Microsoft visual studio 2019 для windows

Скачайте IDE Visual Studio или VS Code бесплатно. Испытайте выпуск Visual Studio Professional или Visual Studio Enterprise в Windows, Mac.

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Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2022

Remote Tools for Visual Studio 2022 enables
app deployment, remote debugging, remote
testing, performance profiling, and unit
testing on computers that do not have Visual
Studio installed. Use of this tool requires
a valid Visual Studio license.

IntelliTrace Standalone Collector for Visual
Studio 2022

The IntelliTrace stand-alone collector lets
you collect diagnostic data for your apps on
production servers without installing Visual
Studio or redeploying your
application. Use of this tool requires
a valid Visual Studio license.

Agents for Visual Studio 2022

Agents for Visual Studio 2022 can be used for
load, functional, and automated testing. Use
of this tool requires a valid Visual Studio

Build Tools for Visual Studio 2022

These Build Tools allow you to build Visual
Studio projects from a command-line
interface. Supported projects include:
ASP.NET, Azure, C++ desktop, ClickOnce,
containers, .NET Core, .NET Desktop,
Node.js, Office and SharePoint, Python,
TypeScript, Unit Tests, UWP, WCF, and
Xamarin. Use of this tool requires a
valid Visual Studio license.

Are you looking for one of the Visual Studio
2022 long term
servicing baselines (LTSCs)? 
You can find them here.

Full-featured IDE to code, debug, test, and deploy to any platform. Code faster. Work smarter. Create the future with the best-in-class IDE.

Develop with the entire toolset from initial design to final deployment.

What is Visual Studio used for?

Visual Studio is a source code editor you can use to build apps, games, or extensions using the language of your choice. Edit, debug, and build code. Once you’re done the final product can then be published as an app, website, web service or mobile app.

What is the difference between Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio?

Visual Studio Code is a streamlined code editor with support for development operations like debugging, task running, and version control. It aims to provide just the tools a developer needs for a quick code-build-debug cycle and leaves more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Visual Studio.

Is Visual Studio good for Python programming?

Yes. Visual Studio is a powerful Python IDE on Windows. But also supports 36 different programming languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, C# with ASP.NET and many more.


  • Improved IntelliSense performance for C++ files
  • Local development with many common emulators
  • Simplified test access in Solution Explorer
  • Git management and repo creation in the IDE
  • Kubernetes support now included in Microsoft Azure workload


  • Stay up to date & in the know
  • Code more efficiently with built-in and downloaded features
  • Collaborate seamlessly without leaving the editor

Write code with fewer errors

Type variables quickly and accurately, using IntelliSense code suggestions if you get stuck. Maintain speed no matter the complexity as you navigate to any file, type, member, or symbol declaration you need. Make quick improvements to your code using light bulbs that suggest actions such as renaming a function or adding a parameter.

  • One-click code cleanup. Resolve warnings and suggestions with the click of a button
  • Visual Studio IntelliCode. Get AI-assisted recommendations that learn from the community
  • Visual Studio Live Share. Share code using real-time collaborative development

What’s New

The Visual Studio 16.11 minor update is now available!

Version 16.11 is the last minor update for Visual Studio 2019, and version 16.11 has been designated as the «service pack». To remain under support for Visual Studio 2019, update to the Release Channel version of 16.11 by December 2021.

The Visual Studio 2019 Preview Channel now contains the same functionality as the Visual Studio 16.11 Release Channel. However, the Preview does not provide go-live rights. To continue using Visual Studio 2019, we recommend you install Visual Studio 16.11.

Всем привет! Сегодня мы рассмотрим новую версию среды программирования от компании Microsoft — Visual Studio 2019. Вы узнаете, что нового появилось в этой версии, в каких редакциях она выпускается, какие системные требования необходимо выполнить для ее установки, где скачать Visual Studio, а также мы подробно разберем процесс установки Visual Studio 2019 в редакции Community на операционную систему Windows 10, и даже создадим и запустим свой первый тестовый проект.

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  1. Обзор Visual Studio 2019
  2. Редакции Visual Studio 2019
  3. Системные требования Visual Studio 2019
  4. Что нового в Visual Studio 2019?
  5. Где скачать Visual Studio 2019 Community?
  6. Установка Visual Studio 2019 Community на Windows 10
  7. Шаг 1 – Запускаем установщик
  8. Шаг 2 – Выбор компонентов, настройка установки
  9. Шаг 3 – Процесс установки и его завершение
  10. Создание нового проекта в Visual Studio Community 2019, и запуск первой программы
  11. Видео-инструкция по установке Visual Studio 2019 Community

Visual Studio – это интегрированная среда разработки (IDE) от компании Microsoft.

С помощью Visual Studio можно разрабатывать:

  • Классические приложения для компьютера под управлением операционной системы Windows;
  • Мобильные приложения (Windows, iOS, Android);
  • Web-приложения;
  • Облачные приложения;
  • Различные расширения для Office, SharePoint, а также создание собственных расширений для Visual Studio;
  • Игры;
  • Базы данных SQL Server и SQL Azure.

В Visual Studio Вы можете использовать следующие технологии и языки программирования: .NET, Node.js, C, C#, C++, Python, Visual Basic, F#, JavaScript.

