Моды для final fantasy 15 windows edition

Последняя на сегодняшний день игра легендарной серии Square Enix, вышедшая на ПК с множеством дополнительного контента, включая эксклюзивные эффекты, обзавелась еще и официальной поддержкой модификаций через Steam Workshop. К FFXV можно относиться по-разному, восхищаться ей или презрительно фыркать при одном только упоминании, однако никак нельзя отрицать тот факт, что грамотно подобранные моды способны сделать лучше любую игру.

Последняя на сегодняшний день игра легендарной серии Square Enix, вышедшая на ПК с множеством дополнительного контента, включая эксклюзивные эффекты, обзавелась еще и официальной поддержкой модификаций через Steam Workshop. К FFXV можно относиться по-разному, восхищаться ей или презрительно фыркать при одном только упоминании, однако никак нельзя отрицать тот факт, что грамотно подобранные моды способны сделать лучше любую игру.

Со дня выхода «финалки» прошло уже немало времени, так что у сообщества поклонников было предостаточно времени на создание огромного количества модов для всего, что только может прийти в голову. Костюмы, скины для оружия, тюнинг персонажей, графические улучшения, оптимизация геймплея и многое другое. Square Enix даже выпустили редактор уровней и персонажей, позволив игрокам творить собственные квесты, события, новые карты и интерактивные объекты. В свое время разработчики продемонстрировали новый инструментарий при помощи напряженной гонки на Чокобо и мини-гольфа, созданных специально для этого.

Костюмы и персонажи

Outfit Retextures

Как можно догадаться по названию мода, он меняет дефолтные костюмы Ноктиса, Игниса и Гладио. Стоит отметить, что он использует великолепнейший набор текстур высокого разрешения, который мы настоятельно рекомендуем к установке.

Скачать Outfit Retextures

Older Noctis

Мод для тех, кому больше по душе зрелый, потрепанный жизнью Ноктис. При желании можно добавить ему бородку и сделать волосы подлиннее. В комплекте ретекстурированная золотая куртка Люцис.

Скачать Older Noctis

Change Noctis Hair Eyes Shirt Outfit color

Не хватает глубины в настройках внешности Ноктиса? Как насчет возможности изменить цвет волос, глаз, футболки и вообще всего костюма? Всегда мечтали о беловолосом и красноглазом герое? Пожалуйста. Наряду с обычной версией текстур автор подготовил и версию для 4К, позволяя выбирать в соответствии с мощностью вашего ПК.

Скачать Change Noctis Hair Eyes Shirt Outfit color

ECO – Empire Character Overhaul

Амбициозный проект, набор модов, включающий в себя полностью переработанные костюмы персонажей в духе старых игр серии Final Fantasy, а также множество других изменений. Как заявил сам автор: «Я не стал ограничиваться лишь цветом. Я хотел создать новый дизайн одежды. Каждое изменение имеет свою причину, это может быть реальный модный тренд или отсылка к старым персонажам Final Fantasy».

Скачать ECO – Empire Character Overhaul

Red Royal Arms

Простой, но запоминающийся мод, окрашивающий всю чертову дюжину Королевского оружия в грозный темно-алый цвет. Отличный способ придать ему индивидуальности, не слишком отклоняясь от оригинального облика.

Скачать Red Royal Arms

Detailed Complexions

Благодаря этому моду вся четверка героев получает изумительно проработанные лица. Можно разглядеть каждую пору, веснушку и шрам – все то, что можно найти на лицах реальных людей. Как и в случае с некоторыми другими модами нашей подборки, он потребует установки набора текстур высокого разрешения

Скачать Detailed Complexions


Enhanced Turf Effects Grass

Этот мод, компаньон поддерживаемой игрой системы NVIDIA Turf Effects, улучшает «поведение» травы, заставляя ее эффектнее приминаться и дольше оставаться в таком состоянии. В наличии даже пара опций: возможность оставлять траву примятой навсегда или сделать ее существенно выше, чем обычно.

Final Flash – Cinematic ReShade with DoF

Используя в своей основе фреймворк с открытым исходным кодом ReShade 3.0, этот мод разительно меняет внешний вид игры, добавляя в игру массу реалистичных кинематографичных эффектов вроде глубины резкости, бликов и грязи на линзах, зернистость, сумеречные (и не только) лучи и многое другое. Большинство из этих опций можно включать и выключать, так что картинку можно буквально настроить под себя. Установка мода будет посложнее, чем у прочих в нашем списке, но ничего такого, с чем бы не справился бывалый геймер.

Скачать Final Flash – Cinematic ReShade with DoF

Геймплей и оптимизация

Special K

Один из моддеров обратил внимание на тот факт, что игра постоянно подгружает иконки кнопок. К примеру, вы играете на геймпаде, но случайно нажали пару клавиш на клавиатуре или мыши. Получите соответствующие иконки в интерфейсе. Или, наоборот, играете на клавомыши, но ткнули геймпад. Держите ABXY. Не то, чтобы это как-то серьезно мешало, но неприятно, согласитесь? Мод Special K позволяет избавиться от недоразумения.

Скачать Special K


Radio Tuner

Порой во время неспешной езды на «Регалии» так и хочется откинуться в кресле и насладиться любимыми треками из реального мира. Теперь это возможно благодаря моду Radio Tuner! Вы сможете скопировать любимую музыку в каталог игры и включить ее на аудиосистеме автомобиля. Либо, если очень хочется, вы можете сделать обратное – вытащить дефолтные мелодии из игры и сохранить их в форматах mp3, ogg или wav.

Скачать Radio Tuner

Music Overhaul

Этот мод не столько заменяет музыкальное сопровождение FFXV, сколько слегка подправляет его, добавляя некоторое количество новых мелодий, меняя местами несколько одних и удаляя пару других. В целом изменения заметные, но дух Final Fantasy, к счастью, не пропадает.

Скачать Music Overhaul

Источник: nvidia.com

Final Fantasy XV позволяет игрокам отправиться в путь на холостяцкой вечеринке с мрачными поворотами. С меньшим количеством актеров и более ориентированной на действия боевой системой, чем ожидали многие игроки, последняя основная запись в серии Final Fantasy вызвала споры у многих игроков. Тем не менее, издание игры для Windows предлагает множество возможностей для настройки игры с помощью модов и дополнений, чтобы сделать ее идеальной для вас. Вот некоторые из лучших модов для Final Fantasy XV, которые вы можете загрузить и установить прямо сейчас.


