Look shop windows are so bright

Конспект открытого урока английского языка 6 «К» классе.Учитель английского языка Колесникова Анастасия Александровна.МОБУ-СОШ № 10 г. Оренбург.

Конспект открытого урока английского языка 6 «К» классе

Учитель английского языка Колесникова Анастасия Александровна.

МОБУ-СОШ № 10 г. Оренбург

Тема: Shops and Shopping- Магазины и покупки.

Цель урока: формирование и совершенствование навыка диалогической речи по теме «Покупки».

Задачи урока:


формирование умения вести диалог по теме;

развитие фонетических навыков учащихся;


формирование способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение;

развитие мыслительной деятельности, умения переноса знаний в новую ситуацию;


показать значимость умения решать коммуникативные задачи через диалог;

расширение кругозора, творческих способностей учащихся;

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент.

Good morning , dear friends. I am glad to see you. Let me begin our lesson. Today we will speak about Shops and Shopping- Магазины и покупки.

II. Определение темы урока учащимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока.

Usually two or more people take part in this process.

We do it in a special place.

We do it very often.

Usually women like to do it, men don’t like.

We can’t do it without money.

T: What is it?

P: Shopping

T: Yes, We are going tо speak about shopping. We`ll try to make up and act dialogues, to learn new words, tо see a video film, tо write a test .We have a lot of work. Let’s start.

III. Фонетическая зарядка.

[ t ] – tomato, meat, bottle, tin, a toyshop, trainers, trousers, sweater, certainly, little, a little;

[ d ] – doll, doll’s house, teddy bear, dress, a dairy;

[ b ] – bread, butter, a baker’s, a butcher’s, buy, ball, boots;

[ t∫ ] – change, chocolate, cheese, cheap;

[ ∫ ] – shoes, sure, a shoe shop, shirt, T-shirt, a fishmonger’s;

[ r ] – orange, carrot, try, right, a grocer’s, a greengrocer’s.

[ ð ] – this, that, these, a clothes shop;

  1. Введение лексики по теме «Покупки».

Look! Shop windows are so bright!

They are colored, they are light.

Window-shopping says, “Oh, hi!

Would you like to come in and buy?”

BUTCHER’S [‘buʧə’z]-мясной отдел

CROCER’S [’grəʋsər’z]-бакалея

FISHMONGER’S [’fɪʃ‚mʌŋgər’z]- рыбный отдел

BAKER’S [’beɪkər ’z]-булочная

GREENGROCER’S [‘gringrəusə’s]-отдел фруктов и овощей

DAIRY [‘deərɪ]-молочный отдел

SWEET SHOP [swi:t]-отдел сладостей, кондитерская

V.Этап закрепления и понимания материала

Look at the black-board? We can see some products; put one product and find, what shop we can buy it.















V.Этап говорения

С помощью фразы We can buy…. at the…. Скажи, что мы можем купить в различных отделах.


Hands up,

Hands down,

Hands on hips,

Sit down!

VII. Этап чтения.

Lets read the dialogue p.67 ex.4.- Прочитаем диалог стр.67.

Диалог на слайде: DIALOGUE 1
Hello! I’m looking for strawberries. Have you got any?
— Yes, I have. How many would you like?
— I want two pounds, please.
— Here you are.
— Thank you.
— Do you need anything else?
— Yes, I’d like a loaf of bread, a dozen eggs, a tin of onion soup, a bottle of milk, a jar of honey, a bunch of grapes and a bar of chocolate. How much is that?
— 6.42 pounds.
— Thanks a lot.

VIII.Составление диалогов по образцу.

— Can I help you?

— Yes, I would like to buy…

Here you are. Anything else?

— Yes, I want …

— Ok! Please.

— How much is it?

— …pounds.

Here you are. Thank you.

IX. Загадки про продукты.

Funny riddles:

It is tasty, it is white and brown.

It can be square, oval and round. (Bread.)

They are coloured and sweet like honey.

I like to buy them. (Sweets)

It is tasty, cold and white.

We can Lick it like an ice. (Ice-cream.)

It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.

And we like with it

Drinking tea. (A cake.)

