Лаунчеры для рабочего стола windows 10

Подборка небольших твиков, которые в несколько кликов помогут сделать Windows красивее и функциональнее

Одним из недостатков Windows является скудный набор встроенной кастомизации. Более того, с каждой версией операционной системы он становился всё меньше и меньше: сначала исчезли темы приложений, а вскоре и гаджеты Windows. Благо, в ОС от Microsoft есть достаточно возможностей для разработчиков для создания своих приложений, позволяющих кастомизировать систему на усмотрение пользователя.

  • В тему: Как изменить цвет выделения в Windows 10 без сторонних программ

WinDynamicDesktop — установка динамических обоев

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

Это бесплатная программа с открытым исходным кодом, благодаря которой пользователи Windows с лёгкостью смогут устанавливать динамические обои из macOS, которые меняются в зависимости от времени суток (к примеру, когда у вас за окном рассвет, на обоях тоже рассвет). Сразу же после запуска, приложение спрашивает ваше местоположение для того, чтобы узнать время восхода и заката солнца в вашем регионе, также его можно ввести вручную. После этого можно выбрать одну из многих тем, доступных по умолчанию, либо создать свою.

GitHub | Microsoft Store (бесплатно)

TaskbarX — кастомизация панели задач

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

TaskbarX позволяет настроить панель задач Windows 10, изменить её фон или центрировать иконки, а также скрывать трей, иконки и кнопку пуска на других мониторах. Программа очень быстрая и легковесная, а также не затрагивает реестр, что делает ее полностью безопасной.

GitHub (бесплатно) | Microsoft Store (1 доллар)

Rainmeter — виджеты из Windows 7 и macOS

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

Windows Vista хоть и невзлюбили за ее нестабильность, но вот гаджеты (виджеты в Vista и 7) многим пользователям пришлись по нраву, их даже сумели портировать на Windows XP. По каким-то причинам Microsoft решила убрать этот функционал в Windows 8 (вероятнее всего, из-за живых плиток, которые выполняют похожую функцию). Да, гаджеты можно вернуть и в Windows 10, но зачем, когда есть стороннее приложение под названием Rainmeter, которое имеет даже больше функционала и регулярно обновляется?

Rainmeter позволяет отображать виджеты на рабочем столе с практически любым функционалом, начиная от простых часов и заканчивая мониторингом использования процессора. В приложении есть поддержка сторонних скинов на любой вкус и цвет, коих большое количество в интернете. Один разработчик сумел даже скопировать виджеты macOS Big Sur и её Dock. Мои любимые же — Win10Widgets, которые выполнены в стиле Fluent Design и прекрасно вписываются в рабочий стол Windows 10.

Кроме этого, приложение легковесное (занимает 16 МБ ОЗУ) и потребляет минимум ресурсов, что подойдёт даже для ноутбуков. Как и первые две утилиты, эта тоже имеет открытый исходный код и совершенно бесплатна.

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Winaero Tweaker — твикер с кучей возможностей

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

Под Windows существует множество программ-твикеров для кастомизации системы, но самая мощная из них — Winaero Tweaker. Количество доступных настроек просто зашкаливает, и наверняка какая-то из них придётся вам по душе. Приложение позволяет настроить как внешний вид системы, так и её функционал, а также не требует установки.

Твикер встречает нас окном с двумя частями: слева дерево доступных опций, а справа — их настройки. Под каждым пунктом есть подробное описание на английском языке. Также присутствует поиск для того, чтобы быстро найти нужный пункт.

Краткий список функций (полный список доступен на этой странице):

  • возможность установить свой акцентный цвет системы;
  • выключение автоматических обновлений Windows и драйверов;
  • выбор звука включения ПК;
  • настройки системных шрифтов и их размера;
  • отключение Windows Defender;
  • возможность изменения цвета и толщины рамки окон;
  • отключение запроса пароля после выхода компьютера из спящего режима;
  • включение старых встроенных приложений Windows (например, просмотрщика фото);
  • возможность вернуть старый вид настроек громкости звука и батареи в панели задач.

ВНИМАНИЕ! Перед использованием, обязательно сделайте точку восстановления системы на случай каких-либо проблем.

Официальный сайт (бесплатно)

QuickLook — предпросмотр файлов без полного открытия

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

Это приложение позволяет выводить содержание файла на экран нажатием на пробел, прямо как в macOS. Таким образом можно быстро просматривать документы, фотографии и даже видео. С помощью Ctrl и колеса мыши можно увеличивать или уменьшать превью, а кликом на Enter откроется стандартное приложение для открытия данного типа файлов. Также твик поддерживает различные плагины для интеграции с другими файловыми менеджерами, либо открытия неподдерживаемых типов файлов.

GitHub | Microsoft Store (бесплатно)

SmartTaskbar — автоматическое скрытие панели задач

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

Данная утилита пригодится обладателям ноутбуков, позволяя автоматически скрывать панель задач при открытии окон на весь экран, тем самым увеличивая количество полезного пространства. Также у приложения есть ручной режим работы, который позволяет скрывать панель задач двойным кликом по иконке программы в трее и возможность выключить анимацию сворачивания.

