Календарь для windows 10 почта для windows 10

Почта и Календарь (Windows 10) 16005.13426.20688.0 - скачать программу бесплатно. Приложения для ПК, планшетов и смартфонов на Windows 10, помогающие следить за своей почтой, управлять расписанием и оставаться на связи с друзьями и коллегами по работе


10Почта и Календарь (Windows 10) — приложения для ПК, планшетов и смартфонов, помогающие следить за своей почтой, управлять расписанием и оставаться на связи с друзьями и коллегами по работе.

Поддерживаются учетные записи Office 365, Exchange, Outlook.com, Gmail, Yahoo! и других почтовых служб, работающих по протоколам POP3 или IMAP.

Основные возможности:

Создание сообщений электронной почты никогда не было проще и эффективнее, ведь в форму встроены знакомые богатые возможности Microsoft Word. Вставляйте таблицы, добавляйте изображения

Работайте с входящими сообщениями с помощью новых сенсорных жестов, которые помогут вам просматривать, сортировать и архивировать сообщения.

Панель навигации включает удобный переключатель, позволяющий с легкостью переключаться между почтой и календарем, ускоряя работу.

Приложение «Календарь» оптимизировано для Exchange и включает расширенную поддержку организации собраний и управления плотным расписанием. «Календарь» содержит удобные и информативные представления расписаний, например по дням, неделям и месяцам.

Интерфейс — многоязычный.
Windows 10
Windows 10 Mobile
Поддерживаемые процессоры: arm, x86, x64.

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Скачать Почта и Календарь (Windows 10) 16005.13426.20688.0


Почта и Календарь (Windows 10)


23.02.2021 09:04

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Приложения / Интернет / Почтовые программы

Новые приложения

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Mozilla Thunderbird Portable 102.7.1


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Бесплатная почтовая программа с виртуальными папками, блокировкой спама и возможностью настраивать панели инструментов по собственному желанию

01.02.2023 06:43

Mozilla Thunderbird 102.7.1


Разработчик: Mozilla
Загрузок: 174603

Почтовое приложение с защитой от спама, поддержкой SSL, скинами, настраиваемыми тулбарами и множеством расширений

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Бесплатное почтовое приложение, а также RSS-ридер с многоязычным интерфейсом

27.12.2022 16:03

The Bat! Voyager


Разработчик: Rirlabs
Загрузок: 3734

Оптимальное решение для тех, кто часто путешествует: мощное почтовое приложение, которое можно разместить на любом миниатюрном носителе — флэшке и т.п.

22.12.2022 18:21

The Bat! 10.3.3


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The Bat! — почтовая программа для работы с электронной почтой с множеством функций, облегчающих повседневную работу

Топ приложений сегодня

23.02.2021 09:04

Почта и Календарь (Windows 10) 16005.13426.20688.0


Разработчик: Microsoft
Загрузок: 19932

Приложения для ПК, планшетов и смартфонов на Windows 10, помогающие следить за своей почтой, управлять расписанием и оставаться на связи с друзьями и коллегами по работе

01.02.2023 06:43

Mozilla Thunderbird 102.7.1


Разработчик: Mozilla
Загрузок: 174603

Почтовое приложение с защитой от спама, поддержкой SSL, скинами, настраиваемыми тулбарами и множеством расширений

07.02.2023 08:03

Mozilla Thunderbird Portable 102.7.1


Разработчик: PortableApps
Загрузок: 59605

Бесплатная почтовая программа с виртуальными папками, блокировкой спама и возможностью настраивать панели инструментов по собственному желанию

22.12.2022 18:21

The Bat! 10.3.3


Разработчик: Ritlabs
Загрузок: 4480

The Bat! — почтовая программа для работы с электронной почтой с множеством функций, облегчающих повседневную работу


Power Planner — это Святой Грааль , мать всех календарных приложений для студентов.

Приложение является идеальным планировщиком домашних заданий для учащихся, содержит расчеты оценок и функции, позволяющие учащимся управлять домашними заданиями и отслеживать занятия.

А с помощью сетевой учетной записи Power Planner вы можете управлять всем, где угодно, будь то на рабочем столе или на мобильных устройствах.

Календарь также поставляется с другими привлекательными функциями, такими как живая плитка, онлайн-синхронизация и автоматические напоминания.