X. Подведение итогов урока

— повторение названий отделов

— выставление отметок

Good buy pupils!

Здесь представлен конспект к уроку на тему «Shops and Shopping — Магазины и покупки», который Вы можете бесплатно скачать на нашем сайте. Предмет конспекта: Английский язык (6 класс). Также здесь Вы можете найти дополнительные учебные материалы и презентации по данной теме, используя которые,
Вы сможете еще больше заинтересовать аудиторию и преподнести еще больше полезной информации.

Государственное бюджетное профессиональное
образовательное учреждение

Нижегородской области

«Краснобаковский лесной колледж»

Воронина М.В.



языку для студентов
II курса


Красные Баки

2020 год


Vocabulary Definitions

When we want to buy things, we usually say
we are going shopping. We go to a store (American English) or shop
(British English). If it is a group of shops together we might say we are going
to the shopping center. If we want to buy food, we may say we are going grocery
. A shopping mall is a large group of shops in a covered
area in which you can walk around.

Read the text.

Different Kinds of Shops:

A large shop that sells all kinds of foods
is called a supermarket. A hypermarket usually includes a
supermarket and department store. A department store is a large shop
with different sections or departments selling lots of different things.

A delicatessen or deli sells
cooked foods or prepared foods like salads, cold cooked meats and cheeses.

A butcher sells different meat

A fruit and vegetable shop or greengrocer
sells fruit and vegetables.

A bakery sells different kinds of

A florist is a shop or company that
sells flowers, especially flowers that have been put together in a special way.

A secondhand shop has things that
are not new.

A plant shop or garden center
is a place where you can buy flowers and plants to grow in your garden.

A boutique sells women’s clothing
and jewelry.

Factory outlets are stores selling brandname clothes and
shoes at discounted prices.

A stall is a place in a market where
you can sell things.

A store that sells milk, ice-cream, small
amounts of groceries etc and is often open longer than other stores has
different names in different English speaking countries: for example, convenience
store, 7-Eleven
(parts of Australia), dairy (New Zealand), corner
store, superette or newsagent
. You need to find the name that is used where
you are living.

A store that has a drive-thru or
part allows you to buy something without leaving your car.

People in shops:

The person who helps or serves you in a
store is known as a shop assistant or sales assistant. If we need
to see the person in charge, we ask to speak to the manager or a supervisor.

Parts of a Store:

A changing room is a place in the
shop with a mirror where you can try clothes on.
The checkout is the place where you pay for what you have bought. Thetill(British
English) or cash register (American English) is the machine used to add
up how much is spent and give change.

At a supermarket you put your food in a
cart known as a shopping cart or trolley.

Shopping Words:

If you want to exchange something,
you want to change or replace it for something else because it is the wrong
size etc.

A receipt is a piece of paper that
lists what you bought from a shop and the price.
If you get a bargain, you think something is a cheap or good price.
If you pay in cash, you pay in money in notes and coins.

If something is on special, the
price of something is lower than it usually is. When a shop has a sale,
it is selling things at lower prices than it usually does.
Fresh food is food that is not old and it has been made or picked not
long ago.

3. Exercises

Answer the questions:

1.   Do you
like to go shopping?

2.   How
often do you go shopping?

3.   Who do
you often go shopping with?

you buy something, do you «shop around» and go to many stores to
compare prices?

5.   When
you buy something, what is most important to you: price, quality, fashion
trend, status/image?

kinds of shops do you like most?

7.   Do you sometimes buy second-hand things?

8.   Do you sometimes buy things that you don’t need?

9.   Do your parents give you pocket money?

— How

— What
do you use it for?

— How
often do they give it to you?

10.   How much did you spend yesterday?

11.   What is
preferable for you — to buy food in a big supermarket or in small shops?

12.   What is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought?

13.   How much do you usually spend each month on food?

14.   Have you ever found any money? If so, what did you do with it?

15.   If someone gave you a million dollars, what would you do with it?

16.   What is something that you want to buy, but don’t have enough
money to buy.

№2. Read short texts and be ready to answer some

The Corner Shop is a small shop on or near a street corner. They
usually sell food.
Harrods is a department store. It has 230 departments. It has
a library, a bank. It is a very expensive shop.
Sainsbury’s is the biggest of the supermarket chains. It
suggests good food, wine, do it yourself goods.
Mark & Spencer is a chain store. It is a number of
department stores which sell men’s and women’s clothing, home furniture, plants
and food. The company has over 700 stores over the world.
The Body Shop sells perfumes, soap, shampoo, skin-care
products for men and women.


