Когда вышел sp3 для windows xp

21 апреля Крис Керуак, релиз-менеджер Microsoft, объявил на Technet, форуме разработчиков, что корпорация выпустила третий пакет обновления для Windows XP. Предыдущий пакет обновления вышел в 2004 году. Нынешний содержит все патчи, выпущенные с того времени.

21 апреля Крис Керуак (Chris Keroack), релиз-менеджер Microsoft, объявил на форуме Technet, что корпорация выпустила третий пакет обновления для Windows XP, так называемый Service Pack 3. Предыдущий пакет обновления вышел в августе 2004 года.

Service Pack 3 содержит все патчи, дополнения и исправления, вышедшие для Windows XP за последние три с лишним года. 21 апреля начались поставки сборщикам компьютеров и партнерам Microsoft. 29 апреля его смогут скачать все желающие при помощи сервиса Windows Update или с серверов Microsoft Download Center.

Этих желающих будет немного, так как большинство пользователей используют функцию автоматического обновления системы. Им Service Pack 3 достанется только в начале лета. Его объем в зависимости от конфигурации компьютера и источника, откуда взят SP3, составит от 70 до 580 мегабайт. Установить третий Service Pack можно как на компьютеры с SP2, так и с SP1.

Строго говоря, Windows XP — не одна операционная система, а целое семейство. Service Pack 3 пока доступен только пользователям 32-битных Windows XP Home и Windows XP Professional. Туда же входит европейская редакция, так называемая XP Media Center Edition.

Обладателям 64-битной версии XP Service Pack 3 не нужен. Для них Microsoft выпустила Service Pack 2 для Windows Server 2003. XP Embedded (версия для встроенных устройств) и Windows Fundamentals (для устаревших компьютеров) обновятся позже.

Новенькое старенькое

Официальный обзор нового пакета обновлений состоит из 11 страниц, хотя хватило бы и десятка строчек. Главных целей у пакета две. Первая — помочь системным администраторам, которым приходится устанавливать множество мелких обновлений вместо одного крупного. Вторая — обеспечить пользователей теми обновлениями, которых у них могло по разным причинам не оказаться.

Неудивительно, что при такой постановке вопроса число нововведений невелико. В SP3, например, включена поддержка защиты сетевого доступа (NAP, Network Access Protection), потому что в новой серверной системе Windows Server 2008 она есть, а ОС семейства XP ею воспользоваться не могли.

Обновляются еще несколько узкоспециальных вещей, которых, как признает сама Microsoft, пользователи могут и не заметить. Это разительно отличает SP3 от предыдущего крупного пакета обновлений, который основательно перелопатил всю систему.

Пожалуй, самым интересным решением в новом Service Pack является то, что он, включая все патчи, не содержит в себе браузер Internet Explorer 7. Его придется скачивать отдельно. К 2009 году может случиться так, что миллионы пользователей XP будут использовать вышедший много лет назад Internet Explorer 6 вместо находящегося сейчас в разработке Internet Explorer 8.

Жизнь после SP3

Все это было бы довольно скучно и обыденно, если бы Service Pack 3 не был задуман как последнее крупное обновление системы, поддержка которой заканчивается 30 июня 2008 года. Исключение составляют лишь сверхдешевые системы, на которых не идет преемница XP, Vista.

Изначально Microsoft намеревалась прекратить поддержку системы в начале 2008 года, но затем перенесла дату на полгода. Надо думать, что свою роль тут сыграло массовая акция протеста «Спасите XP!» (Save XP). Авторы соответствующей петиции, которая по состоянию на 18 апреля собрала почти 165 тысяч подписей, требуют не прекращать продаж Windows XP и поддержки.

Их позиция проста. Vista, по мнению протестующих, слишком нестабильная система, а кроме того, многие пользователи XP просто не желают переходить на новую ОС. Если же поддержка системы прекратится, им придется покупать Vista, потому что для нее-то обновления будут продолжать выходить, а XP станет небезопасной.

Трудно сказать, насколько успешным будет протест, ведь Microsoft уже приходилось принимать подобные решения. Когда провалилась Windows Millennium, ее тихо заменили более старой Windows 98, которая и сдала через какое-то время свой пост нынешней Windows XP.

Так или иначе, минимум 165 тысяч человек надеются, чтобы за третьим сервис паком последовали четвертый, пятый и так далее.

Windows XP

Version of the Windows NT operating system
Windows XP Logo and Wordmark.png
Windows XP Luna.png

Screenshot of Windows XP running the Luna visual style, showing the start menu, taskbar, and My Computer window

Developer Microsoft
Source model
  • Closed-source
  • Source-available (through Shared Source Initiative)[1]
Released to
August 24, 2001; 21 years ago[2]
October 25, 2001; 21 years ago[2]
Final release Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600.5512) / April 21, 2008; 14 years ago[3]
Marketing target Consumer and Business
Update method
  • Windows Update
  • Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)
  • System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
Platforms IA-32, x86-64, and Itanium
Kernel type Hybrid (NT)
  • Windows API
  • NTVDM (IA-32 only)
  • SFU
License Proprietary commercial software
Preceded by
  • Windows 2000 (1999)
  • Windows Me (2000)
Succeeded by Windows Vista (2007)
Official website Windows XP (archived at Wayback Machine)
Support status
All editions (except Windows XP Embedded, Windows XP 64-bit Edition, Windows Embedded for Point of Service, Windows Embedded Standard 2009, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009):

  • Mainstream support ended on April 14, 2009.[4]
  • Extended support ended on April 8, 2014.[4]

Windows XP 64-bit Edition:

  • Unsupported as of June 30, 2005[5]

Windows XP Embedded:

  • Mainstream support ended on January 11, 2011.[4]
  • Extended support ended on January 12, 2016.[4]

Windows Embedded for Point of Service:

  • Mainstream support ended on April 12, 2011.[6]
  • Extended support ended on April 12, 2016.[6]

Windows Embedded Standard 2009:

  • Mainstream support ended on January 14, 2014.[7]
  • Extended support ended on January 8, 2019.[7]

Windows Embedded POSReady 2009:

  • Mainstream support ended on April 8, 2014.[8]
  • Extended support ended on April 9, 2019.[8]

Windows XP is a major release of Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system. It was released to manufacturing on August 24, 2001, and later to retail on October 25, 2001. It is a direct upgrade to its predecessors, Windows 2000 for high-end and business users and Windows Me for home users, and is available for any devices running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows Me that meet the new Windows XP system requirements.

Development of Windows XP began in the late 1990s under the codename «Neptune», built on the Windows NT kernel and explicitly intended for mainstream consumer use. An updated version of Windows 2000 was also initially planned for the business market. However, in January 2000, both projects were scrapped in favor of a single OS codenamed «Whistler», which would serve as a single platform for both consumer and business markets. As a result, Windows XP is the first consumer edition of Windows not based on the Windows 95 kernel or MS-DOS. Windows XP removed support for PC-98, i486 and SGI Visual Workstation 320 and 540 and will only run on 32-bit x86 CPUs and devices that use BIOS firmware.

Upon its release, Windows XP received critical acclaim, noting increased performance and stability (especially compared to Windows Me), a more intuitive user interface, improved hardware support, and expanded multimedia capabilities. Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 were succeeded by Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, released in 2007 and 2008, respectively.

Mainstream support for Windows XP ended on April 14, 2009, and extended support ended on April 8, 2014. Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, based on Windows XP Professional, received security updates until April 2019. After that, unofficial methods were made available to apply the updates to other editions of Windows XP. Still, Microsoft discouraged this practice, citing compatibility issues.[9] However, over eight years from the end of life date (September 2022), the majority of PCs in some countries (such as Armenia) still appeared to be running on Windows XP.[10] As of September 2022, globally, just 0.39% of Windows PCs[11] and 0.1% of all devices across all platforms continued to run Windows XP.


In the late 1990s, initial development of what would become Windows XP was focused on two individual products: «Odyssey», which was reportedly intended to succeed the future Windows 2000 and «Neptune», which was reportedly a consumer-oriented operating system using the Windows NT architecture, succeeding the MS-DOS-based Windows 98.[12]

However, the projects proved to be too ambitious. In January 2000, shortly prior to the official release of Windows 2000, technology writer Paul Thurrott reported that Microsoft had shelved both Neptune and Odyssey in favor of a new product codenamed «Whistler», named after Whistler, British Columbia, as many Microsoft employees skied at the Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort.[13] The goal of Whistler was to unify both the consumer and business-oriented Windows lines under a single, Windows NT platform. Thurrott stated that Neptune had become «a black hole when all the features that were cut from Windows Me were simply re-tagged as Neptune features. And since Neptune and Odyssey would be based on the same code-base anyway, it made sense to combine them into a single project».[14]

At PDC on July 13, 2000, Microsoft announced that Whistler would be released during the second half of 2001, and also unveiled the first preview build, 2250, which featured an early implementation of Windows XP’s visual styles system and interface changes to Windows Explorer and the Control Panel.[15]

Microsoft released the first public beta build of Whistler, build 2296, on October 31, 2000. Subsequent builds gradually introduced features that users of the release version of Windows XP would recognize, such as Internet Explorer 6.0, the Microsoft Product Activation system and the Bliss desktop background.[16]

Whistler was officially unveiled during a media event on February 5, 2001, under the name Windows XP, where XP stands for «eXPerience».[17]


In June 2001, Microsoft indicated that it was planning to spend at least US$1 billion on marketing and promoting Windows XP, in conjunction with Intel and other PC makers.[18] The theme of the campaign, «Yes You Can», was designed to emphasize the platform’s overall capabilities. Microsoft had originally planned to use the slogan «Prepare to Fly», but it was replaced because of sensitivity issues in the wake of the September 11 attacks.[19]

On August 24, 2001, Windows XP build 2600 was released to manufacturing (RTM). During a ceremonial media event at Microsoft Redmond Campus, copies of the RTM build were given to representatives of several major PC manufacturers in briefcases, who then flew off on decorated helicopters. While PC manufacturers would be able to release devices running XP beginning on September 24, 2001, XP was expected to reach general, retail availability on October 25, 2001. On the same day, Microsoft also announced the final retail pricing of XP’s two main editions, «Home» (as a replacement for Windows Me for home computing) and «Professional» (as a replacement for Windows 2000 for high-end users).[20]

New and updated features

User interface

While retaining some similarities to previous versions, Windows XP’s interface was overhauled with a new visual appearance, with an increased use of alpha compositing effects, drop shadows, and «visual styles», which completely changed the appearance of the operating system. The number of effects enabled are determined by the operating system based on the computer’s processing power, and can be enabled or disabled on a case-by-case basis. XP also added ClearType, a new subpixel rendering system designed to improve the appearance of fonts on liquid-crystal displays.[21] A new set of system icons was also introduced.[22] The default wallpaper, Bliss, is a photo of a landscape in the Napa Valley outside Napa, California, with rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds.[23]

The Start menu received its first major overhaul in XP, switching to a two-column layout with the ability to list, pin, and display frequently used applications, recently opened documents, and the traditional cascading «All Programs» menu. The taskbar can now group windows opened by a single application into one taskbar button, with a popup menu listing the individual windows. The notification area also hides «inactive» icons by default. A «common tasks» list was added, and Windows Explorer’s sidebar was updated to use a new task-based design with lists of common actions; the tasks displayed are contextually relevant to the type of content in a folder (e.g. a folder with music displays offers to play all the files in the folder, or burn them to a CD).[24]

The «task grouping» feature introduced in Windows XP showing both grouped and individual items

Fast user switching allows additional users to log into a Windows XP machine without existing users having to close their programs and log out. Although only one user at the time can use the console (i.e. monitor, keyboard, and mouse), previous users can resume their session once they regain control of the console.[25] Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also introduced new features to Windows XP post-release, including the Windows Security Center, Bluetooth support, the executable space protection, Windows Firewall, and support for SDHC cards that are larger than 4 GB and smaller than 32 GB.[26][27][28][29]


Windows XP uses prefetching to improve startup and application launch times.[30] It also became possible to revert the installation of an updated device driver, should the updated driver produce undesirable results.[31]

A copy protection system known as Windows Product Activation was introduced with Windows XP and its server counterpart, Windows Server 2003. All Windows licenses must be tied to a unique ID generated using information from the computer hardware, transmitted either via the internet or a telephone hotline. If Windows is not activated within 30 days of installation, the OS will cease to function until it is activated. Windows also periodically verifies the hardware to check for changes. If significant hardware changes are detected, the activation is voided, and Windows must be re-activated.[32]

Networking and internet functionality

Windows XP was originally bundled with Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express 6, Windows Messenger, and MSN Explorer. New networking features were also added, including Internet Connection Firewall, Internet Connection Sharing integration with UPnP, NAT traversal APIs, Quality of Service features, IPv6 and Teredo tunneling, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, extended fax features, network bridging, peer to peer networking, support for most DSL modems, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) connections with auto configuration and roaming, TAPI 3.1, and networking over FireWire.[33] Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop were also added, which allow users to connect to a computer running Windows XP from across a network or the Internet and access their applications, files, printers, and devices or request help.[34] Improvements were also made to IntelliMirror features such as Offline Files, Roaming user profiles and Folder redirection.[35]

Backwards compatibility

To enable running software that targets or locks out specific versions of Windows, «Compatibility mode» was added. The feature allows pretending a selected earlier version of Windows to software, starting at Windows 95.[36]

While this ability was first introduced in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, it had to be activated through the «register server» and was only available to administrator users, whereas Windows XP has it activated out of the box and also grants it to regular users.[37]

Other features

  • Improved application compatibility and shims compared to Windows 2000.[38]
  • DirectX 8.1, upgradeable to DirectX 9.0c.[39]
  • A number of new features in Windows Explorer including task panes, thumbnails, and the option to view photos as a slideshow.[40]
  • Improved imaging features such as Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.[41]
  • Faster start-up, (because of improved Prefetch functions) logon, logoff, hibernation, and application launch sequences.[30]
  • Numerous improvements to increase the system reliability such as improved System Restore,[42] Automated System Recovery,[43] and driver reliability improvements through Device Driver Rollback.[44]
  • Hardware support improvements such as FireWire 800,[45] and improvements to multi-monitor support under the name «DualView».[46]
  • Fast user switching.[47]
  • The ClearType font rendering mechanism, which is designed to improve text readability on liquid-crystal display (LCD) and similar monitors, especially laptops.[21]
  • Side-by-side assemblies[48] and registration-free COM.[49]
  • General improvements to international support such as more locales, languages and scripts, MUI support in Terminal Services, improved Input Method Editors, and National Language Support.[50]

Removed features

Some of the programs and features that were part of the previous versions of Windows did not make it to Windows XP. Various MS-DOS commands available in its Windows 9x predecessor were removed,[51] as were the POSIX and OS/2 subsystems.[52]

In networking, NetBEUI, NWLink and NetDDE were deprecated and not installed by default.[53] Plug-and-play–incompatible communication devices (like modems and network interface cards) were no longer supported.[54]

Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also removed features from Windows XP, including support for TCP half-open connections[55] and the address bar on the taskbar.[56]


Diagram representing the main editions of Windows XP. It is based on the category of the edition (grey) and codebase (black arrow).