Вы даже можете прикрепить плитку расписания, которая покажет вам, когда и где находится ваш следующий урок.

Приложение легко интегрируется с календарем Outlook и может синхронизировать все на разных платформах и устройствах.

Power Planner доступен бесплатно (с ограничениями), но вы можете обновить его, чтобы разблокировать все функции.

Получить Power Planner из Магазина Windows


Лучшие приложения календаря для Windows 10 отличаются как внешним видом, так и функциональностью. Они имеют красивые живые плитки, которые можно настраивать и предлагать разные виды.

Они также хорошо интегрируются с другими вашими календарями, что позволяет просматривать их все из одной центральной точки.

Наш список лучших календарных приложений для Windows 10 включает в себя календарные приложения, которые отмечают все эти поля.

Мы надеемся, что в этой статье вы найдете лучшее календарное приложение для ваших устройств с Windows 10 .

Примечание редактора — эта статья была первоначально опубликована в декабре 2016 года. Недавно мы обновили ее, добавив в нее еще больше приложений-календарей для пользователей ПК с Windows.

Связанные истории, чтобы проверить

  • Как использовать Календарь Google в Windows 10
  • Как добавить учетную запись Gmail в приложение почты и календаря Microsoft
  • Лучшие гаджеты для Windows 10 для загрузки

by Madalina Dinita

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies… read more

Updated on May 10, 2022

  • The Windows Calendar app is decent, but it doesn’t have the advanced options offered by the dedicated third-party tools.
  • While looking for good calendar software, you need to consider features like task management and meeting scheduling.
  • Some of the solutions presented below are cloud-based so you will be able to access them from anywhere, on almost any device.

What are the best calendar apps for Windows

Windows 10 & 11 are great operating systems and they come with a pack of useful features, one of them being the Calendar app.

While the native Windows Calendar serves its purpose well, some of us may want more customization options and extra features. Others may want it simpler, perhaps with striking looks and fancy live tiles.

Whatever the case, there are a lot of calendar apps for Windows to choose from out there.

What Microsoft app is best for calendars?

Although Windows comes with its own Calendar app, it has basic features and it’s not as advanced as the third-party apps.

However, if you really want a Microsoft calendar app, the best is the one included in the Outlook email client.

We didn’t include it in our list below because it’s so popular that everyone knows already about its features.

However, we did research the market and outlined the best ones, which come with additional options, are highly customizable, and offer various view options.

Some of these apps are available on Windows PC as well as on mobile devices, giving you all the flexibility you need in and out of the office.

In this article, we will discuss the best calendar apps for Windows 10 and 11 that give you extra options to play with.

Which are the best Windows 10 & 11 calendar apps?

Efficient Calendar – Best for corporate usage

best calendar apps

Efficient Calendar will impress you with its intuitive interface. You will find the most important features you need in this type of tool on the left side of the dashboard.

The calendar, tasks, or events are easily accessible. You also have an assistant-like tool that pops up so you can select the dates of your planned events.

The app helps you prioritize your tasks in order to simplify the decision-making process, especially during working hours.

This calendar allows you to invite others to join your events and to manage their acceptance. You also can add documents and files to your meeting events, to have them handy at any time.

Efficient Calendar

Stay efficient and have all your meetings, files, and contact at your fingertips with this calendar app.

Time Doctor – Best calendar with multiple integrations

Time Doctor is a very efficient productivity app with CRM functionalities that can be perfect for work-from-home teams. It is primarily used as employee-racking software.

Besides the basic time-tracking capabilities, the app includes distraction alerts or offline tracking tools, to make the most of one’s working hours.

At the same time, a few basic project management features help to bring in one spot actions such as creating tasks, assigning projects, and reviewing progress for each team member.

The app is perfectly integrated with Asana, Google Calendar, Basecamp3, or Wrike, and works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and Chrome operating systems.

Overall, this might be the perfect app for rigorous businesses with stricter company rules and tight calendars.

Time Doctor

Monitor your team’s working hours, whether online or offline with this fully-featured app.

Todoist – Great app to organize your tasks

Todoist is not a calendar as you know them. It’s a task schedule and manager but it connects to your calendars and extracts all the events.

However, the magic happens when you transform the tasks into projects and you discover that you can assign them to your team members easily.