GitHub | Microsoft Store (бесплатно)

PowerToys — продвинутая панель поиска и активные углы из macOS

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

Microsoft PowerToys — это набор полезных утилит от самой Microsoft, призванных расширить функционал системы. Впервые этот набор создавался ещё для Windows 95 и позже был адаптирован под Windows XP. Спустя 12 лет, компания вспомнила об этом приложении и решила перезагрузить проект уже для Windows 10, с новыми функциями и открытым исходным кодом.

Одной из самых интересных утилит является PowerToys Run, которая добавляет в Windows 10 поиск наподобие Spotlight из macOS, которая работает по всей системе и позволяет искать приложения, файлы, запущенные процессы или даже проводить простые математические расчёты. Запускается же он сочетанием клавиш Alt + Space, при желании его можно изменить в настройках.

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

7 бесплатных утилит, которые помогут изменить Windows 10 до неузнаваемости

Вторая полезная функция — FancyZones. В Windows 10, если вы перетащите окно в угол или сторону экрана, оно изменится до определенного размера, заполнив половину или четверть экрана. FancyZones же позволяет создавать свои макеты расположения окон и быстро их применять. В приложении можно выбирать как заготовленные шаблоны отображения, так и создавать свои. Чтобы воспользоваться ими, достаточно зажать Shift и переместить окно приложения в нужную область.

GitHub (бесплатно)

App launchers can greatly improve your productivity and save time

by Ivan Jenic

Passionate about all elements related to Windows and combined with his innate curiosity, Ivan has delved deep into understanding this operating system, with a specialization in drivers and… read more

Updated on December 27, 2022

Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu

Vlad Turiceanu

Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more

  • Some users have too many icons on their Desktop and struggle to organize them all.
  • The best solution is to use an application launcher and free up space on your Desktop.
  • These tools will definitely streamline the work on your PC and boost your productivity.


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10 Best Desktop App Launchers For Windows 10/11 [2023 Guide]

For desktop management and customization alone, Windows has the ability to use multiple desktops, and some more interesting features.

However, some people aren’t satisfied with the way it is designed. Some people just have too many icons on the Desktop, and they struggle to organize them.

Either way, something needs to be done to make their environment more productive.

If you have such problems, probably the best solution is to use an app launcher. By using this type of software, you’ll be able to free some Desktop space and bring a dose of freshness on the way.

Is there any launcher for PC?

Yes, actually, there are quite a few choices out there and today we are about to go through the 10 best options that will surely suit all your needs.

Picking a product from this list should be easier for you now, as we explained why each and every one of these software solutions is better or unique in its own way.

All you have to do now is take a closer look and decide which one will tailor and cater to the needs you have.

Why do I need a desktop app launcher?

The most practical method to better organize your desktop icons or settings is with a single view launcher app that can find anything in your system.

You may also consider remote cloud services or go for local launching programs that can efficiently manage all your applications in seconds.

We’ve looked for the best Desktop app launchers for Windows 10 & 11, and created a list of the best ones available right now.

So, if you’re planning to use an app launcher, but can’t make up your mind about which one is the best, make sure to check out our mini-reviews.

What is the best launcher for PC?

PDNob Shortcuts – Best for launchers and automation

If you want to create a smart launcher for your most frequently used apps, there is no better way to do it than by using PDNob Shortcuts.

The tool will not only create shortcuts for your apps but also complex automation that make your work a lot easier.

The program quietly resides in the system tray and can be brought forward by pressing the scroll wheel or a preset hotkey.

It hides automatically if you click outside its border, which keeps your desktop clean but starts software quickly.

Besides working as an app launcher, PDNob Shortcuts is much more than that. The upper half of the interface contains build-in functions like OCR, Screenshot, QR code generator/identifier, Pushpin, etc.

The bottom half allows us to customize windows shortcuts, stimulate keystrokes, send text templates, run commands, etc.

The possibilities are limitless and PDNob Shortcuts will help you automate your work seamlessly, without any sophisticated instructions.

Don’t take your wallet out just yet because the app comes as Free download version for you to test.

Take a look at its best features:

  • One-click automation
  • Create shortcuts for any app
  • Trigger commands, captions, OCR, and more
  • Built-in QR code generator
  • Easy to set up and use

PDNob Shortcuts

Create shortcuts and automate tasks on your PC for improved productivity with this great app!

RocketDock – Good for favorites management

RocketDock is probably the most famous name on this list. You’ve probably heard of, or maybe even used it back in Windows XP days. So, guess what, it’s compatible with Windows 10 and 11 as well.

In case you’re not familiar with RocketDock, it’s a program launcher/dock that sits on top of your screen.

The dock is designed after the Mac OS X launch bar, and its simple purpose is to keep your favorite shortcuts in one place, so you can access always access them.

