I am getting following error when I try to run my Android application in Eclipse . But this is happening with only single project in same workspace.
JRE version: 7.0_21-b11
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.21-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
An error report file with more information is saved as:
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
What I done:
By reading posts I got to know that this may be any memory error(hard disk sector dump error). So, I remove my app from my workspace to different one.
Installed new version of java, etc.
But of them is working.
Complete Error in log file :
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
Internal Error (javaClasses.cpp:129), pid=5024, tid=920
fatal error: Invalid layout of preloaded class
JRE version: 7.0_21-b11
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.21-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x0164b800): JavaThread «Unknown thread» [_thread_in_vm, id=920, stack(0x01690000,0x016e0000)]
Stack: [0x01690000,0x016e0000], sp=0x016df438, free space=317k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
V [jvm.dll+0x170511]
V [jvm.dll+0x16a6b6]
V [jvm.dll+0x2082f]
V [jvm.dll+0x208b6]
V [jvm.dll+0x2e5dd]
V [jvm.dll+0x2e889]
V [jvm.dll+0x77bd1]
V [jvm.dll+0x77f8b]
V [jvm.dll+0x12a1b1]
V [jvm.dll+0x14ac6a]
V [jvm.dll+0xa9eef]
C [javaw.exe+0x13ca]
C [javaw.exe+0x1e3c]
C [javaw.exe+0xa5b1]
C [javaw.exe+0xa63b]
C [kernel32.dll+0x4ed6c] BaseThreadInitThunk+0x12
C [ntdll.dll+0x6377b] RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0xef
C [ntdll.dll+0x6374e] RtlInitializeExceptionChain+0xc2
————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
Other Threads:
=>0x0164b800 (exited) JavaThread «Unknown thread» [_thread_in_vm, id=920, stack(0x01690000,0x016e0000)]
VM state:not at safepoint (not fully initialized)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
GC Heap History (0 events):
No events
Deoptimization events (0 events):
No events
Internal exceptions (0 events):
No events
Events (10 events):
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x01543e08 done
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x01542238 done
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x01542210
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x0157e1f8
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x0157e1f8 done
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x0157e230
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x0157e230 done
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x01573718
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x01573718 done
Event: 0.010 loading class 0x01542210 done
Dynamic libraries:
0x00060000 — 0x0008f000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjavaw.exe
0x774e0000 — 0x7761c000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x75ee0000 — 0x75fb4000 C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll
0x75900000 — 0x7594a000 C:Windowssystem32KERNELBASE.dll
0x77670000 — 0x77710000 C:Windowssystem32ADVAPI32.dll
0x75e10000 — 0x75ebc000 C:Windowssystem32msvcrt.dll
0x75c00000 — 0x75c19000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x76ca0000 — 0x76d41000 C:Windowssystem32RPCRT4.dll
0x772f0000 — 0x773b9000 C:Windowssystem32USER32.dll
0x75dc0000 — 0x75e0e000 C:Windowssystem32GDI32.dll
0x77010000 — 0x7701a000 C:Windowssystem32LPK.dll
0x76d50000 — 0x76ded000 C:Windowssystem32USP10.dll
0x74580000 — 0x7471e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2COMCTL32.dll
0x76df0000 — 0x76e47000 C:Windowssystem32SHLWAPI.dll
0x77650000 — 0x7766f000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x75b30000 — 0x75bfc000 C:Windowssystem32MSCTF.dll
0x6b790000 — 0x6b84e000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x5f390000 — 0x5f6df000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x71520000 — 0x71527000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x771c0000 — 0x771f5000 C:Windowssystem32WS2_32.dll
0x75ec0000 — 0x75ec6000 C:Windowssystem32NSI.dll
0x738a0000 — 0x738d2000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x75ed0000 — 0x75ed5000 C:Windowssystem32PSAPI.DLL
0x728f0000 — 0x728fc000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binverify.dll
0x72790000 — 0x727b0000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.dll
0x727b0000 — 0x727c3000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binzip.dll
0x72580000 — 0x7266b000 C:Windowssystem32dbghelp.dll
VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Dfile.encoding=Cp1252 -Xbootclasspath:D:android-sdk-windowsplatformsandroid-8android.jar;D:android-sdk-windowsadd-onsaddon-google_apis-google_inc_-8libsmaps.jar
java_command: com.cipl.CommonCollection.Test
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
Environment Variables:
JAVA_HOME=C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_04
PATH=C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/client;C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin;C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/lib/i386;C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program FilesWindows LiveShared;C:Program FilesCommon FilesUlead SystemsMPEG;C:Program FilesCommon FilesLenovo;C:Program FilesIntelServicesIPT;C:Program FilesSymantecVIP Access Client;C:SWTOOLSReadyApps;C:Program FilesTortoiseSVNbin;D:android-ndk-r8c;C:Program FilesTortoiseHg;D:android-sdk-windowsplatform-tools;D:android-sdk-windowstools;D:BucketoToolsapache-ant-1.9.0-binapache-ant-1.9.0bin;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.0_04bin;D:android-sdk-windows;C:cygwinbin;D:BucketoToolseclipse-SDK-4.2.1-win32_classiceclipse;
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel
————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU:total 4 (2 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core) family 6 model 42 stepping 7, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, avx, ht, tsc, tscinvbit
Memory: 4k page, physical 1935764k(131636k free), swap 3871528k(1391032k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.21-b01) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_21-b11), built on Apr 4 2013 04:43:10 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Wed Jun 19 19:17:55 2013
elapsed time: 0 seconds
Some Windows 10 users are encountering the ‘Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows‘ error when attempting to join or create a server. This error is occurring with various different Minecraft builds.
If you’re running the game with an integrated Intel graphics card, it’s likely that the error is triggered by a Dynamic Link Library file (ig9icd64.dll). In this case, you should be able to fix the issue by using the Intel Update Assistant utility to install the latest drivers compatible with the integrated GPU.
On the other hand, if you’re using a high-end Nvidia GPU, you might need to force Vsync and Triple buffering directly on javaw.exe in order to make the game run in a stable matter.
In case you’re using an AMD card, try reinstalling the Catalyst or AMD Software. A partially corrupted installation might be facilitating the apparition of this issue.
Updating to the latest Intel Graphics Card Driver (if applicable)
If you’re using an integrated Graphics card supplied by Intel, chances are you’re dealing with an issue originating from the ig9icd64.dll. This file belongs to the OpenGL Driver for Intel Graphics Accelerator.
In case this scenario is applicable to your current situation, you will be able to fix the issue by updating the entire set of Graphics drivers using the Intel Update Assistant utility.
A lot of affected users that were previously unable to join and create Minecraft servers have confirmed that this operation finally made the game stable.
Here’s a quick guide on updating your Intel Graphics drivers to the latest version:
- Visit this link (here) and click on the Get Started button.
Starting the Intel Auto-Update utility - After you do this, wait until the initial scan is complete. Once the process is finished, click on the Download All button and wait for the download to complete.
Downloading every compatible Intel driver update - Once every download is complete, double-click on each installation executable and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the driver installation.
- After you manage to install every new update, restart your computer and see if the ‘Failed to Write Core Dump’ is resolved by trying to join or create a Minecraft server.
Forcing Vsync & Triple Buffering on Minecraft (Nvidia Only)
If you’re using a medium to high-end Nvidia GPU, it’s very likely that you’re seeing the ‘Failed to Write Core Dump’ error due to the fact that your current graphics card settings are not enforcing VSync when you’re playing Minecraft.
This setting can also be enforced from the Game settings, but the ideal way to do it is from the Nvidia Control Panel. In order to fix the issue, you will need to navigate to your Java path and add Javaw.exe to the list of managed items.
After you do this, you can force the two settings to be used by every program that makes use of Javaw.exe (including Minecraft).
Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on enabling VSync and Triple Buffering from the Manage 3D Settings menu of Nvidia Control Panel:
- Right-click on an empty space on your desktop and click on Nvidia Control Panel from the newly appeared context menu.
Access Nvidia Control Panel. - Once you’re inside Nvidia Control Panel, use the left-hand menu to select Manage 3D settings (under 3D Settings).
- Next, move over to the right-hand side menu and select the Program Settings menu. Inside, click on Add > Browse and navigate to the location of your Java installation, select the javaw.exe file and click on Open.
Leading up javaw.exe in Nvidia Control Panel Note: Here’s a list of default locations depending on which Java version you’re using:
Java 7 - C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/ OR - C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre7/bin/ Java 6 - C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/bin/ OR - C:/Program Files (x86)/Java/jre6/bin/
- Next, once the executable is loaded, scroll down through the list of program settings and locate Vertical Sync and Triple Buffering. Once you see them, use the drop-down menu associated with each one to change the default setting to ON for both.
Changing the default Program Settings for both - Once the two settings are enforced, hit the Apply button to make the changes permanent.
- Attempt to join or create a Minecraft server once again and see if the issue is now resolved.
Reinstalling the AMD Catalyst Utility (AMD Only)
If you’re using an AMD GPU, it’s possible that you’re seeing the ‘Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows‘ error due to a partially corrupted AMD Software installation.
In case these same circumstances apply to you, you should be able to get the issue fixed by uninstalling your current AMD Software or AMD Catalyst installation and reinstalling the latest version again through the official channels.
Here’s a quick step by step guide that will show you how to do this:
- Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Next, type ‘appwiz.cpl’ and press Enter to open up the Programs and Features menu.
Typing in “appwiz.cpl” in the Run prompt - Once you’re inside the Programs and Features screen, scroll down through the list of installed applications and locate the AMD installation that you wish to uninstall. When you locate your AMD installation, right-click on it and choose Uninstall from the context menu.
Uninstalling the AMD Software - At the confirmation prompt, click Ok and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the uninstallation process.
- Restart your computer and wait for the next startup to complete.
- Visit this link (here) and download the latest version of AMD Catalyst. Once the download is complete, open the installation executable and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the installation.
- Once the new version is installed, reboot again and see if the issue is resolved at the next startup by attempting to join or create a Minecraft server.
Try making the Dump File Manually
Sometimes you can try to force Windows to make a dump file through task manager which can potentially fix this issue. You have to follow these steps in order to create a dump file:-
1. Open Minecraft or Minecraft Launcher.
2. Right-click on your Taskbar and then click “Task Manager” (Alternatively you can press and hold Ctrl+Shift+Esc keys together)
3. Once the Task Manager is opened Right-click on “Java(TM) Platform SE Binary” (If you can’t find it simply right click on your “Minecraft Launcher“)
4. Now press the “Create Dump File” Option.
5. Wait till Windows is creating the Dump file for the selected process.
Now restart your computer and try to play Minecraft again.
Kevin Arrows
Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Superior record of delivering simultaneous large-scale mission critical projects on time and under budget.
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Aug 7, 2012
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- Out of the Water
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What i’ve tried so far:
I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled minecraft+java multiple times
I’ve tried downgrading to java 6
I’ve tried running it in admin mode
I’ve tried making new worlds (this has not worked)I’m able to login to my singleplayer worlds and play for about 2-3 mins before the game instantly exits out and I recieve a notepad file hs_err_pid4560 which contains this within:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6985c7ea, pid=4560, tid=1524
# JRE version: 7.0_05-b06
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [nvoglv32.dll+0x35c7ea]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
#————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x4a5b1400): JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1524, stack(0x51780000,0x517d0000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x7d9ee000
EAX=0x7d9ee000, EBX=0x00000002, ECX=0x527287d4, EDX=0x00000000
ESP=0x517cf210, EBP=0x7d9edfdc, ESI=0x526dbfc8, EDI=0x5272894c
EIP=0x6985c7ea, EFLAGS=0x00010293Top of Stack: (sp=0x517cf210)
0x517cf210: 00000000 00000000 00000008 696e0e91
0x517cf220: 526e7ffc 526e7c98 526dbfc8 696d5c4e
0x517cf230: 69509a96 54990020 000013c4 00000000
0x517cf240: 00000007 526dbfc8 00000309 00000000
0x517cf250: 00000000 526dbfc8 696a4bae 4a5b1400
0x517cf260: 517cf2a4 517cf2b8 00000000 50368923
0x517cf270: 00000007 00000000 000013c4 027a34ba
0x517cf280: 4a5b1528 517cf2a4 00000007 00000000Instructions: (pc=0x6985c7ea)
0x6985c7ca: ae bc c9 04 00 83 c2 ff 83 fa 03 8d 44 85 00 77
0x6985c7da: 41 ff 24 95 54 c8 85 69 8b 11 89 10 eb 34 8b 11
0x6985c7ea: 89 10 8b 51 04 89 50 04 eb 28 8b 11 89 10 8b 51
0x6985c7fa: 04 89 50 04 8b 51 08 89 50 08 eb 16 8b 11 89 10Register to memory mapping:
EAX=0x7d9ee000 is an unknown value
EBX=0x00000002 is an unknown value
ECX=0x527287d4 is an unknown value
EDX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
ESP=0x517cf210 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4a5b1400
EBP=0x7d9edfdc is an unknown value
ESI=0x526dbfc8 is an unknown value
EDI=0x5272894c is an unknown valueStack: [0x51780000,0x517d0000], sp=0x517cf210, free space=316k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [nvoglv32.dll+0x35c7ea]Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
J org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.nglDrawArrays(IIIJ)V
J avd.a()I
J aur.a()V
J ava.a(Ljv;Z)Z
j auv.a(FJ)V+486
J auv.b(F)V
J net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J()V
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+90
j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x4a5b3800 JavaThread «File IO Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=6060, stack(0x4f980000,0x4f9d0000)]
0x4a5b2400 JavaThread «Server thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5360, stack(0x554a0000,0x554f0000)]
0x4a5b2000 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3348, stack(0x5fee0000,0x5ff30000)]
0x4a5b1800 JavaThread «Thread-11» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5836, stack(0x51160000,0x511b0000)]
0x4a5b0000 JavaThread «Thread-10» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5812, stack(0x55410000,0x55460000)]
=>0x4a5b1400 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1524, stack(0x51780000,0x517d0000)]
0x4a5b0800 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5440, stack(0x520c0000,0x52110000)]
0x4a5b0c00 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4216, stack(0x51840000,0x51890000)]
0x4b0c0c00 JavaThread «D3D Screen Updater» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4452, stack(0x4ea30000,0x4ea80000)]
0x019bac00 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=4948, stack(0x01d90000,0x01de0000)]
0x4afc7800 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=5040, stack(0x4e440000,0x4e490000)]
0x4af23000 JavaThread «TimerQueue» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2992, stack(0x4dd40000,0x4dd90000)]
0x4afbe000 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4656, stack(0x4e550000,0x4e5a0000)]
0x4a6ffc00 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=5568, stack(0x01b60000,0x01bb0000)]
0x4a6ff400 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=1788, stack(0x01960000,0x019b0000)]
0x4a6fcc00 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1496, stack(0x4aba0000,0x4abf0000)]
0x4a59d400 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4716, stack(0x4a8f0000,0x4a940000)]
0x4a598400 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1668, stack(0x4aa90000,0x4aae0000)]
0x4a597000 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=792, stack(0x4a7c0000,0x4a810000)]
0x4a593c00 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1368, stack(0x4a760000,0x4a7b0000)]
0x4a540800 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3316, stack(0x4a940000,0x4a990000)]
0x4a539c00 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2696, stack(0x4a830000,0x4a880000)]Other Threads:
0x4a535000 VMThread [stack: 0x01cf0000,0x01d40000] [id=2716]
0x4a5c0400 WatcherThread [stack: 0x4ab30000,0x4ab80000] [id=5416]VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157376K, used 105248K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 72% used [0x04500000, 0x0a828fe0, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 21% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0d13f390, 0x0deb0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0efc0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 128723K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 36% used [0x19a50000, 0x21804f88, 0x21805000, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16049K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454ac5e8, 0x454ac600, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.Code Cache [0x02500000, 0x02b08000, 0x04500000)
total_blobs=3305 nmethods=2935 adapters=303 free_code_cache=26613Kb largest_free_block=27250560Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 114.133 Thread 0x4a598400 2944 ea::<init> (38 bytes)
Event: 114.133 Thread 0x4a598400 nmethod 2944 0x02b00f88 code [0x02b01080, 0x02b01140]
Event: 114.277 Thread 0x4a598400 2946 xm::b (2 bytes)
Event: 114.277 Thread 0x4a598400 nmethod 2946 0x02b01408 code [0x02b01500, 0x02b01580]
Event: 114.400 Thread 0x4a598400 2947 ava::a (118 bytes)
Event: 114.401 Thread 0x4a598400 nmethod 2947 0x02b015c8 code [0x02b01770, 0x02b01a94]
Event: 114.497 Thread 0x4a598400 2948 jm::c (109 bytes)
Event: 114.497 Thread 0x4a598400 nmethod 2948 0x02b01dc8 code [0x02b01ef0, 0x02b02040]
Event: 114.776 Thread 0x4a598400 2949 net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer::P (314 bytes)
Event: 114.777 Thread 0x4a598400 nmethod 2949 0x02b02088 code [0x02b022c0, 0x02b02894]GC Heap History (10 events):
Event: 16.981 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=3 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 157376K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 100% used [0x04500000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 100% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0efc0000, 0x0efc0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0deb0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 62128K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 17% used [0x19a50000, 0x1d6fc258, 0x1d6fc400, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16022K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a59a8, 0x454a5a00, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 17.067 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=4 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 17472K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 0% used [0x04500000, 0x04500000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 100% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0efc0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 104682K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 29% used [0x19a50000, 0x2008a870, 0x2008aa00, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16022K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a59a8, 0x454a5a00, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 33.353 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=4 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 157376K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 100% used [0x04500000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 100% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0efc0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 104682K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 29% used [0x19a50000, 0x2008a870, 0x2008aa00, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16026K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a6b80, 0x454a6c00, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 33.386 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=5 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 8602K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 0% used [0x04500000, 0x04500000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 49% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0e716ab0, 0x0efc0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0deb0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 121582K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 34% used [0x19a50000, 0x2110b978, 0x2110ba00, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16026K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a6b80, 0x454a6c00, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 56.474 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=5 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 148506K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 100% used [0x04500000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 49% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0e716ab0, 0x0efc0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0deb0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 121582K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 34% used [0x19a50000, 0x2110b978, 0x2110ba00, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16035K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a8c68, 0x454a8e00, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 56.489 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=6 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 9860K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 0% used [0x04500000, 0x04500000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 56% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0d741128, 0x0deb0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0efc0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 121582K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 34% used [0x19a50000, 0x2110b978, 0x2110ba00, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16035K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a8c68, 0x454a8e00, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 74.419 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=6 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 149764K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 100% used [0x04500000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 56% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0d741128, 0x0deb0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0efc0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 121582K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 34% used [0x19a50000, 0x2110b978, 0x2110ba00, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16037K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a95d0, 0x454a9600, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 74.434 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=7 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 3679K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 0% used [0x04500000, 0x04500000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 21% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0e247ef0, 0x0efc0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0deb0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 128723K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 36% used [0x19a50000, 0x21804f88, 0x21805000, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16037K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a95d0, 0x454a9600, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 99.026 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=7 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 143583K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 100% used [0x04500000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 21% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0e247ef0, 0x0efc0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0cda0000, 0x0deb0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 128723K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 36% used [0x19a50000, 0x21804f88, 0x21805000, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16039K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a9fc0, 0x454aa000, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 99.033 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=8 (full 2):
def new generation total 157376K, used 3708K [0x04500000, 0x0efc0000, 0x19a50000)
eden space 139904K, 0% used [0x04500000, 0x04500000, 0x0cda0000)
from space 17472K, 21% used [0x0cda0000, 0x0d13f390, 0x0deb0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0deb0000, 0x0deb0000, 0x0efc0000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 128723K [0x19a50000, 0x2efb0000, 0x44500000)
the space 349568K, 36% used [0x19a50000, 0x21804f88, 0x21805000, 0x2efb0000)
compacting perm gen total 16128K, used 16039K [0x44500000, 0x454c0000, 0x48500000)
the space 16128K, 99% used [0x44500000, 0x454a9fc0, 0x454aa000, 0x454c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
}Deoptimization events (0 events):
No eventsInternal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a627610 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a627778 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a627990 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a627b28 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a627c90 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a627f08 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a6280a0 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.291 Thread 0x4a5b1400 Threw 0x0a628208 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:715
Event: 116.293 Thread 0x4a5b0000 Threw 0x047adcc8 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 116.293 Thread 0x4a5b0000 Threw 0x047ade68 at C:jdk7u5_32Pjdk7u5hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2846Events (10 events):
Event: 105.006 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 105.006 Thread 0x4a5b4000 Thread exited: 0x4a5b4000
Event: 109.978 Thread 0x4a5b4000 Thread added: 0x4a5b4000
Event: 109.984 Executing VM operation: BulkRevokeBias
Event: 109.984 Executing VM operation: BulkRevokeBias done
Event: 109.984 Thread 0x4a5b4000 Thread exited: 0x4a5b4000
Event: 114.980 Thread 0x4a5b4000 Thread added: 0x4a5b4000
Event: 114.986 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 114.986 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 114.986 Thread 0x4a5b4000 Thread exited: 0x4a5b4000Dynamic libraries:
0x00310000 — 0x0033f000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjavaw.exe
0x774e0000 — 0x77608000 C:Windowssystem32ntdll.dll
0x77400000 — 0x774dc000 C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll
0x75b80000 — 0x75c46000 C:Windowssystem32ADVAPI32.dll
0x77060000 — 0x77123000 C:Windowssystem32RPCRT4.dll
0x769a0000 — 0x76a3d000 C:Windowssystem32USER32.dll
0x76e60000 — 0x76eab000 C:Windowssystem32GDI32.dll
0x748c0000 — 0x74a5e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.6002.18305_none_5cb72f2a088b0ed3COMCTL32.dll
0x77610000 — 0x776ba000 C:Windowssystem32msvcrt.dll
0x76fd0000 — 0x77029000 C:Windowssystem32SHLWAPI.dll
0x76cb0000 — 0x76cce000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x77330000 — 0x773f8000 C:Windowssystem32MSCTF.dll
0x76900000 — 0x76909000 C:Windowssystem32LPK.DLL
0x776c0000 — 0x7773d000 C:Windowssystem32USP10.dll
0x6b680000 — 0x6b73e000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x60560000 — 0x608aa000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x72570000 — 0x72577000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x77030000 — 0x7705d000 C:Windowssystem32WS2_32.dll
0x77130000 — 0x77136000 C:Windowssystem32NSI.dll
0x74750000 — 0x74782000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x76a40000 — 0x76b85000 C:Windowssystem32ole32.dll
0x76eb0000 — 0x76f3d000 C:Windowssystem32OLEAUT32.dll
0x74710000 — 0x7474e000 C:Windowssystem32OLEACC.dll
0x768f0000 — 0x768f7000 C:Windowssystem32PSAPI.DLL
0x743f0000 — 0x743fc000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binverify.dll
0x73540000 — 0x73560000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.dll
0x6bd80000 — 0x6bd93000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binzip.dll
0x67bf0000 — 0x67d32000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binawt.dll
0x74ab0000 — 0x74aef000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x72a60000 — 0x72b03000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57MSVCR90.dll
0x72b10000 — 0x72b9e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57MSVCP90.dll
0x75dc0000 — 0x768d1000 C:Windowssystem32SHELL32.dll
0x73740000 — 0x7374c000 C:Windowssystem32DWMAPI.DLL
0x70ff0000 — 0x711aa000 C:Windowssystem32d3d9.dll
0x74f10000 — 0x74f18000 C:Windowssystem32VERSION.dll
0x72930000 — 0x72936000 C:Windowssystem32d3d8thk.dll
0x4b430000 — 0x4b8da000 C:Windowssystem32nvd3dum.dll
0x6b970000 — 0x6b99a000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x6bd60000 — 0x6bd74000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnet.dll
0x75190000 — 0x751cb000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x75630000 — 0x75635000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x73580000 — 0x7358f000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnio.dll
0x74470000 — 0x7447f000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x757d0000 — 0x757e9000 C:Windowssystem32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x756f0000 — 0x75725000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc.DLL
0x75750000 — 0x7577c000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll
0x75a30000 — 0x75a44000 C:Windowssystem32Secur32.dll
0x757f0000 — 0x757f7000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL
0x757a0000 — 0x757c2000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc6.DLL
0x6dcd0000 — 0x6dcdf000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x6dbc0000 — 0x6dbd2000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x6db90000 — 0x6dbb1000 C:Program FilesBonjourmdnsNSP.dll
0x6dc30000 — 0x6dc38000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x75c50000 — 0x75c99000 C:Windowssystem32WLDAP32.dll
0x74f80000 — 0x74fbb000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x75a50000 — 0x75a6e000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x6f000000 — 0x6f006000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x74eb0000 — 0x74eb5000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x6b7f0000 — 0x6b810000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunec.dll
0x6b770000 — 0x6b7a1000 C:Program FilesJavajre7bint2k.dll
0x76f40000 — 0x76fc4000 C:Windowssystem32CLBCatQ.DLL
0x73e90000 — 0x73f84000 C:Windowssystem32WindowsCodecs.dll
0x759d0000 — 0x759fc000 C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll
0x72ba0000 — 0x72bbf000 C:Windowssystem32EhStorShell.dll
0x740d0000 — 0x7418b000 C:Windowssystem32PROPSYS.dll
0x6f180000 — 0x6f3c8000 C:Program FilesNorton Security SuiteEngine5.2.2.3buShell.dll
0x74560000 — 0x7470b000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6002.18581_none_9e591052ca1013d0gdiplus.dll
0x6ae20000 — 0x6aec8000 C:Program FilesNorton Security SuiteEngine5.2.2.3ccL100U.dll
0x69380000 — 0x69392000 C:Program FilesNorton Security SuiteEngine5.2.2.3EFACli.dll
0x6ed30000 — 0x6ed39000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunmscapi.dll
0x753a0000 — 0x75493000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPT32.dll
0x75520000 — 0x75532000 C:Windowssystem32MSASN1.dll
0x50360000 — 0x503cb000 C:UsersEthanAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativeslwjgl.dll
0x503d0000 — 0x5049b000 C:Windowssystem32OPENGL32.dll
0x6bec0000 — 0x6bee3000 C:Windowssystem32GLU32.dll
0x6ad00000 — 0x6ade5000 C:Windowssystem32DDRAW.dll
0x74aa0000 — 0x74aa6000 C:Windowssystem32DCIMAN32.dll
0x76cd0000 — 0x76e5a000 C:Windowssystem32SETUPAPI.dll
0x6d700000 — 0x6d706000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjawt.dll
0x69500000 — 0x69b9a000 C:Windowssystem32nvoglv32.dll
0x5ff40000 — 0x60069000 C:UsersEthanAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativesOpenAL32.dll
0x50ed0000 — 0x50f40000 C:Windowssystem32dsound.dll
0x74ec0000 — 0x74eda000 C:Windowssystem32POWRPROF.dll
0x74cc0000 — 0x74ce8000 C:WindowsSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x74c90000 — 0x74cbd000 C:Windowssystem32WINTRUST.dll
0x77140000 — 0x7716a000 C:Windowssystem32imagehlp.dll
0x740a0000 — 0x740cf000 C:Windowssystem32wdmaud.drv
0x74440000 — 0x74444000 C:Windowssystem32ksuser.dll
0x74ea0000 — 0x74ea7000 C:Windowssystem32AVRT.dll
0x74000000 — 0x74021000 C:Windowssystem32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x73f90000 — 0x73ff6000 C:Windowssystem32audioeng.dll
0x74430000 — 0x74439000 C:Windowssystem32msacm32.drv
0x74080000 — 0x74094000 C:Windowssystem32MSACM32.dll
0x74380000 — 0x74387000 C:Windowssystem32midimap.dll
0x6d630000 — 0x6d63a000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmanagement.dllVM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
java_command: C:UsersEthanDesktopMinecraft.exe
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARDEnvironment Variables:
PATH=C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:Program FilesIntelDMIX;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program FilesJavajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 11, GenuineIntel————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows Vista Build 6002 Service Pack 2
CPU:total 4 (4 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 15 stepping 11, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, tsc
Memory: 4k page, physical 3126400k(893312k free), swap 6479172k(3712224k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.1-b03) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_05-b06), built on Jun 27 2012 00:51:27 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Tue Aug 07 20:14:12 2012
elapsed time: 116 seconds -
Aug 7, 2012
I’m having another issue where the client itself will not exit out. It seems as the code in the client is still a bit buggy. Let’s just hope it gets patched soon.
