Local emulator скачать для windows 10

Yet Another System Region and Language Simulator. Contribute to xupefei/Locale-Emulator development by creating an account on GitHub.

This repository has been archived by the owner on Apr 15, 2022. It is now read-only.


Fixed a problem where LEGUI was unable to start any process.


兼容 Windows 11。
Compatible with Windows 11.


⚠️此版本包含两套内核(Alternative Dlls.zip):日常版和Sandboxie沙盘专用版。后者用在沙盘以外的地方可能会产生“初始化失败”错误。

ℹ️You don’t need to uninstall the old version before upgrading. Just copy all files from the new version to overwrite the old, run LEInstaller.exe, click on any Install/Update button, and restart your PC.
⚠️This release is shipped with two sets of Core Dlls (Alternative Dlls.zip): for normal use and for Sandboxie only. Using the latter outside of the sandbox environment may lead to “initialization failed” error.


Provide Core Dlls for uses within Sandboxie environment.
Add translations for Norwegian, Turkish, Dutch, Polish, and Indonesian languages.
Fix a problem that the file is locked after calling its context menu (#487).
Improve the description in LEInstaller.exe.


兼容 Windows 10 1903。
Compatible with Windows 10 1903.


这里是一个中文化Galgame的广告 :)

我们和Sekai Project联合发布的游戏《星空的记忆》官方中文版现已登陆Steam平台(商店链接),欢迎游玩!(相信我,这是个好游戏)


Click me to see an ad of a Galgame :)

We have published the official Chinese version (in addition to the English version) of «Hoshizora no Memoria» on Steam, incorporate with Sekai Project. Buy now at Steam Store! (It’s a good game, trust me)



Fix a ”stack not balance“ bug in LEProc.exe.
Update Chinese (Taiwan), German and Russian translation.
Minor UI improvements.

修复 LEProc.exe 调用栈不平衡的问题。


Note: A reboot (or restart of «explorer.exe») may be required if you are upgrading from an old version.
注意:从旧版升级后,可能需要重启系统(或重启 «explorer.exe» 进程)。

Reworked installer.
Support upcoming Windows 10 1703 (build 15063.)

支持最新的 Windows 10 1703 (版本 15063)。



Now you can install LE for all users in the PC (Needs administrator privilege. Especially useful when you use administrator account as the daily driver.)
Installation and uninstallation no longer require a shell (explorer.exe) restart.
No more annoying File in use error when upgrading LE.

安装和卸载过程不再需要重启 Shell(explorer.exe)。
升级时不再有烦人的 “文件正被使用” 提醒。



Compatible with Windows Insider 10.0.15014: xupefei/Locale-Emulator-Core@974a896.
Now LEGUI and LEProc can handle relative paths correctly.

兼容 Windows 预览版 10.0.15014。
LEGUILEProc 支持相对路径。


Happy Chinese New Year!

Now you can install LE for all users in the PC (Needs administrator privilege. Especially useful when you use administrator account as the daily driver.)
Installation and uninstallation no longer require a shell (explorer.exe) restart.
No more annoying File in use error when upgrading LE.

安装和卸载过程不再需要重启 Shell(explorer.exe)。
升级时不再有烦人的 “文件正被使用” 提醒。


Compatible with Windows Insider 10.0.15014: xupefei/Locale-Emulator-Core@974a896.
Now LEGUI and LEProc can handle relative paths correctly.

兼容 Windows 预览版 10.0.15014。
LEGUILEProc 支持相对路径。


Please uninstall old version BEFORE installing this one!!!

Support Windows 10 version 1607 (Build 14393).
支持 Windows 10 1607 版本(Build 14393)。

Support 4K display with 200% DPI scaling.
支持 4K 分辨率下的 200% DPI 缩放。

Install/Uninstall only for current user, no administrator privilege needed.