  1. Наша подборка лучших модов для Final Fantasy XV
  2. Aeonic Reshade
  3. Королевское одеяние без плаща
  4. Синди в черном и синем
  5. Подробные дополнения
  6. Потустороннее одеяние Dissidia Noctis
  7. Множитель статистики мобов
  8. Ноктис в возрасте в золотой куртке Люциана
  9. Ретекстур одежды
  10. Pure Light для FFXV
  11. Радиотюнер

Как только игра выйдет выпущенный для ПК, сообщество моддинга приступает к его настройке. Иногда дополнения носят чисто косметический характер, в то время как другие пытаются улучшить игровой процесс. Чаще, чем вы думаете, моды просто добавляют секса в игру. Эти моды для Final Fantasy XV не делают игру более динамичной, но они могут исправить некоторые мелкие детали, которых вам не хватало в JRPG.

Aeonic Reshade

Изображение из Nexus Mods

Игра с тем, как взаимодействуют тени и свет, — лучший способ оживить игровые модели. Изначально этот мод был разработан для других игр, но предприимчивые моддеры обновили его, чтобы его можно было использовать и в Final Fantasy XV. С ним окружающая среда становится более реалистичной, а персонажи в результате становятся более четкими и детализированными. Это один из лучших визуальных модов для Final Fantasy XV, который вы можете установить.

Королевское одеяние без плаща

Изображение с помощью Nexus Mods

Королевское одеяние открывается, когда игроки достигают 14-й главы, и значительно повышает характеристики Ноктиса. Тем не менее, многие игроки считают, что комбинация плаща и куртки — это слишком даже для игры Final Fantasy, поэтому они предприняли шаги, чтобы убрать плащ из ансамбля. Это придает ему гораздо более обтекаемый и плавный вид, идеально подходящий для юного принца в дороге.

Синди в черном и синем

Изображение из Nexus Mods

Кто знал, что смена палитры может помочь оживить персонажа? Синди, очаровательный механик, который тюнингует машину вечеринки в Final Fantasy XV, известна своей ярко-желтой курткой с глубоким вырезом и большой индивидуальностью, но этот мод дает ей наряд, который больше соответствует вечеринке. мрачная эстетика. Это не меняет ее роли в игре, но, как ни странно, позволяет ей чувствовать себя как дома с Ноктисом и его друзьями.

Подробные дополнения

Изображение с модов Nexus

Как и большинство главных героев JRPG, мальчики в Final Fantasy XV очень симпатичные. Однако их можно сделать еще более совершенными благодаря этому моду. Он добавляет в игру обновленные и улучшенные завершения, придавая им более реалистичный вид. Не каждый персонаж преображается благодаря этому моду, но стоит просто увидеть Ноктиса и его команду во всей их красе.

Потустороннее одеяние Dissidia Noctis

Изображение из Nexus Mods

Это еще один косметический мод, который дает игрокам возможность изменить внешний вид Final Fantasy XV. Как следует из названия, этот мод дает Ноктису одежду, которую он носит в файтинге, побочном файтинге Dissidia Final Fantasy NT. Это более эфирное, почти светящееся одеяние, подчеркивающее небесное путешествие, в которое отправился персонаж. Он также обладает хорошей статистикой, которая делает его идеальным для сражений в середине и конце игры.

Множитель статистики мобов

Изображение из Nexus Mods

Многие фанаты были разочарованы довольно ограниченными опциями New Game Plus в Final Fantasy XV, но для этого и существуют моддеры. Этот мод увеличивает лимит уровней и очков жизни в игре и позволяет игрокам увеличивать или уменьшать характеристики монстров по своему желанию. Это также позволяет уменьшить количество расходуемых предметов, которые вы можете нести одновременно, что значительно повышает общую сложность игры для игроков, жаждущих новых испытаний.

Ноктис в возрасте в золотой куртке Люциана

Изображение с модов Nexus

В рамках истории Final Fantasy XV вы сможете увидеть, как будет выглядеть Ноктис, когда вырастет. Однако этот мод от Scissorman позволяет вам пройти всю игру с более седым и закаленным Ноктисом. Прошли его буйные подростковые дни, сменившись взглядом, который, по-видимому, вдохновлен Джоном Уиком. Это чисто косметическое изменение, но оно влияет на то, как воспринимается история, когда она следует за закаленным воином, а не за избалованным принцем.

Ретекстур одежды

Изображение из модов Nexus.

Этот мод для Final Fantasy XV обновляет все костюмы в игре. Это не такая большая визуальная переработка, как некоторые другие моды в этом списке, но она делает одежду в игре более реалистичной. От того, как они падают, до того, как на них падает свет, все изменено настолько, чтобы одежда казалась более реальной, чем когда-либо прежде.

Pure Light для FFXV

Изображение с помощью Nexus Mods

Этот мод добавляет в игру улучшенные эффекты освещения, придавая ей более кинематографический стиль и делая ее более фотореалистичной. . Солнечные дни имеют более яркий синий цвет, а тени становятся темнее. Он также снижает размытость многих текстур, что делает его одним из самых полных визуальных модов для игры. Если вы хотите, чтобы в Final Fantasy XV было больше динамического освещения, этот мод для вас.


Изображение из Nexus Mods

Если вы когда-нибудь путешествовали, то знаете, насколько важны мелодии для вашего движения. Этот мод для Final Fantasy XV не только позволяет вам брать с собой песни, проигрываемые по автомобильному радио, вне игры, но и позволяет настраивать плейлист с вашей любимой музыкой. Это может изменить правила игры для игроков, которые устали слушать одни и те же песни на повторе, путешествуя по миру Eos.


  1. 11 крутых модов для Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition
  2. Внешний вид персонажей
  3. Outfit retextures (скины для одежды)
  4. Older Noctis (ветеран Ноктис)
  5. Изменения прически, глаз и майки Ноктиса
  6. ECO – Empire Character Overhaul
  7. Red Royal Arms
  8. Detailed Complexions
  9. Графика
  10. Enhanced Turf Effects Grass
  11. Final Flash – Cinematic ReShade with DoF
  12. Геймплей и оптимизации
  13. Special K
  14. Музыка
  15. Radio Tuner
  16. Music Overhaul
  17. Моды для final fantasy 15 windows edition
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  20. Miscellaneous
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  22. Hot mods
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  25. Media
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11 крутых модов для Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition

FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION была выпущена на ПК с множеством дополнительного контента, включая эксклюзивные на ПК NVIDIA GameWorks, а также все DLC и бесплатный контент, который был выпущен для консолей. Также был представлен официально поддерживаемые инструменты для создания модов и среда Steam Workshop для того, чтобы авторы могли делиться своим креативом с другими игроками.