When you install RocketDock, it will feature some default shortcuts, but you can easily modify it, and add whatever program or app you want.

The best thing about RocketDock is that it can save a lot of space on the Desktop, so if you have many icons, this can be a lifesaver.

Here are a few of its best features:

  • Sits conveniently on top of your screen
  • Customize style and appearance
  • Keeps your favorite apps in one place
  • Easy to install and use

 Get RocketDock

Desktop.com – Great for organizing your apps

Desktop.com is the ideal cloud-based tool for organizing and accessing desktop apps rapidly, in a centralized space for all your tasks.

Firstly, using this software can exponentially improve your workflow. You have all your web apps, documents, file, or links in one place, so you only need to search on the platform to launch them.

More than this, you have the resources to manage your files efficiently and find anything with one click.

There is also a smart functionality of app integrations that enable you to install helpful web applications that you’re using often.

For example, you can search Google Drive, Slack, or YouTube and integrate them right into your dashboard. Thus, you benefit from ultra-fast installation and customizable views.

This effective desktop app will boost your productivity and help you resolve daily tasks better and better.

Here are some of its key features:

  • Cloud-based dashboard
  • Extensive organizing features
  • App integrations
  • Simple to use

⇒ Get Desktop.com

Launchy – Most simple launcher

Launchy is another terribly simple launcher for Windows, that also work smoothly on Windows 10.

The biggest advantage of Launchy is that it’s ready to use as soon as you install it, as you don’t have to set up a single thing.

When you open the program, it shows just a search bar, along with a small Control Panel icon.

So, just type in the name of the program you want to open, and suggestions will appear in no time.

Launchy doesn’t only open regular programs or apps, it also can search for old files stored in multiple folders, which can be more than useful.

Although Launchy doesn’t offer as many functionality features as Executor, you can still customize it with skins and plugins.

This program can also serve as a solid replacement for Windows 10’s built-in Search.

Launchy is available for free, and you can download it from its official website. The program comes in both portable and .exe versions.

You will benefit from the following key features:

  • Customize skins and plugins
  • Great search functions
  • Seamless integration on your desktop
  • Great Windows Search alternative

Get Launchy

Executor – Great Taskbar addition

Executor is a very simple program/app launcher for Windows 10 & 11, that allows you to access any installed program on an app on your computer, simply by entering its name.

Executor is placed in the taskbar, so all you need to do is to click on it, type the name of the app you want to open, and it will be opened immediately.

As soon as you install this program, it indexes all installed programs and apps, as well menu entries, the list of recently accessed items, and more.

This is a really tiny program, with less than 1MB of size, so it basically won’t occupy any resources while running in the background.

It also allows you to assign a specific keyword to a program, so you don’t have to type the full name.

Besides programs and apps, Executor also works well with URLs, so if you need to access a certain website quickly, just enter its address in Executor.

The software released its latest version recently, so you can install it on both Windows 10 and 11 on your PC.

If you have problems interacting with Windows’s default search engine or you simply want to try something else, Executor can be a perfect alternative.

Here are some of its perks:

  • Incredibly small size
  • Cool appearance
  • Simple to customize to your needs
  • Assign specific keywords to programs

⇒ Get Executor

WinLaunch – Most mobile-like launcher

WinLaunch is another free imitation of app launchers from Apple’s operating systems. This program is based on the launcher from Mac OS X Lion.

Similar to Circle Dock, it starts minimized, in the background, and you activate it by pressing the Shift + Tab keyboard shortcut.

When activated, the launcher bar pops up and shows you the list of all pinned programs and apps.

As soon as WinLaunch opens, desktop icons are hidden, and the background gets blurred, which is a nice touch in design.

You can group shortcuts by groups, similarly to how it’s done in iOS; simply drag and drop one icon into another one to create a group.

You can create as many groups as you want, and make further customizations, like adding the name of the group.

There’s also the Jiggle mode, which allows you to move icons from one group to another.

To add icons to WinLaunch, press F on your keyboard, the launcher will then be reduced to a smaller, movable window, where you can add icons by drag and drop.

Take a look at its key features:

  • Move icons from one group to another
  • Save shortcuts like you would have them on your mobile device
  • Create as many groups as you need
  • Cool design

Get WinLaunch

Winstep Nexus Dock – Great app customization

Even though the functionality is probably the most important thing, Winstep Nexus Dock actually wants to charm you with its stunning looks.

This application launcher is one of the best designed in the business, and it even comes with a handful of customization options.

One of the customization options is the ability to set custom icons for your dock items. When it comes to usability, Nexus Dock is actually a quite simple tool to use.

It works on the drag and drop principle, so all you need to do to pin your favorite program or app is to simply move it on the dock with your mouse cursor.

Besides regular programs, Nexus Dock also supports files, folders, and other features. Everything has its own icon in the dock, so you won’t have a problem recognizing what’s what.