Windows XP was released in two major editions on launch: Home Edition and Professional Edition. Both editions were made available at retail as pre-loaded software on new computers and as boxed copies. Boxed copies were sold as «Upgrade» or «Full» licenses; the «Upgrade» versions were slightly cheaper, but require an existing version of Windows to install. The «Full» version can be installed on systems without an operating system or existing version of Windows.[18] The two editions of XP were aimed at different markets: Home Edition is explicitly intended for consumer use and disables or removes certain advanced and enterprise-oriented features present on Professional, such as the ability to join a Windows domain, Internet Information Services, and Multilingual User Interface. Windows 98 or Me can be upgraded to either edition, but Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 can only be upgraded to Professional.[57] Windows’ software license agreement for pre-loaded licenses allows the software to be «returned» to the OEM for a refund if the user does not wish to use it.[58] Despite the refusal of some manufacturers to honor the entitlement, it has been enforced by courts in some countries.[59]

Two specialized variants of XP were introduced in 2002 for certain types of hardware, exclusively through OEM channels as pre-loaded software. Windows XP Media Center Edition was initially designed for high-end home theater PCs with TV tuners (marketed under the term «Media Center PC»), offering expanded multimedia functionality, an electronic program guide, and digital video recorder (DVR) support through the Windows Media Center application.[60] Microsoft also unveiled Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, which contains additional pen input features, and is optimized for mobile devices meeting its Tablet PC specifications.[61] Two different 64-bit editions of XP were made available. The first, Windows XP 64-Bit Edition, was intended for IA-64 (Itanium) systems; as IA-64 usage declined on workstations in favor of AMD’s x86-64 architecture, the Itanium edition was discontinued in January 2005.[62] A new 64-bit edition supporting the x86-64 architecture, called Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, was released in April of the same year.[63]

Microsoft also targeted emerging markets with the 2004 introduction of Windows XP Starter Edition, a special variant of Home Edition intended for low-cost PCs. The OS is primarily aimed at first-time computer owners, containing heavy localization (including wallpapers and screen savers incorporating images of local landmarks), and a «My Support» area which contains video tutorials on basic computing tasks. It also removes certain «complex» features, and does not allow users to run more than three applications at a time. After a pilot program in India and Thailand, Starter was released in other emerging markets throughout 2005.[64] In 2006, Microsoft also unveiled the FlexGo initiative, which would also target emerging markets with subsidized PCs on a pre-paid, subscription basis.[65]

As a result of unfair competition lawsuits in Europe and South Korea, which both alleged that Microsoft had improperly leveraged its status in the PC market to favor its own bundled software, Microsoft was ordered to release special editions of XP in these markets that excluded certain applications. In March 2004, after the European Commission fined Microsoft €497 million (US$603 million), Microsoft was ordered to release «N» editions of XP that excluded Windows Media Player, encouraging users to pick and download their own media player software.[66] As it was sold at the same price as the edition with Windows Media Player included, certain OEMs (such as Dell, who offered it for a short period, along with Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo and Fujitsu Siemens) chose not to offer it. Consumer interest was minuscule, with roughly 1,500 units shipped to OEMs, and no reported sales to consumers.[67] In December 2005, the Korean Fair Trade Commission ordered Microsoft to make available editions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 that do not contain Windows Media Player or Windows Messenger.[68] The «K» and «KN» editions of Windows XP were released in August 2006, and are only available in English and Korean, and also contain links to third-party instant messenger and media player software.[69]

Service packs

A service pack is a cumulative update package that is a superset of all updates, and even service packs, that have been released before it.[70] Three service packs have been released for Windows XP. Service Pack 3 is slightly different, in that it needs at least Service Pack 1 to have been installed, in order to update a live OS.[71] However, Service Pack 3 can still be embedded into a Windows installation disc; SP1 is not reported as a prerequisite for doing so.[72]

The unique boot screens from the RTM to Service Pack 1 versions of Windows XP that identified the edition of Windows XP currently running, including a green progress bar for Home Edition and a blue progress bar for Professional, Embedded, Tablet PC Edition, and Media Center Edition were removed in Service Pack 2 of Windows XP and was replaced with a generic «Windows XP» boot screen with a blue progress bar.

Service Pack 1

Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP was released on September 9, 2002. It contained over 300 minor, post-RTM bug fixes, along with all security patches released since the original release of XP. SP1 also added USB 2.0 support, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, .NET Framework support, and support for technologies used by the then-upcoming Media Center and Tablet PC editions of XP.[73] The most significant change on SP1 was the addition of Set Program Access and Defaults, a settings page which allows programs to be set as default for certain types of activities (such as media players or web browsers) and for access to bundled, Microsoft programs (such as Internet Explorer or Windows Media Player) to be disabled. This feature was added to comply with the settlement of United States v. Microsoft Corp., which required Microsoft to offer the ability for OEMs to bundle third-party competitors to software it bundles with Windows (such as Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player), and give them the same level of prominence as those normally bundled with the OS.[74]

On February 3, 2003, Microsoft released Service Pack 1a (SP1a). It was the same as SP1, except, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine was excluded.[75]

Service Pack 2

Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP Home edition and Professional edition was released on August 25, 2004.[76] Headline features included WPA encryption compatibility for Wi-Fi and usability improvements to the Wi-Fi networking user interface,[77] partial Bluetooth support,[78] and various improvements to security systems.

Headed by former computer hacker Window Snyder,[79][80] the service pack’s security improvements (codenamed «Springboard»,[81] as these features were intended to underpin additional changes in Longhorn) included a major revision to the included firewall (renamed Windows Firewall, and now enabled by default), and an update to Data Execution Prevention, which gained hardware support in the NX bit that can stop some forms of buffer overflow attacks. Raw socket support is removed (which supposedly limits the damage done by zombie machines) and the Windows Messenger service (which had been abused to cause pop-up advertisements to be displayed as system messages without a web browser or any additional software) became disabled by default. Additionally, security-related improvements were made to e-mail and web browsing. Service Pack 2 also added Security Center, an interface that provides a general overview of the system’s security status, including the state of the firewall and automatic updates. Third-party firewall and antivirus software can also be monitored from Security Center.[82]

In August 2006, Microsoft released updated installation media for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 SP2 (SP2b), in order to incorporate a patch requiring ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer to be manually activated before a user may interact with them. This was done so that the browser would not violate a patent owned by Eolas.[83] Microsoft has since licensed the patent, and released a patch reverting the change in April 2008.[84] In September 2007, another minor revision known as SP2c was released for XP Professional, extending the number of available product keys for the operating system to «support the continued availability of Windows XP Professional through the scheduled system builder channel end-of-life (EOL) date of January 31, 2009.»[85]

Windows XP Service Pack 2 was later included in Windows Embedded for Point of Service and Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.

Service Pack 3

The third and final Service Pack, SP3, was released through different channels between April[3] and June 2008,[86] about a year after the release of Windows Vista, and about a year before the release of Windows 7. Service Pack 3 was not available for Windows XP x64 Edition, which was based on the Windows Server 2003 kernel and, as a result, used its service packs[87] rather than the ones for the other editions.[88]

It began being automatically pushed out to Automatic Updates users on July 10, 2008.[89] A feature set overview which detailed new features available separately as stand-alone updates to Windows XP, as well as backported features from Windows Vista, was posted by Microsoft.[90] A total of 1,174 fixes are included in SP3.[91] Service Pack 3 could be installed on systems with Internet Explorer up to and including version 8; Internet Explorer 7 was not included as part of SP3.[92] It also did not include Internet Explorer 8, but instead was included in Windows 7, which was released one year after XP SP3.

Service Pack 3 included security enhancements over and above those of SP2, including APIs allowing developers to enable Data Execution Prevention for their code, independent of system-wide compatibility enforcement settings,[93] the Security Support Provider Interface,[94] improvements to WPA2 security,[95] and an updated version of the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider Module that is FIPS 140-2 certified.[96]

In incorporating all previously released updates not included in SP2, Service Pack 3 included many other key features. Windows Imaging Component allowed camera vendors to integrate their own proprietary image codecs with the operating system’s features, such as thumbnails and slideshows.[97] In enterprise features, Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1 included support for ClearType and 32-bit color depth over RDP,[98] while improvements made to Windows Management Instrumentation in Windows Vista to reduce the possibility of corruption of the WMI repository were backported to XP SP3.[99]

In addition, SP3 contains updates to the operating system components of Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE) and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, and security updates for .NET Framework version 1.0, which is included in these editions. However, it does not include update rollups for the Windows Media Center application in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] SP3 also omits security updates for Windows Media Player 10, although the player is included in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] The Address Bar DeskBand on the Taskbar is no longer included because of antitrust violation concerns.[101]

Unofficial SP3 ZIP download packages were released on a now-defunct website called The Hotfix from 2005 to 2007.[102][103] The owner of the website, Ethan C. Allen, was a former Microsoft employee in Software Quality Assurance and would comb through the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles daily and download new hotfixes Microsoft would put online within the articles. The articles would have a «kbwinxppresp3fix» and/or «kbwinxpsp3fix» tag, thus allowing Allen to easily find and determine which fixes were planned for the official SP3 release to come. Microsoft publicly stated at the time that the SP3 pack was unofficial and advised users to not install it.[104][105] Allen also released a Vista SP1 package in 2007, for which Allen received a cease-and-desist email from Microsoft.[106]

Windows XP Service Pack 3 was later included in Windows Embedded Standard 2009 and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009.

System requirements

System requirements for Windows XP are as follows:

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Home/Professional Edition[A]
  • Pentium or compatible, 233 MHz[B][C]
  • BIOS or compatible firmware[D]
  • Pentium or compatible, 300 MHz
  • BIOS or compatible firmware[D]
Memory 64 MB[E][F] 128 MB
Free space
  • 1.5 GB
  • Master boot record used[D]
  • +661 MB for Service Pack 1 and 1a[G]
  • +1.8 GB for Service Pack 2[H]
  • +900 MB for Service Pack 3[I]
Media CD-ROM drive or compatible
Display Super VGA (800 × 600)
Sound hardware N/A Sound card plus speakers/headphones
Input device(s) Keyboard, mouse
Professional x64 Edition[J]
  • x86-64 or compatible
  • BIOS or compatible firmware[D]
Memory 256 MB
Free space
  • 1.5 GB
  • Master boot record used[D]
Media CD-ROM drive or compatible
Display Super VGA (800 × 600)
Sound hardware N/A Sound card plus speakers/headphones
Input device(s) Keyboard, mouse
64-Bit Edition[K]
CPU Itanium 733 MHz Itanium 800 MHz
Memory 1 GB
Free space 6 GB
Media CD-ROM drive or compatible
Display Super VGA (800 × 600)
Input device(s) Keyboard, mouse


  1. ^ «System requirements for Windows XP operating systems». April 28, 2005. Archived from the original on August 6, 2011. Retrieved March 12, 2007.
  2. ^ Even though this is Microsoft’s stated minimum processor speed for Windows XP, it is possible to install and run the operating system on early IA-32 processors such as a P5 Pentium without MMX instructions. Windows XP is not compatible with processors older than Pentium (such as 486) or the Cyrix 6×86 because it requires CMPXCHG8B (see Pentium F00F bug) instructions.
  3. ^ «Windows XP Minimal Requirement Test». Winhistory.de. September 9, 2011. Archived from the original on December 21, 2011. Retrieved January 1, 2012.
  4. ^ a b c d e «Windows XP: Required firmware and partition mapping scheme of hard disk drive». Support.microsoft.com. June 26, 2013. Archived from the original on April 27, 2017. Retrieved June 16, 2014.
  5. ^ A Microsoft TechNet paper from Summer 2001 (before Windows XP’s actual release), states that: «A computer with 64 MB of RAM will have sufficient resources to run Windows XP and a few applications with moderate memory requirements.» (Emphasis added.) These were said to be office productivity applications, e-mail programs, and web browsers (of the time). With such a configuration, user interface enhancements and fast user switching are turned off by default. For comparable workloads, 64 MB of RAM was then regarded as providing an equal or better user experience on Windows XP with similar settings than it would with Windows Me on the same hardware. In a later section of the paper, superior performance over Windows Me was noted with 128 MB of RAM or more, and with computers that exceed the minimum hardware requirements.
  6. ^ Sechrest, Stuart; Fortin, Michael (June 1, 2001). «Windows XP Performance». Microsoft TechNet. Archived from the original on July 27, 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2008.
  7. ^ «Hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 1». Microsoft. October 29, 2007. Archived from the original on April 21, 2012. Retrieved April 6, 2012.
  8. ^ «The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 2». Microsoft. April 18, 2005. Archived from the original on November 24, 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2010.
  9. ^ «Windows XP – End of Support, Migration Guide, Download – TechNet». technet.microsoft.com. 2007. Archived from the original on May 13, 2008.
  10. ^ «Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 VL EN (MSDN-TechNet)». Programmer Stuffs. March 23, 2011. Archived from the original on July 14, 2014. Retrieved May 2, 2012.
  11. ^ «Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition». Microsoft TechNet. Microsoft. August 15, 2001. Archived from the original on April 19, 2012. Retrieved May 2, 2012.

Physical memory limits

The maximum amount of RAM that Windows XP can support varies depending on the product edition and the processor architecture. All 32-bit editions of XP support up to 4 GB, except the Windows XP Starter edition, which supports up to 512 MB of RAM.[107] 64-bit editions support up to 128 GB.[108]

Processor limits

Windows XP Professional supports up to two physical processors;[109]
Windows XP Home Edition supports only one.[110]

However, XP supports a greater number of logical processors:
32-bit editions support up to 32 logical processors,[111] and 64-bit editions support up to 64 logical processors.[112]


Several Windows XP components are upgradable to the latest versions, which include new versions introduced in later versions of Windows, and other major Microsoft applications are available. These latest versions for Windows XP include:

  • ActiveSync 4.5
  • DirectX 9.0c (June 7, 2010, Redistributable)
  • Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Outlook Express 6 SP1 on Windows XP before SP2.)
  • Windows Media Format Runtime and Windows Media Player 11 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (and Windows Media Player 10 on Windows XP original release.)
  • Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 and 2007
  • .NET Framework up to and including version 4.0 (4.5 and higher versions are not supported.)
  • Visual Studio 2005 on Windows XP versions below SP2, Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP SP2 and Visual Studio 2010 on Windows XP SP3
  • Windows Script Host 5.7
  • Windows Installer 4.5
  • Microsoft NetMeeting 3.02
  • Office 2010 was the last version of Microsoft Office to be compatible with Windows XP.
  • The Windows Services for UNIX subsystem can be installed to allow certain Unix-based applications to run on the operating system.