 — What do they sell in the Corner Shop (Harrods, Sainsbury’s, Mark
& Spencer, the Body Shop)?
– What similar shops have we got in Krasnye Baki?
– What is your favourite shop in Krasnye Baki?

№3. Do the test

Lasagne is………………….. food.

a) Russian
b) English
c) Italian
d) Chinese

People don’t eat…………….. when they are on a diet.

a) fruit and vegetables
b) Italian food
c) humpback and sazan
d) biscuits

Usually shops are different in………….

a) sizes
b) kinds
c) colours
d) owners

You can’t buy a…………… of sugar.

a) pound
b) kilo
c) packet
d) bottle

Englishmen use……………… in the shops.

a) pounds and pence
b) roubles and kopecks
c) dollars and cents

Humpback is a…………….

a) fish
b) meat
c) sweet
d) cake

We can buy fish at the……………

a) baker’s
b) grocer’s
c) fishmonger
d) greengrocer’s

If you want to make a cake you need…………

a) eggs, sugar, flour
b) ham, sugar, eggs
c) chips, sugar, flour

translate and act out the following dialogue.


– Good morning. How are you?
– Morning. Fine, fine you?
– Fine, thanks. Can I help you?
– Yes. Have you got pineapples?
– Certainly. How much would you like?
– One tin, I think
– What about fresh biscuits?
– No, thank you. I’m on a diet. I prefer fruit and vegetables.
– Anything else?
– May be some fish: sazan or humpback.
– I strongly recommend you to buy humpback.
– OK. Give me one fish. How much does it cost?
– 133 roubles. Oh, just a minute. Do you like lasagne?
– Oh, it’s not bad. But I don’t like Italian food. Here are 150 roubles.
– Thank you. You change is 17 roubles.You are welcome


Tom : Sarah, what did you do today?
Sarah : I went shopping.
Tom : Did you buy anything?
Sarah : Yes, I bought a few things.
Tom : What did you buy?
Sarah : I bought this coat. Do you like it?
Tom : Yeah, I like it a lot. It’s very pretty.
Where did you buy it?

Sarah : At the mall on 5th street.
Tom : Was it expensive?
Sarah : No, it wasn’t expensive. It was on sale for
20 dollars.

Tom : That’s cheap.
Sarah : I know. It was a really good deal.
Tom : I don’t think you’ll need to wear it for a
while. It’s been really hot lately.

by heart the poems

Look! Shop windows are so bright!

They are coloured, they are light.

Window-shopping says, “Oh, hi!

Would you like to come in and buy?”


are different kinds of shops
We visit every day:
The baker’s, the butcher’s,
The greengrocer’s and grocer’s –
We choose the food and pay!
At the baker’s people buy
White and brown bread.
At every table it’s important,
It is called “a head”.
At the butcher’s we can find
Mutton, pork and beef.
Mother always cooks for us
Cutlets, chops, roastbeef!
Then let’s go to the grocer’s
To buy buckwheat, millet, rice.
All the cereals with butter
And with milk are very nice!
Sugar, salt and macaroni,
Noodles, flour and peas
Are in packets on the shelves
Pay the money, buy them, please!
You are also suggested
Buying sausage, bacon, ham,
Bars of chocolate and biscuits,
Coffee, marmalade and jam.
The greengrocer offers you
Carrots, onions, beets and greens
Cauliflower and radish
Cabbage, cucumbers and beans!
Apples, plums, bananas, lemons,
Oranges and tangerines –
All of appetizing colours:
Violet, yellow, red, green.
Enjoy yourselves!

Song  “Hippoty Hop”

Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Monday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop

To buy some meat for Tuesday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop

To buy some apples for Saturday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

are some English proverbs. Can you find the right Russian equivalent?