Aug 12, 2012
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- Tree Puncher
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I get these same problems.. only thing is I sometimes get a blue screen to go with them…
then I come back and I have these reports all over my desktop… -
Aug 25, 2012
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- Tree Puncher
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I’ve had the same problem… try remembering what you last did/downloaded… sometimes things just dont crash for no reason… did you download something that maybe has broken the client? like a mod or something… I myself, is still having this problem too
Jan 3, 2013
i have a same problem to … sometimes after i see MOJANG and then the menu, that games exit by itself …. i already uninstall my java runtime and it won’t let me play it … i haven’t have openGL can somebody help me ?
this is my problem :
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x4be41fa6, pid=3932, tid=3532
# JRE version: Java™ SE Runtime Environment (7.0_12-b07) (build 1.7.0_12-ea-b07)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot™ Client VM (24.0-b28 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [ig4icd32.dll+0x31fa6]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun…eport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
#————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x4aa36000): JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3532, stack(0x49740000,0x49790000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x00000140
EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x3f01124e, ECX=0x001c5648, EDX=0x00000012
ESP=0x4978f2d4, EBP=0x001c54b8, ESI=0x4c7b0068, EDI=0x001c5648
EIP=0x4be41fa6, EFLAGS=0x00010202Top of Stack: (sp=0x4978f2d4)
0x4978f2d4: 001c4430 001c5648 4c7b0068 4c858af8
0x4978f2e4: 4978f7b8 4c2bba68 00000000 4c075491
0x4978f2f4: 00000001 00230640 00000000 00000000
0x4978f304: 4978f43c 000d047a 00000dcc 77b14b5b
0x4978f314: 0019e4b8 00000002 0019e3b8 001cb0b0
0x4978f324: 77af9502 4978f344 77b14b5b 0019e138
0x4978f334: 00000002 0019e0b8 001bcef8 0019e118
0x4978f344: 4978f360 77b14b5b 00000001 00000002Instructions: (pc=0x4be41fa6)
0x4be41f86: 89 96 f0 80 00 00 8b 8d 38 01 00 00 50 51 ba 40
0x4be41f96: 8d 00 00 8b ce e8 f0 98 00 00 8b 86 fc 80 00 00
0x4be41fa6: 83 80 40 01 00 00 ff 75 13 8b 88 3c 01 00 00 85
0x4be41fb6: c9 74 09 8b 11 50 8b 42 08 56 ff d0 c7 86 fc 80Register to memory mapping:
EAX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
EBX=0x3f01124e is an unallocated location in the heap
ECX=0x001c5648 is an unknown value
EDX=0x00000012 is an unknown value
ESP=0x4978f2d4 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4aa36000
EBP=0x001c54b8 is an unknown value
ESI=0x4c7b0068 is an unknown value
EDI=0x001c5648 is an unknown valueStack: [0x49740000,0x49790000], sp=0x4978f2d4, free space=316k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [ig4icd32.dll+0x31fa6]Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.nMakeCurrent(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V+0
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.makeCurrent(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PeerInfo;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V+7
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Context.makeCurrent()V+46
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.makeCurrent()V+25
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.makeCurrentAndSetSwapInterval()V+0
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.setDisplayMode(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/DisplayMode;)V+70
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k()V+26
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a()V+880
j asq.a()V+94
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+6
j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x4abc8400 JavaThread «Resource download thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2460, stack(0x50e00000,0x50e50000)]
0x4aa52c00 JavaThread «Thread-13» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1628, stack(0x4fb50000,0x4fba0000)]
0x4aa4f000 JavaThread «Thread-12» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3584, stack(0x01420000,0x01470000)]
=>0x4aa36000 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3532, stack(0x49740000,0x49790000)]
0x4aa35800 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3752, stack(0x4bdc0000,0x4be10000)]
0x4a940c00 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4076, stack(0x4a5d0000,0x4a620000)]
0x4a8e5400 JavaThread «Keep-Alive-Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2948, stack(0x4a560000,0x4a5b0000)]
0x0149ac00 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=4064, stack(0x013d0000,0x01420000)]
0x499ed000 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=2428, stack(0x49690000,0x496e0000)]
0x498b4800 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1652, stack(0x49e60000,0x49eb0000)]
0x498b4000 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=2220, stack(0x49dc0000,0x49e10000)]
0x498ab400 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1184, stack(0x49cf0000,0x49d40000)]
0x0126b800 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3864, stack(0x49bf0000,0x49c40000)]
0x0125dc00 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1320, stack(0x01350000,0x013a0000)]
0x0125c800 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2720, stack(0x49a00000,0x49a50000)]
0x01259800 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2156, stack(0x49790000,0x497e0000)]
0x0122c400 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=752, stack(0x49ad0000,0x49b20000)]
0x01227800 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1820, stack(0x49640000,0x49690000)]Other Threads:
0x01225000 VMThread [stack: 0x496e0000,0x49730000] [id=2572]
0x0126e400 WatcherThread [stack: 0x49a50000,0x49aa0000] [id=2492]VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 131231K [0x034a0000, 0x0df40000, 0x189f0000)
eden space 139776K, 93% used [0x034a0000, 0x0b4c7fc0, 0x0bd20000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0bd20000, 0x0bd20000, 0x0ce30000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0ce30000, 0x0ce30000, 0x0df40000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x189f0000, 0x2df50000, 0x434a0000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x189f0000, 0x189f0000, 0x189f0200, 0x2df50000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 10725K [0x434a0000, 0x440a0000, 0x474a0000)
the space 12288K, 87% used [0x434a0000, 0x43f194a8, 0x43f19600, 0x440a0000)
No shared spaces configured.Card table byte_map: [0x492a0000,0x494d0000] byte_map_base: 0x49285b00
Polling page: 0x00150000
Code Cache [0x014a0000, 0x01690000, 0x034a0000)
total_blobs=1137 nmethods=824 adapters=249 free_code_cache=30786Kb largest_free_block=31524928Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 129.845 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.845 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 820 0x0168e288 code [0x0168e390, 0x0168e4e0]
Event: 129.847 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.847 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 821 0x0168e688 code [0x0168e780, 0x0168e850]
Event: 129.860 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.860 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 822 0x0168e908 code [0x0168ea20, 0x0168eb58]
Event: 129.860 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.861 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 823 0x0168ecc8 code [0x0168ee20, 0x0168f0e8]
Event: 129.871 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.872 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 824 0x0168f388 code [0x0168f4b0, 0x0168f670]GC Heap History (0 events):
No eventsDeoptimization events (0 events):
No eventsInternal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 129.849 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0afe5a90 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.849 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0afe5d68 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.872 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0abe10 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.872 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0ac0e8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.873 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0aede0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.873 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0af0b8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.874 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0b11d0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.874 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0b14a8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.877 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0be420 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.877 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0be6f8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171Events (10 events):
Event: 129.873 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 129.873 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 129.873 loading class 0x4a92bc58
Event: 129.873 loading class 0x4a92bc58 done
Event: 129.874 loading class 0x49879e20
Event: 129.874 loading class 0x49879e20 done
Event: 129.877 loading class 0x4a957348
Event: 129.877 loading class 0x4a957348 done
Event: 129.879 Thread 0x499ed000 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x0159a3a8 sp=0x496df280
Event: 129.879 Thread 0x499ed000 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x014cdfc2 sp=0x496df15c mode 0Dynamic libraries:
0x00360000 — 0x0038f000 C:Windowssystem32javaw.exe
0x77ab0000 — 0x77bec000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x779d0000 — 0x77aa4000 C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll
0x75dd0000 — 0x75e1a000 C:Windowssystem32KERNELBASE.dll
0x773a0000 — 0x77440000 C:Windowssystem32ADVAPI32.dll
0x77640000 — 0x776ec000 C:Windowssystem32msvcrt.dll
0x77c70000 — 0x77c89000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x76010000 — 0x760b1000 C:Windowssystem32RPCRT4.dll
0x76520000 — 0x765e9000 C:Windowssystem32USER32.dll
0x77440000 — 0x7748e000 C:Windowssystem32GDI32.dll
0x77c90000 — 0x77c9a000 C:Windowssystem32LPK.dll
0x77930000 — 0x779cd000 C:Windowssystem32USP10.dll
0x74ce0000 — 0x74e7e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2COMCTL32.dll
0x776f0000 — 0x77747000 C:Windowssystem32SHLWAPI.dll
0x77c00000 — 0x77c1f000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x75f40000 — 0x7600c000 C:Windowssystem32MSCTF.dll
0x6be40000 — 0x6befe000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x68c60000 — 0x68fb7000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x741e0000 — 0x741e7000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x778f0000 — 0x77925000 C:Windowssystem32WS2_32.dll
0x77bf0000 — 0x77bf6000 C:Windowssystem32NSI.dll
0x727e0000 — 0x72812000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x77ca0000 — 0x77ca5000 C:Windowssystem32PSAPI.DLL
0x73260000 — 0x7326c000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binverify.dll
0x73200000 — 0x73220000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.dll
0x73220000 — 0x73233000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binzip.dll
0x69f90000 — 0x6a0d2000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binawt.dll
0x76130000 — 0x761bf000 C:Windowssystem32OLEAUT32.dll
0x77240000 — 0x7739c000 C:Windowssystem32ole32.dll
0x74770000 — 0x74783000 C:Windowssystem32DWMAPI.DLL
0x74b60000 — 0x74ba0000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x75bc0000 — 0x75bcc000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTBASE.dll
0x756e0000 — 0x756f6000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTSP.dll
0x75490000 — 0x754cb000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x752a0000 — 0x752b7000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x75c40000 — 0x75c4b000 C:Windowssystem32profapi.dll
0x70810000 — 0x70824000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnet.dll
0x756a0000 — 0x756dc000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x75a80000 — 0x75a86000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x741a0000 — 0x741b0000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x713c0000 — 0x713d0000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x713a0000 — 0x713b2000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x75570000 — 0x755b4000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll
0x71380000 — 0x71388000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x751d0000 — 0x751d5000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x73dd0000 — 0x73dec000 C:Windowssystem32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x73dc0000 — 0x73dc7000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL
0x71350000 — 0x71356000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x73c40000 — 0x73c78000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x71340000 — 0x7134f000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnio.dll
0x70910000 — 0x70930000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunec.dll
0x707e0000 — 0x7080a000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x6bfa0000 — 0x6c016000 C:Windowssystem32RICHED20.DLL
0x775b0000 — 0x77633000 C:Windowssystem32CLBCatQ.DLL
0x6bf60000 — 0x6bf91000 C:Program FilesJavajre7bint2k.dll
0x4a2d0000 — 0x4a33b000 C:UserscomputerAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativeslwjgl.dll
0x69ec0000 — 0x69f88000 C:Windowssystem32OPENGL32.dll
0x6bf30000 — 0x6bf52000 C:Windowssystem32GLU32.dll
0x69c90000 — 0x69d77000 C:Windowssystem32DDRAW.dll
0x74fd0000 — 0x74fd6000 C:Windowssystem32DCIMAN32.dll
0x77750000 — 0x778ed000 C:Windowssystem32SETUPAPI.dll
0x75d50000 — 0x75d77000 C:Windowssystem32CFGMGR32.dll
0x75d80000 — 0x75d92000 C:Windowssystem32DEVOBJ.dll
0x75140000 — 0x75149000 C:Windowssystem32VERSION.dll
0x74fc0000 — 0x74fc6000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjawt.dll
0x4be10000 — 0x4c3e2000 C:Windowssystem32ig4icd32.dll
0x4c3f0000 — 0x4c7ae000 C:Windowssystem32ig4dev32.dll
0x69b60000 — 0x69c89000 C:UserscomputerAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativesOpenAL32.dll
0x765f0000 — 0x7723a000 C:Windowssystem32SHELL32.dll
0x6a8c0000 — 0x6a932000 C:Windowssystem32dsound.dll
0x74630000 — 0x74655000 C:Windowssystem32POWRPROF.dll
0x74710000 — 0x74749000 C:WindowsSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x74ba0000 — 0x74c95000 C:WindowsSystem32PROPSYS.dll
0x74260000 — 0x74290000 C:Windowssystem32wdmaud.drv
0x74750000 — 0x74754000 C:Windowssystem32ksuser.dll
0x74760000 — 0x74767000 C:Windowssystem32AVRT.dll
0x74220000 — 0x74256000 C:Windowssystem32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x74320000 — 0x74328000 C:Windowssystem32msacm32.drv
0x74cc0000 — 0x74cd4000 C:Windowssystem32MSACM32.dll
0x741d0000 — 0x741d7000 C:Windowssystem32midimap.dll
0x6bb50000 — 0x6bc3b000 C:Windowssystem32dbghelp.dllVM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false
java_command: net.minecraft.LauncherFrame
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARDEnvironment Variables:
PATH=C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;c:program filesjavajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 23 stepping 10, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, tsc
Memory: 4k page, physical 975708k(371064k free), swap 2024284k(522260k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot™ Client VM (24.0-b28) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_12-ea-b07), built on Dec 27 2012 03:05:00 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Thu Jan 03 13:16:51 2013
elapsed time: 130 secondsthanks …
and don’t forget to give me the link !!
Jan 3, 2013
i have a same problem to … sometimes after i see MOJANG and then the menu, that games exit by itself …. i already uninstall my java runtime and it won’t let me play it … i haven’t have openGL can somebody help me ?
this is my problem :
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x4be41fa6, pid=3932, tid=3532
# JRE version: Java™ SE Runtime Environment (7.0_12-b07) (build 1.7.0_12-ea-b07)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot™ Client VM (24.0-b28 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [ig4icd32.dll+0x31fa6]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun…eport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
#————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x4aa36000): JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3532, stack(0x49740000,0x49790000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, writing address 0x00000140
EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x3f01124e, ECX=0x001c5648, EDX=0x00000012
ESP=0x4978f2d4, EBP=0x001c54b8, ESI=0x4c7b0068, EDI=0x001c5648
EIP=0x4be41fa6, EFLAGS=0x00010202Top of Stack: (sp=0x4978f2d4)
0x4978f2d4: 001c4430 001c5648 4c7b0068 4c858af8
0x4978f2e4: 4978f7b8 4c2bba68 00000000 4c075491
0x4978f2f4: 00000001 00230640 00000000 00000000
0x4978f304: 4978f43c 000d047a 00000dcc 77b14b5b
0x4978f314: 0019e4b8 00000002 0019e3b8 001cb0b0
0x4978f324: 77af9502 4978f344 77b14b5b 0019e138
0x4978f334: 00000002 0019e0b8 001bcef8 0019e118
0x4978f344: 4978f360 77b14b5b 00000001 00000002Instructions: (pc=0x4be41fa6)
0x4be41f86: 89 96 f0 80 00 00 8b 8d 38 01 00 00 50 51 ba 40
0x4be41f96: 8d 00 00 8b ce e8 f0 98 00 00 8b 86 fc 80 00 00
0x4be41fa6: 83 80 40 01 00 00 ff 75 13 8b 88 3c 01 00 00 85
0x4be41fb6: c9 74 09 8b 11 50 8b 42 08 56 ff d0 c7 86 fc 80Register to memory mapping:
EAX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
EBX=0x3f01124e is an unallocated location in the heap
ECX=0x001c5648 is an unknown value
EDX=0x00000012 is an unknown value
ESP=0x4978f2d4 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4aa36000
EBP=0x001c54b8 is an unknown value
ESI=0x4c7b0068 is an unknown value
EDI=0x001c5648 is an unknown valueStack: [0x49740000,0x49790000], sp=0x4978f2d4, free space=316k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [ig4icd32.dll+0x31fa6]Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.nMakeCurrent(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V+0
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.makeCurrent(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PeerInfo;Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V+7
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Context.makeCurrent()V+46
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.makeCurrent()V+25
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.makeCurrentAndSetSwapInterval()V+0
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.setDisplayMode(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/DisplayMode;)V+70
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k()V+26
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a()V+880
j asq.a()V+94
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+6
j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x4abc8400 JavaThread «Resource download thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2460, stack(0x50e00000,0x50e50000)]
0x4aa52c00 JavaThread «Thread-13» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1628, stack(0x4fb50000,0x4fba0000)]
0x4aa4f000 JavaThread «Thread-12» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3584, stack(0x01420000,0x01470000)]
=>0x4aa36000 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3532, stack(0x49740000,0x49790000)]
0x4aa35800 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3752, stack(0x4bdc0000,0x4be10000)]
0x4a940c00 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4076, stack(0x4a5d0000,0x4a620000)]
0x4a8e5400 JavaThread «Keep-Alive-Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2948, stack(0x4a560000,0x4a5b0000)]
0x0149ac00 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=4064, stack(0x013d0000,0x01420000)]
0x499ed000 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=2428, stack(0x49690000,0x496e0000)]
0x498b4800 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=1652, stack(0x49e60000,0x49eb0000)]
0x498b4000 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=2220, stack(0x49dc0000,0x49e10000)]
0x498ab400 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1184, stack(0x49cf0000,0x49d40000)]
0x0126b800 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3864, stack(0x49bf0000,0x49c40000)]
0x0125dc00 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1320, stack(0x01350000,0x013a0000)]
0x0125c800 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2720, stack(0x49a00000,0x49a50000)]
0x01259800 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2156, stack(0x49790000,0x497e0000)]
0x0122c400 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=752, stack(0x49ad0000,0x49b20000)]
0x01227800 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1820, stack(0x49640000,0x49690000)]Other Threads:
0x01225000 VMThread [stack: 0x496e0000,0x49730000] [id=2572]
0x0126e400 WatcherThread [stack: 0x49a50000,0x49aa0000] [id=2492]VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 131231K [0x034a0000, 0x0df40000, 0x189f0000)
eden space 139776K, 93% used [0x034a0000, 0x0b4c7fc0, 0x0bd20000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0bd20000, 0x0bd20000, 0x0ce30000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0ce30000, 0x0ce30000, 0x0df40000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x189f0000, 0x2df50000, 0x434a0000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x189f0000, 0x189f0000, 0x189f0200, 0x2df50000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 10725K [0x434a0000, 0x440a0000, 0x474a0000)
the space 12288K, 87% used [0x434a0000, 0x43f194a8, 0x43f19600, 0x440a0000)
No shared spaces configured.Card table byte_map: [0x492a0000,0x494d0000] byte_map_base: 0x49285b00
Polling page: 0x00150000
Code Cache [0x014a0000, 0x01690000, 0x034a0000)
total_blobs=1137 nmethods=824 adapters=249 free_code_cache=30786Kb largest_free_block=31524928Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 129.845 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.845 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 820 0x0168e288 code [0x0168e390, 0x0168e4e0]
Event: 129.847 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.847 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 821 0x0168e688 code [0x0168e780, 0x0168e850]
Event: 129.860 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.860 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 822 0x0168e908 code [0x0168ea20, 0x0168eb58]
Event: 129.860 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.861 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 823 0x0168ecc8 code [0x0168ee20, 0x0168f0e8]
Event: 129.871 Thread 0x0125dc00 82
Event: 129.872 Thread 0x0125dc00 nmethod 824 0x0168f388 code [0x0168f4b0, 0x0168f670]GC Heap History (0 events):
No eventsDeoptimization events (0 events):
No eventsInternal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 129.849 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0afe5a90 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.849 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0afe5d68 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.872 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0abe10 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.872 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0ac0e8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.873 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0aede0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.873 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0af0b8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.874 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0b11d0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.874 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0b14a8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.877 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0be420 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171
Event: 129.877 Thread 0x4aa36000 Threw 0x0b0be6f8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u12hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1171Events (10 events):
Event: 129.873 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 129.873 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 129.873 loading class 0x4a92bc58
Event: 129.873 loading class 0x4a92bc58 done
Event: 129.874 loading class 0x49879e20
Event: 129.874 loading class 0x49879e20 done
Event: 129.877 loading class 0x4a957348
Event: 129.877 loading class 0x4a957348 done
Event: 129.879 Thread 0x499ed000 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x0159a3a8 sp=0x496df280
Event: 129.879 Thread 0x499ed000 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x014cdfc2 sp=0x496df15c mode 0Dynamic libraries:
0x00360000 — 0x0038f000 C:Windowssystem32javaw.exe
0x77ab0000 — 0x77bec000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x779d0000 — 0x77aa4000 C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll
0x75dd0000 — 0x75e1a000 C:Windowssystem32KERNELBASE.dll
0x773a0000 — 0x77440000 C:Windowssystem32ADVAPI32.dll
0x77640000 — 0x776ec000 C:Windowssystem32msvcrt.dll
0x77c70000 — 0x77c89000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x76010000 — 0x760b1000 C:Windowssystem32RPCRT4.dll
0x76520000 — 0x765e9000 C:Windowssystem32USER32.dll
0x77440000 — 0x7748e000 C:Windowssystem32GDI32.dll
0x77c90000 — 0x77c9a000 C:Windowssystem32LPK.dll
0x77930000 — 0x779cd000 C:Windowssystem32USP10.dll
0x74ce0000 — 0x74e7e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2COMCTL32.dll
0x776f0000 — 0x77747000 C:Windowssystem32SHLWAPI.dll
0x77c00000 — 0x77c1f000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x75f40000 — 0x7600c000 C:Windowssystem32MSCTF.dll
0x6be40000 — 0x6befe000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x68c60000 — 0x68fb7000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x741e0000 — 0x741e7000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x778f0000 — 0x77925000 C:Windowssystem32WS2_32.dll
0x77bf0000 — 0x77bf6000 C:Windowssystem32NSI.dll
0x727e0000 — 0x72812000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x77ca0000 — 0x77ca5000 C:Windowssystem32PSAPI.DLL
0x73260000 — 0x7326c000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binverify.dll
0x73200000 — 0x73220000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.dll
0x73220000 — 0x73233000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binzip.dll
0x69f90000 — 0x6a0d2000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binawt.dll
0x76130000 — 0x761bf000 C:Windowssystem32OLEAUT32.dll
0x77240000 — 0x7739c000 C:Windowssystem32ole32.dll
0x74770000 — 0x74783000 C:Windowssystem32DWMAPI.DLL
0x74b60000 — 0x74ba0000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x75bc0000 — 0x75bcc000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTBASE.dll
0x756e0000 — 0x756f6000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTSP.dll
0x75490000 — 0x754cb000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x752a0000 — 0x752b7000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x75c40000 — 0x75c4b000 C:Windowssystem32profapi.dll
0x70810000 — 0x70824000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnet.dll
0x756a0000 — 0x756dc000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x75a80000 — 0x75a86000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x741a0000 — 0x741b0000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x713c0000 — 0x713d0000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x713a0000 — 0x713b2000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x75570000 — 0x755b4000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll
0x71380000 — 0x71388000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x751d0000 — 0x751d5000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x73dd0000 — 0x73dec000 C:Windowssystem32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x73dc0000 — 0x73dc7000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL
0x71350000 — 0x71356000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x73c40000 — 0x73c78000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x71340000 — 0x7134f000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnio.dll
0x70910000 — 0x70930000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunec.dll
0x707e0000 — 0x7080a000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x6bfa0000 — 0x6c016000 C:Windowssystem32RICHED20.DLL
0x775b0000 — 0x77633000 C:Windowssystem32CLBCatQ.DLL
0x6bf60000 — 0x6bf91000 C:Program FilesJavajre7bint2k.dll
0x4a2d0000 — 0x4a33b000 C:UserscomputerAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativeslwjgl.dll
0x69ec0000 — 0x69f88000 C:Windowssystem32OPENGL32.dll
0x6bf30000 — 0x6bf52000 C:Windowssystem32GLU32.dll
0x69c90000 — 0x69d77000 C:Windowssystem32DDRAW.dll
0x74fd0000 — 0x74fd6000 C:Windowssystem32DCIMAN32.dll
0x77750000 — 0x778ed000 C:Windowssystem32SETUPAPI.dll
0x75d50000 — 0x75d77000 C:Windowssystem32CFGMGR32.dll
0x75d80000 — 0x75d92000 C:Windowssystem32DEVOBJ.dll
0x75140000 — 0x75149000 C:Windowssystem32VERSION.dll
0x74fc0000 — 0x74fc6000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjawt.dll
0x4be10000 — 0x4c3e2000 C:Windowssystem32ig4icd32.dll
0x4c3f0000 — 0x4c7ae000 C:Windowssystem32ig4dev32.dll
0x69b60000 — 0x69c89000 C:UserscomputerAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativesOpenAL32.dll
0x765f0000 — 0x7723a000 C:Windowssystem32SHELL32.dll
0x6a8c0000 — 0x6a932000 C:Windowssystem32dsound.dll
0x74630000 — 0x74655000 C:Windowssystem32POWRPROF.dll
0x74710000 — 0x74749000 C:WindowsSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x74ba0000 — 0x74c95000 C:WindowsSystem32PROPSYS.dll
0x74260000 — 0x74290000 C:Windowssystem32wdmaud.drv
0x74750000 — 0x74754000 C:Windowssystem32ksuser.dll
0x74760000 — 0x74767000 C:Windowssystem32AVRT.dll
0x74220000 — 0x74256000 C:Windowssystem32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x74320000 — 0x74328000 C:Windowssystem32msacm32.drv
0x74cc0000 — 0x74cd4000 C:Windowssystem32MSACM32.dll
0x741d0000 — 0x741d7000 C:Windowssystem32midimap.dll
0x6bb50000 — 0x6bc3b000 C:Windowssystem32dbghelp.dllVM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false
java_command: net.minecraft.LauncherFrame
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARDEnvironment Variables:
PATH=C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;c:program filesjavajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 7 Build 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 23 stepping 10, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, tsc
Memory: 4k page, physical 975708k(371064k free), swap 2024284k(522260k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot™ Client VM (24.0-b28) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_12-ea-b07), built on Dec 27 2012 03:05:00 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Thu Jan 03 13:16:51 2013
elapsed time: 130 secondsthanks …
and don’t forget to give me the link !!