New Fake system UI language option for any Windows other than Single Language edition (default=off, useful when running TinkerBell games.)
新的 伪造系统显示语言 选项,对任何单语言版系统有效(默认关闭,运行 TinkerBell 游戏时有用。)


Add support for windows 10 until build 14332.

增加对windows 10.0.14332及之前版本的支持。

December 12th, 2022 — Free100% Safe

Locale Emulator is an open-source application for Windows that runs programs outside the default location. It is specifically created for computers that need a locale. However, you can also use it to run virtually any other program.

Some programs take a locale that Windows does not support, so they won’t run without some additional software. It is often the case with Japanese versions, for instance.


The installer and the download package are all in one download. You don’t need to endure much frustration to get it up and running.

It is a welcome change, as we have reviewed similar software requiring more knowledge to implement it.

How it Works

All you need to do is right-click on any file. Then, click on Locale Emulator. In the menu, you’ll be able to pick a locale to run the game, and the executable will fire up.

Global Configuration

There is support for Japanese games built-in. However, you can change your language pack to English as well. It allows you to play a range of international games.

Edit Locales

You can load up your custom configuration to edit it. Just put your location and timezone in, then fake the registry. The program does the rest, so the process is fairly hands-off.

Wrapping It Up

Perhaps you are a gamer. Or maybe you have a large application that you want to run without worrying about errors and crashes.

Locale Emulator is a friendly, easy-to-use application that helps create unique locales for these needs.

With a fast and simple download process, you can have your favorite program up and running in no time. For that reason, we suggest at least considering it.

Locale Emulator is a tool similar to AppLocale and NTLEA, providing a simulation function that can make an application recognize your OS as in a language other than the real one. It is quite useful when you are trying to play country-specific games. Locale Emulator is compatible with the following systems, both 32 and 64-bit, Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. Locale Emulator supports 32-bit executables running on both 32-bit or 64-bit systems. For example, if you are using 64-bit WinRAR, you will not see the context menu on a RAR file unless you swapped 64-bit WinRAR with the 32-bit version. Clone the repo using Git, install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 / 2017, open LocaleEmulator.sln, perform build action, clone and build the core libraries, and copy LoaderDll.dll and LocaleEmulator.dll from Locale-Emulator-Core to Locale-Emulator build folder.


  • Provides a simulation function that can make an application recognize your OS
  • Play country-specific games
  • Locale Emulator supports 32-bit executables running on both 32-bit or 64-bit systems
  • System region and language simulation
  • Similar to AppLocale and NTLEA

Project Samples

Locale Emulator Screenshot 1

Locale Emulator Screenshot 2


GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3)

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User Reviews

Additional Project Details

Programming Language



Locale Emulator



Proudly presented by Anzulove Chinese localisation group…


Locale Emulator is a tool similar to AppLocale and NTLEA, providing a simulation function that can make an application recognize your OS as in a language other than the real one. It is quite useful when you are trying to play country-specific games.


Fresh installation

  1. >> Download the executable from Github or from MEGA<<
  2. Extract all files into a SAFE place in your disk, because you will NOT be able to move these files after installation.
  3. Run LEInstaller.exe and choose one of:

    1. Install as current user: effect for current user only, does not require administrator privileges;
    2. Install for all users: the most reliable choice, require administrator privileges;
    3. Portable: necessary files have been extracted as LEInstaller.exe starts. Simply close the window.
  4. Now you will see “Locale Emulator” menu in the context menu when right-clicking on files.


  1. Download the executable from Github or from MEGA, extract and overwrite all files of the old version.
  2. Run LEInstaller.exe and click the correct “Install” button (the one you have chosen before). If you are not sure which one to choose, simply uninstall and install again (restart is not required during this process).


  1. Run LEInstaller.exe and click all not-grey “Uninstall” buttons.
  2. Reboot your computer and delete all Locale Emulator files.

System Requirement

Locale Emulator is compatible with the following systems, both 32 and 64-bit:

  • Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10

Locale Emulator supports 32-bit executables running on both 32-bit or 64-bit systems. For example, if you are using 64-bit WinRAR, you will not see the context menu on a RAR file unless you swapped 64-bit WinRAR with the 32-bit version.

