Microsoft sharepoint designer 2010 64 разрядная версия windows 10

Technical articles, content and resources for IT Professionals working in Microsoft technologies

Table of Contents

  • Getting Started with a Web Application for Testing
  • An Overview of SharePoint Designer
  • Install SharePoint Designer
  • Create a Basic Custom Master Page
    • Active the Required Features
    • Make a Copy of the Default Master Page
    • Create a Custom CSS file to Add Branding
    • Going Live with Your Custom SharePoint Master Page

Getting Started with a Web Application for Testing

Create first a web application where we are made some modifications. Choose any name for it, and be sure that it works correctly. I created in my test environment
http://master.Spdev.local:888 ( this is only a dev/test environment ) 

You don’t have to fill this page with any data or document; we only will change the style of this page. 

An Overview of SharePoint Designer

SharePoint Designer is used for the management of SharePoint sites and lists, for creating and managing internal and external data sources, for creating views and forms to work with data, for creating workflows in order to represent
business processes and finally SharePoint Designer is used for branding sites by customizing the look and feel.

SharePoint Designer 2010 can be downloaded for free from Microsoft while SharePoint Designer 2007 wasn’t free of charge at the release of SharePoint 2007 which changed during time. While SharePoint Designer 2007 offered you to
edit SharePoint and non-SharePoint sites this has changed with the version published in 2010: With SharePoint Designer 2010 you can only edit SharePoint 2010 sites .

SharePoint Designer 2010 is available in a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. If you intend to use SharePoint Designer 2007 you must continue to use SharePoint Designer 2007. SharePoint Designer 2010 only connects to SharePoint 2010.  If
you want to install both versions side-by-side, you must download the 32-bit version of SharePoint Designer 2010, and install it
after installing SharePoint Designer 2007.

One important complaint with the 2007 version was the quit difficult lockdown of SharePoint Designer 2007 which has changed with SharePoint Designer 2010: You can now easily manage the capabilities at the web application or site
collection level.

Download SharePoint Designer 2010

Here are the downloads including Service Pack 1: 

  • Download: Microsoft
    SharePoint Designer 2010 (32-bit)
  • Download:
    SharePoint Designer 2010 (64-bit)
  • Download:
    Service Pack 1 for SharePoint
    Designer 2010 (32-bit)
  • Download:
    Service Pack 1 for SharePoint
    Designer 2010 (64-bit)
  • Download: Product Information SharePoint
    Designer 2010

Install SharePoint Designer

The first step in this process of course, is to get it installed. To do so, I am starting from the first site I have created in my new environment. 

Since I do not already have Designer 2010 installed, a dialog window pops up, basically letting me know that I do not have it installed, and I can do so. Just like SharePoint Designer
2007, SharePoint Designer 2010 will be free for all users. And since the Beta is all that is around now, that’s what it will install for me

I select the language I am looking to install SharePoint Designer in (English, German, Spanish, Japanese, French, Russian, and Chinese are other available languages that can be selected, in addition
to English, as shown above), and choose my platform. Even though SharePoint 2010 is only 64-bit, SharePoint Designer 2010 is available in both 32 and 64 bit, as it is intended to be run from the desktop, and many of us still run 32 bit desktops, as we probably
will for a long time to come.

Once done, selecting the Download button goes out and fetches the right download, and prompts me to run and/or save it.

It’s sizeable for my options as chosen (English 64-bit) at 277MB, happy that I have a nice and fast connection.

Once it’s up and running, the installer will extract the files, and then move on.


You have the usual EULA; agree and continue


Once accepted, you really cannot miss what is needed on the next screen. Microsoft made sure of that.


However, you can customize your installation by clicking on the
Customize button, setting a new installation directory, setting your user information, and adding or removing features from the install. With the default installation, it’s a fairly hefty installation at 1.03G, but, I have a feeling it will
be well worth it…


The installation begins (of course after you have clicked the
Install Now button. And that’s it. You’re done!