Редакции Visual Studio 2019

Актуальной на текущий момент является версия Visual Studio 2019, выпускается она в следующих редакциях:

  • Community – бесплатная версия среды разработки Visual Studio. Чтобы ее использовать, необходимо создать учетную запись Visual Studio, в противном случае она будет действовать 30 дней. Редакция имеет меньший функционал по сравнению с платными редакциями, однако она включает все необходимое для создания полноценных приложений. Походит для индивидуальных разработчиков и обучения;
  • Professional – редакция содержит профессиональные инструменты для разработки приложений. Функционал в этой редакции все равно не полный, например, это заметно в части инструментов диагностики, отладки и тестирования. Подходит для небольших групп разработчиков;
  • Enterprise – полнофункциональная версия Visual Studio. Комплексное решение для разработки приложений. Подходит для групп любого размера с высокими требованиями к качеству и масштабу.

Более детально посмотреть сравнение редакций Visual Studio 2019 Вы можете на следующей странице —

Системные требования Visual Studio 2019

Среду Visual Studio 2019 можно установить и работать в ней на следующих операционных системах (перечислены официально поддерживаемые версии):

  • Windows 7 с Service Pack 1;
  • Windows 8.1 (с обновлением 2919355);
  • Windows 10 (1703 и выше);
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (с обновлением 2919355);
  • Windows Server 2016 (Standard и Datacenter);
  • Windows Server 2019 (Standard и Datacenter).

Минимальные требования к оборудованию:

  • Процессор с тактовой частотой не ниже 1,8 ГГц. Рекомендуется использовать как минимум двухъядерный процессор;
  • 2 ГБ оперативной памяти, рекомендуется 8 ГБ (если устанавливать на виртуальную машину, то минимум 2.5 ГБ);
  • Свободного места на жестком диске от 800 мегабайт до 210 гигабайт, в зависимости от установленных компонентов. В большинстве случаев выделяйте как минимум 30 гигабайт, например, я устанавливал всего несколько компонентов, и у меня заняло более 20 ГБ места на жестком диске. Также Microsoft рекомендует устанавливать Visual Studio на SSD диск, я как раз устанавливал на SSD (на своем ноутбуке), скорость работы Visual Studio меня, конечно, порадовала;
  • Видеоадаптер с минимальным разрешением 1280 на 720 пикселей (для оптимальной работы Visual Studio рекомендуется разрешение 1366 на 768 пикселей и более высокое).

Дополнительные важные моменты:

  • Для установки Visual Studio 2019 требуются права администратора;
  • Для работы Visual Studio 2019 требуется платформа .NET Framework 4.7.2, она будет установлена во время установки среды;
  • Варианты «Основные серверные компоненты» и «Минимальный серверный интерфейс» не поддерживаются при запуске на Windows Server;
  • Запуск Visual Studio 2019 (Professional, Community и Enterprise) в контейнерах Windows не поддерживается;
  • Для интеграции Team Foundation Server 2019 с Office требуется Office 2016, Office 2013 или Office 2010;
  • Для установки компоненты «Разработка мобильных приложений на C++, JavaScript или .NET» в ОС Windows 7 требуется PowerShell 3.0 или более поздняя версия;
  • Visual Studio Community 2019 требуется активировать в течение 30 дней после установки, для этого необходимо создать учетную запись.

Заметка! Compiler Explorer интерактивный онлайн компилятор.

Что нового в Visual Studio 2019?

Новых возможностей в среде Visual Studio 2019 появилось очень много, я перечислю только небольшую часть:

  • Новый интерфейс создания проектов;
  • Новые возможности установки обновлений – теперь можно выбрать способ установки обновлений Visual Studio и полностью контролировать его («Сервис -> Параметры»), а также обновления Visual Studio загружаются в фоновом режиме, только когда компьютер бездействует;
  • Доступна совместная работа с другими пользователями с помощью среды Visual Studio Live Share, которая устанавливается по умолчанию;
  • Переработан интерфейс среды, в частности увеличено вертикальное пространство для кода;
  • Добавлен вид расширения: «Бесплатное», «Платное» и «Пробная версия» – теперь гораздо легче распознать версию расширения, также добавлены соответствующие теги, для более удобного поиска;
  • Система управления версиями – теперь можно временно сохранить изменения, чтобы работать над другими задачами, это возможно благодаря поддержке временного хранилища Git средствами Git в Team Explorer;
  • Очистка кода одним щелчком – теперь отреагировать на предупреждения и рекомендации среды можно одним нажатием кнопки;
  • Усовершенствованный поиск – теперь поиск выдает более точные результаты (а также поиск стал возможен в окнах отладки);
  • Индикатор хода выполнения сборки – теперь мы можем наблюдать более подробные сведения о ходе выполнения сборки, полезно, если проект крупный и на его сборку затрачивается много времени.

Более подробно посмотреть все нововведения можете на официальной странице – Заметки о выпуске Visual Studio 2019.

Скачать Visual Studio 2019 в редакции Community можно с официального сайта со страницы загрузки –

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Также загрузить Visual Studio 2019 Community можно и с отдельной страницы, посвященной редакции Community, вот она –

С главной страницы официального сайта также возможно загрузить Visual Studio 2019 Community, только в этом случае необходимо выбрать нужную редакцию.

Платные редакции Professional и Enterprise Вы также можете скачать для тестирования, т.е. они имеют 90-дневную пробную версию.

В результате у Вас должна загрузиться программа установщик vs_Community.exe.

Перед тем как переходить к установке Visual Studio 2019, хотелось бы еще раз отметить, что для того чтобы установить хотя бы пару компонентов (рабочих нагрузок), потребуется достаточно много места на жестком диске (10-20 гигабайт), а если установить больше 2-3 компонентов, то объем может достигать и сотни гигабайт, у меня установка Visual Studio 2019 заняла более 20 ГБ места на жестком диске.

