Красивые виджеты для windows 10 rainmeter

Скины для программы Rainmeter на русском языке. Красивые виджеты эквалайзеров, погоды и часов, а также многие другие.

Стандартные гаджеты безоговорочно ушли из современных версий Windows OC. Но пользователи не привыкли терять что-то хорошее и поэтому активно используют аналоги. Еще задолго до появления Windows 10/11 одной из самых популярных программ среди кастомайзеров была Rainmeter. Она открывает доступ к огромному количеству функций и выше на голову стандартных гаджетов для Windows 7. Rainmeter можно использовать практически на любой версии операционной системы. Будь то 10, 8, 7, Vista или даже XP. Она Вам не откажет. Но не только в своей работе, но и в скинах. Скины для Rainmeter — это варианты гаджетов (виджетов), которые помещаются на рабочий стол. Они имеют совершенно разный функционал и могут выполнять любое предназначение. Одни призваны показать время или погоду, другие помогут узнать нагрузку на оперативную память или CPU, а третьи и вовсе будут играть исключительно косметическую роль — покажут какую-нибудь галерею изображений или красивую анимацию. Возможности программы безграничны и количество готовых скинов тоже сложно посчитать. Используйте ее, ведь она классная!

Rainmeter — это бесплатная программа для настройки рабочего стола, которая позволяет полностью изменить внешний вид вашего рабочего стола.

Его можно использовать для отображения на рабочем столе кучи дополнительной информации (часы, сетевая статистика, использование процессора), которую можно настраивать невообразимыми способами благодаря бесчисленному количеству скинов, доступных для того же.

Само собой разумеется, что для использования этих скинов на вашем ПК с Windows должен быть установлен Rainmeter. Он совместим со всеми версиями Windows, от XP до Windows 10.

1. Mond

Mond — мой любимый скин Rainmeter исключительно из-за того, что он хорошо сочетается с обоями. Я использую обои с Reddit и называются они Neon Gas Station . Вдобавок ко всему, скин Mond очень настраиваемый  и позволяет добавлять несколько виджетов на рабочий стол.

Однако имейте в виду, что интеграция Spotify не работает из коробки, поэтому вам придется установить отдельный плагин. Вы можете получить плагин по указанной ниже ссылке. В целом скин Mond минималистичен, легок и не отнимает ресурсы вашего компьютера в фоновом режиме.

mond rainmeter скин



FLHUD — еще один потрясающий скин Rainmeter, который я часто использую на своем ноутбуке. Это значительно упрощает работу, поскольку у вас есть виджет на верхней панели с настраиваемыми гиперссылками, визуализатор Spotify и, наконец, виджет даты и времени.

В тот момент, когда я нахожусь на своем рабочем столе, я могу переключиться на любой сайт за считанные секунды, и это здорово. Кроме того, я использовал обои « You are Here » от Reddit, и они очень хорошо сочетаются с общей настройкой Rainmeter. При желании вы также можете скрыть панель задач, чтобы добавить больше виджетов.

дождемер для кожи flhudСкачать

3. Агео

Ageo — это минималистичный скин Rainmeter, который придает материальный вид вашему рабочему столу с  классным музыкальным плеером; виджет даты, времени и погоды, а также бегущий виджет для мотивационных цитат. Как это круто?

Кроме того, у вас есть док-станция, похожая на macOS, и она полностью настраивается. Более того, что мне показалось интересным в этом скине, так это то, что он не замедляет работу моего ноутбука с процессором i5.

Итак, если вы хотите опробовать этот скин Rainmeter, перейдите по ссылке ниже. Для этого я использую минималистичные обои с природой .


4. Moderate

Причина, по которой я упоминаю скин Moderate, заключается в том, что он очень похож на пользовательский интерфейс Android. У него есть пусковая установка, переключатель быстрых настроек, управление музыкой — все, что доступно на главном экране.

Если у вас ноутбук с сенсорным экраном, я бы очень рекомендовал этот материал Rainmeter skin. И чтобы придать знакомый эстетический вид между кожей и фоном рабочего стола, я использовал обои Futuristic City от Reddit.

В целом, мне нравится этот скин Rainmeter, и вам обязательно стоит попробовать его на своем компьютере.

умеренная кожа


5. Gemini Suite

Gemini Suite — это простой скин Rainmeter с виджетами ЦП, ОЗУ и хранилища, а также виджетом даты и времени. Однако в этом скине есть несколько интересных моментов. Вы можете добавить свой выбор игр и приложений в левый виджет.

Кроме того,  вы можете интегрировать свою учетную запись Steam, чтобы мгновенно открывать и запускать игры. Самое приятное то, что Xbox Game Bar также является частью этого скина, и вы можете запускать множество игровых инструментов одним щелчком мыши.

И обои заделаны кожей, так что это здорово. Проще говоря, если вы геймер, попробуйте скин The Gemini Suite.

скин Rainmeter люкс Gemini


6. Sonder

Если вы ищете минималистичную тему с эстетикой, вдохновленной природой, вы почувствуете себя как дома со скином Sonder. Он использует зеленые акценты на часах, календаре, погоде и статистике процессора.

В сочетании с TaskbarX для центрированной прозрачной панели задач этот скин Rainmeter должен поднять ваш домашний экран. Более того, скин все еще активно развивается, поэтому в будущем вы должны получить новые функции.

кожа зонда дождемера


7. IronMan-Jarvis

Вам не обязательно быть Тони Старком, чтобы получить свой собственный компьютер с питанием от JARVIS, так как скин IronMan-Jarvis Rainmeter подойдет. Он супер настраиваемый, имеет несколько модулей, которые можно легко перемещать.

Некоторая отображаемая информация включает часы / дату, емкость жесткого диска и данные о температуре, RSS-каналы и, конечно же, ярлыки для системных папок (например, «Мои документы»), выходящие из активной зоны дугового реактора.

Железный Человек-Джарвис


8. ОС Avengers SHIELD

Хотя собрать (и координировать) собственную команду супергероев в реальной жизни может быть немного сложно, вы всегда можете играть в Ника Фьюри, сидя за своим компьютером, благодаря скину Rainmeter Avengers SHIELD OS.

Он доступен в нескольких разрешениях и включает удобные ярлыки для часто используемых приложений, таких как браузер и медиаплеер. Другие вещи включают в себя регулятор громкости, панель управления воспроизведением мультимедиа, отображение использования ОЗУ и ЦП, кнопки выключения и перезапуска и, что наиболее важно, тег SHIELD Eagle.

Мстители SHIELD OS


9. Senja Suite

Если вы поклонник минимализма, вам обязательно понравится Senja Suite. Легкая и чистая, это кожа Rainmeter, которая просто заботится о базовых вещах, но делает их очень хорошо, не бросая слишком много вещей вам в лицо.

Отображаемая информация включает в себя время, кнопку профиля пользователя с расширяемой полосой для ярлыков системных папок, слайд-шоу избранных изображений, информацию о мультимедиа с кнопками управления и кнопки выключения / перезапуска / выхода из системы.