Nexus Dock can also serve as a replacement for the taskbar, because of its ability to show minimized, running programs and the system tray on the dock.

Let’s see a few of its best features:

  • Drag and drop functionality
  • Can replace the Windows taskbar completely
  • Supports files and folders
  • A lot of customization options

Get Winstep Nexus Dock

Keypirinha – Good for bookmark organizing

Keypirinha is an efficient and quick launcher app for Windows that opens any file or website immediately.

Basically, you can utilize this application for regular tasks on your Windows system, managing multiple files and processes at the same time.

You can launch any applications, files, or URLs right from your desktop without any effort. The software can find every item in your system, plus launch a search for configured websites or dictionaries.

With lightning-fast speed, you will control your Windows OS like never before due to intelligent support for many operations.

It’s also possible to do different mathematical operations or search environment variables, plus launch copied URLs directly from your desktop.

In addition to that, you should know about the small memory usage on your system and battery-saving advantages.

Let’s review some of its key features below:

  • Performs different mathematical operations
  • Search environment variables
  • Launch copied URLs directly from your desktop
  • Low memory usage

⇒ Get Keypirinha

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  • Microsoft allegedly working on Windows 11 Moment 3 update
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Listary – Quick searching

This tool Listary is a helpful Windows utility created to find and launch any apps or files on your computer extremely fast.

If you’ve hit rock bottom searching for specific files or folders in your drive, that must stop. This software is the exact solution for such annoying tasks.

You will find any files among millions of other ones using only a few keystrokes and Enter. The desired files are found and instantly shown on your screen.

Using this launcher will improve the whole process of your system and increase the speed of certain operations right away.

For instance, you can copy and move your files to any folder with context menu commands. Plus, it’s possible to open a file with a specific program.

You have many more features to discover with Listary, so you should not hesitate regarding this light on resources program.

Take a look at a few of its best features:

  • Great search feature
  • Copy and move your files to any folder with simple commands
  • Open files with specific software
  • Consumes very few resources

⇒ Get Listary

Cerebro – Great for advanced users

Cerebro is an open-source tool designed to boost Windows efficiency for searching or launching apps on desktops.

With this searching utility software, you can find and open literally everything from your computer much faster and efficiently.

You can launch files in default programs or copy essential information on the clipboard for further steps.

There is no better way to say it than it can find anything in a few seconds. If you want to search specific folders or need to see maps and translation quickly, you have it.

Access the plethora of different files or start certain programs on the system using this free-to-use software.

In addition, Cerebro includes a plugin manager that is ideal if you want to install various plugins for Gifs. You can even build your own plugins using API support.

Let’s go through some of its key features:

  • Find files extremely fast
  • Extensive preview functions
  • Plugin support
  • Copy data onto your clipboard fast

⇒ Get Cerebro

That’s about it for our list of the best app and program launchers for Windows 10. All these launchers have something unique to offer, and each one of them can replace a certain Windows 10 feature.

We advise you to try some or all of them in order to determine which is the most suited for your Windows device.

How do I install the Windows 10 launcher?

  1. Select the desired product from the list and visit the website.product
  2. Download the software.download pdnob
  3. Follow the instructions and install it on your device.install pdnob

Each of the mentioned software will deliver the promised benefits and enhance daily tasks on your PC, finding or launching any programs or files on Windows 10 and 11.

So, if you’re not satisfied with how Microsoft did its job with some of the features, or you simply want to try some new solutions, the programs from this article are just a perfect fit for that.

We also recommend reading our list of the best shortcut software for Windows 10/11 because they might offer additional help.

So, if you were on the lookout for a reliable Windows app launcher, one of the products on this list will surely delight you.

App launchers for PCs are useful tools and the download links for the best you will ever find are just above, in this article.

We compiled these choices in performance order, but deciding which is the best launcher for Windows 11 is completely up to you.

If you have tried any of the tools from our list above, share your experience in the comments section below.

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  1. 10+ best Desktop app launchers for Windows 10
  2. What are the best App Launchers for Windows 10?
  3. 1. RocketDock
  4. 2. ObjectDock
  5. 3. RK Launcher
  6. 4. Executor
  7. 5. Launchy
  8. 6. XWindows Dock
  9. 7. InerziaSmartLaunch
  10. 8. Circle Dock
  11. 9. WinLaunch
  12. 10. Appetizer
  13. 11. Winstep Nexus Dock
  14. 12. 7Stacks
  15. Best Desktop Application Launchers for Windows 10
  16. Desktop Application Launchers for Windows 10
  17. 1] Launchy
  18. 2] Appetizer
  19. 3] Executor
  20. 4] RocketDock
  21. 5] WinLaunch
  22. 6] XWindows Dock
  23. 7] SlickRun
  24. 8] Find and Run Robot
  25. 9] Keybreeze
  26. 10] Keypirinha
  27. 11] Listary
  28. LaunchBar Commander — продвинутый и гибкий лаунчер для Windows 10

10+ best Desktop app launchers for Windows 10

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Top 12 Desktop app launchers for Windows 10

Windows 10 offers more features than any version of the system before. For desktop management and customization alone, it has the ability to use multiple desktops, and some more interesting features.

