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Advanced Serial Port Monitor — Программа предназначена для работы с последовательным портом (COM-порт, RS232/RS485/RS422) под управлением операционной системы Windows… (полное описание…)
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Send and receive data using Serial Port
Vovsoft Serial Port Monitor is an easy to use utility that allows monitoring your computer’s COM port data traffic. You can read serial data from any COM port and send data to any COM port. You can change connection parameters such as baud rate (bits per second), parity, data bits and stop bits. This software can send and receive data in ASCII text. Hexadecimal, decimal, octal and binary formats are also supported when sending and displaying received data. Sending text periodically is possible, you can change the interval in milliseconds. «Clear», «Save to file» and «Copy to clipboard» buttons can be used. Setting font and background color is possible by using the menu.
RS232 monitor software
Using this simple port sniffer program, you can test, monitor and control any hardware compliant with RS-232 protocol, RS-485 protocol, RS-422 protocol or any other compatible serial port device. The RS-232 (DB9) pinout specifies that only the RX (receiver) and TX (transmitter) pins are necessary for communication. The rest of the pins are necessary only if you implement some form of hardware flow control. You can easily read incoming data from RX and send outgoing data to TX with the help of a serial port analyzer and tester software, such as Vovsoft Serial Port Monitor. This application is an easy to use serial input listener and output transmitter software for students and electronic enthusiasts. Your desktop or laptop computer can communicate between microcontrollers (such as Arduino boards) or microprocessors (such as Raspberry Pi single-board computers) via serial communication with the help of this software.
How to use RS232 in Windows
Modern computers no longer have built-in serial ports. However, if you need UART communication between your computer and your electronic devices, simply plug a USB to RS232 converter into your computer. Most of the time, Windows can install the USB converter driver automatically. In order to check the driver, start by going to the «Device Manager». Once there, expand «Ports (COM & LPT)».
RS232 cable types
A simple straight-through RS232 cable between your computer (terminal) and your electronic device will be fine. If you need PC-to-PC communication over serial port, you will need a «null modem» or «crossover» cable. For this to work, the Transmit (TX) pin of one device needs to be connected to the Receive (RX) pin of the other device, and vice versa. You can easily connect and use RS232 with the help of this COM port viewer software.
Category: Communications Dial Up & Connection Tools
Supports: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (32-bit & 64-bit)
Language: English
License: Free to try
Payment Questions
Trial | Licensed | |
Reads and sends COM port data | ||
Commercial use allowed | ||
No nag screen, no ads | ||
Ability to disable update notifications | ||
Lifetime free updates | ||
$19 Purchase |
To receive license key and use all features of the software, use secure order at our financial partner, MyCommerce. To initiate the transaction, click the «Purchase» button above. Your license key will be immediately delivered after the registration. By using this license key, you can activate the product on the computer you want to use. The entire process needs only a few minutes.
A purchased license will be valid forever and includes future updates, all new functions will be available for existing registered users.
Finally, your registration enables us to improve our programs and continue developing quality software in the future. If you like this application or want to see new features, please consider registration. Thank you!
- Portmon для windows 10 64 bit
- Программы:
- Portmon v3.02
- Программа прослушивания COM портов ПК
- Advanced Serial Port Monitor скачать бесплатно
- Описание программы
- Portmon for Windows v3.03
- Introduction
- Portmon 3.x
- Installation and Use
- How it Works: WinNT
- How it Works: Windows 95 and 98
- Электроника для всех
- Блог о электронике
- Терминальные программы
- List of 10 Serial Port Monitor software for Windows in your budget range
- Serial Port Monitor
- Free Serial Monitoring Utilities
- Free Serial Port Monitor
- SerialMon:
- Free Serial Analyzer:
- Portmon for Windows
- SourceForge Serial Port Monitor
- Professional Serial Port Monitoring Software for Windows
- Serial Port Monitor by Eltima
- Serial Monitor by HHD Software
- Advanced Serial Port Monitor
- Serial Port Monitor by Awavo
- RS232 Analyzer by CommFront
- How to monitor serial port in Windows 10
- Serial Port Monitor Crack
- U.S. Copyright Law says:
Portmon для windows 10 64 bit
HardWare Kit – Набор программных инструментов для работы с цифровыми устройствами на аппаратном уровне. А именно, все что может помочь в разработке и отладке программного обеспечения микропроцессоров, контроллеров различных устройств и их связи с персональным компьютером по различным шинам данных.