Люкс "Сенья"



Если есть скин, который прекрасно иллюстрирует, насколько важны фоновые обои для настройки, то это  ALIENS. Это блестяще разработанный скин Rainmeter, который имеет смысл только в сочетании с обоями-компаньонами Aliens, которые идут с ним.

Модули настраиваются и включают в себя все: от ярлыков разделов диска и состояния питания до скорости загрузки / выгрузки по сети и системного времени и даты.



11. Eker Lina

Eker Lina, один из самых красиво оформленных скинов Rainmeter, состоит из множества подмодулей,  которые выглядят как небольшие виджеты, каждый из которых имеет согласованный дизайн.

Благодаря этому субэлементы скина могут быть расположены в соответствии с требованиями для создания всевозможных великолепно выглядящих макетов. Eker Lina может отображать множество данных, например ярлыки системных папок и дисков, элементы управления мультимедиа, RSS-каналы, время и дату и текущую погоду.

Экер Лина


12. Человек-паук

Кому не нравится тема Человека-паука? Что ж, мы, конечно, делаем, и именно поэтому эта тема попала в наш список. Скин переносит на рабочий стол иконки в стиле Человека-паука, которые дополняют обои (присутствуют в Мои документы / Rainmeter / Skins / Spiderman).

Более того, вы найдете всю важную статистику, включая скорость загрузки и выгрузки, информацию о диске и информацию о памяти в левом меню.

тема человека паука


13. Перед рассветом

Перед рассветом, наверное, самый простой в настройке скин Rainmeter, который не требует настройки. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это просто запустить его, и он появится как потрясающая панель с информацией, охватывающая всю ширину рабочего стола.

Before Dawn представляет информацию в удобочитаемой форме, а отображаемый контент включает время и дату, ярлыки для частого доступа к программам и сайтам, RSS-каналы с подпиской и текущую температуру в местоположении.

До заката



Не всегда важно загромождать рабочий стол Windows 10 виджетами. Есть шанс, что вы ищете чистую и спокойную кожу, почти не отвлекаясь. Что ж, MNML UI предлагает вам именно это.

Это набор приятных и современных виджетов с часами и датами, которые могут улучшить работу вашего рабочего стола в кратчайшие сроки (каламбур!).

mnml u1 дождемер скин


15. Биг-Сур

Вы пользователь Windows, который жаждет всех этих виджетов MacOS Big Sur ? К счастью, этот скин — именно то, что вам нужно. Он включает в себя множество виджетов, включая музыкальный проигрыватель, систему, календарь, список дел, часы, календарь, погоду, переключатели громкости и яркости и многое другое.

Одним из уникальных аспектов скина является то, что вы получаете последние новости прямо на рабочем столе.

большая кожа



Готовы ли вы вернуться к 2010-м годам и уловить намек на этот скин Rainmeter, который выглядит так, будто JetAudio захватил весь ваш рабочий стол Windows?

Названный TRANSFORMEX, этот скин вызывает ностальгию и позволяет вам добавлять на рабочий стол все, начиная с процессора, оперативной памяти, SWAP, местоположения и информации о погоде.

Вы также получаете 3D-иконки для программ и функций питания внизу с фоном, похожим на визуализатор.


17. Enigma

Вероятно, один из самых (если не самых) скачиваемых скинов Rainmeter за все время, вы можете часами настраивать Enigma. На самом деле, это настолько удивительно, что в 2009 году он был выбран в качестве скина по умолчанию для Rainmeter.

Enigma может отображать практически любую часть системной (и другой) информации, о которой вы только можете подумать. Все его подмодули легко настраиваются и могут быть перекомпонованы индивидуально.

Некоторые из вещей, которые Enigma может отображать на рабочем столе, включают мировое время и погоду, состояние / управление воспроизведением мультимедиа, несколько RSS-каналов, слайд-шоу изображений, использование ЦП и ОЗУ, быстрые заметки, активные процессы в реальном времени и многое другое.



18. Скорость

Еще один скин с матовым стеклом и эффектами прозрачности,  Speed  отлично смотрится в сочетании с приглушенными и минималистичными обоями. Все субмодули скина имеют единообразный вид и могут быть перегруппированы для соответствия рабочим столам с разным разрешением.

Он может отображать системное время / дату, RSS-каналы, состояние сети, количество непрочитанных писем, использование ЦП / ОЗУ (с помощью аккуратно выглядящих датчиков) и, конечно же, температуру с трехдневным прогнозом.


19. Wisp

Что делает  Wisp  уникальным, так это тот факт, что его подэлементы на самом деле не имеют каких-либо «содержащих» границ, поэтому они появляются в том виде, в котором они написаны или нарисованы, непосредственно на фоне рабочего стола, а не в виде отдельных виджетов.

Это может создать действительно потрясающе выглядящие рабочие столы, когда Wisp сочетается с правильными обоями. Красиво выглядящий скин включает модули для отображения информации, такой как использование пространства дисковых разделов, температура, системная дата и время, использование ЦП / ОЗУ и потребление пропускной способности сети.



20. Simple Media

В соответствии со своим названием  Simple Media — один из самых простых и простых скинов, которые вы можете найти для Rainmeter.

Но несмотря на то, что Simple Media является базовым и имеет только основные подмодули для отображения информации, он выглядит довольно здорово благодаря великолепно выглядящему шрифту и дизайну, который хорошо работает практически на всех типах рабочих столов, независимо от разрешения.

Включенные модули могут использоваться для отображения текущей даты и времени, состояния корзины, а также текущей температуры, и для всех трех доступно несколько вариантов.

простые средства массовой информации


21. LIM! T

Если вам не нравится сложный внешний вид и вы предпочитаете что-то, что передает больше смысла с помощью простого текста,  LIM! T определенно является скином Rainmeter, который стоит проверить.

Состоящий почти полностью из больших чистых шрифтов, он передает много информации, заполняя внутреннюю часть текстового содержимого в зависимости от того, какую информацию отображает этот текст (например, номера минут заполняются постоянно и увеличиваются после достижения полного отметку каждые 60 секунд).

Отображаемая информация включает дату / время, использование ЦП и ОЗУ, текущий статус воспроизведения мультимедиа и статистику погоды.



22. Cyberpunk 2077

После нескольких задержек мы наконец-то получили Cyberpunk 2077 на всех ведущих платформах. Если вы просто не можете насытиться игрой, этот скин должен помочь вам улучшить внешний вид вашего рабочего стола.

Вы получаете необходимые ярлыки на рабочем столе для быстрого доступа, а также время, информацию о процессоре, скорости загрузки и выгрузки и информацию о системе.

Cyberpunk 2077 скин


23. Circle Launcher

Microsoft дает вам возможность добавлять значки программного обеспечения на панель задач или на рабочий стол, но если вы хотите дополнительно настроить внешний вид своего рабочего стола, вам может помочь круглая панель запуска.

Как следует из названия, он позволит вам добавлять значки в виде кружков для запуска программ или игр на рабочем столе. Иконки становятся белыми при наведении курсора, добавляя привлекательности этому скину Rainmeter, в коллекции которого сейчас около 150 иконок.