Хорошо, что установщик в 2019 версии Visual Studio (который появился в 2017 версии, но в 2019 он улучшен) позволяет выбрать только те компоненты, которые нужны нам для создания нашего приложения, например, если нам нужно разработать web-приложения, устанавливать рабочие нагрузки для создания классических приложений не требуется, тем самым мы можем экономить место на жестком диске.

Также в случае необходимости мы всегда можем удалить ненужные нам компоненты.

Шаг 1 – Запускаем установщик

Запускаем скаченный установщик, т.е. файл vs_Community.exe.

Сначала установщику необходимо выполнить подготовительные действия, нажимаем «Продолжить», тем самым мы также соглашаемся с условиями лицензионного соглашения.

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После чего загрузятся и установятся необходимые файлы установщика.

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Шаг 2 – Выбор компонентов, настройка установки

После того как установщик выполнит все необходимые предварительные мероприятия, он запустится. Теперь нам нужно выбрать «Рабочие нагрузки», т.е. что мы будем создавать с помощью Visual Studio 2019 Community, я выбрал разработку как классических приложений под компьютер, так и разработку Web-приложений.

В принципе после этого можно сразу нажимать «Установить», но в случае необходимости Вы можете более детально настроить установку, для этого есть дополнительные вкладки: «Отдельные компоненты», «Языковые пакеты» и «Расположения установки».

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Вкладка «Отдельные компоненты» – если есть такая необходимость, Вы можете конкретизировать компоненты, которые необходимо установить, на этой вкладке.

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Вкладка «Языковые пакеты» – по умолчанию установлен язык, соответствующий языку системы, но, если Вам нужен другой, Вы можете изменить его на данной вкладке.

Курс по SQL для начинающих

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Вкладка «Расположения установки» – здесь Вы можете изменить каталог, в который будет установлена среда Visual Studio.

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Шаг 3 – Процесс установки и его завершение

После того как Вы нажали кнопку установить, начнется процесс загрузки и установки всех выбранных компонентов. В зависимости от объема компонентов, скорости интернета и характеристик ПК продолжительность данного процесса будет различаться, специально я не засекал, но мне кажется, он у меня длился минут 20-30.

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Когда появится следующее окно, установка будет завершена, нажимаем «Перезагрузить».

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Заметка! О статическом анализе кода в теории и на практике.

Теперь я предлагаю запустить Visual Studio Community 2019, и посмотреть, как она выглядит, и для примера давайте даже создадим проект программы, и запустим его на выполнение.

При первом запуске нам предлагают войти в учетную запись, если она есть, то входите, если нет, Вы можете ее создать прямо сейчас, также возможно отложить создание учетной записи, для этого просто нажимайте кнопку «Не сейчас! Возможно, позже.»

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Затем выбирайте цветовую схему оформления среды Visual Studio и нажимайте «Запуск Visual Studio».

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Далее, так как никаких проектов у нас еще нет, мы можем создать новый проект, или продолжить без кода и создать проект позднее.

Для примера я сразу создам проект.

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В качестве шаблона проекта я выберу «Мастер классических приложений Windows».

Нажимаем «Далее».

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Затем указываем название проекта и расположение файлов этого проекта.

Нажимаем «Создать».

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Заметка! Этапы разработки программы – как создаются и проектируются программы?

Потом выбираем тип приложения и дополнительные параметры, если требуется. Я выберу «Классическое приложение», параметры оставлю по умолчанию. Нажимаем «ОК».

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В итоге будет создан шаблон программы, включая код, который, кстати, будет подробно прокомментирован на русском языке, и все необходимые ресурсы, т.е. по факту шаблонная программа уже будет создана, и чтобы запустить ее, можете сразу нажать на кнопку «Локальный отладчик Windows», на панели инструментов.

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В результате запустится программа, в которой даже будет меню.

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Таким образом, Visual Studio может за нас сделать огромную часть работы, а нам останется только разработать нужный нам функционал, и включить его в эту шаблонную программу (конечно же, если речь идет о простых программах).

Видео-инструкция по установке Visual Studio 2019 Community

Заметка! Как измерить сложность кода программы при программировании?

На этом мой обзор среды Visual Studio 2019 Community закончен, надеюсь, материал был Вам полезен, пока!

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 contains many new and exciting features and IDE productivity enhancements to support Windows app development, cross-platform mobile development, Azure development, web and cloud development, and more.

Now, you and your teams will become more productive in building current and future projects as you benefit from the innovation in the IDE that makes every keystroke count.

Whether you’re new to coding or ready for your next project, Visual Studio 2019 streamlines your experience so you can get right down to focused work. You’ll find more screen space for your code and you can search for anything from one place. You can keep your code tidy with one-click code clean-up. When you’re debugging, you’ll notice better stepping performance and you’ll get search capabilities within the Autos, Locals, and Watch windows to quickly find that elusive object or value.

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Visual Studio provides cutting-edge tools and technologies to create apps that take advantage of the latest platform capabilities, whether Windows, Android, iOS, or Linux. It also targets earlier platforms so you can create new apps or modernize existing apps that execute on earlier versions of Windows while leveraging the enhanced development tools, quality enablement, and team collaboration capabilities in Visual Studio 2019.