You will also be able to organize the tasks in every way possible and create workflows that will surely make your life a lot more organized.

Add labels, set filters, send tasks by email, set dayly and weekly goals and see the list for all the completed to do lists in an instant.

And you will see the complete situation from any device, wherever you are in the world because Todoist is a web-based app.

⇒ Get Todoist

Chronos Calendar – Best graphics calendar


Hailed as one of the most beautiful calendar apps for Windows 10, Chronos Calendar + is stylish and comes with a ton of attractive features.

The unique synchronization between all your calendar accounts is more than welcome. You can even customize the calendar appearance to match your style.

Its clean interface invites you to experience different calendar views and even rich live tile customizations.

Additionally, you can add moon phases and zodiac calendars to the main dashboard, if you’re an astrology fan.

The smart add feature allows you to jot down quick texts when adding new events while the live tile customization allows you to change the background color, font size, as well as the content you want to be displayed.

Chronos Calendar

Get the fanciest calendar with rich live tile customization that syncs with all your other calendars.

One Calendar – Best cross-platform calendar

best calendar apps for windows 10

One Calendar is a smartly dressed app that lets you pull all your calendars under one roof.

Available for Windows and mobile devices, One Calendar is highly customizable and comes with a ton of attractive features.

It offers a central place for you to view all your calendars like Google calendar, Exchange calendar, Live/Outlook calendar, as well as Facebook events.

One Calendar allows you to add, delete, and update appointments with the day, week, month, and year.

Some of its most attractive features include a lock screen, customizable support, live tile, semantic zoom, calendar themes, and an easy search that allows you to quickly search all your appointments.

However, most of these features are available with the premium version.

One Calendar supports multiple languages, and the best part is that you don’t need an Internet connection to view and manage appointments.

One Calendar

Get all your calendars under the same app and keep a great schedule of your activities.

My Calendar – Best simple calendar app


My Calendar is one of the best calendar apps for Windows. The app is highly customizable and comes with a ton of useful features.

You can switch between calendar views, depending on how you prefer to organize your days. For each view, there are several beautifully designed live tiles to choose from.

My Calendar app comes in two versions; free and paid. The free version is ad-supported and comes with great features.

The pro version is ad-free and comes with additional features such as task management, an enhanced internal birthday calendar, and enhanced calendar views.

My Calendar

Organize your day with a simple calendar app that is highly customizable and has a friendly interface.

Power Planner – Best calendar for students


Power planner is the Holy Grail of all calendar apps for students, featuring tools to estimate grades, plan homework hours, and track classes.

With the Power Planner online account, you can manage everything from anywhere, be it on a desktop or on a mobile device.

The calendar also comes with other attractive features such as live tile, online sync, and automatic reminders.

You can even pin a schedule tile that will show you when and where your next class takes place.

The app seamlessly integrates with Outlook calendar and is able to sync everything across different platforms and devices.

Power Planner is available for free (with limitations) but you can upgrade to unlock all the features.

Power Planner

This great app integrates with Outlook and comes with very useful tools for students.

Calendar.com – Best calendar for Teams integration

Calendar.com was released in 2009 and since then, it was continuously developed to add new features and integrations.

But most important, it has all the features you need from a calendar app, including scheduling and sharing events.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
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Moreover, you can embed the calendar on Zapier and Zoom, for instance, and set meetings with other people.

The design of the app is clean, uncluttered and the color-coding will help you separate events for different purposes like work, personal, or study.

If you have more calendars, this tool can integrate up to ten of them and get all the information in a unified dashboard.

Calendar.com comes in three versions, Basic, Standard, and Pro but only the first one is free.

⇒ Get Calendar.com

Google Calendar – Best free calendar for Windows

If you’ve got a Google account, the Calendar app will be right there when you need it and it’s already integrated with your email.

Also, if you are using other Google Workspace apps, Google Calendar will fit right there, integrated with all of them.

In the Google calendar app for Windows, you can set tasks, share them with others on your list of contacts and personalize your calendar with a lot of other add-ons like Zoom, Teams, and a lot more.

Overall, the web app is great because you can use it on any browser and it’s right there on any platform.

And, best of all, it’s very simple to work with because the interface is clean and comprehensive, typical for Google apps.

Get Google Calendar

Calendly – Best free calendar app for any platform, including Android

Let’s face it! One of the most important features of a calendar is to schedule appointments and most calendars don’t offer that feature or don’t do it properly.