Все программы, скачиваемые с данного сайта, относятся к категории freeware и распространяются бесплатно.
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COM Port
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Portmon — Прекрасная программка для тех, кто хочет вывести на чистую воду недобросовестных разработчиков софта для ПК. К примеру Вы пишите ПО для некоего устройства связывающегося по RS232 с компьютером и передаете некую информацию по заранее оговоренному протоколу. Но вот беда – программа заказчика принимает непонятно что вместо четко выстроенных данных. Portmon поможет! Запускаете Portmon, настраиваете на нужный порт, после этого запускаете программу заказчика и свое устройство. Все данные приходящие в ПК по COM порту видны как на ладони – если они в точности соответствуют протоколу, то вы утрете нос «высокоуровневым» программистам, а вот если нет… лучше уж не запускайте Portmon 😉
Программка простая, настройки минимальны. Прослушиваемые порты выбираются через пункт меню Capture/Ports.
П.С. Не удалось запустить программку под Windows7. Если кто-нибудь знает чем можно заменить — напишите, пожалуйста, на адрес, указанный в контактах.
Portmon v3.02
Программа прослушивания COM портов ПК
Автор: Mark Russinovich
ОС: Windows XP
Содержимое сайта www.hawkit.ru созданное автором по имени Александр Матяш, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution» («Атрибуция») 4.0 Всемирная.
Разрешения, выходящие за рамки данной лицензии, могут быть доступны на странице: контакты.
Advanced Serial Port Monitor скачать бесплатно
- Программа: полная, бесплатная
- Ограничения: нет
- Язык: русский, английский, украинский
- Разработчик: AGG Software
- Система: Windows XP, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
- Разрядность: 32 bit, 64 bit, x32, x64
Описание программы
Advanced Serial Port Monitor — специализированное программное решение, позволяющее работать с последовательными портами и наделенное множеством полезных функций. Реализована поддержка COM, RS-портов всех типов. Присутствует возможность передачи, приема данных одновременно в обоих направлениях.
Есть два режима функционирования — ручной и автоматический. Благодаря этому программу могут использовать как опытные пользователи, так и новички в сфере. Все принимаемые с ее помощью данные можно вывести на экран, а затем экспортировать отдельным файлом. Особого внимания заслуживает встроенная функция sniffer, позволяющая следить за активностью установленного софта.
Расширить функциональность программного обеспечения можно за счет специальных плагинов. Дополнительно имеется возможность детальной настройки параметров связи и изменения показателей скорости, сведений о принимаемых данных.
Рекомендуем последнюю версию Advanced Serial Port Monitor скачать бесплатно без вирусов, рекламы, регистрации и смс с официального сайта.
© Copyright 2018 МоиПрограммы — каталог программного обеспечения.
Portmon for Windows v3.03
By Mark Russinovich
Published: January 12, 2012
Download Portmon (226 KB)
Run now from Sysinternals Live.
Portmon is a utility that monitors and displays all serial and parallel port activity on a system. It has advanced filtering and search capabilities that make it a powerful tool for exploring the way Windows works, seeing how applications use ports, or tracking down problems in system or application configurations.
Portmon 3.x
Version 3.x of Portmon marks the introduction of a number of powerful features.
- Remote monitoring: Capture kernel-mode and/or Win32 debug output from any computer accessible via TCP/IP — even across the Internet. You can monitor multiple remote computers simultaneously. Portmon will even install its client software itself if you are running it on a Windows NT/2K system and are capturing from another Windows NT/2K system in the same Network Neighborhood.
- Most-recent-filter lists:Portmon has been extended with powerful filtering capabilities and it remembers your most recent filter selections, with an interface that makes it easy to reselect them.
- Clipboard copy: Select multiple lines in the output window and copy their contents to the clipboard.
- Highlighting: Highlight debug output that matches your highlighting filter, and even customize the highlighting colors.
- Log-to-file: Write debug output to a file as its being captured.