Support lifecycle

Support status summary

Expiration date
Mainstream support April 14, 2009[4]
Extended support April 8, 2014[4]
The official exceptions ended in April 2019.
Applicable XP editions:
Home Edition, Professional Edition, Professional x64 Edition, Professional for Embedded Systems, Media Center Editions (all), Starter Edition, Tablet PC Edition and Tablet PC Edition 2005,[4] as well as Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.[113]
Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Itanium edition, including Version 2003) Unsupported as of June 30, 2005[5]
Windows XP Embedded Mainstream support ended on January 11, 2011[4]
Extended support ended on January 12, 2016[4]
Windows Embedded for Point of Service Mainstream support ended on April 12, 2011[6]
Extended support ended on April 12, 2016[6]
Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Mainstream support ended on January 14, 2014
Extended support ended on January 8, 2019[7]
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 Mainstream support ended on April 8, 2014
Extended support ended on April 9, 2019[8]

Support for the original release of Windows XP (without a service pack) ended on August 30, 2005.[4] Both Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 1a were retired on October 10, 2006,[4] and both Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 reached their end of support on July 13, 2010, about 24 months after the launch of Windows XP Service Pack 3.[4] The company stopped general licensing of Windows XP to OEMs and terminated retail sales of the operating system on June 30, 2008, 17 months after the release of Windows Vista.[114] However, an exception was announced on April 3, 2008, for OEMs producing what it defined as «ultra low-cost personal computers», particularly netbooks, until one year after the availability of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. Analysts felt that the move was primarily intended to compete against Linux-based netbooks, although Microsoft’s Kevin Hutz stated that the decision was due to apparent market demand for low-end computers with Windows.[115]

Variants of Windows XP for embedded systems have different support policies: Windows XP Embedded SP3 and Windows Embedded for Point of Service SP3 were supported until January and April 2016, respectively. Windows Embedded Standard 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded Standard 7, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded POSReady 7, were supported until January and April 2019, respectively.[116] These updates, while intended for the embedded editions, could also be downloaded on standard Windows XP with a registry hack, which enabled unofficial patches until April 2019. However, Microsoft advised Windows XP users against installing these fixes, citing incompatibility issues.[9][117]

End of support

On April 14, 2009, Windows XP exited mainstream support and entered the extended support phase; Microsoft continued to provide security updates every month for Windows XP, however, free technical support, warranty claims, and design changes were no longer being offered. Extended support ended on April 8, 2014, over 12 years after the release of Windows XP; normally Microsoft products have a support life cycle of only 10 years.[118] Beyond the final security updates released on April 8, no more security patches or support information are provided for XP free-of-charge; «critical patches» will still be created, and made available only to customers subscribing to a paid «Custom Support» plan.[119] As it is a Windows component, all versions of Internet Explorer for Windows XP also became unsupported.[120]

In January 2014, it was estimated that more than 95% of the 3 million automated teller machines in the world were still running Windows XP (which largely replaced IBM’s OS/2 as the predominant operating system on ATMs); ATMs have an average lifecycle of between seven and ten years, but some have had lifecycles as long as 15. Plans were being made by several ATM vendors and their customers to migrate to Windows 7-based systems over the course of 2014, while vendors have also considered the possibility of using Linux-based platforms in the future to give them more flexibility for support lifecycles, and the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) has since endorsed Windows 10 as a further replacement.[121] However, ATMs typically run the embedded variant of Windows XP, which was supported through January 2016.[122] As of May 2017, around 60% of the 220,000 ATMs in India still run Windows XP.[123]

Furthermore, at least 49% of all computers in China still ran XP at the beginning of 2014. These holdouts were influenced by several factors; prices of genuine copies of later versions of Windows in the country are high, while Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned that Windows 8 could allegedly expose users to surveillance by the United States government,[124] and the Chinese government banned the purchase of Windows 8 products for government use in May 2014 in protest of Microsoft’s inability to provide «guaranteed» support.[125] The government also had concerns that the impending end of support could affect their anti-piracy initiatives with Microsoft, as users would simply pirate newer versions rather than purchasing them legally. As such, government officials formally requested that Microsoft extend the support period for XP for these reasons. While Microsoft did not comply with their requests, a number of major Chinese software developers, such as Lenovo, Kingsoft and Tencent, will provide free support and resources for Chinese users migrating from XP.[126] Several governments, in particular those of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, elected to negotiate «Custom Support» plans with Microsoft for their continued, internal use of Windows XP; the British government’s deal lasted for a year, and also covered support for Office 2003 (which reached end-of-life the same day) and cost £5.5 million.[127]

On March 8, 2014, Microsoft deployed an update for XP that, on the 8th of each month, displays a pop-up notification to remind users about the end of support; however, these notifications may be disabled by the user.[128] Microsoft also partnered with Laplink to provide a special «express» version of its PCmover software to help users migrate files and settings from XP to a computer with a newer version of Windows.[129]

An electroencephalograph running on Windows XP. The medical industry’s continued use of Windows XP is partly due to medical applications being incompatible with later versions of Windows.

Despite the approaching end of support, there were still notable holdouts that had not migrated past XP; many users elected to remain on XP because of the poor reception of Windows Vista, sales of newer PCs with newer versions of Windows declined because of the Great Recession and the effects of Vista, and deployments of new versions of Windows in enterprise environments require a large amount of planning, which includes testing applications for compatibility (especially those that are dependent on Internet Explorer 6, which is not compatible with newer versions of Windows).[130] Major security software vendors (including Microsoft itself) planned to continue offering support and definitions for Windows XP past the end of support to varying extents, along with the developers of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera web browsers;[120] despite these measures, critics similarly argued that users should eventually migrate from XP to a supported platform.[131] The United States’ Computer Emergency Readiness Team released an alert in March 2014 advising users of the impending end of support, and informing them that using XP after April 8 may prevent them from meeting US government information security requirements.[132]
Microsoft continued to provide Security Essentials virus definitions and updates for its Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) for XP until July 14, 2015.[133] As the end of extended support approached, Microsoft began to increasingly urge XP customers to migrate to newer versions such as Windows 7 or 8 in the interest of security, suggesting that attackers could reverse engineer security patches for newer versions of Windows and use them to target equivalent vulnerabilities in XP.[134] Windows XP is remotely exploitable by numerous security holes that were discovered after Microsoft stopped supporting it.[135][136]

Similarly, specialized devices that run XP, particularly medical devices, must have any revisions to their software—even security updates for the underlying operating system—approved by relevant regulators before they can be released. For this reason, manufacturers often did not allow any updates to devices’ operating systems, leaving them open to security exploits and malware.[137]

Despite the end of support for Windows XP, Microsoft has released three emergency security updates for the operating system to patch major security vulnerabilities:

  • A patch released in May 2014 to address recently discovered vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 6 through 11 on all versions of Windows.[138]
  • A patch released in May 2017 to address a vulnerability that was being leveraged by the WannaCry ransomware attack.[139]
  • A patch released in May 2019 to address a critical code execution vulnerability in Remote Desktop Services which can be exploited in a similar way as the WannaCry vulnerability.[140][141]

Researchers reported in August 2019 that Windows 10 users may be at risk for «critical» system compromise because of design flaws of hardware device drivers from multiple providers.[142] In the same month, computer experts reported that the BlueKeep security vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, that potentially affects older unpatched Microsoft Windows versions via the program’s Remote Desktop Protocol, allowing for the possibility of remote code execution, may now include related flaws, collectively named DejaBlue, affecting newer Windows versions (i.e., Windows 7 and all recent versions) as well.[143] In addition, experts reported a Microsoft security vulnerability, CVE-2019-1162, based on legacy code involving Microsoft CTF and ctfmon (ctfmon.exe), that affects all Windows versions from the older Windows XP version to the most recent Windows 10 versions; a patch to correct the flaw is currently available.[144]

Microsoft announced in July 2019 that the Microsoft Internet Games services on Windows XP and Windows Me would end on July 31, 2019 (and for Windows 7 on January 22, 2020).[145] Others, such as Steam, had done the same, ending support for Windows XP and Windows Vista in January 2019.[146]

In 2020, Microsoft announced that it would disable the Windows Update service for SHA-1 endpoints; since Windows XP did not get an update for SHA-2, Windows Update Services are no longer available on the OS as of late July 2020.[147] However, as of October 2021, the old updates for Windows XP are still available on the Microsoft Update Catalog,[148] or through Legacy Update, a community-driven third party replacement for the Windows XP update servers.


On release, Windows XP received critical acclaim. CNET described the operating system as being «worth the hype», considering the new interface to be «spiffier» and more intuitive than previous versions, but feeling that it may «annoy» experienced users with its «hand-holding». XP’s expanded multimedia support and CD burning functionality were also noted, along with its streamlined networking tools. The performance improvements of XP in comparison to 2000 and Me were also praised, along with its increased number of built-in device drivers in comparison to 2000. The software compatibility tools were also praised, although it was noted that some programs, particularly older MS-DOS software, may not work correctly on XP because of its differing architecture. They panned Windows XP’s new licensing model and product activation system, considering it to be a «slightly annoying roadblock», but acknowledged Microsoft’s intent for the changes.[149] PC Magazine provided similar praise, although noting that a number of its online features were designed to promote Microsoft-owned services, and that aside from quicker boot times, XP’s overall performance showed little difference over Windows 2000.[150] Windows XP’s default theme, Luna, was criticized by some users for its childish look.[151][152]

Despite extended support for Windows XP ending in 2014, many users – including some enterprises – were reluctant to move away from an operating system they viewed as a stable known quantity despite the many security and functionality improvements in subsequent releases of Windows. Windows XP’s longevity was viewed as testament to its stability and Microsoft’s successful attempts to keep it up to date, but also as an indictment of its direct successor’s perceived failings.[153]

According to web analytics data generated by Net Applications, Windows XP was the most widely used operating system until August 2012, when Windows 7 overtook it (later overtaken by Windows 10),[154] while StatCounter indicates it happening almost a year earlier.[155] In January 2014, Net Applications reported a market share of 29.23%[156] of «desktop operating systems» for XP (when XP was introduced there was not a separate mobile category to track), while W3Schools reported a share of 11.0%.[157]

As of September 2022, in most regions or continents, Windows XP market share on PCs, as a fraction of the total Windows share, has gone below 1% (0.5% in Africa[158]). XP still has a double-digit market share in a few countries, such as Armenia at over 50%,[159][160][161][162] at 57%, where Windows 7 was highest ranked, and with it being replaced by Windows 10, Windows XP got highest ranked for the longest time, and had over 60% share on some weekends in the summer of 2019.[163][164]

Source code leak

On September 23, 2020, source code for Windows XP with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2003 was leaked onto the imageboard 4chan by an unknown user. Anonymous users managed to compile the code, as well as a Twitter user who posted videos of the process on YouTube proving that the code was genuine.[165] The videos were later removed on copyright grounds by Microsoft. The leak was incomplete as it was missing the Winlogon source code and some other components.[166][167] The original leak itself was spread using magnet links and torrent files whose payload originally included Server 2003 and XP source code and which was later updated with additional files, among which were previous leaks of Microsoft products, its patents, media about conspiracy theories on Bill Gates by anti-vaccination movements and an assortment of PDF files on different topics.[168]

Microsoft issued a statement stating that it was investigating the leaks.[167][169][170]

See also

  • BlueKeep (security vulnerability)
  • Comparison of operating systems
  • History of operating systems
  • List of operating systems


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Further reading

  • Joyce, Jerry; Moon, Marianne (2004). Microsoft Windows XP Plain & Simple. Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-2112-1.

External links

  • Windows XP End of Support
  • Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598)
Windows XP

Version of the Windows NT operating system
Windows XP Logo and Wordmark.png
Windows XP Luna.png

Screenshot of Windows XP running the Luna visual style, showing the start menu, taskbar, and My Computer window

Developer Microsoft
Source model
  • Closed-source
  • Source-available (through Shared Source Initiative)[1]
Released to
August 24, 2001; 21 years ago[2]
October 25, 2001; 21 years ago[2]
Final release Service Pack 3 (5.1.2600.5512) / April 21, 2008; 14 years ago[3]
Marketing target Consumer and Business
Update method
  • Windows Update
  • Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)
  • System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM)
Platforms IA-32, x86-64, and Itanium
Kernel type Hybrid (NT)
  • Windows API
  • NTVDM (IA-32 only)
  • SFU
License Proprietary commercial software
Preceded by
  • Windows 2000 (1999)
  • Windows Me (2000)
Succeeded by Windows Vista (2007)
Official website Windows XP (archived at Wayback Machine)
Support status
All editions (except Windows XP Embedded, Windows XP 64-bit Edition, Windows Embedded for Point of Service, Windows Embedded Standard 2009, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009):

  • Mainstream support ended on April 14, 2009.[4]
  • Extended support ended on April 8, 2014.[4]

Windows XP 64-bit Edition:

  • Unsupported as of June 30, 2005[5]

Windows XP Embedded:

  • Mainstream support ended on January 11, 2011.[4]
  • Extended support ended on January 12, 2016.[4]

Windows Embedded for Point of Service:

  • Mainstream support ended on April 12, 2011.[6]
  • Extended support ended on April 12, 2016.[6]

Windows Embedded Standard 2009:

  • Mainstream support ended on January 14, 2014.[7]
  • Extended support ended on January 8, 2019.[7]

Windows Embedded POSReady 2009:

  • Mainstream support ended on April 8, 2014.[8]
  • Extended support ended on April 9, 2019.[8]

Windows XP is a major release of Microsoft’s Windows NT operating system. It was released to manufacturing on August 24, 2001, and later to retail on October 25, 2001. It is a direct upgrade to its predecessors, Windows 2000 for high-end and business users and Windows Me for home users, and is available for any devices running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 98, Windows 2000, or Windows Me that meet the new Windows XP system requirements.

Development of Windows XP began in the late 1990s under the codename «Neptune», built on the Windows NT kernel and explicitly intended for mainstream consumer use. An updated version of Windows 2000 was also initially planned for the business market. However, in January 2000, both projects were scrapped in favor of a single OS codenamed «Whistler», which would serve as a single platform for both consumer and business markets. As a result, Windows XP is the first consumer edition of Windows not based on the Windows 95 kernel or MS-DOS. Windows XP removed support for PC-98, i486 and SGI Visual Workstation 320 and 540 and will only run on 32-bit x86 CPUs and devices that use BIOS firmware.

Upon its release, Windows XP received critical acclaim, noting increased performance and stability (especially compared to Windows Me), a more intuitive user interface, improved hardware support, and expanded multimedia capabilities. Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 were succeeded by Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, released in 2007 and 2008, respectively.

Mainstream support for Windows XP ended on April 14, 2009, and extended support ended on April 8, 2014. Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, based on Windows XP Professional, received security updates until April 2019. After that, unofficial methods were made available to apply the updates to other editions of Windows XP. Still, Microsoft discouraged this practice, citing compatibility issues.[9] However, over eight years from the end of life date (September 2022), the majority of PCs in some countries (such as Armenia) still appeared to be running on Windows XP.[10] As of September 2022, globally, just 0.39% of Windows PCs[11] and 0.1% of all devices across all platforms continued to run Windows XP.