А пока давайте взглянем, что уже сейчас можно добавить в FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION

Внешний вид персонажей

Outfit retextures (скины для одежды)

Этот мод, как вы уже могли догадаться, меняет классический внешний вид одеяний Ноктиса, Игнис и Гладио. Этот мод особенно хорош с паком текстур в разрешении 4K, так что перед изменениями персонажей рекомендуем установить его.


Older Noctis (ветеран Ноктис)

Если вы бы хотели видеть более сурового, закаленного в боях Ноктиса, то этот мод для вас. Вы также можете добавить ему бороду и регулировать длину волос. В дополнение к этому, в моде также есть пак с текстурами для Люциса

Изменения прически, глаз и майки Ноктиса

Этот мод для тех, кто ищет больше простора для изменений внешности Ноктиса. С ним вы сможете регулировать форму прически и цвет волос, глаз и майки. Автор мода также включил пак 4K-текстур в дополнение к стандартным.

ECO – Empire Character Overhaul

Этот амбициозный проект включает полный редизайн внешнего вида персонажей, основанный на предыдущих частях Final Fantasy, а также микс совершенно новых видов. «Моя миссия была не в том, чтобы просто изменить цвета, я хотел вдохнуть новую жизнь в одеяния персонажей, придумать им совершенно новый вид. У каждого нового редизайна — своя тематика», — говорит автор мода.

Следите за новостями этого автора, поскольку он не планирует останавливаться на текущем. В будущем он планирует выпустить 4K-текстуры в дополнении к стандартным в разрешении 2K.

Red Royal Arms

Detailed Complexions

С этим модом главные герои игры получат высокодетализированные текстуры лиц. Особое внимание было уделено кожному покрову, а также бровям и ресницам персонажей, которые были созданы практически с нуля в разрешении 4K.


Enhanced Turf Effects Grass

В дополнении к технологии NVIDIA Turf Efects, которая итак есть в игре, этот мод позволяет регулировать скорость выравнивания и степень смятия травы, ее высоту, а также даст возможность сделать так, чтобы трава оставалась вмятой навсегда.

Final Flash – Cinematic ReShade with DoF

Этот мод добавляет в игру множество реалистичных и кинематографических видов FINAL FANTASY XV WINDOWS EDITION, используя фреймворк ReShade 3.0. Практически каждая функция имеет свой «тумблер», при помощи которого вы можете включить или отключить ее. Данный мод более комплексный и сложный, чем другие, поэтому рекомендуем ознакомиться с гайдом по установке мода.


Геймплей и оптимизации

Special K

Автор данного мода заметил, что игра показывает иконки вводы каждый раз при нажатии клавиши на клавиатуре или мыши или использовании джойстика. Обычно это не доставляет неудобств, но в случае, если вы играете с одного девайса и случайно задели другой (к примеру, играй на джойстике и задев мышку), возникает задержка. Дабы исправить это, установите мод Special K, как показано в гайде



Radio Tuner


Music Overhaul

Вместо того, чтобы полностью переписывать музыкальные треки в игре, мод Music Overhaul меняет местами уже существующие, а некоторые и вовсе удаляет, создавая совершенно иную атмосферу геймплея Final Fantasy

На этом все, друзья. Не забудьте подписаться на официальное сообщество Final Fantasy ВКонтакте и следите за новыми модами в Steam Workshop и Nexus Mods!

Отправляйтесь в невероятное приключение во вселенную Final Fantasy с видеокартами GeForce GTX 10.


Моды для final fantasy 15 windows edition

В разных играх мастерская Steam может использоваться по-разному, но всё, что тут есть, сделано обычными участниками сообщества Steam, такими же как и вы.

При подготовке страницы модификации или предмета в Мастерской Steam теперь вы можете добавить интерактивное трехмерное превью предмета вдобавок к видео и скриншотам.

Пример использования превью можно найти на странице модификации Doomhammer, созданной пользователем johnskyrim:
Превью помогает получше ознакомиться с предметом, сценой или моделью, осматривая их со всех сторон в трехмерном пространстве.

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Превью также можно использовать в Обсуждениях, Объявлениях и Greenlight.

We’re going to remove the payment feature from the Skyrim workshop. For anyone who spent money on a mod, we’ll be refunding you the complete amount. We talked to the team at Bethesda and they agree.

We’ve done this because it’s clear we didn’t understand exactly what we were doing. We’ve been shipping many features over the years aimed at allowing community creators to receive a share of the rewards, and in the past, they’ve been received well. It’s obvious now that this case is different.

To help you understand why we thought this was a good idea, our main goals were to allow mod makers the opportunity to work on their mods full time if they wanted to, and to encourage developers to provide better support to their mod communities. We thought this would result in better mods for everyone, both free & paid. We wanted more great mods becoming great products, like Dota, Counter-strike, DayZ, and Killing Floor, and we wanted that to happen organically for any mod maker who wanted to take a shot at it.

But we underestimated the differences between our previously successful revenue sharing models, and the addition of paid mods to Skyrim’s workshop. We understand our own game’s communities pretty well, but stepping into an established, years old modding community in Skyrim was probably not the right place to start iterating. We think this made us miss the mark pretty badly, even though we believe there’s a useful feature somewhere here.

Now that you’ve backed a dump truck of feedback onto our inboxes, we’ll be chewing through that, but if you have any further thoughts let us know.

Workshop CommerceAnnounce

The Steam Workshop has always been a great place for discovering community-made mods, maps, and items for a variety of games. Starting now with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Workshop is also a great place for community content creators to earn money by selling their greatest works.

We think this is a great opportunity to help support the incredible creative work being done by mod makers in the Steam Workshop and to encourage more top-quality work. This new feature allows mod authors to choose whether to list their items for a fixed price, for pay-what-you-want, or to make their item available for free. As a customer and fan of Skyrim, you’re able to explore both paid and free mods, quests, and items.