1.   The
buyer needs hundred eyes, the seller but one.

2.   A fool
and his money are soon parted.

3.   Look
after the pennies and the pound will look after themselves.

4.   Lend
your money and lose your friend.

5.   Buy a
pig in a poke.

6.   Sell
what you have and buy what is really good.

7.   A man
with a sour face should not open the shop.

the jokes:

Gee, you smell good. What have you got on?

Clean socks.

Funny riddles:

It is tasty, it is white and brown.

It can be square, oval and round. (Bread)

They are coloured and sweet like honey.

 I like to buy them. (Sweets)

It is tasty, cold and white.

We can Lick it like an ice. (Ice-cream)

It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.

And we like with it

Drinking tea. (A cake)

Texts for

A supermarket shopping trip

Diana and Roger
Frost are in a large supermarket in Wembley. They shop here every Saturday
morning. Their two children are at home with Rosa.

«I’ll get the
fruit and you get the vegetables!» Diana tells her husband. Roger puts
four small lettuces into his basket. Then he sees some large tomatoes from
Holland and some very small cherry tomatoes from Spain. He likes tomatoes very
much so he takes both types.

Diana always buys
a lot of bananas. They are good value and the children like them. The Frosts
have apple and pear trees in their garden so they do not buy any green fruit.
They also have a lot of raspberries in their freezer.

«Have you got
the potatoes?» Diana asks.

«Yes, English
ones — King Edwards!» answers Roger.

«Well, you
can get the ham, cheese and olives. I’ll get the butter, milk, yoghurt and
pizza bases.»

Roger takes a
ticket from a small machine and waits for his number. Then an assistant in a white
uniform serves him with 200 grammes of Honey Roast ham, 350 grammes of Cheddar
cheese and 100 grammes of small, black olives.

Diana is very
quick. Her basket is now very full. She has also got a packet of Mozarella
cheese for the pizza topping and a large free-range chicken for Sunday lunch.
She meets her husband near the bread counter.

They buy two
loaves of French bread for the weekend and some large square tin loaves of
white and brown bread to put in the freezer.

«Let’s get
the ice-cream and go home.» Roger says. «Supermarkets aren’t my
favourite places!»

know!» answers Diana. «You’d like to do all your shopping by
computer! There are two more things on my list. We need toothpaste and toilet

Shopping in London

London has many
large department stores, which sell everything: shoes and shirts, paper and
perfume, fur coats and frying pans. The most expensive department store is
Harrods in Knightsbridge. You can buy almost anything in Harrods, and you know
you’re getting the best. Twice a year, in January and July, Harrods has a
“sale”. Some things are almost half price, and there are thousands of bargains.
But on the first days of the sale the shop is very crowded. Some people stand
and wait all night so that they can be first in the shop when it opens.

The smartest and
most expensive shops are in Knightsbridge, but more people come to Oxford
Street, London’s most popular shopping centre. Most of the hundreds of shops
sell clothes or shoes. The street is more than a mile long.

There are several
big department stores in Oxford Street. The best known are Selfridges, John
Lewis and D.H. Evans.

Oxford Street has
the most shops, but in some ways King’s Road in Chelsea is more fun. This is
where fashionable young Londoners buy their clothes in the many small

You can buy what
you like in the big shops, but the small markets have a lot to offer too. There
are several big street markets in London, and many small ones. Some markets
open only one day a week. Go to the Portobello Road on Saturday, or to
petticoat Lane on Sunday. Covent Garden market is open every day. Come here for
antiques, old clothes, hand-made jewellery and many other rather special

Restaurant in

restaurants are not, unfortunately, famous for their good food… Too often, they
offer only sausages and ships, fish and chips – chips with everything in fact!
But there are some wonderful surprises in British cooking, especially the many
delicious cakes and desserts, and the British certainly enjoy their food.
There’s a fantastic variety of restaurants of all nationalities in London.

 Most British
families only go to restaurants on special occasions, like birthdays, or
wedding anniversaries. The restaurant’s best customers are businessmen, who
meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone.
They can eat what they like, because the company pays the bill! But when a boy
and girl want to get to know each other better, they often go out to a
restaurant together. After all, it’s easier to talk in a quite atmosphere, with
soft music, wine and good food.