Common installation problems

Google Chrome is blocking the download.

Please go to the “Downloads” page (chrome://downloads/) and select “Recover file”.

My antivirus software reports that LocaleEmulator.dll is a virus.

Make sure that you have downloaded the binary from the official website. You can ignore that warning if everything is okay.


Locale Emulator 是运行在 Windows 7/8/8.1/10 及以上系统下的一个软件,可以提供类似 NTLEA 和 AppLocale 的转区功能:即将系统区域设置(包括语言,时区,代码页等)虚拟为目标系统(例如日本区域)。乐观来讲,使用本工具加载运行的程序会把你的系统错认为所模拟的系统。这在运行很多限制地区发行的程序(例如 Galgame 或网游)时十分有用,免去了手动切换区域之苦。



  1. >> 从 Github 或 MEGA 下载最新版本。 <<
  2. 把下载来的文件解压到一个安全的目录,注意在安装 Locale Emulator 以后此目录将无法移动。
  3. 运行LEInstaller.exe并选择一种安装方式:

    1. 为当前用户安装 / Install as current user:只对当前用于有效,不需要管理员权限;
    2. 为所有用户安装 / Install for all users:对本机所有用户有效,需要管理员权限;
    3. 绿色版 / Portable:Locale Emulator运行所需的文件在运行 LEInstaller.exe 的时候已经准备好了,关闭此窗口即可使用。
  4. 右键单击文件出现的菜单中已经出现 “Locale Emulator” 选项。


  1. 从 Github 或 MEGA 下载最新版本,解压到旧版目录并覆盖所有旧版文件。
  2. 运行LEInstaller.exe并选择正确的 “安装 / Install” 按钮(即以前安装 Locale Emulator 时的按钮)。如果你不确定当时选了哪个,就把所有能点的 “卸载 / Uninstall” 按钮点一遍,然后再安装(此过程中不需重启)。


  1. 运行LEInstaller.exe并把所有能点的 “卸载 / Uninstall” 按钮点一遍。
  2. 重启计算机之后删除所有 Locale Emulator 相关的文件。


Locale Emulator 兼容 32 和 64 位的以下系统:

  • Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10

Locale Emulator 只支持 32 和 64 位系统下的 32 位程序。换句话说,如果你装了 64 位的 WinRAR,那么在 RAR 文件上是不会出现右键菜单的——除非你换用 32 位 WinRAR。


Google Chrome 阻止下载。

进入 Chrome 的 “下载” 页面 (chrome://downloads/) 并选择 “恢复文件”。

杀毒软件报 LocaleEmulator.dll 为病毒。

请确认 Locale Emulator 是从官网下载的。如果是,则可忽略此警告。


  1. Особенности
  2. Преимущества
  3. Скачать

Программа выступает своеобразным русификатором. Благодаря ей пользователи могут использовать приложения, которые невозможно найти на русском языке.


Основное назначение программы – дать пользователям возможность работать с приложениями, интерфейс которых выполнен на иностранных языках. Часто у таких программ возникают проблемы, связанные с корректным отображением символов. Доходит до того, что слова не могут понять даже люди, хорошо знающие речь страны, которой было разработано приложение. Это часто происходит в утилитах, в которых отсутствует поддержка Unicobe. Проблему можно решить, локализировав операционную систему, однако данный процесс связан с определенными сложностями, разобраться с которыми сможет только человек, обладающий специфическими техническими знаниями. Для простых обывателей разумнее будет просто скачать locale emulator. Работа с утилитой не представляет больших трудностей. Освоить ее сможет практически любой человек.

Функционирование программы строится на принципе принудительного замещения определенных значений для запускаемых приложений. Это позволяет достигнуть корректного отображения русских букв на экране устройства.