- Printing: Print all or part of captured debug output to a printer.
- One-file payload:Portmon is now implemented as one file.
The on-line help-file describes all these features, and more, in detail.
Installation and Use
Simply execute the Portmon program file (portmon.exe) and Portmon will immediately start capturing debug output. To run Portmon on Windows 95 you must get the WinSock2 update from Microsoft. Note that if you run Portmon on Windows NT/2K portmon.exe must be located on a non-network drive and you must have administrative privilege. Menus, hot-keys, or toolbar buttons can be used to clear the window, save the monitored data to a file, search output, change the window font, and more. The on-line help describes all of Portmon’s features.
Portmon understands all serial and parallel port I/O control (IOCTLs) commands and will display them along with interesting information regarding their associated parameters. For read and write requests Portmon displays the first several dozen bytes of the buffer, using ‘.’ to represent non-printable characters. The Show Hex menu option lets you toggle between ASCII and raw hex output of buffer data.
How it Works: WinNT
The Portmon GUI is responsible for identifying serial and parallel ports. It does so by enumerating the serial ports that are configured under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHardwareDeviceMapSerialComm and the parallel ports defined under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHardwareDeviceMapParallel Ports. These keys contain the mappings between serial and parallel port device names and the Win32-accessible names.
When you select a port to monitor, Portmon sends a request to its device driver that includes the NT name (e.g. deviceserial0) that you are interested in. The driver uses standard filtering APIs to attach its own filter device object to the target device object. First, it uses ZwCreateFile to open the target device. Then it translates the handle it receives back from ZwCreateFile to a device object pointer. After creating its own filter device object that matches the characteristics of the target, the driver calls IoAttachDeviceByPointer to establish the filter. From that point on the Portmon driver will see all requests aimed at the target device.
Portmon has built-in knowledge of all standard serial and parallel port IOCTLs, which are the primary way that applications and drivers configure and read status information from ports. The IOCTLs are defined in the DDK file ddksrccommincntddser.h and ddksrccommincntddpar.h, and some are documented in the DDK.
How it Works: Windows 95 and 98
On Windows 95 and 98, the Portmon GUI relies on a dynamically loaded VxD to capture serial and parallel activity. The Windows VCOMM (Virtual Communications) device driver serves as the interface to parallel and serial devices, so applications that access ports indirectly use its services. The Portmon VxD uses standard VxD service hooking to intercept all accesses to VCOMM’s functions. Like its NT device driver, Portmon‘s VxD interprets requests to display them in a friendly format. On Windows 95 and 98 Portmon monitors all ports so there is no port selection like on NT.
Download Portmon (226 KB)
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Терминальные программы
Практически постоянно приходится смотреть что шлет контроллер или заслать в него какой нибудь байтик. Это нужно для отладки, иногда для настройки. Порой для управления. Кому как, я так для отладки использую. Без толкового инструмента тут никак, поэтому я давно уже присмотрел себе парочку прикольных программок.
Первой хотел бы упомянуть Terminal v1.9b by Bray. На мой взгляд — гениальная программа! Более удобного интерфейса для работы я не встречал. Судите сами — все под рукой!
Для настроек скорости работы, номера порта, параметров передачи и прочих сиюминутных потребностей не надо даже по менюшкам лазать — все прям сразу же. Также можно в один тык выдать инфу в разных системах счисления, что порой бывает очень удобно. Я бы сказал жизненно необходимо.
В один клик доступна таблица ASCII, а среди особых фишек которую я очень люблю — возможность выдать поток данных в виде графика от 0 до 255.
А еще можно писать скрипты на паскалеподобном языке, делающие с входящими-исходящими данными всякие непотребности.
В общем, рулез!
Из минусов можно только отметить некоторую тормознутость при выводе в Hex кодах, но это мелочи. Еще автор похоже забил на эту разработку, так что новых версий я не видел уже много лет. Найти эту дивную программу можно много где, в том числе и у меня:
Вторая программа это COM Port Toolkit от Михаила Голикова. Ей я пользуюсь гораздо реже, но она умеет весьма нужную штуку — возможность перехватывать обмен данными между софтом и физическим COM портом. Это чертовски выручило меня когда я ломал защиту PLC, а также помогло отреверсить обмен между программой настройки модулей HM-TR433. В общем, редко, но метко.