However, some people aren’t satisfied with the way Windows 10 is designed. Some people just have too many icons on the Desktop, and they struggle to organize it.

Either way, something needs to be done to make their environment more productive.

If you have such problems, probably the best solution is to use an app launcher. By using this type of software, you’ll be able to free some Desktop space, and bring a dose of freshness on the way.

We’ve looked for the best Desktop app launchers for Windows 10, and created a list of the best ones available right now.

So, if you’re planning to use an app launcher, but can’t make up your mind about which one is the best, make sure to check out our mini-reviews.

What are the best App Launchers for Windows 10?

1. RocketDock

rocketdock windows 10 app launchers

RocketDock is probably the most famous name on this list. You’ve probably heard of, or maybe even used it back in Windows XP days, and guess what, it’s compatible with Windows 10, as well.

In case you’re not familiar with RocketDock, it’s a program launcher/dock that sits on top of your screen.

The dock is designed after Mac OS X launch bar, and its simple purpose is to keep your favorite shortcuts in one place, so you can access always access them.

When you install RocketDock, it will feature some default shortcuts, but you can easily modify it, and add whatever program or app you want.

The best thing about RocketDock is that it can save a lot of space on the Desktop, so if you have many icons, this can be a life-saver.

Get RocketDock

2. ObjectDock

objectdock windows 10

Just like RocketDock, ObjectDock is also a well-known program launcher for Windows, that has been around for quite some time. It allows you to add your favorite programs and apps to the dock, for the quick access.

It even allowed Windows 7 users to add Gadgets back in the day, but as you probably know, that feature has been discontinued.

However, there’s still a way to add Gadgets to Windows 10, so you combine them with ObjectDock.

ObjectDock sports a simple design, as you have an impression that your apps are ‘sitting’ on a table. The dock is placed on the top of your screen, so it doesn’t interrupt your work.

You can even add quick launch icons from the taskbar, for even quicker integration.

ObjectDock is available for free, but there’s also a paid version, which brings some additional features.

3. RK Launcher

rk launcher windows 10

RK Launcher is another free dock for Windows 10, used for storing your favorite apps and programs. You can add absolutely any app you want, but also files and folders.

RK Launcher is placed on the edge of your screen, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be the top edge, as you can move it to any side of the screen you want.

RK Launcher also sports a simple, and neat design, and it should perfectly blend with your working environment.

The ability to change themes, and add custom icons and docklets allows you to completely customize the looks of RK Launcher.

Since RK Launcher can be placed on any side of the screen, and supports various apps, programs, and file types, it can be a perfect replacement for the taskbar.

Although it was built for the previous versions of Windows, RK Launcher still functions well in Windows 10.

4. Executor

executor windows 10

Executor is a very simple program/app launcher for Windows 10, that allows you to access any installed program on app on your computer, simply by entering its name.

Executor is placed in the taskbar, so all you need to do is to click on it, type the name of the app you want to open, and it will be opened immediately.

As soon as you install this program, it indexes all installed programs and apps, as well menu entries, the list of recently accessed items, and more.

This is a really tiny program, with less than 1MB of size, so it basically won’t occupy any resources while running in the background.

It also allows you to assign a specific keyword to a program, so you don’t have to type the full name.

Besides programs and apps, Executor also works well with URLs, so if you need to access a certain website quickly, just enter its address in Executor.

If you have problems interacting with Windows 10‘s default search engine, Cortana, or you simply want to try something else, Executor can be a perfect alternative.

5. Launchy

Launchy windows 10

Launchy is another terribly simple launcher for Windows, that also work smoothly on Windows 10.

The biggest advantage of Launchy is that it’s ready to use as soon as you install it, as you don’t have to set up a single thing.

When you open the program, it shows just a search bar, along with a small Control Panel icon.

So, just type in the name of the program you want to open, and suggestions will appear in no time.

Launchy doesn’t only open regular programs or apps, it also can search for old files stored in multiple folders, which can be more than useful.

Although Launchy doesn’t offer as many functionality features as Executor, you can still customize it with skins and plugins.

This program can also serve as a solid replacement for Windows 10‘s built-in Search.

Get Launchy

6. XWindows Dock

XWindows Dock windows 10

Although its name might make you think this program works only in Windows XP, it’s actually perfectly compatible with Windows 10.

XWindows Dock imitates MacOS’ launcher toolbars, and gives you some options that are also available in Apple’s tool.

The best thing about this dock is that it allows you the complete customization. You can change its appearance by adding graphics effects like reflections, transparency, shadow, blur, and more.

But besides its fancy looks, XWindows Dock also gives you exceptional functionality features. You can add your favorite apps and programs, as well as some other Windows features.

You can also use the plugin manager to add some custom plugins to the interface, like a stack container, similar to the Stacks docklet seen in RocketDock.