Create a Basic Custom Master Page

Active the Required Features

Where can you set the master page / page layouts if you create a Team Site / non publishing site collection?  Well, Microsoft obviously knew that people would want to use the publishing features with the non-publishing
enabled site collections, so this is an example of where the feature framework really works well. To resolve the “problem” simply complete the following steps:

  • Navigate to the landing page of your newly created site collection
  • Click on “Site Actions”
  • Click on “Site Collection Features”
  • Enable “SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure”


Enable on site collection level

  • Click on “Site Actions”
  • Click on “Manage site features”
  • Enable “SharePoint Server Publishing”


Enable on a site level

Once this has been completed, you can again access the master pages and page layouts via site settings as you would normally do for a publishing portal.

Make a Copy of the Default Master Page

SharePoint 2010 comes with three out-of-box Master Pages – v4.master (the default SP2010 design), minimal.master and default.master (for backwards compability with SharePoint 2007).  In this tutorial we will create a new masterpage
using the v4.master as a template and then connect the newly created custom Master Page to our site. It is a good idea to leave the default Master Pages untouched (at least for the examples in this post).

First we need to clone the v4.master file. Open SharePoint Designer 2010, and from the
Sites tab select the Open Site icon and enter your site URL.

The site root will be opened in SharePoint Designer 2010. Now select
Master Pages from the left menu, click on the v4.master file and press CTRL+C and CTRL+V to create a
copy of the .master file.

Now name your master page – click on the
Rename icon in the ribbon and enter your custom name (for example myCustom.master).

Now using the newly created master page we are now ready to make the modifications. Users of your SharePoint site will not notice that we are changing anything, and if you will break something – you will break custom master page,
not the one users are seeing.

Create a Custom CSS file to Add Branding

Next we need a CSS file which overrides the default core4.css style definitions. To see some changes to our customizations, we will include the fixed width style for our new master page.

Open SharePoint Designer 2010, select All files from the left menu and then enter the
Style library.

To create a new css file, right click on the
Style Library
and select New > CSS from menu.


Name this file myCustom.css, just to keep the naming schema consistent with our custom Master Page.

Right click the newly created .css file and select the
Edit file in Advanced Mode option.


Now enter some code in the css file. One thing we will do in this tutorial is to render the SharePoint site with a fixed width of 1024 pixels (making a site fixed width is actually a very difficult task using just SharePoint
2010). Additionally, we will also change the ribbon background color and the site background color.

Enter the following code in your css file:

#s4-bodyContainer {
                width: 1024px !important;
body #s4-ribbonrow {
body.v4master {
                overflow: visible;
.ms-cui-ribbonTopBars {
                width: 1024px !important;
.ms-cui-ribbonTopBars > div {
                border-bottom:1px solid transparent !important;


We now have a custom CSS in the Style Library and a custom Master Page and we now need to associate the css file with the custom Master Page.

Open the myCustom.master file with SharePoint Designer (in advanced editing mode). You will see the site preview, because by default it will open your Master Page on the
Design tab.


Click the Code tab on the bottom of the editor. You will see the entire Master Page code and content, with many placeholders, Server Ribbon code etc. Fortunately, you don’t have to learn all of these to do some
serious branding and modification.

First, we need to connect our Master Page with the css file. Within the <head> tag, we need to add a link to our custom CSS file:

<link href=”/Style%20Library/myCustom.css” rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” />

Now we need to modify the s4-workspace area so it will read our css file properly:

Find the line:

<div id=”s4-workspace”>

and replace it with:

<DIV id=”s4-workspace” class=”s4-nosetwidth”>

This would add the class attribute to s4-workspace tag. Without this, our fixed size setting in CSS file will be overridden by the default inline CSS.

Now we can test our Master Page, before we link it to our production site. The best way is to create a new test page from the selected Master Page. Go back to the
Master Pages item in the left menu, and right-click our myCustom.master file, then select the
New from Master Page option.

Give the site a name such as myCustom_Site and select where it should be created – the default
Site Pages is fine.

After a while new page will be created and the SharePoint Designer will open it for editing (in code view). Click the
Preview icon on the ribbon to see your changes.

Going Live with Your Custom SharePoint Master Page

Now, if we have ensured that the newly created Master Page looks fine we can connect it with our live production SharePoint site.

Open SharePoint Designer 2010, navigate to the
Pages option in the left menu, right click the myCustom.master
file and select Set as default Master Page.