Calendly is a web app designed exactly for that purpose and it will help you set up meetings professionally, without any problems.

The best feature of this app si that when you make a new appointment, it only offers the times and dates that are free across all your calendars because it syncs with them.

In fact, it does more than that because it offers the attendee more slots, and when they accept, the meeting is already set, without any back-and-forth communication needed.

Then, everything runs on autopilot because the app sends automatic reminders and even thank-you notes so you can keep focusing on what’s important.

The app is free for personal usage but for the Enterprise version, you will need to apply for a plan.

Get Calendly

Lightning Calendar – Great free calendar included in an email client

If you’re using the Thunderbird app as your email client, you already know that it comes with the built-in Lightning Calendar.

Unfortunately, it is not available as a separate app so if you’re using a better email client, this calendar is not for you.

However, if you want to make the change, the built-in feature is great for managing multiple calendars, creating daily tasks, inviting friends to events, and subscribing to public calendars.

The user interface is very straightforward and friendly so you will get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Get Lightning Calendar

Read more about this topic

  • Best calendar apps for Windows 11
  • Calendar widget not working in Windows 11? Apply these fixes
  • Best photo calendar software to download [Windows + Mac]

SavvyCal – Best meeting scheduling calendar

SavvyCal is not just a calendar, but a great app to access all your calendars and set up meetings easily, without any communication issues.

The web app allows the attendee to overlay their calendar on top of yours to find mutual free time for the meeting.

You will also be able to make team schedules with just a few clicks and add the teammates in a blick of an eye.

And if you’re a busy person, you should avoid overbooking. SavvyCal helps you with that by setting limits for how many meetings can be booked in a set time period.

⇒ Get SavvyCal

My Study Life – Best web-app for students

Most calendars are targeted at professionals, managers with busy schedules, and so on but students also have complicated timetables and My Study Life is dedicated to them.

So, this app comes with scheduling features to accommodate your classes but also with your free time or extracurricular work.

And yes, there is a dedicated section to schedule your exams and you can set notifications so you don’t miss any of them and prepare in advance.

The best part about My Study Life is that you can access it on any device because it’s web-based and it also works offline.

⇒ Get My Study Life

Cal.com – Best free calendar for anyone

Cal.com is another web app that reads all the events from your existing calendars to help you schedule tasks and meetings without double booking.

Then again, with this tool, you create templates for the events you schedule regularly with availability, locations, and then control how and when you get booked.

If you’re working for a website, it’s easy to share your personal link to simplify the process of booking a meeting at a time that works for both of you.

The app has a very simple user interface, available for access on any device, thus it can be used by anyone without any training or further explanations.

⇒ Get Cal.com

Morgen – Most complex calendar

If you need a simple, yet complex calendar app, Morgen can really do the trick whether you want it for personal or professional usage.

The best part is that it integrates with all your other calendars such as the one from Outlook, Google, Exchange, and even CalDAV.

Having all calendars in one place will then allow you to organize your tasks and schedules without double booking.

It’s not a web app but it works on Windows, MacOS, and even Linux to get everything synchronized on any system.

The app is free and doesn’t show any ads that might disturb you during the usage so you should at least try it.

⇒ Get Morgen

These are the best calendar apps for Windows 10 and 11 in both appearance and features. They also integrate well with your other calendars, allowing you to view them all from one central console.

Some of the apps on our list don’t even need you to download anything because they are cloud-based and can be accessed on any device with a browser and Internet connection.

We hope that this article gave you an insight into the best calendar app for your Windows devices and you were able to opt for the most relevant for your needs.

And while you organize your scheduling, take a look at our list with the best cross-platform Grocery List apps to help you shopping.

Did you try any of the calendar apps above? Tell us all about your experience by using the dedicated comments section below.

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by Madalina Dinita

Madalina has been a Windows fan ever since she got her hands on her first Windows XP computer. She is interested in all things technology, especially emerging technologies… read more

Updated on May 10, 2022

  • The Windows Calendar app is decent, but it doesn’t have the advanced options offered by the dedicated third-party tools.
  • While looking for good calendar software, you need to consider features like task management and meeting scheduling.
  • Some of the solutions presented below are cloud-based so you will be able to access them from anywhere, on almost any device.