Visual Studio 2019 Support for .NET Development

Visual Studio 2019 supports development of apps that use any of the .NET implementations. Among the workloads and project types, you can find support for NET Framework, .NET Core, Mono, .NET Native for Universal Windows Platform (UWP), C#, F#, and Visual Basic

Support for Android Development

Visual Studio 2019 enables you to build native Android apps using Xamarin and C# or using C++. The Visual Studio Tools for Unity and the Unreal Engine enable Android game development. You can also use Visual Studio for Mac to build Android apps using a Mac.

Use Visual Studio setup to easily obtain the Android SDK and Android API levels 19, 21, 22, and 23. Download additional API levels separately using the Android SDK Manager. You can also use Visual Studio Setup to obtain the Android Native Development Kit (R10E), Java SE Development Kit, and Apache Ant.

Support for Linux Development

Visual Studio 2019 enables you to build and debug apps for Linux using C++, Python, and Node.js. Creating C++ apps for Linux requires the Visual C++ for Linux Development extension. Creating apps with Python or Node,js, requires that you enable remote debugging on the target Linux machine. You can also create, build and remote debug .NET Core and ASP.NET Core applications for Linux using modern languages such as C#, VB and F#.

Support for macOS Development

Visual Studio 2019 enables you to build console applications and ASP.NET applications that target macOS. However, debugging is not supported. For additional macOS development tools choices, try Visual Studio Code or Visual Studio for Mac. Visual Studio Code provides a streamlined, extensible developer tool experience for macOS. Visual Studio for Mac provides a feature-rich IDE that enables you to build native macOS apps, including ASP.NET, using C#.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Features:

Write code with fewer errors

Type variables quickly and accurately, using IntelliSense code suggestions if you get stuck. Maintain speed no matter the complexity as you navigate to any file, type, member, or symbol declaration you need. Make quick improvements to your code using lightbulbs that suggest actions such as renaming a function or adding a parameter.

Learn more about your code

CodeLens helps you easily find important insight such as what changes have been made to your code, the impact of those changes, and whether your method has been unit tested. See references, authors, tests, commit history, and other essential information at a glance.

Quickly find and fix your bugs

Visual Studio lets you pause code execution the moment you want to inspect a bug, using the breakpoint and method you need. If you’ve taken one step too far or encountered an unexpected change, you can step back to any specific line of code – no need to restart your session or recreate your state.

Work efficiently

Easily navigate and organize your test suite so you can analyze how much code you’re testing and see results instantly. Immediately know the impact of every change you make, letting advanced features test code as you type. Fix errors as soon as they happen and see if new changes are covered by existing tests.

Share more than screens

Lead your team with quick and natural collaboration using Live Share to edit and debug together in real time, no matter the language or platform. Personalize your session with access controls and custom editor settings that enforce consistent coding styles for everyone.

Build for the cloud

Get up and running quickly using templates for common application types and local Azure emulators–no need for an Azure account. You can also provision application dependencies such as Azure SQL databases and Azure Storage accounts without leaving Visual Studio. Quickly diagnose any issues using Visual Studio’s remote debugger, which attaches directly to your application.

What’s New in Microsoft VS 2019 16.11.23:

Security Advisory Notice

  • CVE-2023-21538 .NET Denial of Service Vulnerability A denial of service vulnerability exists in .NET 6.0 where a malicious client could cause a stack overflow which may result in a denial of service attack when an attacker sends an invalid request to an exposed endpoint.

What’s New in Microsoft VS 2019 16.11.21:

  • Added conditional guards to fix incorrect references in AMD64 optimizations for boost, stl_interfaces.

What’s New in Microsoft VS 2019 16.11.16:

From Developer Community

  • IntelliSense issues with C++ on VS 2019 v16.11.6 or newer, including VS 2022 17.0.5, 17.0.6 and 17.1.0

Security Advisory Notice

  • CVE-2022-30184 .NET Information Disclosure Vulnerability A vulnerability exists in .NET 6.0 and .NET Core 3.1 within NuGet where a credential leak can occur.
  • CVE-2022-24513 Elevation of privilege vulnerability A potential elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when the Microsoft Visual Studio updater service improperly parses local configuration data.

What’s New in Microsoft VS 2019 16.11.15:

  • Fixed connections for Azure SQL Managed Instance in SQL Server Data Tools, including Schema Compare and SQL Server explorer. Note: Support for Azure Arc enabled Managed Instance is pending a future release

What’s New in Microsoft VS 2019 16.11.13:

  • Fixed vctip.exe regression from 16.11.12
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some applications built with Address Sanitizer (ASAN) to load in Windows 11.
  • Fixed another ASAN issue where multi-threaded applications with heap contention may experience deadlocks, false “wild pointer freed” reports, or a deadlock during process exit.

What’s New in Microsoft VS 2019 16.11.12:

  • Fixed an issue that would cause some animations for test execution to run in the background even when the associated test executions were complete. This causes slowdowns that were especially noticeable on high refresh rate monitors. The fix should improve the experience of using VS on high refresh rate monitors.
  • Removed an unnecessary warning when connecting to a LiveShare server that didn’t offer certain functionality used by the client.

Homepage –

Visual Studio 2019 System Requirements:

The following products support the minimum system requirements below:

  • Visual Studio Enterprise 2019
  • Visual Studio Professional 2019
  • Visual Studio Community 2019
  • Visual Studio Team Foundation Server Office Integration 2019

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10 version 1703 or higher: Home, Professional, Education, and Enterprise (LTSC and S are not supported)
  • Windows Server 2019: Standard and Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2016: Standard and Datacenter
  • Windows 8.1 (with Update 2919355): Core, Professional, and Enterprise
  • Windows Server 2012 R2 (with Update 2919355): Essentials, Standard, Datacenter
  • Windows 7 SP1 (with latest Windows Updates): Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate

BUY NOW Microsoft products with Discount

In this step-by-step tutorial, Learn how to Download and Install Visual Studio 2019. First, we will look at the System Requirement for Visual Studio 2019. Next, we will show you how to download Visual Studio 2019 & Finally we will learn how to install Visual Studio 2019.

