, is only available through volume licensing. This means that the standard version of Office is primarily going to be used for schools and businesses that purchase bulk licenses.

Microsoft Office Professional -The difference between this version of Microsoft Office and the other versions is the inclusion of Microsoft Access, a powerful database. If your business needs a database app, this is the version you’re looking for. It also includes Microsoft Publisher and does not require volume licensing. The three core apps are included, along with Outlook.

Microsoft Office Professional Plus — This one includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also includes Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business. This is for big corporations and power business owners with a lot of employees. Volume licensing only for this version.

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Microsoft Office 2019 Perpetual

Office 2019 is the latest version of Microsoft Office. It’s packed with new features and innovative ways to help you be more productive. It’s a compilation of all the best features from Office 365 up to the release of 2019, making it one of the largest and most valuable upgrades available. All of the classic features you know and love are here, along with some hefty new features and capabilities that let you take your office productivity to an entirely new level.

Office 2019 comes in the editions you expect. There is a Home and Student version available for casual home users and students. It includes all of the core programs: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also includes the powerful note-taking application OneNote, which gives students the perfect way to compile notes that incorporate text, videos, and images. The notes can be easily organized for quick access.

As usual, the Home and Business edition of Microsoft Office 2019 includes the same core programs but adds Outlook for email capability and contact management. It can be used by the casual user and student user, but it is also great for small business owners who want to add the functionality of Outlook but don’t need all the features found in the Professional edition on Office. Office Professional, designed for big business and corporations, adds business features that include Access and Publisher.

Microsoft Office Products — 2019 Editions

  • 1. Outlook.

  • 2. OneDrive.

  • 3. Word.

  • 4. Excel.

  • 5. PowerPoint.

  • 6. OneNote.

  • 7. SharePoint.

  • 8. Microsoft Teams.

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Microsoft Office 2019 comes in different editions just as all releases of MicrosoftOffice have. During Sales and Promotional seasons, the sale price is slated to drop of 15-20% off the MSRP to give our customers the best deals in the business. Highlighted below are Office 2019 editions:

  • Home & Student: Includes core applications only.
  • Home & Business: Includes core applications plus Outlook.
  • Standard: Only available through volume licensing channels: includes core applications plus Outlook and Publisher.
  • Professional: Includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation.
  • Professional Plus: Only available through volume licensing channels; includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access and Skype for Business. Uses the Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student

Office Home and Student, is perfect for home use, school use by teachers and students, and it even works well for writers. It also includes OneNote, which is ideal for the student or writers. OneNote allows you to keep detailed notebooks full of research. You can include text, pictures, and audio for the most complete note-taking experience ever.

Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Business

The Home and Business edition of Microsoft office 2019 is very similar to Home and Business. It adds Outlook to the picture, making it an ideal choice for small business owners. All of the core apps are here too. This is a great midpoint between the home and professional business editions of Office, which is why it is perfect for small business owners who are looking for contact management in addition to the core products.

Microsoft Office 2019 Standard

The Standard edition of Microsoft Office 2019 is only available through volume licensing. It is ideal for midsize to large businesses and includes all of the features of smaller editions of Office 2019, but it also includes Outlook for communications and Publisher, which brings simple, professional desktop publishing capabilities to the table

Microsoft Office 2019 Professional

Office Professional 2019 includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation. This is where you get into the power needed for corporations and large businesses. Access is a database management system that provides businesses with the means for storing lots of customer data and more. This is only available in the Professional editions.

Microsoft Office 2019 Professional PlusM

You can only get Office Professional Plus 2019 through volume licensing channels. It includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business. Uses Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Microsoft Office 2019 for Mac

Mac users should not feel cheated. For many years, Mac users have always felt that Microsoft left them out of the game, but that’s no longer the case. Now Microsoft gives Mac users an office suite comparable to what PC users have. Office for Mac 2019 comes in three specific editions:

Office for Mac supports Apple’s three most recent versions of macOS.

Microsoft Office for Mac 2019 Home and Student

Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac Edition is the perfect combination of apps and features for casual or professional users who don’t need advanced business features but want all the necessary apps for productivity. This version of Office 2019 finally gives Mac users most of the features that many of them feel they have been lacking over previous editions of Microsoft Office releases.

This edition, like the PC edition, gives casual users and students everything they need to be productive. You get the core programs, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, all updated with the latest features that had been introduced in Office 365 over the previous year. There are some slight variations due to the operating systems, but overall, you get the same great productivity and performance in Office 2019 for Mac as you do with Office 2019 for PC.

Microsoft Excel 2019:
New formulas and features help you better analyze and visualize your data. Leverage features like Analysis Toolpak, Slicers, and Formula Builder to save time, allowing you to focus on the small details. New templates help you get up and running faster.

Microsoft Word 2019:
Create stunning professional documents, term papers, flyers, and more with Word. New features include improved inking, roaming pencil case, and a focus mode that lets you write without any distraction. If you share and work on a document with others, you can take advantage of real-time edits and threaded comments that appear next to the relevant text for more efficient collaboration. Improved research tools let you search for information and apply them without ever leaving Word.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019:
Create, collaborate, and present your ideas with new slide transitions and Animation task pane that lets you have more control over your presentations. Threaded comments alongside your slides let you incorporate feedback into your presentations. Presenter View displays the current slide, next slide, speaker notes, and a timer on your Mac, all while projecting only the presentation to your audience on the big screen. This lets you know what to expect and lets you get a feel for how your presentation is going.

OneNote 2019:
This impressive digital notebook lets you keep notes, ideas, web pages, photos, and audio and video in one place. Whether at home, in the office, or on the move, you can take everything with you wherever you go while. You can also share and collaborate with others. Great for school assignments, work projects, travel plans, party planning, and more.

Office for Mac 2019 Home and Business

The 2019 Microsoft Office Home Business for Mac. Includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and powerful email management with Outlook. This is the same as Home and Student. It includes core applications plus Outlook. The big difference is this one is available for volume licensing, making it perfect for large businesses.

We recommend the latest versions (2016) of Microsoft Office products, but you can save a little by purchasing Office 2010 or 2013. The core applications are in both of these products, which also come in the same basic Home and Student, Home and Business editions. If you choose 2010, you will save money but lose some of the substantial updates. With 2013, you get the best of both worlds — a Microsoft Office product that is inexpensive and still offers most of the power and features of the latest version of Microsoft Office.

The choice is yours, and at SoftwareKeep, we believe in bringing you every option and letting you make a purchasing decision that’s right for you. Check out SoftwareKeep for the best prices on the best software.

Office for Mac 2019 Professional

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This is the heavy-duty Office for Mac Professional. If you’ve got a corporation or big business of any kind, this is what you need. Includes all of the basic Microsoft applications including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Mac Professional 2019 also includes Access and Skype. Publisher, the award-winning desktop publishing software does not come with Office for Mac in any edition, even on 365.

Some of the features included in Office for Mac 2019 include a roaming pencil case and ribbon customizations in all Office apps. There’s a focus mode in Word and Excel adds new data-analysis features and more charts and functions, including CONCAT, TEXTJOIN, IFS, and SWITCH. PowerPoint users can now include Morph transitions, in-click sequence, and 4k video export. For Outlook users, there’s the new focused inbox that allows you to organize your inbox for better productivity.