However, according to some online reviews, using XWindows Dock can be complicated at first, so you may need some time to get used to it.

Get XWindows Dock

7. InerziaSmartLaunch

InerziaSmartLaunch windows 10

Okay, we’ve talked about simple app launchers for Windows, but it can’t get simpler than InerziaSmartLaunch. The whole interface of this launcher is just a search bar!

When you enter the name of the app you want to open, suggestions show in the context menu, just like in browsers, of on Google.

But despite its extremely simple looks, InerziaSmartLaunch can actually do a lot for you.

Of course, you can search for regular apps and programs, but it also allows you to look for any recent document, folder (system or any other), or anything else.

So, just type in what you’re looking for, and InerziaSmartLaunch will find it for you.

This program actually has some additional features, that can be more than useful. For example, it allows you to associate a certain keyword with an app or program, and open it simply by entering that keyword.

You can use any combination of keywords, including a single letter.

8. Circle Dock

circledock windows

CircleDock is an interesting program launcher for Windows, mainly because of its unique looks. Well, it’s exactly what its name says, a circular dock for launching apps.

But this launcher also works differently than regular launchers, because it’s not on the screen all the time.

To open CircleDock, you need to initiate it first, and it will immediately appear next to your mouse cursor, wherever it is.

As soon as the dock opens, you’ll see all your pinned apps and programs sorted in a circular order, and you’ll be able to access them with a single click.

Besides regular programs and apps, you can also add other files and folders to CircleDock.

This program also offers some basic customization options, and supports multiple monitors and virtual desktops.

Get Circle Dock

9. WinLaunch

WinLaunch windows 10

WinLaunch is another free imitation of app launchers from Apple’s operating systems. This program is based on the launcher from Mac OS X Lion.

Similarly to Circle Dock, it starts minimized, in the background, and you activate it by pressing the Shift + Tab keyboard shortcut.

When activated, the launcher bar pops up, and shows you the list of all pinned programs and apps.

As soon as WinLaunch opens, desktop icons are hidden, and the background gets blurred, which is a nice touch in design.

You can group shortcuts by groups, similarly to how it’s done in iOS; simply drag and drop one icon into the another one to create a group.

You can create as many groups as you want, and make further customizations, like adding the name of the group.

There’s also the ‘Jiggle mode’, which allows you to move icons from one group to another.

To add icons to WinLaunch, press F on your keyboard, the launcher will then be reduced to a smaller, movable window, where you can add icons by drag and drop.

10. Appetizer

Appetizer windows 10

Appetizer is an open source application launcher for Windows 10.

It’s very simple in design (well, like the majority of launchers), but also offers some useful features for accessing your favorite apps and programs.

The first thing you’re going to notice about this program is its unusual look.

It reminded us of Microsoft’s vintage Maths tool (let us know if you agree), with these buttons and calculator-like interface.

But enough with nostalgic comparations, let’s see what this program can do for you.

Unlike the majority of launchers, that scan your system for installed apps and programs automatically, Appetizer actually requires you to enter programs you want to access with it.

11. Winstep Nexus Dock

winnexus windows 10

Even though functionality is probably the most important thing, Winstep Nexus Dock actually wants to charm you with its stunning looks.

This application launcher is one of the best designed in the business, and it even comes with a handful of customization options.

One of the customization options is the ability to set custom icons to your dock items.

When it comes to usability, Nexus Dock is actually a quite simple tool to use.

It works on the drag and drop principle, so all you need to do to pin your favorite program or app is to simply move it on the dock with your mouse cursor.

Besides regular programs, Nexus Dock also supports files, folders, and other features. Everything has its own icon in the dock, so you won’t have the problem recognizing what’s what.

Nexus Dock can also serve as a replacement for the taskbar, because of its ability to show minimized, running programs and the system tray on the dock.

12. 7Stacks

7Stacks windows 10

7Stacks, as its name says, is a free program launcher for Windows that imitates the stacks functionality from Mac OS X.

It allows you to store mainly folders, but also files and programs in special ‘stacks’ on your Windows taskbar.

Once you create a new stack, you can pin up to 10 folders to it, and access them by simply pressing a button on your taskbar.

You can basically stick any folder to stacks with 7Stacks, from special folders like My Computer, to regular folders on your hard drive.

Also, if you don’t want to place the Stacks folder on your taskbar, you can use the manual menu mode, and leave them on the Desktop.

This software is useful if you need to access a lot of folders during your work day, but don’t want to keep on the Desktop, and make confusion.

Get 7Stacks

That’s about it for our list of 12 best app and program launchers for Windows 10. All these launchers have something unique to offer, and each one of them can replace a certain Windows 10 feature.

So, if you’re not satisfied with how Micrsoft did its job with some of the features, or you simply want to try some new solutions, programs from this article are just a perfect fit for that.