In the late 1990s, initial development of what would become Windows XP was focused on two individual products: «Odyssey», which was reportedly intended to succeed the future Windows 2000 and «Neptune», which was reportedly a consumer-oriented operating system using the Windows NT architecture, succeeding the MS-DOS-based Windows 98.[12]

However, the projects proved to be too ambitious. In January 2000, shortly prior to the official release of Windows 2000, technology writer Paul Thurrott reported that Microsoft had shelved both Neptune and Odyssey in favor of a new product codenamed «Whistler», named after Whistler, British Columbia, as many Microsoft employees skied at the Whistler-Blackcomb ski resort.[13] The goal of Whistler was to unify both the consumer and business-oriented Windows lines under a single, Windows NT platform. Thurrott stated that Neptune had become «a black hole when all the features that were cut from Windows Me were simply re-tagged as Neptune features. And since Neptune and Odyssey would be based on the same code-base anyway, it made sense to combine them into a single project».[14]

At PDC on July 13, 2000, Microsoft announced that Whistler would be released during the second half of 2001, and also unveiled the first preview build, 2250, which featured an early implementation of Windows XP’s visual styles system and interface changes to Windows Explorer and the Control Panel.[15]

Microsoft released the first public beta build of Whistler, build 2296, on October 31, 2000. Subsequent builds gradually introduced features that users of the release version of Windows XP would recognize, such as Internet Explorer 6.0, the Microsoft Product Activation system and the Bliss desktop background.[16]

Whistler was officially unveiled during a media event on February 5, 2001, under the name Windows XP, where XP stands for «eXPerience».[17]


In June 2001, Microsoft indicated that it was planning to spend at least US$1 billion on marketing and promoting Windows XP, in conjunction with Intel and other PC makers.[18] The theme of the campaign, «Yes You Can», was designed to emphasize the platform’s overall capabilities. Microsoft had originally planned to use the slogan «Prepare to Fly», but it was replaced because of sensitivity issues in the wake of the September 11 attacks.[19]

On August 24, 2001, Windows XP build 2600 was released to manufacturing (RTM). During a ceremonial media event at Microsoft Redmond Campus, copies of the RTM build were given to representatives of several major PC manufacturers in briefcases, who then flew off on decorated helicopters. While PC manufacturers would be able to release devices running XP beginning on September 24, 2001, XP was expected to reach general, retail availability on October 25, 2001. On the same day, Microsoft also announced the final retail pricing of XP’s two main editions, «Home» (as a replacement for Windows Me for home computing) and «Professional» (as a replacement for Windows 2000 for high-end users).[20]

New and updated features

User interface

While retaining some similarities to previous versions, Windows XP’s interface was overhauled with a new visual appearance, with an increased use of alpha compositing effects, drop shadows, and «visual styles», which completely changed the appearance of the operating system. The number of effects enabled are determined by the operating system based on the computer’s processing power, and can be enabled or disabled on a case-by-case basis. XP also added ClearType, a new subpixel rendering system designed to improve the appearance of fonts on liquid-crystal displays.[21] A new set of system icons was also introduced.[22] The default wallpaper, Bliss, is a photo of a landscape in the Napa Valley outside Napa, California, with rolling green hills and a blue sky with stratocumulus and cirrus clouds.[23]

The Start menu received its first major overhaul in XP, switching to a two-column layout with the ability to list, pin, and display frequently used applications, recently opened documents, and the traditional cascading «All Programs» menu. The taskbar can now group windows opened by a single application into one taskbar button, with a popup menu listing the individual windows. The notification area also hides «inactive» icons by default. A «common tasks» list was added, and Windows Explorer’s sidebar was updated to use a new task-based design with lists of common actions; the tasks displayed are contextually relevant to the type of content in a folder (e.g. a folder with music displays offers to play all the files in the folder, or burn them to a CD).[24]

The «task grouping» feature introduced in Windows XP showing both grouped and individual items

Fast user switching allows additional users to log into a Windows XP machine without existing users having to close their programs and log out. Although only one user at the time can use the console (i.e. monitor, keyboard, and mouse), previous users can resume their session once they regain control of the console.[25] Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also introduced new features to Windows XP post-release, including the Windows Security Center, Bluetooth support, the executable space protection, Windows Firewall, and support for SDHC cards that are larger than 4 GB and smaller than 32 GB.[26][27][28][29]


Windows XP uses prefetching to improve startup and application launch times.[30] It also became possible to revert the installation of an updated device driver, should the updated driver produce undesirable results.[31]

A copy protection system known as Windows Product Activation was introduced with Windows XP and its server counterpart, Windows Server 2003. All Windows licenses must be tied to a unique ID generated using information from the computer hardware, transmitted either via the internet or a telephone hotline. If Windows is not activated within 30 days of installation, the OS will cease to function until it is activated. Windows also periodically verifies the hardware to check for changes. If significant hardware changes are detected, the activation is voided, and Windows must be re-activated.[32]

Networking and internet functionality

Windows XP was originally bundled with Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express 6, Windows Messenger, and MSN Explorer. New networking features were also added, including Internet Connection Firewall, Internet Connection Sharing integration with UPnP, NAT traversal APIs, Quality of Service features, IPv6 and Teredo tunneling, Background Intelligent Transfer Service, extended fax features, network bridging, peer to peer networking, support for most DSL modems, IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) connections with auto configuration and roaming, TAPI 3.1, and networking over FireWire.[33] Remote Assistance and Remote Desktop were also added, which allow users to connect to a computer running Windows XP from across a network or the Internet and access their applications, files, printers, and devices or request help.[34] Improvements were also made to IntelliMirror features such as Offline Files, Roaming user profiles and Folder redirection.[35]

Backwards compatibility

To enable running software that targets or locks out specific versions of Windows, «Compatibility mode» was added. The feature allows pretending a selected earlier version of Windows to software, starting at Windows 95.[36]

While this ability was first introduced in Windows 2000 Service Pack 2, it had to be activated through the «register server» and was only available to administrator users, whereas Windows XP has it activated out of the box and also grants it to regular users.[37]

Other features

  • Improved application compatibility and shims compared to Windows 2000.[38]
  • DirectX 8.1, upgradeable to DirectX 9.0c.[39]
  • A number of new features in Windows Explorer including task panes, thumbnails, and the option to view photos as a slideshow.[40]
  • Improved imaging features such as Windows Picture and Fax Viewer.[41]
  • Faster start-up, (because of improved Prefetch functions) logon, logoff, hibernation, and application launch sequences.[30]
  • Numerous improvements to increase the system reliability such as improved System Restore,[42] Automated System Recovery,[43] and driver reliability improvements through Device Driver Rollback.[44]
  • Hardware support improvements such as FireWire 800,[45] and improvements to multi-monitor support under the name «DualView».[46]
  • Fast user switching.[47]
  • The ClearType font rendering mechanism, which is designed to improve text readability on liquid-crystal display (LCD) and similar monitors, especially laptops.[21]
  • Side-by-side assemblies[48] and registration-free COM.[49]
  • General improvements to international support such as more locales, languages and scripts, MUI support in Terminal Services, improved Input Method Editors, and National Language Support.[50]

Removed features

Some of the programs and features that were part of the previous versions of Windows did not make it to Windows XP. Various MS-DOS commands available in its Windows 9x predecessor were removed,[51] as were the POSIX and OS/2 subsystems.[52]

In networking, NetBEUI, NWLink and NetDDE were deprecated and not installed by default.[53] Plug-and-play–incompatible communication devices (like modems and network interface cards) were no longer supported.[54]

Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3 also removed features from Windows XP, including support for TCP half-open connections[55] and the address bar on the taskbar.[56]


Diagram representing the main editions of Windows XP. It is based on the category of the edition (grey) and codebase (black arrow).

Windows XP was released in two major editions on launch: Home Edition and Professional Edition. Both editions were made available at retail as pre-loaded software on new computers and as boxed copies. Boxed copies were sold as «Upgrade» or «Full» licenses; the «Upgrade» versions were slightly cheaper, but require an existing version of Windows to install. The «Full» version can be installed on systems without an operating system or existing version of Windows.[18] The two editions of XP were aimed at different markets: Home Edition is explicitly intended for consumer use and disables or removes certain advanced and enterprise-oriented features present on Professional, such as the ability to join a Windows domain, Internet Information Services, and Multilingual User Interface. Windows 98 or Me can be upgraded to either edition, but Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 can only be upgraded to Professional.[57] Windows’ software license agreement for pre-loaded licenses allows the software to be «returned» to the OEM for a refund if the user does not wish to use it.[58] Despite the refusal of some manufacturers to honor the entitlement, it has been enforced by courts in some countries.[59]

Two specialized variants of XP were introduced in 2002 for certain types of hardware, exclusively through OEM channels as pre-loaded software. Windows XP Media Center Edition was initially designed for high-end home theater PCs with TV tuners (marketed under the term «Media Center PC»), offering expanded multimedia functionality, an electronic program guide, and digital video recorder (DVR) support through the Windows Media Center application.[60] Microsoft also unveiled Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, which contains additional pen input features, and is optimized for mobile devices meeting its Tablet PC specifications.[61] Two different 64-bit editions of XP were made available. The first, Windows XP 64-Bit Edition, was intended for IA-64 (Itanium) systems; as IA-64 usage declined on workstations in favor of AMD’s x86-64 architecture, the Itanium edition was discontinued in January 2005.[62] A new 64-bit edition supporting the x86-64 architecture, called Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, was released in April of the same year.[63]

Microsoft also targeted emerging markets with the 2004 introduction of Windows XP Starter Edition, a special variant of Home Edition intended for low-cost PCs. The OS is primarily aimed at first-time computer owners, containing heavy localization (including wallpapers and screen savers incorporating images of local landmarks), and a «My Support» area which contains video tutorials on basic computing tasks. It also removes certain «complex» features, and does not allow users to run more than three applications at a time. After a pilot program in India and Thailand, Starter was released in other emerging markets throughout 2005.[64] In 2006, Microsoft also unveiled the FlexGo initiative, which would also target emerging markets with subsidized PCs on a pre-paid, subscription basis.[65]

As a result of unfair competition lawsuits in Europe and South Korea, which both alleged that Microsoft had improperly leveraged its status in the PC market to favor its own bundled software, Microsoft was ordered to release special editions of XP in these markets that excluded certain applications. In March 2004, after the European Commission fined Microsoft €497 million (US$603 million), Microsoft was ordered to release «N» editions of XP that excluded Windows Media Player, encouraging users to pick and download their own media player software.[66] As it was sold at the same price as the edition with Windows Media Player included, certain OEMs (such as Dell, who offered it for a short period, along with Hewlett-Packard, Lenovo and Fujitsu Siemens) chose not to offer it. Consumer interest was minuscule, with roughly 1,500 units shipped to OEMs, and no reported sales to consumers.[67] In December 2005, the Korean Fair Trade Commission ordered Microsoft to make available editions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 that do not contain Windows Media Player or Windows Messenger.[68] The «K» and «KN» editions of Windows XP were released in August 2006, and are only available in English and Korean, and also contain links to third-party instant messenger and media player software.[69]

Service packs

A service pack is a cumulative update package that is a superset of all updates, and even service packs, that have been released before it.[70] Three service packs have been released for Windows XP. Service Pack 3 is slightly different, in that it needs at least Service Pack 1 to have been installed, in order to update a live OS.[71] However, Service Pack 3 can still be embedded into a Windows installation disc; SP1 is not reported as a prerequisite for doing so.[72]

The unique boot screens from the RTM to Service Pack 1 versions of Windows XP that identified the edition of Windows XP currently running, including a green progress bar for Home Edition and a blue progress bar for Professional, Embedded, Tablet PC Edition, and Media Center Edition were removed in Service Pack 2 of Windows XP and was replaced with a generic «Windows XP» boot screen with a blue progress bar.

Service Pack 1

Service Pack 1 (SP1) for Windows XP was released on September 9, 2002. It contained over 300 minor, post-RTM bug fixes, along with all security patches released since the original release of XP. SP1 also added USB 2.0 support, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine, .NET Framework support, and support for technologies used by the then-upcoming Media Center and Tablet PC editions of XP.[73] The most significant change on SP1 was the addition of Set Program Access and Defaults, a settings page which allows programs to be set as default for certain types of activities (such as media players or web browsers) and for access to bundled, Microsoft programs (such as Internet Explorer or Windows Media Player) to be disabled. This feature was added to comply with the settlement of United States v. Microsoft Corp., which required Microsoft to offer the ability for OEMs to bundle third-party competitors to software it bundles with Windows (such as Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player), and give them the same level of prominence as those normally bundled with the OS.[74]

On February 3, 2003, Microsoft released Service Pack 1a (SP1a). It was the same as SP1, except, the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine was excluded.[75]

Service Pack 2

Service Pack 2 (SP2) for Windows XP Home edition and Professional edition was released on August 25, 2004.[76] Headline features included WPA encryption compatibility for Wi-Fi and usability improvements to the Wi-Fi networking user interface,[77] partial Bluetooth support,[78] and various improvements to security systems.

Headed by former computer hacker Window Snyder,[79][80] the service pack’s security improvements (codenamed «Springboard»,[81] as these features were intended to underpin additional changes in Longhorn) included a major revision to the included firewall (renamed Windows Firewall, and now enabled by default), and an update to Data Execution Prevention, which gained hardware support in the NX bit that can stop some forms of buffer overflow attacks. Raw socket support is removed (which supposedly limits the damage done by zombie machines) and the Windows Messenger service (which had been abused to cause pop-up advertisements to be displayed as system messages without a web browser or any additional software) became disabled by default. Additionally, security-related improvements were made to e-mail and web browsing. Service Pack 2 also added Security Center, an interface that provides a general overview of the system’s security status, including the state of the firewall and automatic updates. Third-party firewall and antivirus software can also be monitored from Security Center.[82]

In August 2006, Microsoft released updated installation media for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 SP2 (SP2b), in order to incorporate a patch requiring ActiveX controls in Internet Explorer to be manually activated before a user may interact with them. This was done so that the browser would not violate a patent owned by Eolas.[83] Microsoft has since licensed the patent, and released a patch reverting the change in April 2008.[84] In September 2007, another minor revision known as SP2c was released for XP Professional, extending the number of available product keys for the operating system to «support the continued availability of Windows XP Professional through the scheduled system builder channel end-of-life (EOL) date of January 31, 2009.»[85]

Windows XP Service Pack 2 was later included in Windows Embedded for Point of Service and Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.

Service Pack 3

The third and final Service Pack, SP3, was released through different channels between April[3] and June 2008,[86] about a year after the release of Windows Vista, and about a year before the release of Windows 7. Service Pack 3 was not available for Windows XP x64 Edition, which was based on the Windows Server 2003 kernel and, as a result, used its service packs[87] rather than the ones for the other editions.[88]

It began being automatically pushed out to Automatic Updates users on July 10, 2008.[89] A feature set overview which detailed new features available separately as stand-alone updates to Windows XP, as well as backported features from Windows Vista, was posted by Microsoft.[90] A total of 1,174 fixes are included in SP3.[91] Service Pack 3 could be installed on systems with Internet Explorer up to and including version 8; Internet Explorer 7 was not included as part of SP3.[92] It also did not include Internet Explorer 8, but instead was included in Windows 7, which was released one year after XP SP3.