Update your graphics driver: http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect
Jan 3, 2013
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x701f5861, pid=3344, tid=2476
# JRE version: 7.0_10-b18
# Java VM: Java HotSpot™ Client VM (23.6-b04 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [aticfx32.dll+0x25861] gslCfxExit+0xe1
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun…eport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
#————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x4b8e6800): JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2476, stack(0x4d230000,0x4d280000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x0000013c
EAX=0x00000008, EBX=0x4d27eb9c, ECX=0x0000000a, EDX=0x00000000
ESP=0x4d27e1a8, EBP=0x4d27e1b4, ESI=0x4c7c2898, EDI=0x4c7c07d0
EIP=0x701f5861, EFLAGS=0x00010202Top of Stack: (sp=0x4d27e1a8)
0x4d27e1a8: 4d27eb9c 4c7c07d0 00000000 4d27eb4c
0x4d27e1b8: 701f3f2c 400000c0 4d27eb9c 006dac6c
0x4d27e1c8: 001cedc8 400000c0 00000000 4d27e1e0
0x4d27e1d8: 00000960 400000c0 00000001 088d0000
0x4d27e1e8: 0000000a 00000000 00000008 00000007
0x4d27e1f8: 0000027c 0000073b 00000001 00000001
0x4d27e208: 00008bc3 00000001 00001f9d 000007fc
0x4d27e218: 00000001 e2f32107 000001ba 00f7ff3fInstructions: (pc=0x701f5861)
0x701f5841: 70 68 88 00 00 00 6a 08 52 8b f8 ff 15 b0 a0 21
0x701f5851: 70 8b f0 85 f6 74 1b 8b 47 20 8b 4f 14 83 c0 08
0x701f5861: 8b 80 34 01 00 00 50 8b c7 e8 21 ff ff ff 8b f0
0x701f5871: eb 02 33 f6 8b fe e8 54 24 01 00 85 c0 7c 1d 53Register to memory mapping:
EAX=0x00000008 is an unknown value
EBX=0x4d27eb9c is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4b8e6800
ECX=0x0000000a is an unknown value
EDX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
ESP=0x4d27e1a8 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4b8e6800
EBP=0x4d27e1b4 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4b8e6800
ESI=0x4c7c2898 is an unknown value
EDI=0x4c7c07d0 is an unknown valueStack: [0x4d230000,0x4d280000], sp=0x4d27e1a8, free space=312k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [aticfx32.dll+0x25861] gslCfxExit+0xe1
C [aticfx32.dll+0x23f2c] OpenAdapter+0x6edc
C [atigktxx.dll+0x1daf] GetD3DKMTProcAddress+0xbfdJava frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(JIILorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;ZZZZ)I+0
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat(JIILorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;ZZZZ)I+15
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createWindow(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/DisplayMode;Ljava/awt/Canvas;II)V+176
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.createWindow()V+68
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/Drawable;Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/ContextAttribs;)V+63
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;)V+9
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a()V+174
j asq.a()V+94
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+6
j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
=>0x4b8e6800 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2476, stack(0x4d230000,0x4d280000)]
0x4b8e6400 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2740, stack(0x4d1b0000,0x4d200000)]
0x4b8e5c00 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2288, stack(0x4c670000,0x4c6c0000)]
0x0094a800 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=4100, stack(0x00a90000,0x00ae0000)]
0x4a5b7800 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=452, stack(0x4b2d0000,0x4b320000)]
0x4a5b7400 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=1432, stack(0x4ade0000,0x4ae30000)]
0x4b635400 JavaThread «TimerQueue» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3768, stack(0x4bd90000,0x4bde0000)]
0x4b667000 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4132, stack(0x4bca0000,0x4bcf0000)]
0x4a6d9c00 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=4072, stack(0x4b120000,0x4b170000)]
0x4a6d6c00 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3796, stack(0x4afb0000,0x4b000000)]
0x4a577c00 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5100, stack(0x4ad90000,0x4ade0000)]
0x4a55c400 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4508, stack(0x4a820000,0x4a870000)]
0x4a55b400 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5068, stack(0x4a7b0000,0x4a800000)]
0x4a558400 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5056, stack(0x4ab00000,0x4ab50000)]
0x4a4ff800 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5012, stack(0x4aa00000,0x4aa50000)]
0x4a4fa000 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3164, stack(0x4a9b0000,0x4aa00000)]Other Threads:
0x4a4f3800 VMThread [stack: 0x00990000,0x009e0000] [id=4104]
0x4a592000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x4ae90000,0x4aee0000] [id=5104]VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 108087K [0x04360000, 0x0ee00000, 0x198b0000)
eden space 139776K, 77% used [0x04360000, 0x0acedff0, 0x0cbe0000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0cbe0000, 0x0cbe0000, 0x0dcf0000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0dcf0000, 0x0dcf0000, 0x0ee00000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x198b0000, 0x2ee10000, 0x44360000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x198b0000, 0x198b0000, 0x198b0200, 0x2ee10000)
compacting perm gen total 12544K, used 12511K [0x44360000, 0x44fa0000, 0x48360000)
the space 12544K, 99% used [0x44360000, 0x44f97ce8, 0x44f97e00, 0x44fa0000)
No shared spaces configured.Card table byte_map: [0x4a160000,0x4a390000] byte_map_base: 0x4a13e500
Polling page: 0x00170000
Code Cache [0x02360000, 0x02590000, 0x04360000)
total_blobs=1388 nmethods=1110 adapters=212 free_code_cache=30545Kb largest_free_block=31278272Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 29.708 Thread 0x4a55c400 1115 java.net.URLClassLoader$1::run (5 bytes)
Event: 29.708 Thread 0x4a55c400 nmethod 1115 0x02588a88 code [0x02588b80, 0x02588c0c]
Event: 29.708 Thread 0x4a55c400 1116 ! java.net.URLClassLoader$1::run (73 bytes)
Event: 29.709 Thread 0x4a55c400 nmethod 1116 0x02588c88 code [0x02588dd0, 0x02589008]
Event: 29.715 Thread 0x4a55c400 1117 java.security.MessageDigest::update (45 bytes)
Event: 29.715 Thread 0x4a55c400 nmethod 1117 0x02589288 code [0x025893b0, 0x02589554]
Event: 29.718 Thread 0x4a55c400 1118 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::putIfAbsent (79 bytes)
Event: 29.719 Thread 0x4a55c400 nmethod 1118 0x02589808 code [0x02589930, 0x02589af0]
Event: 29.719 Thread 0x4a55c400 1119 ! sun.security.util.ManifestEntryVerifier::setEntry (299 bytes)
Event: 29.721 Thread 0x4a55c400 nmethod 1119 0x02589c48 code [0x02589f40, 0x0258a990]GC Heap History (0 events):
No eventsDeoptimization events (0 events):
No eventsInternal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 29.728 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aabe4a0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.728 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aabe938 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.729 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aac1d90 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.729 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aac2240 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.730 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aac4f08 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.730 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aac5330 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.731 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aac8bc0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.731 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aac9000 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.731 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aacb9b8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 29.731 Thread 0x4b8e6800 Threw 0x0aacbda8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u10hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166Events (10 events):
Event: 29.728 loading class 0x4b8fa508
Event: 29.728 loading class 0x4b8fa508 done
Event: 29.729 loading class 0x4b77ece0
Event: 29.729 loading class 0x4b77ece0 done
Event: 29.730 loading class 0x4b83dd50
Event: 29.730 loading class 0x4b83dd50 done
Event: 29.731 loading class 0x4b83dea0
Event: 29.731 loading class 0x4b83dea0 done
Event: 29.731 loading class 0x4b890a38
Event: 29.731 loading class 0x4b890a38 doneDynamic libraries:
0x00bf0000 — 0x00c1f000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjavaw.exe
0x77b80000 — 0x77d00000 C:WindowsSysWOW64ntdll.dll
0x75820000 — 0x75930000 C:Windowssyswow64kernel32.dll
0x76220000 — 0x76267000 C:Windowssyswow64KERNELBASE.dll
0x754a0000 — 0x75540000 C:Windowssyswow64ADVAPI32.dll
0x76270000 — 0x7631c000 C:Windowssyswow64msvcrt.dll
0x75b50000 — 0x75b69000 C:WindowsSysWOW64sechost.dll
0x75930000 — 0x75a20000 C:Windowssyswow64RPCRT4.dll
0x75260000 — 0x752c0000 C:Windowssyswow64SspiCli.dll
0x75250000 — 0x7525c000 C:Windowssyswow64CRYPTBASE.dll
0x75640000 — 0x75740000 C:Windowssyswow64USER32.dll
0x77230000 — 0x772c0000 C:Windowssyswow64GDI32.dll
0x77b50000 — 0x77b5a000 C:Windowssyswow64LPK.dll
0x75a80000 — 0x75b1d000 C:Windowssyswow64USP10.dll
0x6f190000 — 0x6f32e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2COMCTL32.dll
0x755e0000 — 0x75637000 C:Windowssyswow64SHLWAPI.dll
0x75a20000 — 0x75a80000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x75740000 — 0x7580c000 C:Windowssyswow64MSCTF.dll
0x73780000 — 0x7383d000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x6d710000 — 0x6da5c000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x6fcd0000 — 0x6fcd7000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x75b70000 — 0x75ba5000 C:Windowssyswow64WS2_32.dll
0x75810000 — 0x75816000 C:Windowssyswow64NSI.dll
0x6fc60000 — 0x6fc92000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x75d90000 — 0x75d95000 C:Windowssyswow64PSAPI.DLL
0x739b0000 — 0x739bc000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binverify.dll
0x73990000 — 0x739b0000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava.dll
0x73970000 — 0x73983000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binzip.dll
0x73630000 — 0x73772000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binawt.dll
0x75da0000 — 0x75e2f000 C:Windowssyswow64OLEAUT32.dll
0x75bb0000 — 0x75d0c000 C:Windowssyswow64ole32.dll
0x72630000 — 0x726b0000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x6ff60000 — 0x6ff73000 C:Windowssystem32dwmapi.dll
0x76320000 — 0x76f6a000 C:Windowssyswow64SHELL32.dll
0x73940000 — 0x7396a000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x73920000 — 0x73934000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnet.dll
0x6f910000 — 0x6f94c000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x73360000 — 0x73366000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x73910000 — 0x7391f000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnio.dll
0x742a0000 — 0x742b0000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x73900000 — 0x73910000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x738e0000 — 0x738f2000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x6eef0000 — 0x6ef34000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll
0x738d0000 — 0x738d8000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x741f0000 — 0x74217000 C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows LiveWLIDNSP.DLL
0x741c0000 — 0x741e1000 C:Program Files (x86)BonjourmdnsNSP.dll
0x6f500000 — 0x6f51c000 C:Windowssystem32Iphlpapi.DLL
0x6f4f0000 — 0x6f4f7000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL
0x744d0000 — 0x74508000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x74290000 — 0x74296000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x6f900000 — 0x6f905000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x74ba0000 — 0x74bb6000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTSP.dll
0x74b60000 — 0x74b9b000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x6f9b0000 — 0x6f9c7000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x731b0000 — 0x731bb000 C:Windowssystem32profapi.dll
0x73890000 — 0x738c1000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bint2k.dll
0x73600000 — 0x73620000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunec.dll
0x75eb0000 — 0x75f33000 C:Windowssyswow64CLBCatQ.DLL
0x70ad0000 — 0x70bcb000 C:Windowssystem32WindowsCodecs.dll
0x72760000 — 0x727ac000 C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll
0x70a50000 — 0x70a81000 C:Windowssystem32EhStorShell.dll
0x76f70000 — 0x7710d000 C:Windowssyswow64SETUPAPI.dll
0x75410000 — 0x75437000 C:Windowssyswow64CFGMGR32.dll
0x75b30000 — 0x75b42000 C:Windowssyswow64DEVOBJ.dll
0x72fb0000 — 0x730a5000 C:Windowssystem32PROPSYS.dll
0x71e10000 — 0x72216000 C:PROGRA~2MICROS~3Office14GROOVEEX.DLL
0x6f7a0000 — 0x6f843000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57MSVCR90.dll
0x726d0000 — 0x7275e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_50934f2ebcb7eb57MSVCP90.dll
0x74820000 — 0x7484b000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.atl_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.6161_none_51cd0a7abbe4e19bATL90.DLL
0x70630000 — 0x70a4a000 C:PROGRA~2COMMON~1MICROS~1OFFICE14Culturesoffice.odf
0x6e670000 — 0x6eed5000 C:PROGRA~2MICROS~3Office141033GrooveIntlResource.dll
0x70550000 — 0x705c0000 C:Windowssystem32ntshrui.dll
0x723e0000 — 0x723f9000 C:Windowssystem32srvcli.dll
0x72220000 — 0x7222b000 C:Windowssystem32cscapi.dll
0x70ac0000 — 0x70aca000 C:Windowssystem32slc.dll
0x735e0000 — 0x735e9000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunmscapi.dll
0x752f0000 — 0x7540e000 C:Windowssyswow64CRYPT32.dll
0x75540000 — 0x7554c000 C:Windowssyswow64MSASN1.dll
0x4c3e0000 — 0x4c44b000 C:UsersJackAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativeslwjgl.dll
0x70260000 — 0x70328000 C:Windowssystem32OPENGL32.dll
0x73860000 — 0x73882000 C:Windowssystem32GLU32.dll
0x72540000 — 0x72627000 C:Windowssystem32DDRAW.dll
0x739c0000 — 0x739c6000 C:Windowssystem32DCIMAN32.dll
0x6fe10000 — 0x6fe19000 C:Windowssystem32VERSION.dll
0x73850000 — 0x73856000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjawt.dll
0x4dc80000 — 0x4e725000 C:Windowssystem32ig4icd32.dll
0x72fa0000 — 0x72fa8000 C:Windowssystem32atigktxx.dll
0x701d0000 — 0x70258000 C:Windowssystem32aticfx32.dll
0x70c00000 — 0x70ceb000 C:Windowssystem32dbghelp.dllVM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
java_command: C:UsersJackDownloadsMinecraft (5).exe
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARDEnvironment Variables:
PATH=C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program Files (x86)Windows LiveShared;C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100ToolsBinn;C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SQL Server100DTSBinn;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 7 , 64 bit Build 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU:total 4 (2 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core) family 6 model 37 stepping 5, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, ht, tsc, tscinvbit
Memory: 4k page, physical 3984048k(2531860k free), swap 7966244k(5821276k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot™ Client VM (23.6-b04) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_10-b18), built on Nov 28 2012 08:34:29 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Thu Jan 03 00:19:44 2013
elapsed time: 29 secondsI have just bought the game i login and it crashes immediately
You have a Toshiba laptop. They messed it up for you. Follow the steps here to fix: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1541017-minecraft-launcher-errors/#entry18829592
Jan 3, 2013
thank you so much, however will i ever need that AMD driver again
Nope. You don’t have any amd video card in your system. Toshiba derped when setting up the systems.
Feb 6, 2013
Im getting this error:
# # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x5a445861, pid=936, tid=6596 # # JRE version: 7.0_13-b20 # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 ) # Problematic frame: # C [aticfx32.dll+0x25861] gslCfxExit+0xe1 # # Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows # # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit: # http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code. # See problematic frame for where to report the bug. # --------------- T H R E A D --------------- Current thread (0x4a3ca000): JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=6596, stack(0x4cef0000,0x4cf40000)] siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x0000013c Registers: EAX=0x00000008, EBX=0x4cf3f27c, ECX=0x0000000a, EDX=0x00000000 ESP=0x4cf3e888, EBP=0x4cf3e894, ESI=0x4db22898, EDI=0x4db207d0 EIP=0x5a445861, EFLAGS=0x00010202 Top of Stack: (sp=0x4cf3e888) 0x4cf3e888: 4cf3f27c 4db207d0 00000000 4cf3f22c 0x4cf3e898: 5a443f2c 400000c0 4cf3f27c 0060f004 0x4cf3e8a8: 002aed10 400000c0 00000000 4cf3e8c0 0x4cf3e8b8: 00000960 400000c0 00000001 088d0000 0x4cf3e8c8: 0000000a 00000000 00000008 00000007 0x4cf3e8d8: 0000027c 0000073b 00000001 00000001 0x4cf3e8e8: 00008bc3 00000001 00001f9d 000007fc 0x4cf3e8f8: 00000001 e2f32107 000001ba 00f7ff3f Instructions: (pc=0x5a445861) 0x5a445841: 5a 68 88 00 00 00 6a 08 52 8b f8 ff 15 b0 a0 46 0x5a445851: 5a 8b f0 85 f6 74 1b 8b 47 20 8b 4f 14 83 c0 08 0x5a445861: 8b 80 34 01 00 00 50 8b c7 e8 21 ff ff ff 8b f0 0x5a445871: eb 02 33 f6 8b fe e8 54 24 01 00 85 c0 7c 1d 53 Register to memory mapping: EAX=0x00000008 is an unknown value EBX=0x4cf3f27c is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4a3ca000 ECX=0x0000000a is an unknown value EDX=0x00000000 is an unknown value ESP=0x4cf3e888 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4a3ca000 EBP=0x4cf3e894 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4a3ca000 ESI=0x4db22898 is an unknown value EDI=0x4db207d0 is an unknown value Stack: [0x4cef0000,0x4cf40000], sp=0x4cf3e888, free space=314k Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code) C [aticfx32.dll+0x25861] gslCfxExit+0xe1 C [aticfx32.dll+0x23f2c] OpenAdapter+0x6edc C [atigktxx.dll+0x1daf] GetD3DKMTProcAddress+0xbfd Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code) j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.nChoosePixelFormat(JIILorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;ZZZZ)I+0 j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsPeerInfo.choosePixelFormat(JIILorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;Ljava/nio/IntBuffer;ZZZZ)I+15 j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsDisplay.createWindow(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/DisplayMode;Ljava/awt/Canvas;II)V+176 j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.createWindow()V+68 j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/Drawable;Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/ContextAttribs;)V+63 j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;)V+9 j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a()V+174 j asq.a()V+94 j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+6 j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11 v ~StubRoutines::call_stub --------------- P R O C E S S --------------- Java Threads: ( => current thread ) =>0x4a3ca000 JavaThread "Minecraft main thread" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=6596, stack(0x4cef0000,0x4cf40000)] 0x4a3c9800 JavaThread "Timer hack thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3660, stack(0x4ce80000,0x4ced0000)] 0x4b591000 JavaThread "Snooper Timer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=884, stack(0x4cce0000,0x4cd30000)] 0x00afb000 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=4588, stack(0x004f0000,0x00540000)] 0x4b5a3000 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_blocked, id=6588, stack(0x4b920000,0x4b970000)] 0x4b573800 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=1728, stack(0x4b280000,0x4b2d0000)] 0x4a32bc00 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=5156, stack(0x4aac0000,0x4ab10000)] 0x4a329000 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1180, stack(0x4a870000,0x4a8c0000)] 0x4a242400 JavaThread "Service Thread" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5432, stack(0x4a8d0000,0x4a920000)] 0x4a23cc00 JavaThread "C1 CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3620, stack(0x4a7d0000,0x4a820000)] 0x4a237c00 JavaThread "Attach Listener" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3444, stack(0x4a750000,0x4a7a0000)] 0x4a234800 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=6332, stack(0x4a6a0000,0x4a6f0000)] 0x4a1de000 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1140, stack(0x002f0000,0x00340000)] 0x4a1d9400 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=7040, stack(0x4a430000,0x4a480000)] Other Threads: 0x4a1d4800 VMThread [stack: 0x00bb0000,0x00c00000] [id=4704] 0x4a25ec00 WatcherThread [stack: 0x4a960000,0x4a9b0000] [id=2572] VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution) VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None Heap def new generation total 157248K, used 57897K [0x04040000, 0x0eae0000, 0x19590000) eden space 139776K, 41% used [0x04040000, 0x078ca5a0, 0x0c8c0000) from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0c8c0000, 0x0c8c0000, 0x0d9d0000) to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0d9d0000, 0x0d9d0000, 0x0eae0000) tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x19590000, 0x2eaf0000, 0x44040000) the space 349568K, 0% used [0x19590000, 0x19590000, 0x19590200, 0x2eaf0000) compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 8747K [0x44040000, 0x44c40000, 0x48040000) the space 12288K, 71% used [0x44040000, 0x448cae98, 0x448cb000, 0x44c40000) No shared spaces configured. Card table byte_map: [0x49e40000,0x4a070000] byte_map_base: 0x49e1fe00 Polling page: 0x00190000 Code Cache [0x02040000, 0x02188000, 0x04040000) total_blobs=727 nmethods=468 adapters=194 free_code_cache=31464Kb largest_free_block=32219392 Compilation events (10 events): Event: 24.796 Thread 0x4a23cc00 462 java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap::putIfAbsent (79 bytes) Event: 24.798 Thread 0x4a23cc00 nmethod 462 0x02184d08 code [0x02184e30, 0x02184ff0] Event: 24.798 Thread 0x4a23cc00 463 ! java.net.URLClassLoader::findClass (29 bytes) Event: 24.799 Thread 0x4a23cc00 nmethod 463 0x02185148 code [0x02185250, 0x021853cc] Event: 24.800 Thread 0x4a23cc00 464 java.net.URLClassLoader$1::<init> (15 bytes) Event: 24.800 Thread 0x4a23cc00 nmethod 464 0x02185508 code [0x02185600, 0x021856a0] Event: 24.800 Thread 0x4a23cc00 466 java.net.URLClassLoader$1::run (5 bytes) Event: 24.801 Thread 0x4a23cc00 nmethod 466 0x02185708 code [0x02185800, 0x0218588c] Event: 24.801 Thread 0x4a23cc00 467 ! java.net.URLClassLoader$1::run (73 bytes) Event: 24.802 Thread 0x4a23cc00 nmethod 467 0x02185908 code [0x02185a50, 0x02185c88] GC Heap History (0 events): No events Deoptimization events (0 events): No events Internal exceptions (10 events): Event: 24.807 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076be198 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.807 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076be630 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.808 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076c1a88 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.808 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076c1f38 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.837 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076c4c00 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.837 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076c5028 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.840 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076c88b8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.840 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076c8cf8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.842 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076cb6b0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Event: 24.842 Thread 0x4a3ca000 Threw 0x076cbaa0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166 Events (10 events): Event: 24.806 loading class 0x4b694198 Event: 24.807 loading class 0x4b694198 done Event: 24.808 loading class 0x4a3c6370 Event: 24.808 loading class 0x4a3c6370 done Event: 24.837 loading class 0x4b6b80d8 Event: 24.837 loading class 0x4b6b80d8 done Event: 24.840 loading class 0x4b6b8260 Event: 24.840 loading class 0x4b6b8260 done Event: 24.842 loading class 0x4b6f5ee0 Event: 24.842 loading class 0x4b6f5ee0 done Dynamic libraries: 0x00c10000 - 0x00c3f000 C:WindowsSysWOW64javaw.exe 0x76ea0000 - 0x77020000 C:WindowsSysWOW64ntdll.dll 0x74fa0000 - 0x750b0000 C:Windowssyswow64kernel32.dll 0x74890000 - 0x748d7000 C:Windowssyswow64KERNELBASE.dll 0x76300000 - 0x763a0000 C:Windowssyswow64ADVAPI32.dll 0x74e90000 - 0x74f3c000 C:Windowssyswow64msvcrt.dll 0x74db0000 - 0x74dc9000 C:WindowsSysWOW64sechost.dll 0x74a80000 - 0x74b70000 C:Windowssyswow64RPCRT4.dll 0x74580000 - 0x745e0000 C:Windowssyswow64SspiCli.dll 0x74570000 - 0x7457c000 C:Windowssyswow64CRYPTBASE.dll 0x745e0000 - 0x746e0000 C:Windowssyswow64USER32.dll 0x761e0000 - 0x76270000 C:Windowssyswow64GDI32.dll 0x76e70000 - 0x76e7a000 C:Windowssyswow64LPK.dll 0x763e0000 - 0x7647e000 C:Windowssyswow64USP10.dll 0x73f60000 - 0x740fe000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7600.16661_none_420fe3fa2b8113bdCOMCTL32.dll 0x74f40000 - 0x74f97000 C:Windowssyswow64SHLWAPI.dll 0x76170000 - 0x761d0000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL 0x75de0000 - 0x75eac000 C:Windowssyswow64MSCTF.dll 0x62560000 - 0x6261e000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binmsvcr100.dll 0x5f570000 - 0x5f8bd000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binclientjvm.dll 0x722f0000 - 0x722f7000 C:WindowsSysWOW64WSOCK32.dll 0x763a0000 - 0x763d5000 C:Windowssyswow64WS2_32.dll 0x761d0000 - 0x761d6000 C:Windowssyswow64NSI.dll 0x723b0000 - 0x723e2000 C:WindowsSysWOW64WINMM.dll 0x75da0000 - 0x75da5000 C:Windowssyswow64PSAPI.DLL 0x66ca0000 - 0x66cac000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binverify.dll 0x65fc0000 - 0x65fe0000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava.dll 0x65c70000 - 0x65c83000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binzip.dll 0x5a4b0000 - 0x5a5f2000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binawt.dll 0x746e0000 - 0x7476f000 C:Windowssyswow64OLEAUT32.dll 0x76480000 - 0x765dc000 C:Windowssyswow64ole32.dll 0x72310000 - 0x72323000 C:Windowssystem32DWMAPI.DLL 0x72330000 - 0x723b0000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll 0x73ba0000 - 0x73bb6000 C:WindowsSysWOW64CRYPTSP.dll 0x73b60000 - 0x73b9b000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll 0x72230000 - 0x72247000 C:WindowsSysWOW64USERENV.dll 0x74410000 - 0x7441b000 C:WindowsSysWOW64profapi.dll 0x626d0000 - 0x626e4000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnet.dll 0x743d0000 - 0x7440c000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll 0x73e60000 - 0x73e66000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll 0x73e50000 - 0x73e60000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll 0x73f10000 - 0x73f54000 C:WindowsSysWOW64DNSAPI.dll 0x66340000 - 0x66348000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll 0x66330000 - 0x66340000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll 0x66310000 - 0x66322000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll 0x73d00000 - 0x73d27000 C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows LiveWLIDNSP.DLL 0x74100000 - 0x74105000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll 0x74490000 - 0x744ac000 C:WindowsSysWOW64IPHLPAPI.DLL 0x74470000 - 0x74477000 C:WindowsSysWOW64WINNSI.DLL 0x73cf0000 - 0x73cf6000 C:WindowsSysWOW64rasadhlp.dll 0x70080000 - 0x700b8000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll 0x65dd0000 - 0x65dde000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnio.dll 0x626f0000 - 0x62710000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunec.dll 0x626a0000 - 0x626ca000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binfontmanager.dll 0x5ffa0000 - 0x60016000 C:Windowssystem32RICHED20.DLL 0x62520000 - 0x62551000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bint2k.dll 0x74dd0000 - 0x74e53000 C:Windowssyswow64CLBCatQ.DLL 0x4b050000 - 0x4b0bb000 C:UsersIrisAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativeslwjgl.dll 0x5f4a0000 - 0x5f568000 C:WindowsSysWOW64OPENGL32.dll 0x624f0000 - 0x62512000 C:WindowsSysWOW64GLU32.dll 0x66200000 - 0x662e7000 C:WindowsSysWOW64DDRAW.dll 0x73c60000 - 0x73c66000 C:WindowsSysWOW64DCIMAN32.dll 0x748e0000 - 0x74a7d000 C:Windowssyswow64SETUPAPI.dll 0x74e60000 - 0x74e87000 C:Windowssyswow64CFGMGR32.dll 0x76070000 - 0x76082000 C:Windowssyswow64DEVOBJ.dll 0x73e40000 - 0x73e49000 C:WindowsSysWOW64VERSION.dll 0x66400000 - 0x66406000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjawt.dll 0x4cf40000 - 0x4d9e5000 C:WindowsSysWOW64ig4icd32.dll 0x62690000 - 0x62698000 C:WindowsSysWOW64atigktxx.dll 0x5a420000 - 0x5a4a8000 C:WindowsSysWOW64aticfx32.dll 0x70810000 - 0x708fb000 C:WindowsSysWOW64dbghelp.dll VM Arguments: jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false java_command: net.minecraft.LauncherFrame Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD Environment Variables: PATH=C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program Files (x86)Windows LiveShared;c:program files (x86)javajre7bin USERNAME=Iris OS=Windows_NT PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5, GenuineIntel --------------- S Y S T E M --------------- OS: Windows 7 , 64 bit Build 7600 CPU:total 4 (2 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core) family 6 model 37 stepping 5, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, ht, tsc, tscinvbit Memory: 4k page, physical 3001008k(1245136k free), swap 6000116k(3014404k free) vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.7-b01) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_13-b20), built on Jan 30 2013 10:03:58 by "java_re" with unknown MS VC++:1600 time: Wed Feb 06 19:28:24 2013 elapsed time: 25 seconds
Can someone please help me?
You have a toshiba laptop. They messed up the drivers on it. Follow the instructions in this post: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1541017-minecraft-launcher-errors/#entry18829592
Feb 7, 2013
Help this is my problem#
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x79ca6749, pid=3848, tid=2984
# JRE version: 7.0_13-b20
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [atioglxx.dll+0x146749]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x6d6b4400): JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» [_thread_in_native, id=2984, stack(0x738d0000,0x73920000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x00000010
EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x76e4231c, ECX=0x79ca6740, EDX=0x79c70870
ESP=0x7391f28c, EBP=0x7391f28c, ESI=0x7c50063c, EDI=0x76e66f2c
EIP=0x79ca6749, EFLAGS=0x00010206
Top of Stack: (sp=0x7391f28c)
0x7391f28c: 7391f2b0 79fc34d1 7ad7fb00 7c50063c
0x7391f29c: 00000000 6d6b4400 7391f2dc 76e423ac
0x7391f2ac: 772f3020 7391f2e8 6ff76869 000003e1
0x7391f2bc: 02ef282f 6d6b4528 7391f2dc 000003e1
0x7391f2cc: 735815a8 00000000 278fb7c8 278fb7c8
0x7391f2dc: 278fb7c8 00000000 7ad80290 7391f544
0x7391f2ec: 02ea777c 735815a8 00000000 c2d10000
0x7391f2fc: 00000000 67224570 00000000 7391f348
Instructions: (pc=0x79ca6749)
0x79ca6729: 4b ca 79 d0 4b ca 79 0a 4c ca 79 49 4c ca 79 89
0x79ca6739: 4c ca 79 cc cc cc cc 55 8b ec 8b 45 0c 8b 40 08
0x79ca6749: f7 40 10 00 00 00 10 50 74 0e 8b 4d 08 51 e8 74
0x79ca6759: 86 ff ff 83 c4 08 5d c3 8b 55 08 52 e8 86 e0 ffRegister to memory mapping:
EAX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
EBX=0x76e4231c is an unknown value
ECX=0x79ca6740 is an unknown value
EDX=0x79c70870 is an unknown value
ESP=0x7391f28c is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x6d6b4400
EBP=0x7391f28c is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x6d6b4400
ESI=0x7c50063c is an unknown value
EDI=0x76e66f2c is an unknown valueStack: [0x738d0000,0x73920000], sp=0x7391f28c, free space=316k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [atioglxx.dll+0x146749]
C [atioglxx.dll+0x4634d1]
C [lwjgl.dll+0x6869]
J bav.a(Lmd;ID)I
j ban.b(F)V+827
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J()V+350
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+91
j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
V [jvm.dll+0x12a34a]
V [jvm.dll+0x1d968e]
V [jvm.dll+0x12a533]
V [jvm.dll+0x12a597]
V [jvm.dll+0xd306f]
V [jvm.dll+0x14a647]
V [jvm.dll+0x14a7b0]
V [jvm.dll+0x17ee89]
C [msvcr100.dll+0x5c6de]
C [msvcr100.dll+0x5c788]
C [KERNEL32.DLL+0x28543]
C [ntdll.dll+0x5ac69]
C [ntdll.dll+0x5ac3c]
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
J org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.nglCallList(IJ)V
J bav.a(Lmd;ID)I
j ban.a(FJ)V+621
j ban.b(F)V+827
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J()V+350
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+91
j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x6d6b6c00 JavaThread «Keep-Alive-Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3536, stack(0x7b550000,0x7b5a0000)]
0x7916bc00 JavaThread «Server thread» [_thread_in_Java, id=3660, stack(0x7eb60000,0x7ebb0000)]
0x7916b000 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3056, stack(0x7ead0000,0x7eb20000)]
0x79169400 JavaThread «Resource download thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=4256, stack(0x6d700000,0x6d750000)]
0x7916b400 JavaThread «Portal Gun Resource download thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2900, stack(0x7da70000,0x7dac0000)]
0x79168400 JavaThread «LogisticsPipes Packet Compressor Server» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2792, stack(0x7d9e0000,0x7da30000)]
0x79169000 JavaThread «LogisticsPipes Packet Compressor Client» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2932, stack(0x7c8f0000,0x7c940000)]
0x7916a800 JavaThread «Coral Reef GUI Helper Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=484, stack(0x7c980000,0x7c9d0000)]
0x79169c00 JavaThread «Thread-101» [_thread_blocked, id=2956, stack(0x75340000,0x75390000)]
0x79168800 JavaThread «Thread-100» [_thread_blocked, id=2176, stack(0x751a0000,0x751f0000)]
0x6d6b5c00 JavaThread «TC Aura Update Thread» [_thread_blocked, id=2560, stack(0x74f40000,0x74f90000)]
0x6d6b5800 JavaThread «TC Aura Deletion Thread» [_thread_blocked, id=3888, stack(0x74e20000,0x74e70000)]
0x6d6b5000 JavaThread «TC Aura Calculation Thread» [_thread_blocked, id=4396, stack(0x73d10000,0x73d60000)]
=>0x6d6b4400 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» [_thread_in_native, id=2984, stack(0x738d0000,0x73920000)]
0x6d6b3000 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3228, stack(0x73840000,0x73890000)]
0x6d6b4c00 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5068, stack(0x737b0000,0x73800000)]
0x6d6b6400 JavaThread «Thread-90» [_thread_blocked, id=4472, stack(0x6ff20000,0x6ff70000)]
0x6d6b4000 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-4» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3420, stack(0x6fed0000,0x6ff20000)]
0x6d6b3800 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-3» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3116, stack(0x6fdc0000,0x6fe10000)]
0x6d583800 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-2» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4180, stack(0x6fd70000,0x6fdc0000)]
0x02357400 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=4304, stack(0x004d0000,0x00520000)]
0x6d52fc00 JavaThread «TimerQueue» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4036, stack(0x6dbd0000,0x6dc20000)]
0x6d396800 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-2-thread-1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4368, stack(0x6db40000,0x6db90000)]
0x6d3e0800 JavaThread «D3D Screen Updater» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1416, stack(0x6d790000,0x6d7e0000)]
0x021e3800 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=2628, stack(0x00440000,0x00490000)]
0x6ac56400 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2624, stack(0x6b0d0000,0x6b120000)]
0x6ac55800 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=3548, stack(0x6b040000,0x6b090000)]
0x6ac53c00 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2452, stack(0x6afb0000,0x6b000000)]
0x6ab50c00 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2144, stack(0x6adb0000,0x6ae00000)]
0x6ab4f800 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3336, stack(0x6ad20000,0x6ad70000)]
0x6ab4e800 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2424, stack(0x022d0000,0x02320000)]
0x6ab4c000 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2868, stack(0x00b60000,0x00bb0000)]
0x6ab05400 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3104, stack(0x006a0000,0x006f0000)]
0x6ab00800 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4668, stack(0x00610000,0x00660000)]
Other Threads:
0x6aafac00 VMThread [stack: 0x00580000,0x005d0000] [id=1696]
0x6ab5c800 WatcherThread [stack: 0x6ae40000,0x6ae90000] [id=1716]
VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 192064K, used 40340K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 12% used [0x044c0000, 0x05a39950, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 86% used [0x10050000, 0x1123b7e0, 0x11520000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000, 0x10050000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 270847K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 63% used [0x244c0000, 0x34d3fd38, 0x34d3fe00, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 48384K, used 48156K [0x644c0000, 0x67400000, 0x684c0000)
the space 48384K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x673c70c0, 0x673c7200, 0x67400000)
No shared spaces configured.