Best Desktop Application Launchers for Windows 10

Windows 10 offers oodles of new features that one can explore and provides one of the best user interfaces overall. However, if you have too many important files and application programs on your desktop, it is quite obvious that you may be struggling to keep them organized. We have listed the best desktop application launcher for Windows 10/8/7. These free app or program launchers also called Docks, help you launch your programs faster and keep your desktop organized.

Many a time it exasperates if you want to search an item on the desktop which lacks icon organization. For instance, just imagine if you want to open an important file swiftly or quickly add items to the to-do list on your calendar. It’s just difficult to locate and access the program in the hotchpotch desktop icons. Also, some of you may want to launch software programs even faster simply by a succession of clicks on the keyboard.

Calling Windows 10 perfectly organized would be a stretch. However, there is always another way around and in this article, we are going to find out just that. App launchers let you launch applications by just searching them out from your desktop. This helps you in organizing your desktop as you don’t have to keep a shortcut for every single app on your computer, it also saves time as most of the apps we are going to talk about in this article can open a file, and do some other productive things.

Desktop Application Launchers for Windows 10

Be it organizing the desktop, or quick access to files or launching the programs at a fast speed by clickety-clack of the keyboards; App launcher simply works great for organizing your desktop. With an App launcher, you can make your desktop more productive by creating some free desktop space and have easy access to files without using the mouse.

1] Launchy

If you’re looking for an app launcher that simply works great on your Windows 10 and doesn’t require any setup post-installation, then Launchy is exactly the app launcher you will want to install. Launchy comes in both as a regular program and portable version. You are all ready to go upon installation. The program features a search bar with a control panel icon. If you want to open a program, simply type the name in the search bar and there you are provided with suggested matches at a fraction of seconds. Click on the appropriate program you desire to open in the search results. Along with programs, Launchy lets you open old files, folders, open web searches and also run the shell commands. You can customize Launchy with skins and plugins.

2] Appetizer

The Appetizer is a lightweight app launcher that can be installed as both the regular application or the portable version. Once installed, Appetizer lets you enter the list of programs for easy access. You can choose any programs from start menu or location of your choice. Unlike the other app launcher listed here which indexes all the programs spontaneously after installations, Appetizer would want you to add your favorite shortcuts of your choice for a quicker access. You can also customize the launcher with plugins and skins. You can download it here.

3] Executor

The Executor is a simple app launcher that occupies around 1MB of space. This tiny app occupying less space brings in a lot of features. Once you install, Executor will show up the list of recently accessed files, indexes all the installed programs, menu entries and lot more. Perched on the taskbar, you need to simply click on it and type the name of the app you want to open. Executor opens the app in less than no time. Also, it works perfectly with URLs, so if you want to access a certain website, all you need to do is enter its address, and there you have your desired site opened at the default browser in a trice.

Executor allows you to assign a keyword to a program so that the next time you want to open the same file just type in the keyword instead of a full name. You can also perform functions like revealing clipboard history and shutting down the system with app keywords. The app launcher lets you arrange keywords into groups. This is a perfect alternative to a Windows default search engine. You can also customize Executor with layouts and skins. Download it here.

4] RocketDock

RocketDock is one of the most popular app launchers as it has been used excessively back in several windows versions. This was modeled based on the Mac OS X launch bar and offers an animated response when you hover the mouse over the apps gathered on the Dock. This is perched at the top of your screen, and you can easily drag your favorite app icons to have it in one place. The dock keeps all your most favorite shortcuts intact for faster and easy access. Like other apps, you can easily customize dock with skins and other add-ons.

5] WinLaunch

WinLaunch is a free software that allows you to add an OS X like Launchpad on Windows. WinLaunch will let you pin programs, just as you do with the Taskbar. The most beautiful thing about this tool is that you can open up this launchpad or launcher using a keyboard shortcut or by simply hovering the mouse.

6] XWindows Dock

XWindows Dock takes the Mac launcher toolbar as the model and is compatible both with Windows and Mac OS. This dock is quite complicated to use initially but provides you with tremendous customization options, unlike the other docks. While like in other docks you can easily add shortcuts for easy access, the X Window docks provide you some extraordinary graphical effect options like transparency, blur, shadow, reflections and many more. The dock supports a new stack container to add some plugins with grid /fan views. Some options available in the Apple tool are also present in XWindows Dock.

7] SlickRun

The first app on our list is SickRun. It is a light app that allows you to open an application or search something out from the web.

It has some predefined keys called MagicWord, these are keywords to open certain applications, like pbrush.exe to launch MS Paint. To know more Magicwords, right-click on SlickRun’s search bar and select Setup.

Not only that you can even create your own Magicwords to open any app of your choice. To do that, click New MagicWord from the bottom left panel of the screen, type the name of the application (or keyword by which you want it to open) in the MagicWord section, drag the stick and drop in on that app, and click on the tick icon.

You can download the app from here.

8] Find and Run Robot

Find and Fun Robot is one of the best Desktop app launchers that allow you to not only launch any app of your choice but it can also open any file or image that is present locally on your computer.