 For visitors to
London, eating out can be fun. Try Rules, in the West End. The traditional menu
and décor are just like they were in Queen Victoria’s day, a hundred
years ago.

Or take a walk
down the King’s Road in Chelsea where there are dozens of small restaurants.

But if you want
that special London feeling, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon
at about half past four. Too expensive? Then try England’s favourite food –
fish and chips. Take it away and eat it where you like – in the park, on the
bus, or while you walk down the street. That’s what Londoners do!


Pubs are an
important part of life in Britain. People go to the pub to relax, meet friends,
and sometimes to do business.

But pubs are not
open to everyone, and they are not open all the time. People under the age of
14 cannot go into pubs. And they are only open from about 11 am (“opening
time”) until 2.30 pm, and 5.30 pm until 10.30 or 11 pm (“closing time”). When
it’s closing time, the barman calls “Time!” or “Time, gentlemen, please!”

You can buy most
kinds of drink in a pub: beer, lager, all kinds of wine, spirits, liqueurs,
fruit juice and soft drinks. Beer is the most popular drink, and there are many
different kinds. You ask for beer by the “pint” (a little more than half a
litre) or the “half pint”. When people buy beer they ask for “bitter” (strong
beer), “mild” (less strong), or lager. Some people just say the name of the
maker: “A half of Double Diamond, please” or “Two halves of Export, please”.

Конспект урока английского языка по теме:

 «Do you like to go shopping? » (6 класс)

Цели и задачи:

·                     Практическая: систематизировать и обобщить лексический и грамматический материал.

·                     Обучающие:

o                               учить монологической и диалогической речи учащихся;

o                               формировать навыки чтения с извлечением необходимой информации.

·                     Развивающие:

o                               развитие языковых навыков;

o                               развитие познавательной и мыслительной деятельности;

o                               развитие зрительной памяти учащихся.

·                     Воспитательные:

o                               воспитывать умение работать в парах и коллективе;

o                               поощрять умение творчески относиться к делу;

o                               аккуратность, усидчивость и ответственность.

Тип урока: систематизация и обобщение лексического и грамматического материала.

Методы и методические приемы:

Беседа с учащимися, игровые моменты, аудирование, чтение, монологические высказывания учащихся, парная работа учащихся.


Учебник, тетрадь, наглядные пособия и раздаточный материал.


1. Оргмомент.

– Good morning , dear friends. I am glad to see you. Let me begin our lesson with some riddles. If you guess them, you will know what we are going to speak about . Listen to me and think.

2.. Определение темы урока учащимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока.

Usually two or more people take part in this process.

We do it in a special place.

We do it very often.

Usually women like to do it, men don’t like.

We can’t do it without money.

T: What is it?

P: Shopping

T: Yes, We are going tо speak about shopping.

 We`ll  revise new words, you will listen to the text and do some exercises. We have a lot of work. Let’s start.

3. .Фонетическаязарядка.

[ t ] – tomato, meat, bottle, tin, a toyshop, trainers, trousers, sweater, certainly, little, a little;

[ d ] – doll, doll’s house, teddy bear, dress, a dairy;

[ b ] – bread, butter, a baker’s, a butcher’s, buy, ball, boots;

[ t∫ ] – change, chocolate, cheese, cheap;

[ ∫ ] – shoes, sure, a shoe shop, shirt, T-shirt, a fishmonger’s;

[ ð ] – this, that, these, a clothes shop;

[ r ] – orange, carrot, try, right, a grocer’s, a greengrocer’s.

4.     Лексическаязарядка.

Which of these words are the names of the shops?

Eggs, the dairy, a can of Coke, tins, the butcher’s, flour, the greengrocer’s, customers, the baker’s, packets, the grocer’s, a box of sweets, music shop.

5       Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Покупки».

Look! Shop windows are so bright!

They are coloured, they are light.

Window-shopping says, “Oh, hi!

Would you like to come in and buy?”

You know we buy different things in different shops. Will you remind me where you can buy sweets (milk, fish, bread, meat, sugar, potatoes, bananas, cheese, a carton of juice…)









Funny riddles:

It is tasty, it is white and brown.

It can be square, oval and round. (Bread.)

They are coloured and sweet like honey.