The whole feature is best explained in the full press announcement and on the detailed announcement page and FAQ here: http://www.steamcommunity.com/workshop/aboutpaidcontent

Along with these new options available to mod-creators, we’ve added a few features to support the experience and make everything as easy as possible:

With over 24,000 free mods available for Skyrim in the Steam Workshop, there will always be lots to do and explore for free. Now you can also find mods with a specified price, or mods where you can choose how much you wish to support the creators. The price is up to the mod creators.

When shopping for anything, it’s still important to spend a little time learning about any product you are about to purchase. But, if after purchase you find that a mod is broken or doesn’t work as promised, you can easily get a refund of that mod within 24 hours of your purchase. View the full refund policy here.

If you’re new to Skyrim and haven’t yet tried it out, now is your chance. Available now through April 26th, Skyrim is free to play. Just visit the Skyrim store page and click the ‘play’ button to download and start playing. If you decide you want to keep the game, it’s also on sale for 75% off regular price!

To prepare for this announcement, we’ve asked a few community mod makers to prepare some content for release. Browse Paid Skyrim Mods

Whether you’re just getting started or are already a professional artist or developer, now you can make money from your creations in the Steam Workshop.

Starting with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, you can make new cosmetic items, custom skins, fancy houses, epic quests, entire new cities, or just a new hat for Lydia. Once you’ve made your creation, you can easily set a price and earn a portion of each sale made through the Steam Workshop.

Plus, many more of your favorite Workshop games will support paid content in the coming weeks. Check out the full announcement and FAQ for more details.

The limitation of paid, revenue-generating Workshops to Valve content has been an unfortunate consequence of the sheer number of challenges required in order to scale to a global audience of creators and players. Today we’re happy to announce that after a ton of work, the first curated Workshops for non-Valve games have opened: Dungeon Defenders: Eternity and Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.


This is really exciting news and means that more high quality content will be available for the game you love playing. Plus, purchases of this great new content directly enables those community members to continue practicing their craft and making more awesome content.

We expect more curated Workshops to become available for creators and players in various games over the coming weeks and months.

The Workshop has continued to grow and a larger number of contributors are now earning revenue from more pieces of content in a wider variety of games. To help answer questions about where revenue is coming from, we’re also launching a set of new tools that enable contributors to view real-time sales data for their items as well as view detailed per-item revenue breakdowns and historical statements.


Once you have content accepted into a paid, curated Workshop, you’ll see a link to «View Your Revenue» from your «My Workshop Files» page. If you don’t have any content accepted yet, now’s a great time to get involved!

Workshop HomeUpdate

We just released an update for the Steam Workshop that adds a voting queue for item selection and a new home page for each Workshop to highlight cool content.

Workshops for games such as Team Fortress 2, Dota 2, and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive include a type of items that players vote on to help determine which items can get accepted and made available for use in the game.

Workshops with these types of items now have a voting queue, similar to the queue in Greenlight or on the Steam home page. This queue will make it easy to discover new and interesting items to vote on, and will help the game teams get a better measure of community interest on the variety of items being considered for use in the game.

Each product Workshop now has a new home page design, helping to highlight the most interesting content in the Workshop, and to also better expose a variety of ways to browse the Workshop. With this new home page, customers can now more easily see mods, maps, or items created by authors they follow, see what their friends are marking as favorites, and read about recent Workshop news from the game teams.

This new home page also provides space for games to run special events such as themed contests, or to highlight new types of content supported by their Workshop.

This update has automatically applied to all games and software with a Steam Workshop, so just check out your favorite Workshop to see these new features.


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Calendar 32

You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. To add tags, simply start typing the tag you’re after. Separate new tags with spaces.


54 1526570156 2087511634

«Pure Light for FFXV» is a Reshade Preset created to make the game look more cinematic while also giving a bit of a «photorealistic» feel.

«Pure Light for FFXV» is a Reshade Preset created to make the game look more cinematic while also giving a bit of a «photorealistic» feel.


4 1521229287 1530586957

Radio Tuner is a simple application for Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition to completely customize your roadtrip audio experience. Listen to built-in tunes outside the game, export them to your own MP3s, or add your own music library into the game via file replacement—all in a few clicks with a simple GUI.Now also supports commandline e

Radio Tuner is a simple application for Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition to completely customize your roadtrip audio experience. Listen to built-in tunes outside the game, export them to your own MP3s, or add your own music library into the game via file replacement—all in a few clicks with a simple GUI.Now also supports commandline e


35 1522552656 1766990225

Changes Cindy’s outfit from yellow to black and blue. 4k and 2k Earc file replacement

Changes Cindy’s outfit from yellow to black and blue. 4k and 2k Earc file replacement


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Calendar 32

You can filter your search by including or excluding tags. To add tags, simply start typing the tag you’re after. Separate new tags with spaces.


32 1522352595 867473664

A model edit of Older Noctis, also available as a model swap for Young Noctis, and a retexture of the Trendy Attire. Bearded versions also available.

A model edit of Older Noctis, also available as a model swap for Young Noctis, and a retexture of the Trendy Attire. Bearded versions also available.


43 1524400330 319083333

Created to satisfy a lack of New Game Plus features: monsters’ stats multiplier, unlock Max LVL/HP Cap, limit Max Consumables Carried, set an EXP multiplier

Created to satisfy a lack of New Game Plus features: monsters’ stats multiplier, unlock Max LVL/HP Cap, limit Max Consumables Carried, set an EXP multiplier


16 1521617207 1422992812

This mod removes the cape from the Kingly Raiment attire. Which in effect turns it into the Versus 13 Suit.

This mod removes the cape from the Kingly Raiment attire. Which in effect turns it into the Versus 13 Suit.


118 1589667009 1812208324

Removes invisible walls and some props collisions so you can explore the World of Eos in its entirety.

Removes invisible walls and some props collisions so you can explore the World of Eos in its entirety.