Card table byte_map: [0x6a2c0000,0x6a5f0000] byte_map_base: 0x6a29da00
Polling page: 0x00870000
Code Cache [0x024c0000, 0x02f58000, 0x044c0000)
total_blobs=5349 nmethods=4870 adapters=410 free_code_cache=21933Kb largest_free_block=22457024
Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 321.730 Thread 0x6ab4f800 4848 org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11::glLight (33 bytes)
Event: 321.730 Thread 0x6ab4f800 nmethod 4848 0x02f53dc8 code [0x02f53f20, 0x02f541a8]
Event: 321.737 Thread 0x6ab4f800 4850 nz::a (11 bytes)
Event: 321.737 Thread 0x6ab4f800 nmethod 4850 0x02f54508 code [0x02f54610, 0x02f546bc]
Event: 321.737 Thread 0x6ab4f800 4851 nk::a (73 bytes)
Event: 321.738 Thread 0x6ab4f800 nmethod 4851 0x02f54788 code [0x02f548b0, 0x02f54a24]
Event: 321.740 Thread 0x6ab4f800 4852 twilightforest.tileentity.TileEntityTFFirefly::g (313 bytes)
Event: 321.740 Thread 0x6ab4f800 nmethod 4852 0x02f54b48 code [0x02f54ce0, 0x02f54ff4]
Event: 321.740 Thread 0x6ab4f800 4853 twilightforest.tileentity.TileEntityTFFirefly::anyPlayerInRange (46 bytes)
Event: 321.740 Thread 0x6ab4f800 nmethod 4853 0x02f55288 code [0x02f553c0, 0x02f554ac]
GC Heap History (10 events):
Event: 313.419 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=98 (full 15):
def new generation total 141440K, used 136665K [0x044c0000, 0x0de30000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 125760K, 100% used [0x044c0000, 0x0bf90000, 0x0bf90000)
from space 15680K, 69% used [0x0cee0000, 0x0d986408, 0x0de30000)
to space 15680K, 0% used [0x0bf90000, 0x0bf90000, 0x0cee0000)
tenured generation total 314040K, used 227128K [0x244c0000, 0x3776e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 314040K, 72% used [0x244c0000, 0x3228e240, 0x3228e400, 0x3776e000)
compacting perm gen total 46336K, used 46163K [0x644c0000, 0x67200000, 0x684c0000)
the space 46336K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x671d4dd0, 0x671d4e00, 0x67200000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 313.454 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=99 (full 15):
def new generation total 141440K, used 8922K [0x044c0000, 0x0de30000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 125760K, 0% used [0x044c0000, 0x044c0000, 0x0bf90000)
from space 15680K, 56% used [0x0bf90000, 0x0c846800, 0x0cee0000)
to space 15680K, 0% used [0x0cee0000, 0x0cee0000, 0x0de30000)
tenured generation total 314040K, used 237770K [0x244c0000, 0x3776e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 314040K, 75% used [0x244c0000, 0x32cf2808, 0x32cf2a00, 0x3776e000)
compacting perm gen total 46336K, used 46163K [0x644c0000, 0x67200000, 0x684c0000)
the space 46336K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x671d4dd0, 0x671d4e00, 0x67200000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 315.723 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=99 (full 15):
def new generation total 141440K, used 130506K [0x044c0000, 0x0de30000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 125760K, 96% used [0x044c0000, 0x0bb7c320, 0x0bf90000)
from space 15680K, 56% used [0x0bf90000, 0x0c846800, 0x0cee0000)
to space 15680K, 0% used [0x0cee0000, 0x0cee0000, 0x0de30000)
tenured generation total 314040K, used 237770K [0x244c0000, 0x3776e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 314040K, 75% used [0x244c0000, 0x32cf2808, 0x32cf2a00, 0x3776e000)
compacting perm gen total 46592K, used 46554K [0x644c0000, 0x67240000, 0x684c0000)
the space 46592K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x67236958, 0x67236a00, 0x67240000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 316.243 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=100 (full 16):
def new generation total 192064K, used 0K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 0% used [0x044c0000, 0x044c0000, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 0% used [0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000, 0x10050000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x10050000, 0x10050000, 0x11520000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 255930K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 59% used [0x244c0000, 0x33eae930, 0x33eaea00, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 46592K, used 46548K [0x644c0000, 0x67240000, 0x684c0000)
the space 46592K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x67235180, 0x67235200, 0x67240000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 318.275 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=100 (full 16):
def new generation total 192064K, used 170752K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 100% used [0x044c0000, 0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 0% used [0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000, 0x10050000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x10050000, 0x10050000, 0x11520000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 255930K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 59% used [0x244c0000, 0x33eae930, 0x33eaea00, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 47616K, used 47581K [0x644c0000, 0x67340000, 0x684c0000)
the space 47616K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x67337530, 0x67337600, 0x67340000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 318.297 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=101 (full 16):
def new generation total 192064K, used 11129K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 0% used [0x044c0000, 0x044c0000, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 52% used [0x10050000, 0x10b2e5c0, 0x11520000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000, 0x10050000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 255930K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 59% used [0x244c0000, 0x33eae930, 0x33eaea00, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 47616K, used 47581K [0x644c0000, 0x67340000, 0x684c0000)
the space 47616K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x67337530, 0x67337600, 0x67340000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 319.496 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=101 (full 16):
def new generation total 192064K, used 181881K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 100% used [0x044c0000, 0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 52% used [0x10050000, 0x10b2e5c0, 0x11520000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000, 0x10050000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 255930K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 59% used [0x244c0000, 0x33eae930, 0x33eaea00, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 48128K, used 47911K [0x644c0000, 0x673c0000, 0x684c0000)
the space 48128K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x67389e50, 0x6738a000, 0x673c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 319.540 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=102 (full 16):
def new generation total 192064K, used 21312K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 0% used [0x044c0000, 0x044c0000, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 100% used [0x0eb80000, 0x10050000, 0x10050000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x10050000, 0x10050000, 0x11520000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 260203K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 61% used [0x244c0000, 0x342dae50, 0x342db000, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 48128K, used 47911K [0x644c0000, 0x673c0000, 0x684c0000)
the space 48128K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x67389e50, 0x6738a000, 0x673c0000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 321.398 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=102 (full 16):
def new generation total 192064K, used 192064K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 100% used [0x044c0000, 0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 100% used [0x0eb80000, 0x10050000, 0x10050000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x10050000, 0x10050000, 0x11520000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 260203K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 61% used [0x244c0000, 0x342dae50, 0x342db000, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 48384K, used 48154K [0x644c0000, 0x67400000, 0x684c0000)
the space 48384K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x673c68b0, 0x673c6a00, 0x67400000)
No shared spaces configured.
Event: 321.433 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=103 (full 16):
def new generation total 192064K, used 18349K [0x044c0000, 0x11520000, 0x244c0000)
eden space 170752K, 0% used [0x044c0000, 0x044c0000, 0x0eb80000)
from space 21312K, 86% used [0x10050000, 0x1123b7e0, 0x11520000)
to space 21312K, 0% used [0x0eb80000, 0x0eb80000, 0x10050000)
tenured generation total 426552K, used 270847K [0x244c0000, 0x3e54e000, 0x644c0000)
the space 426552K, 63% used [0x244c0000, 0x34d3fd38, 0x34d3fe00, 0x3e54e000)
compacting perm gen total 48384K, used 48154K [0x644c0000, 0x67400000, 0x684c0000)
the space 48384K, 99% used [0x644c0000, 0x673c68b0, 0x673c6a00, 0x67400000)
No shared spaces configured.
Deoptimization events (0 events):
No events
Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 321.508 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487d510 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.543 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487d6b0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.577 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487d850 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.577 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487d9f0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.603 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487db50 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.646 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487dcf0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.666 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487de90 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.691 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487e030 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.716 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487e1d0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 321.732 Thread 0x79168800 Threw 0x0487e370 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Events (10 events):
Event: 320.552 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 320.552 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 320.587 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 320.587 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 320.903 loading class 0x6e8df270
Event: 320.903 loading class 0x6e8df270 done
Event: 321.256 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 321.257 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 321.397 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation
Event: 321.433 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation doneDynamic libraries:
0x00ab0000 — 0x00adf000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava.exe
0x77d80000 — 0x77ed7000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x77650000 — 0x77780000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32KERNEL32.DLL
0x757b0000 — 0x75856000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32KERNELBASE.dll
0x74ca0000 — 0x74d47000 C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll
0x756e0000 — 0x7578e000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ADVAPI32.dll
0x77170000 — 0x77286000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32USER32.dll
0x72eb0000 — 0x730a7000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.9200.16384_none_893961408605e985COMCTL32.dll
0x76bc0000 — 0x76c71000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32msvcrt.dll
0x76ec0000 — 0x76ef4000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x76b10000 — 0x76bbc000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32RPCRT4.dll
0x77040000 — 0x7713d000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32GDI32.dll
0x75410000 — 0x7542c000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32SspiCli.dll
0x75400000 — 0x75409000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32CRYPTBASE.dll
0x753a0000 — 0x753f1000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x75790000 — 0x757b0000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x75490000 — 0x7556d000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32MSCTF.dll
0x72df0000 — 0x72eae000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x72aa0000 — 0x72ded000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x74c60000 — 0x74c68000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WSOCK32.dll
0x75250000 — 0x75271000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINMM.dll
0x77160000 — 0x77166000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32PSAPI.DLL
0x77880000 — 0x778d0000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WS2_32.dll
0x74d60000 — 0x74d8a000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINMMBASE.dll
0x77150000 — 0x77158000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32NSI.dll
0x73990000 — 0x739c5000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsplashscreen.dll
0x752a0000 — 0x75328000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x75240000 — 0x7524c000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binverify.dll
0x73f20000 — 0x73f40000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava.dll
0x73970000 — 0x73983000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binzip.dll
0x755c0000 — 0x756d9000 C:Windowssystem32ole32.dll
0x76f00000 — 0x77036000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32combase.dll
0x72950000 — 0x72a92000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binawt.dll
0x777f0000 — 0x7787b000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32OLEAUT32.dll
0x75280000 — 0x75299000 C:Windowssystem32DWMAPI.DLL
0x725f0000 — 0x727a5000 C:Windowssystem32d3d9.dll
0x75330000 — 0x75338000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32VERSION.dll
0x72860000 — 0x7294f000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32aticfx32.dll
0x73950000 — 0x73969000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32atiu9pag.dll
0x72010000 — 0x725e3000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32atiumdag.dll
0x71bc0000 — 0x7200b000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32atiumdva.dll
0x75860000 — 0x76926000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32SHELL32.dll
0x778d0000 — 0x77910000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32SHLWAPI.dll
0x74fb0000 — 0x75025000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32shcore.dll
0x75230000 — 0x7523a000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binmanagement.dll
0x72830000 — 0x7285a000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x73930000 — 0x73944000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnet.dll
0x727e0000 — 0x7282a000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x75030000 — 0x7503e000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnio.dll
0x71b80000 — 0x71bb1000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bint2k.dll
0x74f20000 — 0x74f3a000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32CRYPTSP.dll
0x74ee0000 — 0x74f1e000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x727c0000 — 0x727db000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32USERENV.dll
0x74ec0000 — 0x74ed1000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32profapi.dll
0x74eb0000 — 0x74ec0000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x71b60000 — 0x71b74000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x74e70000 — 0x74e80000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x71ae0000 — 0x71b55000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32DNSAPI.dll
0x74d50000 — 0x74d59000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x71ad0000 — 0x71ad7000 C:WindowsSystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x71ab0000 — 0x71ad0000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x71aa0000 — 0x71aa8000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINNSI.DLL
0x71a60000 — 0x71a9f000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x71a40000 — 0x71a60000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunec.dll
0x71a30000 — 0x71a39000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunmscapi.dll
0x77b30000 — 0x77cb8000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32CRYPT32.dll
0x76940000 — 0x76952000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32MSASN1.dll
0x76c80000 — 0x76cf4000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32clbcatq.dll
0x71350000 — 0x71496000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WindowsCodecs.dll
0x715e0000 — 0x71604000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bindcpr.dll
0x6ff70000 — 0x6ffdb000 C:UsersTmackAppDataRoaming.aegislauncheradventuretechbinnativeslwjgl.dll
0x73580000 — 0x7364e000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32OPENGL32.dll
0x6fe50000 — 0x6fe73000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32GLU32.dll
0x73650000 — 0x73729000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32DDRAW.dll
0x6dac0000 — 0x6dac7000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32DCIMAN32.dll
0x6daf0000 — 0x6daf6000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjawt.dll
0x6fe80000 — 0x6fe87000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32atiglpxx.dll
0x79b60000 — 0x7aea7000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32atioglxx.dll
0x76960000 — 0x76b0f000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32SETUPAPI.dll
0x777a0000 — 0x777e6000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32CFGMGR32.dll
0x76ea0000 — 0x76ebe000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32DEVOBJ.dll
0x733e0000 — 0x73452000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32atiadlxy.dll
0x73460000 — 0x73579000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32PROPSYS.dll
0x6fff0000 — 0x6fffe000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WTSAPI32.dll
0x75570000 — 0x755b3000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32WINTRUST.dll
0x727b0000 — 0x727bc000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32atigktxx.dll
0x76d00000 — 0x76e29000 C:UsersTmackAppDataRoaming.aegislauncheradventuretechbinnativesOpenAL32.dll
0x7b2b0000 — 0x7b334000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32dsound.dll
0x75430000 — 0x7546f000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32POWRPROF.dll
0x7b360000 — 0x7b3ad000 C:WindowsSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x7b3b0000 — 0x7b3e0000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32wdmaud.drv
0x74ea0000 — 0x74ea5000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ksuser.dll
0x74f90000 — 0x74f98000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32AVRT.dll
0x7b3e0000 — 0x7b434000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x75390000 — 0x75399000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32msacm32.drv
0x75470000 — 0x75484000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32MSACM32.dll
0x76930000 — 0x76938000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32midimap.dll
0x7b340000 — 0x7b350000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32dhcpcsvc6.DLL
0x7ec40000 — 0x7ec52000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32dhcpcsvc.DLL
VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xmx1536m
java_command: C:/Users/Tmack/AppData/Roaming/.aegislauncher/aegis-launcher.jar
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
Environment Variables:
PATH=C:Program Files (x86)AMD APPbinx86_64;C:Program Files (x86)AMD APPbinx86;C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationPhysXCommon;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program Files (x86)ATI TechnologiesATI.ACECore-Static
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=AMD64 Family 21 Model 16 Stepping 1, AuthenticAMD————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 8 , 64 bit Build 9200
CPU:total 4 (4 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 21 model 16 stepping 1, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, avx, mmxext, 3dnowpref, lzcnt, sse4a, tsc, tscinvbit, tscinv
Memory: 4k page, physical 8343376k(6062812k free), swap 13061968k(10328212k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.7-b01) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_13-b20), built on Jan 30 2013 10:03:58 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Thu Feb 07 18:34:41 2013
elapsed time: 321 seconds -
Feb 7, 2013
Im having the same probleme .. the thing is the problematic frame is not the same , can someone help me pls ?!:)
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x666f9781, pid=5524, tid=3584
# JRE version: 7.0_11-b21
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.6-b04 mixed mode, sharing windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x666f9781
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x04d08400): JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_in_native, id=3584, stack(0x051c0000,0x05210000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, ExceptionInformation=0x00000008 0x666f9781
EAX=0x00000000, EBX=0x05c507e0, ECX=0x00000000, EDX=0x00000000
ESP=0x0520eac0, EBP=0x0520eac8, ESI=0x00000000, EDI=0x05c507e4
EIP=0x666f9781, EFLAGS=0x00010206
Top of Stack: (sp=0x0520eac0)
0x0520eac0: 05c50820 00000000 0520eae0 667109d1
0x0520ead0: 05c50820 04cfbe20 00000000 00000001
0x0520eae0: 00010001 68c34c50 05c507e0 00000000
0x0520eaf0: 04cfbe20 04d08528 04d08400 0520eb60
0x0520eb00: 68c35170 00010001 04e294f8 68c393c7
0x0520eb10: 00000000 346a25b0 346a25b0 0277a717
0x0520eb20: 04d08528 0520eb7c 00000000 00000164
0x0520eb30: 00000055 0520eb6c 027732c7 245d7d48
Instructions: (pc=0x666f9781)
[error occurred during error reporting (printing registers, top of stack, instructions near pc), id 0xc0000005]
Register to memory mapping:
EAX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
EBX=0x05c507e0 is an unknown value
ECX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
EDX=0x00000000 is an unknown value
ESP=0x0520eac0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x04d08400
EBP=0x0520eac8 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x04d08400
ESI=0x00000000 is an unknown value
EDI=0x05c507e4 is an unknown valueStack: [0x051c0000,0x05210000], sp=0x0520eac0, free space=314k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C 0x666f9781
C 0x667109d1
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j sun.java2d.d3d.D3DSurfaceData.initOps(III)V+0
j sun.java2d.d3d.D3DSurfaceData.<init>(Lsun/awt/windows/WComponentPeer;Lsun/java2d/d3d/D3DGraphicsConfig;IILjava/awt/Image;Ljava/awt/image/ColorModel;IILsun/java2d/pipe/hw/ExtendedBufferCapabilities$VSyncType;I)V+76
j sun.java2d.d3d.D3DSurfaceData.createData(Lsun/java2d/d3d/D3DGraphicsConfig;IILjava/awt/image/ColorModel;Ljava/awt/Image;I)Lsun/java2d/d3d/D3DSurfaceData;+70
j sun.java2d.d3d.D3DVolatileSurfaceManager.initAcceleratedSurface()Lsun/java2d/SurfaceData;+133
j sun.java2d.d3d.D3DVolatileSurfaceManager.restoreAcceleratedSurface()V+62
j sun.awt.image.VolatileSurfaceManager.validate(Ljava/awt/GraphicsConfiguration;)I+94
j sun.awt.image.SunVolatileImage.validate(Ljava/awt/GraphicsConfiguration;)I+5
j javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager.paint(Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljava/awt/Graphics;IIII)Z+66
j javax.swing.RepaintManager.paint(Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljava/awt/Graphics;IIII)V+52
j javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(IIII)V+683
j javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(IIII)V+138
j javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Ljava/util/Map;)V+182
j javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions()V+46
j javax.swing.RepaintManager.prePaintDirtyRegions()V+73
j javax.swing.RepaintManager.access$700(Ljavax/swing/RepaintManager;)V+1
j javax.swing.RepaintManager$ProcessingRunnable.run()V+37
j java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch()V+47
j java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+21
j java.awt.EventQueue.access$200(Ljava/awt/EventQueue;Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;Ljava/lang/Object;)V+3
j java.awt.EventQueue$3.run()Ljava/lang/Void;+12
j java.awt.EventQueue$3.run()Ljava/lang/Object;+1
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
j java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Ljava/security/PrivilegedAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;+0
j java.security.ProtectionDomain$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(Ljava/security/PrivilegedAction;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;Ljava/security/AccessControlContext;)Ljava/lang/Object;+28
j java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;)V+46
j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(I)V+245
j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(ILjava/awt/Conditional;Ljava/awt/EventFilter;)V+35
j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(ILjava/awt/Conditional;Ljava/awt/Component;)V+11
j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(ILjava/awt/Conditional;)V+4
j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Ljava/awt/Conditional;)V+3
j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run()V+9
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x04e63800 JavaThread «Thread-0» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2424, stack(0x08bf0000,0x08c40000)]
0x04dcf800 JavaThread «Thread-2» [_thread_blocked, id=2820, stack(0x070a0000,0x070f0000)]
0x04d99c00 JavaThread «TimerQueue» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=108, stack(0x076b0000,0x07700000)]
0x0030b400 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=1196, stack(0x00cf0000,0x00d40000)]
=>0x04d08400 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_in_native, id=3584, stack(0x051c0000,0x05210000)]
0x04cf8000 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=504, stack(0x050e0000,0x05130000)]
0x04cf5400 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3284, stack(0x049b0000,0x04a00000)]
0x00ebb000 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3024, stack(0x04ca0000,0x04cf0000)]
0x00eb0c00 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3136, stack(0x04c50000,0x04ca0000)]
0x00eafc00 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2124, stack(0x04b20000,0x04b70000)]
0x00eac800 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=6128, stack(0x04950000,0x049a0000)]
0x00e9a400 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=516, stack(0x00980000,0x009d0000)]
0x00e95400 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=6080, stack(0x00f10000,0x00f60000)]
Other Threads:
0x00e93400 VMThread [stack: 0x04840000,0x04890000] [id=2696]
0x00ed5c00 WatcherThread [stack: 0x04890000,0x048e0000] [id=1380]
VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 4928K, used 1372K [0x245c0000, 0x24b10000, 0x29b10000)
eden space 4416K, 19% used [0x245c0000, 0x24697348, 0x24a10000)
from space 512K, 100% used [0x24a10000, 0x24a90000, 0x24a90000)
to space 512K, 0% used [0x24a90000, 0x24a90000, 0x24b10000)
tenured generation total 10944K, used 1695K [0x29b10000, 0x2a5c0000, 0x345c0000)
the space 10944K, 15% used [0x29b10000, 0x29cb7fc0, 0x29cb8000, 0x2a5c0000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 1793K [0x345c0000, 0x351c0000, 0x385c0000)
the space 12288K, 14% used [0x345c0000, 0x347804a8, 0x34780600, 0x351c0000)
ro space 10240K, 42% used [0x385c0000, 0x38a00ce0, 0x38a00e00, 0x38fc0000)
rw space 12288K, 54% used [0x38fc0000, 0x39640e30, 0x39641000, 0x39bc0000)
Card table byte_map: [0x04770000,0x04820000] byte_map_base: 0x0464d200
Polling page: 0x001e0000
Code Cache [0x02770000, 0x02868000, 0x04770000)
total_blobs=467 nmethods=252 adapters=150 free_code_cache=31796Kb largest_free_block=32559616
Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 0.800 Thread 0x00eb0c00 248 s java.util.Hashtable::get (70 bytes)
Event: 0.800 Thread 0x00eb0c00 nmethod 248 0x02861088 code [0x028611b0, 0x02861488]
Event: 0.805 Thread 0x00eb0c00 249 sun.net.www.ParseUtil::encodePath (336 bytes)
Event: 0.806 Thread 0x00eb0c00 nmethod 249 0x02861648 code [0x028617f0, 0x02861e98]
Event: 0.806 Thread 0x00eb0c00 250 java.util.zip.ZStreamRef::address (5 bytes)
Event: 0.806 Thread 0x00eb0c00 nmethod 250 0x02862508 code [0x02862600, 0x02862680]
Event: 0.816 Thread 0x00eb0c00 251 java.lang.Math::min (46 bytes)
Event: 0.816 Thread 0x00eb0c00 nmethod 251 0x028626c8 code [0x028627c0, 0x02862900]
Event: 0.817 Thread 0x00eb0c00 252 sun.misc.MetaIndex::mayContain (51 bytes)
Event: 0.818 Thread 0x00eb0c00 nmethod 252 0x02862948 code [0x02862a70, 0x02862bf8]
GC Heap History (4 events):
Event: 0.557 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=0 (full 0):
def new generation total 4928K, used 4416K [0x245c0000, 0x24b10000, 0x29b10000)
eden space 4416K, 100% used [0x245c0000, 0x24a10000, 0x24a10000)
from space 512K, 0% used [0x24a10000, 0x24a10000, 0x24a90000)
to space 512K, 0% used [0x24a90000, 0x24a90000, 0x24b10000)
tenured generation total 10944K, used 0K [0x29b10000, 0x2a5c0000, 0x345c0000)
the space 10944K, 0% used [0x29b10000, 0x29b10000, 0x29b10200, 0x2a5c0000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 883K [0x345c0000, 0x351c0000, 0x385c0000)
the space 12288K, 7% used [0x345c0000, 0x3469cd08, 0x3469ce00, 0x351c0000)
ro space 10240K, 42% used [0x385c0000, 0x38a00ce0, 0x38a00e00, 0x38fc0000)
rw space 12288K, 54% used [0x38fc0000, 0x39640e30, 0x39641000, 0x39bc0000)
Event: 0.567 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=1 (full 0):
def new generation total 4928K, used 512K [0x245c0000, 0x24b10000, 0x29b10000)
eden space 4416K, 0% used [0x245c0000, 0x245c0000, 0x24a10000)
from space 512K, 100% used [0x24a90000, 0x24b10000, 0x24b10000)
to space 512K, 0% used [0x24a10000, 0x24a10000, 0x24a90000)
tenured generation total 10944K, used 608K [0x29b10000, 0x2a5c0000, 0x345c0000)
the space 10944K, 5% used [0x29b10000, 0x29ba82f0, 0x29ba8400, 0x2a5c0000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 883K [0x345c0000, 0x351c0000, 0x385c0000)
the space 12288K, 7% used [0x345c0000, 0x3469cd08, 0x3469ce00, 0x351c0000)
ro space 10240K, 42% used [0x385c0000, 0x38a00ce0, 0x38a00e00, 0x38fc0000)
rw space 12288K, 54% used [0x38fc0000, 0x39640e30, 0x39641000, 0x39bc0000)
Event: 0.775 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=1 (full 0):
def new generation total 4928K, used 4928K [0x245c0000, 0x24b10000, 0x29b10000)
eden space 4416K, 100% used [0x245c0000, 0x24a10000, 0x24a10000)
from space 512K, 100% used [0x24a90000, 0x24b10000, 0x24b10000)
to space 512K, 0% used [0x24a10000, 0x24a10000, 0x24a90000)
tenured generation total 10944K, used 608K [0x29b10000, 0x2a5c0000, 0x345c0000)
the space 10944K, 5% used [0x29b10000, 0x29ba82f0, 0x29ba8400, 0x2a5c0000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 1603K [0x345c0000, 0x351c0000, 0x385c0000)
the space 12288K, 13% used [0x345c0000, 0x34750f08, 0x34751000, 0x351c0000)
ro space 10240K, 42% used [0x385c0000, 0x38a00ce0, 0x38a00e00, 0x38fc0000)
rw space 12288K, 54% used [0x38fc0000, 0x39640e30, 0x39641000, 0x39bc0000)
Event: 0.786 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2 (full 0):
def new generation total 4928K, used 512K [0x245c0000, 0x24b10000, 0x29b10000)
eden space 4416K, 0% used [0x245c0000, 0x245c0000, 0x24a10000)
from space 512K, 100% used [0x24a10000, 0x24a90000, 0x24a90000)
to space 512K, 0% used [0x24a90000, 0x24a90000, 0x24b10000)
tenured generation total 10944K, used 1695K [0x29b10000, 0x2a5c0000, 0x345c0000)
the space 10944K, 15% used [0x29b10000, 0x29cb7fc0, 0x29cb8000, 0x2a5c0000)
compacting perm gen total 12288K, used 1603K [0x345c0000, 0x351c0000, 0x385c0000)
the space 12288K, 13% used [0x345c0000, 0x34750f08, 0x34751000, 0x351c0000)
ro space 10240K, 42% used [0x385c0000, 0x38a00ce0, 0x38a00e00, 0x38fc0000)
rw space 12288K, 54% used [0x38fc0000, 0x39640e30, 0x39641000, 0x39bc0000)
Deoptimization events (0 events):
No events
Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 0.229 Thread 0x04d08400 Threw 0x24701178 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:716
Event: 0.589 Thread 0x04d08400 Threw 0x2461d9d8 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 0.591 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x24631fa0 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 0.824 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x2467e2e8 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:716
Event: 0.824 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x2467e7c0 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 0.826 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x24680610 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:716
Event: 0.826 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x24681488 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:716
Event: 0.826 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x246815f8 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:716
Event: 0.826 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x24681798 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:716
Event: 0.826 Thread 0x04dcf800 Threw 0x24681908 at C:jdk7u1_32Pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp:716
Events (10 events):
Event: 0.827 loading class 0x04e6b670 done
Event: 0.834 loading class 0x04e6b700
Event: 0.834 loading class 0x04e6b700 done
Event: 0.834 Thread 0x04e4d000 Thread added: 0x04e4d000
Event: 0.834 Thread 0x04e63800 Thread added: 0x04e63800
Event: 0.844 loading class 0x39d5cdf8
Event: 0.844 loading class 0x39d5cdf8 done
Event: 0.849 Thread 0x04e4d000 Thread exited: 0x04e4d000
Event: 0.859 Thread 0x04df9000 Thread exited: 0x04df9000
Event: 0.866 Thread 0x04cf8400 Thread exited: 0x04cf8400Dynamic libraries:
0x00f60000 — 0x00f8f000 C:WindowsSysWOW64javaw.exe
0x77410000 — 0x77590000 C:WindowsSysWOW64ntdll.dll
0x75f30000 — 0x76040000 C:Windowssyswow64kernel32.dll
0x76b00000 — 0x76b47000 C:Windowssyswow64KERNELBASE.dll
0x766b0000 — 0x76750000 C:Windowssyswow64ADVAPI32.dll
0x75e80000 — 0x75f2c000 C:Windowssyswow64msvcrt.dll
0x75af0000 — 0x75b09000 C:WindowsSysWOW64sechost.dll
0x76480000 — 0x76570000 C:Windowssyswow64RPCRT4.dll
0x74af0000 — 0x74b50000 C:Windowssyswow64SspiCli.dll
0x74ae0000 — 0x74aec000 C:Windowssyswow64CRYPTBASE.dll
0x769b0000 — 0x76ab0000 C:Windowssyswow64USER32.dll
0x76780000 — 0x76810000 C:Windowssyswow64GDI32.dll
0x773e0000 — 0x773ea000 C:Windowssyswow64LPK.dll
0x75b30000 — 0x75bcd000 C:Windowssyswow64USP10.dll
0x71f00000 — 0x7209e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2COMCTL32.dll
0x76040000 — 0x76097000 C:Windowssyswow64SHLWAPI.dll
0x65480000 — 0x654cc000 C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll
0x6f000000 — 0x6f08d000 C:WindowsAppPatchAcLayers.DLL
0x74be0000 — 0x7582a000 C:Windowssyswow64SHELL32.dll
0x76200000 — 0x7635c000 C:Windowssyswow64ole32.dll
0x76610000 — 0x7669f000 C:Windowssyswow64OLEAUT32.dll
0x720a0000 — 0x720b7000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x720d0000 — 0x720db000 C:Windowssystem32profapi.dll
0x749b0000 — 0x74a01000 C:Windowssystem32WINSPOOL.DRV
0x5e150000 — 0x5e162000 C:Windowssystem32MPR.dll
0x75830000 — 0x75890000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x76130000 — 0x761fc000 C:Windowssyswow64MSCTF.dll
0x6a320000 — 0x6a3de000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x68510000 — 0x6885c000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x722f0000 — 0x722f7000 C:WindowsSysWOW64WSOCK32.dll
0x75e40000 — 0x75e75000 C:Windowssyswow64WS2_32.dll
0x76120000 — 0x76126000 C:Windowssyswow64NSI.dll
0x733c0000 — 0x733f2000 C:WindowsSysWOW64WINMM.dll
0x76600000 — 0x76605000 C:Windowssyswow64PSAPI.DLL
0x73630000 — 0x7363c000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binverify.dll
0x73610000 — 0x73630000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava.dll
0x735f0000 — 0x73603000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binzip.dll
0x68b90000 — 0x68cd2000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binawt.dll
0x731a0000 — 0x73220000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x73270000 — 0x73283000 C:WindowsSysWOW64dwmapi.dll
0x74a10000 — 0x74a19000 C:WindowsSysWOW64VERSION.dll
0x76810000 — 0x769ad000 C:Windowssyswow64SETUPAPI.dll
0x76750000 — 0x76777000 C:Windowssyswow64CFGMGR32.dll
0x75b10000 — 0x75b22000 C:Windowssyswow64DEVOBJ.dll
0x10000000 — 0x100eb000 C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA Corporation3D VisionnvSCPAPI.dll
0x65070000 — 0x650f3000 C:WindowsSysWOW64dxgi.dll
0x71ea0000 — 0x71eca000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x72120000 — 0x72134000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnet.dll
0x72180000 — 0x721bc000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x73360000 — 0x73366000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x735e0000 — 0x735ef000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnio.dll
0x6f8c0000 — 0x6f8f1000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bint2k.dll
0x72f60000 — 0x72f80000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunec.dll
0x654d0000 — 0x654e0000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x739b0000 — 0x739c0000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x733a0000 — 0x733b2000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x732c0000 — 0x73304000 C:WindowsSysWOW64DNSAPI.dll
0x72ef0000 — 0x72ef8000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x72f00000 — 0x72f27000 C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows LiveWLIDNSP.DLL
0x72170000 — 0x72175000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x74620000 — 0x7463c000 C:WindowsSysWOW64IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x74650000 — 0x74657000 C:WindowsSysWOW64WINNSI.DLL
0x73290000 — 0x73296000 C:WindowsSysWOW64rasadhlp.dll
0x72fb0000 — 0x72fe8000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x68d40000 — 0x68e2b000 C:WindowsSysWOW64dbghelp.dll
VM Arguments:
java_command: C:UsersingBast3rD!AppDataRoaming.minecraftminecraft launcherLauncherUpdater.jar /C:/Users/ingBast3rD!/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/minecraft launcher/Minecraft Launcher.exe
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
Environment Variables:
PATH=C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationPhysXCommon;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program Files (x86)Windows LiveShared;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=AMD64 Family 16 Model 6 Stepping 2, AuthenticAMD————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 7 , 64 bit Build 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 16 model 6 stepping 2, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, popcnt, mmxext, 3dnowpref, lzcnt, sse4a, tsc, tscinvbit, tscinv
Memory: 4k page, physical 4193448k(2645916k free), swap 8385044k(6548676k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.6-b04) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_11-b21), built on Jan 12 2013 02:19:22 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Sat Jan 26 21:24:42 2013
elapsed time: 0 secondsi tried to look for this probleme and its seems like its a unique cases .