 I like to buy them. (Sweets)

It is tasty, cold and white.

We can lick it like an ice. (Ice-cream.)

It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.

And we like with it

Drinking tea. (A cake.)

-Past Progressive

Мы используем это время, когда описываем действие, происходящее в определенный момент или в течение определенного момента в прошлом.

                      was /were + Ving

    My mum was shopping all day long yesterday.

-What were you doing yesterday?

6. There are different types of packaging foods.

What are they? Match the words from lists A and B.

7. Практикавсоставлениидиалогов.

Now practice these dialogues working in pairs.

At the Clothes Department

— Can I help you?

— Yes, please. I’m looking for a shirt.

— What kind of shirt would you like?

— The one like those on display in the shop window.

— What about this one?

— It’s just what I wanted. May I try it on?

— Yes, please… How is it?

— It’s nice. How much is it?

— Three hundred rubles.

— Oh, it’s very expensive. Have you got anything cheaper?

— Certainly, look at this one, please. It costs two hundred.

— I’ll take it.

— Here you are.

— Thank you.

At the Food Shop



«I want a loaf of bread, please.»

«Here you are.»

«Thank you.»

«Do you want anything else?»

«Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three pounds of apples and two cans of Cola-Cola. How much is all that?»

«Five pounds fifty, please.»

«Here’s six pounds.»

«That’s 50 pence change. Thank you very much and come again.»

Make up your dialogues in pairs.

8 Аудирование текста и выполнение задания к нему.

Now I will read you the text about Ctristmas Present, you have to listen to me and  match the people and their presents.

Christmas Presents

Some weeks before Christmas shops are very busy. People buy presents for their relatives and friends. When I buy presents I always ask myself «Would he or she like to have this thing? Will he or she like my present?» Choosing presents is a difficult business for me. I never buy whatever comes up. I think twice and try to find reasons before buying this or that. This year I’ve bought a saucepan for Granny. Her old one is too small for our family. I’ve bought a new tie for Granddad. His old one isn’t trendy at all. I’ve bought a very beautiful flower for Mum and a nice fish for Dad’s aquarium. My little sister Jane likes watching cartoons. So I’ve bought a disk with her favourite ones. All these presents are from the heart.

Are these statements true or false?

1. There are a lot of people in the shops before Christmas. (T)

2. People buy presents for nearest and dearest. (T)

3. Choosing presents is a hard business for Michael. (T)

4. He buys whatever comes up. (F)

5. Michael bought a new saucepan for Mum. (F)

6. Michael bought a fish for Granddad’s aquarium. (F)

7. Michael bought a cassette with Jane’s favourite cartoons. (T)

9.Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов.

Great! Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way… work today. You get “5s”. The rest have “4s”.Your home task will be to put all new words in your vocabularies and to create your own dialogues. Thank you once again. Have a nice day. Goodbye.


Делая самоанализ урока, я, учитель английского языка Иванова И.А., хотела бы отметить несколько моментов.

1. Тема урока “ Doyouliketogoshopping?” оказалась очень интересна учащимся 6 класса, и они сразу же показали свою увлечённость.

2. Мне удалось привлечь внимание учеников постоянным опросом класса и комментариями. Ученики внимательно следили за ходом урока: смотрели на учителя, на интерактивную доску, внимательно следили за презентацией и вовремя давали ответы, понимая суть вопроса.

3. На уроке были представлены все виды речевой деятельности: аудирование, чтение, говорение и письменная речь, и использовалось несколько видов презентации учебного материала: цветные картинки, интерактивная доска, компьютеры.

4. На уроке были представлены следующие образовательные технологии: групповая, технология коммуникативного обучения и компьютерная.

Учащиеся проявляли инициативность в общении с учителем и одноклассниками. Увлечённость, активность, доброжелательность и желание познания – такая психологическая атмосфера царила на уроке.

Урок построен в соответствии с программными требованиями. При подготовке были учтены все индивидуальные особенности учащихся: высокий интерес к изучению данного предмета, хорошие потенциальные возможности к овладению иноязычной культурой, достаточно высокая мотивация.

Время было использовано достаточно эффективно, я успела провести все этапы урока, которые планировала.