Service Pack 3 included security enhancements over and above those of SP2, including APIs allowing developers to enable Data Execution Prevention for their code, independent of system-wide compatibility enforcement settings,[93] the Security Support Provider Interface,[94] improvements to WPA2 security,[95] and an updated version of the Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider Module that is FIPS 140-2 certified.[96]

In incorporating all previously released updates not included in SP2, Service Pack 3 included many other key features. Windows Imaging Component allowed camera vendors to integrate their own proprietary image codecs with the operating system’s features, such as thumbnails and slideshows.[97] In enterprise features, Remote Desktop Protocol 6.1 included support for ClearType and 32-bit color depth over RDP,[98] while improvements made to Windows Management Instrumentation in Windows Vista to reduce the possibility of corruption of the WMI repository were backported to XP SP3.[99]

In addition, SP3 contains updates to the operating system components of Windows XP Media Center Edition (MCE) and Windows XP Tablet PC Edition, and security updates for .NET Framework version 1.0, which is included in these editions. However, it does not include update rollups for the Windows Media Center application in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] SP3 also omits security updates for Windows Media Player 10, although the player is included in Windows XP MCE 2005.[100] The Address Bar DeskBand on the Taskbar is no longer included because of antitrust violation concerns.[101]

Unofficial SP3 ZIP download packages were released on a now-defunct website called The Hotfix from 2005 to 2007.[102][103] The owner of the website, Ethan C. Allen, was a former Microsoft employee in Software Quality Assurance and would comb through the Microsoft Knowledge Base articles daily and download new hotfixes Microsoft would put online within the articles. The articles would have a «kbwinxppresp3fix» and/or «kbwinxpsp3fix» tag, thus allowing Allen to easily find and determine which fixes were planned for the official SP3 release to come. Microsoft publicly stated at the time that the SP3 pack was unofficial and advised users to not install it.[104][105] Allen also released a Vista SP1 package in 2007, for which Allen received a cease-and-desist email from Microsoft.[106]

Windows XP Service Pack 3 was later included in Windows Embedded Standard 2009 and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009.

System requirements

System requirements for Windows XP are as follows:

System requirements

Minimum Recommended
Home/Professional Edition[A]
  • Pentium or compatible, 233 MHz[B][C]
  • BIOS or compatible firmware[D]
  • Pentium or compatible, 300 MHz
  • BIOS or compatible firmware[D]
Memory 64 MB[E][F] 128 MB
Free space
  • 1.5 GB
  • Master boot record used[D]
  • +661 MB for Service Pack 1 and 1a[G]
  • +1.8 GB for Service Pack 2[H]
  • +900 MB for Service Pack 3[I]
Media CD-ROM drive or compatible
Display Super VGA (800 × 600)
Sound hardware N/A Sound card plus speakers/headphones
Input device(s) Keyboard, mouse
Professional x64 Edition[J]
  • x86-64 or compatible
  • BIOS or compatible firmware[D]
Memory 256 MB
Free space
  • 1.5 GB
  • Master boot record used[D]
Media CD-ROM drive or compatible
Display Super VGA (800 × 600)
Sound hardware N/A Sound card plus speakers/headphones
Input device(s) Keyboard, mouse
64-Bit Edition[K]
CPU Itanium 733 MHz Itanium 800 MHz
Memory 1 GB
Free space 6 GB
Media CD-ROM drive or compatible
Display Super VGA (800 × 600)
Input device(s) Keyboard, mouse


  1. ^ «System requirements for Windows XP operating systems». April 28, 2005. Archived from the original on August 6, 2011. Retrieved March 12, 2007.
  2. ^ Even though this is Microsoft’s stated minimum processor speed for Windows XP, it is possible to install and run the operating system on early IA-32 processors such as a P5 Pentium without MMX instructions. Windows XP is not compatible with processors older than Pentium (such as 486) or the Cyrix 6×86 because it requires CMPXCHG8B (see Pentium F00F bug) instructions.
  3. ^ «Windows XP Minimal Requirement Test». Winhistory.de. September 9, 2011. Archived from the original on December 21, 2011. Retrieved January 1, 2012.
  4. ^ a b c d e «Windows XP: Required firmware and partition mapping scheme of hard disk drive». Support.microsoft.com. June 26, 2013. Archived from the original on April 27, 2017. Retrieved June 16, 2014.
  5. ^ A Microsoft TechNet paper from Summer 2001 (before Windows XP’s actual release), states that: «A computer with 64 MB of RAM will have sufficient resources to run Windows XP and a few applications with moderate memory requirements.» (Emphasis added.) These were said to be office productivity applications, e-mail programs, and web browsers (of the time). With such a configuration, user interface enhancements and fast user switching are turned off by default. For comparable workloads, 64 MB of RAM was then regarded as providing an equal or better user experience on Windows XP with similar settings than it would with Windows Me on the same hardware. In a later section of the paper, superior performance over Windows Me was noted with 128 MB of RAM or more, and with computers that exceed the minimum hardware requirements.
  6. ^ Sechrest, Stuart; Fortin, Michael (June 1, 2001). «Windows XP Performance». Microsoft TechNet. Archived from the original on July 27, 2010. Retrieved April 8, 2008.
  7. ^ «Hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 1». Microsoft. October 29, 2007. Archived from the original on April 21, 2012. Retrieved April 6, 2012.
  8. ^ «The hard disk space requirements for Windows XP Service Pack 2». Microsoft. April 18, 2005. Archived from the original on November 24, 2010. Retrieved December 1, 2010.
  9. ^ «Windows XP – End of Support, Migration Guide, Download – TechNet». technet.microsoft.com. 2007. Archived from the original on May 13, 2008.
  10. ^ «Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2 VL EN (MSDN-TechNet)». Programmer Stuffs. March 23, 2011. Archived from the original on July 14, 2014. Retrieved May 2, 2012.
  11. ^ «Microsoft Windows XP 64-Bit Edition». Microsoft TechNet. Microsoft. August 15, 2001. Archived from the original on April 19, 2012. Retrieved May 2, 2012.

Physical memory limits

The maximum amount of RAM that Windows XP can support varies depending on the product edition and the processor architecture. All 32-bit editions of XP support up to 4 GB, except the Windows XP Starter edition, which supports up to 512 MB of RAM.[107] 64-bit editions support up to 128 GB.[108]

Processor limits

Windows XP Professional supports up to two physical processors;[109]
Windows XP Home Edition supports only one.[110]

However, XP supports a greater number of logical processors:
32-bit editions support up to 32 logical processors,[111] and 64-bit editions support up to 64 logical processors.[112]


Several Windows XP components are upgradable to the latest versions, which include new versions introduced in later versions of Windows, and other major Microsoft applications are available. These latest versions for Windows XP include:

  • ActiveSync 4.5
  • DirectX 9.0c (June 7, 2010, Redistributable)
  • Internet Explorer 8 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and Outlook Express 6 SP1 on Windows XP before SP2.)
  • Windows Media Format Runtime and Windows Media Player 11 on Windows XP Service Packs 2 and 3 (and Windows Media Player 10 on Windows XP original release.)
  • Microsoft Virtual PC 2004 and 2007
  • .NET Framework up to and including version 4.0 (4.5 and higher versions are not supported.)
  • Visual Studio 2005 on Windows XP versions below SP2, Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP SP2 and Visual Studio 2010 on Windows XP SP3
  • Windows Script Host 5.7
  • Windows Installer 4.5
  • Microsoft NetMeeting 3.02
  • Office 2010 was the last version of Microsoft Office to be compatible with Windows XP.
  • The Windows Services for UNIX subsystem can be installed to allow certain Unix-based applications to run on the operating system.

Support lifecycle

Support status summary

Expiration date
Mainstream support April 14, 2009[4]
Extended support April 8, 2014[4]
The official exceptions ended in April 2019.
Applicable XP editions:
Home Edition, Professional Edition, Professional x64 Edition, Professional for Embedded Systems, Media Center Editions (all), Starter Edition, Tablet PC Edition and Tablet PC Edition 2005,[4] as well as Windows Fundamentals for Legacy PCs.[113]
Windows XP 64-Bit Edition (Itanium edition, including Version 2003) Unsupported as of June 30, 2005[5]
Windows XP Embedded Mainstream support ended on January 11, 2011[4]
Extended support ended on January 12, 2016[4]
Windows Embedded for Point of Service Mainstream support ended on April 12, 2011[6]
Extended support ended on April 12, 2016[6]
Windows Embedded Standard 2009 Mainstream support ended on January 14, 2014
Extended support ended on January 8, 2019[7]
Windows Embedded POSReady 2009 Mainstream support ended on April 8, 2014
Extended support ended on April 9, 2019[8]

Support for the original release of Windows XP (without a service pack) ended on August 30, 2005.[4] Both Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 1a were retired on October 10, 2006,[4] and both Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 reached their end of support on July 13, 2010, about 24 months after the launch of Windows XP Service Pack 3.[4] The company stopped general licensing of Windows XP to OEMs and terminated retail sales of the operating system on June 30, 2008, 17 months after the release of Windows Vista.[114] However, an exception was announced on April 3, 2008, for OEMs producing what it defined as «ultra low-cost personal computers», particularly netbooks, until one year after the availability of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. Analysts felt that the move was primarily intended to compete against Linux-based netbooks, although Microsoft’s Kevin Hutz stated that the decision was due to apparent market demand for low-end computers with Windows.[115]

Variants of Windows XP for embedded systems have different support policies: Windows XP Embedded SP3 and Windows Embedded for Point of Service SP3 were supported until January and April 2016, respectively. Windows Embedded Standard 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded Standard 7, and Windows Embedded POSReady 2009, which was succeeded by Windows Embedded POSReady 7, were supported until January and April 2019, respectively.[116] These updates, while intended for the embedded editions, could also be downloaded on standard Windows XP with a registry hack, which enabled unofficial patches until April 2019. However, Microsoft advised Windows XP users against installing these fixes, citing incompatibility issues.[9][117]

End of support

On April 14, 2009, Windows XP exited mainstream support and entered the extended support phase; Microsoft continued to provide security updates every month for Windows XP, however, free technical support, warranty claims, and design changes were no longer being offered. Extended support ended on April 8, 2014, over 12 years after the release of Windows XP; normally Microsoft products have a support life cycle of only 10 years.[118] Beyond the final security updates released on April 8, no more security patches or support information are provided for XP free-of-charge; «critical patches» will still be created, and made available only to customers subscribing to a paid «Custom Support» plan.[119] As it is a Windows component, all versions of Internet Explorer for Windows XP also became unsupported.[120]

In January 2014, it was estimated that more than 95% of the 3 million automated teller machines in the world were still running Windows XP (which largely replaced IBM’s OS/2 as the predominant operating system on ATMs); ATMs have an average lifecycle of between seven and ten years, but some have had lifecycles as long as 15. Plans were being made by several ATM vendors and their customers to migrate to Windows 7-based systems over the course of 2014, while vendors have also considered the possibility of using Linux-based platforms in the future to give them more flexibility for support lifecycles, and the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) has since endorsed Windows 10 as a further replacement.[121] However, ATMs typically run the embedded variant of Windows XP, which was supported through January 2016.[122] As of May 2017, around 60% of the 220,000 ATMs in India still run Windows XP.[123]

Furthermore, at least 49% of all computers in China still ran XP at the beginning of 2014. These holdouts were influenced by several factors; prices of genuine copies of later versions of Windows in the country are high, while Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned that Windows 8 could allegedly expose users to surveillance by the United States government,[124] and the Chinese government banned the purchase of Windows 8 products for government use in May 2014 in protest of Microsoft’s inability to provide «guaranteed» support.[125] The government also had concerns that the impending end of support could affect their anti-piracy initiatives with Microsoft, as users would simply pirate newer versions rather than purchasing them legally. As such, government officials formally requested that Microsoft extend the support period for XP for these reasons. While Microsoft did not comply with their requests, a number of major Chinese software developers, such as Lenovo, Kingsoft and Tencent, will provide free support and resources for Chinese users migrating from XP.[126] Several governments, in particular those of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, elected to negotiate «Custom Support» plans with Microsoft for their continued, internal use of Windows XP; the British government’s deal lasted for a year, and also covered support for Office 2003 (which reached end-of-life the same day) and cost £5.5 million.[127]

On March 8, 2014, Microsoft deployed an update for XP that, on the 8th of each month, displays a pop-up notification to remind users about the end of support; however, these notifications may be disabled by the user.[128] Microsoft also partnered with Laplink to provide a special «express» version of its PCmover software to help users migrate files and settings from XP to a computer with a newer version of Windows.[129]

An electroencephalograph running on Windows XP. The medical industry’s continued use of Windows XP is partly due to medical applications being incompatible with later versions of Windows.

Despite the approaching end of support, there were still notable holdouts that had not migrated past XP; many users elected to remain on XP because of the poor reception of Windows Vista, sales of newer PCs with newer versions of Windows declined because of the Great Recession and the effects of Vista, and deployments of new versions of Windows in enterprise environments require a large amount of planning, which includes testing applications for compatibility (especially those that are dependent on Internet Explorer 6, which is not compatible with newer versions of Windows).[130] Major security software vendors (including Microsoft itself) planned to continue offering support and definitions for Windows XP past the end of support to varying extents, along with the developers of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera web browsers;[120] despite these measures, critics similarly argued that users should eventually migrate from XP to a supported platform.[131] The United States’ Computer Emergency Readiness Team released an alert in March 2014 advising users of the impending end of support, and informing them that using XP after April 8 may prevent them from meeting US government information security requirements.[132]
Microsoft continued to provide Security Essentials virus definitions and updates for its Malicious Software Removal Tool (MSRT) for XP until July 14, 2015.[133] As the end of extended support approached, Microsoft began to increasingly urge XP customers to migrate to newer versions such as Windows 7 or 8 in the interest of security, suggesting that attackers could reverse engineer security patches for newer versions of Windows and use them to target equivalent vulnerabilities in XP.[134] Windows XP is remotely exploitable by numerous security holes that were discovered after Microsoft stopped supporting it.[135][136]

Similarly, specialized devices that run XP, particularly medical devices, must have any revisions to their software—even security updates for the underlying operating system—approved by relevant regulators before they can be released. For this reason, manufacturers often did not allow any updates to devices’ operating systems, leaving them open to security exploits and malware.[137]

Despite the end of support for Windows XP, Microsoft has released three emergency security updates for the operating system to patch major security vulnerabilities:

  • A patch released in May 2014 to address recently discovered vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer 6 through 11 on all versions of Windows.[138]
  • A patch released in May 2017 to address a vulnerability that was being leveraged by the WannaCry ransomware attack.[139]
  • A patch released in May 2019 to address a critical code execution vulnerability in Remote Desktop Services which can be exploited in a similar way as the WannaCry vulnerability.[140][141]

Researchers reported in August 2019 that Windows 10 users may be at risk for «critical» system compromise because of design flaws of hardware device drivers from multiple providers.[142] In the same month, computer experts reported that the BlueKeep security vulnerability, CVE-2019-0708, that potentially affects older unpatched Microsoft Windows versions via the program’s Remote Desktop Protocol, allowing for the possibility of remote code execution, may now include related flaws, collectively named DejaBlue, affecting newer Windows versions (i.e., Windows 7 and all recent versions) as well.[143] In addition, experts reported a Microsoft security vulnerability, CVE-2019-1162, based on legacy code involving Microsoft CTF and ctfmon (ctfmon.exe), that affects all Windows versions from the older Windows XP version to the most recent Windows 10 versions; a patch to correct the flaw is currently available.[144]

Microsoft announced in July 2019 that the Microsoft Internet Games services on Windows XP and Windows Me would end on July 31, 2019 (and for Windows 7 on January 22, 2020).[145] Others, such as Steam, had done the same, ending support for Windows XP and Windows Vista in January 2019.[146]

In 2020, Microsoft announced that it would disable the Windows Update service for SHA-1 endpoints; since Windows XP did not get an update for SHA-2, Windows Update Services are no longer available on the OS as of late July 2020.[147] However, as of October 2021, the old updates for Windows XP are still available on the Microsoft Update Catalog,[148] or through Legacy Update, a community-driven third party replacement for the Windows XP update servers.