Microsoft Office 2016 Editions

Office Home and Business 2016

With Office Home and Business 2016 you are able to work you best no matter where you are or who you are with. The new updated versions of the classic desktop applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote, are built to achieve maximum productivity.

Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016 (PC Key Card):

  • Full installed versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote
  • Store files in the cloud with OneDrive
  • 1-time purchase office software
  • Microsoft Office 2016 1 PC license

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Five traditional editions of Office 2016 were released for Windows:

  • Home & Student: Includes core applications only.
  • Home & Business: Includes core applications plus Outlook.
  • Standard: Only available through volume licensing channels: includes core applications plus Outlook and Publisher.
  • Professional: Includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation.
  • Professional Plus: Only available through volume licensing channels; includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access and Skype for Business. Uses Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Three traditional editions of Office 2016 were released for Mac:

  • Home & Student: Core applications only.
  • Home & Business: Core applications plus Outlook.
  • Standard: Only available through volume licensing channels, includes core applications and Outlook.

Microsoft Home and Student Edition Overview

Home users and students have different needs a business or corporation that will be looking for advanced productivity tools. Microsoft Office brings you the perfect edition. Office Home and Student, designed specifically to fit your needs if you are a casual home user or a student. This edition of Microsoft Office includes Word for creating professional word processing documents, Excel for compiling spreadsheets, and Powerpoint for creating stunning visual presentations. Word, Excel, and Powerpoint are the highlights of Microsoft Office Home and Student, but it also includes OneNote, which is the perfect way for students to takes notes. OneNote lets you take your notes to another level. Compile notes, web links, video links, and audio links all in one place. You’ll never lose track of your notes again.

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Microsoft Home and Student Edition Overview

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Business users need power. They need the tools to keep on top of things in the business world. They need office apps and tools they can rely on. Microsoft Office Home and Business is designed with the needs of small business owners and large corporations in mind. The business version of Microsoft Office includes the flagship products, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, in addition to a powerful email client in Outlook, which is designed with the rich features necessary to stay on top of appointments and projects, and in PC versions, the powerful database Access. If you’re a business user, Microsoft’s Home and Business edition will meet your needs head on. The benefit of having so many versions of Microsoft Office is that you can always find the perfect version of Microsoft office to fit your needs and your budget. One of the disadvantages is figuring out which version you need.

For some people, finding the right version of office is easy, but for those who aren’t sure, we have decided to compare versions here to let you know which version of Office is right for you.

First, let’s look at the current version, Microsoft Office 2016. Office 2016 makes some great leaps and advances for users. The apps work better and faster than ever before. There are also many better ways to collaborate and share documents with co-workers, so it’s easier to get work done in group situations and stay on top of the changes..Office 2016 also brings a better email experience to the table with Outlook with a feature called “Clutter” that lets you organize your messages based on the priority. This seems like a no-brainer and should have been in existence already. The new Office also brings you better ways to secure your data and protect your information.

There are essentially 5 versions of Microsoft Office 2016, plus Microsoft’s subscription service Office 365, which lets you subscribe to Office online and brings a whole bunch of features to the table, including instant updates to the latest editions and features. The two fundamental packages are Microsoft Home and Student and Microsoft Home and Business. The first of these two, Microsoft Home and Student, is ideal for casual home users and for college students. The second, Office Home and Business, is ideal for large businesses and corporations. Small business owners can opt for either. In many cases, Home and Student is all a small business needs. In some cases, a small business might opt for the Office Home and Business to take advantage of the extra business-related apps included in the business version. Let’s take a look at some of the differences that could affect your choice.

Microsoft Office Home and Student 2016

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Includes these core apps:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft OneNote

All of the fundamental apps are included in Microsoft Office Home and Student. You get Word for creating professional articles, flyers, books, and for writing homework assignments. You get PowerPoint for creating stunning presentations. You also get the Excel spreadsheet, which allows you to manage and calculate intense sets of data. OneNote allows you to keep track of web links, photos, music, and notes for research projects all in one place, making it convenient and keeping you from ever losing your extensive notes again.

Microsoft Office Home and Business

The Home and Business edition of Microsoft Office includes the flagship core products, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes Outlook instead of OneNote, with the assumption that powerful email management and features is more important to the business owner than taking extensive notes. Outlook allows you to track and manage appointments and projects effectively, plus you get the superior email management.

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Microsoft Office Standard 2016

The standard version of Microsoft Office brings you the 3 core apps, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, plus you get Outlook and Publisher. This can be looked at as an extended version of Office Home and Business. Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application that allows for powerful design layouts of many different types of documents from newsletters to posters. This version of Microsoft Office, however, is only available through volume licensing. This means that the standard version of Office is primarily going to be used for schools and businesses that purchase bulk licenses.

Microsoft Office Professional 2016

The difference between this version of Microsoft Office and the other versions is the addition Microsoft Access, a powerful database. If your business needs a database app, this is the version you’re looking for. It also includes Microsoft Publisher and does not require volume licensing. The three core apps are included, along with Outlook.

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Microsoft Office Professional Plus

This one includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also includes Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business. This is for big corporations and power business owners with a lot of employees. Volume licensing only for this version.

Mac Versions of Microsoft Office

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Office for Mac Standard 2016

There are three versions of Microsoft Office for Mac.

Office Home and Student for Mac 2016

This includes just the core applications, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It’s perfect for students and casual home users.

Office Home and Business for Mac 2016

This is the business version of Microsoft Office for Mac. Includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and powerful email management with Outlook.

This is the same as Home and Business. It includes core applications plus Outlook. The big difference is this one is available for volume licensing, making it perfect for large businesses. We recommend the latest versions (2016) of Microsoft Office products, but you can save a little by purchasing Office 2010 or 2013. The core applications are in both of these products, which also come in the same basic Home and Student, Home and Business editions. If you choose 2010, you will save money but lose some of the substantial updates. With 2013, you get the best of both worlds — a Microsoft Office product that is inexpensive and still offers most of the power and features of the latest version of Microsoft Office. The choice is yours, and at SoftwareKeep, we believe in bringing you every option and letting you make the purchasing decision that’s right for you. Check out SoftwareKeep for the best prices on the best software.

Should I get an Office 365 Subscription?

This is a good question. The disadvantage to a subscription, of course, is that you pay an ongoing fee to use it. That means you pay more money in the long run. The big advantage over the perpetual version, of course, is that you can use your 365 subscription on many different devices, keep your work synced with the cloud services, and you will always have the latest and greatest features as they become available. This is why so many people do choose to subscribe to Office 365.

Older Versions of Microsoft Office

Some people love their older versions of the Office apps they are used to and need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the future. For those who still prefer the old days when it comes to Microsoft Office products, you can still get your hands on the older classic versions from some sellers, but only if your software seller of choice still has leftover copies in stock.

If you want Office 2013 or even, dare we say, Office 2010, you can still find copies. Those versions also come in the Home and Student editions as well as business editions. Keep in mind, however, that they are far behind the current version of Office (2019) and even Office 2016. You’re missing out on a lot if you choose to stick with this older products. You can check our Comparison guide on Microsoft Office 2019 Vs Office 2016 here.

