Kinect xbox 360 sdk для windows 10

Kinect for Windows SDK installation. Contribute to alwynmathew/Kinect-for-windows development by creating an account on GitHub.

Kinect for Windows

Kinect is a motion sensing input device by Microsoft for the Xbox 360 video game console and Windows PCs. Based around a webcam-style add-on peripheral for the Xbox 360 console, it enables users to control and interact with the Xbox 360 without the need to touch a game controller, through a natural user interface using gestures and spoken commands.The project is aimed at broadening the Xbox 360’s audience beyond its typical gamer base. Microsoft released Kinect software development kit for Windows 7 in June, 2011. This SDK allows developers to
write Kinecting apps in C++/CLI, C#, or Visual Basic .NET.


  • Kinect for Xbox 360 / Kinect for Windows sensor
  • Visual Studio 2013 Community update 5 [download]
  • Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0
  • Microsoft DirectX 9 or later

Getting Started With Microsoft Kinect SDK 1.0

Kinect SDK includes drivers, rich APIs for raw sensor streams and human motion tracking, installation documents, and resource materials. Kinect SDK is a freeware and can be downloaded [here].

Install SDK

  1. Make sure the Kinect sensor is not plugged into any of the USB ports on the computer.
  2. If you installed a previous version of the Kinect for Windows SDK, you must uninstall it before proceeding.
  3. Remove any other drivers for the Kinect sensor.
  4. Close Visual Studio. You must close Visual Studio before installing the SDK and then restart it after installation is complete to pick up environment variables that the SDK requires.
  5. Once the SDK has completed installing successfully, ensure the Kinect sensor is plugged into an external power source and then plug the Kinect sensor into the PC’s USB port. The drivers will load automatically.
  6. The Kinect sensor should now be working correctly.

Testing SDK

  1. Go to Start Menu
  2. Search for «Kinect SDK Sample Browser»
  3. You will see a list of C++,C# samples
  4. Click «Install» and «Run Sample» to see it in action


  • C# samples — Kinect for windows C# samples.rar
  • VB samples — Kinect for windows CV samples.rar
  • C++ samples — Kinect for windows C++ samples
  • Dependencies — Dependencies.rar

Note: Tested on Windows 10 with Visual Studio 2013 Community update 5 (Direct X12 & Kinect SDK v1.0)

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Xbox 360 Kinect

Buying a second-hand Kinect is a cheap option to get a 3D scanning capable device. Though it is not designed specifically for that purpose it can, using the right application, create a 3D model of an object, a room or a person.

I’ve tried several times to install the XBOX 360 Kinect to my Windows PC with no success, but finally, I’ve made it work.

Xbox 360 Kinect

Xbox 360 Kinect

There is a Windows version of Kinect. It costs about 155€ and I guess it is easier to install on a PC, but I had no intention to expend that money while there are second-hand units for about 20€. A friend of mine bought one for 6€!

What do you need to connect the Xbox device to Windows? You need an adapter that you can order to Amazon and it costs only 12€.

Kinect adapter for PC

Kinect adapter for PC

The converter just feeds with some extra current to our Xbox Kinect and also adapts the Xbox plug to a standard USB 3.0.

There are no more hardware requirements. All you need is to install the software to make it work, and at that point is where I got in troubles.

If you read the available tutorials on the web, the first step is installing Kinect for Windows SDK and after that connecting your Kinect to any USB 3.0 port. The device should be autodetected and de Kinect devices (camera, audio, and motor) will be shown on the Windows Device Manager.

Instead of that, what I got after installing was this:

Xbox NUI Motor

Xbox NUI Motor

If this is also your case and you installed the latest version of Kinect for Windows SDK (version 2.0), try the following:

  1. Unplug the Kinect from the USB 3.0 port
  2. Remove the version 2.0 software (It is advisable though I didn’t remove it from my computer)
  3. Install the previous version of Kinect for Windows SDK (version 1.8):
    1. You can find it at the Microsoft Site
    2. or you can download it from here if it is not available there.
  4. Plug the Kinect again in
  5. The correct drivers will be now installed

Kinect for Windows Devices

Kinect for Windows Devices

What todo do after that?

  • Try installing Kinect for Windows SDK Toolkit. It contains a lot of utilities and POCs to show the capabilities of Kinect technology for Windows.

Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit

Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit
  • Scan an object or even yourself to make a 3D printing

Both Recostructme and Skannect will allow you to export a .obj or .stl file and then you can post-process it with the application of your election. 

Xbox 360 Kinect

Xbox 360 Kinect and Skanect

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  • [Kinect for Windows SDK. Часть 1. Сенсор]
  • Kinect for Windows SDK. Часть 2. Потоки данных
  • Kinect for Windows SDK. Часть 3. Функциональные возможности
  • Играем в кубики с Kinect
  • Программа, апорт!

Три части обзорной статьи можно считать вводными к двум другим: «Играем в кубики с Kinect» и «Программа, апорт!». Хотя хронологически они идут последними. Более того, за время их написания Microsoft успел выпустить новую версию SDK – 1.5. Какой удар со стороны корпорации!

Как вам должно быть известно, Kinect – это бесконтактный контроллер, т.е. скажем в играх, вместо того, чтобы яростно стучать по клавиатуре или терзать gamepad, вы размахиваете руками и ногами и время от времени голосом даете какие-то команды. Самое время спрятать дорогие китайские вазы X века подальше!

Начинать знакомство с Kinect лучше со знакомства с самим сенсором. Это небольшая черная коробочка с тремя камерами, длиной чуть более 20 см и высотой около 5 см (не считая ножки). Один нюанс – в Kinect две камеры. И это изображение (взято из MSDN) тому подтверждение.


  • IR Emitter – Инфракрасный излучатель. Да, это не камера. Его назначение испускать инфракрасные лучи, которые, отражаясь от предметов, попадают назад в сенсор, где их принимает:
  • IR Depth Sensor – Инфракрасный приёмник. Собирает отраженные лучи, преобразуя их в расстояние от сенсора до объекта(ов). И таким образом строится, можно сказать, матрица расстояний — целый кадр. Максимальное разрешение 640×480 (30 fps). Если говорить о переводе мне кажется, «ИК приёмник» лучше отражает суть, чем дословный «ИК датчик глубины».
  • Color Sensor – Цветная камера. Захват видео с максимальным разрешением 1280×960 (12fps). Угол обзора камеры: 43° по вертикали и 57° по горизонтали (угол обзора дальномера идентичный). Можно выбрать формат картинки: RGB или YUV.
  • Microphone Array – набор микрофонов. 4 встроенных микрофона позволяют определить местоположение источника звука и направление звуковых волн. Встроенный обработчик звукового сигнала включает подавление эха и уменьшение шума.
  • Tilt Motor – Коррекция наклона. Позволяет программно настраивать наклон сенсора в диапазоне ±27° по вертикали.

Сенсор подключается к компьютеру через USB, хотя, строго говоря, USB устройством не является, т.к. имеет несколько отличную прошивку, нежели стандартное USB устройство. Найти какие-либо комментарии по этому поводу не получилось, но можно предположить, что сделано это исключительно в целях повышения производительности. Вы можете подключить до четырех сенсоров одновременно.

Другой важный аспект аппаратной части – диапазон «рабочих» расстояний, т.е. на каком расстоянии сенсор способен видеть объекты (данные дальномера). И снова картинка помогает продемонстрировать возможности Kinect.


Режим Default Range доступен как для Kinect for Windows, так и для Kinect for XBox, но Near Range доступен только для сенсора Kinect for Windows. Простой пример: для всех объектов в кадре находящихся в пределах Normal Values сенсор вернёт измеренное расстояние, но для объектов, выходящих за этот диапазон, сенсор вернёт либо ноль, либо определенную для каждого диапазона константу (зависит от заданных вами настроек). Одно из существенных отличий SDK 1.5 от 1.0 в том, что теперь в режиме Near Range можно получить информацию о сидящем человеке, это так называемый трекинг сидящей фигуры (seated skeletal tracking). Kinect отслеживает 10 точек: голову, шею и руки. Но об этом чуть позже.

Хочется обратить внимание на различия двух Kinect (XBox и Windows). Первый разрабатывался и тестировался с одним устройством – XBox. Второй же, напротив, должен работать с широким диапазоном устройств (компьютеров), поэтому его кабель короче, а специальное устройство призвано не позволить Kinect подраться с остальной USB периферией. Лицензионное соглашение позволяет использовать Kinect for Windows в коммерческих целях, а Kinect for XBox нет.