24. Elegance 2

Еще один скин, созданный для любителей минимализма,  Elegance 2 , как и его название, элегантно передает важную системную информацию. Он очень легкий и прекрасно сочетается с оригинальным фоновым изображением рабочего стола.

Информация представлена ​​с использованием разборчивых шрифтов и включает время и дату, статистику использования ЦП и ОЗУ, воспроизведение мультимедиа и управление, а также подробную информацию об элементах корзины.

элегантность 2


25. Минималист 2

Устали от старого рабочего стола Windows и хотите обновить его до минимума? Если ваш ответ положительный, то Minimalist 2 может быть идеальным скином Rainmeter, который вы так долго искали.

Это соответствует своему названию и дает вам возможность отслеживать несколько функций, таких как процент заряда батареи, хранилище, использование ЦП и ОЗУ слева и ярлыки для программного обеспечения и папок справа. Вы также можете добавить виджеты погоды, времени и даты и изменить обои, чтобы настроить атмосферу.

минималистский 2 скин дождемера


Наши компьютеры можно рассматривать как цифровые расширения наших личностей, поэтому логично, что они имеют индивидуальную уникальную привлекательность для них, чего нельзя добиться с помощью базовой настройки.

Здесь в игру вступают такие приложения, как Rainmeter, и, как видно выше, есть множество способов помочь вам оживить ваш обычный рабочий стол Windows. Так что вперед и сделайте это личным. Знаете какие-либо другие скины и темы Rainmeter, которые могли бы быть упомянуты выше? Дайте нам знать в комментариях ниже.

Скины для Rainmeter

Этот раздел сайта предназначен для всех пользователей, которые уже оценили преимущества программы Rainmeter. Она призвана сделать рабочий стол более стильным и информативным за счёт размещения на нём дополнительных виджетов и гаджетов. В том разделе сайта все кто оценил достоинства Rainmeter смогут найти разнообразные скины темы, подходящие под любые интерфейсы оформления системы windows. Надо заметить что данная программа способна полностью преобразить не только рабочий стол windows но и сделать всё рабочее пространство интерактивным и многофункциональным. Если бы возможности этого софта ограничивались только простой установкой уже готовых гаджетов то пожалуй не стоило бы уделять ему столько внимания, основным на наш взгляд достоинством является простота и легкость использования, а так же возможность создавать свои собственные информативные гаджеты имея минимальные навыки программирования и дизайна. Представленные на сайте гаджеты и сборки тем скинов для Rainmeter помогут не только украшать рабочий стол, но и превратить его в функциональную рабочую среду, а также сделать его более удобным и эргономичным.

You are here: Home / Software / 45 Best Rainmeter Skins For Windows 11/10 To Completely Change The Way Your Computer Looks!

Doesn’t it get boring looking at the same dull desktop on your Windows PC? Maybe setting a wallpaper makes it exciting for a short time, but that also doesn’t last long.

True customization is always something users have pursued and Windows has provided it to some extent.

Where Windows becomes limited, enters 3rd party apps that can help users truly overhaul the entire appearance of their PC.

Rainmeter is one of most popular apps when it comes to changing the look and feel of your Windows. Here I shall discuss some of the best Rainmeter skins for customizing your desktop and take it to the next level.

We have posted the video of the best themes and how to install them at the bottom of the post. Have a check!


  • 1 How To Use Rainmeter Skins?
  • 2 Best Desktop Rainmeter Skins For Windows 11/10!
    • 2.1 1. The Room
    • 2.2 2. Simple Media
    • 2.3 3. Paper Thin
    • 2.4 4. Chill Minimalistic Samurai
    • 2.5 5. Cyberpunk Coffee
    • 2.6 6. Jarvis
    • 2.7 7. Avengers SHIELD OS
    • 2.8 8. Game of Thrones Rainmeter skin
    • 2.9 9. Windows 2019: Futuristic
    • 2.10 10. Tech-A
    • 2.11 11. Senja Suite
    • 2.12 12. Aliens
    • 2.13 13. Newspaper Desktop
    • 2.14 14. Eker Lina
    • 2.15 15. Enigma
  • 3 Best Rainmeter Skins For System Monitoring!
    • 3.1 1. Flat
    • 3.2 2. Mii system skin 2
    • 3.3 3. Illustro Monitor
    • 3.4 4. Minimal System Info
    • 3.5 5. Botanicula VR 1.1
    • 3.6 6. Glass Shards
    • 3.7 7. Alice-Reworked
    • 3.8 8. Steel plates with pipes: Dieselpunk HUD
    • 3.9 9. Nelamint
    • 3.10 10. Alphabar
  • 4 Best Rainmeter Skins For Music Enthusiasts!
    • 4.1 1. MonsterCat Visualizer
    • 4.2 2. Cleartext
    • 4.3 3. Frost
    • 4.4 4. VisBubble
    • 4.5 5. The Fizzualizer
    • 4.6 6. Fountain of Colors
    • 4.7 7. Figures for Rainmeter
  • 5 Best Weather Rainmeter Skins!
    • 5.1 1. Genteel
    • 5.2 2. Do I Need A Jacket
    • 5.3 3. Simple Rainmeter
    • 5.4 4. Google Now Weather
    • 5.5 5. LIM1T
  • 6 Best Clock Rainmeter Skins!
    • 6.1 1. Astro Weather
    • 6.2 2. Soonex Clock
    • 6.3 3. Exmouth Black
    • 6.4 4. La Compagnie des Ombres
    • 6.5 5. Laro
    • 6.6 6. Elegance 2
    • 6.7 7. Dresses
    • 6.8 8. Textime
  • 7 Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]
    • 7.1 Check How The Themes Looks And How To Install Them!

How To Use Rainmeter Skins?

Rainmeter is an open source software, which can help you in customizing your desktop however you want. To use Rainmeter skins on your device, you first need to download and install Rainmeter from their official website.

Once you have successfully installed the application for Rainmeter, follow these steps to use the top Rainmeter skins on your device:

  • Download the Rainmeter skin or theme that you want to install.
  • Extract the Rainmeter themes from their .zip archive.
  • Copy the skin to the following destination:
    Computer > Documents > Rainmeter > Skins
  • Now, open the Rainmeter and you will find the theme in Rainmeter. Just select the theme there and you will have installed the skin.

Best Desktop Rainmeter Skins For Windows 11/10!

Here is how you can overhaul your desktop’s appearance using Rainmeter. Simply pick the skin you like best from the ones provided below and change how your PC looks!

1. The Room

The Room is an amazing Rainmeter suite, created by u/acreativeillusion. The skin perfectly sums up a cozy room for tech lovers. Based on the art Rainy Days by LeMMiNO, the skin expertly adds modules to specific elements of the room, bringing them to life.


You can download the entire Skin suite from here.

2. Simple Media

Another perfect minimalistic design for all the minimalists out there. Simple Media does an excellent job in making your desktop look serene and beautiful without trying to do too much. Created by lilshizzy, Simple Media is another amazing choice for customizing you desktop.


You can download the entire Skin suite from here.

3. Paper Thin

Paper Thin is a perfect combination of bright colors and minimalistic design. This skin will brighten up any PC with its colorful vibrant version of space.


