Статья обновлена: 24 июля 2020
ID: 13747
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Программа Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 для Windows версии и выше несовместима с операционной системой Windows XP и Windows Server 2003 SP2. Версия снята с поддержки, выпуск антивирусных баз прекращен 10 июля 2020 года.
Для защиты рабочих станций с Windows XP мы рекомендуем использовать Kaspersky Embedded System Security (требует отдельную лицензию). Если Windows XP находится в сегменте АСУ ТП, используйте Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity (требует отдельную лицензию).
По вопросам приобретения этих продуктов обращайтесь к партнеру в вашем регионе или на sales@kaspersky.com.
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Нужен Касперский для Windows сервера. Можно ли использовать Касперский free на сервере?
Для использования на серверных операционных системах Windows домашние антивирусные продукты не предназначены.
Это значит, что вы не сможете установить и использовать на сервере (например Windows Server Standard 2016 или Astra Linux Special Edition Смоленск) антивирусные продукты Kaspersky Total Security, Kaspersky Internet Security, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kaspersky Free, Kaspersky Security Cloud.
Для антивирусной защиты серверных операционных систем можно использовать следующие лицензии:
Kaspersky Small Office Security. В зависимости от количества защищаемых пк может быть установлен на 1 или 2 серверах организации. Защищает операционные системы: Microsoft Windows Server 2008R2, 2012, 2016, 2019
Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud. Лицензия от 10 до 250 устройств, подходит для использования как на рабочих станциях так и на серверах в любой пропорции в пределах приобретенной лицензии. Защищает операционные системы: Microsoft Windows Server 2008R2, 2012, 2016, 2019
Kaspersky Endpoint Security для бизнеса Стандартный (Расширенный,Total Security для бизнеса). Лицензия от 10 устройств до неограниченного количества, подходит для использования как на рабочих станциях так и на серверах в любой пропорции в пределах приобретенной лицензии. Защищает операционные системы: Microsoft Windows Server 2003SP2, 2008, 2008R2, 2012, 2016, 2019, Ubuntu 14-18, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9-7.5, CentOS-6.9-7.5, Debian GNU/Linux 8.1-9.4, OracleLinux 7.4, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3, openSUSE 42.3, AltLinux 8.0.0 — 8.2, GosLinux 6.6, ОС РОСА КОБАЛЬТ 7.3, EMIAS 1.0, Amazon Linux AMI
А вот лицензия Kaspersky Security для файловых серверов теперь недоступна. С 02.04.2019 года защита Лаборатории Касперского для серверов в виде отдельной лицензии больше не продается. Если нужно защищать файловый сервер — используйте что-то из решений, перечисленных выше.
Если Вы хотите купить антивирус для сервера со скидкой, то есть дешевле цены, указанной на сайте, либо требуется получить ценовое предложение по этим продуктам — заполните, пожалуйста, заявку!
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I can’t install kaspersky on windows server 2003. I’m getting the following error. Any Ideas?
107.4 KB · Views: 786
No Idea what version of kaspersky that is. But the error is pretty clear.
It either
A) is too new a version to support server 2003
B) Thats the consumer version of kaspersky and its failing the OS check when it sees its server.
Top / last pop up sums it up!!
kaspersky on windows server 2003 is not Supported.
if your Dead set on using kaspersky >>>>>> Contact them for a suitable program
and that probably be an enterprise version (expensive!!!)
According to that, 10.3+ isn’t compatible with XP and 2003. 10.1 however appears to still support it albeit being a legacy version from 2018.
In that article it states this:
For the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating systems: Windows Firewall requires SharedAccess service to be stared. The service is stopped by default and can be started by the user with Administrator rights only. If the Firewall Management task is started while the SharedAccess service is not running, the application displays an incorrect state of the task: the task is displayed as running, but Windows Firewall is not started and network rules are not applied. For the Firewall Management component to work correctly, start the SharedAccess service.
I doubt that’ll help you with the install, but worht it to verify the SharedAccess service is started.
Top / last pop up sums it up!!
kaspersky on windows server 2003 is not Supported.
if your Dead set on using kaspersky >>>>>> Contact them for a suitable program
and that probably be an enterprise version (expensive!!!)
I should be able to according to the link. I was just wondering if its me doing something wrong.
Edit: the device I was trying to install has 256mb of ram. Now I realize what was wrong thank you very much guys.
Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
If thats the case, make sure its the right version (622) it also appears it requires SP2 that isnt just added on at the end it reads as if it only supports those versions with SP2 and later.
Otherwise good investigative work from kursah, Its something to note if you run into further issues.
I can’t install kaspersky on windows server 2003. I’m getting the following error. Any Ideas?
107.4 KB · Views: 786
No Idea what version of kaspersky that is. But the error is pretty clear.
It either
A) is too new a version to support server 2003
B) Thats the consumer version of kaspersky and its failing the OS check when it sees its server.
Top / last pop up sums it up!!
kaspersky on windows server 2003 is not Supported.
if your Dead set on using kaspersky >>>>>> Contact them for a suitable program
and that probably be an enterprise version (expensive!!!)
According to that, 10.3+ isn’t compatible with XP and 2003. 10.1 however appears to still support it albeit being a legacy version from 2018.
In that article it states this:
For the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 operating systems: Windows Firewall requires SharedAccess service to be stared. The service is stopped by default and can be started by the user with Administrator rights only. If the Firewall Management task is started while the SharedAccess service is not running, the application displays an incorrect state of the task: the task is displayed as running, but Windows Firewall is not started and network rules are not applied. For the Firewall Management component to work correctly, start the SharedAccess service.
I doubt that’ll help you with the install, but worht it to verify the SharedAccess service is started.
Top / last pop up sums it up!!
kaspersky on windows server 2003 is not Supported.
if your Dead set on using kaspersky >>>>>> Contact them for a suitable program
and that probably be an enterprise version (expensive!!!)
I should be able to according to the link. I was just wondering if its me doing something wrong.
Edit: the device I was trying to install has 256mb of ram. Now I realize what was wrong thank you very much guys.
Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
If thats the case, make sure its the right version (622) it also appears it requires SP2 that isnt just added on at the end it reads as if it only supports those versions with SP2 and later.
Otherwise good investigative work from kursah, Its something to note if you run into further issues.