On release, Windows XP received critical acclaim. CNET described the operating system as being «worth the hype», considering the new interface to be «spiffier» and more intuitive than previous versions, but feeling that it may «annoy» experienced users with its «hand-holding». XP’s expanded multimedia support and CD burning functionality were also noted, along with its streamlined networking tools. The performance improvements of XP in comparison to 2000 and Me were also praised, along with its increased number of built-in device drivers in comparison to 2000. The software compatibility tools were also praised, although it was noted that some programs, particularly older MS-DOS software, may not work correctly on XP because of its differing architecture. They panned Windows XP’s new licensing model and product activation system, considering it to be a «slightly annoying roadblock», but acknowledged Microsoft’s intent for the changes.[149] PC Magazine provided similar praise, although noting that a number of its online features were designed to promote Microsoft-owned services, and that aside from quicker boot times, XP’s overall performance showed little difference over Windows 2000.[150] Windows XP’s default theme, Luna, was criticized by some users for its childish look.[151][152]

Despite extended support for Windows XP ending in 2014, many users – including some enterprises – were reluctant to move away from an operating system they viewed as a stable known quantity despite the many security and functionality improvements in subsequent releases of Windows. Windows XP’s longevity was viewed as testament to its stability and Microsoft’s successful attempts to keep it up to date, but also as an indictment of its direct successor’s perceived failings.[153]

According to web analytics data generated by Net Applications, Windows XP was the most widely used operating system until August 2012, when Windows 7 overtook it (later overtaken by Windows 10),[154] while StatCounter indicates it happening almost a year earlier.[155] In January 2014, Net Applications reported a market share of 29.23%[156] of «desktop operating systems» for XP (when XP was introduced there was not a separate mobile category to track), while W3Schools reported a share of 11.0%.[157]

As of September 2022, in most regions or continents, Windows XP market share on PCs, as a fraction of the total Windows share, has gone below 1% (0.5% in Africa[158]). XP still has a double-digit market share in a few countries, such as Armenia at over 50%,[159][160][161][162] at 57%, where Windows 7 was highest ranked, and with it being replaced by Windows 10, Windows XP got highest ranked for the longest time, and had over 60% share on some weekends in the summer of 2019.[163][164]

Source code leak

On September 23, 2020, source code for Windows XP with Service Pack 1 and Windows Server 2003 was leaked onto the imageboard 4chan by an unknown user. Anonymous users managed to compile the code, as well as a Twitter user who posted videos of the process on YouTube proving that the code was genuine.[165] The videos were later removed on copyright grounds by Microsoft. The leak was incomplete as it was missing the Winlogon source code and some other components.[166][167] The original leak itself was spread using magnet links and torrent files whose payload originally included Server 2003 and XP source code and which was later updated with additional files, among which were previous leaks of Microsoft products, its patents, media about conspiracy theories on Bill Gates by anti-vaccination movements and an assortment of PDF files on different topics.[168]

Microsoft issued a statement stating that it was investigating the leaks.[167][169][170]

See also

  • BlueKeep (security vulnerability)
  • Comparison of operating systems
  • History of operating systems
  • List of operating systems


  1. ^ «Windows Licensing Programs». Microsoft. Archived from the original on December 16, 2008. Retrieved September 21, 2008.
  2. ^ a b «An Inside Look at the Months-long Process of Getting Windows XP Ready for Release to Manufacturing | Stories». Microsoft Stories. Microsoft. August 24, 2001. Archived from the original on August 5, 2019. Retrieved June 24, 2018.
  3. ^ a b Kelly, Gordon (April 16, 2008). «Windows XP SP3 Release Date(s) Confirmed». Trusted Reviews. Trusted Reviews. Archived from the original on June 23, 2018. Retrieved June 23, 2018.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l «Microsoft Product Lifecycle Search: Windows XP». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on July 20, 2012. Retrieved May 14, 2022.
  5. ^ a b «Microsoft Security Bulletin MS05-036 – Critical». July 12, 2015. Archived from the original on April 26, 2018. Retrieved April 26, 2018.
  6. ^ a b c d Mackie, Kurt (February 19, 2014). «Windows XP Embedded Supported for Two or More Years». Redmond Magazine. 1105 Media. Archived from the original on February 20, 2017. Retrieved June 23, 2018.
  7. ^ a b c «Microsoft Product Lifecycle Search: Windows Embedded Standard 2009». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on July 13, 2015. Retrieved October 13, 2012.
  8. ^ a b c «Microsoft Product Lifecycle Search: Windows Embedded POSReady 2009». Microsoft Support. Microsoft. Archived from the original on October 10, 2014. Retrieved October 13, 2012.
  9. ^ a b Seltzer, Larry (May 26, 2014). «Registry hack enables continued updates for Windows XP». ZDNet. Archived from the original on January 26, 2021. Retrieved January 30, 2021. [UPDATE:] Late Monday we received a statement from a Microsoft spokesperson: We recently became aware of a hack that purportedly aims to provide security updates to Windows XP customers. The security updates that could be installed are intended for Windows Embedded and Windows Server 2003 customers and do not fully protect Windows XP customers. Windows XP customers also run a significant risk of functionality issues with their machines if they install these updates, as they are not tested against Windows XP. The best way for Windows XP customers to protect their systems is to upgrade to a more modern operating system, like Windows 7 or Windows 8.1.
  10. ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share in Armenia — September 2022». September 30, 2022. Retrieved October 10, 2022.
  11. ^ «Desktop Windows Version Market Share Worldwide | StatCounter Global Stats». gs.statcounter.com. Statcounter. Archived from the original on April 20, 2019. Retrieved May 8, 2022.
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  15. ^ Thurrott, Paul (July 17, 2000). «Introducing the Whistler Preview, Build 2250». Windows IT Pro. Penton Media. Archived from the original on June 12, 2018. Retrieved June 9, 2018.
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Further reading

  • Joyce, Jerry; Moon, Marianne (2004). Microsoft Windows XP Plain & Simple. Microsoft Press. ISBN 978-0-7356-2112-1.

External links

  • Windows XP End of Support
  • Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598)

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Алексей Барабанов

MS Windows XP SP3, или Много шума из ничего

Третий пакет обновлений для MS Windows XP напоминает второй том «Мертвых душ»: его пишут где-то там, за границей, его все ждут, вспоминая предыдущий вариант, о нем уже сочиняют небылицы…


Не меняются только самые мудрые и самые глупые.


Прошло уже несколько лет после даты выхода последнего кумулятивного пакета обновлений для MS Windows XP, известного как Service Pack 2. И вот теперь, когда общее число выпущенных обновлений перевалило за сотню, все с нетерпением ожидают пакета обновлений с номером 3. Официально в документе «Windows Service Pack Road Map» Microsoft предупреждает, что SP3 появится не ранее 2007 года. Но все равно периодически приходится опровергать слухи о том, что SP3 уже готов к загрузке. И, несмотря на возражения Microsoft, самодельный SP3 можно загрузить с различных ресурсов, например с TheHotfix.Net, как обещают после предварительной регистрации в форуме.

Настораживает, что на Softpedia указан объем этого обновления в 344 Мб, а это весьма много, да и ссылки для загрузки не работают. Еще стоит отметить, что согласно [2] источником явился некий анонимный, но очень добрый сотрудник Microsoft. Почему-то все добрые люди такие скромные…

Есть и отечественный вариант этого «чуда»: http://www.winall.ru/xp/sp/sp3. Он включает 30 заплаток и имеет объем 37,7 Мб. Ссылки тоже «висят», то есть загрузить SP3 ссайта невозможно. Но мне довелось получить это примитивное создание на очередном диске, купленном на одном московском программном «развале». Самое смешное, что все файлы переименованы в Pre_SP3_by_Winall_*.exe. Иначе говоря, до установки очень трудно оценить, что же ставится – какие-то патчи от Microsoft или просто набор троянов.

Ну и последний из существующих суррогатов SP3, обнаруженный в Интернете, откровенно носит сомнительный характер и называется GAME EDITION 2006.Мне удалось его загрузить c http://www.wild-soft.org/2006/08/24/windows_xp_sp3_pre_game_edition_2006.html. Но это был, скажем так, первый сайт с более-менее приличным содержанием. Так как все остальные имели контент из категории «только для взрослых». Этот набор имеет объем 118 Мб, что  близко к размеру реального SP3, но поскольку в 118 Мб входит не SP3, а вся укороченная MS Windows XP в варианте «только для игрушек», то в моей практике такое изделие игровой инженерии вряд ли кого заинтересует.

Из всего вышесказанного возникает больше вопросов, чем приходит ответов. Судя по всему, SP3 уже практически готов. И если не загадочные добряки из Microsoft, то какие-нибудь шустрые сетевые «гуру» непременно его предложат невзыскательной публике и попытаются получить на этом выгоду или иное преимущество. Так в чем же дело? С чем связано нежелание Microsoft выпустить SP3? И есть ли какие-нибудь технические проблемы в данном вопросе? Попробуем разобраться.

Обновление до текущего состояния SP3

Мудрец стыдится своих недостатков, но не стыдится исправлять их.


Попробуем получить SP3 самостоятельно. Для этого воспользуемся диском, предназначенным для автоматической установки MS Windows XP SP2, созданным так, как описано в статьях [7]. Из процесса установки удалим для чистоты эксперимента все дополнительные компоненты, кроме собственно дистрибутива, и создадим имидж:

# ./mkwinxp cd_sp2_only

Warning: creating filesystem that does not conform to ISO-9660.

Warning: creating filesystem with (nonstandard) Joliet extensions

         but without (standard) Rock Ridge extensions.

         It is highly recommended to add Rock Ridge

mkisofs 2.01 (i686-suse-linux)

re-directing all messages to mkwinxp-9838.log

Окончательно образ диска занял 447 Мб (здесь и далее примем для простоты 1 Мб равным 1 000 000 байтов, или 1000 Кб, в зависимости от контекста). Воспользуемся результатом для установки рабочей станции под VMWare. После завершения процесса инсталляции в полученной виртуальной машине проверим несколько важных в дальнейшем точек.

На рис. 1 видно, что уровень обновления системы – SP2, директория «C:Program FilesWindowsUpdate» пуста, и внутри ветки реестра «HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoft» отсутствует раздел Updates. Запомним это. И приступим к обновлению системы до текущего уровня рекомендованных обновлений.

Рисунок 1. MS Windows XP SP2 после установки

Рисунок 1. MS Windows XP SP2 после установки

Для этого воспользуемся локальным сервисом SUSfL. Установка и настройка SUSfL подробно описана в [8]. Добавим только одну поправку. Во всех статьях, описывающих установку SUSfL, неверно трактуется переменная localCabPool. Дело всё в том, что в исходных текстах содержится ошибка – название директории content иногда употребляется в виде литеральной константы, то есть localCabPool должен оканчиваться именно на «content» и никак иначе.

# grep localCabPool sus_consts.py

#localCabPool is path with trailing slash to your pool, where updates will be stored

###localCabPool = «/var/www/sus.int/content/»

localCabPool = «/srv/winupdate/www/content/»

Естественно, надо учесть в настройках, что собирать обновления такой сервер должен для MS Windows XP Professional русской локализации. Перед обновлением рабочей станции убедимся, что сам SUSfL содержит все последние заплатки.

# cd /srv/winupdate/www/autoupdate

# python sus_sync.py

Dictionaries up to date

Need to download 0 Mb

Следовательно, если сейчас указать SUSfL как сервер обновлений, то система автоматически должна будет определить все недостающие заплатки и загрузить их из SUSfL на рабочую станцию. Так и сделаем.

Рисунок 2. Установка SUSfL в качестве сервера обновления

Рисунок 2. Установка SUSfL в качестве сервера обновления

Загрузим настройку реестра из http:\winupdate.office.localnetwinupdate.reg (см. рис. 2), что назначит SUSfL с адресом winupdate.office.localnet как локальный сервер обновлений, и перезапустим службу автоматического обновления на рабочей станции, набрав в окне консоли:

>net stop wuauserv

>net start wuauserv

Загрузку обновлений производит служба BITS, которая по умолчанию стартует автоматически. Если это не так, то надо её запустить командой «net start bits». Подождем, пока служба BITS скачает доступные обновления на рабочую станцию и предложит их установить. Не надо забывать, что BITS производит закачку в паузах сетевой активности, то есть надо на некоторое время оставить эту станцию в покое. Как только система приступит к загрузке обновлений, в правом нижнем углу появится иконка, всплывающая подсказка которой будет сообщать о степени готовности. После завершения загрузки сохраним полученные обновления, так как после установки они будут уничтожены. Для этого активируем меню процесса «Автоматическое обновление», но не будем подтверждать его, пока все папки из «C:Program FilesWindowsUpdatewuaudnld.tmpcabs» не скопируются в рабочую директорию, например в G:SP3-from-win (см. рис. 3).

Рисунок 3. Обновления загружены и готовы к установке

Рисунок 3. Обновления загружены и готовы к установке

После того как копирование завершится, разрешим установку загруженных заплаток. Таким образом, во-первых, получим правильный комплект обновлений и, во-вторых, проверим, что все обновления действительно подходят к нашему дистрибутиву. После установки обновлений будет предложено перегрузить рабочую станцию. Со всем согласимся и дождемся следующей загрузки станции (см. рис. 4).

Рисунок 4. Подготовка дерева дистрибутива после обновления до SP3

Рисунок 4. Подготовка дерева дистрибутива после обновления до SP3

Откроем редактор реестра и найдем там ветку «HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftUpdatesWindows XPSP3». Смотрите-ка, вот и SP3! Значит, все-таки есть? Экспортируем поскорее это «чудо», например в SP3-from-win.reg, в ту же директорию, где ранее были сохранены папки с файлами обновлений.

Итак, теперь в нашем распоряжении есть набор необходимых обновлений, чтобы получить SP3 в текущем состоянии, и сохраненная ветка реестра, которая позволит проконтролировать факт установки SP3. Последнее подготовительное действие, что целесообразно выполнить прямо в MS Windows, это подготовить рабочее дерево дистрибутивных файлов для интеграции. Для этого просто скопируем содержимое установочного диска с MS Windows XP SP2 в заранее подготовленную для этого директорию на файловом сервере, которую подключим как G:IMG (см. рис. 4).

Подготовка файлов для включения в дистрибутив

Тот, кто, обращаясь к старому, способен открывать новое, достоин, быть учителем.


Теперь, после того как все вспомогательные файлы собраны, надо выбрать способ включения SP3 в существующий дистрибутив. Можно просто их все устанавливать аналогично тому, как происходит установка обычных приложений. Но можно их интегрировать внутрь. Предположим, что интеграция позволит получить нечто аналогичное кумулятивному SP2 и, как минимум, сэкономить объем. Кстати, об объеме – подсчитаем его. Все дальнейшие манипуляции будем выполнять в терминальном режиме на Samba-сервере. Пусть корень сетевого ресурса /srv/smb/public. Тогда папки обновлений размещаются в /srv/smb/public/SP3-from-win, а все содержимое исходного дистрибутивного диска в ../IMG относительно папок с заплатками. Все терминальные команды будут исполняться из /srv/smb/public/SP3-from-win.