139 1598523825 929294088

This MOD fixes the shadow problem in Galdin.—ガーディナ渡船場での影の不具合を修正するMODです。

This MOD fixes the shadow problem in Galdin.—ガーディナ渡船場での影の不具合を修正するMODです。


136 1596099585 1448633258


40 1523195844 368727798

Music swaps for the main game that shuffles around some of the pieces and removes those that in my opinion do not suit the game’s overall tone or break consistency with the overall OST.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOJFE_6T7Ew&feature=youtu.be

Music swaps for the main game that shuffles around some of the pieces and removes those that in my opinion do not suit the game’s overall tone or break consistency with the overall OST.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOJFE_6T7Ew&feature=youtu.be


90 1584457399 76395774

This will replace younger Noctis’s head with his older bearded version. (Does NOT include beardless version or longer haired version as seen at the end of Chapter 13)

This will replace younger Noctis’s head with his older bearded version. (Does NOT include beardless version or longer haired version as seen at the end of Chapter 13)


138 1597824892 576157252

This MOD fixes a texture problem in one building in Altissia.—オルティシエの一部建物のテクスチャ不具合を修正するMODです。

This MOD fixes a texture problem in one building in Altissia.—オルティシエの一部建物のテクスチャ不具合を修正するMODです。


135 1595407764 2040209731


71 1537286463 1429811255

Created for players who seek a challenge and want to put their skills and gear to the test. This mod let you control the difficulty of your game by being able to multiply monsters stats to your liking (MaxHp, Strength, Magical Power, Physical Resistance & Magical Resistance) (Steam Version)

Created for players who seek a challenge and want to put their skills and gear to the test. This mod let you control the difficulty of your game by being able to multiply monsters stats to your liking (MaxHp, Strength, Magical Power, Physical Resistance & Magical Resistance) (Steam Version)


95 1584456122 358981150

This will replace younger Gladio’s head with his older version. Includes chest scars for Rugged Attire. (Episode Gladio DLC outfit)

This will replace younger Gladio’s head with his older version. Includes chest scars for Rugged Attire. (Episode Gladio DLC outfit)


56 1531160530 257551845

Made in COMRADES Ver.1.21 (unsure if it will continue to work with the latest update). Avatar data is separate and will not be affected on overwrite. If you want to experience COMRADES from the beginning, but with everything unlocked, simply go into NG+.

Made in COMRADES Ver.1.21 (unsure if it will continue to work with the latest update). Avatar data is separate and will not be affected on overwrite. If you want to experience COMRADES from the beginning, but with everything unlocked, simply go into NG+.


28 1522161120 514345987

More dramatic/fantasy/somber music selection for the game world, as well as removing certain intrusive cluttering and context-specific music to make for a more consistent experience.

More dramatic/fantasy/somber music selection for the game world, as well as removing certain intrusive cluttering and context-specific music to make for a more consistent experience.


92 1584457009 584974756

This will replace younger Prompto’s head with his older version. Includes older head for Tundra Attire (Episode Prompto DLC outfit)

This will replace younger Prompto’s head with his older version. Includes older head for Tundra Attire (Episode Prompto DLC outfit)


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Hot mods

(Marvel vs Capcom INFINITE) Johnny Blaze (Gladiolus)

This mod replaces Noctis or Gladiolus with the infamous Ghost Rider from Marvel VS Capcom: INFINITE.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod


196 1634393897 226980977

Pure Light for FFXV

«Pure Light for FFXV» is a Reshade Preset created to make the game look more cinematic while also giving a bit of a «photorealistic» feel.


54 1526570156 2087511634

Radio Tuner is a simple application for Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition to completely customize your roadtrip audio experience. Listen to built-in tunes outside the game, export them to your own MP3s, or add your own music library into the game via file replacement—all in a few clicks with a simple GUI.Now also supports commandline e


4 1521229287 1530586957

Cindy in Black and Blue

Changes Cindy’s outfit from yellow to black and blue. 4k and 2k Earc file replacement


35 1522552656 1766990225

New complexions for my beautiful bby boys.


46 1524540033 1855313121

Retextures for some outfits


27 1528075109 213108539

Older Noctis and Gold Lucian Jacket Retexture

A model edit of Older Noctis, also available as a model swap for Young Noctis, and a retexture of the Trendy Attire. Bearded versions also available.


32 1522352595 867473664

More mods


196 1634393897 226980977

This mod replaces Noctis or Gladiolus with the infamous Ghost Rider from Marvel VS Capcom: INFINITE.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Noctis or Gladiolus with the infamous Ghost Rider from Marvel VS Capcom: INFINITE.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod


195 1632993884 1861383993

This mod is for changing the color, shape and size of the moon.———————-このMODは月の色や形、大きさを変える為のものです。

This mod is for changing the color, shape and size of the moon.———————-このMODは月の色や形、大きさを変える為のものです。


194 1632492878 547035439

HARD MODE ULTIMATE EDITION seeks to offer the best game experience for FFXV, significantly increasing the difficulty of the game, challenging the player to experiment with more weapons, magic and advanced movements and not only limit themselves to holding down the attack button, taking advantage of all the options that the combat system offers.

HARD MODE ULTIMATE EDITION seeks to offer the best game experience for FFXV, significantly increasing the difficulty of the game, challenging the player to experiment with more weapons, magic and advanced movements and not only limit themselves to holding down the attack button, taking advantage of all the options that the combat system offers.


193 1632465905 1823500541

Remove garbage in Lestallum.(レスタルムのゴミを削除します。)

Remove garbage in Lestallum.(レスタルムのゴミを削除します。)


192 1632332927 736574877

We all know Ardyn is a cat at heart.

We all know Ardyn is a cat at heart.


191 1631053458 1423317718

An attempt in replicating the game engine shader from Episode Duscae.

An attempt in replicating the game engine shader from Episode Duscae.


190 1630680652 872408664

Three skin mods for Prompto. One makes him injured at all times. One adds a tech tattoo to his right arm at all times. One removes his goatee in his 30s.

Three skin mods for Prompto. One makes him injured at all times. One adds a tech tattoo to his right arm at all times. One removes his goatee in his 30s.


189 1630240835 1809204722

A full set of seven weapons for the main game and additional three for Comrades. The blaster is a replacement because Mod Organizer doesn’t allow standalone machinery mods.

A full set of seven weapons for the main game and additional three for Comrades. The blaster is a replacement because Mod Organizer doesn’t allow standalone machinery mods.