The skin suite includes clock skins, system resource widgets, a Google search bar, music player and notes, which perfectly sums up what most minimalist users look for.

If you are going for a simple, colorful and easy to setup skin, then you should definitely try Paper Thin.

The skin is created by craftAA and you can download it from here.

4. Chill Minimalistic Samurai

Another cool looking skin for samurai fans. Minimalistic Samurai, as the name suggests, is a minimalistic skin based on a wallpaper from the game Sekiro. The skin suite adds a time and date skin, dock, and translucent taskbar over the wallpaper.

The skin suite is easy to setup and most new users can comfortably do it.


The skin is created by u/GGmyfellow and you can download it from here.

5. Cyberpunk Coffee

Cyberpunk Coffee is another stunning Rainmeter Skin suit with a combination of futuristic look and having a coffee in a cozy café.

The skin uses the Coffee in Rain wallpaper by u/kirokaze as base and uses Simple Media as clock skin, UI white with 8bit wonder font as system resources widgets.

If you wanted to add a cyberpunk feel then you should definitely try this one.


The skin is created by u/Labr4t and you can download it from here.

6. Jarvis

Everybody who has seen the Marvel movies has at least once wished for an assistant like Jarvis. And rightly so, JARVIS keeps all the necessary information ready to access as easily as possible. The IronMan-Jarvis Rainmeter skin for Windows 10 brings some of the personalities of the super assistant to your desktop.


Being highly customizable, you can adjust and reposition multiple modules, which provide very important information related to your system. Radiating from the arc reactor, you can see other information like Date, time, storage capacity, temperature, etc.

Download Jarvis.

7. Avengers SHIELD OS

Were you impressed with Jarvis? You can take it a step further and get the S.H.I.E.L.D. eagle on your desktop, and cosplay Nick Fury.


The skin is available in multiple resolutions for different screen sizes, and includes many shortcuts for frequently used applications like Chrome, Music Player. You will also find multiple controls for Volume, playback, shutdown and restart buttons. You also get quick stats like RAM and CPU usage right on the desktop.

Download Avengers SHIELD OS.

8. Game of Thrones Rainmeter skin

Moving from one culture to another, if you are a Game of Thrones fan, you can bring a Rainmeter theme that brings the glory of all the houses right to your desktop.


With the download, you get a manual that can help you customize the display to look exactly how you want it to. You can configure the dock icons to look exactly how you like, and you can fine tune these using the guide that is provided with it. You get many important information like your storage info, network info , documents, media player, CPU and RAM usage etc.

Download Game of Thrones skin.

9. Windows 2019: Futuristic

Based on how the Windows user interface may look in the coming years, this theme tries to capture that essence in the best way possible.


The skin brings a fairly new interface, and when paired with Launchy, it is one of the most advanced looking skins available. The skin is customizable from top to bottom. You get important info like your to do list, weather info, system resources monitor, RSS feeds etc right on the home screen. With innovative icon packs and flashy backgrounds like the one in the image, you can surely check out Windows 2019: Futuristic Rainmeter theme.

Download Windows 2019: Futuristic.

10. Tech-A

Following the trend of futuristic themes, Tech-A is also one of the most versatile themes on the store. This is also a theme that you can check out if you want something futuristic, but flashy and crammed.


Emerging from the center core that displays resources used, you will find some crucial information like per core CPU usage, RAM utilization, time, date, weather info, etc. You will also find quick shortcuts for many system folders like your documents and disk partitions, quick media toggle keys, etc.

Download Tech-A.

11. Senja Suite

Transition to something lightweight and you will find Senja suite to be clean and minimal yet attractive. It is a cool Rainmeter skin that handles the basics exceptionally well. On a clean desktop, you will find customizable panels showing time and date, media information with control buttons, power management keys like shutdown and restart keys, and a user profile button with an expandable bar for System folder shortcuts etc.


If you are looking for something lightweight but attractive looking and futuristic yet minimal, you can check out Senja Suite for your Rainmeter powered desktop. However, you need 20 DeviantArt points to buy premium content.

Download Senja Suite.

12. Aliens

Modeled to look like a spaceship cockpit from outer space, Aliens is one of the coolest looking skins on this list. With small well spaced buttons scattered across the screen, you will learn to appreciate how much can be achieved with so less.


When paired with the included wallpaper, you will find that across the screen there is important information scattered like date and time, system information, detailed resource usage statistics, and shortcut buttons for important apps like browser, music and social media apps.

Download Aliens Rainmeter skin.

13. Newspaper Desktop

If you are looking for something with a retro vibe, you can check out Newspaper Desktop. It is definitely one of the best Rainmeter skins you will come across, earning a lot of praise from its users.


If you did not guess it from the name, this Rainmeter skin transforms your desktop into a live newspaper. When matched with the right wallpaper, you will find the looks and feels of an ancient newspaper. You can also add elements like an antique clock and images of your choice. Very intuitively hidden are the information statistics like date, time, weather, memory remains, disk space remains etc.

Download Newspaper Desktop.

14. Eker Lina

Eker Lina is probably one of the top Rainmeter skins out there. If you prefer simple interface designs, you can check out this skin that is well praised among the users.


With Eker Lina, you get widget like sub-modules within which you can arrange and customize your data. Each of these modules have a consistent design. This means that the sub-elements provided can be arranged as per your requirements to create a unique layout that will look great on your desktop. You also get the usual information like time and date, weather info, disk and memory usage info, media controls and System folders and drive shortcuts.

Download Eker Lina.

15. Enigma

Enigma is probably one of the most popular Rainmeter skins, since it is probably the most downloaded skins ever with over one million downloads. It has earned this reputation thanks to the configurability it provides with the setup. It was voted to be the default Rainmeter theme in 2009.


You can spend hours configuring the way Enigma will look and feel on your desktop. All of the sub-modules can be individually configured and rearranged. You will find other crucial information like a world clock, weather, media playback buttons, CPU and RAM usage, real time active processes, etc.

Download Enigma from GitHub.

Best Rainmeter Skins For System Monitoring!

System monitors are an excellent resource to have on your system. With these skins, you can monitor important information like RAM usage, CPU and GPU usage, remaining storage space etc. These skins can be extremely useful if you have an over clocked PC and fan speed configurations.

1. Flat

Flat is one of the top Rainmeter skins when it comes to monitoring system stats. It follows the minimal skin nature, and comes in dark and light themes.


When paired with the right wallpaper, you will see that the skin offers detailed system monitoring functions. You will find separate monitors for multiple cored CPU, separate monitors for multiple hard drives, upload and download speed monitor, and a network widget showing IP address.

Download Flat.

2. Mii system skin 2

If you are looking for a skin that can measure the exact stats of your device, you will find Mii System Skin 2 interesting. However, be wary that you have to put some effort before your device monitors can be setup properly.


This skin uses two different third party applications for exact measurement of your system statistics. You need the MSIAfterBurner application (download) and the .dll file (download) for accurate measurements of your system stats.

Move the .dll file into your Rainmeter plugins folder, located in C:Program FilesRainmeterPlugins. Then, edit your skin by right clicking the Rainmeter skin > Edit skin. Change this parameter to PluginsMSIAfterBurner.dll. Remember to right-click the skin and select Refresh skin, and you should be able to read your fan speeds, GPU temps, and more.

