Lynne sing as she was cleaning the windows

Работа по теме: metoda_grammar. Глава: 58. Underline the correct tense.. ВУЗ: НТУУ КПИ.

1 Lynne
singing / had sung
she was cleaning the windows.

2 Mr
Todd was
teaching / had been teaching
thirty years when he retired.

3 I
phoned Jack because I wanted
/ had wanted
ask him a question.

4 They
walked / had been walking
hours when they stopped for a rest.

5 The
shop had
been selling / had sold
table by the time I got there.

6 Joe
was happy. He was
winning / had won
prize in the competition.

7 It
raining / had rained
they were playing the football match.

8 Rob
opening / opened
box and looked inside.

9 Eve
was delighted to hear that she was
getting / had got

10 People
to work / were working
long hours in those days.

11 I
was running when I slipped
/ was slipping
the ice.

12 They
already buying / had already bought
tickets when they went to the concert.

13 Carol
broken / was breaking
arm, so she couldn’t write for six weeks.

14 We
been staying / stayed
a hotel by the sea last summer.

15 Elvis
Presley sang
/ had sung
of hit songs.

16 I
/ was opening
door and stepped outside.

17 They
stood / were standing
when the results were announced.

18 Alexander
Graham Bell had
invented / invented

19 She
broke the glass while she had
washed / was washing

59. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate past form.

One fine
morning, a man 1)
a river. The sun 2)
the man 3)
the river bank. Everything was very quiet and peaceful. The man 4)
for several hours when suddenly he 5)
pulling on the fishing line. He 6)
and 7)
take in the line. He 8)

huge fish he had caught out of the water when there was a loud splash
and it fell back into the river. At first, the man didn’t know what
Then, he 10)
at his fishing line. It 11)
The poor man was so disappointed that he 12)
all his things and went home.

60. Fill the gaps in this text with one suitable word. Disaster!

About 70
years ago, a Dutch ship was 1)
….. near the North Pole; it 2)
heading for Blacklead Island. On the ship was a scientist, Edgar
Greenhead, who 3)
….. worked on the island for many years; he had 4)
….. conducting research into the life of the local inhabitants, who
were Eskimos (Inuits). Greenhead had 5)
….. away for a long holiday and now he was 6)
….. back to the island to continue his work. At about midnight,
Greenhead felt very tired as he had 7)
….. writing his journal all day. After he had 8)
….. goodnight to the captain, he 9)
….. down to his cabin. Outside there 10)
….. a strong wind, and the waves 11)
….. crashing onto the side of the ship. Greenhead was just 12)
ready to climb into his bunk when he suddenly 13)
….. a great crash. He dashed up on the deck and although it was
dark he 14)
….. see that the ship 15)
….. run onto an iceberg.

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Transform the sentences into negative and interrogative.

By the time mum came home her son had cooked the dinner.

Sandra had been writing a report for three hours before she realized it was too late.

This bridge was built in 1953.

Tom was reading a very interesting book while his dad was watching a football match.

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3” 1. Underline the correct tense.

1. Lynne was singing/had sung while she was cleaning the windows.

2. Mr Todd was teaching/had been teaching for thirty years when he retired.

3. They had walked/had been walking for hours when they stopped for a rest.

4. Joe was happy. He was winning/had won the first prize in the competition.

5. Alexander Graham Bell had invented/invented the telephone.

6. We had been buying/had bought the tickets before we went to the theatre.

4” 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

1. Joanne (wash) her hair when the phone rang.

2. Princess Diana (do) a lot of work for charity.

3. Sam was in hospital because he (crash) his car.

4. Tom (play) the piano for years before he became famous.

5. The children (clean) the house by the time their parents came.

5” 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Они посетили Британский музей на прошлой неделе.

2. Я читал интересную книгу, когда мой друг позвонил мне.

3. К тому времени как я приехал на вокзал, поезд уже уехал.

4. Я изучал английский язык два года перед тем как посетил Англию.

3” 1. Underline the correct tense.

1. We had been staying/stayed in a hotel by the sea last summer.

2. She broke the glass while she had washed/was washing the dishes.

3. We had been walking/ were walking for hours before we came to the campsite.

4. The shop had been selling/had sold the table by the time I got there.

5. We had been living/had lived in the house for a year before we decorated the kitchen.

6. We had been finishing/had finished the work by the time the meeting began.

4” 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct past tense.

1. The children were very tired because they (play) all day long.

2. Elvis Presley (sing) lots of hit songs.

3. By the time of our arrival, my mother (cook) the dinner.

4. I (listen) to music, when somebody knocked at the door.

5. By 1960 most of Britain’s old colonies (become) independent.

5” 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Они просмотрели много объявлений перед тем как купить этот дом.

2. Мы встретили друзей, когда гуляли в парке.

3. Том выиграл соревнования на прошлой неделе.

4. Мы не пошли в кино, потому что мы уже посмотрели этот фильм.

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