Also, Microsoft has ended mainstream support for them, so while you can still use the products, you won’t get the support from Microsoft. You will need to rely on your software seller for that support, which is why it is so important to buy these products from a reputable software reseller like SoftwareKeep.

Complete Comparision Office Products

Features of Microsoft Office 2019

If you use Microsoft Surface devices, you are no doubt a fan of the digital pen that lets you draw, write notes and doodle directly onto their device’s screen. Office 2019 brings you new inking capabilities across all apps, including pressure sensitivity, tilt effects that adjust the ink’s thickness, and a roaming pencil case that lets users store and organize their favorite pens, pencils, and highlighters for use with all devices. These inking features apply to the suite.

Better Email Management with Outlook:

  • Updated contact cards
  • Office 365 Groups
  • @mentions
  • Focused inbox
  • Travel package cards

Powerful Data Analysis with Excel
For data management and analysis, Excel is still the spreadsheet of choice. Excel 2019 brings in more powerful features like new formulas, new charts (like funnel charts and 2D maps), the ability to publish from Excel to Power BI (Microsoft’s own business analytics service), and enhancements for PowerPivot and PowerQuery.

PowerPoint is on Point
The new PowerPoint has Funnel Charts, Transition Morph, new zoom features, Remove Image Background capability, Insert Icons and 3D models, the ability to add an online video., and easy video conversions.

New Templates and Features in PowerPoint, Excel, and Word that make productivity the priority.

As the overviews show, there are many great individual features in Office 2019, including these finer points:

  • Scalable Vector Graphics for Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • icrosoft Translator for Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Math Equations with LaTeX equation in Word
  • Create smoother animations and movements with Morph in PowerPoint
  • New navigation with Zoom for PowerPoint
  • Use Surface Pen to navigate slides in PowerPoint
  • New calculation functions in Excel
  • New Inking features for all of Office 2019

In Office 2019, you can add Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) into Excel, Word, and PowerPoint documents. This type of graphic can be rotated, moved, colored, and resized without losing the quality of the image. There is a new Icon button you can use to access SVG icons.

Microsoft Translator is a feature added to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. To access it, open the Review tab in your document and then click the new Translate and Language buttons. From here, you’ll have the opportunity to translate the entire document or translate a selected portion of the text. While Microsoft Translator has been around for some time, having it integrated into Office is great. Translation services like Microsoft Translator aren’t perfect, but they are starting to get more accurate, which means more useful.

In PowerPoint, a new transition called Morph has been added. It’s called Morph and it lets you add smooth movement between one slide to the next in a presentation. It’s a great way to get any animation started in seconds. To use Morph, you need to duplicate a slide, then move, resize, or edit the objects on the duplicated slide, then you click Transitions and Morph.

PowerPoint also adds a dynamic navigation option for presenting your PowerPoint slides. With Zoom, you get thumbnails for your slides on one single page. You can click each slide individually and a small transition animation takes you to that slide.

Use the digital pen in PowerPoint and wirelessly move through slides at a distance of up to 30 feet. Pressing the eraser button advances a slide; pressing and holding the eraser takes you back a slide.

6 Great Excel Features:

  • CONCAT is similar to CONCATENATE, but it now supports range references, not just individual cell references.
  • MAXIFS can be used to return the largest number in a range – you can also set the returned result to only be a number that meets certain criteria. MINIFS works the same way but returns the smallest number.
  • SWITCH evaluates one value against a list of values and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value.
  • TEXTJOIN is a unique function that combines text from multiple ranges. You can also choose the ways the text is separated

Microsoft Office 2016

2016 advances Office in a lot of beneficial ways. First of all, the programs are faster than ever. They also offer new collaborative options that allow you to edit documents as a team in real time. You can also communicate more efficiently within documents and through Skype than ever before.

Office 2016 improves your email with Outlook experience by using a feature called Clutter to reorganize your messages based on the priority, a key innovation for those with a lot of emails to get through every day. The security features are also top-notch. There are new features that prevent data loss and allow you to encrypt your data so that you don’t have to worry about any of your information getting lost or stolen.

Office 2016, as with previous editions, comes in several different versions with different programs and features. Office 2016 for PC, they include:

  • Home & Student: just the core applications of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote
  • Home & Office: core applications and Outlook
  • Standard: core applications, Outlook, and Publisher (only available through volume license)
  • Professional: core applications, Outlook, Publisher, and Access
  • Professional Plus: core applications, Outlook, Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business (only available through volume license)

Office 2016 for Mac, they include:

  • Home & Student: just the core applications
  • Home & Business: core applications and Outlook
  • Standard: core applications and Outlook (only available through volume license)

If you are looking for the latest versions of every program with all the newest features, and you want a traditional, one-time, one-payment download (as opposed to 365 below), then Office 2016 is the right option for you.

Microsoft Office 2013

The middle option between 2010 and 2016, 2013 tends to be the easiest option to miss. Either you want something up-to-date, or you want something cheap, and 2013 is not quite either of those things. MS Office 2013 still has features that recommend it. It has increased interconnectivity options that utilize OneNote cloud storage more, and that links different platforms so you can have all the same data on your phone, tablet, and computer. It has many updated features for the programs as well. And the price is still lower than 2016.

Microsoft Office 2010

For many years, Office 2010 was the standard, and if you are looking for a cheap, one-time install version of Office and don’t mind missing out on some significant improvements in the later versions, 2010 is still a good option.

The downside is that it is slower than more recent versions, and it lacks those improvements, in particular, the interconnectivity that 2016 offers. Again, if this doesn’t concern you, consider 2010.

Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 offers you the same benefits as Office 2016 (in fact, it often includes 2016), but with a novel idea attached it: instead of paying a one-time fee, you pay a monthly subscription. In exchange, you all the latest program updates (not just security updates) and some additional features.

One of the best of these features is the ability to install Office on multiple devices with one license. Most 365 plans allow you to install on five computers, five tablets, and five phones. At the same time, many of the plans offer you 1 TB of cloud storage, and some offer you monthly Skype minutes as well.

The plans for home use include:

  • Personal: Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access, and Publisher. 1 TB on OneDrive and Skype minutes. Only available for one computer. Ideal for individual use.
  • Home: The same as Personal, but available for five computers. Ideal for family use.

For business use, the plans include:

  • Business Essentials: Web versions (no desktop versions) of Office applications, as well as Outlook. 1 TB on OneDrive. Ideal for smaller businesses (fewer than 300 employees) with a focus on online communication.
  • Business: Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications, but no Outlook email. Available for multiple devices for every license. Skype for Business and 1 TB on OneDrive. Ideal for smaller businesses (fewer than 300 employees) that already have a well-integrated email system.
  • Business Premium: Desktop versions of Office 2016 and Outlook. Available for multiple devices for every license. Skype for Business and 1 TB on OneDrive. The best Office option for smaller businesses with fewer than 300 employees.
  • Enterprise E1: Web versions of Office applications, as well as Outlook. Skype for Business and 1 TB on OneDrive. Differs from Business Essentials because it allows for an unlimited number of users.
  • Enterprise E3: All the features of ProPlus and E1, plus advanced security tools, such as legal hold and data loss prevention. Ideal for big businesses with legal and data concerns.
  • Enterprise E5: All the features of E3, plus even more advanced security options, as well as advanced analytics. The top of the line Office product.
  • As you can see, 365 offers you a wide variety of options to get the best out of Office for what you need as an individual, student, or business person. With a low monthly (or annual) payment, you get regular updates and a lot of incredible features.