What are the best calendar apps for Windows

Windows 10 & 11 are great operating systems and they come with a pack of useful features, one of them being the Calendar app.

While the native Windows Calendar serves its purpose well, some of us may want more customization options and extra features. Others may want it simpler, perhaps with striking looks and fancy live tiles.

Whatever the case, there are a lot of calendar apps for Windows to choose from out there.

What Microsoft app is best for calendars?

Although Windows comes with its own Calendar app, it has basic features and it’s not as advanced as the third-party apps.

However, if you really want a Microsoft calendar app, the best is the one included in the Outlook email client.

We didn’t include it in our list below because it’s so popular that everyone knows already about its features.

However, we did research the market and outlined the best ones, which come with additional options, are highly customizable, and offer various view options.

Some of these apps are available on Windows PC as well as on mobile devices, giving you all the flexibility you need in and out of the office.

In this article, we will discuss the best calendar apps for Windows 10 and 11 that give you extra options to play with.

Which are the best Windows 10 & 11 calendar apps?

Efficient Calendar – Best for corporate usage

best calendar apps

Efficient Calendar will impress you with its intuitive interface. You will find the most important features you need in this type of tool on the left side of the dashboard.

The calendar, tasks, or events are easily accessible. You also have an assistant-like tool that pops up so you can select the dates of your planned events.

The app helps you prioritize your tasks in order to simplify the decision-making process, especially during working hours.

This calendar allows you to invite others to join your events and to manage their acceptance. You also can add documents and files to your meeting events, to have them handy at any time.

Efficient Calendar

Stay efficient and have all your meetings, files, and contact at your fingertips with this calendar app.

Time Doctor – Best calendar with multiple integrations

Time Doctor is a very efficient productivity app with CRM functionalities that can be perfect for work-from-home teams. It is primarily used as employee-racking software.

Besides the basic time-tracking capabilities, the app includes distraction alerts or offline tracking tools, to make the most of one’s working hours.

At the same time, a few basic project management features help to bring in one spot actions such as creating tasks, assigning projects, and reviewing progress for each team member.

The app is perfectly integrated with Asana, Google Calendar, Basecamp3, or Wrike, and works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, and Chrome operating systems.

Overall, this might be the perfect app for rigorous businesses with stricter company rules and tight calendars.

Time Doctor

Monitor your team’s working hours, whether online or offline with this fully-featured app.

Todoist – Great app to organize your tasks

Todoist is not a calendar as you know them. It’s a task schedule and manager but it connects to your calendars and extracts all the events.

However, the magic happens when you transform the tasks into projects and you discover that you can assign them to your team members easily.

You will also be able to organize the tasks in every way possible and create workflows that will surely make your life a lot more organized.

Add labels, set filters, send tasks by email, set dayly and weekly goals and see the list for all the completed to do lists in an instant.

And you will see the complete situation from any device, wherever you are in the world because Todoist is a web-based app.

⇒ Get Todoist

Chronos Calendar – Best graphics calendar


Hailed as one of the most beautiful calendar apps for Windows 10, Chronos Calendar + is stylish and comes with a ton of attractive features.

The unique synchronization between all your calendar accounts is more than welcome. You can even customize the calendar appearance to match your style.

Its clean interface invites you to experience different calendar views and even rich live tile customizations.

Additionally, you can add moon phases and zodiac calendars to the main dashboard, if you’re an astrology fan.

The smart add feature allows you to jot down quick texts when adding new events while the live tile customization allows you to change the background color, font size, as well as the content you want to be displayed.

Chronos Calendar

Get the fanciest calendar with rich live tile customization that syncs with all your other calendars.

One Calendar – Best cross-platform calendar

best calendar apps for windows 10

One Calendar is a smartly dressed app that lets you pull all your calendars under one roof.

Available for Windows and mobile devices, One Calendar is highly customizable and comes with a ton of attractive features.

It offers a central place for you to view all your calendars like Google calendar, Exchange calendar, Live/Outlook calendar, as well as Facebook events.

One Calendar allows you to add, delete, and update appointments with the day, week, month, and year.

Some of its most attractive features include a lock screen, customizable support, live tile, semantic zoom, calendar themes, and an easy search that allows you to quickly search all your appointments.

However, most of these features are available with the premium version.