Программка эта довольно проста в обращении, имеет три режима работы:
- Терминал
Может выдавать логи обмена данных улетевших к нами от нас. Слать из файла. Обрабатывать пересылаемое макросами (что может быть очень крутым подспорьем, но мне пока не пригождалось). Терминал как терминал, ничего особенного. - Прослушка
Это фишка уже поинтересней. Позволяет воткнуть комп в разрез между принимающим и передающим девайсом и прослушать передачу данных кто кому и что передал. Также ведутся логи с указанием времени передачи посылки. - Захват
Вот за эту фичу я и люблю эту программу — возможность снифферить обмен между софтом и портом. Редкая фича. Из бесплатных программ я нигде такого не встречал, а у программ вроде Advanced Serial Port Monitor или Free Serial Port Monitor эта фича доступна только в платной версии, тут же ее можно заюзать даже в демо версии.
Также можно писать скрипты на этот раз уже на Си подобном языке. Мне это больше нравится, т.к. я его лучше знаю.
Недостатков пожалуй три:
- Невозможность разделить в режиме «Захват» входящие и исходящие данные на два разных окна.
- Отстуствие русской документации, хотя бы по тому же скриптописанию.
- Шароварность. Впрочем, я бы не назвал это недостатком. Автор, я думаю, не святым духом питается.
Демка проработала 30 дней, потом захотела денег. Но свою работу по облегчению разбора протокола обмена PLC она выполнила.
Поначалу была мысль вспомнить шальное детство, сдуть пыль с родимого SoftICE и похачить защиту, но потом вспомнил что шашек такой формы не брал в руки уже лет 5, как минимум. Да и цена программы оказалась смешной — всего 10 баксов для русскоязычных пользователей.
Так что проще было ее зарегистрировать. Тем более штука нужная и уже неоднократно себя окупившая.
List of
10 Serial Port Monitor software for Windows in your budget range
There are many applications from which to choose if you are interested in COM port monitoring. We decided to write an article to help you assess your options and make an informed selection that addresses your situation.
We will discuss a variety of free and paid serial monitoring programs and investigate their pros and cons. Benefits and features of specific applications will be highlighted with the goal of enabling you to choose the solution that best fills your need for a COM port monitor. Read on if you are looking for an efficient method for monitoring your system’s serial port activity.
If you are looking for the best solution in a COM Port Monitoring application you need to take a look at Serial Port Monitor. We are offering a free 14-day trial of this advanced software without any usage limitations. Download Serial Port Monitor today and see what it can do for you.
Serial Port Monitor
Free Serial Monitoring Utilities
Here is our selection of free utilities with their pros and cons that can be used to monitor your serial ports:
Free Serial Port Monitor
This RS232 Data Logger is a free, open-source application for monitoring serial interface activity.
- simple interface that allows you to quickly start monitoring your ports;
- monitoring your system’s RS-232 communication in real and virtual environments;
- save captured data from multiple ports directly to a file for later analysis and enable or disable monitoring on-the-fly;
- since it is an open-source project you can study the code to learn about serial programming;
- run on all Windows versions from Windows 98 through the latest version of Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit).
- ability to save data in a text file only.
by Anonymous:
64-bit+virtual environment. Serial port is shareable!. Haven’t found any alternatives for the 64-bit environment. This tool allows to work with virtual machine and this is really helpful for my work! Pros: virtual machine. 64-bit environment (en.softonic.com)
SerialMon is also freeware but is not open-source.
- SerialMon is very lightweight so will not take up much room on your system;
- can be used as software and with cabling attached to the monitored device;
- it serves as a protocol analyzer for the ABB RP570, ABB SPA-bus, and NMEA 0183.
- you can use this tool strictly as software or with simple monitoring hardware;
- this software is free to use but the developers request donations to support their efforts;
- the last update to the program was in 2013 (cannot be considered reliable for use with Windows 10);
- useful for sniffing COM ports on older versions of Windows (Windows 2000/Windows XP/ Windows 2003 Server/Windows Vista).
by shantanu75:
I had used the trial version of SerialMon for one my project 6 months back, that’s the reason I suggested you. As it’s easy to log serial data using SerialMon that using CRO or LA. (www.xilinx.com)
Free Serial Analyzer:
You can use this freeware to monitor COM port traffic employing the RS232/RS485/RS422 protocols.