Сначала составим список всех файлов обновлений:

# find . -name «*.exe» | awk -F/ ‘{print $3}’ | awk -F. ‘{print $1}’ >real-updates.txt

Затем скопируем их в корень рабочей директории:

# for i in $(cat real-updates.txt) ; do find . -name «$i.exe» -exec cp -v ‘{}’ $i.exe ; ; done

`./com_microsoft.WindowsXP-KB925486-x86-189032/WindowsXP-KB925486-x86-RUS.exe’ -> `WindowsXP-KB925486-x86-RUS.exe’

`./com_microsoft.873333_XP_SP3_WinSE_143087/WindowsXP-KB873333-x86-RUS.exe’ -> `WindowsXP-KB873333-x86-RUS.exe’

… пропущено …

`./com_microsoft.WindowsXP-KB922616-x86-185856/WindowsXP-KB922616-x86-RUS.exe’ -> `WindowsXP-KB922616-x86-RUS.exe’

Файлы копируются, а не перемещаются. Это позволит в случае неудачи повторить все шаги снова. Подсчитаем суммарный объем и число заплаток:

# du -c *.exe | grep «total$»

131128  total

# wc -l real-updates.txt

80 real-updates.txt

Итого 131 Мб в 80 файлах. Здесь уже можно оценить степень адекватности всех самодельных SP3, которые предлагаются в Интернете. Еще немного арифметики: итак, всего 131 Мб апдейтов, а размер исходного имиджа:

# du -c ../IMG | grep «total$»

448712  total

Если просто доложить все апдейты в дистрибутив, то получится 579 Мб. Но, конечно, правильнее будет их интегрировать. Для этого нужно подготовить соответствующие скрипты и для автоматического обновления в ходе установки, и для интеграции. Но нужно еще собрать информацию о допустимых ключах запуска заплаток. Но на сервере SUSfL она есть, но для того чтобы извлечь ее в автоматическом режиме, подправим немного исходники SUSfL:

# diff -Naur admin.py.orig admin.py

— admin.py.orig       2006-08-21 13:57:32.000000000 +0400

+++ admin.py    2006-08-21 16:04:24.000000000 +0400

@@ -155,7 +155,10 @@


         dtstr = dts[0] + ‘ — ‘ + dts[len(dts)-1]

     print ‘<tr bgcolor=»%s»><td valign=»top»><input type=»checkbox» name=»%s» value=»1″%s></td><td><b>’%(rowcolor,sPublisherPlusName,cstr)

—    req.write(‘<div title=»%s»>%s, %s</div>’%(sPublisherPlusName, vItemDetails[conFieldItemStringsTitle].encode(‘utf8’), dtstr))

+###    req.write(‘<div title=»%s»>%s, %s</div>’%(sPublisherPlusName, vItemDetails[conFieldItemStringsTitle].encode(‘utf8’), dtstr))

+    req.write(‘<div title=»%s»>’%(sPublisherPlusName))

+    print row+1, ‘&nbsp;’

+    req.write(‘%s, %s</div>’%(vItemDetails[conFieldItemStringsTitle].encode(‘utf8’), dtstr))

 #    req.write(‘ (‘+repr(approved[sPublisherPlusName])+’)’)

     print ‘</b>’


@@ -169,7 +172,7 @@

     req.write(‘ <a href=»%s»>Eula</a>’%urle)

     print ‘<br>’

—    req.write(‘Applies to: ‘ +string.join(applies, ‘,’).encode(‘utf8’))

+    req.write(‘Applies to: ‘ +string.join(applies, ‘,n’).encode(‘utf8’))

     print ‘</td></tr>’

     row = row + 1

Приведенный текст надо использовать как патч внутри каталога autoupdate, содержащегося в SUSfL. Эта правка носит косметический характер и приводит к тому, что в текстовом формате html имя файла обновления и все его характеристики, в том числе и ключи запуска, размещаются на одной строке, что в свою очередь облегчает обработку текстовыми утилитами.

Прочтем список всех обновлений, размещенных на сервере, и сохраним его в файле:

# wget http://winupdate.office.localnet/autoupdate/admin.py -O all-updates-from-sus.html

—00:27:52—  http://winupdate.office.localnet/autoupdate/admin.py

           => `all-updates-from-sus.html’

Resolving winupdate.office.localnet… done.

Connecting to winupdate.office.localnet[]:80… connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK

Length: unspecified [text/html]

    [ <=>                                 ] 396,889        3.82M/s

00:27:54 (3.82 MB/s) — `all-updates-from-sus.html’ saved [396889]

Извлечем из текста все возможные обновления вместе с ключевой информацией:

# grep XP SP2 all-updates-from-sus.html | awk ‘BEGIN{FS=»href=»»}{print $2}’ >all-updates.txt

Теперь в all-updates.txt содержатся все доступные обновления и их ключи, что позволит составить командные файлы для полного обновления и интеграции в автоматическом режиме с помощью следующей программы:




# создадим командные файлы для обновления и интеграции




for i in $U $UO $I ; do

   echo -e «@echo offr» >$i




mkdir -p $RP

chmod ugo+w -R $RP


mkdir -p $UOP

# список известных исключений

EL=»WindowsXP-KB885250-x86-RUS.exe WindowsXP-KB885835-x86-RUS.exe

    WindowsXP-KB887742-x86-RUS.exe WindowsXP-KB888113-x86-RUS.exe

    WindowsXP-KB890047-x86-RUS.exe WindowsXP-KB890175-x86-RUS.exe

    WindowsXP-KB867282-x86-RUS.exe Windows-KB913433-x86-RUS»


for i in $(cat $REAL) ; do

  echo ——$n——-$i—————

  T=$(grep «$i» $SUSLIST | grep «SP2»)


  if [ «1$T» == «1» ] ; then

    echo ====================ERROR!!!!=================


    T=$(echo «$T» | awk ‘BEGIN{FS=»switches: «}{print $2}’ | awk -F, ‘{print $1}’)

    echo -e «echo integration $i running…rn$i.exe ?

    $Trnecho doner» >>$U

    # проверим на совместимость

    j=$(find . -name «$i.exe» | head -n 1)

    k=$(strings «$j» | grep «SFX_CAB_EXE»)

    # удалим исключения

    m=$(echo $EL | grep «$i»)

    [ «1$m» == «1» ] || k=»»

    if [ «1$k» == «1» ] ; then

      echo -e «echo integration $i running…rn$i.exe $Trnecho doner» >>$UO

      cp -v $i.exe $UOP


      echo -e «echo integration $i running…rn$i.exe /q /integrate:$Prnecho doner» >>$I

      #echo «pause» >>$I




for i in $U $I ; do

   echo -e «pauser» >>$i


cp -v $UO $UOP


Эта программа в ходе своей работы создает три командных файла:

  • update.cmd – для использования в дистрибутиве, чтобы установить заплатки как обычные приложения;
  • integrate.cmd – для интеграции обновлений в дерево файлов дистрибутива;
  • update-only.cmd – для установки тех обновлений, которые нельзя интегрировать. Список исключений определен опытным путем.

Все командные файлы строятся примерно одинаковым образом и состоят из последовательных запусков заплаток с ключами.

Например, integrate.cmd начинается следующими строками:

# head -n 7 integrate.cmd

@echo off

echo integration WindowsXP-KB925486-x86-RUS running…

WindowsXP-KB925486-x86-RUS.exe /q /integrate:G:IMG

echo done

echo integration WindowsXP-KB873333-x86-RUS running…

WindowsXP-KB873333-x86-RUS.exe /q /integrate:G:IMG

echo done

Дистрибутив с интегрированным SP3

Достойный человек не идет по следам других людей.


Запустим G:SP3-from-winintegrate.cmd на рабочей станции MS Windows XP и выполним интеграцию обновлений в дистрибутивный набор G:IMG (см. рис. 5).

Рисунок 5. Процесс интеграции обновлений

Рисунок 5. Процесс интеграции обновлений

Дождавшись завершения, проверим результат уже снова в консоли Samba-сервера:

# du -c ../IMG | grep «total$»

623816  total

Получилось 623 Мб, что на 44 Мб больше, чем было бы, если просто разместить исходные обновления в виде установочных файлов, для того чтобы они отработали в процессе инсталляции. На 131 Мб исходных файлов 44 Мб «оверспейса» составляет 30%. Пока воздержимся от критики и проверим, как полученный дистрибутив с SP3 будет ставиться в автоматическом режиме.

Соберем на основе полученного набора файлов установочный диск и произведем с него установку под VMWare. Главное, не забыть подключить установку тех заплаток, которые не были интегрированы и должны ставиться как приложения. Для этого можно, например, включить текст update-only.cmd в GuiRunOnce.cmd.

Процесс установки ничем не отличается от ранее произведенного и потому не заслуживает комментариев. После завершения проверим важные для нас контрольные точки.

Как видно на рис. 6, система указывает на соответствие SP2, каталог для сетевых апдейтов пуст, но в реестре присутствует ветка «HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftUpdatesWindows XPSP3», что свидетельствует о произведенном в ходе инсталляции наложении заплаток.

Рисунок 6. MS Windows XP с текущим SP3 после установки

Рисунок 6. MS Windows XP с текущим SP3 после установки

И тут самым важным становится вопрос о том, насколько интегрированные заплатки соответствуют тем, что были поставлены из сети. Чтобы выяснить это, снова экспортируем указанную ветку реестра, но уже в файл SP3-integrated.reg.

Дабы избежать бинарного сравнения, воспользуемся простенькой программкой для преобразования полученных файлов в текстовый формат:

# cat winreg2txt


# преобразование winregistry в ascii файл

$i=1; $n=0;

while(read(STDIN,$j,1)) {

  if( $n > 1 ){

    if( $i == 1){ $i=0; print $j; }else{ $i=1; }




И теперь получим из каждой сохраненной ветки реестра список установленных заплаток:

# ./winreg2txt <SP3-from-win.reg | grep «\SP3\\» | grep -v Filelist >SP3-from-win.reg.txt

# ./winreg2txt <SP3-integrated.reg | grep «\SP3\\» | grep -v Filelist >SP3-integrated.reg.txt

Осталось только сравнить их:

# diff -s SP3-integrated.reg.txt SP3-from-win.reg.txt

Files SP3-integrated.reg.txt and SP3-from-win.reg.txt

are identical

Ну вот! Что и требовалось получить. Теперь ясно, что можно не рыскать по Интернету в поисках недостоверных и самодельных вариантов Windows XP SP3.

В любой момент свой SP3 можно приготовить за полчаса или за пару часов, если считать время на установку исходной MS Windows XP SP2.

Здесь раскрою секрет появления списка исключений. Эти заплатки не «хотели» интегрироваться и терялись после установки проверочной системы с SP3.

Проверку на соответствие уровню текущих обновлений можно проводить как с помощью сравнения экспортированной ветки реестра, так и путем подключения к локальному SUSfL для обновления. Но второй путь занимает больше времени, как и способ ручного прохождения интеграции каждой заплатки.

Теперь вы знаете, что делать, если попадется такой «неуживчивый» апдейт, пока компания Microsoft не соизволит выпустить настоящее обновление версии 3 для MS Windows XP.


Единственная настоящая ошибка – не исправлять своих прошлых ошибок.


Тут можно бы и закончить. Главный вывод: SP3 – не проблема, уже есть. Но давайте снова вернемся к подсчетам размеров.

Исходный диск с SP2 занимал 447 Мб, что оставляло примерно 290 Мб для размещения приложений, использованных в процедуре автоустановки, если не менять носитель на DVD. Дистрибутив с интегрированным SP3 занимает уже 623 Мб, что оставляет всего 114 Мб. Это недопустимо мало! Получается, если набор обновлений доложить в виде установочных файлов, то останется 159 Мб. Не бог весть что, но лучше, чем в случае с интеграцией заплаток в дерево дистрибутива. По крайней мере в этот объем можно уместить хотя бы OpenOffice с парочкой сетевых приложений от Mozilla Foundation.

Теперь можно предположить, чем вызвано нежелание Microsoft торопиться с SP3.

«Нам», системным администраторам, работающим с GNU/Linux, не привыкать к периодическим и объемным апдейтам. Чем их больше, и чем чаще они выходят, тем выше уровень сервиса дистрибуторов. И GNU/Linux легко «выходит» на объемы заплаток в 1 Гб. Например, openSUSE через пару месяцев после выпуска требует именно такого объема апдейтов. Более того, нет никаких проблем, чтобы включить эти апдейты прямо в установочный диск. И при этом объем дистрибутива не увеличится сколько-нибудь существенно.

А вот в модели проприетарной дистрибуции MS Windows все гораздо хуже.

Выход SP2 увеличил размер дистрибутива MS Windows XP, и выпуск SP3 тоже, скорее всего, сделает дистрибутив еще более объемным. И тем самым вплотную пододвинет его к границе CD-носителя.

Пугает ли это тех, кто привык к поставкам GNU/Linux на DVD или набору CD, – нет!

Но для дистрибуции универсальной системы MS Windows это не только психологический барьер получить многодисковый дистрибутив MS Windows, но и барьер совместимости, так как после этого огромное число компьютеров, оснащенных только CD-приводом, смогут использовать дистрибутив единого образца, если он будет выпущен на DVD.

Еще одна проблема заключается в увеличении «веса» без увеличения стоимости. С одной стороны, появление SP2 было оправдано увеличением функциональности, а вот для SP3 такой лазейки пока, вероятно, нет. И получается, что немотивированное увеличение объема является следствием несовершенства выбранных форматов, которые не могут обеспечить жизненный цикл этой операционной системы.

Согласно [2] инженеры Microsoft отложили выпуск Service Pack 3 до выхода Windows Vista. Можно предположить, что часть новых стандартов среды Vista в целях совместимости придется портировать в ранее выпущенные системы. И это очень вовремя возникшая причина станет рациональным оправданием для добавления очередных объемов к дистрибутиву MS Windows XP.

  1. Windows Service Pack Road Map. Last Updates: March, 7, 2006 г. – http://www.microsoft.com/windows/lifecycle/servicepacks.mspx.
  2. «Руководство Microsoft предупреждает: В сети выложили фальшивый Windows XP SP3». 17 октября 2005 г. – http://www.securitylab.ru/news/241191.php.
  3. The Hotfix Forums – http://www.thehotfix.net/forums/index.php.
  4. Softpedia: Windows XP Unofficoal TheHotfix.Net Pack – http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/OS-Enhancements/Windows-XP-Service-Pack-3-Preview.shtml.
  5. Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 – http://www.winall.ru/xp/sp/sp3.
  6. Windows XP SP3 Pre GAME EDITION 2006 – http://www.wild-soft.org/2006/08/24/windows_xp_sp3_pre_game_edition_2006.html.
  7. Барабанов А. Автоматизация MS Windows, или AutoIt как мечта эникейщика. Часть 1. //Системный администратор, №4, 2005 г. – С. 11-15;
  8.    Барабанов А. Автоматизация MS Windows, или AutoIt как мечта эникейщика. Часть 2. //Системный администратор, №5, 2005 г. – С. 54-58;

       Барабанов А. Автоматизация MS Windows, или AutoIt как мечта эникейщика. Часть 3. //Системный администратор, №6, 2005 г. – С. 25-31;

       Барабанов А. Автоматизация MS Windows, или AutoIt как мечта эникейщика. Часть 4. //Системный администратор, №7, 2005 г. – С. 46-47;

  9. Кирилл Малеванов. Установка локального Windows Update сервера под Unix. 2004 г. – http://www.malevanov.spb.ru/freebsd/winupdate.