Find out more about purchasing Microsoft Office products from SoftwareKeep

With so many options, purchasing Office can feel intimidating. To ease your concerns, contact SoftwareKeep, where our experts will guide you through your options point-by-point to make sure you get the exact Office (or other software) package you need.

We guarantee not just great customer service but also the lowest price anywhere on the web for the products you buy from us. Visit our website at SoftwareKeep today or contact us at +1 877 315 1713 to find out more.

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Since its release, Microsoft Office has been the leading office suite for home, student, and business. Microsoft now boasts over 1.5 billion users worldwide, which makes Microsoft the dominant force powerful business suites. Microsoft Office features a set of flagship products designed to make your work easier and more professional. These flagship products include Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Access, OneNote, and Outlook. These applications empower business users, students, and home users to experience a boost in productivity and the ability to get more done in the most efficient way possible. Microsoft Office is available for PC and for Mac users.

There are different versions of the product, depending on your needs, and not all of the versions have the exact same apps and capabilities. In this article, we will take a close look at Microsoft Office and its different versions to compare Microsoft Office software versions and help you determine which version is right for you. At SoftwareKeep we believe in giving you all the information you need to make an informed buying decision, so here is our comparison of the Microsoft Office for PC and Office for Mac products.

Difference Between Version and Edition

When you read about Microsoft Office, you will hear the words version and edition. Most people don’t realize these two terms are not interchangeable. They refer to two distinctly different things. The version refers to the version number of the product. For instance, Windows 10. It can also refer to the build number of the particular version you are running. The Edition refers to “Home and Business” or “Professional.” Editions are named differently because they include different features and products aimed at specific audiences.

The Microsoft “Home and Student” edition, for instance, is aimed at casual users and students. Even teachers will find this edition enough in most cases. Another version, “Home and Business,” offers a slight variation that makes the product useful to casual users and students, but adds Outlook.

The idea here is to offer an edition of the product aimed at small business owners or home business users. For big business and corporations, of course, there is Office Professional and Professional Plus. Office Professional Plus is an integrated set of Microsoft applications for business or enterprise. Office Professional Plus includes all of the programs in Office Standard (Excel, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word), plus you Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business.

Acces is a relational database management system that helps businesses track and report information. Skype for Business is a unified communications client that works with Skype for Business Server, allowing users to talk to one another via instant messaging, voice, or video, or two switch between modes. These are clearly not apps the everyday user would ever make use of or what to pay for, which is why there are different editions.

There is also a Standard edition of Microsoft that includes:

  • Excel: A spreadsheet application with data analysis and visualization tools
  • OneNote: A note-taking application that allows various types of content to be shared among team members.
  • Outlook: A time and information manager that integrates email, calendar, contacts, and tasks.
  • PowerPoint: A presentation graphics program with capabilities for text effects, sound, and animation.
  • Publisher: A desktop publishing program that allows people with basic design skills to create a wide variety of publications.
  • Word: A full-featured word-processing program.

The great thing about the Standard edition (desktop) is that it works well for a wide range of consumers. All of the basic important apps are there with the addition of Outlook for email and communications management and Publisher for easy professional desktop design layout capabilities. This version is a great value for a wide range of users.

So does it really matter which edition you choose? Yes and no. If you already have a “Professional Plus” edition and you are a casual user, no problem. The core apps are still the same and will work for you. If you are a casual user, however, about to purchase, you are not likely to want to spend the money on the “Professional Plus” version for applications you won’t use.

What Versions of Microsoft Office Are Available?

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The most current version of Microsoft Office is Office 2019. There is a perpetual version (desktop or standalone version) that is a one-time purchase. Office 2019 comes in three editions (as noted above), 2019 Home and Student for Pc/Mac, 2019 Home and Business for Pc/Mac and Microsoft Office 2019 Professional. The desktop versions are significantly different than Office 365. Consumers can purchase the perpetual version and pay only one time for the software, while Office 365 is a subscription and cloud-based service that offers constantly updated versions of the Office products.

Older versions of Microsoft Office still available and supported by Microsoft go back as far as 2010, but the most popular pre-2019 version of Office is Office 2016.

Besides being available for PC and Mac, Office is available in Home and Student and Home and Business Editions. These editions are similar regardless of the operating system, but there are some slight differences between the PC and Mac versions of Microsoft Office. Those differences are primarily in the way the applications function rather than a difference in the applications that are included in Microsoft Office.

Release Date Title
August 24, 1995 Office 95
June 20, 1997 Office 97
June 7, 1999 Office 2000
May 31, 2001 Office xp
August 19, 2003 Office 2003
January 30, 2007 Office 2007
April 15, 2010 Office 2010
January 29, 2010 Office 2013

Basic Editions of Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office 2019 Editions

Four major versions of Office 2019 for Windows and 2 for Mac OS were released for Office 2019:

  • Home & Student for PC/MAC: Includes core applications only.
  • Home & Business for PC/MAC: Includes core applications plus Outlook.
  • Professional: Includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation.
  • Professional Plus: Only available through volume licensing channels; includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access and Skype for Business. Uses Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Microsoft Office Home and Student

Office 2019 Home and Student includes core apps like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also comes with OneNote, which is a note-taking app that allows you to create detailed notes using text, images, music, weblinks, and more. This edition of Office 2019 is ideal for students, teachers, and creative writers.

Microsoft Home and Business — The Home and Business edition of Microsoft Office includes the flagship core products, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes Outlook instead of OneNote, with the assumption that powerful email management and features is more important to the business owner than taking extensive notes. Outlook allows you to track and manage appointments and projects effectively, plus you get the superior email management.

Microsoft Office Standard — The standard version of Microsoft Office brings you the 3 core apps, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, plus you get Outlook and Publisher. This can be looked at as an extended version of Office Home and Business. Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application that allows for powerful design layouts of many different types of documents from newsletters to posters. This version of Microsoft Office, however, is only available through volume licensing. This means that the standard version of Office is primarily going to be used for schools and businesses that purchase bulk licenses.

Microsoft Office Professional -The difference between this version of Microsoft Office and the other versions is the inclusion of Microsoft Access, a powerful database. If your business needs a database app, this is the version you’re looking for. It also includes Microsoft Publisher and does not require volume licensing. The three core apps are included, along with Outlook.

Microsoft Office Professional Plus — This one includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also includes Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business. This is for big corporations and power business owners with a lot of employees. Volume licensing only for this version.

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Microsoft Office 2019 Perpetual

Office 2019 is the latest version of Microsoft Office. It’s packed with new features and innovative ways to help you be more productive. It’s a compilation of all the best features from Office 365 up to the release of 2019, making it one of the largest and most valuable upgrades available. All of the classic features you know and love are here, along with some hefty new features and capabilities that let you take your office productivity to an entirely new level.

Office 2019 comes in the editions you expect. There is a Home and Student version available for casual home users and students. It includes all of the core programs: Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also includes the powerful note-taking application OneNote, which gives students the perfect way to compile notes that incorporate text, videos, and images. The notes can be easily organized for quick access.