188 1634391478 403634832

This mod replaces Prompto with my OC Ryder Odison.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Prompto with my OC Ryder Odison.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod


187 1628085829 143205898

This mod replaces Ignis with Darth Vader from Star Wars: Battlefront II.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Ignis with Darth Vader from Star Wars: Battlefront II.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod


186 1627586608 252358792

This mod replaces Gladiolus with The Demogorgon from Dead by Daylight.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Gladiolus with The Demogorgon from Dead by Daylight.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod


185 1627383169 1534246914

This mod replaces Noctis with the dragon Agape.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Noctis with the dragon Agape.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod


184 1626627136 873792166

This mod replaces Prompto with the Stormtrooper from Star Wars: Battlefront.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Prompto with the Stormtrooper from Star Wars: Battlefront.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod


182 1625333860 980192650

This mod replaces Noctis or Gladiolus with Max Thompson Jr from Dead by Daylight.

This mod replaces Noctis or Gladiolus with Max Thompson Jr from Dead by Daylight.


181 1624881541 580191975

This mod replaces Ignis with the Jungle Hunter Predator from the game Predator: Hunting Grounds.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod.

This mod replaces Ignis with the Jungle Hunter Predator from the game Predator: Hunting Grounds.Ported from my Steam Workshop-Mod.


180 1624465719 2035517044

This mod replaces Prompto or Noctis with Boba Fett from Star Wars: BattlefrontPorted from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Prompto or Noctis with Boba Fett from Star Wars: BattlefrontPorted from my Steam Workshop-Mod


179 1624444868 2120021906

This mod (un)hides certain parts of NPCs’ outfits

This mod (un)hides certain parts of NPCs’ outfits


178 1631956777 843356931

This mod replaces Prompto or Noctis with members from The Legion in Dead by DaylightPorted from my Steam-Workshop Mods

This mod replaces Prompto or Noctis with members from The Legion in Dead by DaylightPorted from my Steam-Workshop Mods


177 1624042476 1383929466

This mod replaces Noctis or Prompto from Danny Johnson also known as Ghostface from Dead by DaylightPorted from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Noctis or Prompto from Danny Johnson also known as Ghostface from Dead by DaylightPorted from my Steam Workshop-Mod


175 1623875491 189716184

This mod replaces Gladiolus with Pyramid Head from Dead by DaylightPorted from my Steam Workshop-Mod

This mod replaces Gladiolus with Pyramid Head from Dead by DaylightPorted from my Steam Workshop-Mod

News & Updates

We’re always working on creating tools and experiences which continue to support a positive modding community, make modding more accessible and give creators the ability to share their own creations. This can be through our website, Vortex or something else entirely. To help us achieve our mission, we’re looking to hire four new talented individuals to join us at our office in Exeter, UK.

Working at Nexus Mods means the projects you help bring to life will be used by millions of gam.

Do scalpers keep beating you to that new graphics card? Perhaps you’re looking to upgrade that tired old keyboard and mouse? We might have just the thing for you! We’ve teamed up with Republic of Gamers UK to give you the chance to win an RTX 3070 Ti, one of two ROG accessory bundles or a £50 Steam gift card.

Nexus Mods was officially founded on 1 August 2001, so this month is extra special for us. We’re celebrating our 20th anniversary! This event is a great way to celebrat.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition dropped in May and since then almost 400 mods, saves and presets have already been shared with the community. While Bioware has not provided any official modding tools, the community found a way! Legendary Explorer (LEX) is a developer tool kit for ME:LE created and maintained entirely by fans of the series. It features around 30 powerful tools to make creating mods for Legendary Edition significantly easier. We’ve been talking with Mgamerz and Audemus about the ex.

The Forgotten City is a mystery adventure game of exploration and deduction, and a re-imagining of the critically acclaimed mod that won a nationa.

Nexus Mods first started offering Premium Membership as an option to users all the way back in 2007. Since then, it has been an invaluable source of income for the site that has allowed us to continue to host our services, hire staff, create NMM and Vortex, expand to over 1,300 more games and give back to mod authors via our Donation Points system, among many other things. Without it, the site simply would not exist.

Since we first started offering Premium Membership, our billi.

Siege Survival: Gloria Victis released on Steam last month and the good people at Koch Media have partnered with us to give away 35 copies of the game to the Nexus Mods community!

Siege Survival is a new resource management survival game set in the medieval world of Gloria Victis. You play as a small group of civilians trapped in the only remaining stronghold of your city which is under a brutal siege by an invading army.

The gameplay loop is split between a day and n.

It’s that time of year again! The Morrowind May Modathon 2022 starts today celebrating 19 years of modding for The Elder Scrolls III. Upload a mod for Morrowind during the month for your chance to win prizes and unlock some special achievements.

As usual, here are the full details from darkelfguy:

Celebrating Morrowind’s 19th anniversary, today I’m announcing the seventh annual Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition, one of the biggest annual modding competit.

Today we are talking to randyknapp, the author of many UI and quality of life mods for both Valheim and Subnautica, as well as the popular, ARPG inspired Valheim mod: Epic Loot.

BigBizkit: Thank you for joining us today. First of all could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

randyknapp: Thanks for having me! I’m Randy, I’m 33, I live in Seattle with my wife and kids. I’m a professional video game developer with 10 years of industry experience.

The third edition of the Morrowind modding competition «MODJAM» is upon us and it’s back with a revenge

Come April 3rd (yes, this weekend!!), modders have 48 hours to make a mod based on a theme announced minutes before the jam begins. Simple enough, right?

Modders can work alone or in te.

With Nexus Mods getting bigger and better every year, we’re looking to bolster our ranks once again by recruiting a Junior Community Manager to work with our existing team to help us better serve our community.

This position is based in our offices in Exeter in the UK an.

Your notifications are getting a facelift! Starting on 22nd March 2022 all users will be upgraded to the shiny new system featuring easy access to their preferences, an improved design and more control directly in the notifications panel. We need to permanently remove all existing notifications with this change, so please use this time to check the ones you currently have if you care about them. There are a few things you need to know before the switch-over happens, so read on for more informati.

And with that said, keep on reading to see all the correct answers and to learn who the lucky winners are.

We all love games, that’s one of the things everyone in this community has in common, so when our friends over at GOG.com asked us if we’d like to give away some game keys to you guys as part of their «We Love Games» celebration, we could hardly say no!

We have 5 copies of Lichtspeer, Sword of the Necromancer, Bonkies, Gods Will Fall and Project Wingman to give out to the 25 randomly chosen winners.

There are a few rules you should be aware of b.