You can download it from

Table of Contents

  • Edition of Visual Studio 2019
  • Important Links
  • System Requirement for Visual Studio 2019
    • Supported OS
      • Windows 10
      • Windows 8.1
      • Windows 7 SP1
      • Windows Server 2016
      • Windows Server 2019
      • Windows Server 2012 R2
    • Hardware
    • Other Requirements
  • Download Visual Studio 2019
  • Install Visual Studio 2019
    • 1. Installing the prerequisites
    • 2. Download Visual Studio 2019
    • 3. Starting Installation of Visual Studio 2019
    • 4. Software License Terms
    • 5. Installer Downloads the required files
    • 6. Choose what to install
      • Select Workloads
      • Select individual components (Optional)
      • Select language packs (Optional)
      • Select Installation Location
    • 7. Installing
  • Registration
  • Summary

Edition of Visual Studio 2019

The Visual Studio 2019 comes in three editions.  The Community, Professional & Enterprise

The download and installation process is very simple and similar to the download and installation of Visual Studio 2017. You can run both 2017 and Visual Studio 2019 side by side.

Important Links

  • Click here to find out Visual Studio 2019 Release Notes
  • Visual Studio 2019 Roadmap

System Requirement for Visual Studio 2019

Supported OS

Windows 10

  • Minimum Version 1703
  • Editions Supported Home, Professional, Education & Enterprise
  • (LTSC and S are not supported)

Windows 8.1

  • Install the update: 2919355 
  • Editions Supported: Core, Professional, and Enterprise

Windows 7 SP1

  • Editions Supported: Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise, Ultimate

Windows Server 2016

  • Editions Supported: Standard & Data Center

Windows Server 2019

  • Editions Supported: Standard & Data Center

Windows Server 2012 R2

  • Install the update: 2919355
  • Supported Editions: Essentials, Standard, Datacenter


These are the minimum hardware requirements to run Visual Studio 2019

  • You need a 1.8 GHz or faster processor.
  • A Quad-core processor or better
  • Minimum 2 GB of RAM. But 8 GB of RAM recommended (12.5 if you are running on a Virtual PC)
  • Minimum 800MB of space for basic installation. Complete Installation takes around 210 GB of Hard disk space.
  • For HDD Speed & Performance, Install Visual Studio 2019 & Windows OS on SSD Drive
  • The minimum display resolution of 720p (1280 by 720). Display resolution of WXGA (1366 by 768) or higher is recommended.

Other Requirements

  • Dot net Framework 4.5: Download link.
  • Administrator rights are required to install Visual Studio
  • Internet Explorer 11 or Edge is required for internet-related scenarios
  • If you are intended to use please refer to our article on How to download and install .NET Core

You can download it from

Download Visual Studio 2019
Download Visual Studio 2019

Install Visual Studio 2019

1. Installing the prerequisites

Before beginning installation, install the following prerequisites

Make sure you have dotnet framework 4.5 is installed You can download it from the following link

If you are on Windows 8.1 or Windows Server 2012 R2, you need to install the update 2919355

2. Download Visual Studio 2019

You can download it from the following direct download links

  1. Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition Download
  2. Visual Studio 2019 Professional Edition Download (90 days Free trial)
  3. Visual Studio 2019 Enterprise Edition Download (90 days Free trial)

Else you can download it from the link Visual Studio 2019 Downloads

3. Starting Installation of Visual Studio 2019

Right-click and select the Run as administrator on the downloaded file to begin the installation

You will be asked for permission to continue. Click on Yes to continue with the installation.

4. Software License Terms

Next, you will be asked to accept the software License terms and Privacy Statement. Click on continue to go ahead with the installation.

Visual Studio 2019 License Agreement

5. Installer Downloads the required files

The Installer fetches the required files to install the Visual Studio 2017.  This process will take few minutes

Downloading Visual Studio 2019
VIsual Studio 2019 Getting Things Ready for installation

6. Choose what to install

The Installer will ask for the features you wish to install. You have four options here

  1. Workloads
  2. Individual Components
  3. Language Packs
  4. Installation Location

Select Workloads

The first option is to select workloads.

A workload is a group of individual components based on the project type. For Example, if you are developing using ASP.NET for web development then you can choose ASP.NET and web development workload which will install the following components for you

  1. C# and Visual Basic
  2. .Net Framework 4.6
  3. ASP.NET and web development tools
  4. Entity Framework tools
  5. Typescript SDK
  6. IIS Express
  7. NuGet Package Manager

Click here to see the complete list of workloads in Visual Studio 2019

Select the required Workload. I have chosen .NET Desktop development & ASP.NET and web development.

Select individual components (Optional)

The Second Option gives an exhaustive list of components that you can install.  Choosing the workloads automatically selects the components that are part of that workload.  You can further customize what you want to install from this option.

Select the required components

Select language packs (Optional)

The language is automatically picked up from the language configured from the operating system. You can change it from this Tab.

Select Installation Location

The final tab is the installation location. Change the location if you wish to

7. Installing

Now, click on the Install button to begin the installation of Visual Studio 2019.