Во время установки утилиты система предлагает пользователю самостоятельно выбрать язык, на который будет переводиться текст проблемных приложений. Программа предлагает большой выбор в этой области. Здесь доступен не только русский язык, но также белорусский, украинский и пр.

Единственной сложностью, с которой сталкиваются пользователи, использующие locale emulator, является невозможность функционирования утилиты на некоторых видах программного обеспечения. К примеру, скачивать ее для устройства с Windows 10 не имеет смысла, т.к. на данной ОС она просто не будет отображаться.

Установочные файлы приложения необходимо запускать только от имени администратора. В противном случае могут возникнуть проблемы с корректной работой утилиты.

Перед установкой рекомендуется переместить архив на постоянное место, т.к. в дальнейшем эта функция может оказаться недоступной. Программа также не будет работать при потере каких-либо установочных файлов.

locale emulator поддерживает только 32-разрядные программы. Это также следует учитывать перед скачиванием утилиты.

Эмулятор часто используют для того, чтобы иметь возможность использовать на своем компьютере игры и приложения, разработанные японскими производителями. С этой задачей утилита справляется в полной мере.


  • простота использования;
  • не занимает много места в памяти устройства;
  • дает возможность русифицировать различные программы;
  • утилита находится в свободном доступе в интернете, ее скачивание не несет в себе финансовых потерь для пользователя, т.к. она распространяется исключительно на бесплатной основе.

Единственным недостатком является несовместимость с некоторыми видами программного обеспечения.


locale emulator подойдет для пользователей, у которых возникла необходимость установить на своем устройстве программы и приложения, разработчиком которых являются иностранные производители. Разобраться в тонкостях работы утилиты смогут даже простые обыватели.

Locale Emulator Download for Windows is an open-source application that enables Windows to run programs that are located outside of the default location. Some programs will not run on Windows if they take a local area that is not supported by the operating system.

The installer and the download are in one download, which makes it easier to install. It eliminates the need for much frustration in order to get started. Right-click on any file and select Locale Emulator.


There is support for Japanese games. However, you can also change the language pack to English. You can modify the configuration of any server by creating a custom configuration. Just enter your location and timezone and the program will do the rest.

Whatever the reason, Locale Emulator is a great application for people who want to run smoothly and minimize errors. It will allow you to create custom locales for your app.

With a simple and fast download process, you can have all your favorite programs running in no time.

Locale Emulator Download for Windows

How to Locale Emulator Download  For Windows PC

  1. Click the Download button at the top of the Page.
  2. Wait for 10 Seconds And Click the “Download Now” button. Now you should be redirected to MEGA.
  3. Now let the Start to Download and Wait for it to finish.
  4. Once Locale Emulator is done downloading, you can start the installation.
  5. Double click the setup files and follow the installation instruction

How to Install Locale Emulator on your Windows PC

Follow guidelines step by step to Install Locale Emulator on your Windows PC.

  1. First, you need to Download Locale Emulator Software for your Windows Computer.
  2. Once you Download the Application, Double click the setup files and start the Installation process.
  3. Now follow the All Installation Instruction.
  4. Once the installation is completed, restart your computer. (It is Better)
  5. Now open the Application from the home screen.

How To Uninstall Locale Emulator

If you need to uninstall Locale Emulator that is the best guide for you. You need to follow those steps to safely Remove all Application files.

  1. Go to the Control Panel on Your Windows PC.
  2. Open the Programs and Features
  3. Find the Locale Emulator, Right-click the Select icon, and press “Uninstall”. Confirm the action.
  4. Now you need to Delete the App Data. Go to the Windows Run Application. (Shortcut – Windows Key + R). Now Type in ‘%AppData%’ and press ‘OK’.
  5. Now find the Locale Emulator folder and delete it.


Locale Emulator Download for Windows is developed and updated by Paddy Xu. All registered trademarks, company names, product names, and logos are the property of their respective owners.