I think I speak for pretty much everyone when I say we’ve got high hopes this year will be much better for everyone around the globe than 2020 was. With that said, it might come as a bit of a surprise to some of you, but did you know that we’re actually going to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of Nexus Mods come August 2022? That’s right, Nexus Mods (and its predecessors going by other names) has now been around for almost two decades! Just to give you an idea of what that means: back then whe.

We have recently enabled a new download location for Premium Members that can potentially increase download speeds for any users who might have slower speeds than expected with their Premium Membership. If you’re a Premium Member and you think you should be getting faster speeds then please try the «CDN» download location, which now defaults to this new provider.

If you’ve had the (mis)fortune of taking the time to read my year i.

In this feature, we’re chatting with Aragas (aka Aragasas), one of our top Bannerlord mod authors. While you might not have heard of him, if you’ve played Mount & Blade II with mods there’s a good chance you’ve used at least one of the mods he and the other members of the Bannerlord Unofficial Tools & Resources (BUTR) team have worked on.

Thank you for taking the time to talk with us Aragas. To start off, can you tell us a bit about yourself?


Final Fantasy XV: Windows Edition brought the most recent entry in Square Enix’s flagship franchise to PC gamers. And it came with plenty of extra content, new features, and the entire library of paid and free DLC.

It’s the definitive way to enjoy this massive open-world adventure!

And while there’s a lot of gameplay to go through, we always want more. So if you want to take your princely road trip to the next level, some mods should be your top priority.

Whether you’re looking to change Noctis’ looks, spice up the Regalia’s music collection, or replace your Chocobo with something hilarious, you’ll find plenty of ideas right here.

20. Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom

Cherry Blossoms in Full Bloom Mod screenshot

Check Out This Mod

The world of Eos is full of beautiful places and lush greenery.

This mod by creator Nsept0403 aims to make it even more eye-catching by livening up the trees with some bright pink cherry blossoms.

Not every tree gets to become a cherry blossom. You’ll find these appealing plants scattered throughout the forests of Eos. Precisely, you can spot them in Caem, the forest of Malmalam, and the Myrlwood.

Much like a leisurely road trip to the prince’s wedding, life is full of hidden beauty.

These trees were already there. It just wasn’t their time to bloom yet!

19. The Monado

The Monado FFXV Mod

Check Out This Mod

If you’ve ever played the fantastic Xenoblade Chronicles on the 3DS or Nintendo Switch, you’ve seen Shulk’s sword: the Monado.

This high-tech mystical sword grants its wearer visions of the future, and it’s handy against machine-like lifeforms.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it made short work of Magitek tech as well.

It’s a relatively large sword, and Noctis wields it like a champ.

It’s a shame it doesn’t have quite as many flashy effects as the original.

18. Older Noctis with Gold Lucian Jacket

Older Noctis with Gold Lucian Jacket for FFXV

Check Out This Mod

If you’re tired of goth teenage protagonists in your AAA RPGs, this mod by Scissorman can help add some much-needed temperance and experience to Noctis.

This lets you replace the prince with the king and play through the game as Noctis in his prime.

And this older Noctis looks more grizzled and battle-hardened, plus there’s some wisdom deep in his eyes.

You can also give Noctis a beard rivaling that of his father.

It makes him look even more distinguished, while the golden Lucian jacket gives him a “cool dad” appeal.

17. Zack’s Buster Sword from Crisis Core

Zack's Buster Sword from Crisis Core Mod FF15

Check Out This Mod

Creator SubZeroShell brings us a weapon that can’t be missing from any self-respecting Final Fantasy fan’s collection of royal arms: the Buster Sword from FFVII.

Well, to be more specific, it’s the Buster Sword model taken from the prequel: Crisis Core.

Zack’s version of the Buster Sword is simply more appealing.

I love the golden cross-guard, though I don’t really know if it can even be called a “cross” guard when it’s the same width as the massive blade.

This broadsword symbolizes the fighting spirit and struggles of past heroes. It was once passed on to Cloud, and now, Noctis carries on the flame.

16. Raiden Outfit

Raiden Outfit Mod Final Fantasy XV

Check Out This Mod

Nanomachines, son!

Noctis’ serious yet rebellious attitude reminds me of Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid franchise. When I saw a mod that let me dress the prince up as this cyborg swordsman, I clicked.

Thanks to modder Kou153, Noctis can now use the power of a high-tech body and nanomachines to fight Ardyn and other baddies in the game.

Even Niflheim’s Magitek weaponry has no chance of stopping Noctis the Ripper.

15. No DLC

No DLC Mod FF15 Screenshot

Check Out This Mod

Getting the definitive edition of a game, with all the bug fixes and DLC, is always a pleasure.

Still, it can be hard to resist the temptation of just blazing through the game with the overpowered DLC equipment – and it’s confusing to have it mixed up with our honestly-earned campaign equips.

This simple adjustment by Taellia simply removes the DLC items found in the Royal Edition of FFXV.

That includes the outfits, key items that provide unfair advantages, and weapons like the Ragnarok.

And don’t worry about losing your DLC forever. The fix is temporary and done automatically every time you run the game.

14. Fat Chocobo

Fat Chocobo FFXV Mod

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The Chocobos in FFXV have one of the most realistic looks out of all the burden birds in the franchise.

They’re really cool!

But they don’t compare to the magnificence of a plump Fat Chocobo.

Fortunately, Chocobos are primarily ground-bound creatures, because a bird this fat would not fly at all. I mean, look at those tiny vestigial wings!

I could write a 10,000-word dissertation on the benefits of riding a big chunky bird, but nothing will ever top the fact that this Chocobo’s round body jiggles as it carries you around.

It really gives the term “jiggle physics” a whole new meaning.

13. Enter With Chocobo

Enter With Chocobo Mod screenshot

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If Chocobos were real, I’d go everywhere on my magical raptor bird. They’d have to make laws about “not parking your Chocobo in people’s living rooms” and stuff like that, and I’d break them anyway.

If you feel as attached to Chocobos as I do, consider Enter With Chocobo.

It’s a mod by IgnisIgnisIgnis that lets you take your Chocobo along into dungeons and similar areas.

Just remember to not get off the Chocobo, as the whistle will only work in the overworld (and some exceptions like Nebulawood).

It’s a bit ridiculous to ride your Chocobo in some places like Galdin Quay. But other times, it’s weird for our heroes not to save themselves the effort.