Download Mii System Skin 2.

3. Illustro Monitor

Unlike Mii System Skin 2, which uses third party apps to monitor your device stats, Illustro Monitor uses your very capable Task Manager for pulling the stats.

Upon installation, you will see different modules for different components. You can see detailed core usage, per core temperature, GPU loads, and weather info as well. You will also find network monitors that provide separate upload and download speeds for your network, storage monitors for all hard disks and partitions etc. If you want something minimal but capable, you can definitely check this Rainmeter skin.

Download Illustro Monitor.

4. Minimal System Info

Another small skin that displays detailed system information, Minimal System Info is another fan favorite skin.


The interface of this skin is really simple and provides so much information within that. You can see the IP address, upload and download speeds, CPU usage, network quality etc.

Download Minimal System Info.

5. Botanicula VR 1.1

This Rainmeter skin is based on the point and click game of the same name, and is one of the very popular skins.


This theme allows you to organize various stats and info on your desktop in an easily accessible manner. This ensures that you never miss an update, as you are presented with many information like your current system resource usage, storage occupied, weather forecast etc. You also get quick shortcuts to apps of your choosing and some other quick internet links. All this may seem elaborate at first, but the skin makes your desktop organized and minimalistic.

Download Botanicula VR 1.1.

6. Glass Shards

This is one of the futuristic looking Rainmeter skins, which can probably blend with any possible wallpaper.


Glass Shards, as the name suggests, show the detailed information like your battery level, CPU usage, Tam usage, storage information, etc. on different pieces of transparent glass. You can blend this theme with any kind of wallpaper, but we recommend using darker backgrounds, which will make the highly customizable glass shards prominent.

Download Glass Shards.

7. Alice-Reworked

Inspired by steampunk stuff, this Rainmeter skin can help display all the important information right on your desktop in a cool yet elegant manner.


When paired with appropriate wallpapers, you get an analogue clock, and multiple gauges showing different system monitoring information like CPU usage, RAM and storage utilization, network activity, temperature, etc. and a trumpet and skull for volume control, etc. you also get many other skin launchers, for bringing what you need most right within the reach of a click.

Download Alice Reworked.

8. Steel plates with pipes: Dieselpunk HUD

Following the steampunk culture, Dieselpunk HUD is another classic Rainmeter suite for old-school enthusiasts.


The perspective, however, varies from other skins in the fact that there are seven heads up display blocks placed on the screen; three on both sides and one at the top center. The center block shows time along with day and date in the form on an analog clock. The other blocks show various information like downloading and uploading speed, music player, cpu usage, memory usage, volume control and world news.

Download Dieselpunk HUD.

9. Nelamint

Elegant is the theme presented by Nelamint Rainmeter skin. This theme brings a set of system monitors and various widgets for real time updates on your system.


There are many different skins present for various monitors like clock, CPU & RAM usages, music player, time & date, visualizer, weather and Wi-Fi. All these monitors can be freely positioned wherever you like them. You also get a host of customization features like language, color, hour (12/24) system, units etc.

Download Nelamint.

10. Alphabar

If you are looking for a skin that can display anything, Minimal typography is the theme you are looking for.


On a plain back and white layout and a neat sans-serif font, when paired with the appropriate background you get one visually mesmerizing desktop experience. The skin includes widgets for various system monitor levels, and many other features like weather (today and next few days), time and date, battery and internet connection levels, and an RSS reader.

Download Alphabar.

Best Rainmeter Skins For Music Enthusiasts!

With music player skins, you can have exclusive control over your now playing music, without actually having to open the application. With a support for a variety of music playing applications, you should see the effects happen seamlessly.

1. MonsterCat Visualizer

MonsterCat is a real time audio visualizer skin for Rainmeter. It is one of the most popular and widely used music players on Rainmeter. The package includes a visualizer and a music player, which is highly configurable. You can configure it with support for Spotify, Google Play Music Desktop Player, VLC player, iTunes, and Chrome/Firefox web player support.


You can see a live visualization of the audio output, with genre and cover based colors for the same. With the media controls and progress bar, you can also easily control your music output using this cool Rainmeter skin.

Having a simple design and such a wide compatibility makes it one of the best music players for your desktop.

Download MonsterCat Visualizer.

2. Cleartext

If you prefer texts over the visualization of the audio output, you will find Cleartext as an alternative for Monstercat.


Taking inspiration from the information boards, only the important information regarding a music track is displayed while it is being played. The widget is highly customizable as well, with adaptive resizing and easy font and color changing options. With added support for nearly all the music players, you will find this skin interesting to use.

Download Cleartext.

3. Frost

Designed for the users very passionate about music, Frost is one of the most visually pleasing Rainmeter skins.


Its white foggy interface emits class and makes the skin elegant. You will find detailed information and control about the currently playing track, which makes this an essential in any music lover’s desktop. If you are looking for an elegant and minimalistic music visualizer, you can check out the Frost Rainmeter skin.

Download Frost.

4. VisBubble

Another music visualizer for Rainmeter, VisBubble provides a unique interface for your music output.


This skin provides a circular visualizer for the audio output of your device, providing a unique look for the same. There are many customization options as well for the same, with users having the option of changing the location, size and color of the application. If you want a round music visualizer for your desktop, you can check this skin out.

Download VisBubble.

5. The Fizzualizer

If you are looking for something funky yet visually pleasing, The Fizzualizer may interest you.


This Rainmeter visualizer skin displays expanding colorful bubbles and smaller bouncing balls that react to the sound output of the supported music players. This can really appeal to music enthusiasts who are looking for a cool yet elegant music visualizer.

Download The Fizzualizer.

6. Fountain of Colors

Fountain of colors is one of the simplest yet beautiful audio visualizer Rainmeter skins. It’s a scalable bar type music visualizer that can that replicates the audio emitted by the device.


With support for extensive customization, Fountain of Colors’ fountain effect adds a smooth look to the meter, making it visually appealing to the eye. Users can change the size, color, and location of the bar, adding elegance to your boring desktop.

Download Fountain of Colors.

7. Figures for Rainmeter

Inspired by the iTunes app for desktop, this is a Rainmeter skin for the music enthusiasts who want all their information in one screen.


With this minimal skin, you get large circular blocks, which contain various information like current playing song, time elapsed, album art, etc. You also get other information like RAM and CPU usage, and controls for your music playback.

Download Figures for Rainmeter.

Best Weather Rainmeter Skins!

If you need a skin that can help you check the weather according to your location, you can check out these top Rainmeter weather skins. To allow these to display your weather accurately, you will need to make some changes to the skin, which will include mostly changing the location setting.

1. Genteel

If you are looking for a minimal skin that displays just the temperature and the weather condition, you may want to consider checking out Genteel.


It is one of the least distracting skins that you can find for Rainmeter, with the skin being sleek and elegant. When paired with the right with a simple summation of the weather that you can expect outside, this may be all you need before heading out to some place.

Download Genteel.

2. Do I Need A Jacket

If you are short on time, and just need to know if you need a jacket while going out, Do I Need a Jacket is the skin you are looking for.