One Calendar supports multiple languages, and the best part is that you don’t need an Internet connection to view and manage appointments.

One Calendar

Get all your calendars under the same app and keep a great schedule of your activities.

My Calendar – Best simple calendar app


My Calendar is one of the best calendar apps for Windows. The app is highly customizable and comes with a ton of useful features.

You can switch between calendar views, depending on how you prefer to organize your days. For each view, there are several beautifully designed live tiles to choose from.

My Calendar app comes in two versions; free and paid. The free version is ad-supported and comes with great features.

The pro version is ad-free and comes with additional features such as task management, an enhanced internal birthday calendar, and enhanced calendar views.

My Calendar

Organize your day with a simple calendar app that is highly customizable and has a friendly interface.

Power Planner – Best calendar for students


Power planner is the Holy Grail of all calendar apps for students, featuring tools to estimate grades, plan homework hours, and track classes.

With the Power Planner online account, you can manage everything from anywhere, be it on a desktop or on a mobile device.

The calendar also comes with other attractive features such as live tile, online sync, and automatic reminders.

You can even pin a schedule tile that will show you when and where your next class takes place.

The app seamlessly integrates with Outlook calendar and is able to sync everything across different platforms and devices.

Power Planner is available for free (with limitations) but you can upgrade to unlock all the features.

Power Planner

This great app integrates with Outlook and comes with very useful tools for students.

Calendar.com – Best calendar for Teams integration

Calendar.com was released in 2009 and since then, it was continuously developed to add new features and integrations.

But most important, it has all the features you need from a calendar app, including scheduling and sharing events.

Some PC issues are hard to tackle, especially when it comes to corrupted repositories or missing Windows files. If you are having troubles fixing an error, your system may be partially broken.
We recommend installing Restoro, a tool that will scan your machine and identify what the fault is.
Click here to download and start repairing.

Moreover, you can embed the calendar on Zapier and Zoom, for instance, and set meetings with other people.

The design of the app is clean, uncluttered and the color-coding will help you separate events for different purposes like work, personal, or study.

If you have more calendars, this tool can integrate up to ten of them and get all the information in a unified dashboard.

Calendar.com comes in three versions, Basic, Standard, and Pro but only the first one is free.

⇒ Get Calendar.com

Google Calendar – Best free calendar for Windows

If you’ve got a Google account, the Calendar app will be right there when you need it and it’s already integrated with your email.

Also, if you are using other Google Workspace apps, Google Calendar will fit right there, integrated with all of them.

In the Google calendar app for Windows, you can set tasks, share them with others on your list of contacts and personalize your calendar with a lot of other add-ons like Zoom, Teams, and a lot more.

Overall, the web app is great because you can use it on any browser and it’s right there on any platform.

And, best of all, it’s very simple to work with because the interface is clean and comprehensive, typical for Google apps.

Get Google Calendar

Calendly – Best free calendar app for any platform, including Android

Let’s face it! One of the most important features of a calendar is to schedule appointments and most calendars don’t offer that feature or don’t do it properly.

Calendly is a web app designed exactly for that purpose and it will help you set up meetings professionally, without any problems.

The best feature of this app si that when you make a new appointment, it only offers the times and dates that are free across all your calendars because it syncs with them.

In fact, it does more than that because it offers the attendee more slots, and when they accept, the meeting is already set, without any back-and-forth communication needed.

Then, everything runs on autopilot because the app sends automatic reminders and even thank-you notes so you can keep focusing on what’s important.

The app is free for personal usage but for the Enterprise version, you will need to apply for a plan.

Get Calendly

Lightning Calendar – Great free calendar included in an email client

If you’re using the Thunderbird app as your email client, you already know that it comes with the built-in Lightning Calendar.

Unfortunately, it is not available as a separate app so if you’re using a better email client, this calendar is not for you.

However, if you want to make the change, the built-in feature is great for managing multiple calendars, creating daily tasks, inviting friends to events, and subscribing to public calendars.

The user interface is very straightforward and friendly so you will get the hang of it pretty quickly.

Get Lightning Calendar

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SavvyCal – Best meeting scheduling calendar

SavvyCal is not just a calendar, but a great app to access all your calendars and set up meetings easily, without any communication issues.

The web app allows the attendee to overlay their calendar on top of yours to find mutual free time for the meeting.