As usual, the Home and Business edition of Microsoft Office 2019 includes the same core programs but adds Outlook for email capability and contact management. It can be used by the casual user and student user, but it is also great for small business owners who want to add the functionality of Outlook but don’t need all the features found in the Professional edition on Office. Office Professional, designed for big business and corporations, adds business features that include Access and Publisher.

Microsoft Office Products — 2019 Editions

  • 1. Outlook.

  • 2. OneDrive.

  • 3. Word.

  • 4. Excel.

  • 5. PowerPoint.

  • 6. OneNote.

  • 7. SharePoint.

  • 8. Microsoft Teams.

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Microsoft Office 2019 comes in different editions just as all releases of MicrosoftOffice have. During Sales and Promotional seasons, the sale price is slated to drop of 15-20% off the MSRP to give our customers the best deals in the business. Highlighted below are Office 2019 editions:

  • Home & Student: Includes core applications only.
  • Home & Business: Includes core applications plus Outlook.
  • Standard: Only available through volume licensing channels: includes core applications plus Outlook and Publisher.
  • Professional: Includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation.
  • Professional Plus: Only available through volume licensing channels; includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access and Skype for Business. Uses the Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student

Office Home and Student, is perfect for home use, school use by teachers and students, and it even works well for writers. It also includes OneNote, which is ideal for the student or writers. OneNote allows you to keep detailed notebooks full of research. You can include text, pictures, and audio for the most complete note-taking experience ever.

Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Business

The Home and Business edition of Microsoft office 2019 is very similar to Home and Business. It adds Outlook to the picture, making it an ideal choice for small business owners. All of the core apps are here too. This is a great midpoint between the home and professional business editions of Office, which is why it is perfect for small business owners who are looking for contact management in addition to the core products.

Microsoft Office 2019 Standard

The Standard edition of Microsoft Office 2019 is only available through volume licensing. It is ideal for midsize to large businesses and includes all of the features of smaller editions of Office 2019, but it also includes Outlook for communications and Publisher, which brings simple, professional desktop publishing capabilities to the table

Microsoft Office 2019 Professional

Office Professional 2019 includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation. This is where you get into the power needed for corporations and large businesses. Access is a database management system that provides businesses with the means for storing lots of customer data and more. This is only available in the Professional editions.

Microsoft Office 2019 Professional PlusM

You can only get Office Professional Plus 2019 through volume licensing channels. It includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business. Uses Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Microsoft Office 2019 for Mac

Mac users should not feel cheated. For many years, Mac users have always felt that Microsoft left them out of the game, but that’s no longer the case. Now Microsoft gives Mac users an office suite comparable to what PC users have. Office for Mac 2019 comes in three specific editions:

Office for Mac supports Apple’s three most recent versions of macOS.

Microsoft Office for Mac 2019 Home and Student

Microsoft Office 2019 Home and Student for Mac Edition is the perfect combination of apps and features for casual or professional users who don’t need advanced business features but want all the necessary apps for productivity. This version of Office 2019 finally gives Mac users most of the features that many of them feel they have been lacking over previous editions of Microsoft Office releases.

This edition, like the PC edition, gives casual users and students everything they need to be productive. You get the core programs, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, all updated with the latest features that had been introduced in Office 365 over the previous year. There are some slight variations due to the operating systems, but overall, you get the same great productivity and performance in Office 2019 for Mac as you do with Office 2019 for PC.

Microsoft Excel 2019:
New formulas and features help you better analyze and visualize your data. Leverage features like Analysis Toolpak, Slicers, and Formula Builder to save time, allowing you to focus on the small details. New templates help you get up and running faster.

Microsoft Word 2019:
Create stunning professional documents, term papers, flyers, and more with Word. New features include improved inking, roaming pencil case, and a focus mode that lets you write without any distraction. If you share and work on a document with others, you can take advantage of real-time edits and threaded comments that appear next to the relevant text for more efficient collaboration. Improved research tools let you search for information and apply them without ever leaving Word.

Microsoft PowerPoint 2019:
Create, collaborate, and present your ideas with new slide transitions and Animation task pane that lets you have more control over your presentations. Threaded comments alongside your slides let you incorporate feedback into your presentations. Presenter View displays the current slide, next slide, speaker notes, and a timer on your Mac, all while projecting only the presentation to your audience on the big screen. This lets you know what to expect and lets you get a feel for how your presentation is going.

OneNote 2019:
This impressive digital notebook lets you keep notes, ideas, web pages, photos, and audio and video in one place. Whether at home, in the office, or on the move, you can take everything with you wherever you go while. You can also share and collaborate with others. Great for school assignments, work projects, travel plans, party planning, and more.

Office for Mac 2019 Home and Business

The 2019 Microsoft Office Home Business for Mac. Includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and powerful email management with Outlook. This is the same as Home and Student. It includes core applications plus Outlook. The big difference is this one is available for volume licensing, making it perfect for large businesses.

We recommend the latest versions (2016) of Microsoft Office products, but you can save a little by purchasing Office 2010 or 2013. The core applications are in both of these products, which also come in the same basic Home and Student, Home and Business editions. If you choose 2010, you will save money but lose some of the substantial updates. With 2013, you get the best of both worlds — a Microsoft Office product that is inexpensive and still offers most of the power and features of the latest version of Microsoft Office.

The choice is yours, and at SoftwareKeep, we believe in bringing you every option and letting you make a purchasing decision that’s right for you. Check out SoftwareKeep for the best prices on the best software.

Office for Mac 2019 Professional

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This is the heavy-duty Office for Mac Professional. If you’ve got a corporation or big business of any kind, this is what you need. Includes all of the basic Microsoft applications including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Mac Professional 2019 also includes Access and Skype. Publisher, the award-winning desktop publishing software does not come with Office for Mac in any edition, even on 365.

Some of the features included in Office for Mac 2019 include a roaming pencil case and ribbon customizations in all Office apps. There’s a focus mode in Word and Excel adds new data-analysis features and more charts and functions, including CONCAT, TEXTJOIN, IFS, and SWITCH. PowerPoint users can now include Morph transitions, in-click sequence, and 4k video export. For Outlook users, there’s the new focused inbox that allows you to organize your inbox for better productivity.

Microsoft Office 2016 Editions

Office Home and Business 2016

With Office Home and Business 2016 you are able to work you best no matter where you are or who you are with. The new updated versions of the classic desktop applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and OneNote, are built to achieve maximum productivity.

Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016 (PC Key Card):

  • Full installed versions of Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote
  • Store files in the cloud with OneDrive
  • 1-time purchase office software
  • Microsoft Office 2016 1 PC license

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Five traditional editions of Office 2016 were released for Windows:

  • Home & Student: Includes core applications only.
  • Home & Business: Includes core applications plus Outlook.
  • Standard: Only available through volume licensing channels: includes core applications plus Outlook and Publisher.
  • Professional: Includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher and Access. Uses Windows Installer method for offline installation.
  • Professional Plus: Only available through volume licensing channels; includes core applications plus Outlook, Publisher, Access and Skype for Business. Uses Click-to-Run method for online installation.