This simple and cool Rainmeter skin will display the information that you are looking for; do you need a jacket while stepping outside. However, the thing you need to know is that you may have to tinker with the settings a little before it works properly. This can be attributed to the fact that the skin pulls its data from weather.com, which can sometimes provide incorrect information for non-US areas.

Download Do I Need A Jacket.

3. Simple Rainmeter

Going back to minimalist themes, if you are looking for something simple, Simple won’t disappoint you.


The skin offers to display your clock, weather, and nothing else. This skin is ideal for users who want to hide their taskbar, without losing the sight of time and weather. The skin shows the time in a plain white sans-serif font, in a small and unobtrusive form, which can be paired with any wallpaper for a minimalist theme.

Download Simple Rainmeter.

4. Google Now Weather

If you are looking for a weightier weather widget, you can check out Google Weather 5.0.


This Rainmeter skin displays weather of 3 days in advance, so you can be prepared in advance for the upcoming weather. This can come in handy for many users, who will appreciate being prepared with a three day forecast on their desktop.

Download Google Weather 5.0.

5. LIM1T

LIM1T is one of the most functional skin suites that we have used, with a unique way of displaying information. The weather information is displayed in large fonts, and the skin can display weather for up until 2 days forward.


The values in this skin start out completely grey. As the values increment, the grey font is filled with color from the bottom up, providing an additional layer of information, which can be interpreted with just a glance. The colors come preset by default, but can be changed if you know how to edit skins.

Download LIM1T.

If you wish to hide your taskbar but do not want to lose track of time, you might be looking for some clock Rainmeter skins. With added bonus of a beauty aesthetic, you will really appreciate the cool way time is presented on your desktop.

1. Astro Weather

One of the coolest Rainmeter clock skins, Astro Weather is the perfect choice if you are looking for a cool and innovative clock and weather skin. It has also been updated to show a 5 day weather forecast as well.


This attractive clock Rainmeter skin shows you the time and weather in a minimal fashion. The unique feature is the hemisphere that is displayed over the time, which displays the relative position of the sun throughout the day. This is a really fun and mesmerizing feature to show off on your desktop.

Download Astro Weather.

2. Soonex Clock

If you are looking for a more detailed yet minimalistic clock skin, Soonex Clock might be the skin you are looking for.


This is a minimalistic clock that shows you the time and date in sharp white fonts. This looks best when used in large fonts upon deeper background. The users who just want a glance at the time will benefit from this gorgeous skin at their disposal.

Download Soonex Clock.

3. Exmouth Black

If you want something more striking, you can check out the Exmouth Black Rainmeter skin. This comes with the added benefit of displaying the weather as well, so you can be prepared while going out in rain/snow.


The font used is the main highlight of the skin, as the calligraphy font is aesthetically and visually pleasing to the eyes. The slant produces a handwritten effect, which makes this skin stand out than others. This will look exceptionally well when used in large fonts, over a plain background.

Download Exmouth Black.

4. La Compagnie des Ombres

If you are looking for a skin that will display date alongside the time, you are looking for La Compagnie des Ombres.


You will find that the day and date are written in prose format below the time. This will be helpful when you are searching for this info, but do not want to go to your taskbar and open your calendar for the same. You can pair it with futuristic wallpapers for a truly unique effect.

Download La Compagnie des Ombres.

5. Laro

If you prefer a neat and clean desktop background, you can check out Laro. This is a really beautiful Rainmeter skin for displaying time and date in a minimal fashion, so you can work distraction free.


When paired with a deep colored or an interesting futuristic wallpaper, what you get is the miniature calendar with the month written in large handwriting font, with the day and date along with the year marked just below it. At the very bottom, you find a minimal clock with the now playing music written just below it. You also get a minimal weather widget in the center.

Download Laro.

6. Elegance 2

The update to another popular skin Elegance (download), Elegance 2 is the elaborate and stripped down version.


This popular Rainmeter skin is a simple, clean and easy to read skin that can appeal to a lot of users. The slim font and the minimal design makes it a good companion for many different genres of wallpapers and other Rainmeter skins.

Download Elegance 2.

7. Dresses

Keeping true to minimal themes, Dresses is a really simple clock Rainmeter skin.


What you get is the text “it is” followed by the time in a transparent manner. This goes really well with any plain wallpaper, and can also be paired with other skins.

Download Dresses.

8. Textime

If you are looking for something more innovative and fun, you can check out Textime.


As the name suggests, with Textime, you get the time displayed in prose format. The black and white font makes it stand out against plain wallpapers, and if you feel creative, you can also pair it with other prose based skins for a unique look. Because it hasn’t been updated in a while, you may find this skin occasionally choppy, but we found no such issues with it.

Download Textime.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQs]

Here are the answers to some of common questions related to this topic. If you have more questions, then ask us in the comment section.

  1. Does Rainmeter Use A Lot Of RAM?

No, unless you are going full rogue. Most Rainmeter skins use around 35 MB of RAM, which is not that big of an issue.

  1. Are Rainmeter Skins Free?

Yes, Rainmeter is completely free. You can customize your PC for free using Rainmeter. However, some skins may require a fee, depending on the person who has created it. They are basically charging for the design, the software is completely free.

  1. Does Rainmeter Drain Battery?

Yes, according to the users Rainmeter does drain battery fast. One user has reported that his rainmeter skin alone is responsible for 29% of the battery drain.

Check How The Themes Looks And How To Install Them!

Wrapping Up

So there you have it. This was a list of the best Rainmeter skins from various genres. Now that you are spoilt for choice, tell us in the comments which skins you chose for your desktop.

Customizing your desktop has been an important part of computer lovers since the beginning of modern Windows. Every time a new version of Windows comes out, there are more and more customization options available. There are still some limitations, however, with Rainmeter there is nothing you can’t customize. In this article, I’ll be talking about the best Rainmeter skins for your computer in 2022. Make your desktop something you’re proud of showing!

If you’ve used the Rainmeter application before in earlier versions of Windows and are wondering if it will work with the latest update then don’t worry. This application will run on any device that is running Windows 7 and above, which means that Rainmeter for Windows 11 is now available.

There will be a list of some of the most popular choices, my favorites, and good picks overall. Each of the skins will be tested thoroughly and screenshots provided for each one to ensure you have everything you need. Let’s continue with the rest of this article without wasting any more time, and let’s see which are the best rainmeter skins for 2022.

What is the Rainmeter? How Does it Work?

Rainmeter is a free, open-source application that allows you to create custom widgets on your Windows 7,8,10, or 11 desktops. It can be used as an alternative to traditional taskbar icons. The app has been around since 2008 but it’s still one of the most popular ways to customize your desktop with customizable widgets. 

It works by allowing users to create their own widgets which they then place onto their desktop using drag-and-drop functionality. You can use Rainmeter to add weather forecasts, clock faces, battery life indicators, music controls, system information, calendar, RSS Feeds, game scores, and more.

One of the many reasons why you should use rainmeter is to help with the customization of your desktop. That’s why there are a lot of different skins to help you change the appearance to your liking. There are various options available such as changing the background color, font size, text style, etc.