Now, if you go to your main site (in my SP farm it’s http://master.spdev.local:888/) you should see the changed layout 


See Also 


Microsoft Office Picture Manager — это средство просмотра и редактирования графики, появившееся в Microsoft Office 2003 и включенное до Office 2010. Многие люди предпочитают старый добрый Microsoft Office Picture Manager, возможно, для его пользовательского интерфейса или UX, и хотят установить его в Windows 10.

Однако Microsoft прекратила использование Picture Manager с выпуском Office 2013. Эквивалентная функциональность теперь предоставляется в приложении Photos для Windows 10, в котором есть обрезка изображения, изменение размера, удаление эффекта красных глаз, обрезка видео и другие функции. Кроме того, вы также можете включить классический просмотрщик фотографий Windows с помощью реестра или установить фотогалерею Windows Live (которая теперь не поддерживается Microsoft).

$config[ads_text6] not found

Если вам крайне необходим Office Picture Viewer, хорошая новость заключается в том, что вы все равно можете установить его в Windows 10. Установщик SharePoint Designer 2010 включает в себя Office Picture Manager в качестве дополнительного компонента, который можно установить как отдельное приложение.

В этой статье рассказывается, как установить Office Picture Manager в Windows 10 и более ранних версиях независимо от версии Office, например Office 2013, Office 2016, Office 365, установленной на компьютере. Office Picture Manager работает очень быстро (например, средство просмотра фотографий Windows), особенно если вы собираетесь использовать его в качестве средства просмотра изображений.

Чтобы установить Office Picture Manager в Windows 10, загрузите Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 и запустите программу установки. Из списка устанавливаемых компонентов выберите только Office Picture Manager, указанный в категории « Инструменты Office ». Это устанавливает Office Picture Manager как отдельное приложение. Office Picture Manager не требует лицензионного ключа или активации.

На официальной странице системных требований SharePoint Designer 2010 говорится: «Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2 x 64 редакции, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista с пакетом обновления 1». Но программное обеспечение работает безупречно на Windows 10.

Вот ссылки на скачивание через официальный Центр загрузки Microsoft.

  • Загрузить Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (64-разрядная версия) — [279 МБ]
  • Загрузить Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 (32-разрядная версия) — [254 МБ]

Запустите установочный файл SharePointDesigner.exe и нажмите « Настроить» на экране начальной настройки.

На экране «Параметры установки» отключите все компоненты в каждой категории, кроме Microsoft Office Picture Manager .

Совет: щелкните правой кнопкой мыши на заголовке каждого раздела и выберите «Недоступно» в раскрывающемся списке. Это отключает все параметры. Затем разверните Средства Office и включите Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

Нажмите Установить сейчас и завершите процесс.

Office Picture Manager теперь будет отображаться в меню «Пуск»> «Все приложения». Если он не появляется, вы можете вручную создать ярлык для следующей цели:

 C:  Program Files  Microsoft Office  Office14  OIS.EXE 

Когда вы открываете приложение в первый раз, вам будет предложено выбрать способ обновления программного обеспечения. Нажмите « Использовать рекомендуемые настройки» и нажмите «ОК». Эта опция обеспечивает автоматическое обновление программного обеспечения Office.

Office Picture Manager регистрируется в приложениях по умолчанию (ранее «Программы по умолчанию»), и вы можете установить его в качестве средства просмотра по умолчанию вместо нового приложения «Фотографии» или средства просмотра фотографий Windows.

Как только вы установите его в качестве средства просмотра по умолчанию, двойной щелчок по файлу изображения откроет файл с помощью Office Picture Manager. Это облегченная программа просмотра и редактирования, намного лучше, чем Windows Photo Viewer, и похожа на Windows Live Photo Gallery.

СВЯЗАННЫЕ: Загрузить фотогалерею Windows Live (Windows Live Essentials)

Office Picture Manager может изменять яркость и контрастность изображения, удалять эффект красных глаз, обрезать, поворачивать, переворачивать, сжимать и изменять размер изображений.

Office Updates

После установки Office Picture Manager и перезагрузки системы некоторые обновления Office 2010 будут предлагаться через канал Центра обновления Windows. Обязательно установите все из них, включая последний пакет обновления (Office Service Pack 2).