However, it is not perfect, the biggest problem is that since the developers have tried stuffing all the features here, it is a bit slower than other apps on our list. However, it is still quicker than searching a file out from the File Explorer.

It has a ton of customization features and dozens of plugins. Its biggest perk is its RAM management skill, you can manually select Inactive Memory use to minimal, average, stay in the memory long by right-clicking on the icon from the taskbar and selecting Options.

You can download the app from here.

9] Keybreeze

The next free application on our list is Keybreeze. It is one of the most versatile applications and can be a SlickRun alternative.

The developers have embedded shortcut keys of over 80 applications. And most of these 80 apps are common, so, you don’t have to keep their shortcuts on the desktop, just use the keyword to launch the application.

You can download Keybreeze from here.

10] Keypirinha

One of its biggest features is that it allows you to directly open one of your bookmarks in the browser. Just type the browser name and you will see a list of all of your browsers.

It does all this at a crazy fast pace.

11] Listary

Listary is one of the best applications to launch apps in Windows 10. It is a light-weight application that works really fast.
It is similar to Spotlight for macOS. It is perfectly synchronized with other software such as WinRAR, Xplorer2, and much other such software.
You can download Listary from here.


LaunchBar Commander — продвинутый и гибкий лаунчер для Windows 10


Организовать быстрый доступ к приложениям и каталогам в Windows 10 можно путем размещения их ярлыков на рабочем столе, панели задач и меню Пуск. Но есть также и альтернативный способ — использование сторонних приложений-лаунчеров, например, LaunchBar Commander. Эта бесплатная программа представляет собой плавающую док-панель, позволяющую получать доступ к самым разным функциям и настройкам операционной системы из единого минималистичного интерфейса в стиле Windows XP.

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Панель лаунчера можно свободно перемещать по экрану, изменять ее размер, сворачивать в трей и даже использовать как вторую панель задач. Так, если выбрать в ее контекстном меню настройку «Toggle Docking», панель будет растянута по горизонтали и закреплена параллельно с классической панелью задач, которую, кстати, можно закрепить у верхней границы экрана. По умолчанию панель LaunchBar Commander содержит четыре элемента, каждый из которых содержит определенный список опций.

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Например, первый элемент открывает список наиболее часто используемых системных настроек, нажатие по второму открывает список каталогов, содержащих файлы резервных копий разных программ, включая бекап настроек самой LaunchBar Commander.

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Третья по счету иконка вызывает меню со списком установленных на компьютере программ, четвертый значок формирует список с произвольными элементами — ярлыками файлов и папок, дополнительными меню и так далее.

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Темы для Windows 10 — это файлы, позволяющие изменить оформление рабочего стола. Речь идет о кастомизации внешнего вида окон проводника и панели задач (меню пуск). Не редко темы включают в себя дополнительные компоненты. Например, иконки или курсоры, а также картинки, кнопки пуск или скины для программ. Мы предлагаем скачать бесплатные темы для Windows 10. Сейчас в каталоге множество визуальных стилей и он постоянно пополняется. С помощью поиска и сортировки Вы можете отыскать лучшие темы на свой вкус и сделать интерфейс операционной системы по-настоящему уникальным. Помочь в выборе могут подборки — коллекции файлов, созданные нашими пользователями, где материалы сгруппированы по определенным критериям.

Знакомство с содержанием архива
Файлы с расширением .theme и .msstyles являются темой оформления, которые и позволят изменить интерфейс Windows 10. Именно их нужно устанавливать в первую очередь, следуя заранее подготовленной инструкции. Между тем, в архиве могут встречаться инсталлеры exe с приставкой iPack или 7tsp — они заменяют иконки. Есть также обои — изображения формата jpg, jpeg или png. Reg — это твики для реестра, которые вносят изменения в ядро операционной системы. Зачастую, они помогают скрыть или показать (вернуть к исходному виду) блоки проводника (explorer.exe), делая его менее функциональным, но гораздо более привлекательным. Cur и ani предназначены для замены курсоров. Прочие форматы относятся к сторонним программам и предусматривают кастомизацию различного ПО. Последнее время крайне известен CurtainsStyle — стиль для одноименной программы компании Stardock, добавляющий свою оболочку поверх Microsoft, не меняя тему Windows 10. Детальнее изучить этот вопрос можно на странице Curtains.

  • Иконка программы PortableApps.com

  • PortableApps.com — веб-сайт, предлагающий множество бесплатных, часто используемых приложений Windows.

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    Скриншот 2 программы PortableApps.com

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  • Иконка программы LiberKey

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  • Иконка программы ObjectDock

  • ObjectDock — это программа, которая позволяет пользователям организовывать свои ярлыки, программы и запускать задачи.

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  • True Launch Bar — превосходная замена стандартной панели быстрого запуска.

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  • Иконка программы ASuite

  • ASuite — это простая программа запуска приложений для управления неограниченным количеством файлов, папок и веб-страниц.

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