Thank You!
Feb 7, 2013
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- Tree Puncher
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XGC Kanji Okami
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I have a friend having a problem like this and me and a few others have tried helping but nothing has worked. We even had him do the the whole song and dance of uninstalling, reinstalling and updating. He provided us with a error log so i hope some one can help. The problematic frame was nothing really descriptive like the others in this thread so i have no idea what the problem could be.
Java Error hs_err_pid4788 wrote:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000, pid=4788, tid=5588
# JRE version: 7.0_13-b20
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x00000000
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
T H R E A DCurrent thread (0x4c062000): JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=5588, stack(0x4bc30000,0x4bc80000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, ExceptionInformation=0x00000008 0x00000000
EAX=0x4df16f70, EBX=0x699a2d84, ECX=0x008dd584, EDX=0x4df18b00
ESP=0x4bc7f1e8, EBP=0x4bc7f208, ESI=0x000bee40, EDI=0x699a2cb8
EIP=0x00000000, EFLAGS=0x00010246Top of Stack: (sp=0x4bc7f1e8)
0x4bc7f1e8: 578f1244 00000000 00000000 15010d03
0x4bc7f1f8: 000bee40 000b89f8 000b4a98 000b89f8
0x4bc7f208: 4bc7f220 578f1b11 003e7818 00000000
0x4bc7f218: 000b0000 000b0000 4bc7f248 578f3889
0x4bc7f228: 82e5046f 15010d03 003e7818 00000000
0x4bc7f238: 4bc7f228 4bc7f63c 578f91b1 00000000
0x4bc7f248: 4bc7f260 578d4425 699bdb2d 15010d03
0x4bc7f258: 15010d03 0044ee88 4bc7f28c 699c80d1Instructions: (pc=0x00000000)
0xffffffe0:Register to memory mapping:
EAX=0x4df16f70 is an unknown value
EBX=0x699a2d84 is an unknown value
ECX=0x008dd584 is an unknown value
EDX=0x4df18b00 is an unknown value
ESP=0x4bc7f1e8 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4c062000
EBP=0x4bc7f208 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x4c062000
ESI=0x000bee40 is an unknown value
EDI=0x699a2cb8 is an unknown valueStack: [0x4bc30000,0x4bc80000], sp=0x4bc7f1e8, free space=316k
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.nSwapBuffers(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V+0
j org.lwjgl.opengl.WindowsContextImplementation.swapBuffers()V+35
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Context.swapBuffers()V+3
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.swapBuffers()V+31
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.update(Z)V+44
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.update()V+1
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.initContext()V+19
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/Drawable;Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/ContextAttribs;)V+97
j org.lwjgl.opengl.Display.create(Lorg/lwjgl/opengl/PixelFormat;)V+9
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a()V+174
j asq.a()V+94
j net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run()V+6
j java.lang.Thread.run()V+11
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
P R O C E S SJava Threads: ( => current thread )
=>0x4c062000 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=5588, stack(0x4bc30000,0x4bc80000)]
0x4c061800 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5584, stack(0x4bc90000,0x4bce0000)]
0x4c0bcc00 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5580, stack(0x4b990000,0x4b9e0000)]
0x0278ac00 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=4160, stack(0x00320000,0x00370000)]
0x4bed3800 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=4272, stack(0x4c5e0000,0x4c630000)]
0x4bed3400 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=4940, stack(0x4c530000,0x4c580000)]
0x4bdfa000 JavaThread «TimerQueue» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3952, stack(0x4b240000,0x4b290000)]
0x4bdfc000 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2828, stack(0x4c210000,0x4c260000)]
0x4acb3400 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=4600, stack(0x4af10000,0x4af60000)]
0x4acb0800 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=3900, stack(0x4b2f0000,0x4b340000)]
0x4ab51400 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1304, stack(0x4b030000,0x4b080000)]
0x4ab4b800 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4648, stack(0x4af60000,0x4afb0000)]
0x4ab4a800 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4592, stack(0x4ae40000,0x4ae90000)]
0x4ab47400 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4724, stack(0x4adb0000,0x4ae00000)]
0x0274e800 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4748, stack(0x4aa10000,0x4aa60000)]
0x0274c000 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4720, stack(0x025e0000,0x02630000)]Other Threads:
0x02747800 VMThread [stack: 0x4aaa0000,0x4aaf0000] [id=4796]
0x4ab67000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x4b1f0000,0x4b240000] [id=4896]VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
def new generation total 157248K, used 87463K [0x04790000, 0x0f230000, 0x19ce0000)
eden space 139776K, 62% used [0x04790000, 0x09cf9d20, 0x0d010000)
from space 17472K, 0% used [0x0d010000, 0x0d010000, 0x0e120000)
to space 17472K, 0% used [0x0e120000, 0x0e120000, 0x0f230000)
tenured generation total 349568K, used 0K [0x19ce0000, 0x2f240000, 0x44790000)
the space 349568K, 0% used [0x19ce0000, 0x19ce0000, 0x19ce0200, 0x2f240000)
compacting perm gen total 12800K, used 12641K [0x44790000, 0x45410000, 0x48790000)
the space 12800K, 98% used [0x44790000, 0x453e8510, 0x453e8600, 0x45410000)
No shared spaces configured.Card table byte_map: [0x4a590000,0x4a7c0000] byte_map_base: 0x4a56c380
Polling page: 0x00160000
Code Cache [0x02790000, 0x02930000, 0x04790000)
total_blobs=996 nmethods=686 adapters=245 free_code_cache=31120Kb largest_free_block=31867520Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 33.727 Thread 0x4ab4b800 677 java.net.URLClassLoader$1::<init> (15 bytes)
Event: 33.727 Thread 0x4ab4b800 nmethod 677 0x02927088 code [0x02927180, 0x02927220]
Event: 33.727 Thread 0x4ab4b800 679 java.net.URLClassLoader$1::run (5 bytes)
Event: 33.727 Thread 0x4ab4b800 nmethod 679 0x02927288 code [0x02927380, 0x0292740c]
Event: 33.727 Thread 0x4ab4b800 680 ! java.net.URLClassLoader$1::run (73 bytes)
Event: 33.727 Thread 0x4ab4b800 nmethod 680 0x02927488 code [0x029275d0, 0x02927808]
Event: 33.748 Thread 0x4ab4b800 682 sun.reflect.Reflection::quickCheckMemberAccess (10 bytes)
Event: 33.748 Thread 0x4ab4b800 nmethod 682 0x02927ec8 code [0x02927fc0, 0x0292805c]
Event: 34.058 Thread 0x4ab4b800 683 java.util.jar.JarFile::maybeInstantiateVerifier (96 bytes)
Event: 34.058 Thread 0x4ab4b800 nmethod 683 0x02928248 code [0x029283c0, 0x02928644]GC Heap History (0 events):
No eventsDeoptimization events (0 events):
No eventsInternal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 34.140 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09bf06f0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.140 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09bf0ab0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.155 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c0a3b0 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.155 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c0a7d8 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.156 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c0d740 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.156 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c0db38 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.156 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c10c58 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.156 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c11080 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.157 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c14650 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 34.157 Thread 0x4c062000 Threw 0x09c14a10 at C:jdk7u2_32Pjdk7u13_2932_newhotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166Events (10 events):
Event: 34.140 loading class 0x4d317698
Event: 34.140 loading class 0x4d317698 done
Event: 34.155 loading class 0x4d306420
Event: 34.155 loading class 0x4d306420 done
Event: 34.156 loading class 0x4d3159e8
Event: 34.156 loading class 0x4d3159e8 done
Event: 34.156 loading class 0x4d306e68
Event: 34.156 loading class 0x4d306e68 done
Event: 34.157 loading class 0x4c094e00
Event: 34.157 loading class 0x4c094e00 doneDynamic libraries:
0x00900000 — 0x0092f000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjavaw.exe
0x774b0000 — 0x77610000 C:WindowsSysWOW64ntdll.dll
0x76910000 — 0x76a20000 C:Windowssyswow64kernel32.dll
0x74a80000 — 0x74acc000 C:ProgramDataNorton{0C55C096-0F1D-4F28-AAA2-85EF591126E7}N360_20.1.1.2DefinitionsBASHDefs20130116.013UMEngx86.dll
0x752e0000 — 0x753a6000 C:Windowssyswow64ADVAPI32.dll
0x76440000 — 0x76530000 C:Windowssyswow64RPCRT4.dll
0x74fd0000 — 0x75030000 C:Windowssyswow64Secur32.dll
0x753b0000 — 0x75480000 C:Windowssyswow64USER32.dll
0x750a0000 — 0x75130000 C:Windowssyswow64GDI32.dll
0x746c0000 — 0x7485e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.6002.18305_none_5cb72f2a088b0ed3COMCTL32.dll
0x767e0000 — 0x7688a000 C:Windowssyswow64msvcrt.dll
0x75250000 — 0x752a9000 C:Windowssyswow64SHLWAPI.dll
0x75030000 — 0x75090000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x762e0000 — 0x763a8000 C:Windowssyswow64MSCTF.dll
0x75090000 — 0x75099000 C:Windowssyswow64LPK.DLL
0x763b0000 — 0x7642d000 C:Windowssyswow64USP10.dll
0x5bd30000 — 0x5bdee000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x5b690000 — 0x5b9dd000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binclientjvm.dll
0x72a20000 — 0x72a27000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x760f0000 — 0x7611d000 C:Windowssyswow64WS2_32.dll
0x77480000 — 0x77486000 C:Windowssyswow64NSI.dll
0x72390000 — 0x723c2000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x75fa0000 — 0x760e5000 C:Windowssyswow64ole32.dll
0x76120000 — 0x761ad000 C:Windowssyswow64OLEAUT32.dll
0x73880000 — 0x738be000 C:Windowssystem32OLEACC.dll
0x761b0000 — 0x761b7000 C:Windowssyswow64PSAPI.DLL
0x60c60000 — 0x60c6c000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binverify.dll
0x5d450000 — 0x5d470000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjava.dll
0x5be90000 — 0x5bea3000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binzip.dll
0x5ba90000 — 0x5bbd2000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binawt.dll
0x74860000 — 0x748e0000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x63230000 — 0x6326d000 C:Program FilesEchobitEvolveDriversEvolveGameTracker_32.dll
0x69b60000 — 0x69bc9000 C:Windowssystem32MSVCP100.dll
0x5bc50000 — 0x5bcbe000 C:Program FilesEchobitEvolveDriversEvolveOverlayHelper_32.dll
0x008d0000 — 0x008e3000 C:Program FilesEchobitEvolveEvolveEasyHook_32.dll
0x75480000 — 0x75f91000 C:Windowssyswow64SHELL32.dll
0x742e0000 — 0x742ec000 C:Windowssystem32DWMAPI.DLL
0x5be10000 — 0x5be3a000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x5bdf0000 — 0x5be04000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnet.dll
0x72310000 — 0x7234b000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x72dd0000 — 0x72dd5000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x5fc00000 — 0x5fc0e000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binnio.dll
0x73040000 — 0x7304f000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x74480000 — 0x74499000 C:Windowssystem32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x74380000 — 0x743b5000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc.DLL
0x74350000 — 0x7437c000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll
0x743f0000 — 0x743f7000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL
0x74320000 — 0x74342000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc6.DLL
0x73030000 — 0x7303f000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x72a50000 — 0x72a62000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x73020000 — 0x73028000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x76a20000 — 0x76a69000 C:Windowssyswow64WLDAP32.dll
0x730c0000 — 0x730c6000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x73980000 — 0x73985000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x73bd0000 — 0x73c0b000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x743c0000 — 0x743de000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x5bd10000 — 0x5bd30000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunec.dll
0x5bc10000 — 0x5bc41000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bint2k.dll
0x75130000 — 0x751b4000 C:Windowssyswow64CLBCatQ.DLL
0x6d1b0000 — 0x6d2a4000 C:Windowssystem32WindowsCodecs.dll
0x742f0000 — 0x7431c000 C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll
0x5d140000 — 0x5d15f000 C:Windowssystem32EhStorShell.dll
0x6a3b0000 — 0x6a46b000 C:Windowssystem32PROPSYS.dll
0x5a3b0000 — 0x5a7b6000 C:PROGRA~2MICROS~2Office14GROOVEEX.DLL
0x628d0000 — 0x62973000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4148_none_5090ab56bcba71c2MSVCR90.dll
0x5ba00000 — 0x5ba8e000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4148_none_5090ab56bcba71c2MSVCP90.dll
0x5bce0000 — 0x5bd0b000 C:WindowsWinSxSx86_microsoft.vc90.atl_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_9.0.30729.4148_none_51ca66a2bbe76806ATL90.DLL
0x59b70000 — 0x59f8a000 C:PROGRA~2COMMON~1MICROS~1OFFICE14Culturesoffice.odf
0x58a90000 — 0x592f5000 C:PROGRA~2MICROS~2Office141033GrooveIntlResource.dll
0x56f30000 — 0x56fc1000 C:PROGRAM FILES (X86)NORTON 360ENGINE20.2.1.22ASOEHOOK.DLL
0x5bbe0000 — 0x5bbe9000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binsunmscapi.dll
0x735c0000 — 0x736b3000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPT32.dll
0x73fb0000 — 0x73fc2000 C:Windowssystem32MSASN1.dll
0x4b860000 — 0x4b8cb000 C:UsersHomeAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativeslwjgl.dll
0x699a0000 — 0x69a6b000 C:Windowssystem32OPENGL32.dll
0x6a380000 — 0x6a3a3000 C:Windowssystem32GLU32.dll
0x73d20000 — 0x73e05000 C:Windowssystem32DDRAW.dll
0x743e0000 — 0x743e6000 C:Windowssystem32DCIMAN32.dll
0x76530000 — 0x766ba000 C:Windowssyswow64SETUPAPI.dll
0x74150000 — 0x74158000 C:Windowssystem32VERSION.dll
0x59530000 — 0x59536000 C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7binjawt.dll
0x578c0000 — 0x57908000 C:Windowssystem32ig4icd32.dll
0x4daf0000 — 0x4dee5000 C:Windowssystem32ig4icd32_evolve.dll
0x4def0000 — 0x4e188000 C:Windowssystem32ig4dev32.dll
0x74010000 — 0x740ec000 C:Windowssystem32dbghelp.dllVM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
java_command: C:UsersHomeDocumentsTakkunVideo GamesminecraftMinecraft.exe
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARDEnvironment Variables:
CLASSPATH=.;C:Program Files (x86)QuickTimeQTSystemQTJava.zip
PATH=C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesRoxio SharedDLLShared;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesRoxio Shared10.0DLLShared;C:Program Files (x86)Windows LiveShared;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesAdobeAGL;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program Files (x86)QuickTimeQTSystem;C:Program FilesJavajre7bin;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 6, GenuineIntelS Y S T E M
OS: Windows Vista , 64 bit Build 6002 Service Pack 2
CPU:total 2 (2 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 23 stepping 6, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, tsc
Memory: 4k page, physical 4182292k(1981068k free), swap 8542008k(5661820k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (23.7-b01) for windows-x86 JRE (1.7.0_13-b20), built on Jan 30 2013 10:03:58 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Wed Feb 06 11:26:11 2013
elapsed time: 34 seconds -
Feb 8, 2013
Im getting it differently, yes my graphics are up to date, all of drivers of anything is. I just get a problem when ever i open a server in minecraft, it works fine in singleplayer, and yes im using vanilla minecraft here is the error.