Перейдем теперь к установке SDK. В версии 1.5 Microsoft разделил SDK на два пакета. Скачать их можно с официальной страницы:

  • Kinect for Windows SDK. Включает APIs и драйверы сенсора.
  • Kinect for Windows Developer Toolkit. Включает Kinect Studio (полезный для отладки инструмент), Face Tracking SDK, примеры кода и документация.

Не будем останавливаться на установке SDK, в этом нет ничего сложного или интересного. А вот что действительно интересно так это то, что же разработчик может получить от Kinect? Взглянем на следующие возможности:

  • Skeletal Tracking (трекинг человеческой фигуры)
  • Face Tracking (трекинг лица)
  • Speech Recognition (распознавание речи)

Обзор этих функций вы найдете в следующих частях статьи.

Полезные ссылки:

  • Kinect for Windows SDK
  • Руководство разработчика. Можно найти примеры на C# (managed code) и на C/C++ (unmanaged code)
  • Kinect for Windows Quickstart Series. Серия видео-уроков о возможностях Kinect (весьма полезная для знакомства с устройством).
  • Near Mode: What it is (and isn’t). Статья о near mode, хотя написана в преддверии SDK 1.0, но полезна в плане разоблачения некоторых мифов.
  • Форумы Kinect for Windows SDK. Здесь можно обратиться за советом к экспертам.

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  • Question

  • My xbox 360 kinect was working perfect on my old computer with windows 7 and kinect sdk 1.7. I now tried it to get to work with my new computer (windows 10) en Nvidia with DirectX 11 USB 3.0 and just cannot load the drivers to get it to work. When I run
    the configuration verifier, I get an orange message on the USB stating that my Kinect might not be compatible with my hardware?

    Anyone had the same issue and was able to solve it?

All replies

  • Some USB drivers/hardware might not be compatible with the Kinect SDK 2.0. Having said that, I have never heard of a Windows 10 machine that is not compatible with Kinect v2. Try with a fresh re-install of all the drivers and see if that helps. I doubt
    it’s a hardware issue.

  • Tried that multiple times … problem is that the driver is not loading when I connect the kinect sensor.

  • Which runtime / SDK version did you install on Windows 10? 1.7(1.8) or 2.0?

    If case you are trying to use Kinect for Windows v1 (or XBox 360 Kinect + adapter) with Kinect for Windows v2 SDK (Runtime) — that won’t work. Requirements you listed (DX11 & USB3) are valid for Kinect v2 not for the original Kinect
    for Windows

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, September 14, 2016 4:55 PM

    • Unproposed as answer by
      Nikolaos Patsiouras
      Wednesday, September 14, 2016 4:56 PM

  • He is talking about Kinect v1(360’s sensor,Xbox One sensor is v2).

    Here an MS employee said, that officially v1.7 and v1.8 SDKs do not support
    Win10. He «advised» the OP to try in compatibility mode but that didn’t exactly work for the OP.

    My guess is that it won’t work. They simply never bothered with Kinect v1 and Windows 10.

    And at any rate, if the machine is compliant with Kinect v2 sensor requirements, then it’s also compliant with v1’s. Kinect v1 is older and it’s system reqs are lower.

    • Proposed as answer by
      Nikolaos Patsiouras
      Tuesday, September 6, 2016 10:25 AM

  • I agree, I does not work and I will have to use the Kinect v1 on a Windows 7 or 8.1 computer.

    Thank you all for the help!

  • bit old thread — nevertheless —

    I managed to get kinect v1 xbox 360 running on Windows 10 by:

    • Installing KinectSDK-v1.8-Setup.exe & KinectDeveloperToolkit-v1.8.0-Setup.exe with Kompatibility Settings Windows 7
    • Then in Visual Studio 2017 I recompiled all of the samples provided by KinectDeveloperToolkit (C#, C++)

    Dependencies were auto updated — out binaries (KinectFusionExplorer etc) ok

  • i’m in the same boat.. I can get the kinect v1 360 to work on my windows 7 computer but not my windows 10 computer. It seems it doesn’t install the drivers. :(

  • Like I said previously, it’s not officially supported so it’s a gamble whether it will work.

    As for the drivers, did you try installing the SDK(v1.8)? For the Kinect v2, the SDK installs drivers as well.