- you can display read/write data in separate windows and view monitored packets in table form;
- filtering functions enable you to control which data packets are observed;
- you can monitor serial ports on a local machine or remotely across the network;
- the software is designed to be run on Windows machines and supports all versions from Windows XP through Windows 10/x64 bit.
- the free version of this application limits you to five monitoring sessions per day with the maximum time per session set at 20 minutes;
- grace period 4 day.
Portmon for Windows
Portmon is another free serial port monitor for Windows OS.
- it allows you to perform remote monitoring, log data to a file, and make use of powerful filtering capabilities;
- the software includes an online help file that makes the tool more user-friendly;
- monitoring parallel ports as well as serial activity.
- the last update was on January 12, 2012;
- you will only be able to use this utility on systems running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows 95 and Windows 98.
by tomekajja
. Many thanks to you all. I can now send and receive data to the device via USB. Portmon is a great tool to check for serial issues. (www.microchip.com)
SourceForge Serial Port Monitor
SourceForge is an open-source community resource and Serial Port Monitor is one of the applications that it supports.
- this tool resides in your Windows notification tray and notifies you when a device is added or removed;
- it is a simple tool that performs a single function to help you track the devices attached to your system;
- this freeware was last updated in late 2018 and supports Windows 10.
- This software just shows the COM ports that are plugged into the computer. Actually, it doesn’t monitor the traffic passing through.
Professional Serial Port Monitoring
Software for Windows
Professional COM port monitoring applications offer more features and support than do the free tools previously mentioned. Here is our selection of quality tools for monitoring your serial port traffic.
Serial Port Monitor by Eltima
This high-quality application delivers a full-featured and comprehensive tool for monitoring COM port traffic. Serial Port Monitor is a solution for discovering and breaking down problems that may occur during the test and optimization COM port devices’ performance and more.
- the software including the ability to sniff multiple ports simultaneously;
- emulate data transmission to test serial devices and applications;
- the app can monitor ports that are already opened and used by another application;
- has the ability to present captured data in multiple views and formats;
- in addition to supporting the standard RS232/422/485 serial protocols, Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII communications can also be monitored and decoded with this flexible app;
- this tool provides session playback feature;
- it supports all Windows versions from XP to the latest Windows 10;
- supports all COM-port types: standard on-board ports, extension board ports, software-based virtual COM ports, Bluetooth serial ports, etc.
Other features of this serial port monitor are that the Bit Rate, Character Width, Parity and Stop Bits change serial port parameters on-the-fly.
You can download Serial Port Monitor for a fully-functional 14-day free trial. The standard version of the software costs $99.95 and the popular Pro version is $199.95.
by Rew:
I’ve been using this tool for a long time, and it is really powerful and easy to use. It provides a convenient way to monitor and analyze serial port activity. That’s exactly what I need. Thanks! (www.colormango.com)
Serial Monitor by HHD Software
Serial Monitor is the paid cousin of the aforementioned Free Serial Analyzer.
- the features of this tool allow you to monitor, save, and analyze all serial interface activity;
- the software features a configurable user-interface to facilitate its use;
- multiple ports can be monitored at one time;
- the app supports custom defined serial protocols;
- it supports all Windows versions from XP to Windows 10.
- the standard license doesn’t provide MODBUS protocol commands.
You can try the application for 14 days risk-free. Purchasing a standard license costs $64.99 with the Pro version going for $149.99, the Ultimate version would cost $199.99.
Advanced Serial Port Monitor
Here is a flexible serial monitor that allows you to monitor serial traffic as well as sending and receiving data from your COM ports.
- useful for diagnosing problems with external serial devices;
- data can be displayed in HEX or ASCII characters and you can log files for later analysis;
- a built-in scripting engine enables you to execute commands through plugins;
- the app can run on all Windows versions.
- the program has system requirements that run with one free serial port;
- it does not decode Modbus RTU and ASCII.