Мой мир




Microsoft объявила дату выхода Windows XP Service Pack 3, третьего и последнего сервис-пака для операционной системы Windows XP.

Windows XP Service Pack 3 станет доступен для скачивания через Windows Update и Microsoft Download Center 29 апреля. К этому сроку также появится соответствующая онлайновая документации на сайте Microsoft Knowledge Base и на других ресурсах Microsoft.

При этом в сообщении Microsoft отмечается, что автоматическое обновление операционной системы до третьего сервис-пака начнется «в начале лета».

Ссылки по теме:
Cкачать Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (*.zip)
Cкачать Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3 (*.iso)

28.04.2007 00:53

Microsoft признает провал Windows Vista

Microsoft признала то, о чем многие все время твердили — Windows Vista, так же известная как Windows Millennium 2, это всего лишь прикол, которого на самом деле никто не хочет

22.10.2007 20:28

Microsoft показала ядро Windows 7

Microsoft разработала минимизированную версию ядра для своей будущей операционной системы, известной под кодовым названием Windows 7

22.10.2017 23:11

Что делать пользователям Windows 7 после прекращения поддержки?

Если к этому времени большинство пользователей по-прежнему будут использовать Windows 7, то они останутся с устаревшей операционной системой, для которой больше не будут выпускаться никакие обновления, в том числе связанные с безопасностью

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Практика показывает, что большинство компаний пока что продолжают использовать Windows XP, а не Vista на рабочих местах. В связи с этим, несмотря на заявления об окончании поддержки Windows XP после 2008 года, Microsoft выпустила третий и видимо последний набор заплаток. Что же в нем нового и стоит ли его ставить вообще? Microsoft подчёркивает, что никаких новых возможностей Windows XP этот набор исправлений не привнесёт, и что его целью является лишь защитить компьютер рядом патчей, обновлений системы безопасности, а также закрыть обнаруженные за время существования ОС ошибки в функционировании системы. Фактически, основная изюминка Service Pack 3, это наличие в одном сборнике всех заплаток по безопасности, а также остальных важных для надёжной работы компьютера патчей, вышедших со времён появления Service Pack 2 для Windows XP.

Целью компании Microsoft не было раскачивание лодки при создании SP 3, и эта версия скорее ближе к SP1, чем к SP2 с небольшими изменениями параметров. Основное внимание уделялось стабильности ОС, ее производительности и смешению патчей. С базой пользователей Windows XP более миллиарда, это обновление повлияет на безопасность, стабильность и производительность многих компьютеров. Помимо рядовых обновлений безопасности, в сервис-пак входят криптографический модуль для защиты ядра, новый механизм активации операционной системы и средства повышения надежности при работе в сети. Кроме того, пакет обновлений содержит инсталлятор Windows Installer 3.1, а также фоновую интеллектуальную службу передачи BITS 2.5, являющуюся необходимым компонентом систем Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 и Windows Live OneCare.

Что входит в XPSP3?

Обновления стабильности: Эти обновления влияют на то, как, уже и без того стабильная, XP работает, повышая надежность и готовность ОС.

Обновления производительности: Эти обновления улучшают производительность XP и совершенствуют ее функциональную совместимость и совместимость физических устройств. Обновления безопасности: Эти обновления включают предыдущие и новые обновления.

Прочие выпуски: Эти обновления включают некоторые версии, разработанные Microsoft, например MMC 3.0 и XML services 6.0.

Обновления второстепенных параметров: Были добавлены такие параметры, как NAP, чтобы пользователи смогли использовать сервер Windows 2008. Поддержка WPA2 тоже доступна, ее можно скачать отдельно. Microsoft рекомендует Windows XP Service Pack 3 в качестве фактического стандарта для пользователей, работающих с Windows XP. Service Pack 3 является базовым обновлением для потребителей, которые все еще используют Windows XP.

Microsoft решила не включать последнюю версию браузера Internet explorer в Service Pack 3. Если во время установки обнаружен IE7 или IE6, то применяются соответствующие данной версии обновления и патчи безопасности.

Элементы безопасности пакета Service Pack 3

Некоторые новые параметры, используемые в Windows XP SP3:

Совместимость с Network Access Protection (NAP). Недавно выпущенная, эта характеристика позволяет компьютерам Windows XP использовать параметр NAP в Windows Server 2008. Этот параметр также используется в Windows Vista. С точки зрения совместимости это большой плюс, поскольку этот элемент позволяет пользователям лучше защищать свою сеть с помощью оценки статуса здоровья подключенной системы, например, уровень антивирусной модели и уровень патчей соответствующей машины. Если компьютер на время подключения соответствует предустановленным элементам политики, ему разрешен доступ к сети, если он не соответствует требованиям политики, тогда компьютер помещается в карантинный сегмент сети, который имеет ограниченный доступ к ресурсам. Этот ограниченный доступ позволяет выполнять обновления на машине до приемлемого уровня, прежде чем она снова будет просканирована и одобрена на использование в корпоративной сети.

С точки зрения удаленного доступа эта характеристика очень полезна, так как путешествующие пользователи известны тем, что работают в «беспорядочном режиме», что означает, что они будут подключаться к любой доступной сети, когда находятся вне офиса. Это в свою очередь подвергает компьютер риску, и его уязвимость может послужить причиной заражения, а вредоносный код может пройти через антивирусную защиту. Это приведет к компрометации, несанкционированному доступу, а также вредоносное ПО может размножиться при подключении удаленного пользователя. Опция карантина сканирует и проверяет, что компьютер защищен и настроен на допустимый уровень, прежде чем ему будет дано разрешение на подключение из удаленной сети. Это долгожданная характеристика, и ее с радостью приняли во многих кругах. Для более подробной информации смотрите Network Access Protection.

Опция установки продукта без ключа (Product Key-less install option). Как и в случае с Windows Vista, установки XP SP3 можно осуществлять без ввода ключа продукта. Но держите ключ продукта под рукой, поскольку через тридцать дней вам придется ввести ключ, иначе ваша ОС будет введена в ограниченный режим использования.

Криптографический модуль режима ядра (Kernel Mode Cryptographic Module). Эта характеристика является режимом ядра, который «герметизирует несколько различных криптографических алгоритмов,» не совсем уверен, что это за собой повлечет, но уверен, что этот параметр будет использоваться для усовершенствования того, как XP управляет зашифрованными запросами на прикладном уровне. Больше шифра, больше защиты, пока ключи в безопасности. Мне очень интересна эта характеристика, а также то, как поставщики будут с ней работать. Алгоритм определения маршрутизатора «Черная дыра — Black hole». Этот параметр позволяет XP клиенту определять маршрутизаторы, которые теряют пакеты. Этот параметр с ретроподдержкой можно найти в Windows Vista.

Простая политика обновлений для Windows XP: Долгожданная характеристика, облегчающая жизнь, когда речь идет о загадочной теме XP IPSec; создание и обслуживание IPSec фильтров. Упрощение этого параметра позволяет гораздо проще регистрировать IPSec для связи с доменами и сетью. Служба Digital Identity Management Service (DIMS): Этот параметр позволяет пользователям, входящим в любую машину-участника домена, без проблем получать доступ к своим сертификатам и частным ключам приложений и сервисов.

Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2): Этот параметр обеспечивает поддержку стандартов WPA2 или IEEE 802.11i. Больше безопасности для беспроводных соединений – это значительный плюс, поскольку изначально XP недоставало такой характеристики без использования продуктов других компаний. С точки зрения безопасности это очень желанное изменение. Не уверен на счет того, сколько организаций будут использовать эту технологию теперь, так как раньше эта технология имела недостаток, заключавшийся в чрезмерной сложности ее конструкции.

1073 поправки являются частью этого обновления. Эти обновления выводят Windows XP на уровень самой последней версии, включая все апгрейды физических устройств и ПО, которые не были включены в обновление Windows. Обычно задается следующий вопрос: мне нужно устанавливать service pack 1 и 2, прежде чем я установлю service pack 3; ответ прост – нет, service pack 3 уже содержит все обновления и параметры первых двух пакетов обновления. Когда включение процедуры NAP  в  WS2K8 было сначала подтверждено  в  конце августа, докладчик Microsoft связался с BetaNews, чтобы удостовериться, что они сообщили, что это не только для  Windows  Server и только для ОС Vista. Стоило ожидать, что данная процедура придет также и в XP. В  помощь такому укреплению будет включение  новых  шифровальных алгоритмов  в  ядре, Kernel Mode Cryptographic Module (KMCM). Вместе с политикой доступа, обеспеченной NAP, администраторы могут теоретически осуществить  новый , второй уровень политики безопасности для зашифрованных соединений и установления подлинности между парами(равными по положению) сетей, который будет обеспечиваться предоставленным Тройным-DES алгоритмом, доступными через ядро. Другими словами, корпорации, которые изначально не имели возможности развернуть всестороннее шифрование, могут чувствовать себя более комфортнее теперь, когда KMCM станет основная особенностью.

Это испробовалось  в   Windows  2000, и его первой вариацией  в  клиентской  Windows  был первый выпуск Vista. Neosmart также обнаружил свидетельства, указывающие на укрепления IP-стека  Windows, включая введение  новой  «схемы обнаружения» маршрутизатора Microsoft. Возвращяясь  в  1990, IETF реализовал такой путь для маршрутизаторов, чтобы обнаружить заранее самую короткую дорожку, чтобы послать набольшое количество датаграмм, не имея необходимости слишком их фрагментировать по пути.

Этот план упоминался как Единица Передачи Максимума (Path Maximum Transmission Unit-PMTU), целью для него было то, чтобы послать маршрутизаторам команду искать другие маршрутизаторы, которые  в  процессе обработки информации повреждают как можно меньше датаграмм. Как оказалось, некоторые маршрутизаторы получения, посылая свои датаграммы членам PMTU, сами не отвечали на входящие датаграммы, которые были «не фрагментированы», просто выбрасывая их. Такие маршрутизаторы упоминались «как маршрутизаторы черной дыры,» и были постоянной проблемой для текущих операций.  Новая  схема обнаружения маршрутизатора позволяет IP-маршрутизаторам находить плохо себя показывающих PMTU-ресиверов заранее и держаться подальше от них. Эта особенность, которую Microsoft обновила только  в  прошлом месяце, возможно, не будет включена в  XP SP3.

Таким образом, его включение в SP3 серьезно рассматривают только разработчики Microsoft, которые все еще желают видеть и работать в XP, возможно продлевая его жизнеспособность вплоть до 2009 года.


После установки пакета было выявлено, что производительность ноутбука повысилась на 16%. Сообщалось даже о повышении на 25%, но эту информацию нужно уточнить. Официальные цифры ближе к 10%.

Путь к пользователю

Этот последний Service Pack прошел длинный путь, хотя многим было непонятно, чем вызвано такое его длительное официальное представление. Еще осенью 2007 года для бета-тестеров стал доступен бета-релиз, который веил почти 1 ГБ.  Выход релиза обещали весной, однако выходили лишь два Release Candidate. Корпорация Microsoft отложила начало распространения третьего сервис-пака для операционной системы Windows ХР через центр загрузок и систему Windows Update. Пакет обновлений SP3 для Windows ХР начал поставляться фирмам-изготовителям комплектного оборудования и крупным корпоративным заказчикам на 22 апреля. Через систему Windows Update и сайт Microsoft Download Center корпорация планировала начать распространение сервис-пака 29 апреля.

Однако в самый последний момент в пакете обновлений были выявлены проблемы. По словам менеджера Microsoft Криса Керока, третий сервис-пак для Windows ХР содержит ошибки, приводящие к несовместимости с продуктом Microsoft Dynamics Retail Management System (RMS), предназначенном для небольших и средних магазинов розничной торговли. Более того, такие же проблемы обнаружены и в первом сервис-паке для Windows Vista, распространение которого через службу Windows Update началось в середине марта. SP3 для Windows ХР станет доступен через систему Windows Update после того, как Microsoft установит специальный фильтр, предотвращающий загрузку сервис-пака на компьютеры, работающие с продуктом Dynamics RMS. Кроме того, Microsoft уже тестирует патч, который должен будет устранить ошибки в пакетах обновлений для Windows ХР и Windows Vista. Однако сроки завершения работ над заплаткой пока не уточняются.

8 мая пакет-таки стал доступен для качивания с сервера Windows Update. И сразу же после этого в Microsoft начали поступать жалобы на то, что апдейт провоцирует многочисленные проблемы. Пользователи, в числе прочего, отмечают трудности при работе с внешними жесткими дисками, неожиданные перезагрузки и сбои. В ряде случае после инсталляции сервис-пака пользователи вообще не смогли загрузить операционную систему.

Чаще всего сбои после установки третьего сервис-пака для Windows ХР возникают на компьютерах, оборудованных процессорами AMD. Кроме того, с проблемами могут сталкиваться пользователи, в ПК которых применяется материнская плата Asus A8N32-SLI Deluxe. Корпорация Microsoft ситуацию официально пока никак не комментирует. Компания HP совместно с Microsoft работает над решением проблем, вызванных установкой последнего пакета обновлений для операционной системы Windows ХР.

По некоторым данным, с описанными проблемами столкнулись в основном пользователи компьютеров производства HP на базе процессоров AMD. Как отмечается в блоге Dell, суть проблемы, скорее всего, кроется в том, что инженеры HP и некоторых других производителей устанавливали на компьютеры на базе платформы AMD образы операционных систем, предназначенные для установки на компьютеры на основе процессоров Intel. При установке SP3 система не может обнаружить необходимый драйвер intelppm.sys, что приводит к бесконечной перезагрузке ПК и другим неисправностям. На данный момент SP3 доступен для скачивания с сайта компании Microsoft в виде файла образа компакт-диска ISO-9660 объемом 367 МБ. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2fcde6ce-b5fb-4488-8c50-fe22559d164e&DisplayLang=ru. Также доступен Пакет сетевой установки пакета обновления 3 (SP3) для ОС Windows XP для ИТ-специалистов и разработчиков http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5b33b5a8-5e76-401f-be08-1e1555d4f3d4&DisplayLang=ru.

Microsoft планирует снизить массовую поддержку XP в 2009 году и снизить расширенную поддержку XP в 2014, однако компания создала ретроподдержку некоторых параметров Windows Vista для Windows XP SP3. Исполнительный директор Microsoft Стив Баллмер, выступая на пресс-конференции в Университете Лювен-Ла-Нёв (Бельгия), заявил, что Microsoft ещё может пересмотреть свои планы прекратить продажи Windows XP в июне этого года. С другой стороны Баллмер решительно заявил, что большая часть людей, которые покупают компьютеры сегодня, покупают их вместе с Vista: «Это сухая статистика» — отметил директор.

Как отмечает Associated Press, в последние месяцы фанаты Windows XP, которой уже более шести лет от роду, наводнили информационное пространство требованиями продолжить продажи XP до 2010, утверждая её тотальное превосходство над Windows Vista. В 2010 году Microsoft планирует выпустить следующую свою операционную систему. Windows Vista вызывает у многих неприятие своими высокими системными требованиями и спорадическими проблемами с совместимостью, как с более старым программным, так и аппаратным обеспечением. На сегодняшний день 160 тысяч человек подписали онлайновую петицию, с требованием сохранить Windows XP жизнь.

[Посещений: 743, из них сегодня: 1]

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