Three traditional editions of Office 2016 were released for Mac:

  • Home & Student: Core applications only.
  • Home & Business: Core applications plus Outlook.
  • Standard: Only available through volume licensing channels, includes core applications and Outlook.

Microsoft Home and Student Edition Overview

Home users and students have different needs a business or corporation that will be looking for advanced productivity tools. Microsoft Office brings you the perfect edition. Office Home and Student, designed specifically to fit your needs if you are a casual home user or a student. This edition of Microsoft Office includes Word for creating professional word processing documents, Excel for compiling spreadsheets, and Powerpoint for creating stunning visual presentations. Word, Excel, and Powerpoint are the highlights of Microsoft Office Home and Student, but it also includes OneNote, which is the perfect way for students to takes notes. OneNote lets you take your notes to another level. Compile notes, web links, video links, and audio links all in one place. You’ll never lose track of your notes again.

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Microsoft Home and Student Edition Overview

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Business users need power. They need the tools to keep on top of things in the business world. They need office apps and tools they can rely on. Microsoft Office Home and Business is designed with the needs of small business owners and large corporations in mind. The business version of Microsoft Office includes the flagship products, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel, in addition to a powerful email client in Outlook, which is designed with the rich features necessary to stay on top of appointments and projects, and in PC versions, the powerful database Access. If you’re a business user, Microsoft’s Home and Business edition will meet your needs head on. The benefit of having so many versions of Microsoft Office is that you can always find the perfect version of Microsoft office to fit your needs and your budget. One of the disadvantages is figuring out which version you need.

For some people, finding the right version of office is easy, but for those who aren’t sure, we have decided to compare versions here to let you know which version of Office is right for you.

First, let’s look at the current version, Microsoft Office 2016. Office 2016 makes some great leaps and advances for users. The apps work better and faster than ever before. There are also many better ways to collaborate and share documents with co-workers, so it’s easier to get work done in group situations and stay on top of the changes..Office 2016 also brings a better email experience to the table with Outlook with a feature called “Clutter” that lets you organize your messages based on the priority. This seems like a no-brainer and should have been in existence already. The new Office also brings you better ways to secure your data and protect your information.

There are essentially 5 versions of Microsoft Office 2016, plus Microsoft’s subscription service Office 365, which lets you subscribe to Office online and brings a whole bunch of features to the table, including instant updates to the latest editions and features. The two fundamental packages are Microsoft Home and Student and Microsoft Home and Business. The first of these two, Microsoft Home and Student, is ideal for casual home users and for college students. The second, Office Home and Business, is ideal for large businesses and corporations. Small business owners can opt for either. In many cases, Home and Student is all a small business needs. In some cases, a small business might opt for the Office Home and Business to take advantage of the extra business-related apps included in the business version. Let’s take a look at some of the differences that could affect your choice.

Microsoft Office Home and Student 2016

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Includes these core apps:

  • Microsoft Word
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft OneNote

All of the fundamental apps are included in Microsoft Office Home and Student. You get Word for creating professional articles, flyers, books, and for writing homework assignments. You get PowerPoint for creating stunning presentations. You also get the Excel spreadsheet, which allows you to manage and calculate intense sets of data. OneNote allows you to keep track of web links, photos, music, and notes for research projects all in one place, making it convenient and keeping you from ever losing your extensive notes again.

Microsoft Office Home and Business

The Home and Business edition of Microsoft Office includes the flagship core products, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It includes Outlook instead of OneNote, with the assumption that powerful email management and features is more important to the business owner than taking extensive notes. Outlook allows you to track and manage appointments and projects effectively, plus you get the superior email management.

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Microsoft Office Standard 2016

The standard version of Microsoft Office brings you the 3 core apps, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, plus you get Outlook and Publisher. This can be looked at as an extended version of Office Home and Business. Microsoft Publisher is a desktop publishing application that allows for powerful design layouts of many different types of documents from newsletters to posters. This version of Microsoft Office, however, is only available through volume licensing. This means that the standard version of Office is primarily going to be used for schools and businesses that purchase bulk licenses.

Microsoft Office Professional 2016

The difference between this version of Microsoft Office and the other versions is the addition Microsoft Access, a powerful database. If your business needs a database app, this is the version you’re looking for. It also includes Microsoft Publisher and does not require volume licensing. The three core apps are included, along with Outlook.

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Microsoft Office Professional Plus

This one includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. It also includes Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business. This is for big corporations and power business owners with a lot of employees. Volume licensing only for this version.

Mac Versions of Microsoft Office

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Office for Mac Standard 2016

There are three versions of Microsoft Office for Mac.

Office Home and Student for Mac 2016

This includes just the core applications, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. It’s perfect for students and casual home users.

Office Home and Business for Mac 2016

This is the business version of Microsoft Office for Mac. Includes the core applications, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, and powerful email management with Outlook.

This is the same as Home and Business. It includes core applications plus Outlook. The big difference is this one is available for volume licensing, making it perfect for large businesses. We recommend the latest versions (2016) of Microsoft Office products, but you can save a little by purchasing Office 2010 or 2013. The core applications are in both of these products, which also come in the same basic Home and Student, Home and Business editions. If you choose 2010, you will save money but lose some of the substantial updates. With 2013, you get the best of both worlds — a Microsoft Office product that is inexpensive and still offers most of the power and features of the latest version of Microsoft Office. The choice is yours, and at SoftwareKeep, we believe in bringing you every option and letting you make the purchasing decision that’s right for you. Check out SoftwareKeep for the best prices on the best software.

Should I get an Office 365 Subscription?

This is a good question. The disadvantage to a subscription, of course, is that you pay an ongoing fee to use it. That means you pay more money in the long run. The big advantage over the perpetual version, of course, is that you can use your 365 subscription on many different devices, keep your work synced with the cloud services, and you will always have the latest and greatest features as they become available. This is why so many people do choose to subscribe to Office 365.

Older Versions of Microsoft Office

Some people love their older versions of the Office apps they are used to and need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the future. For those who still prefer the old days when it comes to Microsoft Office products, you can still get your hands on the older classic versions from some sellers, but only if your software seller of choice still has leftover copies in stock.

If you want Office 2013 or even, dare we say, Office 2010, you can still find copies. Those versions also come in the Home and Student editions as well as business editions. Keep in mind, however, that they are far behind the current version of Office (2019) and even Office 2016. You’re missing out on a lot if you choose to stick with this older products. You can check our Comparison guide on Microsoft Office 2019 Vs Office 2016 here.

Also, Microsoft has ended mainstream support for them, so while you can still use the products, you won’t get the support from Microsoft. You will need to rely on your software seller for that support, which is why it is so important to buy these products from a reputable software reseller like SoftwareKeep.

Complete Comparision Office Products

Features of Microsoft Office 2019

If you use Microsoft Surface devices, you are no doubt a fan of the digital pen that lets you draw, write notes and doodle directly onto their device’s screen. Office 2019 brings you new inking capabilities across all apps, including pressure sensitivity, tilt effects that adjust the ink’s thickness, and a roaming pencil case that lets users store and organize their favorite pens, pencils, and highlighters for use with all devices. These inking features apply to the suite.