The trial version is available but is limited to 30 minutes of use before requiring a license to continue. You can get a one year license for $19 with the standard product costing $60. A professional version is also available for $165 and comes bundled with additional software.
Serial Port Monitor by Awavo
Awavo COM Port Monitor lets you display, log and analyze RS232/422/485 serial communication data.
- this application displays data that is sent and received through your system’s COM ports and timestamps the data transmission;
- useful for sending data to specific ports based on defined conditions or periodically on a timed basis;
- filters allow you to control the flow of data so only pertinent information is displayed
- COM Port Monitor supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
You can test drive this software for free for 14 days and the full product costs $99.95.
RS232 Analyzer by CommFront
The last product of professional RS-232 monitoring software. It is an easy to use program with many advanced features.
- it can be used to monitor, analyze, and control serial port activities and can display data in numerous formats;
- you can configure the application with programmable buttons, automated responses, and macros;
- All major Windows versions through Windows 10 are supported by this flexible software tool.
A Limited version is available for free with no time limitations. A single computer license of the full package costs $79.95. Multi-license would cost $279.95.
How to monitor serial port in Windows 10
We believe Eltima’s Serial Port Monitor is your best choice in this type of communication software. To that end, we will use the product to illustrate how easy it is to monitor your COM ports using the tool. Just follow these steps:
- Download and install the Serial Port Monitor
Select the view mode to be used from among Table, Line, Dump, and Terminal view.
Select Start monitoring now or Start in a new window.
Specify the events you want to capture in the Capture options menu.
Save the session by selecting Session -> Save session/ Save session As from the Main menu.
That’s all there is to it. Name your session meaningfully so you can retrieve it for later analysis.
Serial Port Monitor Crack
You may be tempted to download a cracked version of Serial Port Monitor. There are signs that you have downloaded a pirated copy of a software application. They include very low discounts exceeding 50%, the absence of product documentation, and software keys that are available online.
Using pirated software is not recommended for a variety of reasons. You will be depriving the developers of compensation for their efforts and breaking copyright laws. You also will not be able to receive program updates or customer support and may be exposed to malware attached to your download.
U.S. Copyright Law says:
Copyright infringements can be punishable by up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. Repeat offenders can be imprisoned for up to 10 years. Violators can also be held civilly liable for actual damages, lost profits, or statutory damages up to $150,000 per work.
Conversely, when you buy a fully authorized version of Serial Port Monitor you get complete access to product updates which include bug fixes and regular upgrades to your software product. You also can take advantage of customer support if the need arises.
Eltima Software guarantees that all of their software applications have passed a quality control test ensuring that they are stable and free of any malware.
If you have inadvertently downloaded and are using a pirated copy of the Serial Port Monitor, you can apply for a discount on the purchase price of a fully licensed version.
Free Serial Monitoring Utilities
Here is our selection of free utilities with their pros and cons that can be used to monitor your serial ports:
Free Serial Port Monitor
This RS232 Data Logger is a free, open-source application for monitoring serial interface activity.
- simple interface that allows you to quickly start monitoring your ports;
- monitoring your system’s RS-232 communication in real and virtual environments;
- save captured data from multiple ports directly to a file for later analysis and enable or disable monitoring on-the-fly;
- since it is an open-source project you can study the code to learn about serial programming;
- run on all Windows versions from Windows 98 through the latest version of Windows 10 (32-bit and 64-bit).
- ability to save data in a text file only.
by Anonymous:
64-bit+virtual environment. Serial port is shareable!. Haven’t found any alternatives for the 64-bit environment. This tool allows to work with virtual machine and this is really helpful for my work! Pros: virtual machine. 64-bit environment (en.softonic.com)
SerialMon is also freeware but is not open-source.
- SerialMon is very lightweight so will not take up much room on your system;
- can be used as software and with cabling attached to the monitored device;
- it serves as a protocol analyzer for the ABB RP570, ABB SPA-bus, and NMEA 0183.