OnWorks favicon

Free download Locale Emulator Windows app to run online win Wine in Ubuntu online, Fedora online or Debian online

This is the Windows app named Locale Emulator whose latest release can be downloaded as Locale.Emulator. It can be run online in the free hosting provider OnWorks for workstations.

Download and run online this app named Locale Emulator with OnWorks for free.

Follow these instructions in order to run this app:

— 1. Downloaded this application in your PC.

— 2. Enter in our file manager https://www.onworks.net/myfiles.php?username=XXXXX with the username that you want.

— 3. Upload this application in such filemanager.

— 4. Start any OS OnWorks online emulator from this website, but better Windows online emulator.

— 5. From the OnWorks Windows OS you have just started, goto our file manager https://www.onworks.net/myfiles.php?username=XXXXX with the username that you want.

— 6. Download the application and install it.

— 7. Download Wine from your Linux distributions software repositories. Once installed, you can then double-click the app to run them with Wine. You can also try PlayOnLinux, a fancy interface over Wine that will help you install popular Windows programs and games.

Wine is a way to run Windows software on Linux, but with no Windows required. Wine is an open-source Windows compatibility layer that can run Windows programs directly on any Linux desktop. Essentially, Wine is trying to re-implement enough of Windows from scratch so that it can run all those Windows applications without actually needing Windows.


Download web tool or web app Locale Emulator

Download web tool or web app Locale Emulator

Locale Emulator


Locale Emulator is a tool similar to AppLocale and NTLEA, providing a simulation function that can make an application recognize your OS as in a language other than the real one. It is quite useful when you are trying to play country-specific games. Locale Emulator is compatible with the following systems, both 32 and 64-bit, Windows 7 with Service Pack 1, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10. Locale Emulator supports 32-bit executables running on both 32-bit or 64-bit systems. For example, if you are using 64-bit WinRAR, you will not see the context menu on a RAR file unless you swapped 64-bit WinRAR with the 32-bit version. Clone the repo using Git, install Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 / 2017, open LocaleEmulator.sln, perform build action, clone and build the core libraries, and copy LoaderDll.dll and LocaleEmulator.dll from Locale-Emulator-Core to Locale-Emulator build folder.


  • Provides a simulation function that can make an application recognize your OS
  • Play country-specific games
  • Locale Emulator supports 32-bit executables running on both 32-bit or 64-bit systems
  • System region and language simulation
  • Similar to AppLocale and NTLEA

Programming Language



L10N (Localization), Emulators, Languages

This is an application that can also be fetched from https://sourceforge.net/projects/locale-emulator.mirror/. It has been hosted in OnWorks in order to be run online in an easiest way from one of our free Operative Systems.

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If you guys are here then it’s obvious that you are looking for the Locale Emulator. It is an open-source application for Windows. It can run Windows 11/10/8 outside of the default location. The program is specifically created for PCs and the best part of this emulator is you can use it to run any other program as well.  

Some of the software take a locale that is not supported by Window and they won’t run without some kind of additional program. Most of the time, this thing happens with the Japanese version.

What is Locale Emulator?

It is an emulator tool similar to NTLEA and MS AppLocale. It provides a simulation function that can make an application recognize your OS as in a language other than the real one. When you are trying to play country-specific games, Locale Emulator comes into play.

Also, it can be used to run other programs, the ones which are practically possible. If you want some basic capabilities then this program is free for you but if you want additional and longer-term services then you have to pay and get the software from the official site. 

The program has got a 4-star rating from some major technical sites for its service and features. 

Locale Emulator for Windows

Locale Emulator only works with the Windows platform and it is compatible with all the major Windows versions available out there such as Windows 10,8, and 7. The best thing is it run very smoothly and quilty and you don’t have to check and analyze it every time. Also, the size of the software is not that much, it won’t even feel that it’s there, and the size is only less than 250KB. It does not take up any space on the system.

The program is great for people who wish to store their localization files somewhere else so that no one can find the execution source file. The software also helps to keep the computer safe from breaching. 