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000001800437b9, pid=710536, tid=218880
# JRE version: 7.0_13-b20
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.7-b01 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# C [xfire_toucan64_46071.xll+0x437b9] WS32_GetBuildNumber+0x351
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
#————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x000000000c75b800): JavaThread «Client read thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=218880, stack(0x000000001b550000,0x000000001b650000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x000000001bb3dae8
RAX=0x00000000ffffffff, RBX=0x00000001802f4b78, RCX=0x00000000025754d0, RDX=0x000000001bb3dae8
RSP=0x000000001b64e1c0, RBP=0x00000001802f4b78, RSI=0x0000000002574eb0, RDI=0x000000000257fef0
R8 =0x0000000000000010, R9 =0x0000000000000000, R10=0x00000000001d68a0, R11=0x0000000000000a9c
R12=0x000000001b64e340, R13=0x0000000000000a9c, R14=0x00000000025754d0, R15=0x000000000c75b800
RIP=0x00000001800437b9, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010206Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000001b64e1c0)
0x000000001b64e1c0: 00000000025754d0 0000000000000a9c
0x000000001b64e1d0: 000000001b64e340 000007feffb4e4f9
0x000000001b64e1e0: 0000000000000a9c 000000001b64e240
0x000000001b64e1f0: 00000000026241f0 000000001b64e238
0x000000001b64e200: 000000001b64e238 000000000b908588
0x000000001b64e210: 000000000257fef0 0000000180042319
0x000000001b64e220: 00000001802f4b78 00000001802f4b78
0x000000001b64e230: 0000000002574eb0 000000000000271e
0x000000001b64e240: 0000000000000010 00000001802f4b78
0x000000001b64e250: 000000000257fef0 0000000000000a9c
0x000000001b64e260: 000000000c880a01 00000000026a3980
0x000000001b64e270: 000007e5b014c419 0000000057046f95
0x000000001b64e280: 000000000b7467b8 000007e5b035acbf
0x000000001b64e290: 000000001b64ec60 000000001b64ec68
0x000000001b64e2a0: 000000001b64e340 0000000000000a9c
0x000000001b64e2b0: 0000000000000000 0000000000000001Instructions: (pc=0x00000001800437b9)
0x0000000180043799: 5f c3 cc 48 85 d2 0f 84 6c 01 00 00 48 89 5c 24
0x00000001800437a9: 08 48 89 6c 24 10 48 89 74 24 18 57 48 83 ec 50
0x00000001800437b9: 66 83 3a 02 48 8b f2 48 8b f9 0f 85 34 01 00 00
0x00000001800437c9: 49 83 f8 10 0f 82 2a 01 00 00 48 8d 0d be 13 2bRegister to memory mapping:
RAX=0x00000000ffffffff is an unknown value
RBX=0x00000001802f4b78 is an unknown value
RCX=0x00000000025754d0 is an unknown value
RDX=0x000000001bb3dae8 is an unknown value
RSP=0x000000001b64e1c0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000000c75b800
RBP=0x00000001802f4b78 is an unknown value
RSI=0x0000000002574eb0 is an unknown value
RDI=0x000000000257fef0 is an unknown value
R8 =0x0000000000000010 is an unknown value
R9 =0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R10=0x00000000001d68a0 is an unknown value
R11=0x0000000000000a9c is an unknown value
R12=0x000000001b64e340 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000000c75b800
R13=0x0000000000000a9c is an unknown value
R14=0x00000000025754d0 is an unknown value
R15=0x000000000c75b800 is a threadStack: [0x000000001b550000,0x000000001b650000], sp=0x000000001b64e1c0, free space=1016k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [xfire_toucan64_46071.xll+0x437b9] WS32_GetBuildNumber+0x351Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;[BIII)I+0
j java.net.SocketInputStream.read([BIII)I+79
j java.net.SocketInputStream.read([BII)I+11
j java.net.SocketInputStream.read()I+23
j java.io.FilterInputStream.read()I+4
j ef.a(Ljava/io/DataInputStream;ZLjava/net/Socket;)Lef;+12
j cg.i()Z+17
j cg.c(Lcg;)Z+1
j ch.run()V+31
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x000000000c75c000 JavaThread «Client write thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709476, stack(0x000000001b7d0000,0x000000001b8d0000)]
=>0x000000000c75b800 JavaThread «Client read thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=218880, stack(0x000000001b550000,0x000000001b650000)]
0x000000000c757800 JavaThread «Thread-19» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=709268, stack(0x000000001b8f0000,0x000000001b9f0000)]
0x000000000c758800 JavaThread «Thread-14» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=710540, stack(0x00000000122c0000,0x00000000123c0000)]
0x000000000c757000 JavaThread «LanServerDetector» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=710212, stack(0x000000001b2d0000,0x000000001b3d0000)]
0x000000000c752000 JavaThread «Resource download thread» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=710328, stack(0x00000000121b0000,0x00000000122b0000)]
0x000000000c756000 JavaThread «Thread-11» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709740, stack(0x00000000191f0000,0x00000000192f0000)]
0x000000000c754000 JavaThread «Thread-10» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=585000, stack(0x0000000018fb0000,0x00000000190b0000)]
0x000000000c755800 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709448, stack(0x0000000014900000,0x0000000014a00000)]
0x000000000c753000 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=707052, stack(0x00000000147b0000,0x00000000148b0000)]
0x000000000c754800 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=710244, stack(0x0000000014630000,0x0000000014730000)]
0x000000000c40a800 JavaThread «Keep-Alive-Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=710596, stack(0x0000000012410000,0x0000000012510000)]
0x000000000c327800 JavaThread «TimerQueue» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709016, stack(0x00000000108e0000,0x00000000109e0000)]
0x000000000c44b000 JavaThread «SwingWorker-pool-1-thread-1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=708560, stack(0x00000000120b0000,0x00000000121b0000)]
0x000000000c50d000 JavaThread «D3D Screen Updater» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=710572, stack(0x0000000011e60000,0x0000000011f60000)]
0x000000000044d800 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=709376, stack(0x00000000028d0000,0x00000000029d0000)]
0x000000000c286800 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=710024, stack(0x00000000109f0000,0x0000000010af0000)]
0x000000000b8c6800 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=219500, stack(0x000000000cf10000,0x000000000d010000)]
0x000000000c2ed000 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=709828, stack(0x000000000ccf0000,0x000000000cdf0000)]
0x000000000c29f800 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709652, stack(0x000000000cba0000,0x000000000cca0000)]
0x000000000b69c000 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709408, stack(0x000000000c120000,0x000000000c220000)]
0x000000000b697800 JavaThread «C2 CompilerThread1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709744, stack(0x000000000bfe0000,0x000000000c0e0000)]
0x000000000b68e800 JavaThread «C2 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709752, stack(0x000000000be00000,0x000000000bf00000)]
0x000000000b68d800 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=710580, stack(0x000000000bc80000,0x000000000bd80000)]
0x000000000b68c800 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=706996, stack(0x000000000bb40000,0x000000000bc40000)]
0x000000000961a800 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=706272, stack(0x000000000b240000,0x000000000b340000)]
0x0000000009612800 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=709264, stack(0x000000000b540000,0x000000000b640000)]Other Threads:
0x0000000009609800 VMThread [stack: 0x000000000b340000,0x000000000b440000] [id=708936]
0x000000000b6b5000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x000000000b440000,0x000000000b540000] [id=709664]VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
PSYoungGen total 305856K, used 61871K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 262208K, 23% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000ee71bd60,0x00000000faac0000)
from space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000fd560000)
to space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000fd560000,0x00000000fd560000,0x0000000100000000)
ParOldGen total 699072K, used 38428K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
object space 699072K, 5% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c2587178,0x00000000eaab0000)
PSPermGen total 49472K, used 24866K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bde50000, 0x00000000c0000000)
object space 49472K, 50% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bc648920,0x00000000bde50000)Card table byte_map: [0x00000000059d0000,0x0000000005c00000] byte_map_base: 0x00000000053f9000
Polling page: 0x0000000000420000
Code Cache [0x00000000029d0000, 0x0000000002c40000, 0x00000000059d0000)
total_blobs=1223 nmethods=525 adapters=649 free_code_cache=47350Kb largest_free_block=48361536Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 12.606 Thread 0x000000000b68e800 544 java.util.zip.ZipFile::access$000 (5 bytes)
Event: 12.607 Thread 0x000000000b68e800 nmethod 544 0x0000000002baa8d0 code [0x0000000002baaa00, 0x0000000002baaa58]
Event: 12.630 Thread 0x000000000b697800 545 java.util.HashMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
Event: 12.630 Thread 0x000000000b68e800 546 java.util.HashMap$EntryIterator::next (5 bytes)
Event: 12.631 Thread 0x000000000b68e800 nmethod 546 0x0000000002b9eb10 code [0x0000000002b9ec60, 0x0000000002b9ee18]
Event: 12.632 Thread 0x000000000b697800 nmethod 545 0x0000000002b9e690 code [0x0000000002b9e7e0, 0x0000000002b9e998]
Event: 12.633 Thread 0x000000000b697800 547 s java.io.BufferedInputStream::read (113 bytes)
Event: 12.636 Thread 0x000000000b697800 nmethod 547 0x0000000002aaf190 code [0x0000000002aaf300, 0x0000000002aafa78]
Event: 12.666 Thread 0x000000000b68e800 548 java.util.HashMap::putAllForCreate (51 bytes)
Event: 12.672 Thread 0x000000000b68e800 nmethod 548 0x0000000002b43590 code [0x0000000002b43760, 0x0000000002b43e30]GC Heap History (4 events):
Event: 11.516 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=1 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 305856K, used 255988K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 262208K, 97% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000fa4ad298,0x00000000faac0000)
from space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000fd560000,0x00000000fd560000,0x0000000100000000)
to space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000fd560000)
ParOldGen total 699072K, used 0K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
object space 699072K, 0% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000eaab0000)
PSPermGen total 24704K, used 24592K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bc620000, 0x00000000c0000000)
object space 24704K, 99% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bc604208,0x00000000bc620000)
Event: 11.541 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=1 (full 0):
PSYoungGen total 305856K, used 38860K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 262208K, 0% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000faac0000)
from space 43648K, 89% used [0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000fd0b31f8,0x00000000fd560000)
to space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000fd560000,0x00000000fd560000,0x0000000100000000)
ParOldGen total 699072K, used 72K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
object space 699072K, 0% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c0012010,0x00000000eaab0000)
PSPermGen total 24704K, used 24592K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bc620000, 0x00000000c0000000)
object space 24704K, 99% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bc604208,0x00000000bc620000)
Event: 11.541 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=2 (full 1):
PSYoungGen total 305856K, used 38860K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 262208K, 0% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000faac0000)
from space 43648K, 89% used [0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000fd0b31f8,0x00000000fd560000)
to space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000fd560000,0x00000000fd560000,0x0000000100000000)
ParOldGen total 699072K, used 72K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
object space 699072K, 0% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c0012010,0x00000000eaab0000)
PSPermGen total 24704K, used 24592K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bc620000, 0x00000000c0000000)
object space 24704K, 99% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bc604208,0x00000000bc620000)
Event: 11.595 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2 (full 1):
PSYoungGen total 305856K, used 0K [0x00000000eaab0000, 0x0000000100000000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 262208K, 0% used [0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000eaab0000,0x00000000faac0000)
from space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000faac0000,0x00000000fd560000)
to space 43648K, 0% used [0x00000000fd560000,0x00000000fd560000,0x0000000100000000)
ParOldGen total 699072K, used 38428K [0x00000000c0000000, 0x00000000eaab0000, 0x00000000eaab0000)
object space 699072K, 5% used [0x00000000c0000000,0x00000000c2587178,0x00000000eaab0000)
PSPermGen total 49472K, used 24585K [0x00000000bae00000, 0x00000000bde50000, 0x00000000c0000000)
object space 49472K, 49% used [0x00000000bae00000,0x00000000bc6026e0,0x00000000bde50000)
}Deoptimization events (10 events):
Event: 8.442 Thread 0x000000000c752000 Uncommon trap -34 fr.pc 0x0000000002b7ea74
Event: 8.474 Thread 0x000000000c752000 Uncommon trap -83 fr.pc 0x0000000002b92778
Event: 8.656 Thread 0x000000000c757800 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002b7fd10
Event: 9.542 Thread 0x000000000c759000 Uncommon trap -42 fr.pc 0x0000000002ba1e04
Event: 9.583 Thread 0x000000000c75a800 Uncommon trap -42 fr.pc 0x0000000002ba1e04
Event: 9.619 Thread 0x000000000c75a000 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002b7fd10
Event: 9.783 Thread 0x000000000c75a000 Uncommon trap -42 fr.pc 0x0000000002ba1e04
Event: 9.786 Thread 0x000000000c75a000 Uncommon trap -42 fr.pc 0x0000000002ba1e04
Event: 9.882 Thread 0x000000000c75a000 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002b7fd10
Event: 10.232 Thread 0x000000000c75b800 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002b7fd10Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 12.669 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe191b0 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 12.669 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe194d0 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 12.672 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe3c4e0 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 12.672 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe3c800 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 12.673 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe3e750 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 12.673 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe3ea70 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:1166
Event: 12.673 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe41e50 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2846
Event: 12.678 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe41fc0 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 12.734 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe42130 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 12.782 Thread 0x000000000c75c000 Threw 0x00000000ebe422a0 at C:jdk7u2_64pjdk7u13hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888Events (10 events):
Event: 12.669 loading class 0x0000000012838810 done
Event: 12.669 Thread 0x000000000c75a800 Thread added: 0x000000000c75a800
Event: 12.672 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 12.672 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 12.672 Thread 0x000000000c75a800 Thread exited: 0x000000000c75a800
Event: 12.672 Thread 0x000000000b68e800 flushing nmethod 0x0000000002b50950
Event: 12.672 loading class 0x0000000012839030
Event: 12.672 loading class 0x0000000012839030 done
Event: 12.673 loading class 0x0000000012838ff0
Event: 12.673 loading class 0x0000000012838ff0 doneDynamic libraries:
0x000000013ffc0000 — 0x000000013fff3000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjavaw.exe
0x0000000077900000 — 0x0000000077aa9000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x0000000077220000 — 0x000000007733f000 C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll
0x000007fefde70000 — 0x000007fefdedb000 C:Windowssystem32KERNELBASE.dll
0x000007fefe480000 — 0x000007fefe55b000 C:Windowssystem32ADVAPI32.dll
0x000007fefe8a0000 — 0x000007fefe93f000 C:Windowssystem32msvcrt.dll
0x000007feff730000 — 0x000007feff74f000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x000007feff800000 — 0x000007feff92d000 C:Windowssystem32RPCRT4.dll
0x0000000077800000 — 0x00000000778fa000 C:Windowssystem32USER32.dll
0x000007fefe560000 — 0x000007fefe5c7000 C:Windowssystem32GDI32.dll
0x000007feff750000 — 0x000007feff75e000 C:Windowssystem32LPK.dll
0x000007fefe7d0000 — 0x000007fefe899000 C:Windowssystem32USP10.dll
0x000007fefc920000 — 0x000007fefcb14000 C:WindowsWinSxSamd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_fa396087175ac9acCOMCTL32.dll
0x000007fefe5d0000 — 0x000007fefe641000 C:Windowssystem32SHLWAPI.dll
0x000007fefe450000 — 0x000007fefe47e000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x000007fefe340000 — 0x000007fefe449000 C:Windowssystem32MSCTF.dll
0x000007fefdcc0000 — 0x000007fefdd00000 C:Windowssystem32nvinitx.dll
0x000000000f000000 — 0x000000000f006000 C:Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationCoProcManager_etoured.dll
0x000007feeefb0000 — 0x000007feef006000 C:Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationCoProcManagernvd3d9wrapx.dll
0x000007feff930000 — 0x000007feffb07000 C:Windowssystem32SETUPAPI.dll
0x000007fefde30000 — 0x000007fefde66000 C:Windowssystem32CFGMGR32.dll
0x000007fefe6f0000 — 0x000007fefe7c7000 C:Windowssystem32OLEAUT32.dll
0x000007fefe130000 — 0x000007fefe333000 C:Windowssystem32ole32.dll
0x000007fefde10000 — 0x000007fefde2a000 C:Windowssystem32DEVOBJ.dll
0x000007fef4fb0000 — 0x000007fef4fed000 C:Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationCoProcManagernvdxgiwrapx.dll
0x000000005d7c0000 — 0x000000005d891000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x0000000056f80000 — 0x000000005769f000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binserverjvm.dll
0x000007fef5c60000 — 0x000007fef5c69000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x000007feffb20000 — 0x000007feffb6d000 C:Windowssystem32WS2_32.dll
0x000007feffb10000 — 0x000007feffb18000 C:Windowssystem32NSI.dll
0x000007fefbb00000 — 0x000007fefbb3b000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x0000000077ad0000 — 0x0000000077ad7000 C:Windowssystem32PSAPI.DLL
0x0000000073ed0000 — 0x0000000073edf000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binverify.dll
0x0000000073ea0000 — 0x0000000073ec8000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.dll
0x0000000072c00000 — 0x0000000072c15000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binzip.dll
0x0000000056de0000 — 0x0000000056f73000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binawt.dll
0x000007fefc740000 — 0x000007fefc796000 C:Windowssystem32uxtheme.dll
0x000000006a480000 — 0x000000006a4b4000 C:Frapsfraps64.dll
0x0000000180000000 — 0x000000018032e000 C:Program Files (x86)Xfirexfire_toucan64_46071.xll
0x000007fefafb0000 — 0x000007fefafb7000 C:Windowssystem32MSIMG32.dll
0x000007fefc060000 — 0x000007fefc078000 C:Windowssystem32dwmapi.dll
0x000007fefdda0000 — 0x000007fefddaf000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTBASE.dll
0x000007fefe940000 — 0x000007feff6c8000 C:Windowssystem32SHELL32.dll
0x000007fee6fb0000 — 0x000007fee71af000 C:Windowssystem32d3d9.dll
0x000007fefce10000 — 0x000007fefce1c000 C:Windowssystem32VERSION.dll
0x000007fee6fa0000 — 0x000007fee6fa7000 C:Windowssystem32d3d8thk.dll
0x000007fefaa30000 — 0x000007fefab46000 C:Windowssystem32nvumdshimx.dll
0x000007fee79a0000 — 0x000007fee8ad7000 C:Windowssystem32nvd3dumx.dll
0x000007fefdee0000 — 0x000007fefdf19000 C:Windowssystem32WINTRUST.dll
0x000007fefdf20000 — 0x000007fefe08a000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPT32.dll
0x00000000023d0000 — 0x00000000023df000 C:Windowssystem32MSASN1.dll
0x000007fefc0b0000 — 0x000007fefc0dc000 C:Windowssystem32powrprof.dll
0x000000000e9b0000 — 0x000000000eae9000 C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA Corporation3D VisionnvSCPAPI64.dll
0x000007fefacd0000 — 0x000007fefafa6000 C:Windowssystem32nvapi64.dll
0x00000000604c0000 — 0x00000000604f4000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x0000000073100000 — 0x0000000073119000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnet.dll
0x000007fefd590000 — 0x000007fefd5e5000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x000007fefd580000 — 0x000007fefd587000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x000000006a460000 — 0x000000006a471000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnio.dll
0x000007fefcee0000 — 0x000007fefcee7000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x000007fefd410000 — 0x000007fefd46b000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll
0x000000006b6b0000 — 0x000000006b6d6000 C:Program FilesBonjourmdnsNSP.dll
0x000007fefb810000 — 0x000007fefb837000 C:Windowssystem32Iphlpapi.DLL
0x000007fefb7f0000 — 0x000007fefb7fb000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL
0x000007fef6af0000 — 0x000007fef6b1f000 C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows LiveWLIDNSP.DLL
0x000007fef6870000 — 0x000007fef6878000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x000007fefd800000 — 0x000007fefd817000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTSP.dll
0x000007fefd2f0000 — 0x000007fefd337000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x000007fefd090000 — 0x000007fefd0ae000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x000007fefdd90000 — 0x000007fefdd9f000 C:Windowssystem32profapi.dll
0x000007fefb940000 — 0x000007fefb955000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x000007fef59f0000 — 0x000007fef5a05000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x000007fef59d0000 — 0x000007fef59e9000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x000007fef59c0000 — 0x000007fef59cb000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x000007fefb670000 — 0x000007fefb6c3000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x0000000002890000 — 0x00000000028b4000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunec.dll
0x000000005d770000 — 0x000000005d7b1000 C:Program FilesJavajre7bint2k.dll
0x000007feffb70000 — 0x000007feffc09000 C:Windowssystem32CLBCatQ.DLL
0x000007fefbef0000 — 0x000007fefc01a000 C:Windowssystem32WindowsCodecs.dll
0x000007fefdbc0000 — 0x000007fefdc17000 C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll
0x000007fef4450000 — 0x000007fef4485000 C:Windowssystem32EhStorShell.dll
0x000007fefc7a0000 — 0x000007fefc8cc000 C:Windowssystem32PROPSYS.dll
0x000007fef43d0000 — 0x000007fef4450000 C:Windowssystem32ntshrui.dll
0x000007fefd890000 — 0x000007fefd8b3000 C:Windowssystem32srvcli.dll
0x000007fef65b0000 — 0x000007fef65bf000 C:Windowssystem32cscapi.dll
0x000007fefb920000 — 0x000007fefb92b000 C:Windowssystem32slc.dll
0x000007fefdb90000 — 0x000007fefdbb5000 C:Windowssystem32SspiCli.dll
0x0000000073ee0000 — 0x0000000073eeb000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunmscapi.dll
0x000000000ca40000 — 0x000000000ca88000 C:UsersJuanCarlosAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativeslwjgl64.dll
0x000007fee98f0000 — 0x000007fee9a0d000 C:Windowssystem32OPENGL32.dll
0x000007feebb90000 — 0x000007feebbbd000 C:Windowssystem32GLU32.dll
0x000007feea580000 — 0x000007feea671000 C:Windowssystem32DDRAW.dll
0x000007fefbcd0000 — 0x000007fefbcd8000 C:Windowssystem32DCIMAN32.dll
0x0000000073190000 — 0x0000000073197000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjawt.dll
0x0000000014a00000 — 0x00000000163e6000 C:Windowssystem32nvoglv64.DLL
0x000007fefbb40000 — 0x000007fefbb6d000 C:Windowssystem32ntmarta.dll
0x000007feff6d0000 — 0x000007feff722000 C:Windowssystem32WLDAP32.dll
0x000007feed000000 — 0x000007feed122000 C:UsersJuanCarlosAppDataRoaming.minecraftbinnativesOpenAL64.dll
0x000007fef16d0000 — 0x000007fef1758000 C:Windowssystem32dsound.dll
0x000007fefc330000 — 0x000007fefc37b000 C:WindowsSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x000007fefbac0000 — 0x000007fefbafb000 C:Windowssystem32wdmaud.drv
0x0000000074fc0000 — 0x0000000074fc6000 C:Windowssystem32ksuser.dll
0x000007fefc080000 — 0x000007fefc089000 C:Windowssystem32AVRT.dll
0x000007fefba70000 — 0x000007fefbabf000 C:Windowssystem32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x000007fefb910000 — 0x000007fefb91a000 C:Windowssystem32msacm32.drv
0x000007fefb8f0000 — 0x000007fefb908000 C:Windowssystem32MSACM32.dll
0x0000000073390000 — 0x000000007339b000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmanagement.dll
0x000007fefb700000 — 0x000007fefb718000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc.DLL
0x000007fee4610000 — 0x000007fee4735000 C:Windowssystem32dbghelp.dllVM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Xmx1g -Xms1g
java_command: C:UsersJuanCarlosDesktopMinecraft.exe
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARDEnvironment Variables:
_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g -Xms1g
CLASSPATH=.;C:Program Files (x86)Javajre7libextQTJava.zip
PATH=C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationPhysXCommon;C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:Program Files (x86)Windows LiveShared;C:Program Files (x86)QuickTimeQTSystem;C:Program Files (x86)IntelOpenCL SDK2.0binx86;C:Program Files (x86)IntelOpenCL SDK2.0binx64;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program FilesJavajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 7 , 64 bit Build 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU:total 8 (4 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core) family 6 model 58 stepping 9, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, avx, ht, tsc, tscinvbit, tscinv
Memory: 4k page, physical 16659568k(12249160k free), swap 33434932k(25843488k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (23.7-b01) for windows-amd64 JRE (1.7.0_13-b20), built on Jan 30 2013 10:10:00 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Fri Feb 08 15:56:32 2013
elapsed time: 12 secondsWait sorry i just solved it LMAO! i saw that it had problomatic frame was xfire. i closed it now it works fine! well i hope people will realise that they have to close that section to run!To be or not to be, that is the…… meh, whatever i just came for the free cookies!
Feb 8, 2013
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- Enderdragon Slayer
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Yeah apparently java didn’t like Xfire’s toucan.dll injecting itself upon launch of the exe.
Re: 3D Minecraft — Anyone tried it?
by c0yoteI tried it with terrible results. I gave my wife my glasses for a second, a creeper showed up and now my wife is pregnant.
Stupid 3D.. -
Feb 9, 2013
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- Newly Spawned
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I have searched for a reason as to why I keep getting this failure, but every solution I have tried does not work. I made sure that my Java is up to date and made sure my drivers are up to date. If anyone has a clue why my Minecraft keeps failing please help. I can play for up to 2 hours or 2 days before it will crash. It used to happen every hour until I updated my video card driver, but it just extended the time. I have not added any new mods. We play the minecrack mod, but no one else on our server is having this issue. Its getting to the point that I do not want to play anymore.