- you can use this tool strictly as software or with simple monitoring hardware;
- this software is free to use but the developers request donations to support their efforts;
- the last update to the program was in 2013 (cannot be considered reliable for use with Windows 10);
- useful for sniffing COM ports on older versions of Windows (Windows 2000/Windows XP/ Windows 2003 Server/Windows Vista).
by shantanu75:
I had used the trial version of SerialMon for one my project 6 months back, that’s the reason I suggested you. As it’s easy to log serial data using SerialMon that using CRO or LA. (www.xilinx.com)
Free Serial Analyzer:
You can use this freeware to monitor COM port traffic employing the RS232/RS485/RS422 protocols.
- you can display read/write data in separate windows and view monitored packets in table form;
- filtering functions enable you to control which data packets are observed;
- you can monitor serial ports on a local machine or remotely across the network;
- the software is designed to be run on Windows machines and supports all versions from Windows XP through Windows 10/x64 bit.
- the free version of this application limits you to five monitoring sessions per day with the maximum time per session set at 20 minutes;
- grace period 4 day.
Portmon for Windows
Portmon is another free serial port monitor for Windows OS.
- it allows you to perform remote monitoring, log data to a file, and make use of powerful filtering capabilities;
- the software includes an online help file that makes the tool more user-friendly;
- monitoring parallel ports as well as serial activity.
- the last update was on January 12, 2012;
- you will only be able to use this utility on systems running Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows 95 and Windows 98.
by tomekajja
…Many thanks to you all. I can now send and receive data to the device via USB. Portmon is a great tool to check for serial issues… (www.microchip.com)
SourceForge Serial Port Monitor
SourceForge is an open-source community resource and Serial Port Monitor is one of the applications that it supports.
- this tool resides in your Windows notification tray and notifies you when a device is added or removed;
- it is a simple tool that performs a single function to help you track the devices attached to your system;
- this freeware was last updated in late 2018 and supports Windows 10.
- This software just shows the COM ports that are plugged into the computer. Actually, it doesn’t monitor the traffic passing through.
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Professional Serial Port Monitoring
Software for Windows
Professional COM port monitoring applications offer more features and support than do the free tools previously mentioned. Here is our selection of quality tools for monitoring your serial port traffic.
Serial Port Monitor by Electronic Team
This high-quality application delivers a full-featured and comprehensive tool for monitoring COM port traffic. Serial Port Monitor is a solution for discovering and breaking down problems that may occur during the test and optimization COM port devices’ performance and more.
- the software including the ability to sniff multiple ports simultaneously;
- emulate data transmission to test serial devices and applications;
- the app can monitor ports that are already opened and used by another application;
- has the ability to present captured data in multiple views and formats;
- in addition to supporting the standard RS232/422/485 serial protocols, Modbus RTU and Modbus ASCII communications can also be monitored and decoded with this flexible app;
- this tool provides session playback feature;
- it supports all Windows versions from XP to the latest Windows 10;
- supports all COM-port types: standard on-board ports, extension board ports, software-based virtual COM ports, Bluetooth serial ports, etc.
Other features of this serial port monitor are that the Bit Rate, Character Width, Parity and Stop Bits change serial port parameters on-the-fly.
You can download Serial Port Monitor for a fully-functional 14-day free trial. The standard version of the software costs $99.95 and the popular Pro version is $199.95.
by Rew:
I’ve been using this tool for a long time, and it is really powerful and easy to use. It provides a convenient way to monitor and analyze serial port activity. That’s exactly what I need. Thanks! (www.colormango.com)
Serial Monitor by HHD Software
Serial Monitor is the paid cousin of the aforementioned Free Serial Analyzer.
- the features of this tool allow you to monitor, save, and analyze all serial interface activity;
- the software features a configurable user-interface to facilitate its use;
- multiple ports can be monitored at one time;
- the app supports custom defined serial protocols;
- it supports all Windows versions from XP to Windows 10.
- the standard license doesn’t provide MODBUS protocol commands.
You can try the application for 14 days risk-free. Purchasing a standard license costs $64.99 with the Pro version going for $149.99, the Ultimate version would cost $199.99.
Advanced Serial Port Monitor
Here is a flexible serial monitor that allows you to monitor serial traffic as well as sending and receiving data from your COM ports.
- useful for diagnosing problems with external serial devices;
- data can be displayed in HEX or ASCII characters and you can log files for later analysis;
- a built-in scripting engine enables you to execute commands through plugins;
- the app can run on all Windows versions.