You will also be able to make team schedules with just a few clicks and add the teammates in a blick of an eye.

And if you’re a busy person, you should avoid overbooking. SavvyCal helps you with that by setting limits for how many meetings can be booked in a set time period.

⇒ Get SavvyCal

My Study Life – Best web-app for students

Most calendars are targeted at professionals, managers with busy schedules, and so on but students also have complicated timetables and My Study Life is dedicated to them.

So, this app comes with scheduling features to accommodate your classes but also with your free time or extracurricular work.

And yes, there is a dedicated section to schedule your exams and you can set notifications so you don’t miss any of them and prepare in advance.

The best part about My Study Life is that you can access it on any device because it’s web-based and it also works offline.

⇒ Get My Study Life

Cal.com – Best free calendar for anyone

Cal.com is another web app that reads all the events from your existing calendars to help you schedule tasks and meetings without double booking.

Then again, with this tool, you create templates for the events you schedule regularly with availability, locations, and then control how and when you get booked.

If you’re working for a website, it’s easy to share your personal link to simplify the process of booking a meeting at a time that works for both of you.

The app has a very simple user interface, available for access on any device, thus it can be used by anyone without any training or further explanations.

⇒ Get Cal.com

Morgen – Most complex calendar

If you need a simple, yet complex calendar app, Morgen can really do the trick whether you want it for personal or professional usage.

The best part is that it integrates with all your other calendars such as the one from Outlook, Google, Exchange, and even CalDAV.

Having all calendars in one place will then allow you to organize your tasks and schedules without double booking.

It’s not a web app but it works on Windows, MacOS, and even Linux to get everything synchronized on any system.

The app is free and doesn’t show any ads that might disturb you during the usage so you should at least try it.

⇒ Get Morgen

These are the best calendar apps for Windows 10 and 11 in both appearance and features. They also integrate well with your other calendars, allowing you to view them all from one central console.

Some of the apps on our list don’t even need you to download anything because they are cloud-based and can be accessed on any device with a browser and Internet connection.

We hope that this article gave you an insight into the best calendar app for your Windows devices and you were able to opt for the most relevant for your needs.

And while you organize your scheduling, take a look at our list with the best cross-platform Grocery List apps to help you shopping.

Did you try any of the calendar apps above? Tell us all about your experience by using the dedicated comments section below.

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Все мы знаем о важности календарей в нашей жизни. Они помогают нам следить за нашим распорядком дня, а также позволяют нам оставаться организованными и пунктуальными. Однако, поскольку в наши дни все остальное оцифровано, редко встречаются люди, которые сейчас пользуются бумажными календарями. Все предпочитают носить с собой приложение-календарь для облегчения доступа. Вот почему мы составили список из 5 лучших календарных приложений для Windows, чтобы избавить вас от хлопот по поиску хорошего календарного приложения для себя.

Календарь Google — это очень полезное бесплатное приложение-календарь, разработанное Google, в котором есть множество интересных инструментов и функций. Это программное обеспечение позволяет вам иметь несколько календарей одновременно для управления разными расписаниями. Функция предлагаемого времени этого приложения позволяет вам планировать официальные или неофициальные встречи. Календарь Google также позволяет добавлять сведения о мероприятии, а также его дату и время. Однако некоторые люди считают эту функцию угрозой своей конфиденциальности. Поэтому, чтобы облегчить работу таких пользователей, это приложение также позволяет скрыть детали вашего мероприятия, сделав их закрытыми.

Календарь Google

Функция «Добавить вложения» Календаря Google помогает добавлять к мероприятиям различные изображения или документы. Если вы хотите запланировать встречи с кем-то, кто живет в другом часовом поясе, чем ваш, вы можете использовать функцию «Мировое время» этого приложения, чтобы найти подходящее время для встречи. Функция «Рабочие часы» этого календарного приложения предназначена для того, чтобы облегчить вам информирование других о ваших обычных часах работы или доступности. Вы даже можете добавить место встречи вместе со временем, чтобы уведомить своих друзей или коллег о том, где встретиться.