Better Email Management with Outlook:

  • Updated contact cards
  • Office 365 Groups
  • @mentions
  • Focused inbox
  • Travel package cards

Powerful Data Analysis with Excel
For data management and analysis, Excel is still the spreadsheet of choice. Excel 2019 brings in more powerful features like new formulas, new charts (like funnel charts and 2D maps), the ability to publish from Excel to Power BI (Microsoft’s own business analytics service), and enhancements for PowerPivot and PowerQuery.

PowerPoint is on Point
The new PowerPoint has Funnel Charts, Transition Morph, new zoom features, Remove Image Background capability, Insert Icons and 3D models, the ability to add an online video., and easy video conversions.

New Templates and Features in PowerPoint, Excel, and Word that make productivity the priority.

As the overviews show, there are many great individual features in Office 2019, including these finer points:

  • Scalable Vector Graphics for Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • icrosoft Translator for Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Math Equations with LaTeX equation in Word
  • Create smoother animations and movements with Morph in PowerPoint
  • New navigation with Zoom for PowerPoint
  • Use Surface Pen to navigate slides in PowerPoint
  • New calculation functions in Excel
  • New Inking features for all of Office 2019

In Office 2019, you can add Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) into Excel, Word, and PowerPoint documents. This type of graphic can be rotated, moved, colored, and resized without losing the quality of the image. There is a new Icon button you can use to access SVG icons.

Microsoft Translator is a feature added to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. To access it, open the Review tab in your document and then click the new Translate and Language buttons. From here, you’ll have the opportunity to translate the entire document or translate a selected portion of the text. While Microsoft Translator has been around for some time, having it integrated into Office is great. Translation services like Microsoft Translator aren’t perfect, but they are starting to get more accurate, which means more useful.

In PowerPoint, a new transition called Morph has been added. It’s called Morph and it lets you add smooth movement between one slide to the next in a presentation. It’s a great way to get any animation started in seconds. To use Morph, you need to duplicate a slide, then move, resize, or edit the objects on the duplicated slide, then you click Transitions and Morph.

PowerPoint also adds a dynamic navigation option for presenting your PowerPoint slides. With Zoom, you get thumbnails for your slides on one single page. You can click each slide individually and a small transition animation takes you to that slide.

Use the digital pen in PowerPoint and wirelessly move through slides at a distance of up to 30 feet. Pressing the eraser button advances a slide; pressing and holding the eraser takes you back a slide.

6 Great Excel Features:

  • CONCAT is similar to CONCATENATE, but it now supports range references, not just individual cell references.
  • MAXIFS can be used to return the largest number in a range – you can also set the returned result to only be a number that meets certain criteria. MINIFS works the same way but returns the smallest number.
  • SWITCH evaluates one value against a list of values and returns the result corresponding to the first matching value.
  • TEXTJOIN is a unique function that combines text from multiple ranges. You can also choose the ways the text is separated

Microsoft Office 2016

2016 advances Office in a lot of beneficial ways. First of all, the programs are faster than ever. They also offer new collaborative options that allow you to edit documents as a team in real time. You can also communicate more efficiently within documents and through Skype than ever before.

Office 2016 improves your email with Outlook experience by using a feature called Clutter to reorganize your messages based on the priority, a key innovation for those with a lot of emails to get through every day. The security features are also top-notch. There are new features that prevent data loss and allow you to encrypt your data so that you don’t have to worry about any of your information getting lost or stolen.

Office 2016, as with previous editions, comes in several different versions with different programs and features. Office 2016 for PC, they include:

  • Home & Student: just the core applications of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote
  • Home & Office: core applications and Outlook
  • Standard: core applications, Outlook, and Publisher (only available through volume license)
  • Professional: core applications, Outlook, Publisher, and Access
  • Professional Plus: core applications, Outlook, Publisher, Access, and Skype for Business (only available through volume license)

Office 2016 for Mac, they include:

  • Home & Student: just the core applications
  • Home & Business: core applications and Outlook
  • Standard: core applications and Outlook (only available through volume license)

If you are looking for the latest versions of every program with all the newest features, and you want a traditional, one-time, one-payment download (as opposed to 365 below), then Office 2016 is the right option for you.

Microsoft Office 2013

The middle option between 2010 and 2016, 2013 tends to be the easiest option to miss. Either you want something up-to-date, or you want something cheap, and 2013 is not quite either of those things. MS Office 2013 still has features that recommend it. It has increased interconnectivity options that utilize OneNote cloud storage more, and that links different platforms so you can have all the same data on your phone, tablet, and computer. It has many updated features for the programs as well. And the price is still lower than 2016.

Microsoft Office 2010

For many years, Office 2010 was the standard, and if you are looking for a cheap, one-time install version of Office and don’t mind missing out on some significant improvements in the later versions, 2010 is still a good option.

The downside is that it is slower than more recent versions, and it lacks those improvements, in particular, the interconnectivity that 2016 offers. Again, if this doesn’t concern you, consider 2010.

Microsoft Office 365

Office 365 offers you the same benefits as Office 2016 (in fact, it often includes 2016), but with a novel idea attached it: instead of paying a one-time fee, you pay a monthly subscription. In exchange, you all the latest program updates (not just security updates) and some additional features.

One of the best of these features is the ability to install Office on multiple devices with one license. Most 365 plans allow you to install on five computers, five tablets, and five phones. At the same time, many of the plans offer you 1 TB of cloud storage, and some offer you monthly Skype minutes as well.

The plans for home use include:

  • Personal: Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Outlook, Access, and Publisher. 1 TB on OneDrive and Skype minutes. Only available for one computer. Ideal for individual use.
  • Home: The same as Personal, but available for five computers. Ideal for family use.

For business use, the plans include:

  • Business Essentials: Web versions (no desktop versions) of Office applications, as well as Outlook. 1 TB on OneDrive. Ideal for smaller businesses (fewer than 300 employees) with a focus on online communication.
  • Business: Desktop versions of Office 2016 applications, but no Outlook email. Available for multiple devices for every license. Skype for Business and 1 TB on OneDrive. Ideal for smaller businesses (fewer than 300 employees) that already have a well-integrated email system.
  • Business Premium: Desktop versions of Office 2016 and Outlook. Available for multiple devices for every license. Skype for Business and 1 TB on OneDrive. The best Office option for smaller businesses with fewer than 300 employees.
  • Enterprise E1: Web versions of Office applications, as well as Outlook. Skype for Business and 1 TB on OneDrive. Differs from Business Essentials because it allows for an unlimited number of users.
  • Enterprise E3: All the features of ProPlus and E1, plus advanced security tools, such as legal hold and data loss prevention. Ideal for big businesses with legal and data concerns.
  • Enterprise E5: All the features of E3, plus even more advanced security options, as well as advanced analytics. The top of the line Office product.
  • As you can see, 365 offers you a wide variety of options to get the best out of Office for what you need as an individual, student, or business person. With a low monthly (or annual) payment, you get regular updates and a lot of incredible features.

Find out more about purchasing Microsoft Office products from SoftwareKeep

With so many options, purchasing Office can feel intimidating. To ease your concerns, contact SoftwareKeep, where our experts will guide you through your options point-by-point to make sure you get the exact Office (or other software) package you need.

We guarantee not just great customer service but also the lowest price anywhere on the web for the products you buy from us. Visit our website at SoftwareKeep today or contact us at +1 877 315 1713 to find out more.