В целом урок прошёл успешно. Поставленные цель и задачи достигнуты.

Поделитесь с коллегами:

Конспект урока английского языка по теме: «Shopping».(8 класс)

Цель урока: формирование и совершенствование навыка диалогической речи по теме «Shopping».

Задачи урока:


  • формирование умения вести диалог по теме;

  • развитие аудио — фонематических навыков учащихся;

  • развитие умений учащихся оперировать известными понятиями,

составлять высказывания с помощью опор;

  • контроль усвоения изученной темы.


  • формирование способности и готовности вступать в иноязычное общение;

  • развитие различных видов памяти (вербальной, образной), внимания, коммуникативности, воображения;

  • развитие мыслительной деятельности, умения переноса знаний в новую ситуацию;

  • развитие языковой догадки.


  • показать значимость умения решать коммуникативные задачи через диалог;

  • расширение кругозора, творческих способностей учащихся;

  • воспитание коммуникативной компетентности учащихся.


I. Оргмомент.

— Good morning, dear friends. I am glad to see you. Let me begin our lesson with some riddles. If you guess them, you will know what we are going to speak about . Listen to me and think. .

II. Определение темы урока учащимися по проблемному заданию, ознакомление учащихся с целями и задачами урока.

Usually two or more people take part in this process.

We do it in a special place.

We do it very often.

Usually women like to do it, men don’t like.

We can’t do it without money.

T: What is it?

P: Shopping

T: Yes, We are going tо speak about shopping. We`ll try to make up and act dialogues, to learn new words, tо see a video film, tо write a test .We have a lot of work. Let’s start.

III. Фонетическая зарядка.

[ t ] — tomato, meat, bottle, tin, a toyshop, trainers, trousers, sweater, certainly, little, a little;

[ d ] — doll, doll’s house, teddy bear, dress, a dairy;

[ b ] — bread, butter, a baker’s, a butcher’s, buy, ball, boots;

[ t∫ ] — change, chocolate, cheese, cheap;

[ ∫ ] — shoes, sure, a shoe shop, shirt, T-shirt, a fishmonger’s;

[ ð ] — this, that, these, a clothes shop;

[ r ] — orange, carrot, try, right, a grocer’s, a greengrocer’s.

  1. Лексическая зарядка.

Which of these words are the names of the shops?

P1 will you help me. I ask you to be a teacher. Go to the blackboard and ask pupils where they buy different food and things?

P2 can you help me now? Please go to the blackboard and ask pupils what they can buy at the different shops?

There are some English proverbs. Can you find the right Russian equivalent?

  • The buyer needs hundred eyes, the seller but one.

  • A fool and his money are soon parted.

  • Look after the pennies and the pound will look after themselves.

  • Lend your money and lose your friend.

  • Buy a pig in a poke.

  • Sell what you have and buy what is really good.

  • A man with a sour face should not open the shop.

  1. Активизация ранее изученной лексики по теме «Покупки».

Look! Shop windows are so bright!

They are coloured, they are light.

Window-shopping says, «Oh, hi!

Would you like to come in and buy?»

You know we buy different things in different shops. Will you remind me where you can buy sweets (milk, fish, bread, meat, sugar …)









Now let’s repeat all these names once again(ученики еще раз повторяют названия магазинов для закрепления навыков произношения). And now I will check how well you’ve remembered the names. Listen to the song and try to remember all the shops in it.

Звучит песня «Hippoty Hop»

Hippoty hop to the corner’s shop

To buy some sweets for Sunday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the baker’s shop

To buy some bread for Monday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the buther’s shop

To buy some meat for Tuesday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Hippoty hop to the green grocery’s shop

To buy some apples for Saturday

Some for you,

Some for me,

Some for sister Sandy.

Do you like the song? Who is the main character? What shop does he go first? (учащиеся перечисляют магазины по порядку, я ставлю номера возле каждой таблички на доске).

Funny riddles:

It is tasty, it is white and brown.

It can be square, oval and round. (Bread.)

They are coloured and sweet like honey.

I like to buy them. (Sweets)

It is tasty, cold and white.

We can Lick it like an ice. (Ice-cream.)

It’s nice. I eat a piece or three.