$config[ads_text6] not found

Не удивляйтесь, если обновления для системы безопасности PowerPoint 2010, SharePoint 2010, Word 2010, Excel 2010, Visio 2010, Access 2010 будут доступны, даже если вы установили только Office Picture Manager. Похоже, что нет способа отключить установку ненужных обновлений. Но, поскольку Microsoft считает, что они по какой-то причине имеют отношение к вашей системе, продолжайте и устанавливайте их.

Вы можете следить за последними доступными по этой ссылке:

  • Обновления Office с помощью последних обновлений для версий Office, в которых используется установщик Windows (MSI)

Заключительные слова

Обратите внимание, что Microsoft прекратит поддержку Office 2010 13 октября 2020 года. После этой даты вы не будете получать никаких обновлений функций, исправлений ошибок и обновлений безопасности для продуктов Office 2010, включая SharePoint Designer 2010.

Это означает, что после 13 октября 2020 года, если вы продолжите использовать продукты Office (включая автономную установку Office Picture Manager), ваш компьютер будет уязвим. Если вы преимущественно используете компьютер в автономном режиме — для задачи редактирования изображений, а не для просмотра веб-страниц, это не должно быть проблемой.

Поскольку поддержка Office 2010 близится к концу (октябрь 2020 г.), а поддержка Windows Live Photo Gallery уже прекращена, целесообразно переключиться на другую программу просмотра изображений в целях безопасности. Вы можете попробовать новое приложение «Фотографии» или использовать средство просмотра фотографий Windows (не имеет возможности редактирования) или переключиться на сторонний редактор, такой как ImageGlass, IrfanView и т. Д.

RRS feed

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  • Question

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to install SharePoint designer 2010 64 bit on windows 10 pro. Upon checking Microsoft site, it is only limited to the following operating system: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 editions, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008
    R2, Windows Vista Service Pack 1. Is there a way to install SharePoint Designer 2010 on windows 10 pro?




All replies

  • Hi super_aMo,

    Per my test in my windows 10 enterprise, I can download the SharePoint designer 2010 64 bit. And install it successfully. It also can run successfully.

    But we do not recommend doing like this, because it may occur unknown issue.

    We recommend installing the SharePoint designer 2010 64 bit on supported operating systems including windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 editions, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

    Best regards,

    Sara Fan

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, January 3, 2018 7:21 PM

  • Hi super_aMo,

    If the reply is helpful to you, you could mark the reply as answer. Thanks for your understanding.

    Best regards,

    Sara Fan

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

  • Hi super_aMo,

    I am checking to see how things are going there on this issue. Please let us know if you would like further assistance.

    If the issue was resolved, you can mark the helpful post as answer to help other community members find the helpful information quickly.

    Best regards,

    Sara Fan

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they helped. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    here to learn more. Visit the dedicated
    forum to share, explore and talk to experts about Microsoft Teams.

RRS feed

  • Remove From My Forums
  • Question

  • Hi,

    Is it possible to install SharePoint designer 2010 64 bit on windows 10 pro. Upon checking Microsoft site, it is only limited to the following operating system: Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 editions, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008
    R2, Windows Vista Service Pack 1. Is there a way to install SharePoint Designer 2010 on windows 10 pro?




All replies

  • Hi super_aMo,

    Per my test in my windows 10 enterprise, I can download the SharePoint designer 2010 64 bit. And install it successfully. It also can run successfully.

    But we do not recommend doing like this, because it may occur unknown issue.

    We recommend installing the SharePoint designer 2010 64 bit on supported operating systems including windows 7, Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 editions, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows Vista Service Pack 1.

    Best regards,

    Sara Fan

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    • Proposed as answer by

      Wednesday, January 3, 2018 7:21 PM

  • Hi super_aMo,

    If the reply is helpful to you, you could mark the reply as answer. Thanks for your understanding.

    Best regards,

    Sara Fan

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help.
    If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

  • Hi super_aMo,

    I am checking to see how things are going there on this issue. Please let us know if you would like further assistance.

    If the issue was resolved, you can mark the helpful post as answer to help other community members find the helpful information quickly.

    Best regards,

    Sara Fan

    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they helped. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact

    here to learn more. Visit the dedicated
    forum to share, explore and talk to experts about Microsoft Teams.

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