VIsual Studio 2019 Installation in Progress

The installer will now download each component from the internet and starts the installation. This will take a while depending on your internet speed.

Once the installation is complete, you will be presented with the Installation succeeded message along with the option to register

If you are installing Visual Studio for the first time you will be asked to sign in


Next, Sign in window appears, you can Sign in or click on Sign up to create a new account. In case if you wish to continue without Signing in click on “Not now, maybe later” and proceed. You can sign in later from the option Help -> Register Product

Note that Community edition will expire after 30 days if you do not register your copy


We learned how to download & Install Visual Studio 2019. We learned what are the system requirements and the prerequisites required to install the


2022-09-28 06:15:51


Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10



MS Visual Studio Community — многофункциональная интегрированная среда разработки, предназначенная для программирования современных приложений для платформы Windows. Доступны функции повышающие производительность, инструменты кроссплатформенной мобильной разработки и набор расширений из Visual Studio Gallery.

Описание программного обеспечения

Community — редакция известной среды разработки Microsoft Visual Studio, распространяемая бесплатно. Она отличается от платных вариантов Professional и Enterprise тем, что рассчитана исключительно на индивидуальных разработчиков.

При установке программы открывается окно с выбором компонентов, которые сгруппированы по видам разработки. Обновленный модуль процесса установки разрешает выбирать только необходимые для разработки опции. Процесс установки полностью автоматизирован и не вызывает проблем у пользователя.

Особенности Visual Studio Community

Последняя версия Community предлагает большое количество улучшений, которые сильно расширили возможности программного продукта. Особенности программы:

  • Упрощенная установка.
  • Функциональные инструменты программирования, разрешающие обнаружить и успешно ликвидировать неточности в коде, проводить рефакторинг.
  • Модернизированная отладка, во время которой проводится выявление проблем производительности.
  • Веб-инструменты ASP.NET, Node.js, Python и JavaScript, необходимые для создания веб-приложений.
  • Несколько поддерживаемых языков программирования, среди которых C#, Visual Basic, F#, JavaScript, C++, TypeScript, Python, возможность включить поддержку новых языков.
  • Доступ к бесплатным инструментам, а также обучающим программам Xamarin University, Pluralsight и прочим.

Единственное существенное ограничение — запрет на создание корпоративных приложений. Лицензия программного обеспечения позволяет установить редакцию Community бесплатно. Скачать Майкрософт Визуал Студио Комьюнити 2017 можно на нашем сайте без регистрации.


title titleSuffix description ms.custom ms.topic helpviewer_keywords author manager ms.workload

Install Visual Studio

Learn how to install Visual Studio, step-by-step.




install Visual Studio




set up Visual Studio

Visual Studio setup

Visual Studio installer







Install Visual Studio

[!INCLUDE Visual Studio]

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

Welcome to Visual Studio 2019! In this version, it’s easy to choose and install just the features you need. And because of its reduced minimum footprint, it installs quickly and with less system impact.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

Welcome to Visual Studio 2022! In this version, it’s easy to choose and install just the features you need.

::: moniker-end

This topic applies to Visual Studio on Windows. For Visual Studio for Mac, see Install Visual Studio for Mac.

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

Want to know more about what else is new in this version? See our release notes.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

Want to know more about what else is new in this version? See our release notes.

::: moniker-end

Ready to install? We’ll walk you through it, step-by-step.

Step 1 — Make sure your computer is ready for Visual Studio

Before you begin installing Visual Studio:

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

  1. Check the system requirements. These requirements help you know whether your computer supports Visual Studio 2019.

  2. Apply the latest Windows updates. These updates ensure that your computer has both the latest security updates and the required system components for Visual Studio.

  3. Reboot. The reboot ensures that any pending installs or updates don’t hinder your Visual Studio install.

  4. Free up space. Remove unneeded files and applications from your system drive by, for example, running the Disk Cleanup app.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

  1. Check the system requirements. These requirements help you know whether your computer supports Visual Studio 2022.

  2. Apply the latest Windows updates. These updates ensure that your computer has both the latest security updates and the required system components for Visual Studio.

  3. Reboot. The reboot ensures that any pending installs or updates don’t hinder your Visual Studio install.

  4. Free up space. Remove unneeded files and applications from your system drive by, for example, running the Disk Cleanup app.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

For questions about running previous versions of Visual Studio side by side with Visual Studio 2019, see Visual Studio 2019 Platform Targeting and Compatibility.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

You can install Visual Studio 2022 side by side with previous versions. For more information, see Visual Studio 2022 platform targeting and compatibility and Install Visual Studio versions side-by-side.

::: moniker-end

Step 2 — Download Visual Studio

Next, download the Visual Studio bootstrapper file.

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

To do so, select the following button, and choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want to download to your Downloads folder.

[!div class=»button»]
Download Visual Studio

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

To do so, select the following button, and choose the edition of Visual Studio that you want to download to your Downloads folder.

[!div class=»button»]
Download Visual Studio

::: moniker-end

Step 3 — Install the Visual Studio Installer

Run the bootstrapper file to install the Visual Studio Installer. This new lightweight installer includes everything you need to both install and customize Visual Studio.

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

  1. From your Downloads folder, double-click the bootstrapper that matches or is similar to one of the following files:

    • vs_community.exe for Visual Studio Community
    • vs_professional.exe for Visual Studio Professional
    • vs_enterprise.exe for Visual Studio Enterprise

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

  1. From your Downloads folder, double-click the bootstrapper VisualStudioSetup.exe to start the install.

::: moniker-end

If you receive a User Account Control notice, choose Yes.