1. Omnimo


Image provided from devianart.

Download Omnimo

Starting off the list is Omnimo, one of the most popular and the best rainmeter skins up to date. The graphic side of things is going to help you create a dynamic and colorful desktop experience. On the other side, there are a lot of widget skins that it has to offer. It shows the widgets in some cool circles around your desktop that are not too distracting.

The Omnimo skin is going to help you show, the typical system information, date and time, custom circles with your preferred location, media player, media visualizer, the recycle bin, and many more. I believe this skin deserves the top place and that’s by no accident but truly deserved because it’s fantastic.

2. Ageo

Ageo Rainmeter Skin

Image provided from devianart.

Download Ageo

This skin has a lot to offer and does it in an elegant way so it’s not too intrusive. The first thing you might notice is the date and time display which I think is fantastic. On the right side, there’s a unique feature of this skin which is the daily motivational quotes that it shows you.

You will also find shortcuts to your Twitter, Mail, Web Browser, Music Player, Pictures, Media Player, and Facebook. Each of them has a customized design that works really well with the rest of the skin.

3. Robik

Cool Rainmeter skin

Download Robik

This is an amazing skin for rainmeter that has a lot to offer and compared with the perfect background image like the one shown above it’s going to make a fascinating Desktop experience. You can see how the background image helps the skin look better and more complete.

You can find the usual system resources graphics such as the RAM usage and CPU usage. The time and date have a cool display on top of each other and the font on the day makes it come together beautifully. You will also find HDD information, and the Upload or Download speed graphics. The visualizer’s simple but it works really well with each feature of this skin, and that’s what makes it deserve the number three spot on this list.

4. Big Sur RC1

Big Sur RC1

Image provided from devianart.

Download Big Sur RC1

If you’re on a Windows device and want to have the look and feel of a Mac then this skin is going to help you with that. It’s an amazing design that going to skin the widgets to match those of the Mac OS. It comes with a lot of features like selecting the background, the ability to pick a background, configuring the settings of the sidebar, and many more.

I think the developers have made a great job with this one because it’s so smooth and it perfectly gives the iPhone or Mac feel to your desktop. You can expect this skin to show these widgets in a new way; the usual system information like HDD, CPU & RAM usage, date and time, countdown, calendar, and many more. All the while displaying some great graphics to make it look even better.

5. Living Room

Living room rainmeter skin

Download Living Room

This is more than just a Rainmeter skin, it’s a combination of skins that have achieved this amazing-looking design. Everything works so well together from the background image used, the visualizer, the system information graphics, the weather skin, and everything else. The background adds to the complexity of this skin loadout and makes it stand out from the rest.

On the download link, you will see where each skin is used for each feature. For example, the ‘Simple Media’ skin is used for the date and time, and so on. If you also combine it with the wallpaper engine you can get an even better experience since the background will be animated and along with the Rainmeter elements, it’s going to be a Desktop environment to be envious of.

6. ScreenStyler


Download ScreenStyler

You need to install the ScreenStyler skin so that you achieve this look which is minimalistic but it has a really cool vibe to it. Everything is smooth and well placed. Some of the most important things for you will be available with just one click away such as the calculator or steam, but you can customize them to use whatever app you want.

Overall I think that this is a great all-around skin and works really smoothly. I definitively suggest you give it a try, you won’t be disappointed by this skin.

7. Mond

Mond Rainmeter Skin

Image provided from visualskins.

Download Mond

This is skin is definitively one of my favorites from the whole list, it has everything that I ever need to make my desktop experience more enjoyable. It displays the date and time in a really cool way and the font it uses looks amazing. You can also customize recycle bin and it looks fantastic in my opinion.

Not to leave without mentioning that it also has a nice UI for the media player. These make it one of my favorites since it’s not too complicated and not too simplistic, it’s just the right amount of both.

8. Glass Shards

Glass Shards

Image provided from visualskins.

Download Glass Shards

This skin is one of the better-looking ones on this list and I was seriously impressed when I first saw it. The broken glass shard can go over anything and still look great. You can clearly see the information that it’s being displayed there with no issues at all. I had to look at the resources that this skin was using and to my surprise nothing out of the ordinary.

Inside the broken glass, you’re going to see the system information, weather, a music visualizer, and many more. Compared with a good wallpaper this can really transform your desktop experience.

9. Low-Effort Meme

Low effect meme

Download Low-Effort Meme

This is another skinn compilation with a meme theme, but don’t be fooled by its topic. The theme has several skins and it combines different aspects from each one of them. Compared with the background image, you can achieve the same meme look for your Desktop. However, there are also a lot of cool features like the quick open icons for different tools or even games. Overall it’s a fun theme that I’m sure you all will enjoy.

10. Minecraft

Minecraft Rainmeter Skin

Download Minecraft

This is one of the best skins for gamers, especially Mincraft players, which can relate to the skin compilation a lot more. Once again there are a few skins such as the, cleartext, lano visualizer, the elegant clock, all combined into one to give you the best they can offer. Along with the Minecraft font this makes it the best Minecraft experience that you can have on your desktop.



Image provided from devianart.

Download FLHUD

The FLHUD skin amazed me with its simplicity, clean-looking design, and the widgets that it offered. The main bar of the widget is completely customizable with hyperlinks so that you can check Reddit or whatever website you want with a simple click from your desktop. The visualizer had a great feel to it, was connected with Spotify, and looked amazing as you can see.

There weren’t a lot of variations for the widgets other than having two choices for the clock but still, it was enough and it did the job.

12. Aliens


Image provided from devianart.

Download Aliens

The Aliens skin is good however it would be great if you have the right setup. It has some great design choices that are more likely to shine in conjunction with a background image specifically made for it. Aliens has a lot to offer, from displaying the usual system information, CPU usage, RAM usage, Hard Disk capacity, date, time, a live news feed, upload & download speed, power button shortcuts, and many more.

If you want to fully enjoy this skin then I suggest you use the Aliens wallpaper that it’s recommended by the developer.

13. The Gemini Suite

The Gemini Suite

Image provided from devianart.

Download The Gemini Suite

The Gemini Suite is an interesting rainmeter skin that offers a sidebar too, in fact, it has two variants for it. I’m impressed by the cleanness of the design and the efficiency that I have with it. This skin helps you display the clock, the date, system information such as the hard disk usage, CPU, RAM, open chrome, launch steam, and much more. 

You can actually connect your steam account and look at the games that you have from the sidebar which is a really cool addition, especially for gamers.

14. Sonder


Image provided from devianart.

Download Sonder

Sonder is subtle and minimalistic but it has some unique things that make it different from the others. That’s the big world map widget that it has to offer, which also features satellite information. Along with that, you will get the usual system information, date, time, recycle bin, and more. 

This theme is not going to interfere with your work whatsoever since it has a mild opacity and generally the design allows it to be smooth and hidden.

15. Modern Clean Desktop

Modern Clean Desktop

Image provided from devianart.

Download Modern Clean Look

This is one of those skins that can completely change the way you use your computer and the look of your desktop. Modern Clean Desktop is a highly wanted skin among the users of the rainmeter application because it’s modern and offers a clean look, just as the name itself suggests.