The program is available all-inclusive, the installer and the downloader package are all available in one package. You don’t have to go through tens of websites to download the whole program. 

How Locale Emulator Works

To use the Locale emulator, all you need to do is just right-click on any file. In the menu, you’ll be able to see the Locale emulator option. Click on that and the executable will fire up.

Global Configuration

The program supports Japanese games built-in. Also, you can change the language to English and can play all the international games as well. 

Read More: 10 Best N64 ROMs Download For PC In 2022

Locale Emulator Technical Setup Details

  • Software Full Name: Locale_Emulator_V.
  • Setup File Name: Locale_Emulator_V.
  • Full Setup Size: 154 KB
  • Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup
  • Compatibility Architecture: 32-Bit (x86) / 64-Bit (x64)
  • Latest Version Release Added on Jun-10-2014
  • License: Freeware
  • Developers: Github

Minimum System Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows XP/7/8/8.1/10
  • Memory (RAM): 2 GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 500 GB
  • Processor: Intel Pentium or above

Download Locale Emulator

We have told you all the details about Locale Emulator, now if you have made up your mind to download the application, we have mentioned the direct link below: 

  • Download Locale Emulator

Frequently Asked Questions: 

  • How to Install & Download Locale Emulator?
  1. Download the Locale Emulator from the link above.
  2. Extract all files into a SECURE folder (because after installation, you will NOT be able to move these files).
  3. Run LEInstaller.exe and press the “Install or Upgrade” button.
  4. Now, you will be able to see the “Locale Emulator” menu in the context menu when right-clicking on files.

Japanese locale emulator Windows 11/ Locale emulator japan

How do I run Japanese Locale on Windows 10?

  1. Press Windows + X on your keyboard.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. Select the language option.
  4. Click on Add language option.
  5. Select the Japanese language from the list.
  6. Click on the Japanese language and click on the Set as Default button.

Mustafa Al Mahmud

Mustafa Al Mahmud is the Founder of Best Emulators and also a professional Blogger, SEO Professional as well as Entrepreneur. He loves to travel and enjoy his free moment with family members and friends.

Данное решение подходит для Windows 8.1 и 10. Для поздних версий подходит более простые решения такие как Applocale или смена языка.

Ссылки для скачивания приложения:Скачать Locale Emulator


  • Распаковать архив;
  • Переместить папку, где она будет храниться ПОСТОЯННО;
    !!! Путь к этой папке должен содержать только латинские буквы, цифры и другие байтовые символы.
  • Запустить файл “LEInstaller.exe” в папке;
  • Нажать “Install for current user”;
Locale Emulator

Программа пропишется в реестре Windows.

  • Нажать “OK” и закрыть окно;
  • Запустить файл “LEGUI.exe”, выбрать желаемые критерии и нажать “Save As … “.

1) Выбираем местоположение: Китай (упрощенное письмо КНР, можно и просто Китай упрощенное письмо или Сингапур); 2) Вставляем Временную зону  UTC+8 Гонконг, Пекин…;
3) Поставить галки в Дополнительных настройках как показано на скрине.

Нажимаем СОХРАНИТЬ КАК, вписываем ИМЯ ПРОФИЛЯ и сохраняем.

Теперь создадим ярлык для постоянного входа в игру.

  • Открыть папку с игрой, находим файл “x52”.exe. Нажимаем правой кнопкой мыши по файлу и выполняем следующую операцию Отправить на—> Рабочий стол;
  • Находим созданный ярлык на рабочем столе. При помощи ПКМ выбираем действие «Эмулятор локали» —> «Изменить профиль приложения».
  • Заново вводим все параметры и нажимаем «Создать ярлык».

На рабочем столе появится РАБОЧИЙ ярлык с названием “x52”.
Открывшееся окно игры, уже можно использовать. Ярлык можно переименовывать. Первый ярлык удалить.
Обратите внимание на свойство ярлыка. Если вы сделали все правильно, он будет меть такой вид.

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

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