    Also Win7 is officially unsupported. Perhaps MS took down the servers which handle such updates?!

  • Hey PauWauPau,

    I realize your post was several months ago, but I am getting pretty desperate as far as getting my Kinect v1 working with Windows 10. I’m trying to implement your above solution, but I’m stumbling on the last step. I would be extremely thankful if you could
    please give me a little primer on how exactly to «recompile the samples provided by KinectDeveloperToolkit». I’ve installed Visual Studio 2017 but I’m hitting a wall as far as what to do next. I’m not a programmer! Anyway, I would be really really
    grateful if you could fill me in on how to do this. Thanks!

  • Well I have 3 of them . A surface’s pro 3 a Hp lap top and a Asux tablet that all used to work fine with the kinect 360 s and after the creates update win 10 installed none of them are comparable now . And I have 4 of the kinect cameras and none will work
    now .And the value microsoft says to modify in the registry isn’t in any of these computers . The computers are all up to date as of March 13 2018 too . Now what ? Go back to windows 8 ?

  • So we have to dump windows 10 and go back to 8 to get Microsoft’s hard ware to work ? That will put Microsoft out of busyness eventually or is that the plan ? Just cause the programmers are too lazy to correct the problems  there mistakes are causing
    ! Sounds like a quality product there giving us .How come they still have jobs ? :(  

  • Right now to me it looks like duel booting your machine with the old windows would be easier . Think that will be my route because fixing the drivers they broke is what it will take short of a class action lawsuit .

  • Don’t think so. Kinect(any kind) is officially discontinued. So they have no responsibility in fixing drivers for a discontinued product when it comes to a new OS.

    UPDATE: Kinect was discontinued because it was not as profitable. So there’s really no way MS would ever go out of business due to Kinect. Not to mention Kinect’s market is not even close to the amount of users that use Windows. If you have a Realtek audio
    card in an old machine that’s been discontinued years ago and it’s broken in Windows 10(a rather recent OS), will you sue Realtek as well?

    • Edited by
      Nikolaos Patsiouras
      Sunday, July 15, 2018 8:08 AM

  • Can you re-elaborate on step 2?

  • Can you contact me more about this to my email

    I really love the help if you can.

  • im having the same problems  xbox 360 Kinect will not work on all operating systems 7,8 or 10!!! the Kinect camera works with a flashing green lightand its power source is great I have the right requirements , but no drivers will work   I
    have three usb ports   if I would have known how hard this is to get this working I would have never bought the Kinect!!! this is driving me crazy to start

This utility enables users to develop different Kinect applications. Moreover, they can explore the sample projects and check out helpful documentation.

Windows version:

Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11

  • Kinect for Windows SDK Samples and documentation

Kinect for Windows SDK is a Windows program package that offers a set of components that help you to build sophisticated Kinect applications. It provides a considerable amount of tools, APIs, samples and thorough documentation. If you need to configure a VR device, you may use Oculus Runtime.


Kinect has been a game changer in the world of motion games since release. The developer version of the working environment, Kinect for Windows SDK, offers users with tools to create various applications that run on Windows. For example, you may use the Kinect Studio to record and work with your project data during debugging.


The installation files are available on the official Microsoft website. After deploying the Developer Toolkit, you will get a standalone executable that you may use to launch the program. Next, you need to ensure that the Kinect sensor is connected to the power hub and plug it in your computer via the USB cable. The driver installation will begin automatically.

Advanced functionality

The software provides a library that enables you to directly interact with the camera sensors, the microphone array and the motor. It is also possible to extend an application for gesture recognition using body motion. What is more, you have the option to toggle speech recognition.


  • free to download and use;
  • compatible with modern Windows versions;
  • gives you the ability to develop Kinect apps;
  • it is possible to configure the camera sensors;
  • provides a wide range of design tools.

DecoCraft DecoCraft

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BiblioCraft BiblioCraft

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ver 2.4.6

Universal Extractor Universal Extractor

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Using this simple tool, you are able to decompress files and folders. Moreover, you have the option to save the history of all performed tasks and debugging info.

ver 1.6.1

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ver 1.19

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ver 1.12.2

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ver 2023.7388


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SymMover SymMover

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With the help of this utility users can move installed applications along with all related files to another location without going through the setup process again.

ver 1.5.1510

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