Thank you in advance.#
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00000000025ae685, pid=4424, tid=5680
# JRE version: 7.0_11-b21
# Java VM: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (23.6-b04 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# j by.b(I)Lcd;+10
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun…eport/crash.jsp
#————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x000000001a42c800): JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» [_thread_in_Java, id=5680, stack(0x0000000016850000,0x0000000016950000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x00000007f81d31d8
RAX=0x00000007fc1cfa78, RBX=0x00000007f81d3198, RCX=0x0000000000000040, RDX=0x00000007178603e0
RSP=0x000000001694e978, RBP=0x000000001694e9b8, RSI=0x000000001c6b22a0, RDI=0x0000000000000001
R8 =0x00003de400170007, R9 =0x00003de5002c0008, R10=0x000000006c3561c0, R11=0x000000001694e930
R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x00000007fc2730aa, R14=0x000000001694e9d0, R15=0x000000001a42c800
RIP=0x00000000025ae685, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010283Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000001694e978)
0x000000001694e978: 000000001694e978 00000007fc2730aa
0x000000001694e988: 000000001694e9d0 00000007fe2d3080
0x000000001694e998: 00000007ff20fea0 00000007fc2730b8
0x000000001694e9a8: 0000000000000000 000000001694e9c8
0x000000001694e9b8: 000000001694ea18 00000000025963d3
0x000000001694e9c8: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000001694e9d8: 000000001694e9d8 00000007fe8aea3f
0x000000001694e9e8: 000000001694ea58 00000007fe8b1100
0x000000001694e9f8: 00000007ff2823c0 00000007fe8aeaf8
0x000000001694ea08: 000000001694e9c8 000000001694ea60
0x000000001694ea18: 00000006eb5773e8 0000000002cdb004
0x000000001694ea28: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
0x000000001694ea38: 0000000000000000 deaddeaf00000000
0x000000001694ea48: 00000007178603b0 0000000000000000
0x000000001694ea58: 00000006eb5773e8 0000000717860368
0x000000001694ea68: 00000006eb577150 00000006eb5773e8Instructions: (pc=0x00000000025ae685)
0x00000000025ae665: 89 59 10 bf 01 00 00 00 48 89 79 18 48 83 c1 30
0x00000000025ae675: 48 89 4d e0 48 3b d8 0f 84 5e 00 00 00 8b 48 1c
0x00000000025ae685: 48 3b 04 0b 0f 84 51 00 00 00 83 f9 28 0f 85 25
0x00000000025ae695: 00 00 00 50 48 8b c0 57 48 8b 7b 30 8b 4f 0c 48Register to memory mapping:
RAX=0x00000007fc1cfa78 is an oop
{instance class}
— klass: {other class}
RBX=0x00000007f81d3198 is an unallocated location in the heap
RCX=0x0000000000000040 is an unknown value
RDX=0x00000007178603e0 is an oop
— klass: ‘bq’
RSP=0x000000001694e978 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000001a42c800
RBP=0x000000001694e9b8 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000001a42c800
RSI=0x000000001c6b22a0 is an unknown value
RDI=0x0000000000000001 is an unknown value
R8 =0x00003de400170007 is an unknown value
R9 =0x00003de5002c0008 is an unknown value
R10=0x000000006c3561c0 is an unknown value
R11=0x000000001694e930 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000001a42c800
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13=0x00000007fc2730aa is an oop
— klass: {other class}
— method: 0x00000007fc2730b8 {method} ‘b’ ‘(I)Lcd;’ in ‘by’
— exceptions: 0x00000007fae01d60
bci_from(00000007FC2730AA) = 10; print_codes():
R14=0x000000001694e9d0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x000000001a42c800
R15=0x000000001a42c800 is a threadStack: [0x0000000016850000,0x0000000016950000], sp=0x000000001694e978, free space=1018k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
j by.b(I)Lcd;+10
j forestry.core.genetics.Genome.readFromNBT(Lbq;)V+31————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x0000000019b99800 JavaThread «Keep-Alive-Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4516, stack(0x00000000584c0000,0x00000000585c0000)]
0x0000000019b98800 JavaThread «Client write thread» [_thread_blocked, id=5532, stack(0x0000000016120000,0x0000000016220000)]
0x0000000019b98000 JavaThread «Client read thread» [_thread_in_native, id=5840, stack(0x0000000012c70000,0x0000000012d70000)]
0x0000000019b97000 JavaThread «Thread-22» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=5824, stack(0x0000000011460000,0x0000000011560000)]
0x000000001da73800 JavaThread «Thread-15» [_thread_blocked, id=1056, stack(0x00000000263d0000,0x00000000264d0000)]
0x000000001da72800 JavaThread «Thread-14» [_thread_blocked, id=4852, stack(0x0000000026530000,0x0000000026630000)]
0x000000001da72000 JavaThread «TC Aura Update Thread» [_thread_blocked, id=5028, stack(0x00000000206e0000,0x00000000207e0000)]
0x000000001da71000 JavaThread «TC Aura Deletion Thread» [_thread_blocked, id=4764, stack(0x0000000026240000,0x0000000026340000)]
0x000000001da70800 JavaThread «TC Aura Calculation Thread» [_thread_blocked, id=5600, stack(0x0000000013a40000,0x0000000013b40000)]
0x000000000228d000 JavaThread «DestroyJavaVM» [_thread_blocked, id=2508, stack(0x0000000002490000,0x0000000002590000)]
=>0x000000001a42c800 JavaThread «Minecraft main thread» [_thread_in_Java, id=5680, stack(0x0000000016850000,0x0000000016950000)]
0x000000001ee58800 JavaThread «Timer hack thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5820, stack(0x00000000166e0000,0x00000000167e0000)]
0x000000001d183000 JavaThread «Snooper Timer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2240, stack(0x000000001f8d0000,0x000000001f9d0000)]
0x0000000010419800 JavaThread «Thread-4» [_thread_blocked, id=3912, stack(0x00000000151b0000,0x00000000152b0000)]
0x0000000010317800 JavaThread «D3D Screen Updater» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5692, stack(0x0000000014690000,0x0000000014790000)]
0x00000000102ae800 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=3372, stack(0x0000000012ea0000,0x0000000012fa0000)]
0x000000000eb1e000 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=2496, stack(0x0000000010920000,0x0000000010a20000)]
0x000000000eb1d000 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=3948, stack(0x0000000010a80000,0x0000000010b80000)]
0x00000000101d2000 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4880, stack(0x0000000010810000,0x0000000010910000)]
0x000000000e8e2800 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4992, stack(0x000000000f9a0000,0x000000000faa0000)]
0x000000000e8e1800 JavaThread «C2 CompilerThread1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4896, stack(0x000000000f800000,0x000000000f900000)]
0x000000000e8d9800 JavaThread «C2 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5984, stack(0x000000000f660000,0x000000000f760000)]
0x000000000e8d8800 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5340, stack(0x000000000f500000,0x000000000f600000)]
0x000000000e8d6000 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=4892, stack(0x000000000f3e0000,0x000000000f4e0000)]
0x000000000e8d5000 JavaThread «Surrogate Locker Thread (Concurrent GC)» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2492, stack(0x000000000f1c0000,0x000000000f2c0000)]
0x000000000e854000 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5352, stack(0x000000000f0a0000,0x000000000f1a0000)]
0x000000000e84e000 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=5612, stack(0x000000000ee00000,0x000000000ef00000)]Other Threads:
0x000000000e846000 VMThread [stack: 0x000000000ec00000,0x000000000ed00000] [id=5336]
0x000000000e8f6000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x000000000fb60000,0x000000000fc60000] [id=4900]VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
par new generation total 103680K, used 8021K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 8% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006eb57b448, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f139a300, 0x00000006f1e70000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f1340000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335927K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)Card table byte_map: [0x0000000005eb0000,0x0000000006760000] byte_map_base: 0x0000000002759000
Polling page: 0x0000000000120000
Code Cache [0x0000000002590000, 0x00000000034a0000, 0x0000000005590000)
total_blobs=5291 nmethods=4293 adapters=947 free_code_cache=33994Kb largest_free_block=34594240Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 5438.729 Thread 0x000000000e8d9800 nmethod 4704 0x000000000326c990 code [0x000000000326cac0, 0x000000000326cb98]
Event: 5438.742 Thread 0x000000000e8e1800 nmethod 4702 0x000000000326e4d0 code [0x000000000326e6a0, 0x000000000326f538]
Event: 5440.274 Thread 0x000000000e8d9800 170 % forestry.core.gui.GuiForestry::a @ 150 (489 bytes)
Event: 5440.372 Thread 0x000000000e8d9800 nmethod 170% 0x000000000345d290 code [0x000000000345d820, 0x0000000003460230]
Event: 5440.378 Thread 0x000000000e8e1800 4705 forestry.core.gui.GuiForestry::a (489 bytes)
Event: 5440.532 Thread 0x000000000e8e1800 nmethod 4705 0x0000000003484550 code [0x0000000003484d40, 0x0000000003489248]
Event: 5447.337 Thread 0x000000000e8d9800 4706 factorization.common.ExoArmor::a (151 bytes)
Event: 5447.343 Thread 0x000000000e8d9800 nmethod 4706 0x0000000002ef8490 code [0x0000000002ef8620, 0x0000000002ef8a68]
Event: 5454.863 Thread 0x000000000e8e1800 4707 net.minecraftforge.client.ForgeHooksClient::renderInventoryItem (364 bytes)
Event: 5454.881 Thread 0x000000000e8e1800 nmethod 4707 0x0000000003167890 code [0x0000000003167c40, 0x00000000031691d8]GC Heap History (10 events):
Event: 5454.261 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=2200 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 92682K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 100% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0882830, 0x00000006f1340000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1e70000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335824K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.264 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2201 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 412K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 0% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f13a7320, 0x00000006f1e70000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f1340000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335831K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.368 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=2201 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 92636K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 100% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f13a7320, 0x00000006f1e70000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f1340000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335831K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.371 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2202 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 446K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 0% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f087fb00, 0x00000006f1340000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1e70000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335870K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.479 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=2202 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 92670K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 100% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f087fb00, 0x00000006f1340000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1e70000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335870K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.482 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2203 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 370K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 0% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f139c968, 0x00000006f1e70000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f1340000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335914K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.589 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=2203 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 92594K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 100% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f139c968, 0x00000006f1e70000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f1340000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335914K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.593 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2204 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 365K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 0% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f086b600, 0x00000006f1340000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1e70000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335919K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.701 GC heap before
{Heap before GC invocations=2204 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 92589K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 100% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f086b600, 0x00000006f1340000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f1e70000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335919K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
Event: 5454.705 GC heap after
Heap after GC invocations=2205 (full 26):
par new generation total 103680K, used 360K [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f1e70000, 0x000000070a130000)
eden space 92224K, 0% used [0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006eae00000, 0x00000006f0810000)
from space 11456K, 3% used [0x00000006f1340000, 0x00000006f139a300, 0x00000006f1e70000)
to space 11456K, 0% used [0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f0810000, 0x00000006f1340000)
concurrent mark-sweep generation total 639296K, used 335927K [0x000000070a130000, 0x0000000731180000, 0x00000007fae00000)
concurrent-mark-sweep perm gen total 83968K, used 72771K [0x00000007fae00000, 0x0000000800000000, 0x0000000800000000)
}Deoptimization events (10 events):
Event: 5438.713 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -122 fr.pc 0x00000000029b87fc
Event: 5438.875 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -20 fr.pc 0x00000000034124f0
Event: 5449.342 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -83 fr.pc 0x00000000033e1ce8
Event: 5449.342 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -83 fr.pc 0x00000000033df1e8
Event: 5449.360 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -83 fr.pc 0x00000000033d91e8
Event: 5451.039 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002e6bd50
Event: 5451.039 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002e6bd50
Event: 5451.039 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002e6bd50
Event: 5451.040 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -58 fr.pc 0x0000000002e6bd50
Event: 5455.135 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 Uncommon trap -34 fr.pc 0x0000000002c953c0Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 5454.979 Thread 0x0000000019b98800 Threw 0x00000006eb1a0810 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5454.980 Thread 0x000000001da72800 Threw 0x00000006eb1aa1a0 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5454.998 Thread 0x000000001da72800 Threw 0x00000006eb1aa360 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5455.022 Thread 0x0000000019b98800 Threw 0x00000006eb1a09d8 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5455.023 Thread 0x000000001da72800 Threw 0x00000006eb1aa520 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5455.050 Thread 0x000000001da72800 Threw 0x00000006eb1aa6e0 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5455.079 Thread 0x0000000019b98800 Threw 0x00000006eb1a0bb8 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5455.079 Thread 0x000000001da72800 Threw 0x00000006eb4395b8 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5455.117 Thread 0x0000000019b98800 Threw 0x00000006eb1a0d28 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888
Event: 5455.118 Thread 0x000000001da72800 Threw 0x00000006eb439778 at C:jdk7u1_64pjdk7u11hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp:2888Events (10 events):
Event: 5454.482 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation done
Event: 5454.589 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation
Event: 5454.593 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation done
Event: 5454.701 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias
Event: 5454.701 Executing VM operation: RevokeBias done
Event: 5454.701 Thread 0x0000000019b9a000 Thread exited: 0x0000000019b9a000
Event: 5454.701 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation
Event: 5454.705 Executing VM operation: GenCollectForAllocation done
Event: 5455.135 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 DEOPT PACKING pc=0x0000000002c953c0 sp=0x000000001694ea10
Event: 5455.135 Thread 0x000000001a42c800 DEOPT UNPACKING pc=0x00000000025c9164 sp=0x000000001694e940 mode 2Dynamic libraries:
0x000000013f950000 — 0x000000013f983000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjavaw.exe
0x00000000770f0000 — 0x0000000077299000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x0000000076ed0000 — 0x0000000076fef000 C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll
0x000007fefd600000 — 0x000007fefd66b000 C:Windowssystem32KERNELBASE.dll
0x000007fefdaf0000 — 0x000007fefdbcb000 C:Windowssystem32ADVAPI32.dll
0x000007feff1e0000 — 0x000007feff27f000 C:Windowssystem32msvcrt.dll
0x000007feff1c0000 — 0x000007feff1df000 C:WindowsSYSTEM32sechost.dll
0x000007fefde80000 — 0x000007fefdfad000 C:Windowssystem32RPCRT4.dll
0x0000000076ff0000 — 0x00000000770ea000 C:Windowssystem32USER32.dll
0x000007feff150000 — 0x000007feff1b7000 C:Windowssystem32GDI32.dll
0x000007feff280000 — 0x000007feff28e000 C:Windowssystem32LPK.dll
0x000007feff330000 — 0x000007feff3f9000 C:Windowssystem32USP10.dll
0x000007fefbfd0000 — 0x000007fefc1c4000 C:WindowsWinSxSamd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.7601.17514_none_fa396087175ac9acCOMCTL32.dll
0x000007fefd920000 — 0x000007fefd991000 C:Windowssystem32SHLWAPI.dll
0x000007fefe000000 — 0x000007fefe02e000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL
0x000007feff040000 — 0x000007feff149000 C:Windowssystem32MSCTF.dll
0x000000006c3d0000 — 0x000000006c4a1000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmsvcr100.dll
0x000000006bcb0000 — 0x000000006c3cf000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binserverjvm.dll
0x000007feecea0000 — 0x000007feecea9000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll
0x000007fefdfb0000 — 0x000007fefdffd000 C:Windowssystem32WS2_32.dll
0x000007fefda80000 — 0x000007fefda88000 C:Windowssystem32NSI.dll
0x000007fef8fe0000 — 0x000007fef901b000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll
0x00000000772b0000 — 0x00000000772b7000 C:Windowssystem32PSAPI.DLL
0x000000006c9c0000 — 0x000000006c9cf000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binverify.dll
0x000000006bc80000 — 0x000000006bca8000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjava.dll
0x000000006c9a0000 — 0x000000006c9b5000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binzip.dll
0x000000006bc60000 — 0x000000006bc79000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnet.dll
0x000007fefcd80000 — 0x000007fefcdd5000 C:Windowssystem32mswsock.dll
0x000007fefcd70000 — 0x000007fefcd77000 C:WindowsSystem32wship6.dll
0x000000006bc40000 — 0x000000006bc51000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binnio.dll
0x000000006a4b0000 — 0x000000006a643000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binawt.dll
0x000007fefd9a0000 — 0x000007fefda77000 C:Windowssystem32OLEAUT32.dll
0x000007fefdbd0000 — 0x000007fefddd3000 C:Windowssystem32ole32.dll
0x000007fefbc30000 — 0x000007fefbc48000 C:Windowssystem32DWMAPI.DLL
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0x000007fefd480000 — 0x000007fefd48f000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTBASE.dll
0x000007fee8b50000 — 0x000007fee8d4f000 C:Windowssystem32d3d9.dll
0x000007fefc660000 — 0x000007fefc66c000 C:Windowssystem32VERSION.dll
0x000007fee8fe0000 — 0x000007fee8fe7000 C:Windowssystem32d3d8thk.dll
0x000007fef9440000 — 0x000007fef955e000 C:Windowssystem32aticfx64.dll
0x000007fee8b30000 — 0x000007fee8b4f000 C:Windowssystem32atiu9p64.dll
0x000007fee8490000 — 0x000007fee8b28000 C:Windowssystem32atiumd64.dll
0x000000006c9d0000 — 0x000000006ceba000 C:Windowssystem32atiumd6a.dll
0x000007fefe030000 — 0x000007fefedb8000 C:Windowssystem32SHELL32.dll
0x000000006bc00000 — 0x000000006bc34000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binfontmanager.dll
0x000007feff290000 — 0x000007feff329000 C:Windowssystem32CLBCatQ.DLL
0x000000006bbb0000 — 0x000000006bbf1000 C:Program FilesJavajre7bint2k.dll
0x000000006a480000 — 0x000000006a4aa000 C:Program FilesJavajre7bindcpr.dll
0x0000000180000000 — 0x0000000180048000 C:UsersAlybueDesktopFTBMindCrackminecraftbinnativeslwjgl64.dll
0x000007fef38b0000 — 0x000007fef39cd000 C:Windowssystem32OPENGL32.dll
0x000007fefb220000 — 0x000007fefb24d000 C:Windowssystem32GLU32.dll
0x000007fef37b0000 — 0x000007fef38a1000 C:Windowssystem32DDRAW.dll
0x000007fefb210000 — 0x000007fefb218000 C:Windowssystem32DCIMAN32.dll
0x000007fefedc0000 — 0x000007fefef97000 C:Windowssystem32SETUPAPI.dll
0x000007fefd8a0000 — 0x000007fefd8d6000 C:Windowssystem32CFGMGR32.dll
0x000007fefd7e0000 — 0x000007fefd7fa000 C:Windowssystem32DEVOBJ.dll
0x000007fefcde0000 — 0x000007fefcdf7000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPTSP.dll
0x000007fefcae0000 — 0x000007fefcb27000 C:Windowssystem32rsaenh.dll
0x000007fefc890000 — 0x000007fefc8ae000 C:Windowssystem32USERENV.dll
0x000007fefd550000 — 0x000007fefd55f000 C:Windowssystem32profapi.dll
0x000007fefb510000 — 0x000007fefb525000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll
0x000007fefa170000 — 0x000007fefa185000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll
0x000007feeca40000 — 0x000007feeca59000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll
0x000007fefcc00000 — 0x000007fefcc5b000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll
0x000007feeca30000 — 0x000007feeca3b000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll
0x0000000073540000 — 0x000000007356e000 C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows LiveWLIDNSP.DLL
0x000007fefc780000 — 0x000007fefc787000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll
0x000007fefb090000 — 0x000007fefb0b7000 C:Windowssystem32IPHLPAPI.DLL
0x000007fefb050000 — 0x000007fefb05b000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL
0x000007fefa140000 — 0x000007fefa148000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll
0x000007fefae20000 — 0x000007fefae73000 C:WindowsSystem32fwpuclnt.dll
0x000000006a430000 — 0x000000006a437000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binjawt.dll
0x000007fefb200000 — 0x000007fefb209000 C:Windowssystem32atig6pxx.dll
0x000000006efb0000 — 0x0000000070693000 C:Windowssystem32atio6axx.dll
0x000007fefa9a0000 — 0x000007fefaa46000 C:Windowssystem32atiadlxx.dll
0x000007fefc760000 — 0x000007fefc771000 C:Windowssystem32WTSAPI32.dll
0x000007fefd8e0000 — 0x000007fefd919000 C:Windowssystem32WINTRUST.dll
0x000007fefd670000 — 0x000007fefd7da000 C:Windowssystem32CRYPT32.dll
0x000007fefd5f0000 — 0x000007fefd5ff000 C:Windowssystem32MSASN1.dll
0x000007fefb150000 — 0x000007fefb15e000 C:Windowssystem32atig6txx.dll
0x000000006a450000 — 0x000000006a474000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunec.dll
0x000000006a440000 — 0x000000006a44b000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binsunmscapi.dll
0x000007fee6d60000 — 0x000007fee6e82000 C:UsersAlybueDesktopFTBMindCrackminecraftbinnativesOpenAL64.dll
0x000007feef1c0000 — 0x000007feef248000 C:Windowssystem32dsound.dll
0x000007fefc670000 — 0x000007fefc69c000 C:Windowssystem32POWRPROF.dll
0x000007fefbe80000 — 0x000007fefbecb000 C:WindowsSystem32MMDevApi.dll
0x000007fefbd50000 — 0x000007fefbe7c000 C:WindowsSystem32PROPSYS.dll
0x000007fef6d40000 — 0x000007fef6d7b000 C:Windowssystem32wdmaud.drv
0x0000000071eb0000 — 0x0000000071eb6000 C:Windowssystem32ksuser.dll
0x000007fefbd20000 — 0x000007fefbd29000 C:Windowssystem32AVRT.dll
0x000007fef5c60000 — 0x000007fef5caf000 C:Windowssystem32AUDIOSES.DLL
0x000007fef5870000 — 0x000007fef587a000 C:Windowssystem32msacm32.drv
0x000007fef57d0000 — 0x000007fef57e8000 C:Windowssystem32MSACM32.dll
0x000007fef5750000 — 0x000007fef5759000 C:Windowssystem32midimap.dll
0x000000006c7c0000 — 0x000000006c7cb000 C:Program FilesJavajre7binmanagement.dll
0x000007fefad40000 — 0x000007fefad58000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc.DLL
0x000007fefad20000 — 0x000007fefad31000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc6.DLLVM Arguments:
jvm_args: -Xms256M -Xmx4352M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+AggressiveOpts
java_command: net.ftb.mclauncher.MinecraftLauncher C:UsersAlybueDesktopFTB/MindCrack/minecraft C:UsersAlybueAppDataRoaming/ftblauncher/ModPacksMindCrackFTB_temp.gif MinecraftForge.zip buebue 5953898556713399033 MindCrack Pack v8.0.1 C:UsersAlybueAppDataRoaming/ftblauncher/ModPacksMindCracklogo_minecrack.png
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARDEnvironment Variables:
PATH=C:Program Files (x86)AMD APPbinx86_64;C:Program Files (x86)AMD APPbinx86;C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Windowssystem32;C:Windows;C:WindowsSystem32Wbem;C:WindowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program Files (x86)ATI TechnologiesATI.ACECore-Static;C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft SharedWindows Live;C:Program FilesJavajre7bin
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=AMD64 Family 16 Model 10 Stepping 0, AuthenticAMD————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 7 , 64 bit Build 7601 Service Pack 1
CPU:total 6 (6 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 16 model 10 stepping 0, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, popcnt, mmxext, 3dnowpref, lzcnt, sse4a, tsc, tscinvbit, tscinv
Memory: 4k page, physical 8217804k(4407324k free), swap 16433756k(10904152k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (23.6-b04) for windows-amd64 JRE (1.7.0_11-b21), built on Jan 12 2013 02:38:42 by «java_re» with unknown MS VC++:1600
time: Wed Feb 06 21:38:10 2013
elapsed time: 5455 seconds -
Feb 9, 2013
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- Enderman Ender
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Stack: [0x0000000016850000,0x0000000016950000], sp=0x000000001694e978, free space=1018k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
j by.b(I)Lcd;+10
j forestry.core.genetics.Genome.readFromNBT(Lbq;)V+31You have a mod that is either incompatible with the version of MC you are running (or another mod you are running), or it just plain ole has a bug in it. The mod crashes here while reading NBT data (NBT is the data format that Minecraft uses to store stuff [see for example the tool NBTedit]). It may be crashing because it doesn’t understand something in the NBT data or just because it’s buggy.
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The “Failed to Write Core Dump. Minidumps are not Enabled by Default on Client Versions of Windows” is mostly triggered while hosting or joining a Minecraft server and it is triggered mostly due to Java. Therefore, we suggest that you try out the fixes and solutions that we have listed in this article to fix the issue. Also, go through the reasons due to which the issues occur in the first place that we have listed below.
Why the Failed to Write Code Dump Issue is triggered?
After investigating the issue, we concluded that the following have to be the most crucial reasons due to which the Core Dump cannot be written on your computer.
- Outdated Java: If the Java installed on your system has been outdated, you will be getting the Failed to Write Core Dump issue with Minecraft and with Java as well. Therefore, we suggest that you try to make sure that the latest version of Java is being used on your computer as we have indicated in the steps below.
- Outdated Operating System: In certain cases, the outdated installation of Windows might not be able to run Minecraft properly. Therefore, we suggest that you try to update to the latest available version by following the steps that have been listed below.
- Memory Errors: Sometimes, memory-related errors might prevent the Core Dump from being written. Therefore, we suggest that you check your PC for any such errors and fix them using the utility available in the solution below.
Now that you have been familiarized with the reasons behind the error, you can finally start implementing the solutions for this issue.
Fix 1: Updating Java to the latest version
- Press “Windows + R” to launch the Run prompt, type in “Control Panel” and press “Enter” to launch the control panel.
Typing in Control Panel - From there, click on “Programs” and select “Java” from the list.
- Once in the Java Control Panel, go to the “Java” tab and select “View”. After that, “Java Runtime Environment Settings” will appear. Ensure that the latest “Java Runtime” is Enabled. If not, then tick the checkbox below “Enabled” and press “OK”
- Restart your PC and see if the “Failed to Write Core Dump. Minidumps are not Enabled by Default on Client Versions of Windows issue” is now resolved
Fix 2: Checking for Windows Updates
- Press the “Window + S”, type in “Check for updates” and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Click on the “Check for updates” button, if updates are available, Windows will automatically download and install them.
Check for updates - If they are not automatically downloaded and installed, click “Download and install”.
- Restart your PC once the update is complete and see if the issue is resolved now.
Fix 3: Restarting your PC
This is the most simple way in which you might be able to fix this issue. A simple restart of the computer might get rid of any launch configuration issues that the PC might have acquired during the startup and fix this issue.
Fix 4: Enabling Small Memory Dump
- Press “Window + S”, type in “View advanced system settings” and press Enter on your keyboard.
- In the “Advanced” tab, click on the “Settings” option under the “Startup and Recovery” tab.
Selecting Startup and Recovery Settings - Under the “Write debugging information” tab, select the “Small memory dump” option and press “OK”.
- Restart your PC and see if the Failed to Write Core Dump issue is resolved.
Fix 5: Updating Graphics Drivers
It is possible in some cases that the GPU drivers that your computer is using have been outdated due to which you are running into this particular issue. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you try to update the GPU drivers installed on your computer by downloading them through the Nvidia Geforce Experience or the AMD Catalyst software depending upon your GPU.
Fix 6: Deleting the .metadata Folder
Head on over to the “C:Users(user)Documentsworkspace.metadata” folder which contains your Project References. Make sure to delete the “.metadata” folder and import the current projects to your workspace. After doing so, check to see if the Failed to Write Core Dump issue is resolved.
Fix 7: Reverting to a Previous Version of JDK
- Press “Window + S”, type in “Apps & features” and press Enter on your keyboard.
- Look for the “Java” app here, click on it and select “Uninstall”.
- Once uninstalled, Go to Java’s official website, and download the desired version of Java.
- Install it, restart your PC, and see if the issue is resolved now.
Fix 8: Change GPU Configuration (Nvidia GPUs Only)
- Right-click on Desktop and select “Nvidia Control Panel”.
- Once the Control Panel opens, head over to “Manage 3D Settings” under the “3D Settings” category.
Manage 3D Settings - Click “Program Settings”, click “Add” and select “Browse”.
- Navigate to the following path: C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/bin/.
- Select “Java” which should have the logo of JAVA.
- Once added, look for the following settings and change them accordingly:.
Triple Buffering – On Vertical Sync – On
- Check to see if making these changes resolve the Failed to Write Core Dump issue.
Fix 9: Running the Game as Administrator
- Go to Minecraft’s Install folder and look for the launcher.
- Right-click on it and select “Properties”.
- In the “Compatibility” tab, tick the option “Run this program as an administrator” and press “Apply” followed by “OK”.
Run this program as an administrator - Launch the game and see if the Failed to Write Core Dump issue is resolved now.
Fix 10: Clean Installing AMD Catalyst (AMD GPUs Only)
- Press “Window + S”, type in “Apps & features” and press Enter on your keyboard.
Selecting Apps & Features - Look for “AMD Software” from the list of programs and click on it.
- Select “Uninstall” and follow the on-screen instruction to complete the process.
- Once complete restart your PC and visit AMD’s website to download the latest drivers.
- Install these drivers and restart your PC and check to see if the issue is resolved now.
Fix 11: Creating Dump File for Minecraft
- Launch Minecraft.
- Press “Ctrl + Shift + Esc” to open the Task Manager.
Launching Task Manager - In the “Processes” tab, look for “Minecraft Launcher” and right-click it.
- Select “Create Dump File” from the menu and wait for the process to finish.
- Restart your PC and see if the issue has now been resolved.
Fix 12: Reverting to Vanilla Version
If you are using mods in Minecraft, that can probably cause issues as well. Try reverting to the Vanilla (Base) version of the game which might resolve your issue.
Fix 13: Enabling Core/Mini Dumps Manually
For JDK 9 and above follow the steps below:
- Press “Window + S”, type in “java” and right-click the best match that pops up.
- Select “Open File Location”, right-click “java” and click “Create shortcut”.
Selecting the “Open File Location” button - Java should now appear on desktop, right-click it, and select “Properties”.
- In the “Target” text box, write the following command at the end:
java -jar crasher.jar -XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash
- Press “Apply” and “OK”
For JDK 8, the rest of the process will be identical except the command added in step 4, which will be replaced with the following command:
java -jar crasher.jar -XX:+CreateMinidumpOnCrash
On Unix, Linus and macOS you need to use the following commands to enable minidumps:
ulimit -c unlimited java -jar crasher.jar -XX:+CreateCoredumpOnCrash
Moreover, you can enter the following command in the terminal:
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
Fix 14: Modifying Minecraft’s Files
- Right-click the Minecraft shortcut on your Desktop and click “Open file location”.
- Click on “.minecraft” from the address path and open the “options” file.
- Look for “fboEnable” and change its value to “false” instead of “true”.
- Save the file and close it.
- Launch the game and make sure your profile name and username are similar and check if the issue is now resolved.
Fix 15: Uninstall/Reinstall any recently Installed Software
- Press “Windows + R” to launch into the Run prompt.
- Type in “Appwiz.cpl” and press “Enter” to launch into the application management window.
Typing in “Appwiz.cpl” and pressing “Enter” - From here, right-click on any recently installed software and select “Uninstall” to remove it from your computer.
- Check to see if doing so fixes the “Failed to Write Core Dump. Minidumps are not Enabled by Default on Client Versions of Windows” error on the game.
Fix 16: Reinstalling the game
- Press “Windows + R” to launch into the Run prompt.
- Type in “Appwiz.cpl” and press “Enter” to launch into the application management window.
Typing in “Appwiz.cpl” and pressing “Enter” - Right-click on “Minecraft” and select the “Uninstall” button to remove it from your computer.
- Now, download the game again from their website and check to see if doing so fixes the issue.
Fix 17: Checking for Memory Errors
- Download the app from here.
- Move its data into an empty USB Flash Drive and restart your PC.
- Head over to the BIOS and in the “Boot Priority” select the USB Flash Drive as the first to take the boot from.
- Now restart your PC again and you should now see the MemTest utility.
- Run the default memory test and wait for it.
- Look for errors such as “bad memory” or “High CPU overclock” or “Wrong memory voltage” all of these can cause issues. However, “Bad memory” basically means the RAM has issues and will need replacing.
If all of these fixes are unable to eradicate the issue for you, contact us for further troubleshooting of the issue.
did you check these?
To ensure minidumps are enabled:
Go to Start, in the Search Box type: sysdm.cpl, press Enter.
(In win 8 you can use the windows key «win» + «s»)
Under the Advanced tab, click on the Startup and Recovery Settings button.
Ensure that Automatically restart is unchecked.
Under the Write Debugging Information header select Small memory dump (256 kB) in the drop down box (the 256kb varies).
Ensure that the Small Dump Directory is listed as %systemroot%Minidump.
OK your way out.
Reboot if changes have been made.
If minidumps are still not being created check these reasons as to why that may be happening
For dumps to be produced
The following should be correct
Page file must be on the same drive as your operating system
Page file base allocation size must be greater than installed physical RAM
Windows Error Reporting (WER) system service should be set to MANUAL
Set page file to system managed on the OS drive
Set system crash/recovery options to «kernel memory dump»
User account control must be running.
SSD drives with older firmware do not create DMPS (update firmware)
Cleaner applications like Ccleaner delete DMP files so dont run them until you are fixed.
Wanikiya and Dyami—Team Zigzag
Partition Wizard
Partition Magic
- Minecraft Failed to Write Core Dump Windows 10? [Easily Fix]
By Ariel | Follow |
Last Updated April 28, 2021
When trying to join or create a server on Minecraft, many Windows 10 users received “Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows” error. Don’t worry. This post of MiniTool summarizes several tested solutions.
What causes Minecraft failed to write core dump error? According to user reports, this error is often related to an integrated Intel graphics card. In addition, improper graphic card settings, a missing dump file, and corrupt AMD installation are responsible for Minecraft failed to write core dump Windows 10.
Fix 1. Install the Latest Intel Graphics Card Driver
If you are using an integrated Intel graphics card, you may encounter the “Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows” error due to a Dynamic Link Library file. To fix the issue, you can try updating the Intel graphics card driver.
Step 1. Press the Win + R key to open the Run dialog box, and then type devmgmt.msc in the box and hit Enter to open Device Manager.
Step 2. Expand the Display adapters category, and then right-click the Intel graphics card driver and select Update driver.
Step 3.Select the Search automatically for updated driver software option and follow the on-screen instruction to update the driver automatically.
Tip: Alternatively, you can click here to open the official website of Intel GPU drivers, and then download the updated Intel drivers and install them on your computer.
Once installed, you can restart the computer and check if the “Failed to write core dump Minecraft” error persists.
Fix 2. Enable VSync and Triple Buffering from NVidia Control Panel
Some users reported that they can’t be unable to update the Minecraft runtime environment on a medium to high-end NVidia GPU. This may be caused by improper graphics card settings. To fix the issue, you can follow the steps below to enable the VSync and Triple Buffering settings.
Step 1. Right-click on your desktop and select the NVidia Control Panel from the context menu. Also, you can find the control panel from the Taskbar.
Step 2. Select Manage 3D settings from the left pane and navigate to the Program Settings tab.
Step 3. Click on the Add > Browse buttons, and then navigate to the directory folder of your Java installation and select the javaw.exe file, and click on Open.
Step 4. Once the Java file is loaded, select the Vertical Sync and Triple Buffering options from the list of Features, and then change their default setting to On from the Setting pane.
Step 5. Click on Apply to execute the changes. After that, the 2 features will be used by every program that utilizes Javaw.exe including Minecraft.
Now, you can try joining a server again and see if the “Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows” error disappears.
Fix 3. Enforce Windows to Create a Dump File
As mentioned above, the “Failed to write core dump Minecraft” error can occur if a dump file is missing or get corrupted. In this case, you can force Windows to create a dump file. Here’s how:
Step 1. Open you Minecraft Launcher.
Step 2. Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys together to open Task Manager. Also, you can right click the Taskbar at the bottom of your computer screen and select Task Manager.
Step 3. Right click the Java(TM) Platform SE Binary process and select Create Dump File. If you can’t find it, expand the Minecraft Launcher category.
Wait for Windows to create a Dump file. After that, restart your computer and see if the “Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows” error is fixed.
Fix 4. Reinstall the AMD Software or AMD Catalyst Utility
Some AMD GPU users encounter the Minecraft failed to write core dump Windows 10 error. This can be caused by a partially corrupted AMD software installation. For that, you can try reinstalling the ADM program or AMD Catalyst utility.
Step 1. Press Win + R keys to open the Run dialog box, and then type appwiz.cpl in the box and hit Enter.
Step 2. Inside the Programs and Features window, scroll down the list of installed programs to the AMD software/AMD Catalyst, and then right-click it and select Uninstall.
Step 3. Click on OK to confirm this uninstallation and wait for it to complete.
Step 4. Once uninstalled, re-download it from the official website of the AMD software and follow the on-screen prompts to complete the reinstallation.
Now, you can reboot your computer and join a server to check if the “Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows” error is resolved.
About The Author
Position: Columnist
Ariel is an enthusiastic IT columnist focusing on partition management, data recovery, and Windows issues. She has helped users fix various problems like PS4 corrupted disk, unexpected store exception error, the green screen of death error, etc. If you are searching for methods to optimize your storage device and restore lost data from different storage devices, then Ariel can provide reliable solutions for these issues.