Вы можете включить уведомления на рабочем столе Календаря Google, когда хотите получать уведомления о любых важных событиях. Вы можете организовать слоты для встреч, чтобы брать интервью или проводить встречи и т. Д. Вы можете полностью настроить макет своего Календаря Google. Вы можете использовать различные сочетания клавиш для доступа к наиболее часто используемым функциям этого приложения. Вы даже можете синхронизировать этот календарь с вашим программным обеспечением для управления взаимоотношениями с клиентами (CRM). Кроме того, вы также можете поделиться своим Календарем Google с другими людьми.

Почта и календарь — это приложение для рассылки и календаря по умолчанию, разработанное Microsoft для Windows 10. Это приложение позволяет управлять несколькими календарями одновременно. Вы можете добавлять события в свои календари для хранения напоминаний. Вы даже можете распечатать все свое расписание, используя функцию «Печать календаря». Почта и Календарь поддерживают несколько разных учетных записей. Благодаря интеграции с электронной почтой в этом приложении вы даже можете отправить кому-нибудь свои календари по электронной почте.

Почта и Календарь

Самым большим преимуществом Mail и Calendar является то, что это очень легкое приложение. Он поддерживает все известные почтовые приложения, такие как Gmail, Outlook.com, Yahoo и т. Д. И последнее, но не менее важное, поскольку приложение «Почта и календарь» по умолчанию входит в состав Windows 10, поэтому вам не нужно загружать или устанавливать его отдельно. Более того, это приложение абсолютно бесплатное для использования.

Lightning Calendar — это бесплатная программа для работы с календарем, разработанная Mozilla. Как и все другие хорошие календарные приложения, Lightning Calendar также позволяет вам иметь несколько календарей. Он легко интегрируется с Thunderbird. Вы можете создавать разные мероприятия, а затем приглашать на них своих друзей. Вы можете удобно создавать свои списки дел с помощью календаря Lightning. Вы также можете подписаться на другие общедоступные календари.

Календарь молний

Вы можете легко организовывать и управлять своими расписаниями, используя это приложение-календарь. Вы можете поделиться своим календарем с разными людьми. Функция отслеживания посещаемости этого приложения позволяет отслеживать присутствие людей, с которыми вы поделились своим календарем. Более того, это приложение также позволяет вам изменять настройки календаря, чтобы вы могли легко настроить его в соответствии со своими потребностями.

OneCalendar — еще одно мощное календарное приложение, которое позволяет интегрировать календари из различных других ресурсов на одной платформе, чтобы просматривать их все вместе. Функция быстрой фильтрации этого приложения поможет вам найти наиболее важную информацию, используя разные цвета. Вы даже можете просматривать и управлять своими встречами без подключения к Интернету с помощью функции работы в автономном режиме OneCalendar.


Вы можете создать несколько событий, а затем пригласить на них разных людей через OneCalendar. Это приложение-календарь даже поддерживает уведомления Facebook. Хотя OneCalendar уже имеет очень удобный пользовательский интерфейс, вы все равно можете настроить его в соответствии со своими потребностями. Самая полезная особенность OneCalendar заключается в том, что он поддерживает несколько разных языков, включая английский, китайский, хинди и т. Д. OneCalendar предлагает все эти замечательные функции бесплатно. Однако вы также можете воспользоваться некоторыми дополнительными преимуществами, получив премиальную версию OneCalendar, которая стоит 4,99 доллара США.

Hope Calendar — это простое и удобное приложение-календарь, разработанное для операционной системы Windows. Он совместим с календарями из различных других источников, таких как Google Calendar, Outlook, Office 365 и т. Д. Вы можете легко создавать и управлять своими событиями и встречами с помощью Hope Calendar. Это позволяет вам просматривать ваши встречи в виде больших живых плиток. Вы можете удобно получить изображения ваших самых ярких дней с помощью календаря Надежды.

Календарь надежды

Функция тепловой карты этого программного обеспечения позволяет вам одним взглядом просмотреть самые загруженные дни, отмеченные в вашем календаре. Самая полезная функция календаря Hope Calendar заключается в том, что вам не нужно его настраивать или выполнять какие-либо специальные настройки, поскольку он использует ваши существующие календари и их настройки по умолчанию. Однако это дает вам полную свободу изменять эти настройки в любое время. Что касается аспектов безопасности этого приложения, то есть хорошие новости для пользователей, поскольку их личные данные никогда не попадают на серверы календаря Hope. Hope Calendar предлагает все эти удивительные услуги бесплатно, однако его версия Pro стоит 2,49 доллара.

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