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Какой Microsoft Office лучше для Windows 10? 16.03.2021

Пакет Microsoft Office устанавливается на ПК, ноутбуки, планшеты, владельцы которых работают с текстовыми документами, таблицами, графическими изображениями.

И важно решить, какой Microsoft Office лучше для Windows 10, чтобы ускорить работу ПК и качество собственной работы.

Рассмотрим самые популярные версии программы, а также принципы их оценки и выбора.

Как выбрать пакет Microsoft Office

Чтобы подобрать подходящий пакет программ для работы с текстами, графикой, таблицами, обратите внимание на следующие характеристики:

  • языковая версия: варианты – английский и русский язык. Выбирайте языковую версию, в которой вы поймете все этапы установки и настройки программ, входящих в пакет;
  • тип лицензии: от этого показателя зависят права пользователя. Есть типы лицензии, позволяющие перенести программы на другие устройства, и предоставляющие доступ нескольким пользователям. Их можно устанавливать как на домашнем ПК или ноутбуке, так и на электронных гаджетах, установленным в офисе;
  • срок действия: на 1 год, 5 лет или более продолжительный срок. Многие эксперты рекомендуют купить лицензионный Microsoft Office, который действует в течение 12 месяцев на тот случай, если вы захотите переустановить другую версию;
  • тип поставки: на физическом носителе и в цифровом. В интернет-магазине Skysoft можно купить Windows в Казахстане в обоих форматах. В первом случае вы получите покупку с доставкой на дом или в офис. Во втором – на электронную почту, указанную во время оформления заказа;
  • редакция пакета: есть Home, Business, Student и другие. Первая подойдет для домашнего применения. Доступ к программе получает 1-3 пользователя. Вторая – оптимальное решение для офиса. Эту редакцию можно установить на несколько устройств. Третий подходит для студентов, которые работают с определенным набором программ;
  • технические требования к ПК или ноутбуку: мощность процессора, объем свободной памяти, необходимой для инсталляции пакета программ и их функционирования.

Почему лучше купить лицензионную версию

Спор о том, какую программу лучше установить – лицензионную или бесплатную, ведутся давно.

В пользу лицензионных программ есть ряд убедительных аргументов:

  • этот пакет программы не влияет на скорость и качество работы ПК или ноутбука;
  • в нем нет вшитых программ, которые нарушают работу устройства или скачивают персональные данные;
  • все программы, входящие в пакет, работают без сбоев.

Бесплатная версия – рискованный вариант. Поскольку вместе с программами можно скачать шпионский софт или вредоносные файлы. Они влияют на скорость и качество работы электронного гаджета.

Microsoft Office 2019

Когда решаете, какой Office лучше для Windows 10, многие называют именно эту версию. Причем в формате Home and Students.

Эта версия подходит для учебы и работы как дома, так и в офисе. Пакет предназначен для одного устройства. И его можно переносить на другой ПК или ноутбук, если «снести» программу на первом устройстве.

Ее выпустили в 2019-м году, и у нее много преимуществ:

  • у нее нет срока действия;
  • в составе пакета базовый набор программ с обновленными функциями. Например, в Word установлены режим фокусировки и переводчик, в Excel – диаграммы, графики, временная шкала, в PowerPoint поддержка 3D объектов в презентации.

Если перечисленного набора программ достаточно для работы и учебы, тогда заказывайте именно этот пакет.

Microsoft Office 365 Family

Один из самых популярных пакетов. Подходит для установки программ как на домашнем ПК, так и на офисных устройствах – до 5 единиц.

Этот пакет предназначен для некоммерческого использования. Его срок действия – 1 год с момента активации.

В составе пакета полный комплекс программ для работы с текстовыми документами, таблицами, графическими изображениями, презентациями:

  • Word;
  • Excel;
  • Outlook;
  • PowerPoint;
  • Publisher;
  • Access;
  • OneNote.

Дополнительное преимущество – бонус в виде облачного хранилища. Его объем – 1 ТБ.

Чтобы загрузить пакет, нужно освободить на жестком диске 2 Гб.

Приобрести ключ от пакета Microsoft Office 365 Family как в упаковке, так и в цифровом формате. Получив ключ, программы можно активировать и пользоваться ими в течение 12 месяцев.

Microsoft Office 2019: Home & Business

Этот пакет рассчитан для домашней и офисной работы. Подойдет для установки на ПК и ноутбуках.

Переносить пакет программ на другое устройство можно после того, как провели деинсталляцию на предыдущем устройстве.

В пакет включены все программы, необходимые для работы с текстами, изображениями, графиками, презентациями.

Также во всех программах есть обновленные опции: в Word – режим фокуса и переводчик, в Excel – построение графиков, диаграмм, интерактивная карта в формате 2D, в PowerPoint – поддержка 3D-объектов.

Чтобы установить весь пакет программ Microsoft Office 2019: Home & Business, нужно освободить на диске 4 Гб.

Microsoft Office 2016 Home and Student

Пакет программ для работы с текстами, фотографиями, изображениями и графиками. В каждой программе понятный интерфейс и набор функций.

Пакет Microsoft Office 2016 Home and Student включает:

  • Word: удобная программа для работы с текстом и графическими символами;
  • Excel: программа для работы с таблицами и формулами;
  • OneNote: утилита, обеспечивающая быстрый доступ к файлам и папкам. Также она облегчает работу с цифровыми записями;
  • PowerPoint: программа, рассчитана для работы с рисунками и графическими изображениями;
  • OneDrive: виртуальный диск, предназначенный для хранения файлов разного формата – фотографий, видео, текстовых документов.

Учтите, что дизайн интерфейса у программ разработан в 2016-м году, поэтому он отличается от программ, выпущенных в более поздний период.

Для установки пакета программ Microsoft Office, разработанном в 2016-м году, на жестком диске должно быть свободно более 3 Гб.

Microsoft Office 2013 Home and Business

Универсальное решение для дома и офиса. В его составе все программы, необходимые для быстрой и качественной работы с файлами различного формата:

  • текстовыми;
  • графическими;
  • презентациями;
  • таблицами.

Язык установки и пользования – русский. Срок – неограниченный.

Получить пакет программ Microsoft Office 2013 Home and Business можно как на физическом носителе, так и в цифровом формате.

Установить можно на одном устройстве, и перенести на другое только после предварительной деинсталляции.

Чтобы установить пакет программ, нужно освободить на жестком диске не менее 3 Гб.

Microsoft Office 365 Personal ESD 1

Одно из самых популярных решений для сотрудников офиса и для тех, кто работает дома.

В пакет включены следующие программы:

  • Word;
  • Excel;
  • Power Point;
  • OneNote;
  • Outlook;
  • Publisher.

Установив эти программы на ПК или на ноутбук, вы сможете работать с текстовыми документами, фото, презентациями, почтой.

Также вы получаете доступ к облачному хранилищу объемом 1Тб, куда можно отправлять файлы, с которыми вы работаете, освободив память на ПК или ноутбуке.

Выбирайте подходящий пакет программ для работы дома или в офисе, изучите его основные характеристики и преимущества. Приобретайте их в профильном магазине, реализующем лицензионный софт.

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