And we like with it

Drinking tea. (A cake.)

The language of shopping:

Я могу вам помочь?

Это или то?

Что-нибудь еще?

Мне бы хотелось….

Я возьму вот это…

Вот пожалуйста.. Сколько это стоит?

Урок английского языка по теме ShoppingУрок английского языка по теме Shopping

Here you are.

I’ll take this one, please.

Can I help you?

I’d like…

Can I have…

This one or that one?

Anything else?

How much is it?

1. Say in English.

— В чем дело? Похоже на то, что вы куда-то собираетесь.

What’s up? It looks as if you…

— Да, мы идем в универмаг.

We are going to…

— Зачем?

What for?

— Покупать мне новые перчатки.


— Что со старыми?

What’s wrong with…?

— Я их испортил, когда играл в хоккей, и теперь они никуда не годятся.

Spoiled them while

Are no good

— Какого цвета перчатки ты хочешь купить?

What colour gloves…?

— Я бы хотел коричневые, но не знаю, есть ли они в продаже.

I would like…

On sale

— Лучше возьми черные. И смотри, чтобы перчатки были твоего размера.

Better take…

And see that … are your size

2. Tell the story.

Урок английского языка по теме Shopping

Look at the picture and answer the questions:

  1. What did the man want to buy?

  2. Why do you think he needed a new pair of shoes?

  3. Did he go to a stationery shop or to a department store?

  4. What department did he go to?

  5. What did the shop assistant ask the man when he entered the shoe department?

  6. What did the man say in reply?

  7. What did the man do with the shoe the shop assistant had given him?

  8. What happened to the man at the corner of the street?

  9. Did the two men drop their boxes?

  10. What did the man find in the box when he came home?

  11. Why did the man bring home the wrong box?

Give the names to the men and then tell the story in English. The following words will help you:

to go shopping; to buy a new pair of shoes; department store; shop assistant; to collide with smb; at the corner; to drop one’s boxes; doll; to bring home the wrong box; to mix up the boxes.


You have got shits of paper on the desks. It is the same dialogue but some words are missing there. You have to insert the missing words.


  • Hello, I’d like to buy….

  • OK.

  • How much does it cost?

  1. — Can I have…?

  • Yes, of course.

  • How much is that?

    • I’d like to buy….

    • Here you are. What else?

    • ….How much is it?

    • ….

    • Thank you.

    Thank you very much. And what about you? Do you often go to the shop? What shops do you visit more often? As for me, I go to the green grocery’s more often . And you?(опрашиваю несколько учеников). And what do we usually say in the shop when we want to buy something?

    VI. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов.

    Great! Thank you for your work, you were very active, it was such a pleasure to work with you. Especially I like the way… work today. You get «5s». The rest have «4s».Your home task will be to put all new words in your vocabularies and to create your own dialogues. Thank you once again. Have a nice day. Goodbye.

    64 месяца назад

    uncle usually …(read) newspapers in the evening . 3.as a rule , my sister … (do) all housework in the evening . 4.go and see ! our children … (sleep) soundly . 5.our family usually … (go) out of town on Sundays 6.what … the stadents … (do) at the monent ? 7.hello ! where … you … (go) ? 8. … your nephew … (read) English books in original ? 9. i … (not/attend) classes at the universiti in the morning. 10. … she … (understand)the words of this English song? 11.whorn … you … (see)? 12.i … (look) for a new flat in a quiet place. 13.why … they …(want) to change their planes ? 14. both my brothers … (like) sport. 15. what … you …(think) about now ?


    1. Look up! The sun is shining so brightly.
    2. My uncle usually reads newspapers in the evening.
    3. As a rule, my sister does all housework in the evening.
    4. Go and see! Our children are sleeping soundly.
    5. Our family usually goes out of town on Sundays.
    6. What are the students doing at the moment?
    7. Hello! Where are you going?
    8. Does your nephew read English books in original?
    9. I do not attend classes at the university in the morning.
    10. Does she understand the words of this English song?
    11. Whom do you see?
    12. I am looking for a new flat in a quiet place.
    13. Why do they want to change their planes?
    14. Both my brothers like sport.
    15. What are you thinking about now?

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