Все доброе время.Недавно я переустановил Windows и после этого у меня переставал работать Minecrfat
После запуска клиента Minecrfat мне выдаёт вот это:
# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6995ca30, pid=1316, tid=5184
# JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_25-b18) (build 1.8.0_25-b18)
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (25.25-b02 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C [atioglxx.dll+0x92ca30]
# Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://bugreport.sun.com/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
Я уже много чего перепробовал(перекачивал java,несколько раз менял видеодрайвер и т.д.)
Но из всего этого мне ничего не помогло.
Если кто-то знает как решить эту проблему прошу помочь. -
Активный участник
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 76
- Skype:
- mcrtm199
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 143
- Skype:
- sk2000sk1
- Имя в Minecraft:
- gamerforEA_MCPC
Думаю, что под «пекачивал Java» ТС имел ввиду: «переустанавливал JRE». @WaiLest какая строка запуска используется?
Извини но я в этом вообще не шарю(
Так-что кроме этой ошибки я ни чего не могу сказать. -
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 143
- Skype:
- sk2000sk1
- Имя в Minecraft:
- gamerforEA_MCPC
Ладно, тогда вопросы будут попроще.
- Какой лаунчер используется?
- Установлены какие-нибудь моды? Если да, то какие?
Используется обычный клиент minecrfat скаченный с сайта minecrfat.net
На нём не установлено ни одного мода. -
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 143
- Skype:
- sk2000sk1
- Имя в Minecraft:
- gamerforEA_MCPC
Попробуйте заменить JRE 8 на JRE 7. Вот ссылка на скачивание: http://www.java.com/ru/download/manual_java7.jsp
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 143
- Skype:
- sk2000sk1
- Имя в Minecraft:
- gamerforEA_MCPC
Значит, у вас кривая сборка Windows. Используйте оригинальные образы с MSDN.
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 173
- Skype:
- derek_unavailable
- Имя в Minecraft:
- _Dereku
Кривущий драйвер видюхи. Переустанови дрова на видео.
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 143
- Skype:
- sk2000sk1
- Имя в Minecraft:
- gamerforEA_MCPC
ТС писал, что переустанавливал.
Я незнаю кривая или нет Винда,наверное это я просто что то криво делаю)
Еслиб были проблемы с виндой или драйверами то бы другии игры нешли,но они нормально работают. -
Ругается на дллку из драйвера видюхи, вроде как, это драйвер OpenGL.
А вообще вот что об этой ошибке пишут разработчики java: https://www.java.com/en/download/help/exception_access.xml (рус) . -
Активный участник
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 48
- Имя в Minecraft:
- ddclash
Нажми клавиши Windows+R
В окне напиши cmd.exe
В консоли format C:/
Готово! -
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 173
- Skype:
- derek_unavailable
- Имя в Minecraft:
- _Dereku
Как обычно проглядел
Надейся, что ты кривой. В другом случае придётся на видюху раскошеливаться.
Кстати, что за Minecrfat? -
Активный участник
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 48
- Имя в Minecraft:
- ddclash
Поздно, уже мой патч заюзал
Заблокирован- Баллы:
- 153
- Имя в Minecraft:
- eXtremeNoN
Самый обычный Minecraft v.1.5.2
Клиент скачен с minecrfat.net
Фиг тебе -
Пользователь- Баллы:
- 103
- Skype:
- Mamayadesu
- Имя в Minecraft:
- Mamayadesu
eблaн, слава богу команда у меня не сработала.
Поделиться этой страницей
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ffef0c7b18a, pid=22496, tid=0x0000000000006b38
JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_271-b09) (build 1.8.0_271-b09)
Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.271-b09 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)
Problematic frame:
C [OpenNI2.dll+0x2b18a]
Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows
If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
————— T H R E A D —————
Current thread (0x0000015c6507d000): JavaThread «main» [_thread_in_native, id=27448, stack(0x0000000241300000,0x0000000241400000)]
siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x000000007fceadf0
RAX=0x0000015c7fce6880, RBX=0x000000007fceadf0, RCX=0x00000000ffffffff, RDX=0x0000000000000064
RSP=0x00000002413ff2e0, RBP=0x00000002413ff3c0, RSI=0x0000000021000021, RDI=0x0000000000000064
R8 =0x0000015c7fce2140, R9 =0x0000000000000064, R10=0x0000015c66a09f22, R11=0x00000002413ff2b0
R12=0x0000000000000000, R13=0x0000015c7ab83be8, R14=0x00000002413ff3f0, R15=0x0000015c6507d000
RIP=0x00007ffef0c7b18a, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010206
Top of Stack: (sp=0x00000002413ff2e0)
0x00000002413ff2e0: 0000015c00006b38 000000007fceadf0
0x00000002413ff2f0: 00000002413ff3c0 0000000021000021
0x00000002413ff300: 0000015c669f7dc0 00007ffefbaf3700
0x00000002413ff310: 0000015c7ab83be8 0000015c7ab83be8
0x00000002413ff320: 0000015c7ab83be8 0000015c7ab83be8
0x00000002413ff330: 00000002413ff3c0 0000015c66a09f4e
0x00000002413ff340: 0000015c669f7dc0 0000015c66a09c45
0x00000002413ff350: 0000015c7ab83be8 00000002413ff3c0
0x00000002413ff360: 0000000021000021 0000015c6507d000
0x00000002413ff370: 00000002413ff448 0000015c66a09c02
0x00000002413ff380: 00000002413ff380 0000015c7ab83be8
0x00000002413ff390: 00000002413ff3f0 0000015c7e9605a0
0x00000002413ff3a0: 0000000000000000 0000015c7ab83be8
0x00000002413ff3b0: 0000000000000000 00000002413ff3e0
0x00000002413ff3c0: 00000002413ff438 0000015c669f7b50
0x00000002413ff3d0: 00000000d6b1fcc0 0000015c66a02d60
Instructions: (pc=0x00007ffef0c7b18a)
0x00007ffef0c7b16a: 48 8b d9 48 8b 0d b4 65 01 00 8b fa e8 55 32 00
0x00007ffef0c7b17a: 00 8b d7 c7 80 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 c6 00 00
0x00007ffef0c7b18a: 48 8b 03 4c 8b 00 48 8b 48 28 48 8b 5c 24 30 48
0x00007ffef0c7b19a: 83 c4 20 5f 49 ff 60 60 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc
Register to memory mapping:
RAX=0x0000015c7fce6880 is an unknown value
RBX=0x000000007fceadf0 is an unknown value
RCX=0x00000000ffffffff is an unallocated location in the heap
RDX=0x0000000000000064 is an unknown value
RSP=0x00000002413ff2e0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0000015c6507d000
RBP=0x00000002413ff3c0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0000015c6507d000
RSI=0x0000000021000021 is an unknown value
RDI=0x0000000000000064 is an unknown value
R8 =0x0000015c7fce2140 is an unknown value
R9 =0x0000000000000064 is an unknown value
R10=0x0000015c66a09f22 is at code_begin+962 in an Interpreter codelet
method entry point (kind = native) [0x0000015c66a09b60, 0x0000015c66a0a600] 2720 bytes
R11=0x00000002413ff2b0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0000015c6507d000
R12=0x0000000000000000 is an unknown value
R13={method} {0x0000015c7ab83bf0} ‘oniDeviceIsPropertySupported’ ‘(JI)Z’ in ‘org/openni/NativeMethods’
R14=0x00000002413ff3f0 is pointing into the stack for thread: 0x0000015c6507d000
R15=0x0000015c6507d000 is a thread
Stack: [0x0000000241300000,0x0000000241400000], sp=0x00000002413ff2e0, free space=1020k
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
C [OpenNI2.dll+0x2b18a]
C [OpenNI2.jni.dll+0x3700]
C 0x0000015c66a09f4e
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
j org.openni.NativeMethods.oniDeviceIsPropertySupported(JI)Z+0
j org.openni.Device.isFile()Z+6
j org.openni.Device.open(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/openni/Device;+17
j cn.ac.hzj.kinect.view.MainWindow.onStart()V+44
j cn.ac.hzj.kinect.Application.main([Ljava/lang/String;)V+42
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
————— P R O C E S S —————
Java Threads: ( => current thread )
0x0000015c7e1c3000 JavaThread «D3D Screen Updater» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=26776, stack(0x0000000243100000,0x0000000243200000)]
0x0000015c7e05d000 JavaThread «AWT-EventQueue-0» [_thread_blocked, id=23212, stack(0x0000000243000000,0x0000000243100000)]
0x0000015c7df02000 JavaThread «Image Fetcher 0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=23848, stack(0x0000000242f00000,0x0000000243000000)]
0x0000015c7dacb000 JavaThread «AWT-Windows» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=25472, stack(0x0000000242c00000,0x0000000242d00000)]
0x0000015c7dabf000 JavaThread «AWT-Shutdown» [_thread_blocked, id=8412, stack(0x0000000242b00000,0x0000000242c00000)]
0x0000015c7daba800 JavaThread «Java2D Disposer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=26304, stack(0x0000000242a00000,0x0000000242b00000)]
0x0000015c7d6ce800 JavaThread «Service Thread» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=27540, stack(0x0000000242800000,0x0000000242900000)]
0x0000015c7d62e000 JavaThread «C1 CompilerThread3» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=21808, stack(0x0000000242700000,0x0000000242800000)]
0x0000015c7d629800 JavaThread «C2 CompilerThread2» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=22452, stack(0x0000000242600000,0x0000000242700000)]
0x0000015c7d628800 JavaThread «C2 CompilerThread1» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=27144, stack(0x0000000242500000,0x0000000242600000)]
0x0000015c7d624000 JavaThread «C2 CompilerThread0» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=9644, stack(0x0000000242400000,0x0000000242500000)]
0x0000015c7d61b000 JavaThread «Monitor Ctrl-Break» daemon [_thread_in_native, id=26412, stack(0x0000000242300000,0x0000000242400000)]
0x0000015c7b254800 JavaThread «Attach Listener» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=24012, stack(0x0000000242200000,0x0000000242300000)]
0x0000015c7b22c000 JavaThread «Signal Dispatcher» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=27444, stack(0x0000000242100000,0x0000000242200000)]
0x0000015c7b20d000 JavaThread «Finalizer» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=19848, stack(0x0000000242000000,0x0000000242100000)]
0x0000015c7b205800 JavaThread «Reference Handler» daemon [_thread_blocked, id=11416, stack(0x0000000241f00000,0x0000000242000000)]
=>0x0000015c6507d000 JavaThread «main» [_thread_in_native, id=27448, stack(0x0000000241300000,0x0000000241400000)]
Other Threads:
0x0000015c7b1d8000 VMThread [stack: 0x0000000241e00000,0x0000000241f00000] [id=22544]
0x0000015c7d72f000 WatcherThread [stack: 0x0000000242900000,0x0000000242a00000] [id=25716]
VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
heap address: 0x0000000081e00000, size: 2018 MB, Compressed Oops mode: 32-bit
Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3
Compressed class space size: 1073741824 Address: 0x0000000100000000
PSYoungGen total 38400K, used 14688K [0x00000000d5f80000, 0x00000000d8a00000, 0x0000000100000000)
eden space 33280K, 44% used [0x00000000d5f80000,0x00000000d6dd80a8,0x00000000d8000000)
from space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000d8500000,0x00000000d8500000,0x00000000d8a00000)
to space 5120K, 0% used [0x00000000d8000000,0x00000000d8000000,0x00000000d8500000)
ParOldGen total 87552K, used 0K [0x0000000081e00000, 0x0000000087380000, 0x00000000d5f80000)
object space 87552K, 0% used [0x0000000081e00000,0x0000000081e00000,0x0000000087380000)
Metaspace used 10012K, capacity 10214K, committed 10368K, reserved 1058816K
class space used 1209K, capacity 1292K, committed 1408K, reserved 1048576K
Card table byte_map: [0x0000015c75db0000,0x0000015c761b0000] byte_map_base: 0x0000015c759a1000
Marking Bits: (ParMarkBitMap*) 0x0000000068c17fe0
Begin Bits: [0x0000015c76460000, 0x0000015c783e8000)
End Bits: [0x0000015c783e8000, 0x0000015c7a370000)
Polling page: 0x0000015c65030000
CodeCache: size=245760Kb used=2273Kb max_used=2273Kb free=243486Kb
bounds [0x0000015c669f0000, 0x0000015c66c60000, 0x0000015c759f0000]
total_blobs=937 nmethods=460 adapters=390
compilation: enabled
Compilation events (10 events):
Event: 1.162 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 456 3 java.util.Properties::getProperty (46 bytes)
Event: 1.162 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 nmethod 456 0x0000015c66c13ad0 code [0x0000015c66c13c60, 0x0000015c66c14120]
Event: 1.163 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 457 3 java.lang.StringBuffer:: (6 bytes)
Event: 1.163 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 nmethod 457 0x0000015c66c14250 code [0x0000015c66c143c0, 0x0000015c66c14678]
Event: 1.163 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 458 3 java.util.Properties::saveConvert (434 bytes)
Event: 1.178 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 nmethod 458 0x0000015c66c14790 code [0x0000015c66c15220, 0x0000015c66c1f140]
Event: 1.281 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 459 1 java.net.URL::getPort (5 bytes)
Event: 1.281 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 nmethod 459 0x0000015c66c27d10 code [0x0000015c66c27e60, 0x0000015c66c27f78]
Event: 1.646 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 460 3 java.util.Arrays::copyOf (46 bytes)
Event: 1.647 Thread 0x0000015c7d62e000 nmethod 460 0x0000015c66c27fd0 code [0x0000015c66c28180, 0x0000015c66c28830]
GC Heap History (0 events):
No events
Deoptimization events (1 events):
Event: 0.664 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Uncommon trap: reason=null_check action=make_not_entrant pc=0x0000015c66b70670 method=java.lang.String.equals(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z @ 8
Classes redefined (0 events):
No events
Internal exceptions (10 events):
Event: 0.219 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/security/PrivilegedActionException’> (0x00000000d6205d40) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp, line 1512]
Event: 0.220 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/security/PrivilegedActionException’> (0x00000000d6209c50) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp, line 1512]
Event: 0.220 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/security/PrivilegedActionException’> (0x00000000d6209e60) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjvm.cpp, line 1512]
Event: 0.232 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/io/FileNotFoundException’> (0x00000000d62c5058) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp, line 710]
Event: 0.272 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/lang/NoSuchFieldError’: method resolution failed> (0x00000000d63f4fd0) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsmethodHandles.cpp, line 1169]
Event: 0.274 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/lang/NoSuchFieldError’: method resolution failed> (0x00000000d6402bc0) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsmethodHandles.cpp, line 1169]
Event: 0.362 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/io/FileNotFoundException’> (0x00000000d6591b80) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp, line 710]
Event: 0.664 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Implicit null exception at 0x0000015c66b704a2 to 0x0000015c66b70661
Event: 0.843 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/io/FileNotFoundException’> (0x00000000d6a75ff8) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevmprimsjni.cpp, line 710]
Event: 0.843 Thread 0x0000015c6507d000 Exception <a ‘java/lang/NullPointerException’> (0x00000000d6a76630) thrown at [C:jenkinsworkspace8-2-build-windows-amd64-cygwinjdk8u271605hotspotsrcsharevminterpreterlinkResolver.cpp, line 1185]
Events (10 events):
Event: 1.155 loading class java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet
Event: 1.156 loading class java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet done
Event: 1.156 loading class java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet$1
Event: 1.156 loading class java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet$1 done
Event: 1.156 loading class java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet$UnmodifiableEntry
Event: 1.156 loading class java/util/Collections$UnmodifiableMap$UnmodifiableEntrySet$UnmodifiableEntry done
Event: 1.281 loading class org/openni/DeviceInfo
Event: 1.281 loading class org/openni/DeviceInfo done
Event: 1.281 loading class org/openni/Device
Event: 1.281 loading class org/openni/Device done
Dynamic libraries:
0x00007ff6e6df0000 — 0x00007ff6e6e37000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271binjava.exe
0x00007fff2c1c0000 — 0x00007fff2c3b0000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ntdll.dll
0x00007fff2bfa0000 — 0x00007fff2c052000 C:WINDOWSSystem32KERNEL32.DLL
0x00007fff29140000 — 0x00007fff293e5000 C:WINDOWSSystem32KERNELBASE.dll
0x00007fff2c060000 — 0x00007fff2c103000 C:WINDOWSSystem32ADVAPI32.dll
0x00007fff2aa60000 — 0x00007fff2aafe000 C:WINDOWSSystem32msvcrt.dll
0x00007fff2b6e0000 — 0x00007fff2b777000 C:WINDOWSSystem32sechost.dll
0x00007fff2a5f0000 — 0x00007fff2a710000 C:WINDOWSSystem32RPCRT4.dll
0x00007fff2bd40000 — 0x00007fff2bed4000 C:WINDOWSSystem32USER32.dll
0x00007fff2a1e0000 — 0x00007fff2a201000 C:WINDOWSSystem32win32u.dll
0x00007fff2b8c0000 — 0x00007fff2b8e6000 C:WINDOWSSystem32GDI32.dll
0x00007fff29590000 — 0x00007fff29726000 C:WINDOWSSystem32gdi32full.dll
0x00007fff29960000 — 0x00007fff299fe000 C:WINDOWSSystem32msvcp_win.dll
0x00007fff297b0000 — 0x00007fff298aa000 C:WINDOWSSystem32ucrtbase.dll
0x00007fff12a10000 — 0x00007fff12c94000 C:WINDOWSWinSxSamd64_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.18362.1198_none_9e820b57e45ad92fCOMCTL32.dll
0x00007fff2b970000 — 0x00007fff2bca5000 C:WINDOWSSystem32combase.dll
0x00007fff29730000 — 0x00007fff297b0000 C:WINDOWSSystem32bcryptPrimitives.dll
0x00007fff2a360000 — 0x00007fff2a38e000 C:WINDOWSSystem32IMM32.DLL
0x00007fff07340000 — 0x00007fff07355000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinvcruntime140.dll
0x00007ffef3a40000 — 0x00007ffef3adb000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinmsvcp140.dll
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0x00007fff2bd30000 — 0x00007fff2bd38000 C:WINDOWSSystem32PSAPI.DLL
0x00007fff26a70000 — 0x00007fff26a94000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WINMM.dll
0x00007fff21670000 — 0x00007fff2167a000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32VERSION.dll
0x00007fff26a40000 — 0x00007fff26a6d000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32winmmbase.dll
0x00007fff29540000 — 0x00007fff2958a000 C:WINDOWSSystem32cfgmgr32.dll
0x00007fff02a40000 — 0x00007fff02a49000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WSOCK32.dll
0x00007fff2c110000 — 0x00007fff2c17f000 C:WINDOWSSystem32WS2_32.dll
0x00007fff29080000 — 0x00007fff29091000 C:WINDOWSSystem32kernel.appcore.dll
0x00007fff23b30000 — 0x00007fff23b40000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinverify.dll
0x00007fff02280000 — 0x00007fff022ab000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinjava.dll
0x00007ffefca10000 — 0x00007ffefca40000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebininstrument.dll
0x00007fff07320000 — 0x00007fff07338000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinzip.dll
0x00007fff2af70000 — 0x00007fff2b657000 C:WINDOWSSystem32SHELL32.dll
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0x00007fff29a50000 — 0x00007fff2a1d1000 C:WINDOWSSystem32windows.storage.dll
0x00007fff29110000 — 0x00007fff29133000 C:WINDOWSSystem32profapi.dll
0x00007fff290a0000 — 0x00007fff290ea000 C:WINDOWSSystem32powrprof.dll
0x00007fff29070000 — 0x00007fff29080000 C:WINDOWSSystem32UMPDC.dll
0x00007fff2bf40000 — 0x00007fff2bf92000 C:WINDOWSSystem32shlwapi.dll
0x00007fff29a00000 — 0x00007fff29a17000 C:WINDOWSSystem32cryptsp.dll
0x00007fff01fc0000 — 0x00007fff01fda000 C:Program FilesJetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.4binbreakgen64.dll
0x00007fff00ec0000 — 0x00007fff00edc000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinnet.dll
0x00007fff28860000 — 0x00007fff288c7000 C:WINDOWSsystem32mswsock.dll
0x00007ffed5aa0000 — 0x00007ffed5c34000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinawt.dll
0x00007fff2a710000 — 0x00007fff2a7d5000 C:WINDOWSSystem32OLEAUT32.dll
0x00007fff26db0000 — 0x00007fff26e3f000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32apphelp.dll
0x00007fff274d0000 — 0x00007fff274fd000 C:WINDOWSsystem32DWMAPI.DLL
0x00007fff27020000 — 0x00007fff270b9000 C:WINDOWSsystem32uxtheme.dll
0x00007ffef1590000 — 0x00007ffef16e6000 C:WINDOWSsystem32opengl32.dll
0x00007fff07360000 — 0x00007fff0738c000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32GLU32.dll
0x00007fff27cb0000 — 0x00007fff27cd0000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32dxcore.dll
0x00007fff2b780000 — 0x00007fff2b8b5000 C:WINDOWSSystem32MSCTF.dll
0x0000000180000000 — 0x00000001800aa000 D:DriverGeniusdghmpg64.dll
0x00007fff2a900000 — 0x00007fff2aa57000 C:WINDOWSSystem32ole32.dll
0x00007fff28f90000 — 0x00007fff28fb5000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32USERENV.dll
0x00007fff255d0000 — 0x00007fff255e3000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WTSAPI32.dll
0x00007fff13790000 — 0x00007fff13957000 C:WINDOWSsystem32d3d9.dll
0x00007fff1e390000 — 0x00007fff1e492000 C:WINDOWSSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorynvhm.inf_amd64_c87780efe1918cc5nvldumdx.dll
0x00007fff290f0000 — 0x00007fff29102000 C:WINDOWSSystem32msasn1.dll
0x00007fff1e360000 — 0x00007fff1e38f000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32cryptnet.dll
0x00007fff293f0000 — 0x00007fff29539000 C:WINDOWSSystem32CRYPT32.dll
0x00007fff28a30000 — 0x00007fff28a3c000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32cryptbase.dll
0x00007fff2a210000 — 0x00007fff2a26c000 C:WINDOWSSystem32WINTRUST.DLL
0x00007fff2a340000 — 0x00007fff2a35d000 C:WINDOWSSystem32imagehlp.dll
0x00007fff283d0000 — 0x00007fff28403000 C:WINDOWSsystem32rsaenh.dll
0x00007fff29a20000 — 0x00007fff29a46000 C:WINDOWSSystem32bcrypt.dll
0x00007ffeeb170000 — 0x00007ffeec913000 C:WINDOWSSystem32DriverStoreFileRepositorynvhm.inf_amd64_c87780efe1918cc5nvd3dumx.dll
0x00007ffeecac0000 — 0x00007ffeecd86000 C:WINDOWSsystem32nvspcap64.dll
0x00007fff280b0000 — 0x00007fff280e1000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ntmarta.dll
0x00007fff27c60000 — 0x00007fff27c82000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32gpapi.dll
0x00007ffef41e0000 — 0x00007ffef4229000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinfontmanager.dll
0x00007ffefbb10000 — 0x00007ffefbb23000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebinnio.dll
0x00007ffef0cc0000 — 0x00007ffef0d03000 C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrebint2k.dll
0x00007fff08610000 — 0x00007fff086ae000 C:WINDOWSSystem32TextInputFramework.dll
0x00007fff265f0000 — 0x00007fff266c4000 C:WINDOWSSystem32CoreMessaging.dll
0x00007fff24080000 — 0x00007fff243aa000 C:WINDOWSSystem32CoreUIComponents.dll
0x00007fff24a30000 — 0x00007fff24b83000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32wintypes.dll
0x00007ffefbaf0000 — 0x00007ffefbb01000 E:wyfkinectOpenNI2.jni.dll
0x00007ffef0c50000 — 0x00007ffef0cbb000 E:wyfkinectOpenNI2.dll
0x000000006af90000 — 0x000000006b062000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32MSVCR100.dll
0x00007ffef1560000 — 0x00007ffef1590000 E:wyfkinectOpenNI2DriversKinect.dll
0x00007fff1fe70000 — 0x00007fff1fed4000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32mscoree.dll
0x00007ffec2200000 — 0x00007ffec3061000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32Kinect10.dll
0x00007fff2ab00000 — 0x00007fff2af70000 C:WINDOWSSystem32SETUPAPI.dll
0x0000000068f10000 — 0x0000000068fa8000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32MSVCP100.dll
0x00007fff01d20000 — 0x00007fff01d2c000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32WINUSB.DLL
0x00007fff28e80000 — 0x00007fff28eaa000 C:WINDOWSSystem32DEVOBJ.dll
0x00007fff1f740000 — 0x00007fff1f7ea000 C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319mscoreei.dll
0x00007fff1e640000 — 0x00007fff1f102000 C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319clr.dll
0x00007fff1e4a0000 — 0x00007fff1e55d000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ucrtbase_clr0400.dll
0x00007fff1e560000 — 0x00007fff1e576000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll
0x00007fff1cac0000 — 0x00007fff1e0c0000 C:WINDOWSassemblyNativeImages_v4.0.30319_64mscorlib52ce2de93895cec3507794c893974551mscorlib.ni.dll
0x00007fff1c550000 — 0x00007fff1c69f000 C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319clrjit.dll
0x00007fff134e0000 — 0x00007fff13787000 C:WINDOWSSystem32iertutil.dll
0x00007ffef0bf0000 — 0x00007ffef0c4b000 E:wyfkinectOpenNI2DriversOniFile.dll
0x00007ffee72b0000 — 0x00007ffee7331000 E:wyfkinectOpenNI2DriversPS1080.dll
0x00007ffeedee0000 — 0x00007ffeedf21000 E:wyfkinectOpenNI2DriversPSLink.dll
0x00007fff27a30000 — 0x00007fff27c24000 C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32dbghelp.dll
VM Arguments:
jvm_args: -javaagent:C:Program FilesJetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.4libidea_rt.jar=55338:C:Program FilesJetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.4bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
java_command: cn.ac.hzj.kinect.Application
java_class_path (initial): C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibcharsets.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibdeploy.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextaccess-bridge-64.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextcldrdata.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextdnsns.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextjaccess.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextjfxrt.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextlocaledata.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextnashorn.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextsunec.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextsunjce_provider.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextsunmscapi.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextsunpkcs11.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibextzipfs.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibjavaws.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibjce.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibjfr.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibjfxswt.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibjsse.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibmanagement-agent.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibplugin.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibresources.jar;C:Program FilesJavajdk1.8.0_271jrelibrt.jar;E:wyfkinectoutproductionkinect;E:wyfkinectliborg.openni.jar;E:wyfkinectlibRXTXcomm.jar;E:wyfkinectlibjSerialComm-2.6.2.jar;E:wyfkinectlibdom4j-2.0.3.jar;C:Program FilesJetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.4libidea_rt.jar
Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
Environment Variables:
PATH=C:Program Files (x86)Common FilesOracleJavajavapath;C:Program Files (x86)Razer Chroma SDKbin;C:Program FilesRazer Chroma SDKbin;C:Program Files (x86)RazerChromaBroadcastbin;C:Program FilesRazerChromaBroadcastbin;C:windowssystem32;C:windows;C:windowsSystem32Wbem;C:windowsSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:windowsSystem32OpenSSH;C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationPhysXCommon;C:Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA NGX;C:Program FilesNVIDIA CorporationNVIDIA NvDLISR;C:Program FilesIntelWiFibin;C:Program FilesCommon FilesIntelWirelessCommon;C:WINDOWSsystem32;C:WINDOWS;C:WINDOWSSystem32Wbem;C:WINDOWSSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:WINDOWSSystem32OpenSSH;C:Users74102AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsApps;C:Program FilesPuTTY;C:Program Files (x86)IVI FoundationVISAWinNTBin;C:Program FilesIVI FoundationVISAWin64Bin;C:Program Files (x86)IVI FoundationVISAWinNTBin;C:Program FilesJavajdk-12bin;C:Program Filesdotnet;C:Users74102AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsApps;;C:Program FilesJetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2020.2.4bin;;C:Users74102.dotnettools
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10, GenuineIntel
————— S Y S T E M —————
OS: Windows 10.0 , 64 bit Build 18362 (10.0.18362.1110)
CPU:total 12 (initial active 12) (6 cores per cpu, 2 threads per core) family 6 model 158 stepping 10, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, avx, avx2, aes, clmul, erms, 3dnowpref, lzcnt, ht, tsc, tscinvbit, bmi1, bmi2, adx
Memory: 4k page, physical 8262108k(1512676k free), swap 15872236k(2596120k free)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.271-b09) for windows-amd64 JRE (1.8.0_271-b09), built on Sep 16 2020 19:14:59 by «» with MS VC++ 15.9 (VS2017)
time: Mon Nov 30 15:47:50 2020
timezone: ?D1��������?����??
elapsed time: 1.724310 seconds (0d 0h 0m 1s)