- the program has system requirements that run with one free serial port;
- it does not decode Modbus RTU and ASCII.
The trial version is available but is limited to 30 minutes of use before requiring a license to continue. You can get a one year license for $19 with the standard product costing $60. A professional version is also available for $165 and comes bundled with additional software.
Serial Port Monitor by Awavo
Awavo COM Port Monitor lets you display, log and analyze RS232/422/485 serial communication data.
- this application displays data that is sent and received through your system’s COM ports and timestamps the data transmission;
- useful for sending data to specific ports based on defined conditions or periodically on a timed basis;
- filters allow you to control the flow of data so only pertinent information is displayed
- COM Port Monitor supports Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP.
You can test drive this software for free for 14 days and the full product costs $99.95.
RS232 Analyzer by CommFront
The last product of professional RS-232 monitoring software. It is an easy to use program with many advanced features.
- it can be used to monitor, analyze, and control serial port activities and can display data in numerous formats;
- you can configure the application with programmable buttons, automated responses, and macros;
- All major Windows versions through Windows 10 are supported by this flexible software tool.
A Limited version is available for free with no time limitations. A single computer license of the full package costs $79.95. Multi-license would cost $279.95.
How to monitor serial port in Windows 10
We believe Electronic Team’s Serial Port Monitor is your best choice in this type of communication software. To that end, we will use the product to illustrate how easy it is to monitor your COM ports using the tool. Just follow these steps:
- Download and install the Serial Port Monitor
- Start a new monitoring session. By navigating to Session -> New session on the Main menu. This brings up the New monitoring session screen.
Select the view mode to be used from among Table, Line, Dump, and Terminal view.
Select Start monitoring now or Start in a new window.
- Specify the events you want to capture in the Capture options menu.
- Click Start monitoring to activate the session.
Save the session by selecting Session -> Save session/ Save session As from the Main menu.
That’s all there is to it. Name your session meaningfully so you can retrieve it for later analysis.
Serial Port Monitor Crack
You may be tempted to download a cracked version of Serial Port Monitor. There are signs that you have downloaded a pirated copy of a software application. They include very low discounts exceeding 50%, the absence of product documentation, and software keys that are available online.
Using pirated software is not recommended for a variety of reasons. You will be depriving the developers of compensation for their efforts and breaking copyright laws. You also will not be able to receive program updates or customer support and may be exposed to malware attached to your download.
U.S. Copyright Law says:
{Title 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq., Title 18 U.S.C. Section 2319}
Copyright infringements can be punishable by up to five years in prison and $250,000 in fines. Repeat offenders can be imprisoned for up to 10 years. Violators can also be held civilly liable for actual damages, lost profits, or statutory damages up to $150,000 per work.
Conversely, when you buy a fully authorized version of Serial Port Monitor you get complete access to product updates which include bug fixes and regular upgrades to your software product. You also can take advantage of customer support if the need arises.
Electronic Team, Inc. guarantees that all of their software applications have passed a quality control test ensuring that they are stable and free of any malware.
If you have inadvertently downloaded and are using a pirated copy of the Serial Port Monitor, you can apply for a discount on the purchase price of a fully licensed version.
Программа Terminal 1.9b является монитором COM порта персонального компьютера. С помощью программы можно легко отправлять и принимать данные через COM порт компьютера по протоколу RS232. Среди достоинств Terminal гибкая настройка программы под различные режимы работы. Интерфейс программы прост и понятен.
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Программа очень удобная для связи AVR микроконтроллеров и компьютером по UART/USART.
Основные возможности Terminal 1.9b:
- работает без установки. Вся программа — один exe-файл размером около 300Кб
- есть счетчик переданных и принятых байтов
- возможность отправлять файлы
- помимо стандартных скоростей (baudrate) есть возможность установить свою нестандартную
- поддерживает до 64 COM-портов
- можно весь лог работы записывать в файл
- можно назначить до 24 макросов
- реализованы Pascalе-подобные скрипты (правда документации по этому скриптовому языку я не нашел. В архиве есть несколько примеров применения скриптов и это все)
Программа очень удачная, легкая, интуитивно-понятная.
Terminal 1.9b
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