The date and time are displayed in a cool minimalistic way that don’t gain attention. The sidebar is the biggest feature and there you can find everything you would need.

16. Eker Lina

Eker Lina

Image provided from devianart.

Download Eker Lina

This is the number one popular choice for rainmeter skins and I understand why after installing it and giving it a try myself. Eker Lina offers two different skin colors. You can go with the dark version which I did as shown in the picture above, or with the white one. That depends on the background image that you have. 

This skin offers a lot of layout possibilities since it can help you display a plethora of things, from the system folder, clock, temperature, date, system information, and many more.

17. Elegance 2

Elegance 2

Image provided from visualskins.

Download Elegance 2

As the name suggests this skin is built with lovers of minimalism in mind. The design is not going to interfere with your normal usage of the PC. It’s going to show you subtly the system information, clock, date, and a music player in a way that’s really elegant too, pun intended. 

Its opacity is going to blend in really well with the background picture and you’re not going to be distracted by it whatsoever.

18. Moderate


Image provided from devianart.

Download Moderate

One of the best things that I liked about this theme was the simplicity and the robust design elements. However, not everyone might like its design since it’s made to replace the taskbar with all the features and functionality that it offers. I’m going to say that if you don’t have a touch screen then this widget might seem a bit redundant for you.

You can control the music, open specific files, look at disk usage and other system information, empty the recycle bin and open the games directly from the bottom bar.

19. Semplice Rainmeter Suite


Image provided from devianart.

Download Semplice

The Semplice Rainmeter Suite offers a lot of widgets that are going to help you customize the desktop to your liking. The visual side of things is minimalistic with some brave design choices almost making it look like a flower when combined in the way I did. The main things that it has to offer are the clock skin, weather, date and time, e-mail and finally notes.

If you were looking for a slick elegant design then I would totally recommend this skin since it’s one of the better ones out there.

20. The Amazing Spiderman

The Amazing Spiderman

Image provided from rainmeter-skins.net

Download The Amazing Spiderman

This skin’s obviously inspired by Spiderman and I’m sure the fans will greatly appreciate it. I certainly did and I’m not the biggest fan either, which means that everyone can enjoy it. It has a nice design that’s made to look kinda futuristic with some spidey nuances. 

You will find skins for the system information like ram, CPU usage, disk drives percentages, upload speed, download speed, Cortana search bar, date, time, and more.

21. IronMan-Jarvis


Image provided from rainmeter-skins.net

Download IronMan Jarvis

This skin is made to illustrate what it would be like to be inside of Tony Stark’s helmet and interact with Jarvis the AI. It’s a really cool-looking skin for rainmeter but appearance isn’t its only strong point. There are different widgets that are going to help you customize your desktop to the fullest.

You can view your usual system information such as CPU usage, RAM usage, clock, date, hard disk capacity, RSS Feeds, the temperature of the system, and many more.

22. Palette


Image provided from devianart.

Download Palette

Paired with a dark desktop background I believe this skin is going to look amazing on your desktop. The techy and futuristic look that it offers it’s going to make everyone stop and wonder if they are seeing a computer from the future. The widgets that it has to offer vary from, system usage, to ethernet usage, newsfeed, media player, file explorer, and much more.

Even though there are no variants I believe that for the right person that enjoys this type of skin, it’s going to be just fine.

23. LIM!T


Image provided from visualskins.

Download Lim!t

There’s a recurring theme when going through these skins and that is the minimalism style that most of them follow. Lim!t is an interesting one since it doesn’t bother you with complicated stuff, it fills the element to show information. For example, the clock fills in with each second that it passes.

The same thing happens for the other parts of the skin, and it has a lot to offer from clock, date, CPU, RAM, Temperature, Disk usage, battery percentage, weather, and a media player.

24. Circle Launcher

Circle Launcher

Image provided from visualskins.

Download Circle Launcher

The Circle Launcher is a fairly unique skin from this list because of what it has to offer and how it does that. You can change the entire desktop experience with this skin since it allows you to open any program in the form of a circle as shown in the picture above. After trying it myself I can confidently say that it makes your desktop look more modern and futuristic in a way.

It’s the perfect skin for those who need some changes in their desktop appearance and this can tremendously help with that.

25. MemoDijay


Image provided from visualskins.

Download MemoDijay

Keeping up with the circle theme from last skin the MemoDijay offers some cool features that are going to improve your desktop experience. It’s going to help you display the clock, time, Gmail messages and even has an iTunes music player.

Its opacity makes it blend in really well with any background and it gives strong minimalistic vibes.

26. Neoclock


Image provided from visualskins.

Download Neoclock

If you wanted the classic neon look to your clock then this is the perfect rainmeter skin for you. Neoclock does exactly what you would think it does. It’s going to make your desktop a lot more stylish and compared with a background image that makes it pop this is going to be perfect.

The only thing that it’s lacking is the color customizability but overall is a great solid choice.

27. Cronotopo


Image provided from visualskins.

Download Cronotopo

Cronotopo is a really cool-looking skin for rainmeter even though it doesn’t offer a lot. As you can see from the picture above it only has one widget that shows the date and time. However, the colors are completely customizable which is a big bonus because it helps to adapt it to whatever desktop background.

It’s a simple design that also has a dot spinning in circles around the month which gives it an interesting look.

28. ASTROClock


Image provided from visualskins.

Download ASTROClock

Astroclock is a fantastic skin that has a lot of cool animations to back it up. It’s space-themed and as you can see from the picture above it’s going to display the earth in a static form, the moon in static form, another smaller rotating earth, a rotating and blazing sun, and lastly a compass/clock of sorts.

Space nerds are going to love tinkering with this skin and its features, it’s really well made and not laggy at all. I even checked to see if there was any spike in CPU usage or RAM but nothing out of the ordinary, truly a solid choice.

29. Before Dawn

Before Dawn

Image provided from visualskins.

Download Before Dawn

Before Dawn is a nice skin for rainmeter and it has a unique design. Unlike the rest of the skins on this list, this one is a straight bar that has all the information that you would need in one place. It’s not meant to substitute the taskbar but if you really want it you can do it since it allows you to open some programs from there.

It displays the usual system information, CPU usage, RAM usage, Disk Drive capacity, date, time, social icons, and many more.

30. Simple Media

Simple Media

Image provided from devianart.

Download Simple Media

Simple Media is an interesting skin for rainmeter. It displays the date and time in a slick, elegant and fashionable style which I really like. Also, it’s going to help you display the recycle bin and the weather in a nice pop style. 

Even though it doesn’t have a lot of other features there are a ton of variants you can choose from.

Closing Thoughts

In this article, I talked about the 30 best rainmeter skins for 2022 by ranking them from the most popular to the least. The first part has the most popular choices, then the article continues with solid choices. After trying all of them out one by one I can guarantee that all the skins that I have listed here are going to work perfectly for you and also all the links are going to be working.

If you have any questions about this article don’t hesitate to leave a reply in the comment section down below. I will try and answer as soon as I can and provide valuable insight. Hopefully, I helped you choose the best skin for your system.

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