  1. We’ll ask you to acknowledge the Microsoft License Terms and the Microsoft Privacy Statement. Choose Continue.

::: moniker range=»<=vs-2019″

Screenshot showing the Microsoft License Terms and Privacy Statement.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

Screenshot showing the Microsoft License Terms and Privacy Statement.

::: moniker-end

Step 4 — Choose workloads

After the Visual Studio Installer is installed, you can use it to customize your installation by selecting the feature sets—or workloads—that you want. Here’s how.

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

  1. Find the workload you want in the Visual Studio Installer.

    Screenshot showing the Workloads tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

    For example, choose the «ASP.NET and web development» workload. It comes with the default core editor, which includes basic code editing support for over 20 languages, the ability to open and edit code from any folder without requiring a project, and integrated source code control.

  2. After you choose the workload(s) you want, choose Install.

    Next, status screens appear that show the progress of your Visual Studio installation.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

  1. Select the workload you want in the Visual Studio Installer.

    Screenshot showing the Workloads tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

    Review the workload summaries to decide which workload supports the features you need. For example, choose the ASP.NET and web development workload to edit ASP.NET Web pages with Web Live Preview or build responsive web apps with Blazor, or choose from Desktop & Mobile workloads to develop cross-platform apps with C#, or C++ projects that target C++20.

  2. After you choose the workload(s) you want, select Install.

    Next, status screens appear that show the progress of your Visual Studio installation.

::: moniker-end

At any time after installation, you can install workloads or components that you didn’t install initially. If you have Visual Studio open, go to Tools > Get Tools and Features… which opens the Visual Studio Installer. Or, open the Visual Studio Installer from the Start menu. From there, you can choose the workloads or components that you wish to install. Then, choose Modify.

Step 5 — Choose individual components (optional)

If you don’t want to use the Workloads feature to customize your Visual Studio installation, or you want to add more components than a workload installs, you can do so by installing or adding individual components from the Individual components tab. Choose what you want, and then follow the prompts.

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

Screenshot showing the Individual components tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

Screenshot showing the Individual components tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

::: moniker-end

Step 6 — Install language packs (optional)

By default, the installer program tries to match the language of the operating system when it runs for the first time. To install Visual Studio in a language of your choosing, choose the Language packs tab from the Visual Studio Installer, and then follow the prompts.

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

Screenshot showing the Language packs tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

Screenshot showing the Language packs tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

::: moniker-end

Change the installer language from the command line

::: moniker range=»<=vs-2019″

Another way that you can change the default language is by running the installer from the command line.
For example, you can force the installer to run in English by using the following command:

vs_installer.exe --locale en-US

The installer will remember this setting when it is run the next time. The installer supports the following language tokens: zh-cn, zh-tw, cs-cz, en-us, es-es, fr-fr, de-de, it-it, ja-jp, ko-kr, pl-pl, pt-br, ru-ru, and tr-tr.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

Another way that you can change the default language is by running the installer from the command line.
For example, you can force the installer to run in English by using the following command:

vs_installer.exe --locale en-US

The installer will remember this setting when it’s run the next time. The installer supports these language locales: zh-cn, zh-tw, cs-cz, en-us, es-es, fr-fr, de-de, it-it, ja-jp, ko-kr, pl-pl, pt-br, ru-ru, and tr-tr.

::: moniker-end

Step 7 — Select the installation location (optional)

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

You can reduce the installation footprint of Visual Studio on your system drive. You can choose to move the download cache, shared components, SDKs, and tools to different drives, and keep Visual Studio on the drive that runs it the fastest.

Screenshot showing the Installation locations tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

You can reduce the installation footprint of Visual Studio on your system drive. For more information, see Select installation locations.

Screenshot showing the Installation locations tab of the Visual Studio Installer.

::: moniker-end

You can select a different drive for Visual Studio IDE or Download cache only when you first install Visual Studio. If you’ve already installed it and want to change drives, you must uninstall Visual Studio and then reinstall it.

If you’ve installed Visual Studio on your computer before, you won’t be able to change the Shared components, tools, and SDKs path and it will appear greyed out. This location is shared by all installations of Visual Studio.

Step 8 — Start developing

::: moniker range=»vs-2019″

  1. After Visual Studio installation is complete, select the Launch button to get started developing with Visual Studio.

  2. On the start window, choose Create a new project.

  3. In the search box, enter the type of app you want to create to see a list of available templates. The list of templates depends on the workloads that you chose during installation. To see different templates, choose different workloads.

    You can also filter your search for a specific programming language by using the Language drop-down list. You can filter by using the Platform list and the Project type list, too.

  4. Visual Studio opens your new project, and you’re ready to code!

::: moniker-end

::: moniker range=»>=vs-2022″

  1. After your Visual Studio installation is complete, select the Launch button to get started developing with Visual Studio.

  2. On the start window, choose Create a new project.

  3. In the template search box, enter the type of app you want to create to see a list of available templates. The list of templates depends on the workloads that you chose during installation. To see different templates, choose different workloads.

    You can also filter your search for a specific programming language by using the Language drop-down list. You can filter by using the Platform list and the Project type list, too.

  4. Visual Studio opens your new project, and you’re ready to code!

::: moniker-end


See also

  • Update Visual Studio
  • Modify Visual Studio
  • Uninstall Visual Studio
  • Create an offline installation of Visual Studio
  • Use command-line parameters to install Visual Studio
  • Install Visual Studio for Mac

In this article, I will show you how to install Visual Studio 2019 Community on to your machine to kickstart your development journey. Here is why everyone prefers Visual Studio over other IDEs – It’s a product from Microsoft who has built the .NET Framework, so obviously they know how to cater to the needs of the developers who use their framework.