12. Avatara as Noctis

Avatara as Noctis Mod FF15

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Back in 2018, you could explore the world of Eos in the main game as your avatar from the Comrades online component, much like you do in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Once Square Enix killed the Comrades mode, the Avatara System was regrettably removed as well.

This mod by SankaraSamsara simply adds the necessary files back in. So now you can continue fishing, exploring, and hunting massive demons as your perfectly crafted character.

11. Insomnia from Episode Ardyn

Insomnia from Episode Ardyn in the Main Game FFXV Mod

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The city of Insomnia was a jewel on the landscape of Eos until the Niflheim Empire decided to rain hell on it during the events of Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV.

When we finally make it back to Insomnia in FFXV, it’s still a chaotic ruin.

This mod by Elisadevelon brings back the bright metropolitan city as seen on the Episode Ardyn DLC.

You’ll be able to explore it to your heart’s content, and take some fantastic pictures for the ‘gram while you’re at it.

10. Kingly Raiment Recolors

Kingly Raiment Recolors for FFXV

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One of Noctis’ coolest looks has to be the Kingly Raiment, both with and without the jacket.

Sill, much like almost all other clothes in the game, it’s all-black.

It feels almost the same as wearing anything else in the game other than the stat boosts.

A great way to liven up this royal garb is this recolor by modder Nsept0403, who offers us the polar opposite of the somber black: deep blue, verdant green, and vivid red.

Noctis still looks a little weird in these clothes, but that’s only natural at such a young age. He’ll grow into it!

9. Change Noctis’ Colors

Change Noctis’ Colors Mod screenshot

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We all know the FFXV squad likes black, like, a lot.

Well, the whole Kingdom of Lucis seems to be that way – but does it have to be?

This mod by Isak challenges the black-clothes hegemony by letting you turn Prince Noctis into a peacock (figuratively speaking).

With it, you’ll have power over the color of his hair, eyes, shirt, and outfit color, among other things.

You can make Noctis albino, create a stylish two-color combo, or have Noctis cosplay as a Crayola box. Your choice!

8. ECO – Empire Character Overhaul

ECO – Empire Character Overhaul FFXV Mod

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There are plenty of fantastic outfit recolors floating around.

But few have the soul of Empilicious’ Empire Character Overhaul.

Each piece in this outfit set has been lovingly crafted by a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise, weaving in the look and spirit of several characters from previous installments.

There’s one inspired by Cloud Strife’s ex-SOLDIER garb that would look fantastic with the Buster Sword mod.

And the fifth member of the team doesn’t get left out, either.

Mechanic Cindy Aurum receives a new outfit inspired by the iconic Cid Highwind from FFVII that fans of the PS1 classic will love.

7. Multicolored Hair

Multicolored Hair Mod FF15 Screenshot

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I’m always going on about how the dream squad of FFXV is very much like the Backstreet Boys or BTS – but there’s one way to get them even more into the boy-band aesthetic.

Multicolored Hair will let you give each of the boys a little hair dye.

Noctis gets blue highlights, Gladiolus gets light orange, Prompto goes for bright pink, and Ignis gets a distinguished platinum hair dye.

These colored hairs were carefully designed and look really natural.

They’re not your average solid-color wig, but a work of art by author Elisadevelon.

6. ReShade for Low Settings

ReShade for Low Settings FF15 Mod

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I’ve always considered myself an ally of the low-spec crew.

I understand the struggle, so there’s always a place for at least one mod aimed at making enjoying new games easier for those who can’t afford a serious gaming rig.

This ReShade preset by fellow low-spec champion SweetPoison11 is meant to bring out the beauty of FFXV while running in the lowest possible graphic quality.

5. Pure Light ReShade

Pure Light ReShade for FFXV

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Admittedly, FFXV is already incredibly good-looking. That’s one of its main appeals.

Yet there’s always room for improvement.

And employing ReShade software is always a good idea.

Author Urquath attempts to give the game a more cinematic, slightly photo-realistic look with this Pure Light ReShade preset. It reduces anti-aliasing for a sharper look while also enhancing reflections and dialing down the yellows in the game.

Once installed, you’ll notice a more vibrant color, a deeper blue sky, and darker shadows.

Light sources in the overworld and dungeons are much more important now as well.

4. Radio Tuner

Radio Tuner Final Fantasy XV Mod

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The FFXV gang has the sweetest ride in all of Eos for their heroic road trip.

But without good music, any trip is bound to degenerate into backseat UNO and bickering over who gets to ride shotgun next.

The Radio Tuner mod by LukeLC will help you keep things fresh in the Regalia by allowing you to import your own .mp3 songs into the game.

Now you can actually jam to K-Pop hits with the biggest boy band in Final Fantasy history.

Additionally, this little piece of software lets you export the songs from the game into an .mp3 format – so you can enjoy them on the go.

3. Rebalanced Ascension

Rebalanced Ascension Mod FF15

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One of the most extensive gameplay-changing mods for FFXV is Rebalanced Ascension by Iwtexplode, aiming to make the Ascension skill-leveling mechanic a little more convenient.

It re-orders some abilities so that you can swap to Gladio, Ignis, and Prompto much earlier in the game.

It also makes some of the most expensive skills a bit more attainable.

Stuff that used to cost around 333AP now costs less than 99AP, and similar changes were made to skills over 555AP and 999AP.

With this, you’ll have a varied set of skills and actual options in combat without having to grind to hell and back.

2. No Collisions

No Collisions No Collisions

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One great way to expand your horizons while exploring Eos is by literally expanding how much land you can actually cover in the game’s overworld.

The No Collisions mod removes many invisible walls you’d usually find around certain structures and natural formations.

It won’t let you jump off the edge of the map. But you’ll be able to sneak into the unfinished areas of Altissia, and much more.

And the more you stray from the original boundaries, the weirder things get. So don’t be surprised if you run into glitched NPCs, poorly applied textures, and other such bugs.

1. The Royal Final Fantasy XV Experience

The Royal Final Fantasy XV Experience FFXV Mod

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If you’re serious about making FFXV look the best it possibly can, no single mod is going to get you there – but this guide might.

Author Silencer takes us through the process from the basics up.

It uses many official tools like the 4K Resolution Texture Pack released by Square Enix themselves, along with fantastic mods, many of which are essential bug fixes.

The Royal FFXV Experience also covers the best visual settings that’ll let you get the most out of the game with your specific hardware.









































































































































































































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