Before Installing Visual Studio.

  • Make sure your Operating System is up to date with the latest patches from Windows. Visual Studio requires a minimum of Windows Service Pack 1 or newer. I believe everyone has Windows 10 by now, so you will be good to go!
  • Reboot your system before the installation process so that you can ensure that there are no other pending installations or updates which would otherwise slow down or block the installation.
  • Have enough free space on your storage. Visual Studio is quite a huge application. It could take up 40+ Gb with all the features installed. Also, make sure you have a pretty decent internet connection.

Community vs Professional vs Enterprise.

We all love free stuff, don’t we? Visual Studio comes in 3 different Editions, namely Community, Professional, and Enterprise. The FREE Edition is Visual Studio 2019 Community. It is the most suitable edition for individual developers who build small applications and contribute to the open-source community. The Community Edition gives you a lifetime free account that is just WOW!

Download the Visual Studio Installer

Let’s start the installation process by first downloading the Visual Studio Installer, which is about 80 Mb in file size. Navigate to and click over Community 2019.

install visual studio 2019 community

This will open a popup prompting you to select a download location. Select your desired location and hit on Save button.

chrome RybnoLHcAp How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Once the download is complete, click on the arrow icon on Chrome and hit on the Show in Folder option or directly open up the downloaded file.

aKamaAOm11 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Right click on the downloaded file and click on Run as Administrator. Note : This is not a mandatory step, but just in case.

chrome jX6kwnLCsQ How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Click on Continue. This will start downloading the actual setup files, which is somewhat around 80-100 Mb.

vs setup bootstrapper MCUPTX6Iw7 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Select the Required Workloads

What are workloads? Basically there are the environments that you will need for developing platform-specific applications. I recommend you to go through each option and select the required ones. I would install ASP.NET, .NET Desktop Development, Data storage and processing, and finally .NET core cross-platform development (Very Important!). These Selections would take up around 9Gb on my storage.

vlc 33Ox9qf2OG How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Select the Language Packs – Optional

By default Visual Studio Installer tries to match the language of your operating system. You are also free to choose the language packs of your preference.

vs installer language packs 1024x513 1 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Select an Installation Location – Optional

By default, Visual Studio Community 2019 gets installed on your Operating System’s default Drive in the Programs Folder. If you do not have enough space on your C drive, you would want to re-allocate the location to another drive with sufficient storage space.

vs installer installation locations 1024x504 1 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Start Installation

Once you are happy with your selections, Hit the Install button. Visual Studio will start getting downloaded on to your machine. This would take around 20 – 40 minutes depending on your machine and internet connection.

image 7 1024x576 1 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Starting Visual Studio 2019 Community for the first time.

You will be welcomed with such a splash screen.

devenv 5kEIhmX1GL How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

When you open Visual Studio for the first time, it would take about 15-30 seconds for its initial internal setup. You will be asked to sign in for the first time. The sign-in step is optional so it can be skipped. But, DO NOT SKIP THIS! Sign in with your Hotmail / Microsoft account so that you can activate Visual Studio and get a lifetime license for FREE!

visual studio installer 13 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Once done, you will be asked to choose the Development Settings and color theme.

visual studio installer 14 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

After selecting the required options, click on Start Visual Studio option. You will be presented with the Quick Launch Options of Visual Studio. Here you can see your recent Projects (It would be empty in your case), and some quick menus.

devenv lm6gGoj6eU How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Creating your First Project

Click on Create a new Project. Here you get to choose the various Project Templates that are available in your Visual Studio Installation. For now, Let’s go Simple! Search for Console App (.NET Core), make sure it is in C#, not something else,and click Next.

image 8 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Let’s give your new project a name. What is a Project? What is a Solution? This is something very very important to understand. The solution is something that can have multiple projects in it. A Project is a basic entity. Let’s say we are building an eCommerce Website. We will essentially have 2 parts in the application, ie, the Customer Site and the site for the Admins. Thus we will have 2 Projects.

It is always a good practice to make Solutions as modular as possible and not put everything into one project. We will learn a lot more about this later in the course. For now, let’s give a name for your project and choose a location to save the Solution. I have named my Project as MyFirstApp and left the location to the default value.

image 9 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

Once you are done, hit Create. Visual Studio will start building the project for you and generate some default files into your project so that you are not lost when you start. This is one great feature of Visual Studio.

The studio has finished creating my required files and now opens up the IDE itself. To the right, you have the solution explorer where you get to see the files and folders in your project. To the Left Pane, is the area where you start making magic.

image 11 1024x562 1 How to Install Visual Studio 2019 Community – The Best IDE for C#

We will not touch the code in this tutorial, let’s save it for the next session.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Visual Studio 2019 Free?

Yes, Completely. Visual Studio 2019 has 3 Variants, namely Professional, Enterprise, and Community. The Community version is completely free. You can check it out at

How to create a Visual Studio account?

Just sign-up for a Microsoft account with your email address. You can use this to login to Visual Studio.

What is the size of Visual Studio 2019 Community?

It actually depends on the payloads you select while installing the IDE. If you are a C# Desktop & Web developer, it would take up around 8 gigs of your storage.

Did I miss out something? Are you using Visual Studio 2019 Community as your go-to IDE for C#? What is your experience with it? Are there any alternate preferences? Let me know in the comments section below.

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